Astrantia large: a guiding star that fell from heaven. Astrantia for creating a “star” garden

Astrantia is a perennial plant from the Apiaceae family. The family is very extensive, however, decorative varieties A little. Astrantia is also called starwort, and for good reason, because its flower looks like a star and looks impressive against the background of green leaves reminiscent of maple leaves. The name presumably comes from two words: “astron” - star and “antion” - opposite.

A closer look reveals a whole bouquet small flowers wrapped in more large petals, the color can be found to suit every taste: from white to dark ruby. The petals themselves are usually a shade darker than the center, which adds additional attractiveness to the flower. The stems of the plant are straight, almost leafless. The fruit is two-seeded.

The advantage of astrantia is its long flowering period.

from May to September, and if you cut off the faded stems in time, you can expect late flowering again.

  • The bushes grow in 2-3 years, reaching 70 cm in height and 50 cm in width.
  • Without losing their beauty, they can grow in one place for 10-12 years and form dense clumps.
  • Astrantia is also an excellent honey plant.
  • In flower beds it goes well with hosta, geranium, and alstibe.

In its natural environment it is found in Europe and the Caucasus. Gardeners in England love it very much for its external intelligence and discreet beauty; it has been cultivated since the 16th century. This is, at minimal care It pleases flower growers all season long; it lasts for a long time in a cut bouquet; often, starflower can also be found in dried ikebana flowers.

How to plant astrantia seedlings

Astrantia can reproduce, but there is a possibility of losing varietal characteristics, as people say: transfer. Therefore, it is advisable to control this process. Note that seeds of varietal plants will not necessarily retain all varietal characteristics, but will also be interesting. You can sow starwort before winter and thin out the seedlings in the spring. True, in this case, we are not immune from any vagaries of nature; in the event of late frosts, we may be left without flowers.

Astrantia from seeds When to sow astrantia for seedlings

This means it’s better to grow seedlings, especially since there are no special knowledge or no skills needed.

  • The seeds need to be stratified (put astrantia seeds in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for the winter), and in March sow them in light soil, shallow.
  • Water, maintain a temperature of about 22˚ C, keep under a transparent cover until the first shoots appear.
  • Then place it in a very bright place, moisten the substrate, after a couple of leaves appear, the seedlings need to be thinned out.
  • After a couple of weeks, we plant the seedlings in separate pots, make sure that there are no persistent drafts, and begin hardening them two weeks before planting in the ground.
  • As soon as we can leave the seedlings at the hardening site for a day, they are ready for planting.

You can plant seedlings in open ground in early June. Ideal place is, but astrantia feels great both in open areas and in the shade. The soil is preferably loose, the place is not swampy. For very clay soils: add a couple of buckets of humus and a bucket of sand to the plot with astrantia, for very sandy ones - only humus. Apart from this, there are no special preferences regarding the composition of the soil.

We make holes at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, deepen it so that the plant is at the same level as in the pot. The soil around the planted plant must be compacted and watered abundantly. Typically, such a plant begins to bloom in the 3rd year.

How to plant astrantia

Astrantia Carniolian Rubra flowers planting and care

The negative experience of some gardeners shows that seeds do not always germinate, even with proper stratification (this must also be done for purchased seeds, if the package does not indicate that the seeds are already stratified), and varietal characteristics are lost, therefore, a more reliable method is rhizome division.

You can divide the astrantia bush in the spring...

before the beginning of the growing season, or in the fall, when the growing season comes to an end.

  • We dig up the bush and carefully divide it into several parts. We plant each part separately, at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, having previously flavored the hole with rotted manure.
  • The next season (or this one, if dividing in the spring), young shoots will appear and the new plant will bloom in the third year. This is the only way to propagate rare varieties.

You can also buy peat at a flower shop. And it doesn’t matter if you come across one planting material in the middle of winter. Feel free to buy and start growing astrantia at home.

We take a regular substrate for growing indoor plants, pots for seedlings or plastic cups of a suitable size, we plant astrantia divisions, place them on a warm windowsill, water them and wait for sprouts. For better soil aeration, the earthen substrate can be supplemented with vermiculite, and for moisture control with hydrogel.

The flower puts out its first leaves quite quickly, even from the smallest pieces of rhizome

so don’t be alarmed if you come across small planting material.

As the weather gets warmer, move the astrantia to the loggia or balcony along with the rest of the seedlings. If the glass with a young plant is transparent, then you will see how it develops root system, braiding an earthen lump. Astrantia does not like waterlogging, which means it needs to be watered when the soil in the cups is almost dry. Otherwise, there will be no hassle with this plant.

Just like seedlings, we transfer the hardened stars into open ground in early June.
Also, rhizome cuttings can be planted immediately in open ground, after fertilizing it well, do not forget about watering, and in 3-4 weeks you will get a young bush. Not much hassle.

How to care for astrantia in open ground

Astrantia planting and care open ground

The most interesting and enjoyable part for the gardener. In a normal, not very dry summer, caring for astrantia is not needed at all. As usual, remove the weeds, loosen the soil a little after the rain and that’s it. And even in dry summers, astrantia easily tolerates drought. This plant is just a godsend for those summer residents who go to the country to relax: you don’t need much care, and it blooms all summer.

To continue flowering and prevent self-seeding, while walking around the dacha, pick off the faded inflorescences, and when the first flowering ends, cut off all the flower stalks, then the starflower will bloom again.

In very dry summers you cannot do without watering once a week.

Mulching the soil can help, the surface will not dry out as much, and there will be fewer weeds.

It is enough to fertilize astrantia once a year for the first three years; in the spring, before the start of the growing season, add complex fertilizers. For bushes that grow more in one place, it is advisable to re-apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers before the second flowering.

It’s a little more difficult in the “wet” summer; astrantia does not like overflow. It is necessary to loosen the soil, not allowing moisture to stagnate, and sometimes tie up the plant.

Collection of seeds and wintering of astrantia

If you are interested in collecting astrantia seeds, then at the end of flowering, do not cut off the largest inflorescences from the bushes you like, but put them in gauze bags so that the ripe seeds do not spill out on the ground. After complete drying, cut off and place in a dry, well-ventilated area. When the seeds are dry, you need to husk them and put them in a paper bag for storage.

Self-seeding of starwort is undesirable, so we remove wilted inflorescences from the flowerbed

The starfish does not require special preparation for winter. For young bushes, it is advisable to cut off the ground part and cover it with mulch. Adult bushes overwinter well without shelter, although hardworking gardeners also cover adult plants for insurance.

Astrantia grows comfortably in one place for up to 10 years, but it is better to replant it every 7 years, so it looks fresher and more lush.

Pests and diseases of astrantia

Good news again. Very asterisk. Only with prolonged overflow or oversight may appear fungal diseases. They can be destroyed with one of the fungicides.
In spring, pay attention to young leaves, as snails can snack on them. Collect pests; you can use beer traps or special granules.

Types and varieties of astrantia with photos

Let's look at the three most popular types of astrantia:

Astrantsia major

Tall plant (up to 70 cm), spreading (50 cm in diameter). It grows along the edges of mixed and coniferous forests in Central Europe, Ukraine, Moldova, European Russia, and Belarus. In the original, the large star has light pink flowers with a wrapper of the same color, reaching 5 cm in diameter. Cultivated since the middle of the 16th century.

The following varieties have been developed:

Moulin rouge– ruby-colored inflorescences with very dark wrappers (it is recommended to plant them in sunny areas, then the flowers become even more saturated);

Ruby Weding– a plant up to 65 cm high with dark red flowers, prefers partial shade, has unusual palm-shaped leaves;

Astrantia major Claret

Claret– slightly lower – up to 55 cm, so can be grown in a container, feels good in shade and partial shade, dark flowers burgundy color with translucent leaf wrappers;

Diva– there is no preference for shade and sun, the flowers are also dark red, and the petals of the wrapper are lighter, grows up to 70 cm;

Venice– again, pomegranate-colored inflorescences;

Abbey row e – red astrantia, the wrappers are dark purple, and the flowers are a shade lighter, the flowers are small and there are quite a lot of them on the bush, prefers sunny places, blooms from June to August;

Hadspen Blood– deep red flowers that bloom from late spring and all summer, a powerful plant, 70-80 cm high;

Lars– tall astrantia (up to 70cm) with soft purple flowers that seem to glow in the dark, it can be called the hardiest astrantia;

Sunningdale Variegata– a variety with light lavender flowers, distinguished by its foliage: light stains on the green background of the leaf;

Rosensymphony– pink inflorescences with wrappers a tone lighter, stems 70 cm high;

Astrantia rosea Rosea photo

Roseya– has flowers of a very bright rich pink tone and spotted leaves;

Snowstar– white star – prefers shade, white flowers with greenish wrappers.

Buckland– flowering period from May to November, the color of the flowers is pink, and the pink bracts are quite big size, which creates an unusual effect;
Shaggy– very delicate color of inflorescences – Ivory with a light green tint, blooms all summer.

Astrantia greatest (Astransia maxima)

This neat perennial came to us from the Caucasus, the height of the stems is up to 70 cm, the flowers are smaller (4.5 cm in diameter), the flowering period is August and September. The color of the inflorescences is pink, the wrapper is slightly reddish in color, the membranous leaves reach a length of 1 cm. The ancient name of Astrantia maxima is “Hattie’s Pincushion”. This plant feels best on, but can also grow under trees if the shade is not very dense.

Astrantia minor

You will think that the plant is not tall, but it reaches a height of a meter, but the flowers are smaller (up to 3 cm). The leaves are three to seven-parted, long-petiolate, there are many inflorescences, the color is pale pink. Astrantia minor prefers mountain air, native to the southern regions of Western Europe.

Astrantia carniolica (Astransia carniolica)

Astrantia Carniolica ‘Rubra’

Perennial herbaceous plant with palmately divided opposite leaves, inflorescences in the original white.
The most famous variety:

Rubra– flowering from May to August, the inflorescences are deep pink with wine-red wrappers, the height reaches 70 cm, flowering continues from May to August.

Less common varieties:

  • Bieberstein astrantia;
  • astrantia three-incised;
  • astrantia bavarian;
  • Astrantia hellebore.

The use of astrantia in landscape design

  • IN landscape design Astrantia is most often used for flower beds, as well as for decorating shady corners of the garden: under bushes and trees.
  • More low-growing varieties can be successfully used for rock gardens and even near swimming pools.
  • A flower bed created from different varieties stars. The combination of openwork green stars with bright summer flowers is an excellent example of creating discounts from flowering plants.
  • Modest astrantias evoke feelings of airiness and weightlessness: garden stars of white, pink, and red colors hover against the background of spreading leaves. Good neighbors for astrantia will be lilies, low roses with large flowers.

Feel free to fantasize and create your own masterpieces!

A bright star, rolling down from the sky, broke into thousands of sparkling pieces, which turned into radiant flowers. The article will introduce you to simple rules planting astrantia in open ground. You will learn how to properly grow this crop so that your garden flower bed will please the eye for as long as possible.

Astrantia: varieties and varieties

Astrantia (starwort, chickweed) is common in nature in Europe, Asia Minor, and in the foothills of the Caucasus. This is a perennial plant with a herbaceous stem and powerful rhizome. The height of different varieties of the plant varies from 15 to 90 cm. The serrated leaves almost do not grow on the stem. Small, inconspicuous star flowers are collected in inflorescences reminiscent of dill umbrellas. Astrantia belongs to the botanical family Apiaceae; the family includes up to 40 species.

Astrantia is one of the few plants that require virtually no care

Planting and caring for this flower crop is so simple that even a novice gardener can do it. Astrantia grows well in sunny places, tolerates partial shade, infrequent watering and untimely fertilizing. An unpretentious perennial decorates the garden, requiring a minimum of attention.

In gardens and parks you can most often find perennial astrantia bushes of two varieties: astrantia large And greatest.

Astrantia large

The first variety of astrantia, reaching a height of 70 cm, with pale pastel-colored flowers that bloom in mid-summer and delight with their bloom for almost a month and a half. Varieties of Astrantia greatest are rare; this species is common in the Caucasus. It blooms for over 30 days, at the end of the summer season, capturing the beginning of autumn.

Astrantia greatest

Photo of astrantia different varieties emphasize the delicate sophistication of unpretentious perennial plants.

Planting astrantia

Growing astrantia in open ground is not difficult. Even an inexperienced gardener will not make mistakes when growing this plant. When there is a high need for sunlight, starwort can tolerate partial shade for a long time, grow and bloom well in low light conditions. With sufficient lighting, astrantia flowers are painted in bright colors; in partial shade, the flower petals fade, but do not lose their delicate attractiveness.

Astrantia can develop well in partial shade

The soil for growing starfish requires light and fertile soil. Due to the fact that the root system of the plant is small, astrantia is suitable for growing in rock gardens.

Plant care

Caring for astrantia in open ground comes down to dosed periodic watering, loosening the soil and timely feeding. Loosening the soil around the roots of the perennial should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the delicate root system. Watering the plant should be done periodically, avoiding drying out the soil in the beds, but without overwatering.

Advice! For long-term flowering of astrantia, it is necessary to promptly cut out faded peduncles.

IN winter period Astrantia care involves insulating bushes wintering in the open ground with spruce branches. In early spring, with the onset of warmth, the spruce branches should be removed, preventing the bushes from dampening off.

It is important to regularly loosen the soil so that the roots of astrantia receive oxygen.

Fertilizing and feeding astrantia

Growing astrantia requires fertilization. It is recommended to apply complex fertilizer once in the spring, then flowering will last longer.

Perennial plants in open ground can be sprayed with a solution of microelements, applying along the green foliage foliar feeding. When planting astrantia in the soil, you can apply long-acting phosphorus fertilizers.

Reproduction of astrantia

Vegetative propagation of astrantia is no different from the division of any perennial plants. The culture tolerates dividing the bush well, especially in spring, but dividing is often practiced perennial bushes astrantia in late autumn. When the cuttings are separated, the mother astrantia bush rejuvenates and blooms more luxuriantly the next season.

The easiest way to propagate astrantia is by dividing the bush

Advice. Astrantia should be planted only with fresh cuttings, then the plant will take root more easily and develop better.

Astrantia seeds are sown directly into the soil in a permanent place allocated for the plant. Sowing of seeds is carried out in the fall, in pre-prepared beds.

Diseases and pests

Zvezdovka is a very hardy plant, practically not damaged by pests and rarely gets sick. Sometimes the bushes are attacked by naked slugs that eat the leaves. Astrantia, eaten by slugs, loses its attractiveness and decorativeness. If these pests are found on flowers, they must be manually collected and destroyed. You can use the drug “Thunder” to protect astrantia from naked slugs.

Sometimes the plant suffers from waterlogging, especially in heavy acidic soils. Treatment comes down to orderly watering and timely loosening of the soil around the flower.

Astrantia: combination with other plants

In the flower beds continuous flowering astrantia gets along well with other perennials flower crops. The combination of openwork leaves of astrantia with bright summer flowers is an excellent example of creating flower beds from flowering plants. Planting different varieties of starweed on the lawn in the form of a separate flower bed looks very interesting. Growing astrantia against the background of decorative deciduous shrubs perfectly complements the landscape interior of parks or public gardens.

Astrantia in the flower garden

In landscape design, astrantia is most often used for flower beds, edgings, and mixborders of perennial plants. Considering that the plant is quite undemanding in terms of maintenance conditions, the starwort is planted in partial shade, under bushes and trees, to add decorativeness to compositions in landscape design.

Low-growing varieties of astrantia are used in landscape design for planting in rock gardens, rocky gardens and near swimming pools.

Astrantia in a country flower bed: video

Varieties and types of astrantia: photo

Astrantia, or chickweed, is a perennial plant reaching a height of more than 70 cm. It is decorative, looks great in bouquets, and is completely unpretentious.

Astrantia, the planting and care of which does not require any specific conditions, grows remarkably well on any soil. True, it prefers sunny areas or light partial shade. Chickweed is quite resistant to the most common garden diseases. It requires additional watering only during periods of drought. He loves feeding in the form of organic fertilizers. Astrantia is usually fed in spring or autumn and always during replanting. It can grow in one place for about 7 years without losing its decorative qualities.

Astrantia, planting and caring for which is quite simple, requires pruning of the very first shoots. This is done to form a lush bush.

Astrantia - planting and care. Growing

The easiest way to propagate a plant is to divide the bush. Chickweed also reproduces well by seeds or division of rhizomes.

Astrantia. Growing by seeds

Seeds can be planted in both spring and autumn. When planting seeds in the spring, it is necessary to first subject them to stratification (exposure to low temperatures). To do this, it is enough for them to lie in the refrigerator for some time. The seeds are placed in small containers with prepared soil. Then they are put away in a cool, dark place. After the first shoots appear, the containers are moved to a brighter place. Strong seedlings are transplanted into open ground at the end of May. Astrantia grown from seeds blooms after three years.

The plant can be propagated by dividing the bush in spring or autumn. To do this, the astrantia is dug up, divided into parts and new bushes are planted immediately in a permanent place. Before planting, it is advisable to add a little organic fertilizer to the prepared holes.

By dividing the rhizome, the plant can be propagated only in the spring and until the first leaves begin to grow. This method is rarely used, as a rule, in cases where it is necessary to preserve particularly rare species of astrantia.

Astrantia, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult, despite its resistance to various diseases, can be severely damaged by snails.

When purchasing seedlings you need to pay Special attention on the condition of the leaves. Yellowed foliage and fading leaves indicate the presence of possible diseases; such seedlings are not worth buying.

Young plants should have healthy leaves; it is preferable that the seedlings be planted in separate pots.

To decorate the landscape of your garden, you can plant astrantia on the shore of a small pond. Such a plant will look great next to geranium or astilbe. The white inflorescences of the stars will favorably emphasize and set off the purple wide bells and other flowers.

Astrantia is also suitable for alpine slides, you can beautifully combine planted ferns with it.

Anyway this is unpretentious plant will decorate your garden and add some zest to the landscape. In combination with other cultures or on its own, it always looks amazing and elegant.

Every gardener tries to create a harmonious and beautiful composition from various plants that would go well together. Often gardeners pay attention to an unpretentious and ornamental plant with interesting name astrantia. In addition to the charming appearance of flowering, the crop attracts gardeners with its simplicity of agricultural technology and further care, this is one of the few plants that can grow normally in shade.

Description and types

Astrantia is a perennial plant, belongs to the Umbrella family; another popular name for the flower is asterisk. This name is explained by the appearance of the inflorescences, since small flowers are located on long pedicels, their bottom is formed into an umbrella-shaped inflorescence, which is the collar of the bract. It consists of pointed leaves that resemble the rays of a star; they can differ in color from the shade of the inflorescence, which can reach 4-5 cm in diameter. The stems grow 50-100 cm in height, jagged sheet plates form the root rosette of the plant, it sometimes grows half a meter in diameter. The following are distinguished: popular types:

Large (Large)

A perennial herbaceous plant with few branches, weakly leafy, erect stems ranging from 30 cm to 90 cm in height. The bushes are spreading, the leaf blades are large, three- or seven-separate. Small flowers are formed into inflorescences and resemble an umbrella, reaching a diameter of 3-5 cm. Wrapping leaves are located around the inflorescence.


A herbaceous ornamental perennial whose stems grow up to 80-90 cm in height. The plant has long petioles with lacy foliage, which is divided into heart-shaped lobes and has a sharp tip, the color of the leaves is emerald. Umbrella inflorescences with a chamomile-shaped base consist of small flowers, the petals are shaped like an ellipse. The plant begins to bloom in mid-summer.


This species is considered the most beautiful; it has elegant decorative inflorescences and foliage. The compact perennial can grow up to 75 cm in height; the clump of tripartite leaves creates the effect of a semi-bush. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 5 cm, their shape is a simple umbrella, but the daisy base in combination with the deflected petals forms an elegant decorative appearance.

The best varieties

There are many varieties of astrantia; we will consider those that are most popular in the regions of our country.


A variety of large astrantia that forms a medium-spreading bush: 25-35 cm in diameter, low-branched stems can stretch about 40-55 cm in height. Three-seven-parted leaf plates are located on long petioles. The diameter of the umbellate inflorescences is 3-4 cm, the color of numerous flowers is dark purple, the shade of the bract is slightly different.

Carniolan Rubra

Decorative unpretentious perennial crop, tall mature plant reaches no more than 50 cm, leaf blades are palmate. The inflorescences are button-shaped and surrounded by a ring of ray-shaped sepals; the color of the petals is dark pink, but can also be dark red or burgundy. Flowering duration is 2-3 months.


The variety of Dutch selection is distinguished by its decorative nature; the height of a medium-spreading bush can be 45-55 cm, the stems are straight, few-branched, and the foliage is sparse. The basal rosette consists of palm-shaped leaves. Small numerous flowers form inflorescences in the form of a simple umbrella, their color is dark red, the bract is large.


The herbaceous perennial plant looks spectacular in group plantings; the height of the erect stems usually does not exceed 75 cm. The stems are weakly leafy, and at the base of the flower there is a basal rosette of three to seven separate leaves. The size of the umbrella-shaped inflorescences varies from 3 to 5 cm, the color of the petals is predominantly pink or white-pink.

Moulin rouge

The perennial herbaceous flower forms a dense, round-shaped bush; the stems are sparsely branched and erect; their height is 35-45 cm. The leaves of the basal rosette have a decorative appearance. The main advantage of the variety is its inflorescences with an unusual color, the color of the petals is ruby ​​with a green center, and the bract is dark purple or burgundy.


This variety can fully develop in partial shade. The height of the straight, weakly leafy stems does not exceed 80 cm. The color of the numerous small flowers, which are collected in inflorescences, is dark red, and the wrapping leaves have a light red tint. Enjoy the spectacular abundant flowering possible throughout the summer.

Pink Symphony

Unpretentious winter-hardy variety, which is not afraid of drought. The height of the bush usually does not exceed 80 cm, with a diameter of 30-35 cm. The leaf plates of the basal rosette are palmately divided, umbrella inflorescences can reach 5 cm in diameter. The color of small flowers is pink-red, and the wrapping leaves are pale pink. The bushes bloom during the summer season.


A herbaceous perennial plant, adult specimens of which grow about 60-70 cm in height. The bushes are compact, the stems are straight, there are few leaves, and there is a basal rosette at the base. The inflorescences in the form of a simple umbrella consist of small flowers of a soft pink color, the color of the wrapping leaves is white and pink. Flowering time occurs in mid-summer.


Decorative fast-growing perennial variety, which sometimes grows more than a meter in height. Large umbrella-shaped inflorescences are located on straight, weakly branched stems; the color of numerous small flowers is soft pink, and the color of the bract is pink-silver. The bases of the stems are covered with leaves from the basal rosettes. Flowering lasts about two months.

Ruby wedding

An ornamental perennial crop, the bushes of which stretch more than half a meter in height, the leaf blades are lobed. The round, umbrella-shaped inflorescences are surrounded by corollas of deep red petals, and the small flowers are dim. The variety can fully develop both in the sun and in partial shade. You can enjoy abundant flowering from July to mid-August.


A new variety of large perennial astrantia, which is characterized by large umbrella-shaped inflorescences with an unusual white-green color of the petals. The height of the erect stems is 40-50 cm, the foliage is medium, a basal rosette of leaves is present. The beauty of the unusual flowering can be admired throughout the summer season.

Abbey Road

The herbaceous perennial plant forms a medium-spreading bush with a height of 40 to 60 cm. This variety grows best in partial shade. Large umbrella-shaped inflorescences are purple-reddish in color, and the color of the wrapping leaves is usually dark purple. You can admire the beauty of the plant for only a month and a half, but the variety is valued for its high winter hardiness.

Planting by seeds

Like most herbaceous plants, astrantia reproduces by seeds.

Seed preparation

When sowing in spring, astrantia seeds must undergo stratification within 30 days; for this, the planting material must be placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Boarding time


Young seedlings are planted in holes, the depth of which should be about 10 cm. First, the planting holes need to be well moistened (0.5 liters of water for each), then the roots of the plant are placed in the hole and covered with soil. After completion of the work, the plantings are watered again, spending about 200 mm of water per plant. Astrantia grows strongly to the sides, so the distance between planting holes should be left 30-50 cm.

Seeds in the ground

Astrantia seeds are sown in open ground only in the fall using the winter method. The depth of the planting hole should not exceed 3 cm; 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole to be on the safe side; if all of them sprout, then the strongest plant is left. After planting, the holes are moistened and only then covered with soil, slightly compacting it.

Location and soil composition

The area for growing astrantia can be open and sunny, or maybe semi-shaded. It is advisable that the soil is not too poor and slightly loose, special requirements The plant has no bearing on the composition of the soil.

Further care technology

This plant is so unpretentious that regular watering is not at all necessary; in moderately rainy summers there is no need to moisten the plantings at all, but during drought it is worth watering the plants at least once a week with a small amount of water.

When growing flowers on fertile soils, it is recommended to apply complex mineral fertilizer as a top dressing in early spring. On poor soils, potassium-phosphorus fertilizing is added, which is done in mid-summer. After applying fertilizers, the plantings should be watered abundantly.

You should also fight weeds and at least occasionally loosen the soil around the plantings.

To stimulate re-blooming, gardeners recommend cutting off the first wave of flower stalks after they have withered.

Features of transplantation

Astrantia does not welcome replanting, so it is worth taking this fact into account when choosing a site for growing flowers. In one place, bushes can grow for 5-7 years, and if lost decorative look the plants should be divided and rejuvenated, and the divisions should be transplanted to a new area.

Flower propagation

In addition to the seed propagation method, astrantia is propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings.

You only need to divide the rhizome in early spring before the buds begin to grow, the divisions should be planted in a light and fertile soil on an area in partial shade, remembering to maintain a distance of 30-40 cm for plants. For wintering, new roots should be covered with fallen leaves.

Cuttings for propagation are cut from root rosettes, since these parts take root best and can be planted in open ground within a month after rooting.

Astrantia in winter

Astrantia - winter-hardy plant, so it endures wintering without any shelter. At the end of the season, the above-ground part should be removed and the soil mulched using sawdust. This is all the preparation of the plant for winter.

Ask the most experienced gardener how many flowers can maintain their decorative appearance throughout the entire season, and he is unlikely to be able to list you many plants at once. There are really few of them. Most people fill their garden according to this principle: when one thing fades, something else will bloom next to it. Moreover, this replacement occurs constantly.

We recommend that you pay attention to this garden plant, like astrantia. Planting and caring for it are extremely simple, and the sophisticated, magnificent appearance allows use in any flower beds and flower beds. With its help you will create an amazing and diverse landscape.

What kind of flower is this - astrantia?

Our flower growers are not particularly fond of this plant, and completely without reason. While in Europe it is extremely popular, as evidenced by the huge number of varieties bred by breeders. Many types of astrantia are common in Great Britain, where it has been known since the 16th century, and in America.

This is a fairly tall rhizomatous plant up to half a meter in height. Large dissected leaves (somewhat reminiscent of motherwort) are collected in a basal rosette. Long flower stalks seem to jump out of it. They are straight and practically devoid of leaves. The flowers are collected in a neat inflorescence - an umbrella. In fact, this gave the name to the whole family of plants. The color of the flowers varies from white to dark red. The bush looks especially impressive from the side. At the peak of its growth and flowering (which begins in May and continues until the end of September) it reaches up to 40-50 cm in girth.

Astrantia major

In translation - large astrantia. This is the most famous and widespread species in culture. It is noteworthy that in the natural environment (in nature) on modern stage it is on the verge of extinction, therefore in many countries it is listed in the Red Book. The plant has sparsely leafy, erect stems up to 90 cm high and forms a spreading bush. Flowering is abundant and long time(35-40 days), for which, in fact, it is valued by flower growers. Moreover, it can be repeated if old shoots are removed in time.

Astrantia large, like many other species and varieties, practically does not suffer from various diseases and pests, it is resistant to adverse external conditions.

How to grow on the plot?

If a plant has proven itself to be undemanding and disease-resistant, this does not mean at all that it can be planted in the very backyard of the site. Do not forget that at the most comfortable conditions it will be taller, larger, and flowering will be more abundant and longer. Growing large astrantia involves right choice places. She prefers open areas where there is a lot of light, or with light shadow, for example, under large trees, the crown of which will let in rarefied rays of the sun.

The plant is not too sensitive to soils, but fertility, good moisture and air permeability are desirable, and this is the kind of soil that astrantia prefers. Planting and care do not cause any difficulties even for novice gardeners. It is important to remember that the plant is very sensitive to transplantation and does not like it when it is done too often. On permanent place a large bush can grow for up to 7 years, provided it has good, nutrient-rich soil.

Astrantia large should not be understood as one individual plant. This species combines many variations that differ in their characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail.

Variety Buckland

This is a herbaceous perennial plant with sparse erect stems. There are few leaves (the characteristic shape is palmately dissected), so the bush is compact, up to 50 cm high. The flowers are medium-sized, collected in a simple inflorescence - an umbrella, pink in color. Astrantia variety Buckland prefers sunny places and is highly drought and frost resistant. Flowering is abundant and long - from May to November.

Variety Claret

Medium-sized perennial herbaceous plant up to 50 cm high. Flowering abundantly (June-September). By quality characteristics similar to the previous variety. It differs in the color of the flowers - in this species it is a rich red color (pictured above). There are few leaves, they are collected in neat basal rosettes.

Variety Moulin Rouge

The plant is slightly taller than previous varieties - 50-65 cm. The flowers are small, collected in simple umbrellas. Together with the bright red bracts, an unusual bright effect is created. This variety prefers sunny areas and fertile soils, perhaps some shade. High levels of winter and drought resistance allow it to be used everywhere without covering it for the winter. This unpretentious astrantia. Planting and care in open ground are similar to other varieties.

Variety Sunningdale Variegated

A tall representative of the species - 65-80 cm. The stems are erect, with weak branching, and there are practically no leaves on them. The rest are collected into a neat rosette at the roots. It is noteworthy that the leaves of this variety are also highly decorative. They have a palm shape and light yellow, cream fields (see photo). The flowers are pale pink with large bracts. Resistant to external factors the environment is similar to that of other varieties. Flowering is abundant and quite long (June-September).

What to choose for yourself?

These are just the most common and famous varieties astrantia. In fact, there are a huge number of them. Classification is made not only by the shade of the flowers, but also by the time of the beginning of flowering, its duration, leaf color, size, etc. Before purchasing seeds, be sure to familiarize yourself with this information, so you can choose the most suitable one. best option. Pledge beautiful flower garden- astrantia suitable for growth. Planting and care (photo) for all varieties are, in principle, similar, it is enough to know some of the subtleties. For the rest, rely on your own sense of taste or take note of the work of landscape designers.

In addition to its magnificent appearance, the flower is suitable for cutting into bouquets, herbariums, and ikebana. Pay attention to the photo - how well the modest but charming astrantia emphasizes the magnificence of white roses. She sets them off, but at the same time she looks quite self-sufficient.

In the garden, the plant is mainly used in plantings near large trees, where it thrives, as well as in compositions with stones, garden paths. Do not forget that astrantia is a honey plant, and during the flowering period it will certainly attract bees.

Astrantia: planting and care

  • The process of planting young plants is extremely simple and is not much different from similar work with phlox, peonies or other perennial plants. The main requirement is that the distance between the bushes is at least 30 cm, and the upper limit rises depending on the variety and its height. Freedom and space are what astrantia prefers. Growing and caring for it will also be much easier when there is free access to the bushes.
  • After planting, lightly compact the soil around the plant and water generously. Astrantia grows quite quickly; lush bushes form already in the second year.
  • In principle, adult plants do not need watering, with the exception of too hot and dry summers. But even in such a situation, it will not require a specific schedule for the supply of water from you and will endure all adversities without compromising its appearance and growth.
  • Provided the soil is fertile, a single application is sufficient. mineral fertilizer per season in early spring. If the soils are poor, then you can repeat the procedure in mid-summer before the next wave of flowering.
  • Astrantia pruning is needed. Even if you do not achieve constant flowering, then at least for a good decorative appearance. Remove dried flowers and shoots in a timely manner, and then the plant will delight you with its beauty.
  • Sometimes astrantia needs additional support or garter, especially if you have chosen a windy area for it or it has been a rainy summer.

Propagation by seeds

Despite the fact that on the site in natural conditions The plant is extremely easy to propagate by self-sowing; at home, this process can cause some difficulties, and it is not always successful. Planting astrantia seedlings begins in early spring. In this case, the seeds must undergo stratification, that is, kept at a certain low temperature. After all, this is exactly how everything happens in natural conditions. If you prefer your own seeds to store-bought ones for planting, then experts advise sowing them directly into the ground in the fall, and in the spring they will sprout safely. Store the purchased material in the refrigerator for several weeks. Then sow them in light, fertile soil, only lightly sprinkled with soil. Try to support constant temperature within 20-23 °C for best germination. Caring for young plants is extremely simple: first, the seedlings need to be thinned out, and when the second true leaf appears, planted in separate pots.

Vegetative propagation

Can take place in two ways: division mother bush and by small pieces of rhizome. In the first case, the timing is spring and autumn, and in the second - only until the plant awakens and begins to grow. In specialized stores, they most often sell rhizomes of various varieties. Astrantia, which requires a little time to plant and care for, reproduces well this way and has a high survival rate. The only point worth paying attention to is the root system. Before purchasing a plant, carefully inspect the rhizome if it is open. If astrantia is in a container, then look at the leaves, they should be bright, with normal turgor, without signs of damage. When buying rhizomes in the spring, you can plant them immediately in the ground; if it is winter outside, then use small containers with light and nutritious soil.

One of the most unassuming, but at the same time amazing plants in our garden it is astrantia. Planting and caring for it (photos are presented in the article) are simply simple and do not require much time. Moreover, astrantia does not even need to be replanted too often. Bright and long-lasting flowering, spectacular appearance, low prevalence and exclusivity will allow you to create stunning corners of greenery and picturesque colors on your site.