Aucuba: Home care. Aucuba japonica: the original golden tree

Aucuba It is very easy to recognize by its rather dense, glossy leaves with characteristic yellow spots.

Japanese aucuba is grown precisely for the beautiful foliage of this plant. Aucuba will decorate not only a hall or office, but also an ordinary apartment.

Aucuba is “Japanese” in origin, as follows from its species name. This plant is native to Japan, as well as the south of the Korean Peninsula.

The Japanese themselves call this evergreen shrub aokiba. This is where the modern name of the plant came from. In addition, in Japan, aucuba is also called the “golden tree” for the characteristic yellowish color of the leaves.

In culture Aucuba japonica maintained since the end of the 18th century.

In nature, the plant can reach a height of 4 meters. At home, the size of the aucuba is, of course, smaller. If you grow this one in a large pot or tub, it can grow up to 1.8 m. The growth of aucuba is easily controlled by pruning, and pinching shoots enhances bushiness.

Available for sale various varieties Aucuba japonica. The most common variety is Crotonifolia, which has asymmetrical yellow spots on the leaves. Variety Goldieana differs almost completely yellow leaves. But the most common form is the variety Variegata, whose leaves have spots various sizes and the color of which can be white, yellow, cream or light green.

With proper care, Japanese aucuba can grow and delight you with its beauty for decades.

Japanese aucuba, care at home.

The temperature for cultivating aucuba should be moderate. IN summer period It is desirable that the temperature fluctuates in the range of 18-20°C. Also in summer indoor plant it is recommended to take it to Fresh air. In winter, aucuba can be kept at temperatures from 8 to 14°C, but it should not fall below 5°C.

Aucuba lighting Japanese should not be too bright. It is advisable to keep the aucuba in partial shade, in a place protected from direct sunlight. sun rays. You should not place a flower pot on the windowsill of a “southern” window. Aucuba varieties with dark green leaves are more shade tolerant.

Watering from spring to autumn should be abundant and regular, but excess water should not be allowed in the pot. In winter, water the aucuba moderately. In winter, indoors with central heating the indoor plant must be sprayed; in summer this is not so important because the leaves are leathery indoor flower do not evaporate moisture quickly.

The soil for growing Japanese aucuba needs light and loose soil. You can use a mixture turf land, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:0.5. Don't forget to put a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, as good drainage is necessary.

Aucuba feeding carried out in the spring-summer period once a week with organic fertilizers. You can also use complex fertilizers for flowers.

Aucuba transplant. You should not replant your aucuba too often. Adult, overgrown specimens are “transferred” to a new pot every few years. When doing this, you need to be careful not to damage the fragile roots of the plant.

Aucuba Reproduction carried out by cuttings of apical shoots at the end of summer. Each such shoot should have a couple of leaves and buds ready to start growing. Aucuba cuttings are rooted at high soil temperatures and high humidity air.

Aucuba flowering. The plant has small reddish flowers, collected in apical or axillary paniculate inflorescences. Aucuba fruits are red and look like small berries.

Problems, diseases and pests of Japanese aucuba.

The number is decreasing yellow spots on the leaves of the plant. Possible reason is a lack of light or nutrition. Feed the plant and place it in a brighter place.

Black spots on aucuba leaves appear when there is excess moisture in the soil. In this case, you need to let the soil dry better after watering.

Aucuba leaves turn pale in too bright light. Light intensity should be reduced.

Aucuba leaves turn yellow and dry out if the air in the room is dry or the plant is not watered enough. It is necessary to increase the humidity and water more often.

New Aucuba shoots are thin and slow growing. The reason is lack of nutrition. The plant should be fed with mineral fertilizers.

Typical Aucuba pests- spider mites and thrips.

The peculiarity of this plant is its beautiful green crown, covered with golden specks. This coloring allowed the flower to be given the name “golden tree”.
According to another version, the color resembles a cut of a sausage, which is why it is also called “sausage tree.”

IN natural conditions this shrub forms undergrowth in the subtropics. It is found in the Himalayas and Korea. His homeland is Japan.
Translated from Japanese "aukuba" is " green plant" In nature, it is a shrub up to five meters high. Its leathery, elongated leaves are located on short stems. Along the edges sheet plate covered with jagged edges.

Aucuba rarely blooms at home. During flowering, small inflorescences of a bright red color appear on the tops of the shoots. A bush with green leaves covered with bright yellow spots and decorated with small flowers looks very elegant. And after flowering, it still produces berries similar to dogwood. But this only happens if you have both a male and a female tree in your collection. Aucuba is a dioecious plant and bears fruit only after fertilization by an individual of the opposite sex.


Compared to other plants, aucuba is small in number. But modern breeders have developed varieties that differ in foliage color.
On some, the spots cover only the center of the leaf, while others are covered with a scattering of small spots.
There are even species in which the greenery appears only along the very edge, and the entire plate is golden.

The most famous and often found in indoor floriculture there are two types:


It grows naturally in Japan and Korea. The forms of this species differ in the location and size of the spots. Has oval leaves with smooth surface. The length of the leaves reaches 20 centimeters. Plant height at favorable conditions reaches two meters. The flowers of the plant are bright, deep red, collected in fluffy panicles. Fruiting occurs rarely. It can produce not only red berries, but also yellow and white ones. A beautiful crown of this species can be formed only with regular pruning. This is the most common type. You can admire plants of this species in the photos below.


This species is native to the Eastern Himalayas. IN home growing is much less common. It differs from the Japanese one in its thin, sharp, dark green leaves. The edges are rugged. Forms fast-growing shoots that require timely pruning. Photos of Aucuba Himalayan are posted below.

Is aucuba dangerous at home?

Aucuba – poisonous flower Therefore, keeping it in a house where there are children or pets is not recommended. Poison is found in all parts of the plant!

ATTENTION. It is prohibited to grow aucuba in children's institutions!

Aucuba in the garden

IN open ground The “golden tree” is capable of growing in the Black Sea coast area. This one grows up evergreen shrub up to five meters. Forms a lush, heavily leafy form. Tolerant to conditions environment. Grown in slightly acidic soils. Can grow in sunny and shaded places.

Home care

Aucuba japonica or golden tree (flower) is an unpretentious plant. It is able to survive even in conditions unsuitable for other indoor flowers. Does not react to temperature changes, dirty air, feels normal in a dark place.

After the purchase

Like any plant, after purchase it is recommended to transplant the aucuba from the shipping container into a more suitable container. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method so as not to tear the delicate roots. Do not water the plant right away, do it on the second day.

Where to grow?

Aucuba loves an average temperature of 22-23 degrees. It really does not like sudden changes in temperature and reacts to them with a sharp yellowing of the leaves. At the same time, the plant loses its decorative effect and takes on a pale, unkempt appearance.

IN winter time You need to choose a cool place for the plant. But the temperature should not drop below six degrees.

The color of the leaves depends on the light. Aucuba will grow both in the shade and in the sun, but in a well-lit place, the color of the leaves acquires a rich golden hue, and the number and size of spots also increases. Just the light should not be direct, otherwise the leaves will turn pale. Ideal for aucuba are windows facing east or west. You can place it next to the southern windows, but at some distance.

ADVICE. In summer, take the plant to a ventilated balcony, where it will feel great. Just protect the flower from drafts and strong winds.

Rules for planting and transplanting

Unlike other plants, aucuba does not require frequent replanting. In one container it survives perfectly for up to 10 years. Keep this in mind when planting a plant over the age of three years. You need to immediately select a large pot. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom. The soil is prepared from a mixture of sand, peat and earth. All components are in equal parts.

Young specimens during the period of active growth are replanted once a year. In adults, partial replacement of the soil is possible (about a third of the upper part).

But in this matter the opinion experienced flower growers contradictory. Some argue that if the plant is not replanted every 4-5 years, the characteristic golden spots will begin to disappear and the plant will lose its attractive coloring feature.

An adult specimen is transferred to a new pot with care. This must be done if there are signs of the container being filled with roots. If individual roots begin to make their way to the surface, it’s time to act.

How to water?

Watering should be uniform. Do not allow the earthen clod to become too dry. At the same time, waterlogging is harmful. Ideally, air humidity should be high, but it is not afraid of short-term dryness.

During heating season When the air is dry, aucuba needs to be sprayed regularly. During this period, you can use a humidifier or apply decorative fountains.

Feeding rules

Aucuba is fertilized during the growing season once a week, combined with watering. A universal fertilizer for leaf flowers is suitable for feeding. Use the concentration recommended on the package.

The plant responds well to organic fertilizers. They can be used as a solution once every two weeks.

IMPORTANT. Sprinkle with fertilizer wet ground so as not to burn the roots.

Reproduction methods

  1. With a cutting.
  2. Held in February-March. Take a cutting with two or three leaves. Separate from the stem and place in a damp peat-sand mixture. If there is no peat, only sand can be used.

    As soon as the cutting gives roots, small leaves appear on it. Before they appear, the pot should be covered with a bag, plastic or glass cap. The rooted sprout is planted in a separate container in soil made of soil, sand and peat. You can add a little humus or leaf turf, as well as crushed charcoal, to the mixture.

    In the first two to three years, the young sprout is transplanted into new pots. A mature plant is planted on permanent place into a large container.

    IMPORTANT. Aucuba roots are very fragile, so transplant with the utmost care.

  3. Sowing seeds.
  4. The method is less popular due to the fact that the plant grows very slowly from seed. In addition, it does not transfer the characteristic variegation of leaves to the new plant. Therefore, it is not recommended to propagate the variegated variety by seeds.

You can get seeds at home only if you have two specimens of different sexes, otherwise seed embryos will not form during flowering.

If you bought aucuba seeds and decided to sow them, first soak them for several hours. Then sow in a wide flat dish, sprinkle and cover with glass to create greenhouse conditions. To prevent the seeds from overheating. Do not keep dishes with crops in a sunny window.


Aucuba requires constant crown formation. To achieve density and a beautiful shape of the above-ground part, it is recommended to trim the shoots.

In young specimens, the tips of the shoots are pinched, and the plant sprouts new shoots and branches, actively increasing the leaf mass.

You can also learn about the features of cultivation from the video:

What does Aucuba suffer from?

If watered incorrectly, the plant may become affected by rot. This occurs due to waterlogging of the soil and too cold conditions.

Root rot turns the root system brown-red, the plant’s nutrition stops and it dies at high speed. It most often affects young, fragile specimens. Prevention – proper care, compliance with temperature and watering regimes. If the plant is sick, it can be saved, but only in the initial stages. A severely affected specimen will surely die.

Remove the plant from the pot, wash the roots and trim off the affected areas. Change the pot and soil. After transplanting, water little.


Like all leaf species, most often aucuba is affected by scale insects and aphids. These pests first settle on the underside of leaves. And then cover the entire surface. Leaves from which insects suck out all the juice. They become lethargic. Aphids additionally cover them with a sticky coating.

If you notice signs of pests on the plant (black or brown spots), treat the foliage with a solution laundry soap. Then spray it with insecticide. The treatment should be repeated three times, with an interval of 14 days.

It may not be possible to destroy the scale insect this way. Clean it with a swab soaked in an alcohol solution.

If it appears on the leaves white coating, which means the aucuba is affected spider mite. The plant needs to be washed and treated with poison.

The appearance of lightened spots is a signal of infection with thrips that has settled on the underside of the leaf. The insect spreads at high speed. And its appearance is promoted by increased temperature and low humidity. Control measures - treatment with Inta-Vir, Actellik, Decis.

What are the benefits of aucuba?

The leaves of the plant contain active substances that destroy harmful bacteria from the air. This is how the air microflora of the room is regulated.

The psychological properties of this plant are also known. It can create an atmosphere of calm and cohesion. But it makes braggarts listen to others, and it becomes easier to communicate with them. Aucuba protects your home from negative energy brought into it by other people. There is also a belief that no one can offend the owner of a well-groomed plant; it is a kind of amulet for him.

Aucuba leaves are filled with surfactants that help repair body tissue. For injuries and burns, the leaves can be applied to the skin, as they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Aucuba will also help with frostbite and bruising. For these purposes, crushed leaves of the plant are used.

Danger of use

Use Aucuba with caution. It may cause local irritation if the skin is sensitive, so it is advisable to consult a doctor first.

Growing difficulties

Inexperienced flower growers face certain problems when caring:

  • Brittle leaves indicate a lack of water.
  • Shrinking of leaves occurs due to lack of nutrients.
  • The appearance of brown dry spots on the leaves indicates that the plant is getting sunburned.
  • Leaf fall occurs when the air is too dry.

Aucuba. A common problem is the leaves turn black, what should I do?

The reason for this phenomenon is excessive soil moisture. Aucuba is a plant that is better under-watered than over-watered. It easily tolerates temporary drying out of the soil, but turns black from moisture. Therefore, if you notice blackening of the tips, reduce watering, otherwise the foliage will turn black and fall off, and the plant will die.

Blackness can also be associated with improper wintering, when the air from the radiators is too dry and the temperature is too high.

Monitor the aucuba and change the conditions depending on signs of trouble.

Minimal care and maximum decorativeness - that’s the attractiveness of growing this plant. Its unusual, as if specially painted bright colors foliage will decorate the interior of the apartment and planting in the country.

Japanese aucuba (aucuba japonica) or, as this plant is also called, golden tree, belongs to the extensive dogwood family. The plant is an evergreen. The main decorative feature of aucuba is its large, leathery leaves. The flower also looks very decorative during fruiting, when small reddish or yellowish berries ripen on it. At home, aucuba is indispensable as a natural air purifier.


It's growing interesting plant in China and Japan, as well as on the Black Sea coast. Translated from japanese plant called "evergreen".

This tree can reach 2.5 meters in height. The flower is called golden because of the spots on its leaves that glow in the sun like gold. Japanese aucuba begins to bloom at the very beginning of spring. The flowers of the plant are unremarkable, collected in inflorescences. It does not bear fruit every year.

Aucuba is also called the sausage tree because meat was previously smoked in the smoke of its branches, which gave it an unusual, very pleasant taste. But in fact, the plant is poisonous and dangerous to humans and animals.

According to their shape, aucuba bushes are divided into two types. One species has foliage of a uniform, lush green color. The second type is more decorative, with golden spots on the foliage.

The plant is very decorative and easily propagated by cuttings and seeds. Today, many varieties of aucuba have been bred - for gardening and for greenhouses. This flower is also grown at home, especially since caring for it is very simple. Simple rules care, easy to perform and your aucuba will be just a luxurious bush.

Rules of care

Since the plant looks like a dense and slightly rough bush, some gardeners have the impression that it requires little or no care. Actually this is not true. The conditions for keeping this flower in an apartment should be as close to natural as possible.

The aucuba plant will grow well if you follow fairly simple rules:

  • Japanese aucuba does not tolerate wind or strong drafts.
  • This flower requires moisture.
  • Aucuba japonica needs to be replanted once a year. This should be done in March.
  • The flower needs to be watered regularly and constantly sprayed.
  • The flower needs feeding.
  • The flower needs regular pruning.

Read also: Indoor azaleas– care before and after flowering

Soil, light and temperature

The aucuba flower needs soil specially formulated for it. In nature, the plant’s habitat is the humid tropics, so you should make the following mixture: part leaf soil, two parts turf, part humus, two parts peat and 0.5 parts sand. The flower also grows well in hydroponics.

Aucuba, which is not at all difficult to care for at home, loves moderate temperatures. For this flower, the optimal room temperature is about +20 degrees. IN winter period the temperature may drop to +14 degrees. If the temperature is too high, the plant may begin to shed its leaves. If it is not possible to lower the temperature in the room, then the flower must be constantly sprayed with settled water.

The plant loves diffused light and does not tolerate direct sunlight. In summer, aucuba grows well in partial shade, but in winter it needs additional lighting. If in the summer the flower pot will be placed outside, you should choose a place that is not exposed to the scorching rays of the sun. Do not place the flower in the rain or wind.

Watering, humidity and fertilizing

In nature, the plant grows in a very humid climate. Therefore, at home, the flower needs to be provided high humidity. If in the summer there is no need to spray the flower every day, then with the arrival of the autumn-winter period, spraying should be done every day.

Spray the aucuba very carefully and only with softened, lukewarm water. At home, due to excessive spraying, the plant can be affected by rot and fungal diseases.

In summer, the flower is watered very generously, allowing only the top layer of soil in the pot to dry. In winter and autumn, watering is reduced somewhat and the plant is watered moderately. It is important to remember that it is better to slightly dry out the soil in the pot rather than regularly overwatering the flower. If you water too much, black spots may appear on the leaves of the plant.

Read also: Action - planting, care, reproduction

Aucuba is fertilized in the spring and summer. The flower responds well to fertilizer mineral compounds and organics. Fertilizing is applied every week, alternating complex mineral fertilizers and organics.

Pruning and replanting

The best time to form the crown of a bush is spring. To make the aucuba bush lush, they are pruned and vaccinated. The shoots cut off during pruning can be used to propagate the plant. During pruning, shoots that are too long and weak are simply removed, trying to give the bush a compact, neat shape.

While the bush is young, it is transplanted in the spring every year into a larger container. When replanting, change the soil to a new one. But if the flower is more than 5 years old, then the soil in the pot should be changed much less frequently. In this case, you need to navigate by the root system - when the flowerpot is completely filled with roots, you need to transplant it into a more spacious pot.


Seeds of this plant are quite difficult to buy. Therefore, many gardeners propagate aucuba by cuttings. Cuttings are the simplest and quick way how to get young bushes. The optimal time for cutting cuttings is August and September or March-April. For cuttings, select slightly woody shoots with several leaves and almost open buds.

In order for the cuttings to quickly form a root system, they are buried in sand or a peat mixture with sand.

It is advisable to place the cuttings in a small greenhouse or at least cover them with a jar or cut plastic bottle. The cuttings are regularly sprayed, watered and ventilated. If you do everything correctly, then very soon the cuttings will develop a strong root system and they will be ready to be transplanted into a pot with soil.

Possible difficulties

  • The main difficulty in growing this flower may arise during transplantation. The plant is quite fragile and needs to be replanted very carefully. Aucuba roots, although fleshy, are very brittle.
  • If all the rules of care are not followed, the plant will begin to suffer from non-infectious diseases.
  • If the flower does not have enough light, the number of golden spots on the leaves will decrease. If there is too much light, the leaves of the plant will become pale.
  • Because too high temperature the flower may shed its leaves. Leaves may also fall off due to dry air.
  • If the aucuba begins to turn yellow and fall off prematurely lower leaves, then the reason for this is sharp fluctuations in room temperature and irregular watering.
  • If the upper part of the leaf dries out, and then the foliage begins to turn yellow and fall off, then the plant is suffering from excess light.
  • If the edges of the leaves dry out on the aucuba, it means the plant is in too dry a room in winter or is not watered enough in summer.
  • If the leaves on the aucuba tree begin to turn black, the cause may be too dry and warm wintering indoors.

Aucuba japonica belongs to the dogwood variety (Cornaceae) and is distinguished by its decorative properties. The flower is called the golden tree because of the unusual pattern on the leaves in the form of yellow spots. The plant has become widespread for indoor and greenhouse cultivation.

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What to do immediately after purchase?

After purchase decorative bush needs to be transplanted into a large container and placed in a comfortable place with average illumination. Experts recommend the transshipment method. The aucuba with a lump of earth is moved into a container.

The bottom of the pot is occupied by a layer of drainage:

  • crushed stone up to 5 cm;
  • pieces of foam;
  • small pebbles or expanded clay.

The plant is covered with earth. The distance from the edge of the flowerpot to the top layer of soil should be at least 3-5 cm. Watering is necessary the next day after transshipment.

The shrub requires adaptation to the environment. It is necessary to care for the plant for at least a week without abundant watering, fertilizing, and keep the bush in a shaded state. Then the pot is transferred to a permanent place.

A universal location for an evergreen plant is the window sills on the east and west sides.

Suits the flower temperate climate, without temperature changes. The bush is unpretentious, it can live not only on the windowsill with sufficient quantity light, but also in the darkened part of the room. The air temperature in summer is +18…+20°С.

In winter, permissible values ​​drop to +8…+14°С. It is necessary to ensure that during the cold season the air does not drop to a temperature of less than +5 degrees. Aucuba lighting should be dim, and the plant should be kept away from direct sunlight.

Planting and transplanting

Aucuba is planted in large ceramic pots. Drainage is placed in the container to avoid water stagnation, with a layer of soil on top. IN spring period after frost, Japanese aucuba can be grown on the balcony or in garden conditions.

Until the age of 5 years, the aucuba needs to be replanted annually. The process is carried out in the spring - from March to April. It is recommended to carry out the procedure carefully so as not to injure the fragile roots.

The optimal method is to transfer the plant with a lump of earth into a container larger diameter. The bottom of the pot is covered with a drainage layer and filled with soil. After transplanting, you can trim the leaves or pinch the tops of the shoots.

Mature bushes need to be planted when the roots completely entwine the earthen ball, i.e. every 2-3 years. A more gentle procedure can be carried out - transshipment. This allows you to move the plant without damaging the root system. For mature and fully grown Aucuba japonica, it is recommended to change only the upper layer land.

Soil requirements

For growing ornamental plant it is necessary to prepare the ground. It must contain nutrients. Aucuba's natural habitat is subtropics, so the soil mixture consists of:

  • leaf soil;
  • clay-turf;
  • humus;
  • peat soil;
  • sand in the ratio 1:2:1:2:0.5.

A variant of the mixture may consist of turf soil, sand, humus, peat and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1:1:1:1. Mandatory requirement— filling the bottom of the container with drainage made of expanded clay, pebbles, so that when watering, water easily reaches the root system.

Suitable for plants and growing in hydroponics.

Pruning and rejuvenation

Aucuba care includes regular pruning to help form a beautiful crown. To achieve density of the above-ground part, the shoots are trimmed. The procedure is carried out in mid-spring - from March to April, so that in winter the plants are decorated with berries.

If there is no requirement for mandatory flowering, pruning can be done in winter. Excess shoots are removed, the tops of the remaining stems are pinched.

In the first spring after planting, leaf growth needs to be trimmed to stimulate bush growth. In mature plants, it is necessary to remove twig-like shoots and dried leaves that spoil the crown. After the procedure, the aucuba bush blooms well.

Pruning is also done to rejuvenate the plant. It allows you to remove stretched and bare branches.

It is necessary to cut off damaged shoots to the base, leaving at least 2-3 live buds on the stumps.

After intensive pruning, the plant begins to develop and produce fresh shoots.

Rejuvenation of the bush can also be done in stages: first, half of the stems are removed. After the shoots grow, the next batch is removed. The procedure is recommended before the start of a period of intensive growth. After pruning, fertilizing is required.

Feeding and fertilizers

The plant needs regular feeding to maintain the crown in a decorative form. The procedure is carried out from spring to autumn. During this period, the golden tree is in a period of active growth. Experts recommend feeding aucuba shoots with mineral and organic compounds in dissolved form 3 times a month.

Fertilizer is added to moist soil so as not to harm the root system. The procedure is combined with watering the plant. From spring to the end of summer, fertilizing is applied once a week; it is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. It is not recommended to feed the plant during wintering.

How to water?

For growth and maintenance of aesthetic appearance The bush requires regular watering. Aucuba is a moisture-loving plant, but experts do not recommend pouring the soil abundantly. Therefore, the remaining water is removed from the pot, since excessive moisture damages the root system of the plant. Top level the ground should be dry.

In the warm season decorative flower required more watering than in the autumn-winter period. From March to October, the shrub needs watering once a week. In autumn and winter, the plant’s soil needs to be moistened once every 2 weeks. The flower tolerates periodic dryness of the soil in the pot, but excessive soil moisture can lead to damage to the leaves and root system.

Natural conditions for aucuba - humid subtropics, so the plant requires maintaining sufficient air humidity at home. Spraying in summer can be periodic. From autumn to the end of winter, the flower requires regular spraying.

The water required for the procedure should be warm, with a soft structure. When the air temperature drops in winter to +6...+12°C, spraying is carried out less frequently to avoid fungal diseases.


The evergreen plant is propagated using seeds or apical cuttings.
It is recommended to carry out propagation only with fresh seeds, because... during storage they lose their viability. Planting material placed in a container with a substrate made from a mixture of peat soil and river sand. It is required to organize a small greenhouse by covering the pot plastic bag or glass.

It is recommended to maintain the temperature up to +21°C until the first shoots. Ventilation and frequent spraying of the soil and air are required. After sprouts appear, seedlings with fresh leaves must be planted in separate containers.

A popular method of propagating aucuba is through cuttings. Material for cuttings is prepared during warm periods:

  • from March to April;
  • from August to September.

It is necessary to cut off parts of shoots up to 10-20 cm long. Each cutting should have at least 2-3 leaves. Then the material is placed in moistened sand or a mixture of sand and peat soil. After the roots appear, the cuttings can be planted in containers with a filtered substrate based on peat and agroperlite.

Seedlings should be covered with a plastic bag or glass jar. The recommended temperature for maintaining is +22°C; regular spraying and ventilation are necessary.
After rooting, the cuttings must be planted in separate containers. The required soil for seedlings is a composition with humus, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:0.5.

Problems during cultivation

Experts note mistakes in caring for indoor aucuba:

  • from lack of watering, the ends of the leaves dry out and become brittle;
  • lack of fertilizers and nutrients leads to shredding of foliage after transplantation;
  • when the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the shoots become covered with burns, which indicate brown spots;
  • excessively dry air and lack of spraying causes dark spots to appear on the leaves.

To eliminate the consequences improper care, you will need to change the placement conditions decorative tree Aucubes.

Diseases and pests

Failure to comply with breeding requirements leads to bush disease. Root rot is caused by temperatures less than +5°C and excessive soil moisture. This happens due to poorly organized drainage. The plant must be transplanted into a pot, laying the soil according to the rules. It is important to reduce the amount of watering.

Young plants - annually, adults - once every 2-3 years In spring and summer 18-20, in winter 10-14 In spring and summer - once a week, in winter - once every 2 weeks In spring and summer - once a week, in winter when heating - every day Penumbra or diffused light The sap of the plant is poisonous


Aucuba can grow both in partial shade and in diffused light. It is important to avoid exposure to hot sun rays. In this case, the need for lighting depends on the type and variety.

Thus, specimens with solid green leaves easily tolerate partial shade and can successfully grow on northern windows.

But for variegated varieties optimal place there will be window sills facing east or west. Due to lack of light, the leaves may fade and the design on them may be lost.

In summer, the pot can be taken out to open air: in the garden or on the balcony. It is important to first take care of a place protected from precipitation and scorching sun.


"Golden Tree" prefers moderate ones. In spring and summer, it is optimal to keep aucuba at 18-20 degrees. In winter, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to 10-14 degrees, but not lower than 7. If the thermometer readings are much higher, there is a possibility that the plant will lose its beautiful decorative look and will begin to shed leaves.

If it is not possible to provide cool conditions in winter, regular spraying and good lighting. Aucuba is afraid of drafts and sudden temperature changes, so when ventilating it is better to move it away from open windows and windows.


Aucuba is watered throughout the year. In spring and summer it should be more abundant - about once a week.

Before the next moistening, the top layer of soil must dry out.. In winter, watering is reduced, especially during cool wintering, to once every 2 weeks.

It is important to make sure not to overwater the flower, because in this case unsightly dark spots may appear on the leaves, and the root system may begin to rot.