Sagittarius how to return. How to return a Sagittarius man - forum, horoscope, help and practical women's advice

To get your Sagittarius man back after a breakup, be completely honest. Tell us how you feel and what you would like to do, without resorting to manipulation, trickery or games that are guaranteed to make things worse

If this guy broke up with you, there is a turbulent period of life ahead, since this is a fire sign, which means he “flares up” very easily.

They hate feeling stressed, so if there are signs of trouble in the relationship, he will want to cut all ties in one blow to save his time and feelings.

In the case where you initiated the breakup, it will make itself felt 100%. In this case, be very careful when playing on the field of returning relationships.

If you think it’s worth trying to get your Sagittarius man back, you’ll have to court him in order to eventually get together. Here are the main tips from psychologists on how best to do this.

  1. The ex-boyfriend or husband would never allow separation if there was deep understanding and passion between the partners. This zodiac sign really wants adventure, so you should start doing fun and memorable things with them.
  2. To win back a Sagittarius guy, you should act a little flirty when you go out together. Ideally, your ex-partner should get to know a new side of you. Don't treat this meeting like a first date, but instead use this opportunity to get to know your ex's fears and desires.
  3. By establishing contact, you can gain a deeper understanding of what is needed to strengthen the relationship. If friendship is all that can be counted on at the moment, then for the first time this should be enough.


Although guys of this zodiac sign love beautiful things, they are inherently greedy. To get a Sagittarius man to return to his ex, you can appeal to their logical side and try to convince them that staying single is more expensive and worse than being a couple.

Obviously, you don't want your ex to come back for money. However, there are many benefits to being in a relationship, and the ability to save money is just one of them.

Tell him that it's more profitable to be with someone who has a similar approach to finances, and you'll both be richer that way.

Correct accents

Although representatives of this sign can be jealous, you should not appeal to this part of their personality. If you try to make your ex jealous by flirting a lot or dating other people, then you will only get a nasty nickname from him for this.

Even if your ex is eager to get back, you'll never know it by playing the jealousy game.

To get your Sagittarius man back after a breakup, make him understand that your relationship is worth working on.


If you want the Sagittarius guy to come back, you have to play your game. If you take the first step, there is a high chance that your ex will understand that he has something to hold on to. By combining passion, adventure and logic, you will convince the man you love that your relationship is more than worthy of renewal.

Have you been captivated by the magnificent Sagittarius man with his inexhaustible optimism, energy and ability to strive only forward? You found yourself under the influence of his charm, charm, and were delighted. Have you already thought that Sagittarius is also madly in love with you, and now he suddenly left and does not call? Try to calm down and not worry. You will need to captivate Sagittarius again, remind him of the feelings that he experienced with you, and certainly hold him back with something new, still unknown.

You must truly surprise your loved one so that he himself does not want to leave you. Remember that you cannot try to chain Sagittarius. He does not tolerate any infringement of his freedom; he prefers to evade responsibility if communication bothers him. The Sagittarius man is ready to refuse even a woman who admires him if he feels that he has already become dependent on her; she is trying to tie him down. Be natural, energetic, learn to fly to the clouds with Sagittarius. Just directly invite him to come back, and then take action! To return a Sagittarius man, you will need to understand him and correctly build your line of behavior.

Let's get to know the Sagittarius man better and return him
Your loved one is a little fantastic, he flies on the wings of his ideas and dreams, but at the same time sometimes demonstrates real miracles of practicality and prudence. He is capable of the most daring experiment, but he is openly afraid of marriage and family ties, responsibility, scenes with tears and reproaches. Let's consider the main features inherent in most Sagittarius. And you will certainly complement the portrait of your loved one with his individual characteristics that you have noticed.

  1. Fireworks Man. The Sagittarius man really makes a huge impression. He knows how to whirl the most practical and reserved woman in a real whirlpool of impressions and sensations, to reveal in her a passionate nature and a dreamer. Even if a strict lady never dreamed of anything and did not believe in fairy tales, she will certainly dream about Sagittarius in her sleep and in reality. If you appreciate his charm, you need to try to adopt at least a tenth of Sagittarius's skill. Then it will be his turn to be surprised. Watch him, his manners, try to unravel the mystery of his attractiveness. In general, use his weapon.
  2. Connoisseur of easy relationships. The Sagittarius man loves open relationships, he is capable of light flirting and is more focused on connections that do not oblige him to anything. He is afraid to connect his life with a woman for a long time; he may leave her simply for the sake of preserving his freedom. Remember that the departure of your loved one does not need to be perceived as a tragedy or to look for some deep reasons for his grievances, frustration, or dissatisfaction. It is quite possible that he was attracted to another woman, and he simply decided to end your relationship. There is also this option: your chosen one felt that he began to become attached to you, to get used to you. In this case, his departure is rather a good sign. You will certainly be able to win back your Sagittarius man and strengthen your relationship.
  3. Elusive. The thing is that your chosen one really does not like any shackles and shudders at the word “marriage”. Try not to disturb his peace with hints about the official conclusion of your union. He will probably want to escape from you. It’s also not worth talking about the eternal love that you are ready to give him. What if he doesn’t want to receive such a gift at all?..
  4. Amorous. Your loved one is very emotional and quickly becomes attracted to new people. This also applies to his relationships with women. Attracting a Sagittarius man can usually be quite simple, but getting him to return after leaving is much more difficult. However, you must correctly assess your capabilities, act energetically and creatively. Then you will certainly be able to return the Sagittarius man. Just don’t think that you’ve already done half the job if you managed to attract Sagittarius at one time. He needs a special approach, and the role of past relationships is not so great for him. But you will be able to benefit from the experience of communicating with Sagittarius: after all, you got to know him better than before you started close communication.
  5. Simple-minded and a little rude. Sagittarius men are often shocking with their excessive openness. Could your loved one calmly note the beauty of a random passerby, even set her up as an example for you? Did he make comments to you, criticize outfits and makeup, without being embarrassed by the presence of strangers? All this is quite normal for a Sagittarius, you will have to get used to his rudeness. He just says what he thinks. Don’t stop him - this is how you will be able to find out his view on many things, create the right image and style.
  6. Honest. It is this quality of Sagittarius that will be able to help you when you take steps to get him back. With this person you can calmly discuss the breakup, ask him important questions and get sincere answers. Sagittarius men usually do not cheat, do not hide emotions and feelings, and answer openly. When you talk with your chosen one, you will become the owner of truly valuable information!
  7. Responsive. Despite some superficiality, Sagittarius has a soft character, he is sympathetic and kind. Use this quality too, but don’t put undue pressure. Your task is to carefully persuade the Sagittarius man to continue communication, and in any capacity. Do not refuse his friendship, guardianship.
You should study not only the obvious character traits of Sagittarius, but also try to penetrate his inner world a little deeper. Be wise, love him truly, do not ignore his manners and habits. Collect a mosaic of impressions about your loved one - you will certainly get a picture of his personality. Then you will instantly rise above the status of his casual acquaintance and will be able to return the Sagittarius man.

Let's shoot arrows together and maintain independence: holding the Sagittarius man
Follow a few simple tips to get your loved one back. There are some secrets: many women forget about them, although these are the methods that can help bring back a Sagittarius man and tie him to you.

  1. Sincere and open. In many ways, you will need to become a real “mirror” for the Sagittarius man. He loves and appreciates himself, he will also like the reflection. Just don’t exaggerate his character traits and don’t try to surpass him in anything. You need to become sincere and honest. Talk openly with your loved one, make the honest conversation beneficial for both of you. Get used to being more relaxed, free, and don’t be shy about talking about your feelings.
  2. Restrain your emotions if you dream of conquering Sagittarius forever. You should still keep silent about that same eternal love - this will be your little trick. In order not to constantly remember your dream (if you want to tie your loved one to you forever), learn to live in the present. Just enjoy the moment, get used to the fact that happiness exists in today, and not in the foggy future. Gradually, you yourself will appreciate this approach and stop thinking about many years ahead.
  3. Sociable and patient. Remember that life with Sagittarius will most likely not be calm. You choose this path yourself. Your loved one is probably amorous and unpredictable. He is capable of treason. Try to accept him with all his shortcomings, learn to gently control him, but only for his own sake. Know how to gently stop and give valuable advice without a moralizing tone.
  4. Feminine and charming. Sagittarius needs to be charmed and surprised every day. Take his example: he is always different, alluring, charming and captivating with his swiftness and ability to constantly transform. Dazzle him with the same brilliance and talent for transformation, replace all potential muses for him. He should be interested and comfortable with you.
  5. Wise. Learn to take advantage of all the visible shortcomings of your loved one in order to finally return the Sagittarius man. Did he say he liked the woman? Ask him about her. Find out what exactly attracted her - this will make it easier for you to surpass your rival. And during a conversation with your loved one after breaking up, also show the ability to endure, control yourself, and look at some things with a reasonable amount of cynicism. Your Sagittarius will definitely appreciate this.
  6. Independent. Your loved one values ​​freedom - show a similar quality. Show that you are not at all trying to put him in the shackles of marriage, but not at all because you are not confident in your abilities or do not love him enough. You just don’t dream about them at all.
Be an interesting conversationalist, a reliable partner and a good housewife. You will have to make classic efforts to organize your life and create the most comfortable conditions for your loved one. At the same time, you should help the Sagittarius man in his affairs, get excited about his ideas, and give really useful advice. Conquer peaks and shoot arrows straight at the target together!

Sagittarius whirled in a whirlwind of events, carried away into a cycle of impressions and vivid sensations, conquered with his energy and optimism? His charisma and charm drove you crazy. You were sure that from now on you would be together forever. But suddenly Sagittarius disappeared and doesn’t call at all. “How could this happen?”, “Why did this happen?”, “Is there any hope for the return of my beloved?” After all, these are the thoughts running through your head? Calm, try to stay calm. You can return Sagittarius if you manage to surprise him, remind him of those happy moments that you experienced together, awaken new feelings in his soul.

Sagittarius cannot be tied to oneself, this man cannot stand any encroachment on his freedom, he can only be caught, stunned or hit with something, then Sagittarius himself will not want to go anywhere.

You will have to understand his rebellious, freedom-loving nature and correctly build a line of behavior.

  • The Sagittarius man values ​​easy relationships, he is excited by flirting, and does not want any obligations. Serious relationships seem to him like shackles that will bind him for the rest of his life. You should not confess your eternal love to him, this will scare away Sagittarius. It’s better to make it clear that marriage scares you, you’re not ready for it and you just want to live in pleasure and have fun. It is quite possible that your Sagittarius felt that he was getting used to you, becoming attached to you, and therefore decided to leave. In fact, this is a good sign. If everything is so, then you will be able to return your loved one.
  • The Sagittarius man is simple-minded and a little rude. He can make any remark without hesitation, evaluate the appearance of a passing girl, and express his opinion directly. Don't let this bother you. This is normal for an open and simple-minded Sagittarius. So you can learn more about him, his view on many things.
  • Sagittarius is responsive, always ready to help. By nature, this man is kind-hearted and sensitive. Use this quality to return it. You can turn to him for help, ask for advice or ask for the thing you need. The Sagittarius man will not refuse, but will be happy to help. Try to communicate with him more, so you can revive your relationship.
  • To get your loved one back, act energetically, creatively and without delay. Sagittarius is very emotional, he quickly gets along with people and makes new acquaintances. While you are yawning, he may well already find a new companion. Sagittarius requires a special approach; female charms alone will not help here. You need to stun him with something, he will certainly pay attention to the shocking behavior.
  • Agree to friendship with Sagittarius. You need to be nearby to make it easier to return your loved one. Don't stop visiting the same gym with him, don't quit your job if you worked together, visit his favorite places more often.
  • Try to restrain your emotions if you want to return your chosen one. There is no need to tell Sagittarius about eternal love, hint at marriage, or tell them that you dream of having a couple of kids. It’s better to just enjoy the moment, live here and now, enjoy life, have fun with your loved one. Don’t think ahead, don’t think about what awaits you in the future; with Sagittarius you need to live in the present, experience happiness, and not wait for it.
  • Become sincere, open and positive, like Sagittarius himself. Learn to enjoy even the little things, talk openly with your loved one, get used to greater looseness and freedom. Observe Sagittarius, his behavior and become like him. This man loves himself, appreciates him, and he will like a girl who looks like him.
  • Be sociable and patient with Sagittarius. He is too freedom-loving and sometimes something in his behavior may not suit you. Don't put pressure on him, give advice, but not instructions. You shouldn’t lecture Sagittarius, he won’t appreciate it, he’ll rather decide to run away from the bore.
  • Be an independent, self-sufficient person. Make it clear that you greatly value freedom, that you want to have personal space, your own hobbies and interests. Tell him that it is too early for you to think about marriage, you are afraid of any shackles and want an unburdensome relationship.
  • Forget about any squabbles and scandals. The Sagittarius man cannot stand them. One hysteria is enough to make him wonder why he even got involved with such a special person. Resolve all issues through peaceful negotiations, and not through whining or grumbling.

What kind of woman should you become?

  1. Outwardly attractive. The Sagittarius man needs a bright, prominent girl whom he can be proud of. It should be a pleasure to go out with her, attend a party, your beauty should outshine everyone around you.
  2. Energetic. Sagittarius needs a girl who loves an active lifestyle: she plays sports, has many hobbies, loves to travel, and can accompany him on a hike or on a trip.
  3. Cheerful. Your loved one knows a lot about entertainment, he likes to live in pleasure, he needs a companion who is cheerful, mischievous and playful, with whom he will not be bored.
  4. Direct. Forget about complexes and embarrassment with Sagittarius, be yourself, have fun, fool around, enjoy life like a child. This is exactly the kind of young lady that the restless, hectic Sagittarius will like.
  5. Generous. Show your lover that you have a big heart, that you are a sensitive, responsive and attentive girl. Your nobility will undoubtedly delight him.

The main thing about Sagittarius. His chips. Character. What should a girl prepare for?

The Sagittarius man is a lucky, inquisitive, cheerful person. There are legends about his luck; he is one of those people who, when buying a lottery ticket, invariably wins, and each time large sums. Sagittarius knows how to live easily, his character is such that he is carefree and spontaneous, he perceives difficulties as levels in a game that need to be completed. This is a very active, energetic person. Sagittarius is always in a hurry, he has a lot of things to do.

For this man, it is important to achieve success in life; for the sake of his goal, Sagittarius will work day and night, without knowing fatigue. Sagittarius has more than enough energy. He is restless, lively, willful and freedom-loving. In addition, he is impulsive and often intemperate with his tongue. Sagittarius often says exactly what he thinks. He will not fuss and play; he is characterized by honesty and frankness.

Charming, sociable Sagittarius is not constancy; he is flighty, frivolous and childish. This man is afraid of marriage, he is looking for ease in relationships.

Falling in love with him is not difficult, but keeping him is quite problematic. Sagittarius does not strive for a serious relationship; he is sure that they will tie him hand and foot. To captivate him, you need to appear before him as an independent and active girl who has a lot of things to do, activities and hobbies. Only an interesting girl can interest him.

Sagittarius needs to be kept in good shape; you can say, for example, that you welcome open relationships. However, then he himself, most likely, will realize that certain restrictions and obligations are necessary. You cannot demand from Sagittarius an account of his actions. This is how you can lose your loved one forever.

In marriage, everything will be the same: Sagittarius’s restlessness will not go away; from his wife he no longer expects soups and clean floors, but lightness, an optimistic attitude towards life and liveliness.

The wife, according to Sagittarius, is simply obliged to share all his hobbies with him and accompany him on all his trips. Sagittarians get married quite late, but having made a choice, they are usually faithful to their wife, devoted to their family and love their children.

Aries woman

The ardent, self-confident Aries girl suits the hectic Sagittarius like no other. There is a storm of emotions in their couple. They are both unrestrained, energetic and passionate. True, they can also have disagreements, usually due to Aries’s jealousy, even to the point of separation. It will not be difficult to return love if Aries stops being jealous of his lover, gives him more freedom and does not demand an account of his actions;

Taurus woman

It is difficult for the practical, down-to-earth Taurus to understand the restless, carefree Sagittarius. Sometimes his actions seem to her the height of recklessness; she is often inclined to admonish and teach her beloved. Taurus also does not like Sagittarius's extravagance. The Telchikha girl will be able to return love if she tries to understand her man, stops demanding constant savings from him and lectures him less;

Gemini woman

Geminis are famous for the fact that they often hide their true intentions, they like to lie and embellish reality. At the same time, their other half feels fooled and deceived. To regain the trust of Sagittarius, the Gemini girl will have to become more open, honest and generous;

Cancer woman

The calm, homely Rakin and the freedom-loving Sagittarius are too different, because of this, conflicts are possible. To return Sagittarius, the Cancer girl will have to learn to understand her lover, not force him to spend all evenings at home and take less care and control of him;

Leo woman

The cheerful Sagittarius and the bright Lioness have a lot in common. However, the narcissistic Lioness is also extremely vain, which can irritate Sagittarius. Her arrogance seems funny to him. To regain the trust of her beloved, she should think less about her person and surround her lover with more care;

Virgo woman

Virgo will be able to return her beloved Sagittarius if she stops being so pedantic, petty and scrupulous. In addition, Virgos are known critics, and Sagittarius does not make any judgment. Less moralizing and instructions, otherwise your chosen one will simply disappear;

For a Libra woman

The contradictory Libra is often lazy and clumsy, which terribly irritates the restless, restless Sagittarius. To return love, the Libra girl needs to become more energetic, lively and easy-going;

Scorpio woman

The emotional Scorpio is possessive and jealous, she is also suspicious and selfish. Sagittarius cannot stand control or scenes of jealousy. To return his beloved, the Scorpio girl needs to learn that the Sagittarius man needs a certain freedom, he cannot be forced into anything and there is no need to make a scene for him;

Sagittarius woman

Overall they are great for each other. However, all Sagittarians are unrestrained in their tongue, they like to tease their interlocutor or be sarcastic. The archer will return her lover if she watches what she usually says, is less sarcastic and pleases her man more;

Capricorn woman

They are completely different. A serious, responsible Capricorn will be able to return the carefree Sagittarius if she manages to adapt to his character and rhythm of life, does not put pressure on her loved one, and does not remake him to her taste;

For Aquarius woman

All Aquarians are rather reserved, lazy and stubborn. This may not please the active extrovert Sagittarius. If Aquarius wants to return love, she needs to become more open, sociable and energetic, learn to enjoy life, as Sagittarius does;

Pisces woman

Pisces' tendency to often become despondent irritates the life-loving Sagittarius. To return love, Pisces needs to stop constantly worrying, feeling sorry for itself, worrying and being nervous about trifles.

This man needs to be returned quickly, before he gets carried away by another lady. Sagittarians are too fickle. Leave him alone, and you cannot be completely sure that he will not move on to another charming woman. Therefore, act energetically and preferably creatively.

For example, you can offer Sagittarius some kind of adventure, involve him in an interesting and exciting business, invite him on an exciting trip.

The main thing is don’t say that you miss him, don’t cry or get hysterical, as you’ll only scare him away. Explain your proposal by saying that you simply invited him as an old friend to have fun together, say that you have not found a more worthy candidate than him. Sagittarius will obviously be flattered by this and he will probably keep you company, especially since he is not one of those who miss all the interesting things. Then act according to the situation, do not get lost, there may not be another chance to return your loved one.

How to get Sagittarius back after a quarrel?

If you had a serious fight and you are worried about how to make peace after the conflict, then know: Sagittarius subtly senses whether his partner has sincerely repented or is just pretending. That is why, decide to have a frank conversation only if you really agree to admit your mistakes, are ready to discuss your relationship and will change. You shouldn't promise something you can't deliver. Sagittarius will only believe once; if his requests are ignored, he will most likely simply leave. During the conversation, listen to him carefully to remember what exactly he expects from his partner, then you just have to make it come true.

Remember, Sagittarius does not forgive betrayal and betrayal, for them this is a huge shame.

If his significant other is unfaithful, Sagittarius is capable of the most inappropriate actions; do not allow this to happen, otherwise it will be impossible to return him.

Sagittarius is a peace-loving sign; this man does not like to sort things out, swear, and, even more so, hysteria and breaking dishes. You still have to manage to quarrel with Sagittarius. In addition, people of this constellation have an innate sense of justice. If Sagittarius realizes that he got excited and was wrong, then he himself will soon ask for forgiveness. Such a man does not want to live in a state of conflict, much less have enemies; he will readily take the first step towards. The main thing is that you should not seriously offend him; he can forget a small mistake, but certainly not betrayal. You shouldn’t even flirt with others, trying to impress Sagittarius; he won’t appreciate you; on the contrary, he’ll get angry.

A man of this sign is always happy to help. To return it, you can contact him with a request for help or ask his advice. Sagittarius will certainly help you.

Returning Sagittarius if he has someone else is not an easy matter. If it has come to this, then your chances are slim. It may take a lot of time and effort to return love. It's worth being patient in advance. You can charm a Sagittarius if you become the ideal girl for him: a well-groomed beauty, an intelligent conversationalist and a determined, brave adventurer.

Answers to some other frequently asked questions

How to deal with Sagittarius?

Your chosen one needs a girl with similar views. Sagittarians attach even more importance to commonality of thinking than to external attractiveness. Be sure to share the hobbies and interests of your loved one, so you will definitely tie him to you. Be sure to create a comfortable environment at home, remember, Sagittarius cannot stand quarrels and scandals. Always be faithful to your loved one, he will not forgive betrayal.

How to make a Sagittarius fall in love with you?

You need to be an independent, interesting girl, always cheerful and witty. Don't restrict his freedom. Be a faithful friend, adviser and assistant in business. Be less sad, enjoy life more. Draw Sagittarius into adventures, invite him to travel, stun him with your behavior.

How to understand Sagittarius?

All Sagittarians love freedom very much; they consider marriage a cage into which they cannot fall.

They are in no hurry to marry; if they do, it is to girls who advocate open relationships. The Sagittarius man is a true esthete, so don’t catch his eye unkempt or in a robe. Don't talk to your loved one in a raised voice. No hysterics or scandals. The only way to convey something to Sagittarius is a long, calm, thorough dialogue.

Sagittarius men are incredibly spontaneous; sometimes they don’t need a huge scandal or a serious reason to slam the door and leave in an unknown direction. Most often, such men go to friends, they do not suffer much, since they always surround themselves with a large number of both friends and ladies. They are never bored; such men are always looking for adventure and always find it. The reasons for breaking up with Sagittarius are often the wrong behavior of women. As we have already said, Sagittarius has many friends, and the situation is such that they can come to your house at any time of the day or night, and your man can break with them and run to solve their problems. If you tried to turn the situation around, then it is not surprising that your Sagittarius left.

These men do not accept any pressure. Friends mean a lot to them, there are often many women among their friends, and even trying to change the situation is not worth it, you will only make it worse. A man needs home comfort and coziness, but when adventure calls him, you won’t be able to keep him at home. And the woman who acts smartly is the one who finds a common language with Sagittarius’s friends, who is ready to get up in the middle of the night, welcome all her man’s friends into her house, feed her, and in no way interfere with communication. Sagittarius loves economical women, passionate and emotional. Sagittarius needs a woman nearby who is capable of burning just like himself. In a relationship, never try to point out to a man his mistakes and do not try to change him. You should not take on a leading role.
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Sagittarius does not like to see a woman who is too smart, too strong and domineering next to them. With such men, it is better to pretend that you are much stupider than them. Let him decide a lot for both of you. Don't let Sagittarius's seeming frivolity scare you. Such men become wonderful fathers and family men. It is important to simply be more patient and tolerant. If a man has left, he should be left for a while, do not start running after him among friends and acquaintances. Give your man time to enjoy his freedom, don’t irritate him needlessly. It is possible that he himself will come in a couple of days, especially if there was no particular reason for the quarrel. Sagittarians are not able to take offense for so long. They cannot stand scandals and can leave immediately as soon as a woman begins to provoke a scandal. That is why later, when the passions have subsided, you need to talk calmly with the man about everything.

A jealous Sagittarius could see betrayal where it was not and could not be. It can be difficult to convince him. And if betrayal really took place, then it will be incredibly difficult for Sagittarius to forgive you. To return Sagittarius, you must forget about quarrels and conflicts, be as easy as your man, try not to put pressure on him. Do not deprive a man of the freedom that is important to him. Sagittarians are quite peaceful, unless it involves betrayal, otherwise they will be ready to make concessions to you and will want to plunge into this relationship again. If you have done something reprehensible, try to repent of it, but only sincerely and not in words. A man must understand that you realized you were wrong. Sagittarius will never tolerate lies. If you are guilty, explain to him the motives for your actions without humiliating yourself. Just make it clear that you were wrong and it won't happen again.
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The question of how to make peace with a Sagittarius man does not arise very often, and how to get him back even less often because people of the Sagittarius sign cannot stand conflicts or showdowns, they have an easy-going, cheerful character. On the other hand, they may be characterized by stubbornness and intransigence. If a Sagittarius man considers that his dignity has been damaged, that they are trying to put pressure on him, that they are depriving him of his free will, then he can seriously quarrel with the uninvited “commander”.

In addition, Sagittarius men are uncompromising when it comes to cheating. You should not expect them to change their anger to mercy if the fact of betrayal became known to someone else: for themselves, they consider it a huge shame that they cannot forgive. By the way, Sagittarius may imagine betrayal even where there is none, so you should not try to reconcile with a man of this sign by demonstrating to him your attractiveness in the eyes of other representatives of the stronger sex.

Sagittarians are not used to arguing with loud showdowns and breaking dishes. By nature, these are peace-loving people, and this circumstance gives hope for successful reconciliation in the event of a quarrel. Another character trait that helps them make peace is their innate sense of justice. If Sagittarius understands that he was wrong, then he will readily take the first step towards reconciliation and ask for forgiveness. He doesn’t like having enemies at all, he likes to have as many people who sincerely sympathize with him as possible, so he will be quite lenient about his partner’s attempt to apologize, talk, and improve relationships.

A man of the zodiac sign Sagittarius always subtly senses whether his partner really repents of misbehavior or asks for forgiveness formally, and in the second case, reconciliation is doomed to failure. Sagittarius will believe a promise not to make the same mistakes in the future, but will not make it again and again if the promise is ignored.

If the problem is successfully resolved, you must always remember that he wants to see next to him a chosen one who would share his interests and be like-minded. As a sign of reconciliation, it would be good to take a joint trip or journey, to find a new point of contact of interests, a common hobby. In addition, you will not have a question about how to return a Sagittarius man if you provide constant food for his imagination, maintain intrigue in the relationship, and support his fears of losing his beloved. If there is no routine and boredom in your life together, then there will be much less reason for mutual dissatisfaction.