Construction of a garden gazebo with barbecue - projects with photos. Options for various barbecues in the gazebo Brick gazebo with barbecue area

A gazebo with barbecue transforms the usual process of cooking in your kitchen into the culinary magic of cooking over an open fire. Not many dishes on our menu are as truly loved as kebabs cooked on the grill.

Let's look at how we can make this unforgettable experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Your gazebo with barbecue

DIY brick grill drawing

It may not be obvious, but if you don’t have a barbecue yet, make one. You don’t need any special materials or super skills - a simple drawing of a barbecue, a dozen bricks, an iron rod and a sheet of iron - and you will have an excellent result.

We raise the brickwork to a height of 70-75 cm and lay pieces of an iron rod on the mortar, on which we then place an iron sheet. Raising the masonry higher, we lay it in the side walls by 2 different heights ledges for the grill grate.

Your gazebo with barbecue: important details

Today, a gazebo with a barbecue is more than just a place for barbecue. Many of us want to have almost the same amenities that we are used to in our home. In addition to barbecues, gazebos can include smokehouses, spits, braziers, and ovens. Of all the diversity existing options, we will choose ours - the practical one, after thinking about what we will most often use and how suitable it is for our needs. Often a small gazebo, which has only the essentials, is much more comfortable and functional than a pretentious one, stuffed with a variety of devices.

Add a cooking area next to the grill

If you have a small gazebo with a barbecue, add a table and a sink to it - this will turn your gazebo into a real summer kitchen. For the table, do not forget to provide a well-cleanable tabletop and small shelf for frequently used kitchen utensils. If possible, place a refrigerator in the gazebo - it will be convenient to store meat and drinks.

Make practical use of the gazebo space

Dining table with benches - a traditional solution for dining area gazebos with barbecue facilities. But, if you need to save space, make these benches slide under the table, so you will have more space for cooking.


In terms of materials used, the entire gazebo should be durable, perform well outdoors, and be easy to clean. This means wood, stone and metal treated from rotting.

Don't forget about the cook

There is nothing worse than cooking for the whole company and only hearing peals of laughter behind you. Food preparation and seating areas should flow into one another, on the one hand isolating guests from the hot zone, and on the other hand allowing the cook to become the center of the party. The best way to cope with this is a high bar counter raised from the other edge of the cooking area. After all, watching the chef prepare meat for you on the grill is a great start to any feast.

Stay warm in the gazebo

In cool weather, to maintain heat and protect from the wind, you can use special pvc curtains. If purchasing such curtains seems like an unnecessary luxury to you, you can make them yourself. You will need to buy PVC film, cut it to the size of the gazebo openings, edge it with durable fabric and place eyelets along the edges. Using a cord threaded through the eyelets, you can attach the curtain to the gazebo.

Use additional heat sources in the gazebo - for example, infrared lamps, Always good idea. They can be placed near areas of maximum functionality - the dining or cooking area.

If your grill is next to the gazebo, make a canopy over it

If your grill does not have a hood, it should not be placed in the gazebo, but you can place it next to it. Make a canopy for the cook over this grill so that a sudden downpour will not interfere with his work.

Add an outdoor hearth

By installing an open fireplace next to or on the edge of the gazebo, you can cook kulesh in it and get an additional surface for cooking. So, on the main grill you cook meat, and on the hearth you put a grate and cook vegetables. And everything is prepared for you at the same time.

Add a seating area next to the gazebo

This could be just a paved area next to the gazebo, or an additional canopy included in the structure of the gazebo, or just an umbrella over a table on the street.

In cool climates, a separate gazebo can even be a seating area.

Convenient firewood

Make sure there is a nearby gazebo comfortable spot for storing firewood. This will save you from going to the other end of the garden for a couple of logs in the dark.

Make an entrance to the cellar from the gazebo

A convenient entrance to the gazebo on one side will save you from the need to install a refrigerator in the gazebo; on the other hand, it will make the entrance to the cellar more harmonious than a lonely mound in a corner of the garden.

Create a special mood with lighting.

The combination of general lighting of the area with the bright illumination of the gazebo will create the right balance between functionality and a harmonious atmosphere. Moreover, the cooking area in the gazebo should be brightly lit, and for the dining and relaxation areas it is better to have adjustable lighting - you must somehow create a special mood!

Gazebo with barbecue. Fire precautions.

All electrical devices the gazebo must have grounding. Electrical wiring must be carried out with a cable for street work. Wooden structures must be treated with fire-resistant impregnation.

Place the gazebo in a cozy corner of the garden.

While placement summer kitchen next to the house has a number of advantages; there are advantages to placing a gazebo with a barbecue in the far corner of the summer cottage. Here, along with food cooked over an open fire, you will give yourself a feeling of escape from the everyday hustle and bustle: enjoy luxurious view and the silence of the garden.

Decorate a gazebo with a barbecue

Gazebo with barbecue in your garden - perfect place to use your taste in choosing furnishings and decorative elements. And the decor here is not just decorations on the wall, these are curtains and kitchen utensils and flowers on the table. Let the gazebo become your cozy refuge among everyday worries.

Use the elements landscape design to highlight an area with a gazebo in the garden. The architecture of the gazebo itself is important element the entire landscape design of the site.
Make interesting additions next to the gazebo to highlight special meaning this area in the garden. For example, set up a kitchen garden with herbs or a large flower garden next to the gazebo.

Simple designs of gazebos with barbecue

Not all of us have access to luxurious log gazebos Siberian cedar or silver pine. We invite you to get acquainted with simple and functional projects gazebos with barbecue. Made from ordinary materials, clear and simple design - these projects are accessible to any summer resident.

Project 1. Gazebo with barbecue and bathroom

Portable lightweight barbecues are good outdoors, but near the house or at the dacha you want more convenience and aesthetics. Brick barbecues can provide all this. Due to the plasticity of the material, they can be small - occupying about one square area of ​​​​the area, or there can be decent corner complexes with a hearth, hob and even with a sink and water/sewage supply. Even a completely inexperienced mason can build the simplest brick barbecues with his own hands. One such project will be described in detail below. It can be used as a training task before building something more serious.

Simple brick grill

Any brick structure requires a foundation. And even such a small barbecue, as presented below, is very undesirable to place directly on the ground. The foundation will have to be poured. It can be made strip or slab. The slab is more reliable: it will not move in winter and the masonry will not fall apart.

The dimensions of the foundation for a brick grill are 10-15 cm larger than its dimensions. First, the plant layer is removed; if necessary, the pit is deepened by 10-15 cm. Its bottom is leveled and compacted. A 10 cm layer of crushed stone is poured and compacted again. It is advisable to use a vibrating plate: you will not compact the soil enough with a manual tamper. Tape height - 20-30 cm, thickness slab foundation- 10 cm.

Depending on the type of foundation chosen, the appropriate formwork is constructed. For greater strength, reinforcement is made with a rod of 10-12 mm in diameter. For the tape, two threads are laid around the perimeter; for the slab, a “cage” is made: rods are laid lengthwise and crosswise in increments of 20 cm. Everything is filled with concrete of a grade no lower than M200.

If the temperature during construction stays around +20°C, after about a week you can continue work: the concrete has gained more than half its strength. Two rows of waterproofing are laid on it (roofing felt, roofing felt, modern roll waterproofing), miss bitumen mastic or other liquid waterproofing solution. After this, you can begin laying.

Dimensions and materials

You can build this small brick grill with your own hands even without any experience. It is a structure in the shape of the letter “P”. There are two parts: the brazier itself and the table next to it. The design is simple and easy to modify. You can add another section nearby, make it wider or narrower, deeper or shallower. You can make two protrusions for the grates - this is if you are preparing a large number of kebabs.

In the basic version, the dimensions are as follows:

  • width 180 cm;
  • depth 90 cm;
  • barbecue height 100 cm.

For laying this garden grill you can take a full-bodied one ceramic brick, you can also use fireclay SHA-8. For the order given below, 202 bricks were used.

For the lower part - up to the 5th row - a cement-sand mortar 1:3 is used or with the addition of one part of lime. Further, where heating will already occur, a clay-sand solution is used. Its proportions are selected based on the qualities of the clay (oily, normal, skinny). In terms of thickness - it should not be too liquid, but not too thick. About the same as good thick sour cream.

Order and order of work

This country grill is made of bricks laid “on a bed”. Two protruding rows (bricks laid crosswise) serve as support for the brazier sheet and the grill grid. Here you can also place it on a spoon (place it on the narrow part), then the sheet will rise a little higher. In the lower part you can store firewood or use it for other household needs.

The rows are placed in a bandage - offset, for this you need halves of bricks. They can be cut with a grinder. The first six rows form the brazier and table on the right. Starting from the 7th row, the masonry goes only in the part where the grill itself will be located.

Seam thickness 5-8 mm. It should be the same.

In order not to disturb the geometry during construction, you can pull the cords and align all the rows along them. But you check each brick and each row with a level for horizontalness. You must constantly check the verticality of the walls and corners. To do this, use a plumb line (a cord with a weight at the end). You can check the verticality with a level, but it has an error, especially if it is not a professional, but an amateur instrument. So, with such a check, there is a good chance of getting a roasting pan with slanted, clogged walls.

The procedure for this brick barbecue is simple and does not require additional explanation. Questions may arise regarding drying. If the weather is dry, leave the grill to dry for three to four days. Then you can build the fire little by little. Heat in a gentle mode for a couple of days, using thin wood and little by little. Then you can fry the first batch of kebabs.

One of the options simple barbecue made of brick. From basic version differs in that there are two rows of protruding bricks. Another difference is that the table is smaller.

If rain is expected and there is no canopy over the grill, cover it with oilcloth. After about a week, you can begin slow drying: turn the fire low and not for long. Drying will also take 2-3 days. Then you can test a brick grill built with your own hands.

Video arrangement of a brick grill with a stove

For those who perceive visuals better than words, it will be more convenient to watch than to read the description. For you detailed explanations of how to build a brick grill with your own hands in video format.

This structure is more monumental - the arch of the firebox is round and the slab is nearby. Without any experience at all, it will not be easy to cope.

Brick grill in the gazebo

If you are going to install a brick barbecue in a gazebo, the options proposed above will not work - the smoke will be all under the roof, which will not add joy to you. For gazebos you need a barbecue with an exhaust pipe. This structure is more complex, but you can easily do this option yourself. The arrangement below for a brick grill for a gazebo is also not very difficult to put together with your own hands. It, like the first one, has an even arch, which is much easier to do if you have no experience.

Dimensions and materials

This brick grill/barbecue has medium dimensions:

  • width 150 cm;
  • depth 75 cm;
  • the total height to the beginning of the chimney is 217.5 cm.

For masonry, you can use ceramic solid bricks. For the area where the fire will burn, you can (but not necessarily) use fireclay brick. In the figure it is indicated in light yellow.

The laying of the “cold” belt - up to the 11th row inclusive - can be done on cement-sand mortar(1:3). Next you need to use clay-sand. The thickness of the seam is in any case 5-7 mm. To withstand it exactly.

Structurally, this grill consists of three “cold” compartments in which you can store firewood and use it for household items. The “hot” zone starts from the 12th row. Here they light a fire and install a barbecue grill or barbecue racks.

Order and explanations

The arrangement of this brick grill is a little more complicated, so explanations are needed. The first row is laid out flush with the gazebo floor. If your foundation is low, you can also raise it with bricks laid on cement mortar.

The next four rows are placed with a dressing. This will be the woodshed - an area where it is convenient to stack firewood. On the fifth row, three strips of metal 3 mm thick and 50 mm wide are laid on top. They will serve as support for the bricks of the next row. Lay the sixth and seventh rows according to the pattern.

In the 8th row, the formation of two chambers for household items begins. Look carefully at the location of the seams. This is important: none of them should coincide with the seam of the bottom row. The only way brick wall will be strong enough. Where required by the scheme, the bricks are cut: halves and even quarters are used.

In the 11th row, the middle wall is no longer placed, but metal strips are placed on top again: the next row, covering the utility compartment, will rest on them. The 12th row is slightly larger in size than all those located below: everything goes smoothly along the back wall, and in front the bricks protrude about 3 cm.

The 13th row is also laid out solid. A brazier will be installed on it. It is slightly larger in size than the previous one.

The next rows form a “hot” zone - the fire will burn here. This zone is smaller in size than all the underlying rows. To make it more resistant to fire, it is lined with fireclay bricks placed on the narrow side. It is not the same size as ceramic and the height of the rows and seams will be different. Ignore this and lay it out independently of the ceramic one. Just follow the rotation as indicated in the diagrams.

In the 21st row a steel corner is laid. Can be used from black or of stainless steel 3-4 mm thick. The dimensions of the corner are 40*40 mm or 50*50 mm. The length is from the middle of the brick on the right to the middle of the one on the left. The front wall of the chimney will rest on this corner.

In the 22nd row there is also fireclay brick, and the front wall also appears chimney, resting on a corner. This row is larger in size than the previous ones: in front the bricks hang over the corner by 3 cm. The next row becomes even wider, and then there is a gradual decrease. Row by row smoke channel It's getting narrower. By the 30th row a pipe is formed. It rises above the roof of the gazebo by at least 50 cm. When constructing it, alternate rows 30 and 31. This brick grill can be considered built with your own hands. Now you need to dry it without fire for 5-7 days, and then gradually heat it for several days, evaporating the water from the masonry.

Laying a brick grill: another project

Another version of a brick barbecue grill in a gazebo is presented in the video. There are no explanations, but everything is quite clear and there are no difficulties in this project. Perhaps it is worth saying that starting from 52 seconds, 4 sawn bricks are laid. Front top part they are cut at an angle of 45°. In the video, the sawed parts have a lighter shade.

Also in the second minute (1:35) the arch is being formed. This is easier to do if you cut and secure a template from plasterboard, and lay bricks on it.

Brazier with brick cauldron

Another option for a barbecue, but more complex: under a cauldron with a stove. The video instructions are detailed, there are explanations in the video from the author.

Brick corner grill

Sometimes you need to fit a brick manga into a corner. There is a specially shaped firebox for this, although no one is stopping you from making one of the previously proposed options and attaching a utility surface at an angle. One of the corner barbecues made of brick is laid out one order below. This is already quite a serious job, with doors, valves and other attributes of the stove business.

Construction garden gazebo with barbecue – projects with photos

A dacha is nothing more than a place for relaxation and entertainment, a pleasant time spent where you can truly relax. Not infrequently, festive feasts take place here, various holidays are celebrated, which are not complete without barbecue. For this reason, today, a popular trend is to build a gazebo with a barbecue or grill. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to build such a gazebo, we will offer the most various options such buildings, and consider many examples based on real photos.

Choosing a suitable design for a gazebo with barbecue

As a basis for the construction of a gazebo, we use various materials that are accessible or convenient to its owner. The main thing is that during the construction of such a gazebo the landscape of the site on which it is being built should not be disturbed. As a rule, as building material Wood or bricks are suitable, and in addition, metal is not uncommon.

Wooden gazebo with barbecue or grill

Let's assume you've settled on a gazebo made of wood. Naturally, first of all, the gazebo itself is built, and only then the grill or barbecue. For what reasons do people choose the wood version of the structure? Wooden gazebos with barbecues and barbecues are distinguished by the affordability of materials - that is, you do not have to choose expensive oak wood for the construction. Just order required amount pine wood, and build any planned structure. By the way, construction also does not require any complex technical tools– just use primitive tools for working with wood.

In addition, the construction of such a gazebo will take place very quickly - if desired, it can be built in 1-2 days. For construction, it is enough to prepare a lightweight foundation, since wood is light and does not need a very massive base. If the wood is properly processed, it will serve you for a very long time, so this is another advantage of wooden gazebos. Therefore, these are the positive aspects this option construction.

Brick gazebos with barbecue

Those who consider wood to be not a very reliable material opt for the brick version of the gazebo. Indeed, this option will be more durable, but at the same time more capital-intensive. And even more so, to build a brick gazebo you need a strong and massive foundation.

Among the advantages of a brick structure, it is worth noting that such a gazebo will not be afraid of sparks or random flames falling on the structure (which can be dangerous in the case of a wooden gazebo). In addition, a brick structure does not require careful maintenance or repairs - they are very durable and will last you much longer than any other option (by the way, by the word brick, we also mean the option of building a gazebo made of stone). Therefore, the option of a brick gazebo for barbecue is, practically perfect option, if there are necessary funds for it.

Metal structure of gazebo with barbecue

Speaking about the construction of a gazebo made of metal, various options are suggested. For example, a budget option is a metal gazebo structure using corrugated sheets, but a forged gazebo structure is more expensive. In the budget case, your own knowledge and skills will be enough, but in the case of forging, you will have to turn to professionals. But, in general, what advantages can be identified from a metal structure?

Of course, this is an opportunity to create a unique structure with unique design– metal is also part of art, so there are never any restrictions here. A gazebo made of metal will be as durable as in the case of wood or brick. Often, a barbecue or barbecue complements the design of the gazebo, so here it is observed creative combination these items.

BBQ chimneys

A particularly important element during the construction of a gazebo with a barbecue is the chimney. Perhaps this element is even more important than the barbecue itself, because when building a chimney you need to calculate it in such a way that it “works” correctly. That is, the smoke from the barbecue should rise up the chimney and not fall down - in other words, provide the chimney with normal draft.

Again, the chimney can be built from any suitable material– it can be a brick, a metal structure or a stone structure (however, any non-flammable and heat-resistant building material will do). As an option, the chimney can be made from a pipe with a diameter of about 150-200 mm. It is best to use stainless steel (even if it costs a little more). Depending on the size of the stove itself, the height of the chimney will also be different, but in general, it always lies within 1.5-2 m.

Since the diameter of the chimney is not so small, it is best to equip it with a special canopy to prevent precipitation from getting into it. Also, the chimney must be equipped with a spark arrester made of metal mesh.

Barbecue grills (photo)

Actually, what is the difference between a barbecue grill and a regular barbecue grill? While in our country everyone used ordinary barbecues, putting meat on skewers, in Western countries, people enjoyed the barbecue. The barbecue grill is different in that it has a metal lid that covers the cooking meat. This allowed less smoke to escape, so the meat was more flavorful. In addition, in this case, the meat was cooked on a metal mesh, and not pierced through, as is the case with skewers.

So, what nuances need to be taken into account when building a barbecue grill? Actually, everything is the same as when building a regular barbecue. The main task is to provide the grill with a sufficient flow of air (oxygen) for normal combustion. At the same time, it must be safe, especially in the case of a wooden gazebo, and reliable. By the way, today there are options for barbecues not only with wood, but also with gas or electricity. We also note that in the case of a barbecue grill, stones are used as a source of heat. They're warming up to high temperature, thereby frying the meat. This allows you to significantly reduce the amount of smoke (to the required value). Stones need to be changed every 3-4 years, depending on the number of times they are used.

As for the size, configuration or technical design of the building, there may be the most different variants, depending on the financial capabilities of the owner, as well as his imagination. Let us only note that usually, a barbecue grill is installed on the north or north-east side of the gazebo. Otherwise, there are no more restrictions.

After building a gazebo with a barbecue and grill, all that remains is to properly care for it. To do this, it is enough to keep it clean and tidy in winter, regularly clear the gazebo of snow (or you can wrap it in stretch film). Fallen and wet leaves should not linger on wooden gazebos (they can cause rotting), and metal and brick structures should be treated special means for protection from harmful environmental influences.

Country holidays are always associated with barbecuing in nature. Weather conditions can ruin your vacation even in the most the best company. Good decision will have a gazebo with barbecue. For a dacha, such a gazebo is simply necessary.

Gazebo with barbecue, due to its technical features, is considered the most complex of the do-it-yourself gazebos. Such a building does not have a simple engineering design and, as a rule, contains not only a barbecue, but also a drainage system.

IMPORTANT! A gazebo with a barbecue must be built in accordance with fire and building regulations. The gazebo will be safe and cozy if you familiarize yourself with ready-made projects and based on them, compose your own. Gazebo designs reflect the size and shape of the building, as well as the amount of materials.

Options for constructing buildings with a hearth mainly come down to choosing the degree of openness of the structure. A building with a barbecue can be built in several types:

  • Small gazebo with brazier, table and chairs;
  • Garden gazebo, an open building, the design of which does not include the construction of walls;
  • A capital building that provides separate areas for cooking, relaxing and receiving guests.

Open gazebos of this type are well ventilated and are built specifically for use during the summer season. A significant disadvantage of such gazebos is that they are not comfortable in bad weather. This drawback can easily be eliminated by glazing the building.

Glazed gazebos give the impression of a separate building. This type of gazebo can be built from brick, wood or other materials. Glazed gazebos - beautiful pavilions closed type glazing allows sunlight to pass through.

The visibility of such gazebos is very good, which is their undoubted advantage. Glass buildings – original solution to build a gazebo with a barbecue, they will provide vacationers not only with food, but also with impressions.

The winter gazebo allows you to cook various dishes on the barbecue all year round. Even despite the presence of a stove in such a gazebo, it is necessary to take care of the heating system.

A corner gazebo is another option for a barbecue gazebo; it is compact and very roomy.

A stone barbecue gazebo is a capital multifunctional building. Stone gazebos can be used all year round; they will not be damaged by precipitation and sudden temperature changes. In a stone gazebo you will always be warm and dry.

Wooden gazebos are classic buildings made from environmentally friendly materials. pure materials, will look equally good at a simple dacha and at a chic one suburban area.

Finnish gazebos are luxury buildings that are a unique alternative to traditional gazebos with barbecues. The Finnish gazebo is more of an insulated house with a fireplace than a gazebo. This design can be presented in two versions: the gazebo itself and the grill house.

A grill gazebo is a building additionally equipped with a grill. The grill allows you to cook your favorite foods over an open fire. Scandinavian grill gazebos can be made of durable and reliable materials, such as wood or stone.

The photo shows the plan of the gazebo-grill

Ready-made gazebos can be bought on the construction market or ordered from specialists individual project. Prices for gazebos with barbecues are very varied, it all depends on the size of the gazebo and the material used. For example, wooden gazebo will always cost significantly less than stone or brick buildings.

DIY gazebos with barbecue

IMPORTANT! The gazebo design should also include the ground topography, which will influence the choice of foundation, as well as the location of the gazebo on the site. The project must indicate the supply of utilities to the gazebo, if any are planned.

Barbecues need to be protected as much as possible from precipitation, so most often such gazebos are built quite large and closed. Large gazebos are better suited due to the fact that it is easier to place the necessary items for cooking and kitchen furniture. If the size of your plot does not allow you to build a large gazebo, then try to place it not too far from the house and kitchen. The compactness of the building and the convenience of its connection to the house compensate for the not very convenient dimensions of the gazebo.

The size of the gazebo also affects compliance with the rules fire safety, on the side of the firebox, the free space not filled with furniture should be about three meters, in other parts - one meter.

You can build a gazebo with your own hands. The main thing is to take into account some features in the technology of building construction:

  1. A barbecue gazebo is most often made of brick or stone. The construction is done on the floor open type, such a gazebo allows you to ventilate the gazebo.
  2. The floor in the gazebo must be installed from fire-resistant tiles or other non-combustible materials. Laying the floor also has its own peculiarities; the slope of the tiles should be approximately 2 degrees from the stove to the outer perimeter. This technology will keep the stove in working order during heavy rainfalls or when washing floors.
  3. You can also make a barbecue oven with your own hands in the gazebo. A simple barbecue oven is shaped like the letter “U” and is made of refractory bricks. The height of the oven should be one meter. Two grates are installed between the sides of the sword, one of which will be used for cooking, and the other will be needed to ensure the combustion process itself.

The photo shows beautiful gazebos, equipped with a stove.

Bathhouse with gazebo and barbecue

A not entirely standard solution would be to build a bathhouse along with a gazebo and barbecue. Such a project is cheaper than a separate construction of a bathhouse and gazebo. The fact is that all of the listed objects are built on the same foundation and with the same roof.

A sauna with a gazebo and a barbecue have their advantages:

  • There is no need to leave the bathhouse in order to start cooking, because now it can be done in one building.
  • Thanks to the barbecue, the indoors is maintained warm temperature air.
  • The price for a bathhouse with a gazebo and a barbecue is less than for these buildings separately.
  • The barbecue oven can be heated with coal or wood; in addition, the oven does not require much free space.

The photo shows a project for a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue.

Brick gazebos with barbecue

Brick gazebos look very expensive and promising. They are also fire-resistant, so cooking meat will not only be an exciting process, but also safe. If desired, the gazebo can be glazed and insulated.

The photo shows a brick gazebo with a barbecue.

$ Gazebos with barbecue: prices

Gazebo with barbecue made of wood and stone – 78,064 rubles

Grill house – 277,000 rubles

The gazebo with barbecue will become your favorite place on summer cottage, you can invite friends into the building and have fun in the company or have a quiet dinner with your family. In any case, you are guaranteed a wonderful time.

About the appointment summer gazebo on a dacha or suburban area it was written in the article: “”. It also described various designs for this structure, methods of its construction and types of fireplaces for cooking in the fresh air.

One of the gazebos discussed earlier is a stone or brick building equipped with a barbecue or stove. Here it will be discussed in more detail.

Choosing brick as a material

All stone structures are monolithic and stable. They are built on long years. The advantages of a brick gazebo include:

  1. Strength and durability.
  2. Brickwork looks beautiful on its own, so it is not necessary external finishing walls
  3. If desired, you can line the brick with any material: decorative tiles, artificial or natural stone, plaster and more.
  4. The design of such a terrace will harmoniously complement the design of the site and the house in any style.
  5. There are no restrictions in the choice of roofing material. Such walls can withstand a lot of weight; you can cover a gazebo ceramic tiles, For example. What is not available for wooden and metal frames.
  6. Brick is non-combustible, which is great for equipping a terrace with a fireplace.
  7. Completely enclosed and with an oven, they can be used at any time of the year. The fireplace will heat up quickly small room, and additionally insulated walls, floor and ceiling will retain heat inside.

The disadvantages of the selected building material include:

  • its relatively high cost;
  • the need to lay a strong foundation to support the weight of the building;
  • construction will require more time, effort and knowledge than simpler structures.

However, you need to think that in this case the pros outweigh all the cons. An owner who has chosen a gazebo made of stone is most likely ready to spend time and money in favor of reliability and durability.

Where to start construction

On initial stage First of all, you need to consider existing projects or create your own. He must take into account the type of fireplace on which the food will be cooked. After considering the various options for gazebos with barbecue, and familiarizing yourself with their features, you should choose the one suitable for your terrace.

Thematic material:

So, if your family loves barbecue and barbecue, you can easily build the terrace itself, and then choose a portable device with a barbecue. Or build a stationary stand for the barbecue grill and install a barbecue in it.

There is a complete construction option brick device in the form of a rectangular base made of brickwork. Its upper part and sides are made of refractory bricks in the form of a regular barbecue.

All described methods do not directly depend on the construction of the foundation, walls and floor. They only need a smoke exhaust system. And to do this you need to make a hole in the roof and build a smoke catcher and a pipe. You can place a hood over the fireplace.

But a stone wood-burning stove affects all stages of construction; the project must take its presence into account immediately. And it will be built simultaneously with the gazebo itself. This option will be discussed in more detail here.

Foundation design features

In general, due to the heaviness of the material, a brick gazebo needs a base in the form strip foundation. Only in cases of dry, stable soil, and when the project involves an open type structure in the form of pillars with a roof resting on them, is it permissible to install piles or pour a solid concrete slab.

In other cases, it is better to make a strip-type foundation. You should dig a trench for it up to the sand layer.

The optimal foundation height for the gazebo will be from 30 to 50 centimeters. The procedure for its execution is usual for such bases with some features taking into account the installation of the stove:

  1. mark a place 10-20 cm larger than the size of the proposed building;
  2. take off upper layer turf, clear it of weeds and large stones;
  3. dig a trench;
  4. add a layer of sand, compact it, add crushed stone;
  5. make formwork from edged boards or moisture-resistant plywood, lay reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm;
  6. in the place where the project involves installing a furnace, a separate foundation is required for it: soil is removed according to the size of the fireplace (800x1050 mm is sufficient) to a depth of 15-20 cm; pour about 7 cm of sand and gravel; they also make formwork and reinforce it with mesh;
  7. both separate foundations are poured with concrete and left to harden completely.

The process of stabilizing the foundation takes about a month, depending on the time of year and weather conditions. After a week you can remove the formwork.

Waterproofing is an important point

The space under the floor should absorb excess moisture well and not let it into the room. To do this, the ground inside the foundation contour is compacted and covered with a thick layer of sand. It is better to immediately lay roofing felt or thick film on the ground; they will not allow grass to grow through the floor.

Crushed stone is laid on the sand and laid again insulating material. The same roofing felt or roofing felt is laid on top of the foundation (both the main one and a separate one - the stove). The brick should not have direct contact with the concrete, otherwise it will become damp.

Brickwork of walls and columns

Laying bricks should be done in the same way as with normal construction, observing the rules of ordering and jointing (if subsequent wall cladding is not provided).

The only thing is that for open gazebos it is necessary to take into account the drainage of rainwater, which will penetrate into the structure. To do this, make small gaps in the first row of masonry, and when installing the floor, tilt it a few degrees towards the drain. The floors in the gazebo with the stove should be tilted in the direction opposite to where the hearth is located.

The second row is laid solid. Then the usual masonry is made with the rows offset by half a brick.

If open type projects with the construction of four columns are selected, then for a terrace with stone oven one of the supports can be combined with the chimney. The rest are metal pipes, pre-recessed in . Brick is laid around the pipe.

A gazebo with a partial wall will be more reliable - 1-1.5 meters of masonry height is enough. The remaining openings are covered with wooden bars, metal forging, thick curtains, or left open.

From the side of the hearth it is better to make a solid wall up to the ceiling. When the stove is located in one of the corners of the terrace, two such walls can be erected. This is necessary to avoid wind and rain, as well as for better smoke removal. When the pipe goes through the roof, and the area with the barbecue is protected by walls, smoke will not penetrate inside the gazebo.

How to fold a stove

Bricks for the hearth are laid on the foundation. Any material that does not emit harmful and toxic substances when heated is suitable. After all, there are plans to cook food there! The firebox itself and all elements that come into contact with fire are made of refractory bricks (fireclay, clay).

Masonry mortar is a mixture of clay and sand. The proportion depends on the fat content of the clay. Before laying, it is recommended to soak each brick in water for several minutes. This will improve adhesion to the solution.

The furnace construction project with all the drawings and diagrams must be worked out especially carefully. Any error will affect the performance of the structure. Complex designs with several fireboxes (for frying, boiling, baking, smoking) require several blowers and separate smoke outlets.

At the top, the furnace narrows and goes into a pipe. The smoker must be higher than the roof level; its size depends on the required draft and is taken into account by the design. It would be a good idea to cover the top of the pipe with a metal umbrella from precipitation.

At this stage, you can immediately equip the gazebo with a brick work table with a sink and niches for food and firewood. Immediately provide the necessary communications: water, sewerage, electricity.

The surface of the hearth can be plastered, decorated with ceramics and tiles. The cladding with artificial or natural stone looks organic. She looks beautiful herself brickwork with neat seams.

Roof selection and installation

The construction of the roof of terraces with barbecue does not have any special differences. The only thing is the need for a hole for the pipe. You need to take care of it in advance. The joints between the chimney and the roof must be carefully insulated with thin sheet metal or galvanized iron.

Due to the strength of brickwork, the quality roofing material you can choose any coating: from wood to ceramics. If the project of a “winter” terrace with a barbecue, having glazed windows and warm walls, the roof can also be insulated.

Often the floors are brick buildings with a barbecue made of stone or paving slabs, so there is no need to worry about their fire safety. If, as a flooring Wood is selected; the perimeter around the stove should be covered with sheet metal.

Judging by all of the above, it may seem that building a summer gazebo made of brick with a barbecue is not a task for everyone. But, if you thoroughly understand the theory and take your time in practice, then everything will definitely work out!