DIY vortex heat generator. Let's make a heat generator together with our own hands

Not all industrial facilities have the opportunity to heat the premises with classic heat generators powered by burning gas, liquid or solid fuel, and using a heater with heating elements is impractical or unsafe. In such situations, a vortex heat generator comes to the rescue, using working fluid cavitation processes. The basic operating principles of these devices were discovered back in the 30s of the last century and have been actively developed since the 50s. But implementation in manufacturing process heating of liquid due to vortex effects occurred only in the 90s, when the issue of saving energy resources became most pressing.

Design and principle of operation

Initially, due to vortex flows, they learned how to heat air and other gas mixtures. At that moment, it was not possible to heat water this way due to its lack of compression properties. The first attempts in this direction were made by Merkulov, who proposed filling the Ranque pipe with water instead of air. The heat generation turned out to be side effect vortex movement of fluid, and for a long time the process did not even have a justification.

Today it is known that when a liquid moves through a special chamber, excess pressure causes water molecules to push out gas molecules, which accumulate into bubbles. Due to the percentage advantage of water, its molecules tend to crush gas inclusions, and their surface pressure increases. With further influx of gas molecules, the temperature inside the inclusions increases, reaching 800 – 1000ºС. And after reaching a zone with lower pressure, the process of cavitation (collapse) of bubbles occurs, in which the accumulated thermal energy stands out into the surrounding space.

Depending on the method of formation of cavitation bubbles inside the liquid, all vortex heat generators are divided into three categories:

  • Passive tangential systems;
  • Passive axial systems;
  • Active devices.

Now let's look at each of the categories in more detail.

Passive tangential VTG

These are vortex heat generators in which the thermogenerating chamber has a static design. Structurally, such vortex generators are a chamber with several pipes through which coolant is supplied and removed. Excessive pressure is created in them by pumping liquid with a compressor; the shape of the chamber and its contents are a straight or twisted pipe. An example of such a device is shown in the figure below.

Picture 1: circuit diagram passive tangential generator

When liquid moves through the inlet pipe, braking occurs at the entrance to the chamber due to the braking device, which causes a rarefied space to appear in the volume expansion zone. Then the bubbles collapse and the water heats up. To obtain vortex energy in passive vortex heat generators, several inputs/outputs from the chamber, nozzles, and variable geometric shape and other techniques for creating variable pressure.

Passive axial heat generators

Like the previous type, passive axial ones do not have moving elements to create turbulence. Vortex heat generators of this type heat the coolant by installing a diaphragm with cylindrical, spiral or conical holes, a nozzle, a die, and a throttle in the chamber, acting as a restriction device. Some models have several installed heating elements With different characteristics through holes to improve their efficiency.

Rice. 2: schematic diagram of a passive axial heat generator

Look at the figure; here is the operating principle of a simple axial heat generator. This thermal installation consists of a heating chamber, an inlet pipe introducing a cold flow of liquid, a flow shaper (not present in all models), a restriction device, and an outlet pipe with a hot flow of water.

Active heat generators

Heating of the liquid in such vortex heat generators is carried out due to the operation of an active moving element that interacts with the coolant. They are equipped with cavitation-type chambers with disk or drum activators. These are rotary heat generators, one of the most famous among them is the Potapov heat generator. The simplest scheme active heat generator is shown in the figure below.

Rice. 3: schematic diagram of an active heat generator

When the activator rotates, bubbles are formed due to holes on the surface of the activator and holes in different directions with them on the opposite wall of the chamber. This design is considered the most effective, but also quite difficult in selecting the geometric parameters of the elements. Therefore, the vast majority of vortex heat generators have perforation only on the activator.


At the dawn of the introduction of the cavitation generator into operation, it was used only for its intended purpose - to transfer thermal energy. Today, in connection with the development and improvement of this area, vortex heat generators are used for:

  • Heating of premises, both in domestic and industrial areas;
  • Heating liquid for technological operations;
  • As instantaneous water heaters, but with higher efficiency than classic boilers;
  • For pasteurization and homogenization of food and pharmaceutical mixtures at a set temperature (this ensures the removal of viruses and bacteria from the liquid without heat treatment);
  • Receiving a cold stream (in such models, hot water is a side effect);
  • Mixing and separating petroleum products, adding chemical elements to the resulting mixture;
  • Steam generation.

With further improvement of vortex heat generators, the scope of their application will expand. Moreover, this type heating equipment has a number of prerequisites for displacing the still competitive technologies of the past.

Advantages and disadvantages

In comparison with identical technologies designed for heating rooms or heating liquids, vortex heat generators have a number of significant advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness– in comparison with gas, solid fuel and diesel heat generators, they do not pollute the environment;
  • Fire and explosion safety– vortex models, in comparison with gas heat generators and devices using petroleum products, do not pose such a threat;
  • Variability— a vortex heat generator can be installed in existing systems without the need to install new pipelines;
  • Economy– in certain situations they are much more profitable than classic heat generators, since they provide the same thermal power in terms of consumed electrical power;
  • There is no need to organize a cooling system;
  • Does not require the organization of removal of combustion products, do not highlight carbon monoxide and do not pollute the air working area or residential premises;
  • Provide fairly high efficiency– about 91 – 92% with a relatively low power of the electric motor or pump;
  • Scale does not form when the liquid is heated, which significantly reduces the likelihood of damage due to corrosion and clogging with lime deposits;

But, in addition to the advantages, vortex heat generators also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Creates a strong noise load at the installation site, which greatly limits their use directly in bedrooms, halls, offices and similar places;
  • Characterized by large dimensions, in comparison with classic liquid heaters;
  • Requires fine tuning of the cavitation process, since bubbles collide with the walls of the pipeline and the working elements of the pump lead to their rapid wear;
  • Quite expensive repair when the elements of the vortex heat generator fail.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a vortex heat generator, it is important to determine the current parameters of the device that are most suitable for solving the task. These parameters include:

  • Power consumption– determines the amount of electricity consumed from the network required for the operation of the installation.
  • Conversion factor– determines the ratio of consumed energy in kW and released as thermal energy in kW.
  • Flow rate– determines the speed of fluid movement and the possibility of its regulation (allows you to regulate heat exchange in heating systems or pressure in a water heater).
  • Vortex chamber type– determines the method of obtaining thermal energy, the efficiency of the process and the costs required for this.
  • dimensionsimportant factor, affecting the possibility of installing a heat generator in any place.
  • Number of circulation circuits– some models, in addition to the heating circuit, have a cold water discharge circuit.

The parameters of some vortex heat generators are shown in the table below:

Table: characteristics of some models of vortex generators

Installed electric motor power, kW
Network voltage, V 380 380 380 380 380
Heated volume up to cubic meters. 5180 7063 8450 10200 15200
Maximum coolant temperature, o C
Net weight, kg. 700 920 1295 1350 1715
— length mm

— width mm.

— height mm.

Operating mode machine machine machine machine machine

Also an important factor is the price of the vortex heat generator, which is set by the manufacturer and may depend on both its design features, and on operating parameters.


Figure 4: general view

To make a vortex heat generator at home, you will need: an electric motor, a flat sealed chamber with a rotating disk in it, a pump, a grinder, welding (for metal pipes), soldering iron (for plastic pipes) electric drill, pipes and fittings for them, a frame or stand for placing equipment. Assembly includes next steps:

Rice. 6: Connect water and power supply

Such a vortex heat generator can be connected to both existing system heating supply, and install separate heating radiators for it.

Video on the topic

Heating a house, garage, office, or retail space is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately after the premises are built. And it doesn’t matter what time of year it is outside. Winter will come anyway. So you need to make sure that it’s warm inside in advance. For those who buy an apartment in multi-storey building, there is nothing to worry about - the builders have already done everything. But those who are building their own house, equipping a garage or a separate small building will have to choose which heating system to install. And one of the solutions will be a vortex heat generator.

Air separation, in other words, its division into cold and hot fractions in a vortex jet - a phenomenon that formed the basis of a vortex heat generator was discovered about a hundred years ago. And as often happens, for about 50 years no one could figure out how to use it. The so-called vortex tube was modernized with the most different ways and tried to fit into almost all types human activity. However, everywhere it was inferior both in price and efficiency to existing devices. Until the Russian scientist Merkulov came up with the idea of ​​running water inside, he established that the temperature at the outlet increased several times and called this process cavitation. The price of the device has not decreased much, but the coefficient useful action became almost one hundred percent.

Operating principle

So what is this mysterious and accessible cavitation? But everything is quite simple. While passing through the vortex, many bubbles are formed in the water, which in turn burst, releasing a certain amount of energy. This energy heats the water. The number of bubbles cannot be counted, but the vortex cavitation heat generator can increase the water temperature up to 200 degrees. It would be stupid not to take advantage of this.

Two main types

Despite the fact that every now and then there are reports that someone somewhere has made a unique vortex heat generator with their own hands of such power that it is possible to heat an entire city, in most cases these are ordinary newspaper canards that have no basis in fact. Someday, perhaps, this will happen, but for now the principle of operation of this device can only be used in two ways.

Rotary heat generator. The centrifugal pump housing in this case will act as a stator. Depending on the power, holes of a certain diameter are drilled across the entire surface of the rotor. It is due to them that those same bubbles appear, the destruction of which heats the water. This type of heat generator has only one advantage. It's much more productive. But there are significantly more shortcomings.

  • This installation is very noisy.
  • Increased wear of parts.
  • Requires frequent replacement of seals and seals.
  • Too expensive to service.

Static heat generator. Unlike the previous version, nothing rotates here, and the cavitation process occurs naturally. Only the pump works. And the list of advantages and disadvantages takes a sharply opposite direction.

  • The device can operate at low pressure.
  • The temperature difference between the cold and hot ends is quite large.
  • Absolutely safe, no matter where it is used.
  • Fast heating.
  • Efficiency 90% and above.
  • Can be used for both heating and cooling.

The only disadvantage of a static WTG can be considered the high cost of the equipment and the associated rather long payback period.

How to assemble a heat generator

With all these scientific terms, which can scare a person unfamiliar with physics, it is quite possible to make a VTG at home. Of course, you will have to tinker, but if everything is done correctly and efficiently, you can enjoy the warmth at any time.

And you have to start, as in any other business, by preparing materials and tools. You will need:

  • Welding machine.
  • Sander.
  • Electric drill.
  • Set of wrenches.
  • Set of drills.
  • Metal corner.
  • Bolts and nuts.
  • Thick metal pipe.
  • Two threaded pipes.
  • Connecting couplings.
  • Electric motor.
  • Centrifugal pump.
  • Jet.

Now you can start working directly.

Installing the engine

An electric motor, selected in accordance with the available voltage, is installed on a frame, welded or assembled with bolts, from a corner. The overall size of the frame is calculated in such a way that it can accommodate not only the engine, but also the pump. It is better to paint the frame to avoid rust. Mark the holes, drill and install the electric motor.

Connecting the pump

The pump should be selected according to two criteria. Firstly, it must be centrifugal. Secondly, the engine power must be enough to spin it up. After the pump is installed on the frame, the action algorithm is as follows:

  • In a thick pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 600 mm, an external groove of 25 mm and half the thickness must be made on both sides. Cut the thread.
  • Cut into two pieces of the same pipe, each 50 mm long. internal thread half the length.
  • On the side opposite to the thread, weld metal caps of sufficient thickness.
  • Make holes in the center of the lids. One is the size of the nozzle, the second is the size of the pipe. WITH inside holes for the jet with a drill large diameter it is necessary to remove the chamfer so that it looks like a nozzle.
  • The nozzle pipe is connected to the pump. To the hole from which water is supplied under pressure.
  • The heating system input is connected to the second pipe.
  • The outlet from the heating system is connected to the pump input.

The cycle is complete. Water will be supplied under pressure to the nozzle and, due to the vortex formed there and the resulting cavitation effect, will begin to heat up. The temperature can be adjusted by installing a ball valve behind the pipe through which water flows back into the heating system.

By closing it slightly, you can increase the temperature and vice versa, by opening it, you can lower it.

Let's improve the heat generator

This may sound strange, but this one is quite complex design can be improved, further increasing its performance, which will be a definite plus for heating a private home large area. This improvement is based on the fact that the pump itself tends to lose heat. This means that you need to make it spend as little as possible.

This can be achieved in two ways. Insulate the pump using any suitable materials for this purpose. thermal insulation materials. Or surround it with a water jacket. The first option is clear and accessible without any explanation. But we should dwell on the second one in more detail.

To build a water jacket for the pump, you will have to place it in a specially designed hermetically sealed container that can withstand the pressure of the entire system. Water will be supplied exactly to this container, and the pump will take it from there. The external water will also heat up, which will allow the pump to work much more efficiently.

Vortex absorber

But it turns out that’s not all. Having thoroughly studied and understood the operating principle of a vortex heat generator, you can equip it with a vortex damper. A stream of water supplied under high pressure hits the opposite wall and swirls. But there can be several of these vortices. One has only to install a structure inside the device that resembles the shank of an aircraft bomb. This is done as follows:

  • From a pipe of slightly smaller diameter than the generator itself, you need to cut two rings 4-6 cm wide.
  • Weld six metal plates inside the rings, selected in such a way that the entire structure is as long as a quarter of the length of the body of the generator itself.
  • When assembling the device, secure this structure inside opposite the nozzle.

There is and cannot be a limit to perfection, and the vortex heat generator is still being improved in our time. Not everyone can do this. But it is quite possible to assemble the device according to the diagram given above.

Various ways to save energy or obtain free electricity remain popular. Thanks to the development of the Internet, information about all kinds of “miracle inventions” is becoming more accessible. One design, having lost popularity, is replaced by another.

Today we will look at the so-called vortex cavitation generator - a device whose inventors promise us highly efficient room heating in which it is installed. What it is? This device uses the effect of heating a liquid during cavitation - a specific effect of the formation of steam microbubbles in areas of local pressure reduction in the liquid, which occurs either when the pump impeller rotates or when the liquid is exposed to sound vibrations. If you have ever used an ultrasonic bath, you may have noticed how its contents noticeably heat up.

There are articles on the Internet about rotary-type vortex generators, the principle of which is to create areas of cavitation when an impeller of a specific shape rotates in a liquid. Is it viable? this decision?

Let's start with theoretical calculations. In this case, we spend electricity to operate the electric motor (average efficiency - 88%), and partially spend the resulting mechanical energy on friction in the seals of the cavitation pump, and partially on heating the liquid due to cavitation. That is, in any case, only part of the wasted electricity will be converted into heat. But if you remember that the efficiency of a conventional heating element is from 95 to 97 percent, it becomes clear that there will be no miracle: a much more expensive and complex vortex pump will be less efficient than a simple nichrome spiral.

It can be argued that when using heating elements in the heating system it is necessary to introduce additional circulation pumps, while the vortex pump will be able to pump the coolant itself. But, oddly enough, pump creators are struggling with the occurrence of cavitation, which not only significantly reduces the efficiency of the pump, but also causes its erosion. Consequently, a heat generator pump must not only be more powerful than a specialized transfer pump, but will also require the use of more advanced materials and technologies to provide a comparable resource.

Structurally, our Laval nozzle will look like a metal pipe with pipe threads at the ends, allowing threaded couplings connect it to the pipeline. To make a pipe you will need lathe.

  • The shape of the nozzle itself, or more precisely, its output part, may differ in design. Option “a” is the easiest to manufacture, and its characteristics can be varied by changing the angle of the outlet cone within 12-30 degrees. However, this type of nozzle provides minimal resistance to fluid flow, and, consequently, the least cavitation in the flow.
  • Option “b” is more difficult to manufacture, but due to the maximum pressure drop at the nozzle outlet it will also create the greatest flow turbulence. The conditions for the occurrence of cavitation in this case are optimal.
  • Option “c” is a compromise in terms of manufacturing complexity and efficiency, so it’s worth choosing it.

High price heating equipment makes many people think about whether it is worth buying an industrial model or whether it is better to assemble it yourself. Essentially, a heat generator is a slightly modified centrifugal pump. Anyone with minimal knowledge in this industry can assemble such a unit on their own. If you don’t have your own developments, then ready-made diagrams can always be found online. The main thing is to choose one that will make it easy to assemble the heat generator with your own hands. But first, it doesn’t hurt to learn as much as possible about this device.

What is a heat generator

Equipment of this class is represented by two main types of devices:

  • Stator;
  • Notorny (vortex).

However, not so long ago cavitation models appeared, which may in the near future become a worthy replacement units operating on conventional types of fuel.

The difference between stator and rotor devices is that in the first, the liquid is heated using nozzles located at the inlet and outlet openings of the unit. In the second type of generators, heat is generated during pump rotations, leading to turbulence in the water.

Let's watch the video, the generator in operation, measurements:

In terms of performance, a vortex heat generator assembled by yourself is somewhat superior to a stator one. It has 30% more heat transfer. And although such equipment is presented on the market today in various modifications, differing in rotors and nozzles, the essence of their work does not change. Based on these parameters, it is still better to assemble a heat generator on your own of the vortex type. How to do this will be discussed below.

Equipment and principle of operation

The simplest design is a device consisting of the following elements:

  1. Rotor made of carbon steel;
  2. Stator (welded or monolithic);
  3. Pressure sleeve with internal diameter 28 mm;
  4. Steel ring.

Let us consider the principle of operation of the generator using the example of a cavitation model. In it, water enters the cavitator, after which it is spun by the engine. During operation of the unit, air bubbles in the coolant collapse. In this case, the liquid entering the cavitator heats up.

To work with a device assembled with your own hands, using drawings of a device found on the Internet, you should remember that it requires energy, which is spent on overcoming the friction force in the device, generating sound vibrations, and heating the liquid. In addition, the device has almost 100% efficiency.

Tools required to assemble the unit

It is impossible to assemble such a unit from scratch yourself, since its manufacture will require the use of technological equipment, who has home handyman simply no. Therefore, they usually assemble only an assembly with their own hands, which in some way repeats. It is called the Potapov device.

However, even to assemble this device you need the following equipment:

  1. Drill and a set of drills for it;
  2. Welding machine;
  3. Grinding machine;
  4. Keys;
  5. Fasteners;
  6. Primer and paint brush.

In addition, you will need to purchase a motor operating from a 220 V network and a fixed base for installing the device itself on it.

Generator manufacturing stages

Assembly of the device begins with connecting a mixing pipe to the pump, the desired pressure type. It is connected using a special flange. There is a hole in the center of the bottom of the pipe through which hot water will be discharged. To control its flow, a braking device is used. It is located in front of the bottom.

But since the system also circulates cold water, then its flow must also be regulated. For this purpose, a disk rectifier is used. When the liquid cools, it is directed to the hot end, where it is mixed with the heated coolant in a special mixer.

Next, they move on to assembling the structure of the vortex heat generator with their own hands. For this I use grinder cut angles from which the main structure is assembled. How to do this can be seen in the drawing below.

There are two ways to assemble the structure:

  • Using bolts and nuts;
  • Using a welding machine.

In the first case, get ready for the fact that you will have to make holes for fasteners. For this you need a drill. During the assembly process, it is necessary to take into account all dimensions - this will help to obtain a unit with the specified parameters.

The very first stage is the creation of a frame on which the engine is installed. It is assembled from iron corners. The dimensions of the structure depend on the size of the engine. They may differ and are selected for a specific device.

To secure the engine to the assembled frame, you will need another square. It will act as a cross member in the structure. When choosing an engine, experts recommend paying attention to its power. The amount of coolant to be heated depends on this parameter.

Let's watch the video, the stages of assembling the heat generator:

The last stage of assembly is painting the frame and preparing holes for installing the unit. But before you begin installing the pump, you should calculate its power. Otherwise, the engine may not be able to start the unit.

After all the components are prepared, the pump is connected to the hole from which water flows under pressure and the unit is ready for operation. Now, using the second pipe, it is connected to the heating system.

This model is one of the simplest. But if there is a desire to regulate the temperature of the coolant, then install a locking device. Electronic monitoring devices can also be used, but it should be borne in mind that they are quite expensive.

The device is connected to the system as follows. First, it is connected to the hole through which water flows. She is under pressure. The second pipe is used for direct connection to the heating system. To change the temperature of the coolant, there is a locking device behind the pipe. When it is closed, the temperature in the system gradually increases.

Additional nodes can also be used. However, the cost of such equipment is quite high.

Watch the video, the design after manufacturing:

The housing of the future generator can be welded. And any turner will turn the parts for it according to your drawings. It is usually shaped like a cylinder, closed on both sides. On the sides of the body there are through holes. They are needed to connect the unit to the heating system. A jet is placed inside the housing.

The outer cover of the generator is usually made of steel. Then holes are made in it for bolts and a central one, to which a fitting for supplying liquid is subsequently welded.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult about assembling a heat generator with your own hands using wood. But in reality this task is not so easy. Of course, if you don’t rush and study the issue well, you can cope. But the dimensional accuracy of the machined parts is very important. AND special attention requires the manufacture of a rotor. Indeed, if it is machined incorrectly, the unit will begin to work with high level vibration, which will negatively affect all parts. But the bearings suffer the most in such a situation. They will break very quickly.

Only a properly assembled heat generator will work efficiently. Moreover, its efficiency can reach 93%. That's why experts advise.

A bunch of useful inventions remained unclaimed. This happens due to human laziness or fear of the unknown. One of these discoveries for a long time was the vortex heat generator. Now, against the backdrop of total resource savings and the desire to use environmentally friendly energy sources, heat generators have begun to be used in practice for heating a home or office. What is it? A device that was previously developed only in laboratories, or a new word in thermal power engineering.

Heating system with vortex heat generator

Operating principle

The basis of the operation of heat generators is the conversion of mechanical energy into kinetic energy, and then into thermal energy.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Joseph Rank discovered the separation of a vortex air stream into cold and hot fractions. In the middle of the last century, the German inventor Hilsham modernized the vortex tube device. After a little time, the Russian scientist A. Merkulov put water into the Ranke pipe instead of air. At the outlet, the water temperature increased significantly. It is this principle that underlies the operation of all heat generators.

Passing through a water vortex, water forms many air bubbles. Under the influence of liquid pressure, the bubbles are destroyed. As a result, some part of the energy is released. The water is heating up. This process is called cavitation. The operation of all vortex heat generators is calculated based on the principle of cavitation. This type of generator is called “cavitation”.

Types of heat generators

All heat generators are divided into two main types:

  1. Rotary. A heat generator in which a vortex flow is created using a rotor.
  2. Static. In these types, a water vortex is created using special cavitation tubes. Water pressure is produced by a centrifugal pump.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be discussed in more detail.

Rotary heat generator

The stator in this device is the housing of a centrifugal pump.

Rotors can be different. There are many schemes and instructions for their implementation on the Internet. Heat generators are more of a scientific experiment, constantly under development.

Rotary generator design

The body is a hollow cylinder. The distance between the body and the rotating part is calculated individually (1.5-2 mm).

Heating of the medium occurs due to its friction with the housing and rotor. This is helped by bubbles that are formed due to cavitation of water in the rotor cells. The performance of such devices is 30% higher than static ones. The installations are quite noisy. They have increased wear of parts due to constant exposure to an aggressive environment. Constant monitoring is required: over the condition of oil seals, seals, etc. This significantly complicates and increases the cost of maintenance. They are rarely used to install heating at home; they have found a slightly different application - heating large production premises.

Industrial cavitator model

Static heat generator

The main advantage of these installations is that nothing rotates in them. Electricity is spent only on operating the pump. Cavitation occurs through natural physical processes in water.

The efficiency of such installations sometimes exceeds 100%. The medium for generators can be liquid, compressed gas, antifreeze, antifreeze.

The difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures can reach 100⁰С. When working with compressed gas, it is blown tangentially into the vortex chamber. He speeds up in it. When creating a vortex, hot air passes through a conical funnel, and cold air returns. Temperatures can reach 200⁰С.


  1. Can provide a large temperature difference between the hot and cold ends, operate at low pressure.
  2. Efficiency is not lower than 90%.
  3. Never overheats.
  4. Fire- and explosion-proof. Can be used in explosive environments.
  5. Provides fast and efficient heating of the entire system.
  6. Can be used for both heating and cooling.

Currently not used often enough. They use a cavitation heat generator to reduce the cost of heating a home or industrial premises, if available. compressed air. The disadvantage remains the rather high cost of the equipment.

Potapov heat generator

Popular and more studied is the invention of the Potapov heat generator. It is considered a static device.

The pressure force in the system is created by a centrifugal pump. A stream of water is supplied with high pressure into the snail. The liquid begins to heat up due to rotation along the curved channel. She falls into the vortex tube. The pipe footage should be tens of times greater than the width.

Generator device diagram

  1. Pipe branch
  2. Snail.
  3. Vortex tube.
  4. Top brake.
  5. Water straightener.
  6. Coupling.
  7. Lower brake ring.
  8. Bypass.
  9. Branch line.

Water passes through a helical spiral located along the walls. Next, a braking device was installed to remove the part hot water. The jet is slightly leveled by plates attached to the sleeve. Inside there is an empty space connected to another braking device.

Water with high temperature rises, and a cold vortex flow of liquid descends through the internal space. The cold flow comes into contact with the hot flow through the plates on the sleeve and heats up.

Warm water descends to the lower brake ring and is further heated due to cavitation. The heated flow from the lower braking device passes through the bypass into the outlet pipe.

The upper brake ring has a passage whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the vortex tube. Thanks to it, hot water can enter the pipe. Mixing of hot and warm flow occurs. Then the water is used for its intended purpose. Usually for heating premises or domestic needs. The return is connected to the pump. The pipe goes to the entrance to the heating system of the house.

To install a Potapov heat generator, diagonal wiring is required. Hot coolant must be supplied to the upper passage of the battery, and cold coolant will come out of the lower passage.

Potapov's own generator

There are many industrial generator models. For experienced craftsman It’s not difficult to make a vortex heat generator with your own hands:

  1. The entire system must be securely fastened. Using corners, a frame is made. Welding or bolting can be used. The main thing is that the structure is durable.
  2. An electric motor is mounted on the frame. It is selected according to the area of ​​the room, external conditions and the available voltage.
  3. The water pump is mounted on the frame. When choosing it, take into account:
  • a centrifugal pump is required;
  • the engine has enough strength to spin it up;
  • the pump must withstand liquid of any temperature.
  1. The pump is connected to the engine.
  2. A cylinder 500-600 mm long is made from a thick pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.
  3. It is necessary to make two covers from thick flat metal:
  • one must have a hole for the pipe;
  • the second under the jet. A chamfer is made on the edge. It turns out to be a nozzle.
  1. It is better to attach the covers to the cylinder with a threaded connection.
  2. The jet is located inside. Its diameter should be half less than ¼ of the diameter of the cylinder.

A very small hole will lead to overheating of the pump and rapid wear of parts.

  1. The nozzle side pipe is connected to the pump supply. The second is connected to the top point of the heating system. The cooled water from the system is connected to the pump inlet.
  2. Water under pressure from the pump is supplied to the nozzle. In the heat generator chamber, its temperature increases due to vortex flows. Then it is supplied to the heating.

Cavitation generator circuit

  1. Jet.
  2. Electric motor shaft.
  3. Vortex tube.
  4. Inlet nozzle.
  5. Outlet pipe.
  6. Vortex damper.

To regulate the temperature, a valve is placed behind the pipe. The less it is open, the longer water in the cavitator, and the higher its temperature.

When water passes through the nozzle, a strong pressure is obtained. He hits the opposite wall and spins due to this. By placing an additional obstacle in the middle of the flow, you can achieve greater returns.

Vortex damper

The work of the vortex damper is based on this:

  1. Two rings are made, width 4-5 cm, diameter slightly smaller than the cylinder.
  2. 6 plates ¼ length of the generator body are cut out of thick metal. The width depends on the diameter and is selected individually.
  3. The plates are fixed inside the rings opposite each other.
  4. The damper is inserted opposite the nozzle.

Development of generators continues. To increase performance, you can experiment with the damper.

As a result of work, heat loss occurs into the atmosphere. To eliminate them, you can make thermal insulation. First it is made of metal, and then sheathed on top with any insulating material. The main thing is that it can withstand boiling temperature.

To facilitate commissioning and maintenance of the Potapov generator, you must:

  • paint all metal surfaces;
  • make all parts from thick metal, so the heat generator will last longer;
  • During assembly, it makes sense to make several covers with different hole diameters. is selected empirically best option for this system;
  • Before connecting consumers, having looped the generator, it is necessary to check its tightness and performance.

Hydrodynamic circuit

For correct installation A vortex heat generator requires a hydrodynamic circuit.

Circuit connection diagram

To make it you need:

  • output pressure gauge, for measuring the pressure at the outlet of the cavitator;
  • thermometers for measuring temperature before and after the heat generator;
  • relief valve for removing air pockets;
  • inlet and outlet taps;
  • inlet pressure gauge to control pump pressure.

The hydrodynamic circuit will simplify maintenance and monitoring of the system.

If you have a single-phase network, you can use a frequency converter. This will allow you to increase the pump rotation speed and select the correct one.

A vortex heat generator is used to heat a house and supply hot water. It has a number of advantages over other heaters:

  • installation of a heat generator does not require permits;
  • The cavitator operates autonomously and does not require constant monitoring;
  • is an environmentally friendly source of energy and has no harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • complete fire, - and explosion safety;
  • less electricity consumption. Undeniable efficiency, efficiency approaches 100%;
  • the water in the system does not form scale, no additional water treatment is required;
  • can be used both for heating and for supplying hot water;
  • takes up little space and is easily installed in any network.

Taking all this into account, the cavitation generator is becoming more in demand on the market. Such equipment is successfully used for heating residential and office premises.

Video. DIY vortex heat generator.

The production of such generators is being established. Modern industry offers rotary and static generators. They are equipped with control devices and protection sensors. You can choose a generator to install heating for rooms of any size.

Scientific laboratories and craftsmen continue experiments to improve heat generators. Perhaps soon the vortex heat generator will take its rightful place among heating devices.