How much early white cabbage? Medium varieties of white cabbage

Cabbage comes in different varieties. Vegetables with early ripening are characterized general properties: the heads of cabbage ripen quickly and withstand low temperatures, rarely crack. But they are stored for a short time. Read about early varieties of cabbage and their cultivation in the article.

Features of growing in open ground

To grow the best varieties of early cabbage, you need to meet a number of conditions:

  • The vegetable needs good lighting, so sunny beds are chosen for planting it.
  • Early cabbage varieties are demanding on soil composition. The vegetable prefers light and moist soils.
  • Needs watering. To prevent a crust from forming, the soil must be loosened. If the weather is dry, pour two liters of water under each plant.
  • Early varieties of cabbage need to be fed. Liquid fertilizers begin to be applied to the soil after the sprouts have rooted.
  • Seedlings should be transplanted from the greenhouse to garden beds only when three or four leaves appear on the plants.
  • For planting, use a 30x60 cm pattern.
  • Seedlings do not need to be planted deep into the soil.
  • When heads of cabbage begin to form, the plant is earthed up.
  • Early cabbage is adapted to any temperature regime, but cannot tolerate extreme heat. Comfortable for her is 17-20 o C.
  • When planting, you should adhere to certain deadlines, but taking into account climatic features region in which the vegetable is grown. This period is extended over time. Planting begins at the end of March, and its completion at the beginning last month spring.

Features of growing in a greenhouse

To obtain the earliest varieties of cabbage, use closed ground. The time for planting seedlings in a greenhouse is April. But before that you need to prepare the room. Early varieties of cabbage, according to reviews from vegetable growers, are best planted at a distance of 35 cm. This way, the developing heads of cabbage will not squeeze each other, and the roots will receive a sufficient amount of nutrition from the soil. Greenhouse cabbage has a number of features when grown:

  • You need to install a thermometer in the room and monitor the temperature. During the day it should be 18 o C, at night - 10.
  • Seedlings need moderate watering. It is carried out when the soil begins to dry out. Overmoistening is not allowed, otherwise the roots will rot.
  • Mice often appear in the greenhouse and can destroy all the plants. We need to set mousetraps.
  • The best varieties of early cabbage, according to gardeners, require weekly feeding. Experienced vegetable growers believe that plants will get more useful substances, if you alternate feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • The greenhouse must be ventilated regularly, even in cold weather. For cabbage, lack of oxygen is worse than frost.

White cabbage

Early varieties are intended for consumption in fresh. Salads, juices, side dishes, and soups are prepared from such vegetables. Early white cabbage has a small variety of varieties, the taste of which differs little. In addition, all varieties have medium-sized heads of cabbage. If you water them incorrectly, they will crack. According to reviews from vegetable growers, varieties of early white cabbage do not last long. Such heads of cabbage are not left for the winter. Breeders are developing many new varieties, but not for the sake of any achievements. the main objective- get early cabbage that is resistant to dry and cold weather. The names of early varieties of white cabbage are given below.


From the name of the variety you can guess that this cabbage is harvested in June, as it ripens in 90-100 days. The fruit has an elliptical shape, its structure is loose, and its density is average. Heads of cabbage weigh two kilograms or more, but despite their heavy weight, they are small in size. These vegetables belong to the early varieties of white cabbage. They are distinguished by increased cold resistance. They can withstand temperatures as low as five degrees below zero. This cabbage is also grown on garden beds, and not just in greenhouses.

The variety has an attractive feature: the heads of cabbage have a high marketable appearance, are of the same size and ripen together. If you delay harvesting, the cabbage will crack. According to reviews from gardeners, to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to prevent large differences temperature. They advise covering the heads of cabbage at night.

Cossack F1

This is a high-yielding hybrid. It is resistant to diseases of the species; the heads of cabbage do not crack. Vegetables tolerate cold well, so they can be grown in unprotected soil, that is, in the garden. Cabbage is considered an early variety, but it takes 112 days to ripen. But this is compensated by a good harvest: four kilograms per square meter of bed area.

Cabbage is characterized by long trunks, the height of which reaches 30 cm. The heads are small and light, their diameter is 18 cm, weight is 1.2 kg. The color is not typical for white cabbage. The outer leaves are greenish-gray, with a waxy coating visible on the surface. The inside of the head of cabbage is white-cream in color, it is juicy and crispy. The stalk is six centimeters long.


This vegetable is one of the best varieties of early cabbage for open ground. Ripens in just 95 days. According to reviews from gardeners, you should definitely grow it in your garden, since from year to year this cabbage produces high yields, up to five kilograms per square. The flattened heads of cabbage are of medium size; by the time of harvest, their weight reaches two kilograms. The size of the stalk corresponds to the parameters of the head. The leaves are green with a muted tint, white coating barely visible on their surface.

Doesn't last long maximum term- two month. But it can be transported over long distances without loss of appearance and quality. Used fresh and for processing. Due to its high content of vitamin C, this cabbage has found wide use in dietary nutrition.

Golden hectare

This vegetable is one of the best varieties of early cabbage. It enjoys well-deserved popularity due to its high yields: seven kilograms of fruit per square meter. The dimensions of the head of cabbage exceed the standard ones and reach 2.5 kg. They are dense and can be stored for five months. This cabbage is good fresh and canned. According to reviews from vegetable growers with extensive experience in growing this crop, untimely harvesting does not affect the quality of the heads; they crack extremely rarely. It is recommended to store this cabbage for winter storage.

Dumas F 1

This hybrid is ultra-early. It only takes 90 days to mature. The heads of cabbage are small in size, their weight reaches one and a half kilograms. They have an average density, there are no voids, and the heads do not crack. The leaves have a standard color: green on the outside, yellow-white on the inside. Greenhouse conditions are more suitable for growing. It is better to propagate seedlings at home. When it grows up and gets stronger, transplant it into a greenhouse. Presentation appearance and taste of heads of cabbage high level.

Transfer F 1

The names of early varieties of white cabbage are different. But this hybrid is worth remembering for those who grow vegetables for sale. The heads always have a marketable appearance, as they do not crack. They ripen at the same time, which is especially important for mass cultivation. They are of medium size and density, the leaves are green on the outside and white when cut.


This type of vegetable is the most demanding to care for. Greenhouse conditions are considered the best for growing. Here you can easily maintain the temperature and humidity at optimal levels. If the conditions are not met, the heads of cabbage will become soft and crack. Regions with cold climates are suitable for growing early varieties. The growing season, although short, can be harvested before frost.

This cabbage has special nutritional features. Greenhouse vegetables do not like fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. The best food for them will be mullein, superphosphate, and urea.

Cauliflower is a dietary vegetable. It needs to be consumed often. Many people think that it can only be grown in warm climates. Today, many varieties have been bred that are adapted to any climate, even Siberian. Examples of early varieties of cauliflower are presented below.


This variety is distinguished by a dense white head. Has excellent taste. Despite the early planting, the snow-white heads of cabbage are firm and beautiful. They have a classic rounded flat shape. One ovary weighs on average 800 g. If very good care is provided, this figure increases significantly, to approximately 1200 g.

The seedlings are planted densely, but this does not affect the fruiting results. From a plot of one meter square, two to four kilograms of vegetables are harvested. This variety is resistant to various diseases and quickly adapts to unfavorable weather conditions. Cabbage is consumed fresh and various dishes are prepared from it.


Cauliflower of this variety is a leader in terms of taste. This is an early ripening crop. A characteristic varietal feature is the rosette average size and small heads. Their weight reaches 350-500 g. The inflorescences are white and have a yellowish tint. By the time it matures, the head becomes rounded. This period begins two months after planting.

According to experts, the variety is suitable for growing in a greenhouse, but if the spring is warm, the seedlings can be planted in garden beds, but this is risky. Cabbage yield is good: one and a half kilograms per square meter, 18 tons per hectare.

Advantages of the variety: cabbage is the most delicious, and is little susceptible to vascular bacteriosis. Disadvantages: it is damaged by pests, for whom the leaves are a delicacy.

Movir 74

This hybrid has early ripening and high yield. The diameter of the rosette of leaves is 45-95 cm. The heads, as a rule, have a round shape, sometimes they are slightly flattened. To get large heads of cabbage, the diameter of which is 25 cm, the weight is 400-1400 g, you need to plant seeds of high quality, properly care for the plants and hope for favorable weather.

The peculiarity of the hybrid is that its surface has a wave-like shape. When collecting large heads of cabbage, the yield increases to four kilograms per square. The advantages of cabbage include:

  • Good taste.
  • Use fresh and canned.
  • The heads mature at the same time.
  • Two crops are harvested per year.
  • Tolerates heat and low temperatures well.

White beauty

The advantage of this variety is the rapid ripening of heads of cabbage. The white inflorescences have a dense texture. Large heads have a round shape weighing 1.2 kg. Thanks to their white color, their presentation is attractive. Cabbage differs from other varieties in that the heads are completely covered with light green leaves. This way they are protected from sunlight and pests.

Cabbage has a unique taste and contains many minerals that are beneficial to human health. Used fresh, frozen and canned. It is famous for its rich harvests: six kilograms per square meter. This is, to some extent, influenced by the size of the heads. They are large and very heavy.


Cabbage ripens early. It takes 70-98 days from germination to full ripening. They are grown in beds in open soil and in greenhouses. The leaf blades are up to 60 cm in height, reaching 36 cm in width. The head of cabbage is dense, flat-round, weighs about 1.2 kg. The color is white with a hint of cream, the surface is fine-grained. The harvest is characterized by rapid ripening and high yields: about four kilograms per square meter of area.

Dutch cabbage

This is a very popular agricultural crop. It is grown in open ground and greenhouses. A special feature of the varieties is their requirement for lighting, otherwise their growth and development will be slow. This will negatively affect the yield. The names of early cabbage varieties of Dutch selection are very diverse. Today, vegetables have been bred that are adapted to growing in different regions our country.

Early cabbage has modest yields. It is not used for canning or pickling. This is explained by the fact that such cabbage leaves are tender, without a piquant crunch or density. The heads of cabbage are loose and tend to crack. However, this does not affect the desire to grow early species. After all, they are a source of vitamins, necessary for a person for life. Some Dutch varieties of early cabbage are presented below.

  • Bingo - this vegetable has the longest shelf life, up to nine months, despite its early ripening. Heads of cabbage have correct form, do not crack, their weight reaches one and a half kilograms or more, and they bear fruit consistently.
  • Musketeer - ripens very early, the growing season is 55 days. It is small in size, the weight of the heads is 0.8-1.3 kg. They don't crack.
  • Python - the grown harvest of this cabbage variety must be harvested in a timely manner to prevent cracking. The culture is resistant to fusarium. Vegetables are consumed fresh, they are suitable for pickling and cooking different dishes.
  • Resistor - in terms of ripening time, weight and resistance to fusarium, the variety is similar to the previous one. Cabbage is adapted to high temperatures.
  • Mirror 1 is an ultra-early hybrid, used fresh. The heads of cabbage are dark green in color and yellowish in cross section. Their density is average, weight reaches one and a half kilograms. Reach full maturity in 45-50 days.

  • Kevin F 1 - a hybrid with green heads of cabbage, has an average size and density, its weight is 1.5 kg. Due to its excellent taste, it is often grown by gardeners. Used for fresh consumption, not suitable for winter storage.
  • Tiara F 1 is an ultra-early hybrid, it forms heads of cabbage in 59 days, and is classified as a productive variety. Characterized by succulent leaves, aligned heads. The crop is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. This is a fairly large cabbage, the weight of the head is two kilograms. It has universal purpose: consumed fresh, stewed, used for winter preparations.
  • Farao F 1 is the best variety of Dutch selection. Ripens quickly, in 63 days. The heads of cabbage are large, dense, and grow to weigh three kilograms. The culture is unpretentious to grow. The vegetable is adapted to drought and temperature changes. For good growth, it is enough to water and fertilize it. Does not crack.

White cabbage is very demanding of moisture and all nutrients throughout the growing season.
White cabbage requires large amounts of organic and mineral fertilizers. It makes excellent use of organic matter, so it is grown in the first year after applying manure, which is plowed in the fall. Compost is added in the spring and dug in shallowly.
In the spring, when preparing the soil, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are scattered; for late varieties, fertilizers are applied a week before planting the seedlings. When preparing the soil, nitrogen fertilizers are also applied. The high nitrogen needs of cabbage can be covered with only two or three, and for late varieties, four additional feedings. Early varieties are fed every 3 weeks, last time- at the beginning of head formation. Under late varieties Fertilizers are applied less frequently, and cabbage intended for winter storage should receive its last fertilizing no later than the end of August. The soil for cabbage should be neutral or slightly alkaline. At a pH below 6.5, the soil should be limed, even immediately before planting, since cabbage tolerates this procedure well.
All types of cabbage are best placed after legumes, grains, cucumbers, root vegetables, and potatoes.
Early varieties do best in light to medium soils rich in humus. Choose a sunny place for them, preferably high, where there is no threat of late frosts. Late cabbage produces good yields in medium to heavy, deeply cultivated, moist soils with high air humidity.
There are different methods to combat caterpillars that can destroy cabbage crops. For example, cabbage is planted like this: two rows of Amager, one row of Slava, two rows of Belorusskaya. In addition, sow dill on the ridge: the first row will ripen to seeds even before you sow the cabbage. Then sow dill in the cabbage rows at the same time as planting the main crop. Also sow the ridge when the heads of cabbage begin to sprout - this dill can be dried for the winter. So the sown dill will scare away the white butterfly.
In addition, when the butterflies begin to fly, place sprigs of wormwood on the heads. Sow wormwood near the road, in the yard of the house. Wormwood is very effective: more than once I had to observe how a butterfly begins to rush over the cabbage, but does not sit down, but flies away to look for another place to lay eggs.
If you plant leaf celery on one side of the early cabbage, and tomatoes on the other and put a few sprigs of wormwood, there will be no caterpillars on the early cabbage.
In small beds, you can mechanically destroy eggs and caterpillars on the leaves.
Coriander, dill, salad mustard, cumin and other spicy vegetables highlight essential oils. They should be used to plant cabbage beds or plant them scattered throughout the bed. The smell will confuse the cabbage whites.
If tomatoes and cucumbers need a lot of heat, then cabbage sprouts very quickly under the film and you need to make sure that on hot, cloudless days the temperature under the film is not too high.
Cabbage should be sown in the first half of March. Seeds for seedlings can be purchased once every 3-4 years. After all, there are a lot of grains in a pack. Some cabbage seeds, namely late white cabbage, can be grown yourself.
Plant early cabbage seedlings in the ground in the first half of April; in June there will be a harvest.
Often gardeners wait for the seedlings to become large and strong. However, it is better to focus on weather conditions. If they promise rain and cloudy weather, you should take advantage of this and plant even very small seedlings.
Cabbage is good for growing potatoes. This has been done since ancient times. The cabbage grows lush and healthy, just like in the picture, although no one really takes care of it.
Potato tops release a substance that repels whiteweed and other pests. This neighborhood is favorable for cabbage. It is especially good to combine early potatoes and late cabbage. You will dig up the potatoes near the cabbage first, and the cabbage will grow and fill until late autumn.
Cabbage is best planted near beans, beans, and beets. You can sow peas nearby. Beneficial insects that live on pea plants will move to the cabbage bed after harvesting them. Then the aphids will be in trouble.
When moisture begins to accumulate under the cabbage leaves, slugs rush here from all over the garden. If you do not take action, they will begin to eat into the cabbage, and it will take on a completely unappetizing appearance.
Keep cabbage clean. Place cardboard and roofing felt on the tubercles between the plants. The slugs will begin to gather there, and they can be collected.
Cabbage heads, like tomato fruits, crack when the weather changes from dry to rainy. To prevent cracking when good heads have already grown, monitor the watering regime.
If it rains heavily, cut them off immediately and put them in a cool place. It will last for two weeks.
There are varieties that are less susceptible to cracking. This is Stakhanovskaya 1513, June. Early ripening varieties Number One, Gribovsky-147, mid-ripening variety Slava are cracking. It happens that you look in the evening, the head is still intact, but in the morning it’s as if someone pushed it apart with great force.
Inexperienced gardeners are perplexed why the soil is damp and the cabbage leaves wither. This manifestation is very dangerous disease- keels. It affects the entire cruciferous family, even weeds. All infected heads should be removed from the garden immediately. Cabbage cannot be planted in this place for seven years.
Several ways to avoid this disease:
1) 10-12 days before planting, lime the soil: slightly acidic - at the rate of 200 g of lime per 1 sq. m, medium acidic - 500-550 g per 1 sq. m;
2) use clubroot-resistant varieties: Podarok, Moskovskaya late-9, Airbus R, Nadzeya, etc. are also quite resistant.
3) effective means the fight against clubroot is the drug “Fundazol” (10-15 g per 10 liters of water). Water the soil with this solution before planting (follow the instructions).
Attempts to get early seedlings by sowing seeds in cups usually end in failure. Cabbage is very drawn to the light and within a few days it becomes so stretched that it becomes unsuitable for planting.
It's better to do it differently. In the fall, cover a piece of ground with pine needles (or something else). In early spring collect insulation and arrange a small greenhouse for seedlings of early cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asters. After all, you only need a dozen or two of each variety. This is the first sowing. Dig a hole and place biofuel in layers. Place the box, fill it with soil (a mixture of humus, peat, earth). The soil can be taken from the place where tomatoes, onions, and beans grew last year.
When planting, under each bush it is good to put humus, a little chicken droppings, half a teaspoon of superphosphate or nitrophoska, 2 tablespoons of ash.
If the holes are filled normally when planting, then fertilizing does not need to be done. But if we determine their poor growth by the type of plants, then feeding is needed.
White cabbage loves feeding. You can feed it with mullein (1:10) and chicken droppings (1:20).
Fresh white cabbage fresh from the garden contains as much ascorbic acid as oranges and lemons, as well as B vitamins, cobalt, copper, zinc, and magnesium. Cabbage contains calcium, potassium, and phosphorus salts. It contains 16 amino acids and vitamin U, which promotes the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers. People often resort to sophisticated diets to lose weight; white cabbage contains tartronic acid, which prevents obesity.
We cannot imagine life without potatoes or cabbage. Cabbage is cabbage soup, solyanka, salads, cabbage rolls, pies, pies and much more.
The most common is white cabbage. It can be extra-early, early, mid-season and intended for winter storage. Many late varieties had to be sown and planted in the garden, but so far the best are Belorusskaya for pickling and Amager and Churkus for storage.
Belorussian, Amager, Nadezhda or Slava can be sown immediately in the garden before the Annunciation, even if it is cold. The seeds will lie down and wait for warmth.
Early varieties - June, Number One, super early variety - Transfer F.
Be sure to disinfect cabbage seeds hot water(for 16 minutes at 45 °C).
Take a large and a small enamel pan. In a small one, heat the water to 45 °C. Determine the temperature with a thermometer, which is used when bathing children. Place a small saucepan into a large one, where the water is heated to 55 °C. This difference is enough to keep the small saucepan at the right temperature for 15 minutes. Soak the seeds, wrapped in canvas, in hot water for 15 minutes, and then in cold water for 1 minute. This prevents diseases that may be on the seeds. If the soil is contaminated, for example, with clubroot, such treatment will not help. For better growth After disinfection, place cabbage seeds in a nitrophoska solution. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska in 1 liter of water and place the seeds for 10-12 hours.
Vegetable growers often complain that early seedlings are lost. The fact is that it is the early seedlings that are attacked by the cabbage fly. You can lightly water it at the root with a solution of karbofos (or other insecticides according to the instructions).
Water the first time when the seedlings take root, the second time after 8-10 days. You can combine this operation with feeding. Ash doesn’t really help, but you can sprinkle it on the bushes.

Due to their keeping quality (mid-late and late varieties), fresh vegetable products are almost all year round does not leave our table. The choice of varieties and hybrids of white cabbage is huge: from early to late ripening; by weight of the head of cabbage from 600 g to 20 kg; according to the density of the head of cabbage: from loose to dense. In total, 342 varieties and hybrids of white cabbage have been zoned in Russia.

Early and mid-early varieties and hybrids are intended for consumption fresh, stewed, boiled: in salads, soups, pies.

In central Russia, cabbage is grown through seedlings. The sowing time for seeds of early-ripening varieties and hybrids is the 2-3rd decade of March, late-ripening - the 1st ten-day period of April, mid-ripening and mid-late - the 3rd ten-day period of April.

Moist and light soil is best for sowing. The seeding depth is 1-1.2 cm; deeper sowing delays the time of emergence. Cabbage seeds germinate and develop quickly. In the first days, it is worth strictly monitoring the soil moisture and watering if necessary. Usually shoots appear on the 3-4th day. When 2-4 true leaves are formed, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate cups.

In general, the average age of seedlings suitable for planting should be 30-40 days. During this period, it should have 5-6 true leaves and a well-developed root system.

The optimal timing for planting seedlings in the ground in the Non-Chernozem zone: for early cabbage - 1st ten days of May, for middle and mid-late cabbage - 2-3rd ten days of May; for late – 3rd ten days of May -1st ten days of June. It is advisable to plant seedlings in cloudy weather. Usually, a distance of 60-70 cm is left between the rows of cabbage, and 35-50 cm in the row between plants. When planting, the plants are buried in the ground up to the first true leaf. Wet ground mulch with dry peat on top.

Basic care consists of weeding, loosening, regular watering and pest control. The soil is loosened to a depth of 5-8 cm, and the depth of subsequent loosening is increased to 12-15 cm. The depth of loosening is determined by weather and soil conditions. When there is a lack of precipitation, the soil is loosened shallower, and when there is plenty, deeper.

Cabbage reacts positively to hilling. The number of hillings depends on the height of the stump. Varieties with a short stump are hilled once, with medium and tall stumps - 2-3 times. The first hilling is timed to coincide with the beginning of active growth of the leaf rosette, that is, after 25-30 days, and the subsequent one - until the leaves close.

Early varieties of white cabbage

As for the range of early ripening varieties and hybrids, the following deserve attention.

Sprint F1. Technical ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs 85 days after germination. The head of cabbage is round in shape, with a small inner stalk, dense. Weighing 0.9-1.6 kg. Resistant to cracking. Harmonious ripening of heads of cabbage is characteristic.

Senorita F1. It takes 100 days from germination to harvest. The head of cabbage is round in shape, weighing 1.1-1.2 kg, with a fine internal structure, dense, with excellent taste. The hybrid is friendly in ripening and resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage.

Sympathy F1. Ready for use after 100 days. The head of cabbage is round in shape, weighing 1.5-2 kg. The hybrid is easy to ripen, resistant to cracking, transportable, quickly adapts to environmental conditions and produces stable yields.

Mid-early varieties

Mid-early varieties and hybrids are ideal for fresh consumption in July and August.

Maid of honor F1. Heads of cabbage ripen 105-110 days after emergence. They are round in shape, weighing 1.6-1.8 kg with an excellent internal structure. The hybrid is characterized by good adaptability to environmental conditions, stable yields, excellent taste, and is resistant to cracking.

Ataman F1. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 65-70 days. The rosette of leaves is raised. The head of cabbage is round, whitish when cut. Weight 1.2-1.8 kg. Great taste. The hybrid is resistant to Fusarium wilt. Recommended for fresh use.

Medium varieties of white cabbage

Mid-season varieties and hybrids are intended for fresh consumption from August to November, as well as for pickling.

Countess F1. It takes 85 days from planting seedlings to harvesting. The head is medium, round in shape, dense, weighing 2-3 kg, with excellent internal structure and taste, white when cut. The hybrid is distinguished by its rapid ripening, resistance to Fusarium wilt and thrips damage, and is used for fermentation and processing.

Revenge F1. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 85-90 days. The head of cabbage is round, whitish when cut. Excellent taste. Head weight 3 kg or more. Recommended for fresh consumption. Weakly affected by diseases and pests.

Varieties of white cabbage of medium and medium-late ripening

Mid-late varieties and hybrids combine high yield, keeping quality and good quality Kochanov. Due to their high content of sugars and dry substances, they are ideal for pickling and fresh consumption.

Table F1. Ripens 115-125 days after planting seedlings. The head of cabbage is round-flat, weighing 3.5-5.5 kg, with good internal structure. It is distinguished by uniform harvest formation and high resistance of heads of cabbage to cracking. The hybrid is ideal for fermentation and fresh use from September to January. According to the tasting assessment, when fermented, this hybrid is superior to all other domestic and foreign samples.

Princess F1. From planting seedlings to harvesting it takes 115-120

days. Hybrid, easy to ripen, resistant to cracking, transportable. The head of cabbage is of medium size, weighing 3.2-3.7 kg, round in shape, with excellent internal structure. Used for fresh consumption, pickling and storage for 3-4 months.

Filibuster F1. Ripens 120-130 days after planting the seedlings. Recommended for fermentation from the moment of harvesting to the end of the storage period, also for fresh consumption. The hybrid is resistant to necrosis of the inner leaves of the head of cabbage and Fusarium wilt.

Symphony F1. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 120-130 days. The head is round, with an excellent internal structure, whitish when cut. Weight 4 kg. The taste is excellent. The hybrid is resistant to cracking and produces a good harvest.

You can also talk about varieties of white cabbage

Late varieties of white cabbage

Late-ripening varieties and hybrids are valuable not only for their high yield, but also because they ensure the supply of fresh vitamin products to our table throughout the winter and even the beginning of spring.

Arctic F1. Technical ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs 130-140 days after planting the seedlings. The head of cabbage is medium-sized, dense, round, weighing 2.5-3 kg, with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to a range of diseases. Stored fresh until the new harvest.

Guarantor F1. It takes 140 days from planting seedlings to harvesting. A head of cabbage weighing 2-3 kg, dense, with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to a range of diseases. Recommended for fermentation from the moment of harvesting until the end of the storage period.

Morozko. The period from germination to harvesting is 140-145 days. The head of cabbage is round, weighing 2-3 kg, very dense, with good taste. The variety is distinguished by the resistance of heads of cabbage to cracking and high shelf life. Recommended for long-term storage.

Beaumonde Arpo F1. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 130 days. The head of cabbage is round in shape, very dense, with excellent internal structure, medium in size, weighing 3.5-4 kg. It has good shelf life until February and is resistant to necrosis of the inner leaves of the head of cabbage. The taste is excellent.

Cupid F1. Ripens 130 days after planting the seedlings. The head of cabbage is round in shape, very dense, of medium size, weighing 3-3.6 kg. The taste is excellent. The hybrid is plastic, with uniform yield formation, and is resistant to fusarium. Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling and storage (until February).

New resistant cabbage varieties for minimal tillage

So, are there any new products that can compete with old and proven varieties?

Summer residents are often very conservative in choosing varieties, but recently many excellent Russian hybrids have appeared that make it possible to organize a conveyor for the supply of fresh cabbage all year round

However, each foreign transnational company has its own assortment that allows organizing such a conveyor.

And if a person wants to grow cabbage that surprises everyone, for example the biggest one, what varieties should you pay attention to? And what agricultural technology do the giants need?

All records for growing large cabbage, starting with the gardener Pyshkin, were obtained from cabbage varieties Pyshkinskaya. On its basis a variety was created Moskovskaya late 15. Other large cabbage varieties - Moskovskaya late 9, Losinoostrovskaya 8, Taininskaya, from foreign hybrids it can be noted F1 Megaton and F1 Menzania. In the Moscow variety, the late head weight can reach 25 kg. But for this, the seeds need to be sown in mid-March, then the seedlings must be grown in a greenhouse for 60 days, and the cassettes must have a cell diameter of 6 or 10 cm. The seedlings are planted at the end of April in pre-manured fertile soil, providing a feeding area of ​​1×1 m.

The main challenge of the 2015 season is the severe defeat of cabbage by clubroot in the non-chernozem zone of the Russian Federation and by vascular bacteriosis in the Republic of Mari El and in the floodplain farms of the Volga region and the Moscow region. There are no varieties resistant to this disease in the Russian white cabbage assortment yet, but there are some in the world. This F1 Quilaton, F, Tequila etc. However, even they cannot be grown in the same area for two years in a row.

Foreign hybrids F1 Cerox, F1 Aggressor, 1% F1 Satti, F1 Braxan, as well as Russian ones - F1 Prestige, F, Dominant and F1 Orbita are highly resistant to vascular bacteriosis. However, at least 6 races of this disease are known on the territory of Russia, and the listed hybrids are resistant to only 1-3 races. Now breeders around the world are faced with the goal of creating hybrids with group resistance to the three most harmful diseases - clubroot, fusarium and vascular bacteriosis. And testing of the first hybrid combinations has already begun for subsequent transfer to state variety testing.

For southern and central regions important issue cabbage heads became severely infested with tobacco thrips, in connection with this a dilemma arose: should we treat the cabbage 8-10 times with potent insecticides or create resistant hybrids? At the moment there are no such ones, among foreign ones F1 Aggressor is distinguished by high tolerance, and among domestic ones - F1 Dominant.

Many readers ask if there are varieties that can be grown at high temperatures and lack of water?

The selection of heat-resistant varieties and hybrids has been carried out in our country for a long time, and many of them have been created at the Krasnodar Rice Research Institute. Among heat-resistant hybrids for long-term storage, domestic hybrids show excellent results F1 Dominant, F1 Quartet, F1 Orbit and foreign Bronco, Typhoon, Aggressor, Adapter. However, it should be noted that heat resistance and drought resistance are completely different characteristics. There is no drought-resistant (at the level of saxaul) cabbage. And is it necessary, because it will not be juicy or tasty. Even heat-resistant cabbage needs watering, and with sprinkling, the yield is higher than with drip irrigation. A lack of water, say, during a prolonged drought, leads to the fact that young leaves become deficient in calcium and die.

If you cut such a head of cabbage, layers of dark dead leaves will be visible. This will not affect keeping quality, but marketability is sharply reduced. Among the domestic late hybrids, the hybrids F1 Orion and F1 Dominant are highly resistant to this physiological disorder.

Of course, the idea may arise to grow in the middle zone southern varieties. But since they were created in conditions of a short day, in the Moscow region, where the day is long, the head of cabbage will form later. It can grow very large, but with voids inside, a strongly elongated inner stump, which will reduce its commercial quality. And southern cabbage is not intended for long-term storage, since it is harvested there in mid-to-late November.

Do Russian varieties and hybrids have advantages over foreign ones?

Each hybrid has both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the purpose of its creation. The main advantage of foreign hybrids is their exceptional morphological uniformity, but this feature is in no way related to yield and does not at all justify the exorbitant cost of seeds. Hybrids of domestic selection (in particular, in the late cabbage sector), although not so homogeneous, have exceptional keeping quality. This is important: more than 70% of cabbage is consumed in the winter, which lasts about 7 months. The best hybrids Russian selection F1 Bomotd-Agro, F1 Kolobok, F1 Extra, F, Prestige, F1 Dominant, F1 Valentina, F, Orion, etc., resistant to fusarium, have excellent taste.

: About caring for white cabbage...: How to grow cauliflower and...

Early cabbage has its advantages and disadvantages. Early ripening varieties will yield a harvest within a month and a half after planting the seedlings, forming slightly loose, medium-sized juicy heads of cabbage. They are not left in the cellar for the winter, since early varieties of cabbage are not intended for long-term storage. It has a low yield, and the heads of cabbage easily crack if improperly watered or overripe. But these vegetables appear on the table earlier than others, giving the body much-needed vitamins and minerals after a long winter. To harvest a generous harvest of tight heads of cabbage, it is preferable to grow cabbage in a greenhouse, where ideal conditions are created for it.

Ultra-early ripening variety Cossack has excellent taste. Smooth, round heads of cabbage weigh about 1.5 kg and have an average density. Vegetables will ripen 40 days after planting the seedlings. The leaves are thin and delicate, have a dark green color with a bluish tint. The variety is resistant to cracking, immune to mucous bacteriosis and blackleg. Under favorable conditions, 5 kg of vegetables are harvested from square meter. The variety is a hybrid, so there is no need to collect seeds from it.

Early ripening cabbage of the Ditmarskaya early variety will yield a harvest 40 - 45 days after planting the seedlings. Elastic light green heads of cabbage reach a weight of 2 kg. They have medium density, a classic round shape and excellent presentation. Therefore, early Ditmar cabbage is often grown for sale. The inner and outer stalks are short. The leaves are thin and succulent. Very tasty fresh, they are used to make salads. The variety is immune to clubroot, as well as mucous and vascular bacteriosis. Gives high yields - 5.5 kg per square meter. Vegetables should be harvested immediately after reaching technical maturity. As they ripen, the heads of cabbage will crack. Vegetables ripen together.

Parel white cabbage was bred for early harvest. Vegetables can be harvested 50 days after planting the seedlings. Exactly as much is needed to form bright green, tight heads of cabbage with a round shape. The vegetable weighs from 1 to 1.5 kg. Due to its high taste and external qualities, it is often grown for sale. Parel cabbage is distinguished by a high content of vitamin C. The variety is unpretentious in care. Resistant to cracking, blooming and bolting, as well as temperature changes. Already in May, you can harvest the first harvest of vegetables: about 4.5 kg per square meter.

The early-ripening variety Golden Hectare, popular among gardeners, is valued for its consistently high yield and excellent taste. It was for its excellent characteristics that the variety was given the name “golden”. Vegetables are formed and filled about 100 days after planting the seedlings. The rounded white heads of cabbage are of medium density, their weight reaches 3 kg. You can harvest up to 8.5 kg of cabbage per square meter. The head of cabbage rarely cracks, the vegetable transports well and is stored longer than others early species. The variety is resistant to flowering.

Growing cabbage seedlings

How to grow early cabbage correctly? The use of greenhouses will help create optimal conditions not only for growing cabbage, but also for getting an early harvest. Cabbage is grown from seedlings in a greenhouse. Seeds can be sown as early as February. Before sowing, the planting material is sorted out, setting aside large and dark grains for planting. They definitely need to be processed. First, the seeds are immersed in hot water (up to 50 degrees) for 20 minutes, then in cold water. After processing, the grains are dried.

It is better not to plant seeds in ordinary soil. A soil mixture is prepared for greenhouses from sand, turf soil and peat, taken in equal parts. When the temperature under the film reaches 20 - 25 degrees and the soil warms up, you can begin planting the seeds.

The seeds of early cabbage are sown tightly, immersed in the soil to a depth of about 1 cm. It is enough to leave 3 cm between the rows. The first shoots will appear after 4 days.

When the seeds germinate, the air temperature is reduced by 10 degrees. A week later, the greenhouse is again heated to 17 - 18 degrees during the day and 9 degrees at night. Maintaining temperature is very important. In the heat, plants become thin and stretch upward. When they are cool, growth slows or stops.

Two-week-old sprouts can be transplanted into pots, but it is enough to simply thin them out. They will already have 1 or 2 leaves. From this moment on, the seedlings need to be intensively watered and fertilized. The first time they feed with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. The second time, only nitrogen fertilizing is needed. The last third fertilizing is carried out just before planting in the greenhouse with a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. At this stage of growth, daily morning watering is necessary.

Before planting plants on permanent place in the greenhouse they should be prepared for new conditions. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated more often and the air temperature reduced by a couple of degrees. Before planting, the seedlings are fed. It is sprayed with a composition of potassium sulfate and urea. The solution is prepared by adding 1 tbsp. l. components into a bucket of water. Product consumption is about a glass per sprout. A week before transplanting, the plants stop watering. They are poured generously only immediately before being removed from the ground.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

By this time the greenhouse should be ready. It is advisable to dig up the soil in it in the fall. You need to dig deep, using the tip of a shovel, while adding fertilizers - manure, mineral fertilizers or compost humus.

You cannot plant cabbage on the same piece of land for two years in a row. It is better to alternate the crop with cucumbers, potatoes, legumes or onions. After these plants, many useful substances necessary for early cabbage remain in the soil.

Early cabbage loves light very much. The daylight hours for her should be at least 14 - 17 hours. In the northern regions, it is advisable to equip the greenhouse with lighting lamps. This will allow, if necessary, additional illumination of the plants on short and cloudy days.

The seedlings are ready for planting if the plants already have 3 - 4 leaves. Quality criterion planting material considered green with a purple tint. The best plants are selected using this principle. Green sprouts without shimmer with a weak root system are unlikely to take root. Around the beginning of April, early cabbage is transplanted to a new place in the greenhouse.

The rows are marked at a distance of 60 cm. Seedlings along with soil are planted every 30 cm in the row. It is recommended to add fertilizer to the holes prepared in advance. The soil should cover the stem to the base of the first leaf. After planting the plant, the soil around it is compacted to ensure good contact between the new soil and the roots.

Planting early cabbage in a greenhouse (video)

Plant care

To grow early cabbage with good performance, you need to provide proper care. This moisture-loving vegetable requires regular watering at least 2 times a week. It is advisable to do this in the morning and not spend more than 8 liters of water per square meter.

The first watering is carried out a week after planting when the seedlings take root well. Cabbage is hilled for the first time 20 days after planting, the next time - after 10 days. It is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse regularly.

The garden beds must be clean. All emerging weeds must be removed promptly. When the stump begins to form, it needs to be covered with soil.

It is useful to fertilize the plants every 10 days tinctures of mullein, chicken manure, urea or sulfate solution. You can sprinkle the soil and cabbage leaves with wood ash. It will not only feed, but also protect the plant from pests.

Wood ash mixed with mothballs will get rid of whites, cabbage flies and cutworms. Tobacco dust with added lime will repel the cruciferous flea beetle. As soon as the head of cabbage appears, treatment of the plant with these drugs should be stopped. Now we must get rid of pests manually, destroying their eggs at the same time.

How to properly plant, water and care for early cabbage (video)

You can use decoctions of wormwood and tomato stems. They are effective in the fight against caterpillars. Tinctures of tobacco, dandelions, hot pepper or garlic will help overcome annoying aphids. Even a novice vegetable gardener can grow early cabbage.

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There is no need to plant seedlings in the holes too deeply. During the formation of heads of cabbage, the stumps will need to be covered with soil.​

  • The plant is cold-resistant and not afraid of frost.
  • ​The leaves of the fruit contain a large amount of micronutrients, in particular vitamin C.​
  • ​The second feeding should be carried out during the head formation phase. Urea and potassium salt should be used in a ratio of 1.5:1.​
  • ​Approximately 140-170 days until the heads of cabbage are technically ripe. The head of cabbage is flat-rounded, weighing up to 5 kg.​
  • ​up to 15.0 kg per m²​

​(lat. Cruciferae Juss)​

​. The period from germination to harvesting is 140-145 days. The head of cabbage is round, weighing 2-3 kg, very dense, with good taste. The variety is distinguished by the resistance of heads of cabbage to cracking and high shelf life. Recommended for long-term storage.​

In central Russia, cabbage is grown through seedlings. The sowing time for seeds of early-ripening varieties and hybrids is the 2-3rd decade of March, late-ripening - the 1st ten-day period of April, mid-ripening and mid-late - the 3rd ten-day period of April.​

​Early white cabbage has its pros and cons in gardening. One of their advantages is the short ripening period. Early cabbage, the varieties of which have their own characteristics, needs special care.​

​The most important thing in care is regular watering (2 times a week immediately after planting, and once after) and fertilizing (it is best to apply fertilizers when planting, and later only periodically top up the plants with organic solutions).​

​Good resistance to cracking of heads of cabbage when soil moisture levels increase.​

​Unfortunately, this variety’s resistance to cracking is quite low. In this way, the heads of cabbage react to changes in soil and air humidity, which requires the gardener to be very attentive to the beds with this crop.​


  1. ​Increasing the efficiency of fertilizers is facilitated by combining fertilizing with watering.​
  2. ​about 9.0-10.0 kg per 1 m²​
  3. ​Beaumonde Arpo F1​
  4. Moist and light soil is best suited for sowing. The seeding depth is 1-1.2 cm; deeper sowing delays the time of emergence. Cabbage seeds germinate and develop quickly. In the first days, it is worth strictly monitoring the soil moisture and watering if necessary. Usually shoots appear on the 3-4th day. When 2-4 true leaves are formed, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate cups.​
  5. ​To taste various varieties early white cabbage differ little from each other. Usually they all have small plugs that can crack if watered incorrectly. Early cabbage is not intended for long-term storage. They don’t leave it in the cellar for the winter.​
  6. ​It is best to use mullein or chicken droppings as a top dressing.​

Growing early white cabbage in greenhouses

​Shooting is also a rare occurrence for this variety.​

​Often, hybrid forms of plants have many advantages compared to conventional varieties. In particular, it’s worth paying attention to “Kazachok” cabbage only because it has a very high resistance to damage by various pests.​

​The pest appears in the last month of spring.​

  1. The variety is resistant to bacteriosis. The most heat-resistant variety.​
  2. ​"Menza F1"​
  3. ​In the first year of growing season, the plant develops a stalk-stem. Solid sheets are large in size. The upper and lower leaves, densely located on the stump, intersecting, form a head of cabbage.
  4. ​. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 130 days. The head of cabbage is round in shape, very dense, with excellent internal structure, medium in size, weighing 3.5-4 kg. It has good shelf life until February and is resistant to necrosis of the inner leaves of the head of cabbage. The taste is excellent.​
  5. In general, the average age of seedlings suitable for planting should be 30-40 days. During this period, it should have 5-6 true leaves and a well-developed root system.​
  6. ​"Transfer F1" is a variety of early white cabbage beloved by many gardeners. The F1 mark means that the variety is hybrid. There is no need to collect seeds from it. The heads of cabbage are dense, juicy, do not crack, and are good for salads. The heads of cabbage are, as is correct, small, weighing up to 1.5 kg. Ripening period up to 110 days.​

​Also, the cabbage bed needs to be kept “clean”,​

Cabbage has a very short consumption period, like all early varieties in general. Therefore, many gardeners, if they understand that they themselves will not be able to consume the harvest in the next 2-3 weeks, try to sell it.​

This early cabbage is characterized by a raised rosette of leaves. Its diameter in a well-ripened cabbage head can reach 55-67 centimeters, and its height is only 21-28. At the same time, the diameter of the head of cabbage usually does not exceed 18 centimeters.

​The pest eats a huge amount of cabbage green mass.​

Cabbage is a very moisture-loving vegetable crop that consumes about 9 cubic meters of water per 100 kg of produce.

White cabbage - early, middle and late varieties (description)

The best varieties of white cabbage: late, medium and early ripening

​Despite the apparent simplicity of growing white cabbage, this vegetable crop is quite demanding in terms of conditions such as the quality of the soil, the timing of sowing seeds, and the correct planting pattern is also important.​

​After planting the seedlings, 115 days pass before they ripen. The shape of the heads of cabbage is round-flat, the stump is very small. Head weight from 4 to 9 kg.​

Early ripening varieties have a rosette of 10-15 leaves. Mid-season varieties have 20-25 medium-sized petiolate leaves. Late-ripening cabbage varieties are characterized by the presence of 25-30 long petiolate leaves.​

​Cupid F1​

​The optimal timing for planting seedlings in the ground in the Non-Chernozem zone: for early cabbage - 1st decade of May, for middle and mid-late - 2nd-3rd decade of May; for late - 3rd ten days of May -1st ten days of June. It is advisable to plant seedlings in cloudy weather. Usually, a distance of 60-70 cm is left between the rows of cabbage, and 35-50 cm in the row between plants. When planting, the plants are buried in the ground up to the first true leaf. The wet soil on top is mulched with dry peat.​

​"Cossack F1" – also hybrid variety early cabbage, ripens within 95 days. The heads of cabbage are small (up to 1.5 kg), light in color, and have a milky tint when cut. Cold-resistant variety. In extreme heat, growth slows down.​

​regularly weeding​

​Another good way out of this situation is non-simultaneous sowing cabbage seedlings, which will also extend the ripening period.​

Early varieties of white cabbage

Also, the cabbage fruit itself has a round shape. A distinctive feature of this early hybrid is the color of its leaves: on the outside it is dark green with a bluish tint (also the upper leaves are often covered with a waxy coating of medium thickness), but on the inside the head of cabbage is white with a characteristic yellowish-cream tint.​

​The main method of destroying slugs is to collect them manually, as well as install traps.​​Irrigation technology is based on taking into account the following factors:​

The density of the soil for cultivating cabbage is not particularly important.​about 15.0 kg per 1 m²​

​. Ripens 130 days after planting the seedlings. The head of cabbage is round in shape, very dense, of medium size, weighing 3-3.6 kg. The taste is excellent. The hybrid is plastic, with uniform yield formation, and is resistant to fusarium. Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling and storage (until February).​

​Basic care consists of weeding, loosening, regular watering and pest control. The soil is loosened to a depth of 5-8 cm, and the depth of subsequent loosening is increased to 12-15 cm. The depth of loosening is determined by weather and soil conditions. When there is a lack of precipitation, the soil is loosened shallower, and when there is an abundance, deeper.

Mid-early varieties

"June" - the name of the variety speaks for itself. Ripens within 90-100 days. The plugs are not protected from cracking, so you need to be careful with watering. The weight of heads of cabbage can reach 2 kg. Usually all the seedlings begin to set their forks at the same time, in unison, and at the end of June you can already please your family with fresh cabbage. Not afraid of night frosts, very cold-resistant.​

​.​ The head shape of this cabbage variety is almost classic - round. But in terms of density it is average.​

The head of cabbage has a fairly dense structure, its inner stump is on average 6 centimeters long, the outer one – no more than 10. The leaves are quite tender, juicy.​ ​flea beetles​

Medium varieties of white cabbage

​Significant watering is necessary for the plant during the phases of formation and growth of heads of cabbage;​

​It is from chemical or quality composition soil largely depends on the yield of this vegetable crop.​ ​Average indicators of disease resistance.​

The next year, leafy flowering shoots develop from the stem buds, the height of which does not exceed 150 cm. The inflorescence is represented by a brush. Standard flowers large sizes. The fruits are long pods. The seed material is round-angular in shape, black with a brown tint. The diameter of the seed does not exceed 2 mm.​ ​So, are there any new products that can provide worthy competition to old and proven varieties?​

Varieties of white cabbage of medium and medium-late ripening

Cabbage reacts positively to hilling. The number of hillings depends on the height of the stump. Varieties with a short stump are hilled once, with medium and tall ones - 2-3 times. The first hilling is timed to coincide with the beginning of active growth of the leaf rosette, that is, after 25-30 days, and the subsequent one - until the leaves close.

​"Malachite F1" is a hybrid variety of early white cabbage. Ripens within 95-130 days. The heads of cabbage are small, weighing up to 1.5 kg, dense, light green with a grayish tint. To combat pests, plants are dusted with wood ash or sprayed with an infusion of tobacco/tomato stems/burdock/onion peels.

​It is distinguished by the small size of both internal and external stumps. Has The taste of cabbage can only be either good or excellent. The hybrid is intended for fresh consumption.​

Small black bugs

​When growing early white cabbage in light soil conditions and the climate of the central zone of our country, watering should be carried out at least 5-6 times per season;​ ​The best option is to use a site with very fertile, humus-enriched soil with a neutral pH reaction for planting. ​

​"Slava 1305"​​Selection work to develop new, most promising varieties and hybrids of white cabbage is carried out by both Russian and foreign specialists.​

Summer residents are often very conservative in choosing varieties, but recently many excellent Russian hybrids have appeared, making it possible to organize a conveyor for the supply of fresh cabbage all year round.

Late varieties of white cabbage

​As for the range of early ripening varieties and hybrids, the following deserve attention.​

​"Gift" This variety has enough good yield, which is probably where the name comes from. Heads of cabbage can grow to large sizes, reaching a weight of 3.5 kg. The approximate ripening period is 124 days. Heads of cabbage are resistant to cracking and are stored for a relatively long time, up to 5 months in the right conditions. Dense heads of cabbage are convenient to transport over long distances. When growing Chinese cabbage, it is best to cover the plants with non-woven fabric or use a mixed type of planting, since this type of cabbage is especially often affected by various pests.

​good presentation It is this variety that many hobbyists grow for sale on the market, because

​The appearance of numerous holes on young leaves. Massive pest damage can cause the death of the plant. Cultivation of early ripening varieties on soils that are too heavy or dense requires watering 3-4 times per growing season.

​In addition, it is important to comply with the following requirements:​​No more than 137 days pass from germination to harvest. Head weight is from 4 to 5 kg.​

​However, along with new products, some time-tested varieties do not lose their relevance.​​However, each foreign transnational company has its own assortment that allows organizing such a conveyor.​

New resistant cabbage varieties for minimal tillage

​Sprint F1​

​"Golden Hectare". A variety with high yield and resistance to dry weather. The heads of cabbage weigh up to 2.5 kg, practically do not crack, and are stored for a long time. Ripening period – up to 110 days.​

​On the eve of spring, I would like to talk about a vegetable that is already close to Russian people at the genetic level. It's cabbage! Regular, white cabbage. Since we are all waiting for the snow to disappear and the onset of spring to begin cultivating our farm, I will start with planting, and later we will talk about varieties. Like any housewife and novice amateur gardener, I want to get early, mid-ripening and late-ripening cabbage this season. To please yourself and your kids with salads made from such healthy fiber from the beginning of summer, and stock up on beautiful heads of cabbage and a barrel of sauerkraut in the fall and winter. ​

​, therefore often used for sale.​

​it is growing quite well ​Use of drugs “Actellik”, “Bankol”, “Karate”, “Decis” and “Bi-58”.​​The number of waterings when cultivating mid-season and late-ripening varieties should be increased by 1.5 times.​ The described vegetable should be grown on open areas with good lighting;​​up to 12.5 kg per 1 m²​​Today, according to most gardeners, the following early ripening varieties of cabbage deserve special attention.​ ​And if a person wants to grow cabbage that surprises everyone, for example the largest one, what varieties should you pay attention to ? And what agricultural technology do the giants need? Technical ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs 85 days after germination. The head of cabbage is round in shape, with a small inner stalk, dense. Weighing 0.9-1.6 kg. Resistant to cracking. Harmonious ripening of heads of cabbage is characteristic. The seedling method of growing early white cabbage is the most popular. Growing seedlings begins with choosing the seeds of the variety you need and preparing the soil. The soil for seedlings should be nutritious, preferably prepared in advance, in the fall. It is necessary to add humus and ash to the soil, which will serve as an antiseptic and protect the plants from rotting. It is important that the soil is breathable. Don't use cruciferous soil in your garden. It may contain infections that are dangerous for cabbage.​

White cabbage is propagated by seeds. Usually, seedlings are first grown from seeds - indoors or directly on the site. ​​The leaves are light green, thin, very tasty. Despite the short storage period, the taste is preserved well. The main purpose of the crop is to be consumed fresh immediately after harvesting from the beds and has an excellent presentation and size. In particular, having heads weighing only 0.8-1.2 kilograms, it is quite possible to collect from 3.2 to 4.6 kilograms of fruit from a 1 m2 bed.​

​cabbage fly​

​in the autumn, to prepare the planting area for white cabbage, manure, compost or peat should be added at the rate of 4 kg per 1 m²;​

​Average resistance to diseases. Resistant to mucous bacteriosis.​ ​Name​ All records for growing large cabbage, starting with the gardener Pyshkin, were obtained from cabbage varieties ​Señorita F1​​It is necessary to choose the right time for sowing seeds for seedlings.​

Planting cabbage seedlings at home

​As for the early variety,​

​Grown exclusively in open ground, the crop ripens simultaneously, in the early stages. From the moment the first shoots appear until the onset of full technical maturity, about 106-112 days pass.

​A species of short-whiskered dipterans from the family of flower flies, or Anthomyiidae.​

In addition to watering, you should pay attention to the following care measures:

Cabbage: from choosing a variety to harvesting

​in the spring, mineral, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied at the rate of 36 g of superphosphate and 18 g of potassium salt or potassium chloride per 1 m²;​

​"Slava Gribovskaya-231"​

Biological features

​Features​ ​Pyshkinskaya​​. It takes 100 days from germination to harvest. The head of cabbage is round in shape, weighing 1.1-1.2 kg, with a fine internal structure, dense, with excellent taste. The hybrid is friendly in ripening and resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage. In winter it is too early, in May it is too late (especially for early varieties). It is advisable to plant early varieties of cabbage in March, when the first sunny days begin. At this time there is already enough light for seedlings. Timing for planting seedlings for different periods: ​yield​​Advantages​

​When plants are damaged, the root system suffers. Cabbage stunts and wilts. If the damage is significant, the plant dies.

​carrying out regular shallow loosening of the soil between the rows;​

​The pH acidity of the soil should be 6.5-7.5;​

The ripening of heads of cabbage occurs in 125 days. The weight of the head of cabbage ranges from 1.7 to 4.5 kg.​

Cabbage: the best varieties and modern hybrids

​Yield​​. On its basis a variety was created

Early ripening varieties

​Sympathy F1​

​Don't forget to calculate when you will plant the seedlings in open ground. After planting the seeds, it will take approximately 10 days before sprouts appear and another 50 days before the seedlings are ready for planting. Before planting, treat the seeds in any way known to you to protect them from infections. For example, you can place them in slightly salted water, mix thoroughly and let stand, and then rinse with running water and dry.​ ​early varieties - sown from March 15 to 25, grown for about 45-60 days ​this cabbage​ ​hybrid “Cossack” or what else are its merits?​
​Systematic treatment weekly with 5.5% DDT or 12% hexachlorane solution.​ ​during the loosening process, any weeds in the white cabbage growing area should be removed as thoroughly as possible.​ ​fertilizer application should be accompanied by high-quality and deep digging of the soil;​ ​up to 9.0 kg per 1 m²​
​Sustainability indicators​ ​Moscow late 15​ ​. Ready for use after 100 days. The head of cabbage is round in shape, weighing 1.5-2 kg. The hybrid is friendly in ripening, resistant to cracking, transportable, quickly adapts to environmental conditions and produces stable yields.​ The soil for planting should be well moistened. Before the first shoots appear, there is no need to water any more, so as not to cause the process of rotting of the seeds.​
​mid-season - sown from April 10-12, grown for about 35-45 days ​high enough The hybrid is characterized by high resistance to diseases such as mucous and vascular bacteriosis, blackleg. ​cabbage moth​
​The square cultivation method using mechanical processing involves the first loosening of the soil longitudinally. After half a month, the procedure for loosening the soil should be carried out in the opposite direction. ​you should be very careful about observing crop rotation and growing white cabbage in one area for no more than three years;​ ​Average disease resistance. Quite frequent cracking of heads of cabbage.​ ​"June"​
​. Other large cabbage varieties -​ Read also: White cabbage - cultivation, varieties, as well as planting and care ​After the seedlings appear, they need to be thinned out. If you leave them densely planted, they will begin to “crush” each other as they grow and will grow weak. Each sprout needs an area of ​​2 by 2 cm.​ Late ripening - sown from April 10-12, grown for about 30-35 days

Mid-season varieties

​, since from 1 m2 of its plantings (the layout is usually 30x60 centimeters), it is quite possible to collect even 5.5 kilograms of harvest. And all this despite the fact that the average weight of one head of cabbage is 1.5 kilograms, the maximum indicators are 2 kilograms.​

​Cracking of heads of cabbage was not observed even with sudden changes in soil and air humidity.​

​A species of butterfly from the sickle-winged moth family.​ ​The best predecessors for this vegetable crop are cucumbers, legumes, onions and most root vegetables;​ ​"Caporal-F1"​
​Ultra-early ripening variety. Oval shape heads of cabbage weighing 1.0-2.5 kg. Used fresh.​ ​Moskovskaya late 9, Losinoostrovskaya 8, Taininskaya​ ​For fresh consumption in July and August, mid-early varieties and hybrids are ideal.​ ​After some time, the seedlings need to be plucked, and after another month and a half, they need to be planted in separate pots. To avoid these difficulties, you can initially sow the seeds in separate cups. In March there is usually not much light, so the seedlings need to be illuminated with artificial light. Cabbage should be in a lighted place for approximately 12-15 hours a day. Suitable for artificial lighting Fluorescent Lamp. Its light is close to that of the sun.​
​Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties can be planted in the ground under film as early as April 25. When choosing or preparing a mixture for sowing seedlings, it is better not to take a mixture with organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers. Take turf soil about 20%, peat - 75%, river sand - 6%. Soil acidity should be normal. We pour the prepared planting mixture in advance into special containers for seedlings. A few days before planting, you can water the soil mixture with a solution of the antifungal drug Alirin-B. In the treated soil mixture, grooves are made 1 cm deep at a distance of about 3 cm from each other. The seeds are sown about 1-2 cm apart and sprinkled with soil. The container is placed in a bright place (for example, on a windowsill) at a temperature of 18-20 °C. After emergence (about 4 days), the seedlings are transferred to a room with a temperature of up to 13-15 ° C so that they do not stretch and deteriorate. When I was a teenager and tried to grow seedlings without knowing it, they often stretched out and died. Next, you can choose between two options for growing seedlings. The first method is a gradual transplant with picking. Immediately after emergence, the seedlings are planted so that there is 1.5 cm between plants. After about a week, the seedlings are transferred to a cassette with 3x3 cm sections, dripping them down to the cotyledon leaves. After another 2-3 weeks, each sprout with a lump of earth is transplanted into a separate 6x6 cm cup, also buried down to the first leaves. The second method is replanting immediately after germination. Each strong sprout from a common box is transplanted into a container with a side of 6-8 cm and a soil depth of about 6-7 cm. When transplanting, the main root of the plant is cut to 2/3 of its length so that the root system is more branched. You can divide a large container into sectors; special cassettes for seedlings are also sold. For early ripening varieties optimal size sectors are about 5x5 cm, for mid-ripening and late-ripening - 8x8 cm. You can also sow seeds directly in separate sections. In this case, 2 seeds are placed in each cube and, after germination, one is broken through. In cloudy weather, the seedlings are illuminated; the amount of light is very important for obtaining good, strong cabbage seedlings. Cabbage responds well to temperature changes during the day: on a sunny day the temperature can be 15-17 °C, on a cloudy day - 13-15 °C, and at night 7-10 °C. Then she won't stretch out too much. The seedlings are watered with water at room temperature, the room needs to be ventilated. A few days before planting, reduce watering; on the day of planting in the ground, on the contrary, water it well. It is necessary to harden your seedlings before planting; for this, the seedlings are exposed to air at a temperature of more than 8 ° C. When the temperature outside becomes higher, you can leave it under the film overnight. At the time of planting, your seedlings should already have about 6 leaves and a developed root system. Early-ripening varieties are planted in late April - early May, mid-ripening - in late May - early June, late-ripening - in mid-May. Beware of frost!​ The crop ripens well and almost always at the same time. From the moment the first seedlings appear until the onset of technical maturity, 105-115 days pass, and from planting seedlings to harvesting - 60-65.​ ​Simultaneous ripening of the entire crop allows it to be quickly removed from the beds.​ ​An outbreak of mass reproduction of cabbage moth leads to the death of young plants due to damage to the central rosettes.​
​Timely detection of the disease and proper use of the right drugs for prevention and treatment are the most important principles obtaining a high and stable harvest.​ ​optimal garden crops, cultivated before white cabbage, cabbage crops, beets, tomatoes, turnips, radishes, radishes cannot be. After growing them, the crop can be returned to the ridges only after 4 years.​ ​Ripes in 90-100 days, forming heads weighing from 2.5 to 5 kg.​ ​from 2.0 to 6.0 kg per m²​
​, from foreign hybrids it can be noted ​Maid of Honor F1​ To grow good early white cabbage, you need to follow several care rules: ​Planting seedlings in open soil​
​Other important​ ​No defects that would greatly interfere with fruiting were found in this hybrid of early cabbage.​ ​Use of bacterial preparations “Lepidocid”, “Dendrobacillin”, “Bitoxibacilin”, “Dipel” and “Bactospein”.​ ​Disease​

Late ripening varieties

​from 5 to 8.5 kg per 1 m²​

​Average resistance to diseases. If harvesting is not done in a timely manner, cracking of the heads of cabbage is observed. ​F1 Megaton and F1 Menzania​ ​. Heads of cabbage ripen 105-110 days after emergence. They are round in shape, weighing 1.6-1.8 kg with an excellent internal structure. The hybrid is characterized by good adaptability to environmental conditions, stable yields, excellent taste, and is resistant to cracking.​ Cabbage loves water. But you need to water it carefully, loosen the soil so that a crust does not form. The soil should not be allowed to dry out or become waterlogged. Planted cabbage should be watered at the rate of 2 liters per plant during the dry period.
If your area has a fairly warm climate without severe frosts, then you can plant cabbage directly in open ground. In a sunny area, the soil is loosened to a depth of about 15 cm, beds are made and a film support is placed between them to warm the soil for several days before planting. Around the 20th of April, grooves are made in the ridges at a distance of about 10 cm and seeds are sown at intervals of 3-4 cm. Attach the film to the supports during the day sunny weather remove the film and let the seedlings breathe. When the first leaves appear, you need to break through the extra shoots and leave about 6 cm between strong shoots. In case of stronger night frosts, take care additional insulation. At 5-7 weeks after planting, the sprouts are transplanted into pre-prepared holes at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. We compact the soil around the transplanted seedlings and water them with water if the soil is dry.​ ​advantages​ ​Not only white cabbage ripens early, but also kohlrabi cabbage. This plant is much richer in vitamins than regular cabbage. Its taste is similar to the taste of cabbage stump, but it has more juiciness, sweetness and does not contain any pungency. ​Early ripening varieties are collected selectively. Heads of cabbage are cut as they ripen. To protect the heads of cabbage ready for cutting from cracking, bend them a couple of times in one direction. Mid-season and late varieties of white cabbage must be cut at one time. Heads of cabbage that are intended to be preserved are cut at the latest date.
​Features​ ​It follows Special attention pay attention to soil moisture. In addition, sowing seeds and planting cabbage seedlings should not be done on sandy soils.​ ​Highly resistant to drought and heat, not affected by fusarium​ ​"Transfer-F1"​
​. In the Moscow variety, the late head weight can reach 25 kg. But for this, the seeds need to be sown in mid-March, then the seedlings must be grown in a greenhouse for 60 days, and the cassettes must have a cell diameter of 6 or 10 cm. The seedlings are planted at the end of April in pre-manured fertile soil, providing a feeding area of ​​1x1 m.​ ​Ataman F1​ ​Seedlings need to be planted after 5-6 leaves appear on them. It is necessary to deepen them into the ground until the first leaves. At first, it is better to protect the seedlings from the bright sun. The first hilling is carried out 20 days after planting in open ground. ​To be successful in growing white cabbage, it needs to be watered abundantly and constantly. During dry periods, be especially careful. But during the ripening period, reduce watering so that the heads of cabbage do not crack. It is also necessary to fertilize with mineral and organic fertilizers: the first fertilizing on the 20th day after planting, the second - 12 days after the first, the third - 12 days after the second. Good fertilizers are chicken droppings or slurry diluted in water. You can mulch the soil with humus or compost around the plant. You can fight many pests with dolomite flour, I sprinkle the cabbage with a mixture of ash. You can spill the holes with a solution of colloidal sulfur before planting. If the caterpillars have overcome, there are now many drugs, for example, Iskra D or Fitoferm. You can collect pests and mechanically. I kill cabbage aphids with water, but you can also sprinkle them with dolomite flour.​
​cabbage "Ditmarskaya Early":​ The stem fruit of a plant of this variety has a round or flat-round shape. It usually reaches no more than 6-8 centimeters in diameter. The top of the stem is slightly concave. ​You are not authorized on the site. Login or complete quick registration. 0Crop production > Vegetables and melons > Leafy crops > Cabbage​ ​Signs of defeat​
​When cultivating cabbage without seedlings, it is possible to preserve the tap root of the vegetable crop, which can be located at a depth of 2 m, where it obtains moisture.​ ​Late ripening varieties are in demand as vegetable products with a long shelf life, as well as in canning.​ ​Ripes in a maximum of 120 days. The heads of cabbage are round, weighing up to 1.5 kg.​ ​The main challenge of the 2015 season is the severe defeat of cabbage by clubroot in the non-chernozem zone of the Russian Federation and by vascular bacteriosis in the Republic of Mari El and in the floodplain farms of the Volga region and the Moscow region. There are no varieties resistant to this disease in the Russian white cabbage assortment yet, but there are some in the world. This

Rules for planting cabbage

​. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 65-70 days. The rosette of leaves is raised. The head of cabbage is round, whitish when cut. Weight 1.2-1.8 kg. Great taste. The hybrid is resistant to Fusarium wilt. Recommended for fresh use.​

How to grow early cabbage (video)

Soil requirements

​Usually early cabbage is tolerant of any temperature except unbearable heat. But for seedlings you need to observe a special temperature regime. The optimal temperature for young seedlings is 17-20 degrees. At night you can lower it even lower, about 7 degrees. Such differences will help prevent the seedlings from stretching. All the power will go into the formation of forks.​ ​I will list several varieties of white cabbage that are best adapted to our weather conditions.​​Good yield and taste.​

It is distinguished by a light green outer color, although the flesh itself has a white tint and is very juicy. The leaves are green in color.

  • ​Although cabbage is not the very first green vegetable that appears on store shelves with the arrival of spring, everyone is looking forward to it very much.​
  • ​Methods of treatment and prevention​
  • ​When sowing in open ground, the following terms should be adhered to:​
  • ​up to 6.0 kg per 1 m²​
  • ​F1 Quilaton, F, Tequila​
  • ​Mid-season varieties and hybrids are intended for fresh consumption from August to November, as well as for pickling.​
  • Cabbage needs feeding. Seedlings need to be fed with fertilizers only after watering, so as not to burn the delicate root system. After planting, the first fertilizing is done after the cabbage has taken root. The first feeding should be in liquid form.​

​Very early varieties: Varayane, Ditmarskaya, Kuuziku, June​

​Normal resistance against mucous and vascular bacteriosis, as well as clubroot.​

Time for sowing seeds

The taste of the Atena variety is very good.

​After all, the wealth of vitamins that this plant contains cannot be replaced by anything. For this reason, it is unlikely that it will be possible to come up with a better way to combat vitamin deficiency.

  • ​Kila​
  • ​Early varieties need to be sown from the end of April to mid-May;​
  • ​Name​

​Average disease resistance. Heads of cabbage are not prone to cracking.​

  • ​etc. However, even they cannot be grown in the same area for two years in a row.​
  • ​Countess F1​
  • To ensure that cabbage takes root, do not forget to harden off the seedlings before planting. You need to start this procedure 7-10 days before disembarkation. To do this, you can take the boxes with seedlings out onto the balcony. In this way, young seedlings will get used to the external temperature, sunlight and wind. At first, they need to be protected with gauze from direct sunlight. A few days before planting, you no longer need to bring the seedlings indoors at all.

​Early: No. 1 Polar K-206, No. 1 Gribovsky 147, Sugar Crunch, June, F1 Solo, F1 transfer, F1 Malachite, F1 Cossack, Craft​

​In addition to the short shelf life of the fruits of this variety, it has another drawback - the tendency of the heads of cabbage to crack. It manifests itself especially intensely if the crop stops growing in the garden. For this reason, cabbage of the “Ditmarskaya Rannya” variety must be harvested immediately upon the onset of technical maturity.​

Growing cabbage seedlings

  • ​Also, for the same reasons, gardening lovers strive to keep up, spend energy searching for the best varieties of early cabbage, and as a result, delight themselves and their family with fresh salads at the very beginning of summer.​
  • ​Most often, plants become infected in soil that is too wet at the stage of growing seedlings.​
  • ​Late varieties need to be sown in the second or third ten days of May;
  • ​Features​
  • ​"Copenhagen Market"​

​Foreign hybrids F1 Cerox, F1 Aggressor, 1% F1 Satti, F1 Braxan, as well as Russian ones - F1 Prestige, F, Dominant and F1 Orbita are highly resistant to vascular bacteriosis. However, at least 6 races of this disease are known on the territory of Russia, and the listed hybrids are resistant to only 1-3 races. Now breeders around the world are faced with the goal of creating hybrids with group resistance to the three most harmful diseases - clubroot, fusarium and vascular bacteriosis. And testing of the first hybrid combinations has already begun for subsequent transfer to state variety testing.​

​. It takes 85 days from planting seedlings to harvesting. The head is medium, round in shape, dense, weighing 2-3 kg, with excellent internal structure and taste, white when cut. The hybrid is distinguished by its rapid ripening, resistance to Fusarium wilt and thrips damage, and is used for fermentation and processing.​

Planting scheme

​You need to loosen not only the soil near the roots, but also between the rows. This will allow air to better penetrate to the roots.​

​Mid-early: Stakhanovka 1513, Golden Hectare 1432​

Cabbage: from seedlings to harvest (video)

Fertilizer application

  • The Atena variety is considered quite high-yielding. When planting plants with a pattern of 25x25 centimeters, from one square meter it is possible to collect from 3.2 to 4 kilograms good harvest. And this despite the fact that the average weight of one stem fruit is no more than 220 grams. K
  • ​If you are also interested in early cabbage varieties, we will be happy to share with you a description of the best ones in this category.​

​The plants first wilt slightly, and growths and swellings are recorded on the root system.​

Medium ripening varieties should be sown in the third ten days of May or the first ten days of June.

Rules for watering at different stages of development

​Yield​ ​Ripes in a maximum of 115 days. The average weight of a ripe vegetable is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg.​

  • ​For the southern and central regions, an important problem was the severe infestation of cabbage heads by tobacco thrips, in connection with this a dilemma arose: treat cabbage 8-10 times with potent insecticides or create resistant hybrids? At the moment there are no such ones, among foreign ones F1 Aggressor is distinguished by high tolerance, and among domestic ones - F1 Dominant.​
  • ​F1 Revenge​
  • ​Planted plants can also be fertilized with ash to prevent some diseases.​

​Mid-season: Peasant, Slava Gribovskaya 231, Slava 1305, Nadezhda, Pegasus F1.​

​Like any other Chinese cabbage, it can be planted twice a season and get quite successful harvests. The main thing is

Additional types of care

​As for early cabbage, the ripening time of kohlrabi is simply record-breaking - from the moment of sprouting to the onset of full technical maturity, the passage is only 50-60 days. Thus, growing kohlrabi is much more efficient and economical than growing cabbage.​

  • ​The very name of this variety is evidence of its early ripening, due to which dense and large heads of cabbage are formed already at the beginning of summer.​
  • A diseased plant must be dug up and destroyed. The soil is disinfected with Bordeaux mixture or formaldehyde. Conduct next landing should not be earlier than 5 years.​

​A significant portion of cabbage seedlings are grown by summer residents in film greenhouses:​

​Sustainability indicators​

Main diseases of cabbage

​up to 4.5 kg per 1 m²​

​Many readers ask if there are varieties that can be grown at high temperatures and lack of water?​ ​. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 85-90 days. The head of cabbage is round, whitish when cut. Excellent taste. Head weight 3 kg or more. Recommended for fresh consumption. Weakly affected by diseases and pests.​ ​If you decide to grow cabbage without seedlings, deepen the seeds into the soil 2-3 cm. However, you can plant it early, since cabbage is not afraid of the cold. After the emergence of seedlings, the rows are thinned out. Further care ordinary.​ ​Late: F1 Head garden, Slavyanka, F1 Krumont, F1 Albatross, F1 Lezhkaya, Zimovka 1474, Moskovskaya late 15, Amager 611​
​plant as early as possible in spring​ ​Advantages​ ​However, in addition to the short ripening period, this variety has many other advantages.​ ​Fusarium​
​seeds of early ripening varieties should be sown in the first ten days of March; ​"Amager"​ ​Average resistance to diseases. High resistance to cracking.​ ​The selection of heat-resistant varieties and hybrids has been carried out in our country for a long time, and many of them have been created at the Krasnodar Rice Research Institute. Among heat-resistant hybrids for long-term storage, domestic hybrids show excellent results.
​Medium late varieties and hybrids combine high yield, keeping quality and good quality of heads of cabbage. Due to their high content of sugars and dry substances, they are ideal for pickling and fresh consumption.​ ​If you want to get the earliest harvest (early June), you will have to resort to the help of greenhouses. In this case, you need to sow seeds for seedlings in February. At this time, seedlings will especially need artificial lighting.​ ​June cabbage​ ​, and in the summer - as late as possible, by the end of July.​
​growing early kohlrabi cabbage variety "Atena":​ This variety of early cabbage is characterized by ​Seedlings are most often affected.​ ​Seed material of late-ripening varieties should be sown from mid-March to mid-April;​

Pests and methods of controlling them

​Technical ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs in 129-148 days. Heads of cabbage of high density, weighing from 2.3 to 3.6 kg.​

​"Ditmarskaya Early"​

​F1 Dominant, F1 Quartet, F1 Orbit​ ​Table F1​ ​You can plant seedlings in a greenhouse in early April, when the first leaves appear on the seedlings.​ - ultra-early variety. Heads of cabbage are ready for harvesting 90-110 days after emergence. Head weight 1-1.5 kg.​
​The heads of cabbage have an elongated shape, elongated towards the top, but at the same time a fairly dense structure. Leaf color is light green. The inner stump is very short, but the bases of the leaves also have a dense structure that is unsuitable for consumption. The outer stump is also short.​ ​High yield.​ ​rounded or rounded-flat heads of cabbage The seedling material completely withers or dies. Mature plants reduce the yield and quality of heads of cabbage.​
The last to be sown is mid-season cabbage, which is sown from the last ten days of April to mid-May. ​up to 15.0 kg per m²​ 105-115 days pass before the onset of technical maturity. The weight of the head of cabbage is 1.5 kg.​ ​and foreign​
​. Ripens 115-125 days after planting seedlings. The head of cabbage is round-flat, weighing 3.5-5.5 kg, with good internal structure. It is distinguished by uniform harvest formation and high resistance of heads of cabbage to cracking. The hybrid is ideal for fermentation and fresh use from September to January. According to the tasting assessment, when fermented, this hybrid is superior to all other domestic and foreign samples.​ ​Before this, the greenhouse must be prepared, cleaned, and special soil prepared. Cabbage should not be planted often; there should be a distance of at least 35 cm between individual plants. This will allow each fork to form independently without squeezing each other. In addition, the root system of each seedling will receive enough nutrients from the soil, and not “strangle” each other.​ ​Cabbage Stakhanovka 1513​ ​The use of this Chinese cabbage is very wide, although it is limited by short shelf life: it is suitable for salads, side dishes, and cabbage soup.​
​Very short ripening time for high quality fruits.​ ​. By the time they ripen, they are not large enough, weighing only 1.1 to 2.4 kilograms.​ ​Soil treatment with 1% solution Bordeaux mixture. Treatment with hot pepper infusion. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and cultivation of disease-resistant hybrids or varieties.​ ​Sowing dates may vary slightly depending on the region of cultivation, as well as weather conditions.​

​The variety is moderately resistant to diseases, but is affected by vascular bacteriosis.​

How to choose the right cabbage seeds (video)

Early cabbage: getting to know the most productive and sustainable varieties for home cultivation -

​up to 5.5 kg per 1 m²​

​Bronco, Typhoon, Aggressor, Adapter​

​Princess F1​

​Tips for growing early cabbage:​

- medium-early, resistant to cracking. Head weight 1.5-2.5 kg.​

Let's get acquainted with the variety of early white cabbage "Iyunskaya"


​You can get several harvests in one season.​

The fruits are well balanced in size. The density of the heads of cabbage is average. The inner stump of the June cabbage has an average length.​ ​Black leg​


​The variety is resistant to mucous and vascular bacteriosis, as well as clubroot.​

​. However, it should be noted that heat resistance and drought resistance are completely different characteristics. There is no drought-resistant (at the level of saxaul) cabbage. And is it necessary, because it will not be juicy or tasty. Even heat-resistant cabbage needs watering, and with sprinkling, the yield is higher than with drip irrigation. A lack of water, say, during a long drought, leads to the fact that young leaves become deficient in calcium and die.

​. From planting seedlings to harvesting, it takes 115-120​

​The temperature in the greenhouse should be no higher than 18 degrees during the day and about 10 degrees at night. This is optimal for seedlings. There should be a separate thermometer in the greenhouse that will tell you the exact temperature; do not rely on your feelings.​ Cabbage Nadezhda​this cabbage​

​The disadvantage of this variety may be that it sometimes does not tolerate drought well. Due to lack of moisture it can become rough top part plants. For this reason, you need to be attentive to the condition of the soil. The leaves of this cabbage variety are characterized by a green color, which turns into light green towards the middle of the head. In general, it has a very delicate structure, good consumer taste. Seedlings in greenhouses are more susceptible to damage when the crops are thickened and there is no sufficient lighting.

  • ​To obtain a decent cabbage harvest, you should perform a number of the following activities.​
  • ​Maturing in 115-125 days. The shape of the heads of cabbage is round. The weight of a dense head of cabbage is 2-3 kg.​
  • ​"Golden hectare-1432"​
  • ​If you cut such a head of cabbage, layers of dark dead leaves will be visible. This will not affect keeping quality, but marketability is sharply reduced. Among the domestic late hybrids, the hybrids F1 Orion and F1 Dominant are highly resistant to this physiological disorder.​

​days. Hybrid, easy to ripen, resistant to cracking, transportable. The head of cabbage is of medium size, weighing 3.2-3.7 kg, round in shape, with excellent internal structure. Used for fresh consumption, fermentation and storage for 3-4 months.​

Hybrid of early ripening white cabbage “Cossack F1”: what’s special about this vegetable?

​Water the seedlings sparingly, as the soil dries out, but without allowing waterlogging.​

- mid-season. The heads of cabbage are white, dense, weigh 3-3.5 kg.​

​ripens very quickly

​A very good variety of early cabbage, which is characterized by a fairly dense head structure. Its shape is very beautiful, round.

It is also important to note that the main purpose of the June cabbage, like almost all early varieties, is to eat it fresh. Well suited for all types of cooking, most often used for making salads and juice.​

​Darkening of the stem part near the root collar with subsequent thinning, which causes curvature and lodging of the stems. Cabbage seeds must undergo pre-sowing preparation, which consists of briefly soaking dry seeds in hot water at a temperature of 50 ° C. Yield indicators are about 12 .0 kg per 1 m²​

​From full germination to harvest - 102-110 days. The heads of cabbage are small, about 1.5-2.5 kg.​

Of course, the idea may arise to grow southern varieties in the middle zone. But since they were created in conditions of a short day, in the Moscow region, where the day is long, the head of cabbage will form later. It can grow very large, but with voids inside, a strongly elongated inner stump, which will reduce its commercial quality. And southern cabbage is not intended for long-term storage, since it is harvested there in mid-to-late November.​ ​Filibuster F1​

  • ​Don't forget about pests. Greenhouses are often attacked by mice. To protect your crops, take care of mousetraps and other traps for these rodents.​
  • ​Cabbage Judge 146​
  • ​: seedlings planted in May can reach technical maturity within 40-45 days. The maximum weight of the resulting heads of cabbage can reach 2.8 kilograms, which is not always found in early white cabbage varieties.​

​The cabbage leaves of this variety have a fairly fine structure, which makes them tender and pleasant to eat. Contains a large amount of juice. The color of Copenhagen Market cabbage is light or gray-green. Both the external and internal stumps are small in size.​

"Athena" - an early ripening variety of kohlrabi cabbage

​Despite the fact that this variety is mostly characterized by smaller heads of cabbage, its overall yield is quite high. So, from 1 m2 on average you can collect about 6.4 kilograms of good fruits.​

​Steam treatment, treatment of seed material and soil with fungicides, elimination of waterlogging, compliance with agricultural technology.​

​Next, the seed material is cooled and placed in water with microelements for 12 hours.​​Good resistance to mucous and vascular bacteriosis, various types of rot, and Fusarium wilt.​

​from 5.0 to 8.5 kg per 1 m²​

​Do Russian varieties and hybrids have advantages over foreign ones?​

​. Ripens 120-130 days after planting the seedlings. Recommended for fermentation from the moment of harvesting to the end of the storage period, also for fresh consumption. The hybrid is resistant to necrosis of the inner leaves of the head of cabbage and to Fusarium wilt.​

Cabbage needs to be fertilized every week. Fertilizing should alternate: mineral with organic. This way the seedlings will receive enough nutrients. Do not forget that before the head of cabbage appears and during the tying of the fork, the proportions of fertilizers are different.​ ​ - mid-late ripening. Kochany medium density, good when pickled.​

  • ​Advantages​
  • ​The main purpose of the resulting harvest is​
  • The big advantage of this particular variety is

​White and gray rot​

Early ripening Danish white cabbage “Copenhagen Market”: what do you need to know about the variety?

​After preplanting treatment, the seed material is dried and sown according to standard sowing dates.​


​Average indicators of disease resistance. Resistant to “blooming” and drought-resistant. Each hybrid has both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the purpose of its creation. The main advantage of foreign hybrids is their exceptional morphological uniformity, however, this feature is in no way related to yield and does not at all justify the exorbitant cost of seeds. Hybrids of domestic selection (in particular, in the late cabbage sector), although not so homogeneous, have exceptional keeping quality. This is important: more than 70% of cabbage is consumed in the winter, which lasts about 7 months. The best hybrids of Russian selection F1 Bomotd-Agro, F1 Kolobok, F1 Extra, F, Prestige, F1 Dominant, F1 Valentina, F, Orion, etc., resistant to fusarium, have excellent taste.​ ​Symphony F1​

​The greenhouse should not be tightly closed. Cabbage, like any plant, needs air circulation, even if it seems to you that it is cold outside and it will be better in a closed greenhouse. Cabbage is not as afraid of frost as it is of lack of oxygen. Therefore, take care of the windows and ventilation system.​ ​Moskovskaya late 15​ ​, which the “Cha-Cha F1” variety boasts:​​consumed fresh​

​simultaneous ripening of heads of cabbage​

​A side effect of insufficient potassium or phosphorus fertilizing, as well as neglect of storage conditions.​ ​At the stage of formation of the first pair of true leaves, the first foliar feeding of seedlings with basic microelements is carried out.​

  • ​Hybrid for long-term storage and fresh consumption. Full ripening - in 140-180 days. Head weight 3.2-3.8 kg.​
  • ​It is possible to obtain a high yield of high-quality heads of mid-ripening white cabbage by growing the following varieties.​
  • ​©

​. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is 120-130 days. The head is round, with an excellent internal structure, whitish when cut. Weight 4 kg. The taste is excellent. The hybrid is resistant to cracking and produces a good harvest.​

​When the first frosts have passed, you can completely remove the protective film.​

A cabbage variety called “Ditmarskaya Early” - does the name justify its qualities?

- late-ripening cabbage, stores well, good for sourdough.

​The great advantage of this variety, as a representative of Chinese cabbage, is its high resistance to long daylight hours. This means that bolting practically does not form on plants immediately after harvesting from the beds. It is well suited not only for preparing all home-made dishes, but also for chopping, the growing season of which lasts only 92-100 days. Thus, the variety is very convenient for quick harvesting.​

​The appearance of weeping, mucous-type spots with a characteristic coating on the leaf plate.​

At the beginning of hardening, a second foliar feeding is performed. The leaves are treated with a solution based on 1 tbsp. l. urea and the same amount of potassium sulfate, diluted in a bucket of water. For each seedling you should use 200 g of the prepared solution.​ ​Up to 8.0 kg per 1 m²​​Categories: cabbage​​You can also read about varieties of white cabbage here​

You should only buy cabbage seeds in specialized stores. Buying second-hand at the market may result in a bad harvest, or the yield will not be what you expected.​

​It’s a pity that spring comes late here... Still, in my opinion, growing cabbage seedlings at home is quite a troublesome task; in a greenhouse it’s more convenient. Although this year I still sowed early (just June) cabbage at home, I really want early cabbage)) And I sowed it not just like that, but with intent. I read a lot about how treating seeds with various preparations helps improve germination, produce stronger seedlings, and so on. At first I generally thought that all this was, as they say, “from the evil one,” advertising. Then I began to delve into the topic - I decided that there was something in it. But it became interesting: is there a difference between these drugs? Well, I checked it. The tests were carried out by Immunocytophyte, Fitosporin-M cabbage, GUMI-20; the control group was soaked in ordinary water. For those interested, the entire course of the experiment is detailed, with photographs.​ ​Can be planted either using seedlings or seeds directly into open ground (especially in the summer-autumn period).​ ​Fruiting​

  • ​Main​
  • ​Compliance with crop rotation and agricultural technology. Carrying out processing of storage facilities before storing vegetable products.​
​Resistant to Fusarium wilt.​

Early Chinese cabbage “Cha-Cha F1” - what are the features of the variety?

​Name​​White cabbage is one of the leading vegetable crops White cabbage is one of the leading vegetable crops and is very widely cultivated by gardeners in their garden plots. The wild relative of cabbage is currently not known for certain. Late-ripening varieties and hybrids are valuable not only for their high yield, but also because they ensure the supply of fresh vitamin products to our table throughout the winter and even the beginning of spring.

​The packaging must indicate the grade and expiration date. Cabbage has a shelf life of 4-5 years. Do not buy expired seeds or those on which the expiration date is not indicated at all.​

​described here​

​High yield and versatility of use of the resulting fruits.​​at the variety ​advantages​ Quite often, cabbage is affected by the most common pests for any cruciferous crop. The cultivated plant needs protection throughout the entire growing season.​


  • ​Features​
  • White cabbage is a vegetable crop belonging to the Brassica family
  • ​Arctic F1​

​On high-quality seeds, other information is always indicated: ripening dates, care features, company name, batch number.​

The main aspects of planting early varieties of cabbage: the secrets of high yields

  • ​. Let me say briefly: yes, the use of drugs does increase germination, and the drugs have different effects. But what’s interesting is that after some time all the seedlings level off. Next, we need to observe whether the treatment will somehow affect the plants themselves, but something tells me that everything will end when germination accelerates... Next, we need to directly feed and care for the seedlings...​
  • ​Despite the large number of advantages, this cabbage also remains susceptible to damage from various pests. It is possible to combat them only with the help of regular plant care and the use of non-woven fabric to cover it.​
  • ​very good
  • ​early cabbage of the described variety:​

What are the features of caring for early cabbage: learning to look after the plants

​High-quality seedlings of early-ripening varieties should be placed at a distance of 0.35 m. The standard distance when planting late-ripening cabbage is about 0.7 m. When planting seedlings of mid-ripening cabbage, it is necessary to focus on a distance of seedlings of 0.6 m from each other.​

The ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs 145-160 days after germination. Head weight 4.2 kg.​

​Yield​ ​(lat. Brassicaceae Burnett)​​. Technical ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs 130-140 days after planting the seedlings. The head of cabbage is medium-sized, dense, round, weighing 2.5-3 kg, with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to a range of diseases. Stored fresh until the new harvest.​

​Pay attention to all this when purchasing. The variety must be suitable for the climatic conditions of your region. Now you can order seeds online. This will save time and allow you to quickly find exactly the variety you need. Buying seeds online can save not only time, but also money if you make so-called joint purchases on wholesale sites. To avoid being left without a harvest, purchase small quantities of seeds of different varieties and different manufacturers. If some turn out to be low-yielding, others will sprout.​

​Wow, everything is described in such detail. Very good. In general, I am wary of growth accelerating drugs, who knows how it will later affect the human body, although there is so much unnatural food now. I even collect caterpillars or sprinkle them with ash. Only when the summer is really hot, then of course you have to spray the pests. Last year, the seedlings completely died, I had to buy them, but I found a very good one, not a single head of cabbage cracked and was stored all winter.​

Cabbage is the head of everything

The planting site should be well lit, the soil should be light, loose and well moistened.

Planting white cabbage

​, the heads of cabbage ripen almost simultaneously after 115 days from the appearance of the first shoots, and 58-65 after planting the seedlings. Thus, its technical maturity occurs somewhat later than the varieties of white cabbage described above, but is much ahead in time of the average varieties.​ ​Early harvests of good white cabbage.​​Pest​
  • ​Compliance with agricultural technology when cultivating white cabbage is of no small importance for the formation of a bountiful harvest of highly marketable heads of cabbage.​
  • ​about 8.0-9.0 kg per 1 m²​
  • ​Sustainability indicators​
​and the Cabbage family ​Guarantor F1​​More information can be found in the video.​

Cabbage care

​Ash - yes, ash in my garden is a universal remedy)) And from diseases, and from pests, and as a fertilizer: where something is wrong - use its ash! And it does help)) And I also treat all kinds of drugs with deep suspicion, so until recently I didn’t use anything at all. But the ones I tested - they all belong to the category of biological products, so they do not cause damage to environmental cleanliness)) GUMI - in fact, these are humates, natural substances, additionally enriched with microelements. Phytosporin is spores of living beneficial microorganisms (to put it briefly). Immunocytophyte is a slightly different breed, but is also considered safe.​

Varieties and hybrids of white cabbage

Cabbage must be planted at a certain time, but depending on the climate of the region: from the beginning of March to the first days of May.
  1. But besides this, the Danish variety boasts large heads of cabbage, which on average weigh from 1.5 to 2.5 kilograms. In general, the yield of this cabbage, which a bed of 1 m2 can bring, can reach 4.5 kilograms.​
  2. ​Well suited for growing outdoors.​
  3. ​Features​
  4. ​With high-quality pre-planting soil preparation for sowing or planting seedlings of white cabbage, it is necessary to adhere to the following fertilizer application schedule:​
  5. ​Average disease resistance.​
​"Gift"​​(lat. Brassica L.)​
​. It takes 140 days from planting seedlings to harvesting. A head of cabbage weighing 2-3 kg, dense, with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to a range of diseases. It is recommended for fermentation from the moment of harvesting until the end of the storage period. Thanks to its keeping quality (mid-late and late varieties), fresh vegetable products do not leave our table almost all year round. The choice of varieties and hybrids of white cabbage is huge: from early to late ripening; by weight of the head of cabbage from 600 g to 20 kg; according to the density of the head of cabbage: from loose to dense. In total, 342 varieties and hybrids of white cabbage have been zoned in Russia.​
​I bought cabbage seedlings this year, they said they were white cabbage, but it turned out to be quite the opposite! it grew a meter high and had some yellow flowers, but the head itself never appeared! Maybe someone knows why this happens? When 3-4 true leaves appear on the seedlings, it is transplanted into open ground.
​Advantages​​A fairly cold-resistant variety that can easily tolerate frosts down to -2-5ºС. In this regard, it is even possible early boarding seedlings in open ground.​
​Signs of defeat​​14 days after planting, it is necessary to add urea, superphosphates and potassium salt to the soil in a ratio of 1:2:1.5;​