Stomach hurts 12 weeks 4 days pregnant. Stomach pain during pregnancy, similar to menstruation

This is the last week of the first trimester, corresponding to the 14th obstetric week. It contains a lot of new things. During this period, the mother's toxicosis stops, the fetus begins to make its first still imperceptible movements, and the risk of miscarriage decreases every day. Let's take a closer look at what changes occur during this period in the body of a pregnant woman and her child.

The first months of pregnancy are a difficult time. In the morning, women suffer from nausea, loss of appetite and most experience painful toxicosis. Week 12 is the beginning of the “golden period of pregnancy.” Mommy’s morning sickness and other ailments begin to subside, her health gradually improves, and her drowsiness goes away. The tummy is not particularly noticeable yet, but is already beginning to actively grow.

The psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman is also normalized. We can say that the twelfth week is a return to normal life. There is no longer any fear of losing the child and nutrition is improving. It is this time that is remembered as the best during the entire period of waiting for the child. The baby already looks like a child too: he’s not quite proportional yet, but there’s still plenty of time ahead.


Continues to grow upward, filling the entire hip area and moving into the abdominal area. Lying down you can already feel it above the pubis. The length of the organ is approximately 12 cm; its width has increased by almost 10 cm. So far, its growth is being stimulated by and. In the future, its walls will become thinner as the child grows. This week the uterus is usually in a slight tone, but this is a normal state if it is not accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms.


The breasts fill out and increase in size, while still remaining very sensitive. However, the pain may stop during this period. The first discharge resembling colostrum may appear.


It becomes rounded, but can still be hidden under loose clothing. If a woman already has children, then the belly will grow faster. At this time, the first stretch marks begin to appear. To prevent their number from increasing like an avalanche in the future, you can start using special creams for stretch marks. In almost all pregnant women, during this period the skin in the middle of the abdomen begins to darken and a brownish stripe appears - a symptom of hyperpigmentation.


Discharge in the twelfth week should remain the same. Transparent, yellowish, white discharge with a sour odor, not accompanied by itching, is explained by the activation of epithelial cell renewal. It is still necessary to observe their number, color, and evaluate the smell. They should not be accompanied by nagging pain or other unpleasant sensations.

You should consult a doctor if the discharge becomes profuse, watery or contains a large amount of blood. Heavy discharge may be due to thrush or chlamydia. They will have to be treated, otherwise the infection can harm the fetus. If a woman has erosion, bloody marks may appear after sexual intercourse.

What about the fruit?

Around this time, gynecologists began to call the embryo a fetus.

How is it developing?

All organs by this period have already been formed and are developing further. The development of the embryo is associated with the beginning of the 2nd wave of cytotrophoblast invasion, due to which the uteroplacental blood circulation increases. This leads to an intensive increase in the weight of the fetus and its main organs. The child begins to receive more oxygen and nutrients necessary for intensive growth. In addition to red blood cells, leukocytes begin to appear for the first time in the circulatory system, forming the prototype of the immune system.

The cartilage gradually calcifies and turns into bone. Calcification starts from the middle of the bone and will continue as it grows. The process will be completed only during puberty.

The fingers and toes have finally separated, nails are actively growing, the rudiments of future molars are forming, and signs of hair appear in the eyebrow area. The ribs are formed, and the skeletal system further develops.

The fetal pituitary gland begins to produce most hormones. The brain develops, which by this week begins to resemble the tiny brain of an adult. The simplest reactions have already developed: although the child does not open his eyes yet, he is already reacting to light; touching the wall, he pushes off from it.

The liver is already beginning to produce bile, peristaltic movements begin in the intestines for the first time, and the small intestine can already absorb sugar and glucose. In the kidneys of the embryo, the loop of Henle is activated, which is responsible for filtering urine. The baby drinks amniotic fluid and unnecessary substances are excreted in the urine; the necessary substances are absorbed in the tubules of the loop. The child begins to practice breathing, swallowing amniotic fluid - the chest rises.

The fetus begins active movements and exhibits facial expressions. The child begins to move, may squint, move his fingers, open and close his mouth, and make sucking movements. Mommy will be able to feel the baby’s movements for the first time only after another couple of months.

The genital organs are also differentiated. This week, the male embryo develops a vaginal process - a special protrusion of the peritoneum, which will take part in the process of lowering the testicle into the scrotum. With a successful combination of circumstances, you can already see the sex of the baby on an ultrasound.

What does it look like?

The child looks already fully formed, only slightly disproportionate - the head is much larger than the body. The figure can already be compared to that of an adult. The face has pronounced features and a neck has appeared. The ears are still in their infancy, the nostrils are set wide apart.

Fetal weight and height

During this period, the fetus reaches a size of approximately 9 cm. Weight can reach 19 g. From this period, the gynecologist will more closely monitor the mother’s weight and the dynamics of uterine growth - factors indicating the growth of the child.

Changes in the mother's body

In a woman, the volume of the anterior pituitary gland, the organ responsible for the production of prolactin, increases. This happens so that from the 12th week prolactin accumulates in the body, which is largely responsible for the growth of the mammary glands. In the future, the hormone will promote the onset of lactation.

Brownish spots of various shapes begin to appear on the face and neck - this is chloasma or hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Due to the increased level of estrogen, vascular changes begin to appear:

  • telangiectasia - dilation of small vessels;
  • stars;
  • swellings of a reddish hue with radiating rays (angioma).

They can suddenly appear on the face, neck, arms, and upper chest area. Stars on the palms are called palmar erythema. They will all disappear after childbirth.

Although the fetus begins to move at this time, the mother cannot yet feel them. Some pregnant women say that they feel fetal movements from twelve weeks - however, this is a purely psychological phenomenon.

Attitude to sex

Sex during this period begins to require some restrictions. For example, positions on the stomach are contraindicated for women. Even just lying on your stomach is no longer worth it from this period. However, if a pregnant woman wakes up face down at night, there is nothing particularly terrible about it.

There are no more restrictions on sex during this period if there are no pathological symptoms. You cannot have sex if placenta previa is diagnosed. If discomfort appears after intimacy, it is better to consult a gynecologist. Sex is not recommended for mothers with multiple pregnancies.


If during the first screening a decrease in the level is detected, this indicates a risk of Edwards syndrome or a pathology of the placenta. Elevated human chorionic gonadotropin may indicate a risk of developing Down syndrome. With twins, hCG may also be elevated. The normal level of hCG in the blood at 12 weeks is 13.4 ng/ml -128.5 ng/ml.


The norm at the twelfth week is from 38.19 nmol/l to 47.41 nmol/l. Low progesterone levels at this time may indicate:

  • problems with the placenta;
  • ongoing chronic inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • ectopic.

A high level may indicate:

  • developing hydatidiform mole;
  • presence of corpus luteum cysts;
  • adrenal gland disease;
  • multiple pregnancy.


The endometrium is the inner lining layer of the uterus to which the chorion is attached. The thickness of the endometrium plays a big role during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the thickness of the layer also changes and is about 2 cm. The thickness of the endometrium is measured by ultrasound. If the endometrium is thin, the doctor will prescribe medication to help it grow.

Ultrasound, photo of the baby

If a woman has just registered, then the first screening is immediately carried out, including an ultrasound examination. Diagnostic time in the first trimester is limited: from the 1st day to the 6th day.

At the first ultrasound screening:

  • calculate the length of the embryo, its CTE - coccygeal-parietal size;
  • assess the size of the head;
  • look at the symmetry of the brain hemispheres and the presence of structures required for this period;
  • measure the length of the femur, humerus, as well as the forearm and lower leg;
  • check the location of the stomach and heart;
  • measure the size of the heart and abdomen.

Normal ultrasound findings:

  • CTE - from 51 mm to 59 mm exactly at 12 weeks and from 62 mm to 73 mm - on the last day of the twelve week period;
  • thickness of the collar zone - from 1.6 mm to 2.5 mm;
  • nasal bone (an indicator important for diagnosing Down syndrome) - at least 3 mm;
  • Heart rate - from 150 to 174 beats per minute;
  • biparietal size - not less than 20 mm.

Based on the results of the 1st trimester ultrasound, they look for markers of chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus and analyze the period at which the baby’s development corresponds. 3D ultrasound can already show the sex of the fetus. If you had a 3D ultrasound, you can ask for a photo of your baby.

If the first screening ultrasound was done earlier, then at the 12th week it is repeated for pregnant women in whom pathology was identified during the first ultrasound examination. The thickness of the nuchal translucency is examined again to identify severe malformations or chromosomal abnormalities. In this case, the question of terminating the pregnancy may arise. In this case, ultrasound examination data must be confirmed by amniocentesis - a biochemical, immunological, genetic and hormonal study of amniotic fluid.


During this period, everything should be normal. A pregnant woman becomes less irritable, her state of toxicosis subsides, nausea disappears, the urge to urinate decreases, and her quality of life improves. It is necessary to constantly monitor pressure and temperature. The pressure should be slightly lower, and the temperature should not be higher than 37.5. Your weight may not change during this period, but even if it increases slightly - up to 3.6 kg - then this is normal.

For the first time, an expectant mother may experience the unpleasant phenomenon of heartburn - a burning sensation in the stomach. During pregnancy, the placenta produces large amounts of progesterone, which relaxes the muscular valve between the esophagus and stomach. When a woman lies down, gastric secretions begin to flow into the esophagus, causing irritation.

Chronic diseases not treated before pregnancy can worsen during this period. The load on the liver, kidneys and heart increases. The uterus puts pressure on the intestines and inhibits its peristalsis, which can cause constipation.

You can lead an almost ordinary life - all the main troubles are left behind. A pregnant woman just needs to monitor her diet and follow some recommendations:

  • avoid taking medications without consulting a gynecologist;
  • You should not take medicinal herbs without consulting a doctor - some can cause a miscarriage;
  • walk more in the air, lead a moderately active lifestyle;
  • monitor your weight and avoid overeating;
  • exclude fast food, soda, food rich in chemicals, spicy, salty, fatty foods from your diet. However, if you crave salty or spicy foods, you don’t need to torture yourself either - spicy foods, for example, reduce heartburn.

Scheduled doctor visits

If a pregnant woman has not yet registered, she should do so this week. If a woman is registered, then starting this week, she will have to go to the doctor once every 4 weeks. If you haven’t already, you need to undergo a gynecological examination and examination by a therapist. Consultation with a dentist, endocrinologist, or ENT specialist is also necessary.

Necessary studies and analyzes

If a pregnant woman is just registering, she needs to be tested for HIV, syphilis, blood group and Rh factor, and determine her sugar level.

In the near future you need to submit:

  • UAC and OAM;
  • blood for pregnancy hormones - free-B-hCG and PAPP.

A test for placental lactogen may show an increase to 1,550 ng/ml. The coagulogram will show an increase in fibrinogen levels. Analysis of AFP during this period will show its peak amount, which will remain at this level until the 16th week.

The doctor in the residential complex conducts an examination with a mirror on a chair and takes smears for cytology and flora. The presence of STDs is determined - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.


The diet does not need any changes or restrictions. The main thing is weight control. To prevent a decrease in hemoglobin levels, it is necessary to increase the amount of iron-containing foods in the diet - liver, veal, beef tongue, buckwheat, apples, pomegranates. To maintain the required amount of calcium, you should increase the amount of dairy products you eat. To reduce the amount of constipation, you should definitely eat soup.

You definitely need to give up heavy foods and fast food, reduce the amount of fatty, fried, flour, and smoked foods.


In the absence of contraindications, you can continue a moderately active lifestyle. During this period, many expectant mothers give up their usual sports activities - running, fitness and switch to yoga or fitness for pregnant women. Moderate activity is useful for maintaining tone and preparing for childbirth. In addition, trained mothers will be able to recover faster after childbirth.

What's prohibited?

The following should be completely excluded:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • coffee;
  • hard physical labor;
  • X-ray, fluorography and CT;
  • strength and injury-prone sports;
  • stressful situations and experiences.

Taking vitamins

If before this time the mother took folic acid, then the time has come for special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. You can take them on the recommendation of a doctor. Not all women are recommended to take vitamins.

  • who do not have the opportunity to eat fully;
  • those who previously suffered from iron deficiency anemia or B12 deficiency anemia, as well as similar conditions;
  • women whose pregnancy previously ended in miscarriage;
  • over 35 years old.

The most popular multivitamin complexes are vitamins Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal and Prenatal forte, Alphabet.


During this period, some problems may arise that need to be paid close attention to.

Stomach ache

Severe sharp pain in the abdomen can be caused by several pathologies: dilatation of the cervix, bladder infection, etc. If it occurs, you should immediately seek advice from your treating gynecologist.

Abdominal pain close to the sides and moving into the lumbar may indicate stretching of the muscles on which the load increases. These are harmless painful sensations.

Lower back pain

If your lower back hurts, but there are no other symptoms, it is better to change your lifestyle: rest more often, work on your feet less, choose more comfortable shoes. If the work involves standing on your feet for a long time, it is better to take a vacation at your own expense. This is usually how the increased load on the back muscles manifests itself.


Bleeding at any stage requires consultation with a doctor, because it can be a sign of very dangerous complications: miscarriage, ectopic, etc. Bleeding accompanied by cramping or nagging pain in the lower abdomen is especially dangerous.


A temperature of up to 37.5 is considered normal if it is not accompanied by an increase in ESR and leukocyte levels, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. At higher temperatures, you should consult a doctor. You should stop taking most antipyretics at week 12; only paracetamol is harmless to the fetus and the woman. Rubbing with water and vinegar will help reduce the heat.


Toxicosis already passes at this stage. For some, it ends abruptly in one day, for others, every day the unpleasant sensations appear less and less. However, for some it may continue.

If toxicosis does not subside, this may indicate:

  • about the individual characteristics of the body;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • incorrect deadline;
  • presence of the body's reaction to medications taken;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.


Nausea can be a phenomenon accompanying early toxicosis and should stop at most by 14-16 weeks. If it is accompanied by diarrhea, this may be a sign of an intestinal infection; in this case, consulting a doctor should be urgent. Systemic digestive disorders can be the result of a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen. Taking progesterone and other medications can lead to such consequences. Also, nausea at this stage is sometimes a sign of a deficiency of microelements - for example, magnesium.


Any illnesses will no longer have such serious consequences as during the previous period. Colds are best treated with bed rest and folk remedies, avoiding antibiotics. Under no circumstances should a pregnant woman carry the disease on her feet: it can lead to placental insufficiency and cause fetal hypoxia.

You can treat yourself with plenty of warm drinks - rosehip decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks. Honey in small quantities will be useful. A traditional remedy for colds is warm milk with Borjomi. A mixture with marshmallow, Doctor MOM lozenges, Gedelix will help with cough. Do everything only according to the doctor’s recommendations!


All the baby’s organs have already formed; the woman can take antibiotics if indicated. A doctor can prescribe antibiotic therapy in the presence of intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract, pneumonia, etc. The doctor must prescribe an antibiotic and dosage, taking into account the disease. The course is to drink it completely so that pathological microorganisms do not become resistant to antibiotics.


Alcohol should be completely avoided throughout pregnancy. No one can say what dose of alcohol in a particular mother will have a detrimental effect on the fetus. For example, scientists have found that a pregnant woman's daily intake of 30 grams. alcohol is associated with the risk of developing fetal alcohol syndrome in the baby. However, fetal alcohol syndrome is also observed in children whose mothers consumed 3-5 grams. alcohol

The danger of alcohol for a baby depends on the characteristics of the body, its reaction to alcohol, condition, the nature of the diet, the genotype of the fetus, etc. Of course, nothing will happen from one glass of dry wine during the entire pregnancy, but you definitely shouldn’t be zealous in this matter.


A high risk of miscarriage can be observed from the 1st to the 12th week of pregnancy. Starting this week, the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome decreases.

If a miscarriage does occur, the woman should be alert to the following symptoms:

  • bleeding;
  • severe nagging pain and spasms in the lower abdomen or pulling sensations in the lower back.

Possible dangers and complications

Some women may experience uterine hypertonicity, which may be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of hardness of the uterus, its stone state;
  • heaviness and tension in the lower abdomen;
  • cramping pain in the lumbar or pubic area.

This condition can be provoked by excessive physical activity, stress, or sexual intercourse. This condition is confirmed by ultrasound. Antispasmodics, hormonal medications, and magnesium-containing medications will help you cope. Complications of hypertonicity include the possibility of miscarriage at any stage, fetal hypoxia and placental abruption.

Another danger that can await a woman at this stage is the detection of a frozen pregnancy. Fetal death can occur both in and out, but it will be revealed later. This most often occurs before the age of 13 weeks. A frozen pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound.

There are some symptoms that suggest this pathology:

  • bloody issues;
  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • abrupt cessation of toxicosis;
  • basal temperature decreases;
  • hCG decreases.

If a woman ignores these signs and does not consult a doctor, then intoxication begins: nausea, vomiting, fever up to 39 degrees, weakness and pallor.

12 weeks is the deadline at which an ectopic pregnancy can be detected. As a rule, a rupture of the fallopian tube has already occurred. The woman feels a sharp pain in the abdomen, lightheadedness, and may lose consciousness. Dizziness begins, decreasing slightly while lying down. If such symptoms appear, you must urgently call an ambulance. The doctor will detect symptoms of internal bleeding: decreased blood pressure, pallor. If you are late in calling an ambulance, the woman may be at risk of death.

Placental abruption is a pathology that can also lead to miscarriage. By 12 weeks the placenta reaches its maturity. If detachment has begun, it is primarily manifested by bleeding, abdominal pain, and tension in the uterus. The woman is usually hospitalized or put on bed rest. The pathology is treated with antispasmodics, drugs that relax the uterus, hemostatic agents, and antianemic drugs. Correct and timely treatment allows you to maintain the further normal course of pregnancy.

Often, during the first ultrasound of a pregnant woman, uterine fibroids are detected. Small - as a rule, only needs observation. If a woman carries her pregnancy to 12 weeks, the risk of miscarriage decreases. It usually does not grow during pregnancy. However, large fibroids can have an impact on the growing fetus as it takes up space in the uterus - the baby may develop a deformed skull or torticollis, and the baby may develop a low birth weight. It is often an indication for cesarean section, during which it is excised.

A hydatidiform mole or trophoblastic tumor of pregnancy may appear before. The disease is an increase in chorionic villi. Visually, this is manifested by the fact that the uterus looks much larger than it should be. The skid can be complete or partial. This pathology is determined by ultrasound.

A woman should be wary of:

  • bleeding;
  • in 30% of cases - vomiting;
  • in 30% of cases - hypertension.

In case of pathology, the fetus cannot be saved; curettage is performed with histology. For several months after curettage, the woman monitors hCG. 80% of women recover without consequences, 20% of women whose hCG does not decrease are referred to an oncologist for treatment.


In the normal course of pregnancy, this is the time to breathe easy, smile, get an ultrasound photo of the baby and prepare for the upcoming addition to the family.

The 12th week of pregnancy means the end of the first trimester. The toxicosis should stop soon. The little man under his mother’s heart is less and less at risk of developmental pathologies. The risk of spontaneous abortion decreases. The absence of problems in the first trimester reduces the likelihood of various complications in subsequent months.

Fetal development

At the 12th obstetric week (see methods for calculating dates), the size of the fetus is approximately 6 cm. Its weight is still not felt at all - about 9-13 g.

During an ultrasound, you can clearly see what the fetus looks like. Without any decoding or explanation from the doctor, one can discern the contours of the body. The baby's body is slightly larger than his head, and the arms and legs are barely distinguishable - they are still very short and thin. In very rare cases, modern equipment will allow the doctor to recognize the sex of the child, provided that the baby’s perineum is clearly visible. This information will not be available on standard diagnostic tools for a long time.

This is interesting. Expectant mothers often ask doctors the question: is their baby positioned correctly in the uterine cavity? The specialists' answer surprises many. Now the fetus literally does whatever it wants. He can “settle” in any position, constantly change it and even somersault. This happens because there is still enough space in the uterine cavity for all fetal movements..

What usually happens to the baby:

  • All major organs and systems are formed. Some perform their functions (for example, the heart), others continue to develop and improve (intestines, endocrine glands);
  • A barely noticeable fluff appears in place of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • The formation of a unique pattern on the fingertips continues;
  • Facial expressions develop: the baby begins to grimace;
  • The development of the fingers is completed - the membranes disappear completely, but there are already tiny nails;
  • The outer ears may still be underdeveloped. But sometimes even at the 12th week, lobes are already forming;
  • Leukocytes, future regulators of the child’s immunity, are actively formed in the blood;
  • Some reflexes work: the baby clenches and unclenches his fists, swallows and imitates breathing movements. Of course, the fetus cannot yet truly breathe: the uterine cavity is filled with fluid, and oxygen enters through the blood vessels through the placenta and umbilical cord;
  • Peristalsis (muscle contraction) of the intestine appears;
  • The pancreas “trains” in the production of bile;
  • There is an active strengthening of bone tissue.

How is the expectant mother doing?

What is happening now in a woman’s body? External and internal changes are permanent, and the entire body participates in them.

  • The uterus no longer fits in the pelvic space and gradually begins to occupy the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the tummy is becoming more and more noticeable, but for now it does not interfere. Unless tight-fitting clothes are no longer suitable;
  • Toxicosis (if any) may completely stop at this time, but it may continue. How to deal with toxicosis -;
  • The emotional state becomes more stable. The panicky fear of losing the baby recedes. Irritability and excessive sensitivity may persist.
  • Feelings of irresistible drowsiness and constant fatigue gradually disappear;
  • It can still be difficult to concentrate and immediately perceive complex new information. This is not a drop in intelligence, it’s just that your body is now spending a lot of energy on maintaining the well-being of you and your baby;
  • The heart, liver and kidneys work harder. If you have chronic diseases of these organs, they may worsen;
  • The intestines may still be unstable, constipation and/or diarrhea are possible;
  • The constant urge to urinate disappears for several weeks. Then the uterus will grow so much that it will again begin to put pressure on the bladder;
  • Amniotic fluid is regularly renewed, so water-salt exchange is now very important;
  • The blood volume increases a little more (this is a constant process);
  • The breasts have already grown noticeably. If colostrum did not start leaking from your nipples earlier, it may start now. Do not pump under any circumstances;
  • After walking for a long time, your legs begin to “hum”;
  • Slight swelling of the legs and arms may occur;
  • Hair may grow noticeably. At the same time, they often become dry and brittle. The same problem occurs with nails;
  • The skin of the abdomen stretches, which can cause itching;
  • Normally, there should be no pain at week 12. But if you feel a slight tug in your stomach or lower back, that’s normal;
  • Vaginal discharge should be small, white or clear, without a strong odor. Report any deviation to your doctor. Especially if there is spotting or actual bleeding from the vagina;
  • Eating cravings can persist throughout pregnancy. Be prepared for this.

Photos of bellies at the twelfth week

Weight dynamics

Are you following pregnancy nutrition recommendations? If so, then your weight situation should be fairly stable. With toxicosis, you may not yet gain a single kilogram and even lose a little weight. If you feel good, there is nothing to worry about.

Total weight gain during pregnancy twelve weeks should be kept within the range of 1.5-3.5 kg. In the next two to three months, it is permissible to gain weight by 400-500 g per week.

Due to a lack of body weight, the baby may not have enough nutrients, which is bad for his development. Excess weight makes life difficult for the mother herself: it becomes difficult to breathe and move, strength is quickly lost, and it will not be easy to give birth later.

This is interesting. Doctors know of exceptional cases when weight loss in an expectant mother is good. Women who were overweight before pregnancy did not gain weight while carrying a baby, but lost weight, and at the same time felt great. This is easy to explain: hormonal changes during pregnancy stabilized metabolic processes. Mom’s “reserves” were simply spent on the child’s development. As a result, having children helped women become slimmer and healthier. However, such cases are possible only when excess weight is the result of poor nutrition, and not serious diseases and metabolic problems.

Awareness of fatherhood

A woman’s figure at the 12th week does not yet change so much that relatives (those who are not in the know), friends or colleagues notice something. But the future father can already clearly see the physical changes in his “half”. If paternal instincts have not yet manifested themselves, now they will begin to form. There will be a desire to protect your beloved woman and especially take care of her.

The child's father definitely needs help. Many men still believe that pregnancy and childbirth are an extremely natural process, that nature has provided for everything, and various women’s whims and emotional breakdowns are just whims. Try to delicately discuss your condition with your loved one, do not hide the problem. Can't talk? Show something interesting on topics that concern you on the Internet.

Medical supervision

Many expectant mothers, if they feel well, are in no hurry to go to the antenatal clinic. It is interesting that in our country something like a bonus is awarded if a woman is registered before 12 weeks. This is not a benefit in the full sense of the word, but a small one-time increase in maternity leave payments.

If you haven't registered yet, go see a doctor. At 11-13 weeks it’s time to carry out the so-called screening. This is a comprehensive examination. During the ultrasound, the doctor will check some specific parameters of the fetus. For example, he will evaluate the size of the occipital region, which is used to determine the threat of Down syndrome in the early stages. Blood tests for certain hormones will reveal various fetal malformations, if any.

At up to 12 weeks, a woman still has the right to terminate her pregnancy. Later, this is allowed to be done only for medical and/or social reasons:

  • severe toxicosis threatening the life of the mother;
  • irreparable fetal malformations;
  • pregnancy as a result of violent acts.

If you are already registered, then you only have to screen. In other cases, the doctor will prescribe a blood, urine and vaginal smear test for various diseases and infections. You will be asked questions about your well-being, family circumstances, and the health of your household. The doctor will measure your blood pressure, weight, and pelvic size.

If for some reason the duration of your pregnancy cannot be calculated using the menstrual calendar, it can be determined by alternative methods up to the 12th week. This is much more difficult to do later.

Throughout pregnancy, it is important to eat well and pay attention to your health and well-being. You are probably already following many of the recommendations. Then just check the list below to see if you are doing everything correctly.

Diet and principles of nutrition

  • You should have given up alcohol a long time ago;
  • No fast food, colorful carbonated and non-carbonated drinks with a bunch of dyes and stabilizers;
  • Tea and coffee should not be strong;
  • Even if you have morning sickness, don't skip breakfast. Use advice for pregnant women with early toxicosis (link above in the text);
  • The diet should include 30% vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products, lean meat and fatty fish;
  • Steam, boil or bake food. Fried and fatty foods – as little as possible;
  • Take vitamins (prescribed by your doctor);
  • Beware of viruses and infections. If there are outbreaks of contagious diseases in your city, do not hesitate to wear a medical mask in public places;
  • Even a common cold can be very severe during pregnancy. Tablets can be taken only in extreme cases and as prescribed by a doctor. Various topical medications will help you. The throat should be gargled with furatsilin solution or calendula infusion. A runny nose will go away thanks to rinsing with sea water. For headaches, massage of certain points will help (on the temples, in the hollow near the tragus, above the bridge of the nose);
  • Avoid high-heeled shoes. In winter, check whether the soles of your shoes or boots are slippery. If you lose your balance or fall, you may be injured and your baby may be in danger. If your shoes are slippery, there is an easy way. Buy adhesive tape and stick strips of it on your soles and heels. The effect is noticeable immediately, but the patch will have to be replaced from time to time as it wears out;
  • Watch your weight. If there are deviations in any direction, consult your doctor - he will adjust your diet and prescribe medications, if necessary;
  • Avoid stress and strong anxiety. Great joy can tire you just as much as sadness;
  • Play sports. Swim in the pool, learn yoga, choose a gymnastics complex for pregnant women.

Health and beauty

You may notice the first stretch marks on your chest, thighs and abdomen. Nowadays, they can be effectively combated; it is important to start as early as possible. If the skin in problem areas has not changed, prevention will not hurt. Buy a special cream for stretch marks () or good olive oil and rub it into the skin 2-3 times a day.

The chest requires your special attention. She noticeably fills up and gets heavier. Now you need special support bras.

The face may become slightly rounded, acne and pigmentation are possible. Never squeeze pimples or apply a thick layer of makeup. Try not to have a complex about this. Over time, your skin will improve.

Intimate life

If you feel good, you can rest assured that you are especially beautiful and sexy. Your intimate life can go on as usual, if it does not cause panic and gives pleasure. If something is bothering you, be sure to talk to your partner. Now is the time to strengthen good family communication skills and mutual understanding.

Sexual activity has its own contraindications:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid is below normal;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • sexually transmitted infections (in this case, careful treatment of both partners is necessary).

Some poses may already seem uncomfortable. Experiencedly choose the most comfortable position for sex.

And one more important tip. Love yourself and your baby. Now all your emotions should be positive, bright and joyful. And may the 12th week of your pregnancy go well.

Video guide: 12th week of pregnancy – sensations in the abdomen, what is happening, ultrasound, symptoms, screening, doctor’s advice


The 12th week of pregnancy has already arrived, which means that from this moment on, the future mother, if she suffered from toxicosis, will most likely begin to feel better. Yes, yes, the placenta is slowly taking over life-supporting functions, the corpus luteum has “done” its work, and therefore, nausea and vomiting will most likely now be a thing of the past. But, unfortunately, this applies more to “traditional” pregnancy, but if the pregnancy is designated as multiple, the symptoms of toxicosis may remain with it for some time. As well as emotional outbursts, irritability and nervousness caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Even if a woman, due to toxicosis, has lost a little weight in the first weeks of pregnancy, starting from the 12th week, her body weight will begin to increase: plus 500 grams weekly is considered the norm. The new life growing in the womb of a woman requires “the maximum” from the mother’s body, and therefore all its systems and organs work at full capacity. Blood volume increases, its circulation increases, the lungs and kidneys work more actively, the heart beats faster. At the same time, urination is “adjusted” - the frequent urge to go to the toilet “little by little” will no longer bother the woman, as at the beginning of pregnancy. But there may be a problem with bowel movement: the growing uterus puts pressure on it, bowel function slows down, which can lead to constipation.


At the 12th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can already feel how her belly is slowly beginning to enlarge. Usually, if pregnancy is new for a woman, then the tummy begins to grow later; at week 12 it has practically not increased, the expectant mother feels comfortable and ordinary clothes still fit her. If this is not the woman’s first pregnancy, then the belly usually begins to enlarge earlier, often forcing the expectant mother to start looking for looser-fitting clothes already at 12 weeks. Often, the growth of the abdomen is accompanied by itching; this is a kind of “hint” for a woman to worry about choosing suitable products that will help avoid the formation of stretch marks, not only on the stomach, but also on the chest and hips. In addition, on the stomach, at the 12th week of pregnancy, it can be indicated by pigment spots and a dark stripe, which, starting from the navel, goes down. Experts reassure: there is nothing wrong with this, these phenomena are temporary and are not a cause for concern.

Uterus at 12 weeks of pregnancy

It is probably not difficult to guess that the belly begins to grow precisely in connection with the gradual increase in the size of the uterus. Thus, the uterus at 12 weeks of pregnancy usually increases to such a size that it simply becomes cramped in the hip area. At this stage, the width of the uterus “grows” to about 10 centimeters, therefore, it goes beyond its usual location and rises into the abdominal cavity. A woman can even fully feel and palpate its increased size.


Typically, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the first ultrasound examination occurs, with the help of which the doctor determines the size of the fetus and also establishes the estimated delivery date. An ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy becomes a real revelation for the expectant mother: her first acquaintance with the baby takes place, she already distinguishes him as a tiny person who is destined to be born in the near future. Although such indicators are extremely important in an ultrasound examination, ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy can also show other, much more important results.

Thus, during an ultrasound examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the uterus and determines its tone, analyzes the location of the placenta, eliminates the possibility of ectopic pregnancy and clearly establishes how many fetuses develop in the womb. A woman can already observe her unborn baby on an ultrasound monitor, but without the help and explanation of a doctor she will not always be able to make out where everything is and how the baby is feeling now. Don’t be shy about asking the doctor for clarification - he can answer all the mother’s questions, thereby introducing her closer to her baby.

The doctor compares the ultrasound results at the 12th week of pregnancy with the indicators indicated in the table of normal values. This will make it possible to determine whether everything is going “as usual”, and in the future the indicators of the first ultrasound examination will be compared with the indicators of repeated ultrasound examinations. Thus, the specialist will be able to monitor whether the pregnancy is progressing normally and whether there are any abnormalities.

It happens that early diagnosis becomes a disappointing “surprise” for parents: an ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy can already give an answer as to whether the baby is at risk of congenital defects or chromosomal abnormalities. Unfortunately, such diseases cannot be treated, and parents, learning about the abnormalities, are tormented by a difficult choice: keep the baby or still resort to termination of pregnancy.

Screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy

An even more informative method for assessing fetal development and the course of pregnancy according to the norm can be screening at the 12th week of pregnancy. This is a comprehensive study that covers not only ultrasound, but also a biochemical blood test. A blood test involves measuring two markers in a woman’s body - free b-hCG (free beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin) and PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein A). In this regard, the first screening is also called a double test.

Optimally, screening is carried out three times throughout pregnancy, and the first is recommended to be carried out just between 11 and 13 weeks. The fact is that screening at the 12th week of pregnancy, which necessarily includes an ultrasound of the fetus, is aimed at studying the so-called “collar zone” of the fetus. Such a study makes it possible to exclude gross malformations of the fetus and even anomalies that are incompatible with life. The collar zone - the area of ​​the neck between the skin and soft tissues in which fluid accumulates - is a non-permanent marker. As the baby develops, the norms of the collar space change, and therefore its examination must be carried out strictly within certain periods. And, in addition, an analysis of the state of the collar zone can be carried out provided that the operator is highly qualified and specially trained, otherwise the presumptive diagnosis can be strongly doubted.

In turn, a study of hormone levels (free b-hCG and PAPP-A) carried out as part of screening makes it possible to determine the degree of risk of developing certain abnormalities in the fetus. For example, an average increase in the values ​​of free b-hCG by half may be a reason for suspicion of the presence of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) in the fetus, a decrease - trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome).

However, despite the high information content, screening at the 12th week of pregnancy is by no means a reason for a final analysis. This study only establishes the degree of risk and the possibility of having trisomy 21, trisomy 18, as well as a neural tube defect. Screening results become the basis for further research using special methods. Among other things, if the tests are questionable, the doctor usually refers the expectant mother to a geneticist, who, in turn, recommends other additional studies.


In addition to an ultrasound examination and a biochemical blood test, the doctor may prescribe some other tests for the expectant mother at the 12th week of pregnancy. Usually, a woman has to undergo all scheduled tests when registering at the antenatal clinic. But it happens that tests at the 12th week of pregnancy may be needed due to a woman’s late visit to the gynecologist about pregnancy. Or it happens that tests at the 12th week of pregnancy are needed for an extended examination of the expectant mother in connection with her condition - as an additional control tool.

In addition to the traditional blood test for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, blood type and Rh factor, by this time a blood test for sugar, as well as a biochemical analysis, should already be taken. Among other things, an analysis at the 12th week of pregnancy, examining “biochemistry”, will determine the level of hCG in the body of the expectant mother. And a biochemical blood test is carried out, as mentioned above, as part of a screening examination of the pregnant woman. If there are any suspicions of specific diseases, the woman may also be sent for hormone tests and tests for urogenital infections.

Fetus at 12 weeks of gestation

All these actions are necessary both to monitor the condition of the expectant mother and to carefully monitor the formation and normal development of the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, it has already grown significantly: the fetus is at the 12th week of pregnancy, 10 weeks old, weighs about 14 g, and reaches a length of 6 to 9 cm (from the crown to the tailbone). From this moment on, by the way, his growth rate and length are a much more important indicator for doctors than his weight.

The fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy is already practically formed, all its systems and organs are actively working and continue to develop. So, the fingers are divided and marigolds form on them, a unique imprint is formed on the pads of the fingers, the top layer of skin is renewed, and where eyebrows and eyelashes will appear in the future, fluff appears. Vellus hairs also appear on both the chin and upper lip.

By the way, the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy already actively “expresses emotions” with its face: it grimaces, opens and closes its mouth, and even puts a finger in its mouth. At the same time, the baby waves its arms and legs, and also tumbles and “swims” freely in the mother’s womb.

At this stage, the baby’s internal organs, in parallel with the fact that they are functioning, still continue to develop. The baby’s intestines, having “taken” their place, periodically contract, the liver synthesizes bile, and the pituitary gland and thyroid gland produce hormones and iodine. Bone tissue continues to mature, the baby’s muscles become stronger, the heart beats quickly, the kidneys and nervous system work fully. And at this stage, in addition to red blood cells, leukocytes also begin to form in the fetal blood - the immune system is increasingly improved.


All this “magic” that happens in mom’s tummy should not normally be accompanied by painful sensations. True, mild and mild pain in the 12th week of pregnancy, felt in the lower abdomen, can be explained by the tension of the ligaments that support the growing uterus. At the same time, doctors often justify lower back pain by a change in the center of gravity due to a gradually growing abdomen, and also by a softening of the supporting ligaments and discs under the influence of progesterone.

At the same time, lower back pain can also be caused by a bladder infection, so in such a situation it is still better to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo an examination. It would also be useful to consult a specialist if pain in the lower abdomen appears periodically during the 12th week of pregnancy, is aching and pulling, and also if pain in the lower abdomen lasts for 2-3 hours. And, moreover, they are accompanied by bloody discharge - this dangerous sign indicates the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. If a woman reacts in time when painful sensations appear, a miscarriage can be avoided, so it is necessary to seek help immediately.


Bloody discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy, even minor, should always alert a woman. Moreover, if they are also accompanied by abdominal pain - all this indicates the risk of spontaneous abortion. But spotting that appears after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse can be explained by erosion of the cervix. And this condition is also a sufficient reason to contact a specialist and undergo additional examination.

Normally, discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy is moderate, light or with a milky tint, uniform consistency and a slight sour odor. There should be no pus, mucus, green or yellow, cheesy discharge or discharge with a strong and unpleasant odor: such discharge becomes a sign of infection. A change in the consistency and color of the discharge may be a symptom of thrush, chlamydia, or trichomoniasis, which require mandatory treatment, because the infection is quite capable of affecting the fetus.


Bleeding at the 12th week of pregnancy always requires consultation with a doctor, because it is always defined as a very dangerous sign. Although bleeding of various types is considered a fairly common occurrence in the early stages of pregnancy, you should never take risks and let the situation take its course - in order to prevent a possible miscarriage, the harbinger of which is bleeding at the 12th week of pregnancy.

Bleeding, which is accompanied by cramping or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and painful sensations in the lower back, is especially dangerous. Indeed, in addition to the threat of spontaneous abortion, such bleeding may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy - a complex and pathological pregnancy that poses a threat to the health and life of a woman.

Cold at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The twelfth week ends one of the critical periods of pregnancy - the first trimester, after which the baby will no longer be afraid of most anomalies and malformations. But for now, in this last and important week of the first trimester, you still need to take care, including colds.

A cold in the early stages can cause a lot of trouble: provoke the development of placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, and significantly increase the risk of miscarriage. After all, if suffered on the feet and “untreated,” a cold at the 12th week of pregnancy still remains a significant danger: it can cause malformations of the baby, even incompatible with life, which can ultimately result in spontaneous abortion.

The situation is significantly complicated by the fact that colds in the early stages of pregnancy cannot be treated with medications to avoid negative consequences. In this case, only traditional medicine and some herbal remedies are suitable - and then only after consultation with a doctor.

Rest and bed rest are mandatory for a woman during the treatment of a cold. Drinking plenty of fluids (warm, but not hot) is recommended - herbal teas, rosehip decoction, berry fruit drinks made from lingonberries, raspberries, and currants. Honey is also useful - albeit in small quantities, since it has a strong allergenic effect. Honey can be added to tea or drunk with warm milk. Warm milk mixed with Borjomi mineral water is also considered a good remedy for treating colds, primarily against coughs. You can also fight a cough with the help of marshmallow mixture, syrup or Doctor MOM lozenges, Gedelix.

It is imperative to consult a doctor again if a cold at the 12th week of pregnancy does not go away within 3-4 days, if its symptoms intensify, headaches are observed against the background of the cold, and a cough accompanied by wheezing does not go away. Moreover, mandatory consultation with a specialist is required if a cold at 12 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by a high temperature - 38 degrees or more.


The temperature at the 12th week of pregnancy, which is slightly above normal and fluctuates around 37-37.5 degrees, can be either a variant of the norm (this is how the body reacts to increased levels of progesterone in a woman’s body) or indicate hidden diseases. Tests will help identify these diseases - usually inflammatory ones provoke changes in the levels of leukocytes, as well as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). And yet, more often than not, a slightly elevated temperature at the 12th week of pregnancy is a characteristic feature of the expectant mother’s body.

But a noticeable high temperature at the 12th week of pregnancy, accompanying any disease, poses a significant threat to the baby. Thus, under the influence of high temperatures, pregnancy loss can occur even at this stage, therefore a long-lasting high temperature is simply not acceptable. But most antipyretic drugs are prohibited at the 12th week of pregnancy (the only exception is paracetamol, and then only with the permission of a doctor). So what to do?

First of all, do not “disdain” folk methods of lowering the temperature - rubbing with cool water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar, wet and cool lotions on the ankles and hands, a cool shower. But all this is only after a doctor has been called to your home: he will help determine the degree of danger of high fever and prescribe a dosage in which paracetamol will not cause much harm.


You should also abstain from alcohol during the 12th week of pregnancy, as well as during the entire period of pregnancy. A conscientious mother is clearly interested in ensuring that her baby is born as a full-fledged and healthy baby, while alcohol at 12 weeks of pregnancy, consumed even in the smallest doses, can prevent this.

At this stage, the formation of the brain is still ongoing, and no specialist will take the responsibility to guess how alcohol will affect this process. Thus, alcohol can cause irreparable damage to brain cells - even destroying some of them, which will not recover in the future. The effects of alcohol can appear in this case even several years after the baby is born: at some point it will become clear that the child has difficulty learning, is overly excitable and hyperactive, and suffers from poor memory.

In a more severe case, alcohol at 12 weeks of pregnancy can still cause severe malformations of the child and physical deformities, affecting the formation of bone tissue and muscle development. Alcohol in large quantities, constantly penetrating the placenta to the baby and having a toxic effect on it, can even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, alcohol at 12 weeks of pregnancy should definitely be excluded from the life of the expectant mother.

Sex at 12 weeks pregnant

But if a woman feels satisfactory and there are no contraindications for carnal pleasures, it is not at all necessary to refuse sex. Moreover, at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, toxicosis and its accompanying symptoms slowly recede, the woman enters a certain period of “heyday” and the dangers that were characteristic in the early stages of pregnancy also gradually become a thing of the past.

The only contraindication to sex, both in the first weeks and in the 12th week of pregnancy, may be the threat of miscarriage. And then, in this case, restrictions on sex are usually imposed by doctors just before the 12th week. Other reasons that will be a reason for a woman to take care may be a multiple pregnancy and a low location of the placenta (this will be determined by a routine ultrasound). If pregnancy is not accompanied by such characteristic “features”, sex at 12 weeks can be safely practiced.

The only thing is not to be too active and not “overzealous”, avoiding pressure from the partner on the stomach and monitoring internal sensations after sexual intercourse. For example, cramps that can appear after carnal pleasures are usually classified as normal. But, if cramps do not go away for some time after sex, and are also accompanied by bleeding, you should immediately call a doctor.

You should also, if possible, consult a doctor if you experience spotting after sex at 12 weeks of pregnancy, but it is not accompanied by pain. This sign may indicate that a pregnant woman has cervical erosion.


Nutrition at the 12th week of pregnancy must be complete and balanced: the baby’s rapidly developing body needs as much nutrients and nutrients as possible. They are found in required quantities in “healthy” foods: meat and fish, dairy and fermented milk products, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Moreover, the method of their preparation occupies an important place: it is better to boil or bake food when cooking (fried food causes heartburn), vegetables and fruits are eaten raw (fiber improves intestinal motility and reduces the likelihood of developing constipation).

A full breakfast is important; it is advisable to always eat a portion of the first meal as a starter, and dinner should be light. It is better to eat, again, more often, but in small portions, avoiding overeating. If some foods suddenly begin to cause aversion in a woman due to pregnancy, you can always find an “alternative” to them: for example, if you do not want and do not accept meat, you can completely replace it with fish. Don't like boiled fish? You can try baking it. Yes, and one more thing: there is no point in torturing yourself and trying to “squeeze” into the stomach a product that the expectant mother simply does not like at the moment, but which, according to all the characteristics, is extremely useful for pregnant women. For example, many women during pregnancy simply cannot look at cottage cheese, even though it seems to bring exceptional benefits to the body of mother and baby. But food eaten forcefully will definitely not be good for future use, so it’s still better not to go against your taste “senses”.

By the 12th week, the belly of a first-time mother usually does not increase enough to cause discomfort in her usual clothes. Those who are not pregnant for the first time are characterized by earlier growth of the abdomen.

A typical phenomenon is also considered the appearance of a pigment strip from the navel down. An increase in the volume of the abdomen is often accompanied by itching: this is a kind of signal for a woman that it is time to purchase products for stretch marks and start actively using them (if you do this only in the last months, the effect will be insignificant).

By the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus increases in width by about 10 cm. It can no longer be located in the hip part due to its size, and therefore begins to gradually enlarge the abdominal cavity. This results in a gradual growth of the abdomen and an increase in waist circumference.

The cervix should be tightly closed at this stage. If for some reason it begins to open, in the hospital the woman is given stitches that prevent premature birth.

If the course of pregnancy is favorable, by the 12th week the woman should not experience pain as such. Mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be felt, caused by tension in the ligaments that support the growing uterus.

A change in the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen can also be the root cause of pain. Severe, sharp pain can be caused by a bladder infection, dilation of the cervix and other pathologies, so if it occurs, a woman should immediately seek advice and undergo treatment in a hospital.

Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Discharge at this stage of pregnancy is scanty or moderate, fairly light, homogeneous, with a sour odor. The slightest blood inclusions should alert a pregnant woman.

Often they can appear after examination on a chair or sexual intercourse, which is usually associated with existing cervical erosion or infection. Heavy discharge can be caused by thrush or chlamydia.

Treatment of these diseases during pregnancy is carried out using a gentle method, since the infections themselves and their therapy can harm the fetus.

While carrying a child, as at any other time, a woman is susceptible to diseases, the symptoms of which are pain in the upper, lower abdomen, above the navel, on the right or left.


Inflammation of the appendix, which is what the appendix is ​​called, requires surgical intervention. It is difficult for a pregnant woman, especially in the later stages, to recognize this disease, since she experiences discomfort regularly. Therefore, it is very easy to confuse the signs of appendicitis with the characteristic sensations during pregnancy.

Oddly enough, pregnancy is a provoking factor for the development of appendicitis. The fact is that inflammation of the appendix occurs due to a disruption in its blood supply. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the appendix, causing blood to flow into it slowly.

Signs of appendicitis during pregnancy:

  • sharp pain in the upper abdomen, gradually moving to the lower right side;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting, nausea, upset stomach;
  • temperature increase.

Symptoms manifest themselves in different ways and depend on the individual characteristics of the body: for some the symptoms are sharp, for others they are weak. Therefore, if you experience persistent pain symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. A specialist will quickly identify the disease using blood and urine tests or ultrasound.

Gynecologists say that pain, similar in nature to symptoms before menstruation, occurs in every woman. Long-term symptoms are dangerous, with attacks of spasms, accompanied by bleeding, weakness, fever, and pressure surges.

Pregnancy is a natural physiological state in a woman’s life. However, it does not always go smoothly and without complications. Many pregnant women at some point begin to feel aching pain in the lower abdomen. To some extent, they can be explained by the characteristics of fetal development. But one cannot completely ignore such problems.

I'm 12 weeks pregnant. For the last couple of days, there has been a noticeable tightening in the lower abdomen, unlike before. Sometimes from the right, sometimes from the left, it happens throughout the entire area of ​​the uterus. Plus, when you sneeze or take a sharp breath, pain appears in the liver area. What could it be? They gave me a direction for the ultrasound, but it’s still a week away, I’m worried...Elena M.

Hello, Elena!

How does a baby develop at 12 weeks? What to do if at 12 weeks of pregnancy your stomach feels tight? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

Some unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen bother almost every pregnant woman. They can be of varying intensity, reaching acute pain.

I'm 12 weeks pregnant. For the last couple of days, there has been a noticeable tightening in the lower abdomen, unlike before. Sometimes from the right, sometimes from the left, it happens throughout the entire area of ​​the uterus. Plus, when you sneeze or take a sharp breath, pain appears in the liver area. What could it be? They gave me a direction for the ultrasound, but it’s still a week away, I’m worried. Elena M.

Better go to the doctor and let her examine you. Hypertonicity is no joke.

During my first pregnancy I suffered with it, I was in confinement a bunch of times, I ate pills by the handful, nothing happened, I gave birth to my miracle :) During this pregnancy, at the first signs of tone, I told the doctor. She prescribed me magne in 6 forte, with the words: I remember your first pregnancy, I hope this time everything will be better.

Indeed, I no longer observe tone, and I don’t see any other problems with magnesium deficiency either (convulsions). Magne v6 forte is the best of all magnesium-containing preparations; it contains magnesium citrate; this salt helps magnesium to be absorbed better.

In this case, the citrate itself is completely processed by the body and excreted.

So it's better to see a doctor.

The doctor told me that on the days of expected menstruation there may be unpleasant sensations (these days are most favorable for miscarriage) and advised me to take 2 tablets of noshpa and a candle in the butt

The doctor told me that for 3 months, at a time when M was previously going, nagging and even cutting pains were possible.

I also sometimes have a tug, strong, but not for long, they said the uterus is growing and stretching.

At week 12, which is the final week of the first trimester of pregnancy, the woman’s well-being improves and many unpleasant problems that recently ruined her life remain in the past. In particular, this applies to toxicosis. But at the same time, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms may appear.

Pulling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy - this complaint is made by both healthy expectant mothers and those who have been diagnosed with “threat of miscarriage.” The reasons for the appearance of uterine hypertonicity, as this phenomenon is called, are different. Just as the consequences may be different. Let's look at why the lower abdomen feels tight at different stages during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time during which a woman listens to herself. It is worth knowing what to do when your stomach hurts or lower back pain at 11 weeks.

Fetal development at 11 weeks

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the baby moves from the embryonic stage of development to the fruit stage. Now a little man has taken shape in mom’s belly, with a still disproportionately large head, arms longer than his legs, and wide-set eyes.

Internal development processes affect the mother’s condition; among other changes, she feels a pull in her lower back at 11 weeks. The child is actively growing, developing and improving muscle function.

The face is mobile, the mouth opens and closes, the arms and legs move, the body wriggles, the fists clench.

The baby's ears are formed, the eyes with the emerging iris begin to distinguish between light and darkness. The nose develops the sense of smell. The baby swallows amniotic fluid and releases it as urine. Pregnancy at 11 weeks enters the active phase - the stomach hurts at this stage from time to time and for various reasons.

How does a mother feel at 11 weeks pregnant?

Mom is relieved of morning sickness, but emotions quickly replace each other. This is due to hormonal changes that have not yet ended.

It sometimes manifests itself as stomach pain at 11 weeks of pregnancy. Hormonal changes can affect both the weakening of hair and nails and, conversely, their intensive growth and strengthening.

Fatigue usually decreases by week 11. In the absence of this dynamics, an analysis of iron content should be done.

You may need to increase your hemoglobin.

At week 11, metabolism increases by 25% due to the intensive development of the baby. As a result, the woman feels an increase in temperature and constant thirst.

Pure water in unlimited quantities is an essential component of a pregnant woman’s daily diet. If your teeth were not treated before pregnancy, you may have to deal with their crumbling at this stage.

The prescribed complex of vitamins and calcium will help avoid problems with gums and teeth.

Since the baby is actively growing, the size of the uterus increases to provide space for an 8 gram fetus with a length of 6.5 cm. The uterus is located in the pelvic part and rises 2-3 cm above the pubic bone.

Gradually, the shapes become rounded - that’s why the stomach pulls at the 11th week of pregnancy. Such transformations can manifest themselves in the form of tingling on the sides of the uterus, not necessarily after physical exertion.

If such pain at 11 weeks of pregnancy is temporary and goes away, then this is not a cause for concern.

How the baby grows, the size and weight of the baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, new organs are no longer formed, but existing ones enlarge and develop. Reflexes appeared this week.

At week 12, local stimulation of the fetus may force him to squint, open his mouth, and move his fingers or toes. The fingers will soon begin to bend and straighten, and the mouth will perform sucking movements.

If you push yourself in the belly, you are more likely to receive a push from within in response, despite the fact that you will not be able to feel it yet. The kidneys begin to fill the bladder with urine.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s skeleton, which began to develop earlier, is now in the phase of ossification - the formation of bone substance. The fingers and toes are separated and the nails are enlarged.

Individual hair indicators appear on the body. The external genitalia are of sufficient size to confidently determine the gender of the child.

The gastrointestinal system (small intestine) of a 12-week fetus is already able to shrink and push food through itself. It can actively absorb glucose and sugar.

Meanwhile, the number of nerve cells continues to increase and the baby’s brain is formed. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is very similar to the adult brain, but only in miniature.

at the moment his face looks undeniably human: the eyes have moved from the sides to the front of the head, the ears have taken their places. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the length from the crown to the tailbone of your unborn baby is 6 cm, it is approximately the size of a lime.

How you change, the sensations in your body

By the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus becomes too large to fit into the hip bones. You can feel it above your pubic bone (joint pubis).

The uterus has an excellent ability to stretch during pregnancy. She will return to her previous size in a couple of weeks after the end of labor.

And at the moment it is growing upward, filling first the hip area, and later the abdominal area.

Before pregnancy, the uterus is almost rigid. Its quantity is only 10 ml and less.

During pregnancy, it transforms into a relatively thin-walled muscular sac that contains the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid. By the end of pregnancy, its amount can be about 5-10 liters.

Thus, its capacity increases by 500 and 1000 times. Perhaps you won’t need maternity clothes for a couple of weeks yet, but there is no denying that by the 12th week of pregnancy it becomes increasingly difficult to find the waistline.

Heartburn during pregnancy

Perhaps you periodically feel a burning sensation in the stomach area, so-called pregnancy heartburn. Many women experience heartburn for the first time only during pregnancy; those who had to endure heartburn before claim that it became “angrier” during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the placenta produces a lot of progesterone, which relaxes the septum between the stomach and esophagus. To put it simply, when you lie down, gastric juice can flow back, which leads to an unpleasant burning sensation.

For most women, this problem arises without jokes at a later date, at a time when the grown uterus begins to prop up the stomach. So don’t pay too much attention to heartburn, if it has already appeared.

You will still have an excuse for this.

What to do at 12 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy Pain during pregnancy Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many expectant mothers may complain of an incomprehensible tingling sensation in the lower abdomen. Such a problem does not inspire confidence that everything is going well, so you need to understand what such a condition entails and whether it poses any threat to the health of the baby.

Experts believe that tingling in the lower abdomen indicates changes in the uterus and its stretching. Typically, these symptoms begin to make themselves felt from the fifth week of pregnancy and last until the eighth week, and may drag on a little.

To understand this, you need to imagine the original shape of the uterus - it was like a pear. and now it becomes egg-shaped due to the increase in size.

This form can be called the most natural for the development of the fetus in the mother’s womb, which indicates the normal course of pregnancy. The muscles that support the uterus begin to stretch, causing slight tugging responses from the body or an almost imperceptible tingling sensation.

It becomes quite painful when sneezing or coughing.

At the beginning of the second trimester, changes occur not only inside the body, but also outside; the belly already becomes noticeable at the 13th week of pregnancy. Sometimes it is just beginning, but more often than not, by the thirteenth week, the belly is already round and at first glance reveals a pregnant woman. Although it is impossible to say that a woman has a big belly at 13 weeks of pregnancy.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, the sensations in the stomach are different. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the mother’s body, on how the pregnancy itself proceeds. An important role here is played by the lifestyle the expectant mother leads.

Some women experience abdominal pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, pain is understandable and there is no reason for concern.

It is important to understand what causes pain, what its nature is, whether you feel pain or a simple tingling in the lower abdomen at 13 weeks of pregnancy. Of course, if, in addition to abdominal pain, you notice other deviations from the normal state, such as bleeding, uncharacteristic discharge, etc., you should immediately consult a doctor.

The causes of pain during pregnancy are conventionally divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. Obstetric pain in the lower abdomen includes pathologies that cause miscarriage or placental abruption.

Non-obstetric pains are all the others: colic in the lower abdomen, pain from constipation and flatulence, pain from sprained ligaments, aching sensations from the abdominal muscles, moderate pain in the perineum and lower abdomen from the divergence of the pelvic bones.

Knowing the reasons that cause discomfort will allow you to understand whether the stomach hurts during pregnancy due to changes in physiology or from overload.

If you understand that the pain in the lower abdomen is not intensifying and non-recurrent, caused by physiological changes in your body, you can use some remedies to calm them:

  • A warm bath will help you relax and relieve muscle tension.
  • Rest, relaxation, lying down.
  • Bandage - reduces stretching of the abdominal muscles and reduces pain.

You need to know that the intensity of the pain below and the frequency of its sensation are of great importance. A feeling of heaviness when the lower abdomen pulls, intensifying and developing into obvious pain in the lower abdomen, should alert you.

There may be pain in the lumbar area, encircling pain and pulling sensations in the pelvic area. A particularly alarming factor will be the appearance of periodicity in lower pain.

Such signs often signal a possible or already begun miscarriage or premature birth. Pain and colic in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by bloody mucus discharge.

Urgent medical attention is needed to save the baby.

Pain in the lower abdomen at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy - is this normal? At the beginning, I also had the same pain. And after hormonal pills, everything returned to normal for several weeks. Now it has started again. With what it can be connected?

Various factors can lead to abdominal pain in a pregnant woman. This could be tone, gas or constipation, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

If a pregnant woman has a stomach ache on the right, this may be a signal of an incipient attack of appendicitis. This pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and fever.

Also, painful sensations in the abdominal area can be caused by bladder diseases, pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, and poor nutrition.

It is considered normal for a pregnant woman to have pain in the upper abdomen; this is usually due to the position of the fetus in the uterus; when the baby moves, the pain may worsen. It happens that the pain is accompanied by heaviness and lack of appetite; this is also a variant of the norm. Pressure in this area causes bitterness in the mouth, heartburn and bloating.

While expecting a baby, sex should be treated with extreme caution and done less frequently, especially if the expectant mother experiences discomfort during sexual intercourse. It is advisable to discuss this issue with your gynecologist, who, after conducting a full examination, will advise whether or not it is possible to have sex during pregnancy.

Many pregnant women have to deal with pain in the lower abdomen after sex. Several reasons can lead to this.

When an expectant mother notices that her stomach hurts when walking, she shouldn’t be too worried. A similar problem almost always occurs in the last months of pregnancy, since at this time the uterus is actively growing and the center of balance changes. Therefore, pregnant women are characterized by the so-called duck gait.

Having seen two long-awaited lines on the test, every woman experiences a variety of feelings - and this is not only extraordinary joy, but also a feeling of anxiety and great responsibility for the new life growing inside.

Already from the first days of pregnancy, we begin to listen to all the signals of the body, trying not to miss something important. And first of all, this concerns pain, about which expectant mothers should know a lot in order to seek medical help in time.

Fortunately, pain during pregnancy does not always indicate any pathological process - most of them are caused by natural changes in the body. And now we will tell you about what pain sensations can accompany pregnancy and what should alert the expectant mother.

Stomach ache

Pain in the abdominal area both in early and late pregnancy is perhaps the most common complaint among women. And this is no coincidence, since abdominal pain can be associated with a number of problems:

  • threatened miscarriage or incipient miscarriage

In this case, the pain resembles contractions, a nagging sensation during menstruation and is often accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract of varying intensity and color. And if abdominal pain during pregnancy is unbearable and is combined with fainting and nausea, then a ruptured tube may be suspected due to an ectopic pregnancy.

Pain during menstruation or herbal Tiande pads

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract caused by physiological hormonal changes and compression of organs by the growing uterus

Stomach ache

Stomach ache

An ectopic pregnancy is the implantation of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. Tubal pregnancy often occurs, which can occur as a tubal abortion or as a rupture of the fallopian tube.

Tubal abortion is characterized by periodic sharp or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, usually on one side. The attacks are more short-lived and are accompanied by minor bleeding.

Outside of an attack, the pregnant woman feels quite healthy. Rupture of the fallopian tube occurs at significant stages of pregnancy (8-12 weeks) and is characterized by severe, cramping pain, up to loss of consciousness and signs of intra-abdominal bleeding.

The classic symptom of pain during ectopic pregnancy is its irradiation into the anus, leg, hypochondrium or supraclavicular region.

The growing uterus increases the load on the ligaments that support it in the pelvis. In addition, due to the increasing size of the uterus, the pelvic organs are displaced.

The abdominal muscles also experience increased stress during pregnancy and become stretched and pulled apart slightly.

The pain associated with this is minor, aching, but can also be stabbing. If the pregnant woman's belly is large (large fetus or multiple pregnancy), an umbilical hernia or linea alba may develop.

In the later stages of pregnancy, a slight divergence of the pelvic bones occurs, which is also manifested by moderate pain in the lower abdomen.

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The fetus has made a huge leap in its development; its length at week 12 is 6-9 cm and its weight is 14 grams. From the 12th week, ultrasound biometry of the fetus becomes possible, that is, measuring the size of the head, its circumference, as well as the circumference of the abdomen.

Along the entire length, you can trace the limbs and note their active movements. Around the same period, some brain structures become visible on ultrasound, and the facial bones and eye sockets become partially visible.

At a certain position of the fetus, experienced doctors can determine the sex of the child, but this usually happens later. A woman’s uterus increases in size and emerges from the pelvic cavity; at week 12, a woman can even feel how it rises above the womb.

But outwardly the tummy is not yet noticeable, of course, a woman who closely watches the changes taking place may see them, but for those around her, most likely, absolutely nothing will change.

Usually by this time a woman gains 2-3 kilograms, now every week she should normally gain about 500 g.

Pain in the abdominal area can accompany a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child. In some cases this is the norm. But if abdominal pain does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by bloody discharge and a general deterioration in the woman’s condition, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause.

If the pain becomes sharp and very noticeable, call an ambulance immediately. This, depending on the stage of pregnancy, may mean a threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, frozen fetus, amniotic sac detachment, premature birth or exacerbation of chronic diseases in the mother.

Abdominal pain may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • bleeding.

The doctor will conduct a thorough examination and find out whether there is a threat to the fetus. In some cases, radical measures may be necessary: ​​surgery, hospital treatment, etc. If you seek medical help on time, doctors will be able to provide you with the care you need and continue your pregnancy.

Fetus and belly size

Gynecologists no longer call the unborn child an embryo, but a fetus. He is already visually very similar to a person, although his head is not yet proportional to the body, and he can be seen with ultrasound diagnostics.

  • Fetal development at 12 weeks of pregnancy
  • The length of the fetus has already grown to 6-9 cm. From this time on, its growth will steadily increase, which for doctors is an important criterion for proper intrauterine development.

    All vital organs and systems are already functioning and continue to develop. The fetus is actively moving. His facial expressions come to life. At this stage, it is already possible to determine gender.

    By week 12, the fetus weighs about 14 grams. A woman usually does not yet feel its movements due to its light weight, but it is already actively moving in the amniotic fluid. From now on, the gynecologist will especially monitor the mother’s weight gain and the dynamics of uterine growth - factors that indicate the child’s growth and weight gain.

The child's head is even much larger than the body itself. The external genitalia are already clearly visible, from which an experienced diagnostician can determine the sex. The child moves his fingers and can suck his thumb. Outwardly, his figure is absolutely similar to that of an adult. The face already has pronounced features. The ears are still in their infancy, the nostrils are set wide apart. A neck appeared.

Further transformations and changes occur with the baby, which contribute to his development and improvement. He develops skills. A child at 12 weeks of pregnancy “can”:

  • move, move inside the uterus;
  • cover your eyes;
  • open your mouth;
  • suck your thumb.

The size of a child at 12 weeks of pregnancy is 6–7 cm, and the weight is approximately 13 g. This is no longer a cluster of dividing cells, but a tiny person. His heart beats strongly enough that the beat can be distinguished by ultrasound and Doppler diagnostics.

If the doctor tells you, based on the results of the examination: “Heart rate is 148,” you can be sure: everything is fine with the child, the heart rate - heart rate - is normal.

At the 12th obstetric week (see methods for calculating dates here), the size of the fetus is approximately 6 cm. Its weight is still not felt at all - about 9-13 g.

During an ultrasound, you can clearly see what the fetus looks like. Without any decoding or explanation from the doctor, one can discern the contours of the body.

The baby's body is slightly larger than his head, and the arms and legs are barely distinguishable - they are still very short and thin. In very rare cases, modern equipment will allow the doctor to recognize the sex of the child, provided that the baby’s perineum is clearly visible.

This information will not be available on standard diagnostic tools for a long time.

During this period, active development of the brain continues. In its structure, it is already similar to the brain of an adult, but, of course, it is still very small. The differentiation of the cerebral cortex has begun: its main nuclei are laid, blood vessels and the pituitary gland are intensively developing. The latter has a major influence on the growth of the body, reproductive function and metabolic processes.

At week 12, the unborn baby already begins to develop reflexes - if you could touch him, you would see how he would react by opening his mouth, squinting, and wiggling his fingers.

The future baby reaches 6-9 cm in length and weighs approximately 14 g, i.e. it is approximately the size of a chicken egg. The face is becoming more distinct, the eyes have shifted from the sides to the front of the face, and fluff is noticeable in place of the eyelashes. The inner part of the ear is being formed.

Signs at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The most difficult period associated with the development of the fetus, the formation of all its vital organs, is behind us. Now the doctor can examine the child in the uterine cavity not only using the intravaginal ultrasound diagnostic method, but also in the traditional way.

For a woman, with the arrival of the 12th week, a particularly pleasant period begins: toxicosis makes itself felt less and less often, the size of the abdomen still allows you to lead a normal lifestyle and move actively, and worries about the correct development of the baby cease to be so alarming for objective reasons.

The most typical manifestations of pregnancy at this stage are:

  • breast enlargement and its special sensitivity;
  • the first discharge from the breast may appear as colostrum;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of abdominal roundness;
  • manifestation of a pigment stripe in the lower abdomen;
  • improved appetite and manifestation of atypical taste preferences;
  • fatigue, scattered attention, difficulty concentrating;
  • the first nagging pain in the back and lower back;
  • brittleness of nails and hair;
  • increased blood pressure may occur;
  • swelling of the limbs, especially after walking.


By the twelfth week of pregnancy, the majority of the fairer sex improves in general well-being: vomiting and nausea that plague the expectant mother for the first three months gradually goes away, mood improves, nervousness and irritability subsides.

During this period, the woman’s belly begins to grow and her weight gradually increases. The growth of the abdomen is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, which gradually rises into the abdominal cavity.

Some women may develop pigmented spots on their stomach during this period. But you shouldn’t be scared, after giving birth everything will go back to normal.

Stomach ache

The woman’s well-being improves, and previously unknown sensations appear:

  • toxicosis recedes;
  • less drowsiness and irritability;
  • a good appetite appears. At this time, Libra will most likely show the first noticeable weight gain;
  • psychologically, the woman already realizes that she is pregnant and begins to subconsciously prepare for childbirth and a new status;
  • if this is not the first pregnancy, the first movements of the fetus may make themselves felt (for the first pregnancy this date will come a little later).

Unpleasant signs of toxicosis remain a thing of the past. All hormonal surges and their results such as vomiting, nausea, excessive irritability remain only a memory.

But those lucky women who are expecting twins or triplets will have to endure the symptoms of toxicosis a little longer. The need to urinate decreases and becomes less frequent.

But the internal organs work harder, and the heartbeat accelerates. The uterus increases in size, but does not affect the size of the abdomen.

As a rule, the belly is not yet visible at the twelfth week, at least to others. It all depends on the woman’s physique, although in principle she herself already notices a slight roundness. The breasts continue to fill, and the mammary glands are preparing for lactation. Such processes in the body cause itching of the skin of the chest. This itching spreads to the stomach and thighs.

At some point, pigment spots may appear on the face, but do not worry, because after childbirth there will be no trace of them. A dark stripe runs across the abdomen, from the navel and down to the pubis. It appears as a consequence of the accumulation of melanin. Such a strip is not considered a defect and disappears immediately after birth on its own.

By this time, the rudimentary organs of the nervous system continue to form in the baby, the skin of the feet becomes sensitive, and the liver begins to produce bile. The foundations of the immune system are laid, and your own leukocytes begin to appear in the blood - round-shaped white blood cells responsible for protection against microorganisms.

The movements of the fetus at this stage, despite its activity, are still uncoordinated and chaotic: signals from the nervous system still arrive in the spinal cord, and not in the brain, as in a mature organism. Fetal movements will be noticeable closer to 14–16 weeks.

The sex of the child at the 12th week of pregnancy can already be “spied” if the baby, of course, does not “close himself” from the experienced gaze of the doctor during an ultrasound. But determination of gender by ultrasound is tentative and not always definitive.

The most acute and unpleasant sensations that tormented the woman at the beginning of expecting a child begin to subside. The development of the child at the 12th week of pregnancy occurs at a calmer pace, the hormonal storm in the body of the expectant mother gradually calms down: he comes to terms with the changes that have occurred and no longer resists them.

At the beginning of the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman’s sensations lose their initial sharpness.

The size of the uterus at the 12th week of pregnancy increases by 10 cm. The ligaments holding it in place gradually stretch, which can cause slight discomfort or mild pain in the lower abdomen.

HCG table by week of pregnancy


Hello, Elena!

This period is considered one of the most important in fetal development. By this moment, all the child’s organs have already been formed, and their further development awaits.

It receives nutrients from the placenta, which is formed at the end of the second month. The outlines of the fetus become human-like, although its head is larger than the body. Its length is about 10 cm and its weight is approximately 15 g.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the child exhibits the following signs:

  • Internal organs formed
  • The eyelids cover the eyes
  • Lobes appear on the ears
  • Limbs and fingers formed
  • Nails grow on your fingers
  • The fetus clenches and unclenches its fists and begins to move.
  • His mouth muscles work, he can open and close his mouth, wrinkle his lips
  • The child is able to swallow the liquid around him and urinate

At this stage, the belly is not yet very noticeable to others, especially if the woman wears loose clothes.

Her breasts begin to swell and enlarge, and in some cases they may become itchy. By this time, the uterus becomes larger in size so much that it protrudes above the pubic bone. At week 12, the first ultrasound examination is performed, which determines the sex of the baby and the approximate due date.

While a woman is carrying a child, she may experience pain in different areas of the body. The body experiences increased stress, all its organs work intensively. There may be inflammation of the lymph node in the armpit, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels. The growing mammary gland is also susceptible to colds.

What is happening now in a woman’s body? External and internal changes are permanent, and the entire body participates in them.

Heartburn during pregnancy

At week 12, the baby's development is in full swing. All systems have already been formed, and now they can only improve.

The circulatory system not only formed relatively long ago, but has been functioning for quite a long time. The small heart works like a well-coordinated mechanism, providing blood to all systems. By the way, changes have also occurred in the blood - in addition to red blood cells, leukocytes have appeared in it, cells that will protect the baby from infections.

The digestive system has formed and taken its place in the baby’s body. Peristalsis appears in the small intestine - wave-like movements necessary for the passage of a bolus of food through the tube. The liver begins to produce bile, and now the baby will be able to absorb fats.

The nervous system also does not stand still; a connection is formed between the hemispheres and the spinal cord. By the end of the week, the baby's brain will be just like an adult's brain, only much smaller.

The pituitary gland begins production of thyroid-stimulating hormone, thereby triggering the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland, these hormones play an important role in the process of fetal growth and development, especially in the formation of bones and teeth, as well as the functioning of the nervous system.

The baby's face also continues to improve. Instead of eyebrows and eyelashes, fluff appears on the face, which also covers the chin and the area above the upper lip. A sucking reflex appears. The arms and legs are also growing, and the baby actively moves them. Soon your fingers will begin to bend. By the way, patterns are already appearing on the fingertips.

The chest begins to produce movements similar to breathing. However, the baby is not breathing yet, because the glottis is tightly closed.

By the 12th week, the placenta has finally matured and is already fully performing its functions.

Nervous system at 12 weeks of pregnancy

As the manifestations of toxicosis decrease, causeless irritability, drowsiness, and weakness will also decrease. But this does not mean that the dream will be perfect.

During this period, many women note that they began to wake up more often and even have disturbing dreams. If such manifestations bother you, then you should pay attention to the rhythm of life, make it more measured, without unnecessary fussiness, and drink a cup of herbal soothing tea in the evening.

And under no circumstances should you watch TV programs that excite your nervous system. Remember that your condition is passed on to your unborn baby.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Normal discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy and pathological

Since there is a lot of progesterone in the body, the discharge still has a thick, light milky consistency. These secretions do not give off an unpleasant odor and have a slight sour aroma.

If discharge appears that has a yellow, gray or greenish tint, has an unpleasant odor or purulent discharge, then it indicates the presence of an infection in the body. Bloody or brown discharge is a sign to see a doctor immediately.

After all, they can cause pregnancy failure - miscarriage. If such a danger already exists, then you must immediately go to the hospital for an inpatient stay.

With the normal development of pregnancy, discharge at week 12 should not annoy the woman. Their physiological characteristics:

  • light;
  • sparse;
  • almost odorless.

Excessive white or yellow, greenish discharge is a sign of infection. You need to see a gynecologist. Brown discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy is a good reason to immediately contact a gynecologist. This is a highly likely sign of a threatened miscarriage.

By addressing the causes of threatened miscarriage with your doctor, you can prevent fetal loss.

Retrochorial hematoma

If your stomach feels tight at 12 weeks of pregnancy and this is accompanied by discharge with traces of blood, you need to call an ambulance. A retrochorial hematoma may be diagnosed.

During pregnancy, this condition is dangerous, since the formed blood clots, the actual blood between the uterus and the membranes of the fertilized egg, can cause a miscarriage. Retrochorial hematoma (RCH) can resolve on its own - like a regular bruise.

If the accumulation of blood continues to grow with continued bleeding, the fertilized egg is rejected from the wall.

Causes of RCH:

  • stress
  • colds (ARVI or flu);
  • maternal malnutrition;
  • activated herpes on the lip and other places (most often multiple painful rashes indicate a weakening of the body).

What tests do I need to take at 12 weeks?

Regardless of whether you are bothered by spotting, have a tight stomach, have a sore back, or feel absolutely normal, you need to undergo an ultrasound screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The screening procedure consists of 2 parts: a blood test from a vein and a simple ultrasound examination.

Mandatory tests for screening:

  • general blood and urine analysis, blood chemistry, coagulogram;
  • tests for AIDS, syphilis, group B hepatitis;
  • glucose level;
  • Rh factor.

Negative Rh factor in a woman during pregnancy

They will help to exclude or confirm pathological conditions.

A woman who has “stepped” into the second trimester should be attentive to her state of health and well-being. Toxicosis has passed, heartbeat is normal, appetite has increased, is your mood good? Great.

You and your baby have successfully passed the first tests: he has settled in the uterus, your body no longer rejects him, but protects him. And yet, take care of yourself: at the slightest discomfort, even if it is slight bleeding (or a hint of it), or you have lower back pain, or you feel the onset of a cold, call a doctor immediately.

You will be examined, left at home with an obligation to follow a certain regime, or sent to a hospital, depending on the situation. The doctor will issue a certificate of incapacity for work for a maximum of 15 days, and then the medical commission, if necessary, will decide on an extension.

Remember: now the most important thing for you is the health of your unborn child, and it depends on you. Take care of yourself, tune in for the best. The first stage of a difficult but interesting path has already been completed.

The most informative method in studying fetal development and the course of pregnancy is screening. It includes not only an ultrasound, but also an additional blood test. It must be carried out in the following cases:

  • pregnant woman over 35 years old;
  • previous births ended in stillbirth;
  • intrauterine infection during a previous pregnancy;
  • birth of children with chromosomal disorders;
  • chromosomal diseases in the family.

The blood test determines the level of two important hormones - free β-hCG (free beta human chorionic gonadotropin) and PAPPA-A (pregnancy-associated protein A).

HCG is produced throughout pregnancy, and abnormal levels may indicate the presence of certain chromosomal abnormalities. Protein A is produced by the placenta, and its level in the blood increases in proportion to the duration of pregnancy, reaching a peak before childbirth. Inconsistency of its indicators during the study may also indicate chromosomal diseases.

These markers are assessed by a geneticist and only in combination. If questionable results are obtained, the screening test is performed again, but at a later date.

Screening at the stage of the 12th week of pregnancy will also help to exclude a defect in the development of the neural tube of the fetus. For this, ACE (specific fetal α-globulin) indicators are taken into account. This is a protein that is produced by the fetal liver. Its deviation from the norm may indicate a possible neural tube defect.

When a woman registers with the antenatal clinic, the gynecologist prescribes routine tests for her. But it is not uncommon for a woman to realize late that she is pregnant, which means she is registered later than expected.

At the 12th week of pregnancy the following tests should be taken:

  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis (RW);
  • blood type and Rh factor (in case of Rh conflict between the fetus and mother, a special approach to pregnancy management is required);
  • blood sugar test (blood glucose level is determined);
  • general and biochemical blood tests (to identify possible chronic diseases or other abnormalities in the woman’s condition);
  • a general urine test (it is carried out not only at registration, but also at each subsequent visit to the doctor, since frequent aching pain in the lower back in a pregnant woman may hide kidney disease);
  • vaginal smear (to assess microbial flora and exclude infection); in the presence of a urogenital infection, the doctor prescribes additional highly targeted tests.

In addition, a general examination of the pregnant woman is carried out, the abdominal circumference is measured, and the weight is determined. All data is entered into the pregnant woman’s exchange card.

It displays in detail all procedures and examinations completed, as well as the presence of diseases that may affect the course of pregnancy and, subsequently, childbirth. In addition, the pregnant woman’s card gives her the right to give birth in any state maternity hospital.

In its absence, childbirth will only be possible in the infectious diseases department.

Timely detection of deviations in the health of a pregnant woman will allow treatment to begin as early as possible. Thus, the health of the unborn baby will be out of danger.

What to do this week

  • sign up for an ultrasound;
  • study information about courses for future parents;
  • start using stretch mark creams;
  • start keeping a weight gain chart;
  • inform your superiors about your maternity leave;
  • buy a new bra size;
  • start doing special gymnastics for pregnant women, sign up for a swimming pool;
  • visit the dentist.

This is a common transvaginal examination, which is prescribed from time to time to all women - both at the stage of expecting a baby and in “normal life”. Using an ultrasound machine, the sonologist sees how the baby is developing and determines:

  • child's weight;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • the presence or absence of uterine hypertonicity.

The doctor can immediately determine which indicators are normal and where there are deviations. An ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy pays attention to the type of placentation - the placenta insertion.

Low placentation during pregnancy requires monitoring and limiting physical activity. Ultrasound screening is important for assessing the condition of the child and mother, since minor non-physiological changes are not always noticeable.

With this diagnosis, the pregnant woman is carefully monitored, because if the placenta is attached too low - at a distance of less than 6 cm from the internal os of the uterus - there is a risk of spontaneous abortion or the introduction of toxic substances through the mother’s bloodstream to the fetus.

Most often, over time, the uterus “pulls up” higher, and the diagnosis is removed - the location of the placenta returns to normal.

After the ultrasound, you may observe a small yellowish discharge or a little brownish discharge - this is not scary. These phenomena are caused by increased blood circulation in the reproductive organs and especially the cervix.

Weight gain at 12 weeks of pregnancy

By the end of the first trimester, a woman's weight increases slightly. As a rule, the increase is 1.8-3.6 kg. The guideline for a normal pregnancy is considered to be a weekly weight gain of 400-500 grams. A deficiency may indicate that the child is not developing according to his age and does not have enough nutrients that he should receive from the mother's blood.

Excessive weight gain is also undesirable: it can affect both the general health of the expectant mother and the weight of the child itself, which will significantly complicate the birth process.

Why do pregnant women have a stomach ache after sex?

Modern gynecologists do not consider sex as a taboo during pregnancy. By the 12th week, the woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, and the dangerous period of the first trimester for the fetus has passed, so intimacy takes place. An exception may be cases with a low-attached placenta or multiple pregnancies.

For sex, positions are chosen that do not put pressure on the woman’s stomach. During this period, a man must be especially careful about his hygiene so as not to become a carrier of infection and not infect his pregnant partner.

Dangers and complications

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period of pregnancy has passed, a number of dangers can still appear at this stage:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • risk of premature cervical dilatation;
  • the likelihood of injury due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • possibility of hypothermia;
  • danger when driving a car due to distracted attention;
  • the likelihood of motion sickness in transport;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, thighs, and abdomen;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and allergic reactions.

During this period, the woman still needs to monitor the discharge from the genital tract: normally it is white or milky in color, thick, homogeneous, and odorless. If they become yellow, greenish, of heterogeneous consistency with an odor, it’s time to run to the doctor, especially if such discharge is accompanied by a burning sensation or pain in the genital area, most likely it is an infection, and to prevent it from reaching the baby, urgent measures must be taken.

Now a woman’s immunity is reduced, so the appearance of candidiasis is not uncommon.

  1. Eat properly and nutritiously; eat plenty of dairy products.
  2. Get an ultrasound. Take your baby's first photo.
  3. Start preparing for the addition. Sign up for courses for future parents.
  4. Watch your weight.
  5. Take care of your health and minimize contact with potentially sick people.
  6. Buy a stretch mark treatment.
  7. Stress less and walk more.

Throughout pregnancy, it is important to eat well and pay attention to your health and well-being. You are probably already following many of the recommendations. Then just check the list below to see if you are doing everything correctly.

Diet and principles of nutrition

1. If the expectant mother has a sharp stomach ache, she should lie on her side as quickly as possible. You cannot use painkillers, resort to an enema, or use a heating pad. Such manipulations can lead to irreparable consequences.

2. If a pregnant woman has a sharp stomach ache, then it is not advisable for her to eat or drink water until the cause of the discomfort is determined.

If the causes are not found, and the painful sensations are rare and short-lived, you can take a warm (not higher than 37°C) bath, but not longer than 10 minutes. Water helps relax muscles, so discomfort can be eliminated.

Special exercises for pregnant women, which can be found on the Internet, have the same effect. To find out which of them can be done by the expectant mother, you should consult with your supervising doctor.

3. Lack of sleep also has a significant impact on your well-being. A pregnant woman should sleep at least 9 hours a day. It's better to rest during the day. By organizing the correct sleep and nutrition regimen, the expectant mother will be able to say goodbye to many problems, including abdominal pain.

Make an appointment with a doctor in your city

By the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby’s organs are already formed, but their development continues. Bone tissue matures and muscles become stronger, the nervous system works. By this period, the baby's length becomes more important than weight. The fetus already resembles a small person and is 6-9 cm tall. The volume of fluid in the uterus increases to 50 ml by week 12. All these changes affect how the expectant mother feels about her body. Many women have a tightening in their lower abdomen at this time.

The main causes of nagging pain in the lower abdomen at 12 weeks

Pain of various natures occurs quite often in the early stages of pregnancy. They pass in a few minutes or hours. The least dangerous are discomfort sensations spreading along the sides of the abdomen, which periodically radiate to the groin or lower back. Such signs occur due to the accelerated production of progesterone. As a result of the influence of this hormone, the uterine ligaments soften and stretch.

Possible causes of nagging abdominal pain:

  • Premature placental abruption. The patient may have no discharge. In severe cases, intrauterine fetal death is possible.
  • Bladder infection. In addition to nagging pain in the lower abdomen, with this disease a woman feels discomfort in the lumbar region.
  • Nervous overstrain. After prolonged negative experiences, the expectant mother may feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The phenomenon is explained by excessive muscle tension caused by stress.
  • An ovarian cyst is a formation filled with fluid. Occurs with inflammation of the reproductive system, after uncontrolled use of medications or hormonal changes. Discomfort in the pubic area occurs during sexual intercourse or physical activity.
  • Intestinal obstruction. Favorable conditions for the disease occur at 12-16 weeks of gestation. During this period, the uterus extends beyond the pelvis. Associated symptoms include constipation and vomiting.
  • Appendicitis. Its inflammation develops when it is irritated by the growing uterus or the infection moves from the genital tract. The pain is sharp, paroxysmal in nature. They get worse when lying on the right side and can radiate to the lower back.
  • Umbilical hernia. Since it cannot be eliminated surgically during pregnancy, the woman is advised to wear a bandage and perform special gymnastic exercises. The main symptoms of the disease include protrusion of the navel.
  • An alarming sign is pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs in a cramping manner. Typically, these manifestations indicate increased tone of the reproductive organ or ectopic pregnancy. Particularly dangerous are conditions in which the malaise is accompanied by bloody or brown discharge. In such cases, spontaneous abortion is possible, which cannot be prevented without qualified medical care.


    Between 11 and 13 weeks, screening is carried out - a comprehensive examination of a pregnant woman. It allows parents to know about the baby's health status. Tests help identify developmental abnormalities and physical characteristics of the fetus. Screening includes ultrasound and venous blood sampling.

    A full examination is prescribed:

    • pregnant women over 35 years old;
    • in the presence of genetic diseases of family members of the expectant mother;
    • if a woman is forced to take medications that are potentially dangerous to the fetus;
    • female workers in hazardous industries;
    • if you have had a previous missed pregnancy or miscarriage.

    A complete examination helps prevent premature birth or the development of complications. If severe pathologies (incompatible with life) are detected, the doctor refers the woman to terminate the pregnancy.

    During screening, the child's collar zone is examined - the area of ​​the neck located between the soft tissues and the skin. This is where the liquid accumulates. Analysis of the collar zone is carried out by an experienced, highly qualified doctor. Otherwise, the diagnosis may be questioned.

    At week 12, a pregnant woman undergoes her first scheduled ultrasound. Based on the results of the study, the leading gynecologist assesses the condition of the uterus (tone, size). Using ultrasound, the location of the placenta and the estimated period of gestation are determined. Ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy reveals the dynamics of fetal development. The doctor determines the risks of congenital pathologies or genetic abnormalities. However, the results of the study cannot be regarded as a diagnosis.

    A blood test is ordered to calculate the amount of certain hormones. In addition to the traditional test to detect AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B, the expectant mother is prescribed a sugar level check. If specific diseases are suspected, tests for urogenital infections are performed.

    Therapy methods

    To relax the muscles of the uterus and prevent their spasm, a woman is prescribed Magne B6. The product is a combination of vitamins and minerals. However, it is prohibited to use the drug on your own. Contraindications include renal failure. Paraverin and No-Shpa relieve spasms well.

    Elimination of pain in the lower abdomen involves the following measures:

    • To calm the nervous system, you should drink tea from lemon balm leaves.
    • It is better to lie on your left side so as not to provoke compression of the appendix.
    • If low progesterone levels are diagnosed, the woman is prescribed Duphaston. The product is taken from 2-3 days to several weeks.

    If you experience pain in the lower abdomen at 12 weeks of pregnancy, you should first visit a gynecologist. If you delay visiting a specialist, the likelihood of fetal damage increases.

    How to reduce lower abdominal pain

    There are a number of simple ways to eliminate pain in the lower abdomen at 12 weeks of pregnancy:

    • A diet that promotes intensive bowel function. You should eat nuts, fruits and vegetables. You can prevent the appearance of colic and cramps by including fermented milk products in your diet. It is worth limiting sweets, baked goods and fats.
    • Adequate fluid intake. When drinking is limited, processes of water conservation are triggered in the body, which leads to edema.
    • Available physical activity. In the first trimester, it is useful for women to perform gymnastic exercises aimed at stretching the muscles and ligaments of the perineum. However, physical activity should not be excessive.
    • Daily walking stimulates blood flow and improves the functioning of internal organs. Walking helps relieve stress on your legs.
    • Tracking strong negative emotions and eliminating them helps prevent the development of discomfort in the abdominal area.

    When searching for the causes of nagging pain, a pregnant woman should take into account many factors - nutrition, level of physical activity, the possibility of infection in the body. Most medications are prohibited during this period, however, incorrectly selected folk remedies can aggravate the situation. Constant monitoring of your condition will help prevent serious complications.