What do they do to purify the air? How to make the air clean

Rarely does a person think about the fact that the air needs to be purified. But we consume approximately 15-18 kg per day of this vital substance. Water and food, for comparison, are 3-5 kg ​​together.

The market today offers a lot of all kinds of air fresheners, but almost all of them only collect dust. Chemicals can be perfectly collected with activated carbon. But it picks up 7-10% of its weight in dirt and has no further effect. That is, the coal must be constantly changed, and this is expensive. If you do not change it, bacteria begin to multiply in it.

To purify home air, it is better to use a natural mechanism, that is, fill the house with green plants. One of the most popular plants that perfectly purify the air is chlorophytum. This method is free and completely safe.

Of course, you can choose filters or entire air purification systems for your home. However, you need to choose equipment that, by its mechanism of action, resembles natural air purification. Filters must be cleaned and changed in a timely manner.

To ensure that the air always remains clean, it is important to ventilate the room and regularly wet cleaning. To inhale Fresh air Constantly, it is necessary to reduce the use of household chemicals as much as possible.

How to clean the air in a production room?

In order for the air to production premises has always been clean, it is important to purchase high-quality filters for air purification.

Also in a wonderful way purification will be ozonation. Ozone is known to be allotropic modification oxygen. This substance is a highly oxidizing agent. Because of this, ozone can quickly decompose harmful chemical compounds down to the simplest and safest elements. Ozonation not only purifies the air, but also disinfects and eliminates any unpleasant odors.

What purifies the air in nature?

In nature, air purification is mainly done by plants. When exposed to light they produce oxygen. Photocatalysis also occurs in green plants, during which harmful elements in the air are simply destroyed upon contact with special substances, photocatalysts.

Also in nature, ozone is produced in small quantities during a thunderstorm, which eliminates harmful compounds.

According to the editors of the site, air purification should have no less priority than water purification.
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Every day we inhale a huge amount of harmful substances that lead to various diseases. Changing the situation radically - moving from an unfavorable area or changing jobs - is not always possible. But take care of clean air in own home We are quite capable!

The air mass that surrounds us contains nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. Nature has always maintained their balance, and all smells, even unpleasant ones, are normal conditions- environmentally friendly. But the last decades of scientific and technological progress, in addition to convenience and comfort, have “given” humanity a variety of harmful chemical compounds. Nature can no longer cope with such a load, and as a result, due to polluted air, we get a decrease in immunity, allergies and others. inappropriate reactions body. As a result, our immune system spends 80% of its resources on neutralizing harmful factors environment. But can she be helped? How can we make the air clean, at least at home - where we sleep, eat, and raise our children?

Simple ways protect your home from harmful pollutants, chemicals and germs:

1. No combustion products. Wood burning fireplaces- a magical part of the interior and a romantic place for lovers. They make the home more comfortable and help you relax psychologically after a hard day. But, as it turned out, they are harmful to our health, since they release solid particles that enter the lungs and make breathing difficult.

2. Away from smokers. Smoking itself is the cause of a large number of diseases. Therefore, you should check whether you are a passive smoker in your own home. Smokers not only poison the air around them, but also harm their neighbors, relatives and household members. If you quit smoking in time and thereby clear your apartment of smoke, you can significantly improve the air quality.

3. Fighting dust mites. Dust mites, which live mainly in human housing, can cause an allergic reaction - tick sensitization.

The size of the mites ranges from 0.1-0.5 mm. There are about 200 species widely distributed throughout the globe. These arachnids live in mattresses and carpets and feed on dead skin particles, which a person loses annually in the amount of 350-400 g. Ticks leave behind feces, the latter and can cause severe allergic reactions in people.

To get rid of dust mites, you need to use mattress covers and pillowcases, which create a barrier between humans and ticks. It is also recommended to sleep on pillows made from foam rubber, and not made from goose down or feathers, and wash clothes in hot water at least once a week.

4. Reducing the use of chemicals. Almost all household chemicals harmful. But with the use of chemicals the situation is not simple. On the one hand, we are forced to use them to thoroughly clean the house, wipe dust and collect pet hair. But the more effective remedy, the stronger it smells and the more toxic substances it spreads around itself, and this is already dangerous to health.

In order not to wear a protective mask around the apartment every time after cleaning, replace chemicals on regular vinegar or soap. In this case, for human body those substances that have no aroma are safer. This also applies to hairspray, perfume, glue, paints, air fresheners - they all pollute the air we breathe.

5. Pets are a source of allergens. The main problem from pets is their fur, which fills the apartment, resulting in an increase in dust and the need to clean much more often. But pet dander is actually much more harmful than pet dander. Despite the fact that the particles of this dandruff are quite large and cannot penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, they are also the cause of many diseases. The presence of animals in the house is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers, for whom dogs, cats and even birds are “contraindicated”.

If you already have an animal, then be sure to wash your hands after petting him. It is also better to keep your pet away from the bedroom - where you sleep and spend most of its time, it definitely has no place.

6. Artificial air purification. Various electronic air purifiers, ionizers and humidifiers can significantly reduce the amount of small particles that float around us and enter our lungs. The main thing is not to forget clean filters regularly these devices.

7. Keep your windows closed. Various allergens enter our lungs with street dust. There are especially large numbers of them in cities and industrial areas.

To protect yourself from their exposure, it is recommended to keep the windows in your apartment closed most of the day. However, periodically open the windows and It is simply necessary to ventilate the apartment, especially if you have just cleaned your home and there is a strong smell of chemicals contained in cleaning products.

8. Fight against mold and mildew. Mold is ubiquitous. Generally, extensive mold colonies grow in warm damp places, in a nutrient medium. Many molds produce mycotoxins, which have pronounced toxic properties and can cause poisoning.

A variety of pathogenic fungi provoke in humans dermatoses, diseases of hair, nails, respiratory and genital tract, oral cavity.

A good product can help with both mold and fungi ventilation system in the bedroom and bathroom. It is also necessary to maintain a certain level of humidity in the apartment (about 40%). To do this, do not overuse humidifiers. High humidity and air temperature can also lead to an imbalance in heat transfer and metabolism.

9. Cooking and airing. Gas stoves are also dangerous. When gas burns, air is filled harmful substances: carbon oxides, sulfur dioxide and others.

To reduce the harm from gas stove, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often during cooking or keep the window always slightly open. It's also better to keep doors to the kitchen closed while the cooking process is in progress, and install a hood that will draw out not only combustion products, but also toxic substances released during cooking.

10. “Dosing” physical activity. Oxygen is involved in almost all chemical processes in our body, plays important role in metabolism, improves blood circulation and absorption of vitamins and minerals. Any exercise stress increases its consumption, which contributes to prevention of chronic lung diseases and allergies. But doctors warn that if you have already been diagnosed with the disease, then you should not overexert yourself - this will interfere with your breathing and intensify the manifestations of the disease.

Prepared Olga Kullinkovich, newspaper “Zvyazda”, February 11, 2011.
Original in Belarusian: http://zvyazda.minsk.by/ru/archive/article.php?id=74210&idate=2011-02-11

Many people dream of living in environmentally friendly conditions. However, not everyone has the opportunity to live in a place where the air is filled with freshness. Most people have to inhale dirty city air, which causes irreparable harm to the body. This problem is especially relevant for residents of industrial cities. Many factories emitting harmful substances into the atmosphere, a lot of cars emitting exhaust gases, cannot but affect the health of the population. Why is city air so dangerous?

First of all, a poor environmental situation has a negative impact on cardiovascular and respiratory systems. People who regularly inhale harmful particles in the air develop hypertension. Research shows that even 10 weeks of exposure to hazardous substances sufficient to predispose to hypertension.

Polluted air contains substances that, when ingested by young people, provoke the development of various cardiovascular diseases. The risk of developing myocardial infarction and inflammatory heart diseases, leading to massive cell death of this vital organ, increases significantly.

When coal burns, microparticles of soot enter the air. Penetrating into the body, they often cause the development of venous thrombosis. In the veins lower limbs blood clots form. When they come off, they migrate through the body with the bloodstream, leading to pulmonary embolism. This disease often causes death.

Ultrafine particles contained in dirty air easily enter the human body. They can cause increased platelet formation. These elements are responsible for blood clotting. However, with increased formation, they become the cause of plaques in blood vessels. This disrupts normal blood flow to the heart muscle. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs and blood circulation is impaired.

Polluted air has a negative impact on the body of people suffering from diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases internal organs. Polluted air affects the blood, changing it physicochemical characteristics, compound. Regular inhalation of harmful particles causes disruption of protein, water and carbohydrate metabolism. Decomposition products remain in the body for large quantities, their gradual accumulation leads to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems. Dirty air affects appearance person. The skin loses elasticity, becomes dry, and becomes wrinkled. Young people look much older than their biological age.

Disturbed metabolism cannot but lead to disruption of the endocrine glands. The result is hormonal disorders that cause various diseases. The thyroid gland is most often affected.

Polluted air has a negative impact on general condition person. With regular inhalation of dangerous microparticles, rapid fatigue, frequent headaches, hearing and vision impairment, decreased mental performance, and a tendency to frequent allergic reactions and colds are observed.

Today, there are devices that are used to purify indoor air. They are able to blow air through a system of filter elements, thereby cleaning it from harmful impurities. Depending on the technical characteristics air purifiers have varying degrees cleaning. Cheap devices remove only large mechanical particles from the air ( household dust, animal hair, poplar fluff). More expensive and advanced models provide a function to neutralize exhaust particles, tobacco smoke and other harmful inclusions.

IN household appliances Various filter elements are used. HEPA filters allow you to clean the air from mechanical contaminants. Activated carbon neutralizes unpleasant odors in room. The electrostatic filter collects particles of smoke, resins, and dust. The photocatalytic filter breaks down harmful substances into harmless ones (under the influence of ultraviolet light).

Household cleaners whose filter element is water are very effective. This device perfectly purifies the air, humidifies it, makes it lighter and fresher. Devices that combine the functions of air purification, humidification and ionization have proven their effectiveness. Negative ions, which are released into the atmosphere, have a positive effect on the health of people suffering from respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. They strengthen human immunity.

The choice of air purifiers is quite wide. People who care about their health should definitely purchase such a device. After all, clean air is the key to good health.

The method is intended for purifying air from pollutants in cities and large populated areas. The method involves sucking polluted air from the surface of the roadway, purifying it of hydrocarbons and returning it to the environment. Polluted air is sucked into underground city communication networks with filters and ventilation devices through external hatches equipped with air intakes. Purified air is discharged through open outlets of communication networks.

The invention relates to the field environmental protection environment and, in particular, to cleaning polluted air. There is a known method of purifying air from pollution in cities and large populated areas, which consists in the fact that the air containing exhaust gases Vehicle, is sucked from the surface of the roadway into special channels, where it is cleaned from hydrocarbons using filters and returned to the surrounding atmosphere. (GB patent N 1113528, class B 08 B 15/00, 1968). This method provides a certain effect on cleaning air on city highways polluted by vehicle exhaust gases, but requires large material costs during its implementation due to the construction of special structures for its absorption and purification and narrows the area for purifying polluted air. The technical result to which the invention is aimed is to reduce material costs for the construction of special structures for implementing the method and expand the areas covered by air purification. The specified technical result is achieved by the fact that in the method of purifying air from pollution in cities and large settlements, which consists in the fact that air containing exhaust gases from vehicles is sucked from the surface of the roadway into special channels, where it is purified using filters from hydrocarbons and returns to the surrounding atmosphere, polluted air is sucked into underground city communication networks with filtering and ventilation devices installed in their underground channels, through their external hatches located in populated areas and equipped with air intakes, and purified air is discharged into the atmosphere through the open outlets of these communications. The proposed method for purifying air from pollutants in populated areas increases the area of ​​air purification, significantly simplifies this process and reduces material costs for its implementation in comparison with the known method. The point is that in known method, taken as a prototype, specially equipped sidewalks are used, running along urban transport highways, in which special channels are installed, with air intake and filtering devices installed in each of them, in curb stones Intake holes are made on these sidewalks, and the purified air is discharged into the atmosphere through specially constructed exhaust devices. As you can see, such a solution requires significant material costs and, in addition, the area covered by air purification in a populated area is limited. Suggested technical solution provides for the use of existing underground channels located in populated areas, urban underground communication networks for various purposes, having entrance hatches or sewer grates located throughout the territory of these points, and exits of these networks into the atmosphere. It is planned to install fan units or other devices at the nodes of communication networks that create a vacuum of air in the channels approaching from the hatches to the node of the communication, together with the corresponding filtering units that filter the air and remove the purified air through the outlet channels to the outside into the atmosphere. If necessary, air intakes are provided in hatches through which air is supposed to be taken. Given the urgency of the problem of cleaning polluted air in major cities, this method of cleaning it is the most rational, significantly reduces material costs, since there is no need for the construction of air intake communications, the number of ventilation and filter units is reduced, the area covered by intake devices in populated areas is increased, and energy consumption for air intake into the mains is reduced.


A method for purifying air from pollution in cities and large populated areas, which consists in the fact that air containing vehicle exhaust gases is sucked from the surface of the road surface, cleaned of hydrocarbons and returned to the environment, characterized in that the polluted air is sucked into underground urban communication networks with filtering and ventilation devices installed in them through external hatches equipped with air intakes, and purified air is discharged through open outputs of communication networks.

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Changes in the gas composition of the atmosphere are the result of a combination of natural phenomena in nature and human activity. But which of these processes predominates at present? In order to find out, we will first clarify what pollutes the air. Its relatively constant composition throughout recent years subject to significant fluctuations. Let's consider the main problems of controlling emissions and protecting the cleanliness of the air basin using the example of this work in cities.

Is the composition of the atmosphere changing?

Ecologists consider the change in its average indicators collected over long time observations. They occur as a result of many types of social impacts on the environment, as well as due to natural processes. For example, substances that pollute the air and change the gas composition of the atmosphere are formed as a result of respiration, photo- and chemosynthesis in the cells of living organisms.

In addition to natural, there is anthropogenic pollution. Its sources can be emissions from any production facilities, gaseous waste from the municipal sector, transport exhaust. This is exactly what pollutes the air, threatens human health and well-being, and the state of the entire environment. The main indicators of atmospheric composition should remain unchanged, such as in the diagram below.

The content of some components in the atmosphere is insignificant, but it is taken into account when deciding which substances pollute the air and which are harmless to living organisms. The table located just below, in addition to the main ones, also includes permanent components of the air environment, the content of which increases during the process of volcanism, economic activity population and nitrogen, methane).

What doesn't pollute the air?

The gas composition of the atmosphere over oceans, seas, forests and meadows, and biosphere reserves changes less than in cities. Of course, substances also enter the environment above the above-mentioned natural objects. Gas exchange in the biosphere is constant. But in ecosystems the process that does not pollute the air predominates. For example, in forests - photosynthesis, above water bodies- evaporation. Bacteria fix nitrogen from the air, plants release and absorb carbon dioxide. The atmosphere over the oceans and seas is saturated with water vapor, iodine, bromine, and chlorine.

What pollutes the air?

Compounds dangerous to living organisms are very diverse; in total, more than 20,000 biosphere pollutants are known. In the atmosphere of megacities, industrial and transport centers there are simple and complex gaseous substances, aerosols, and small solid particles. Let's list what substances pollute the air:

  • carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide);
  • sulfuric and sulfurous anhydrides (sulfur di- and trioxide);
  • nitrogen compounds (oxides and ammonia);
  • methane and other gaseous hydrocarbons;
  • dust, soot and suspended particles, such as ores, at mining sites.

What are the sources of emissions?

Harmful, polluting atmospheric air substances enter the atmosphere not only in gaseous and vaporous states, but also in the form of tiny droplets and solid particles different sizes. Pollution coming from enterprises and transport is accounted for by specific compounds and their groups (solid, gaseous, liquid).

The concentration of constant and variable air components changes during the day and according to the seasons. When calculating the content of pollutants, atmospheric pressure and temperature are taken into account, since meteorological conditions affect the composition of the surface layer of the atmosphere. Changes in the concentrations of most components, e.g. carbon dioxide, occur not only during the year. There has been an increase in the amount of CO 2 in the last hundred years ( Greenhouse effect). In some cases, changes in the concentrations of substances are due to natural phenomena. These could be volcanic eruptions, spontaneous releases of toxic compounds from underground or water in certain areas. But more often human activity leads to unfavorable changes in the composition of the atmosphere.

What pollutes the air on Earth? Natural and anthropogenic sources of emissions of harmful compounds. The latter can be stationary (pipes of enterprises, boiler houses, fuel dispensers at gas stations) and mobile ( different types transport). We list the main objects from which air pollutants come:

  • operating enterprises in many industries;
  • quarries where mining is carried out;
  • cars (they pollute the air when burning fuel obtained from oil, gas and other carbon-containing substances);
  • gaseous and liquid fuel filling stations;
  • boiler houses using fossil fuels and their products;
  • landfills and landfills where air pollutants are formed as a result of rotting and decomposition of industrial and household waste.

Agricultural lands, such as fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens, also contribute to negative changes in the composition of the atmosphere. This is due to the operation of machinery, the application of fertilizers, and spraying with pesticides.

What is the main source of air pollution?

Many harmful compounds are released into the atmosphere during rocket launches, waste burning, and fires in populated areas, in forests, fields and steppes. In densely populated regions, the most significant contribution to changes in the composition of the surface layer of the atmosphere is made by motor vehicles. According to various estimates, it accounts for 60 to 95% of all gaseous emissions.

What pollutes the air in the city? Population urbanized countries especially suffers from toxic products of combustion of fuel and fuel. Harmful emissions include solid particles, for example, soot and lead, liquid and gaseous compounds: sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

Factories pollute the air in industrial regions where industries processing metal ores, salts, oil, coal and natural gas. The composition of emissions varies depending on the set of industries in a particular region of the country. Polluted air in cities often contains many carcinogens, such as dioxin. Smoke appears as a result of forest, steppe and peat fires, burning of leaves and garbage. Most often, tree plantations and waste burn in the vicinity of cities, but it happens that even leaves and grass are set on fire directly on the streets.

What substances do industrial and transport emissions contain?

What pollutes the air in the city? In industrial centers there are industrial, transport, utility and construction companies. Each object individually and collectively has a technogenic impact on the environment. Pollutants often interact with each other. Most often, non-metal oxides dissolve in water droplets - this is how “acid” fogs and rains are formed. They cause irreparable damage to nature, human health and architectural masterpieces.

Gross emissions of pollutants in cities reach hundreds and thousands of tons. The largest volume of toxic compounds comes from enterprises in the metallurgical, fuel and energy, chemical, and transport industries. Factories pollute the air with toxic substances: ammonia, benzopyrene, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, mercaptan, phenol. In the composition of emissions of large industrial enterprise contains from 20 to 120 types of compounds. To a lesser extent, harmful compounds are formed at food and light industry plants, in educational, healthcare and cultural institutions.

Are organic waste combustion products dangerous?

In cities, it is prohibited to burn fallen leaves, grass, branch cuttings, packaging, building materials and other industrial and household waste. Acrid smoke contains substances that pollute the atmospheric air. They harm human health and generally worsen the quality of the environment.

What is alarming is the lack of understanding by individual citizens and enterprise employees that they are violating the rules of improvement and aggravating the already unfavorable environmental situation when they burn garbage heaps and manure on their plots, in their yards multi-storey buildings Set fire to waste in containers. Very often present in garbage plastic bottles, film. This smoke is especially harmful due to the thermal decomposition products of polymers. In the Russian Federation, there are penalties for burning waste within a populated area.

When parts of plants, bones, animal skins, polymers and other products of organic synthesis burn, carbon oxides, water vapor, and some nitrogen compounds are released. But these are not all air pollutants that are formed during burning or smoldering waste, household waste. If leaves, branches, grass and other materials are wet, more toxic substances are released than harmless water vapor. For example, when smoldering 1 ton of wet leaves, about 30 kg are released carbon monoxide(carbon monoxide).

Standing next to a smoldering garbage heap is like being on the busiest street in a metropolis. The danger is that it binds hemoglobin in the blood. The resulting carboxyhemoglobin can no longer deliver oxygen to the cells. Other substances that pollute the atmospheric air can cause disruption of the bronchi and lungs, poisoning, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. For example, when you inhale carbon monoxide, the heart works harder because not enough oxygen is supplied to the tissues. In this case, cardiovascular diseases may worsen. An even greater danger is the combination of carbon monoxide with pollutants in industrial emissions and transport exhausts.

Pollutant Concentration Standards

Harmful emissions come from metallurgical, coal, oil and gas processing plants, energy facilities, construction and utilities industries. Radioactive contamination from explosions at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and nuclear power plants in Japan have spread to on a global scale. There is an increase in the content of carbon oxides, sulfur, nitrogen, freons, radioactive and other dangerous emissions in different parts of our planet. Sometimes toxins are found far from the place where the enterprises that pollute the air are located. The situation that has arisen is alarming and difficult to resolve. global problem humanity.

Back in 1973, the relevant committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed criteria for assessing the quality of atmospheric air in cities. Experts have found that people's health depends 15-20% on environmental conditions. Based on many studies in the 20th century, acceptable levels of the main pollutants that were harmless to the population were determined. For example, the average annual concentration of suspended particles in the air should be 40 μg/m 3 . The content of sulfur oxides should not exceed 60 μg/m 3 per year. For carbon monoxide the corresponding average- 10 mg/m 3 for 8 hours.

What are maximum permissible concentrations (MPC)?

The resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation approved the content of almost 600 harmful compounds in the atmosphere of populated areas. pollutants in the air, compliance with which indicates the absence of adverse effects on people and sanitary conditions. The standard specifies the hazard classes of compounds and their content in the air (mg/m3). These indicators are updated as new data on the toxicity of individual substances become available. But that's not all. The document contains a list of 38 substances for which a release ban has been introduced due to their high biological activity.

How is state control carried out in the field of atmospheric air protection?

Anthropogenic changes in air composition lead to negative consequences in the economy, people's health is deteriorating and life expectancy is shortening. The problems of increasing the flow of harmful compounds into the atmosphere are of concern to both governments, state and municipal authorities, and the public and ordinary people.

The legislation of many countries provides for before the start of construction, reconstruction, and modernization of almost all economic facilities. Standardization of pollutants in the air is being carried out, and measures are being taken to protect the atmosphere. The issues of reducing the anthropogenic load on the environment, reducing emissions and discharges of pollutants are being addressed. Accepted in Russia federal laws on the protection of the environment, atmospheric air, other legislative and regulatory acts regulating activities in the environmental sphere. The state environmental control, pollutants are limited, emissions are regulated.

What is MDV?

Enterprises that pollute the air must conduct an inventory of the sources of harmful compounds entering the air. Usually this work finds its logical continuation when determining The need to obtain this document is related to the regulation of anthropogenic load on the atmospheric air. Based on the information included in that MPE, the enterprise receives permission to emit pollutants into the atmosphere. Data on standard emissions are used to calculate payments for negative environmental impacts.

If there is no MPE volume and permit, then enterprises pay 2, 5, 10 times more for emissions from pollution sources located on the territory of an industrial facility or other industry. Standardization of air pollutants leads to reduction negative influence to the atmosphere. There is an economic incentive to carry out measures to protect nature from the entry of foreign compounds into it.

Payments for environmental pollution received from enterprises are accumulated by local and federal authorities authorities in specially created budget environmental funds. Financial resources are spent on environmental protection activities.

How is air purified and protected at industrial and other facilities?

Polluted air is purified different methods. Filters are installed on the pipes of boiler houses and processing plants, and there are dust and gas collection units. Through the use of thermal decomposition and oxidation, some toxic substances are converted into harmless compounds. The capture of harmful gases in emissions is carried out using condensation methods, sorbents are used to absorb impurities, and catalysts are used for purification.

Prospects for activities in the field of air protection are associated with work to reduce the flow of pollutants into the atmosphere. It is necessary to develop laboratory monitoring of harmful emissions in cities and on busy highways. Work must continue to implement systems for capturing solid particles from gaseous mixtures at enterprises. Need cheap ones modern devices for cleaning emissions from toxic aerosols and gases. In the field of state control, an increase in the number of posts is required to check and regulate the toxicity of vehicle exhaust gases. Energy industry enterprises and motor vehicles should be switched to less harmful, from an environmental point of view, types of fuel (for example, natural gas, biofuels). When they burn, less solid and liquid pollutants are released.

What role do green spaces play in cleaning the air?

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of plants to replenishing oxygen reserves on Earth and trapping pollution. Forests are called “green gold”, “the lungs of the planet” for the ability of leaves to photosynthesize. This process involves the absorption of carbon dioxide and water, the formation of oxygen and starch in the light. Plants release phytoncides into the air - substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes.

Increasing the area of ​​green spaces in cities is one of the most important environmental measures. Trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers are planted in courtyards, parks, squares and along roads. The areas of schools, hospitals, and industrial enterprises are being landscaped.

Scientists have found that plants such as poplar, linden, and sunflower best absorb dust and harmful gaseous substances from industrial emissions and transport exhausts. Coniferous plantings emit the most phytoncides. The air in pine, fir, and juniper forests is very clean and healing.