Brutal men's bedroom: choosing a style, design ideas for men of different ages. Creative room design for a young man Room design for a young man 20 years old

Modern young men are active young people who are interested in innovative technologies, want to have fashionable gadgets. In the understanding of young men, personal space should also be filled with necessary, functional items. When decorating the interior design of a youth room, it is recommended to adhere to a minimalist direction. Usually men do not like excessive clutter in the room. This should be taken into account when creating a comfortable interior design for a young man. To make the room functional and beautiful, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals.

Interior features

The main rule is the interior design of a room for young man in the photo, should be as comfortable as possible. Therefore, all items are selected taking into account functionality, practicality and ease of use. First of all, you should choose sleeping area. It could be a bed or folding sofa. A modern guy's room cannot be complete without a comfortable workspace. To equip it, purchase a spacious table on which you can place a computer or laptop, stationery. If the room is small, the best option is a table equipped with drawers in which documents, paper clips, pens, pencils, staplers and other office paraphernalia will be stored. Necessarily, workplace, should accommodate a comfortable chair or comfortable armchair.

To store suits, shirts and ties or sportswear, you need a convenient, spacious closet. A wardrobe or a traditional wardrobe is suitable for this. Please note that the cabinet must be equipped convenient system storage, hangers, shelves. All items of clothing should be positioned in such a way that when searching casual wear it didn't take long.

An indisputable, obligatory attribute in a young man’s room should be a TV. It is installed on the wall opposite the bed. Thanks to this arrangement, usable space is saved, and the young man gets the opportunity to watch his favorite TV shows, sitting comfortably on a bed or sofa.

An optional, but beloved by many young men, gaming console can also be placed in the room. A bar filled with your favorite non-alcoholic drinks will help complement the atmosphere.

Experts in the field of psychology recommend setting aside a place for a workshop in a young man’s room. Let it be a small corner in which the necessary tools will be placed. Of course, large equipment will not fit in a room of 10 sq.m., but a set of the most necessary tools, will allow the young man to sometimes study minor repairs household things.

Color solution

The interior design of a young man's room can be decorated in brown, gray, brick, black and white colors. The men's room is 12 sq.m. Muted and neutral shades should prevail. The interior can be decorated in pastel colors, but not every man wants to live in a creamy beige room.

Men prefer to be surrounded by wooden, practical pieces of furniture, a minimum amount decorative finishing, minimalist design option window openings. No curtains with ruffles or flowers. The design of a 12 sq. m room for a young man should speak of the strength and brutality of the owner.

Youth trends

Even if the guy lives in a small Khrushchev-era building, and the area of ​​his room does not exceed 12 sq.m. Here you can also organize a comfortable space. Main secret– mobility of every detail of the situation. That is, the furniture should be easily transformed and moved without difficulty. This will allow the young man to change the appearance of the room with his own hands, at his own request and discretion. To furniture for a long time retained its appearance for the chair and sofa, it is recommended to sew removable covers that can be easily washed if necessary.

Designing a room for a guy is somewhat more difficult than designing a room for a girl of the same age. Why, you might be surprised? After all, guys are happy with minimalism. Sleeping place, computer desk, hanger or wardrobe, sitting area. That's basically it.

However, the difficulty lies in making the room cozy, but without frills, visually attractive, but without a cacophony of colors and shades.

Requirements for the interior of a room for a guy

When designing an interior for a guy, you can rely on his own opinion when choosing colors, decorative items and furniture for a young man’s room. But what can you hear in response? The main thing is that it is simple, comfortable and stylish.

And they will want colors that don’t stain, and minimal furniture, and they will certainly forget some details. And then they themselves will be surprised at the asceticism of the interior.

Therefore, we will create it ourselves, but through the prism of youthful preferences.

Laconic interior

Everything is at hand

Light and elegant

  • The colors are non-marking and not bright. However, bright accents can be inserted.
  • Functionality. Each item should exist for a reason, but should play its assigned role.
  • The interior style is laconic. It is unlikely that a young man will like shabby chic, empire style or Provence. But minimalism, loft, hi-tech, something ethnic and even art deco will arouse his approval.
  • Zoning. The room should be clearly divided into places for sleeping, resting, working, demonstrating hobbies, and receiving guests.
  • The materials are easy to care for. A minimum of textiles, especially long-haired ones.
  • The same goes for window curtains. Guys prefer blinds, roller blinds, and roller blinds.

Probably, during the arrangement of the young man’s room, other requirements will appear. They should also be given attention during repairs.

Room zoning

The design of a room for a young man may involve some non-standard solutions that will help make more efficient use of free space. For example, it makes sense to install drawers in the bed, which will save space.

If your son has not yet graduated from school, then it makes sense to make the design of the room as comfortable, convenient, but simple as possible. This will make tidying up your room much easier.

Wall decoration in a young man's room. When decorating walls, it is best to give preference to wallpaper in neutral colors, with or without a pattern, or decorative plaster. At the same time, the rougher the texture of the plaster, the better. The decoration of the walls should not be bright and attract a lot of attention, since quite often the walls are used as a place for placing various posters and paintings.

It is also necessary to avoid using aggressive tones when decorating a room, as this can affect the mood of the young man and his mental condition. Great option to decorate a room for a young man, is to use light green or light blue tones, which do not cause irritation and help create an atmosphere of peace.

Many people believe that these colors visually reduce the free space in the room, but this is not at all true. By using lighting correctly, you can get rid of all unwanted effects and maintain a feeling of spaciousness. It should be remembered that with this type of wall design, the best option is to choose furniture in contrasting colors. A good option would be furniture in light colors, or perhaps just white.

A place for a young man to sleep. When choosing a sleeping place, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the preferences of the owner of the room and its size. If the size of the room allows it, it makes sense to install a full bed. It would also be a good idea to install several lounge chairs. Therefore, a small table is needed in the room. The appearance of the table must be carefully considered, because if properly designed, it will give a special charm to the entire room.

Video on the topic: Design of a room for a teenage boy. Interior, furniture and decoration

If a young man’s room is of very modest size, it is better to use a folding sofa instead of a bed. When folded, it will not take up much space, which will allow you to use the room as a living room. In addition, you can lie down and relax even on a folded sofa. Also, to save space, you can use large pillows instead of chairs, which will be a rather original and effective solution.

The design in which the young man will live must be approached with great attention. Since the room has small size, then a clear distribution of zones for work and rest is necessary. This is possible with the help of a folding partition, which can be removed or rearranged without much effort. As a rule, such partitions are quite easy to disassemble, and at the same time they can serve quite well. interesting detail in the design of the room.

When decorating a workplace, it is necessary to use shelving without doors, since doors quite seriously reduce the amount of free space in the room. There is no shame in inviting not only friends, but also your girlfriend to a well-decorated room. It is worth preparing for the fact that over time you will have to make some changes to the design of the room so that it suits the tastes and needs of the young couple.

When choosing window curtains, it is best to give preference to minimalism, namely blinds or Roman blinds. By following these tips, you can create a room for a young man that will satisfy his aesthetic and functional needs. Such a room will be an excellent place for both relaxation and work.


How to decorate the interior of a teenage boy's bedroom

First, we would like to decide on the basic requirements for a bedroom for a teenage boy:

  1. Comfortable place to sleep. This could be a sofa or a bed with an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness. Buy a longer bed, as the child grows quickly at this age.
  2. Equipped place for classes. Must be sufficient quantity shelves for books and drawers for various things of the owner of the room. Do not forget about the ergonomics of the child’s workplace - the height of the table should be correlated with the chair so that the child does not have his elbows hanging off the table during classes, but he should not reach for the table either - this spoils his posture. The table should be wide and long enough, there should be enough space for both a computer and homework. The corners of the table should be smooth. Buy a chair with adjustable height, then it will last for a long time, the back should be high and comfortable for long-term sitting.
  3. Sufficient amount of lighting. Be sure to have a chandelier on the ceiling and several table lamps: one on the desktop, the second near the bed; the teenager will probably want to read a book before bed.
  4. Storage space. The room should have enough space to store clothes, everything should be at hand, thoughtfully and conveniently organized, because here lives a restless boy who is always in a hurry in business.
  5. Color spectrum. Since a guy will live in the room, choose the appropriate color scheme - blue, gray, dark blue, brown, burgundy, green, purple. Contrasting color combinations look especially good: black and white, brown and orange, emerald and gray, etc. Make the room as bright as possible: let the walls in the bedroom be a light background for everything else; it will also be more pleasant to be in a bright room, this is especially important for a young, just developing psyche. Hang tulle and curtains in the room, then the boy can rest peacefully during the day, after classes or training.

Traveler's bedroom

Not only adult men love travel and the sea, because they were also children and it was then that this topic began to excite them. The color scheme and materials in such a room will be appropriate - colors and shades of sea and sand, a lot of natural or painted wood imitating deck boards.

The room should be well lit by daylight, and the teenager will especially like it if it has a porthole window, like on a real ship. Marine paraphernalia is another mandatory attribute of a bedroom in a nautical style: paintings of a marine theme, figurines of ships, nautical circles, compasses, a spyglass, pirate hats and flags, wall maps, globes, oars, decorative nets and ropes.

Sports bedroom

The color scheme in such a room can be anything - from just the colors you like to the corporate colors of your favorite football club. Consult with your child and be sure to take into account his preferences in choosing color range. A sports bedroom should have many appropriate attributes - posters and photographs of your favorite team, flags, cups and medals - if the owner of the room is an athlete, a variety of sports equipment - balls, bats, helmets, helmets, rackets, T-shirts. Do not limit the child’s possibilities - let him hang everything that is dear to him on the walls and put it on the shelves.

Musical bedroom

The room of a young music lover, like the bedroom in sports theme, is distinguished by attention to detail and a large number of thematic things. Guitar, synthesizer, drums, sheet music, speakers, amplifiers, DJ console, records, posters with bands and albums - will help create the atmosphere of a music studio. The interior of a room for a teenage boy can be decorated in natural shades, such as beige and sand, pale green, light blue. Bright accents can be created using orange, red, yellow, turquoise and brown.

Classic bedroom

The rooms of pupils of English lyceums or colleges are an excellent example of a classic bedroom for a teenager. Restrained colors: brown, blue, gray, beige and white. The furniture includes a bed with a large wooden or woven headboard; the decor is dominated by checkered or striped fabrics with ornaments and embroidery.

But, since this is still a child’s bedroom, there may be bright spots in it in the form of photo frames, shelves with books, paintings and furniture decoration. This bedroom puts you in a serious mood and is suitable for a diligent and knowledge-seeking teenager.

Minimalist bedroom

In such a bedroom there is only everything you need, all things are in place, nothing is scattered. A bedroom of this style is suitable for an adult guy beyond his years who values ​​neatness and does not have a lot of unnecessary things. In such a room, everything is very simple and restrained: a light gray or white color scheme and its variations, laconic furniture and simple wall decoration.

Brothers' bedroom

Creating a room for brothers is not an easy task, especially when they are different ages and have different preferences. In such a situation, parents need to talk with their sons and decide what their common room will be like. Once the stylistic issue has been resolved, it is important to create comfortable places for sleeping and studying.

If the bedroom is small, consider options for transforming the beds or table. They can be folded out, hidden in a closet or inside each other, and the most popular option for beds is two-level, which allows you to save space in often small children's rooms. If the bedroom area is large, you can place the beds one after the other along the wall, and make a partition between them, thanks to which each of the guys can have privacy.


What should a great room interior look like for a young man?

Modern young people spend more and more time at home. After work, he comes home, immerses himself in the computer world, invites friends or his girlfriend, reads books, watches TV. Based on this, we can assume that a guy’s room should be practical, not too bright, but stylish and cozy. “No ruffles or soft draperies!” - he will say. And he will be partly right. Let's try to satisfy his desires and aesthetic perception.

First, let's find out what should be in the room, what objects the young man cannot imagine his life without, and what he can do without.

  • Firstly, this is a computer and a desktop.
  • Secondly, a wardrobe and shelves for books and CDs.
  • Thirdly, a sleeping place.


Not all young men can keep their clothes in order in their closet. Therefore, to store it, it is better to choose a wardrobe with wooden facades. Mirror and glass doors guys are not welcome.

To place discs, magazines and books from floor to ceiling, install shelving cabinets with open shelves - this makes it easier to get what you need. However, you can make several drawers below so that a guy can store his children’s collection of badges or tin soldiers there.

You can use either a bed or a folding sofa as a sleeping place. But a bed, especially behind an opaque screen, is still preferable - if the area of ​​the room allows. Instead of a screen hanging from the ceiling, you can use sliding panels or a mobile partition. Then the sleep area will always be hidden from prying eyes.

A desktop with a computer should be installed near the window so that the young man is at least occasionally distracted by life outside the window. Place a sofa not far from the table. This way the young person will be able to see what is happening on the monitor. The TV should be placed so that it can be seen both from the sofa and from the bed or from behind the desk.

Many young men prefer to receive guests at home. Therefore, it is worth considering places for their placement and refreshments. The solution would be several poufs or frameless chairs and a coffee table.

Room style

Guys for the most part prefer a minimalist or high-tech style in the room. It is these directions in the interior of a room for a young man that imply simplicity, style and functionality. What do guys like? A minimum of furniture, light or, conversely, black tones, multi-level lighting, chrome surfaces, the latest equipment.

Room decoration

It is better to paint the walls or apply decorative plaster to them, since young men often hang cork boards or posters on them. You can lay parquet or laminate or linoleum on the floor. When choosing colors, stick to natural shades.

It is better to make the ceiling multi-level to divide the room into a relaxation area and work area or a sleeping area and an area for receiving guests. Furniture facades, as mentioned above, are preferably made of wood or rattan so that the furniture fits organically into the interior and does not attract unnecessary attention. Window decoration should also be chosen in a minimalist style: blinds, Roman or roller blinds.

Color solution

The world around us is already quite aggressive towards us, so we shouldn’t get carried away with poisonous colors when decorating a room: bright green, orange, blue-black. If you want to add these colors to the interior, let it not be the main background, but small touches: shelves, a couple of pillows. Basically, stick to neutral shades: sand, beige, light green, light blue, gray. In this case, it is better to choose light, almost white furniture to visually enlarge the room.

If you choose blue or purple for your walls, combine it with white. Then the room will not seem gloomy and small. And several different lighting sources will add volume to the space.

Room decor

There are many decorative items that could be recommended for a youth’s room: models of cars, airplanes and sailboats, figurines of football players or replicas of balls, and others. But it is better to let the young man choose them. He himself will choose, if necessary, little things to decorate his room. You can only recommend something or go buy it with him.

When arranging a room for a young man, focus on simplicity and functionality. The fewer closed corners and cabinets there are, the more order there will be in the room. It sounds strange, but it's a fact. Well, a young man is too lazy to open the door in a bookcase in order to put back a book he has read or an unnecessary one. this moment disk. Everyone has their own shortcomings, and you have to put up with them.

By choosing the right interior, you will give the young man a pleasant surprise. He will spend time at home more often than in dubious companies. And in the future, this room has every chance of becoming a home for a young couple.


Interior design for a young guy's room

Guys spend a lot of time in their rooms, so the room should be decorated in accordance with their principles and wishes. However, if they contradict common sense, then it is necessary to make slight corrections to the interior and direct the development of the future man in the right direction.

A standard room should contain the following areas: rest, work, living room and personal space. However, you should abandon imposed clichés and opinions, and approach the process of creating a design project thoroughly in order to obtain a stylish, comfortable and cozy room with the necessary functionality and practicality.

The interior of a room for a young man should have a highlight in each of the distributed zones, which would distinguish it from the rest, and also set it up emotionally and psychologically to perform certain tasks. Therefore, at the stage of creating a project, you need to decide on minimum quantity necessary pieces of furniture and try to arrange it in the sketch in such a way that the rooms, despite the actual size, look quite spacious and not cluttered.

In each zone there should be only furniture that has a useful function and not go beyond it. This will allow you to organize all available space in the most rational way. If it turns out that the room is small and there is no way to place everything you need in it, then you will have to do the following:

Give up a bulky closet in favor of transformable furniture, inside of which you can hide things. This could be, for example, a sofa that folds out to the size of a full bed. If there is a niche in the wall, you can hide a wardrobe in it or install a folding bed.

Replace swing doors for sliding ones. Thus it will become accessible place against the wall, where you can place a desk or create a guest area, without which it is impossible to imagine the design of a room for a 25-year-old guy. You shouldn’t completely abandon the door, since the guy will sooner or later start dating a girl and they may need privacy.

Put everything unnecessary into tables, cabinets or hide it in a closet. This will free up a lot of space and create a feeling of free space. The use of minimalist style techniques will also be appropriate in this case. Combine several zones in one. This does not mean at all that you will have to lose some functionality due to the compression of space, but, on the contrary, at a time when the living room space is not required, you can use it as a sleeping place, and a work area for the implementation of creative ideas.

Choosing a color scheme for decorating a room

Many designers advise decorating walls in neutral colors to make it easier to maintain general style premises with a men's room. But in most cases, this leads to the creation of boring rooms that evoke melancholy and sadness, and in some situations even a gloomy environment in which not everyone can find themselves.

Therefore, it is necessary to add a little dynamics and expression to the overall picture, which would not only set the room in a positive mood and create an atmosphere of interest, style and taste of the owner of the room, but also add a little originality.

It is advisable to use bright colors in small quantities to delimit spatial zones. They should be discreet and calm in the sleeping area, encouraging in the work area and cool in the living room. The design of a men's room is created on the basis of the main color, which is selected in accordance with the concept of the chosen design style and can be beige, gray, light green or blue, burgundy or peach. These colors are compatible not only with modern styles design, as well as with classic ones, so any of them can be chosen with almost no restrictions.

Transitional age is a rather difficult stage of life, both for teenagers themselves and for their parents. At this time, the preferences of young men change very often. Therefore, you should approach the renovation of a room very responsibly, and do not forget to take into account the opinion of the young man. Because design for a teenager during adolescence is very important.

Sleeping place - the choice of place to sleep needs to be approached qualitatively. The size and quality of beds depends on the child's preference.

Since a child often spends his time at the computer and doing homework, he needs a comfortable and convenient desk.

Racks and chests of drawers will be an excellent place to store clothes, personal items and various awards. But it is worth remembering that young men at this age need space, so you should not clutter the room with a variety of unnecessary furniture.

For these purposes, there are a large number of cool and cool styles: (industrial) loft, avant-garde, kitsch safari, marine; ethnic styles: African, Japanese, Chinese, African, Egyptian and others; Design is not limited to this, you can generate your own ideas and various combinations. Now I would like to describe each style in more detail.

Avant-garde style

Avant-garde - appeared as a sharp challenge to the classical style. Instead of various decorations classic style do prevail functional elements. Pure colors are suitable for this style: red, black, white, as well as their contrasting combinations that add shine and liveliness to the room. All decorative elements must be large. Furniture can be of completely unimaginable designs, shapes and sizes.

Loft style

Loft - first appeared in the 20s in New York, when, due to poverty, people adapted abandoned buildings, factories, plants for overnight accommodation. This style is characterized by brickwork, concrete walls, beams. The loft is characterized by enormous space. The industrial loft shows all the brutality and coolness of a teenager, which is why they fell in love with it.

High-tech style

High-tech - this style appeared in the 60s based on the influence of various space pirates and adventures. It is very easy to keep clean, which is important for a young man. There are no restrictions on color choice. This style will appeal to everyone: from small to large.

The interior of a teenager's room should show his hobbies, interests, and hobbies. For example, if a child likes to travel, let it be wallpaper in the form of a world map, if a child likes to sing, let it be a decorative guitar, and if he loves sports, then various awards, cups and medals would be an excellent solution, everything depends on your imagination and the imagination of the child.

The teenager must choose the color himself. If these are bright colors in the interior, then they will give energy, joy and positivity, if these are dark colors, then they will give your son calmness and confidence.

A teenager's bedroom is not only a space for rest and work, but also a place for psychological relief and relaxation, and this is very important for your child at this time.

Find the perfect one design solution It’s extremely difficult for a teenager’s bedroom. The main problem is not only the variety of suitable styles and planning solutions, but also the need to take into account the opinion of the future owner of the room.

A teenager is no longer the obedient kid who will agree with the wallpaper chosen by mom and the furniture chosen by dad. Almost an adult, already having his own opinion and his own view of things, a teenager needs a thoughtful and rational space, leaving room for creativity and imagination.

A stylish option for decorating a room for a teenager

Room for a teenager: what should it be like?

When the phrase “ideal room for a teenager” is mentioned, everyone imagines something different: cozy or technical, spacious or, on the contrary, compact. main feature and the difference between a teenage bedroom and a child’s room is a pronounced individuality in everything, from decor to layout.

A workplace for studying is a must

The child’s opinion should be taken into account at all stages of interior creation: from the choice of material for wall decoration to the final decision on the layout. Only participation in creating their own corner in an apartment or house will allow a teenager to feel his adulthood, significance and increased responsibility for his actions, words and choices.

Original design for a lover of Dalmatians

Advice. Designers note the importance of loyalty and psychological mobility of adults who are creating a bedroom for a teenage boy or girl. It is not enough to give the future owner of the room maximum rights to make final decisions; it is important to guide and regulate his choice in the stylistically correct direction.

Drawers under the bed - convenient and practical

A room for a boy or girl aged 13-15 should be arranged according to standard recommendations:

Girls often choose purple colour

A suitable bedroom for a young lady

Touching animals and graceful princesses are replaced by huge mirrors, dressing tables with cosmetics and wardrobes filled with clothes in a teenage girl’s room. The little lady becomes a real woman with a clearly defined desire to be beautiful, with attention to her appearance, with an interest in fashion and style.

But more often teenage girls choose pink

The room of a 13-year-old girl is a bedroom with a transitional character, which should satisfy all desires: to play with dolls with her friends, and to paint her nails with fashionable varnish. But by the age of 16, a teenager needs more adult room, stylish and characteristic. That is why designers suggest choosing not traditional girlish shades as the main tone for the bedroom during the renovation process, but more neutral and calm options.

Important. Beige or White color easily shaded with pink, purple or lilac to give it a delicate mood. As the owner grows up, such a room can easily be transformed into the room of a serious lady - you just need to change the pink tulle to gray, and instead of a plush bedspread with princesses, cover the bed with a luxurious graphite blanket.

Interior decoration in classic style

Mobility and the ability to change the mood of the interior are extremely important properties for a teenage girl's room. Paintings or posters on the wall, window curtains, chair covers, rugs or flower pots are ways to quickly transform a room. To develop independence, it is better to leave the opportunity to change the interior to the owner herself.

Room of the future gentleman: interior features

Boys perceive their room very differently, so... design techniques when organizing space for a 14-year-old teenager will be different. In such a room there is no place for childhood sentiments and memories, because ahead is an adult life filled with impressions, for which we must prepare now. A sports corner, a toolbox, a table for wood burning - these are suitable contents for a man’s bedroom.

Room for a teenager in an army style (military)

Room with blue lighting

  • A place to sleep should not take up much space or interfere with active activities. A loft bed or folding bed would be an excellent option for a teenager's bedroom.
  • The workplace, namely the desk, should be combined with a place for creative realization boy. For example, you can equip it drawers with tools, mount a stand for sailboat models, install fasteners for a soldering iron and other electrical appliances.
  • Boys of any age prefer to relax actively, so if there is space in the room, it is worth installing compact exercise equipment and making room for your favorite bicycle. Don't forget about other home entertainment: for example, a TV with a set-top box and comfortable sofa will become a gathering place for the owner's best friends.

Photo wallpaper in a teenager's room is considered not only a rational element, but also in an original way adding originality and individuality to the interior. The choice of pattern for such wall decoration should be based both on the appropriateness of a particular motif in the interior, and on the child’s desire to see a specific plot on the wall of his room.

Photo wallpaper on a car theme

Photo wallpaper night city

Sports-themed photo wallpapers

Designers pay attention to the importance of choosing the right place for such decor in the interior. teenage room: Photo wallpapers, as a rule, turn out to be too bright and noticeable, overwhelming other decor in the bedroom. On the other hand, for the bedroom of a child of this age, maximum harmony in everything is important, so only a balance of colors and meaning in the choice of decor will create a picture suitable for quiet life.

Things are somewhat more complicated. Limited space will cause certain difficulties with the choice of decoration, furniture and room layout. In a small bedroom it is extremely difficult to highlight full-fledged place for sleep, work and rest. In this case, there is a need to combine these zones in a minimum space. Most often, a working and creative corner is combined in one part of the room, using modular cabinets and retractable storage systems.

Lemon color

Advice. Folding bed or a sleeping place hidden in the podium can be a practical method of increasing the usable area of ​​​​the room.

Reading time: 6 minutes.

A modern young man is an energetic, purposeful and sociable young man who needs his own personal space, arranged according to his preferences and hobbies. The design of a room for a young man simply must be laconic, stylish, comfortable and multifunctional.

Such requirements are explained by the fact that a teenager uses his room not only as a place to sleep, but also as a room for private meetings with friends, his girlfriend, studying and simply relaxing alone with pleasant music.

Decoration in the youth room

  • When decorating walls, it is recommended to give preference textured plasters or wallpaper in a neutral color palette. A discreet and strict design is allowed.
  • Do not use bright or eye-catching Decoration Materials, because, as practice shows, they negatively affect the mood of the owner of the room, and the walls themselves are constantly covered with posters and placards.
  • Psychologists recommend using light green, olive, light blue or noble gray wall decoration. It may seem like this color palette will visually reduce the space and make it dark, but with skillfully placed light sources you can forget about all undesirable effects. Neutral walls The colors listed above will be an excellent backdrop for bright and stylish furniture.
  • Both linoleum, laminate or parquet are suitable for flooring.. And on the ceiling it would be appropriate suspended structure from plasterboard or colored PVC film. A multi-level ceiling plane will make it possible to advantageously zone the space.

How to furnish a guy's room

A bedroom for a young man should be filled with mobile, light, modern and practical furniture.

  • An excellent option would be a loft bed or a transforming sofa, which will not only significantly save living space, but will also make it more functional.
  • It is welcome to have a comfortable desktop with drawers and space for a PC, a comfortable armchair or chair, additional seats for guests, shelves or racks for storing books and things dear to the heart.

  • A bedroom for a young guy is not complete without a separate place for work or study. It is very important to take care of the good. It is advisable to use two lamps - for background lighting of the table, and to create an area of ​​intense light for illuminating a book or notebook.
  • As for the wardrobe, it is better to place it in a closet with wooden fronts. Take special care of the places for discs, books and magazines. These can be special racks with open shelves or original open drawers.

It is curious that guys are not very fond of sliding wardrobes with entirely glass or mirror doors.

  • If space allows, then it makes sense to equip a recreation area in which the young man will receive guests or simply enjoy watching TV alone. A sofa or several armchairs, large pillows or pear chairs would be appropriate here.

General stylistic design of a youth room

For the most part, youth bedrooms for boys are designed in high-tech, loft or minimalist style. All of them provide conciseness, simplicity and functionality. Guys love a minimal set of furniture, black and gray shades, multi-level lighting, an abundance of chrome parts and, of course, the latest equipment.

Musical bedroom design for a young man

If your older boy shows a penchant for sports, music or creativity, why not give him a themed and exclusive bedroom, the price of which will not break the bank? family budget?

The most common variation on this theme has become the “musical” bedroom, because a teenager who is not a “fan” of a particular musical style has long been equated with a “black sheep.”

The instructions for implementing such a design are not only simple, but also financially accessible.

  • Personally created collages from photographs or magazine clippings will be used, musical instruments and thematic inscriptions on the walls. The latter can be partially finished natural brick or covered with neutral-colored wallpaper with musical notes painted on it.
  • Old vinyl plastics, skillfully hung on the walls, will turn into exclusive decor, and from the disks it will turn out original panel or a screen zoning a room.
  • “Musical” youth bedroom furniture also plays a role: bedside table made from a drum, a floor lamp imitating a guitar, a bed on a podium with lighting, etc.

Sports bedroom for a guy

Fortunately, today's youth are beginning to become interested again existing species sports, which cannot but affect their environment.

For a young man’s “sports” room, the required elements are:

  • private sports section;
  • posters with images of sports stars, their photographs and club paraphernalia;
  • symbols of personal achievements in the field of the chosen sport;
  • transformable furniture, freeing up space for training;
  • finishing in the colors of your favorite football or basketball club;
  • durable and non-slip floor covering.

Sea wolf style room

The design of a youthful “marine” room has nothing to do with pirates and other children’s heroes. and all its shades, seascapes and motifs, exotic living plants and all kinds of souvenirs brought from numerous travels.

The decoration will include hand-made ship models, as well as decorative compasses, chronometers, barometers, etc. Everything in the bedroom should have light touch fatigue from the sea wind and hot sun.


The design of a room for a young man should not at all be limited to sparse colors or ascetic furnishings. It is in your power to make your son’s space cozy and comfortable. It is very important that the young man wants to be there and does not hesitate to invite friends to his monastery.

Examples of finishing a young man's room are also shown in the video in this article.