Why do they get promoted? How to get a promotion faster? Several secret ways

Development in the workplace is a natural process in which not only you, but also your superiors are interested. However, even the most diligent worker does not always succeed in achieving a promotion.

The site advises how to properly organize your development in a company and get a promotion, increase your salary or achieve empowerment.

6 ways to get promoted

1. Choose the right position

Choose a target position based on your real capabilities and the capabilities of the company. Do not think that you will learn the whole campaign - you must be ready for the position, and any superiors will follow up on this.

If you already feel cramped in your place, but don’t see any suitable positions, then continue to work towards a promotion as if this position exists. Now that business has begun to invest more in human capital, positions are often created for the employee so that the latter proves himself even more effective with a new set of powers.

2. Learn new skills

In order to get the desired position now, you must satisfy all the points from the image of the candidate desired by the company. Logics “Once I get a position, then I’ll go Learn Engish » will not lead you to a promotion - you must know English, and only in this case will management consider your candidacy.

It will be useful to master even more skills than the person in this position currently has, or more than the boss wants to see. But don’t overdo it, otherwise your bosses will force you to sit in your place for some time, looking for something “even better” for you.
Of course, you need to tell your boss about all your new abilities, asking for the opportunity to work on new skills in practice.

3. Talk to your boss

It should know your intentions and see your steps towards achieving what you want. It will be useful to find out what you are missing directly from your superiors. Talk about your career plans. Your desire will be taken into account, and if the opportunity arises, you will make it easier for your superiors to decide on the appointment. If you can present yourself as a promising employee with ambitions, then you may be offered to take some courses at the company’s expense. Which will also be a step towards promotion.

4. Don't be indispensable in your position.

Many people, when seeking a promotion, try to give 200% in their current position. Thus, only showing your superiors that there is no one better in... your own place.

How to get a promotion

Do your job 100% and take another employee under your wing and start introducing him to the intricacies of your work. In this way, you will remove the stigma of being irreplaceable and will help your superiors in choosing and preparing a candidate to take your place.

In addition to your main job, try to take on more responsible tasks that are closer to the position for which you are applying. Don’t be afraid of responsibility; already at your workplace you will be able to demonstrate to your superiors your readiness for more serious work in a new position.

5. Take initiative

In order to demonstrate your readiness to perform at a higher level, you need to restructure your thinking. If issues of improving the work of the sales department are discussed at a meeting, then think like a manager, not like a cashier, and put forward proposals appropriate. The bosses need to see that you not only have the necessary skills, but also see the system new job generally.

When your bosses notice that you are already able to even look at your work “from above”, they themselves will think about your relocation up the career ladder .

6. Get your boss to like you

Unfortunately, all your professional achievements can be reduced to zero if your bosses simply don’t like you. Human factor and subjectivity of views sometimes play a decisive role, especially if someone else is applying for the desired position. There is logic in this too.

It is always easier for management to work with people with whom there is contact and teach them everything - to make them look like themselves, than to unsuccessfully try to find mutual language with a professional. Yes, in a large company the promotion and internal rotation process can be standardized and the impact of subjective assessment can be minimized.

However, not always. And not everyone works in such large companies. Therefore, without excessive flattery and ingratiation, try to find a common language with the one who will make the appointment or recommend you. Communicate, help this person, make sure he knows you well. Refrain from active self-promotion: this may show your boss that you are seeking his attention using such methods for personal gain. Nobody feels bad when they are used, even if we are talking about work now.

10 ways to get a salary increase

1. Stipulate an increase in salary in the contract

In some companies, this is normal practice to avoid unpleasant conversations about promotion. The contract fixes salary increases, say, twice a year by a certain amount, taking into account inflation. This is also useful for the company, because it will not have to revise some part of the budget because you unexpectedly asked for a well-deserved increase.

2. Find out who influences the decision on salary increases

The promotion process is often accompanied by the approval of several persons. And all your efforts will go down the drain if a person who doesn’t like you takes part in the process. It is better to establish the necessary relationships in advance.

3. Present to your boss objective reasons

Remember that you should start talking about salary only after kind words colleagues “How long can you work for pennies?”, “Go and ask!”, “Look how much they get paid in the other department, you’re worth more too.”, not worth it. You must have objective reasons to request a raise. They can become average salary specialists of your level in the market, the level of salaries in your company, your performance of the duties of a fired person.

In such a conversation, do not mention your personal reasons - the loan you took out, the birth of your daughter, etc. This is unprofessional and by and large Your boss shouldn't have to solve your personal problems. Also, do not trump the names of competitors: “But they pay more there”. Firstly, you don’t know the working conditions there, and secondly, management doesn’t like comparisons with competitors.

4. Talk about your objective merits

How to get a promotion

“I can do everything and I know everything” or "I've been working here for 10 years"- phrases that don’t say anything. Likewise, do not take credit for the execution of the plan or your other direct responsibilities. For this you get paid what you get paid.

By the time you talk about your salary, you should write down a list of your real merits - you saved the company money, you greatly exceeded the plan, you regularly take on additional workloads, help in staff training, etc. It’s better to illustrate all this with numbers.

5. Find out what will pay more for

You can subtly hint to your boss that want to earn more . If you are not sure of your absolute value for the company, in a conversation find out what needs to be done for the company in order to increase your importance and, accordingly, your salary to such and such a size. Give specific numbers. Here they can tell you what you need special education or increasing performance to a certain level.

In other words, you will know what is needed and then you will be able to appeal with this conversation when you achieve the desired result. Find out how much time you have for this in the future. After all, it may happen that your boss eventually responds to your request for a salary increase: “After all, this has been relevant for so long. Now everything has changed".

6. Determine exactly how much you want

Using vague wording “salary increase” or “salary increase” you can achieve an increase of a couple of hundred rubles. Justify the desired figure with objective indicators, and not with the fact that your expenses have increased or other personal reasons.

7. Give your boss a vision for your promotion.

This is the most effective way, since you practically do not give the boss any space for thinking and making excuses. However, this method is difficult to implement, especially in positions with a fixed amount of work and a fixed salary.

Calculate your incentive plan. For example, you increase labor productivity by 15%, thereby increasing the company's profit by 20% and asking for an increase of, say, 10%. Of course, all these numbers must be thought out. A competent boss will appreciate your logical business approach.

8. Select good time for conversation

How to get a promotion

It's good to talk about a promotion when you have achieved something very significant for the company or when the budget is planned for next year. In the latter case, this will be especially appropriate; you can argue that you value working for the company and want to know what awaits you in the next year. Plus, it is necessary to voice the reasons.

9. Talk about your departure.

This method is rather dubious and must be used very carefully so as not to be left with nothing. However, many studies show that this is the most popular argument when talking about raising wages in Russia. Popular, but is it correct?

If you're going to use this argument, you should already have a place where you can go with clear conditions, or some other real option(I’ll go to another city to study and get a different profession, for example). Use this option when nothing else has helped you increase your earnings. The method only works if you are a valuable employee and would be difficult and/or expensive to replace.

10. Start rumors about looking for another job.

This method will also only work for valuable employees. It’s very easy to start rumors; you can either “accidentally” allow yourself to be caught browsing employment sites, or inadvertently ask one of your influential colleagues how much they are currently paying “there” or who the director of competitors is.

You can also ask the HR department about the procedure for dismissal or transfer to another department. It is likely that after this the boss himself will want to discuss the necessary issue with you.

2 ways to empower

Increased authority is always accompanied by an increase and sometimes an increase in salary, so all the above methods may be relevant in this section. If neither one nor the other is relevant for you, then use two simple tips.

1. Justify the need for expanded powers to your boss

Don't be shy to say that something is bothering you at work. For example, you could submit your reports faster, but you have to redo a lot of what they send you. If you had the authority to supervise someone's work, then you would fulfill your direct responsibilities faster and could even take on something else.

Or you ask for an assistant while you concentrate on another project that the company never has enough time for. It will be even cheaper for the company. Any boss is always in favor of improving labor procedures, but he simply may not know with what

You can and should talk about your promotion. Otherwise, you will lose value to your superiors. Value yourself, develop yourself and this will definitely have a positive impact on your career.


Star or workhorse? What is your career potential?


In large organizations there are regulations that determine the procedure for promotion. career ladder and criteria for selecting applicants. This greatly simplifies the candidate's task. Simply collect all the necessary information about the requirements that must be met and prepare a point-by-point argument for your appointment. In most organizations there is no strict selection procedure, but there are always basic criteria that the candidate’s characteristics must meet. In any case, start by collecting as much information as possible about it.

Now structure the received data. Determine the extent to which you meet the stated requirements. Level of education, work experience, performance indicators. Write it all down on a piece of paper. In addition, list your personal characteristics that allow you to apply for this position (responsibility, demandingness, etc.). Next, think about what you can improve in the company's work by taking this position (enter new technique, increase sales, etc.). Write down specific proposals and the result that the company will receive if you are appointed.

Next, define best way contact management with your proposal. Use the opportunity of a personal meeting if management is not geographically distant. In this case, make an appointment and present your arguments in favor of appointing you as a manager in a form convenient for transmission. These can be separate sheets by topic or full list your suggestions. Give all this to your boss at the end of the meeting for review.

To contact management remote geographically, write a letter stating your reasons and proposal for appointing you to a vacant position. The letter should be written in a business style, well structured and contain clear language. At the end of the letter, state your proposal according to the rules business letter, in the form of a request “Please appoint me to the position...”.


  • How to ask for a promotion

Any person periodically needs to be rewarded for successfully completing tasks. It happens that management may forget about an employee who has been writing the most successful projects for many months and working overtime. Perhaps you yourself are tired of working in the same position for five years, without seeing any prospects for improving the situation. In this case, it makes sense to remind your boss about yourself.


Before going to your boss, analyze your successes in the near future, write down a list of successful ones so that you have something to justify your request to your boss. It is also advisable to go to the boss when you recently completed work on the next task and proved yourself with the best side. U boss Memories of your success will be fresh.

Also think in advance how you will characterize yourself. This is not your first day in this company and you should know which qualities are valued by the employer and which are not. Thus, an accountant does not necessarily need to say that he is a creative thinker, and a designer may not need to assure boss in its scrupulousness and adherence to traditions.

Choose a time to talk to. This is best done when the boss is not in a hurry and is not in a stressful situation, although with some boss It’s difficult for us to catch such a moment. Talk to the secretary - find out about the boss’s mood. Among general recommendations The following can be highlighted: it is better to talk in the first half of the day, but not in the very morning - give your boss time to drink coffee and read a magazine. It’s also not worth starting a conversation on Monday. In general, try to catch the moment when your bosses are in a good mood.

Don't forget about yours appearance. On normal workdays, the boss may not pay attention to how you look, but when you sit with him one on one and ask him for increase, he will definitely look at yours. Wear a business suit, carefully style your hair, and make sure your entire appearance is neat. However, do not overdo it and turn into a gray mouse in a jacket buttoned up to all the buttons. The boss should see in front of him a neat person who knows his worth.

Don't be afraid to talk about increase. You're not asking him to do you a favor; you think you'll be more useful in your new position. Say your request evenly, in a calm voice. The boss will definitely listen to your words.

Video on the topic

Tip 3: What is education as a way to transfer experience

The survival of all mankind was based on the transfer of experience from generation to generation, because human survival in the natural environment would not have been possible if not for the accumulated knowledge and experience. It is worth understanding what education is as a way of transferring experience

Experienced knowledge

It represents a special type of knowledge that was obtained as a result of direct observations, experiments, practical actions, and experiences. In its own way, experiential knowledge is a harmonious unity of skills and knowledge about a subject. Many philosophers and researchers (Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx) tend to believe that experience is transformed into knowledge, and knowledge turns into science.

Speaking about the education system as a way of transferring experience, we must understand that we are talking about the experience that was later transformed into knowledge and scientific knowledge. After all, experience itself can be both positive, bringing new discoveries, and negative, which either did not have any impact on the knowledge base of man and humanity, or was of an intermediate nature, preparing discoverers for new experiences.

Transfer of experience or experiential knowledge

Experience in modern society transmitted through the education system, preschool, general, vocational and additional. Society has assumed the responsibility of raising children and adolescents through the education system, passing on to them the experience accumulated by humanity. Experience can be of several types: physical, emotional, religious, mental and social. The last two types of experience are most often concentrated on modern system education. A person is socialized, acquires a certain position in society, and also acquires mental experience. It lies in the ability of the intellect to perform those tasks in which a person has previously acquired experience. For example, a student at an architectural university, studying for a specialty in construction design, will in the future be able to carry out construction calculations similar to those taught by his teachers.

The more knowledge accumulates, the greater the need for its structuring. This also applies experiential knowledge. Therefore, it can be transmitted through the education system. Education itself is the process and result of a person’s assimilation of the experience of generations in the form of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Skills and abilities are the result of previously gained experience. And knowledge is something without which it is impossible correct application. In addition, only through acquired knowledge and accumulated experience is it possible for new knowledge to emerge. Therefore, education as a way of transferring experience is its most important function.

Almost all car companies and dealers sell only new cars, which can sometimes be a bit expensive. Therefore, many buyers strive to buy a used car.

There are many factors that determine the value of a car. For example, make and model vehicle, as well as its age, mileage and general state. Although most of resale value is predetermined, car owners can increase it by bringing the car into proper condition.

Experts offer the following advice to help car owners prepare their cars for trade-in:

Prepare all owner materials. The documentation that accompanied the car when you first purchased it is a key component in resale value. Ownership materials include warranty manual and instruction manual. It is also important to have a spare key and use it when necessary.

You need to look under the hood and fill in all the necessary fluids. These include brake fluid, power steering fluid and fluid, along with oil, coolant and antifreeze.

Do a basic operational check. First, check your dashboard to see if any warning lights suddenly turn on, then resolve these issues. Second, make sure all the lights, locks, windows, wipers, turn signals, trunk releases, mirrors, seat belts, outside mirrors, horn, air conditioning and heat, and seats are all set correctly and working. Accessories that were purchased with the vehicle, such as heated seats or sunroof, must also be in working order.

Do a road test yourself. Make sure the car starts easily and the gear selector operates properly. Also, check the steering performance and make sure the cruise control, overdrive, instruments and sound systems are in tip-top shape. Finally, check that the acceleration and brakes are working effectively.

Check the car for leaks. To do this, inspect everything under the hood.

Assess the overall appearance. Check the exterior for dents and scratches, make sure all wheels are in good condition and remove any stickers. The interior should have clean floors, carpets and seats, along with the panels and glove compartment. Remove all personal items from the glove compartment and trunk. Finally, wash your car at a professional car wash and look, for example on the Internet, for the approximate cost of a new car.

And finally, experts recommend regular Maintenance and having your vehicle inspected by certified automotive experts throughout its life. You can bring potential buyer to the service station where you service your car, and there specialists will be able to provide your visit log and thereby confirm that the car is in perfect order.

Imagine, you have found a buyer for your old computer or laptop, or you are giving the equipment to friends who need it more than you. What needs to be done before the equipment changes owner?

The best thing, of course, is to format the hard drive and install a clean OS on it. However, if you don’t know how to do this, but carry additional expenses If you really don’t want to hire a specialist, you should do the following:

1. Delete personal information from your PC hard drive.

Save all personal files or an external hard drive and delete them from your computer. Special attention make sure that there are no files left on your old computer with saved passwords and logins from the services you need (mail sites, public services, payment data of electronic wallets and cards), as well as photographs, scans of documents.

2. Delete your browsing history from your browser.

3. Uninstall software that you purchased separately. Do not forget before deleting the purchased software deactivate licenses on this PC, otherwise problems may arise with using such programs on your new computer.

4. Install a system cleaning program (for example, CCleaner) and “walk” through your hard drive and registry.

5. Make sure that there is no visible contamination (if there is, be sure to remove it), and also that turning on and off is normal.

It is believed that the easiest way to make a successful career is in a company where you have worked for more than one year. You don't have to change jobs to advance your career. After all, if an employee is executive and proactive, stable in stressful situations and managed to prove himself when carrying out assignments, then he will certainly be offered a higher post. And it will be easier for management to work with someone who is familiar with the internal order.

The newly appointed specialist will have to be careful; many employees have probably dreamed of such a position. It is quite difficult, when appearing before your colleagues in a new capacity, to immediately determine who is ready to become an ally and with whom you should be more careful. And how should one actually behave with subordinates with whom just yesterday they went out to lunch or gossiped over a cup of coffee?

There are several tips that will help you quickly understand how to behave correctly. Try to follow them, and you will see for yourself that many of the problems of growing your career will disappear very quickly.

1) Don’t be afraid to break away from the team. Working in a close and united team of like-minded people helps create a calm and comfortable environment. But not all of your colleagues manage to make a good career. Many remain middle managers. When one of the team deserves encouragement in the form of a salary increase or a new assignment, he automatically falls out of the usual social circle. Such changes are quite normal. Psychologists believe that as soon as significant changes occur in a person’s life, his environment immediately begins to change.

2) Don’t try to maintain the same “friendship.” The work system in many of our companies is based on the principle of “friendship”. This means covering for friends who didn't have time to do something or want to go on vacation. work time without management permission. During this time, someone has to do their job. We don’t know how to do it any other way, because we are taught from childhood that we don’t need to break away from the team. Having become a boss, some people feel guilty that they succeeded more than their colleagues. Some even try to make excuses, trying with all their might to maintain friendship with their now subordinates. Do not be surprised that management does not appreciate such impulses and considers the employee “not suitable for his position.”

3) External and internal changes are inevitable. A person who has received a promotion cannot remain the same. There will be no need to worry about the fact that friendly relations with former colleagues will be disrupted. Most often, people are driven by banal envy. They say, I worked for so many years, and this upstart outdid me in a couple of months. When a person is sincerely happy for you and understands your desire to “grow,” he will not put a spoke in your wheels, but will try to help.

4) Don't be afraid of your own ambitions, which will make others listen to you. Being in a leadership position, you have a real opportunity to influence what really hinders the work of the team, and, in particular, your department. Stop trying to immediately break and redo everything. Gradual changes for the better will be more productive and less painful.

5) Evaluate objectively business qualities of their current employees. See your new assignment as an opportunity to build a strong team. Forget about how you wanted to get even with harmful, conflict-ridden employees or stand up for the “small and weak.” The people who work on your team must produce results. Without an ounce of regret, part with those who cannot do their work well or do not want to change anything.

But, first of all, you should definitely meet with management and discuss the issues future work in a new capacity. You need to clearly understand what tasks are assigned. And prepare yourself for what will be asked of you. detailed plan actions.

Everything will work out for you, because, after all, women have a huge advantage - to be flexible in any situation.

People who for a long time they work in one workplace, but cannot move up the career ladder, they can use a conspiracy to get a promotion at work. It is suitable for those who want to achieve promotion wages or take the place of the boss.

A promotion at work can be achieved with the help of a conspiracy

Preparing for the ritual

Before you begin performing such rituals, you must decide for yourself several important nuances.

  1. Decide whether you want to continue working in this position. If you are for long years work could not achieve a promotion, it may be worth considering other options.
  2. Use magical rituals only if you are truly confident in the future positive result. Magic cannot be used “for fun.”
  3. Carefully read the rules of the ritual. You must be prepared for the fact that in addition to an increase in salary and promotion, the employer's demands on you will increase.
  4. You should not apply for a senior position in a company unless you are confident that you can handle future demands.

Birch spell

When you go to school in the morning workplace, you should find a birch tree and break off a twig from it. It is important that there are many buds on it. After this, you need to read the strong words of the conspiracy:

“I want to advance my career. To do this, I took a birch tree, which will symbolize my successes. She will help me in my career advancement, birch is strong and always achieves what she wants. I was unable to attract a position naturally, so I, God’s servant (name), decided to turn to magic for help. I hope this one strong ritual will help me attract new consumers to the company. My career advancement will depend on how many products he purchases. I really hope that higher power they will help me for a short time achieve the desired goal. Amen".

This twig needs to be hidden in a silk bag and then brought to the workplace. This talisman should always be near you so that you can achieve quick and positive results. This will help you get promoted.

Five-day ritual

This ritual is that during the week, during the waxing moon, you must write at night the following words on a piece of paper:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to achieve promotion so that my salary increases. I devoted many years to one workplace, but I was unable to achieve any progress. If higher powers do not help me advance in my position, then I will start looking for another place and go to work there. My family is relying on my money. I have to support all my relatives, but with the kind of money I receive, I can’t even support myself. I really want to achieve what I want, that’s why I read the words of this strongest prayer. Amen".

You need to put the note in your pocket and take it to work the next day. Within a week, your boss will approach you and offer you a vacancy that you cannot refuse, but on the condition that you carry out this promotion ritual for exactly 5 days.

Conspiracy for promotion

Method to get your boss to talk

Often, promotions don't happen if your boss doesn't like you. The following will help you gain his favor: strong conspiracy for a promotion. You should read the words when you are going to meet with management:

  • at a general meeting;
  • before a personal meeting in his office;
  • at a corporate event.

This ritual must be performed during the waxing moon, for 3 days. It is important to delve into every word you read and sincerely believe in a positive result. The words of the conspiracy to increase sound as follows:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to call on my boss to love me. IN Lately he recruits young specialists. I am afraid that I will soon be fired, and I just devoted many years to this place. I will read the words of the prayer not only to stay at work, but also to get a promotion up the career ladder. I want to prove that I'm ready to borrow leadership position. With this I can attract many buyers who will increase the income of our company. To do this, I need the location and respect of my boss. I want him to start treating me completely differently from tomorrow. I promise that I will not let him down and will only increase the income of the entire enterprise. Amen".

Ritual to get rid of a competitor

If you have a rival who is also aiming for a vacant position, then the following powerful ritual will help you get rid of him. First you need to write your opponent’s initials on a piece of paper. After this, you need to cross out the inscription and read the following strongest conspiracy:

“Let my competitor be left with nothing. This vacant position should go to me, because I have been working here for a long time and have already managed to gain the respect of my colleagues. I hope that in the future my superiors will offer me this vacancy and I will be able to achieve my desired goal. Let my words reach heaven, and the Lord will send Angels to my aid. Amen".

A sheet of paper is burned on a candle fire. The ashes must be taken to work and placed under the competitor’s desk. In a few days he will be fired, and you will receive your well-deserved promotion.

Prayer to Archangel Michael from enemies

Mother's milk spell

For a promotion at work, the following effective ritual for the milk of a nursing mother will help. It consists in the fact that 2 times a day (morning and evening) a young mother should read the following words of prayer:

“I recently gave birth to a baby, but I don’t have enough milk to feed him. Holy Virgin Maria, help me as a woman. I know you had enough milk for your son. Help me feed my baby so that he grows up beautiful and healthy. I need money, I can't earn it. Send me, higher powers, Good work. I will forever be grateful. Amen".

Within a few days, you will receive an offer for a job at home, or your spouse will be promoted.


Every person dreams of moving up the career ladder. Not only salary indicators and quality of life depend on this, but also the respect of colleagues. Not everyone manages to achieve what they want, even after devoting many years to this work. If you really dream about promotion, strong magical rituals will help you with this.

Being a leader is very difficult because you are always under the close attention of your subordinates. You are constantly on stage, your every action and word is analyzed. Yes, this is really difficult, which is why in nature the leaders are individuals who are able to withstand constant stress without feeling stressed.

Of course, among people there are leaders with innate leadership qualities, and it would seem that it should be easier for them, because on a subconscious level they know how and what to do correctly. But in fact, such managers may fall into the so-called professional trap. The professional trap means: if you do something well, then you may not know how you do it, so you don’t know what is effective in your actions and what is not. It's like the stages of sales: a good salesperson may not know them, but when he learns about them, he begins to understand what he does that leads to success, and thus can improve his effectiveness even more.

Therefore, knowledge of management technology is necessary for all managers, regardless of natural qualities and work experience. Thanks to understanding these technologies, anyone can become a leader, and natural leaders become even more effective. Therefore, if you are not a natural leader, this is not a problem, as you can learn to be a leader.

So, let's look at one of the most important exams in a manager's activity, at which he becomes or does not become a manager. I'm talking about the stage when you are appointed as a leader either in new team, or promoted in their team.

In my trainings, seminars and MBAs, I consider this situation using a case where a manager is promoted in his own team from the position of deputy to a rather authoritarian leader. And I always ask the participants, where do you think it is easier to become a leader: in a new team or in your own? What do you think?

Surprisingly, the most difficult thing is to become a leader in your team, since the team already has an idea about you, and you will have to undergo additional checks in order for them to believe in you and accept you as a member. new role. You definitely need to know this, because you may get the misleading impression that you know everyone, and everyone knows you, and it seems like it should be easier, but it’s not.

Another important point, which the leader must understand and decide for himself: only he shapes the internal environment of the team. What does this mean? This means that the leader forms all the rules of behavior and communication in the team, and if the leader gives this function to someone else, he then gives the post of leader to someone else.

Three functions that should not be given to anyone

A leader should never give away three things to anyone.

  • Responsibility for making the final decision: the final word in any decision always belongs to the manager.
  • Punishment/dismissal: This is always the function of the boss.
  • Encouragement/reward: This is always the function of the main one.

By the way, it is by how the manager performs or does not perform these three functions that his subordinates judge him as a manager.

It is important to set clear rules

When I said that only the leader forms the principles of interaction in the team, I meant that if you are an authoritarian or democratic leader (there are many qualifications of leadership styles, but all of them can be conditionally reduced to these two opposing styles), then the way you interact should suit your style. Then subordinates will not have the misunderstanding that weak managers often use, changing their style every day, and introducing the entire team into a state of stupor and expectation: what kind of boss do we have today? Once again, this is a technique from the practice of weak and ineffective leaders.

Why is it so important to understand that it is the leader who shapes the style of interaction? The fact is that if you came to a team where there was an authoritarian leader before you, and you yourself are a democratic boss, then at first your subordinates will misunderstand you, since they have already formed an image of the leader as an authoritarian person. Therefore, it will take time to explain and, most importantly, consolidate the new rules of interaction. The same will happen if you are an authoritarian leader and came to a team where a democratic management style was adopted.

Here I would like to make one very important note: most likely, not all team members will accept your management style, and some employees will leave. At the same time, the more you differ from the previous leader, the greater the likelihood of such developments. Don't worry about this, this is a completely normal process. I just want to note that if you are a more authoritarian leader than your predecessor, then there is a high probability that the best, experienced employees who value, first of all, freedom of implementation and, to a lesser extent, discipline, may leave. This needs to be remembered.

If your management style matches the management style of the previous manager, then there will not be so many problems. The team will accept you more easily, since your leadership style will correspond to the team’s ideas about what a leader should be.

In any case, you will definitely be checked whether you are a leader or not, that is, they will check how you perform the three functions listed above. And the simplest test will be that your task will not be completed, and they will see how you react to it.

It should be noted that those team members who test you, in the future, if you pass the test, can become your greatest supporters and allies. Here it is important to understand that they are not checking out of malice; a real leader is important to the team, that is, a person who directs and coordinates all activities, explains the decisions of senior management, that is, performs a protection function, satisfying the basic need for Maslow's pyramid- safety. And this is one of the fundamental needs of all people, and it is precisely this that is violated when the previous leader leaves, and it is precisely its satisfaction that the team demands in the first place. And safety means clarity and predictability of the rules of behavior in a team. That is why they check you in a situation of failure to complete your task, the team looks at what can and cannot be done under the new boss. These are the basic rules of interaction that are important for the future activities of the entire team, that is, the boundaries of what is permitted are checked.

In this regard, it is very important to clearly define for everyone what is allowed (what is rewarded) and what is not allowed (what is punished). At the same time, it is very important that the rules of the game do not change and apply to everyone, regardless of position. Thus, you form new rules of interaction, and in order to believe in your consistency, you will definitely be checked several times, but if you always behave the same way, you will be accepted and will no longer be subject to such checks.

It is important to note here that you must communicate the new rules of interaction to all employees directly yourself; this can be done at general meeting so that no one has the opportunity to distort your words.

At the same time, I do not advise under any circumstances to criticize the previous manager and his leadership style, even if it seems ineffective to you. Criticism of a predecessor, even if fair, will create new obstacles to interaction with the team, because by criticizing the previous leader, you are thus criticizing the entire team that lived by these rules. Why create unnecessary complications by undermining the team’s sense of self? Your goal is not to destroy the old, your goal is to create the new.

Only a personal leadership style is effective

At the beginning of the article, it was not for nothing that I said that coming to the position of a manager is one of the main exams in his activities. The fact is that inexperienced democratic leaders, when they find themselves in a team where there was a fairly authoritarian leader before them, are sometimes tempted to take on an equally authoritarian deputy, so as not to have to establish a new order themselves. This is a very dangerous trap, which seems to promise a quick and easy result, but leads to the fact that you do not become the real leader of the team, but your authoritarian deputy, who forms the rules of interaction in the team. After all, only the leader creates the rules of interaction, and it’s not you. Therefore, no matter how tempting the idea of ​​taking on an authoritarian deputy to manage the team may be, it is fundamentally wrong.

As an example, I would like to cite the company Microsoft, where is democratic Bill Gates, took himself an authoritarian deputy Steve Ballmer. Of course, Ballmer made Bill Gates the richest man in the world, but at the same time Microsoft, which used very aggressive methods management and promotion, is one of the most disliked companies in the world by users. And this is all the more surprising if you remember how many billions of dollars Bill Gates spends on charity. And even the attempt to offer users free Windows 10 was greeted very warily all over the world, because in the minds of users, and probably also the company’s employees, this is not the company of Bill Gates with his high ideals, but this is the company of the authoritarian huckster Steve Ballmer.

Therefore, it is very important that the leader clearly shows his line of behavior from the first days and forms his own rules of interaction in the team.

Right now, during a crisis, when companies are laying off staff and banks are merging, you have the opportunity to prove yourself, to become a real leader, because a crisis, as you know, also means new opportunities. The main thing to remember is that you are creating a new team, and it is you who must form the rules of interaction in it, and using the rules discussed in this article will help you with this.