What is an Abbreviation? What does Abbreviation mean? English abbreviations and abbreviations.


Composed of the alphabetical names of the initial letters of the words that form the original phrase.

  • KGB (ka-ge-be) - State Security Committee (USSR, Belarus, other countries and union republics)
  • junior researcher (em-en-es) - junior researcher
  • RSFSR (er-es-ef-es-er) - Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
  • TFKP (te-ef-ka-pe) - theory of functions of a complex variable (complex analysis)

As part of Russian letter abbreviations, the reading of some letter names may not coincide with their generally accepted names in the alphabet.

Thus, the letter “F” (“ef”) can be pronounced as “fe”:

  • FBI [fe-be-er] - F federal b juro R research
  • Exercise therapy [el-fe-ka] - l educational f physical To culture
  • RFF [er-fe-fe] - R audio f isical f faculty

The letters “S” (“es”) and “Ш” (“sha”) as “se” and “she”:

  • USA - United States of America

Meanwhile, in accordance with the norms of the Russian language, such a reading is still considered incorrect, despite the frequent commission of such errors by officials and media representatives.

Sonic (acronym)

Formed from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase. Unlike a letter abbreviation, it is pronounced as a single word, and not letter by letter (“GUM” as gum, not GeUeM).

  • TASS - Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (today ITAR-TASS)
  • DDL - data description language


Formed partly from the names of the initial letters, partly from the initial sounds of the words of the original phrase

  • CDSA (tse-de-sa) - Central house Soviet army
  • DOBDD (do-be-de-de) - Department of Road Safety (formerly State Traffic Safety Inspectorate)
  • State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (gi-be-de-de) - State Road Safety Inspectorate


An abbreviation based on an existing word. In this case, a backronym can both explain the original meaning of a word and give a new meaning to the word.

  • Spam - Seriously Pissing-off Advertising Mail (Russian) Seriously Boring Advertising Mail ). (The transcript gives new meaning to the word Spam. Initially, this word was the name of the SPAM brand of cheap canned meat with extremely aggressive advertising.)
  • CASCO - Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Except Liability. It is also actually a decoding of the Spanish word casco (framework, body), which is the name for this type of insurance.

A backronym can also be a humorous decoding of an existing abbreviation.

  • VKP(b) - All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
  • Life Safety - Society of Pregnant Women ( option: Protection of Pregnant Women), Society of Homeless Wives

Recursive (recursive acronym)

The decoding includes the abbreviation itself.

  • PHP - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
  • Wine - Wine Is Not an Emulator

There is also a recursive acronym that refers to itself indirectly, the acronym HURD. Here the letter H stands for the abbreviation HIRD, in which the letter H in turn stands for the original acronym HURD. Moreover, the words "Hurd" and "Hird" in English are spellings of "Herd" ("Herd"), thereby adding another play on words to the decoding.

Compound words (syllabic abbreviation)

Adding the initial parts of two or more words

  • collective farm - collective farm;
  • Komsomol - communist youth union;
  • obkom - regional committee;
  • partykom - party committee;
  • prodmag - grocery store.
  • Rosglavstankoinstrumentsnabsbyt - Main Directorate for Supply and Sales of Forging Equipment, Tools and Abrasive Products under the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR

Adding the beginning of one word with another word of the phrase

  • maternity hospital - maternity hospital
  • drama club - drama club
  • television network - television network
  • spare part - spare part
  • terrorist attack - terrorist attack

Adding the initial part of a word with the oblique case form of a noun

  • head of the department - head of the department
  • earplugs - “take care of your ears” (the name of earplugs)

Adding the beginning of the first word with the beginning and end of the second or only with the end of the second

  • moped - mo(tocycle)+(bicycle)ped

Graphic abbreviation

  • "T. d." - etc;
  • "T. e." - that is;
  • "T. To." - because;
  • "T. n." - so-called;
  • "T. O." - Thus;
  • "T. P." - the like;
  • "T. With." - so to speak;
  • “n/a” - no data.

Mixed reduction

The initial part of the word is connected to the abbreviation

  • RosNII - Russian Scientific Research Institute
  • BelAZ - Belarusian Automobile Plant

Tautological abbreviation

Set phrases in which an abbreviation (usually of foreign origin) is used simultaneously with a word (usually a translation of the last word) that is included in this abbreviation

  • HIV virus
  • -protocol
  • SMS message
  • VIP person
  • GIS system
  • AvtoVAZ - Volzhsky Automobile Plant
  • BTA bank - Bank Turan Alem bank

Borrowed words that were originally abbreviations in the native language

  • spam - from English. spam - S holder of P ork and h A.M.(“pork shoulders and hams”), and according to other sources, from English. SP iced h A.M. (An interesting fact is that in the literature on the creation of network protocols, services and other things, SPAM stands for System Post Automatic Mail, which means Automatic Mail Distribution System. By the way, this decoding is more suitable both in meaning and in principle).
  • laser - from English. laser, abbreviation for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
  • quasar - from English. quasar, abbreviation for QUASi stellAR radio source- “quasi-stellar radio source”.
  • Internet - from English. Internet, abbreviation for Interconnected Networks- United networks.
  • bum is a colloquial word used in Russian journalism and everyday vocabulary, which arose from the abbreviation characteristic of official documents of the Soviet police - “BOMZH”. This abbreviation denoted persons without a specific place of residence.

Abbreviations-words (semantic)

The initial letters are a common word

  • SMILES - English Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification
  • SMART - English Smiles ARbitrary Target Specification, System Management Arts

History of origin

Abbreviations, or abbreviations, have long been used in writing by all peoples who have a written language. The purpose of the abbreviations was to save space on the textual information medium (birch bark, ceramic tablets, parchment, etc.) and to quickly write frequently used words and expressions. Abbreviations were among the first to appear in ancient inscriptions, and later became widespread in manuscripts. With the help of the so-called suspensions, that is, using the initial letters of words, the Romans first abbreviated proper names (C. - Gaius, Q. - Quintus), and later other words (cos. - consul, v. c. - vir clarissimus, “most serene husband”) . The repetition of the same letter denoted sets, number (coss.- consules, vv. cc.- viri clarissimi). Similar abbreviations appear in Greek cursive papyri and coin inscriptions. Abbreviations were also used to shorten units of measure and weight. Roman jurists so often resorted to suspension that codes of abbreviations (Notae iuris) and systems (rules) of abbreviations of letters were compiled, which subsequently reached the Middle Ages. One of such systems was the system of “Tironian badges” - which are the basis of Roman tachygraphy (quick writing). The ancient Roman abbreviations, or Tirotan marks, passed along with the Latin language into the Middle Ages, where they are found primarily in inscriptions and on coins, and then in manuscripts, especially from the 11th century, also in charters, from which they do not disappear until XVI century inclusive. Abbreviations found in later Latin manuscripts and charters usually consist of omissions, and even more often - of combinations of letters.

Since capital Greek and Latin letters came into use, true contractile signs have appeared for syllables, double consonants, double vowels, and whole words. In Greek manuscripts there are many similar signs, partly transferred to the printed editions of Greek writers, from which they completely disappeared only in modern times. Therefore, in ancient Greek grammars you can find a list of the most commonly used abbreviations. The method of contracture, that is, shortening a word using its initial letters and ending, was first used by the Greeks to shorten the so-called Nomina sacra (“sacred names”), for example θς instead of θεός (“god”). The Romans borrowed this system and used it to denote ordinary concepts (frs - fratres, brother, gra - gratia, gratitude). The symbol for abbreviation, a line above the abbreviation, replaced the previously usual dot around the 3rd century AD. Abbreviations were also borrowed from cursive writing, for example = “esse” (“to be”), - “est” (“is”).

Already in late Roman italics almost all types of abbreviations were used. During the Middle Ages, abbreviations became more common, especially in legal, medical, and theological texts.


IN everyday life, when saving space and time is required, they are content with the simple abbreviations used. The latter consist either of shortening phrases or shortening words. Abbreviations of phrases consisting of omitting unimportant parts of speech, which can be easily reproduced from its general connection ( auxiliary verbs, individual particles of speech, etc.) Abbreviations of words consist partly in the omission of individual letters and syllables and the omission of a significant part or even the entire word, with the exception of the initial letters, partly in certain characters that replace words.

Present tense

In writing they are used only for private or personal needs in cursive writing; but in those papers that are intended for reading by others, especially printed ones, they try to avoid them. Exceptions are allowed only in certain cases:

  1. V scientific works, with quotations, bibliographical indications, technical documentation etc. abbreviations cannot be avoided;
  2. in individual sciences, such as mathematics, computer science (programming languages, databases, CAD), astronomy, physics, chemistry, natural history, grammar, music. abbreviations and even drawings are caused by necessity;
  3. for SI and GHS units of measurement;
  4. to indicate coins;
  5. in special reference publications - calendars, lexicons, bibliographies;
  6. finally, in some literary works, especially in English, out of old habit, abbreviations of some constantly used words are retained.


Letter abbreviations perceived as masculine words are inflected with an apostrophe: BAK resolution, in our housing office, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported, regardless of the gender of the core word of the decoding: ZhEK - “housing maintenance office” (feminine).

Sedugina Svetlana

class 5 "A", MBOU secondary school No. 124, Samara

Gorbunova Galina Timofeevna

scientific adviser,teacher of the highest category, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU Secondary School No. 124, Samara


In order to save time when communicating or writing, we use well-known abbreviations of phrases or words.

Abbreviations of phrases are the omission of non-essential parts of speech without losing the main meaning of the phrase (auxiliary verbs, individual particles of speech, etc.). Abbreviations of words are the omission of individual letters and syllables in a word, and sometimes the removal of a significant part of the word except for individual letters.

Every year more and more new compound words, abbreviations and other types of abbreviations appear in the Russian language, and the need for their correct understanding and use is growing. This determines the choice and relevance of the presented topic of work and the subject of research.

Purpose of the work: to study the patterns and features of the formation of words appearing as a result of abbreviations.


· study the history of the emergence and widespread use of abbreviations;

·identify the main sources of abbreviations, study different kinds and methods of forming abbreviations, their classification;

·identify the level of understanding of this topic among students.

Research methods used:

· study and processing of reference and scientific literature, Internet sources;

· survey and analysis of its results.

The history of the appearance and widespread use of abbreviations

With the advent of writing, abbreviations began to be used in the languages ​​of different nations. Even before the advent of paper, this helped save space on stone slabs, clay and wax tablets, birch bark and other materials when writing texts. Researchers and scientists have noted abbreviations in the inscriptions on ancient coins, in ancient manuscripts and letters, and in ancient Greek grammars they even found lists of frequently used abbreviations. These were probably the first reference books in the history of linguistics.

Abbreviations as a way of word formation and especially complex abbreviated words and abbreviations became widespread after the Great October Socialist Revolution and significantly enriched the vocabulary of the modern Russian language. New words for their time appeared: plenipotentiary, forestry, Ministry of Health, bakery, armored vehicle, and many others. As S.I. rightly noted. Ozhegov: “Already in the first years of the revolution, contemporaries were amazed at the rapid growth of the language; the vocabulary was uncontrollably expanded. A whole series of new words arose, formed according to the norms of Russian word formation: a new grammatical class of words appeared - compound words."

As noted in the works of many linguists, one of the most important reasons for the wide spread of this type of words was the October Revolution itself, which gave the Russian language greater energy, sharpness, aspiration and brevity. In the first post-revolutionary years, a huge mass of people began to participate in the construction of the new state. Completely new institutions, institutes, societies, enterprises were created, and each of them had to be given a name that accurately described its purpose. Compound names arose, many of which later began to take on a more convenient form, turning into complex abbreviated words of the syllabic type and various abbreviations.

The story of one abbreviation that has changed 13 times over the course of 78 years.

In 1917, the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission) appeared. Then its name changed many times and new abbreviations appeared: GPU, OGPU, NKVD, NKGB, KGB of the USSR, MSB, KGB of the RSFSR, AFB, MBIA of the RSFSR, MB of the Russian Federation, FSK. Since April 1995 - FSB ( federal Service security).

Main sources of abbreviations

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the rapid development of science and technology has led to the emergence of an increasing number of discoveries - new materials, technologies and products. Terms constantly arise that should indicate the distinctive features of the created innovation and give its precise definition. It has become impossible to denote new concepts with one word from the existing dictionary; complex phrases in the form of compound names are increasingly being used. It is interesting that each individual word in such names is well-known for a long time, but in a phrase they all together describe a new concept.

Of course, over time, such phrases become more and more voluminous; they are difficult to use both in writing and in oral communication, especially in cases where frequent repetition is required. It is in such cases that abbreviations become useful - such convenient abbreviations as, for example, RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) quickly took root in practice.

“Language by nature is economical in means,” emphasized the famous Russian linguist A.M. Peshkovsky, and over the last century this desire to save linguistic resources has been noticeably and variedly manifested in word formation based on compound names.

Let's look at three examples of compound names: medical worker, real estate, teacher's room. Over time, they transformed into new words: health worker, real estate, teacher's room. The common thing here is that as a result of the abbreviation, the meaning of the original phrase is preserved, and the difference is in the methods of abbreviation:

· in the first example, the word “medical”, shortened to the root “honey”, was added to the word “worker”;

· in the second example, the word “immovable” from an adjective turned into the noun “real estate”, and the word “property” was completely excluded, although its meaning was preserved in the new concept;

· in the third example, the word “room” is removed, and the word “teacher’s room”, which was an adjective, became a noun.

For compound names containing adjectives, a method of abbreviation characteristic of the Russian language is often used using the suffixes k-, -lk-, -ovk-, -ik-, -ovik-, -evik-, its- and others (vatnik - vatnaya jacket, advanced worker - advanced worker, blotter - blotting paper, graph paper - paper with 1 millimeter squares). This applies to phrases that contain adjectives.

Another source of abbreviations is foreign languages, and the method is borrowing from these languages. To understand the etymology of such new word formations, it is necessary to analyze them in the original language. Here is an example of some terms that come from in English:

Motel: motel = motor + hotel,

Email ( Email): e-mail = electronic + mail,

Laser: laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)

Classification and various ways of forming abbreviations

Frequently used compound names and foreign borrowings served as a source for the creation of new words of various types: compound words, abbreviations, abbreviations using suffixes, abbreviations obtained by removing redundant words from a compound name or term, etc.

Reference and scientific literature on linguistics gives various classifications abbreviations according to the method of their formation, and experts on this issue do not have a consensus.

1. Graphic abbreviations - in them, omitted letters or syllables are indicated graphically (dot, hyphen, dash, or slash).

2. Initial abbreviations (letter and sound) - abbreviations that are formed from the names of the first letters and (or) sounds of words included in the original phrase, and which are pronounced when reading in an abbreviated rather than full form (unlike single-letter graphic abbreviations, pronounced when reading in detail): CIS (es-en-ge) - Union independent states, CSKA (tse-es-ka) - Central Sports Club of the Army, ITAR - Information Telegraph Agency of Russia.

3. Complex abbreviated words - abbreviated words formed from words of the original phrase, all or part of which are truncated (collective farm - collective farm; aircraft plant - aircraft factory).

4. Carved words - words in which letters and (or) syllables, except for initial and final letters, are carved, and the remaining ones are compressed into an abbreviated word (billion - m[il]l[ia]rd; million - m[il]l[ and he).

5. Mixed abbreviations - abbreviations that combine several ways of forming an abbreviation: an initial abbreviation - with a complex abbreviation word (NIIpoligrafmash); initial abbreviation - with graphic abbreviation (film - film); the carved word - with a graphic abbreviation (stb. - column), etc.

That is, in this reference book abbreviations and compound words are shown as different types abbreviations. And in the publication “Russian Language Course”, with reference to various manuals, it is noted that “complex abbreviated words and abbreviations are considered as a single concept, and not as word formations obtained different ways cuts."

The term "abbreviation" is also defined in different ways.

The “Electronic Encyclopedic Dictionary” gives the following definition:

Abbreviation (Italian abbreviatura from Latin Brevis - short) - 1) a word formed by an abbreviation of a phrase and read by the alphabetical name of the initial letters (Air Force) or by the initial sounds (UN, university) of the words included in it. 2) See Compound words.

And the “Dictionary of Business Terms” defines it as follows: Abbreviation is a name or designation consisting of the initial letters or numbers of a phrase, used to reduce space and speed up the transfer of information.

The approximate classification I compiled does not make much difference between compound words and abbreviations, and when doing the work it seemed convenient (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Variant of classification of abbreviations in Russian

Compound words (abbreviations) can contain several components, each of which in the original phrase was either a noun or an adjective:

· two components - salary ( wage), philological faculty (philosophical faculty), plenipotentiary representative (plenipotentiary representative), physical education teacher (physical education leader), forestry (forestry), educational program (liquidation of illiteracy), living space ( living space), housekeeper (domestic worker), dry cleaner (dry cleaning), plumber (sanitary equipment), etc.;

· three components - the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Ministry of Industry and Trade), the Moscow City Duma (Moscow City Duma), the State Traffic Inspectorate (State Automobile Inspectorate).

Most often in the Russian language there are complex abbreviated words consisting of two truncated stems. Abbreviations formed from three or four components are often replaced by letter abbreviations: People's Commissariat Internal Affairs - People's Commissar for Internal Affairs - NKVD, etc.

Distinguish following types abbreviations (abbreviations):

· alphabetic - adding the names of the initial letters in abbreviated phrases - NSTU (attention (!), confusion is possible here: Novosibirsk State Technical University Technical University or Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. E.R. Alekseeva);

· sound - adding the initial sounds of abbreviated phrases - RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences);

· letter-sound, for example, in the abbreviation CSKA - Central Sports Club of the Army;

· syllabic - the result of combining the initial parts of compound names - commander (squadron commander);

· sound and syllabic - IMLI (Institute of World Literature);

· syllable-word - association initial element one word with another word, presented in full - State Duma ( The State Duma), warehouse manager (warehouse manager);

· syllabic initial-final - moped (motorcycle + bicycle).

Note that new two-letter abbreviations now appear less and less often, because the supply of two-letter combinations has already been exhausted, almost each of them has a term assigned to it. With the same spelling of abbreviations that have different meanings of the original phrases, problems arise with their decoding and the context has to be taken into account readable material: SP - " joint venture" And " North Pole", emergency - "emergency" and "private enterprise".

To conclude this section, I will give an example that combines the concepts of “abbreviation” and “complex abbreviated word”: the name of the glorious ObGES microdistrict in Novosibirsk. There are two components here, one of which comes from the name of the hydroelectric power station (Obskaya), the other is the abbreviation “HPP”.

Separately, it should be said about the graphic abbreviation of words. Such abbreviations are used only in writing and do not apply to abbreviations. They differ in that the deleted part of the word is indicated graphically:

1. dot - when cutting off the final part of a word (Russian - Russian);

2. with a hyphen, - when cutting out the middle part of a word (qty - quantity);

3. dash - when cutting off the initial part of the abbreviated word (Vladimir - ovsky - V. Dubrovsky);

4. slash - when cutting off the final part of the words of a phrase (Rostov n/D - Rostov-on-Don, p/n - in order).

Internet influence.

The Internet today is a whole world through which you can exchange information with all the inhabitants of our planet, and new ways of exchanging information are constantly appearing in it.

In 1979, someone from one of the very first news groups on the Internet (MsgGroup) once lamented that in such an exclusively “written” communication environment, opportunities for expressing one's emotions were very limited. And he suggested using visual symbols made up of punctuation marks - colons, hyphens and parentheses - to convey emotions in writing. This is how the first emoticons appeared.

On the Internet you can find many well-established abbreviations of standard English phrases, since the Internet began in America, and English is still the predominant language of the Internet. The main reason for the appearance of abbreviations here is clear - the need to save your own and other people’s time wherever possible. Online time was once very expensive.

There is another reason. You can safely write “opinion” in a chat; no one will pay attention to it. But the use of IMHO (imho - in my humble opinion) is a sign that the person is not the first day on the Internet, which means there is something to talk about with him.

In the ICQ space, sometimes you need to make a favorable impression on new communication partners. The role of attractive “signals” on the Internet is played by emotionally charged icons and specific abbreviations. And if the interlocutor in his “speech” has never used a single “signal” to decorate his written work, then the impression of his “speech” is significantly reduced and experienced Internet users are not interested in communicating with him.

Abbreviations and abbreviations - are they useful?

We come across new abbreviations every day. One of the reasons for using such words is the desire for unusualness and verbal innovation. Among young people, they arise in everyday speech, most often as a conscious violation of the norm, a protest against it, when a well-known and frequently used word acquires new expressiveness. A certain freedom in creating new words is also attractive, hence their closeness to jargon and vernacular.

The increase in the number of such abbreviations in Lately suggests that primitive language is becoming, unfortunately, a style of communication. This is helped by the desire of many means mass media to wide popularity by any means, and the low level of taste, style and sense of proportion among some people involved in the creation of official documents.

A masterpiece of administrative absurdity is widely known - the longest abbreviation in the Russian(?) language: NIIOMTPLABOPARMBETZHELBETRABSBORMONIMONKONOTDTEHSTROMONT (55 letters). It stands for something like this: “Research laboratory for operations on concrete reinforcement and reinforced concrete works for the construction of prefabricated monolithic and monolithic structures Department of Technology of Construction and Installation Management of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR.

It was quite a long time ago. What about now?

The previously familiar name of my educational institution - secondary school No. 124 - after some complications is now called this: MBOU SOSH (municipal budgetary educational institution secondary comprehensive school) with in-depth study of individual subjects. Maybe we'll soon get to MBOU SOSH SUIOP? Well, onwards.

Abbreviations are often criticized. Some consider them insufficiently normative, inferior words. However, we must take into account that the Russian language has adopted some of these words, it needs them, and without them it is sometimes impossible to communicate. One of the main reasons for their development is that these abbreviations are effective remedy saving speech resources. Up to some limits, of course.

Knowledge of abbreviations by schoolchildren

To study the amount of knowledge of abbreviations and abbreviations among students of 4 “A”, 7 “D”, 8 “B”, 8 “D”, 8 “G” classes high school No. 124, a survey was conducted. A total of 106 questionnaires were completed, the results of their processing are shown in Table 1 and Figure 2:

Table 1.

Some questions during the survey and the results of processing student questionnaires

Figure 2. Use of abbreviations by students of MBOU Secondary School No. 124, Samara

The most “unexpected” thing was that none of the fourth graders could correctly and completely decipher the abbreviation “MBOU SOSH”, which we wrote on the front side of each student notebook. In general, we can say that while abbreviations and acronyms are used by students primary classes are used, but not often, and not always with a full understanding of the meaning and exact knowledge of the original phrase.


Abbreviations and abbreviations have long been used in the Russian language and their list continues to be constantly updated.

Among specialist philologists today there is no consensus on how complex abbreviated words and abbreviations should be considered: as a single concept, or as word formations obtained by various abbreviations. Therefore, it is not so easy to answer the question: exactly how the phrase “collective farm”, for example, was shortened to the word “collective farm”.

Knowledge of the etymology of abbreviations and abbreviations, the rules of their formation and writing not only expands literacy and sense of proportion in the Russian language, but also helps in the study of foreign languages ​​and other school subjects, expands the general horizons of every inquisitive person and helps him form his own communication style.


1.Andronova A.V. Controversial issues of the typology of compound words. Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod state university(Philology series), 2003, p. 117. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: http:// www. unn. ru/ pages/ issues/ vestnik/ 99990196_ West_ filol_ 2003_1(3)/ B_3-4. pdf.

2. Balashova L.V., Dementyev V.V. Russian language course. - Saratov: Lyceum, 2005, p. 111.

3.Internet resource: - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: http:// ru. wikipedia. org .

4. Milchin A.E., Cheltsova L.K. Publisher's and Author's Guide. 2nd ed., - M.: OLMA-Press, 2003.

5. Ozhegov S.I. Lexicology. Lexicography. A culture of speech. - M., 1974. - p. 20-36.

6. Peshkovsky A.M. Digest of articles. Methodology native language. Linguistics. Stylist. Poetics. L. - M., 1925. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL: http philology. by/ uploads/ logo/ ref/ peshkovsky. pdf.

7. Dictionary of business terms. Internet resource “Akademik.ru”, 2001

8.Electronic encyclopedic dictionary. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode - URL:

Abbreviations are nouns consisting of the initial letters of words (and their parts) included in the original phrase, as well as consisting of truncated parts of the original compound word. The last part of the phrase can be whole and in this form form the end of the abbreviation.

Basic types of abbreviations and their spelling

There are several types of abbreviations:

1. Initials are abbreviations that consist only of the initial letters of the original phrase (for example: “UN” - United Nations, “NII” - Scientific Research Institute, “MFA” - Ministry of Foreign Affairs). These abbreviations are read as words or. Sometimes the pronunciation of letters does not match their name in the alphabet. In the word “FBI” the letter “F” is read as [fe], and the word “LFC” is pronounced [elfeka]. Please note that only in capital letters words are written that are read by the names of the letters, as well as those read by the sounds, if at least one word in the original phrase is capitalized. Traditionally, the abbreviations “university”, “dzot”, “rono”, “dot” are written in lowercase letters.

2. Compound words are abbreviations consisting only of truncated words (“Ministry of Finance” - Ministry of Finance); from truncated words and letter designations, so-called mixed abbreviations (“GlavAPU” - Main Architectural and Planning Department, “AzSSR” - Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic); as well as from whole and truncated words (“spare parts”, “sberbank”). A capital letter at the beginning of complex abbreviated words is written in the name of institutions, and in mixed abbreviations, truncated words and other letters are written with a capital letter, denoting other words in the phrase (exception: “GULAG” - Main Directorate of (Executive Labor) Camps). Other compound words are written in lowercase letters.

There are abbreviations that are written in accordance with the sound of the letters in their original expressions (for example: “Socialist-Revolutionary” - socialist-revolutionary).

There are also abbreviations with two spellings: “emergency” or “chepe” - emergency, “armored personnel carrier” or “beteer” - armored personnel carrier.

Declension of abbreviations and their derivatives

When declension of abbreviations, endings are written in lowercase letters, without a hyphen (for example: “Foreign Ministry employees”, “Gulag prisoners”).

Suffix derivatives of abbreviations are written in capital letters (“tskovsky”, “UN”, “traffic cop”). In prefixed derivative words, abbreviations retain their spelling in capital letters, and prefixes are written together or


APR - Asia-Pacific region

APEC – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization

Benelux – customs union of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg

BSSSR – former USSR

WB – World Bank

WTO – World Trade Organization

GDP – gross domestic product

GNP – domestic national product

WHO – World Health Organization

UPU – Universal Postal Union

VT – foreign trade

VEP – foreign economic policy

VES – foreign economic relations

GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

EFTA – European Free Trade Association

EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Euratom – European Atomic Energy Community

Euro is the single European currency

EUR – single internal market

EMU – European Monetary Union

EEA – Single European Act

EU – European Union

ECSC – European Coal and Steel Community

EEC – Economic Commission for Europe

EEC – European Economic Community

AI – foreign investment

CES – Commission of European Unions

IDA – International Development Association

MASICHI - International Agency for Insurance of Foreign Private Investments at the IBRD

MB – international business

IBRD – International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

IMF – International Monetary Fund

M/d - international

IDC – international capital movement

MDRT – international labor market

MERCOSUR is a South American market uniting Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay since 1991.

ILO – international labor organization

ME – world economy

MX - world economy

ITU – International Union telecommunications

MVKO – international monetary relations

MR - world market

MRI – international division of labor

IFC – international financial corporation

NAFTA – North American Free Trade Area (USA, Canada, Mexico)

VAT – value added tax

R&D – research and development work

NIS – Newly Industrialized Countries

STP – scientific and technological progress

STR – scientific and technological revolution

UAE - United Arab Emirates

OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

PE – direct investment

UNDP - United Nations Development Program

PRS - industrialized countries

RS – developing countries

RSFSR – Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

SDR – Special Drawing Rights

FZPE – Free Export Promotion Zone

Hard currency is a freely convertible currency

CMES - Council of Ministers European Union

PCA – Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the Russian Federation and the EU

PSA – Production Sharing Agreement

CMEA - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

SEZ – free economic zones

TNCs - transnational corporations

TPK – territorial production complexes

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FIG – financial and industrial groups

CAOC - Central American Common Market

Central Bank – Central Bank

CEE – Central and Eastern Europe

EAN – economically active population

ECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

EXA - United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia

ECLAC – United Nations Economic Commission for Latvia. America and the Caribbean

ECOSOC - UN Economic and Social Council

ECU – special European currency and settlement system currency unit

ES – economic system

ESCAP - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific Ocean

South Africa – South African Republic

UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Commission for Developing Countries

UNICEF – United Nations Children's Fund

UNEP – United Nations Environment Program

UNESCO – Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

EXW, CIF, CIP, CPT, FAS, FCA, DDU, DDP, DES, DAF - basic conditions for the supply of goods in foreign trade.

With the oblique case form of a noun. In English this type is completely unused due to its absence in English. the language of indirect cases as such (except Possessive Case). Chapter 2. Abbreviation in the word-formation system of the English language. 2.1 Structural and semantic classifications of English abbreviations and their place in the word-formation system of the English language...

Without imposing on your reader any new and incomprehensible words instead of abbreviations. Conclusion In this work, some features of the translation of abbreviations and abbreviations from English into Russian were investigated. As a result of the work done, the author came to the following conclusions. In this work, the characteristics of abbreviated lexical units are presented, the concept of abbreviation is defined as...

Tonsil operation) ‘removal of tonsils’; Zondek (← Zondek test) ‘Zondek test’. So, when translating English medical abbreviations, you should first of all focus on the branch of medicine in the context of which this abbreviation is used. This is especially true for homonymous abbreviations. When translating English medical abbreviations, it is impossible to do without terminological dictionaries, ...

3. Collect language material from periodicals. 4. Classify language material into thematic groups. 5. Determine the types of abbreviations in the collected language material. The object of the work is A. in modern Russian (based on the media). Research methods: 1. Theoretical (study existing literature on the topic). 2. Analytical (analysis A). 3. Synthetic (summarize observations...

Word check:



How to use abbreviations correctly?

What is the difference between an abbreviation and an abbreviation?

Word abbreviation translated into Russian from Italian as “abbreviation” (abbreviatura, from Latin brevis “short”), from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century this word was used in its original, etymological meaning, as evidenced, for example, by the interpretation of this word in the Florentine dictionary Pavlenkova: abbreviation– “abbreviation in writing and print” (Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. 1907). However, today only nouns formed from truncated segments of words are called abbreviations ( chief accountant, commander in chief, permanent representative, Rospechat), from the initial sounds of several words (MFA, ITAR-TASS, MKAD) or from the names of their initial letters (FSB, MVD, RSL).

How are words abbreviated?

There are the following ways to shorten words: abbreviation, graphic abbreviation And word truncation.

Abbreviation is the addition of two or more words and their subsequent abbreviation: unified + state + exam = Unified State Exam; chief + accountant = chief accountant. The words obtained as a result of abbreviation are called abbreviations or compound words.

Graphic abbreviation is a way of briefly writing words. It is used to save time that must be spent on writing and space on the sheet. When graphically abbreviating, letters or syllables are omitted from a word (the omission is indicated by a dot, dash or slash). The word is written briefly, but pronounced in full: kg – kilogram; pr-vo – production; And. O. – acting; billion – billion; Rostov n/a – Rostov-on-Don.

Truncation- is the formation of a new word by discarding the final part of the original word. Truncated words are often used in colloquial speech: specialist - specialist, fan - fan, teacher - teacher.

How are abbreviations formed?

The following types of abbreviations are distinguished according to the method of formation:

    abbreviations formed from the initial letters of each word (initial abbreviations): USE – Unified State Exam; RZD – Russian Railways; OSAGOcompulsory motor liability insurance.

    abbreviations formed from a combination of the initial parts of words: Commander-in-Chief, Ministry of Health;

    abbreviations of mixed type, consisting of both initial parts of words and initial letters: social security, KamAZ, GLONASS;

    abbreviations consisting of a combination of the initial part of a word with the whole word: office equipment, Sberbank, Rospechat;head of department, platoon commander, department manager, Ministry of Education and Science;

    abbreviations consisting of a combination of the beginning of the first word with the beginning and end of the second or only with the end of the second: moped(motorcycle-bicycle), destroyer(destroyer).

How to pronounce abbreviations?

Difficulties arise with the pronunciation of initial abbreviations (formed from the initial letters of each word). Such abbreviations can be read by letter names, by syllables, or in a mixed way.

    If the initial abbreviation includes only letters denoting consonants, then such an abbreviation is read by the names of its constituent letters: USSR[es-es-es-er], NTV[en-te-ve], ROC[er-pe-tse].

    If the abbreviation contains letters denoting vowel sounds, then such abbreviations can be read “syllable by syllable”, like ordinary words: Ministry of Foreign Affairs[mid], university[university], GUM[hum], Moscow Art Theater[Mkhat], Unified State Exam, MAPRYAL [ma-pr "al]. However, if the vowel sound in the abbreviation is final or initial, then the abbreviation is usually read by the names of the letters: Moscow State University[um-ge-u], MDA[um-de-ah], USP[u-te-pe], computer[e-ve-em], ABS [a-be-es]. But: mass media[mass media], SKA[ska].

    Some abbreviations are read partly “by syllables”, partly by letter names: traffic police[gi-be-de-de].

    When pronouncing a number of abbreviations, colloquial names of letters are used: [ne] instead of [en], [se] instead of [es], [fe] instead of [ef], etc.: SNO[es-ne-o], USA[se-she-a], FBI[fe-be-er]. Moreover, instead of the name of the letter [el], in abbreviations they always pronounce [el]: ZhZL[zhe-ze-el], NHL[en-ha-el], Komsomol[ve-el-ka-es-em].

How to pronounce Germany And USA?

Originally an abbreviation Germany read by the names of the letters: [ef-er-ge]. But since the letter F in colloquial speech it is pronounced as [fe], which is explained by the economy of speech means, in particular articulatory laws (and our “linguistic laziness,” as K. S. Gorbachevich believes), but today the pronunciation of Germany is recorded as [fe-er-ge], cf.: FSB [fe-es-be] and [ef-es-be].

Behind the abbreviation USA according to tradition, the pronunciation [se-she-a] is fixed: it is spelled, but not as is customary in literary language, but just like letters WITH[es] and Sh[sha] is called colloquially.

Where to put the emphasis in an abbreviation?

When pronouncing initial abbreviations The stress usually falls on the last syllable: Unified State Exam, State Academy of Arts, FIFA, EI RC, FANO. If the abbreviation is pronounced by the names of the letters, then this syllable usually represents the name of the last letter of the abbreviation: housing and communal services [zhe-ka-ha], microwave [es-ve-che], VDNKh [ve-de-en-ha], OLRS[o-el-er-e s].

The emphasis in foreign language abbreviations that do not have a literal decoding should be checked in a dictionary: AT THAT, UNESCO.

How to write abbreviations?

Initial abbreviations written in capital letters: UN, MFA, RF. There are no dots or spaces between letters, but a space is used between two independently used abbreviations: IRYA RAS, MFA of the Russian Federation.

Words formed from initial abbreviations by adding suffixes are written in lowercase letters: text message(from SMS),cavalier(from KVN), traffic cop(from traffic police), Foreign Ministry members(from Ministry of Foreign Affairs). In other cases, capital letters are preserved: mini-KVN, SMS mailing.

Abbreviation university It is traditional to write in lowercase letters. Variant spelling - for the abbreviation MARRIAGE REGISTRY (marriage registry).

Compound words formed from word segments, written in lowercase letters: special forces, secretary of state, chief accountant. In this case, abbreviated names of institutions and organizations are written with a capital letter if their full name is written with a capital letter: Sberbank, Rospechat, Ministry of Education and Science.

Writing mixed abbreviations(formed from combinations of initials and word segments) should be checked in the dictionary, since their spelling is not uniform: KamAZ, GLONASS, IAEA, social security.

How to write foreign abbreviations?

Foreign abbreviations can be expressed in Russian text using Latin letters (the same as in the source language) and letters of the Russian alphabet. Next - about how to write foreign abbreviations in Russian.

If the abbreviation is read “syllable by syllable” (like an ordinary word), then it is written in capital letters: NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) , UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), CERN(European Nuclear Research Centre) , FIFA(Fédération Internationale de Football Association), FIA(Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) , FIDE(International Chess Federation).

If the abbreviation is read by foreign-language letter names, then it is written in lowercase letters, using hyphens: IQ. Abbreviated proper names begin with capital letters: BBC, CNN, IBM.

Foreign abbreviations in Russian can turn into independent common nouns, which are written in lowercase letters without hyphens: PR(from PR - public relations), HR(HR – human resources), DJ, VJ, Dividi.

How to determine the gender of an abbreviation?

Grammatical difficulties are associated with determining the gender of initial abbreviations.

    Genus letter initial abbreviation(read by the names of the letters) depends on the reference word in the decoding of the abbreviation: Moscow State University(university) accepted new students; ECtHR(court) spoke out; CIS(commonwealth) took the initiative; ROC(church) called for an end to the bloodshed.

    Genus sound initial abbreviation(read “by syllables”) depends not only on the type of the reference word, but also on the external phonetic appearance of the abbreviation, or more precisely, on its ending. So, if an abbreviation ends in a consonant, then it can agree on the masculine gender, despite the fact that the reference word is feminine or neuter. Moreover, in some cases, agreement on the masculine gender is the only possible one. For example, only masculine words university(Although institution), Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Although ministry), marriage registry(Although record). In some cases, fluctuations are observed: for example, MKAD– masculine in colloquial speech, feminine in stylistically neutral contexts. In some cases, masculine gender matching is not possible: HPP, CHPP – nouns are only feminine. The gender of such abbreviations should be found in dictionaries.

    Genus foreign abbreviation determined by the reference word in Russian decoding: FIFA (federation) has made a decision; CERN (center) conducted the research. However, in some cases, the gender affiliation may be influenced by the external phonetic appearance of the word. For example, the abbreviation NATO is used as a masculine noun (as a result of the influence of the combination with the words alliance, bloc, treaty), feminine (based on the reference word organization) and neuter (according to phonetic appearance, compare with other words starting with -O: coat, metro, cinema). The UNESCO abbreviation experiences fluctuations in gender (the phonetic appearance suggests the neuter gender, and the reference word organization– female).

When should abbreviations be declined?

Grammatical difficulties associated with declension sound initial abbreviations with a masculine reference word: at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? At the Moscow Art Theater or at the Moscow Art Theater? Registry office employee or MARRIAGE REGISTRY? Made according to GOST or according to GOST? CERN Research or CERN?

“Dictionary of grammatical variants of the Russian language” by L. K. Graudina, V. A. Itskovich and L. P. Katlinskaya (M., 2008) recommends declining abbreviations Higher Attestation Commission, GOST, Moscow Art Theater, VGIK, Youth Theater, AIDS, riot police. Other abbreviations are not used in strict business writing. In colloquial speech, inflection is possible: traffic jam on the Moscow Ring Road, civil registry office employee.

When should you not use abbreviations?

Abbreviations and abbreviations should save not only space on the page, but also the reader’s time. Therefore, abbreviations in the text are acceptable if the reader does not have to frequently consult additional reference sources to decipher them.

    It is undesirable to use little-known, non-generally accepted abbreviations and acronyms if the text is addressed to the general reader. It is necessary to distinguish between generally accepted (understandable to the general reader) and special (understandable to specialists) abbreviations and abbreviations.

    L. A. Baranova. Dictionary of abbreviations of foreign language origin. M., 2009.