Funny competitions for the New Year for corporate parties: table, musical, moving.

When a company celebrates a holiday, subordinates inevitably have to contact their superiors. To prevent such a pastime from becoming boring and obsequious, you need to look for additional solutions. Funny competitions for a New Year's corporate party with jokes that will allow the entire vacationing public to relax and have a wonderful evening can be a great help in this regard.

  • Movable
  • Musical and dance
  • Alcoholic
  • Table


The road to the festive table

It is best to set aside time for this competition for adults at the beginning of the New Year's corporate party. It is necessary to divide everyone into two teams, to which the leader will ask comic (to put it mildly) riddles. Each correct answer is accompanied by a step in the direction of the table, each incorrect answer is accompanied by a step in reverse side. Here are some questions you might have:

  • A hairy head fits neatly behind the cheek - what is it? (Toothbrush).
  • What can you see in the woman who raised her leg? There are 5 letters in the word - the first “p”, the last “a”? (Heel).
  • He takes from one place and gives to others - what is it? (ATM).
  • Why do goats have sad eyes? (Because my husband is an asshole).
  • Where your hair doesn't get wet even in heavy rain? (On a bald head).
  • Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool? (Yes, if you wrap the iron in it).
  • What is Adam's front and Eve's back? (The letter a").
  • Small, wrinkled, every woman has it - what is it? (Highlight).
  • Why do women scratch their eyes in the morning? (Because they don't have eggs).
  • What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, is used in hockey and on the chessboard? (Combination).
  • What should you do if you get into the car and your feet can’t reach the pedals? (Move to the driver's seat).
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
  • The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (Holes).
  • Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare).
  • What is it: 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and very popular with women? (100$ note).

Riddle for the boss

To hold this cool competition for a New Year's corporate party, it is better to choose a time when your bosses will come to the party. When the boss appears, all the staff stands in a row with their backs to him, each with a Santa Claus hat on his head. The boss must recognize each employee from behind, without seeing his face. If he recognizes every single one, then the group will sing something for him, and if he confuses or forgets someone, he will have to fulfill that person’s wishes.

New Year's couples

When the New Year's party has already warmed up enough and relaxed at the festive table, you can organize a competition to identify New Year's couples. Everyone is divided into pairs (not necessarily by gender), they come up with funny names for them, for example, an Estonian policeman and a drunken Santa Claus, and a funny scene corresponding to these characters. When all the couples have presented their miniatures, the audience chooses the most artistic one, who is awarded a prize.

New Year's police patrol

To make the New Year's competitions exciting and interesting for everyone, during the New Year's games you can choose a "police patrol" from among the participants until the end of the party, whose task will be to ensure that everyone smiles, no one is sad, does not shy away from participating in competitions and had fun. For despondency and sadness, there is a strict punishment - to fulfill the team's forfeits, otherwise you will not see bonuses in the new year.


The presenter prepares tokens with the names of fairy-tale characters in advance and distributes them to the competition participants. They must use pantomime to make it clear to the public who they are portraying. The task can be simplified somewhat by narrowing the type of characters to New Year's ones or, for example, taking only animals. The audience will determine the most artistic mime of the work collective.

Draw a New Year's boss

For this fun you need to prepare a sheet of Whatman paper and a marker. Participants in the competition take turns drawing out their forfeits, which indicate the part of the boss’s image that they will have to draw. Then, also one by one and blindfolded, the participants approach the “canvas” and draw their detail of the boss. Since he must be New Year’s, his clothes must resemble those of Father Frost, and his face must have a thick beard. Everyone will have to show intuition so that their part of the body ends up in the right place, but you also need to place a sleigh, reindeer, and a bag of gifts there.

In general, Picasso would be jealous of the result, and the boss would probably like it too.

Sleight of hand

To run this competition for 4 participants, you will need a stool, 4 eye scarves and 4 tablespoons. The stool is placed upside down, the participants are placed near its legs with their backs to the stool and blindfolded. Agree, the most fun competitions for a New Year's corporate party are those where participants need to do something with their eyes closed. So, the presenter gives them the command to take three full steps forward, after which each person is given a spoon and tasked with placing the spoon on “their” leg of the stool. The audience can give hints, guiding the “blind,” but behind the general hubbub they can make out little. The spectacle turns out to be hilarious.

Round dance

Guests of the holiday silently dance around the Christmas tree. The presenter explains the rules - he will ask the question “Do we all have...?” ending with a body part. Having heard such a question, the round dance participants must take each other by the corresponding part of the body. It all starts with innocent hands, but then the presenter moves on to ears, noses, and then even to breasts and “fifths” (if the composition of the company allows).

Siamese twins

The competition must involve randomly selected pairs that are paired back to back. Then you can playfully mock them - let them quickly make a circle around the tree or dance a waltz, or even better - a sailor's apple. Oh, and such a “Siamese twin” will make everyone laugh!

Passionate encounter

This competition is intended for real married couples. The spouses are placed at some distance from each other, and between them is an open bottle of alcoholic drink. The husband is blindfolded, given a good spin, after which he is asked to approach his wife and hug her passionately. He carefully tries to move towards her, because he is afraid of knocking over the bottle, but he has no idea that it had already been removed by this time.

Enjoy the gift

After presenting the gifts, you can hold a competition like this. The Snow Maiden chooses how guests should carry their gifts: placing them on their heads, holding them between their legs, on their shoulders, etc. It is important here that the gifts are not breakable or too heavy.

Santa Claus bag

All participants in the feast line up in a row, with Santa Claus at one end and his bag of gifts at the opposite end. When the music starts, the last participant picks up the bag, spins it around himself and passes it into the hands of the next one in the row. At some point the music stops, then the participant who was holding the bag at that moment must perform some number at the request of Santa Claus. And only when the bag makes it all the way to its owner will he begin distributing gifts.


Everyone loves it at corporate events funny competitions with unchildish overtones. So if you are confident in the adequacy and good sense of humor of everyone present, include this fun in your list.

Volunteers are called to participate in this competition - 5 females and 6 males. Women stand in a circle facing each other, legs spread wide, which form a kind of mink. The men walk around outside the circle with music playing. When the music stops, each of them must immediately stick his head into the free “hole”. They need to hurry, because one will not get the mink. The unwary player drops out of the game, giving way to a new one.

Do you want to add other “adult” competitions to your collection? You will find them in another article on our website.

New Year's cricket for men

We need four brave souls, to whom the host gives each a woman’s stocking containing a potato. They fasten the end of the stocking to the belt so that the potato dangles between the legs. Using this device, each participant must move a personal cube from one point to another. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. Potatoes can be replaced with a banana or any other heavy object.


Two or more pairs of players can take part in the competition. Each couple is given a roll toilet paper. The task is for one of the pair to wrap it around the other, turning him into something like an Egyptian mummy. The task is timed, but the quality of the work is also assessed.


They compete in the competition in pairs, each participant is given a snowflake (a piece of cotton wool) and a spoon. They must, without dropping the snowflake, carry it in a spoon from start to finish faster than their competitor. The competition can be turned into a relay race between two teams.

All participants in this fun and cool competition for a New Year's corporate party form a circle, holding hands. There should be no sharp, breakable or other dangerous objects nearby. The host tells each player in his ear the names of two animals. And he loudly explains to everyone that when he pronounces the name of an animal, the person to whom it was whispered must quickly sit down, and his closest neighbors on both sides, sensing his intention, must prevent him, supporting him by the arms. This must be done at a fairly fast pace, without breaks.

The thing is that the host calls all the players a whale as the second animal. At first, he shouts out the name of one or another animal with understandable consequences. But at some point he says “Whale!” - and everyone falls to the floor together, because there is no one to hold them!


The presenter is looking for three participants, who are given 3 balloons, a felt-tip pen and tape. They must make a snowman from this material. The winner is the one who manages it the fastest and does not lose a single ball.

Almost like Russian roulette

The presenter calls 6 daredevils and presents them with 6 chicken eggs, explaining that one of them is raw, and the rest are boiled. Next, the participants must take turns taking the first egg they come across and hitting themselves on the forehead with it. Everyone is anticipating that if someone is unlucky, they will get a raw egg. Special sympathy will be given to the last player, who simply must come across the ill-fated raw egg. What a relief the daredevil will be when it also turns out to be boiled. He deserves to receive a prize for courage if he was not afraid to break this egg.

Several guys can compete and are asked to choose a pretty lady from those present. Then the presenter asks the men what part of the body they were attracted to specific women. They name them, for which they are given the task of writing an advertisement for these body parts. Most good option advertising is rewarded with a prize.

In order

The presenter blindfolds all participants in this competition and whispers in their ears their place in the queue. Then a signal sounds, according to which everyone must line up in accordance with their numbers, without uttering a sound.

Hit the target

It is famous and very fun competition, which is more suitable for the stronger sex. For it you will need empty bottles, and for each participant pencils and pieces of rope about a meter long. The pencil is tied to one end of the rope, and the other is tucked into the belt. An empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of each participant, into which he must put his pencil without hands.

Baba Yaga

This competition can be designed as a relay race between several teams. Participants in the game must race in a mortar (bucket) with a broom (mop) forward to the line and back to their team, passing the baton and props to the next player. Since the “mortar” is small, only one leg fits into it, so you need to hold the bucket with your hand, and the other will hold a mop. The racing is a lot of fun!


To conduct this competition, you need to write various tasks on scraps of paper, roll them up and put them in balloons, which you then inflate. The presenter gives the players balls, and they must pop them without their hands and take out the task that they have to complete. You need to come up with fun tasks, for example:

  • climb onto a chair;
  • crow and announce that Santa Claus is approaching;
  • depict chimes striking;
  • sing a New Year's song;
  • eat a slice of lemon without sugar with a smile on your face, etc.

Musical and dance

Best Dance Group

The best fun New Year's competitions often involve music. Those wishing to take part in this competition should be divided into 2-3 teams and each should be given their own song. In a short time, the team must come up with an original motif based on it. New Year's dance, where bows and support must be present. The group whose dance the public likes the most should receive some kind of prize.

Guess the melody

If there are good musicians at the festival, then you can organize the next competition with them. The orchestra plays the melody of a New Year's-themed song, and listeners must remember the words from it. The winner is the participant who picks up larger number songs. Here it is advisable to use not only hits that set people on edge, but also rarely heard songs, so that people have to rack their brains.

Everybody dance

Anyone can take part in this dance competition at the New Year's corporate party. You need to ask to start either a fast and moving melody, or, conversely, a slow melody. Participants in the competition will need to dance only with a certain part of the body in accordance with the card drawn out by each, on which the active part of the body will be indicated, for example, head, fingers, legs, stomach, “fifth point”, etc. The one whose dance is the most expressive will win. will receive a prize.

Follow the link and you will find even more New Year's competitions for your corporate party on our website.

Dancing on an ice floe

When the first dance break begins during a break in the feast, not all guests take advantage of it. The presenter can easily take note of such “lazy people” and mentally “sentence” them to participate in next competition. A sheet of newspaper is placed on the floor for each participant in the competition, who, on command, begins to dance on it. Then the music is turned off and the newspaper is folded in half. And again dancing, but in a smaller area. And so on several times until the newspaper turns into a piece of paper. The audience rewards the best dancer with applause, and then everyone moves on to real dancing.

Let's sing, friends!

Music competitions for corporate events on New Year's Eve are especially popular. In the competition described, all guests must be divided into two choirs. First, one choir asks a question by singing a line from a song, for example, “What should I give you, my dear man?” The rival team must give a worthy answer: “Million, million, million Red roses..." The competition continues until one of the teams has an answer.


Think for three

Cool New Year's competitions for corporate parties are never complete without alcohol, and so that the team not only drinks, but also has fun, you can turn drinking into a game. For example, in this competition you will not need to jump, run or squat, but only drink.

Teams of 3 people must participate, each of which is given a bottle of champagne. The presenter gives the go-ahead, upbeat music is turned on, and the teams open the bottles and try to drink them as quickly as possible. For three it's not that difficult. The team that is the first to raise the empty bottle up is declared the winner.

New Year's cocktail

Several people participate in the competition, a blindfolded presenter and a “bartender”. The latter must prepare each volunteer a personal cocktail from any of those present at festive table drinks. The bartender picks up bottle after bottle and asks the “host”: “This one?” When he answers in the affirmative, the bartender pours the ingredient into the glass, and so on until each participant’s glass contains 3 different ingredients. After this, all that remains is to make a toast and drink a cocktail.

Champagne in a glass, tangerine in your mouth

Participants are divided into teams of 3 people, each given a closed bottle of champagne, an unpeeled tangerine and glasses. At the go-ahead from the leader, the teams must open their bottles, pour out the drink and drink it, then peel the tangerine, divide it into slices and eat it. The team that finishes everything first will be the winner.


Get rid of your significant other

Competitions and entertainment for the New Year can lead to anything, so it wouldn’t hurt to come up with explanations for different situations for your other half in advance. Participants take out forfeits, which describe a specific situation for which they have to come up with witty excuses. Situations may be like this:

  • there are traces of lipstick on the collar of the shirt;
  • a napkin with the number of some Tamara was found in his trouser pocket;
  • the wife came home wearing men's shoes;
  • what's a man's tie doing in your purse?;
  • the husband is wearing his underpants inside out;
  • I receive an SMS on my phone saying “thank you for the hot evening”, etc.

Treasure for the boss

This competition will show how well the boss knows his team. The host receives one personal item from all participants in the feast and puts them in a box or bag. Naturally, the boss should not see this. Then the presenter invites the boss to take one thing out of the bag and guess the name of its owner.


Between active fun and games, you shouldn’t forget about table competitions at the New Year’s corporate party, because they help restore a little strength, but at the same time do not let the team at the table get bored.

The presenter prepares several simple phrases, for example, “The storm covers the sky with darkness.” The participants in the game must take turns pronouncing it, but in their own way, giving different intonations: interrogative, exclamatory, sarcastic, sad, angry, etc. The player whose imagination in choosing intonation has dried up is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who came up with the last pronunciation option.

You can change this competition at the table a little: the presenter himself tells each participant the intonation with which he should say the phrase. The one who was the most convincing wins.

Which competition did you like the most? Do you know other interesting competitions for New Year's corporate events? Share your opinion and experience in the comments - our readers will find it useful!

New Year is one of the most magical nights of the year. We celebrate our past accomplishments and set new goals and intentions for the new year ahead. As a rule, we share all this with our family, at work or among friends. Various goodies and drinks await us on all the tables, but we shouldn’t forget about various entertainment while waiting for the chimes to strike. One of the latest traditions is to dress up in the style of the animal of the coming year. This tradition can be played out quite interestingly in 2019 if you give free rein to the yellow earthen pig to enter your life, at least in the form of competitions. Therefore, we decided to collect the most funny Games and competitions for the New Year's corporate party for 2019 Pigs.

Funny New Year's competitions for corporate parties

The New Year brings with it another year's worth of hopes, expectations and ambitions. it's the same perfect time to wish your colleagues and employees successful endeavors in all their endeavors. Creation strong relationships in business is vital to retaining projects, so corporate competitions can be a great gesture of goodwill. New Year's Eve with your employees is not just food and drinks, but also a fun time with dancing, songs, games and, of course, competitions, which we will consider below.

  1. "New Year's greetings." Often on New Year's Day, one of those present plays the role of Santa Claus. This competition is timed to coincide with the distribution of gifts, which everyone present at the corporate party can bring with them and put in a special gift bag. After which Santa Claus says that he will give gifts to everyone, but only after all the people have said their congratulations, which begin in order from the first letter of the alphabet. That is, the first person can wish “A car to everyone!”, the second - “great luck”, the third - “jam and sweets in your life”, etc. The fun begins when it comes to letters, where it is most difficult to find congratulations. If there are few people, then you can go in a circle.
  2. "Guess who am I?". Each of the participants must write something about themselves on paper that no one knows about. All the pieces of paper are put into a box, and then everyone pulls them out in the order of their turn, reads what they have written, and the participants guess whose piece of paper their colleague pulled out.
  3. "Christmas Tree Outfit." Women or, conversely, men act as oil trees. Decorate a person for a certain time and determine the winner of this “beauty contest” by voting.

Funny games for corporate events

Competitions are always interesting for lovers of active entertainment. They have the nature of competition, cognition new information and just have a nice time. Any competitions, as a rule, are not only fun, but also become the basis for further discussions in the company. Games with colleagues are always good idea, when you need to interest a large company in something, and with our competitions the new year 2019 will go with a bang!

  1. "TV Guide". Participants were given cards with 5 unrelated words written on each card. For example, “lamp, album, chess, New Year, flu,” “president, door, hand, stapler, vodka.” In general, any set of incoherent words. The task is to come up with one speech for 30 seconds, which will be similar to the news, and all the words in it should be used as important information about the incident. You can also add your own nouns. For example: “On New Year’s Day, a rare breed of beaver-chess player was suddenly struck down by the flu in the capital’s zoo.” Fun guaranteed!
  2. "Smiles." The presenter gives a certain set of words associated with the New Year holidays and winter. For example, a garland, snow, sparklers, a Christmas tree, and so on. Then he goes around all the participants, asking them questions: “Who are you?”, “What are you doing,” “What do you have?” (Pointing to lips or other parts of the body), "What's dripping icicles?" and so on. The more interesting the questions, the better. Participants must then introduce themselves as they answered the question. For example: “I am a snowflake, I fly in the air” or whatever they answered. In this case, none of the participants should laugh; if someone laughed, he is removed from the competition.
  3. "Two truths and a lie." This game is a twist on the classic game of True or False, where guests must try to figure out where other guests are lying or telling the truth. However, all guest stories must be exclusively for the past year. Required condition: the story must contain two true sentences and one lie.
  4. "Game of Names" This is a super easy New Year's Eve themed contest that's great for large group adults looking for fun in slow play. For this game, each guest must write some names in a large bowl. These may be the names of celebrities, fictional characters, historical characters and even the people in the room. Party guests are divided into teams and take turns trying to guess the names on a piece of paper, giving each other clues.
  5. "Loaded Questions" Loaded Questions is a fun New Year's Eve party that is best for adult couples. This competition is based on the popular board game for adults “Adult Questions”. Here you will find a bunch interesting questions, which you can write down on pieces of paper to find out how much men or women know about their partners. You can choose questions such as “What would embarrass your spouse?”, “What outfit would you like your wife to wear for Halloween?” and so on.

Competitions for adults only

And finally, we have selected a few vulgar and more frank ideas for corporate events for 2019. Nobody will forget this one new Year's Eve, because they'll be talking about it all through 2019. You don't need to rush to spend money on various entertainment. As a rule, you already have them all at home or at work. Competitions for adults are extremely easy to plan because they do not require any costs.

  1. "Let's switch roles." 2 participants are elected - a man and a woman. She plays the role of her husband, who has already celebrated the birth of a child, and the man plays the role that his wife has just given birth to. According to the scenario, the wife stands behind the glass, and the husband does not hear anything, so she tells him the signs. The husband should ask different questions: “Who was born?”, “Who is he,” “How is the child?” etc. The more varied the scenario questions, the better.
  2. "Race for Champagne." To do this, players need to fill their champagne glasses using only a teaspoon to transport the champagne from the large bowl to the glass. The first person to fill the glass the fastest gets up and drinks the champagne. The winner receives a New Year's toast in his honor.
  3. Paper dances. For this game you will need several papers measuring 20x20 cm. Guests form pairs and begin to dance as brightly as possible than their competitors, covering all their private parts with cardboard. The fun comes when the most unusual couples. The winner is selected by voting. The losers drink a penalty glass of wine or some other alcohol.
  4. "Don't drop your hat." A simple game, all you need is a Santa Claus Christmas hat. All players sit in a circle without a set of outer or underwear (to choose from) and try to pass the hat from head to head without using their hands. If a player drops his headdress, he leaves the circle. The last player remaining wins this cap or another small prize.

Funny, amusing competitions will allow you to have a good rest and have fun at the New Year's party. For the presenters, who are tasked with organizing the entertainment part, we offer an original selection of games, competitions and quizzes for the scenario of a festive corporate party!

To make the New Year's holiday more successful, we have made for you a selection of the most interesting competitions and fun.


To begin with, we propose to include cool competitions at the table in the program of the New Year's corporate party at work.

What will Santa Claus give?

Attributes: small pieces of paper, pens (or pencils).

Before sitting down to the festive table, guests receive a small piece of paper and write down what gift they would like to wish for themselves in the new year. This could be, for example, a new apartment, a car, a dog, a trip, money, a lover...

The leaves are rolled up and placed in beautiful box, a hat... At some point in the evening, the presenter asks everyone to pull out an arbitrary piece of paper and find out what good Santa Claus has prepared for him for next year. Everyone has different desires, so it will be fun! And your wish will come true if you save the piece of paper until the next holiday, and then tell about what came true.

You can attach the leaves with threads to a rope/fishing line and then, as you did in childhood, blindfolded and using scissors, cut off your wish. Another variation is to tie notes to balloons and hand them out to those present.

I want, I want, I want!... Branded want

Another game about wishes. But this time without attributes.

5-7 volunteers are called. They take turns naming their wish for next year. You need to speak quickly, without holding up the line! Stopping for more than 5 seconds means the player is eliminated. We play until we win - until the last player! (Small prize possible).

Let's raise a glass! New Year's toasts

When guests get bored in the midst of a feast, invite them not just to fill their glasses, but to make a toast or congratulations to everyone present.

There are two conditions - each speech must be one sentence long and begin with the letters of the alphabet in order!

For example:

  • A - I am absolutely sure that the new year will be the best!
  • B - Be healthy and happy!
  • Q – In general, I’m glad to be with you today!
  • G - Pride bursts at the sight of those gathered at this table!..

The most fun moment is when the letters e, e, yu, y, s come into play.

Game option: each next toast begins with the last letter of the previous congratulation. For example: “I’m very glad if you support me with applause! “And all the best to you...” To complicate things, you can prohibit starting a toast with prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

“I’ll sing about Frost!” Compose a ditty

During the evening, those who wish must write and then present to the audience a ditty, which contains New Year’s words or themes pre-set by the presenter. It could be “New Year, Father Frost, Snow Maiden.”

You can compose awkward songs - with the last line unrhymed, but maintaining the given rhythm of the ditty. Example:

Hello, red Santa Claus
you brought us gifts!
The most important thing is ten days
Let's just relax.

Snow news

Attributes: Cards with word-nouns. There are 5 completely unrelated nouns written on the cards. It is advisable to include at least 1 winter word there.

The participant draws out a card, reads out loud the given words and within 30 seconds (although if those present at the party are already, well, very tired, then 1 minute is possible) comes up with a news story from one sentence. And all the words from the card should fit in it.

Nouns can be turned into other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs...) and changed as you like, and the news must certainly be interesting and funny.

You can start the news with the words “Sensation!”

For example:

  • 1 card – “road, chair, roof, bicycle, snowman.” Sentence - “Outside the city, a huge snowman with a broken roof was discovered on a road bike with a chair instead of a seat!”
  • Card 2 – “fence, sound, ice floe, shop, Christmas tree.” Sentence - “Near the store, under the fence, someone left a Christmas tree with sounding pieces of ice.”

Try this: it will be even more interesting if you prepare a lot of cards, where one different word will be written, and the players themselves will draw out the 5 words they get.

Fun guaranteed!

I like/don't like my neighbor

The game does not require any improvised means! But requires a sufficient degree of emancipation or relaxed relationships in the team.

The presenter invites everyone present to name which part of the body (can be clothing) they like about the person sitting on the left, and which they don’t like. For example: “My neighbor on the right, I like his left ear and don’t like his bulging pocket.”

After everyone has named and remembered what was said, the presenter asks to kiss (or stroke) what they like and bite (or spank) what they don’t like.

Not everyone can play, but only 6-8 brave ones are called into the circle.

Our friend is orange!

This game can be played at a New Year's party in the office only if all colleagues know each other well. Or at least everyone has a friend or girlfriend in the team.

The presenter thinks of a person from those present at the table. And the participants, with the help of leading questions, try to guess who it is.

But questions are not simple - they are associations! Whoever guesses first wins.

The questions are something like this:

  • — What fruit/vegetable does it look like? - For an orange.
  • — What food is it associated with? - With pies.
  • - With what animal? - With a mole.
  • — With what music? - With choral singing.
  • - With what flower?
  • - With what plant?
  • - By car?
  • - Color?
  • — Part of the world?

Yin-yang cones

Attributes: 2 cones – one painted White color, the other in black. If you have nothing to paint with, you can wrap them with colored ones. woolen threads the desired color.

The course of the fun: a host is selected from among the guests, who will have these two cones. They are signals of his answers, because he is not allowed to speak at all. He thinks of a word, and the others, with the help of leading questions, try to guess what he has in mind.

The whole secret is that he can only silently show: YES - this is a white lump, NO - black. If neither this nor that, he can lift both at once.

The first one to guess correctly wins.

Instead of pine cones, you can take multi-colored Christmas balls. But you need to be careful with glass ones, especially if the presenter has already drunk a couple of glasses of champagne.

Associations on paper. Broken telephone associations

Attributes of the players: paper and pen.

The first person writes any noun word on his piece of paper and speaks it quietly into his neighbor’s ear. He comes up with his own association for this word, writes it down and whispers it to the next person.

This is how associations are transmitted along the chain... The last one speaks out loud the word given to him. It is compared with the original source and it is fun to find out at which link in the chain of associations the failure occurred: everyone reads out their nouns.

funny neighbor

Any number of guests can play.

We stand in a circle, and the driver begins: he performs an action with his neighbor that will make him laugh. He can take him by the ear, pat him on the shoulders, tap him on the nose, flick his arm, touch his knee... That's it, those standing in a circle must repeat the same movement with your neighbor/neighbor.

The one who laughs is eliminated.

Then the driver makes the next movement, everyone repeats. If no one laughed, new movement. And so on until the last “Nesmeyana”.

New Year's rhyme machine

The driver reads out little-known New Year/winter quatrains. But he only says the first 2 lines out loud.

The rest are invited to take part in a competition for the best rhymer.

Guests come up with and rhyme the last two lines. Then the funniest and most original poet is selected, and then the original poem is read out amid general laughter and joy.

Drawing competition “I see, I see New Year!”

Those who wish are given A-4 sheets of free-form lines and felt-tip pens. Everyone has the same image (copier can help you).

The task is to complete a picture on a New Year's theme.

Of course, everyone knows who in the team is best versed in painting. So he or she will evaluate the results. Whoever is more interesting is the winner! There can be many winners - it’s a holiday!


Nimble bump

Attributes: pine or fir cones.

Progress of the game: guests can either sit at the table or stand in a circle (if they have been sitting too long by this time). The task is to pass the pine cone to each other. Condition - you can transfer it only by holding it on back side two palms. Try it, it's quite difficult... But also fun!

You can also divide into equal teams, and whichever one hands over its cone faster wins.

My Frost is the most beautiful!

You will need various items such as: garlands, funny hats, scarves, beads, ribbons. socks, mittens, women's bags... Two or three ladies who want to be in the role of Snow Maidens for a few minutes each choose a man to turn him into Father Frost.

From items prepared in advance on the table, the Snow Maidens create a cheerful image of their hero. In principle, you can end here by choosing the most successful and funniest model...

The Snow Maiden can take snowflakes for herself, which will help with the “design” of Santa Claus and with advertising.

Snow paths

This is a very successful game to determine pairs for subsequent New Year competitions.

Attributes: colored ribbons in winter shades (blue, light blue, silver...). Length 4-5 meters. It is necessary to cut the ribbons in half in advance and sew them together, mixing up the halves.

3-4 pairs of players are called. The presenter holds a basket/box, to which lie multi-colored ribbons, the ends of which hang down.

Presenter: “On New Year’s Day, the paths were covered with snow... The blizzard mixed up the paths in Santa Claus’s house. We need to untangle them! In pairs, each grab the end of the tape that you like and pull the track towards you. The couple that draws their ribbon before the others will receive a prize!”

Players choose a pair and the color of the ribbon, expecting that there will be a single ribbon at the ends of the same color. But the fun is that the ribbons are sewn in different ways, and completely unexpected pairs are formed.

Happy people train

Everyone loves round dances: both small and large (and those who are embarrassed to admit it)!

Give your guests a round dance-train. It is clear that vacationers at a party may find it difficult to motivate themselves to participate in an active competition, so come up with something for them branded slogans.

— Now those who are attached to the train are
a) desires great wealth for himself,
b) wants to be loved,
c) who wants a lot of health,
d) who dreams of traveling to the sea, etc.

The host drives the train around the hall, it fills and fills with guests. And when it is clear that no one else can be pulled out from behind the tables, train dances are arranged (the host can show them) to daring music.

New Year's fixed deposit

Attributes: candy wrapper money.

Two pairs are selected, each with a man and a woman. It is advisable for the men to be dressed approximately the same (if one has a jacket, then the other should also wear a jacket).

— Dear women, the New Year is approaching, and you need to have time to make a fixed-term deposit in the bank. Here's some money for you (each of the women is given a pack of candy wrappers). These are initial payments. You will put them in the bank on a super fixed deposit. Your men are your banks. Only one condition - each “bill” is in a separate cell! Pockets, sleeves, collars, lapels and other secluded places can become cells. Contributions can be made while the music is playing. Just remember where you put your money. Let's start!

The task is given 1-2 minutes.

- Attention! Intermediate check: whoever managed to make a full investment (not a single candy wrapper left in their hands) receives an additional point. All the money is in business!

- And now, dear depositors, you must quickly withdraw cash - after all, we know that it was a super quick deposit. Each of you will be filming blindfolded, but you will always remember what you put and where. Music! Let's start!

The trick is that the men are swapped, and the women, blindfolded, “search” someone else’s partner without knowing it. Everyone has fun!

We are actors no matter what!

Those who wish to participate are given cards with tasks. None of them knows in advance what they will have to face.

The presenter announces that the participants need to take a walk in front of everyone, depicting what is written on the cards. Here is a sample list:

  • tightrope walker over the abyss,
  • duck in the yard,
  • teenager with a stalled bike,
  • shy girl,
  • shy Japanese woman in a kimono in the rain,
  • baby starting to walk,
  • heron in the swamp,
  • Joseph Kobzon at a performance
  • policeman at the market,
  • hare along the path,
  • model on the catwalk,
  • arab sheikh,
  • cat on the roof, etc.

The tasks can be supplemented and expanded with any ideas.

Funny joke “Bear in a den or slow-witted spectators”

Attention: only played once!

The presenter invites someone who wants to perform a pantomime, takes him to a separate room and gives him a “secret” task - portray without words bear (hare or kangaroo).

Meanwhile, the presenter's assistant negotiates with the others NOT to understand his body movements.

The volunteer returns and begins to show the selected animal with movements and gestures. The guests pretend that they do not understand and call anything but the person they are shown.

- Does he waddle around? Yes, this is the platypus (lame fox, tired boar)!
- Licking his paw? The cat is probably washing itself.

It happens that the person portraying is surprised by the guests’ lack of understanding and begins to get angry: “Are you so stupid? It's so simple! And if he shows hellish patience, shows it again and again - he has nerves of iron! But this also amuses the employees gathered at the party. There is no need to delay. When the player begins to run out of imagination and patience, you can guess the correct animal.

3. Music competitions

Can you imagine the New Year without music, songs and dances? That's right, no! For additional entertainment and fun, many music competition games have been invented for the New Year's corporate party.

Scene “Clip-song”

This is the most creative musical fun for a New Year's corporate evening.

Prepare musical accompaniment in advance: songs about Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden... and simple attributes that will help the players dress up (beads, hats, felt boots, scarves...)

The task is to make a corporate video for the song “The Little Christmas Tree Is Cold in Winter.” We need an operator who will shoot a video clip on camera.

Participants, to the accompaniment of songs, begin to depict all the actions that are sung about: “the little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree” - the hero is jumping, “they hung the beads” - the team hangs the beads on an improvised living “Christmas tree”.

You can divide into two teams (employees and female employees) and each will shoot their own video. It is advisable to display the results on a large screen and compare them. The winners will be awarded with branded souvenirs or applause.

Competition "Lazy Dancing"

The players sit in a circle on chairs and begin to dance to the cheerful New Year's music and song. But these are strange dances - no one gets up from their seats!

They dance at the command of the leader in different parts body:

  • First we dance with our elbows!
  • Then shoulders
  • legs,
  • fingers,
  • lips,
  • eyes, etc.

The rest choose the coolest dance.

Upside down song

This funny game, which you can play at any time during the holiday. The presenter recites lines from a New Year/winter song, but with the words in reverse. Everyone's task is who is faster guess the original and sing it. The person who guesses correctly is given a chip (candy wrapper, candy, cone...) so that later it will be easier to count the winner in the entire competition.

The lines might look something like this:

— The birch tree died in the steppe. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
- The old month is slow, nothing will happen for a long time. - The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon.
— White, white steam rose on the ground. — Blue-blue frost lay on the wires.
- One gray donkey, one gray donkey. - Three white horses, three white horses.
— Brave White Wolf sat on a baobab tree. - The cowardly gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree.
- Keep quiet, Santa Claus, where are you going? - Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
- Read me a book about 1 hour. - I’ll sing you a song about five minutes.
— The huge palm tree is hot in the summer. – The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
— The weights were removed and left the chain. - They hung the beads and began to dance in a circle.
“I was running away from you, Snow Maiden, and wiped away a few sweet smiles.” - I was running after you, Santa Claus. I shed a lot of bitter tears.
- Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, warm you up! Warm you and your camel. - Oh, frost-frost, don’t freeze me! Don't freeze me, my horse.
- Your worst acquisition is me. - My best gift is you.

Song competition “Musical hat of Santa Claus”

Attributes: put words from New Year's songs in the hat.

The players pass it around in a circle to the accompaniment of music. When the music stops, the person who received the hat at that moment takes out a card with the word and must remember/sing the piece of the song where it appears.

You can play in teams. Then the hat is passed from representative to representative of each team. You can limit the time it takes to complete a task and reward the team for every guess they make.

If you’re not sure that your guests are so quick-thinking, write not just one word, but a short phrase. Then it will be easier to remember the song!

Dance by candlelight

A dynamic, but at the same time very calm and gentle dance competition.

Play slow music and encourage couples to light sparklers and dance. The couple whose fire burns longer wins and will receive a prize.

If you want to add spice to your dance, choose tango!

An old song in a new way

Print the lyrics of famous (not even New Year's) songs and prepare musical accompaniment without words (karaoke music).

This could be Karabas Barabas, the Snow Maiden, an evil policeman, a kind Baba Yaga, and even your boss.

Quietly loud

Selected famous song, which all the guests begin to sing in chorus.

On the command “Quiet!” sing a song to themselves. At the command “Loud!” out loud again.

And since everyone sang at their own pace, the loud choir begins with different words. And this is repeated several times, amusing everyone.

4. Team

Team games for the New Year's corporate party will once again strengthen team spirit and solidarity, serving as unscheduled team building.

Competition - relay race "Felt boots of Santa Claus"

Attributes: 2 pairs of extra-large felt boots (or one).

This game is played around the tree or around chairs in teams.

Those playing, at the driver’s signal or the sound of music, put on large felt boots and race around the tree (chairs). If you only have one pair of these winter shoes, then let the teams compete against the clock.

With felt boots you can also come up with many different relay races: divide into teams and run, passing them on to each other as a team; carry with outstretched arms so as not to drop; put on felt boots and run backwards (it’s difficult to do this in big ones), etc. Imagine!

Don't drop the lump

Attributes: “snow” balls made from crumpled paper; large spoons (wooden possible).

Progress of the relay competition: two teams of equal numbers gather. At the command of the driver (or the sound of music), the first participants must quickly run around the room back and forth, carrying a lump in a spoon and trying not to drop it. Don’t choose too long routes - just make a circle around the tree.

The difficulty is that the paper is light and tends to fall off to the floor all the time.

They play until the last person running in the team. Whoever is first wins!

The office wishes you a Happy New Year

Attributes: 2-3 sheets of whatman paper (depending on how many teams are playing), newspapers, magazines, glue and scissors.

In 10-15 minutes, teams must cut out words from the paper editions offered to them, paste them onto a piece of paper and compose an original New Year’s greeting to those present.

It should be a small, funny text. You can supplement the poster with clippings of pictures from the suggested magazines.

The most creative congratulation wins.

Beads for Christmas tree

Offer to teams paper clips V large quantities(it is advisable to choose multi-colored plastic ones). Task: in the allotted time (5 minutes, no more), long chains are assembled to the accompaniment of pleasant music.

Whoever ends up with beads longer than their opponents, that team wins.

Gather a team or “Friendly Mosaic”

The competition requires little preparation. You need to photograph the teams, print the photo on a printer and cut it into small pieces. The teams' task is to put together a photo of their team in the minimum amount of time.

Those who complete their puzzle faster win.

Preferably so that the photos are large.

The snowman turns...

Two teams. Each has 4 participants and 8 balls (blue and white are possible). Each one has the large letters S_N_E_G_O_V_I_K written on it. The snowman “melts” and turns... into other words.

The driver asks simple riddles, and the players build guessed words from balls with letters.

  • Grows on the face. - Nose.
  • Banned from work. - Dream.
  • Candles are made from it. - Wax.
  • Prepared for the winter. - Hay.
  • Orange is preferred to tangerine. - Juice.
  • Difficult to get up in the morning. - Eyelids.
  • Where did the office romance happen? - Movie.
  • Snow woman's colleague. - Snowman.

The fastest players get points, and those with the most points win.

5. Bonus – competitions for an all-female team!

These games are suitable for a New Year's corporate party for doctors, teachers, or for a kindergarten.

Rope for the brave

This is a competition exclusively for adult company. The guests are divided into two equal teams.

At the driver’s signal and to the accompaniment of lively music, the players take off parts of their clothes in order to knit a long, very long rope from them.

When “Stop!” sounds, the visibly undressed participants begin to measure the length of their clothing chains.

The longest one wins!

Let's dress up for the New Year! or “Dark Outfit”

Two participants stand near their chest/box/basket, which contain different items of clothing. They are first blindfolded, and then they must put on everything from the chest as quickly as possible.

Speed ​​and accuracy are valued. Although everyone has more fun because things get mixed up between the players.

Reverse Snow Queen

Inventory: ice cubes from the freezer.

Several contenders for the crown are selected Snow Queen. They pick up an ice cube and, on command, must melt it as quickly as possible, turning it into water.

You can give one at a time, or several ice cubes, putting them in bowls.

The first one to complete the task wins. She is awarded the title of "The Hottest Snow Queen".

Will Cinderella go to the New Year's ball?

In front of the two participants, mixed beans, peppers, rose hips, and peas are placed in a heap on plates (you can use any ingredients). The number of grains is small so that the game does not flow for too long (can be checked experimentally before the holiday).

After the players are blindfolded, they begin to sort the fruits into piles by touch. Whoever manages it first will go to the ball!

Entertainment for the New Year – great way cheer up and take a break from tasting delicious dishes for a while. You shouldn’t sit smartly at the table and enjoy another bowl of Olivier.

Don't be afraid to seem funny! Have fun! It doesn’t matter how old you are, what company you’re in, or what position your desk neighbor holds. Celebrate the New Year 2019 with jokes, dances and songs, but do not forget about the limits of decency.

If you doubt whether you have enough imagination to organize New Year's entertainment, pay attention to our tips. Surely you will find here bright, interesting competitions suitable for your guests.

For a fun company

Are your friends and colleagues not shy about participating in competitions, love jokes and are not afraid to look funny? What a score! You can limit your flight of fancy only with common sense and a sense of tact.

Baba Yaga

This competition is ideal for funny men. Guests are divided into two teams. You will need two scarves, two mops and two buckets.

It's simple: you need to tie a scarf on your head, pick up a mop instead of a broom, stand with your foot in a bucket like a mortar and go from start to finish. The winner is the team whose Grandmother-Hedgehogs finish the relay first. Don't forget to prepare a gift for the winners.

Who's the odd one out?

A good old competition that invariably evokes a lot of positive emotions and fun. Complex props are not needed. Remember: there are ten participants, nine chairs.

Place the chairs in a circle with their backs facing each other. While the music is playing, the participants are running around, the music has died down - you need to take an empty seat. Afterwards one chair needs to be removed.

The game continues until there is only one winner left. Even quiet people who are shy about more “daring” competitions usually take part in this competition.

The fastest poet

The presenter’s task is to find poems on different topics in advance and leave the first one or two lines in each of them. Look for words at the end of phrases that have funny rhymes.

The guests come up with a continuation. The more interesting the beginning, the funnier the ending can be.

For gourmets

Can be picked up New Year's entertainment for guests who do not want to run and jump. Invite two representatives of the stronger sex who know a lot about food. Blindfold them.

The point: find out by smell what dish is on the tray. The winner receives a “True Gourmet” medal and portions of dishes whose names he guessed.

Symbol of the year

Ask the guests present to depict the symbol of the coming year. The whole point is that they have to show the emotions of the pig. Yes, and pigs have emotions. Therefore, without a good sense of humor and acting skills, there is no way in this competition. Prepare task cards in advance.

At the party, guests take turns taking out one card and completing tasks. For example show:

  • happy pig;
  • how the pig was offended;
  • a pig whose appetite has awakened;
  • a pig who decided to hide the acorn until better times;
  • a pig who sings on the stage of the opera house.

The flight of imagination, both yours and that of your guests, is limitless.

New Year's alphabet

If guests are tired of outdoor games and competitions, it’s time to sit down at the table and announce a competition for the best toast. Moreover, the first word in each congratulation must begin with a new letter of the alphabet. It’s easy to come up with an interesting toast with “A” or “B”, but not so much with “Y” or “Y”. The more fun the company, the more original congratulations Happy New Year you will hear.

Hello Dedushka Moroz

Everyone knows the beginning of this poem, but you can end the poem in different ways. Announce a competition for the best continuation of this poem.

The creations of novice poets usually evoke loud laughter and vivid emotions. Remember the medals for the winners.

A fairy tale in a new way

Come up with your own fairy tale. Not very long, with the participation of famous characters. Funny scene will entertain participants of all ages. The audience will also be satisfied.

Look how vividly the participants of the New Year's holiday played out the fairy tale about the funny Princess. Even those who were immediately shy about the stage later got into character and had fun from the heart.

Mutual assistance on the road

This fun competition will bring some excitement if the company is a little bored.

You will need simple props: several multi-colored ribbons, scarves or belts, each of which is tied into a circle with a diameter of about 80 centimeters. The circles are laid out on the floor and depict cars.

At the beginning of the competition, the number of “cars” is equal to the number of participants in the competition. People dance and move chaotically around the room to cheerful music. As soon as the music stops, everyone takes their “car”, standing in the center of the circle.

Then one of the “cars” has an “accident” and is eliminated from the game. The number of “drivers” remains the same. The music plays again, and the contestants actively move around the room. The music suddenly stops, and the “driver” left without his own “car” must join one of the happier “car owners”.

Thus, after each music stop, one of the “cars” “gets into an accident” and is eliminated from the game, and the number of “car owners” remains unchanged. The “driver” is eliminated from the game only if he did not manage to jump into someone else’s “car” in time. It’s very funny at the very end of the competition for all the “horseless drivers” to squeeze into one not very large circle!

Imagination game

This entertainment will appeal to those who love cool competitions for the New Year. Let's have fun in the first hours of 2019! You can play this game without leaving the holiday table.

You just need to prepare in advance: write different words and concepts on identical pieces of paper (one piece of paper - one word). For example: “Barbie Doll” or “Kayaker”. Three more smaller pieces of paper should contain the words: “Show”, “Tell” and “Draw”. You will also need a notepad and pencil.

Each of the participants takes turns drawing out a piece of paper with a word and randomly choosing an explanation method from the three proposed:

  1. If he gets “Show,” he must depict what is written on his piece of paper without saying a word. Just imagine how you can show the Aeroexpress or the Invisible Man!
  2. “Tell” - explain a given concept in words, without using cognate words.
  3. Everyone copes with “Draw” to the best of their artistic talent.

Three minutes are allotted for each explanation. Anyone who does not meet this time is eliminated from the game.

The first player to pronounce exactly the words indicated on the card is awarded this card as a reward. The participant who has accumulated the most pieces of paper by the end of the game wins.

New Year's corporate party - 2019: competitions, surprises, fun

After everyday office life, you really want to relax, relax and show yourself at the holiday in all your glory. Entertainment and competitions for the New Year for a corporate party should not be boring and varied.

Be careful! If the competitions are too free, you will hardly be able to hide compromising photographs, telephone videos, which always appear after seemingly funny entertainment with bananas on a string and dancing on a newspaper.

Dance with a wish

While the music is playing, members of the group pass a New Year's toy around. The music has stopped - we need to congratulate our colleagues on the New Year. The melody began to sound and the toy was passed around again. Let at least ten people express their wishes.

Look into the future

The presenter brings two hats. One contains questions, the other contains answers. Each employee takes one note from both hats. Sometimes it turns out to be a harmonious series, but more often funny phrases are formed that amuse everyone present.

Hello, we are looking for talents

If your colleagues are not shy about speaking in public, give them the task of preparing a funny act. For example: “Dance of the Little Swans” (for three big men), parodies of famous artists, etc.

Usually no one refuses. During the performance of such numbers, even strict bosses laugh until they colic.


A variant of the famous "crocodile". Only you will have to explain the words not with comical gestures and scenes, but only with your lips. This video will help you understand how to organize a competition and make sure it is truly fun.


After the first table, when the embarrassment has already gone, hold this fun competition. Choose two pairs and give them a bag of clothes. Task: put on the second person all the things you brought.

Be sure to blindfold participants. And be sure to put a couple of women's clothes in a bag with men's clothes. The first couple to complete the entire set wins. The result is quite funny.

Dancing with balloons

For energetic people. The more people, the merrier. Tie a balloon to the participants left leg. While dancing, you need to burst it with your right foot. The one who keeps the ball intact the longest wins.

Orange competition

Young people willingly participate in this entertainment. Choose three or four pairs and give them an orange. The starting position is to press the orange with your foreheads and perform dance movements, trying not to drop the fruit.

The most interesting thing begins when the presenter turns on fast music or something like “Gypsy”. The pair that holds the orange wins.

Tricky Santa Claus

Two or three people are needed. Grandfather Frost puts a gift on the chair and announces that the most efficient participant can take it on the count of “Three”.

The trick is that the cunning sorcerer counts “1,2, 10, 20, 33, 100, 1000 and so on.” It's very easy to get confused. Santa Claus needs to catch the moment when the participants get tired of waiting new figure and call the long-awaited “Troika”.

The most attentive one wins. The competition should last no more than five minutes, otherwise the participants will get tired and everyone will become bored.

Stigma into a cannon

Do you know who they say that about? True, but the competition is about something else. You will need to prepare the basin, maybe deeper. Pour as many children's balls into it as possible, and also add apples. The task of the participants is to pull out all the apples from the bowl without using their hands, using only their face and teeth alone. Who will show best time, he wins.


Contests for a New Year's party should be simple and not boring. Singing karaoke always causes fits of laughter and lifts your spirits. As old as time, but it always works.

Helps you avoid emotional outpourings from tipsy guests correct selection melodies. Find hits that make you feel positive.

Family celebration

If you are celebrating New Year 2019 with your household, turn an ordinary feast into a bright holiday. The more spacious your apartment or house, the more outdoor fun you can offer your loved ones. Entertainment and competitions for the New Year with the family should interest both adults and children.


Act out a famous fairy tale. Write the names of the characters on a piece of paper. Let adults and children draw out their roles with their eyes closed.

Turn on the music and start telling a fairy tale from the author, and let the characters insert lines that make sense. It often turns out that for some reason the granddaughter speaks in a deep voice, and the role of the savior mouse goes to the dad, who resembles a kind giant.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

Another version of a musical scene, when children and adults, having understood the roles of “Frost”, “Yolochka”, “Blizzard” and other characters, begin to depict the action taking place in the song to the music.

No recording - no problem. The song can be performed by one of the guests. Fun guaranteed.

Funny caterpillar

Entertainment and competitions for the New Year at home for all family members are just what you need for a good mood. For this fun, a leader is chosen, everyone else stands in a row, takes each other by the waist and squats. This turns out to be a “real” caterpillar.

At the command of the leader, she must dance, go to bed, move forward and backward. This competition often causes laughter, especially among children.

Favorite hero

Give everyone a balloon and a dark marker.

The task is simple: turn an ordinary ball into a fairy tale or cartoon character. The time to work is no more than five minutes. The winner is the artist whose character was guessed the fastest. For kids, prepare “consolation” sweet prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.

You can continue to remember your favorite characters and find out from the children, and let the adults strain their memory, what Winnie the Pooh asked Piglet, a fellow symbol of the coming 2019. Here's a video quiz.

Try to celebrate this New Year brightly and cheerfully. Funny pranks, skits, competitions and entertainment will unite your team, bring joy to the family and give the warmth of friendly hearts. Experiment! You will succeed!

Many of us think about how exactly to celebrate the New Year long before it arrives - however, this often only applies to the choice of outfit and holiday menu. And yet, the celebration will be much more fun and entertaining if you have exciting competitions prepared for the New Year. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all in what company you plan to celebrate the New Year - with your family or with friends - because fun is appropriate everywhere. Of course, it is worth considering that there are very shy people, and participation in such events causes them to panic - treat with respect for other people’s desires, and if you see that a person is not inclined to take part in active competitions, then do not insist, believing that he will “get involved.” In addition, in addition to active and active competitions, there are others that do not require special movement - for example, riddles for ingenuity. Choose a varied program in which any participant in the celebration will find something interesting for themselves! If you want your fun to be remembered for a long time, then do not forget to take photos of what is happening. By the way, this task can be entrusted to particularly shy guests who do not want to participate in the general “madness” - this way they will feel like they are part of what is happening and at the same time will not feel tense or uncomfortable. In general, take care of the holiday program in advance, as well as small gifts for the winners, and your efforts will be remembered by all guests for a long time!

Cool competitions for the New Year

Competitions for the family at the table

1. New Year's predictions. For this part New Year's program you should prepare in advance. You will have two bags at hand (can be replaced with hats) in which you should put pieces of paper with notes. So, put pieces of paper with the names of the participants in the prediction in one bag, and in the other - with the prophecies themselves. The bags are passed around the table in a circle, and all guests take a piece of paper from each. First, the name written on it is read from the first piece of paper, and then from the second the prospects that await the owner of this name in the New Year are announced. 2. Honest confession. This game also requires preliminary preparation- write on small pieces of paper funny words(kikimora, deer, whimsy, booger, and so on). So, someone pulls out a candy wrapper with one of the words (for example, capricious), and with a serious face, looking into the eyes of his neighbor, tells him: “I am a capricious person.” If no one laughs, then the neighbor picks up the baton, and so on in a circle until someone laughs. After this, the laugher begins the fun again. 3. Phrases of congratulations. This is very funny competition, in which it is better to know when to stop. Fill your glasses and make a celebratory toast. Each person sitting at the table should say the congratulation phrase in turn. common table, but it is important that they start with letters in alphabetical order (first the toast with the letter “A” is said, the next participant says a toast with the letter “B”, and so on until everyone has spoken). You can start the next round of toasts with the letter you stopped on. Prepare small prizes in advance - each time one of them should be awarded to the person who comes up with the funniest toast in the round. 4. Guess the riddle. For this competition you should stock up on regular balloons, as well as small notes with funny riddles. Roll up the pieces of paper and place them inside the ball, subsequently inflating it. The participant needs to burst the balloon and guess the riddle. If there is no answer from his lips, then he will need to complete the task invented by all the participants in the game. Examples of such funny riddles: “What does a student have in common with a lizard?” (Ability to get rid of the “tail” in time), “How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be happy?” (One more pair than we already have), “What goes from one city to another, but remains motionless?” (Road) and so on. You can come up with similar riddles yourself or download them below.

New competitions for 2018 for adults

1. Drunken checkers. For this entertainment you will need a real checkers board, only the checkers themselves are replaced with stacks. How to distinguish between white and black new “checkers”? Replace black ones with shots of red wine, and white ones with white wine. The rules are the same as in regular checkers, but once you get your opponent’s “checker”, you will have to drink it! Of course, you don’t have to use wine - it can be any alcoholic beverage, just different in color. 2. Driven. For this competition you will need two radio-controlled cars. Accordingly, two people play, each of whom places a glass of alcoholic drink on their machine. Now a certain point is randomly selected in the room, which will become the final destination for the cars. The goal is to get your car to the finish line without spilling your drink. The winner drinks his shot. Then the baton passes to the next pair and so on. 3. What's in my mouth. To conduct a competition for the New Year, prepare in advance a separate container with products that will be used in this experiment, but will not be on the holiday table. Let it be seven or eight unusual products. The player is blindfolded, and you give him a taste of this or that food - the contestant must guess on the first try what exactly is being offered to him. You can use other products with the next player. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Funny and interesting games

1. Snowballs. The competition will take place indoors, and, of course, not with real snowballs, but there is still an alternative - just crumple up napkins or paper towels(you should stock up on this material in advance). You will also need chairs according to the number of players, who, in turn, should be divided into two teams. The competitors of one team stand in a line on their chairs, and the participants of the second, in turn, try to hit their opponents with a snowball. By the way, the “targets” have the opportunity to dodge the snowball. When all opponents on the chairs are defeated, the teams switch places. The team with the highest performance (more snowballs reaching the goal) will win.

2. Roll the ball. Competition for several couples. Each team is given two balls, which are usually used to play ping pong. The man should roll the ball from his partner's left sleeve to his right, and the woman should roll the second ball from her partner's right pant leg to his left. The team that manages to cope faster wins. 3. Clothespins. Another game for couples. Participants in the competition are blindfolded, and clothespins are attached to any part of the clothing of all players. After the sound signal, you must try to remove all the clothespins from your partner. The couple that completes the task faster than others will win. Of course, we need a leader who will control this process. 4. To the touch. The two players are blindfolded and have thick gloves or mittens placed on their hands. Guests stand in front of each contestant and are given 10 seconds to guess each guest by touch. Players play in turns. The participant who completes the task faster will win. Subsequently, the next pair of players is determined. 5. Pop the balloon. Couples of different sexes are chosen to play and are given a balloon each. The couples must hold the “props” between their bodies, and at the sound signal the balls must be “burst.” The first couple to complete the task will win. This is followed by the second round with a more complicated task: the balls need to be “burst” with their backs or even their butts.

New Year's competitions for a fun company

1. New Year's crocodile. Famous entertainment that will appeal to contestants of all ages! So, we remind you of the principle of this rather simple and exciting game. Participants are divided into two teams, each of which selects one person. The presenter says a word to those chosen, and they must “show” it to their teams without making any sounds. The team that completes the task faster will win. You can play differently - one of the participants “shows” the word to everyone else, and the one who guesses first wins. To avoid suspicion that the word was invented on the fly, we recommend writing it down on a piece of paper in advance. Since we are talking about celebrating the New Year, it is advisable to come up with words on this topic. 2. Bows. Funny and cheerful fun. To participate in the game, you need at least six people to be divided into teams of three. The gender of the players does not matter. One of the participants stands in the middle of the room, while his two teammates are blindfolded. One of the partners is given ten ribbons, and, according to a sound signal, he must tie them to the one standing in the middle of the room. The second partner, who is also blindfolded, looks for the bows by touch and unties them. Similar actions occur in the second team. The company that completes the task first will win. 3. Drawing blindly. Two people play in the competition. So, the participants have their hands tied behind their backs and an easel is placed behind them. Now the players must arm themselves with felt-tip pens (hands remain behind their backs) and draw on the canvas the symbol of the coming year - the Dog. The rest of the guests should act as fans and suggest in which direction the contestants should draw next - to the left, higher, and so on. The winner will be the player who manages to more accurately portray the cheerful guardian of 2018. Then the next pair of competitors enters the game, and the competition follows a similar principle. 4. Hat. Another exciting competition in which absolutely everyone celebrating can take part. The essence of the entertainment is quite simple - players must pass a hat to each other, putting it on the neighbor’s head without the help of their palms (you can use your elbows or mouth). The one who drops the headdress is eliminated. The winner is the participant who will be left alone in the end. Of course, this game is unlikely to appeal to ladies who have decided to make a complex hairstyle, but, as you know, New Year's hairstyles for 2018 imply simplicity and carelessness, so there should not be any special difficulties. 5. Song in a hat. A very funny and memorable competition that will especially appeal to people who love to demonstrate their vocal talents. You need to stock up on small pieces of paper in advance, on each of which you should write a word. Since we are talking about a winter holiday, you can write words related to this topic: Christmas tree, Olivier, cold, snowflakes, reindeer, and so on. Place all these candy wrappers in a hat and invite each guest to take out a piece of paper in turn. Now the contestant must perform a short song, invented personally on the spot, making sure to use the word he was given several times.

Children's games for New Year's celebrations

Check out our list of fun new activities for kids. Draw the symbol of the New Year As you know, children like to portray various characters, so they will probably take part in this competition with particular enthusiasm. Tell the kids that the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2018 is a dog, and invite them to portray this animal and also talk about it. The participant who manages to most reliably show an adult dog or puppy will become the winner of the competition. However, there may be several winners. Of course, don’t forget to prepare some sweet incentive prizes for the most diligent guys. Sweets This game is more suitable for younger children school age, and not for babies who have barely learned to walk. The fact is that this entertainment requires precise coordination of movements and the ability to control one’s actions. Also note that only one child can play the game. So, first, hang a couple of your child’s favorite candies on the holiday tree - the child should not see exactly where you placed them. Blindfold your child and lead him to the tree, asking him to find candy on the tree within a certain time. Of course, the player will have to act very carefully so as not to damage the toys, tumble the tree itself, or fall himself.

Round dance This game has many variations. For example, “The mice dance in circles.” First, using a counting rhyme, you need to choose a “cat” among the children. The “cat” sits down on a chair or directly on the floor, closing his eyes. The other participants turn out to be “mice” who begin to dance around the “cat”, saying:

“The mice dance in circles,
The cat is sleeping on the stove.
Quiet the mouse, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat,
How Vaska the cat wakes up -
It will break up the whole round dance!”

When the last words of the final phrase begin to sound, the cat stretches and at the last word “Round Dance” opens his eyes and runs after the mice who are trying to escape. The caught “mouse” turns into a cat, and so on in a circle. Drawing or letter to Santa Claus Most likely, all children will enjoy this entertainment, but for this you should stock up on sheets of paper and markers or colored pencils in advance. Tell the children that now they have to prepare a letter for Santa Claus, but they don’t need to write anything in it - they just need a drawing. In this drawing, invite the children to depict how they see the coming New Year and what they want. We can talk about some trips, gifts and the like. Please clarify right away that, most likely, Santa Claus will not be able to fulfill all your wishes, but he will still take some of them into account.

Let's make a snowman Making a snowman is fun and exciting, even in cases where we are not talking about winter fun outside. For this game you will need softened plasticine. So, two participants get down to business and sit at the table next to each other (you can even hug). Now these players must act as one. Right hand let one child and the other’s left act as if we were talking about the hands of one person - in this way the children will have to make a snowman out of plasticine. The task is quite difficult, but if the kids start working together, then everything will certainly work out! Competition for the best snowflake Most children love to do their own crafts. Tell the children that they need to decorate the room in which they play with snowflakes. Of course, to do this, you will first need to make those same snowflakes. You can demonstrate a master class yourself on exactly how to cut out such snowflakes, or simply set a general direction and let the kids act at their own discretion. Even if the result is far from perfect, in no case do you need to declare it - together with the children, decorate the room with the snowflakes they made (stick them to the window, hang them on strings from the chandelier, and so on). Also encourage the most beautiful work sweet prizes.

Competition - guess the hero For this activity, seat young participants in a circle. Now invite the players each in turn to name the continuation of the name of the fairy-tale character, for example; “Zo (lushka)”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Belo (snow)” and so on. A child who could not give the correct answer is eliminated from the game, but those children who remain continue the competition. It is important for you to take into account the fact that you will have to ask a lot of questions, so you will have to prepare in advance by writing names for yourself on a piece of paper fairy-tale heroes. If there are many children, then it is not necessary to wait until there is only one winner left - you can designate in advance that, for example, the remaining three will win. Hide and seek It is perhaps difficult to find a person who has never heard of such fun. However, the principle of this entertainment is quite simple and is hidden in its name alone. So, while one kid counts, for example, to ten, closing his eyes or hiding in one of the rooms, the other kids scatter around the house and hide. When the set time has passed, the child goes in search of his friends - the one who is found first is considered the loser. You can start the game again at this point, or continue searching for other participants. The child who was discovered first subsequently takes up the search himself, also counting to ten.

Fun entertainment for corporate events

If you want your corporate party was fun and unforgettable, pay attention to some exciting games.

1. Mandarin relay. We offer a very interesting version of this entertainment, requiring two teams with the same number participants. Each team represents a player who puts a tangerine in a spoon and holds the spoon itself with both hands. Now the opponents must reach a certain landmark with the spoon and back to their team without dropping the citrus - if this happens, then the loser with the spoon returns to the starting point. Having reached the landmark and back, the participant passes the spoon to the next player. The team that can complete the task first will win. Please note that when carrying a tangerine, you cannot hold it with anything. 2. Bottle. This is a fairly famous game that marked the beginning of many office romances. Be that as it may, it's true fun entertainment. So, at least 4-6 people take part in the game, who should sit in a circle, after which one of them spins the bottle lying in the center of the circle clockwise. As a result, the player who set the bottle in motion will have to kiss the person to whom, like an arrow, the stopped neck of the vessel (or the person of the opposite sex closest to the pointer) will point. After this, the bottle is offered to be twisted by the one who came under “her sights.” 3. Comic forfeits with predictions about work. Many of us have a positive attitude towards various kinds of predictions, and some even believe in them. The New Year has long been directly connected with all sorts of fortune-telling, and let your corporate evening be no exception, despite the fact that the predictions will be made in a comic form. How exactly to give forfeits is up to you to decide. Anyone can take a note with a prophecy from the bag. In addition, you can make special, rather simple cookies with such predictions. Write only positive predictions related to work - about an increase in salary, about new ideas, and the like. 4. Lottery competition. A very interesting lottery that will certainly evoke positive feelings among its participants. Having made a list of participants for the upcoming holiday in advance, ask each guest to come with their own craft, packaged in a colorful wrapper. However, for this draw it is not at all necessary to use crafts - we can talk about souvenirs or sweets in a certain price range. Stick numbers on all the packages, and write the same numbers on small pieces of paper. Subsequently, each lottery participant will have to draw his number from a special bag or just a hat. 5. Game “I have never...” A very popular and exciting game that you could see in some foreign films. Each participant in the festive evening must utter a confession phrase that begins with the words: “I have never...”. Example: “I have never slept in a tent.” People to whom this statement does not apply take a sip of wine. Next, the next party participant makes a certain confession, and those guests to whom the next confession is not related again take a sip of wine. Phrases can be funny, but each time they should be more and more personal, for example: “I have never slept naked.” However, you shouldn’t get too carried away, so as not to give away your biggest secrets.