Discharge from the genital tract in men. Pregnancy from male lubricant White liquid is released from the head when aroused

Discharge from the urethra, which men notice during sexual arousal, is a normal physiological phenomenon. It is provided by nature itself to moisturize the mucous membranes of the genital organ. However, it is important to pay attention to the color of the discharge during an erection. If they are transparent, then this is considered an indicator of health. In the case of a change in color and consistency and the occurrence of pain, we have to talk about pathological changes and the presence of infections.

The state of health of the genitourinary system can be judged by the external signs of discharge. The initial change in their characteristics determines the degree of pathological processes occurring in the body. A man can identify all the signs on his own and seek medical help in time.

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general characteristics

Discharge in men is different and depends on individual characteristics. For some they are abundant and occur regularly, for others they are scanty or not noticed at all. In any case, if a man is healthy, when aroused, a clear liquid is released from the penis, which is absolutely normal and is not a sign of any abnormalities.

The medical name for the secretion released during erection is urethrorrhea. The fluid that appears from the urethral canal before sexual intercourse or just before ejaculation is called pre-ejaculate. This mucus performs a necessary function - it neutralizes the acidic environment in the vagina, which is harmful to sperm. This prepares the necessary environment for fertilization of the egg.

Pre-ejaculate contains active sperm, and even after shallow penetration, fertilization of the egg can occur.

The secretion of secretory fluid occurs not only before sexual intercourse, but also in the morning, which is associated with an increase in the level of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Spontaneous ejaculation, or wet dream, most often occurs in adolescents as they grow up and in men who have not had sex for a long time.

Minor clear discharge in men comes out during bowel movements. This phenomenon is called defecatory prostatorrhea and occurs due to severe tension in the abdominal muscles.

Discharges natural to the body:

  • smegma is a product of the sebaceous glands, produced constantly, localized under the skin of the foreskin. During hygiene procedures, it is washed off, otherwise its excessive accumulation becomes a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora, which provokes inflammatory processes;
  • sperm - consists of sperm produced by the gonads. Begins to be released during ejaculation during sexual discharge. The ejaculate is white, viscous and thick. The absence of ejaculation during sexual intercourse or, conversely, spontaneous emission of semen without any impact indicates diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Pathological discharge

The male reproductive system is a complex mechanism, an important part of which is discharge during erection, which in turn is divided into two types: physiological and pathological. If the former are considered the norm, and the patient does not need medical intervention, then the latter require close attention and urgent measures to avoid irreversible consequences.

Discharges of a pathological nature can be of infectious or non-infectious origin. The first are divided into specific, which are caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and non-specific, which occur when exposed to harmful microorganisms and bacteria. These include chlamydia, ureaplasma candidiasis, herpes and others.

Non-infectious causes include allergies, trauma to the mucous membrane of the urethral canal, as well as narrowing of the ureter as a result of exposure to chemicals.

Such urethral discharge appears with constant frequency and differs in the following characteristics:

  • volume - a lot or drop by drop;
  • external manifestations - color ranges from whitish to dirty yellow or greenish; instead of transparency they become cloudy;
  • impurities - blood streaks, purulent inclusions, mucus clots;
  • consistency - thin or, conversely, too thick;
  • smell – unpleasant putrefactive or sour.

Depending on the state of the male immune system, existing diseases and the type of infectious agent, the discharge will be different, which helps determine its nature.

White discharge

The main reason for the appearance of white discharge in men is candidal urethritis, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. a sour, yeast-like odor coming from the urethra;
  2. leucorrhea of ​​a curdled consistency covering the head of the penis;
  3. pain in the groin and shaft of the genital organ, accompanied by itching;
  4. discharge when urinating;
  5. irritation in the form of red spots;
  6. pain during intercourse.

The indicated discharge can be observed in mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and chronic prostatitis, which are characterized by a false urge to go to the toilet, incomplete evacuation accompanied by a burning sensation, decreased libido and potency.

Advanced inflammation in the prostate most often causes not only sexual dysfunction, but also the inability to have offspring.

Purulent discharge

They consist of mucus, dead particles of epithelium and leukocytes, and are characterized by a yellow or yellow-green tint, which indicates the presence of diseases:

  • gonorrhea - characterized by a viscous, foul-smelling discharge that does not stop throughout the day, a burning sensation in the urethra after urination;
  • trichomoniasis - at the initial stage it occurs without significant symptoms, except for the appearance of yellow discharge. As the infection progresses, the pus-like mucus causes inflammation in the genital area.

Characteristic smell

The unpleasant smell of discharge during an erection is explained by an infection that affects the genitourinary organs. Neglect of hygiene procedures should not be ruled out. Smegma, accumulating, becomes a favorable environment for harmful bacteria. Their rapid reproduction leads to inflammation of the head of the male organ and the skin under the frenulum, causing a pungent odor.

The same manifestations are observed in men suffering from diabetes and metabolic disorders.

Bloody issues

Traces of blood in the seminal fluid, which is released in the form of red threads, are a sign of an infectious lesion of the pelvic organs. The volume of discharge depends on the duration of the disease. Over a long period, the mucous layer is destroyed, exposing small capillaries, which begin to bleed at the slightest impact.

There are also other reasons:

  • medical procedures - taking a smear from the urethra, installing or removing a catheter;
  • kidney sand or stones - when they pass through the urethra, it is damaged, blood mixes with urine;
  • oncopathology - blood inclusions appear in cancer of the testicles, testes and prostate gland.

It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on external signs of discharge. If you suspect a pathology, you need to undergo an examination, after which, based on the results obtained, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment. Then it will be possible to preserve men’s health and avoid irreversible consequences.

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1 What is normal male discharge?

Normal physiological discharge from the penis in men is observed in the following situations:

  1. During sexual arousal (erection). Clear mucus comes out of the urethra, which is secreted by the Cooper or bulbourethral gland. The secretion of the glands is intended to lubricate the urethra before the release of sperm and accelerate the movement of sperm.
  2. When ejaculating during sexual intercourse or masturbation. This category also includes emission - the involuntary release of sperm at night. Such transparent discharge begins during puberty in young men, when they experience dreams of a sexual nature. In adult men, wet dreams occur when abstaining from sexual relations for a long time.
  3. When straining during bowel movements. Increased intra-abdominal pressure can lead to the discharge of viscous mucus with grayish streaks from the urethra. This is the so-called defecatory prostatorrhea. A similar phenomenon occurs at the end of urination, it is called voiding prostatorrhea. Rarely, after a coughing attack, slight discharge of the secretions of the seminal vesicles and prostate gland may remain on the underwear.

All types of discharge described are insignificant in volume and should not be of a daily nature. Normally, the opening of the urethra is always dry and clean.

2 When should you start worrying?

Every healthy adult man knows what discharge from his penis looks like. If he notices a change in smell, color, consistency or amount of fluid, he needs to go to the urologist. Checking your body's condition won't hurt, even if you're completely healthy. Constant thoughts about possible problems and diseases of the genital area not only distract from work, but also interfere with concentration during sex. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system are not always accompanied by additional symptoms: pain and burning when urinating, pain in the groin, weakness and discomfort. Often, at the beginning of the disease, only discharge appears.

How to check?

  1. First, pay attention to whether there are light spots on your underwear.
  2. Most often, discharge accumulates at night, when a man sleeps and does not go to the toilet. If the urethra is crusty or stuck together, it means there is discharge.
  3. To make sure, you can press on the urethra, then the accumulated secretion will come closer to the opening.
  4. If you notice cloudy droplets in the urethra and experience pain when urinating, then you need to go to the doctor and get tested.
  5. Sometimes discharge can be observed only after drinking alcohol, spicy and very salty foods. These factors reduce immunity, so low-grade inflammation intensifies and manifests itself as discharge.
  6. It is not easy to detect scanty discharge, because not all men put pressure on the urethra in the morning and see whether something comes out or not. Doubts appear after casual sexual relations or when itching, pain, or cutting occurs when urinating. To make sure, try releasing your first morning urine stream into a clear glass. See if there are any floating threads or flakes that have been washed away by the stream.

3 Common causes of the problem

The most common cause of discharge is inflammation of the urethra (urethritis). The inflamed mucous membrane secretes more leukocytes and mucus in order to neutralize the effect of microbes as much as possible and quickly remove them from the body.

  1. Specific infectious diseases - sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia).
  2. Nonspecific, when pathological growth of opportunistic microorganisms begins, which in normal times peacefully coexist with normal flora (candidiasis, gardnerellosis and others).

Inflammation can begin after damage to the urethra during the collection of a sample for analysis or when exposed to corrosive chemicals and salt crystals from the urine. Irritation of the urethra with food (mustard, sauerkraut, vinegar and beer) can also provoke discharge.

A more serious cause of fluid dripping from the urethra may be cancer of the penis or urethra. Due to erosions, ulcers and areas of necrosis of urethral tissue, inflammation and pathological production of mucus begins, sometimes mixed with blood.

4 What color is the discharge?

To make a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor may inquire about the color, transparency, quantity and consistency of the discharge. These characteristics express the cause, intensity and stage of the inflammatory process.

The discharge consists of fluid, mucus and various cells. The abundance of dead epithelial cells gives the discharge a cloudy gray tint and a thick consistency. Greenish and yellow discharge acquires color due to a large number of dead white blood cells, designed to fight infection. Thick or dense white discharge occurs with thrush. With the same disease, as the condition worsens and the inflammatory process intensifies, the color and consistency of the discharge may change.

With STDs, men most often experience unusual discharge. For example, the chronic form of chlamydial, mycoplasma or ureaplasma infection is characterized by light, viscous transparent discharge. Moreover, the number of leukocytes does not exceed the norm. In the acute course of these diseases or during exacerbation, translucent mucopurulent discharge of a yellowish or white color is observed, accumulating on the head of the penis.

With gonorrhea, thick and sticky purulent yellow discharge has an unpleasant putrid odor. In some cases, the liquid takes on a greenish tint. Analyzes reveal a large number of leukocytes and epithelial cells. Gonorrheal urethritis is also accompanied by itching, pain and burning, which intensifies with urination.

White discharge in men occurs with candidiasis. They occur against the background of decreased immunity in everyday life, as well as after suffering a serious illness, antibiotic therapy or cancer treatment. With gardnerellosis, a small amount of white liquid is released from the urethra or light yellow discharge occurs.

Please note that it is not possible to identify the disease only by the color, quantity, consistency and smell of the discharge. Frequent use of antibiotics and other drugs leads to modifications of bacteria, so the diseases they cause do not always have the described features and manifestations. The doctor can use the patient’s complaints for preliminary diagnosis, but the development of a treatment regimen should be based on the test results.

5 Diagnosis and treatment

At the first symptoms, you need to go to a urologist or andrologist. He will conduct an external examination of the genitals and take a smear of discharge for microscopic analysis. In the laboratory, at high magnification under a microscope, epithelial cells, mucus, yeast, gonococci, gardnerella, trichomonas and other microorganisms can be detected. To identify coccal flora (streptococci, staphylococci and others), they resort to culturing the secretions on an artificial nutrient medium, and after a few days they determine which bacteria have grown.

There may be no bacteria in the smears, but an increased number of white blood cells indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In this case, it is necessary to do a blood test to detect sexually transmitted infections (herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea and others).

Pre-treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is started only in patients with acute symptoms (fever, abdominal pain and symptoms of intoxication). After receiving the test results, the patient is prescribed individual therapy aimed at getting rid of the microbes he has.

Quite often, immediately after blood, urine and smear tests, an instrumental examination of the patient is carried out - an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, bladder and genitals. To better examine the condition of the prostate gland, men undergo TRUS - transrectal ultrasound examination of the prostate gland using a probe inserted into the rectum.

Inflammation can not only affect the urethra and prostate, but also spread to the bladder and kidneys. In this case, an ultrasound scan is used to check whether there are stones in the kidneys to rule out inflammation caused by the passage of stones and sand through the urethra. Complex therapy may include not only systemic drugs, ointments for topical use, but also physiotherapeutic treatment.

When a man notices yellow, green or white discharge, he should immediately go to the doctor. Constraints and delays in getting tests and treatment worsen the situation; as a result, the infection from the urethra spreads to the prostate, bladder and kidneys. The more organs are involved in the pathology, the more difficult it is to recover.

And a little about secrets.

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  • Erection problems

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Therefore, doctors believe that the external urethral meatus in healthy men should always remain dry and clean. As soon as the discharge changes in quantity, consistency, color or smell, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis.

Of course, if their urethra secretes fluid or mucus throughout the day and in large quantities, then the man will notice it very quickly.

Discharge in men

In urology and venereology, discharge is one of the most obvious, important and first symptoms of the disease. The turbidity of the discharge depends on how many cells it contains.

Although doctors can immediately guess the cause of the discharge, they will never be able to make a diagnosis based on an external examination. It is necessary to analyze the secretions, examine them under a microscope, and culture them on a nutrient medium. The color, smell, quantity and consistency may be the same for different diseases.

If doctors determine that the cause of the discharge is a sexually transmitted disease, then treatment should apply to both partners (if the man has a regular sexual partner). Also, discharge can be considered the process of ejaculation of sperm (ejaculation), which occurs spontaneously without the influence of accompanying factors (wet dreams).

Discharge from the penis in men

Such discharge consists of a mixture of secretions from the prostate glands and seminal vesicles. Due to the influence of pathological factors of various etiologies, damage to the urethra occurs, accompanied by discharge.

Normal urethral discharge in men

They are a translucent milky-white liquid. The appearance of such discharge is one of the fundamental symptoms for diagnosing non-gonococcal urethritis. And here we talk in detail about ureaplasmosis in men.

The purulent discharge includes urethral mucus and cells of the damaged epithelium of the genitourinary canal. The appearance of drops of such discharge is one of the main symptoms for diagnosing urethritis of gonococcal etiology.

The appearance of white discharge with a curd-like consistency from the penis is most often characteristic of male candidiasis (thrush). Infecting a healthy man with candidiasis through sexual contact is almost impossible. Read a detailed article about thrush in men.

White discharge with a foamy consistency appears with trichomoniasis, which ranks first in prevalence among STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Another reason for white discharge from the urethra may be the chronic form of prostatitis.

Discharge from the urethra of various types should be a reason for the patient to consult a doctor. They can also become symptoms for making a preliminary diagnosis of the disease. I know that this is nothing terrible, but it’s still not convenient in front of the girls, they get into their pants, and all their panties are wet and they get a little scared, I would like to get rid of the discharge!

Discharge in men is the appearance of mucus or liquid of various colors from the external opening of the urethra. Almost always, when discharge appears, it is better to consult a doctor for diagnosis.

Is it possible to judge the cause of the disease by the nature of the discharge?

You need to be especially wary in cases where the discharge has a color other than transparent.

What does white discharge in men mean?

Discharge may occur without any discomfort in the urethra, but may also be accompanied by pain during urination and discomfort.

However, such an obvious nature of the discharge does not occur very often. A much more common situation is when discharge in men appears only in the morning or after a long break in urination.

If the discharge is scanty, it is difficult to notice it. First of all, because rarely do any men have the habit of pressing on the urethra in the morning and checking to see if any discharge has appeared there. Threads and flakes in the first portion of urine appear when there is discharge in the urethra, which is washed away with a stream.

White discharge in men is a common occurrence. Discharge from the urethra in men is not always a sign of any inflammatory processes.

See also


Discharge from the genital organs can bother not only girls, but also men. Males have normal discharge that is odorless. Their source is the urethra. In women, the discharge is called leucorrhoea. If you notice unhealthy discharge, immediately go to an in-person appointment with a urologist.

Normal or pathological?

The urethra is the male urethra. From there, discharge appears from time to time. There is such a thing as urethrorrhea. It can be physiological or libidinal. A transparent discharge appears from the urethral outlet. This happens in the morning, immediately upon awakening, or when a man is sexually aroused.

Urethrorrhea can be more or less pronounced. The lubricant that is released during arousal contains sperm. Therefore, if you do not want to have children yet, you should protect yourself even during foreplay with the genitals. Discharge in men helps sperm pass through the urethra and into and past the partner's vagina. After all, the environment there is acidic, and this is harmful to the life of sperm.

Defecatory prostatorrhea may be the second cause of discharge in boys and men. When a person pushes, a discharge appears on the head of the penis that is odorless and colorless. They may sometimes contain white-gray inclusions. Their consistency is viscous. This is discharge from the prostate and seminal vesicles. It may appear when emptying the bladder is completed. This is then called voiding prostatorrhea. In extremely rare cases, a man notices such discharge after coughing. This is not a disease, but a disorder that can be cured.

The next type of discharge from the male genital organs is smegma. It includes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the head of the penis and the foreskin. If a man washes, changes his underwear and does not wear other people's underwear, then these secretions will be washed off. And no attention will be focused on them. If hygiene is not so good, a fairly large amount of smegma may accumulate. Pathological flora will multiply and develop there, so the genitals and underwear will smell unpleasant.


Sperm is a secretion containing many sperm cells (spermatozoa). Sperm is released during ejaculation, that is, at the moment of peak pleasure during sexual intercourse of a different nature. Also, in a dream, men and boys sometimes have wet dreams, then sperm is also released from the penis.

Wet dreams occur mainly during puberty. This is 2-5 cases per month. But with changes in the balance of hormones, there may be wet dreams even several times a week. If sperm flows out of the penis at a time other than orgasm, it is called “spermatorrhoea.” This is a disease caused by impaired muscle tone in the vas deferens. This mainly happens with diseases of the brain or chronic inflammation in the ducts.

Pathological discharge

The physiological discharge that normally occurs in boys and men is described above. Here we will look at discharge that is associated with health problems. Mostly, pathological discharge from the urethra worries men with urethritis. This is an inflammatory process that develops in the urethra. Urethritis can be caused by infection or non-infectious factors.

The infection can be either specific or nonspecific. Specific is mainly trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. A nonspecific urethritis can be triggered by the following pathogens:

Non-infectious causes of urethritis and associated genital discharge:

  • trauma, narrowing of the urethra
  • irritation by chemical factors
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane
  • influence of allergens

Discharge from the genital tract in males can vary in color and transparency. It depends on how active the inflammation is, at what stage it is, and what flora is causing it. Discharge from the penis includes: :

  • slime
  • liquid
  • cells of various origins

If there is a lot of the last named component, then the discharge becomes cloudy, which can be visually observed by the man himself. If epithelial cells appear in the discharge in large numbers, the discharge thickens and acquires a gray tint.

If you find yourself yellow-green, greenish or yellowish discharge. Most likely, they contain a lot of leukocytes. This means that the discharge contains purulent masses, which are a consequence of the inflammatory process. With the same disease, discharge can be of different thickness, quantity and nature. For example, at the beginning of the disease they may be thicker, and then gradually become more and more liquid. This is such an individual process that during an examination the doctor will not be able to determine your disease, and you will need to undergo a series of tests.

White discharge in men can have different causes. The first thing that doctors assume is the proliferation of Candida fungus. The disease is called, accordingly, candidiasis. You've probably heard that women get thrush. It happens in men too, but mostly occurs in a hidden form. But in rare cases, white discharge from the genitals may occur.

  • white coating on the head of the penis
  • the head of the penis has an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of yeast or sour bread
  • There are unpleasant sensations on the penis and perineum: burning, itching, sometimes pain
  • more discharge when emptying the bladder
  • reddish spots on the tip of the penis and inside the foreskin
  • white discharge at times other than urination
  • pain during sex (on the head and foreskin)
  • sexual partner (wife, girlfriend) complains of discomfort, including pain during coitus
  • The partner develops white discharge with a cheesy consistency

The second possible cause of white discharge in men is ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. This may also be inflammation of the prostate gland, the symptoms of which are:

  • frequent urge to urinate
  • discomfort during bowel movements
  • burning in the perineum and urethra
  • intermittent and difficult emptying of the bladder
  • sexual disorders

If prostatitis is not treated. then the erection will disappear, and it will also be impossible to conceive a child in the future (diagnosis: male infertility). Therefore, if one or more of the above symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.

There may also be clear discharge from male penis. The main reason: urethritis caused by ureaplasma or chlamydia, occurring in a chronic form. When the inflammation process worsens, more leukocytes are released and die (which form the basis of pus, which has a yellow or green tint).

Gonorrhea and trichomoniasis cause in some cases heavy, clear discharge. They have a lot of mucus. They are released both in the morning, during the day or in the evening. Also, clear discharge in large quantities may occur at the onset of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. If a man ureaplasmosis or chlamydia infection. then there may be no unpleasant sensations at all, and discharge begins only if you do not go to the toilet for a long time.

Yellow discharge is purulent. They contain the epithelium of the urethra, which has been exfoliated. There is also an increased number of leukocytes and urethral mucus, which gives the discharge a specific shade. You should immediately be alerted if greenish or yellow discharge appears. Most likely, you have a sexually transmitted disease (one of the ones mentioned above or others, there can be many variations, a combined infection is also possible, that is, caused by several pathogens at once).

With gonorrhea (one of the sexually transmitted diseases), the discharge has a thick consistency. They smell unpleasant, reminiscent of rot. Can be at any time of the day. Also a characteristic accompanying symptom is pain when going to the toilet for a little while. Discharge and itching in most cases indicate gonorrhea, but you need to get tested to get an accurate diagnosis.

Trichomoniasis can cause yellow discharge in men. But in most cases, the disease has a latent course, that is, there will be no symptoms. If you still have symptoms, they will include the following:

  • discomfort in the perineum
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • frequent and irresistible urge to urinate
  • burning and stinging when urinating

Discharge with odor

The first possible reason (and the most harmless) is poor hygiene. As mentioned above, smegma is normal (not indicating illness) male discharge. If you do not wash regularly, at least once a day, then smegma accumulates, bacteria multiply in it, causing not very pleasant odors. These odors may differ for different men.

If you follow good hygiene rules and still have an unpleasant odor, your doctor may suspect a metabolic disorder. In such cases, the most common cause is diabetes. Smegma will be released in quite large quantities, so the laundry will be wet.

Infections are also the cause of odor-bearing discharge in men. The pathological process mainly occurs in the urethra. Your doctor may suspect urethritis due to a gonorrheal infection. The nature of the discharge is described above. If the discharge from the penis in men smells sour, urogenital candidiasis is most likely developing.

If the discharge from the genitals smells like fish, most likely the man has gardnerellosis. The same pathogen causes a disease in women called bacterial vaginosis. But these are very rare cases; in women the disease occurs much more often. Gardnerella is an opportunistic flora. It multiplies when the body is exposed to certain factors. Factors for the development of gardnerellosis:

  • promiscuity
  • tight synthetic underwear (made from non-natural materials)
  • long courses of antibacterial drugs or immunosuppressants
  • condoms with spermicide
  • intestinal dysbiosis
  • inflammation of the genitourinary organs
  • decreased immunity

Discharge with an odor in men can be caused by balanoposthitis or balanitis. These are inflammatory pathologies. There will also be redness, itching and pain in the penis, and ulcers and wrinkling can be seen on the glans.

Bloody discharge in men

The main reason is infections. The discharge can be completely bloody or include streaks of blood. If the infection multiplies in the urethra, then you will notice such a symptom, but not necessarily. Urethritis is mainly caused in such cases by candida, trichomonas or gonorrheal infection. The stronger the inflammation, the more blood is released.

Blood can be due to chronic inflammation of the urethra. The essence of the process is that the mucous layer of the urethra becomes loose. If an irritant acts, the membrane is damaged and blood begins to be released. Even urination can be an irritant.

Probable reason number two is medical procedures performed carelessly. The urethra is injured, which is why blood is released. Procedures that may cause damage to the urethra:

  • catheter installation
  • catheter removal
  • bougienage
  • taking a smear
  • cystoscopy

The discharge with blood is immediate. It should be noted that in this case the blood is scarlet, without clots, and quickly stops.

The passage of stones and sand is the next cause of bloody discharge from the penis. They are secreted from the kidneys or bladder and pass through the urethra. Microliths are hard, they injure the mucous membrane and the walls of blood vessels, which becomes the direct cause of bleeding. Pain also occurs.

Glomerulonephritis also provokes in some cases discharge with blood inclusions. Blood in the urine that a man sees when he goes to the toilet is called gross hematuria. Then symptoms such as increased blood pressure and swelling develop in parallel.

There may also be an even more serious cause of bloody discharge in boys and men - cancer. Malignant tumors can be of the following organs:

  • testes
  • penis
  • prostate gland, etc.

The blood will then be brown or dark, and blood clots will be present in the discharge.

Discharge of blood with sperm

Such discharge is called “hematospermia”. It can be true or false. If hematospermia is false, then the blood mixes with the sperm as it passes through the urethra. If this pathology is true, then the blood mixes with sperm before passing through the urethra.

Hematospermia is manifested by the following signs (clinical picture):

  • urinary disorders
  • pain during ejaculation
  • discomfort and pain in the lower back
  • pain and/or swelling in the genitals
  • high body temperature

Causes of blood discharge with semen:

  • long-term sexual abstinence
  • overly active sex life (during coitus, the walls of blood vessels rupture)
  • varicose veins of the pelvic organs
  • stones in the testes and vas deferens
  • malignant and benign formations in the genitourinary organs
  • biopsy
  • genital surgery

If you notice discharge from your genitals that does not go away within a day or two, immediately go for an in-person consultation with an experienced doctor. If discharge appears after unprotected sexual intercourse, there is no need to sound the alarm, but you need to go to the doctor and get tested as quickly as possible. Health to you and your other halves!


Transparent discharge from the penis, which is observed during an erection, is considered a normal phenomenon in men, as a result of the work of the urethral glands. If itching and white discharge of a foamy or purulent nature occur in men, this indicates some kind of pathological process in the man’s body. The color, smell and consistency of the discharge carries certain information about a hidden illness.

Normal discharge is called leucorrhoea. They come from the urinary tract. This is a natural hydration of the surface of the urethra. The color of normal discharge from the male genital canal should remain transparent. And the consistency of the mucous membrane should remain transparent.

Some discharges occur under certain conditions. For example, with strong arousal, during an erection or at the moment of spontaneous ejaculation. If discharge from the urethra begins to change color or smell, this indicates that the man’s genitourinary system requires treatment.

There are many signs of a disease occurring. They are divided into certain groups, depending on their smell, color and other characteristics.

White discharge with a purulent-mucous consistency

White mucopurulent discharge, which is a mixture containing a certain number of leukocytes, mucus and serous exudate, are the first symptoms inherent in non-gonococcal urethritis. Such manifestations can occur during the progression of ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and other diseases, including mycoplasmosis. More often, during such discharge, no other manifestations are observed, such as pain, pain or itching.

White color with foamy consistency

It happens that a white mixture is released from the penis, which is supplemented with blood. Sometimes veins are identified in the sperm, with further complications in the form of inflammation and pain during urination.

These symptoms are the first signs of trichomoniasis. Additional symptoms of infection, in addition to white discharge, are the following:

  • aching pain in the pelvic area;
  • discomfort in the groin area;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • pain;
  • burning.

White discharge and thrush

White discharge may be associated with signs of thrush in the stronger sex. Other symptoms include:

  • discomfort during urination;
  • itching, burning or redness;
  • white plaque or small rash that appears on the surface of the head;
  • swelling and dry skin of the glans penis.

Sometimes the white discharge turns into a cheesy consistency, which has an unpleasant odor. It is worth noting that during such symptoms there is a certain pain during sexual intercourse.

During thrush in men, the genital organs and skin folds located near the anus are affected. In more advanced forms of thrush, the skin between the fingers or under the armpits is affected.

The disease in question can bring a lot of discomfort in male sexual life. In addition, it is worth remembering that the chronic form of candidiasis provokes inflammation of various organs. If the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Determining the causes of discharge from the penis

The causes of white discharge vary. Only a specialist should search for them, since the symptoms are very similar in completely different diseases.

During the examination of patients who come with complaints, careful examination should be carried out for additional rashes. Specialists will need to examine the lymph nodes; they may be enlarged or show some tenderness. It is important to pay attention to the presence of traces of discharge on your underwear in the morning.

Experts evaluate the discharge that comes from the penis after a light massage. It is carried out after three hours of abstinence from urination.

Studies that men should undergo:

  • urine examination (evening and morning);
  • Ultrasound of bladder tissue;
  • study of urethral discharge;
  • taking smears from the urethra;
  • examination of the prostate condition;

  • carrying out urographic examination;
  • conducting a blood sugar test;
  • blood test (general);
  • performing computed tomography.

It is worth noting that in case of urological inflammations, the main analysis for identifying pathology is urethral smears. They make it possible to obtain more accurate facts related to specific diseases.

Preparatory steps before taking a smear

To make the result of smears more accurate and help the specialist make the correct diagnosis, it is recommended to carry out the correct preparatory work. For three days, before diagnostic work, it is worth avoiding the use of a local antibiotic. And you should also stop using antifungal and antiseptic drugs.

Before the examination, you should refrain from urinating for three hours. If antibacterial therapy was carried out, then smears (for accurate results) should be done after three weeks.

Features of treatment

It is not recommended to try to treat the disease using your own strength, based on the advice of friends, relatives or acquaintances. This often happens when advice is asked from people who have encountered problems and were treated. But it is not a fact that all their actions were correct and no complications arose. There is no need to repeat mistakes, as this threatens your health.

Which doctor is treating you?

With the problems discussed above, you need to seek help from a urologist. The list of studies that are mandatory includes tests for other hidden diseases, except urological ones. The result of treatment depends on the quality of the diagnosis.

If there is a suspicion of a urological disease, then the use of antibiotic and antifungal drugs will be required. Doctors prescribe medications that can boost the patient’s immunity. Modern drugs are used in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes, herbal tinctures, prescription drops or tablets.

If experts have established the cause of the appearance of white discharge, then both the male and female partners will need to be treated, as there is a risk of re-infection from the partner. Before carrying out therapy, it is important to do all the research that is required. Since the treatment will be ineffective. If the diagnosis is incorrect, treatment can harm a man’s body.

Features of some diseases and methods of their transmission

There are different diseases that pose a danger to men at different ages:

  • Chlamydia. This pathological disease refers to infectious diseases that are transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Its causative agent is considered to be chlamydia.
  • Mycoplasmosis. The disease spreads through infectious diseases. The causative agents of the disease in question are microorganisms. They are called mycoplasmas.
  • Ureaplasmosis. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact. Its main pathogens are unicellular microorganisms. They are called ureaplasmas.
  • Trichomonosis. In most cases, white discharge accompanied by a foamy consistency is often evidence of the presence of a disease such as trichomoniasis in the body.


White discharge can be symptoms of very unpleasant and dangerous diseases, including prostatitis. They are accompanied by difficulty during urination.

If white discharge appears in men, then this is a significant reason for concern. If treatment is constantly delayed, urological diseases can develop into more complex forms of illness, including impotence and infertility.

It is impossible to independently diagnose pathology at home. Therefore, it is ineffective to carry out treatment using your own efforts. Most attempts led to distortion of disease symptoms. It is important to contact specialists only.

But before you seek help from a doctor, you should find out what is normal and what should cause alarm.

The appearance of such signs can be caused by various factors.

Normal state of the body

Discharge from the urethra in men can occur due to normal processes occurring in the body. Not every time such discharge can be considered an indicator of a disease. The normal functioning of the body is evidenced by the following discharge in men, the causes of which can be varied:

  1. During sexual arousal, a clear discharge appears on the head of the penis. This is due to the work of the urethral glands, and this phenomenon is aimed at protecting the inner surface of the urethra. In this case, it is worth repeating that this appears during arousal or morning erection.
  2. The appearance of sperm during sexual intercourse or during emission.
  3. The so-called defecatory prostatorrhea is the occurrence of discharge from the opening of the urethra. This is explained by the fact that the prostate fits tightly to the walls of the rectum, so when stool passes, the prostate can be compressed, which causes fluid to appear from the urethra.
  4. A small amount of prostate secretion may also be released during urination, the so-called mictional prostatorrhea.

Discharge from the urethra in men is not always a sign of any inflammatory processes. Such signs are episodic. White discharge does not lead to pain, there are no male disorders, so there is no reason to worry.

What should you be concerned about?

The male body is designed in such a way that any changes in its functioning are immediately visible to men. As soon as such discharge from the urethra becomes a frequent occurrence, it changes its color and consistency, you should consult a doctor. It should also be said about the signs:

  1. The discharge in men that appears from the urethra is pathological in nature; gray, yellow, green fluids occur.
  2. If blood appears in your urine during urination, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.
  3. If an unpleasant odor emanates from the penis, then this is a clear sign of the inflammatory process and the activity of microorganisms, which can lead to inflammation; a white liquid appears.
  4. Pathological discharge, in contrast to normal discharge, is accompanied by pain and discomfort. These symptoms are especially aggravated by urination or excitement.
  5. Discharge in men may indicate the presence of a disease. In this case, they can often be confused with ordinary ones, so they are the most difficult to recognize. In turn, delay can lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease.

What needs to be done to recognize the danger in time? You should be especially attentive to your health and follow a number of rules:

  1. Great care should be taken when visiting the toilet after sleep. During sleep, discharge can accumulate in the urethra, so if it occurs, it is much easier to recognize it in the morning.
  2. Underwear is of particular importance. Even if during the whole day at least one drop comes out of the urethra, when it dries, it will leave a clearly visible mark.
  3. When you press on the penis, especially if you run your hand from the pubis to the head of the organ, white mucus is released. It can be of other colors and consistency, depending on the disease.
  4. An unhealthy diet, especially consumption of food containing a lot of spices and alcohol, can also lead to similar phenomena.
  5. The lips of the urethral opening stick together or crusts form on them - all this may indicate the release of fluid, which then dries out.
  6. Most sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted sexually, so you shouldn’t forget about it either. If white discharge occurs after accidental contact, you should seek help; it is not recommended to treat it yourself.

With what it can be connected?

White discharge from the urethra or other white liquids are important signs of inflammatory processes. The same must be said about purulent discharge. Doctors can extract a sufficient amount of information if they study the fluid released and make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

Discharge in men may indicate the following diseases:

  1. Urethritis is the most common cause. The urethra independently tries to protect itself with the help of glands, which is why white mucus appears in its mucous membrane in the required quantity.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases, which include gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis.
  3. Cancer of the penis, in which fluid is also released due to inflammation of the urethra.
  4. The appearance of inflammation may be due to bacteria from other organs entering the genitourinary tract. This is due to weakened health, the immune system, poor hygiene or previous trauma.
  5. The appearance of discharge with blood is a serious sign that may indicate prostate cancer.

The consistency of the discharge, its color and transparency are a consequence of some processes occurring in the man’s body. Therefore, a certain color of the discharge is explained by the following factors:

  1. If epithelial cells are present in large numbers, the discharge is gray and has high viscosity.
  2. A large number of leukocytes enter the inflammation site during bacterial proliferation. For this reason, yellow discharge appears, sometimes green.
  3. White mucus that resembles a curd mass often indicates the development of candidiasis.
  4. It is worth noting that the appearance of various discharges may occur differently depending on the situation. At the beginning of the disease, it may be a white discharge, which then gives way to yellow. This happens if the body manages to respond to a problem in the body.

What to do in such situations?

Discharge in men immediately becomes a reason to consult a doctor if the matter does not concern the normal functioning of the body. One examination will not be enough to make a diagnosis, so a series of tests on the secreted fluid is required.

You should not treat or try to treat yourself; you need to visit a urologist or venereologist. The doctor, after coordinating the actions with the patient, will prescribe studies that include microscopy of secretions, culture on nutrient media or polymerase chain reaction, if previous methods have not yielded results.

Before visiting a medical facility, it is not recommended to take medications, as this may complicate the diagnosis of the disease. When a sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed, both partners must be examined to ensure that there is no re-infection in the future. If inflammation and mucus are detected in both, treatment is prescribed for each partner.

The genitourinary tract of the male body is a complex system of organs whose activities are closely interrelated. In view of this, any deviation in the operation of one of the elements of the system will certainly affect the functioning of the others. Violations can be identified by characteristic signs, one of which is white discharge in men.

Quite often, the appearance of fluid from the urethra indicates the course of inflammation caused by damage to the tissues and mucous membrane of the prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles or urethra. However, discharge can also be of a non-pathological nature, being a consequence of physiological processes in the body. Every representative of the stronger sex must know in what cases it is worth contacting a specialist and what is considered normal.

Sign of diseases

White discharge in men often occurs against the background of the following diseases:

  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases belonging to the group of STDs;
  • bacterial inflammation;
  • candidiasis;
  • penile cancer;
  • prostate oncology.

With the development of a disease such as urethritis, the mucous membrane of the urethra becomes inflamed and the functions of the urethral glands are activated. They begin to produce secretions necessary to protect the urethra and reduce inflammation. Thus, white mucus, which is a product of the gonads, is secreted from the opening of the canal. The same is observed with inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis).

When infected with ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and other sexually transmitted pathologies, white discharge from the urethra also appears, caused by inflammation of the genitourinary tract. This symptom is complemented by burning and itching in the external genital area.

When the immune system is weakened and personal hygiene is neglected, bacteria can enter the genitourinary system, causing inflammation and white discharge in men. Similar reasons also include injuries and organ damage.

The formation of cancer cells in the tissues of the genital organ also causes inflammation, accompanied by the release of white exudate. Penis cancer is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment.

A less dangerous cause of this symptom is considered to be candidiasis - thrush in men, in which a white discharge resembling cottage cheese appears on the head of the penis. If blood particles are observed in the fluid released from the urethra, this may be a symptom of prostate cancer.

It is worth saying that during the course of many of the diseases under consideration, the discharge may gradually change its consistency and color. Exacerbation of inflammatory processes causes the exudate to acquire a grayish, greenish or yellowish tint, become sticky or slimy, and emit an unpleasant odor. Most often this happens with the development of purulent inflammation.

The causes of white discharge may be prolonged antibiotic treatment and chemotherapy.

Non-pathological factors

White discharge in men can occur due to natural physiological mechanisms in the body.

Important: if white discharge appears only periodically and does not cause discomfort, then there is no reason to worry.

In the case when the process of urination or defecation is constantly accompanied by the appearance of secretion from the urethra and pain, pain or burning occurs, men need to seek help from a urologist.

Untimely treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system can lead to complications and chronic disease.


When white discharge in men is not associated with the normal activities of the body, this serves as a reason for conducting a comprehensive examination.

After identifying the main cause of the inflammatory process, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy. Diagnostics includes mandatory a study of the fluid secreted from the urethra, which allows us to determine the presence of the causative agent of inflammation and the nature of the course of the disease.

At the first stage of treatment, patients are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, able to cope with different types of infection. After establishing the nature of the pathogen, those drugs are used to which the pathological microorganism is particularly sensitive. Therapy is supplemented immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin complexes.

If a specific exudate occurs, you should not try to fix the problem yourself. Improper treatment and the use of ineffective remedies can aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Discharge in men from the urethra can tell a lot about health. Color, smell, consistency - these are the main aspects that you need to pay attention to first. It is through them that you can independently identify pathological processes at the initial stages of their development and promptly seek help from a doctor.

Conditionally everything male dischargeare divided into two groups – physiological and pathological. Physiological ones do not require any therapeutic measures or third-party interventions. And pathological ones indicate the development of diseases that can lead to serious health problems, so they need to be treated immediately.

There are various physiological conditions accompanied by urethral discharge. These include:

  • libidinal urethrorrhea;
  • defecatory prostatorrhea;
  • smegma;
  • ejaculation.

Libidinal urethrorrhea

It is characterized by the appearance of small amounts of discharge at certain moments - during a strong erection or in the morning after waking up. The discharge does not have a specific smell, color (it is transparent) and does not cause any discomfort.

Such secretions are normal and they perform a very important function - they envelop sperm, thereby providing them with protection after penetration into the female vagina, where there is an environment harmful to them. This way the sperm reaches the uterus safely.

Important! This clear liquid contains sperm and if it enters a woman's vagina, the risk of pregnancy increases significantly, even if ejaculation does not occur.

Defecational prostatorrhea

Important! To get rid of problems with discharge and cycle disorders once and for all, use unique medicinal phytotampons. After using phytotampons for 3 weeks, more than 90% of women noted a significant improvement in their health. Almost 60% of them completely got rid of their problems; the rest (usually in the presence of serious stages of the disease) showed significant progress in treatment.

During bowel movements, a person strains, which leads to an increase in pressure in the peritoneum, as a result of which the urethra begins to secrete clear fluid. As in the previous case, it does not smell of anything, but may contain inclusions of gray or white color.

The mucous consistency of such secretions is determined by the content of secretory fluid produced by the prostate and seminal vesicles. Some men notice the presence of similar discharge on the head of their penis immediately after urinating. This condition is also normal, only it is called a little differently - mictional prostatorrhea.

This is a preputial lubricant that performs protective functions. It is produced by glands located in the area of ​​the head and foreskin. If a man carefully monitors his hygiene, then these discharges almost never bother him. But if hygiene is not maintained, smegma begins to accumulate between the shaft of the penis and the foreskin, creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

As a result of their vital activity, smegma can change its color (take on a white, yellow or greenish tint) and produce an unpleasant odor. This condition does not pose a serious threat to the life of a man, but can provoke the further development of serious diseases, for example, balanoposthitis, which is characterized by swelling of the glans penis, purulent discharge and pain.


This condition is characterized by the release of sperm from the urethra. It contains sperm, the number of which determines the color of the sperm released. The more there are, the whiter the secretion.

However, it is worth noting that in some men, sperm has a very thick consistency and contains lumps. This indicates that the sperm density is too high and they are sticking together. This condition is not a pathology and does not require any intervention, only if the man does not plan to have any more children. Transparent sperm indicates the opposite – low sperm count in semen.

Ejaculation can occur spontaneously at night. This condition is called spermatorrhea. It can be observed in both adult men and little boys. It is normal to have spermatorrhea no more than 1-2 times a month. If such discharge is observed more often, then it is necessary to visit a doctor, as this may indicate hormonal changes in the body, which can be provoked by various pathologies.

Pathological discharge

Data discharge in menhave their own classification. Conventionally, they are divided into infectious and non-infectious. In this case, the former are classified as specific and nonspecific. Specific discharge occurs with the development of STDs. Nonspecific pathologies include diseases the development of which is provoked by opportunistic microorganisms, which are the causative agents of diseases such as:

  • candidiasis;
  • mycoplasma urethritis;
  • herpetic urethritis, etc.

Discharge of a non-infectious nature can occur due to inflammation of the urethra, which can be provoked by the following factors:

  • mechanical and chemical damage to the urethra;
  • allergic reactions;
  • narrowing of the urethra, etc.

"By secret"

Have you ever suffered from problems with your menstrual cycle?
Judging by the fact that you are now reading this text, problems are still bothering you. And you know well what it is:

  • Copious or scanty discharge with clots.
  • Pain in the chest and lower back.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Discomfort when urinating.

Perhaps it is more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Follow the link to an interview with chief gynecologist Leila Adamova, how she recommends treating...

Depending on the cause of the discharge and the degree of development of the pathological process, it may have a different color, consistency and smell. They can be purulent, cloudy, bloody, gray, green, viscous, liquid, curdled, etc.


There are several reasons why men begin to secrete white secretions from the urethra. The most common of them is urethral candidiasis. The causative agents of this disease are fungi of the genus Candida. When the body's defenses decrease, they begin to actively multiply, which is accompanied not only by the appearance of discharge from the urethra, but also by symptoms such as:

  • The head of the penis becomes covered with a whitish coating.
  • Itching and burning appears.
  • The head of the penis emits a sharp, sour odor.
  • There is pain when emptying the bladder.
  • Inflamed red spots appear on the mucous membranes.

Important! With the development of candidal urethritis, a whitish coating can appear not only on the head of the penis, but also spread to the perineum, causing peeling and itching of the skin.

When candidal urethritis develops in a man, similar complaints may come from his sexual partner, and during sex, both partners may notice copious curdled discharge.

Mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and inflammation of the prostate can also provoke the appearance of white discharge in men. In the first two cases, the secreted secretion gives off a sharp, specific odor, while there are no visible changes in the condition of the penis. Only slight redness of the foreskin may be observed.

And inflammation of the prostate is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Violation of potency.
  • Painful sensations when emptying the bladder.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, while the amount of urine produced decreases.
  • Intermittent urination process.
  • The presence of unpleasant painful sensations during bowel movements (most often they are localized in the lower abdomen, but can spread to the lower back and perineum).

This condition needs to be treated immediately. Firstly, the lack of adequate treatment can lead to impotence and infertility, and secondly, inflammation of the prostate gland is fraught with the development of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.


Transparent discharge in menare not always physiological. Sometimes they may indicate the development of chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. As a rule, they are chronic in nature and do not manifest themselves during the period of remission. But at the time of exacerbation, there is a significant increase in the level of leukocytes in the sperm, as a result of which they turn yellow or green.

In addition, clear discharge also occurs with diseases such as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. In this case, they become abundant and acquire a mucous character. Sometimes they may be accompanied by additional symptoms - burning during urination or ejaculation, itching, etc.


May have a yellowish or green tint. Mostly indicate the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Among them, the most common is gonorrhea. It manifests itself as thick yellow-green discharge, which gives off a putrid odor, as well as painful sensations when urinating.

Purulent discharge can also occur with trichomoniasis. This disease is also accompanied by painful urination, false urges and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

With an unpleasant pungent odor

As already mentioned, the appearance of an unpleasant odor is caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and the accumulation of segma in the foreskin. But sometimes this symptom may indicate STDs, which have already been mentioned above, as well as diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders in the body, for example, diabetes.

Bloody issues

They occur with the development of infectious processes in the urethra. Most often they are a symptom of the development of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and candidiasis. The amount of discharge depends on the duration of the disease and the stage of its development.

Sometimes blood from the urethra can be observed due to mechanical damage to the urinary canal during various medical procedures, as well as with the development of cancer.


Physiological discharge does not require any treatment. If a man is concerned about their abundance, which causes him discomfort, then he should more carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene. And pathological discharge is always treated individually.

Here, treatment tactics depend on several factors - what caused the development of the pathology and at what stage of its development it is. Treatment may include anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hormonal, or immunostimulating therapy.

Remember that you should never self-medicate. If you notice signs of infectious diseases, contact your doctor immediately, as only he will be able to select the correct treatment that will quickly and effectively solve this problem.


The release of a small amount of liquid by representatives of the stronger sex during intimacy is a completely natural, normal process provided for by nature. In the absence of any diseases, this liquid is transparent, without a sharp unpleasant odor, and has a thick and viscous consistency. In the article you will learn in detail what is secreted in men when aroused, about the functions that this secretion performs, and what signs are normal and what indicates a violation.

In men, discharge from the urethra is not as common as in women. This process may indicate the course of some disease of the genitourinary organs, but in some cases it is natural and even necessary. We are talking about the so-called libidinal urethrorrhea - the discharge of a small amount of transparent thick mucus from the urethra during sexual arousal or morning erection.

The volume of mucus secreted in such situations, which is also called pre-seminal fluid or pre-ejaculate, usually does not exceed a few drops, but in some men this figure increases to five milliliters. In the absence of pathological external changes, this should not be alarming, since it is not a symptom of the disease, but an individual feature.

Lubricant in men during arousal also contains smegma, secreted by glands located in the epithelium of the foreskin. The purpose of this substance is to ensure easy, injury-free exit of the head of the penis from the folds of the prepuce during erection. Smegma accumulates in the preputial sac and, in combination with dead epithelial cells, provides an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. To prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory pathologies, it is necessary to carefully observe intimate hygiene, rinse the penis with running water twice a day, and use clean underwear.

The secretion of mucus in men during arousal, the external characteristics of pre-ejaculate, its color and smell change during pathological processes. The acquisition of a greenish-yellow hue and a pungent odor, the appearance of blood impurities may occur earlier than other painful symptoms. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the fluid released during erection and, if you notice changes, consult a urologist as soon as possible. This will make it possible to diagnose the disease at a very early stage, which will greatly facilitate treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Biological functions of pre-ejaculate

Male lubrication during arousal performs two main functions:

  • Soft and free entry of the penis into a woman’s vagina during sexual intercourse protects the head of the penis from microtrauma.
  • Increasing the likelihood of conception - pre-seminal fluid reduces the acidity of the vaginal environment. When entering the acidic environment of the vagina during ejaculation, most of the sperm die or lose the mobility necessary to reach the egg and fertilize it. Pre-ejaculate protects sperm from external conditions that threaten their viability, thereby ensuring the safety of male reproductive cells. In addition, mucus helps eliminate uric acid accumulated after urination from the walls of the urethra.

The release of fluid at the time of sexual arousal is a normal process designed to facilitate the entry of the penis into the female vagina during sexual intercourse. Pre-ejaculate also reduces the acidity of the vagina, which is necessary for sperm to maintain activity and the ability to fertilize an egg.

Be careful: chronic prostatitis in 89% of cases leads to prostate cancer!

If treatment is ignored, many patients experience problems such as impotence, high blood pressure and strong changes in their psycho-emotional state.

How to be treated if there is deception everywhere? Journalist Sheinin conducted his investigation. IN this article he discovered a drug that gave significant results in the treatment of prostatitis and restoration of erectile dysfunction - this Urotrin.

What changes indicate the disease

Various changes in pre-ejaculate indicators are cause for concern. The reasons for immediately visiting a specialist are:

  • Change in the color of the liquid - it may be grayish, with a green or yellow tint (which indicates the presence of purulent contents).
  • Blood impurities.
  • Cloudiness.
  • Cottage cheese-like consistency.
  • Unpleasant, musty odor.

These signs indicate an inflammatory process. The following symptoms often appear:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Heat.
  • Hyperemia of skin areas.
  • The appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra at rest (in the absence of sexual arousal).

Mucus can be released from the urethra with the development of postoperative complications during surgical operations on the prostate and other organs of the genitourinary system.

The release of clear fluid in the absence of an erection is one of the symptoms of pathology, the causative agents of which are streptococci, staphylococci, and E. coli. A similar situation is observed when infected with sexually transmitted infections. In such cases note:

  • Hyperemia of the external reproductive organs.
  • Itching sensation in the penis and scrotum.
  • Swelling of the lower extremities.

If a man notices cheesy inclusions in the pre-ejaculate, he urgently needs to consult a qualified doctor, as this indicates the presence of candidiasis. This inflammatory disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which are opportunistic microflora. Under normal conditions, they exist in the body without causing any harm. The action of negative external factors and weakened immunity contribute to the rapid proliferation of fungi and their transition to a pathogenic form.

A few sperm are found in the pre-ejaculate, which makes conception possible. Therefore, if a couple is not planning a pregnancy, they should take contraceptive pills or protect themselves in another way not only during sexual intercourse, but also during foreplay.

Is precum related to pregnancy?

Doctors often hear questions about whether discharge in men during arousal can cause pregnancy. It has been proven that this fluid contains a small amount of sperm, therefore, there is, even a small, probability of conception. Moreover, the greater the number of sperm cells that are active, the more of them there will be in the pre-seminal fluid.

It should be taken into account on what day of ovulation sexual intercourse occurred. If the egg has time to mature and leave the follicle, and the cervix is ​​slightly open, one sperm is enough for successful fertilization.

Also, the likelihood of pregnancy increases with repeated sexual contact. This is explained by the fact that traces of sperm remain on the mucous membrane of the urethral canal, which are released with pre-ejaculate during the next sexual intercourse. To prevent conception, a man is advised to urinate, since the acidic environment of urine passing through the urethra neutralizes remaining sperm.

Stories from our readers

Alexei, Krasnodar: “I had a problem with my prostate, the pain was severe, it was difficult to urinate. Doctors found traces of infection. They prescribed tons of pills that were of no use... Finally, I cured acute prostatitis, cleansed my body and strengthened my immunity against infections, all thanks to this article. Anyone who has problems with the prostate should read it!”

Discharges from the human body mean a lot. Usually their presence indicates a healthy state or any pathologies, the development of diseases or infectious processes. In some cases, discharge itself should be absent, for example, with a runny nose, it is obvious that the person is sick. Same with ear discharge.

In the case of the reproductive system, everything is somewhat more complicated - fluids leak from the genitals - their natural openings, which in some cases are normal, but in others will serve as one of the symptoms of the disease. And sometimes discharge from the penis is the only symptom of a developing serious illness.

It is impossible to accurately determine the cause and how normal the presence of present discharge is by appearance. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, a laboratory examination is always required, for which a visit to a urologist is required. Only based on the test results, the doctor determines the appropriate treatment.

The presence of discharge during sexual arousal deserves special attention when a man has an erection and fluid begins to flow from the urethral opening. It is important to pay attention to its consistency, smell, quantity, color. Let's consider in what cases you should fear for your own health if discharge appears during sexual arousal.

Physiological discharge during excitement

Libidinal urethrorrhea- This is a secret secreted by the gonads. It appears in all men when excited. The amount of secretion is small and can be formed during sexual intercourse. In some cases, the secretion is released in large volumes.

Norm or deviation?

How to determine whether a normal amount of secretion is released during excitement? The physiology of all men may be different, and there is no secret to the volume standards. However, if a person notices that for no reason the volume of liquid increased, it changed consistency, smell and color, this is a signal of the presence of infection, inflammation, problems with the genitals, and so on.

There may be exceptions to this situation. So, if a man has not had sexual intercourse for a long time, the secretion increases in volume. It may be slightly thicker, cloudier, but there should be no yellow tint, blood streaks or other changes. Maximum - a little cloudiness.

A normal secret should have the following characteristics:

  • no unpleasant odor;
  • transparent color;
  • medium thick consistency.

Factors that may influence secretion characteristics:

  • diseases;
  • nutritional characteristics (foods consumed);
  • abstinence from sexual activity;
  • stress and poor lifestyle, weakened immunity.

In some cases, the release of secretions during excitement provokes the act of defecation. From the physiological point of view, this process is considered normal, although its formation should be rare.

It's important to remember that secretion released from the urethral canal of the penis during arousal contains spermatozoa. If their quality is poor or if the prostate gland is inflamed, the sperm changes color. In this case, when excited, the fluid may not be released as usual.

Smegma- another type of discharge that is formed during excitement. If hygiene is not observed, a substance may form in the folds of skin on the penis. If this process occurs, the chance of developing inflammation and infections increases.

The semen must also have a certain consistency, smell and color. However, its features and characteristics may depend on individual characteristics. It is first released from the penis during the body during sexual intercourse or masturbation.

Video: "What types of urethral discharge are there?"

Discharge during inflammation

If a man does not have sexually transmitted diseases, we are talking about an inflammatory process, or more precisely, its possible presence in the body.

The causative agents may be the following:

  • streptococcus;
  • candida;
  • coli;
  • staphylococcus

An inflammatory process in the urethra, a canal that allows fluid to pass through. In this case, the nature of the selection may be as follows:

  • presence of mucus;
  • presence of pus;
  • stickiness;
  • turbidity.

One of the indicators of a woman’s health is the characteristics of her sexual secretion. Discharge during sex is a complex process designed by nature itself. What they should be normally, and what should be considered a pathology - more details in this article.

Features of female discharge during arousal

Almost all sexual partners observe vaginal moisture during intimacy, and it increases with increasing sexual desire.

What is released in women when aroused?

In everyday life, the secretion that appears during sex is called lubrication. This is a transparent, odorless liquid mucus with a uniform consistency. The described substrate consists of liquid and cellular components, which are the secretion of glands of the epithelium of the vagina and uterine cavity, leukocytes and various microorganisms.

How much mucus should be normal?

Typically, female lubrication is released up to 5 ml per day. The amount of fluid with arousal increases significantly due to the rush of blood to the walls of the vagina and stimulation of the gonads. When girls are excited, discharge can be excessively abundant or, conversely, scanty. Sometimes the largest number of them is.

What is feminine lubricant for?

This secret performs many functions. With its help, sex becomes more comfortable, easy insertion and sliding are ensured. The sticky composition reduces the entry of foreign microorganisms, creating a protective barrier against germs and infections.

During the fertile period in the fair sex, this liquid adapts its composition, creating a favorable environment for sperm, thus promoting conception.

White discharge during sex (like cream)

Often ladies notice thick white discharge during and after sex. Many people describe it using the phrase “like cream.”

On medical forums, no one can really explain the nature of this secretion, and many users advise visiting a clinic and getting tested. However, experienced gynecologists argue that white creamy discharge should not frighten a woman if it does not have an unpleasant odor, is of uniform consistency, and is not accompanied by discomfort such as burning, itching and pain during urination. This feature, according to experts, is characteristic of mucus on certain days in the menstrual cycle.

The fact is that throughout the entire cycle, hormone levels are constantly changing, the amount of estrogen increases and decreases. The action of these substances determines the nature of female secretion. In addition to the vagina, the uterus produces mucus, the so-called cervical fluid.

Its main function is to help transport sperm to the egg. Figuratively speaking, this is a repository of semen, the environment of which is favorable for it and allows it to survive in the conditions of the acidic microflora of the vagina.

How does secretion change during sexual intercourse over the course of a month?

The characteristics of vaginal mucus depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle in which sexual intercourse occurred.

At the beginning there is very little mucus, it is transparent in color and quite watery. Its function at this stage is the barrier that it forms in the cervical canal (the so-called cervical plug), which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.

As ovulation approaches, the amount of estrogen increases, which affects the functioning of the entire body, in particular the reproductive system and the properties of vaginal mucus. The vaginal secretion becomes abundant, thick, viscous and alkaline. It has a distinct odor of egg white and is creamy or white in color.

After ovulation, mucus is again produced in minimal quantities.

The nature of vaginal mucus and cervical fluid can even tell you what stage of fertility a woman is in and whether conception is possible.

To calculate the most suitable days for fertilization, you should pay attention to the signs and types of sexual mucus:

  1. With scanty discharge and dryness in the vagina, conception is impossible (immediately after and before menstruation).
  2. Sticky and sticky mucus that quickly dries on the fingers can only minimally contribute to the survival of sperm.
  3. during sex without odor, they will tell you that ovulation is approaching and increasing your chances of getting pregnant.
  4. The period of ovulation is characterized by the release of a white viscous liquid, reminiscent of egg white. Greatest chance of conception.
  5. Then the level of estrogen declines, which makes the cervical fluid less capable of storing and transporting male semen.

These secretions can also change due to other factors. Stress and illness in the legs, hormonal imbalance, taking medications, including hormonal medications, antibiotics, allergic reactions, infectious diseases and gynecological pathologies can change the description of the mucus secreted during sex.

Heavy discharge during sex

Secretions released in significant quantities, as a rule, do not indicate pathology. In addition, the volume of discharge will help you determine the likelihood of conception through the vaginal method. It involves the following actions: inserting 2 fingers into the vagina (deep enough), then removing and determining the presence of fluid.

Heavy discharge during sex can indicate ovulation, as well as problems in the intimate environment, so this method only works in the absence of pathologies and diseases.

Pathologies and diseases

The cause of excessive secretion of lubricant in a girl during arousal can be certain disorders.

A common condition that causes excessive discharge is bacterial vaginosis. During and after sex, sticky, copious mucus is observed, yellow, green or dirty white in color with a rotten fishy smell. During sexual intercourse, discomfort in the form of burning and itching may occur.

The secret for thrush

Sexually transmitted infectious diseases, such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea, often explain the significant leakage of foul-smelling fluid of different colors during intimacy.

Natural causes of copious white discharge in women after sexual intercourse

Such secretion can occur as a result of mixing vaginal secretions and a man’s sperm. Sometimes it has a yellowish tint and a protein smell, similar to a chicken egg. Usually this mucus does not cause discomfort. Genital discharge is quite abundant and indicates the completion of sexual intercourse with ejaculation into the vagina.

Often the cause of strong female discharge when the white color is excited is hypersensitivity. In this case, the symptom cannot be attributed to pathology; rather, it is a phenomenon of a psychological and emotional nature.

Scanty discharge during sex

Sometimes there is no lubrication at all, which is a consequence of the problem. Perhaps the acid-base balance is out of order or the microflora is disturbed. Most often, the reason is hormonal imbalance, which is why vaginal dryness is often detected during menopause.