Dark chocolate color of metal tiles. Types of metal tiles, colors, photos

The roofing covering should give the house attractive appearance even if a lot of time has passed since it was installed. Metal tiles are among the popular materials for roofs. On the construction market, these products are presented in a huge range.

Making a decision regarding the color of metal roof tiles without having the appropriate experience is not easy. Therefore, information regarding the selection of color solutions and dyeing technology will not be superfluous for home craftsmen.

Tables of colors and shades

In order to simplify the choice of metal roof color, professionals advise paying attention to special tables. There are two types of such meshes that buyers use when purchasing this roofing - these are the RAL and RR catalogs.

Features of the RAL catalog

The catalog consists of tables. The first of them was developed by the German RAL Institute back in 1927. Gradation designating a specific color or shade has become a global standard, and it is not tied to a specific manufacturer roofing materials. The list of color solutions is constantly updated.

To make it easier to understand, metal tile samples are provided with explanations:

  1. RAL classic. This is a classic table of colors that have become the most popular. Each shade has a four-digit number, with the first number indicating the primary color. For example, in the table there are 30 yellow shades - they start with the number 1, 13 orange - with the number 2, etc.
  2. RAL design. This table was published in 1993 and became a real find for designers. It included 1625 flowers. They are all ordered by hue, brightness, and saturation. In it, colors are designated by a 7-digit code in the format HHH LL CC. The first group of letters H stands for hue, L describes the level of brightness, and C letters indicate saturation.
  3. RAL effect. This classification began to be used in 2007. The table includes 420 matte Semimatt shades and 70 Highgloss metallics. The numbering is a 5-digit code. The presence of the designation Mb in the additional part indicates that this color is metallic.

RR color catalog

Despite the fact that the RR catalog is not universal, but represents the products of the Finnish company Ruukki, some roofing manufacturers use the tables contained in it to describe the shades of their own products. The color in the catalog is indicated by the letter code RR and a two-digit number. There are 24 colors in the table, including 7 with metallic.

To simplify the handling of catalogs, grids have been developed in which the colors of the RAL tables are aligned with the RR shades. For example, the name of the color of metal roof tiles RR 32 (dark brown) is analogous to gray-brown, designated RAL 8019.

Roof color visualizer

Many manufacturers of roofing materials have a special service, thanks to which you can visualize the selected products, which greatly simplifies the choice of metal tile colors for roof design. A layout is created by selecting the type of profile, the coating option in matte or glossy design, and, as a result, the shade itself.

Thanks to modern technologies, now you can have an idea of ​​how the roof of the building will look. For this purpose, RAL specialists have developed a special iColours application, and this program All you need to do is install it on your smartphone and take a photo of the building. True, the shade in the photograph of a metal tile often differs from the version available in the catalog.

Color options and coating type

Coloring depends on the material with which the base of the steel metal tile was coated during production. That is, it can be different.

May be:

  • polyester;
  • matte polyester;
  • matte pural.

The most commonly used material is polyester, which has a glossy surface. To make it beautiful roofs made of metal tiles, consumers are offered a wide range of different colors. If you are attracted by a metallic shade, you should choose a roofing material among polyester products. For example, RAL 9006 imitates the color of unpainted steel.

Products made from matte polyester have a non-glossy textured surface, similar to natural tiles. Similar to baked clay is the color 8017, presented in the RAL catalog. It is chosen when they want to cover the roof with brown metal tiles.

Matte pural is the latest polymer coating, characterized by increased durability. It has an external resemblance to matte polyester, but looks more elegant. Standard shades for this coating are RR011, RR023, RR028, RR033, RR750.

Nuances of choosing the color of metal tiles for roofing

In order for the structure to look impressive and amaze with its harmony, the selection of the color of metal tiles must be approached as seriously as possible. In this case, it is advisable to use the services of a professional. True, knowledge of some nuances allows you to make a choice on your own, especially since the personal preferences of the property owner may not coincide with outside opinions.

Rules for selecting the color scheme of the roof of a house

To ensure that after installation is completed there are no misunderstandings regarding the correct choice of color scheme, you can use the following tips specialists:

  1. When a household is built in an open area, and there are no trees growing nearby tall trees, providing shade, direct sunlight will constantly attack the colored roofing covering. For this reason, metal tiles painted in dark colors, will fade much faster than a roof with a light surface.
  2. You should not skimp on materials laid on the roof. Quality roof can't be cheap. Expensive material will last longer, and the color palette in such lines is richer than that of budget products.
  3. The decision to purchase beautiful metal tiles, but cheap ones, often brings disappointment after one or two years of use. The rich color becomes pale, and sometimes the roof begins to become covered with spots that have a faded color.
  4. The information that dark shades on the roofing heat up more strongly in the sun and the entire house overheats is incorrect. In fact, all shades on metal tiles have the same physical properties and only affect the appearance of the building. It is desirable that the color of the roof and the facade of the house combine well with each other.

Currently popular colors

Based on an analysis of consumer demand, the most popular color range can be identified. The first place is occupied by red-brown colors, as close as possible to natural shades - RAL 3009, RAL 3005 and RR29. It is followed by chocolate colors such as RR32, RAL 8017. The rating of popular shades is completed by dark green RAL 6005.

The listed colors give homes a harmonious and cozy look. For example, when metal tiles are used, a green roof fits perfectly into landscape design, made in any modern style.

Brief description of some shades

When choosing a color scheme for the roof material in your own household, you should take into account such a nuance as the impact of color on the psyche of people in a certain way:

  1. Burgundy. Promotes activity as it is a source of energy. This shade also speaks of inner strength property owners.
  2. Blue, made in light colors. It has a calming effect on humans. This type of roofing looks especially good in unshaded areas with night lighting.
  3. Brown. Metal tiles of such a conservative shade are considered a symbol of confidence, determination and cohesion. In RAL catalogues, this conservative tone is listed under code 8017.
  4. Grey. Is one of the most good options among light shades. Gray roofing means stability, as well as a persistent path to achieving the goal.
  5. Red - brown and terracotta. It is considered a lucky preference for successful individuals.
  6. Green. Homes with a green metal roof look calming and promote focus and concentration.

When choosing a color, you should not forget about the other properties and characteristics of this coating.

Reasons for painting metal tiles

Not so often, but there is a need to paint a metal tile roof. This occurs in the case of careless transportation of the roofing material to the place of its installation - for this reason, the decorative surface layer may be damaged. Also, sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to change the color of a recently erected roof.

Over time, the roof may become covered with traces of corrosion or the paint may begin to peel off. In each of the above cases, a specific method is used for coloring, as well as different materials and tools.

Tools and paints for painting metal tiles

To paint metal tiles, you need to prepare rollers, brushes and a spray gun.

There are several types of paints for this material:

  1. Repair. They can be purchased from metal tile dealers to be used to repair cracks, chips and cuts on polymer coating that appear as a result of installation or transportation.
  2. Restoration. With their help, minor damage existing on the outer layer is eliminated. roofing, formed during transportation and stowage.
  3. Acrylic. These paints help renew a roof that has lost its original appearance. They do an excellent job with sun-bleached areas and stains from corrosive processes.
  4. Enamel. Such coatings are used for steel and galvanized surfaces. Enamel can be used to restore the entire roof.

When purchasing a professional spray gun, you need to take into account that working with it will require special skills and abilities. At independent execution When painting a metal tile roof, you must use safety equipment and remember to ensure your own safety.

Advice from experts on preparing the coating for painting

When painting metal tiles, you must first prepare its surface:

  1. Rust or partially peeled off old paint remove with a wire brush.
  2. The coating is washed and dried.
  3. Before applying any paint, the roofing material to be painted is degreased and dried.
  4. A layer of primer paint is first applied to the prepared metal tile, and then the main paint layers. Staining is performed in several stages, taking a break of 5-7 days between them.

The paint adheres best when applied in a dry and warm, well-ventilated area or outdoors in sunny weather.

The stylish appearance of metal tiles combined with the high performance characteristics of galvanized steel have made this material one of the most popular for roofing. This coating is easy to install and does not require special maintenance. It goes well with any building materials of the building structure. The catalog of metal tiles ral (ral) is presented on the market in the widest variety. All colors are strictly numbered and collected in a single table. This international system for paint and varnish products, so choosing the required shade will be quite simple.

Colors of metal tiles according to ral:

1000 Green-beige1001 Beige1002 Yellow sand1003 Pale yellow1004 Golden yellow1005 Yellow honey1006 Yellow corn1007 Yellow daffodil
1011 Brown beige1012 Yellow lemon1013 White oyster1014 Ivory1015 Light ivory1016 Grey-yellow1017 Saffron yellow1018 Yellow zinc
1019 Gray beige1020 Yellow olive1021 Bright yellow1023 Deep yellow1024 Yellow ocher1027 Yellow curry1028 Yellow melon1032 Egg yellow
1033 Yellow Dahlia1034 Yellow pastel2000 Yellow orange2001 Red Orange2002 Bright Red2003 Orange pastel2004 Pure Orange2008 Bright Red Orange
2009 Deep Orange 2010 Orange pale 2011 Deep Orange 2012 Orange salmon 3000 Red Flame 3001 Red3002 Crimson red 3003 Red ruby
3004 Violet red 3005 Red wine3007 Black red 3009 Red oxide 3011 Brown-red 3012 Beige-red 3013 Red tomato 3014 Old Rose
3015 Light pink 3016 Red coral 3017 Rose3018 Red strawberry 3020 Red rich 3022 Red salmon 3027 Red raspberry 3031 Red Oriental
4001 Red lilac 4002 Violet red 4003 Purple heather 4004 Purple Claret 4005 Blue lilac4006 Violet rich 4007 Violet-magenta 4008 Violet
4009 Violet pastel 5000 Violet blue 5001 Green blue 5002 Ultramarine5003 Blue sapphire5004 Black blue5005 Deep blue 5007 Diamond blue
5008 Grey-blue5009 Light blue5010 Blue5011 Blue steel5012 Light blue5013 Cobalt Blue 5014 Blue Bird5015 Blue sky
5017 Pale blue 5018 Turquoise blue 5019 Capri blue5020 Ocean Blue5021 Blue water5022 Blue Night5023 Deep blue 5024 Blue pastel
6000 Green wax6001 Green emerald 6002 Green leaf6003 Green olive 6004 Blue green 6005 Moss green6006 Gray olive 6007 Bottle green
6008 Brown-green 6009 Green spruce6010 Green grass 6011 Green mignonette 6012 Black-green 6013 Green reed 6014 Yellow olive 6015 Black olive
6016 Turquoise green 6017 Spring green 6018 Yellow-green 6019 Green pastel 6020 Green chrome6021 Pale green 6022 Gray olive 6024 Green rich
6025 Fern green 6026 Green opal6027 Light green 6028 Green pine 6029 Mint green6032 Pale green 6033 Turquoise mint 6034 Turquoise pastel
7000 Gray squirrel7001 Gray silver 7001 Gray silver 7002 Gray olive 7003 Moss gray7004 Gray7005 Mouse7006 Gray beige
7008 Khaki gray7009 Grey-green7010 Gray tarpaulin 7011 Gray iron7012 Gray basalt 7013 Dark gray7015 Slate gray7016 Anthracite gray
7021 Gray black7022 Earth gray 7023 Gray concrete7024 Graphite gray7026 Gray granite7030 Gray stone7031 Blue-gray7032 Gray pebbles
7033 Gray cement7034 Grey-yellow7035 Graphite gray7036 Platinum gray 7037 Gray dust7038 Gray agate7039 Quartz gray7040 Gray glass
7042 Deep gray A 7043 Deep gray B 7044 Gray silk8000 Green-brown 8001 Brown ocher 8002 Brown8003 Brown clay 8004 Brown copper
8007 Brown deer 8008 Olive brown 8011 Walnut brown 8012 Red-brown 8014 Sepia brown 8015 Chestnut brown 8016 Brown mahogany 8017 Brown chocolate
8019 Gray brown 8022 Black-brown 8023 Orange-brown 8024 Beige brown 8025 Pale brown 8028 Brown earth 9001 Creamy white 9002 Gray-white
9003 White9004 Black9005 Dark black 9010 Pure white9011 Black graphite 9016 Bright white9017 Deep black 9018 White papyrus

When choosing a color, you should take into account some features of the visual impact of colors on the exterior as a whole. It is better not to design buildings with complex architecture and multi-level roof geometry in contrast. A harmonious combination of colors will make the entire appearance of the building more luxurious and presentable. And for small and “simple” structures, contrasting and bright colors most advantageous.

The shade “Red Wine” goes perfectly with all tones. natural wood and brick. A house with such a bright roof stands out against the background of the landscape and other buildings. Ideal for the Renaissance architectural style with its characteristic brick-red color scheme.

“Moss green” goes perfectly with the classic red brick facade. An excellent solution to hide the house from the surrounding forest landscape. The non-marking coating is resistant to fading. Metal tiles ral 6005 will be an excellent design for the roof of a baroque building with characteristic cream or white facades.

Soft terracotta metal tiles ral 8004 are the ideal complement to almost any brickwork from soft sandy to rich brown. “Alpine houses” with a roof of this color look very interesting. An excellent solution for a classic home European style. In this case modern material perfectly imitates traditional red tiles.

“Dark chocolate” harmonizes with any materials and colors of building facades. Goes great with almost anything architectural style. Metal tile Monterrey ral 8017 is highly resistant to fading, so such a rich shade is not scary to use even in areas with active sun and high temperatures.

When placing an order, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the original fans of ral metal tiles. The photo of the table on the monitor may differ slightly due to color distortion. Our managers will help you choose from the whole variety the best option color range from

Metal tiles are galvanized steel sheets, various in color, shape and size. However, in order not to get confused in all the variety of roofing offered, it is necessary to understand the main types and parameters of metal tiles.

The main advantages of metal roofing

  • high strength
  • durability - manufacturing companies guarantee up to 15 years, however correct installation metal tiles completely doubles its service life
  • great appearance
  • possibility of choosing the right size
  • flexible material - ideal for covering roofs of a wide variety of configurations
  • easy installation
  • large selection of colors and textures
  • environmentally friendly material - does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere
  • wide price range - from budget to luxury

Choosing metal tiles

When choosing metal tiles, keep in mind that the main differences are:

  • in appearance:
    • profile dimensions,
    • decorativeness,
    • coating color,
  • as well as in production parameters:
    • type of raw material (type of steel),
    • production equipment,
    • country of origin and supplier.

Types of metal tiles. Photo

Modern production of metal tiles is divided depending on the type of coating used and their texture: regular polyester, matte polyester, pural, plastisol and HDD.

Types of metal tile profiles

The choice of one or another metal tile profile depends on:

  • heights, the so-called waves:
    • up to 50 mm (the most economical option)
    • from 50 mm and above is considered a large wave. Prices are correspondingly higher too.
    • symmetrical wave - a rare and expensive type of profile
    • asymmetrical wave - spectacular design This coating has visual asymmetry and is very common.
  • drawing
  • depths

The relief profile is considered the most attractive, such as that of Monterrey metal tiles. The profile wavelength is 35 cm and has a large pitch. Roofing with Monterrey coating is the leader of preference in the west. The choice of profile does not at all affect the quality and performance characteristics. It's just a matter of taste.

Modular and Classic metal tiles: which metal tiles are better?

Differences between the two types of these coatings lies in the parameters of the upper and lower edges of the metal tile sheets. For classic metal tiles, the width of the sheet at the top is 10 cm, and for modular tiles it is 2 cm. The bottom edge differs by 4 - 5 cm.

It turns out that more economical option is a modular metal tile, because when sheets overlap, a saving of about 12 cm will be in favor of the modular one. This means that covering the entire roof with modular metal tiles will cost less. The difference in size also ensures more convenient installation and less risk of deformation.

Modular metal tiles.

Classic metal tiles.

The best option when choosing the color of metal tiles, choose a color that imitates the real one ceramic tiles. Pay attention to chocolate, red, green and graphite shades. If you live in a hot region, choose more bright hues metal tiles - they fade less in the sun.

Very bright colors are ideal for sophisticated design projects, or as a complement to an existing architectural style. Multi-colored metal tiles look incredibly impressive - this is a real revelry for the imagination, because the colors can repeat the individual color elements of the buildings on your site, creating a single ensemble.

This photo shows one of the RAL color tables for metal tiles.

Choosing the color of metal tiles, proceed from the characteristics of the profile coating - the better quality it is, the longer your roof will retain its color and brightness.

Metal tiles: reviews

The most favorable reviews of roofing directly depend on the correct installation. It's definitely not worth saving money here. Must be used during installation:

  • additional insulation
  • sound insulation
  • kept the snow

Contact professional installers who will design restrictions on the angle of inclination of the rafters and a strict pitch of the sheathing. Correct installation of metal tiles, like any other roofing - this is the key to long-term subsequent operation.

Photos of houses with metal roofs

When choosing between metal tiles with the same parameters, but produced by a well-known and unknown company, keep in mind that a well-known brand means not only a high price, but also a guarantee of quality, long service life and excellent wear resistance. Require quality certificates from sellers to avoid counterfeiting.

Calculation required quantity material is based on:

  • roof sizes and heights
  • information on the sizes of cornices, pipes, drains.
  • dimensions of the eaves overhang.

Metal roofing: photo.

Canopies made of metal tiles

The use of metal tiles also extends to elements such as canopies and awnings. A canopy made of metal tiles will be an excellent addition to the same roof. When installing a visor, first make metal carcass, onto which the metal tiles are then attached directly.

A canopy made of metal tiles not only looks impressive, but also serves as excellent protection from bad weather and heat. The choice of metal tiles for canopies and awnings depends on your desires, available finances, as well as the above characteristics.

Photo of canopies (canopies) made of metal tiles.

Hip roof made of metal tiles

Nowadays, a hipped roof is in high demand when designing houses. The design feature perfectly resists winds, has a rigid frame, and is little susceptible to deformation.

Hip roofs look even more elegant if metal tiles are chosen as the roofing material. The use of metal tiles on such roofs is possible for any type hipped roofs(classical, tent, Danish, half-hip, broken). And this once again confirms the versatility of metal tiles.

Photo of hipped roofs made of metal tiles.

The design features of metal tiles allow you to “dress” any roof. Choose metal tiles depending on climatic features your region, or give preference to trusted manufacturers. A variety of coatings and colors will satisfy any of your needs, and proper installation will contribute to a long service life.

Metal Construction Materials They are distinguished by their strength and durability, so their device is manufactured, as they say, to last for centuries. The roof covering should be given special attention: it should not only be a reliable protector of the interior space of the premises, but also visually decorate the exterior of the building. Metal tiles in the color of the sky, classic ceramic or any other shade - great option roofing devices.

Advantages and disadvantages

Metal tiles are a material for roofing with a roof slope of at least 12 0. Is different increased wear resistance thanks to its layered structure: galvanized steel coated with colored polymers is practically not subject to corrosion. Advantages that make them choose this type coatings:

  • High decorative qualities(effective imitation of tile covering).
  • Wide range of solutions: metal tiles come in a wide variety of profile colors.
  • Resistance to color fading under exposure ultraviolet rays(for some types of coatings).
  • Not afraid of seasonal temperature changes and all types of precipitation.
  • The flexibility of the fragments allows for roof coverings of different shapes and configurations.

The disadvantages include:

  • High conductivity of sounds: the noise of rain, feeding branches, leaves and other influences will be heard quite clearly. To avoid this, additional sound insulation is needed.
  • The inability of the metal to retain heat contributes to the formation of condensation on the inner surface; to avoid wetting of the coating layers, an effective vapor barrier is needed.
  • Installation of such tiles requires professional skills and certain dexterity, since you cannot step on them.

Classification of species

Metal tiles vary in:

  • sheet thickness;
  • profile form;
  • the type of wave and its step;
  • according to the material of the top coating.

The thickness and material of the top layer, partly the shape of the profile, are of practical importance. And what color of metal tiles to choose depends solely on the taste preferences of the customer and on specifications doesn't have any effect.

Features of the structure

Metal tiles - multilayer material. It is based on cold-rolled galvanized steel. To increase its anti-corrosion properties, it is treated with a phosphate compound (passaging layer), then primed and coated with a finishing polymer material, and secured with varnish.

Layers in different quantities applied to both sides of the steel sheet. Moreover, the thickness of the metal tiles is only 0.5 mm (standard). This is used for roofing device residential buildings, outbuildings.

Modern manufacturers produce metal tiles of both smaller and larger thicknesses. 0.4 mm models are more economical, but their use is only permissible for less critical structures: gazebos, canopies. This material is not suitable for covering a house: the tiles are subject to mechanical deformation and will not provide reliable protection.

Sheets over 0.5 mm have increased strength and are suitable for use on different roofs, but are much more expensive than standard ones.

With any structure, metal tiles have very different colors, their palette depends on the capabilities of the manufacturer.

Profile types

This characteristic determines the strength properties of the tiles, since the rigidity of the entire coating depends on it. There are many types of profiles, the main ones are:

Based on the main types of profiles, there are many various variations, the variety of which depends on the technical capabilities of the producing equipment. At the heart of everything is a wave different shapes and step. It may be asymmetrical. The choice of one type or another depends on the preferences of the owner of the house and on general design building.

Polyester cover

The way the tiles look (colors, their saturation, dullness) is influenced by the material used to process the facing layer. They depend on him mechanical properties sheets.

The most common and frequently used type of coating is polyester, polyester enamel. It is applied to the prepared sheet with a layer of 25 microns. Transportation and installation of such metal tiles requires maximum care: the colored layer is easily damaged and scratched. Defects can be corrected using special color compounds after installation, but there is a risk that the tones will not match. This is the only drawback of the coverage. Benefits include:

  • High resistance to external influences precipitation, ultraviolet radiation.
  • Wide color palette.
  • The coating does not lose its brightness for a long time.
  • The characteristics are not affected by temperature and its changes, therefore use is possible in any climatic zones.

Colors matte metal tiles also varied: from light gray to dark blue, black. The muted shine effect is provided by a special type of polyester applied to steel with a layer of 35 microns. It has increased strength and scratch resistance due to special processing: the treated sheet is coated with a special matting varnish and additionally fired.

The appearance of such metal tiles is more noble: the coating scatters and reflects the sun's rays, regardless of their intensity.


The coating originates in Finland, where the climate is characterized by its humidity and the presence of salty air due to the proximity of the sea. These factors require the creation of special coatings that are resistant to aggressive environmental influences.

Pural has characteristics that make it suitable for service in such conditions. The coating of steel metal tiles provides high anti-corrosion properties. The thickness of the protective layer is 50 microns; it gives the coating parts both a glossy and matte appearance, depending on the composition.

Pural-coated metal tiles are considered very popular. Colors (photo below) can be very diverse.

An important advantage of this polymer composition is its ability to maintain integrity during bending, transportation and installation.


A special type of coating that contains PVC and plasticizers. Metal tiles with cladding made of of this material is the most protected from external influences of any origin, since the layer has a thickness of 200 microns. Thanks to this, any relief embossing can be created on the surface. The advantages of the coating include:

  • High resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Not subject to temperature changes and precipitation.

A significant drawback is low resistance to sunlight: color fading occurs. Therefore, its use in hot southern regions is not advisable.


Vinylidene fluoride and acrylic create reliable coverage up to 30 microns with metallic effect. It has increased resistance to aggressive environments: the proximity of salt water bodies and exposure to sea air, acid rain. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in coastal areas and near industrial enterprises.

Based on the characteristics given, it is obvious that there are various types of metal tiles, so choosing one for your home will not be difficult.

How to choose

Manufacturers offer many options for profile-quality-color combinations. How not to get confused and make the right choice?

First of all, decide on the desired type of roof. What do you want it to look like: soft waves or angular? Repeating the color/shade of the facade or not? The answers to these questions will be the starting point.

Next you should choose a manufacturer. The quality of the material directly depends on this: a large supplier will not risk its name, therefore it will provide tiles more High Quality. The price, accordingly, is 10-20 percent higher than that of small factories, but the risk is minimized.

Having decided on the place of purchase, find out what type of coating and what colors of metal tiles the seller can offer. Today the most popular shades are:

  • Dark red;
  • chocolate brown;
  • green;
  • blue, blue.

Red or brown metal tiles look most noble. The name of colors for many manufacturers is formed according to the German RAL standard and consists of 4 characters (RAL 1234), the first of which defines the group:

1 - yellow;

2 - orange;

3 - red;

4 - purple;

6 - green;

8 - brown;

9 - light and dark.

Metal tiles offer a wide choice. The colors (photos of the main samples of the German classification) are presented in the table above. Finnish standards RR and Swedish SSAB are also widely used.

Today's roofing market offers a huge variety of products, differentiated by practical and color characteristics. One of the most popular types of roofing carpet is metal tiles. The wide range of colors of metal tiles, high performance characteristics and availability of the material allow you to equip a practical and aesthetic roof.

Manufacturers offer products, dividing them by types and textures of coatings:

  1. Polyester – budget look, characterized by strength and light weight. It has a glossy surface and a sufficient range of shades. One of the varieties of products is CLOUDY - an imitation of natural clay tiles in a chocolate shade.
  2. Matte polyester- a new product that has already gained popularity. Distinctive feature– color fastness and resistance to aggressive external influences. The developer can choose not only the shade, but also the thickness of the protective coating.
  3. Pural is a polyurethane coating up to 50 microns thick. The premium coating has high strength and practical properties, heat resistance, and resistance to corrosion.
  4. Plastisol is probably the most durable PVC coating. Material with such protection looks textured; texturing is done in the form of shading, ripples, and embossing. Despite its high cost, plastisol protection is slightly inferior in heat resistance to pural.
  5. PDDV – glossy type of protection with metallic imitation. Main advantages: resistance to mechanical stress, resistance to fading, very long service life.

Important! Matte pural is considered the most resistant to fading. Average performance for matte and glossy polyester (10-15 years), plastisol will last about 30 years, Purex coating - up to 40 years, matte and standard pural - up to 50 years, metal tiles with PDDV coating ( Solno) – up to 70 years old.

Choice of colors

Color palette the material is very rich. The most popular shades are the natural colors of clay tiles. Too much bright colors metal tiles fade in the sun, while dark ones often become very hot in the heat. When choosing tiles, you should also remember that light colors in climates with high precipitation rates will quickly become dirty.

When looking at photos of houses, it’s difficult to decide on the color of the metal tiles, here are some tips:

  1. Green roofing is associated with nature. Green is a shade of peace and joy, so it is often used in both urban and suburban areas. Choosing dark colors, you should expect a calmer perception of the structure, and bright green will evoke fresh emotions.
  2. Roofing in brown shades– this is self-confidence, stability. The colors are rich and noble, and they don’t fade as much under the sun. Conservativeness, stability, reliability – these are all shades of burgundy and brown. If the building is located in a green area, such a roof will look great.
  3. Gray light tones fit perfectly with any wall color. Only overtly gloomy shades should be avoided; in general, gray is the color of stable people who know what they want in life and have achieved certain results.
  4. A blue roof looks great in sunny regions. Blue will help you calm down and gain strength, but too dark tones cause outbreaks of depression, which is why manufacturers often offer light blue or rich blue tones. By the way, evening lighting looks especially good with a blue roof.
  5. Burgundy or wine-colored roofing- element, energy, movement. The shade is very interesting and often promotes activity. Red metal tiles are the color chosen by people who do not know how to give in to difficulties, problem solvers and tasks.

Bright solutions are suitable for unusual design projects, and mosaic-colored metal tiles are a unique ensemble of combinations that form a specific pattern. By the way, you can combine shingles yourself, laying out unique designs on the roof. When choosing shade transitions according to the table, it would be useful to adhere to the following rules:

  • Dark colors heat up under the sun, which is undesirable in the case of a residential attic;
  • Light wall cladding does not go well with dark shades, with the exception of chocolate color - it fits the creamy, creamy, pink spectrum;
  • A light-colored tile roof resists heat, but looks bad against the background dark walls and also gets dirty quickly.

Much depends on the quality of the material: if the sheets are of poor quality, then color scheme will get lost pretty quickly. If production standards are observed, the entire roof will change shade evenly over time.

Popular profiles

A competent choice of metal tiles, the color range of which is extensive, will allow you to hide some flaws in the shape of the house and emphasize its advantageous advantages. Here is a small catalog of the most common solutions:

  1. Monterrey, Supermonterrey. The color palette is rich in more than 40 shades, custom coating is possible. The material has the appearance of a slightly beveled wave.
  2. Cascade - the material is distinguished by smoky smooth transitions. Outwardly, it resembles a chocolate bar, which makes the roofs even more beautiful.
  3. Andalusia – metal tiles with paint and varnish metal coating polymer type, produced according to GOST. It looks like a regular homogeneous wave of standard height.
  4. Venice is distinguished by its tint stability and has 100% color accuracy. It looks like a regular wave with a low crest.

In addition to those listed, a metal tile roof can be made of such types as “Spanish Dune”, which perfectly imitates natural tile shingles, “Shanghai”, “Pamir” and many others. The main thing is not to skimp on the material, otherwise all the work on choosing a color will be in vain, the shingles will fade under the sun in the first season of use. In addition to color, you need to pay attention to the fastening features; some manufacturers offer unique fastening options that you will have to tinker with.