Shepherd dog house made of logs. How to make a doghouse with your own hands: dimensions for a shepherd

A reliable and warm home.

What should be the right doghouse for a shepherd?

And how to build it with your own hands?

Despite the fact that the German Shepherd is not a particularly frost-resistant breed, it tolerates sub-zero temperatures well and can easily live outside all year round, provided that it has an insulated booth in which the dog can hide from rain, snow, frost or , on the contrary, extreme heat.

Also, when outside in winter, you will have to change it a little : you need to increase the content of meat products, as well as fat, if the dog eats natural food.

It is advisable to give the water slightly warmed up, and the food warm, but not hot.

It should be remembered that not only air temperature matters, but also humidity.

A shepherd dog living in a drier climate can withstand even thirty-degree frosts, but in humid climates it is better to take the dog into a house or at least a barn, already at a temperature of -15 degrees.

How to choose the right place

It is best if the pet’s “house” is located on a slight elevation - this will improve visibility and, moreover, prevent flooding of the booth during heavy rain or melting snow.

It is advisable that there are trees or any buildings next to the booth that protect it from the wind. But this should not be a garage, a toilet or a room for keeping farm animals and poultry, as the dog will be disturbed by noise and strong odors.

You should not place the booth next to the fence, as the shepherd dog may start barking at every passerby, causing concern not only to the owners, but also to their neighbors.

Construction requirements

The main requirements for dog houses are that they be comfortable, warm and protect the pet from bad weather.

The kennel should be of such a size that the dog can stretch out to its full length. But it is also very important to take into account that the dog’s “house” is heated only by the heat generated by the animal’s body, which is why the living part of the kennel should not be too spacious.

The materials from which it is made must retain heat well and at the same time be safe for the pet: not emit any fumes and not be allergenic.

The bottom of the kennel should be raised above ground level and not touch it: this will protect the dog from hypothermia and at the same time make the kennel more durable.

Measuring your pet to determine the size of the booth

If the kennel is made for an already adult shepherd, then it is better to build it in accordance with, since such a kennel will suit the pet best.

In order to build a kennel according to individual sizes, you need to take the following measurements:

  • Body length. Measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Determines the length of the booth. To ensure that the dog does not feel too cramped, you need to add 15 cm to the resulting value.
  • Overall growth. The height of the animal is measured from the top of the head to the floor. It is fundamental in determining the height of the kennel. You must also add 15 cm to the resulting value.
  • Height at withers. It is measured from the withers to the floor and is fundamental for determining the height of the manhole. To prevent it from being too high, you need to subtract 10 cm from the measurement result.
  • Chest Width. The distance between the shoulder-scapular joints of the animal is measured. Determines the width of the opening. You need to add 10 cm to this measurement so that the dog does not get stuck when entering the booth.

When taking measurements, the dog should stand calmly and straight.

Kennel dimensions

In the event that the kennel is made for or a young dog that has not yet had time to fully develop physically, it is recommended to use the following indicators, which are the average sizes of shepherd dog kennels:

  • Length: 120-125 cm.
  • Height: 90-100 cm.
  • Width: 65-70 cm.
  • Manhole size: 40×60 cm.

If you plan to do it yourself or order a booth with a vestibule, then you need to add another 20-30 cm to the length.

Types and how to choose

There are the following types of shepherd dog kennels::

  • With a pitched roof.
  • With a gable roof.
  • With vestibule.
  • With an aviary.

They all have their own advantages due to their design features. Thus, a lean-to kennel allows the dog to use the roof as a kind of bed, which offers a better view.

Gable roofs provide better protection from rain, as water drains faster from them.. Booths with a vestibule are good at retaining heat inside the dog’s “house”. A kennel with an enclosure allows the pet to move freely around the territory and prevents the dog from escaping or other animals entering its territory.

When deciding which option to prefer, you need to proceed, first of all, not from considerations of beauty, but from how practical this particular type of booth is and what advantages it has over others.

So, for regions with a cold climate and in areas where strong winds are frequent, it is recommended to build dog houses with a vestibule. In areas with high humidity and frequent precipitation - with a gable roof.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find a booth of any design, even one built in the image and likeness of the owner’s house or even a fairy-tale palace.

But before you decide to make such a purchase, you need to think about how practical and convenient such a booth is for the dog.

What material is best to make it from?

The material from which the kennel for the shepherd will be built must be resistant to temperature changes, as well as to exposure to sunlight and, of course, moisture. In addition, it must be environmentally friendly and safe for animals.

Experts recommend choosing oak, alder, pine or spruce wood as materials for dog houses. At the same time, you need high-quality material: there should be no rot, cracks or knots on it, since otherwise the booth will be short-lived and in a few years you will have to install a new one.

Whereas a kennel made of high-quality material can stand on the site for up to 20 years.

Many wood-shaving or wood-fiber materials are more attractive in price and at the same time quite durable, but it is not recommended to build a kennel from them, since synthetic resins are used in their manufacture, which can cause allergies in the shepherd and, moreover, emit air fumes harmful to the health of dogs.

What materials are needed for construction

To build a kennel you will need the following materials:

  • Lining or edged board 2-3 cm thick.
  • Wooden beam of square section.
  • Wood glue.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Self-tapping screws, nails, tie screws.
  • Door hinges or furniture fittings.
  • Soft roofing material for the roof, for example, roofing felt.
  • Insulation material: for example, polystyrene foam. In addition, you will also need glassine.
  • Tarpaulin for covering the hole.
  • Moisture-proof and antiseptic impregnation for wood. You can also stock up on impregnation that increases the fire resistance of wood, which will make the booth more fireproof.

Tools you will need:

  • Roulette.
  • Pencil or marker.
  • Building level.
  • Electric drill.
  • Hammer.
  • Saw or electric jigsaw.

Wood impregnation should be hypoallergenic, or you can simply soak the boards with natural oils.

Deciding on a drawing

Despite the fact that you can come up with many options for the design of a kennel, the most convenient and practical option is considered to be when the kennel has a rectangular shape and an entrance located on the side.

If you make the design too complex, it will be inconvenient and impractical, since such a room will be more difficult to put in order, and the dog itself will not feel very comfortable in it.

The roof can be made either single-slope or gable, but it should be taken into account that for self-construction, the first option will be easier to manufacture.

To facilitate further maintenance of the booth, one of its walls or the roof should be made removable.

How to build it yourself

Before proceeding with the construction of the booth, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. First you need to find a suitable drawing on the Internet or develop it yourself.

The finished drawing can be adjusted to individual sizes in accordance with the dog’s measurements. You can also take a universal drawing of a kennel for large dogs, based on the fact that the length of the booth in this case should be 120-125 cm, and if it also has a vestibule, then 140-155 cm.

After this, you need to transfer the life-size drawing onto a sheet of thick paper or thin cardboard of a suitable size, using a tape measure and a marker or pencil. Then the parts need to be cut out and used as templates.

The area where the shepherd's kennel will be located must be cleaned and, if necessary, leveled. Also, it would be desirable for the booth to be located at the top of a gentle slope so that water does not stagnate there.

Plywood, edged boards or clapboards must be properly planed and sanded so that the pet does not get hurt on them or get a splinter.

The process of building a booth:

  • First, the base frame is assembled from wooden beams, which are fastened with screws or metal corners. Its height should be 15 cm. In this case, the dimensions of the base can coincide with the length and width of the booth, or they can be slightly larger, forming a platform. For stability in the frame, it is recommended to install one or two jumpers along the long side of the structure.
  • The floor covering is made - single or double, if you need a well-insulated booth. The materials for its manufacture can be edged boards, lining or moisture-resistant plywood. If the bottom is double, then mineral wool is laid between the two layers.
  • Four beams are placed along the edges of the base, equal in length to the height of the booth. You can also additionally install several crossbars between them.
  • If there is a vestibule, then its inner wall is installed, made, in accordance with the drawing, from plywood or lining.
  • The remaining parts of the booth are prepared, for which life-size part templates are applied to the prepared material and traced along the contour with a pencil or marker. After this, they are cut out, put in place and connected using the selected fastening material.
  • From the beams in accordance with the drawing, a frame for the roof is installed.
  • If the roof is flat, then 3 bars are attached to one of its sides so that the roof rests on them at an angle of approximately 15 degrees.
  • The walls of the booth should be covered with insulation, for which it is most convenient to use polystyrene foam of suitable thickness.
  • The final covering of the booth with clapboard is being done.
  • Next, the roof is installed; if desired, it can also be insulated. After this, furniture fittings or door hinges are attached so that the roof can be easily removed when cleaning the inside of the kennel.
  • Finally, the walls are treated with an antiseptic and moisture-resistant impregnation. The outside is painted or varnished, but the inside is left unpainted.
  • From the inside, a canvas curtain is hung on a bar attached above the hole.


The hole should be located on the wide side of the kennel, in the vestibule area, if there is one.

Its edges are strengthened with additional crossbars nailed along the edges.

How to insulate?

In order for the booth to be as warm as possible, it is necessary to lay layers of insulation on both sides with glassine paper. To do this, parts are cut out of it, cut according to a template, and placed tightly on wooden blanks.

Glassine can be secured using a construction stapler. After this, a layer of polystyrene foam is placed, and on top of it is another layer of glassine. Finally, a second layer of lining or plywood is made, covering the glassine on top.


In places with cold climates, where frosts reach -30-35 degrees, one layer of polystyrene foam is not enough for insulation.

In order to further insulate the kennel, before the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to additionally line it from the inside with a layer of thick felt, which can be removed during the warm season.

Also in winter, a bedding of hay or old blankets is placed on the floor of the booth..

To prevent cold wind from blowing into the kennel through the hole, if you have a vestibule, you can hang another curtain made of tarpaulin, separating it from the living compartment.

How to arrange it?

If desired, the booth can be supplemented with many useful additions, including::

  • Stand for feeder and drinker.
  • A canopy that protects the dog from snow, rain and direct sunlight.
  • Box for toys and dog accessories.
  • Place for toilet.
  • Aviary.

If desired, you can use a place under the gable roof, which can be easily opened, to store dog items. But at the same time, it will be necessary to make changes to the drawing in advance, even before cutting the templates.

Do I need to put it on a chain?

It is impossible to put a German Shepherd on a chain, as this causes both physical and psychological discomfort to the animal. A dog put on a chain becomes angry and vindictive and, worst of all, loses trust in people, including its owner. In addition, when kept in a chain, the shepherd's body deteriorates: the muscles may weaken or the back may sag.

And finally, keeping a pet on a chain is unacceptable for safety reasons: a shepherd dog can become entangled in the chain and injure its paw, or even choke on it.

The chain can only be used for short-term isolation of the pet, provided that someone from the family will be watching it at this time, but the animal cannot be kept on it permanently.

Conclusion and conclusions

The German Shepherd is a strong and hardy dog ​​that can live all year round in the courtyard of a private house or in an enclosure. But in order for the pet to withstand the cold well, you need to make sure that it has a warm and cozy booth. You can buy it ready-made, make it to order, or make it yourself.

It should be remembered that the shepherd will perceive the kennel as its home only if it does not have unpleasant memories associated with it, and the kennel itself is quite roomy, but at the same time warm and cozy.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to build a doghouse for a shepherd with your own hands:

In contact with

Dogs have always been faithful and devoted friends. It's good if people understand this and care about them. A warm, good-quality booth, made with love, will be a manifestation of our care. The German Shepherd is a large dog and needs a kennel to match. The article will talk about what types of booths there are and how to build them with your own hands based on the dimensions of your pet.

Design Features

German Shepherds are rarely kept indoors; they are street dogs and can withstand various weather conditions well. But this does not mean that a dog can live in a cardboard box; he needs his own cozy “home”. In a kennel that is too large, the dog will be cold, and in a small one, it will be cramped. We need a golden mean. We will discuss the optimal sizes below.

Whatever the shape of the kennel, it should be raised 10–15 centimeters above the ground. The air cushion will provide a warm floor for the animal and relieve it from flooding during rain. The roof of the booth is often removable so that it can be easily removed from the pet.

The material used to make the kennel should be taken seriously. It needs to retain heat and be harmless, that is, not emit dangerous fumes and allergens. The structure itself in its internal part should not have elements that could injure the animal (protruding nails or ends of metal profiles).

The booth is protection from cold, heat, wind, rain and snow. It needs to be built double, with insulation laid inside. But it is necessary to take into account that the dog can chew the threshold and walls. The owners will either have to make the walls gnaw-resistant, or choose insulation that will not cause poisoning if it gets into the animal’s mouth. The entrance to the booth is covered with a piece of tarpaulin, this will help retain heat.

You should carefully consider where your shepherd is feeding. If the bowls are not secured, they may tip over. A table with niches for bowls has proven itself well: the dog won’t pull them out, and the owner can easily change them.


The pet house can be built with a pitched or gable roof. In some cases, a vestibule or enclosure is added. Sometimes combined options are built, with a vestibule and an enclosure at the same time. The structures are insulated or left cold. The choice of building should be influenced by the climatic factor, and not by appearance or material savings.

The German Shepherd is a large guard dog; it needs not only shelter from cold and bad weather, but also a proper place to walk.

If it does not move freely around the territory, then there must be an enclosure or chain of sufficient length.

Let's take a closer look at the options for dog kennels and find out the advantages of each of them.


Dogs love this type of building because of the opportunity to lie on the roof, where it is closer to the sun and has a better view.


This option is preferable in climates with high rainfall. The roof design allows you to quickly get rid of water and snow.

It is needed in cold, rainy and windy regions. The vestibule makes it possible to retain heat in the booth itself; during rain, the animal will always be dry and clean. Feeders and drinking bowls remain under the canopy, the dog can use them even in bad weather conditions. The structure is covered with a flat or pitched roof.

With an aviary

It is necessary when it is not possible to put the animal on a chain, and free movement around the yard is not encouraged. Enclosures are relevant if the owners have several dogs and they need to be separated. Such buildings differ in size and are of indoor and open type.

Booths without vestibules and enclosures, with open entrances, can be built in warm regions where the temperature does not drop below 5–10 degrees. Bowls and drinking bowls are taken outside the kennel.

Often, owners purchase ready-made booths that look like log cabins. They try to fit the dog kennel into their landscape design. When choosing a beautiful “house”, you should first check whether it will be comfortable for the dog, and then take into account the appearance.

People have enough imagination to make doghouses infinitely varied, from the simplest boxes to complex plot structures. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the different types of dog “houses”.

  • The simplest booth with an opening roof.

  • A kennel in the form of a house can replicate the actual construction of the owner's house and fit well into the design of the yard.

  • A lovingly crafted kennel containing your pet's name.

  • A good-quality, beautiful dog’s home, which can hardly be called a kennel. Built with an enclosure, made of natural materials: wood and stone, located under a shady tree.

  • A carefully constructed kennel with a vestibule that protects from the wind and scorching sun, with a table for drinking and feeding troughs.

  • The booth is made in the form of a real mini-house and is built into the design of the owner's house.

  • A neat kennel with thoughtful space for feeders and a toy box. The disadvantage is that the opening is too large, which helps to cool the interior space.

  • Large booth with an observation deck.

  • Dog “houses” in the form of barrels. It is unknown how convenient this is for pets, but they look original and beautiful.

  • Ultra-modern kennel in Art Nouveau style.

  • A small booth with a corner hole, not suitable for long-term stationary stay. Refers to a portable model for a shepherd puppy.

  • Amazing dog houses: one is made to look like a French house in the Provence style, and the other is in the form of a medieval castle.

  • The booth is made for a car trailer.

  • To decorate the landscape design, a non-standard solution was needed - an inverted dog kennel.

  • A dormitory booth built for two friends at once.

  • Dog “houses” with a gable roof made at a large slope.

Choosing a location

When choosing a place to live for a German Shepherd, it is necessary to solve two problems: comfortable conditions for the dog and the ability to guard the territory, since the dog is a guard dog.

The booth should be located in a place where you can see the entrance to the house and the gate. If you can place it on a hill, the dog will have a good view. In addition, the kennel will not be flooded by precipitation.

It is necessary to position the structure so that the dog and owners do not interfere with each other. She should see the owner's yard, but not demand increased attention from the household.

The animal should not be housed in drafts; it is better if a building or bushes shield it from the wind. Installing a booth near a fence bordering the street is also not the best option. The dog will bark at passers-by and disturb the neighbors.

Everyone knows about dogs' sensitive sense of smell and hearing. The constant presence of strong smells and sounds can make your pet nervous and spoil his sense of smell. Therefore, you should not place the booth near the garage, toilet, cesspool, or where pets (birds, rabbits, goats) live.

Drawings and dimensions

If you have no experience building anything from boards and plywood, you can choose the simplest option: a box-like kennel. This is a sample, with a sleeping place and a flat removable roof. Talented craftsmen create booths that replicate their homes in miniature; such a product becomes a decoration for the owner’s yard. Whether it's a simple kennel or a work of art, it should be appropriate for the size of the German Shepherd breed. You shouldn’t make the booth too big, since the dog will have to warm it with his body, but you don’t need a small one either, the animal should lie down freely in its favorite position. Therefore, even before drawings and sketches, it is necessary to measure the shepherd.

The size of the pet is noted from the nose to the base of the tail, fifteen centimeters are added for a comfortable stay in the kennel. Next, you should measure the width of the dog's chest. In addition to the dimensions that make up the height of the dog from the ground to the top of the head, measurements should also be taken from the floor to the withers. To do this, you can bring the animal to the door frame, apply a ruler in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and make a mark on the door frame, then use a tape measure to measure the distance from the floor to the mark made. The height of the booth should be 10–15 cm higher than the dog itself. The dimensions of the pet from the floor to the withers and the width of the chest will be needed to determine the hole.

The dog should enter freely, but without excesses; every additional centimeter at the entrance causes the kennel to cool down.

This method is used to measure an adult dog (two to three years old) whose skeleton is already fully formed. If the kennel is made for a puppy to grow into, you will have to use the standards developed by breeders for German shepherds:

  • length – 120–130 cm;
  • height – 85–100 cm;
  • width – 70 cm;
  • the volume of the inlet is 60x40 cm.

Having calculated the dimensions of the booth, a drawing is drawn up. A sketch of a single building is made, with a vestibule or enclosure, with places for feeding or boxes for toys, with upper viewing platforms. Any model is selected for which the owner has enough materials and skills.

How to do it yourself?

Today, kennels for every taste can be purchased on the construction market, but a “house” made with love for your pet carries a special energy, and the dog feels it.

Required materials and tools

You can make a dog house from old things collected in a garage or barn, or disassemble unnecessary furniture. Or you can buy boards, plywood and assemble a brand new “house”. Moreover, for construction you will need inexpensive varieties of hardwood or pine, which also belongs to the budget category. For a booth, the most important thing is that the material is environmentally friendly and non-toxic. Wood often rots, swells, and bacteria and fungi multiply on it. To improve the quality of the material, wood is treated with special impregnations. They should not be industrial, poisonous compounds will cause allergies in the dog.

As for recycled materials, disassembled wooden furniture pieces, industrial varnishes and paints can affect the dog's health if he wants to chew his kennel.

When choosing material for construction, you need to consider the following requirements:

  • the wood must be dry so that it does not undergo deformation during drying in the finished product;
  • at the same time, not overdried, without knots and cracks, this will increase the service life of the building;
  • the material will have to withstand seasonal temperature fluctuations, precipitation, and summer heat;
  • it should not have specific odors, as this may irritate the dog.

To build a booth, they most often purchase an edged board, about 3 cm thick, or clapboard. The frame is erected from wooden blocks with a volume of 5–7 cm.

In addition to boards, plywood may be needed if a warm structure is being built. Insulation is laid between the board and plywood. For thermal insulation, purchase polystyrene foam, construction wool or polystyrene foam.

For the roof, it is better not to use metal sheets, which heat up in the sun and make noise from the rain. A soft waterproofing roof is more comfortable for a dog: it can easily withstand precipitation, and lying on it is a pleasure.

For the crawl space, you should prepare a curtain in advance, and for the floor, make sure that the bedding is insulated. If a feeding table is being made along with the booth, the dimensions of the bowls should already be known.

The following tools may be needed for work:

  • measurements will be taken using a tape measure and marked with a marker;
  • to avoid distortions of the walls, you will need a building level;
  • hammer;
  • electric jigsaw for direct work with wood (or saw);
  • screwdriver for fasteners;
  • fastening elements;
  • glue for installing boards and sealant for heat resistance of joints;
  • special compositions for wood;
  • paint brush to treat finished surfaces with impregnations.

Step-by-step instruction

When starting to build a booth, you should already have carefully measured dimensions and a well-thought-out layout. Building a good dog “house” without a drawing will not be easy.

The place for the booth or enclosure must already be prepared, cleared and leveled. Construction should begin with the flooring on which the kennel will be located, rising 10–15 centimeters above the ground. The base can be built in the shape of a booth or larger sizes, forming a compact platform. The frame for the flooring is prepared from beams, for rigidity they are reinforced with crossbars. All elements are connected using corners and screws.

In cold regions, it is better to insulate the base. Lay Ultralight mineral insulation between the layers of boards or lining - it has low thermal conductivity, so it retains heat well in cold weather and keeps cool in hot weather.

Correctly selected dimensions of a doghouse for a German Shepherd are one of the main criteria when building a home for this domestic inhabitant.

It is foolish to think that any wooden box with a door for entry can be put together for a dog, which will be suitable housing. A comfortable and reliable doghouse for any dog, including a German shepherd, must meet certain requirements.

In addition to the fact that any breed of dog has its own optimal size of “housing,” there are also some rules that allow you to maximize its functionality.

General calculation parameters

The optimal size of a pet's home depends entirely on the breed of dog for which it is intended.

Insufficient size of a watchdog's home will be very constricting and cause a lot of discomfort, and a very large size will make this home colder and more humid.

Therefore, there is a need to optimize the size of the booth.

  • The optimal housing for a German Shepherd is:
  • with a length of 80 cm;
  • with width and height at the lowest point - 70 cm;

with a manhole width of 35 cm and height of 45 cm.

  • These sizes are based on the size of a German Shepherd. The calculation method is as follows:
  • the length of the booth is equal to the length of the dog plus 5 cm;
  • the width and height of the booth is equal to the height of the dog plus 5 cm;

the width of the hole is 5 cm more than the width of the chest, and the height is 5 cm less than the height of the dog at the withers. Note:

the hole in the shepherd's doghouse should not be in the center, but closer to the edge of the long wall.

There are many schemes for building a booth. The most applicable option is a rectangular version made of beams, which is covered with a variety of materials.

Construction site

  1. The construction site and location of the watchdog’s home have their own specific requirements:
  2. The booth should be installed in such a way that the protected area can be viewed as widely as possible.
  3. The dog’s home should be at a decent distance from human residential buildings, at least 15 meters.
  4. Rarely is a dog’s home built near outbuildings with cows, horses and other animals. The presence of noise, evaporation and irritating odors has a very negative impact on the dog’s lifestyle and productivity. The location of the booth should be moderately light and moderately shady.
  5. It is most convenient to install the booth under a tree.
  6. Installing the booth directly on the ground will lead to rapid cooling of the bottom during the cold season. Therefore, it is advisable to install the booth on stands or a special foundation.

When building a roof, the following options for this element of the dog’s home can be used:

  1. The roof can be pitched or gable. Both may have their advantages and disadvantages. In the case of a pitched roof, the dog may sometimes lie on the roof. In this case there should be a slight slope, about 15-20°. The gable roof allows you to create a work surface in the form of an attic, which can be used to store watchdog accessories.
  2. A huge advantage will be the ability to raise the roof. Such actions will make it possible to easily clean the kennel and remove the sick animal.

The roofing material must have a high level of moisture resistance and noise resistance.

Description of the construction process

The construction process depends on the complexity of the selected booth option. The most practical algorithm for constructing housing for a watchdog can be considered:

  1. The frames of the front and rear walls, bottom and roof are made from timber 5 cm wide. A hole is constructed in the frame of the front wall from beams.
  2. The back and front walls are screwed to the bottom and connected by jumpers made of the same beams on the sides.
  3. The bottom is tightly packed with boards. It is better to use a floorboard where the tongue-to-tenon joint ensures the complete absence of the slightest gaps.
  4. The outer walls are clogged with clapboard or thicker shag.
  5. Foam plastic of the same width as the beams is placed inside the frame between the beams.
  6. The interior walls of all walls and the roof are lined with plywood.
  7. The roof is covered with roofing material.

It is important to know: The outer part of the booth must be covered with waterproof painting materials. But under no circumstances should the inside of the booth be coated with any paints, as this will spoil the dog’s sense of smell.

A booth for a German Shepherd is one of those attributes that can protect your pet dog from various natural factors. A high-quality and comfortable kennel greatly eliminates the possibility of illness and makes your pet’s life more comfortable.

Therefore, building a home for a dog must be taken seriously and responsibly.

How to assemble a booth for a German Shepherd, see the following video:

Standard sizes.

  • To build a booth you will need:
  • wooden boards;
  • roofing felt;
  • plywood sheets;
  • tiles;
  • materials for insulation;

For walls and partitions it is better to use natural material; coniferous wood is excellent. Never use metal materials, which become very hot during hot weather and will create unbearable living conditions inside.

The wood must be pre-treated with materials that have an antiseptic effect and prevent the formation of mold. The roof should be made of waterproof material; roofing felt or tiles work well.

Aviary for a German Shepherd

A kennel is great when the dog needs to have constant access to the area. But in some cases, owners prefer enclosures where pets can move freely and have enough space.

Unlike a booth, the enclosure has no restrictions; it can be of any width and height, at least 6 square meters. Most often, the structure has an area of ​​8-10 meters. It should be noted that if you live with another dog, the area of ​​the enclosure should increase by one and a half times.

An enclosure for a shepherd dog can be entirely wooden, metal or mixed. It also differs in design: open, semi-open and completely closed. Here everyone chooses according to their preferences.

An example of a drawing with dimensions.

Before you make an aviary, pay attention to some tips:

  • use only natural materials and try to reduce the amount of metal ones;
  • the enclosure should be made of lattice on the viewing side, so the pet will be more comfortable and have a good view;
  • the grille must be galvanized or painted;
  • make sure that the structure is strong, the dog should not break it or get out;
  • it is desirable that the floor is made of wood; make sure that there is nothing foreign or prickly on it, so that the four-legged animal is not injured;
  • the door must be made in such a way that it opens inward;
  • Be sure to place a booth inside the enclosure.

First, select a suitable location where the structure will be located, then create a drawing, prepare materials, and construction can begin. It is recommended to use coniferous trees; the boards must be without holes and must be treated with protective substances. Also prepare metal rods or lattice and pipes for the frame.

The structure must have a foundation, “legs” or be located on paving stones. The floor is most often covered with concrete or asphalt for ease of cleaning. In this case, a slight slope is made towards the facade to make cleaning more convenient. It is still better if the floor is made of wood, so the shepherd will be warmer and caring for it will not be much more difficult.

The walls are attached to each other using self-tapping screws; the use of nails is not recommended. One wall must be made of lattice or metal rods with a distance between them of no more than 10 cm. It is on this wall that a door is installed, which must open inward. Also, make sure you have a strong lock.

The roof of the enclosure, like the booths, can be single or gable. In the first case, it is also necessary to make a slight slope so that the water drains. Waterproof materials are required for the coating. Experts advise using soft tiles as they absorb noise well.

After construction is completed, install a booth and bowls for food and water inside. For large and medium-sized breeds, it is not advisable to place bowls on the floor; it is better to purchase or build a stand according to the pet’s height.


Many purchase it as a protector and security guard. In this case, most often the dogs live in the yard, where it is necessary to provide them with a high-quality and comfortable kennel.

Making such a “house” with your own hands is not difficult, and the Internet is full of drawings of booths for every taste. In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity to show your imagination and build a mini version of a real house for people.

Dogs living outside simply need a kennel. Dogs rest in it and escape the cold and bad weather. To make it convenient for your shepherd to guard the area, build her a comfortable and beautiful home.

General requirements for a shepherd doghouse

If the dog lives on the street, then it is necessary to make a comfortable and convenient kennel for it. The general requirements for it are:

  1. Suitable size. The dog should not be cramped in the house.
  2. Protection from moisture.
  3. Strength.
  4. Insulation.
  5. Human accessibility, as the booth needs to be cleaned regularly.
  6. The booth must be made so that there are no drafts in it.

Booth - dog's house

Types of booths

Booths can be divided according to many parameters: for example, by type of roof, by the material from which it is made, by the degree of insulation, by external and internal design.

Table: some types of booths, as well as their pros and cons

Types of boothsSubtypes of boothsprosMinuses
By roof typeGableThe house can be made larger or the space under the roof can be used to store the dog’s belongings-
Single-pitchWater flows easily through it without spilling anywhere.-
Flat roofEase of constructionSnow may linger on this type of roof
With a curved or domed roofThe booth will be more spacious and more beautifulThere are some difficulties in construction
By type of building materialLog. It can only be with a flat roof or a gable roof.Warm, strongExpensive material
PlywoodQuite cheap materialRequires serious insulation, because plywood does not hold heat well and is easily damaged
From a board (frame)Acceptable quality and relatively affordable priceA dog can easily damage boards if they are not made of strong wood.
From bricks, stone, rubbleReliable
  • cannot be moved from place to place,
  • need a foundation
  • requires very good insulation or heating.

Therefore, such booths are usually not built

According to the degree of insulationSummerIt's not hot in itNot suitable for climates with cold winters
WinterWarmIt can be hot in summer
Universal (with heating)Temperature can be adjustedThe heating system will not be cheap
By designStandard (in the form of a house)Ease of constructionDepends on the above criteria
Unusual designThey look nice and are usually well madeExpensiveness and complexity of construction

Photo gallery: types of booths

A kennel with a pitched roof is good for all breeds A kennel with a gable roof is practical A kennel made of logs retains heat well A stone kennel can only be built in a very warm climate A kennel with a flat roof is easy to build A kennel made of boards requires insulation Unusual kennels are beautiful, but difficult to build

Wooden frame and log standard kennels with insulation and any type of roof are recognized as the best and most comfortable for dogs.

Choosing a place for the booth

The location for the booth must be selected based on the following parameters:

  1. The place should not be in a draft.
  2. Consider not placing the booth in the hot sun in the summer. It is better to install it in a shaded place.
  3. It is desirable that this be a slight elevation (it can be created artificially), but in no case a lowland.
  4. The booth should be positioned so that the shepherd dog can see as much of the territory as possible.
  5. The booth should not be located next to where other animals are kept.
  6. Do not place the booth right next to the fence. There the dog will not be given rest by the smells and sounds from outside. And if the fence is not solid, then there will be those who like to tease the dogs.
  7. Do not build a booth next to ground communications (gas pipes, etc.).

Each site has its own characteristics, so take the time to familiarize yourself with the plan. This will give you a better understanding of how to position your shepherd's doghouse. Based on the experience of the owners, the best places may be the backyard, a place under a tree, or a veranda.

The shepherd must control the territory of the site

How to build a doghouse for a shepherd: everything you need

So, you have chosen a location and decided on the type of booth. Now is the time to start construction.

Drawings and dimensions

First of all, when starting to build a booth, you need to decide on the size of the house and entrance, and also draw up a drawing.

The size of the booth directly depends not only on the size of the dog, but also on the region in which you live. If this is a region with harsh winters, it is more advisable to make a smaller booth, but if you live in a warm area, the booth can be of any size (preferably larger, since it is cooler in such booths).

In any case, first you need to measure the dog itself. What measurements need to be made:

  1. Length from nose to croup when lying down.
  2. Height at the withers.
  3. Height from ground to ears.
  4. Shoulder width.

Measure your shepherd both standing and lying down

Now let's figure out how to calculate the size of the booth. If the area is cold, then the length of the booth should be 10–15 cm greater than the above dog parameters. If the region is moderate, then the interval can be increased to 15–20 cm, and if it is warm, you can build larger. The height of the booth, as a rule, is always equal to the height of the dog ± 5 cm, but can vary according to your wishes.

The width should not be too small for the dog to be comfortable in the booth. In temperate and warm regions, you can build a square booth (length = width); in cold regions, the width can be 20–30 cm less than the length.

You should also consider the size of the entrance. The height is 5 cm greater than the height of the dog at the withers, and the width is 5–10 cm greater than the width of the shoulders.

As for the drawings, it all depends on the selected parameters (type, size, design, material) of the booth. If you have drawing skills, you can draw up the drawing yourself, based on your preferences. You can also contact a special bureau, state your requirements and receive a detailed drawing. Or use a drawing from the network.

What should be on the booth drawing:

  1. A schematic drawing of the booth itself with views from the top, side, front and back (you can also see the inside and bottom) to roughly see what it will look like.
  2. If the booth is framed, then you need to make frame drawings for each wall, roof and floor.
  3. All booth dimensions indicated next to the drawing:
    1. Length.
    2. Width.
    3. Height.
    4. Height and width of the entrance.
    5. If there are any additional elements (veranda, piles, ladder, etc.), then their size is also indicated.
    6. If the roof is domed, then its height is indicated separately.
    7. If the roof is gable, then its height, length and width of the sides and the angle of connection (for example, 40 °) are indicated.
    8. If the roof is pitched, then its length from wall to wall is indicated separately, as well as the height of the wall, which provides lift.

Photo gallery: drawings of a shepherd doghouse

Drawing of a booth with a veranda Drawing of a booth with a gable roof Drawing of a booth with a folding roof Drawing of a booth made of boards Drawings of several types of booths Drawing of a booth with a veranda on stilts Drawing of a booth with a platform Drawing of a long booth with a flat roof


Tools are very important, since with their help the booth will be created. For a wooden, plywood, log booth you will need:

  1. Hammer or screwdriver (depending on how you want to fasten the boards together).
  2. Level for measuring inclination.
  3. Drill.
  4. Pattern.
  5. Length meter (construction or long ruler).
  6. Grinder with attachments.
  7. Regular saw or jigsaw.
  8. If the board is not sanded, then you need a sander.
  9. Brushes, rollers or paint/varnish sprayer.
  10. Pencil.

Good tools = ease of use

Construction materials

Building materials are one of the most important components of a reliable booth. You shouldn't skimp on them. The amount and type of materials depend on the type of booth.

For log you will need:

  • rounded or planed logs of small or medium diameter, 2 or 3 grades in quality (better than coniferous species);
  • birch dowels;
  • insulation for caulking walls (jute, hemp, tow), as well as mineral wool for floor insulation;
  • liquid bitumen mastic for coating logs;
  • bitumen shingles;
  • board and wooden lining (or edged board) for the floor.

Boards and logs must be of high quality for the booth to last a long time

For a board (frame) booth you will need:

  • board (preferably already sanded, made of coniferous or oak);
  • thick board for the roof;
  • wooden lining or plywood for internal (external) cladding;
  • insulation (mineral wool, glass wool and others for frame houses);
  • metal corner fasteners for boards;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood (will help avoid the appearance of insects, mold and other similar troubles);
  • bitumen shingles.

If you want to heat the booth, it is best to use a “warm floor” system due to reliability, safety and the possibility of remote control. Place the control panel outside the booth to have access to it; protect the panel from moisture with a waterproof cover or make a special shield, like on human houses.

Installation and insulation

So, all the materials have been purchased and the tools have been prepared. It's time to start installation. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to mount and insulate a log cabin:

  1. We prepare the place: we level the surface of the earth, mark the area according to the dimensions of the bottom of the booth.
  2. We measure the required length of logs for the walls, make marks of the internal space (they correspond to those indicated in the drawings). It is best to fasten the booth using grooves; to do this, when cutting at both ends of the log, leave a surplus of at least 30 cm.
  3. Number the logs according to the following scheme: from bottom to top from 1 to the number of the top log, and also add letters for the logs of each wall (for example, one wall is A, the second is B, etc.).
  4. Then, when the logs are prepared, we mark the places where we will make the grooves. The optimal length of the groove for the booth is 15 cm, the width depends on the diameter of the logs (no more than 1/3 of the diameter). We measure this distance from the mark indicating the length of the inside of the booth towards the end of the log. There is no need for such marks on the first logs of each wall.

    The space for the grooves is marked on both sides

  5. The next mark is for the recess-fastening. It is made on the same side as the marks for the grooves. Make a thin cut of one of the logs unnecessary for construction. Then mark with a straight line approximately 1/4 at its end (that is, like the top of this circle). Using the mark, attach this cut to the end of each log on both sides and mark them with a semicircular line. On the first logs, we don’t mark them.

    Thanks to the notch-fastening, the logs do not roll off each other

  6. Now you need to make holes for the dowel (including the first ones). They must strictly coincide on each log, otherwise the design will be crooked. We make them according to the scheme, as in the picture.

    This is how logs are attached using dowels

  7. Make a mark on both sides of the log. To make the bottom coincide with the top, secure the log on a flat surface, measure its diameter in the place where the hole will be, divide by two. Then take a thread equal to half the diameter and make a mark on one side of the log. Then, from this mark, wrap the thread around it and put a mark on the opposite end.
  8. When the marks are ready, you need to make holes for the dowel. Using a drill with a diameter equal to the diameter of the dowel, start drilling from one side. Once you've drilled to about the center, start drilling from the other one. This way the marks are guaranteed to match. Check if the holes you made match using a dowel.
  9. Now we will make grooves and recesses-fastenings using a special disk attachment on an angle grinder, which removes the wood layer by layer. Using the marks, we make grooves with a depth of approximately 1/3 - 1/2 of the diameter of the log. We also make recesses and fastenings. Make sure that they roughly follow the shape of the log on which they are applied.
  10. At this stage, we make grooves for floor boards in the lower logs of two opposite walls (4 pieces are enough). At equal distances, mark 4 times the width of the boards used, make rectangular holes 3/4 deep from the height of the board (the height in the board is greater than the width).
  11. Now we collect the first 3 logs of each wall of the booth. The bottom one can be made semicircular (simply cut down the bottom half of the log) for stability of the booth, or you can leave it round and then dig a hole the size of the bottom of the booth and install the structure in it.
  12. We lay the logs on top of each other with grooves and recesses-fastenings, first laying the joints with insulation (tow, jute, do not clog the holes for the dowels), and secure them with dowels.
  13. Making the floor:
    1. We take the floor boards on which we made marks.
    2. We install the assembled structure on them.
    3. We securely attach them to the logs using long screws.
    4. We cover the lower part of the booth with an edged board or clapboard.
    5. We lay the insulation in the resulting recesses in the floor.
    6. We cover the floor from the inside.
  14. Next, we complete the assembly of the booth walls.
  15. Installing the roof:
    1. We make a flat roof on the top side of the booth using the same principle as the floor (only we sheathe the boards on the inside before attaching them to the logs).
    2. Then you can leave it like this, or you can make a gable roof:
      1. We take the boards and cut them to the length of two opposite sides of the flat roof of the booth.
      2. We attach them to the roof with a screwdriver opposite each other.
      3. We form the triangular sides of the roof: to do this, we screw two more boards to the already fixed boards, having previously cut off their ends so that they form a triangle and fit tightly to the base board. Both triangles must be the same.
      4. Then we cover them from the inside with clapboard/boards, lay insulation, and cover them on the outside.
      5. We make two rectangular frames (the width is slightly greater than the length of the sides of the triangle, the length is slightly greater than the length of the booth), sheathing it from the inside, laying insulation, and sheathing it from the outside.
      6. On the boards on those sides with which the rectangular frames will be connected into a triangle, we cut them at an angle equal to the angle of the top of the previously formed triangles.
      7. We connect them with a screwdriver, also attaching them to the triangular parts of the roof.
      8. We cover the rectangles with bitumen shingles.
  16. We are sawing a passage for the dog.
  17. We coat the outside of the booth with bitumen mastic and let it dry.
  18. We install the booth in place.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a frame booth from boards:

  1. We make the frames of the walls, floor and ceiling, observing the shape and dimensions of the booth, fastening the boards with screws and metal corner fasteners. Inside the frames we also attach internal frame boards (1-2 pcs.) with screws/nails and fasteners.

    The sheathing boards fit tightly together

  2. We lay insulation (mineral wool).
  3. We sheathe the outside of the booth, leaving the opening untouched (make sure that the screws do not stick out of the wood).
  4. We cover the roof with thick boards.
  5. We cover it with bitumen shingles.
  6. You can make a gable roof using the same principle as with a log cabin.
  7. We treat the boards with antiseptic impregnation.
  8. We decorate the joints on the outside with wooden corners.
  9. We install the booth on a small wooden or stone platform or dig it 15 cm into the ground.

Exterior trim and additional accessories

This is the stage where you can show your imagination to the maximum:

  • if you want to preserve the texture of the wood, you can paint the boards or logs with stain of any color (only in this case, treat only the joints of the logs with mastic);
  • you can use paint that is resistant to the external environment and make the booth lively and bright;
  • a booth made of boards can be finished on the outside with bitumen tiles or any other finishing material;
  • You can make thematic drawings on the walls with an airbrush;
  • You can hang glowing garlands on the booth (especially important during the holidays).

Additional accessories for the booth can be:

  • ladder;
  • veranda or vestibule;
  • aviary in front of the entrance;
  • a specially designated place for a feeder and drinking bowl;
  • window;
  • name plate with the dog's name;
  • a door closing the entrance to the booth;
  • roof of unusual shape.

Photo gallery: unusual and beautiful dog houses

A kennel with a veranda-aviary where you can relax in the shade in the summer A kennel with a beautiful color scheme will decorate the area A bright kennel is suitable for a cheerful dog A kennel can also be an object of art Some dogs can appreciate the modern style A beautiful kennel is pleasant for a dog to live in An unusual solution: a kennel made of a barrel A kennel with beautiful decoration and a nameplate above the entrance. The shepherd dog kennel should be spacious

A good kennel is the key to a dog's health. If you have worked hard and made a strong, reliable and warm kennel for your shepherd, then your pet will live in it with pleasure.