The mad cucumber is a disease fighter. Is it worth growing a “mad cucumber” on the plot?

A plant like the crazy cucumber, which is a member of the gourd family, is actually neither. They began to call it a cucumber due to some similarity of the above-ground part with its edible namesake. Although the fruit itself has nothing in common with a cucumber. And they began to call him mad because of the way the seeds spread. This plant unsuitable for food, however, beneficial properties mad cucumber allow it to be quite actively used as a remedy in the official and folk medicine.

Description of the plant

The common mad cucumber is the only plant of its kind: there are no other similar species. The wild cucumber stem is a vine that quickly creeps and spreads across the soil or climbs up a support. The length of the vine can reach 1.5 m. Unlike the cucumber, this plant does not have tendrils with which the vine could cling to a support.

The leaves of the plant are similar to the leaves of the well-known edible cucumber - rough, heart-shaped-ovate, grayish-felt underneath. Flowers are unisexual and monoecious, yellow color shaped like a corolla. Blooms from July to late September. Since the flowers have absolutely no smell, they do not attract the attention of insects and are not considered honey plants.

The fruit is a juicy pumpkin, which in its appearance vaguely resembles an edible cucumber. The oblong, ovoid fruits, covered with dense bristles, reach a length of no more than 6 cm. Immediately after ripening, the fruits of this plant are soft and juicy, the seeds are similar to very small sunflower seeds. Later they lengthen and become dense. The cucumber root is taproot, fleshy, whitish in color.

The common mad cucumber is found today in the Caucasus, Crimea and southern Russia. You can often observe the plant on garbage heaps, near construction sites, in landfills, near hedges and next to roads.

Why is he “mad”?

In order to exist “unhindered” and successfully, each plant “developed” an individual method of distribution in nature. Some move with the help of animals, to which they easily attach with their spines, others reproduce and “move” with the help of the wind, and still others use the help of birds, which are attracted to bright and juicy berries.

One of original ways The mad cucumber has the ability to distribute seeds, which shoots them over a long distance (at least 6 m), which is how it got its name. The fruits of the plant begin to ripen in early August: they turn yellow, the peduncle dries out, and the pulp becomes mucus. It is at this moment that pressure arises inside the fruit, so if you accidentally touch any part of the cucumber, it falls off and shoots out ripe seeds with mucus. If the fruits are not touched, after ripening they will independently fall away from the shriveled stalk and go out through the hole formed from the stalk, far from the shriveled bush.

Beneficial features

Since the mad cucumber is a poisonous vine, its fruits and other parts should not be ingested. Important: medicinal properties explain that this plant was used 1000 years ago. The fruits, roots and stems of cucumber are endowed with many alkaloids, micro- and macroelements, vitamin C and carotenoids.

To prepare medicines, it is worth using the roots and aerial parts. Important: during flowering, you can harvest the above-ground part, which is famous for its beneficial properties for the body.
Harvesting roots begins in the fall. First you need to dig them up and shake them off the ground, then rinse them thoroughly in a running water cold water and dry in the sun or in a warm room. After this, the roots need to be dried in a dryer or kitchen oven. Store the prepared raw materials for 1 year, always in a sealed container, otherwise it will lose all its medicinal properties.

Preparations made from crazy cucumber have strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, antitumor and antimalarial effects.

What does it treat?

Today, the use of cucumber preparations for medicinal purposes has become very popular. After all, this plant copes well with diseases such as:

  • trophic ulcer;
  • uterine tumors;
  • dropsy;
  • jaundice;
  • skin damage by infection and fungus;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, liver and kidneys;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses;
  • sinusitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • neuralgia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • dropsy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • swelling;
  • sciatica;
  • diarrhea;
  • diphtheria;
  • gout;
  • amenorrhea.

The use of mad cucumber for medicinal purposes depends on the type of disease and the severity of the disease. Preparations from this plant can be used both internally and externally. But you should not self-medicate, therefore, before using any prescription on yourself or your family, you first need to coordinate your actions with your doctor and find out all the contraindications. Exact adherence to dosage medicinal product will help avoid poisoning of the body and possible negative consequences.


Since this is a very poisonous plant, it requires careful handling. When preparing and working with raw materials, you must observe the rules of personal hygiene, and be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap to prevent toxic substances from entering the body, through the mouth or mucous membranes.

The main contraindications to the use of mad cucumber are diseases such as pancreatitis, diseases of the stomach and intestines, a tendency to diarrhea, a weak cardiovascular system, and pregnancy.

Common cucumber is a perennial or annual Mediterranean plant belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. His distinctive feature What arouses the interest of many is the ability, when fruits ripen under pressure, to throw them over fairly long distances. In nature, the plant is found in Asia Minor and Central Asia, in the European zone of Russia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the Mediterranean countries, along the Black Sea coast, in the Azores. Crazy cucumber is used in folk medicine because it has medicinal properties. Some people grow it for decorative purposes to decorate arches, gazebos, and fences in their summer cottages.

Botanical description

The mad cucumber is pretty unpretentious plant. It can grow on pebbly seashores, dry clay slopes, wastelands, roadsides, deserts and steppes, on sand, and in the area of ​​garbage dumps. Reproduction is carried out using seeds, the germination technique of which is similar to the germination of zucchini or pumpkin seeds. Before planting, they are soaked and then planted in greenhouses, greenhouses or flower pots in the apartment.

The root system is taproot type. The root is fleshy, slightly branched, thickened, whitish in color inside.

The stems are thick, climbing, creeping along the soil or ascending. The outside is slightly rough, covered with stiff hairs, and does not have antennae. The length of the stem can reach one meter or more.

The leaf arrangement is alternate, the leaves are on long (5–15 cm) fleshy petioles. The shape of the leaf blade is heart-ovate or slightly lobed. Its length is 5–10 cm, and its width is 4–8 cm. The edges are jagged. The leaves are colored on top green color, below - grayish-tomentose, rough, wrinkled, densely pubescent with short hairs.

The mad cucumber blooms in July and lasts until September. The plant is monoecious, the flowers are dioecious. Flowers large size emerge from the axils of the leaves and are colored yellowish-green. The corolla is bell-shaped, five-lobed, the petals are fused. Female flowers solitary, located on long peduncles, males collected in axillary racemes on long peduncles in the axils of the upper leaves.

Fruit ripening occurs between August and October. The fruit is a bluish-green oblong pumpkin 4–6 cm long, covered on the outside with prickly bristles, and juicy on the inside. Its length is 4 – 8 cm. appearance a bit like a regular small thick cucumber.

At the moment the fruits ripen, even the lightest touch or a breath of wind causes the pumpkin to abruptly tear off from the stalk and the seeds with mucus are thrown out through the resulting hole under pressure. The seeds are dark brown in color, smooth surface, elongated, compressed in shape, about 4 mm long.

Interesting: The pressure inside a ripe fruit is about 3 - 6 atmospheres, so seeds can fly out of it at a speed of 10 m/s over distances of up to 10 - 12 meters.

Chemical composition

The fruits and herbs of the mad cucumber plant contain biologically active substances. However, its composition has not yet been fully studied. In the above-ground part of the plant the following were found:

  • elatherins (α- and ᄂ - elatherin, elatericins A and B);
  • alkaloids;
  • steroids;
  • triterpenoids (curbitacins);
  • proteins;
  • carotenoids;
  • organic and higher fatty acids;
  • allantoin;
  • vitamins C and B1.

Medicinal properties

Products prepared from the aerial part of the mad cucumber have a pronounced laxative, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antitumor and diuretic effect. They are actively used in folk medicine to treat the following diseases:

  • dropsy, swelling;
  • inflammatory liver diseases;
  • gout;
  • hepatitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica;
  • intestinal colic;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • malignant neoplasms of the uterus;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • intermittent fever.
Externally, products from the plant are used to treat the skin for fungal infections, trophic ulcers, and abscesses. They also help with hemorrhoids, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and sinusitis.

Procurement of raw materials

Grass (stems and leaves), unripe fruits and roots of mad cucumber are used as medicinal raw materials.

To harvest the above-ground part, the stems are cut, divided into pieces, washed and dried in the shade in dry, sunny weather. The readiness of the raw material is determined as follows: when bent, the stems should not bend, but break easily.

The roots are collected in the fall. First, they are dug up, shaken off the ground, washed with water from a cold tap, dried outside in the sun or indoors with good natural ventilation and then dried in a dryer.

The fruits are usually used in fresh for obtaining juice or infusions. The fruits are dried, cut into two parts, just like the roots, after drying them in the sun.

Finished medicinal raw materials obtained from mad cucumber can be stored in a closed glass containers and use within 1 year.

Methods of application

In folk medicine from various parts plants prepare infusions, decoctions, powder, juice.

Decoction for the treatment of skin diseases

Pour 1 tbsp into an enamel pan. l. dried herbs, add 1 liter of boiling water, place on water bath and stand for 20 minutes. Then, while still hot, filter and bring the volume of the solution to the original volume with boiled water.

For long-term non-healing trophic ulcers, prepare a cake from 1 tbsp. l. the resulting decoction and 1 tsp. flour, apply it to the ulcer and secure it with a bandage. If the skin is affected by a fungal infection, the inflamed areas are rubbed with a decoction.

Remedy for the treatment of sinusitis

From freshly picked not ripe fruits you can't squeeze a crazy cucumber a large number of juice Take 2 drops of juice and add 8 drops of cool water to them. boiled water. The resulting composition is instilled into the nose once a day in an amount of 3–4 drops into each nasal passage. The next instillation can be carried out only after three days. If there is no effect after the second instillation, treatment is stopped.

Warning: When obtaining fresh juice from fruits, be sure to wear gloves on your hands, as it has a strong irritating effect on the skin and can cause burns, ulcers and blisters.

Remedy for treating hemorrhoids

A mixture of 100 ml is kept on low heat for a quarter of an hour. vegetable oil and 6 - 7 g of chopped fresh or dried unripe fruits. After time, the mixture is allowed to cool and filtered. The resulting oil is used to lubricate inflamed hemorrhoids.

Infusion for swelling and worms

Chopped dry wild cucumber herb in the amount of 1 tsp. pour 200 g of boiling water. The container in which the infusion is located is wrapped and infused for 45 minutes, then filtered. Take 20 minutes before meals, 5 ml three times a day for edema of various origins, worms and as a laxative.

Tincture for neuralgia, sciatica and rheumatism

In a dark glass container, mix fresh or dried mad cucumber fruits and 70% alcohol or moonshine in a ratio of 1 to 20. The container is left for two weeks, after which it is filtered. The tincture is used externally for rubbing sore spots for rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia.


When treating with mad cucumber, you need to be especially careful and carefully monitor your well-being, since the plant is very poisonous. A consultation with your doctor is required first.

Treatment with this plant is contraindicated for people suffering from pancreatitis, stomach and heart diseases, those with a tendency to loose stools, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

The chemical compounds contained in the fruits and seeds of the mad cucumber can cause acute intoxication organism and death. Their ingestion is strictly prohibited. It has been established that just 0.5 g of fresh fruit juice taken orally can result in fatal poisoning for a person.

An interesting plant is the crazy cucumber - Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich, a representative of the Pumpkin family (Cucurbitae). A pressure of up to 8 atmospheres is created inside its ripened fruits; when overripe, they tear off the stalk and “shoot” seeds with incredible force, scattering them over a distance of several meters. Ripe fruits behave in the same way when they are touched by humans or animals, covering them with sticky mucus and seeds. Crazy cucumber is poisonous, but has long been used to prepare medicines for the treatment of edema and liver diseases. The mad cucumber is not recognized by official medicine, so all recipes are folk.

Biological description

Annual monoecious herbaceous plant with a creeping stem reaching a length of 70-150 cm. The stem is covered with rough hairs. The root is taproot, fleshy.
The leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, crenate-toothed, up to 20 cm long, tomentose below, wrinkled, grayish-green in color.

The crazy cucumber has regular pale yellow flowers: the staminates are collected in lateral racemes of few flowers; pistillate - solitary, located in the axils of the leaves on long stalks.
The berry-like oblong fruit, 5 to 10 cm long, is covered with stiff bristles. The mucus filling the fruit ferments when it ripens and creates pressure, which allows the cucumber to scatter its seeds using a strong stream of liquid. The plant blooms from July to September, the fruits ripen by October. Crazy cucumber grows in littered areas, mainly in the coastal area.

Collection and preparation

Unripe fruits are collected for medicinal purposes. fruit plants. They are used fresh, processed into juice, or dried at a temperature of 45 degrees. Dry fruits are stored separately from other raw materials due to their toxicity.

Sometimes used for preparation roots and grass of plants.

Dried raw materials are stored in a closed container for one year.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition The plant has not been fully studied; it is known that the fruits contain organic acids, proteins, alkaloids and vitamins. Active ingredients– elaterin and elatericin – have the main medicinal effect.

Beneficial features

Crazy cucumber has the following effect on the body:

  • Diuretic.
  • Laxative.
  • Antihelminthic.
  • Antitumor.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
  • Local annoying.
  • Application

In folk medicine, medicines made from mad cucumber are used:

  • Tincture alcoholic fruit - it is used as a rub for rheumatism and neuralgia. The effectiveness of use for sciatica - inflammation of the sciatic nerve - has been proven.
  • Fresh juice fruits, leaves and roots - for the treatment of hemorrhoids, headaches, sinusitis; as a diuretic for edema of unknown origin. The juice is also used for constipation and to expel worms. Externally it is used to treat vitiligo, lichen and tumors.
  • Decoction fruits and roots - used in the complex treatment of malignant neoplasms. The decoction is applied externally in the form of compresses for gout and non-healing wounds.
  • Powder dried fruits - as a powder for skin diseases.

The fruit extract was successfully used in 1972 by the Bulgarian herbalist Stoyanov for the treatment of viral hepatitis (jaundice).

Harm and contraindications

The plant is poisonous and requires strict adherence to dosage. Ingestion 0.6 g. fresh juice can lead to fatal poisoning. When used externally, it is possible allergic manifestations in the form of skin irritation and the appearance of bubbles, so fresh juice must be diluted with water.
The use of mad cucumber is contraindicated for people suffering from serious diseases of the heart, stomach and intestines; pregnant women and children. In pediatric practice, the use of homeopathic preparations of mad cucumber is allowed.

Photo of a crazy cucumber


The plant is unpretentious, rarely affected by diseases and pests, so it is easy to grow personal plot. For propagation, seeds are used, sowing them in the same way as zucchini or pumpkin seeds.

You can grow seedlings that are planted in open ground after the threat of frost has passed. Plants are placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other; It’s good if there is a fence, poles or other base nearby that allows the cucumbers to weave.

The number of fruits will increase provided good watering and lighting, it is recommended to fertilize young plants.

Syn.: Echinocystis lobed or Echinocystis spinosum.

A wild plant whose fruits explode when ripe. Used in folk medicine as a diuretic and laxative.
The plant is poisonous!

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Flower formula

Crazy cucumber flower formula: ♂* H (5) L (5) T (2+2)+1 P 0; ♀* H (5) L 5 T P (3)

In medicine

In traditional medicine, mad cucumber is not used. The plant is poisonous and has many contraindications, but despite its toxicity, it is actively used in folk medicine. It is used to treat: malaria, hepatitis, liver and kidney diseases, edema and dropsy, hemorrhoids, gout and rheumatism, pain and spasms in the intestines, diarrhea and amenorrhea. In small doses, cucumber helps with sinusitis, skin abscesses, open ulcers on the skin and fungal diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

Crazy cucumber is a poisonous plant that is not recommended for use without consulting a specialist. The juice and pulp of the plant can cause vomiting and nausea, bloody diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and drowsiness. If the juice gets on the skin, burns and ulcers occur.

Treatment with mad cucumber is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under the age of 18, even in small doses. It is not recommended to use crazy cucumber for any problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You can neutralize the negative effects of mad cucumber with the help of other herbs, for example, parsley, anise, sabur. But pick up required proportions should be a herbalist with extensive experience. Traditional medicine can only be taken under the supervision of a physician.


Crazy cucumber (Ecballium elaterium) annual plant, which belongs to the order Cucurbitaceae, family Cucurbitaceae. Belongs to the genus Crazy cucumber (Ecballium), species - Crazy cucumber. There are no other representatives of this species in nature.

The peculiarity of the plant is that it throws seeds up to 20 meters when ripe. Popular names include: thorny carp, Echinocystis lobed or Echinocystis spinosum, Indian pomegranate.

Botanical description

Crazy cucumber is an annual herbaceous plant up to 50 cm high. The stem, lying on the ground, creeping, is covered with small fibers. The leaves are arranged alternately on long petioles and are heart-shaped with teeth along the edge and up to 20 centimeters in size. The edge of the leaf is green, and the base is covered with white hairs; it looks grayish in appearance.

The flowers of the plant are compound-petalled, unisexual with a slightly yellowish tint. The corolla is yellow, funnel-shaped or bell-shaped, five-parted, up to 2 cm long. Female flowers emerge from the axil one at a time. Occasionally the plant may be dioecious. Male flowers with three stamens are collected in beautiful brushes, which are located on long peduncles. Crazy cucumber flower formula: ♂* H(5) L(5) T(2+2)+1 P0; ♀* H(5) L5 T R(3).

The root of the mad cucumber is taproot, thickened, white, weakly branched and fleshy. The fruit of the plant is yellowish-green and looks like a fleshy cucumber with spines all over its surface. When ripe, the fruit is separated from its stalk with a push and pushes seeds with mucus through the hole formed at the base to a distance of more than ten meters. This occurs due to the creation of very strong pressure inside; internal mucus accumulates during growth and begins to ferment, which creates an accumulation of gas. The fruit is up to 8 cm long and 2.5-5 cm wide. The seeds have an elongated shape, they are compressed, small, smooth and narrowly bordered, reaching 4 mm in length. The crazy cucumber blooms in July-September, and the fruits ripen in August-September. Distributed over large areas, it is a weed that is difficult to remove.


Crazy cucumber is found in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean, grows in the southern territories of Russia: in the Caucasus, Crimea, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories. Prefers sandy soils with a minimum amount of moisture. Grows on roadsides, on dry slopes, along ravines.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The stems of the plant are harvested in the spring at the time of flowering of the plant. They are cut and divided into small parts. The pieces are laid out on paper or cloth under a canopy and dried away from direct contact. sun rays. It takes 6-8 days to prepare the raw materials; the stems should become brittle and brittle. Then the stems should be stored in a sealed glass container. Shelf life: no more than 12 months.

The roots of the mad cucumber are dug up in the fall. They are taken out of the ground and washed in running water. Then they are dried in a dryer or oven. To prepare the ideal product, a temperature of 50-60 degrees is required. In 2 days the raw material reaches its optimal condition. Storage is possible in glass or in a canvas bag.

Unripe fruits are stored dried. Harvesting takes place in June. Cucumbers are picked from the plant and left to dry in the sun for 2-3 days. Then they are transferred under a canopy for another 5 days until completely dry. Shelf life 1 year.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of mad cucumber has not been fully studied. But the stems and roots contain carotenoids, triterpenoids, alkaloids, as well as steroids, vitamin C, B1, organic acids, fatty acids and nitrogen-containing compounds.

The fruit contains elasericin A and B, vitamins C, A, group B, elatericin, as well as various alkaloids.

Pharmacological properties

The common mad cucumber is poisonous plant, but at the same time has a laxative and diuretic effect. In small proportions it helps fight dropsy and swelling. Has anthelmintic properties.

The juice of the stem and leaves of the plant is an antibacterial agent and can be used externally in small quantities. It also has antitumor components, but this property has not been fully studied in traditional medicine.

Use in folk medicine

This plant was very popular among ancient physicians and is still used today. traditional healers. The juice is extracted from a dried plant, dried and used to treat migraines, to improve kidney function, and to combat.

Crushed stems and fruits of mad cucumber help with lichen, psoriasis, and diathesis. The mixture is diluted in water and applied to the affected area. But it is important to use together with other herbs to reduce the possibility of skin ulcers.

Oil infused with dried cucumber helps remove worms and also helps treat otitis media and other ear diseases. And the infusion mixed with milk helps cure a runny nose and reduces inflammation of the nasopharynx in a matter of time.

Enemas are made from a decoction of mad cucumber. The correct proportion of mad cucumber infusion, water and vinegar helps with gout and relieves pain.

Hemorrhoids are treated with a mixture sesame oil and dried mad cucumber. The mixture is heated and then applied externally.

The diuretic effect of this plant is also known. For dropsy and swelling, you can use mad cucumber tincture.

In Chinese folk medicine, decoctions of the roots and fruits of the plant are used to treat malignant tumors. The plant is being actively studied in eastern countries. Experiments are being conducted to treat people with HIV, and experiments are also being conducted to test the possibility of using mad cucumber as an antitumor agent.

Historical reference

The name “mad cucumber” was not given to the plant by chance. A high pressure of up to 6 atmospheres is formed inside the fruit. With any touch, the cucumber breaks away from the stalk and “shoots” seeds. From a small hole, mucus shoots out at very high speed, which stains everything around. As soon as an animal accidentally touches a ripe plant, in a split second it is doused with the contents of the fruit. Gradually the mucus dries out and the seeds fall to the ground. This special method of reproduction gave rise to this name.

Today medicine almost does not study the mad cucumber, but in ancient times it was given special meaning. It was first mentioned by Avicenna in his writings, where he described how to make cucumber juice by hanging it in a damp cloth. It was used to treat jaundice and gout.


    Atlas medicinal plants USSR / Ch. ed. N.V. Tsitsin. - M.: Medgiz, 1962. - 702 p.

    Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants. - M.: Martin, 2004 - 496 p.

    Medicinal plants: encyclopedia / author. - comp.: I.N. Putyrsky, V.N. Prokhorov - Minsk: Book House, 2005 - 655 p.

    Plants for us. Reference manual / Ed. G.P. Yakovleva, K.F. Blinova. – Publishing house “Educational Book”, 1996. – 654 p.

Crazy cucumber, wild cucumber, thorny cucumber, hedgehog bladder - this is the name of echinocystis, common among lovers of climbing plants.

The beauty of the plant attracted travelers North America European scientists. Leaving the mainland, the researchers took the vine with them. Behind a short time This rare specimen has gained great popularity.

Many people, seeing echinocystis growing by itself on the streets, in parks, vacant lots, near roads, mistake it for a weed. Fans of the crazy cucumber will never agree with this statement: in order to grow a vine on your site, create hedge or decorate garden gazebo, you need to put in effort and patience, despite the unpretentiousness of the plant.


Echinocystis is a herbaceous annual plant from the pumpkin family, the only representative of this species.

The vine reaches a height of 1.5 to 6 meters. The loach does not have antennae, but it clings perfectly to the support and entwines it with incredible speed. In 3-4 weeks he is able to cover an area of ​​up to 6 square meters.

A plant with abundant green mass and a cloud of soft creamy inflorescences looks light and airy. The root of the plant is large, fleshy, rod-shaped.

The leaves of the vine are carved, triangular in shape, and outwardly resemble the leaves of an ordinary cucumber. The upper part of the leaves is smooth and green. The lower one, grayish-green in color, resembles the rough surface of felt or felt when touched.

The flowers of the plant are small, white, cream or milky yellow. Have correct form, collected in separate inflorescences. Liana is a monoecious plant. At the same time there are male, more small flowers and female paired inflorescences. When examined, the inflorescences resemble small fluffy panicles that smell very pleasant.

Imagine Walnut about 6 cm in size in a green peel, but with thorns, or a miniature horse chestnut fruit. This is what a ripe crazy cucumber looks like.

The young fruits of the plant look like small cucumbers, covered with a layer of soft bristles. Gradually, they change their shape and color, from oval green ones to more round ones with faint grayish stripes and hard spines.

During rains, fruits actively absorb moisture. A jelly-like substance forms inside the seed pod, which contains the seeds. By the time of ripening, the seminal fluid begins to ferment, the gas released creates high pressure - about 9 atmospheres.

The slightest touch to the fruit, and the cucumber, breaking away from the stalk, rushes away from the bush at breakneck speed. The outer shell flies off, spewing out a fountain of seeds. For this unusual ability to reproduce in nature, Echinocystis was nicknamed the mad cucumber.

Liana seeds ripen in different time. The largest number ripen in September. If you disturb the escapes at this time, you can come under real “shelling”. The flight of fruits occurs at such a speed that if you do not have time to take cover, you can get good bruises and bumps.

Experienced gardeners Those who have prickly carp in their areas are advised to collect the seeds of the plant while wearing safety glasses.

Where does it grow?

In the wild, thorny carp grows in Eastern Europe, Asia Minor. Found in Crimea and the Caucasus. The plant is widespread in the Central and Central Black Earth zones of Russia. The liana spreads quickly by self-seeding. The plant scatters its seeds over very long distances.

IN wildlife The loach thrives on any soil: sandy, rocky, clayey, swampy.

When growing this crop on your site, you should not create Spartan conditions for the plant. Typically non-acidic soil is suitable for this. If you add organic fertilizer to the soil for planting, Echinocystis will retain its decorative properties throughout the entire season: from July to the end of September.

The plant grows well in both sunny and shaded areas. Loves moderate watering. Tolerant of temperature changes, but does not tolerate drafts.

Growing and care

If you decide to create a shady gazebo, decorative arch or a hedge in order to hide from the prying eyes of neighbors - the mad cucumber is very suitable option. Get some seeds and get started.

Decide on where to plant the plant. If you plant prickly carp near a fence, house wall or gazebo, you will not need to create additional supports for it. The plant will independently develop the territory offered to it.

When creating decorative landscape compositions from vines, you can buy ready-made devices or make your own. For vertical gardening arches, trellises, and pergolas consisting of wooden lattice walls are used.

Install load-bearing structure and strengthen it so that it reliably supports the green massif and does not collapse.

The crop can be planted using seedlings or sowing seeds directly into the ground in spring or autumn.

Sowing seedlings can be done in April.

  • Rub each seed sandpaper.
  • Wrap in damp gauze and leave for a day.
  • Place in damp sawdust at a distance of 15 cm from each other or plant in a box, planting each seed in a separate peat tablet.
  • Leave the container with the seeds in a warm place, but not in the hot sun.
  • Grown plants are planted on permanent place at a distance of 35 -50 cm from each other. Before planting, moisten the soil and apply organic fertilizer.
  • It is better to plant after they have finished flowering. fruit trees: apple trees, pears.

Sowing in open ground is carried out in sun-warmed soil, taking into account the time of fruit ripening in late August - early September. The seeds are also pre-treated with sandpaper, soaked and planted in the soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

Sowing before winter is carried out in October - November, when the air temperature is not higher than 5°C. Only dry seeds are used.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • sow seeds in furrows;
  • cover with a fertile layer of soil at least 20 cm thick;
  • moisturize well;
  • mulch with a thick layer of sawdust and spruce wood.

The culture does not require careful observation and care. There is no need to trim or pinch the branches. Removing weeds near the plant is only necessary to maintain a well-groomed appearance of the area.

It is enough to water the plant as needed, without allowing the root system to dry out. For each mature plant you need to pour in more than three liters of water. Feed organic fertilizers Once every two weeks is enough.

To prevent the plant from taking over the entire area of ​​the site, pick off unripe fruits from the plant in advance. Leave only a small part of the cucumbers for ripening, the seeds of which you will use next year.

When collecting ripe fruits, use a transparent plastic bag. Place a bag on the branches with fruits and shake it sharply. When the cucumber shell breaks, the seeds will purposefully fall into the bag and not past it. This will prevent the plant from self-seeding and becoming a weed that grows everywhere.

How is it used?

The main purpose of the prickly carp is to decorate garden and summer cottages. Plants look great in parks and squares, landscape design which are made in a natural style.

In folk medicine, crazy cucumber has been used since the time of its penetration into European territory.

Contains many useful substances:

  • vitamins C, B;
  • amino acids;
  • allantoin;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds;
  • fatty and organic acids.

To make decoctions, tinctures, and ointments, the aboveground part of the plant is used: stem, leaves, fruits. Drink freshly squeezed juice.

Used as a treatment for many diseases:

  • helminthiasis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal colic;
  • dermatitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • neuralgia;
  • malignant tumors of the uterus;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • swelling;
  • hepatitis A;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • bladder inflammation;
  • sinusitis.

Treatment is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women with pancreatitis.

Knowing how many ailments and diseases the mad cucumber cures, one could consider this plant a panacea.

Scientific medicine does not recognize folk remedies made from thorny carp and considers it poisonous. It contains steroids and alkaloids that are dangerous to human health.

The properties of the culture have not been fully studied. However, foreign scientists are betting on some unique properties plants discovered in ancient times by Chinese healers. A scientist and phytotherapist from Bulgaria, Stoyanov, conducted a series of successful experiences in 1972 for the treatment of viral hepatitis B using echinocystis. Perhaps the plant will take its place among the recognized medicines. It is surprising that Echinocystis itself never gets sick or is affected by pests.

Those who already have growing experience unusual plant,give several recommendations regarding it.

  • The crazy cucumber is suitable for those who want to quickly and beautifully decorate their dacha or estate by creating a living wall.
  • The plant will wonderfully decorate a fence or gazebo.
  • A screen of greenery will perfectly decorate and hide areas that should not be on public display.
  • If you like change and want to part with the crazy cucumber, you can simply cut down the stems of the plant and collect the ripening fruits in time.
  • Planting a fragrant vine to attract bees is a must for those who have an apiary.
  • Don't risk eating crazy cucumbers without knowing the consequences. You will live well without this exotic dish.
  • Do not give fruits to children, do not allow them to play with them without adult supervision.
  • Having decided to try folk recipes treatment, consult your doctor.
  • Remember that the main purpose of echinocystis is to delight with its flowering. Plant a liana on your site, and your garden will be cozy and beautiful.

For more information about the crazy cucumber, watch the following video.