Alpinia - bright foliage and magnificent inflorescences. Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers Favorable days for transplanting in June

The lunar sowing calendar appeared a very long time ago. Man always tried to prepare in advance for the new season. People have noticed that the moon influences processes occurring in nature. As an example, these are the ebb and flow of tides, the impact on biorhythms in the human body and planting crops.

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, the closest body to the planet, and therefore influences all the processes occurring around us. The moon has the greatest influence on water.

The main periods of the moon's movement, which influences the life of all life on the planet: new moon, full moon, periods of the waxing and waning moon. Scientists managed to find out the favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants in the garden and garden.

The moon affects water due to the force of gravity.

All plants are mostly composed of water, so turning to the help of sowing calendar for 2017, you will find out when the Moon can favorably “pull” plants towards itself, increasing growth, and when it can “push away”, leading to illness and even death.

Maximum gravity during the full moon. This is a period of exacerbation of diseases, changes in the operation of technology, aggressive outbursts of mood in people.

It is important for the gardener not to plant planting material on this day with a strong energy impact, plants do not take root well when transplanted.

Minimum lunar activity during the new moon. A person feels a decrease in activity, plants lose most forces necessary for growth, and therefore almost never strengthen in the ground.

Sowing lunar calendar 2017 formed by specialists in different fields, and is able to help to modern man who works in the garden and in the garden, save resources and time, get a large and high-quality harvest.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting

Plants such as wheat, cucumbers, flowers - that is, growing upwards - must be planted on favorable days on the waxing moon. And plants with tubers - potatoes, beets, parsley - growing underground, are planted during the waning moon.

Favorable days for sowing and planting in 2017

At the beginning of June, harrow the potato plantings. This operation will loosen the soil, provide air flow to the roots and destroy weeds. After appearing on potato beds seedlings 10-15 cm high, carry out the first hilling of potatoes. At the end of June, re-hill the potatoes.

In beds with carrots, beets, onions, radishes and other crops, weed out weeds and thin out seedlings, leaving stronger and more developed plants. Regularly water crops and plantings warm water. It is better to do this in the morning or evening, avoiding the midday heat.

In mid-June, from June 10 to 20, re-sow cucumber seeds for seedlings. Then, in mid-summer, several of these young plants are planted in the greenhouse. They will provide a second wave of harvest until frost.

In the second half of the month, dill, lettuce, endive, cilantro, arugula, and Chinese cabbage can be re-sowed in the space vacated by tulips.

U winter garlic you need to cut off the arrows with flowers on the tops. Then the plants will not waste nutrients to force them out, and will direct all the energy to the formation of garlic heads.

June work in the garden

In June, continue to form the crowns of apple trees, trim fattening shoots, and bend vertically growing branches to speed up their fruiting.

Proceed with propagation by green cuttings and layering of black and red currants and gooseberries.

Spray apple trees with Vectra for scab and gooseberries for powdery mildew on young ovaries.

Often appears at the ends of tree and bush branches. aphid. You can use urea against it (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

In June, the first harvest of berries ripens on the honeysuckle bushes, and small-fruited remontant strawberries appear on the strawberry beds.

On strawberry plantations, you need to mulch the plants with straw or mowed and dried grass on the lawns. Remove all unnecessary whiskers from the strawberries.

Lawns also require attention in June. In addition to regular mowing of growing grass, watering is necessary if the weather is dry, as well as applying fertilizers that will provide thick, bright, juicy grass.

June work in the flower garden

Prune forsythia that has bloomed in the spring, and later trim off faded lilac clusters; Carry out formative pruning on weigela and deutsia bushes. The plants will take on a neat, well-groomed appearance. Pruning will cause new shoots to grow, which will lush flowering next year.

In mid-June, you can start cutting roses, hydrangea, mock orange, spirea, and also dig in clematis layering to obtain new planting material.

In the second half of June, sow the seeds of viola, which will bloom next spring. At the same time, you can sow other biennial plants that will bloom in a year: daisy, forget-me-not, foxglove, Turkish carnation, hollyhock, bellflower. Check sowing time.

After the foliage on the flowering trees turns yellow and begins to fade in early spring small-bulbous plants - galanthus, crocuses, muscari, pushkinia, they need to be dug up. They also dig up tulips and hyacinths and imperial hazel grouse bulbs. This usually happens in the second half of June. Daffodils are dug up and divided for replanting their bulbs once every 3-5 years. Bulbs of divided daffodils, unlike all other bulbs, must be planted immediately in the flowerbed. They cannot be stored - they may dry out. All other dug bulbs are treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then laid out for storage in a dry, ventilated area until planting.

In June, herbalists begin collecting medicinal herbs: linden and chamomile flowers, celandine herbs, St. John's wort, motherwort, nettle and plantain leaves, and other plants.

Important: this month you definitely need to have time to thoroughly weed out all the weeds in the beds, flower beds and around berry bushes and fruit trees, strawberry plantings. In July there may not be enough time for this, because the harvesting and processing of cucumbers and berries will begin. And without weeding, you will lose part of the harvest.

The main part of all work in the garden and garden occurs in the first summer, since at this time the earth is already sufficiently warmed up, the weather does not bring surprises in the form of frosts, which means you can safely start planting. But, in addition to weather conditions, a lot of other troubles await planted plants, these are pests, weeds, various diseases, and with insufficient care, there is also a lack of nutrients for full growth and development.

The lunar calendar for June 2017 for a gardener will help not only solve these problems, but also choose the most favorable day for working in the garden.

Experienced gardeners know that the growth of their crops largely depends on what phase the Moon is in. Here is the moon phase chart for June:

  • From June 1 to June 8, the Moon will grow;
  • The full moon is expected on June 9;
  • From the 10th to the 23rd of June there will be a waning Moon in the sky;
  • There will be a New Moon on the 24th;
  • From 25.06. until 30.06 the Moon will become waxing again.

Best days to plant in June 2017

Depending on the type of crop, we suggest favorable days for planting seeds for seedlings:

  • Cucumbers – the period from June 3 to June 7 inclusive, as well as the period from the 10th to the 12th inclusive;
  • Tomatoes - from 06/03 to 06/07, as well as June 15-16;
  • Eggplants and sweet peppers - only the period from June 3 to June 7 is suitable for these crops;
  • Radishes and radishes - June 15-16, June 20-21, and June 28-29;
  • Bitter pepper – period from the 5th to the 8th inclusive;
  • Onion - only three days in June are suitable for sowing seedlings: the 8th, and June 20-21;
  • Potatoes - it is better to plant in the middle of the month from June 15 to 16, and June 20-21;
  • Garlic - there will also be only three favorable days for this plant - June 10, 11 and 12;
  • Carrots - five days are suitable for planting carrots, this is the period from 10.06. until 12.06, also 20-21.06;
  • White cabbage – period from 06/05 to 06/07, as well as on the 15th and 16th;
  • Annual flowers - there will be many favorable days for this in June. Pay attention to the following numbers in the calendar: 1-2, 11, 16, 19-22, 26;
  • Tuberous and bulbous flowers - 02.06, 06.06, 07.06, 11.06, 12.06, 13.06, 15.06, 16.06, 19.06, 20.06, 26.06, 30.06;
  • Greens - only the first days of June are suitable for this crop, from the 1st to the 5th, except for the fourth of June.

As you can see, in June there are many favorable days for different cultures, sometimes even these numbers coincide. But, you can also notice that some numbers not only do not repeat. But they are not even mentioned in the calendar of planting seedlings with favorable days. These days are absolutely not suitable for planting. The best in your own garden.

Note! In June there are only 4 days when you cannot garden, including planting nothing, this will negatively affect the crops. We are talking about dates such as June 9, and the period from the 23rd to the 25th inclusive.

When is it best to carry out cuttings, planting seedlings and grafting in June?

In June 2017, fruit trees can be grafted on 06.06., 06.07, 10.06-12.06, 15.06-19.06. Have a nice day There are no seedlings for planting.

For gooseberries and currants, in June you need to roll out the shoots and root the cuttings. For such work, it is best to choose a dun from the list of the following dates:

  • 01.06-02.06;
  • 10.06-12.06;
  • 15.06-18.06;
  • 28.06-29.06.

If you are going to get raspberry and blackberry bushes in your garden, then you should plant the seeds in the soil from 06/05 to 06/07, as well as on the 15th, 16th, 20th and 21st.

But for planting seedlings of strawberries and wild strawberries there will be much more favorable days: 01.06, 02.06, 5.06-06.06, 08.06, 16, 29 and 30 June.

Since temperatures are already quite high at the beginning of summer, care should be taken to ensure that the planted seedlings have shade. This is especially true for crops such as tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkins.

The lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 is a good cheat sheet for gardeners and gardeners. After all, their further growth depends on the time of planting. We hope our calendar will help all summer residents optimize their work in the garden.

Good luck in the garden!

Weeds are bad. They prevent you from growing cultivated plants. Some wild herbs and shrubs are poisonous or can cause allergies. At the same time, many weeds are capable of bringing great benefit. They are used as medicinal herbs, and as an excellent mulch or component of green fertilizer, and as a deterrent. harmful insects and rodents. But in order to properly fight or use this or that plant for good, it needs to be identified.

Once upon a time, while visiting, I saw and fell in love immediately and forever with this bush. Of course, for this I needed to see it in all its glory, namely at the moment of flowering. And now, when I am writing this article, the window outside inspires me Pink colour massive bush - weigela. It is named after a German scientist of the 18th–19th centuries. In those distant times, a scientist, as a rule, was a specialist in many fields at once - in botany, and in chemistry, and in pharmaceuticals.

The best option The formation of a grape bush is considered to be its formation on a trunk. This form allows you to give the greatest load to the plant, which means you can take greatest harvest. It provides better heating of the vines, good ventilation, which makes the bushes less sick, and is also considered the most convenient to care for. However, it is suitable only for those areas where the temperature does not drop below minus 17 °C, and for certain varieties - minus 28 °C.

Among indoor shrubs, there are not many plants that are more famous for their flowering than for the beauty of their shoots. Lantana camara is one of these exotic beauties. Amazingly easily changing its growth form, lantana surprises not so much with its unpretentiousness as with the beauty of its extraordinary inflorescences. Soft color transitions give the dense shields a rainbow effect. And it’s hard to look away from the blooming, feminine, bright and so colorful lantana.

Most owners personal plots I would like to see a water corner in my garden - at least a small one, but still my own personal “lake”. In response to this request, they went on sale ready-made designs for the construction of express reservoirs from polymer materials. The task of those who want to have a pond is to dig a suitable hole and install a plastic bowl of the selected configuration into it. But how to choose the right container for a pond?

Zucchini contains vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and others useful material. Its dietary fiber adsorbs toxins and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. This vegetable is considered an essential dietary product. Thanks to its delicate pulp, easily digestible by the body, it is recommended as the first complementary food for children. At the same time, zucchini is not that difficult to grow. But there are tricks that will help you get a truly rich harvest from each bush.

Juicy pork schnitzel with a side dish of Mexican mixed frozen vegetables - a quick dinner or Tasty dinner on Sunday. It will take less than half an hour to prepare this dish, the food will be satisfying, and you can feed your family deliciously and quickly. There are no special secrets in cooking, but a good-quality frying pan with non-stick coating and there will be no need for a thick bottom. You will also need a hammer to beat the meat, or a heavy metal object to replace it.

When buying any orchids whose characteristics include a note about fragrantness, it is worth clarifying exactly how they smell and how strong the aroma is. Like others fragrant plants, orchids with a moderately pronounced and strong aroma should be selected individually and according to your taste, because the perception of odors is very personal and does not always lend itself to logic. Orchids with strong odor will demand and the right choice places: they cannot be placed in small rooms, bedrooms.

A fluffy cake sponge that never falls off. The sponge cake according to this recipe is not only fluffy, it is also very tender, slightly moist, and all because olive oil is added to the dough. There are a couple of devices that you will need for a good result - good baking parchment (no need to take the cheapest paper), a springform pan with a diameter of 20 to 22 cm. The recipe indicates the weight of eggs without shells, depending on the size you may need 4-5 things.

Growing crops with a long growing season through seedlings - painstaking process, taking more than one month. And, you see, it’s incredibly disappointing when the results of our labors perish in a matter of days. It is very difficult for seedlings grown on a windowsill to adjust and get used to a new habitat, although open ground conditions are much more natural for plants. Our task is to do everything possible to ensure that their survival rate approaches 100%.

When you want to plant and grow a low-maintenance garden, in which, even if you work, it’s not “until you drop,” then you have to look for suitable ornamental plants. Naturally, these plants should not be demanding on soil, watering, and resistant to diseases and pests. But, not only that, we also need them to be decorative! And if they also bloomed beautifully... And what do you think? There are such plants. We’ll talk about one of them today – holly mahonia.

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet pepper - juicy, tasty and healthy. This dish is suitable for a diet and low-calorie menu. Several thin slices of juicy meatloaf with salad fresh vegetables- what is not breakfast before a working day? You'll have to tinker a little with shaping the product itself, and then watch it cook for a couple of hours - the rolls can be steamed in baking bags or boiled in a large saucepan at a temperature of about 80 °C.

Common parsnip, or field parsnip, or field parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) in the wild is widespread in regions with temperate climate (middle lane Russia, North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but is still rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping it is used as forage plant and honey plant, and in cooking - as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

Among the plants, one species of which seems to transport us to tropical forests filled with aroma, quisqualis is one of the most “atmospheric”. This is a rare and valuable indoor and greenhouse vine. And although the plant has long been reclassified into the genus Combretum, it is very difficult not to recognize it. This steeplejack is unusual in every way. The favorite feature of quisqualis remains the inflorescences, in which graceful flowers change from snow-white to crimson-red quite quickly.

A quick and delicious cabbage and pork salad. Koreans prepare a similar salad, apparently our housewives spied this one from them delicious recipe. Indeed, this is a very quick dish to prepare, and even without much culinary experience, it is easy to prepare. Choose lean pork, shoulder blade or sirloin are suitable. It is better to cut off the lard. Early cabbage You can simply chop it, but I advise you to chop the winter one thinly, sprinkle it with salt and rub it with your hands.

A universal favorite among decorative deciduous perennials, the hosta captivates not only with the beauty of its leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding, in right place growing long years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. Hosta propagates easily, although to obtain spectacular, highly decorative bushes you will have to be patient. To independently increase your hosta collection, first of all, you need to remember the characteristics of this culture.

June is the first summer month. Garden trees and the bushes were covered with leaves, the lawn was completely restored and gained strength, and the beds turned green. The first summer flowers are pleasing to the eye. It's already warm enough, so vegetable crops and greens feel great in open ground. The time has come to harvest the first harvest in the greenhouses.

In June 2017 The lunar calendar marks days that are favorable and unfavorable for working in the garden and the types of work recommended for each day.

According to the Lunar calendar, the days of the New Moon and Full Moon are considered unfavorable for individual species works This month The Full Moon falls on June 9th and the New Moon falls on June 24th.

Also, it is better not to carry out some gardening work when the Moon is in its first or last quarter. These days will be: the first quarter is June 1st, the last quarter is June 17th.

One or two days before or after the New Moon/Full Moon, as well as before or after the First/Last Quarter of the Moon, are also not suitable. It is believed that the adverse effect remains in the zodiac sign in which the Moon enters the First/Last Quarter or passes through the New Moon/Full Moon.

Moon calendar

dateDay of the weekMoon phaseSignRecommendedNot recommended
1 ThuFirst quarter 15:42 Moon in Virgo
2 PTWaxing CrescentMoon in VirgoYou can replant honeysuckle, rose hips, and other ornamental plants. A good day to plant climbing plants. Mowing can be done to slow down grass growthPlanting and replanting vegetables is not recommended, fruit trees. Seeds should not be planted
3 SBWaxing CrescentMoon in Libra 03:04
4 SunWaxing CrescentMoon in LibraA good day to plant stone fruit trees. You can plant flowers, store tubers and seeds for storage. A good day for watering, mowing, caring for the lawn, flower beds and flower beds, and indoor plants
5 MonWaxing CrescentMoon in Scorpio 13:46
6 VTWaxing CrescentMoon in ScorpioOn this day you can plant: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. Good day to take care fruit trees and berry bushes. You can apply fertilizers, water, fight plant pests, loosen the soilPlanting for plant propagation by roots is not recommended. Bad day for collecting herbs and planting trees
7 SRWaxing CrescentMoon in ScorpioOn this day you can plant: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. A good day to care for fruit trees and berry bushes. You can apply fertilizers, water, fight plant pests, loosen the soilPlanting for plant propagation by roots is not recommended. Bad day for collecting herbs and planting trees
8 ThuWaxing CrescentMoon in Sagittarius 01:59Good day to plant: green crops, onions, garlic, peppers, spinach, strawberries, plums, rose hips, honeysuckle. You can collect vegetables, fruits, and berries, plant homemade flowers
9 PTFull Moon 16:10Moon in SagittariusYou can loosen the soil, apply fertilizers, graft trees and mow grass
10 SBWaning moonMoon in Capricorn 14:36
11 SunWaning moonMoon in CapricornOn this day, you can plant and replant trees and shrubs, loosen the soil, apply fertilizers, graft trees and mow the grass.
12 MonWaning moonMoon in CapricornOn this day, you can plant and replant trees and shrubs, loosen the soil, apply fertilizers, graft trees and mow the grass.
13 VTWaning moonMoon in Aquarius 02:45Sowing, transplanting and planting plants are not recommended
14 SRWaning moonMoon in AquariusA good day for collecting root crops, mowing grass, spraying and fumigating, pruning trees and bushes, weeding beds and flower bedsSowing, transplanting and planting plants are not recommended
15 ThuWaning moonMoon in Pisces 13:17
16 PTWaning moonMoon in PiscesYou can plant celery, radishes, onions and garlic, prune and graft trees and berry bushes. Good day for watering and fertilizing
17 SBLast quarter 14:33 Moon in Aries 20:55You can plant celery, radishes, onions and garlic, prune and graft trees and berry bushes. Good day for watering and fertilizing
18 SunWaning moonMoon in AriesSowing, transplanting and planting plants are not recommended
19 MonWaning moonMoon in AriesYou can prepare the soil for sowing, treat plants and soil from pests, weed and mulch. On this day you can collect root vegetables, fruits and berries, dry vegetables and fruitsSowing, transplanting and planting plants are not recommended
20 VTWaning moonMoon in Taurus 00:53
21 SRWaning moonMoon in TaurusA good day for planting root crops, tubers, onions and garlic. You can trim branches of trees and shrubs, pick fruits and berries, including for long-term storage
22 ThuWaning moonMoon in Gemini 01:44
23 PTWaning moonMoon in GeminiA good day for mowing, weeding, cultivating and mulching. You can collect root crops, fruits and berriesIt is not recommended to plant and or replant herbaceous crops
24 SBNew Moon 05:31Moon in Cancer 01:07 Sowing, transplanting and planting plants are not recommended
25 SunWaxing CrescentMoon in CancerThe right time for planting tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, beans, squash, eggplants, zucchini
26 MonWaxing CrescentMoon in Leo 01:06
27 VTWaxing CrescentMoon in LeoYou can plant shrubs and trees. This day is suitable for collecting and drying fruits and root vegetables. To slow down the growth of grasses, you can mow. The day is suitable for mulching, pest control, tree pruning, and collecting sunflower seeds.Sowing and replanting plants in the garden and vegetable garden is not recommended
28 SRWaxing CrescentMoon in Virgo 03:41You can replant honeysuckle, rose hips, and other ornamental plants. A good day to plant climbing plants. Mowing can be done to slow down grass growthPlanting and replanting vegetables and fruit trees is not recommended. Seeds should not be planted
29 ThuWaxing CrescentMoon in VirgoYou can replant honeysuckle, rose hips, and other ornamental plants. A good day to plant climbing plants. Mowing can be done to slow down grass growthPlanting and replanting vegetables and fruit trees is not recommended. Seeds should not be planted
30 PTWaxing CrescentMoon in Libra 10:02A good day to plant stone fruit trees. You can plant flowers, store tubers and seeds for storage. A good day for watering, mowing, caring for the lawn, flower beds and flower beds, and indoor plants

Why it is convenient to use the Lunar calendar when planning agricultural work, we wrote in the article "". On our website in the "" section you can find other articles about summer work in the garden.