What to write on a business card? Advice from Igor Mann and Dmitry Turusin. There is no business without a business card! We analyze the rules for creating a business card for specialists and business owners

Creating business cards - quickly and easily!

Convenient program for quick creation and printing business cards. Purchase full version Produced through the most reliable online stores. Delivery on CD is possible throughout Russia.

A very clear and convenient program for creating business cards. I tried it before different ways designing business cards and badges, but it was either too complicated or not enough options. But “Business Card Master” is exactly what I need!

Mikhail Morozov, Moscow

Great program! It really allows you to create a beautiful business card in a couple of minutes. The secret of success is to create your own versions of business cards based on existing templates. Special thanks for the fast technical support.

Natalya Metelskaya, Ekaterinburg

Business card- this is not only an element business communication, but also part of a person’s image, his “face” in the process of establishing communications. The first business cards appeared in ancient China and were distinguished by aesthetics and restraint in design. The etiquette of a business card at that time did not imply the indication of any unnecessary information on it, except for the last name, first name and position held. Business cards became widespread in the 19th century. It was then that the basic rules for designing business cards were formed, which are still relevant today.

First of all, you need to pay attention to some fundamental points.

Choosing a business card size

Business card size. The classic version of a business card is a rectangle 90*50 mm or 80*40 mm. Men's business cards may be slightly larger than women's ones. Of course, you can make business cards of any size, even A4, but this is unlikely to be convenient for your communication partner, and most importantly, they cannot be stored in a business card holder. Therefore, in order to make a business card correctly, when creating it, focus on classic version business card.

Which material is better?

Material. The most common material is, of course, paper. Although sometimes you can find business cards made on completely unusual material. They can be plastic, wood, metal, fabric, etc., it all depends on the imagination of their owner. However, paper has been and remains the main material for making business cards. An important criterion is the quality of the paper. A business card made on good, expensive paper has a better chance of being noticed. To make a coil correctly, use only this kind of paper. High-quality paper is a sign of good manners.

Optimal font

Font. The main requirement in this case is that the font should be easy to read. Traditional option business cards are black font on a white background. It is better not to use decorative fonts, as they only make things more difficult to read. If you decide to make business cards yourself using special programs, you can experiment with the choice of font and design style of the business card.

Information content

Filling. If you want to make a business card correctly, use only one side of it. The reverse side is usually intended for handwritten notes and notes. The content of a business card depends on its type. For example, a personal business card has the most free design style; only the surname and first name of the owner can be indicated on it without additional contact information. Business and corporate cards require indicating not only the first and last name, but also the name of the organization, position held, contact information, logo, etc.

Reliable software

In order to make a business card correctly, it is not enough just to know the rules for creating business cards. An important factor is the one you use, as well as the printer for printing. Many professionals in the field of small printing recommend using the Business Card Wizard editor from AMS Software. This is a convenient and universal program for preparing business cards and badges of a wide variety of types. The editor is equipped with a clear interface and a detailed help system that will help you make a business card correctly in just a couple of minutes.

Download the "Business Card Master" program right now!

Business card- is an integral part business relations V modern world. Business cards are always exchanged between business partners during their first business meeting. You could even say that a business card is an attribute business ethics. For example, in a business environment it is customary to hand over a business card after a partner has handed it to you. If you don’t have a business card with you, then apologize and say that you will send it by mail as soon as possible. A business card plays a huge role in attracting potential partners. Therefore, even if you didn’t succeed in concluding an agreement this time, leave your business card.

What should a business card look like?

There are a number of requirements for the design of business cards that must be observed.

Requirements for business cards:

  • the back of the business card should be blank so that you can write the necessary additional information there
  • You should not print your home address and phone number on a business card, since it is solely the face of the company you represent. If you wish, you can indicate your home phone by writing it on back side business cards. Thanks to this, your partner’s trust in you will increase significantly.
  • The business card should contain elements that relate directly to your company
  • on the business card you must indicate the full name of the company, the position of the employee, his last name, first name and patronymic, company address, work phone number, fax, email address, official website
  • business card size is 90*50 cm

Should you be creative when designing a business card?

Of course, you want to make sure that your company’s business card stands out among the rest. How can this be achieved? Let us immediately note that no need to change the shape of your business card. It should be rectangular. Otherwise, it may not find a place in a business partner’s standard business card holder. And all your originality will go unnoticed. Therefore, strictly adhere to the rules.

Don't experiment with too many colors. In a business environment, it is customary to the business card combined no more than three colors. Although, in reality, you can find business cards that represent all the colors of the rainbow. But usually these business cards are not made for large companies, but for shops, hairdressers, taxis and other small organizations.

If you intend to adhere to business ethics, then use classic colors. Best of all, don't skimp on the quality of the paper. Despite the fact that the design of your business card will be simple, the quality of the paper should be such that it does not lose its original appearance after a short time.

How should you exchange business cards?

Exchange business cards if you are seeing each other for the first time. The most optimal moment is start of negotiations. The business card must be presented to the person in such a way that he can easily immediately see what is written on it. For example, in Japan, a business card is given and received with both hands to show deep respect.

If you are sending a package of documents to your partner, you can include several business cards in the letter. If the business card is transferred by a third party, then according to the rules the left corner is folded.

As you can see, the design of business cards and their use in the business environment is a rather delicate issue that requires detailed study.


A business card is your assistant not only in self-presentation, but also in sales. If you are involved in business, then the question should not arise in your mind: “Do you need a business card?” You should be interested in what it should be like to help create an incoming flow of contacts and increase sales. What is indicated on the business card determines how much more services and goods you will sell, and how many partners and investors you will find.

First name, last name, contacts, company name, logo, slogans, photograph... - it’s not so important what you indicate. It's important how you write it.

1. The business card must sell

If your card is only good for a new acquaintance to remember your name and what number to call, then it’s worthless. A business card should sell! Products, services and even yourself.
To do this, the business card must indicate your value to the person you are giving it to or to their company. Looking at the business card, the interlocutor should immediately understand what you do. And it’s better if you do it better than others.
Your USP - a unique selling proposition - must certainly be present on the business card.
And the person (boss or subordinate) who may receive the business card in the future should also understand this, even if he does not know you personally. If you write LLC “Vodoley”, but do not indicate what exactly the company does: delivers drinking water, sells country pools or drills wells - the business card will be lost, thrown away or buried in a pile of other useless cards. Increase the viability of your business card - write your USP.
If the service is valuable to the recipient, then the card will be treated the same way.

2. Avoid obscure positions

Even if your official title sounds like manager, don't write it on your business card. For many people, it will not be clear what the responsibilities include: managing, selling, presenting, or perhaps the company calls all employees a buzzword to give weight and significance. Specify: “sales manager”, “recruitment manager”, “equipment setup manager”. It’s better to write in clear language what you do and what issues you are competent to solve. The wording “I advise on voluntary insurance passenger cars" sounds better than "Insurance Agent."

3. Your business card should stand out

Many business events install Connecting Walls. Participants attach their business cards to it and can view the cards of other guests. If your business card does not differ in color or shape, then it will simply not be noticed. It will get lost in hundreds of other pieces of cardboard. And if it’s not clear from the text what you do and what value you bring, you won’t receive a single incoming contact. People simply won't understand why they should get to know you.
As soon as I recolored my business card, the number of new contacts from Connecting Wall increased exponentially. Hurry up before everyone does this, otherwise your business card will start to get lost again...

I recommend reading: Business cards you're not ashamed to throw away

The original shape of a business card attracts attention, you are remembered, but if because non-standard sizes If the card is inconvenient to store, it will soon be moved to the table and forgotten about it. And about you. So be careful with creativity.

You can make a business card magnet.
It still won't be carried in a business card holder, but it has a chance to end up on the refrigerator. Then, during attacks of office or home hunger, it will catch your eye. And they will remember you. If you are selling food or... refrigerators, this is your option!

4. Use the back of a business card

A classic business card is one-sided. But you need to sell, and there is no time for sentimentality and tradition. Use the other side for the message additional information about yourself and the company. Please provide information confirming your competencies or experience. These can be professional awards received, titles, titles, books written. This increases the loyalty of potential customers. Use the rest of the space to decipher the USP.
Write down a detailed list of services, works or product categories.
Don’t expect that a person will rush to view the site you indicated on the card. He will only go to it if he first knows what he will find there.

5. If you are going to a business event

You can make special business cards for a specific event. Then, on the front or back, print the event at which you met and a request to call or write to you back. Such phrases encourage action. “We met at the Packaging Forum. Write me!"

I recommend reading: Requirements for business cards or What you need to know before you start printing business cards


Regardless of what is written on your business card, after meeting, be sure to write to everyone you met. Don't wait for someone to message you first. If you don't remind yourself, you'll lose potential client, partner or even colleague and friend. Do this within 24 hours of exchanging business cards, while the memories of your meeting are fresh in your mind. © This material author's. When reprinting or quoting, an active hyperlink open for indexing to the page with the publication is required.

Look at your business card, do you want to touch it, smell it, or maybe lick it? Does it stand out in form and content? In this article I will tell you, what to write on a business card so that it does not lie in the basket. Let's make sure it sells your services around the clock and doesn't lie alone in the trash. Warning: after this post, your business card will change dramatically.

Thanks to Igor Mann and Dmitry Turusin for speaking at the conference. Thanks to them, I realized that I needed to throw out my business cards and make new ones. They are the authors of a best-selling book called Points of Contact. interesting book, from the “take it and do it” series. Everything I like.

Contact points are moments, places, interfaces, situations in which the client comes into contact with the company. One of these tools is a business card.

Why do you need business cards?

  1. This is your commercial proposal in miniature. You can post any information that will hook a person.
  2. This is networking – it answers the question of who you are and what you do.

Take out your business card [by the way, can you attach your business cards in the comments? Let's get acquainted and look at other people's cards] and a pen. So…

How to make a business card correctly? 16 rules from Igor Mann