Beautiful roses in the yard. A magnificent rose garden in the garden with your own hands: rules for creating

In this article you will learn about what types and styles of rose gardens there are, how their diagrams and plans are drawn up, and how work is done to create a rose garden on a summer cottage and care for it. Also considered the best varieties roses for flower beds, their advantages and features. After reading the article, you will understand how to create a beautiful and spectacular rose garden on your site.


Types of rosaries

Before you create such a place for relaxation, you need to think about what kind of emotions and sensations you would like to receive while admiring your rose garden. It would be nice to look at the photos for this various designs and consider the most common styles and types. Here are the commonly used rosary options and their features:

    Romantic rosaries They combine very well with gazebos, creating an interesting and original design. Here it is recommended to use roses in delicate scarlet and pink shades. If you add tall plants and climbing bushes to the resting place, you can create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.


    Ceremonial rosaries They are distinguished by their elegance, solemnity and brightness. One of the main features of creating this look is the sharp contrast of colors. What makes this design more interesting is the wide palette of colors and shades of green.


    Visible On the one side A rose garden is suitable for small areas because it does not take up much space. In addition, with the help of such an addition you can decorate a section of a wall or fence. Most often, when creating a rose garden visible from one side, tall park varieties are planted in the background, climbing roses are placed a little closer to the viewer, and groundcovers are brought to the foreground.


    Visible With different sides A rose garden requires a lot of space and special care when decorating it. Flowers are planted from the center to the edges: the tallest plants are usually located in the middle, and the shorter ones along the periphery.


    Vertical rose garden It is an arch or arbor braided with special climbing varieties of roses. In this case, only perennial plants are used, which over time grow too much and require special care.


    Rose gardens-rock gardens are created using ground cover varieties. This plant option is very convenient because it does not require particularly careful care or special climatic conditions. This type of rose grows quite quickly and creates a beautiful and fragrant carpet. Often the design of a flower garden is complemented with stones and plaster figurines.

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    Mobile rosaries- These are mobile structures, for the creation of which flowerpots and containers are most often used. Such flower beds look very good along paths and near entrances. It is best to place them in sunny places. Containers are stored in a heated room for the winter. In addition, proper drainage and fertilizing are required.


Rose garden design styles

    Regular- these are flower beds correct form. They come in round, oval, triangular and rectangular. Combines very well with stones, marble chips, bricks and pebbles. This style requires a large area, because small flower beds will be inexpressive. Often, a lawn is laid out next to regular rose gardens, paths are laid out, or garden decorations are placed to create a real park ensemble.


    Landscape rose gardens involve a random arrangement of varieties and a sharp contrast of colors, sizes and shades. They can be placed even in a small area. A landscape rose garden will look especially good near a pond. However, it is worth remembering that if roses are grown in moist soil, they need more careful care.


How to make a rosary diagram

So, first you need to decide where the rose garden will be located, what its style and appearance will be. This will become the basis for drawing up a flower garden diagram. It is needed in order to get an idea of ​​the final version of the rosary. It is also more convenient to make adjustments to the project at the planning stage.

When drawing up a plan for a rose garden in a country house, the first thing to do is mark the boundaries of the flower beds. Their role can be played by small borders or low-growing bushes. Next you need to decide on the varieties. If you use plants thoughtlessly, they will interfere with each other, and the rose garden itself will not be very interesting view. Photos of finished flower beds can help with the selection of colors. The names of varieties must be indicated on the plan. It is also necessary to think about the arrangement of plants in terms of height and size of the bushes before starting to create a rose garden.

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When designing a rose garden, be sure to pay attention to where perennial plants will grow and where annual varieties. This is important because later you will have to plant the bushes in certain places and it is better if they are all located in one part of the flower garden.

The diagrams also mark areas that are planned to be occupied by separate groups of roses. At the same time, you need to think about how harmoniously they will combine.

There is one trick on how to combine incompatible shades in one rose garden: to do this, you just need to dilute them with white buds. And designers also do not advise combining warm and cold colors. It is believed that in this case the picture of the flower garden will be fractional and inharmonious.

Immediately before arranging the rose garden, you need to mark the area and designate where which varieties will be located. Garden figurines and stones are usually added to the exterior after the roses themselves take their places and grow to a certain size.

Video description

From the video you can learn how to create a rose garden in your summer cottage:

How to make a rosary

To begin with, a site is prepared for the future flower garden. It should be sunny, but in no case windy, because roses really don’t like drafts. It should first be cleared of debris and weeds and leveled. Then be sure to provide high-quality drainage. But it is worth remembering that roses do not like clay soil. Since the “queens of flowers” ​​are planted in the fall, it is better to start preparing the soil in the summer. Usually they are oriented so that everything is ready 2-3 months before planting. The whole process of reclamation consists in the fact that the soil must be carefully dug up, loosened, and only then the necessary fertilizers must be applied.


Next, already during the autumn planting of bushes, holes are dug. You need to orient yourself so that their depth is 10 cm greater than the length of the roots. The width of the holes is made from 25 cm to 1.5 m. This parameter depends on the variety. You need to put stones, pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of the hole, and sprinkle it with earth on top. If the groundwater level in the area is higher than 1 m, then this procedure does not need to be done. It is believed that in this case the soil is already quite moist.


To create the right rose garden, you must first properly prepare the seedlings. The first thing you need to do in the store is choose plants that have the thickest shoots and a branched underground part. Then they are prepared for planting work. For this purpose, healthy roots are cut to a length of 30 cm, and damaged and diseased ones are completely removed. From the above-ground part of the seedling, only 2-3 of the strongest shoots should be left. There should be no leaves left on the cuttings before planting.


Now the most important thing is planting the bushes in the ground. The seedlings are carefully removed from containers or pots so that the roots are not damaged and the earthen ball does not crumble. Type planting material may be different and depends on the growing conditions. This is how seedlings exist:

    WITH closed root system. Each sprout grew separately, but in one pot.

    WITH open root system. These seedlings differ in that they originally grew in the ground.

To properly plant a rose bush, you need to strictly follow a certain procedure.

    The first thing to do is loosen the ground at the bottom of the hole. This will provide the roots with the opportunity to grow quickly and develop normally. In addition, loose soil allows moisture to pass through better and allows the root system to breathe.

    Then, to make the landing process easier, roots are usually shortened up to about 20cm.

    Next is the seedling located in the hole and buried with earth. The budding site itself should be several centimeters below the ground. To avoid voids, the hole is thoroughly watered. And at the very end, the soil is trampled down tightly and watered abundantly again.


However, you need to pay attention to the fact that different types of seedlings have various technologies landings. So bushes with a closed root system just need to be lowered vertically into the hole, and then evenly sprinkled with soil. For plants with an open root system, a small mound is poured at the bottom of the hole, and a seedling is placed on it. In any case, you need to carefully ensure that the roots do not bend upward.

If the soil in which the roses are planted is dense, then it upper layer loosen and pour plenty of water. It is important that there are no large clods of earth or stones under any circumstances.


After all this comes the stage of designing the rosary. During it, you need to fit garden figurines, lamps, pebbles and other exterior elements into the ensemble. Even at this stage, paths are laid and finished. At the end, you will need to trim the bushes so that they acquire the correct shape.

Video description

In this video, an experienced rose grower will tell you how to create a beautiful rose garden in your summer cottage:

Rose garden care

Usually, each housewife develops her own system of caring for roses. In general, these are one of the most capricious flowers, requiring constant care and attention. Caring for plants also requires an individual approach, because rose gardens can be located in different climatic conditions and various types soil But the basic principles always remain the same.

It is very important to feed roses correctly and on time. There is a special schedule that contains information about when and what fertilizers should be applied. In this case, it is better to use foliar feeding.

The plants are fed for the first time in the year in the spring, when the first leaves appear. At this stage you need to give the bush a large number of nitrogen, for which crystal blue is well suited. Ammonium nitrate is also used as a nitrogenous fertilizer.

The second feeding is carried out during the formation of the green mass of the bush. Now the emphasis is on phosphorus.

The roses are fed the third time after the completion of the first wave of flowering. At this stage, again, you need to use predominantly phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

The fourth and final feeding is carried out in the second half of August. At this time, plants need a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for good ripening of shoots.


Let's figure out how to deal with common diseases of “flower queens”:

    Powdery mildew: the drug “Strobi” helps very well in the fight against it. “Topaz” and “Falcon” are also used.

    Black spot: To prevent it from appearing in the rose garden, it is necessary to remove all fallen leaves in the fall, and also treat the plants with fungicides in the spring and summer.

    False powdery mildew : appears due to cold nights and high humidity, and you need to fight it with the help of the drug "Ridomil Gold".


Roses overwinter under a layer of spunbond. Its density should be about 42g/m3. Even in the northern regions of our country, such covering material ensures the preservation of shoots and excellent flowering in the next season.

If the bushes are tall, then they should be trimmed to 30-40 cm so that they can fit under the spunball. At the same time, you should not bend the shoots too much towards the ground. And so that the flower bed does not look ugly in winter, the tubercles of covered roses are covered with snow, and coniferous plants are also planted nearby.


Common varieties and families of roses

There are many different types of roses, each of which has its own merits and unique appearance. Below you will find a description of the most common families and varieties used to create rose gardens.

Floribunda roses

All varieties of this family are an intermediate link between hybrid tea and climbing roses. They differ in that they have a huge variety of colors, shades and sizes.

They are bushes with a height of 40cm to 1.5m. They are distinguished by the abundance of inflorescences on each stem. Flowers consist of 8 – 24 petals. The edges of the buds are medium terry. There are species with flat and cup-shaped flowers. The most popular varieties from this family are those with golden glossy petals, up to 1 m high.

The advantages of Floribunda roses are that they bloom continuously and are also very resistant to frost and viral infections.

Photos of some varieties from the Floribunda rose family:





Hybrid tea roses

The main feature of hybrid tea roses is the continuity of flowering. They have straight and strong stems that are resistant even to strong gusts of wind. The shoots of this family are very spreading. Usually the bushes are low, up to a meter, have few leaves, and the flowers are collected in inflorescences. Hybrid tea roses can be grown not only in open ground, but also indoors. They are great for creating a rose garden that can be seen from all sides.

Video description

If you are interested in hybrid tea roses, be sure to watch this video about this family of flowers:

Photos of the best varieties:




climbing roses

They have very long budding and flowering phases. Climbing roses constantly form new shoots, as a result of which they grow very quickly. Therefore, they are well suited for creating vertical rose gardens. You can also decorate fences, house walls, and gazebos with flowers from this family. The length of the stems of climbing roses often reaches 15 m.

Here are the most beautiful varieties from this family:




Video description

From the video you can learn how to create a rose garden with your own hands:


In this article you learned a lot of interesting and important information about creating rosaries and caring for them. If after this you have a desire to have such a flower garden on your site, then it would be better to turn to professional designers and gardeners for advice, because roses are very capricious and demanding. But all your efforts will not go without reward, because if you think through everything carefully and do it carefully, then you will have a wonderful, fragrant and bright rose garden at your dacha.

Beautiful garden decoration with roses (photo)

It is believed that the rose itself is a decoration and does not need company. But the “queen”, as the rose is recognized, needs a “retinue” in garden design, where it is dominant, and this is not at all a bad option for the overall decorative perception.

If you are a big rose lover, you should create a rose garden in your garden. It is set up in a large open ground area. It is an independent composition that emphasizes the beauty of your site.

When decorating a garden with roses, the rose garden is laid out in a regular or landscape style in the form of a huge flower bed, which is cut into separate sectors by paths. A fountain, pool, sculptures, vases, arches, trellises, pergolas, etc. can be included in the overall composition of the rose garden layout.

As you can see in the photo, for roses in landscape design, the main background on which these plants are placed in appropriate groups can be a lawn:

Roses in landscape design in the photo

Roses in the overall garden composition in the photo (photo)

Evergreens and deciduous shrubs are used to highlight and emphasize individual details.

In the rose garden you can imagine all groups of roses: border roses, and even potted roses. Set the purpose of the display the largest assortment Roses should not be used in landscape design. It is necessary to carefully consider and select groups and varieties of plants in such a way as to obtain the greatest decorative effect in the created colorful and voluminous composition.

Before you decorate your rose garden beautifully, decide on the shape and size of the groups. They are determined depending on the scale and nature of the layout of the rose garden; At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the requirements winter protection. The latter makes it necessary to plant roses in relatively small isolated groups of a simple configuration. Volumetric groups are created from hybrid tea and remontant roses in the background. Polyanthus roses should be planted in the foreground in garden landscape design, as they are distinguished by the most abundant and long-lasting flowering. The edge of the rose garden is planted border roses. If the site has a slope oriented to the south or west, it is appropriate to plant ground cover roses.

Pay attention to the photo - when decorating a site with roses, taking into account the biological and decorative features of these plants, you should not mix groups of rose bushes in plantings:

Along with roses, perennials should also be planted in the rose garden, which will replenish flowering in the early spring and serve as a backdrop for displaying the decorative merits of roses.

Before you start designing a site, you need to carefully think through and weigh everything.

First, you need to assess the capabilities of the area, its illumination, soil conditions, and size. In the design of the site, roses should be given both a bright place protected from the wind and a sufficient amount of nutrition - they suffer if, for example, a tree growing nearby takes away their nutrients and creates shade. Other roses planted too close may also become competitors. Therefore, it is very important to foresee such moments in advance.

As for the design approach, the use of roses gives the broadest opportunities. This is a universal plant for design, and thanks to the huge number of species and varieties, everyone can find their own option that will make the site uniquely beautiful.

The video “Roses in Landscape Design” shows what beautiful compositions can be composed with these shrubs:

Roses in the design of your garden are always welcome guests in flower beds, flowerbeds, and mixborders. They are used to cover unsightly areas of brick or wooden walls, trees, trellises. Roses are planted in rock gardens and alpine hills, as hedges, as accent plants (especially in standard form) and as ground cover plants. Planted in containers, they will certainly become a decoration for your home or patio.

Look at the photo - hybrid tea roses in design summer cottage mainly planted in flower beds, mixborders and borders:

Hybrid tea roses in the design of a summer cottage in the photo

Hybrid tea roses are planted in flower beds (photo)

Recently it has become fashionable to grow them in standard form as single plants.

When designing a flower bed, floribunda roses add color to the garden. Tall varieties are used to create hedges, while dwarf varieties (recently allocated to a separate group of patio roses) are used to decorate borders and as a container culture. The use of roses in flower beds in site design is justified both in landscape and regular planning.

As shown in the photo, climbing roses when decorating a garden provide enormous scope for realizing the ideas of a true artist:

Having the ability to climb vertical surfaces, they short term cover large spaces, which makes them indispensable for draping walls, trees, trellises, etc. In addition, climbing roses are used for backstage plantings, decorating arches and garden gazebos. Baskets made of climbing roses with a high handle, which are braided with shoots completely covered with flowers, look impressive.

Look at the photo - ground cover roses can play a big role in garden design:

Quickly forming a dense carpet of stems and leaves, they prevent the growth of weeds and at the same time play decorative role- hide unevenness and other imperfections in the landscape. Ground cover roses are also good in rockeries, to which they give a natural look.

Miniature roses are used mainly as indoor plants. But they can also be used as a border. A new word in landscape design is growing roses in rock gardens. But here care comes first, since the feeding area will be small.

As you can see in the photo, park roses in the landscape design of a summer cottage, they are mainly used to create hedges:

Also, park roses can be included in decorative garden groups consisting of trees and shrubs.

Knowing what plants to plant with roses in your landscape design, with the right selection of varieties and companion plants, you can create a wonderful mixborder. And in the springtime, while rose bushes have not yet reached the peak of decorativeness, early flowering bulbous plants - crocuses, snowdrops, scylla, muscaria, etc. - can bloom between them. In the summer, the beauty of roses will not be hindered by ageratum, aubrieta, and rezuha.

Genetically, roses are programmed to live a very long life. An example of this is wild roses (rose hips), whose lifespan is estimated at 500 years.

Cultivated roses, of course, live much shorter - up to 25-50 years, and if not enough favorable conditions and even less - 10-15 years.

And in order to extend the life of your favorite roses, enjoying their beauty, drawing strength and vigor from them, using healing gifts, you must, in addition to proper care, correctly arrange and combine them with other plants.

A rose lover should know that all the colorful variety requires a certain system when planting.

Look at the photo - when designing flower beds with rose varieties, you need to have uniform spots, which should include at least 3 bushes:

Design of flower beds with roses in the photo

Flower beds of roses in the photo

At the same time, the overall picture of the rose garden looks like areas of pure white, pure pink, pure red or yellow roses. Mixing different colors in one spot is unacceptable.

In addition, homogeneous spots should match each other in color. So, orange, purple, and pink roses do not go well with red ones.

Red roses in garden design can be separated from the same pink ones by white or cream ones.

Red color is classically combined with green, blue, lilac. Accepted combinations are light pink with light blue, purple with yellow and orange, blue with white.

The video “Roses in landscape garden design” shows ideas for placing these plants on the site:

The next point when placing roses in the garden is the selection of separate groups in different functional areas of the garden. So, in the front part of the garden you need to place hybrid tea and remontant roses. Their nobility of form, richness of color and aroma create the impression of beauty and dignity, artistic taste and harmony.

Red roses in a dacha design look good along the white wall of the house. They are cozy and sentimental here.

Roses should not be planted in the center of the lawn, as they will not only make it difficult to care for the lawn, but will also interfere with the feeling of peace that comes from the greenery of the lawn.

A group of polyanthus roses blooming all summer long is irreplaceable in relaxation corners, along the paths at the entrance to the gazebo, under the bedroom window.

Pay attention to the photo - polyanthus roses in the landscape design of the garden can border the roads of the site as a border, but for this you need to choose only low varieties:

Polyanthus roses in garden landscape design in the photo

Polyanthus roses in the photo

If you have flower beds in your garden where you want to place roses, then keep in mind that for roses they should not be oval, but rectangular shape. It is advisable that one variety be planted, then your flowerbed will acquire the status of solidity and splendor. Since you will have cutting material from the same flowerbed, use a group of hybrid tea and remontant roses.

We should not forget about wild roses. They delight us with beautiful fragrant, abundant inflorescences and bright fruits.

There will be a place for them along the boundaries of the site, where they will carry and protective function as an impassable fence. In addition, this is an excellent place for nesting birds. And the abundance of birds in the garden means a sharp decline in numbers.

As shown in the photo, climbing roses are indispensable in site design where there are gazebos, pergolas, iron gratings and other supports:

They are planted 2-3 near the support and the shoots are directed, fixing in the desired direction.

You can decorate withered trees and bare pillars with roses, and also create delightful pyramids using a metal or wooden frame.

Beautifully flowering and beautifully fruiting shrubs that are planted behind the roses and at a distance of at least 1-1.5 m from them look good with roses.

Among the deciduous shrubs, roses are combined with lilac, mackerel, yellow acacia, cotoneaster, euonymus, snowberry, oleaster, sea buckthorn, privet, tamarix, and mock orange.

The classic combination of roses with evergreen species, not only shrubs, but also trees - spruce, thuja, junipers. Species such as mahonia, pyrocanthus, and horizontal cotoneaster can also be used as evergreens.

The blue color, symbolizing the purity of the sky, enhances the beauty of the lush rose flower, white - gives splendor to the rose garden.

As you can see in the photo, when decorating a garden plot, roses go well with lavender, periwinkles, speedwells, bluebells, delphiniums, columbine, asters with blue and white flower colors:

Roses in the garden go well with lavender (photo)

Roses in the garden go perfectly with bluebells (photo)

Roses can be combined with summer flowering annuals and perennials. The main condition is that they have blue, blue, lilac, silver shades of flowers and leaves.

The classic combination of roses and gypsophila not only in bouquets, but also in a flowerbed or mixborder.

TO standard roses plant letniki, acroclinum, lobelia, agerantum.

The successful combination of roses and vines is generally recognized. Roses against the background of blue clematis, honeysuckle, and actinidia acquire even greater expressiveness.

We should not forget about the successful combination of roses with ears of perennial and annual grasses. They add grace and airiness to rose plantings. Among the grasses are sheep's fescue, evergreen oats, and brome.

Roses can also be combined with bulbous ones, but not with all of them, and, perhaps, only with white lilies, but, again, not in a bouquet and not with fragrant lilies.

Everything that has been said about possible combinations of roses, their placement on the site is important not only from the point of view of harmony and visual perception. Determined that successful combinations have a positive effect on the overall lifespan of the plant and the manifestation of its inherent advantages.

Only those plants that have similar requirements for growing conditions can be roses' companions. It is important to consider the time of flowering - it is better when the companions of the roses bloom before or after the queen of flowers. No less important is the combination of plants by aroma: you should not plant flowers next to a rose that exude strong smell, interrupting the subtle scent of rose.

The background on which roses grow is very important. Conifers, especially blue spruce, can also be used as a background.

Compositions of roses with other shrubs that have beautifully colored foliage are also successful: red, yellow, variegated - these include bladderworts, barberries, black elderberry, etc. Roses look wonderful against the background of the silvery foliage of poplar and suckers.

Look at the photo - roses in garden design look harmonious against the background flower plants With small flowers white, blue and blue in color, among which gypsophila takes first place:

If we talk about lining rose bushes, then the first place comes out to ornamental grasses (miscanthus, falaris, molinia, ozhika and various fescues), which are the ideal companion for roses.

Cereal herbs will also be supported in the composition by irises with their linear leaves. Irises bloom earlier than many roses, so their flowers will not distract attention, and after flowering the leaves will decorate rose plantings.

These photos show what can be planted next to roses for beautiful design garden plot:

When placing roses in the garden, consider the following recommendations:

  • White roses go harmoniously with all the colors of the rainbow. White roses look good next to other white flowers, especially if you add plants with bluish foliage. This combination can be complemented with pale blue, pink or lemon yellow flowers.
  • Yellow roses are spectacular with green and yellow-green tones; with blue and blue; and in compositions of warm colors - with different shades of orange.
  • Bright orange and orange-red roses are so striking that they are hard to miss. They go very beautifully with different shades of blue and cyan, especially in the presence of yellow-green.
  • Orange, apricot and peach roses in pale shades are completely lost in the colorful flower garden. It is better to surround such roses with other delicately colored plants. If there is pinkishness in the color of the rose, it will be combined with pink or crimson flowers.
  • Red roses don't go well with other shades of red and pink, so it's best to surround them with yellow or blue flowers. Red roses come with an orange or purple tint, and these two tones do not harmonize with each other at all, so they are not planted next to each other.
  • Soft pink roses look great against the background of plants with bluish-green foliage; they harmonize with pale blue flowers and deep pink roses.
  • Lilac and violet roses go well with pink, blue and yellow-green tones.

By watching the video “Roses in Garden Design” you can learn a lot original ideas:

Roses have long been admired for their beauty, which is why they are planted in every garden. Let's consider which roses to plant in the country so that they bloom from May to October. The choice is huge: more than 30 thousand varieties with various colors and shapes, and exquisite aroma surprise even professionals.

Only compliance with 2 important rules - high-quality seedlings, as well as optimal planting density - will allow us to grow any bush from this family of thousands. Therefore we will choose winter-hardy varieties, resistant to bad weather and disease, but at the same time beautifully and continuously blooming.

Our main goal is to create a constantly blooming luxurious rose garden.

Rules for planting and care

Of course, we want to relax outside the city, so we will plant unpretentious roses for the dacha.

  • If these plants are grafted onto a frost-resistant rootstock and grown in our climate in open ground, then we are guaranteed trouble-free success. Such bushes bloom profusely all season until frost and fill the garden with their fragrance.
  • It is the illuminated place that will ensure stable overwintering of all bushes, their immunity to diseases, rich and long subsequent flowering.
  • Roses prefer light neutral loams without waterlogging. This means we will improve heavy clay soil with compost and sand, and sandy soil with humus and clay.

Fertilizing with green manure plants is effective: they will enrich the soil until late autumn and protect the roots from frost.

  • The instructions specify the conditions for proper nutrition of flowering plants. Gardeners advise adding 30 kg of rotted manure and 50 g of NPK per bush per 1 square meter.

Planting roses

Sparse planting promotes strong weed growth, while dense planting promotes fungal infection.

  • Pour water into the hole, then add a mixture of humus and soil.
  • Strong seedlings have 3 shoots and both large and small roots are well developed.
  • We trim the long roots and remove the remaining shoots.
  • Leave the grafting site of the seedling 3 cm above the ground.
  • We water the bush and mulch the holes with peat.

Pruning and care

Let's look at how to properly care for roses in the country. We cut off all withered flowers with part of the branch, in the spring we shorten frozen, weak ones, and old ones - by a third of the length.

How to care for a rose in the country to protect it from diseases:

Nuances of feeding:

  • We fertilize with mullein or nitrogen twice: in June and October;
  • First, we water the grooves around the bush with water, then with liquid fertilizer and again with water, and then sprinkle with earth;
  • We will enrich foliar feeding with insecticide with fungicide and gum: they will improve the health of the plant.
  • At autumn planting remove the buds so that the bush takes root well.
  • In October we will trim off the diseased branches and protect them from frost. To do this, cover the ground with sawdust, peat or foam balls. Then in winter the roots and soil will “breathe” freely.
  • Low (up to 70 cm) varieties will tolerate -35 degrees in the snow. However additional insulation will enhance the result.
  • The larger the crown, the easier the bush will overwinter, so we will only trim it slightly in the fall.
  • From frost we cover it with earth, but in early spring Let's open the root neck.
  • We will remove the frozen buds, then the black mold will not cover the entire bush.

Choosing a plant

  • We will plant container blooming country roses even in the summer: they immediately show that they are offering us the desired look.
  • We buy strong young roses: the old bushes are weakened, their buds are small and sparse. We can distinguish old plants by numerous sections.
  • We prefer varieties that are resistant to fungi, but with long flowering.


Low groups of identical roses give a sophisticated decorative effect. They delight with buds of all colors of their double or single petals.

Tall and medium

  • Half-meter bushes of tea varieties with large double inflorescences (up to 10 on a branch) are fragrant from June until winter. Then we cover them together with the root collar.
  • We can grow with our own hands spectacular two-meter giants near a hedge, near the wall of a house or in the center of a flower bed. These are roses from Canadian breeders. For the winter we will bend them half a meter from the ground and cover them.

  • Wrinkled rugosa attracts with its unusualness, as well as its one and a half meter height and resistance to cold and disease. Its remontant nature is surprising: buds appear continuously for six months.

The photo shows charming floribunda inflorescences.

  • Single or double petals of floribunda varieties are fragrant. Here's how to grow this rose: you just need to trim the fading flowers in a timely manner.

Advice! Moisture and sun are the best helpers when growing roses of any group. A bucket of water under the bush growing on the south side of the garden - and its flowering will continue.

  • Roses with increased growth of shoots and inflorescences of white-pink-red tones bloom profusely in June-July and then again, as they are not afraid of cold weather.
  • We plant standard varieties with climbing varieties. country houses from block containers. This gives modern standard buildings an inimitable originality.


  • Polyanthas - neat compact half-meter bushes are decorated with bright large inflorescences all summer until the November cold. The plant overwinters comfortably with light soil cover.

  • The different colors of the inflorescences of ground cover varieties, the rapid growth of a carpet, winter hardiness and resistance to disease are just part of the arguments in favor of landscape roses. They perfectly decorate slopes, artificial cascades and alpine coaster, gracefully frame flower beds and paths.


We will accentuate the variegation of roses with a simple splash of evergreen perennials. Refined conifers and openwork ferns will skillfully create a background for the royal buds. Their price is insignificant in comparison with such a picturesque, winning landscape.

Traditional rosary

  • The front part is covered with ground cover miniature plants, forming a fragrant colorful carpet.
  • We will populate the middle line with colorful floribunda bushes or hybrid tea bushes 90 - 130 cm high.
  • Tall climbing pink trees are solo plants: they should also stand out with the brightness of their petals. For stability, we will dig a stake 10 cm from the trunk on the windy side and tie tall pink lashes to it.
  • An elastic fastening for tying up plants will simplify the care of the crown.

Greenhouses and rose gardens heated by electricity are magnificent even in cold weather, and renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is beneficial because it is not expensive.

  • The backdrop of the rosary forms climbing rose, which on supports will reach 5 meters. The variety of this beauty is a climbing one, and it itself is well supported on a support.


  • Rose bushes picturesquely frame the site or its individual zones: a cozy utility courtyard and a charming island for relaxation. A single-row “border” in the garden will be laid by meter-long bushes, the distance between which is up to half a meter.
  • With a multi-row two- or three-tier fence low plants We will plant them in front and further in a checkerboard pattern, but strictly according to their height until the last one and a half meter giants.
  • 2-year-old bushes are good for.

The last row should not be closer than half a meter to a permanent fence or wall in order to maintain free ventilation of the plants, suppressing mold and mildew.


There are thousands of types of this royal flower and everyone has their own preferences for light, moisture, and soil. Knowing how to raise the queen of flowers, we will successfully take care of her prosperous existence at our dacha.

It is spectacular in the center of emerald green. Also beautiful is a mysterious gazebo entwined with roses, or a flowering arch from the gate to the house. The video in this article will share with us information about beautiful and unique roses.

Every owner of a private house or cottage wants his garden plot to be comfortable, functional, original and beautiful. To work with your own hands it was pleasant and comfortable, and the garden brought good harvests.

Lately everything more people strives to do on personal plot not only a work area, but also a place to relax, where you can connect with nature. That's why landscape design takes the direction of landscaping the site. The final stage of landscape gardening is the creation of flower beds.

Flower beds in any garden attract attention with bright and varied colors. If you choose the right flowers, they can please the eye with early spring until late autumn. The queen of flowers throughout the ages has been the rose. Its popularity is proven by the large number of myths about the origin of this flower. Confucius himself dedicated his works to the rose. Today, we will tell you how to create a garden on your site for our queen - a rose garden.

Rose is a light-loving and self-sufficient flower. And to produce the desired effect, you can plant only one species. But if you want to combine several varieties, then try to create a harmonious composition. Each variety should be represented by no more than 3-5 plants.

There are more than 15 thousand varieties of roses. Among their diversity, there are evergreen species that differ in height (from 10 cm to 5 m), in the way the stem grows (erect, climbing) and many other differences.

A well-groomed rose garden is the beauty and special highlight of the garden. And if the rose garden is made at the dacha with your own hands, then it is the pride of the owner and the admiration of neighbors and guests.

A beautiful rose garden is not just a decoration for your garden, it is a good mood.

A well-composed rose garden is a unity of aroma and color. You need to carefully consider the height of roses, the season and time of flowering. Harmoniously combine the shape and shades of buds and leaves, for example, as in the photo.

In order to competently plan a rose garden, you need to choose the right place, choose suitable varieties roses, and most importantly - to provide them with proper care.

You can place a rose garden either at the entrance or along the terrace. But you need to remember that it will always attract attention, so make sure in advance that your flower garden is located in a landscaped area of ​​the garden.

How to arrange a rose garden at your dacha with your own hands

If you decide to realize your creative potential and create a rose garden with your own hands, we suggest following these steps:

Choosing a place for a rose garden

You should create a flower garden with your own hands on an area of ​​at least fifteen square meters. We have already noticed that roses are sun-loving flowers. Therefore, when choosing a location, make sure that, if possible, nothing obscures the future rose garden, and it is also advisable that there are no drafts.

When choosing a location, make sure that nothing obscures the future rose garden

It is imperative to develop a planting scheme in order to imagine the type and color saturation rosary

Preparing the ground

Fertile, slightly acidic soil with good air and water permeability is excellent for roses. If your soil does not meet these indications, then you will have to first prepare it yourself. To do this, the soil is mixed with special mineral fertilizers or with peat, compost or humus.

Color selection

If you decide to make a rose garden with your own hands, then listen to the advice of a specialist and select roses that match the color scheme, but with different shapes flower and branches.

  • For example, cream flowers go well with red ones;
  • but do not plant red roses next to orange or pink ones;
  • It is better to plant red flowers in the same composition with blue or lilac flowers;
  • Two-color roses are planted separately.

Some gardeners decide to choose types of roses from a catalog, plant them in the designated area and believe that a beautiful rose garden is ready. After which we can observe a flower garden in the form of a collection of different varieties of flowers, and not a full-fledged composition.

If you can afford it large area rose garden, then when choosing flowers, use species such as climbing rose or hybrid tea varieties. They reach one and a half meters in height, have large buds, which looks very impressive in a flower garden.

If you don’t have a lot of space for a rose garden on your site, then varieties of low species, for example, apricot, cameo border, ilsa, gelaxi and others, are better suited.

There is no need to make a rose garden only from roses. The rose garden can be harmoniously complemented with other plants that will only highlight the splendor of roses.

But you need to choose the right “neighbors” for the queen of flowers.

  1. You can plant both decorative and deciduous shrubs(lilac, acacia).
  2. Some types will look interesting perennial plants(lavender, speedwell, bellflower), cereals or bulbous plants.
  3. Don't forget the evergreens coniferous plants, which will please the eye and winter season(juniper, mahonia).
  4. A rose with vines (clematis) will look beautiful.
  5. It is not recommended to plant bright annuals such as salvia and neranya with roses.

You need to start decorating your rose garden by choosing the shape of the flower bed. We recommend arranging a flower garden in the shape of a rectangle, rather than an oval or circle. The boundaries of the flower bed are made using partitions, paving or borders. This fence serves another role - it hides the lower part of the stem, which does not always look elegant. Such a fence looks very interesting from low plants.

  1. A green or purple hedge (Santolina rosemary leaf, low-growing aster) will look good with a colorful flower garden.
  2. Silver-colored foliage (sage, woolly stachy) will suit a rose garden in bed colors.

It is natural that correct connection flowers have a positive effect on the lifespan of the rose and flowering to the full extent of its merits.

Planting roses correctly

When planting roses, you need to follow certain rules.

Experts recommend planting roses in the fall before frost. If the groundwater in your area runs deeper than one meter, then there will be no additional worries. Otherwise, you need to prepare drainage. To do this, you need to remove the top layer of soil, and gravel or expanded clay is poured in its place. After which the earth is poured again.

  1. If you purchased seedlings in a container and root system been in the ground all the time, then they are planted in a ready-made hole.
  2. The root system needs to be moistened, and the part of the bush that remains above the ground needs to be trimmed a little, leaving 2-3 of the strongest shoots without shoots and leaves.
  3. When planting in a hole, you need to hold the seedling vertically upward, making sure that the roots do not bend.
  4. The soil around the bush is crushed, loosened, watered well and piled up with sawdust to a height of 20 cm (for insulation in the winter).

There are a variety of them, their appearance completely depends on the taste and preferences of the owners of the site. If you wish, you can even create an imitation of natural growth in the garden, a so-called landscape flower garden, for which roses with different flowering periods are selected - your imagination is not limited.

Often, flower beds with roses are placed in the center of the garden, close to the house.

To emphasize their beauty, the flower garden is framed with tiles and pebbles. The result is the effect of a small garden in a common garden.

Other flowers in the rosary scheme.

Ideas about appearance rosary have changed throughout their history, if earlier gardeners recognized only flower beds with roses alone, because they believed that in combination with other flowers they lose their attractiveness, now the situation has changed dramatically.

Now mixed rose gardens have come into fashion, this has improved not only the appearance of the flower garden, but also eliminated many of the diseases that roses suffered from.

Neighbors for the queen of flowers must be chosen with special care; naturally, many will want to plant bright peonies or dahlias, but this is an absolutely wrong decision.

Companions for roses should be plants with less spectacular flowering, but with an elegant silhouette and durability.

Perennials in a rosary design occupy a special place, probably many have seen how wonderful thujas, foxgloves or junipers look in combination with roses.

They are the ones who can beautifully set off all the attractiveness of the queen of gardens. Ornamental grasses in small quantities will also help to place the necessary accents.

To fill the space between the rose bushes, plants with small flowers are used, but you should not place them right next to the main character of the flower garden, otherwise she simply will not have enough nutrition.

An original solution would be one single rose bush with large beautiful buds framed by other flowers.

Cereals are of course preferable, their natural image is in harmony with the romantic image English roses. This could be miscanthus and pampas grass, which grows in more southern regions. By the way, you can try replacing cereals with asparagus.

Compositions from Julia Tadeusz (Jasmina):

1 Composition for the “Garden of Aromas”.

Roses: Abraham Darby, Sharifa Asma, Winchester Cathedral. Partners: oregano, evening primrose, onions, hyssop and monarda and chistets.

2 Composition for the “Garden of Aromas”.

Composition for the “Garden of Aromas”. Roses: Crocus Rose, Golden Celebration, the Pilgrim. Partners: oregano, onions, evening primrose, hyssop, chistets, feverfew.

3 Composition for the “Garden of Aromas”.