What Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf teach. Subject

The fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf has been popular among children for many years. Readers are attracted to the characters, their adventures and the happy ending. We recommend this fairy tale for online reading with children.

Fairy tale Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf read

Who is the author of the fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf

The famous folk tale has several versions. It also exists in two literary adaptations - by V. A. Zhukovsky, the author of famous ballads and poems, and by A. N. Tolstoy, a Russian writer.

Someone got into the habit of stealing golden apples from the king’s garden. He sent his sons to track down the kidnapper. The eldest sons went on guard duty for two nights, but slept on the grass until the morning. On the third night, the youngest son noticed a wonderful bird with a golden tail in an apple tree, crept up to it, grabbed it by the tail, but could not hold it. Only the golden feather remained in my hand. Tsar Berendey wanted to find out about the miracle bird. He ordered his sons to go in search of her. The brothers in the open field went in different directions. Ivan got tired on the road, lay down to rest, woke up - there was no horse, only bones. The Gray Wolf appeared before him. He promised Ivanushka to help him find the Firebird in exchange for the horse he had eaten. Ivanushka forgot about his friend’s instructions when he went to get the bird, so his friends had to spend a lot of effort to get a miracle horse, and then Elena the Beautiful. The older brothers were jealous of Ivanushka’s luck and killed him to take everything away. Having learned about the trouble, the Gray Wolf rushed to Ivanushka’s rescue. He revived the prince and tore the treacherous brothers to shreds. The prince brought a wonderful horse and the Firebird to the priest, and he himself married a beautiful girl. You can read the fairy tale online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf

The theme of a beautiful fairy tale is the hero’s search for happiness. The adventures of Ivan Tsarevich begin with the feather of the miracle bird. A big role in the fairy tale is given to the magical assistant - the Gray Wolf, he gives wise advice to the main character, comes to the rescue in time, saves the life of a friend, punishes the brothers. But even at the beginning of the fairy tale, when Ivan Tsarevich tracked down the Firebird in the garden, it is clear that the hero, with his respectful attitude towards his father, courage, and responsibility, deserves such a wonderful helper. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf is that it is always useful to listen to the advice of friends and smart people. Ivanushka would have fewer problems if he always followed the advice of the Gray Wolf.

Moral of the tale Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf

Happiness is always on the side of the brave - that’s the moral of the story. What does the fairy tale Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf teach? It is easier for those who are brave, active, determined, and resourceful to achieve their goals.

Proverbs, sayings and fairy tale expressions

  • Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy.
  • Happiness smiles on those who achieve it.

For a long time we did not return to the fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf (see fairy tale -http://slavya.ru/trad/folk/skaz/ivan.htm ), analyzing only the first plot. It was said there that the Wolf is a totemic ancestor who becomes the mentor of Ivan Tsarevich, because his father does not send him to steal, as it seems at first glance, but to learn about life. He sends Ivan to study, because he showed himself to be the most worthy of all the brothers: having passed the test in the night guard, he earned a magical gift from his ancestor.
For a long time I expected readers to come up with some thoughts of their own. But since there are no such people, let’s analyze the tale further. The first story was discussed in the 15th issue of the newsletter “Ancient Religion of the Slavs” dated August 2, 2004. (
http://slavya.ru/trad/folk/skaz/ivan2.htm ). The beginning of the topic with the statement of the problem, with all the plots of the fairy tale and questions in the 14th issue dated July 24, 2004. (http://slavya.ru/trad/folk/skaz/ivan1.htm ). Today we will analyze the second and third plots and questions about them.

Plot 2. The wolf teaches Ivan how to kidnap the Firebird. However, having kidnapped the Firebird, Ivan wants to grab the golden cage beyond measure, which he comes across. The following dialogue takes place between Ivan and the owner of the firebird, Tsar Afron:
"- Ay, what a shame! The king's son went to steal.
- So, when your bird flew, it ruined our garden?
“If you had come to me and asked in good conscience, I would have given her away, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey.” And now I’ll spread a bad reputation about you throughout all the cities... Well, okay, if you do me a service, I’ll forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I’ll give you the Firebird with the cage.”
Then the same situation is repeated in the plot with Tsar Kusman, and he is ready to forgive Ivan if he kidnaps Helen the Beautiful for him from Tsar Dalmatia.
Children's questions are:
- Doesn’t the wolf teach Ivan to steal, isn’t that what the whole fairy tale teaches?
- Tsar Afron calls on Ivan to behave according to his conscience, but why don’t we see even a shadow of regret for what Ivan has done?
Indeed, the wolf instigates Ivan to steal the Firebird, but such is the wolf’s nature: to hunt for game, either in the forest or in the owner’s barn. What to live on? Isn’t it also true that our “new Russians” justify their initial accumulation of capital by unclean means?! At one time, psychologists conducted an experiment studying people’s willingness to commit fraud in a game form. We have found that some people move on to it quite quickly, while others may resist the temptation for a long time, but when the stress and risk of harm from honest behavior exceeds a certain threshold, then almost everyone turns to “cheating.”
And since young Ivan is a young wolf warrior, he is obliged to master this wolf art: to overcome obstacles, sneak up unnoticed, find a weak spot in the guard. And who, if not the totemic wolf ancestor, can teach him this better than anyone else. This can be considered as one of the initiation tests.
Look, King Afron clearly knows the prince and his father, since he expresses respect to him. This means that Ivan’s father also knows Tsar Afron, most likely they are relatives! So what happens, the father sends his son to steal from a relative in advance in order to quarrel with the latter? Is he really not afraid of a quarrel, not afraid of losing his son or even the start of a war?
Here we come to one of the very interesting moments in the organization of the tribal life of many ancient tribes. Ethnologists know that in the Caucasus, among some tribes, for example, among the Chechens, the tradition of the so-called ritual-initiatory theft remains in force, when a young man must steal something from a relative, confirming his adult status. Indeed, in ancient tribal societies, when sharp class differences did not yet arise, there was no institution of private property. This means that stealing something from a relative is not theft, but a kind of ritual exchange-donation. But custom requires that this ritual exchange take place precisely as a kidnapping, in which the initiate must show dexterity, ingenuity, cunning, and self-confidence. Moreover, the relative who is kidnapped immediately understands what happened and who kidnapped. But he puts on a whole performance, at the same time rejoicing that his young relative has fulfilled his duty. But then, in accordance with custom, he will have to kidnap his bride! Everything goes towards this in a fairy tale, and this is a reflection of our very ancient customs.
However, abstracting from this most archaic background, let us pay attention to two circumstances of moral significance.
Firstly, Ivan does not feel regret about what he did, because with a sense of justice he implements the ancient principle of “an eye for an eye.” And the wolf teaches him to feel this fair measure of retribution, warning him not to attempt more. But he screws up precisely because he tries to take not only “an eye for an eye” or “a firebird for apples,” but out of greed grabs more than this fair measure. And this greed, the inability to maintain tit-for-tat measure, results in him being grabbed by the guards. This is the action of the pagan universal moral law (called Rota-Rita).
Secondly, we see that Tsar Afron, appealing to his conscience, admonishing and shaming Ivan, himself commits an act that cannot be called moral. Condemning Ivan for theft, calling for conscience, he immediately, contrary to his conscience, sends him to commit another theft. Agree that this is no less immoral than simply stealing. And due to the action of the pagan universal law of justice, he must suffer proportionate punishment. Then the same situation is repeated with King Kusman.
Returning to the analysis at the most archaic level, we can see here that the relative, from whom the initiate was unable to steal the thing, gives the subject a chance to improve by continuing the test. This interpretation may also apply.

Plot 3. The wolf does not allow Ivan to kidnap Elena the Beautiful, but does it himself. When Ivan rides back with Elena the Beautiful and does not want to part with her, the wolf helps him deceive - by pretending first to be Elena and then the Horse - the kings Kusman and Afron and get for free the Horse with a bridle, the Firebird with a cage, without giving Elena the Beautiful .
- Why does the wolf himself kidnap Elena the Beautiful for Ivan, but does not allow him to do this robbery?
- Why does Ivan, without experiencing any remorse, agree to deceive the kings Afron and Kusman?
- Does a fairy tale teach children and adults to be unscrupulous deceivers?
From the answers to the second plot, you understand that Ivan has no need to feel sorry for Tsar Afron and Kusman. After all, they themselves forced him to steal, which means they deserved it in relation to themselves. But Ivan, out of respect for his elders and in gratitude for the fact that they did not put him to shame when they caught him stealing, would not have been able to subject them to such ridicule as the wolf subjected them, calling himself either Helen the Beautiful or the Horse. Ivan is also young, and not so strong in sorcery-werewolfism. The wolf, as a common totemic ancestor for both Ivan and each of these kings, takes upon himself the fulfillment of what is assigned to them according to Rota, according to the moral universal law.
If you look at this from the point of view of the archaic custom of initiation theft, then you can guess that Ivan’s relatives, welcoming his completion of the cycle of trials and the kidnapping of the bride, present the newlyweds with additional wedding gifts, acting out this as a comic incident.

The open abduction by the Wolf from the king of Dalmatia of his daughter, Elena the Beautiful, has a wedding-ritual character of abducting the bride with the help of groomsmen. If Ivan had done this, it would have been perceived as violence and robbery, and he would have been chased. When such an abduction is committed by a totemic ancestor, then everyone understands that a sacred rite is being performed, the result of which should be a wedding. And as a result, Ivan simply must do this, otherwise it will be a shame in front of all his relatives.

So, we see that those customs of ritual theft and abduction, which were previously the norm of mutual exchange, mutual gift, initiation and pre-marital testing in a society that does not know private property, at other times begin to be interpreted as genuine theft and abduction. The archaic custom has been forgotten, although people who know folk life from the inside realize that something is wrong here, that all this is buffoonery and a game. Remember that even today in many villages the doors are not bolted. As a result of this overlap of different layers of perception, interpretation and an attempt to make ends meet through artistic means, the amazing phenomenon of this fairy tale arises.

Do good – extracurricular activity for students in grades 1-4

Goals: to cultivate benevolence, responsiveness, kindness and tolerance in students; to form the concept of “kindness” in the minds of children; expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about kindness and its role in the life of every person; develop in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance; develop communication skills; continue to work on creating the need to perform good deeds; create conditions for students to express their own opinions.

Equipment: paper doll; chamomile petals; Ozhegov's dictionary; leaflets with sayings of great people

Progress of the event


II. Introductory part

Today we will talk about the quality without which a person cannot be called a person.

(Reads a poem by Victoria Belova)
This word is serious, main, important.
What it means

Very necessary for everyone.
It contains care and affection, warmth and love.
There is aspiration in him,

Come to the rescue again and again.
This quality lives in the hearts of many.
And about the pain of others,

Doesn't let you forget.
And it is more important than facial beauty.
Can you guess what it is?
Hearts of kindness!
What quality are we talking about? (about kindness)
III.Main part
- Yes, today we will talk about kindness. For some reason, in our time, kindness has lost its moral force. Does modern man really not need sympathy, empathy, attention, goodwill?
-Kindness... Kindness... What is this?

Let's read the sayings of great people.

How does Ozhegov talk about this? (We read the dictionary entry from Ozhegov’s dictionary)

This human quality has always been valued at all times. Do you know proverbs and sayings about goodness and kindness?

    Good times will not be forgotten.

    A good word will build a house, an evil word will destroy a house.

    They do not seek good from good.

    A good heart is better than wealth.

    A kind word is half of happiness.

    It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

    A kind word also pleases the cat.

    Good done in secret will be repaid openly.

    It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

    Don't look for beauty - look for kindness.

    A good deed is more valuable than wealth.

Game “Collect a proverb” "(additionally, if the children do not name the proverbs on their own)

Yes, the Russian people have many proverbs about goodness and kindness. But the theme of good and evil is also reflected in fairy tales. I propose to play the game "Fairy Tale" with you.

You need to guess the fairy-tale characters who did good deeds.

1) - I really love my grandmother, who lives behind the forest. I take care of her and often bring her pies. (Little Red Riding Hood)

2) - I am always next to my owner in difficult times. For the sake of his happiness, I had to meet the Ogre... (Puss in Boots)

3) -To save my beloved father, I went to the island to the Beast, the owner of the scarlet flower. (Nastenka)

4) -Despite my inch height, I saved the swallow. (Thumbelina)

I will name the fairy-tale hero, and you answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap your hands joyfully, if you are evil, stomp your feet.

(Ivan the Tsarevich, Cinderella, Koschei the Immortal, Goldfish, geese-swans, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga, Morozko, Malvina.)

What hero would you like to be like? Why? (Children's answers)

So what is good? This is all good, kind, beautiful. For example, spring, sun, smile, mother, teacher... (children continue)

What is evil? This is something opposite to good: bad, bad, trouble, bad weather.

We live with you on planet Earth. If good and evil exist on our planet, it means that people can do both good and evil deeds.

Remember when you encountered good in life, and when did you encounter evil?

Now we will look at such an incident from your school life.

Today, here in this room, I will allow you to do something that I have never allowed you to do. Meet Lisa (the teacher shows a doll cut out of paper). Now we will start to offend her. Remember how you offend each other during recess, when you are angry with each other. After all, by offending, even with a word, we cause pain. Therefore, when we say something offensive to Lisa, we will hurt her by bending the edge of the paper. (The students do the work, and the doll reaches the teacher in a circle).

Look at Lisa, has she changed? Is she the same as she was at the beginning of the lesson? What has changed in it and why?

I think we really traumatized the doll. Can we change anything? How can we improve the situation? (Students offer solutions: feel sorry for the doll, say something nice).

Let's try to say something good to her, while we ourselves smooth out the scars that we left.

Guys, now look at Lisa, she is already better, but has she become the same as she was at the beginning of the lesson? No. Why?

- Remember, The pain remains in my soul for a very long time, and no compliments can smooth it out. The Russian scientist Pavlov said: “You can kill with a word, but you can resurrect with a word.”

Why do we remember grievances longer?

Do we like it when we are offended?

How can we lift each other's spirits every day?

How to be kinder?

Don’t try to love the whole world, love those who are close to you, and you yourself will feel how much happier you have become.

Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter.

Do you think it is difficult to be kind? (Children's answers).

What do you need to have for this? (Kind soul, kind heart.)

(Reads Ksenia Shkunov’s poem - N. Tulupova "Kindness".)

It is not at all easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster.

If we are kinder to you.

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark. Let us now also do one common good deed.

Let's make a Kindness Daisy. Guys, what good deeds have you done in class, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature? Write them down on the petals of a chamomile and collect it? (Students' answers). Let more such wonderful daisies of kindness and good deeds grow.

How did you feel when you did a good deed? (Doing good is very pleasant)

IV.Final part

Our meeting is coming to an end, and I want to end it with this parable.

This story happened a long time ago. In an ancient city there lived one sage, whose fame spread throughout the city. But in the same city there lived an evil man who was jealous of his fame. And he decided to come up with a question so that the sage could not answer it. He went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, squeezed it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll ask: oh, wisest one, what kind of butterfly do I have - alive or dead? If he says that it is dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away; and if he says - alive, I will close my palms, and the butterfly will die. Then it will become clear which of us is wiser.”

So the envious man did: he caught a butterfly, planted it between his palms, went to the sage and asked him: “Which butterfly do I have - alive or dead?”

How do you think the sage responded?

But the sage replied: “Everything is in your hands...”

Why do you think the sage answered this way?

Everything is truly in our hands. The good created by our hands will bring

miracle. Today, at our meeting, we have already created one small miracle, our tree of Good has turned green.

According to ancient Indian legend, butterflies are someone's souls that did not fly to heaven. And God sent them to earth to fulfill the purpose of postmen. If you take butterflies in your hands and whisper your wishes to them. Butterflies will definitely take them to heaven. Your dreams will certainly come true. Do good with your own hands...

I would like to know if what has changed in your hearts?

How do you want to see yourself and your classmates, voice this by passing this teddy bear? (Students pass the toy, expressing their opinion).

(Reading a poem M. Lisyansky – Shkunova Irina)

Oh, how we need kind words.
We have convinced ourselves of this more than once.
Or maybe it’s not words but deeds that are important?
Deeds are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us,
At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,
To pronounce them at that very hour
When others need them.

No wonder they say: “A kind word pleases a cat.”

A little story about kindness.

The boy was hungry and barefoot, had not eaten for a long time, and was dizzy. He knocked on the door and asked for water, but the woman brought out... milk! And that glass gave me strength to live again! He believed that there is kindness in the world! Many years passed... and he became a doctor. His life slowly moved forward. On his rounds he saw a woman, the one who once gave milk! She was sick, and seriously, she urgently needed surgery! He saved her life, exerting all his strength, kindness lives and wins!... They brought a receipt for payment, “You have to pay for the rest of your life!” - I thought then, and taking the piece of paper, I couldn’t believe my eyes! She cried with joy! Bill paid! He wrote next to it: “Paid for with a glass of milk!

Now let's smile at a friend, forget all the bad things and try to be kind.

The song “On the Road of Good” is playing

    Kindness - responsiveness, sympathy, friendly disposition towards people; everything is positive, good, useful. (L. Tolstoy)

    Kindness is better than beauty. (G. Heine)

    Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor. (L.N. Tolstoy)

    Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings people together like nothing else. Kindness saves us from loneliness, emotional wounds and uninvited grievances. (V. Rozov)

    Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see. (Mark Twain)

Lesson #12

Subject.The image of the Hero - the defender of the fatherland in art.

Target: improve skills in depicting a portrait of a person.
Subject: deepen students' understanding of proportions in drawing a human face.
Meta-subject: cultivate interest and love for World History and the history of the Fatherland.
Personal: introduce students to the work of V. Vasnetsov and his painting “Bogatyrs”.
Teacher equipment: painting by V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”, examples of step-by-step drawing.
Equipment for students: album, pencil, eraser, paints, brush, glass - sippy cup.

During the classes

    Motivation for activity

    The bell gave us a signal
    The time to work has come
    Everyone sat down quietly at their desks
    Everyone looked at me.
    2.Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
    Today we will get acquainted with the work of the famous Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, with a new epic and finish work on the “Bogatyr” panel.
    3.Introductory conversation.
    -There is such a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who is this holiday dedicated to? (this is a men's holiday, dedicated to the defenders of our Fatherland - past, present and future)
    For a long time in Rus', there were such people who protected their homeland from enemies. Does anyone remember what people were called in Ancient Rus'? (these were heroes). Legends, fairy tales, and epics were written about heroes.
    4.Work on the topic of the lesson.
    1. Introduction to the concept of “epic”.
    -Now we will get acquainted with a work of folklore - an epic.
    -Who can say what an epic is?
    Bylina (epic tale) is a song - a legend about heroes and historical events in which there is fiction. The epics were composed by the people and passed on from generation to generation, from father to son, from mother to daughter.
    Mighty heroes defended the Russian land. The three main defenders became the pride of the Russian people. What names of heroes do we know? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich).
    2. Acquaintance with the painting by V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”.
    -Look at the painting “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Vasnetsov.
    Ilya Muromets sits in the center on a black horse. Strength, wisdom and endurance are felt in his entire appearance. A damask club hangs from the right hand of Ilya Muromets, and in his left hand there is a shield and a huge spear. He is dressed in iron chain mail and has a helmet on his head. The hero vigilantly peers into the distance from under his hand raised to his forehead: are there any enemies - nomads - somewhere. He is full of calm power, a peasant son, powerful, the embodiment of people's strength.
    To the left of Ilya Muromets is Dobrynya Nikitich. He is dressed richly and elegantly. On top of the chain mail is precious princely armor. He is impetuous, fast, noble, on a snow-white horse, ready for battle. He is impatient, ready to rush into battle at any moment. The hero’s right hand is already taking the sword out of its sheath. And the horse matches him, looks into the distance, and is about to take off.
    To the right of Ilya Muromets is Alyosha Popovich, the youngest hero on a red horse. He is not as strong as the other two heroes. But the heroic hand confidently removes the bow, and he always has an arrow at the ready. He knows how to entertain everyone with a song.
    Behind the backs of the heroes is the Russian land. The heroes are determined not to miss the enemy. Looking at the picture, we feel the unity of the heroes, united by a common desire.
    The painting “Bogatyrs” is a monument to the military glory of the Russian people. You look at her and believe that there is no such force that could overcome the Russian prowess, the heroic strongwoman.
    3.Acquaintance with the artist V. Vasnetsov.
    The painting “Bogatyrs” was painted by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.
    Since childhood, he had heard epics and fairy tales about Russian heroes, lingering sad songs sung by girls. All this could not but have an impact on the development of talent. His brushes belong to the well-known paintings “Alyonushka”, “Ivan the Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf”, “Snow Maiden”.
    Another painting is dedicated to the heroes. This is “The Knight at the Crossroads”.
    -What is a crossroads? (When one road is divided into several paths).
    What is written on the stone that stands at the crossroads?
    -How did the artist convey that it is not easy for a hero to make a decision? (Head tilted, body tense, foot in the stirrup, ready to gallop).
    -What makes him think and not rush to make a choice7 (skulls and bones, it seems, of other rich men who made the wrong choice, a crow that circles above the flight and is waiting for something to profit from)
    -What is the armor and weapons of the knight? (chain mail, helmet with aventail, round shield. Spear, quiver with arrows, mace).
    -What can you say about the hero in weapons? (Prepare for a difficult battle, ready to fight until victory).
    The artist glorifies the defenders of the Motherland. He wants us to be proud of our ancestors, remember them, and love the land where we were born.
    In order to get to work, we need to remember the proportions of the head. The head is oval in shape. The oval is divided into three parts:
    1. The upper part is the frontal.
    2.Middle part - eyes are drawn, the nose is not forgotten that the eyes are at the same distance.
    3.Lower part - mouth, chin.
    We draw the ears from the eyebrows to the nose. Now we have a face. We draw out the neck and shoulders, draw broad, powerful shoulders. We outline a helmet on the head. We start working in color, painting the helmet and chain mail. Light-toned face.
    Hands to the sides in flight
    We send the plane
    Right wing forward
    Left wing forward
    Our plane took off.
    They sat down quietly at their desks and got to work.
    Practical part.( Children draw on their own)
    5. Lesson summary
    1.What holiday were we talking about? (Defender of the Fatherland Day).
    2.What were the names of the warriors you drew today? (Bogatyrs).
    3.What weapons did the heroes have? (uk, spear, sword, shield, mace).
    Analysis and exhibition of student work.
    Cleaning workplaces.

Lessons 12

Subject. Russian folk tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"

Goals: introduce students to the Russian folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” and a new type of fairy tale (magic); learn to divide text into parts; enrich students' vocabulary, develop attention, memory, and creativity.

Personal: show an emotional and value-based attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales; desire to write a fairy tale.

Subject: students should be able to distinguish between genres of oral folk art; characterize the heroes of a fairy tale; correlate the proverb and the fairy tale text; determine the sequence of events; to make plan; tell a fairy tale according to illustrations, according to plan.

Cognitive: master reading skills independently, highlight and formulate a goal.

Regulatory: demonstrate the ability to control their actions.

Communicative: know how to work together in a group; express their opinions and listen to the opinions of others.

Equipment: cards with the text of the speech warm-up; painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Speech warm-up

Alyonushka, my sister!

Swim out, swim out to the shore.

The fires are burning high,

Cast iron boilers are boiling,

Damask knives are sharpened,

They want to kill me!

Read it in a buzzing manner.

Are you familiar with these words? Whose are they and where are they from? (Yes, we are familiar with these words. They were spoken by a little goat on the river bank, calling his sister. These words are from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”)

III. Updating of reference knowledge

How many of you remember the words with which Alyonushka answered? (Ah, my brother Ivanushka // The stone is heavy, pulling you to the bottom, / The silken grass has tangled your legs, / The yellow sands have fallen on your chest.)

Now, according to your plan, tell the story.

IV. Self-determination for activity

Guys, guess the riddle made by proverbs and sayings.

He would pretend to be a goat, but his tail is not like that.

No matter how you feed him, he keeps looking into the forest.

His feet feed. (Wolf.)

(The teacher writes the answer on the board.)

Whoever you ask -

Everyone knows in Rus':

Either he is a king, or he is a peasant,

And his name is... (Ivan).

(The teacher writes down this answer as well.)

Look at these two words. How can they be connected in our lesson? (We will read a fairy tale about them.)

Read the title of the fairy tale. ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".)

Before moving on to reading, let's rest.

V. Physical education minute

We dance "Clap and Stomp"

Morning, afternoon and evening!

Best Dance -

"Clap and stomp"

When there is nothing to do...

No matter who you are - an excellent student

Or quite the opposite,

Learn this dance

And dance it all year long!

VI. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Introduction to the fairy tale

(The teacher and students who read well read.)

2. Vocabulary work as you read

Guards- a military unit that guards someone or something.

Kidnapper - kidnapper

Got excited- covet - look at someone or something with envy, want to get it for yourself. Zadblit- will overcome.

Run away - running (to escape from someone).

3. Initial check of understanding

What are your impressions of what you read?

What did you feel when you read the fairy tale with me and your friends?

4. Working on the first part of the fairy tale

Where does the fairy tale begin? (Once upon a time there was a king Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.)

What is this technique called in the fairy tale? (Begin.)

Why did the brothers decide to guard the orchard with golden apples? (Someone began to visit the royal garden and steal golden apples.)

Who stole apples from the orchard? (Firebird.)

What can you say about the prince brothers? What are they? How do they feel about their father? (All three brothers loved their father and treated him with respect. They consoled him when he was sad because thief in the garden.)

- How did they behave when he sent them after the Firebird? ( They bowed to him and set off on their way.)

Which brother is the most responsible? Why? (The most responsible of them was Ivan. When he was guarding the garden, he was afraid to even sit down, let alone lie down, for fear of falling asleep.)

5. Working on the second part of the fairy tale

What misfortune happened to Ivan Tsarevich on the way? (His horse was eaten by the Wolf. Where would you go without a horse?)

Who began to help the hero? (The Wolf began to help him.)

What was unusual about Gray Wolf? (The Gray Wolf galloped, letting the blue forests pass his eyes, sweeping the lakes with his tail.)

VII. Reflection

VIII. Summing up the lesson

What fairy tale did you come across?

What did you learn in the lesson?


The work program in mathematics is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard for primary general education, an approximate program for primary general education (Approximate programs for academic subjects. Primary school. In 2 hours. Part 1. - 5th ed., revised - M. : Education, 2016. – 400 pp. – (Second generation standards), in accordance with the curriculum of the MKOU Trusley Secondary School for the 2017/2018 academic year, taking into account the author’s program in mathematics by M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G. V. Beltyukova, S. I. Volkova, S. V. Stepanova (Collection of work programs “School of Russia” / Under the scientific editorship of A. A. Pleshakov. – Publishing house “Prosveshchenie”, 2015).

The work program is focused on the use of the educational complex “School of Russia”:

M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova and others. Mathematics. 1st grade: textbook for general education institutions with an application on electronic media. In 2 parts. Parts 1, 2/ – 4th ed. - M: Enlightenment, 2016. - (School of Russia).


mastering the curriculum

in the course "Mathematics"

by the end of the 2nd year of study

Personal results studying the “Mathematics” course in 1st grade is the development of the following skills:

    Determine and express, under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior in cooperation common to all people (ethical standards).

    In situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone, make a choice, with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

Meta-subject results studying the “Mathematics” course in 1st grade are the formation of the following universal learning activities (UAL).

Regulatory UUD:

    Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

    Talk through the sequence of actions in the lesson.

    Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations.

    Study work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

    Study differ a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

    Learn together with the teacher and other students give emotional assessment class activities in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD:

    Navigate your knowledge system: differ new from what is already known with the help of a teacher.

    Make a preliminary selection of information sources: navigate in the textbook (on the double page, in the table of contents, in the dictionary).

    Gain new knowledge: find answers answer questions using the textbook, your life experiences, and information received in class.

    draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class.

    Process the information received: compare And group such mathematical objects as numbers, numerical expressions, equalities, inequalities, flat geometric figures.

    Convert information from one form to another: compose mathematical stories and problems based on the simplest mathematical models (subject models, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams); find and formulate a solution to a problem using the simplest models (subject models, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams).

Communicative UUD:

    Communicate your position to others: draw up your thought in oral and written speech (at the level of one sentence or small text).

    Listen And understand speech of others.

    Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

Subject results Studying the “Mathematics” course in 1st grade is the formation of the following skills.

Students mustbe able to use when completing tasks :

    knowledge of the names and sequences of numbers from 1 to 20; bit composition of numbers from 11 to 20;

    knowledge of the names and symbols of addition and subtraction operations;

    use knowledge of single-digit addition tables and corresponding cases of subtraction within 10 (at skill level);

    compare groups of objects using pairings;

    find the meaning of expressions containing 1-2 actions (addition or subtraction);

    solve simple problems that reveal the specific meaning of the actions of addition and subtraction a) reveal the meaning of the actions of addition and subtraction; as well as tasks to find a number that is several units more (less) than a given one;

    recognize geometric shapes: point, circle, segment, broken line, polygon, rectangle, square, lines: curve, straight line;

    in the process of calculations, consciously follow the algorithm of addition and subtraction within 20;

    use in speech the names of the components and results of addition and subtraction actions, use knowledge of the relationship between them in the process of finding a solution and when evaluating the results of actions;

    use knowledge of the commutative property of addition in the calculation process;

    use in the measurement process knowledge of units of measurement of length, volume and mass (centimeter, decimeter, liter, kilogram);

    highlight as the basis for classification such characteristics of objects as color, shape, size, purpose, material;

    select some objects from a larger group based on a common characteristic (species difference), combine groups of objects into a large group (whole) based on a common characteristic (generic difference);

    classify objects and mathematical objects according to one basis;

    use in calculations an algorithm for finding the value of expressions without parentheses containing two actions (addition and/or subtraction);

    fill out a table containing no more than three rows and three columns;

    solve arithmetic puzzles and number puzzles containing no more than two actions.

1st grade (132 hours)

Topic name

Characteristics of student activities


Counting objects (using cardinal and ordinal numbers). Comparison of groups of objects.

Relationships “same”, “more”, “less”, “more (less) by ... “ (5 hours)

Spatial and temporal representations (2 hours)

The location of objects, the relative position of objects on a plane and in space: above - below, left - right, left - right, above - below, between, behind. Movement directions: up, down, left, right.

Temporal representations: earlier, later, first, then.

Verification work ( 1 hour)

Call numbers in the order they appear when counting.

count down from a set of items a given number (8-10 individual items).

Compare two groups of objects: combining objects into pairs and relying on comparing numbers in the order they appear when counting; do conclusion, in which groups of objects there are equally (the same amount), in which group of objects there are more (less) objects and by how much.

Simulate various locations of objects on the plane and in space according to their description and describe arrangement of objects using words: above, below, left, right, behind.

Arrange events, placing them in order (earlier, later, even later).


Numbering (28 hours)

Numbers and numbers 1-5 (9 hours)

Names, designation, sequence of numbers.

Adding to a number one at a time and subtracting from a number one at a time.

The principle of constructing a natural series of numbers.

Reading, writing and comparing numbers. Signs “+”, “–”, “=”.

“Pages for the curious” - tasks of a creative and exploratory nature: identifying patterns in constructing series containing numbers, geometric shapes, and using the patterns found to complete tasks; simplest Calculating machine, which produces the next number when counting immediately after the given number (2 hours)

Length. Relationships “longer”, “shorter”, “equal in length” (1h)

Dot. Curved line. Straight line. Line segment. Ray. Broken line. Polygon (4 hours)

Signs "", "

The concepts of “equality”, “inequality” (2 hours)

Composition of numbers from 2 to 5 from two terms.

Reproduce a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10 in both forward and reverse order, starting from any number.

Define the place of each number in this sequence, as well as the place of the number 0 among the studied numbers.
Count various objects (objects, groups of objects, sounds, words, etc.) and install the serial number of an object for a given counting order.

Write numbers. Correlate figure and number.

Form the next number by adding 1 to the previous number or subtracting 1 from the next one in a series of numbers.



Arrange objects by length (by eye, overlay, with
using measurements).

Distinguish And call straight line, curve, segment, ray, broken line.

Distinguish, call polygons (triangles, quadrilaterals, etc.).

Build polygons from the corresponding number of sticks.

Correlate real objects and their elements with studied geometric lines and shapes.

Compare any two numbers and write down comparison result using comparison signs "", " Compose numerical equalities and inequalities.

Arrange given numbers.
Compose of two numbers, numbers from 2 to 5 (4 is 2 and 2; 4 is

Numbers and numbers 6-9. Number 0. Number 10 (19 hours)

Composition of numbers from 2 to 10 from two terms.

Names, designation, sequence of numbers. Reading, writing and comparing numbers.

Project: “Mathematics is all around us. Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings."

The unit of length is centimeter. Measurement of segments in centimeters. Drawing segments of a given length (2 hours)

The concepts of “increase by ..., decrease by ...” (2 hours)

- tasks of a creative and exploratory nature: determining the patterns of constructing tables; simplest Calculating machine, which works as an operator that performs arithmetic operations addition And subtraction; (2 hours)

Repetition of what has been covered. " What did you learn? What we learned" (1 hour)

Verification work (1 hour)

Select riddles, proverbs and sayings. Gather And classify information on sections (riddles, proverbs and sayings).

Work in Group: to plan work, distribute work between group members. Together evaluate result of the work.

To measure segments and express their lengths in centimeters.

Draw segments of a given length (in centimeters).

Use the concepts of “increase by ..., decrease by ...” when drawing up diagrams and when writing numerical expressions.

Fulfill creative and exploratory tasks,

apply knowledge and ways of acting in changed conditions.


Addition and subtraction (28 hours)

Addition and subtraction type □ ± 1, □ ± 2 (16 h)

Specific meaning and names of actions addition And subtraction.

Names of numbers for addition (additions, sum).

Use these terms when reading entries.

Addition and subtraction type + 1, □ – 1, + 2, – 2. Counting and counting by 1, by 2 (7 hours)

Task. Structure of the task (condition, question). Task analysis. Recording the solution and answer to a problem.

Problems that reveal the meaning of arithmetic operations addition And subtraction.

Compiling problems for addition and subtraction using the same picture, using a schematic drawing, using

decision (3 hours)
Solving problems involving increasing (decreasing) a number by several units (3 hours)

Repetition of what has been covered (3 hours)

Addition and subtraction of the form □ ± 3 (12 h)

Calculation techniques (5 hours)

Text task: supplementing a condition with missing data or a question, solving problems.

"Pages for the curious"- tasks of a creative and exploratory nature: classification of objects according to a given condition; tasks with statements containing logical connectives “all”, “if..., then...”, logical tasks (4 hours)

Repetition of what has been covered " What did you learn? What we learned"(2 hours)
Verification work " Let's check ourselves and evaluate ours achievements" (1 hour)

Simulate actions addition And subtraction using objects (cut material), drawings; make up based on drawings of arithmetic operations diagrams addition And subtraction,write down according to them numerically e equality.

Fulfill addition and subtraction of the form: ± 1, ± 2.

count And count down by 2.

Work in the simplest computer, using her drawing.
Work in pairs when playing mathematical games: “Dominoes with pictures”, “Ladder”, “Circular examples”.

Highlight tasks from the proposed texts.

Simulate using objects, drawings, schematic drawings and decide tasks that reveal the meaning of actions addition And subtraction; tasks in one action to increase (decrease) a number by several units.
Explain And justify action chosen to solve a problem.

To complement condition of the problem with missing data or question.

Fulfill addition and subtraction of the form □ ± 3.

count And count down by 3.

To complement problem condition with one missing data

tasks of a creative and exploratory nature, applying knowledge and methods of action in changed conditions.

Control And evaluate my job.


Addition and subtraction(continuation) (28 hours)

Repetition of what has been covered (calculations of the form □ ± 1, 2, 3; solving word problems (3 hours)

Addition and subtraction of the form □ ± 4 (4 h)
Solving problems on difference comparison of numbers (1 hour)
Commutative property of addition (6 hours)
Commutative property of addition (2 hours)
+ 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9 (4 hours)

"Pages for the curious"- tasks of a creative and exploratory nature: construction of geometric figures according to given conditions; logical tasks; tasks with statements containing logical connectives “all”, “if..., then...” (1 hour)

Repetition of what has been covered " What did you learn? Why learned" (2 hours)

Relationship between sum and terms (14 hours)
Names of numbers when subtracting (minuend, subtrahend, difference). Using these terms when reading entries (2 hours)

Subtraction in cases of type 6 – , 7 – ,8 – , 9 – ,

10 – . Composition of numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (6 hours)

Addition table and corresponding cases

subtraction - generalization of what has been learned (1 hour)

Preparing to solve problems in two steps - solution

task chains (1 hour)
The unit of mass is kilogram. Determining the mass of objects using scales, weighing (1 hour)

Capacity unit liter (1 hour)

Repetition of what has been covered “What did you find out? What we learned" (1 hour)

Verification work “Let’s check ourselves and evaluate our achievements"(test form). Analysis of results (1 hour)

Fulfill calculations of the form: ± 4.

Decide problems on difference comparison of numbers.

Apply commutative property of addition for cases of the form

□ + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9.

Check correct addition using

another method of addition, for example, the method of adding by parts

( + 5 = + 2 + 3).

Compare different methods of addition, choose The most convenient.

Fulfill tasks of a creative and exploratory nature, apply knowledge and methods of action in changed conditions.

Use mathematical terminology when composing and reading mathematical equalities.

Fulfill calculations of the form: 6 – , 7 – , 8 – , 9 – , 10 – , applying knowledge of the composition of the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and knowledge of the relationship between the sum and the terms.

Fulfill addition using a table for adding numbers within 10.

Observe And explain, how two simple tasks presented in one chain are related to each other.

Weigh objects accurate to the kilogram.

Compare objects by weight. Arrange objects, arranging them in order of increasing (decreasing) mass.

Compare vessels according to capacity.

Arrange vessels according to capacity, placing them in a given sequence.

Control And evaluate your work and its results


Numbering (12 hours)

Numbering (12 hours)

Numbers from 1 to 20. Names and sequence of numbers.
Formation of the second ten numbers from one ten and several units. Writing and reading second ten numbers (3 hours)

The unit of length is decimeter. Relationship between decimeter and centimeter (1 hour)

Addition and subtraction cases based on knowledge of numbering: 10 + 7, 17 – 7, 17 – 10 (1 hour)

Word problems in two steps. Plan for solving the problem. Recording the decision (2 hours)

"Pages for the curious"- creative and exploratory tasks: comparison of mass, length of objects; construction of geometric figures according to given conditions; the simplest combinatorial problems (1 hour)

Repetition of what has been covered " What did you learn? What we learned" (2 hours)

Control and accounting of knowledge (2 hours)

Form numbers of the second ten from one ten and several ones.

Compare numbers within 20, based on the order in which they appear when counting.

Transfer some units of length into others: small ones into larger ones and large ones into smaller ones, using the relationships between them.

Fulfill calculations of the form 15 + 1, 16 – 1, 10 + 5, 14 – 4,

18 – 10, based on knowledge of numbering.
Compose plan for solving a problem in two steps.

Decide tasks in two steps.

Fulfill creative and exploratory tasks, apply knowledge and ways of acting in changed conditions.


Addition and subtraction(continuation) (22 h)

Tabular addition (11 hours)

A general technique for adding single-digit numbers and moving through ten. Consideration of each case in order of gradual increase in the second term ( + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9). Composition of the numbers of the second ten. Addition table (9 hours)

"Pages for the curious"- tasks of a creative and exploratory nature: logical tasks; tasks with continuation of patterns; work for computer, performing the calculation of the value of a numerical expression in two steps; chains (1 hour)

Repetition of what has been covered “What did you find out? What we learned"(1 hour)

Table subtraction (11 hours)

General methods of subtraction with passing through tens:

1) method of subtraction by parts (15 – 7 = 15 – 5 – 2);

2) a technique that is based on knowledge of the composition of a number and the relationship between the sum and the terms (8 hours)
Solving word problems is included in every lesson.

"Pages for the curious"- tasks of a creative and exploratory nature: identifying patterns in the compilation of a number series; tasks with missing data; logic problems (1 hour)

Project:“Mathematics is all around us. Shape, size, color. Patterns and ornaments."

Repetition of what has been covered “What did you find out? Why learned" (1 hour)

Verification work “Let’s check ourselves and evaluate our achievements"(test form). Analysis of results (1 hour)

Simulate method of performing an action addition

Fulfill addition of numbers passing through ten within 20.

Fulfill creative and exploratory tasks,

apply knowledge and methods of action in changed conditions.

Simulate methods of performing an action subtraction

with the transition through ten, using objects, cut material, counting sticks, graphic diagrams.

Fulfill subtraction of numbers passing through ten within 20.

Fulfill creative and exploratory tasks,

apply knowledge and ways of acting in changed conditions.

Gather information: drawings, photographs of flower beds, flower beds,

discount. Observe, analyze And install rules for alternating shape, size, color in selected patterns and ornaments, the pattern of their alternation.

Compose your patterns.

Control fulfillment of the rule according to which

a pattern was drawn up.

Work in groups: make up work plan, distribute types of work between group members, install deadlines for completing the work in stages and in general, evaluate result of the work.

Control And evaluate your work, its results, draw conclusions for the future

Final review “What we learned, what we learned in 1st grade” (5 hours)

Knowledge test (1 hour)

Thematic planning


in 1st grade (4 hours per week, 132 hours)



Number of hours

Mathematics textbook. The role of mathematics in the lives of people and society.

Counting items.

Up. At the bottom. Left. On right.

Earlier. Later. At first. After.

As many. More. Less.

How much more? How much less?

Repetition and generalization of what has been learned on the topic “Preparation for studying numbers.”

A lot of. One.

Number and figure 2.

Number and figure 3.

Signs +, -, =.

Number and figure 4.

Longer, shorter.

Number and figure 5.

Numbers from 1 to 5. Composition of number 5.

Pages for the curious.

Dot. Curved line. Straight line. Line segment. Ray.

Broken line.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Equality. Inequality.


Numbers 6 and 7. Letter of number 6.

Numbers 6 and 7. Letter of number 7.

Numbers 8 and 9. Letter of number 8.

Numbers 8 and 9. Letter of number 9.

Repetition and generalization of what has been learned on the topic “Numbers from 1 to 10”

Our projects.


Enlarge by…. Decrease by….

Addition and subtraction with the number 0.

Pages for the curious.

What did you learn? What we learned.

Project protection.

Addition and subtraction of the form …+1, …- 1.

Addition and subtraction of the form …+1 + 1, …- 1 - 1.

Addition and subtraction of the form …+2, …- 2.

Term. Sum.

Drawing up problems based on drawings.

Addition and subtraction worksheets with the number 2.

Counting and counting down by 2.

Problems involving increasing (decreasing) by several units.

Pages for the curious.

What did you learn? What we learned.

Pages for the curious.

Addition and subtraction of the form …+3, …- 3.

Adding and subtracting the number 3.

Consolidation of what has been learned. Comparison of lengths of segments.

Addition and subtraction worksheets with number 3.

Counting and counting down by 3.

Problem solving.

Problem solving.

Pages for the curious.

What did you learn? What we learned.

What did you learn? What we learned.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Adding and subtracting numbers from the first ten. Composition of numbers 7, 8, 9.

Problems to increase a number by several units

Problems involving reducing a number by several units

(with two sets of items).

Addition and subtraction of the form …+4, …- 4.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

How much more? How much less?

Problem solving.

Addition and subtraction worksheets with number 4.

Problem solving.

Rearranging terms.

Application of the commutative property of addition for cases of the form

… + 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Tables for cases of the form ... + 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Composition of numbers within 10. Consolidation.

What did you learn? What we learned.

Consolidation of what has been learned. Check of knowledge.

The connection between the sum and the terms.

Problem solving.

Minuend. Subtrahend. Difference.

Subtraction of the form 6 - ..., 7 - ....

Consolidating the method of calculations of the form 6 - ..., 7 - .... Problem solving.

Subtraction of the form 8 - ..., 9 - ....

Consolidating the method of calculations of the form 8 - ..., 9 - .... Problem solving.

Subtraction of the form 10 -….

Consolidation of what has been learned. Problem solving.


What did you learn? What we learned.

Test work on the topic “Addition and subtraction within 10”.

Names and sequence of numbers from 11 to 20.

Formation of numbers of the second ten.

Writing and reading numbers of the second ten.


Addition and subtraction of the form 10 + 7, 17 – 7, 17 – 10.

Pages for the curious.

What did you learn? What we learned.

Test work on the topic “Addition and subtraction within 20”.

Repetition. Preparing to solve problems in two steps.

Composite task.

Composite task.

A general technique for adding single-digit numbers and moving through ten.

… + 2, … + 3.

Addition of single-digit numbers with transition through ten of the form ... + 4.

Addition of single-digit numbers with transition through ten of the form ... + 5.

Addition of single-digit numbers with transition through ten of the form ... + 6.

Addition of single-digit numbers with transition through ten of the form ... + 7.

Addition of single-digit numbers with transition through ten of the form

… + 8, … + 9

Addition table.

Addition table.

General techniques for table subtraction with passing through tens.

Subtraction type 11 -….

Subtraction type 12 -….

Subtraction type 13 -….

Subtraction of the form 14 -….

Subtraction of the form 15 -….

Subtraction of the form 16 -….

Subtraction of the form 17 - ..., 18 - ....

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Pages for the curious. What did you learn? What we learned.

Our projects.

Test on the topic “Addition and subtraction within 20”

Consolidation of what has been learned.

What did you learn, what did you learn in 1st grade?

The main character of the fairy tale “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf” is the youngest son of Tsar Berendey, Ivan. One day, in his father’s garden, he almost caught the Firebird, which was pecking at golden apples. All that was left of the strange bird was a feather in his hand. The king found out about this and sent his three sons in search of the miracle bird.

Ivan was left on the road without a horse and walked. He met a gray wolf. It turned out that this wolf ate Tsarevich Ivan’s horse. Having learned about the Firebird, the wolf decided to help the prince, since it was his fault that Ivan lost his horse. The wolf was magical and he carried Ivan Tsarevich to the kingdom where the bird lived in just an instant. Everything would have ended well, but when Ivan stole a wonderful bird from the king of those places, Afron, he decided to grab the golden cage. It was then that his servants captured him.

To atone for his crime, Tsar Afron gave Ivan the task of obtaining a golden-maned horse. And again the gray wolf helped him, but this time Ivan could not resist, he wanted to take with him not only the horse, but also his golden bridle. He was caught by the servants of King Kusman. This king gave the task to Ivan to kidnap Helen the Beautiful from the king of Dalmatia. This time the gray wolf did everything himself and kidnapped the beauty.

But when they returned to the kingdom of Kusman, Ivan Tsarevich told the wolf that he did not want to exchange the beauty for a horse. The wolf did not make a mistake here either. He turned into Helen the Beautiful and Tsar Kusman did not notice the substitution. Ivan received a golden-maned horse and rode with the beauty. And after some time the gray wolf took back his appearance and caught up with them.

And again Ivan Tsarevich was saddened - he did not want to exchange his horse for the Firebird. Again the wolf changed its appearance and became a horse. Ivan replaced him with the Firebird.

When the wolf escaped from King Afron, Ivan thanked him with a bow for his help and said goodbye. To this the wolf replied that it might still be useful.

On the way back, trouble happened. While Ivan slept during his rest, his older brothers rode. They saw that the younger brother had got everything and killed him. The gray wolf found out about this. He obtained living and dead water and revived Ivan Tsarevich. Then they caught up with the robber brothers and the wolf tore them to pieces. And Ivan Tsarevich returned home, gave his father the Firebird, and he himself married Elena the Beautiful.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf” is that deviation from the advice of more experienced mentors can lead to sad outcomes. Twice Ivan did not obey the gray wolf, and twice he was grabbed by the guards. The fairy tale teaches us that debt is worth paying. The gray wolf repaid Ivan in full for the lost horse. And he helped to get a new horse, and to buy a beautiful wife and the Firebird for his father, Tsar Berendey.

I liked the gray wolf in the fairy tale. This character showed himself to be very decent towards Ivan Tsarevich. He repaid his debt for the horse. Moreover, he brought Ivan back to life when his older brothers killed him.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf”?

If you are vigilant, you will win.
Greed does not lead to good things.
Friend is known in trouble.

Russian folk tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"

Genre: folk fairy tale.

The main characters of the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"

  1. Ivan Tsarevich, the main character, was unable to catch the firebird in the garden, then failed several tasks and was even killed.
  2. Gray wolf, noble and honest. He knows everything in the world and stops at nothing. A loyal friend and a terrible enemy.
  3. Tsar Berendey did not long grieve for his unlucky eldest sons.
  4. Ivan's older brothers, lazy and envious, killed their brother for the sake of his spoils.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
  1. Thief in the garden
  2. Firebird feather
  3. Gray wolf
  4. Golden cage
  5. Golden-maned horse
  6. Elena the beautiful
  7. Replacement
  8. Death of Ivan
  9. Return.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The Firebird steals apples from Berendey's garden.
  2. The sons set off, Ivan’s horse is eaten by the Wolf.
  3. Ivan could not steal the firebird, he was sent for the horse
  4. Ivan could not steal the horse; he was sent for Elena the Beautiful.
  5. The wolf helps to get Elena the Beautiful
  6. The brothers kill Ivan, the Wolf revives him, happy ending
Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
  1. Magical creature - firebird
  2. Magic Helper - Gray Wolf
  3. The main character's journey and quests
  4. Triple repetitions - three sons, three tasks.
  5. Beginning and ending.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
If someone helped you once, then you should help him too.

What does the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to help those who once helped you. Teaches not to be greedy and listen to wise advice. Teaches not to trust appearance, teaches to always be careful and not to trust envious people. Teaches you not to be lazy.

Review of the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
I really liked the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”. I especially like the Gray Wolf, who is the main character of this tale. He actually does all the work for Ivan, teaches him and saves him from all dangers. The wolf in this fairy tale is noble and kind, but if someone acts dishonestly, he can punish. This fairy tale has many adventures and a happy ending.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
Debt good turn deserves another.
Without a friend you are an orphan, but with a friend you are a family man.
Road help on time.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
King Brenday had three sons and a beautiful garden with golden apples. But someone got into the habit of stealing these apples, and the king became sad. His sons decided to catch the thief. But the older brothers slept all night on guard. Only the youngest son, Ivan, waited for the thief and tore out the feather of the Firebird.
Berendey sent his sons for the firebird. The older ones went one way, the younger ones went the other.
Ivan Tsarevich went to bed, woke up, and there was no horse, only bones lying there. Here the Gray Wolf appeared. The Wolf questioned Ivan and decided to help him.
He took it to King Afron and ordered him to catch the bird and not touch the cages. But Ivan touched the cage and he himself was caught. I had to go to King Kusman to get the horse.
There, history repeated itself, only Ivan coveted the bridle. I had to go to King Dalmatus for Helen the Beautiful.
At this point the wolf did everything himself and kidnapped Elena the Beautiful.
They are returning. The wolf turned into Helen the Beautiful and was given to King Kusman. Kusman gave the horse. They drive on, the Wolf catches up with Ivan.
The Wolf turned into a horse and gave King Afron the firebird. Again the Wolf ran away.
Wolf and Ivan broke up. Ivan went further alone. He was tired, went to bed, and then his brothers arrived in time. They killed Ivan and took everything they got for themselves.
The crows began to circle around Ivan. The gray wolf appeared, caught the crow, and sent the raven for living water. The Tsarevich sprinkled Ivan and came to life. They caught up with the brothers, and the Gray Wolf killed them.
Ivan Tsarevich returned, married Elena the Beautiful and began to live happily.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"