How long does it take to get to the airport. How long before departure does check-in end and start?

All passengers in the world are divided into two categories. Representatives of one arrive at the place of departure of the vehicle in advance. It's a habit and definitely a good one. You may have to sit an hour or two in the waiting room, but the possibility of being late is reduced to zero. The second category arrives at the last minute. No matter how hard they try, these passengers are in a hurry and late, being in constant stress. And if it’s not so scary to be late for a regular bus or suburban train, the next one will come in a short time, and you can buy new tickets, inexpensively. To be late, for example, for a plane, especially if the flight is multi-stage, and there is a docking ahead at the airport of another city or country, this is insulting and costly. Knowing exactly how much time before the departure of the plane you need to arrive at the airport, the passenger will be able to calculate his time and avoid annoying delays.

What is pre-flight time spent on?

The fastest type of movement - by air, requires complex preparatory procedures. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to approach the doors in the wall, as at some stations of the Moscow metro, press the button and enter the plane, handing over the luggage to the receiving robot, but so far the preparation for the flight consists of several steps that the passenger will have to successively overcome.

Important! If you briefly answer the question of how long before departure you need to be at the airport, the answer will be something like this - from one and a half to three hours.

There are a lot of nuances here, and all of them must be foreseen.

  1. Firstly, you need to get into the airport building by passing through the metal detector frame, and submitting your luggage for inspection. All airports operate differently when performing entry screening, but even with a minimally simplified procedure, it takes some time, since there are only a few checkpoints, and the flow of passengers can be large. If the search is carried out “in full”, you may be asked to take off your shoes, they will definitely ask you to remove your belt, watch, empty your pockets from metal objects, present your phone separately, and take a laptop, netbook, iPad out of your bag or case. Then all this needs to be returned / put on / fastened back.

  2. Secondly, it is necessary to check in for the flight, without which it is impossible to get on board the aircraft. Before check-in, many people still want to weigh and wrap their luggage in film, which will be checked in at the check-in counter. If there are two or three packing places and a large number of people, you can spend more than half an hour in line.

  3. The third stage is the search for the desired exit-terminal and passing through passport control. If the airport is large and passengers do not navigate it very well, additional time may be needed for this. In addition, in many countries, at this stage, luggage is checked again, now left in the luggage, in order to prevent prohibited items from getting on board.

In addition to the fact that there are mandatory stages of pre-flight preparation, there is also a time schedule established by a particular carrier company. opens and ends within a strictly allotted time frame. Landing too. And, contrary to popular myths that planes wait five minutes or longer for late passengers, this is not the case. The plane will never wait for a passenger, it's just that a passenger's delay may coincide with a departure delay. But all the same, if the steward team on the last bus has already left the exit and closed the passenger reception desk, even seeing their plane calmly waiting for departure, the passenger will not be able to get on it.

Additional time

By the way. You can add here not the most necessary, but desirable visits to the duty-free trade shop, cafe-restaurants, toilet or children's rooms and other places inside the airport.

Passenger actions at the terminal - approximate timing

Punctuality will make life easier not only for the passenger, but also for airport and aircraft personnel. There is no unambiguous exact time of arrival, since it depends on many factors, ranging from the personal characteristics of the departing person to the specifics of the carrier and the presence of various circumstances. Approximate timing of actions is presented in the table below.

Table. Passenger actions at the airport and approximate time for their implementation.


5 to 15 minutes

5 to 15 minutes

5 minutes to half an hour

10 to 20 minutes

5 to 15 minutes

5 to 15 minutes

5 to 15 minutes

10 to 15 minutes

10 to 20 minutes

5 to 15 minutes

5 minutes to half an hour

5 to 15 minutes

Everything you need to know about registration

The most important procedure, the first in the list of necessary actions - registration, according to generally accepted rules, begins no later than two hours before departure, both for international flights and for local ones. But they finish registering departing international passengers 40-60 minutes before the departure of the aircraft, and passengers of local flights - 30-40 minutes before.

In order to pass it, you need:

Advice! If you are checking in something as baggage, do not forget to check the availability of the baggage receipt - it must be affixed to your ticket. It indicates the name, number and weight of the luggage. If a suitcase is lost at the destination airport, this receipt must be presented to activate its search.

In addition to the usual and usual check-in at the airport, many carriers have recently provided online check-in services.

Registration online

Electronic check-in or online check-in allows you to save time and arrive at the airport much later. As a rule, it becomes available a day before departure, and eliminates the need to queue at the check-in counter. It can be done both at home, on the eve of departure, and right at the airport (for example, if there is too long a line to the check-in counter, or if there is no checked baggage).

Time to domestic flights

Domestic or local flights are distinguished by the lack of passport control and the need to go through customs. Also on these flights, the security control procedure is usually simplified. Therefore, the entire pre-landing part takes less time than on international flights.

Important! If you are flying within the country, you can arrive two hours before departure if you need to check in at the airport and check in your luggage.

You can arrive in an hour and a half if you do not need to pack and check in your luggage, if you have only hand luggage.

If you don't have luggage and you check in online, an hour or even forty minutes before departure is enough.

But this applies only to domestic flights within the country. With international ones, things are different.

Time to international flights

Here, although registration opens in two hours, this time will obviously not be enough. You simply will not have time to do everything you need, in addition to registration moments, even if you do not have infants, animals with you, and there are no declared items in your luggage. As a result - nerves, haste, excitement, stress, dissatisfaction with yourself and your staff.

Important! , if you have an international flight, it is necessary three hours before departure, if you do not have emergency circumstances, and if there are any, three and a half hours.

Only having arrived at least three hours in advance, the passenger is able to slowly go through all the procedures, take a walk in the Duty Free and calmly go to the landing.

Step-by-step instructions for behavior in the airport building

An example would be a passenger on an international flight with a pet and checked baggage that is oversized or overweight. What will he have to do, and how long will it take at the airport.

Step One - Security Control

Carried out at the entrance to the airport building. If it is an International terminal, the check will be long and thorough. As already noted, they will be asked to remove belts, shoes and remove all gadgets from their cases, they will check on the metal detector frame, they will run luggage through the TV, they can additionally arrange a personal search and selective search of things.

The same thing will have to go through customs again. If you check the table, the procedure can take about a quarter of an hour, especially if there is a queue of passengers and a small number of working checkpoints.

Step two - packing luggage

Once you are at the airport, look for the check-in counters of your carrier airline. But before you queue for check-in, if you have checked baggage, it is better to weigh it and pack it using a special packing service. Packed suitcases are less damaged during their loading and unloading, especially during complex multi-stage flights. And the chance of losing some of the things is minimized. If there are several packing services, and the queues are small, each piece of luggage is covered with a film on average in two minutes, that is, you can spend up to five minutes on packing.

Step three - registration

Once your luggage is packed, get in line for check-in. As a rule, there are from three to ten counters, but several are designed for business class or VIP passengers. If you are in economy class, the queue can be long and check-in will take some time, hardly more than half an hour, but, judging by the size of the queue, you need to be prepared for anything. Here, a passport, identification card or international passport is presented, depending on the country of which the passenger is a citizen. The registrar will issue a ticket with a boarding pass and a baggage receipt. At this stage, you can choose a location.

Step Four - Luggage Features

When handing over bags, suitcases (or other things, such as musical instruments or sports equipment) to the luggage compartment that differ from the standards in size or weight, you will have to make an additional payment. It is not made at the check-in desk - the passenger is sent to the airline's office, which is most likely located nearby, but you still have to move away and, perhaps, stand in line for a while from the same "penalty offenders".

Step 5 - Making a Pet

The veterinary control office can be located on any floor of the airport. It is better to look around in advance and find it according to the signs, or ask in the "Information" box. When you get there, your pet will be weighed, all his papers will be carefully checked, and only after that they will be given permission to fly.

By the way. If the animal is more than 5 (in some 8 kg) together with the carrier, it cannot be taken into the cabin, you will have to take your friend to the luggage compartment.

All this can take up to half an hour, especially if many passengers are transporting pets at this time.

Step six - passport control

On international flights, the procedure is mandatory. It won't take much time, unless there is a large queue at the moment. The border guard will check your passport and put an exit stamp.

Step seven - customs clearance

Here, for the last time before boarding, all your luggage, which is hand luggage, will be carefully checked. TV and metal detectors again. In addition to items prohibited for export from the country, at this stage everything that cannot be carried in hand luggage is confiscated from the passenger. These include weapons, cutting implements, liquids, gels, and sometimes foodstuffs. The list is quite large, and all airlines may have their own extension of standard prohibitions, so it’s better to check on the carrier’s website beforehand so that you don’t repack your luggage later and don’t throw the right things in the trash.

Step 8 - free time

If the passenger arrives at the last minute, this item, of course, should not be taken into account. But many international travelers make sure to arrive early in order to get to the departure zone and visit duty-free shops. If you are planning such a visit, allow about 20-30 minutes for it. There are also queues here, especially at large airports. In addition, from the abundance of goods presented there, it is not always easy and quick to choose what you want.

Step nine - landing

A little time spent in the waiting room, where there is always a cafe or restaurant, a toilet, a room for mother and child, and now passengers are invited to board. Boarding usually starts 30-45 minutes before departure. Here, at the checkpoint, your ticket and passport will be checked for you, and you can get on the bus, which will take you directly to the aircraft. Sometimes the passage to the aircraft is carried out directly through a short passage.

Only at the moment when the hand luggage is packed in the luggage boxes, and the passenger has taken his seat, you can calm down and relax, leaving the fear of missing the plane in the past. But if you have a multi-stage flight, everything will start over at the next international airport. Therefore, you should not purchase tickets with a connection time of less than two hours. An unfamiliar connecting airport awaits you, transition from one terminal to another, security control, passport and customs control, possibly baggage claim and re-check-in. It is better not to risk your nerves, leaving enough time for a leisurely air travel to your heart's content.

Video - How long before the plane's departure do you need to arrive at the airport and why exactly

They always try to arrive at the airport in advance - in order to have time to check in for a flight, go through all stages of inspection, check in luggage and, possibly, go to duty-free shops (duty-free shops).

What documents are needed for the flight

At the airport, you will need at least two documents - a passport and a ticket (paper or electronic). For flights within Russia, you need an internal passport, and for international flights - a foreign one.

If you are flying overseas, you will most likely need a visa. It can be obtained at the embassy or visa center, and it is better to do it in advance (for example, you should take care of obtaining a Schengen visa a few weeks before the trip). However, there are a number of states that issue visas upon arrival of a person in the country. For example, an Egyptian visa is just a stamp in your passport that you get at passport control. And some countries, such as Israel, generally have a visa-free regime with Russia.

If you are flying with a transfer, be sure to check if you will need a transit visa. It also needs to be booked in advance.

Electronic check-in for a flight

Some airlines allow you to check in for an airplane via the Internet. Just like at an airport, you provide the system with your details and receive a boarding pass. This can be done on the airline website and sometimes on the airport website.

Benefits of online registration:

  • Check-in usually starts a day before departure, so you can go through it when it suits you.
  • You do not need to arrive at the airport in advance and stand in line for check-in.
  • You issue a boarding pass in advance, which means you can get the most comfortable seats in the cabin.
  • If you forget or lose your boarding pass, you can print it at the airport (however, some airlines charge for this service).

Electronic check-in is not available at all airports or on all flights. You will have to check in in the usual way and in some other situations: if you are traveling with an infant on a free ticket, you are accompanying a person with disabilities, you are taking animals or works of art.

What can you take on a plane

All passenger belongings are divided into checked baggage - the one that is checked in at the check-in desk - and hand luggage, which is taken into the cabin. The weight, size and number of seats of both are always severely limited - before flying, you need to carefully study the rules on the airline's website.

Sometimes the cost of baggage is included in the ticket price. Usually in this case we are talking about one suitcase - you will have to pay extra for the second. However, most often airlines offer two ticket options - for those who are going to fly with luggage and for those who plan to take only hand luggage.

Low-cost airlines most often offer to pay for baggage separately. This can be done when buying a ticket or already at the airport. Some low-cost airlines do the opposite and charge extra for carry-on baggage rather than checked baggage.

There is no single world standard on what can and cannot be taken on a plane: the rules depend on the country and the airline. But there are restrictions that apply to most airlines.

For example, here is a list of what absolutely cannot be carried either in hand luggage or in checked baggage:

  • explosives, means of blasting and objects stuffed with them;
  • compressed and liquefied gases;
  • flammable liquids;
  • flammable solids;
  • oxidizing agents and organic peroxides;
  • toxic substances;
  • radioactive materials;
  • caustic and corrosive substances;
  • poisonous and toxic substances;
  • weapon.

You can usually carry any items in your baggage, except for the items listed above.

With hand luggage, things are more complicated. If you are in doubt about whether you can take an item on board, be sure to check it out. Most airlines allow you to take:

  • handbag or folder for papers;
  • printed publications for reading in flight;
  • food for the child;
  • baby travel cradle;
  • umbrella or cane;
  • coat or raincoat;
  • if necessary - a foldable baby stroller, a foldable wheelchair, crutches.
As well as liquids in strictly limited quantities and some "dangerous" items, one per passenger:
  • medical thermometer;
  • disposable lighter;
  • non-hazardous liquids, gels and aerosols (in containers not exceeding 100 ml) in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a total volume of not more than a liter;
  • liquids bought in duty free in a closed plastic bag (it must have confirmation that it was bought in duty free on the day of the flight).

Please note that these rules (and especially the rules for carrying liquids) are subject to change. In addition, the airport administration and the airline may impose other restrictions.

What security checks do you need to go through at the airport?

Wherever you fly, before you board the plane, you will have to go through a security screening (special control). This is a mandatory rule at all airports. The purpose of the screening is to check that you are not carrying anything prohibited in your baggage and hand luggage.

Depending on the airport, luggage can be checked with or without the passenger. If you receive a boarding pass and check in your luggage at the same time, it will be checked without you. Only your hand luggage will be checked in front of you - just before boarding the plane. In other cases, first passes the registration of passengers, and then the special control. In this case, everything that you are carrying will be checked in front of you.

Many airports have additional metal detector frames installed at the entrance. Be aware that there may be a queue in front of them.

Before international flights, customs control is usually carried out first, then registration, after it - passport and visa control. Upon arrival, this happens in the reverse order: first, passport control, and then, after receiving luggage, customs. Customs control upon arrival in the country is carried out by those who have something to declare (for example, a large amount of cash or a chest of gold) - such passengers go along the red corridor, the rest go through the green corridor without additional screening.

What to do if your flight is delayed or canceled

If the plane is very delayed and you risk not having time to make a transfer, you should contact the airline representative. Find out from him the reason for the delay and the estimated time of departure. If it's not the weather, ask to be put on another suitable flight with the same airline. You are obliged at the first opportunity to provide a place without surcharge.

If your flight is delayed by more than two hours due to the airline's fault, you can get a meal voucher at the airport. And if the plane is even more late (more than 6 hours at night or 8 hours during the day), you should not only be fed, but also placed in a hotel. In a number of countries, including Russia and the European Union, these norms are established by law.

If the airline did not provide you with food and a hotel room, keep all receipts for food, hotel room, taxi to and from the airport. The air carrier will have to compensate you for all these costs. Do not forget to ask for confirmation of the flight delay - this can be marks on the ticket or a certificate. These rules apply to both scheduled and charter flights.

Is it possible to stay overnight at the airport

If you are flying with a transfer and the flights are very spaced apart in time, you may have to spend the night somewhere. Sometimes this can be done at an airport hotel or even at the airport itself (for example, there is a capsule hotel in Moscow's Sheremetyevo). But there are airports where all passengers will be asked to leave the waiting area for the night. Then you will have to spend the night in the city. Before such a trip, do not forget to check the operating hours of the airport and, if necessary, obtain a visa from the country where you are going to spend the night.

Please note that overnight flights are not very convenient, but usually cheap.

Can you smoke at the airport

At airports, you can only smoke in designated smoking rooms. But they are not everywhere.

How many hours before departure do I need to arrive at the airport

If you do not like to hurry, it is better to arrive at the airport before the check-in time. That is, about three hours before departure abroad and two if you are flying on a domestic flight.

For flights of many airlines, you can check in in advance - on the Internet or at the railway station. Then you can come back later.

There are also complicating factors - for example, if you are carrying animals or non-standard luggage with you, or on the roads or at the airport it is rush hour. Then it is advisable to arrive earlier.

If you are traveling with a group and would like to sit on the plane in neighboring seats, you should also arrive at the check-in time.

Airport Express

In some cities, the airport can be reached by a comfortable high-speed train. It runs between the city and the airport without stops (or almost without them). Express trains run:

  • from Moscow airports and back (Vnukovo - Kyiv railway station, Sheremetyevo - Belorussky railway station, Domodedovo - Paveletsky railway station);
  • from Knevichi airport to Vladivostok railway station and back (with stops Vtoraya Rechka, Coal and Artyom).

The trains have economy and business class carriages. In business class, passengers travel in more comfortable seats, and in addition, during the trip they are offered printed products and soft drinks.

The procedure for registering for an aircraft can take a long time. Each air carrier warns customers in advance that it needs to be passed on time, within the time frame established for this.

When does check-in for domestic flights of Russian airlines start and how long does it take? When does the passenger need to arrive at the airport in order to catch the plane on time?

Check-in time for domestic flights

In order to get on board the aircraft by the time of departure, you first need to know how much the check-in for domestic flights of the air transportation company closes. Most often, according to the rules of most airlines, it starts two hours before the departure time. However, the start time may be determined by the rules of a particular airport.

Check-in of passengers and luggage for domestic flights ends 30-40 minutes before departure. It should be remembered that each airline can set its own time. Therefore, for how much it ends at the airport, it is better to check with the air carrier in advance, when buying a ticket.

How long does it take to arrive at the airport so as not to be late for check-in?

If a passenger has not checked in for a flight before the set time, the airline has the right to dispose of his seat on the plane at his discretion. In this regard, even a five-minute delay can have unpleasant consequences for a delayed traveler. How to determine the best time to arrive at the airport so as not to be late for the check-in time for the flight?

Often, airline employees themselves advise their passengers to have at least one or two hours left before the end of the registration procedure. Especially if the passenger is flying for the first time or this airport is unfamiliar to him. By this time, duty-free visits or additional packing of existing luggage should be taken into account before check-in is made. Check-in may take longer, for example, due to a long queue at the counter. At large airports, it is useful to know in advance how long it will take to get from the entrance to the counter and find the right terminal.

Online check-in

Today, a passenger can not only purchase air tickets for any flight via the Internet, but also go through online check-in. The procedure is quite simple: the passenger checks in for the flight and checks in, if necessary, baggage, entering information into a special form on the airline's website. After that, a mobile phone will be sent which is printed directly at the airport, using a special device in front of the control line.

When does online check-in for domestic flights start and how long does it take? You can check in online for a flight one day or 23 hours before departure. This procedure ends in most airlines when 1 hour remains before departure. For some air carriers, for example, Aeroflot, the time for terminating online check-in has been extended to 45 minutes.

Is there any chance to get on the plane after check-in time is over?

Of course, arriving at the airport with enough time to spare is the best way to fly away without unnecessary nerves. But even knowing how much the check-in for domestic flights ends, it is impossible to foresee everything. If the passenger is still late for check-in, does he have the opportunity to get on his flight? Of course, if the plane has already left the airport, it is impossible to get on it. But in the case when registration is no longer in progress, but the plane has not taken off, the passenger has a small chance of getting on board.

If the check-in is over and less than 40, but more than 25 minutes are left before the departure time, you can use a special counter, which is called, respectively, the “Desk for checking in late passengers”. For everyone, except for business class ticket holders, the registration procedure in this case will be paid.

Counters where latecomers can check in are available at most airports. If they are not available, the passenger can contact the representative of the airline operating his flight. As a rule, these employees are at the check-in counter before the departure of the aircraft. If there is enough time before departure, an airline representative can also board a late passenger.

Quite often, the journey begins with stress, as there is little time to go through mandatory control and other procedures at the airport. We will tell you how to always keep a good mood when flying.

Where can I find out if my plane will take off on time?

Before leaving, it is worth reviewing the flight data again. It is best to do this on the website of the airline or airport. Directly at the airport, all the necessary information can be obtained by looking at the scoreboard. But do not rely too much on the fact that the indicated flight delay will actually be. Often, airlines indicate a longer delay time.

How long does it take to arrive at the airport?

It is recommended to arrive at the airport 90-120 minutes before boarding. Please note that many airlines close check-in 30-60 minutes before departure. Therefore, you should not think that "the plane will not fly away without you." Also, you should have time in reserve in case of unforeseen situations or delays in traffic. There may also be queues at the airport.

How long does it take to register?

Customers of many airlines can check in for a flight and choose their seat online 24 hours before departure. Often, especially on holidays, a lot of time can be spent on checking in luggage. Therefore, it is better to allocate another 30 minutes for check-in and baggage check-in.

How long does it take to pass control?

If you're lucky the metal frame won't rattle and nothing suspicious or eye-catching will be found in your carry-on luggage, then security will go through fairly quickly. It is better to allocate about 30 minutes for passing the control, as there may be a queue and even if it is small, sometimes one person is enough to greatly delay the rest.

To avoid delay in control, you should follow these steps:
- place all containers with liquids in the necessary transparent plastic bag;
- in advance, take off everything that can make the metal frame ring: a jacket, belt, jewelry and, if necessary, shoes, and place all these items in a special plastic container;
- take items out of your clothing pockets and place them in a plastic container;
- prepare your ticket in advance;
- put gadgets and accessories (for example, a charger) in a plastic container;
- wait for instructions from the staff.

When do you need to be at the boarding gate?

After passing registration and control, continue to follow the information on the scoreboard. Sometimes boarding may start earlier than stated. This does not mean that the plane will take off earlier. As a rule, for short flights and flights within the country, boarding starts 20-30 minutes before departure, for long-haul flights - 30-40 minutes before departure.

I decided to write this simple post for one simple reason - I almost missed my flight today, and my romantic trip to Venice would not be so romantic anymore ...

I usually go to the airport 2 hours before departure, as expected, although some recommend 3 hours. To be honest, I have never been here in so long. And remember, there was a time when enhanced screening of passengers was just introduced and almost everywhere they prescribed an appearance at the airport as much as 4 hours before departure.

Now it is quite enough if you arrive at the airport in 2 hours, which I do!) In rare cases, I arrive in 1.5 hours, but I am terribly nervous .... Everything is happening at a gallop across Europe: you can still go to duty free, but only for a specific purpose, when you know exactly what you want to buy and there is no time for a meaningless walk, smelling the most fashionable fragrances, choosing cosmetics at the same time, no more. And you can simply forget about drinking a cup of coffee, anticipating a quick flight and a long-awaited vacation! And I'm just one of those who love the atmosphere of the airport - the spirit of travel hovers here .... It's so nice to sit in a cafe, finally relax and watch the joyful faces of travelers.

But today, personally, my face expressed either panic, or universal sorrow, or wild horror, or even, perhaps, all at once! The thing is that I had planned an evening flight to Venice. On this day, in the morning, I still had a lot of things to do, one of which, through no fault of my own, had to linger. Accordingly, the entire schedule "safely" shifted, and I arrived home for a suitcase later than the scheduled time.

In a hurry, I packed up and went to Belorusskaya to catch the aeroexpress. Living in Moscow, I use public transport because the city is full of traffic jams. And then there is such a thing - you must definitely catch the plane! By the way, I order a taxi to the airport only if I have an early morning flight and have to leave at night. Moscow at night is wonderful, and a walk around the city in a car will only bring pleasure!)

So, I expected to arrive at the airport 1.5 hours before departure. But when I got to the station, I “kissed” the tail of the departing express… and thus lost half an hour waiting for the next one (express trains go to the airport every half an hour, not more often)! During this time, it was possible to pack your luggage with a protective wrapper, go through online check-in for a flight, and even check in your luggage right in the waiting room where you buy express tickets. But I was so depressed that all these services swept past me, I caught the announced offers out of the corner of my ear, but did not attach any importance to this .... Only one thing was spinning in my head - HOW TO CATCH THE FLIGHT IN 1 HOUR !!!

By the way, even if I could concentrate on something from the proposed, I would hardly agree to check in my luggage right here, I’m somehow scared, what if they don’t take me to the plane?)) Have you ever checked in your luggage at the train station? Or always directly at the airport? Share your experience in the comments below this article.

On the way to the airport, I heard a woman sitting next to her desperately call her friends on the phone and ask how to get to Terminal D. This was her first trip to the airport on the express, she had to change from a taxi to an express due to incredible traffic. She lost a lot of time and, like me, went to the airport an hour before the plane took off. In general, there were already two of us. I went up to her, reassured her, explained that the express train arrives very conveniently and we will safely reach terminal D in 5 minutes if we accelerate and be the first in line during the first inspection, so that later we can only enter the area leading to different terminals, from where already following the signs you can get to our terminal D! When we got to the airport, we were the first to run out of the car, respectively, and were the first in line without wasting a minute.

This is what saved us, because. to run then to the terminal was already a matter of technique and endurance. Without stopping once, we flew into the terminal area, ran to the check-in desk ... Check-in for my flight to Venice closed in 5 minutes, the check-in for this woman's flight to Barcelona was already closing, and she was the last one who still had time to pass it.

There was another girl running with us, flying on the same flight to Barcelona and an elderly lady flying to Rome. The girl managed to run, but the lady, it seems, did not. Far behind us, I never saw her again. It's a pity.

Friends, remember that check-in for the flight ends 40 minutes before departure. Even if you checked in for a flight online (which I usually do, with the exception of this case) and you only have to check in your luggage upon arrival at the airport, then you, unfortunately, will not be accepted if you arrive less than 40 minutes before departure. The counter will already be closed. And if you have completed online check-in for a flight and you do not need to check in your luggage, then even if you arrive at the airport, for example, 30 minutes before departure and immediately run to the passport control zone, you still have the opportunity to catch it. After passport control you just need to quickly go through security and have time to run to the desired gate, which closes 20 minutes before departure.

In general, having checked in my luggage, I quickly went through passport control, then the inspection of things, and in the end I had 5 minutes left before being invited to board the plane. I was already waiting at the right exit, but I was able to relax only after takeoff ....

And now, sitting on the plane, I finish writing this article. So, I will publish it upon arrival ... (already published, since you are reading it :)

Friends, remember the important details:

  1. No wonder it is advised to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before departure.
  2. Check-in for the flight closes 40 minutes before departure
  3. Boarding gate closes 20 minutes before departure

How long do you usually arrive at the airport? Please share in the comments below.