Protein bread: does it help you lose weight? Protein-wheat bread for diabetics, shaped piece made from wheat flour Protein bread recipe.

» Protein Bread Recipes – Review of the Best Breads and Buns

Incredible! Your sugar levels will be normal if...

Do you want to lose weight, but love bread or can’t do without your favorite breakfast bun? Then low carb protein bread is a suitable alternative for you.

Until recently, protein bread or buns were a secret for those who visit the fitness room and want to improve their figure.

Then protein bread began to appear in many low-carb diets, and even the food industry began producing it.

We've put together a selection of our best recipes for protein breads and buns and we'd be glad if you take some of them into account.

Bake your own bread or buy it? – What to pay attention to

Typically, the biggest obstacle to weight loss is life itself. We had to deal with this painfully ourselves. We didn't always have the highest motivation. But work, family and circle of friends could nip all attempts in the bud.

Due to lack of time, many people prefer to resort to ready-made products and buy bread from a bakery. Let's tell you more, we also bought low-carb bread from the bakery. But now we have completely abandoned this option and prefer to spend a little time baking it. There are several reasons for this:

  • Many types of protein bread contain additives, such as flavor enhancers;
  • The price per kilogram is usually quite high;
  • Bread with a high protein content in the bakery rarely turns out tasty;
  • Often store-bought protein bread contains more carbohydrates than homemade bread;
  • Many bread manufacturers deceive customers.

We realized that there is no lack of time, there is simply incorrect distribution and planning of time, as well as the correct setting of our own priorities. There are small time wasters that we don’t even notice in our fast-paced daily lives. They can be the Internet, a smartphone or a computer.

Quite a lot of people spend several hours every day on Facebook, WhatsApp or playing games. We are sure that you understand what we are talking about and you also have such time wasters. Try to eliminate them and take the time to bake your own low-carb bread, go to a workout, or eat a quiet meal.

It doesn’t work, it doesn’t help... Don’t lie to yourself, it’s just a matter of will! Now let's move on to the main topic of this article - low-carb recipes for bread and rolls.

Bread with crispy crust

This low-calorie bread is intended for those who do not want to eat animal products. At the same time, it does not contain gluten and is suitable for those who are sensitive to this component. The weight of the finished loaf is about 1100 grams.

Buns with chia and sunflower seeds

Chia seeds are a wonderful ingredient for healthy, low-carb baking. We recommend eating these buns for breakfast. They are very popular among those on a low-calorie diet. Be sure to try it!


Crispbreads aren't often found on the average family's dinner table, but they make a great snack. The crispbreads cook very quickly, and thanks to flaxseed they are also very healthy. Simply grind the flax seeds in a coffee grinder, mix with the remaining ingredients and microwave for 5 minutes.

Recipe: Crispbread

Simple protein bread

You only need 10 minutes to knead the dough of this protein bread, which you can fit into your daily routine.

Bake in the oven for an additional 45 minutes and you can enjoy delicious bread that contains only 4.4g of carbs and 21.5g of protein. It has become a real hit among our recipes!

Recipe: Simple Protein Bread

Protein bread with whole hazelnuts

Adding whole nuts makes the dough truly tasty and adds variety to your diet, and the high protein content helps you stay in shape.

This hazelnut bread is rich in protein and low in carbs. The dough is kneaded for 10 minutes and cooked in the oven for 45 minutes. The finished product contains only 4.7 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of bread and 16.8 g of protein.

Recipe: Protein Bread with Whole Hazelnuts

Protein muffin with pumpkin seeds

Very satisfying, suitable for both salty, spicy and sweet dishes. Great option as a stand-alone dish for breakfast or dinner

Pumpkin seeds fit perfectly into the taste of the dough. The cupcake contains a large amount of protein and few carbohydrates, it turns out very juicy. Bake in just 40 minutes. Contains 21.2 g of protein and 5.9 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of finished bread.

Recipe: Protein Cake with Pumpkin Seeds

Sunflower seed cupcake

Low carbs and delicious!

In addition to pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds are popular as a dough filling. The cake bakes in 40 minutes and contains only 4.1 g of carbohydrates per 100 g and 16.5 g of protein.

Recipe: Sunflower Seed Cake

Bread with nuts and sprouted wheat

This hazelnut and walnut protein bread is delicious! For connoisseurs who love the taste of fresh yeast in dough. Protein bread contains 5.7 g of carbohydrates and 12.3 g of protein per 100 g.

Recipe: Bread with nuts and sprouted wheat

Banana muffin without sugar

The small muffin contains 24.8g of protein and 9.9g of carbohydrates per 100g. And you can increase the protein content even further: swap the bananas for banana protein powder for a real protein bomb.

Recipe: Sugar Free Banana Cake

Cinnamon rolls

Ideal with cottage cheese

Cinnamon rolls are an absolute champion of taste that will turn your apartment into a real fragrant paradise. If you like something special for breakfast, be sure to try these baked goods. We are sure you will like it.

Recipe: Cinnamon Rolls

Mini buns with cottage cheese

They go well with fresh cheese, fruit jam or honey.

Miniature protein breads contain a lot of protein. Due to the cottage cheese, they have a mild taste that goes well with various spreads. It will be a very tasty breakfast!

Recipe: Mini buns with cottage cheese

Flax seed bread

Gluten free

Our flaxseed version is not only low in calories and protein, but also gluten-free. Flax bread contains 6 g of carbohydrates and 16 g of protein per 100 g.

Recipe: Flax Seed Bread

Chia bread

With superfood - chia seeds

It only requires a few ingredients to bake, is high in protein, and completely low-carb. If the right baking powder is used, the bread can even be gluten-free. It contains 5 g of carbohydrates and 16.6 g of protein per 100 g.

Recipe: Chia Bread

Sandwich buns

The buns bake quickly and turn out very tasty.

Is there anything better than freshly baked fragrant buns for breakfast? What if they also contain a lot of protein? Contains as much as 27.4 g of protein per 100 g and only 4.1 g of carbohydrates. They will suit any filling.

Recipe: Sandwich Buns

Scones with chocolate and vanilla

The perfect low-calorie dessert

Freshly baked chocolate and vanilla rolls have a wonderful aroma and taste better than any cake. Contains only 5.2 g of carbohydrates per 100 grams and 18.6 g of protein.

Bread with cheese and garlic

Fresh out of the oven

This variation is similar to rustic hemp bread. It goes well with barbecues or as an addition to a delicious fondue. Hemp flour enhances the flavor and adds a large amount of protein. Really delicious low carb bread.

Quick breads with sunflower seeds

Very fast cooking in the microwave

Low in carbs and high in protein, these crispbreads are perfect for when you're rushing in the morning. They bake in just 5 minutes in the microwave. The composition contains 9.8 g of carbohydrates and 15.8 g of protein per 100 g of the finished product.

Recipe: Quick Bread with Sunflower Seeds

Why is it better to make your own baked goods?

  • Do you know what ingredients you put in the dough

  • No flavor enhancers or unnecessary additives

  • No hype, your protein bread is actually protein bread

  • Homemade bread tastes so much better

  1. Relatively high content of vegetable protein.
  2. The presence of natural Omega 6 fatty acids.
  3. Carbohydrates whose glycemic index varies depending on how the bread is prepared.
  4. A large number of minerals and.
  5. A large amount of fiber, which helps improve digestive processes.

Fiber deserves special attention, as it helps avoid unpleasant consequences from overconsumption of protein.

Depending on the recipe, bread is traditionally divided into:

  1. Yeast-free bread. Made from premium flour. The key feature is the absence of yeast and, as a result, phytoestrogens.
  2. White bread made from premium flour. It has the highest glycemic index and the lowest content of vitamins and minerals.
  3. White bread made from wholemeal flour. Fiber and more vitamins are preserved.
  4. White bread made from whole grain cereals. Bread with an extremely low glycemic index. Has low nutritional value.
  5. Loaf. A product that cannot be considered bread in the classical sense, since it contains many additives.
  6. Rye bread. Made from rye flour, it has a lot of vitamins and fiber.
  7. Protein bread. A separate type of whole grain bread with the addition of an increased amount of eggs and other protein products (for example, cottage cheese).

Let's highlight 4 main groups:

  1. Yeast-free bread.
  2. White bread.
  3. Rye bread.
  4. Protein bread.

Note: the table is for informational purposes only and the quantity in each individual loaf of bread may vary up or down.

Harm or benefit?

Let's take a closer look at what harm and what benefits bread can bring, regardless of its composition:

Benefit Flaws
Bread is one of the most accessible sources of carbohydrates.Bread has a high glycemic index, which excludes its use when drying or losing weight.
The cereal used for cooking contains many vitamins and minerals.Bread has the ability to retain fluid in the body due to the sodium it contains.
Due to the fiber contained in bread, it takes longer to digest, therefore, allowing you to feel full longer.The fatty acids included in the composition acquire a completed form during the cooking process, which reduces their benefits to zero.
Bread contains a large amount of vegetable protein.The protein has an incomplete amino acid profile.

Yeast-free bread

Yeast-free bread is traditionally considered the healthiest among all. After all, his recipe does not contain yeast, a source of phytoestrogens that negatively affect the athlete’s body. But is it really that simple? In the process of preparing such bread, sourdough is used, which must be quenched with soda. This creates additional hassle. Such bread is enriched with sodium, which retains liquid and therefore interferes with drying. This bread contains less protein and more fat, which gives the bread its unique taste.

The main advantages of yeast-free bread are the minimal presence of additional stabilizers and low calorie content. But the greatest harm lies in water retention. In addition, soda reacts with the stomach environment, increasing its acidity, which increases appetite and can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

Note: naturally, we are talking about harm only if you consume a large amount of yeast-free bread.

Rye bread

Rye bread is most popular among people trying to lose weight. And it’s not surprising, because its calorie content is 30% less than that of white bread made from fine flour. It itself is made from a different type of flour, which makes it more resistant to mold. However, rye has a highly acidic environment, which, despite its relatively low glycemic index, irritates the gastric mucosa.

In addition, rye bread has lower bioavailability of nutrients due to its high fiber content, which reduces the absorption of nutrients. On the other hand, bioavailability is compensated by the high content of minerals, protein, and vitamins. With all its pros and cons, this is a priority source of “bread” calories.

White bread

Considering wheat bread, its benefits and harms, we will move away from classical myths.

Let's start with the cons:

  • White bread has the highest glycemic index. This makes it difficult to follow low-calorie diets because... after quick satiety comes a quick feeling of hunger.
  • Yeast, which is part of white bread, not only acts as the main source of phytoestrogens, but also removes calcium from the body.
  • Traditionally, such bread is made from the highest grade flour, which is completely devoid of beneficial micronutrients and fiber. Consequently, such bread can harm the digestive system.
  • Due to its high glycemic index and load, it not only loads the liver, but also increases the acidity of the stomach. This bread is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcers.

And now the advantages of white bread.

  1. This is the highest calorie source of carbohydrates, which makes it easy to add calories when working on weight.
  2. This is a good dopamine stimulant.
  3. Among the classic types of bread, it has the most protein.
  4. It breaks down not into glucose, but into starch, which, despite its high GI, allows you to supply the body with energy longer than other sources of “bread calories.”

Protein bread

Considering baking as a whole, it is easy to identify the main disadvantages:

  1. Low protein content.
  2. Irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  3. Low content of vitamins and other macroelements.
  4. High GI.

But if you love bread and are serious about sports, you should pay attention to protein bread.

Its composition:

  • wholemeal flour;
  • egg white;
  • cottage cheese;
  • flax seeds.

Conclusion: protein bread is an ideal solution for athletes:

  1. Low calorie product. Allows you to safely consume large amounts of protein bread without the risk of slowing down weight loss.
  2. High content of complex protein. It is especially important when working with high-quality mass or during intensive drying.
  3. Low sodium. Practically does not retain water.
  4. Large amount of calcium. Even if such bread contains yeast, calcium more than compensates for it.
  5. Availability . This is especially important since the main disadvantage of the dietary habits of modern people is a deficiency of Omega 3 acids, which disrupts the synthesis of “good” cholesterol and reduces the potential level of testosterone.
  6. Low glycemic index, which allows this bread to be considered a “complex carbohydrate”.

This bread will be an ideal solution for people leading a healthy lifestyle, although when consuming it you should:

  1. Additionally, consume carbohydrates from cereals.
  2. Watch your protein sources (in stores, instead of cottage cheese, they often use soy protein, rich in phytoestrogens).

Which one is healthier?

It is impossible to say unequivocally that white bread is worse than rye bread. They differ in their composition, in the amount of incoming nutrients and macroelements. However, if we consider the benefits of bread in terms of use in sports, we can highlight the following parameters:

  1. Glycemic index.
  2. Percentage of protein to total product.
  3. Percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  4. Presence of yeast.
  5. Fiber content to total carbohydrates.

According to these parameters, consider the table of the described types of bread:

Bread Glycemic index Protein percentage Fats Yeast Cellulose
White yeastHighOver 406,5 2,0 PresentLow content
Yeast-freeLowFrom 30 to 408,1 1,0 absentAverage content
ProteinExtremely lowFrom 25 to 3013 3 PresentAverage content
RyeShortFrom 35 to 4526 2 PresentHigh content

Based on the available data, we conclude that protein bread will be the most beneficial for an athlete. In second place is rye, in third place is yeast-free. But according to these parameters, classic white bread is the most useless.

What to look for when purchasing?

If you decide to buy bread at your local store, you should pay attention to the following factors when purchasing:

  1. Best before date. Of course, everyone loves fresh white yeast bread, but due to the processes occurring in it, it is somewhat more harmful than the same bread that sits on the shelf for 1-2 days.
  2. Real content of BJU.
  3. Calorie content.
  4. Features of the composition.

And remember that good store-bought bread quickly becomes moldy. If your bread has been sitting for more than 3-4 days and has not started to mold, then there are questions regarding the purity of its composition.

How much to consume per day?

  1. No more than 100 g of net carbohydrates per meal (equivalent to 150 to 200 g of bread).
  2. Bread calories should not account for more than 40% of the total carbohydrate intake.
  3. For weight gain: the total amount of carbohydrates should be about 5 g per kg of net weight.

Always remember that bread is a carbohydrate with a high glycemic index. Based on this, follow certain recommendations:

  1. Do not consume more than 150 g of bread at one sitting.
  2. Do not combine bread with fats. It is worth giving up mayonnaise with bread, since under the influence of an intense insulin reaction, fats spread in a thick layer are immediately transported to the fat depot, instead of benefiting the body.
  3. The glycemic index largely depends on how thoroughly you chew your bread.


Despite all the shortcomings of bread, it can be called the optimal solution for budget nutrition during the period of weight gain. By properly combining bread and cereals, you can easily gain the required amount of calories without feeling hungry. Think about it: maybe it’s worth spending money on a bread machine once and using a product whose quality and composition you can be sure of, rather than buying products with questionable composition in stores.

The grocery market today offers a huge selection of bakery products. How to make the right choice for your health and figure? First of all, you need to focus on the composition of the bread, which in most cases is reflected in the name.

Butter, yeast breads and products made from wheat flour are not considered dietary. Moreover, excessive consumption of white bread, confectionery or baked goods leads to consequences such as volvulus, indigestion and constipation.

Rye bread. In the dietary diet, it should take the main place among all breads. Rye bread has the lowest glycemic index. It, compared to white bread, contains many times more magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins. Calorie content of rye bread is within 180 kcal per 100 grams of product (for comparison - in wheat, in baked goods - up to 350 kcal). Of course, eating an unlimited amount of rye bread will not lead to weight loss. The rate of its consumption must be controlled in the calorie ratio of the dietary intake.

Grain bread. This bread is baked from wheat flour with the addition of coarse wheat grain. Calorie content of one hundred grams of such bread 250 kcal. It is included in the list of dietary products as a recommendation for those who suffer from constipation. Control the amount of bread you consume by calorie content, try not to consume more than 200 grams per day if your goal is weight loss.

Bran bread It is also baked with wheat flour with the addition of wheat bran. This type of bread is considered the most popular among those losing weight, although its calorie content is not so low - from 250 to 300 kcal per 100 grams. Why is he so good? The fact is that bran has the ability to swell, and after eating a small amount of bran bread, the stomach becomes full. Due to this, you reduce the amount of food you eat.

Diet bread recipes

Try baking low-calorie bread at home - tasty, fresh, with a crispy crust. The dietary bread, the recipe for which we offer you, requires a little of your time, desire and creativity. With experience, you can vary the ingredients to create your own unique way of making healthy bread.

  • Flour (rye with bran and wheat) 3 cups each
  • Yeast - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Granulated sugar - 1 table. l.
  • Warm water - 3 glasses
  • Salt - 1 table. l.
  • 2 table. spoons of oil grows.

1. Dissolve granulated sugar and yeast in warm water, let the mixture foam. This is a dough dough.

2. Mix both flours together, with butter and salt.

4. After the dough has risen, you need to divide it into two equal parts, spread it on a baking sheet (you can put it in a mold) and let it stand for another two hours.

5. Place the baking sheet in the prepared oven (preheat to 200 degrees) for a minute. until a brown crust appears.

6. Grease the finished bread with butter, or milk. Allow to cool without removing from the pan. If you bake in a pan, let it cool right in it and then remove it.

Bran bread with kefir

  • Flour 4 cups.
  • Bran in the same quantity
  • Kefir 3 cups.
  • 1 teaspoon soda and salt
  • Oils grow. – 1 stack.

1. Mix the flour with bran, salt and granulated sugar (1 tablespoon) thoroughly.

2. Mix kefir and butter in a bowl.

3. Knead the dough from the two mixtures obtained.

4. From the resulting dough, roll several loaves of equal size. Place them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. After twenty minutes, turn over and let bake for another ten minutes.

  • Milk glass
  • 1 egg
  • Yeast 5 gr. (dry)
  • Ready fitness flour – 1 cup
  • Salt 5 grams
  • Ghee butter 1 table. l.
  • Corn – 50 grams (to grease the baking sheet)
  • Barley grains ground through a coffee grinder - 150 grams. Can be replaced with barley, rice, buckwheat or corn flour.

1. Pour yeast into a bowl with milk and beat in an egg. Add melted butter there and mix everything.

2. Then add flour in small portions. The consistency of the dough will be like sour cream.

3. Grease the mold and pour the dough into it.

4. Place in the oven (250 degrees), bake until golden brown.

  • Ground almonds and flaxseeds - 100 grams each
  • Bran - 4 tables. spoons
  • Baking powder – 1 pack.
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - three hundred grams. If the curd is lumpy, crush it to a paste.
  • Egg whites – 7 pcs.
  • Any sunflower seeds for sprinkling

1. First, mix the dry ingredients in one container. Set aside a small amount of bran for sprinkling.

2. Then, adding cottage cheese with proteins, stir with a mixer to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

3. Place baking paper on the bottom of the pan. Lightly wet the sides of the mold and sprinkle with the remaining bran.

4. Pour the dough into the prepared pan, sprinkle the seeds on top.

5. The oven is heated to 175 degrees. We put the bread there and bake for a minute. Cool the finished bread in the pan. This bread is best stored in the refrigerator.

We wish you bon appetit and a great figure!

What could be better on a hot day than enjoying a delicious, juicy watermelon? But it not only perfectly quenches thirst. It also has a whole range of useful properties.

Different diets are needed, different diets are important. And every diet affects different figures differently, because the reasons for the imperfection of our figures are very different. That is why a very large number of different diets appear every year. But in principle, all these diets can be divided into groups.


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Arthritis. Diet for arthritis

Healthy and therapeutic nutrition

Arthritis occurs for various reasons. Of course, timely diagnosis and elimination of the etiological factor will also lead to the elimination of the manifestations of arthritis - malaise, joint pain, increased body temperature, etc. Following some dietary recommendations will help enhance the effectiveness of treatment for arthritis prescribed by your doctor.

What foods should be in the diet

Healthy and balanced nutrition is the path to beauty and health!

Unfortunately, many strict diets lead to the body beginning to suffer from a deficiency of vital foods. Yes, the figure becomes slim, but not without serious consequences due to a poor diet. The body, wanting to compensate for the lack of vitamins and other useful substances, begins to take them away from the hair, nails, skin, etc.

Changing your diet

Balanced diet

Become Gorgeous! We offer you some tips on how to change your diet.

Winter diet

Balanced diet

Winter dramatically changes our diet, and it’s not only a lack of vegetables and fruits, but also preferences that for some reason change in the body. I want completely different food than in the summer. And if in the spring all your thoughts are about how to sharpen your figure, in the winter you completely forget about dieting. And, as it turned out, there is an explanation for this. Experts say that losing weight during the cold season is almost impossible.

Diet for the mind: how to create a diet for intense mental activity?

How to plan a diet during intense mental activity?

A slim figure is, of course, simply wonderful! But do not forget that nutrition is required not only by the body, but also by the brain. It is especially important to remember this before hard work, when solving important problems, etc. And you shouldn’t forget about exams, because the busy time has already begun.

Diet: for those who want to gain weight

Balanced nutrition for those who want to gain weight

Overweight women are usually unhappy with their figure and want to lose weight, while thin women dream of gaining weight. And often the latter is more difficult to do.

Medical nutrition. Diet for the treatment of pneumonia

Diet during pneumonia

Therapeutic nutrition for pneumonia (pneumonia) should help to quickly relieve inflammation, remove toxins from the body, and improve immunity.

Diet of fasting days: rice, salad, apple

Diets for fasting days

If you want to quickly get your figure in order, and your excess weight does not exceed 1-3 kg, then fasting days will come to your aid. In addition, to maintain slimness for ladies who are prone to obesity, it is useful to carry out fasting days once every 1-2 weeks.

Diet for atherosclerosis

Useful products for atherosclerosis

Among the main reasons leading to the development of atherosclerosis are excessive consumption of foods of animal origin, which contain a lot of cholesterol, as well as excessive consumption of sugar, refined foods, and a sedentary lifestyle (lack of physical activity). Heredity, gender, age, activity of the hormonal system (mainly the thyroid gland), bad habits (smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages), stress, etc. all play a role.

Bread in the diet for various diseases

Therapeutic dietary nutrition

Bread is the head of everything. No one argues with this simple truth, because eating bread is common in our diet. And, you see, any dish will taste better with a piece of freshly baked aromatic bread. But there are a number of diseases in which it is necessary either to limit the consumption of bread, or to replace ordinary wheat or rye bread with a product with various additives. By changing the type of bread, you will keep it in your diet and will not harm your health.

Healthy foods. Kiwi in our diet

(Healthy and therapeutic nutrition)

Kiwi is rich in magnesium, which is necessary for normal heart function, mineral salts and fiber, which removes excess cholesterol from the body and normalizes digestion. And its high potassium content makes it an indispensable product in the diet of people suffering from hypertension

Healthy foods. Bananas in our diet

Healthy and therapeutic nutrition

Now everyone knows that bananas are incredibly healthy and it is advisable to always have them in the house. Perhaps most importantly, bananas are the only fruit that never causes an allergic reaction in anyone. But, attention! Bananas are contraindicated for thrombophlebitis, and can be eaten very carefully if you have diabetes.

Protein bread recipe

It turns out porous and airy. When there are some whites left, you can bake this bread. Another type of bread.

How to make protein bread?

Protein bread recipe

This is the kind of protein bread you get.

Let the bread rise and bake in the oven at a temperature of degrees until golden brown.

The second is flax seed.

I sprinkled one with white sesame seeds. From these ingredients you get two small loaves of bread.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, add the rest of the flour (150 g)

When the above ingredients are mixed well in the bucket, put the whites in there.

Beat the whites with sugar into a stiff foam. Pour yeast into flour.

Pour hot water into a bucket, add salt, put butter and add 350 g of flour. I already wrote that I prepare dough in a bread machine, especially for bread.

Protein bread

looks a bit like a bland cottage cheese casserole

this is cottage cheese casserole)

how long does it last?

Pretty long. There was a time when a piece lay in my refrigerator for 4-5 days without packaging and didn’t even get stale.

how long does it last?

Stored like cottage cheese casserole for several days in the refrigerator

Stage 1. Getting to know each other

Course How to lose weight

Stage 1. Getting to know each other

Course How to lose weight

The information is provided for informational purposes only.

Do not self-medicate. Always consult your doctor.

A new “weapon” to combat excess weight has appeared on the shelves of bread stores, at least that’s how it was presented to us by manufacturers’ advertising. Let's see if this is really the case.
So, the point was that consuming carbohydrates at night prevents us from fighting extra pounds, but if we eat “diet” bread for dinner, this problem will disappear.

You and I, as always, believed the broad advertising campaign, and began to buy protein bread with pleasure, without first understanding anything.
First, let’s shed some light on what gave rise to the idea of ​​​​creating protein bread: it’s all about the fairly popular principle of a carbohydrate-free diet (or low-carbohydrate diet), according to which, if we exclude carbohydrates from our diet, and at the same time increase the amount consumed proteins, this helps maintain a constant sugar level, and fat breakdown occurs more actively.
“Unfortunately, to date, there is no scientifically proven research to support this theory,” says Marion Bischof, a registered dietician at the Munich Institute of Nutrition. “What is really important is your overall diet (healthy diet), its total calorie content, selected individually, coupled with an active lifestyle and exercise.”

Let's figure out what the difference between regular and protein bread is. The composition of ordinary bread is wheat flour, water, yeast and salt and, depending on the variety, seeds, nuts and other fillers.

Regular bread contains on average:

44-50% carbohydrates
7% protein
1% fat
Its energy value is about 220 kilocalories per 100 grams.
Protein bread contains much less wheat flour, but much more protein, and protein of plant origin (wheat or soy). The remaining components are similar to those of regular bread - water, yeast, salt and various fillers (seeds, nuts, etc.).

Protein bread contains:

25% protein
8% carbohydrates
11% fat
The energy value of protein bread is on average 265 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Please note that the calorie content of protein bread is higher than the calorie content of regular bread! This happens due to the increased fat content (10% more). "Why?" - you ask. Yes, because this fat is simply necessary for the bread to maintain its structure. And in general, so that the taste and structure of protein bread does not differ much from the taste and structure of the ordinary bread we are accustomed to, manufacturers are sometimes forced to introduce into its composition various additional components that ordinary bread does not need. People prone to allergies should be wary here - pay close attention to the composition of protein bread!
It must be said that protein bread, among other things, also has a rather specific texture: unlike regular bread, it is more sticky.
But this bread has not only disadvantages, but also advantages. These undoubtedly include a high content of vegetable protein, say nutritionists, but here it should be noted that not every person benefits from an additional portion of protein. Too high a protein content in food can be dangerous for people with kidney problems or gout.

Protein bread boasts a fairly high fiber content (coarse fiber), which, in principle, is very good. But people with gastrointestinal diseases should exercise caution.

So, the conclusion: those who want to reduce the amount of carbohydrates they consume can, of course, eat protein bread as an alternative to normal bread. But it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight in this way, only by switching to protein bread (protein bread is more high in calories).

Better - a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise.