What does a pregnant woman need in the early stages? What to do in early pregnancy

Tests, registration with a gynecologist, trimesters of pregnancy - it seems so difficult, but in reality...

With the appearance of two stripes on a pharmacy test, the girl’s life changes. Some people are not happy about such a gift, but for others it is happiness. It’s easier for women who already have a child. They know how pregnancy goes, what happens to her and the baby’s body, when to visit a gynecologist, etc.

It is more difficult for girls who will give birth for the first time. But even here you shouldn’t get lost. Not everything is as scary as it seems.

Go to the doctor as soon as you see two lines. The period from the 6th to the 12th week is optimal for registration, since during this period we can confidently say that pregnancy has occurred.

The doctor creates an exchange card in which he describes the pregnancy, right up to childbirth. After this, he will conduct a general examination, prescribe tests, and send you to undergo a commission.

You need to visit a gynecologist once a month before 20 weeks, once every 2 weeks before 32, and once every 7 days after 32 weeks. If you have health problems or pathologies, then visit more often.

Trimesters of pregnancy

As a future mother, it is advisable for you to know what changes are occurring in the body and what is happening to the baby.

I trimester (1−12 weeks)

Hormonal changes occur in your body, the mammary glands swell, the nipple areolas change color, toxicosis and heartburn appear. Constipation may occur. Daily nausea affects your general condition, use it.

The baby is growing and developing rapidly at this time. It turns from an embryo into a fetus. Parts of his body are formed, he begins to slowly move them. The movements are slow so you can't hear them yet. The genitals are also formed.

II trimester (13−27 weeks)

By this time, the malaise passes, and is replaced by pain in the back and lower back. Your belly is growing and it becomes difficult for you to do your usual things. Posture suffers. Around the 20th week, you will begin to feel the baby's movements. At this time, his motor activity increases.

The baby's organs continue to form and the skeleton hardens. The kidneys are already working, the first urine is being excreted. The baby hears you, you can talk to him. Using ultrasound, the sex of the child is determined. If premature labor suddenly begins at the end of the second trimester, the baby may survive, but only with the help of intensive care.

III trimester (28−40 weeks)

Your belly is growing, your breasts are getting bigger. You gain weight, which causes stiffness in your movements. It’s hard to climb stairs and walk for a long time. By the end of the 37th week, false contractions appear. They are irregular, so there is no need to sound the alarm, but you need to tell your doctor about them.

The baby's organs and systems are finally formed. He makes his first breathing movements. Nails, hair, teeth grow.

Subjective symptoms of pregnancy (fetal movement, delayed menstruation, nausea) manifest themselves purely individually for each woman.

How everyday life is changing

As an expectant mother, take care of your health and take care of it. External factors affect you and your baby.

Bad habits

Give up alcohol, smoking and especially drugs if you want to have a healthy child. These are the causes of congenital deformities and diseases.


Everything you eat goes to your baby. There is no need to change anything radically. It is worth eliminating junk food and fast food. Your daily diet should contain all microelements. Add natural vitamins. If it's not the season, consult your doctor and buy them at the pharmacy.

Sleep-wake schedule

You can't overexert yourself. This does not mean that everything is prohibited. Alternate rest with light physical activity. And don't do more than what you're capable of. Do not lift weights, this can cause placental abruption, miscarriage, and premature birth.

Preparing for childbirth

Prepare physically for childbirth. There are exercises that can help make labor easier and keep you fit. Sign up for a childbirth preparation course. They will tell you and show you how to relieve pain during contractions and how to behave correctly.

It would be a good idea to discuss the issue of wearing a bandage and compression garments. You may not need it, but you can ask again.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, do not do anything that could cause premature labor. These factors include sex, intense physical activity, and stress.

Prepare a bag with things for the maternity hospital in advance. Take a list of documents and things you will need from the antenatal clinic. Prepare it 2-3 weeks before giving birth so as not to forget anything, and who knows what.

You read a lot of advice and information about the upcoming birth on forums on the Internet - good for your health. Useful for broadening your horizons. But listen and do as the doctors and midwives in the maternity hospital say.

Childbirth is considered normal between 38 and 40 weeks. Each woman's due date is different. The main thing is to know when exactly you need to go to the maternity hospital.

The obstetrician-gynecologist will calculate the date of birth. 1-2 weeks before labor begins, signs of labor appear. They prepare the expectant mother for the appearance of regular contractions.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • It becomes easier to breathe, because the fetal head is inserted into the pelvis.
  • The uterus is almost ready for labor, so it becomes more excitable.
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.
  • A couple of days before the birth itself, a mucus plug comes out of the genital tract.
  • Colostrum is released from the nipples.
  • The appearance of regular contractions.

Contractions begin in a few seconds with a long break. Gradually, the rest time is reduced, and the time of contractions increases. When they become regular, once every 5-7 minutes, go to the maternity hospital. Provided you live close to it. If you need to get there for a long time, go as soon as the first contractions appear.

If this is your second child, don't delay. Go straight away, the second birth is easier and faster than the first time.

Amniotic fluid often leaks out before or along with contractions. If this happens, go to the hospital. Once your water breaks, you should give birth within 12 hours.

There are situations from which neither you nor anyone else is immune. And you need to act immediately, because you are already responsible for two lives, yours and your baby’s.

Emergency conditions:

  • Pain appears in the abdominal area.
  • Bloody discharge appears or the amniotic fluid contains an admixture of blood.
  • The child stopped moving or, conversely, the movements intensified.
  • Contractions are too painful or the uterus does not relax during the rest period.
  • Deterioration in general health: dizziness, changes in blood pressure, etc.

Now you know everything an expectant mother needs to know. Pregnancy is important for a woman. You are carrying a little person within you. It's actually a wonderful condition. You are special, you glow with happiness, everyone helps you in everything. You will always remember this state, tell your baby how you carried it in your tummy. So let it pass easily for you, only with a positive attitude. Being a mother is happiness.

For many girls, everything related to pregnancy and childbirth causes a state of panic. And when the time comes to think about offspring, fear prevents you from focusing on the main thing - the birth of a child, and forces you to devote all your thoughts to the possible negative sides of both processes. There is another extreme - the belief that nature will do everything itself, which means there is nothing to worry about at all. Both points of view are wrong. Pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes. But a woman must prepare for them mentally and physically, have enough knowledge of how this happens, and do everything in her power for the successful pregnancy and birth of a healthy baby.

The need for this is caused not only by the financial capabilities of the family. The most important thing here is the health of both parents, their preparedness for the birth of a child, and the creation of favorable conditions for this. The process should begin 2-3 months before the expected fertilization. It includes:

  • Quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • Normalization of nutrition with the obligatory consumption of large amounts of vitamins, microelements, fiber;
  • Healthy physical activity with frequent exposure to fresh air. This part of the preparation is especially useful for a woman, because she is the one who will bear the child and give birth, which require endurance and energy expenditure;
  • Avoiding stress.

Actually, there is nothing complicated in these requirements; it would be good for everyone to lead a similar lifestyle all the time.

Which doctors should you visit?

Expectant parents should definitely be examined by doctors. A woman needs to visit doctors of the following specialties:

  • Gynecologist. It is good that this is a specialist who will then monitor the entire pregnancy. He should know about past illnesses, childbirth, abortions. The gynecologist will need the results of tests for flora, cytology, viral infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis), PCR studies for sexually transmitted infections, cytomegalovirus, as well as information about the body’s susceptibility to rubella;
  • Dentist. Before pregnancy, you need to get rid of infections in the oral cavity, caries;
  • Cardiologist;
  • Otorhinolaryngologist;
  • Allergist;
  • Endocrinologist.

In addition to the tests mentioned, it is necessary to do more research:

  • Ultrasound of the reproductive organs and mammary glands;
  • Blood and urine tests (general and biochemical);
  • Hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

If this is not the first attempt for a woman to become pregnant, the specialist may consider it necessary to prescribe:

  • Colposcopy of the cervix;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Endometrial biopsy.

Taking oral contraceptives, as well as contraception using an IUD, should be interrupted 2-3 months before conception. If there are genetic diseases in the family or one of the future parents has had radiation exposure, it is worth visiting an appropriate specialist.

In order for conception to occur exactly when the future parents want it, it is necessary to calculate the most favorable days for it. Ovulation occurs around 11-16, if you count from the first day of menstruation.

The most important things during pregnancy

There are many nuances in this period that you should know so that everything goes harmoniously and safely for the woman and the unborn baby. Correct behavior will help avoid many potential problems.


A woman will be able to understand that she is pregnant based on her own well-being. But this will be a little later, and until the first signs appear, a pregnancy test will come to the rescue. Whatever it is, its functioning is based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which appears immediately after implantation of the embryo inside the uterus, that is, 7-10 days after conception. And if you do the test on the first day of the expected but not yet arrived menstruation, it will be informative. These devices come in several types:

  • Test strips. They are impregnated with a reagent, which, when immersed in morning urine, gives a result with an accuracy of 95% in 5-10 seconds. If another one appears next to the existing control line, the woman is pregnant;
  • Tablet. Able to indicate pregnancy if delayed by less than a week. A drop of morning urine is placed in the window provided for this purpose. After some time, the result is visible in the nearby rectangle;
  • Jet. Detects pregnancy with high accuracy at the earliest possible stage. The receiving tip of the device is placed under a stream of urine, and the result will be visible in a few minutes in the window provided for this purpose.

It happens that tests provide information that does not correspond to reality. The reason for this is violation of instructions or taking medications containing hCG.

How to determine the deadline

To track pregnancy, both the doctor and the expectant mother need to know its duration. This is the basis for prescribing research, monitoring the development of the fetus, and the possibility of identifying pathology. Thanks to knowing the due date, it is easy to determine the date of the upcoming birth. There are several counting methods:

  • According to the day of ovulation. It occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. If it is 28 days, then conception occurred 14 days after the start date of the last menstruation. You can also determine the day of ovulation by regularly measuring your basal temperature;
  • Using ultrasound. The size of the fertilized egg is clearly visible on the screen, according to which the doctor will calculate the due date. This method is most informative up to 24 weeks;
  • Examination of the uterus. The gynecologist will determine the period based on its size, starting from the 5th week, when the organ begins to enlarge;
  • At the first movement of the fetus. As a rule, this happens at 18-20 weeks, sometimes at 16. It’s a little late, but some inattentive women find out about pregnancy this way.

How to live with pregnancy

Lifestyle should be aimed at ensuring the normal development of the unborn child and the well-being of the woman. This does not mean that all pleasures become inaccessible, but the life of the expectant mother becomes more orderly:

  • It is necessary to monitor nutrition so that the fetus receives enough vitamins and microelements. You should forget about coffee, green tea, seafood, legumes for now, and reduce carbohydrates, which cause weight gain. But meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits are not prohibited in the diet;
  • You must take vitamins as prescribed by your doctor. Folic acid is especially important. But vitamin A needs moderate doses, otherwise the child faces pathologies;
  • Rest and comfort are the main components of the daily routine. This also applies to clothes and linen. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, mental, physical and emotional stress should be reduced. 1.5-hour walks in the fresh air and exercises to strengthen the spine, abdominal muscles, and perineum are important;
  • The use of transport should be limited due to possible shaking, which creates unwanted vibration;
  • Heavy lifting and shock household work, especially with the use of chemicals, are prohibited;
  • Alcohol and smoking are the enemies of pregnancy. Even infrequent use can cause deformities in a child;
  • Medicines and plants are taken only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • You should still take good care of yourself, but without using toxic cosmetics, acrylic and ammonia materials, solariums, or hardware methods. It is better to choose care and hygiene products that are specifically designed for pregnant women;
  • The breast is prepared for future feeding by washing with warm and cool water, air baths for 10 minutes 3 times a day;
  • During a normal pregnancy, vaginal sex is not prohibited. As the period increases, you just need to protect the growing belly from pressure on it.

Feeling unwell is not uncommon during different periods of pregnancy. Typical problems in women:

  • Toxicosis. It manifests itself from the beginning of pregnancy with nausea, vomiting, aversion to food and certain odors. By the 12th week, toxicosis passes, but even before this time you can alleviate its symptoms if you eat a piece of salty biscuit with sweetened weak tea in the morning, drink 1.5 liters of liquid per day, reduce portions and increase the number of meals to 6;
  • in the legs. The enlarging uterus compresses the vessels, so the blood supply to the muscles is disrupted. The body may lack calcium and potassium. Products containing these microelements, mini-exercises with squeezing and unclenching your toes will help;
  • Dizziness. They can occur for various reasons: stuffiness, cramped conditions, fatigue. You can cope with the problem by avoiding the conditions that create it;
  • Insomnia. It is caused by anxiety and changes in the body, which provoke the need to go to the toilet frequently, and the inability to choose a comfortable position due to the stomach. Sleeping at the same hours, drinking warm milk shortly before, and resting during the day will help;
  • . You can eliminate the problem if you drink a glass of water after waking up, add lemon juice to it before eating, walk a lot, and introduce prunes and dried apricots into your diet.

Childbirth: readiness No. 1

In the entire chain of childbirth, this is what women fear most. Childbirth is a serious challenge, but the vast majority of mothers successfully overcome it. In addition, specialists are always nearby, ready to help.

What to take to the maternity hospital

The necessary things and documents should be prepared in advance. Before giving birth, you need to take with you only those that are needed directly for the woman and the newborn. Everything else is collected and left for later; these things will be brought by a happy father later.

  • Passport;
  • Exchange card;
  • Results of the latest tests for today;
  • Medical policy;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Agreement with the clinic (if concluded).

Things for childbirth and stay in the ward:

  • Spacious nightgown;
  • Socks, thin and thicker, but not wool;
  • Hygiene supplies (soap, comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, napkins, toilet paper);
  • A pair of small terry towels;
  • Robe;
  • Washable slippers with non-slip soles.

Items that will be needed after childbirth and upon discharge:

  • Sanitary pads and disposable underwear for mother;
  • 2 with front clasp;
  • Cream for cracked nipples;
  • Laxative suppositories;
  • Diapers for newborns 1 set. Another one is bought according to the size of the baby;
  • Baby soap, cream, soft towel;
  • Sterile cotton wool;
  • Thin and thick undershirts, caps, diapers, mittens;
  • Blanket or “envelope”, hat, overalls, socks for discharge. All things according to the weather;
  • Clothes and cosmetics for mom. The one in which the woman came to the maternity hospital will most likely turn out to be large.

How does childbirth go?

Healthy women give birth to a child naturally, that is, through the birth canal. The process, which is assisted by a midwife or doctor, is divided into 3 phases:

  • The first is counted from the beginning of regular contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated by 4 cm. This is the longest part - 8-10 hours. Sometimes the process is stimulated with medications;
  • The second lasts 3-4 hours. The contractions intensify and become more frequent, the amniotic sac opens and the water breaks. The cervix dilates to 6-8 cm, and the fetus moves to the level of the pelvic floor;
  • The third is characterized by the opening of the uterine pharynx by 10-12 cm and lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. It moves into the main part of labor, although the activity of the process seems to weaken. But this is not so, it is after the cervix is ​​fully dilated that the fetal head passes through the pelvic ring, and after 8-10 attempts by the mother the baby comes out. Sometimes, to make this part of the journey easier, the woman's perineum is cut.

During the first two phases, the woman is allowed to sit down and walk to stimulate labor. In some clinics, the process takes place with pain relief. The condition of the woman in labor is monitored by measuring blood pressure, temperature, and doing vaginal examinations.

After the baby is born and the pulsation in the umbilical cord stops, it is cut. The placenta leaves the uterus in 2-3 contractions, and the woman is given medications to prevent bleeding.


It should be prescribed according to indications, but sometimes it is done at the request of the woman. The planned operation is carried out as follows:

  • On the operating table, the woman is given an epidural or general anesthesia. An IV and a device for measuring pressure are placed, as well as a catheter for draining urine;
  • The woman’s belly is wiped with an antiseptic, the doctor dissects the abdominal wall and anterior uterus, removes the child, and cuts the umbilical cord. This takes 10-15 minutes;
  • The surgeon separates the placenta, examines the uterine cavity, and sutures the organ. Then sutures are placed on the abdominal wall, a bandage and ice are placed on top;
  • The woman is placed in intensive care for a day, where saline and antibiotics are administered.

After transfer to the ward, the stitches are processed every day, and the painkillers are stopped after 3-4 days.

  • A woman’s body recovers faster;
  • There is no need to waste time looking for suitable baby food, money to buy it, or bother with preparing and sterilizing bottles.
  • Usually the baby is put to the breast on the third day after birth, and before that the woman has to pump. It hurts, but it is necessary so that you can then feed for at least 6 months, and preferably up to a year. In this regard, new mothers are concerned about two problems:

    • Lack of milk;
    • Cracked nipples.

    The first can be solved by putting the baby to the breast frequently and taking lactation-stimulating drugs: an infusion of anise seeds, grated carrots with sour cream. A woman will have to drink a lot of fluids and eat right to prevent the baby from developing gas.

    Cracked nipples need to be treated with special creams and air baths. It is also necessary to learn how to properly breastfeed your baby so that he grasps the nipple along with the areola.

    Body after childbirth

    In this part, women suffer the most from their stomach. It is no longer as flat as before; during pregnancy, the muscles stretched and sagged slightly. But you don't have to put up with it. There are some measures you can take:

    • Change your diet. If you include oatmeal, rice, vegetables, fruits in your diet, and drink a lot of water, this will speed up metabolic processes. Belly fat will slowly but steadily begin to disappear. Do not forget that large amounts of fiber are harmful to the baby if he is breastfed. But fasting is unacceptable, because the milk will disappear. Therefore, in your zeal for harmony you need to know when to stop;
    • Restore muscle tone. Gentle exercises for the abdomen will help: abdominal breathing, tension during a walk, while doing household chores. You need to increase the load gradually; you can exercise intensively six months after giving birth, if it passed without complications.

    Postpartum discharge

    The uterus does not recover within a day after childbirth. This process lasts for some time, during which the woman develops lochia. At first they contain a lot of blood, then they gradually lighten and by the end of the 6-8th week after birth they become transparent or white.

    Menstruation can come in 1.5-2 months if the woman does not breastfeed. Lactation extends the period without menstruation to six months. But on average and with breastfeeding, they begin in the 4th month after birth, because by this time the baby has already been introduced to complementary foods and less breastfeeding.

    Sex after childbirth

    You will have to abstain from it for another 4-6 weeks if the birth was normal. The woman’s genital area must be fully restored, then sex will be a joy and will not cause pain and infection.
    After a cesarean section or perineal rupture, recovery will take 2 months.

    During the first sexual intercourse, a woman may feel pain and discomfort. This is due to vaginal dryness, which can be corrected with a lubricant, or better yet, with a long prelude to intercourse. The tone of the walls is almost always reduced. But this problem can also be solved by training the vagina with Kegel exercises.

    Firstly, now you should always have your passport and compulsory health insurance with you. During the first trimester, an exchange card will also appear. It will be entered during registration at the antenatal clinic and will be filled in with details of the pregnancy.

    Obstetrician-gynecologists Svetlana Lyubanskaya and Tatyana Svirski, dermatovenerologist Olga Tamrazova, perinatal psychologist and certified instructor Yana Tsareva told us what else expectant mothers need to know.

    First trimester of pregnancy

    How does the expectant mother feel:

    • the woman’s body actively generates the pregnancy hormone progesterone, menstruation is no longer observed;
    • the taste of food is perceived differently - smells either excite the appetite with redoubled force, or suddenly cause nausea;
    • I always want to sleep.

    What happens to the child:

    • the fetus has already decided on its gender;
    • grows at an average rate of one million cells per minute;
    • changes status: from an “embryo” at five weeks to a “fetus” the size of an apricot at nine;
    • takes shape and acquires all the organs: they were formed already by the fourth week, when the woman just found out that she was pregnant;
    • begins to move his limbs, open his mouth and move his tongue. But mom doesn’t feel it yet.

    What should be done:

    • register with the antenatal clinic;
    • pass all the tests that the doctor prescribes;
    • do screening in the first trimester: an ultrasound at 11–12 weeks can reveal the risk of chromosomal diseases of the child, in particular Down syndrome;
    • think about finding an obstetrician-gynecologist who will deliver the baby;
    • come up with an alternative to such beauty procedures as hair dyeing, treatment with hormonal products, body wraps and massage (if it is not a special massage for pregnant women).

    Read also The main fears during pregnancy: how to stop being afraid?

    Second trimester of pregnancy

    How does the expectant mother feel:

    • senses the baby's movements;
    • progesterone production has stabilized, so toxicosis “releases” and the woman feels better;
    • not against sex: the hormonal storm has really calmed down.

    What happens to the child:

    • crossed the “equator”: the fetus has exactly the same amount left to gain before birth;
    • able to respond to sounds from outside.

    What should be done:

    • start winding down things at work: at the 30th week, a woman has the right to go on maternity leave;
    • perform exercises to ease childbirth and stay fit;
    • Discuss with your doctor measures to prevent varicose veins and edema. It may be time to wear compression garments and a bandage, and do special exercises.

    Third trimester of pregnancy

    How does the expectant mother feel:

    • it becomes more and more difficult to move and bend;
    • I feel pain in the lower back: the woman is already carrying about ten (sometimes more) extra pounds;
    • many mothers feel a surge of strength - their body has created a reserve for the upcoming sleepless nights;
    • at the same time, the woman is tired of emotions and no longer minds giving birth sooner.

    What happens to the child:

    • theoretically can already survive outside the uterus: developing lungs allow him to breathe on his own;
    • The baby's brain forms convolutions. This means that the time has come to communicate and learn to understand each other;
    • actively moves his arms and legs, sucks his finger, hiccups and has fun with toys - the umbilical cord and the placenta, which he licks.

    What should be done:

    • pick up a birth certificate - a document consisting of several parts (coupons), according to which you will be served in consultation, and then in the maternity hospital and children's clinic. You can get it at 30 weeks;
    • do everything not to provoke premature birth: stress, excessive physical activity and sex can trigger the process (if a woman has uterine hypertonicity);
    • start attending childbirth preparation courses;
    • be prepared: it is better to pack a bag with things that you will need in the maternity hospital in advance.

    How to eat healthy during pregnancy

    The expectant mother thinks more about the interests of the one inside. However, we must not forget about our own. What you both need now is:

    • avocado and olive oil

    First, monounsaturated fatty acids help maintain stable blood sugar levels. Secondly, they make hair and skin radiant - against the backdrop of a sharp change in the waistline, this helps you feel more feminine. Well, thirdly, faster (and healthier) than other products, they pacify the ravenous appetite characteristic of pregnant women.

    • dairy

    A person growing inside requires industrial amounts of calcium - he wants to have healthy bones and teeth. Mom, too, however. But if a woman does not receive about 1000 mg of calcium per day from food, the child draws what is required from her skeletal system.

    • little pleasures

    For example, a piece of dark chocolate - after all, being pregnant is emotionally difficult.

    • papaya

    It will help quell morning sickness. If she is also powerless, it is important to maintain a drinking regime - there is no need for dehydration now.

    • iron

    Without getting enough iron from food, a woman runs the risk of giving birth to an underweight baby or contracting an accidental infection. Allies in the fight against both scourges are lean red meat, fish, nuts and dried fruits.

    IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: 800 mcg is the recommended daily intake of folic acid (vitamin B9) for pregnant women. Its deficiency is especially dangerous in the early stages, as it threatens serious developmental disorders of the child’s brain and spinal cord, as well as his nervous system.

    What to read during pregnancy

    It’s probably better to abstain from forums for pregnant women now - there is a risk of reading too much and gaining reasons for concern. It is better to arm yourself with truly useful and proven knowledge. Here is a list of books that will help you get used to your new situation:

    • William and Martha Sears, "Waiting for Baby," "Your Baby from Birth to Two Years"

    The foundation of your knowledge about motherhood. You will learn all the details about how pregnancy proceeds, childbirth and the behavior of a newborn from these books. It will really help if you can’t go to the courses.

    • Michel Auden, "Childbirth Reborn"

    This compelling birth story helps you feel optimistic and explains how to create the right environment for a happy birth anywhere.

    • E. O. Komarovsky, “The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives”

    Adequately prepares for reality with the help of instructions for caring for a newborn and a clear overview of childhood diseases: you won’t have to go to the search engine again, plus you will avoid the risk of suffocating your child with your love.

    • Jean Ledloff, How to Raise a Happy Child

    Read it if you are inclined to panic at the slightest provocation: the book teaches you to listen first of all to your intuition, sets you up for calm motherhood and gives you a feeling of freedom from at least prejudices.

    Even during pregnancy planning, the expectant mother should study information about the intricacies of bearing a child, childbirth, as well as the changes that the female body undergoes. This attitude towards pregnancy will allow you to determine when you need to consult a doctor, and when changes are natural and do not pose a threat.

    What a woman should know when planning a pregnancy

    The basis of what a pregnant woman needs to know is the normal course of pregnancy.

    1. A woman usually finds out about her pregnancy 3 to 4 weeks after conception. The first signs of toxicosis are observed - nausea and vomiting. There may be a constant feeling of fatigue, weight loss, swelling of the mammary glands. You should consult a gynecologist if you experience persistent weight loss, as well as pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. The appearance of bloody discharge signals the need to call an ambulance.
    2. When the pregnancy reaches 6–7 weeks, you need to register with the antenatal clinic. By the way, the gynecologist will clearly explain what exactly a woman needs to know during her first pregnancy.
    3. The increase in the volume of the uterus begins from the 16th week. A woman with hypersensitivity is already at this time able to feel slight movement of the fetus.
    4. If fetal movement is not felt by 20–22 weeks, consult a gynecologist. Perhaps you are simply overweight and no pathology exists. Very rare or frequent movements are sometimes a symptom of a lack of oxygen for the developing fetus.
    5. You should be careful about weight gain, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Women need to know that it is normal to gain about 12 kilograms during pregnancy. Rapid weight gain is stopped with fasting days and gentle diets.
    6. At 32–33 weeks, the baby should take head position in the uterus. The transverse, gluteal or oblique position of the baby is corrected with the help of special exercises. Also, quite often, during this period a pregnant woman’s blood pressure increases. Persistent hypertension is indicated for treatment in a hospital setting. Especially if gestosis develops - high blood pressure combined with swelling and the appearance of protein in the urine.
    7. From the 38th week the pregnancy is full-term. If contractions occur or amniotic fluid breaks, go to the maternity hospital immediately.

    What you need to know during pregnancy to make it easier

    31 votes

    Very often women call me with questions like: “I found out that I’m pregnant, where to start? What to do? Where to run? What should I take? I decided that it was easier to write a detailed short guide than to tell everything again every time

    This article is your quick guide to a new country for you - “pregnancy”. Then you will learn everything you can and will be perfectly oriented in all signs and conditions. In the meantime, I’m giving you quick, brief advice - what to do, what to quit, what to eat and drink, what vitamins to take, and others.

    So, the first 15 steps:

    First - Take a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG

    At the first suspicion, we take a pregnancy test; start taking it no earlier than 1-2 weeks of your missed period. Previously, he may not show anything.

    If in doubt, you can donate blood for a hormone secreted by the fertilized egg - chorioganadotropin (hCG).

    It is IMPORTANT not to do an ultrasound to determine pregnancy!

    For some reason, everyone immediately thinks that they need to run to an ultrasound and register. This is not true!

    Ultrasound has a very strong effect on the embryo, and can be done no earlier than 12 weeks.

    To make sure that you are pregnant, it is enough to donate blood for hCG. This is a very accurate analysis and does not interfere with the development of the fetus.

    Second – Tell your husband and family

    After you are sure that you are pregnant, you can tell your husband and family about your happiness. If the pregnancy is unplanned, be patient and gentle.

    Tell your husband first, preferably in writing, leave a note in the morning, write that you are pregnant and discuss everything in the evening. Give him time to recover from this news. Then you can tell your family.

    Whom to tell is up to you. But many girls do this - until 3-4 months they tell only those closest to them, and then they tell everyone.

    I think this is a completely justified decision; the first trimester, as a rule, is the most important and difficult for both the baby and you.

    Third -Change the pace of life

    Of course, pregnancy will require you to change your rhythm and lifestyle. First of all, exhale and relax.

    100% of all expectant mothers feel tension, fear and uncertainty in the first days of pregnancy. And this is natural, there is no need to blame yourself for this.

    You are on the verge of big changes and don’t yet know whether you can cope with them or not. But you still have 9 months to get used to it.

    Although I know from experience the sensations of future motherhood will come already in the second trimester, and when you feel the baby’s first movements, you will understand how strong the feeling of motherhood is in you, and how natural this process is.

    In the meantime slow down your pace– try to rest more and more often. If you have a minute, sit, or better yet, lie down.

    I often hear, but how to rest is still scheduled - there’s not a minute, where can I get the time. The answer is simple and at the same time very complex - discard EVERYTHING unnecessary. And what is not superfluous - sleep, food, water.

    Everything else can be discarded or put aside: a cafe with a friend, phone calls, work, household chores, movies, books, shopping. Just wait until the 2nd trimester, it will be easier there, and you can make up for everything.

    Moreover, your body will help you with this; in the first trimester, all mothers complain of very high fatigue and a constant desire to sleep.

    Fourth – Stop smoking and drinking alcohol immediately

    As soon as we found out about pregnancy, stop smoking, drinking alcohol immediately even in small doses, even wine and beer. The consequences may be completely unpredictable.

    Every day of the first trimester there is a huge amount of work going on, the cells of the fetus are dividing at an incredible speed, the foundation of all organs, systems, cells and tissues is being laid. Any interference in this process can cause great harm.

    Fifth – Stop taking medications and any treatment

    If you are taking any medications, are undergoing or are about to undergo treatment - stop immediately.

    Go to your doctor at the antenatal clinic and tell him what medications you are taking, the doctor will change the treatment method.

    You will treat any ailment during pregnancy differently than you are used to, so if you feel signs of a cold, do not run for Fervex or aspirin.

    Most drugs Do not take during pregnancy!

    Check out the section , you can find there the answer to the question of whether you can take this or that medicine during pregnancy.

    Sixth – Start listening carefully to yourself

    Pregnancy is a time when you hear your inner voice more clearly than ever. He protects you from everything harmful and dangerous.

    Listen to everything he says without reservation.

    If you want to wrap yourself up warmly, do it, regardless of the opinions of others. Feeling sleepy, run to do it. Suddenly, a person or a whole family became unpleasant, the smell - well, go back to them after giving birth.

    Keep and protect your body like a temple!

    Seventh - Stop playing sports

    If you were involved in any sports before pregnancy, stop all activities. (Including running, cycling, horse riding, tennis, hiking, aerobics, fitness, gym classes and, of course, all types of professional sports.)

    During pregnancy, you can dance (all dances except sports), do gymnastics for pregnant women, swim, and do some yoga asanas.

    Eighth - Start taking folic acid

    In the first trimester, it is very important to take folic acid, since it will lay the foundation for the proper development and formation of the baby’s brain and entire nervous system.

    However, I advise you to take folic acid not in tablets, as is customary everywhere, but only from food sources.

    The fact is that, according to recent studies, artificially synthesized tablets with folic acid do not have the desired positive effect; their activity and strength fluctuates within 10% of the power that simple spinach can provide.

    In addition, American scientists have proven the connection between taking tablets containing folic acid and the occurrence of breast cancer between the ages of 40-50.

    We will talk in more detail about natural and artificial vitamins in the section on nutrition, where a separate block of articles will be devoted to this.

    So, you will get folic acid only from greens and vegetables, taking into account the fact that you need to get at least 400 mcg per day.

    Folic acid content in plant foods:

    Product How to eat?
    Mung bean, raw
    Lentils, raw In the form of sprouts, adding to salads
    Beans, raw In the form of sprouts, adding to salads
    Sprouted wheat (germ) In sprouts, adding to cocktails, salads
    Raw sunflower seeds
    Spinach (raw) How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
    Parsley dill How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
    Beetroot (raw) In juices, in salads - raw
    Hot pepper Adding to salads
    Sea kale As a salad

    What recipes can I recommend? Are you trying to get enough folic acid for yourself and your baby?

    – So, the very first thing is a green smoothie with spinach (1-2 bunches) and wheat sprouts (greens) (0.5-1 liter daily). Alternate spinach with parsley every 2-3 days.

    – Freshly squeezed juice from carrots and beets (0.2-0.5 liters daily)

    – Salads with bean sprouts, mung beans, green peas (only raw, not canned), cauliflower and white cabbage, tomatoes.

    Ninth - Include foods containing calcium in your diet

    Calcium in the body is not only the material that makes up human bone tissue - skeleton, teeth, bones, etc. Calcium is involved in a huge number of processes in the body, More than 179 body functions are known, for which calcium is responsible.

    Calcium affects:

    • to work all human muscles
    • affects the functioning of the heart muscle and the regulation of heart rhythm
    • is one of the blood clotting factors
    • participates in the formation of the body's antiallergic defense
    • relieves pain
    • exhibits anti-inflammatory effect
    • affects immune processes
    • normalizes the function of endocrine glands
    • participates in the transmission of nerve impulses

    In a pregnant woman's body, a lack of calcium increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, hypertension and the development of other complications - eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.

    It is quite obvious that a person needs calcium not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. Your daily norm is 1500 mg of calcium per day.

    However, contrary to popular belief, calcium cannot be obtained from tablets, supplements, calcium cannot be obtained from water, milk, cheese, sour cream and other things.

    According to recent studies, calcium in water, tablets, and mineral supplements is inorganic calcium, which is not absorbed by the body; moreover, it is deposited in various parts of the body, causing a lot of problems.

    Milk, cheese, and sour cream not only do not add calcium, but also wash it out of the bones.

    You can read more about calcium in these two articles:

    So, you should get your calcium requirement from these foods:


    How to eat?

    Raw sesame seeds As sesame milk or added to salads
    Raw sunflower seeds Can be soaked for 1-2 hours and eaten, or added to a salad or smoothie
    Almonds, raw As is, raw
    Rose hip As a tincture in cold water
    Dill How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
    Turnip tops How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
    Garlic How to eat, adding to salads
    Fresh basil How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
    Sea kale Raw, like salad
    Dried figs As it is
    Algae "Wakame" Raw, like salad
    Hot pepper How to eat raw, add to salads
    Beans, raw
    Beans, raw Sprout and eat raw, adding to salads
    Parsley How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
    Lemon How to eat, adding to salads
    Mung bean, raw Sprout and eat raw, adding to salads
    Beet tops How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
    Hazelnuts, raw As it is


    – Sesame milk

    – Cabbage salad with celery, onions, seeds, basil

    – Green smoothie

    All these recipes are in the article -

    Tenth – Include foods containing iodine in your diet

    Iodine is very important during pregnancy, as it affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, which supplies the body with hormones.

    During the first 4 weeks, both you and the baby develop and live off your hormones (mother’s hormones), which are intensively produced by the thyroid gland; at 16 weeks, the placenta comes to the rescue.

    Therefore, for the first 3 months you need to ensure that at least 250 mg of iodine enters the body daily.

    Sea kale will provide you with your daily dose of iodine; it contains from 500 to 3000 mg of iodine per 100 grams of product.

    You can eat it either as a salad or dried, soaking it and adding it to prepared vegetable salads.

    Eleventh – N Don't take any vitamins!

    Recent studies involving more than 15,000 pregnant women have not confirmed the benefits of taking vitamins.

    It has been proven that vitamins are medicines, and not a food additive; they should be taken only if, based on the results of the analysis, they found out that some vitamin is missing, they prescribed it, they drank it and that’s it.

    You can’t just “drink” them for your health; many of them have no benefit, some are simply not absorbed, and some are harmful.

    Vitamins must be obtained from food.

    Your vitamins for all 9 months are vegetables, fruits and herbs:

    We will talk in detail about nutrition, I will write many important articles on this topic because by changing your diet, you can restore yourself completely, get rid of diseases, complications, and prevent all unnecessary diseases in the future for your baby.

    Listed above is everything you need to eat to fill your body with folic acid, calcium, iodine and vitamins. Feel free to take the listed products and make up your diet from them.

    But remember a few golden rules of nutrition:

    1. There is no need to eat for two, the child has enough. There is no need to increase the amount of food significantly. The phrase “eating for two” is not true! Eat as your body asks, but don't overindulge. If your pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting (vomiting no more than 3-4 times a day and you are not losing weight - this is normal) and you eat almost nothing, do not be afraid, this will not harm the baby, he is still developing at the expense of your reserves.
    2. Your diet should consist of: 80% vegetables, fruits and herbs.
    3. Fruits and berries should be eaten separately from any other food and preferably in the first half of the day.
    4. There should be a lot of greens in your diet every day. 0.5-1 liter of green smoothie is the key to your happiness and health before, during, and after pregnancy.
    5. Vegetables should only be eaten raw, as they lose most of their vitamins when cooked.
    6. It is necessary to remove animal protein from your diet, this includes meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and all dairy products.
    7. You should not drink water/juice/tea and other liquids during meals and immediately after. Drink a glass of clean water 20 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.
    8. Do not indulge in sweets and starchy foods, such as cookies, rolls, bread, sweets, gingerbread, etc. Instead, try eating sweet fruits or dried fruits, or at least pure chocolate.
    9. Stop drinking carbonated juices and drinks: cola, Fanta and the like. Read the label, there is nothing natural except water, the rest is chemical compounds that you will never digest, but will only waste your body’s energy to remove them. In addition, all carbonated drinks rapidly remove calcium from your bones, teeth and nails, as well as your baby’s bones.
    10. Stop eating canned food, sausages, jams, pates, minced meat. Each canned product contains a lot of chemicals, and no one knows how all this will affect you.
    11. Forget about the microwave oven, it not only destroys all the beneficial vitamins, but also changes the chemical composition of the food!
    12. Avoid excessive salt consumption, or better yet, give it up altogether. This step will help protect your kidneys and prevent pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia and eclampsia.
    13. Herbs, herbal tinctures and infusions are also medicines, so do not just take them without clear instructions. For example, nettle has a very strong effect - it causes contractions, which is useful only after childbirth to remove the placenta and all excess from the uterus, but not during pregnancy.

    Thirteenth - Drink water!

    Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. Please watch this very carefully. In ordinary life, we barely drink a glass, mostly tea, coffee, juices, soups, but not water.

    However, all drinks, including clean water, are food for our body.

    Only water is immediately absorbed into the blood, thinning it, helps carry oxygen, and all substances to cells.

    With a reduced amount of water in the bloodstream (if you drink a glass a day), under a microscope you can see that red blood cells stick together and “float” not one at a time, but in a chain. In this form, red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen.

    Because one red blood cell must be surrounded by oxygen; if it sticks together with others, it simply does not have free space where oxygen atoms could attach.

    At the same time, the blood thickens, the blood flow slows down, and organs and tissues suffer from hypoxia. We feel weak, headache, tired, lethargic.

    During pregnancy, water is infinitely important, not only does your blood volume increase by 40%, but water is also needed to fill the baby’s pool (amniotic sac), to constantly clean it and renew the water in it, because the mother’s body itself removes everything for itself and for the baby .

    Therefore, carry a bottle of water with you everywhere and teach yourself to drink as much as possible.

    Water sometimes works wonders - if you have a cold, you can drink only clean water all day and nothing more, the disease goes away completely in 1-2 days, if you are tired after some exercise - increase the amount of water the next day, you will recover in 3-5 times faster.

    At the beginning, I know from myself, you don’t seem to want to drink water, you can hardly drink one glass. Everyone is drawn to something sweet and carbonated. But time passes (5-10 days) and you feel that you don’t want anything other than water.

    Fourteenth – Register

    Next, you need to find a place where you will take tests and where you will be given all the necessary documents (sick leave, exchange card). This could be a Women's Consultation Center or any paid clinic that has a state license to provide “obstetrics and gynecology” services.

    The LCD will do all the tests for free, but that’s probably where the benefits end. In a paid clinic there are fewer queues, more attention to you, better equipment. It will be convenient to visit a doctor at 12 weeks, then you can have an examination and an ultrasound.

    That's all you need for now! If you have any questions or doubts, please write in the comments to this article, I will be glad to answer you.