Angelina: what does this name mean, and how does it affect a person’s character and destiny. Angelina – angelic name and strong character


Angelina (from “angelos”) is a name of ancient Greek origin. Translated it means “angelic” or “messenger”. By the way, other similar female names, such as Angela, Angela, Angelica, also originated from the same root.

The female name Angelina is not purely Russian Orthodox, but at the same time it is popular in our country. It has strong energy, is compatible with many male names and gives its bearers a whole bunch of good qualities

Conversational options: Angelinka, Gelina, Gelya

Modern English analogues: Angelina, Angelina, Angolina

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Angelina promises many good, but also relatively negative character qualities. For example, it is believed that the girl Angelina will have such traits as agreeableness, willfulness, irritability, stubbornness, energy, kindness and spiritual harmony. But don’t think that all Angelinas are stubborn and irritable at the same time. In fact, all girls named by this name are unique in their own way and are divided into two categories. Some are capricious and touchy, others, on the contrary, are stubborn and persistent.

In addition, most Angelinas are purposeful and hardworking girls, trying to achieve everything in life exclusively on their own.

Advantages and positive features: friendliness and sociability, eloquence, energy and activity, ability to find mutual language even with people who clearly don’t like you, tact and purposefulness.

Angelinas don't treat well traitors, people who are constant and too necessary, monotony, boredom, self-interest and lies, arrogance and hypocrisy.

In modern times, the name Angelina is not so popular, although it still occurs. Instead, variations such as Angela and Angelica are often used.

Character of the name Angelina

The nature of the name Angelina is such that it gives the girl named by this name form a difficult nature. The character of the named variation Angelina is usually endowed with such traits as kindness, attentiveness, caring, energy and activity, but at the same time there are also capriciousness, touchiness, integrity and persistence. It’s difficult to get along with someone like that in moments when she doesn’t like something; her character in moments of resentment pushes those around her away from her and turns her into an explosive bomb, from which it is better to move a long distance. But at other times she is ideal as a woman, as a person, as a friend, because she will never betray, will never deceive in order to achieve her own goal, and will not allow herself to take advantage of someone else’s weaknesses for her own gain. And also, her character is in many ways capable of amaze the people around her - you never expect from her what will come to her mind and how she will behave in a given situation...

On the other hand, the nature of a name, especially one like Angelina, is very unpredictable and for the most part depends on many additional factors. Thus, the character of the named may depend on upbringing, on the zodiac sign, and even on the season of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl protected by the meaning of the name Angelina is filled with emotions, sudden mood swings, emotional outbursts and unpredictability in behavior. Angelina, who has not yet reached the teenage stage, is an unpredictable person, this girl has no permanent goals, just as she has no desire to achieve anything for a long time - she is effective and never sits still, is always on the move, always looking for something, which He comes up with something, dreams about something. It is almost impossible to predict it. Significance promises her unpredictability, activity, energy, kindness, restlessness, ingenuity, inconstancy, instability, disobedience and touchiness with capriciousness. But at the same time, the meaning of this girl’s name can bestow friendliness, goodwill, cheerfulness, eloquence, determination, optimism, and a good attitude. In fact, she is easy to get along with and find a common language, she easily makes contact and loves making new friends, and it doesn’t matter who surrounds her, peers or adult children. But there are also many disadvantages to it - one of these disadvantages is the desire to always be in the center of attention, which is also promised by such a factor as meaning, and which in turn can lead to defiant behavior, whims and much more. But she has many friends and everyone tries to stay close to her, because they know that she will never betray and will not play with anyone’s weaknesses...


Angelina is a teenager, she is already a child with a different character, but in general retains all those features that are promised by such a parameter as the significance of the name form in early childhood. This girl has quite a good character, she easily makes new friends, is always ready to make contact with new people, never neglects friendships and friends, and tries to surround herself with as many people as possible. But there are also disadvantages in it, which also promises significance - among them huge amount capriciousness and touchiness stand out especially clearly, manifested as tears, hysterics, insults, and isolation. Another equally annoying minus for many is self-will, which manifests itself in many ways - but nothing can be done about it, such is the influence of the meaning of the name form Angelina. Well, in addition there is another huge drawback - the desire to be a leader while not wanting to take responsibility for anything. She tries to demonstrate her superiority in everything, tries to show herself as a leader in any company, but at the same time avoids in every possible way responsibility for her own decisions and in no case takes on the role of a person responsible for anyone. This is the dual nature of the girl that the name Angelina promises meaning. But Angelina is fair and will never allow injustice towards people who do not deserve it, will never leave a loved one in trouble, and always tries to act in accordance with generally accepted moral principles

Adult woman

An adult woman whose parents decided as a child to choose the female name Angelina can be described as “explosive.” Why? The explanation is quite simple - she is very emotional, she is endowed with charisma and such a complex character that she can flare up for no particular reason at the most inopportune time, Angelina is too sensitive and can take a lot of things, even minor ones, with hostility. It is extremely difficult to fight this quality of hers - the energy of this name does not allow it, but on the other hand, Angelina is an exemplary girl, a woman from whom you cannot expect anything bad, a lady with whom you can easily establish relationships even after a heated quarrel. In addition, Angelina quickly moves away from emotional outbursts, and if she turns out to be wrong, she ends up apologizing to the person she offended for no reason. It is impossible not to note one more interesting factor - Angelina’s name form gives her such self-love, which one can really even admire, she will never allow herself to be offended, will not limit herself to what she does not want, and will not allow anyone to influence her freedom or independence. This is clearly worthy of respect.

The interaction of Angelina’s character with the seasons

Winter - here we will talk about a stubborn and strong-willed girl who early years demonstrates unwavering judgment. She will easily deceive and betray if she sees a benefit, but when she falls in love she will completely change, become kind, sympathetic, and faithful.

Summer - born under the influence of the meaning of Summer, the bearer of the name Angelina from an early age will show such good qualities of character as gullibility, cheerfulness and good nature. But she will be vulnerable and touchy, and therefore slightly withdrawn. Often a marriage fails, and the reason for this is simple - naivety and excessive trust in a stranger.

Spring - here is an ambitious and ambitious lady, a future stubborn woman, ready to take any steps just to achieve her goal. She has a difficult and very complex inner world, which not everyone can get used to, but if she comes across one, then for him she will become an angel in the flesh, a reliable, devoted person.

Autumn - this will be the origin of the soul and disposition of a serious lady, prudent, following exclusively a plan made with her own hands. A leader by nature, a ruler who attracts gentlemen who are ready to live exclusively under her leadership. In personal life, I’m not very lucky, unfortunately.

The fate of the name Angelina

The fate of a name is the most complex, most unpredictable, and most mysterious parameter of all existing ones. Fate cannot be predicted with one hundred percent accuracy, because it depends on a whole bunch of very various factors, and it is worth noting that the case with the name Angelina is no exception, because this name even in itself is mysterious, not to mention such a parameter as its fate...

However, it can be noted that in most cases, the fate of the girl named after Angelina boils down to the fact that in her life there will be many partings and many quarrels for a long time. The reason is her difficult character - despite the fact that she is looking for a partner strong man, a leader, she herself has difficulty getting along with such a person, because she loves to command and impose her point of view, which is unlikely to be tolerated by a true leader by nature. And her fate also involves the difficult task of becoming a wife and mother - Angelina was not created to devote her life to anyone other than herself.

On the other hand, much of the above depends on a bunch of additional astrological factors. The fate of each individual girl with the name Angelina can be unique even in general terms, so predicting what she will be like in your particular case is not only difficult, but even completely unrealistic.

Love and marriage

There are many good wives among Angelinas. There’s just one problem - most Angelines get married unsuccessfully for the first time. The reason is the desire to get out of parental care as quickly as possible. As a result, the first husband often becomes a man who does not meet the desired criteria. But the second time, Angelina will be more responsible in choosing a partner.

A man who meets her criteria is a person who is purposeful, honest, ambitious, persistent, stable and independent. Only the man who has the strength and patience to pursue her can become her husband. But the majority of Angelinas are too unapproachable. And in general, it is extremely difficult to achieve the affection of such an independent and freedom-loving woman.

But in marriage, Angelina will certainly become a good, caring, devoted and faithful, hardworking and attentive wife. She will never allow family members to walk around in dirty clothes or on an empty stomach, she will keep an eye on everyone, feed everyone, and give everyone due attention.

Angelina as Mother

Attentive, caring, patient, responsible and obliging, but not too soft - that’s what she is, a mother named Angelina. Whether it’s a son or a daughter, it doesn’t matter, she will love both equally, and will pay equal attention to both. The only problem is that most Angelines are very demanding of their children.

Such a mother can be entrusted with the upbringing entirely. She will never teach the child bad things or set bad examples, will never abandon the child, will teach him everything that she has to teach, and will try to prepare the child to the maximum. independent life. By the way, there is one “but” here - Angelina will try to send her child into an independent adult life as quickly as possible, and this does not always have a positive effect on the relationship between children and mothers...

But while the child is under her wing, he will have nothing to worry about, because she will do everything to make the child happy. This woman will even sacrifice her own goals for the sake of her child's happiness.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of compatibility of the name Angelina with male names is complex, but was partially revealed by researchers of the last century. They found out that best combination in terms of feelings, this one has with Elisha, Eugene, Mark, Gregory, Matvey.

You can build an ideal, strong, happy marriage with Mikhail, Danila, Yaroslav, Arseny and Anar.

And with people like Demyan, Luka, Frol, Lukyan, Mitrofan, on a good relationship It’s better not to even count.

The name Angelina has Greek origin. Translated from this language it means “messenger” or “angel”. This name is not very common, but it cannot be classified as rare either.

    Angelina celebrates her name days on July 14, July 1, July 30, September 12, August 12, December 10, and December 23.

    Planet: Venus.

    Talisman stone: lapis lazuli and turquoise.

    Element: water.


The meaning of the name Angelina may depend on what time of year the girl was born. So, Angelina born in winter will be very stubborn and stubborn. She will certainly strive to achieve her goal. In addition, such people often exhibit masculine character traits. Deceptions and intrigues are sometimes not alien to the bearers of this name. If Angelina was born in the summer, then she will be characterized by gullibility and naivety. “Autumn” girls with this name can also take everything to heart.

If we do not take into account the time of year and proceed only from the meaning of the name Angelina, then we can say that the bearer of this name will often soar in the clouds and live in dreams, in her own world. But this does not mean at all that Angelina is pliable and weak-willed. No, just the opposite. Since childhood, a girl with this name will argue with everyone and on any occasion, defending her rightness with frantic zeal. Angelina is very fair, but if necessary, she can lie (although most often this is a white lie). Very often girls with this name do not adequately perceive the world and reality, which causes them indignation. But still, in the end, Angelina will come to terms with what is happening around her and begin to adapt to reality. This is what the name Angelina means, if we are talking specifically about character.

Career, hobbies, studies

If we talk about studying at school, then this is not for Angelina. The girl will go to classes without much desire; exact sciences (like others, in principle) will not be easy. But since Angelina can be stubborn, she will not accept help from others. Such people are used to achieving everything on their own. What does a name like Angelina mean when we talk about family and relationships?

Since the bearers of this name are often too trusting, there is a high probability that the girl will get married early. But the marriage (at least the first one) will not be very successful, but then Angelina, having learned from her own mistakes, will be more picky when choosing a life partner. Girls with this name are good and hospitable hostesses.

If we talk about hobbies, then Angelina, who is constantly striving for harmony, will be very calmed by sewing, knitting or beadwork. Also, as the secret of the name Angelina says, the girl will not reach heights in her career, since her family will come first for her. Angelinas have very good health. The only organ that may be weaker is the pancreas.

Parents should be strict and fair. In addition, if we take into account the secret of the name Angelina, which implies naivety and gullibility, then mom and dad are obliged to instill in their daughter from childhood that not everyone can not always be trusted. In addition, Angelina is extremely detrimentally influenced by her parents’ quarrels and bad example on their part.


A lot of famous people wear this beautiful name like Angelina. Among the most famous: Soviet announcer and TV presenter Angelina Vovk, daughter of Prince George of Albania Angelina Serbskaya, actress Angelina Jolie, Brazilian actress Angelina Muniz, Russian actress Angelina Chernova and others. This will be the fate of a girl named Angelina.

The name Angelina is perhaps one of the most mysterious and mystical. He exudes kindness and tenderness, peace and tranquility. And at the same time, it is firmly associated with something divine and unearthly, gives hope and makes you believe in a miracle. To understand what secrets Angelina keeps within herself, it is worth finding out what kind of character the girls bearing this name have and what is more in it - angelic or demonic.

To find out how the female name Angelina is translated, it’s worth remembering Ancient Greece, because the history of the name Angelina began there. There is a wonderful legend according to which a daughter was given this name for the first time Greek God Angelos, who is the messenger of Zeus himself. Angelina is the feminine version of the divine name. Translated from Greek, “angelos” is an angel, messenger or messenger.

But, despite its origin, it was widespread in Rome, but in Greece it was not particularly popular. This is probably why the famous Roman woman, the righteous Angelina of Serbia, who dedicated her life to helping the poor and needy, became the patron saint of Angelina.

In Rus', the name Angelina appeared simultaneously with Orthodoxy and over time transformed into Angelica.

This name has no nationality and language. In many countries it has its own analogues and forms:

  1. Italy - Angelina.
  2. Spain – Angelina.
  3. Portugal - Angelina.
  4. England – Angelina.
  5. Czech Republic - Andelina.
  6. Ukraine, Belarus – Angelina (Angelina).
  7. France – Angelin.

The name Angelina is pronounced in different languages in its own way, but its meaning remains unchanged. In addition, it served as a prototype for male name Angelin, it’s true that it’s rare today.

The abbreviated name Angelina can be pronounced as Gelya and Lina, Gelyusya and Elya. She is also sometimes briefly called Angel and Angelinochka.

Although the name Angelina means “angel”, the girl’s character is far from perfect. Gelya is capricious and capricious, stubborn and despotic. She decides for herself what is important to her and what is not, she makes decisions herself and is absolutely not interested in the opinions of others.

From early childhood, Angelinka causes her parents a lot of trouble. Finding a common language with a girl is usually very difficult. Too independent and independent, she reacts quite violently to any attempts by her relatives to guide her actions, advise and control.

Curious Gelya prefers active activities and energetic games. She can rarely be seen playing with a doll in the company of her friends. She mainly prefers to communicate with boys.

IN school age she is reluctant to study, considering studying a boring and useless activity. The authoritarian Angela often manipulates her friends and imposes her point of view on them. But even despite complex nature, Angelina is capable of achieving a lot at a young age.

The daughter of a famous football player, Angelina Tarasova, began her modeling career at the age of eight, appearing on the cover of a fashionable glossy magazine.

The parents of a girl named Angelina need to monitor the manifestation of their emotions and prevent a showdown in her presence. After all, little Angelinka is very sensitive and often takes all family disagreements personally.

She is not ready to accept anyone’s help or support, she always relies solely on her own strengths, so she rarely establishes a trusting and close relationship with anyone.

With age, Angela becomes less irritable and harsh. She displays calmness and prudence. But, despite this, in relations with peers she continues to behave harshly and categorically. Therefore, Angelina cannot boast of a large number of friends, however, this situation does not bother her at all. This girl shouldn't be called friendly parties, she consciously refuses to visit noisy and crowded companies.

Lina does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, does not participate in dubious events and does not forgive anyone for insults. And, nevertheless, the girl who bears this name is kind and vulnerable, gentle and caring, but this secret is known only to the closest people.

Angelina approaches starting a family with all seriousness and prudence, so she rarely gets married early and also rarely gets divorced. She is a wonderful housewife, her home is cozy and comfortable. But often it is Lina’s character, desire for leadership and unwillingness to compromise that become the cause of quarrels and conflicts. Angelina is independent and freedom-loving; she is not one of those who completely devotes her life to her husband and child. A woman with this name will always put her “I” and her own interests first.

Despite the fact that Angelina does not strive for career growth and does not show much zeal in her work, she can best realize herself in the role of a leader. This is also due to the peculiarities of her character, because she is used to being a leader and giving orders herself.

She should avoid monotonous professions that require perseverance, and turn her attention to the following professions:

  • teacher;
  • administrator;
  • speaker;
  • actress;
  • trainer;
  • law enforcement officer.

Among successful women With the name Angelina, there are especially many who, one way or another, are related to theater and television - these are theater and film artist Angelina Varganova, and Italian actress Anjolina Quinterno, and the famous presenter of popular programs Angelina Vovk.

In addition, Lina should consider creating own business, especially in the field of travel and communication with people.

The fate and character of a person depend on the time of year in which their birthday falls.

People with same name may have completely different habits and inclinations, and women named Angelina are no exception:

  1. Winter character. Angelina, born in winter, is stubborn and persistent. She extremely rarely makes concessions and is capable of much to achieve her goal. For her own benefit, she is ready to deceive and betray. But at the same time, the winter Angel has a kind and sympathetic heart, and she is capable of completely transforming as soon as she appears in her life. real love.
  2. Spring character. Those born at this time of year are distinguished by their ambition and exorbitant ambitions. Her character is quite complex and few people are willing to endure all her whims. When such a person is found, Angelina, born in the spring, will surround her chosen one with care and tenderness.
  3. Summer character. Unlike women born at other times of the year, summer Lina is naive and trusting. She lacks toughness and firmness of character, she often becomes a victim of deception and finds herself in unpleasant situations.
  4. Autumn character. The common sense, determination and assertiveness of autumn Geli can be envied. Such women become wonderful leaders and successful managers. But in matters of love, she is usually naive and helpless. Lina often chooses the wrong men, and her marriage is rarely successful.

The season named after Angelina is spring. Therefore, it is best to call them girls born at this time of year. Such Angelines, as a rule, achieve the greatest harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Meaning female name Angelina, its influence, habits, characteristics and inclinations of the owner can intensify or, on the contrary, smooth out, depending on the season of the girl’s birth.

In many ways, the fate of the Angelina woman is influenced by the astrological characteristics of the name. Patron planets guide a person’s feelings and desires, talisman stones protect against diseases and protect from troubles. By using astrological symbols can be solved secret meaning name, enhance the meaning of certain of its characteristics.

For the name Angelina such symbols are:

  • stone – turquoise;
  • color – blue, white;
  • planet - Venus;
  • flower - cornflower, water lily;
  • zodiac sign – Cancer;
  • metal - silver.

Turquoise protects Angelina from negative impact the outside world, protects and cures diseases. Her energy enhances the girl’s intuitive abilities and lifts the veil of the future before her. In addition, this stone represents sincerity and harmony, peace and goodness. It brings good luck to everyone who is far from evil and meanness.

It is believed that turquoise absorbs the energy of a sick person, and by its color one can determine the state of a person’s health - the lighter the stone, the more serious the disease.

Lina's mistrust, her caution in choosing friends, secrecy and indecisiveness can only intensify when the girl interacts with the color blue. After all, it is he who has these features. But at the same time, blue is considered the color of kindness, wisdom and patience.

White color helps Angelina reveal her talents and better express herself. He compensates for excessive persistence and uncompromisingness with tact and intelligence. People whose name refers to white color, do not tolerate meanness and betrayal, therefore they defend justice with all their might.

Geli's sensitivity, honesty, devotion and reliability are associated with the patronage of Venus. This “female” planet influences the emotional component of Angelina’s character; it is she who is responsible for love and harmony in the girl’s life.

One of the flowers of the name is cornflower. Of all the symbols and talismans, it most accurately conveys the girl’s character. After all, cornflower simultaneously personifies tenderness and authority, kindness and fortitude. People whose symbol is this flower arrange their own lives, without expecting gifts from fate or help from others.

There are many wonderful legends about the water lily. They appeared in different time V different parts light, but in all descriptions this flower means purity and innocence, fidelity and devotion. And it is also believed that this mysterious and magical flower is capable of attracting love and giving the gift of eloquence.

Angelines, whose name belongs to the constellation Cancer, are caring and reasonable. They are convinced truth-tellers, cannot stand lies and remember for a long time the insults inflicted on them. As a rule, Cancers are sensual, feminine and very vulnerable.

Silver is often called the moon metal. It is endowed with mystical properties and is often used in occultism and extrasensory perception. This metal is associated with the most intimate feelings and secret desires. Inner world Angelina is formed under the influence of silver.

How Angelina’s family life will turn out, whether she will be happy in marriage or whether it will turn into a series of scandals and disappointments, largely depends on the compatibility of the name Angelina with male names.

The most suitable companions for Geli can be men with the names:

  • Ivan;
  • Alexander;
  • Eugene;
  • Egor;
  • Artyom.

Angelina’s union with Ivan promises to be stable, calm and quite happy. They always discover something new in each other, strive for self-realization and respect the interests of their partner. Ivan and Angelina take marriage seriously and value their family very much.

Angelina and Alexander seem to be created to be together. Their family life consists of bright events and positive emotions. This is a union of united like-minded people and together they are ready to withstand any vicissitudes of fate and life difficulties.

The characters of Evgeny and Angelina are very similar. Each of them understands their partner perfectly and they are comfortable and calm together. After all, this couple has the same desires and interests, tastes and habits.

For the one who can win her heart, Angelina becomes ideal wife and a wonderful hostess. But if the girl’s middle name is Dmitrievna, everything may turn out to be much more complicated. Hot-tempered and harsh, she is rarely happy in family life.

Egor and Angelina act as a single, well-oiled mechanism. The strong energy and pronounced leadership qualities of both partners not only do not interfere, but also help Angelina and Egor better understand and feel each other. Such a union can be successful not only in family life, but also in business.

The longevity of the relationship between Artyom and Angelina is due to complete trust and love. The basis of this family is mutual respect and friendship. Each of them is ready to share any difficulties with their other half and overcome all obstacles.

The name Angelina is quite popular, despite the fact that the owners of this gentle and romantic name do not always justify its “angelic” origin. But even a difficult character does not prevent Angelina from being happy and successful. And those who manage to achieve her favor will certainly be surrounded by care and attention, because deep down in her soul, Angelina, like no one else, strives for harmony and love.

This name is of ancient Greek origin and means “angelic,” “messenger,” “angel.” European version of the name Angela and Angelica.

The patron saint of those bearing this name is the righteous Angelina of Serbia. A noble Roman woman, after the death of her only son, Angelina devoted all her time, energy and money to helping the poor.

Energy named after Angelina

The literal meaning of the name does not reflect the essence of the character of its owner. The energy of this name is passion, energy, self-love.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Angelina is often born into a family where the parents do not get along with each other and often separate. To some extent, this leaves an imprint on the girl’s character. Angelina is more like her mother than her father. At the same time, personal qualities include such as stubbornness and irritability. Little Angelina loves to command - not only her peers, but also her parents. He studies poorly at school and attends it almost under pressure.

Angelina the child is very independent. In everything he relies only on himself, and can only ask for help in the most difficult situation.

Angelinas think that they have “horse” health, do not spare themselves in work, sleep little, and eat irrationally. Minor ailments can make life difficult.

Angelina often develops scoliosis, and you need to pay attention to this in time, otherwise after 40 years you will develop severe back pain. Swimming is advisable - it helps well with scoliosis. Weak spots— vegetative nervous system, genitals.

Much in Angelina’s character depends on the time of year in which she was born. “Winter” - with a somewhat masculine character, if it suits them, they can deceive; They are stubborn and it is very difficult to convince them of anything. “Summer” people are characterized by gullibility, which sometimes turns to their detriment. They get married early, but often not very successfully. The marriages of “autumn” Angelines are just as unsuccessful.

Angelina is capable of quickly and passionately getting carried away, enjoys great success with men, but prefers to choose herself. This woman’s extraordinary amorousness can cause the collapse of her marriage.

Adult Angelina is a good wife and mother. A thrifty hostess, extremely hospitable. She loves to receive guests, but she doesn’t really like to make return visits, because she is a homebody by nature and is quite slow to get up.

When it comes to sex, Angelinas are very liberated people who love to learn new things and often encourage their partner to experiment sexually.

Compatibility of the name Angelina

For many qualities, men whose names are Victor, Vladimir, Boris, Peter, Igor, Semyon, Eduard suit them; with those whose names are Kim, Stanislav, Stepan, Leonid, Gennady, Oleg or Anatoly, it will not be easy for them to get along.

Secrets of communication

Angelina is a mysterious person. Temperament is bright. The mind is sharp, the disposition is cheerful. But you can’t immediately recognize all this behind the external calm and equanimity. It is dangerous to underestimate it - a person risks being made a fool. There is no point in offending Angelina. She is capable of sophisticated revenge.

Diminutive and endearing forms of the name Angelina

Angelinka, Gelina, Lina, Angelya, Gel, Gela, Ela, Elya, Gelyusya.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac sign: Libra, Aquarius.
Planet: Moon.
Name colors: light green.
Most favorable colors: blue.
Talisman stone: chrysolite.

Angelina's birthday

July 14 (1) and December 23 (10)- Venerable Angelina, ruler of Serbia, suffered for Orthodox faith from Muslims in Serbia (XV century).

Short form of the name Angelina. Angelinka, Gelina, Lina, Angela, Angela, Gel, Gela, Elya, Ela, Gelyusya, Alina, Gilana, Antota, Nina.
Synonyms for the name Angelina. Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Angelina.
Origin of the name Angelina. The name Angelina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Angelina comes from the Late Latin male name Angelus, which comes from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel". Analogues of the name Angelina are Angelina (Portugal), Angelina (Italy), Angelina (Spain), Angelina (France), Angelina (England), Angelina (Czech Republic), in all other European countries it is customary to use Angelina.

Not to be confused with the related names Angelica, Angela, Angela, Angel, Angela, Angelika. The name Angelina is also a diminutive of the name Angel in Italy and the name Evangelina. And the diminutives Alina, Nina and Lina are independent and independent names.

In Russia and Kazakhstan, there is also a variant pronunciation of this name - Engelina, which in some cases is considered identical to the name Angelina, although it also has a different, revolutionary origin.

IN Orthodox calendar the Venerable Angelina of Serbia (Brankovic) is mentioned, the feast day is September 12 and December 23. Catholic name days for the name Angelina correspond to the name Angelica.

Parents in Angelina's family often do not get along well with each other. This situation within the family is reflected in personal qualities the child himself. Angelina has a stubborn character, the same as her mother.

She likes to command and rarely makes concessions. The girl gets easily irritated even over small things. Classes at school attract her little and do not bring any pleasure. Angelina herself is engaged in her development and education. She is independent, relies only on her own strengths, and never expects help or support from anyone.

Angelina is not too active. She rarely goes to visit anyone. At the same time, the hostess herself is hospitable. She likes to invite guests to her house.

Angelina, who celebrates her birthday in winter, is distinguished by stubbornness. She has the features masculine character. It is difficult to find a compromise solution with such a woman. She is looking for her own benefit. If necessary, he can resort to deception.

Celebrating her birthday in the summer, Angelina is very trusting. This quality often harms her in life. Early marriage may result in divorce for her.

Angelina's birthday

Angelina celebrates her name day on July 1, July 14, July 30, August 12, September 12, December 10, December 23.

Famous people named Angelina

  • Angelina of Serbia or mother Angelina ((d.1520) daughter of Prince George of Albania, wife of the Serbian despot Stefan Brankovich. Canonized Orthodox Church in the ranks of the saints, memory is accomplished (according to Julian calendar): July 1, July 30 (Cathedral of Serbian Saints), December 10)
  • Angelina Vovk ((born 1942) Soviet announcer, one of the presenters of the program “ Good night, kids!")
  • Angelina Varganova ((born 1971) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Angelina Ilieva ((born 1972) pseudonym - Ioan Vladimir; Bulgarian science fiction writer)
  • Angelina Jolie Voight, Angelina Jolie ((born 1975) American actress, director and screenwriter, fashion model, winner of an Oscar, as well as three Golden Globe awards and two Screen Actors Guild awards, UN Goodwill Ambassador)
  • Angiolina Quinterno ((1932 - 2006) Italian film actress)
  • Angelina Pagano ((1888 - 1962) Argentine theater and film actress)
  • Angelina Muniz ((born 1955) Brazilian film actress)
  • Angelina Chernova (Russian film actress)
  • Angelina Guskova ((born 1924) Soviet and Russian radiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, Lenin Prize laureate (1963), member National Commission on radiation protection (since 1959), expert of the Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation at the UN (since 1967), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1986), chief researcher at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1989), prize winner Sievert for radiation protection (2000))
  • Angelina Stepanova ((1905 - 2000) Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1960), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975))
  • Angelina Bulycheva ((born 1916) Russian poet and journalist)
  • Angelina Grün (German volleyball player, player of the German national volleyball team (1997 - 2008) and beach volleyball (since 2010), 9-time winner of the title of the best volleyball player in Germany)
  • Angelina Shchekin-Krotova ((1910 - 1992) Russian art critic)
  • Angelina Zolotsevskaya ((1902 - 1963) participant of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Battle, after the war - deputy head of the Pskov regional department of culture)
  • Angiolina Bosio ((1830 - 1859) Italian opera singer (soprano))