How to insulate a chimney from a wooden wall. How and with what to insulate a chimney pipe - the best time-tested solutions

Having your own Vacation home, you need to take care of warming up the rooms during the cold season. A stove or other heating system needs to install a chimney vent. The smoke exhaust pipe is the main element of heat supply communications. For its effective functioning, it is necessary to insulate the chimney from the outside.

Relevance of thermal insulation

Moisture and smoke generated during fuel combustion are aggressive factors affecting a brick chimney. Drop temperature regime during the cold season, the accumulated moisture that settles on the walls fills microcracks with water, and the stone structure collapses from the inside. Small ice crystals press from the inside and destroy it. An insulated chimney can eliminate this.
During the combustion process, condensate is formed on the surface of the flue, which contains a chemical series of oxides. When interacting, the elements form weak acids (carbonic, sulfuric, etc.) that can destroy metal surface. It is for this reason that chimney insulation is necessary.
Proper installation of thermal insulation helps prevent indoor fires and prevents the roof from catching fire. Well-heated chimney pipes improve draft in the fireplace, boiler and stove, and there is less tar and soot residue left in it. The efficiency of the heating unit increases significantly.

Positive factors of an insulated chimney

Before answering the question - how to insulate a pipe, it is necessary to highlight the advantages of an insulated chimney.
An insulated gas outlet protects the heating system from exposure to external environment and combustion products. Of course, thermal insulation cannot completely protect the structure from destruction, but it will extend its service life. This occurs due to the following factors:

  1. Pipe insulation allows you to maintain a thermal balance in the middle of the structure, eliminating the possibility of aggressive acids and condensate falling onto the walls. Combustion products completely evaporate along with the smoke stream.
  2. Chimney insulation minimizes the possibility of temperature differences between the cooled smoke duct and the hot steam.
  3. Energy-saving properties are increased, contributing to fuel economy.
  4. The strength of the steam exhaust structure increases due to the reinforcing frame.

Correctly selected insulation chimney increases the frost-resistant properties of the system, ensures long-term preservation of appearance and increases the service life, which is very important.

Selection of material for thermal insulation

The main question from the owners country houses having autonomous heating system- How to insulate a chimney. In order to reliably insulate outlets for a stove or boiler, materials with a high degree of thermal insulation are used to ensure the thermal balance of the stove pipe on the roof.

Basalt insulation

Relevant for chimney insulation using mineral wool or basalt. The insulation is obtained from the melt of volcanic rock - gabbo-basalt. It is converted into fibers, due to which the insulating material has the following advantages:

  • retains up to 95% heat;
  • characterized by good permeability of escaping steam;
  • is characterized by chemical and corrosion resistance;
  • prevents the growth of fungus and mold on the surface of the chimney on the roof;
  • vibration and heat resistant;
  • made from environmental materials;
  • is not subject to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Stainless steel casing

Metal “armor” in the form of a pipe made of of stainless steel, used as an insulation option. It is able to provide complete protection against mechanical damage, moisture and other aggressive factors.
The chimney casing is mounted on the chimney on the roof. The interpipe space is filled with basalt wool, the outside is covered with insulation, 5 cm thick. An asbestos chimney can be wrapped with this insulation.

Wooden shields

Wooden panels are considered one of the simplest options for insulating a chimney pipe. Thermal insulation is made in the form of a wooden frame made of plates of the appropriate size. Slate or other flooring is fixed on top of it, from which the roof of the home is made.
After the pipe is completely covered with wood, the empty cavity is filled with felt, slag, sand, and mineral wool. Frame seams must be covered with a waterproofing compound.

Slag-reinforced concrete insulation slabs

Insulation of a chimney in a private house using reinforced and slag concrete slabs provides shortest distance between joints on a structure. The space inside and corners are reinforced with mesh or wire, gypsum, clay and sand are poured in the form of a solution. Plaster is applied over the tile insulation.

Specifics of insulation work

When insulating a chimney with your own hands, we take into account that during operation of the heating boiler, the temperature in the smoke exhaust duct can reach 200 -300 degrees.

For insulation, it is better to choose a material with high heat-resistant properties: glass wool, mineral wool, basalt.

On the building materials market, thermal insulation is sold in the form of ready-made cylinders with a special foil screen. With their help, they decorate the flue and adjacent roof elements - protecting them from fire and cold air. Tubular structures are sold in different diameters, which allows you to wrap smoke outlets of different sizes.

Regulatory requirements for installation of thermal insulation

Before insulating a chimney pipe, you need to make sure that it is installed correctly.

The gas duct is carried out in accordance with the technological standards specified in GOST 52953-2008

  1. The combustion product exhaust pipe should be 5 m high. This figure ensures optimal draft in the heating system.
  2. A distance of at least 250 mm is required between the roof slab and the outer element of the boiler room.
  3. If the building is covered with flammable materials, in particular slate, roofing felt, ondulin, then the insulated smoke exhaust structure must be equipped with a spark arrester.

After making sure that the system is installed correctly, you can begin subsequent work on winding with thermal insulation.

Basic methods of insulation

The metal chimney pipe is insulated using various methods.

Method of insulating a steel chimney

The chimney is insulated using a special solution. The composition is prepared from a dry mixture and water. The solution is applied with a spatula to the surface, spreading over the entire area. Then a fiberglass reinforcing frame is fixed onto it, on which plaster is applied.

Gas boiler flue insulation

Insulation for pipes gas boiler must have a number of enhanced thermal insulation and heat-resistant qualities.

Sandwich-type structures block condensation from settling on the surface, saving energy.

The sandwich chimney consists of a layer of mineral wool and two metal pipes. Top element, with large diameter is the main sleeve, the smaller one is part of the steam exhaust channel.
How to insulate such a chimney pipe with your own hands? Recommendations must be followed:

  1. Holes are made in the roof and ceilings with a diameter 25 cm larger than the chimney duct.
  2. At this stage it is necessary to insulate the chimney pipe with a layer basalt wool. The thickness of the winding must be at least 5 cm.
  3. The insulation around the pipe is fixed with steel wire.
  4. A larger casing is placed on top.

Upon completion of the work, the chimney is connected to the heating source and the surrounding riser is filled with expanded clay, clay or asbestos.

Smoke exhausts for baths

Insulating the chimney in a bathhouse is aimed at improving the heat transfer of the heating source, which is a stone stove.

You can insulate a chimney in a steam room using the following options:

  • Teploizol is a material made of polyethylene foam hidden between sheets of foil. Rolls of insulation with a thickness of 2–10 mm are offered on the market. The foil surface reduces overheating of the pipe. The insulation is wrapped around the chimney, secured with wire or metallized tape;
  • filgoizol consists of two balls: foil, which saves over 90% of heat in the room and a heat insulator. The material is used to cover the walls and ceilings of the sauna, providing the effect of a thermos;
  • sandwich pipe consisting of several sections. This option is suitable for saunas and baths with an iron stove.

Insulating a metal pipe means ensuring optimal functioning of the heating system. Correct installation Insulating chimneys with your own hands allows you to increase the service life of the structure and the heat generator, and also prevents fire.

Question: “How to insulate a metal chimney pipe?” asked very often. This has to be done due to such destructive factors:

  • overheating of the structure;
  • leakage at joints.

Chimney insulation in a bathhouse

When solving the problem of how to insulate a metal chimney pipe in a bathhouse, the safety of people must be given priority.

The main threat in this room is the presence of live fire. In this case, it is necessary to isolate. Without proper protection, the ceiling easily catches fire.

Most often, a bathhouse is built from wood, and as you know, this material is highly flammable. Many people mistakenly believe that covering the ceiling with sheets of metal will provide excellent protection, and that there is no need to insulate it further.

But this protection heats up and this will not save you from fire. You can insulate the pipe with red brick, but not every bathhouse design is suitable for this.

Market modern building materials, to insulate the chimney, provides several products:

  • Folgoizol. A sauna with this finish is similar to the design of a thermos. Heat is not lost, the room warms up quickly and cools down for a long time.
  • Thermal insulation. They can be wrapped around the chimney pipe and secured with wire or special metallized tape.

Red brick is used for the construction of a traditional Russian bathhouse. It is not affected by high temperature and long time keeps warm.

Such a building must fit correctly. Because the duration of use of the structure depends on the quality of the masonry.

How to wrap a metal chimney

How to wrap a metal chimney pipe is not difficult to decide. Market building materials offers many products for this.

IMPORTANT! The most important thing you need to know when performing insulation is that you cannot use a coating that contains flammable substances.

It is better to insulate with a good quality product that meets fire and building regulations. This will create additional conditions security.

The most commonly used options are:

  1. Fibrous building material;
  2. Mineral wool;
  3. Glass wool.

Find out how to insulate a metal chimney

The metal option, and in particular its insulation, deserves special attention. drawing up a construction project.

It is not always possible to isolate an already created scheme without rebuilding the roof structure.

If you build modern design, then you can use ready-made sandwich pipes. Such designs are completed quickly, with little expense for specialists.

But, they are not cheap. However, this cost is justified by the long service life and ease of design.

In them, mineral wool is located between two blanks. Insulation is thus achieved at the highest level.

With the help of insulation, irreversible chemical reactions that occur under the influence of moisture and fuel decomposition substances are stopped or prevented.

Measures not taken in time to insulate the chimney pipe can become the basis for compromising the integrity of the house due to destruction.

Condensate, strengthened by the action of acid, slowly but intensively spoils building materials. Condensation is especially dangerous when pipes are thawing after winter.

Making boxes

Many people are afraid to make a metal box for the chimney pipe themselves. But it doesn't contain much complexity.

When making a box you need the following tools:

  1. Metal scissors.
  2. Galvanized sheet.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Compass.
  5. Drill.
Further sequence of actions:
  • The hole is being prepared. Its edges need to be secured with support beams. They will create support for the box.
  • A couple of parts are cut from a galvanized sheet. Along their edges, at a distance of five centimeters, a 90-degree bend is made. These U-shaped parts are fastened with self-tapping screws to prepared holes in the ceiling covering.
  • Two more U-shaped blanks are prepared in the same way, and they are overlapped onto the existing sheets. The result is a solid frame for the exit made in the ceiling covering.
  • The next part of the action is the bottom for the box. An element is cut out from the same galvanized sheet, the dimensions corresponding to the opening made. In its center, draw a circle with a compass for the entrance of the smoke exhaust billet.
  • From the central part of the bottom of the box, 4 fasteners are placed (each of them has a two-centimeter width). Next, they are cut out and bent at an angle of 90 degrees. As a result, a base is formed with a hole and 4 strips for fastening.
  • The bottom is attached to the walls. A chimney is inserted through the exit and secured with a clamp. The empty space is filled with an insulating layer.

Using the suggested instructions, making a box is not difficult. If you follow everything exactly, the work will not be difficult even for an inexperienced layman.

Chimney installation

The problem of how to properly install a chimney from metal pipes is not as easy to solve as it seems at first glance. It is very important that it functions as it should.

Otherwise, combustion products will not only damage furniture, but also harm the human body.

Any construction of this type is done according to the following principles:

  • Regarding the smoke. In this case, a tee is installed in the network, which removes condensate.
  • Regarding condensation. In this case, this tee is not used.

First stage. This is the choice of project and selection of materials. At this stage, it becomes clear what kind of construction the building will be (straight or with transitions and bends).

Second phase. This is an assembly. All joints, elbows and tees must be securely fastened with clamps.

Third stage. Passing through the roof. Exit through the roof occurs using special cutting.

It is selected according to the level of the roof slope. Then the location where exactly the workpiece will pass is determined.

The slope angle is adjusted with part of the cutting, and its extreme parts are “adjusted” to the ridge. Insulation is laid along the walls of the pipe.

Fourth final stage. An adjustable apron is attached to the pipe and the pipe is extended to the required length. Its edges are covered with a lid - an umbrella. It will protect from precipitation.

Chimney fastening

When the structure rises to the level of the roof ridge and is securely fixed to the wall, an umbrella must be placed on top of it. It protects against clogging by fallen leaves, rainwater and snowfall.

Transition from a brick chimney to a metal one

How to lengthen brick chimney metal pipe? This question is asked very often.

To extend a brick chimney, you should make a flat steel platform with pipe. The diameter of the pipe must correspond to the diameter of the workpiece for extension.

This extension platform must be securely fixed. To do this, take dowels and screws. But such fastening will not be reliable without sealant.

And now all the lengthening actions are in order:

  • On the brick base, it is necessary to mark all fastening points. These places should not be on masonry seam. Also they should not be on the edge of the brick.
  • Next, holes for self-tapping screws are drilled in the site, and holes for dowels are made in the bricks.
  • The platform is placed on.
  • After this, the platform is evenly tightened along the entire perimeter with self-tapping screws.
  • This transition can then be installed only after the sealant has completely dried.

Now a brick building can be extended to any desired distance using a metal blank.

Some installation rules

  1. If the smoke outlet rises above the roof by more than 1.5 meters, then it is recommended to additionally secure it with guy wires.
  2. The length of the pipe from the stove to the tip should not exceed 5 meters.
  3. To clean condensate, special plugs are installed.
  4. The structure should be extended no less than 1.5 meters beyond the roof.
  5. When installing a smoke exhaust pipe, its diameter must not be narrowed.
  6. Nearby structures made of combustible materials should not heat up more than 50 degrees.
  7. The smoke outlet must be located at a safe distance from the electrical wiring.
When deciding how to insulate a metal chimney pipe, everyone makes a decision based on their preferences and financial capabilities.

The main thing in this matter is to do everything in accordance with the standards and requirements, and then the work will please you with a high-quality result.

The chimney is the central element of the chimney system in any private house where there is heating equipment, operating on solid or liquid fuel. For his efficient work It is required not only to comply with the installation technology, but also to install a full-fledged thermal insulation layer, which will be located outside the chimney.

Why do you need to insulate a chimney?

During operation, it is transported through the smoke channel a large number of combustion products and hot air. All this reduces the service life of the chimney due to the acceleration of corrosion processes and oxidation of the internal walls of the outlet channel.

Among the most common problems that lead to damage to the chimney are:

Insulating the chimney using modern thermal insulation materials reduces the risk of damage and reduces the rate of corrosion processes. For example, insulating steel chimneys extends the service life of the product by 2 or more times.

Advantages of an insulated chimney

Timely thermal insulation of the chimney reduces the risk of exposure to factors leading to damage in metal, brick or ceramics. With the correct thickness of insulation, the problem with condensation is solved almost completely - the dew point moves to a section of the pipe located above the roof level. This significantly increases the resource of the smoke duct and the service life of the smoke duct system as a whole.

Insulating the chimney increases its service life several times

Other advantages of an insulated chimney include:

  1. Reduced sediment levels - thermal insulation materials help reduce the temperature difference between combustion products and the surface of the chimney. This reduces the amount of substances deposited on the inner surface of the chimney.
  2. Energy saving - during operation, an insulated chimney takes less energy obtained from burning fuel. This allows you to reduce fuel consumption and energy spent on maintaining constant temperature in the combustion chamber.
  3. Strength and stability - thermal insulation installed around the chimney acts as a frame and increases the strength and stability of the structure. This is especially noticeable when installing thin-walled metal chimneys.

Modern insulation materials increase the frost resistance of the smoke exhaust system. If the insulation technology is followed, it is possible to reduce or completely eliminate the impact of high temperature in the area where the pipe exits through the roof.

Insulation materials for thermal insulation of chimneys

For insulation stove chimney materials are used that provide high degree insulation coupled with low thermal conductivity. This eliminates the risk of “cold bridges”, icing and condensation.

Among the most effective and popular materials for insulation are the following:

  • plaster - used for insulation of brick and stone chimneys. Plaster mortar applied to a previously prepared reinforced surface. In terms of labor costs and quality, this method is the least justified;

    Insulating a chimney with heat-resistant plaster requires unreasonably large amounts of labor

  • broken brick - used for thermal insulation of brick and steel structures. The material is poured into a casing, which is secured around the chimney. Minimum distance from the chimney - 60 mm. Sometimes instead broken bricks slag is used;

    Screened slag tightly fills the installation gap and provides a high degree of thermal insulation of the chimney

  • basalt wool is a modern thermal insulation material produced in the form of mats or cylinders with different internal section. The material is wrapped around the chimney and secured with steel crimp clamps. In terms of price and quality ratio, this method is the most effective.

In fact, all the methods described above have some similarities - the insulation is applied or fixed to the outer surface of the chimney. After which the heat-insulating material is protected by a steel casing.

To save money, the outer steel pipe can be replaced with wood or cinder concrete slabs. For example, you can attach a rectangular frame around the chimney using the materials at hand. wooden boards, and fill the space between the pipe and the panels with any heat-insulating material.

Which insulation is better to choose

The first thing to remember when choosing a material for chimney insulation is that the thermal insulation must be made of non-combustible components. During operation of the chimney, the insulation will heat up to 100–150 o C, and at the point where the pipe exits through the ceilings the temperature can be even higher.

If the installation of insulation will be carried out by one person, then it is better to choose the lightest and most solid material. Otherwise, problems will certainly arise during insulation, which will ultimately affect the quality of the work performed.

For self-insulation chimney, it is better to use basalt thermal insulation. The shape and thickness of the product is selected taking into account the existing chimney structure.

The basalt cylinder can be selected exactly to the size of the chimney pipe

The advantages of insulation based on basalt wool include:

  • high thermal insulation qualities;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • immunity to the formation of fungus and mold;
  • high heat resistance when heated above 100 o C;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

Before using ready-made thermal insulation from the manufacturer, you should carefully study its installation technology. As a rule, high-quality products are equipped with a paper insert or instructions that describe in detail the method of cutting and installation.

Video: basalt wool flammability test

Construction of a steel insulated chimney

The insulated chimney is a “pipe-in-pipe” structure, similar to a sandwich pipe, which is also used for the construction smoke channels. Usually the outer pipe acts as wooden box, lined with asbestos boards, or steel pipe large diameter.

Any insulated chimney consists of a smoke exhaust duct, an outer shell and a layer of insulation between them

Between the outer shell and the chimney there is a non-flammable heat-insulating material, fixed mechanically or glued with heat-resistant adhesive or sealant. The inside of an insulated chimney is nothing more than a chimney .

The layer of material used as insulation acts as a thermal insulation barrier. On the one hand, it prevents the elements in direct contact with the chimney from heating up. On the other hand, cold air does not cool the chimney and thus does not create a sharp difference between the temperature of the exiting combustion products and the inner surface of the pipe.

Calculation of materials and design parameters

Before purchasing the insulation and materials necessary to assemble the frame around the chimney structure, you will need to calculate them. This will save money, especially if specialized expensive products are used for insulation.

Before making calculations you will need to measure:

  • external section of the chimney;
  • length and width (diameter) of the chimney;
  • height of the pipe from the inlet pipe.

The data obtained allows us to make a calculation required quantity thermal insulation material and additional accessories. As an example, let’s calculate materials for insulation steel chimney cross-section 200 mm and height 5 m.

For thermal insulation of chimneys round shape ready-made cylindrical fragments of insulation are produced

When using a basalt “shell”, products with a total length of 5 linear meters With internal diameter cylinder 210 mm. Insulation density is 120–150 kg/m3. The thickness of the heat insulator is selected taking into account the temperature conditions in the region. For operation in Russian winter conditions, cylinders with a thickness of 70–100 mm are sufficient. As an external pipe, you will need a galvanized steel product with a cross-section of 280–310 mm and a total length of 5 m.

For insulation of chimneys square shape it is convenient to use basalt wool in slabs

To insulate chimneys of square or rectangular cross-section, you will need to know their dimensions. For example, a square chimney with a side of 0.3 m will require (0.3 * 5) * 4 = 6 m 2 of insulation. We still assume the length of the chimney to be 5 m.

If you buy high-quality insulation, then usually one package contains a roll with total area 5 m2. This means that for our example we will need two packages of basalt wool in rolls. Roll parameters - 5000x1000x50 mm. To assemble the frame around square chimney you can use a 50x50 mm block. As outer skin An asbestos board 3000x1500x12 is better suited.

Required tools and supplies

In addition to insulation for carrying out thermal insulation works additional Consumables. For assembly wooden frame and its casing, galvanized self-tapping screws 30 mm long are used. To fix the heat insulator, a fireproof sealant is used - Penosil High Temp, PENOSIL Premium 1500 or MAKROFLEX HA147.

A heat-resistant sealant is used to fix the insulation to the surface of the chimney.

To insulate chimneys made of steel or ceramics you will need:

  • metal scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • angle grinder;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • safety glasses and gloves;
  • tape measure and pencil.

To plaster a chimney, you need to prepare a container for plaster, a plaster trowel, a wooden rectangular float, a triangular float, a rule and a long-haired paint brush.

Preparatory work before installing thermal insulation

Before carrying out thermal insulation work, you should check the reliability and strength of the foundation that was built under the stove or other heating equipment.

If there is no foundation, then before insulating the chimney, you will need to assemble a supporting structure under the outer casing. This can be either a support bracket, which can be purchased in a store, or a welded frame made from angle steel. Typically, for steel chimneys, ready-made support brackets, and in the case of a brick chimney, the foundation design is already designed for current loads.

After this, you should carefully inspect the place where the chimney exits through the ceilings and roof. The outlet through the ceiling must be protected by a steel box. The minimum distance from the chimney to the walls of the duct is at least 20 cm. When exiting through the roof, the chimney should not come into contact with the roof structures. To do this, you should provide appropriate spacers or a special cap that is mounted outside the building.

The chimney outlet through the ceiling must be protected by a metal box

Do-it-yourself chimney insulation

Before proceeding with insulation, the outer surface of the chimney should be cleaned of dust and dirt. To do this, use a regular brush with hard bristles and a broom. When cleaning a brick chimney, remove excess dust and loose cement. This can be done using paint brush and water.

Insulation technology for brick chimneys

Insulation of a brick chimney can be done using different materials. The most labor-intensive and ineffective way- this is plastering, but many still use it because it does not require large expenses. On average, after work, heat loss is reduced by 20–25%.

The sequence of actions for plastering is as follows:

  1. In a clean container with a rounded bottom, mix a solution based on M500 cement, dry lime and fine slag. Before mixing, the slag is sifted. The first portion of the solution should be very thick.

    To prepare plaster, you need to mix a solution of cement, lime and slag.

  2. The mortar is carefully applied to the joints between the bricks. At this stage, you need to fill in all the voids. It is advisable to do this before the steel mesh is attached to the surface of the pipe.

    Brick chimneys are sometimes insulated with heat-resistant plaster, although this is considered the least effective method

  3. A reinforcing steel mesh is fixed on the surface of the chimney. Then you can start carrying plaster mixture. The thickness of the first layer is no more than 3–4 cm. After application, the plaster layer should set and dry slightly.
  4. A second plaster layer with a thickness of up to 5–7 cm is applied. If the stated thickness cannot be applied, then a layer of 3–4 cm is applied. Next, you will need to wait for it to set and repeat the work until you get plaster coating required thickness.
  5. The finishing layer is being applied. The surface is carefully leveled and rubbed with a trowel. As it dries, cracks may form that will need to be sealed before applying the finish.

After drying, the plaster is bleached with a solution of lime and chalk. If necessary, it is applied in 2–3 layers. Instead of a cement-slag mixture, you can use heat-resistant plaster with fire resistance up to 600 o C.

Video: lining and insulation of a brick chimney

Insulation technology for steel chimneys

The technology described below can be used to insulate any chimney round section, but most often used for thermal insulation of steel structures. The sequence of work will depend on the type of external pipe. We recommend using a telescopic tube from the manufacturer.

Thermal insulation work is carried out in the following order:

During the work, you should carefully monitor the joining of elements. The joint between the upper and lower pipes should be without any visible gap. When using pipes without a weld, the connecting joint is also treated with sealant.

Video: thermal insulation of a steel chimney

Insulation of square and rectangular chimneys

This technology is most often used for insulating brick chimneys. But if necessary, this method can be used to insulate a chimney made of one or more asbestos pipes.

Insulation is performed in the following sequence:

After installation, the seam between the asbestos slabs at the corners of the frame is filled with heat-resistant plaster. On the side of the chimney outlet, the surface is also rubbed with heat-resistant plaster.

Main mistakes when insulating

After performing thermal insulation work, a test fire of the furnace or boiler should be carried out. Maximum power no more than 60% of the nominal value. To diagnose and check the quality of insulation, you will need to purchase or rent a hand-held thermal imager. During the diagnostic process, you should find out how tight the outer casing of the insulated chimney is. If everything is in order, then neither the walls of the structure nor the connecting seams will allow heat to pass through. This will be clearly visible on the equipment screen.

Loss of tightness - most common problem, which leads to burnout of the chimney and overheating of the insulation. If such a problem exists, you will need to remove outer pipe or casing and reinstall it in compliance with technology.

Burnout of an insulated chimney can occur due to loss of tightness or due to incorrectly selected thickness of the heat insulator

If, after insulating the chimney, condensation still continues to accumulate, then, most likely, the thickness of the insulation was incorrectly selected. Minimum thickness insulation should not be less than 4 cm. For insulation of steel and asbestos pipes with a height of more than 6 m, it is recommended to use insulation 10 cm thick. When insulating brick chimneys, it is better to use thermal insulation boards total thickness from 8 cm.

Chimney insulation is mandatory work that must be carried out immediately after the construction of the smoke exhaust system and ventilation. It is optimal if, already at the stage of arranging the chimney, modern thermal insulation materials or finished goods with a thermal insulation layer. This will allow you to assemble a chimney that will last the entire stated period without forced downtime for periods of repair.

If you decide to build a bathhouse, then do not forget about high-quality insulation stove, chimney, walls and ceiling. Otherwise, you may experience serious problems with a fire in the ceiling of the building. Therefore, we will try to dwell in more detail on a pressing problem today - insulating a pipe in a bathhouse with our own hands.

Protective materials for wooden structures

Due to the fact that the chimney and stove heat up quickly, a fire may occur. Moreover, according to tradition, the material for the bathhouse is wood. Back in the old days, it was customary to insulate the walls, ceiling, stove, chimney with an asbestos layer, clay and other available materials, quite poorly conductive thermal energy and resistant to elevated temperatures.

So how to cover the stove pipe today? Insulation of the chimney structure is necessary both for fire safety and protection from condensation, so that cooling occurs more slowly and the smoke exhaust system lasts longer.

It is a mistaken belief that a few will be enough to insulate from fire. metal sheets, which are used to cover the ceiling around the chimney. After all, metal also heats up quickly, so it will not protect against fire, and it will also not be suitable as a heat insulator.

Red brick is not always needed for lining a pipe, although it is endowed with excellent thermal insulation properties. The reason is that such a design does not match the design of every bathhouse.

To better understand how to wrap a chimney pipe against fire, consider two options for insulating materials in the form:

  • thermal insulation;
  • folgoisol.

Furnace pipe insulation: teploizol

This unique material, the structure of which includes foamed polyethylene located between a pair of sheets of foil. Using thermal insulation, you can qualitatively insulate a chimney, and do it yourself.

The thickness of the thermal insulation varies from 2 to 10 mm, and the thicker the material, the greater its resistance to high temperatures.

The top layer of foil serves reliable protection pipes from significant overheating. Using wire or adhesive tape, a metal craftsman attaches thermal insulation, which is then wrapped around the chimney.

You can wrap the chimney with foil insulation

Modern material includes two layers: heat insulator and foil. The second one plays a reflective function and can save up to 90% of the thermal energy in the building. Folgoizol is a harmless material compared to other analogues, since the foil is compacted food grade. The material is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and elevated temperatures within the range of -65 to +175 degrees Celsius, a good insulator.

For those who don’t yet know how to insulate a chimney pipe in a sauna, we recommend covering the steam room ceiling, walls and chimney with foil insulation. As a result, you will get a room whose design resembles a thermos. The heat will remain in the sauna, but the bathhouse will quickly gain temperature and then slowly cool down. Sometimes a mesh is installed on the pipe for stones in the bathhouse, which is very convenient and practical.

To the rescue - sandwich pipes

For those who wish to equip their bathhouse safe chimney, we suggest using a sandwich pipe. This design includes several sections that can easily be placed inside each other, i.e. looks like a multi-layer cake.

Here are the main components of a sandwich pipe:

  • stainless steel layer (inside);
  • insulation in the form of basalt/mineral wool (in the middle);
  • steel with zinc coating (outside).

This creative design represents the insulation of a chimney built into common system, and is designed to solve two problems simultaneously:

The sandwich pipe is easy to assemble yourself and can be used for a sauna with an iron stove or bathhouse. What to do if you built a Russian steam room with a brick stove? Below we will consider how to line the pipe in this situation in order to protect it from ignition.

Pipe insulation in a traditional Russian bathhouse

At elevated temperatures, fire-resistant red brick retains its operational properties, therefore it is in demand when constructing a chimney in a bathhouse with a stone stove. In this case, you are guaranteed protection of the pipe from fire and long-term heat retention.

The service life of the structure depends on how well the brick pipe is constructed. Do not skimp on materials during the construction of the chimney, because... Then the repair will cost you much more.

Let's take a closer look at how to insulate a pipe in a bathhouse from the ceiling:

  1. Use asbestos to cover the pipe outlet on the ceiling and through the roof.
  2. Using galvanized material, insulate the walls on the inside of the pipe. Standard iron sheets are completely unsuitable for this purpose due to their tendency to corrosion.
  3. Make a box around the pipe where it passes through the ceiling.
  4. Pour expanded clay inside the box to retain heat and protect the wooden floors from fire.

You have professionally wrapped the pipe, but this is not the end of the chimney installation work. The next step is measures to insulate the stove, ceiling and walls of the bathhouse.

Fire protection of the furnace

Modern metal stoves are mounted on a foundation, while sheathing the walls on the back and sides with sheets of the same material. If you cover the stove yourself with only metal, then it will appearance will not be very aesthetic. It is better to make external masonry with red brick, which insulates the stove from fire and retains heat in the bathhouse.

Due to the fact that asbestos releases toxic substances at elevated temperatures, it is not recommended for use in a steam room. Natural felt is considered harmless and is also a good insulator. In terms of price, this material is more expensive than asbestos sheets, and when smoldering it emits a specific smell (felt does not catch fire), which can be immediately felt.

If you intend to install the oven on wooden floor, then first it is better to lay felt material in a couple of layers, then lay brick in three rows. For walls and floors, it is recommended to lay metal sheets as an insulator, the height of which varies from 50 to 70 cm.

When building your own home, as a rule, you install a fireplace or stove. That is why the problem of chimney outlet is so urgent. Correctly and reliably insulation is important for a chimney, otherwise it is impossible to be sure of the fire safety and comfortable stay of family members in the house.

If the stove has already been laid out and the smoke exhaust structure rises above the roof of the building, this does not mean that the work on its arrangement has been successfully completed. Before using the heating unit, you still need to decide how to insulate the chimney pipe on the roof and, as a result, protect your home from leaks and fire.

It is advisable to think about this problem before drawing up a furnace design and then the insulation will be more reliable. As for the previously built chimney, then similar work almost always associated with changes made to the design of floors and roofs. Regardless of the decision on how to insulate a chimney on the roof, all costs incurred will be compensated by a sense of security, and hence comfort.

Types of insulation of chimney structures

The furnace pipe should be insulated against negative factors:

  • from possible overheating of the chimney structure;
  • from leaks that occur at joints.

Therefore, when deciding how to wrap a chimney pipe, increased attention should be paid to fire-proof thermal insulation and waterproofing. Experts recommend performing isolation measures comprehensively. This will help solve not only the above problems, but also improve the operating conditions of the furnace unit.

For example, if a chimney laid through an unheated attic space, the possibility of overheating is reduced roofing elements made of wood and reduces the risk of condensation, which leads to corrosion, increased soot deposition or pipe destruction. The main thing is to use high-quality thermal insulation for chimney pipes, which does not ignite. Waterproofing the smoke exhaust structure will protect rafter system and ceilings from rotting.

Fire insulation options for smoke exhaust systems

The simplest and most reliable, but expensive way to insulate a chimney is to install a sandwich-type chimney made of metal or ceramics.

In such designs inner tube designed for smoke removal, is made of heat-resistant steel or ceramics, while non-combustible materials are used for its thermal insulation - mineral, stone or basalt wool (read also: " "). External part The chimney sandwich is made of steel or expanded clay concrete blocks.

Kits for prefabricated chimneys include elements for fixing the structure, inspection, maintenance and for connecting heating units. Their installation is simple, but you still need to follow the instructions to ensure complete safety.

There is another option used when installing a stove unit - the construction of a brick chimney. Due to the low degree of thermal conductivity of bricks, its walls will not heat up to the maximum high temperatures and as a result, additional measures related to its insulation will not be required (more details: ""). It will only be necessary to correctly carry out the fireproof cutting of the floors and roof.

In order to save money and reduce weight, sometimes a brick chimney structure is completed by installing ceramic or metal pipe. In this case, thermal insulation is carried out according to the technology described below.

When such work is performed for single pipes, boxes made of non-combustible materials. Chimneys of this type are allowed to be operated without thermal insulation, but fireproof cutting is required in accordance with the rules.

Methods for waterproofing a chimney

Waterproofing of chimneys should be done in the place where they lead to the roof. The further they are located from the ridge, and the larger the pipe, the more difficult the operating conditions will be.

Atmospheric precipitation, when the insulation of the chimney pipe is insufficient, begins to penetrate inside the building. As a result, leaks occur, floors rot and collapse.

The method of waterproofing, as a rule, depends on the shape of the pipe and the material from which it is made roof covering. For round products, either metal or polymer cuttings are used, and for pipes with rectangular section- aprons and junction strips made of metal.

Chimney pipe insulation

Before insulating a pipe on the roof, you should make sure that the requirements specified in SNiP 2.04.05-91 are met, and if deficiencies are found, eliminate them:

  1. To ensure the required traction force and prevent the temperature of the furnace gases from exceeding the temperature, the height of the pipe should start from 5 meters.
  2. When the roofing is made of roofing felt, slate or other combustible material, a spark arrester is installed on top of the pipe, which is metal mesh with small cells.
  3. Between combustible elements, such as floors, rafters and walls, and the chimney, a gap of at least 25 centimeters must be left.
  4. A fire distance is maintained from the top of the stove to the ceiling. For metal units, it is at least 150 centimeters, for brick kilns with a two-row overlap -50 centimeters, with a three-row overlap -25 centimeters, provided that ceiling surface above the heating device is finished with non-combustible materials.

In the place where the brick chimney crosses the ceiling, a fluff 1 - 1.5 bricks thick is installed.

Insulating materials for bath pipes

It would be a mistake to decide to insulate the pipe in the bathhouse by attaching a sheet of iron to the ceiling, since it gets very hot. As an option to line the chimney, use fire-resistant red brick, but in this case you need to strengthen the foundation.

When solving the problem of how to wrap a metal chimney pipe in a bathhouse, experts highlight foil insulation and thermal insulation.

Plastering a pipe made of bricks

Outside surface brick pipes heats up slightly, so they are plastered to improve operating conditions and extend service life. Most affordable option insulation of brick chimneys - plastering with mortar using lime and cement. Instead of sand, you can add slag crumbs, previously sifted, to its composition.

The layer of plaster, when there is a lot of unevenness on the pipe, turns out to be quite thick, therefore, first it is better to seal all the existing differences and cracks on the surface with a solution, and then cover it with reinforcing mesh.

Plastering is carried out in two layers, using the entire pipe. The first time the solution is brought to the consistency of sour cream and applied by spraying and not leveled. For the next layer, the composition is made thicker. It is applied with a trowel and then rubbed until a smooth surface is obtained.

Use of asbestos cement sheets

This method of insulation for chimney pipes made of bricks, such as lining the pipes with asbestos-cement materials, is several times superior to plastering in terms of heat conservation. Asbestos cement slabs are glued to the outer surface using cement-lime mortar.

After preparing the composition, the smoke exhaust structure is reinforced with mesh, and the first layer is applied by spraying. When it dries, the asbestos-cement slabs are cut according to the size of the pipe. The next layer of the mixture is applied to the insulation sections and attached to the surface of the chimney.

But this method has a big drawback - asbestos contains carcinogens and therefore cannot be used in residential areas.

Single Metal Pipe Insulation

The most dangerous option for arranging a chimney in terms of fire safety is a pipe made of metal products that is not protected by a heat insulator. The distance between it and wooden or plastic elements should be at least 60 centimeters.

But even the presence of such a gap cannot protect against burns in case of accidental contact - for this reason, it is advisable to insulate the pipe before problems arise.

When deciding how to wrap a pipe in a bathhouse or house, if it is single, it is to use non-flammable insulation, for example, basalt wool, which is protected on top with metal or plaster. This heat insulator has a melting point of 1000 degrees.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Mats 5 cm thick, consisting of basalt wool, are overlapped around the pipe and secured with steel wire.
  2. Wrap the insulated chimney with reinforcing mesh, secure it and apply plaster on top in two layers.
  3. Instead of plastering, you can use thin sheet iron, which is rolled up and riveted where the edges touch.

Floor insulation

There is a certain procedure for how to insulate a chimney pipe in the ceiling:

  1. Holes are made in the ceilings and roof for laying the smoke exhaust structure so that there is a distance of at least 25-35 centimeters from their edge to the walls of the pipes (read: "").
  2. The edges of the holes are covered with metal or asbestos cement sheets or install a thermal insulating box.
  3. The space around the pipes is tightly filled with thermal insulation wool.
  4. Wooden structures located near the chimney passages are coated with special fire-retardant compounds.

Having figured out how to thermally insulate and how to wrap a pipe in a bathhouse or house, you can complete this work without much effort.

But even a well-insulated chimney should be operated correctly:

  • remove soot at least 3 times throughout the year;
  • remove ash from the stove in a timely manner;
  • Do not burn foreign objects or materials in the unit.