What does the color of a person's aura mean? Purple aura

The Typing Info website continues to talk about the colors of a person’s aura and next is a story about the auras of the blue spectrum: blue, indigo and violet.

The color blue has a strong vibrating influence that defines the expression "loyal supporter" and at the same time goes far beyond such limits. The sky is blue, but it changes color from a light shade of azure to almost black at midnight. The mood of the blue vibration also changes. But not only that, it is difficult to find a person whose blue aura contains a constant hue. He can descend to the depths of "the blues" and then rise to inspired heights, which happens "once in a blue moon" (very rarely). So if blue is your color, you should try to find the shade that suits you best and stick with it. In general, all blue colors indicate some degree of devotion. You make friends willingly, but often formally. Blue is cool color with a certain independence, but people with this aura understand the value of joint efforts and are guided by this in their lives. Red responds to a warm, primitive urge, green absorbs the vital forces of nature, while blue looks to the sky and sea for inspiration. In search of supreme depth, blue becomes the predominant color in modern life. In business, social and educational circles, blue far surpasses red as a motivating color, making blue the favorite color of many thoughtful people.

Blue. The color of Vishuddha, calm and silence, precision, prudence, devotion, rationality, discipline, truthfulness and seriousness. This is the color of the wonderful.

People with emitted blue love freedom and variety. They love to travel, change their place of residence and social circle. They always remain young at heart. They are sincere, honest and usually say what they think.

These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events.

The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge of what GOD is. They crave to be loved and may be the one to check in on you. They do not like compliments, do not want to bother others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present.

They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, committed and lonely. They need an emotional connection with children, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives. Temperament-melancholic.

Pure deep blue speaks of religious feelings, but varies depending on the depth of these feelings: they can be sparkling and two-faced, full of selfishness or nobility. Light blue signifies devotion to some noble spiritual ideal. It fades into purple-blue, which characterizes high spirituality and is usually accompanied by golden glowing stars, representing high spiritual aspirations.

Dirty tones indicate painful detachment, isolation from reality, melancholy, depression, resentment, addiction, emotional coldness, and various personality disorders, often very deep and irreversible.

Blue in combination with green indicates that difficulties only strengthen the willpower of a given person.

Blue. Ajna color. The color of infinity, eternity, dreams and rapture. Testifies to the longing for the miraculous and transcendental. Maximum introversion, search for a rational beginning.

Pure tones indicate constancy, fidelity, tenderness, peace, a serious attitude to life, honesty, kindness of feelings, compassion, and charity. Blue is characteristic of selfless natures who sacrifice their “I”. A sign of piety.

Pure tones bring out calmness, contentment, peace, affection, faith, purity, chastity, spirituality and intellectuality.

The color blue is associated with mercy in Judaism and with wisdom in Buddhism. In Europe it means fidelity, in China it means education and a happy marriage. The presence of pure blue color in the aura may indicate the ability of clairvoyance and telepathy.

Dirty shades indicate the presence of a strong irrational principle in a person, his head in the clouds, isolation from real life, blocked or upset perception, anxiety, autocratic behavior, timidity, forgetfulness, vulnerability, melancholy, sexual promiscuity, psychosis.

On the eve of illness, the body feels the need for the color blue.

Light shades reflect good intuition, active imagination, darker ones - a feeling of loneliness, sadness, which only at a certain level reflects the search for the Divine. Even darker shades reflect levels of comprehension. Azure shades - honesty, sober judgment. They can indicate a person who is about to find his chosen activity.

The combination of blue and green colors in the aura may indicate a person who feels the need for a calm environment, who wants to free himself from conflicts, disagreements, and produce pleasant impression and receive approval from others. Dirty blue and green tones speak of touchiness, slight vulnerability, feelings of being underestimated, the need for outside admiration, approval, support, recognition. These are sensitive people who do not miss small details and are able to make every effort to resolve both the current situation and the problems associated with it. However, overexertion can cause a desire to escape from the existing situation.

Azure or sky blue is a truly heavenly shade, which is chosen by those who go ahead of the world and devote themselves to noble deeds. This is a symbol of a non-selfish person, as well as those who strive for spiritual achievements. Dark blue is a dark strong shade that shows devotion, trust and constancy of purpose. In this darker shade there is independence, but always in collaboration. This color characterizes strength and reliability. Indigo or ultramarine are borderline colors with a violet tint. They have the basic qualities of blue, but are inclined more towards love than devotion, finding an outlet for their ideals in helping other people. Attacks of bad mood tend to seize such people more quickly than those who love light shades. Impurities of other colors disrupt the steadfastness of blue.

Proximity to black or brown indicates painful and selfish tendencies. A strong shade of gray creates uncertainty and even fear. Close to green, as in some shades turquoise color, indicates impulsiveness.

Blue color has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Violet. The color of sahasrara (red + blue), the color of warmth and transformation, repentance and contemplation. The most mysterious and attractive. Goethe in “The Theory of Color” qualifies him as the most creative. This is the color of the combination of heart and mind, physical (red) and spiritual (blue), reflects independence, intuition, search. Purple shades indicate the ability to manage affairs correctly and practically. Pale and bright hues may reflect humility and spirituality. Red-violet - strong passion or great willpower, but can indicate the need for greater individual effort.

Purple is found in people with gender and identity disorders, pregnant women, homosexuals, and the elderly. Dark shades can reflect a tendency towards command, power, the need for sympathy, a feeling of painful loneliness, misunderstanding, sadness, sadness, the pressure of difficult memories from which you want to get away. A person may feel the need to withdraw from worldly life.

Pure purple and red tones indicate a person who is easily and quickly carried away by everything that excites (exciting, exciting, be it erotic or any other kind of excitement). Strives for success without undermining self-confidence. The combination of purple and yellow is found among people with a developed imagination who love to daydream, fantasize, daydream, and compose. These people can be liked by others (pure tones) by the sincerity of their interest in others. Strive not only for the exciting, but also for the interesting.

The combination of dirty purple and red indicates stress (the dirtier the tone, the stronger the stress) caused by unpleasant restrictions and prohibitions, dissatisfaction, excitement, anxiety that cannot be suppressed. In this case, feelings are blocked, mistrust, suspiciousness, suspicion, fear, and jealousy appear. A person is afraid that his gullibility will be taken advantage of; he constantly controls family members and partners. Does not tolerate interference or restrictions, proceeds only from his own convictions.

The combination of purple and green - pure tones - indicates an aesthetic and original person who tries to make a pleasant impression. Dirty shades indicate anxiety, stress caused by disrespect (real or perceived) and misunderstanding from others. A person is dissatisfied with his position, it seems offensive to him; broken by struggle with difficulties; It’s depressing what you want to get rid of, this situation, but you don’t have enough fortitude.

Pure purple and blue tones indicate a person who has a keen sense of beauty and is able to empathize with the feelings of another. Strive for a kind, pleasant, cordial connection and a state of ideal harmony.

Dirty tones indicate anxiety caused by emotional dissatisfaction, which depresses a person, impedes the ability to concentrate and think clearly, causes intolerance, irritability, and sleep disturbances.

Violet is the color of splendor and importance, so it is often too strong in impact. Its very intensity seems to affect people with this aura, and many avoid it as a favorite color, perhaps for this very reason. Like blue, this color has high ideals, but purple is more inclined towards ritualism than devotion. The sense of self-worth is so pronounced that people tuned to this vibration try to influence others accordingly. Sometimes this produces results, but often purple vanity is the cause of its own failures. Usually people who love the color purple are not aware of their own shortcomings, because... They habitually avoid criticism. They transform their idealism into a doctrine of moral improvement, living in their world of illusions, often to their complete satisfaction. For purples, the expression "out of sight, out of mind" applies to anything they don't like.

These people are extraordinary, they strive for freedom and independence. Space is very important. These people experience ups and downs throughout their lives; their lives are replete with surprises and zigzags. Clearly highlighted leadership abilities. They prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often experience a deficit in such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a solution to such phenomena. They have high intelligence, but are physically weak.

Purple is calming harmonious color with its contemplative and mystical side. People with a violet aura often have literary, artistic or dramatic abilities. They are often gifted with a rich imagination and the ability to create. This increases their self-satisfaction, and once they realize their talent, they tend to flaunt it. In no case do they strive to stay in the shade; the expression “timid violet” refers only to the flower, and not to the color. Fewer people emanate this aura than any other, but this is another reason why violet people consider themselves exceptional, if not one of a kind. They often tend towards mysticism as it is a shade of twilight, signifying the transition from day to darkness. A common purple activity is turning fantasy into reality. Poor lilac color represents the soft side of the violet nature. People with this aura have a pleasant disposition, but are mannered and punctual. They are selfish, persistent in managing their small possession, trying to make sure that small things are done only for the benefit of their main business, which in itself is often also small. The consequence of this will be their tendency to be demanding and thorough. Pale lilac is often a sign of affection.

Purple is a royal hue, here violet in its full strength, with a predominance of pomp and solemnity. There is no limit to the heights that a person with this aura tries to reach. Indeed, many successful people deliberately adopt a purple aura because it satisfies their sense of superiority. With enough prestige and power, they will lead a similar lifestyle. But if all this is just pomposity, then such people are in a world of empty splendor. Magenta or other colors where violet or purple has a strong shade of red often indicates a practical as well as self-important nature. Such people pay attention to earthly matters, which makes them capable of lofty concepts with practical results, despite their tendency to flaunt their importance.

The human body emits a lot different forms energy. One of them is known as the human aura, which is a bioenergy field that consists of many different layers and colors. Its shape is like an egg that surrounds the entire body.

Many energies believe that the aura contains information related to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. They also believe that information in a person's aura can tell us about the health of the human body.

Human aura, colors, meaning: light and colors accompany the human aura

Light and colors. include all colors of the known spectrum. These shades indicate specific or dominant aspects emotional state person, spiritual well-being and personal power. Intuitive people are very skilled at seeing these deviations in the color spectrum.

None Living being does not emit only one aura color, but one color can dominate all others. Each person is imbued with soul, mind and body strength contributing to the full spectrum of the aura.

Some colors may be almost non-existent and incomprehensible, while other colors permeate the entire complex of the aura. Extremes in aura colors are not uncommon, but they indicate a situation of imbalance.

Each person should exhibit strains of all aura colors with broader spectral presences of colors that accurately reflect their personality and mindset. Sensitive seers and clairvoyants can detect primary colors, detect imbalances, and make suggestions regarding health and life itself from studying the color displays of the aura.

Some people emit aura colors sequentially, in broad bursts or subtle layers. Depending on the colors and color combinations, a person's aura can be analyzed and used as a tool to improve understanding life path. Some colors carry important values. These are the main differences in the human aura color spectrum:

Human aura, colors, meaning: red

Red and pink

These aura colors are closely intertwined with physical body. Red light is an indicator of strong emotions such as anger, love and pride. It is also the most primal color, signaling the need to act aggressively or demonstrate personal strength. The deeper the red light, the stronger the primary passion. If the red light fades into pink, it signals a weakening of some personal facet, which includes both body and spirit. A true pink light is a sure sign that a person is feeling vulnerable in some way. It can be negative, like fear is relatively professional activity, or positive, being overwhelmed by the possibility of finding true love.

Human aura, colors, meaning: blue, fuchsia

Blue and indigo

People with very strong blue auras- strong and calm people. They tend to seek solace in places where other people are not looking. Blue light people are often incredibly intuitive and inclined toward disciplines that involve human interaction. Extremely strong blue aura lights are a sign that a person has extraordinary sensory abilities, which may include untapped abilities.


Emitting extreme amounts of brilliant purple light coincides with the need to be eccentric. This color is very rare as a dominant aura color, but is very noticeable in people who are constantly forced to go against the status quo. The color purple symbolizes struggle, but is not necessarily negative. This is often an indicator of artistic ability that has yet to be realized.

Human aura, colors, meaning: orange, yellow, brown


Brilliant orange auras are the most reliable indicator of strength and vitality. This color is common for people who compete easily and are successful in the area of ​​personal work. This guarantee can also be formed from sexual prowess and pride. Some people who are on the verge of frustration in their interactions with others exhibit strong orange auras.

Yellow and gold

These colors are very common among people who value discipline. The closer the yellow aura is to the golden one, the more deeply the person is involved in philosophical issues. Brilliant golden auras are often associated with people who are experiencing problems in life and personal placement in the universe. People with a golden aura often have a love-hate relationship with time.

Human aura, colors, meaning: brown, green

Brown and Tan

Earth auras show individuals who struggle with the logical and methodical aspects of life. This struggle can be limited either by cold calculation or by an emotional formula. Glow-in-the-dark people must constantly be aware that they tend to overdo trivial tasks and can often be perceived by others as intolerant and elusive.


Green aura light appears when a person is in a period of healing or is in a very good health. It is a color that indicates the ideal balance between physical health, mental security, personal relationships and emotional outlook. People who exhibit persistent dominance green aura, are natural healers.

Human aura, colors, meaning: purple, white, black

Purple and lavender

The deeper the violet light of the aura, the closer person to achieve spiritual freedom. Extremely sensual people, and those who need constant interpersonal contact, show strong violet and lavender

White and Crystal

Clear and bright white light is extremely rare and is present only in people who have greatly developed spiritual consciousness. This light is mainly found in spiritual leaders such as yogis, life coaches and other gurus.


Black is usually misunderstood as a negative aura. This is never a sure indicator of the presence of undesirable spiritual qualities. However, this indicates that the person is under some kind of veil of protection. This may be due to a physical illness or emotions such as anxiety and fear.

Aura is a halo around a person that can tell about his moods, desires and even goals. What does the yellow and orange aura indicate?

In the article:

Orange and yellow aura - what the color of the subtle body tells

Orange aura - the meaning of the solar color of the subtle body

What does the orange color of the aura mean? This is the color of Sadhisana, attractive and repulsive. Oranges are proud, sometimes excessively, but this is due to their independence. Independence in everything - opinions, life positions, actions. Such people often have a profound influence on those around them. Even a fleeting encounter with someone like this can leave a deep mark.

, which is inseparable from orange, speaks of ambition. It is limited, so it is far from vanity. Orange in general is the color of high goals and great hopes. Orange people crave communication, through which they try to achieve success. Find out the people you need for the future, make contacts and connections. Sometimes they are too sociable, literally going out of their way. This may put some people off. May cause mistrust and doubt.

The orange aura applies to marriage and work like any other matter. With complete dedication. They literally put their whole soul into them. To some, these things may be seen as signs of anxiety. And it’s worth saying that this facial feature is a frequent companion of an orange aura. To the point of nervousness, turning into irritability.

Often their desire for a challenge can turn an orange into a risk-taking adventurer. Flaunting their courage, they love to compete. Especially in sports where there is physical danger. These are people close to reality. In their adventures, oranges are helped by their natural ingenuity and ingenuity. They are always on the edge, ready to jump off the bat at any moment.

If the orange ones find a second half, it is the same as themselves. To now go on an adventure together, to find an equal companion in each other. And if there are children, then you shouldn’t expect a big emotional response. It is difficult for them to establish a connection with the child. Orange may limit themselves to maintaining purely physical comfort.

In general, an orange aura and its meaning indicate that this is an extremely energetic person. He often acts only on intuition, with little thought given to next steps. If the colors are pure, then he also has high goals. Pays little attention to short emotional influences - great ambitions cover them up.

Little can be said about the shades of this color - the topic has been poorly studied. The thing is that orange is so powerful that it literally crowds out everything else. Energy bubbles within him, breaking through into real life.

Colors can influence a person’s mood and state. There is even a whole section in psychology that deals with treatment using color - color therapy.

People use colors in clothing and interior design to express themselves and create the right atmosphere.

There are those that charge with energy, such as yellow, red, orange. Others, on the contrary, calm and can even evoke sadness - for example, blue, gray.

The meaning of colors in the human biofield

The colors of the aura convey a more or less stable state and mood of a person. Let's see what they mean.

Indicates the presence of a large vitality a person, his leadership qualities, ability and desire to take responsibility. Such people are brave and decisive, but they also have shortcomings. They can be irritable, arrogant, arrogant and even aggressive, especially when cloudy shades appear in the aura.

If such a person directs his energy in the right direction, then he usually has a creative approach to solving life’s problems, is energetic and mobile, and cheerful. His charisma and charm are capable of influencing huge masses of people; he can be an excellent speaker and public figure.

In personal relationships, such a person is passionate and sexually attractive, and has a powerful attractive force. He usually has many fans and admirers.

However, if red is not the main one in the aura, but appears temporarily, this, as I wrote in a previous article, may indicate the presence of acute pain or an inflammatory disease. And also for strong emotions of anger or irritation.


It means love of life, openness, and a positive attitude towards others. The owner of an orange biofield is somewhat similar to a person with a red aura, but he has a softer character. He is drawn to people, usually talkative and emotional, but these emotions are not harsh.

This is a sensitive nature, such a person can be emotionally unstable and often the state of his affairs depends on his mood. However, he has considerable vitality.

In personal relationships, he is empathetic, friendly, but vulnerable.

Dark orange, muddy color - arrogance, ambition, fussiness.


Optimism, goodwill, activity, extrasensory abilities.

The character of such a person often contains “childish” traits. Of course, there are both pros and cons to this. On the one hand, he is trusting, spontaneous, open and, like a ray of sunshine, gives his light to others. He has a lot of ideas and a good imagination.

On the other hand, he can show frivolity, easily succumb to various temptations, and in his youth he can be addicted to drugs and alcohol.

The yellow tint has an ambiguous interpretation. It is believed that the aura of highly spiritual people is of this color, but it is also attributed to scammers. I think this is due to the fact that some people can use their insight and extraordinary abilities for the purpose of deception and for their own benefit. Everything here, of course, depends on the person.

Spiritual teachers, gurus, and saints have a golden hue to their aura. In paintings they are often depicted with a yellow halo around their heads.

Green color

Foliage, grass, nature - all this symbolizes green color. Pleasant, without impurities or clouding, green color indicates that a person has developed compassion, love for all living things, and is endowed with the ability to heal. Such people make good doctors, healers, and diagnosticians.

In personal relationships, such a person is tolerant, compassionate and responsive. However, he does not have his head in the clouds, but, on the contrary, is in rather close contact with the material world, and is able to enjoy life.

He also stands up for the defense of the weak and sick, and his style of relationship can be called maternal - he patronizes, takes care of, protects and is able to forgive even strong insults for a very long time.

Light blue and blue

Such a person has been serious and responsible since childhood. He has developed intuition, a desire for knowledge, and insight. Often people with a blue aura exhibit special telepathic abilities.

However, they are also characterized by silence, isolation, and a heightened sense of loneliness. Their temperament is most often melancholic. They have a philosophical mindset high intelligence, and at the same time a low need for communication, which over the years can lead to some isolation.

However, such people are faithful in love and friendship, and are often monogamous. They treat their loved ones very responsibly, help and support them, and a friend can always turn to such a person for wise advice.


This color is most often present in the aura of a person prone to mysticism and possessing paranormal abilities. Such people are very spiritual, insightful and prone to clairvoyance.

The high mobility of nervous processes provides them with a sensitive and flexible response to environment. However, they are contraindicated severe stress. These people see what the majority do not see, and not everyone can cope with such a flow of information, therefore, under unfavorable conditions, their nervous system may fail and they may even develop a mental disorder.

These people are very independent, they have their own, often extraordinary, vision of the world, and therefore it can be difficult in personal relationships and love with them. They are constantly in search, their goals are global, and they feel responsible not only for their loved ones, but often for all of humanity at once. Of course, this can create certain difficulties in relationships.

A child with a violet aura needs sensitive and competent upbringing. Such children are very responsive and vulnerable. Their unusual abilities attract the attention of people, but it is important that arrogance and heightened pride do not develop in the character of such a child.

White or transparent

The color of purity and innocence. May mean the birth of something new: ideas, plans creative projects. Such a person is modest and usually silent. People with a white aura are good diagnosticians - thanks to unclouded perception, they are able to see the “true color”, the essence of a person. Of course, this is if they develop their natural gift.

In personal relationships, such people are balanced, merciful, and never seek to compete with their partner. They are honest, sincere and sensitive. Despite the fact that they subtly sense and see what is hidden, they do not always voice their observations.

Often white in the energy field accompanies other colors, and then you need to look at them. For example, I sometimes see a combination of white and yellow in my biofield.


To be honest, I have never seen the color black in the aura of either myself or other people, but some diagnosticians claim that this also happens. Some believe that this is the color of death or serious illness. Others talk about the protective properties of black.

It is probably better to interpret it based on the context, i.e., from the situation of a particular person. According to my feelings, the black color indicates a certain secrecy of character. He can also talk about suppressed aggression as a result of trauma. The person himself may not be aware of this aggression.

Friends! I described the main colors of the aura, which are most common and most interesting. As for other shades and combinations, if necessary, you can ask about them in the comments - I will answer.

An associative way to see the aura

As I already said in the previous article, the color of the energy can change depending on changes in a person’s character, environmental conditions, and even mood. However, we can notice one, the brightest and most stable, which has been the main one for quite a long time. It is he who gives the most complete picture of a person.

It can be “caught” even by those people who do not set themselves the special task of seeing the aura, because it is felt on an intuitive level.

In order to “see” him, you just need to close your eyes and imagine some familiar person. The color or shade that arises in your mind when associated with him is most likely the main color of his aura.


This is where I will probably end my article. I hope you liked it. Write comments and tell us about your experience.

And I’m not saying goodbye to you - see you in the next post!

With warmth to you,

People have long been accustomed to the fact that there are things in the world that cannot be touched, that cannot be seen, but which are invisibly present around, one way or another interacting with a person. No one doubts the existence of radio waves, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic field, although we cannot see or touch them.

The presence of an aura in humans has not been proven by science, it is possible only because modern science does not have necessary tools and devices for detecting human aura. But it's only a matter of time. People who have the ability to sense not only physical world, can without use special devices see a person's aura.

The human aura or biofield consists of several layers. In Hinduism, there are seven main layers, including the astral, mental, and emotional. Each layer of the aura has its own color. The basic color of the aura is determined at birth and remains constant throughout life. The colors of the emotional and mental levels change depending on the mood and thoughts of a person.

An aura can tell a lot about a person, about his essence, the deep characteristics of his personality, hidden on the physical level. Therefore, many people ask the question: how to see a person’s aura?

Of course, not everyone can do this, but it’s worth a try. To do this, you need to sit in front of a mirror, behind your back there should be white wall or any other white background, dim lighting. Peer deep into the mirror, through it. Vision should be unfocused, scattered and relaxed, any tension, an attempt to focus the gaze, and the aura will be impossible to see. If you did everything correctly, after a while you will see a dim glow around the outline of the body in your peripheral vision. There are people who are able to see the aura without special techniques, without making much effort.

If you were unable to see the aura yourself, and there are no “seeing” people in your environment, what color of the aura can be determined using numerology. To determine the color of the aura by date of birth, you need to add up all the numbers of the date well in a known way. For example, July 25, 1973. We add the numbers: 2+5+0+7+1+9+7+3 = 34 = 3+4 = 7. If the result is 11, 22 or 33, they are not added. Each number obtained corresponds to a specific color.

The meaning of aura colors.

Red, number 1- the color of a born leader. People whose aura is dominated by the color red are active, active, assertive and purposeful. Take an active life position, achieve their goals, always defend their point of view. They are prone to violent expressions of emotions, hot-tempered and passionate. If the color is pure and pleasant, a person can become a wise, fair leader. Dirty, dull color - a person is selfish, narcissistic, envious, and prone to fits of anger.

Yellow aura color, number 2– People with a yellow aura are no less energetic. Their energy manifests itself in the generation of new ideas, projects, plans. These people are creative, smart, optimistic. They sincerely believe that life is pure pleasure and, indeed, receive satisfaction from it.

Number 3, orange color- a mixture of red and yellow, and people with an orange aura took a little of both colors. Orange is the color of vitality. These people stand firmly on their feet, they are practical, purposeful, and achieve a lot through their own intelligence. They love strong emotions, especially when it comes to love. They achieve their goals with enviable energy; obstacles only push them to new horizons.

Green aura color, number 4– people with this aura color are responsive, show sympathy, and often have the gift of healers. Light shade aura can indicate that a person is in development, growing spiritually. They rarely suffer defeat, but are constantly afraid of making a mistake or harming someone. The dirty green color of the aura indicates a tendency towards envy, betrayal, or the person is depressed.

Blue aura color, number 5– the color of creative, extraordinary people. They constantly strive for excellence and are passionate about their work. The color of openness, gullibility, sometimes speaks of self-doubt. They love new experiences, changing places, traveling. They need love and understanding.

Blue aura color, number 6– self-confident people tend to show empathy and care for others. Sometimes he talks about detachment, spirituality, contemplation. Light shade - a person strives for the highest ideal, seeks his spiritual path. Darker shades represent a self-confident person who has realized his destiny and is following the intended path.

Purple aura color, number 7– people are spiritual, intellectual, strive to learn new things, especially with regard to the area of ​​the unknown, the supernatural. They have highly developed emotional sensitivity, sometimes the gift of clairvoyance. These people are among those who want to learn the highest spiritual values ​​and get to the bottom of the meaning of life.

Color pink, number 8– people are gentle, soft, caring. But at the same time they have a clear position in life and know how to defend their point of view. Capable of strong unconditional love. They set themselves specific goals and achieve them, strive for material well-being.

Bronze color, number 9– carriers of this color strive for emotional independence, but at the same time are always ready to help others, no matter the cost. These people think positively and almost always feel happy, regardless of life circumstances.

Silver, number 11– the color of dreamers and dreamers. Such people have a well-developed imagination, creativity and intuition, even clairvoyance. They have their head in the clouds a little, tend to trust people and notice only the good in them. They themselves try to live up to their ideals - honesty, nobility, spirituality.

Golden, number 22– this is the kind of aura that sages often have. These people set very high goals for themselves and slowly but persistently move towards them. They are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their goal, but the process of achieving results makes them happy.

White aura color, number 33White color- a mixture of all colors, therefore present in every aura. Pure white color symbolizes self-denial, high spirituality, enlightenment, and altruism. These people are pure in soul and ready to serve others for a higher purpose.