What do planets mean in astrology? Astrological symbols in the horoscope

Last time we discussed. Today we will meet everyone the main symbols that astrologers use when drawing up natal charts. You will receive a list of designations of planets and Zodiac Signs, aspects and houses - and this will greatly facilitate reading an individual horoscope :)

I hope that the horoscope that you compiled for your child (or for yourself) using our service “lies before your eyes. Then you will immediately be able to apply the information received in practice.

For convenience, all symbols are summarized in one table, which you can download to your computer, print and study. Below are explanations for each of its sections.

Symbols of planets in a personal horoscope

The first column of the table is the symbols of the planets. Please note that for Uranus and Pluto can be used two symbol options. They are absolutely equivalent and depend on the preferences of astrologers and programs that make up individual horoscopes. Therefore, according to by and large you can use any icon you like. But keep in mind that the horoscope constructed using our service uses the symbols that the pink arrows point to.

The letter R, also located in this column of the table, is retrograde planet icon. This icon can be located in a personal horoscope to the right of the planet designation. He says that the planet is moving retrograde (synonyms: the planet is in retrograde motion, the planet is in retrograde motion, the planet is in reverse motion). Our service, showing which planets are retrograde, marks them in red and does not use such an icon, keep this in mind :)

Also in the map built on , you can see an interesting icon that looks like headphones - like this. This is the symbol of the Ascending Lunar Node, or Rahu. At the beginning of your acquaintance with the horoscope, we agreed with you not to involve unnecessary information and to make do with only the most necessary and most important. Therefore, we will not consider the Lunar Nodes in detail in our impromptu introductory astrology course for beginners.

Symbols of the Zodiac Signs in the horoscope

Let's move on to the next column of the table. Here the designations of all twelve signs of the Zodiac are given in the order of their location in zodiac circle: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

note that Capricorn has two icons, two characters that are absolutely equal. So you can use any of them. I personally prefer to draw solid sign, not krakozyabra :) Therefore, when I build personal horoscope manually, I use exactly this icon. By the way, our service uses the same symbol for the sign of Capricorn.

Symbols of aspects in an individual horoscope

The designations of the aspects, which are given in the next column of the table, are displayed in the horoscope in the very center of the circle. More precisely, directly above those lines that connect the planets. Please note that our service does not use a connection icon. But he always gives squares and oppositions in red(these are tense aspects), and trines and sextiles – green(as harmonious). This will make it easier for you to remember the division of aspects, which will be a good plus at first when learning astrology :)

And the last thing...

Symbols of houses in a personal horoscope

We touched on this topic last time. Now we can only repeat it. There are 12 astrological houses in total (as well as zodiac signs). When compiling a horoscope, they are usually numbered with Roman numerals - I, II, III, IV, V, VI, etc. - but this is not important. There are programs and astrologers who find it more convenient to designate houses in Arabic numbers, which are more familiar to us - 1,2,3,4,5,6, etc. If you prefer Roman, draw Roman; if Arabic, label it Arabic. The main thing to pay attention to is that there are four houses that may have alphabetic characters . These are the so-called corner houses: 1, 4, 7 and 10. Their designations can be replaced with letters (see table). By the way, this is exactly how our service displays these houses.

That's basically all for today.

Check your horoscope. Name one by one, showing on the map all the symbols present on it: planets, signs, houses and aspects. If you have questions, ask them in the comments.

©, especially for Astro-Little

Astrological symbols planets carry non-verbal information about the nature of these planets.

Basically, these symbols consist of three elements: a circle representing spirit, a cross representing matter, and a semicircle symbolizing the intellectual aspect of the mind or soul.


Let's start with the symbol of the planet Mercury. Here we see a cross, a circle and a semicircle, showing that this planet represents the trinity of the human being - body, soul and spirit. From here we have the right to conclude that Mercury is a planet that primarily deals with man in his guise as a thinker. It is spirit and matter that provide him with this ability. Students of astrology should know that Mercury represents the power of the mind, or more precisely, the inner understanding - the connecting link of human consciousness between matter and the highest spirit. Thus, the interpretation of this trinity of symbols allows one to tune into the type of energy being sent out from this planetary center.


In the symbol of Mars we also see the use of a circle, and the cross is transformed into an arrow, indicating the unity of the physical and emotional spheres, but not the mental, since there is no semicircle. An arrow (transformed cross) is placed above the circle, showing that Mars affects mainly change physical conditions. His work is to energize that side of Nature which at present seems dark and unexplored to us. For example, the influence of Mars is predominant in the animal kingdom and in that sphere of life of lowly developed people where perception, rather than reason, dominates. His work on a person is to motivate him to action, so that as a result he can acquire the necessary knowledge.


However, after a person has grown to the state of a thinking and common-sense being and has learned to purify and refine this wonderful energy of Mars, we can observe the phenomenon of a “revolution” of the spheres of his existence, and we receive the symbol of Venus with a cross under the circle. In this case, the impulsive energy of Mars was transformed into the rhythmic and harmonizing energy of Venus, bringing beauty, tenderness and love, and although it does not directly affect the mind of a person, it still subtly changes the ways of his mental expression. For example, when Mercury is conjunct Venus, a person shows remarkable abilities for harmonious verbal expression and writing; his speech will be rhythmic and poetic. The predominance of Martian energy may open up for him military career, and Venusian - to make him an actor or dancer, striving to express the beauty of movement and rhythm. The force of Mars manifested in a worker can motivate him to become a blacksmith, and the same amount of Venus energy to become a fine artisan, for example, a jeweler. Thus, the symbol of Venus shows that its energy affects the spiritual side of the human being, in particular its perception and expression of beauty.


In the symbol of Saturn we see a cross and a semicircle, showing that this planet deals with the interaction between mind and matter. Some astrologers say that we do not touch the higher aspects of Saturn, “we do not touch it above the waist.” In other words, humanity at present can only respond to a very limited range of its vibrations. The special function of Saturn - crystallization and stabilization, with the harmonious aspect of this planet to Mercury, will tend to make thinking more "material", one-pointed and stable, so that the ego will gain greater control over it and direct it to the detailed study of any subject. It should not be overlooked that our relationship to the energies of Saturn is purely material, and that if it touches our consciousness, the result will be materialization.


The energy opposite to the Saturnian energy comes from the royal planet Jupiter. Its symbol, associated with the nature of the mind, is a semicircle over a cross, showing that mind and matter are invariably connected with each other, and the mind is above the purely material side human nature and is able to expand himself to the level of pure intelligence. This is because Jupiter is expansive in nature and its job is to expand, develop and bring out from the center, just as Saturn exhibits reverse, centripetal movement. The type of mind that exhibits the properties of Jupiter is broad, understanding and benevolent. An excess of Jupiter's energy can lead the mind to a total inability to perform any work that requires concentration; he will now and then slip into a discussion of “commonplaces,” while the same proportional content of Saturn’s energy will make the mind meticulous to the point of disgust. Jupiter has more to do with the etheric than the physical aspect of the brain, since it carries higher power souls to a much greater extent than the physical brain can currently manifest.


In the symbol of Uranus we see a combination of the symbols of Mars and the Moon in the form of two semicircles on either side of the cross and the circle. This shows that as long as the spirit continues to operate through material conditions, it is completely controlled by the mind. Since the symbol of the intellectual aspect of the soul (the semicircle) is here on both sides of the cross rather than on one side, this symbol shows that the higher and lower mind are working in unity. It is known that when two or more forces act synchronously, they generate a new strength and quality that they did not have (or were not able to manifest) individually. Thus, the symbol of Uranus allows one to hear a new note, which suddenly manifests in a person the abilities of superconsciousness. This is the great synthesizing component, and we may rightly say that it brings together the various aspects of the intellect symbolized by all the planets, and weaves them into a single whole, from which emerges the fully individualized man, the perfect master of the energies.


The symbol of Neptune is a trident, indicating the triplicity of the human spirit, and only those who have achieved the highest spiritual consciousness are able to perceive its subtle and unshakable influence. The negative manifestation of this planet is various mental disorders, which, acting through the emotional nature of a person, give rise to mental disorders that are difficult to diagnose and treat. However, the influence of Neptune also gives rise to geniuses and people of extraordinary nature.

Planets in astrology are one of the fundamental elements on which everything is built. If we translate the Sanskrit meaning of the word “planet”, it actually means “invader”. That is, it is an astral force that has a huge influence on each of us. Planets in astrology have long made us understand what unlimited power they can dominate us.
Each of the planets has its own “function”, similar to the zodiac sign in which it is located at the time the forecast is made. In astrology, these are the so-called work and responsibilities of the planet. But the properties, behavior, character are determined by the “quality” of the planet. Surely many have heard this concept: “Your planet is in such and such a House.”

Designation of planets and types of their positions

In general, planets in astrology can be divided into three groups:

  • Higher (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto);
  • Social (Saturn, Jupiter);
  • Personal (Venus, Mercury, Mars).

The latter type also includes the Sun and Moon. Each of the planets and luminaries has its own sign, which came to us from ancient times, when great attention was paid to the influence of space on humans.

Signs of planets in astrology:

  • Venus -
  • Earth -
  • Mars -
  • Jupiter -
  • Saturn -
  • Uranus -
  • Neptune -
  • Pluto -
  • Moon -
  • Sun -

The designation of planets in astrology, which is very convenient, is the same as in astronomy. Therefore, you can meet them repeatedly anywhere and never get confused in the notation. The earth in astrology is the reference point, that is, the place from which observation is carried out. In astrology, planets can move forward, stand still, or roll back (retrograde planetary movement). At the same time, the Zodiac always remains stationary.

The astrology of the planet in signs is akin to a certain habitat. If we imagine that the Earth has a static position, then each of the planets rotates around our planet over time, passing each of the zodiac signs in turn. The location of each planet in any sign has its own qualities and energy, so at the moment of birth each of us has a certain planet in his sign. So the compiled natal chart by date of birth is directly related to the position of the planet in the Zodiac sign. This “duet” subsequently has the greatest influence on the definition of human psychology.If you dig even deeper, the signs of the planets in astrology, or rather in the zodiac, change its characteristics. You need to understand that in this case the communication is two-way. The planet gives the sign a certain color. The psychological component of each personality will depend on this, but it does not affect spiritual and moral qualities in any way.Basics of mutual synthesis of planets and zodiac signs.

Astrology by planets has a clear connection with the signs of the Zodiac. As a rule, there are two aspects of such interaction:

  • If a planet and a sign have similar qualities, then the effect of such qualities is accordingly enhanced;
  • In the case when the properties of the planet and the sign have opposite qualities, the effect may change or even be neutralized, the so-called mutual destruction of qualities.

What conclusions can be drawn from this? Astrology based on planets and zodiac signs with similar qualities, most often, gives a person positive psychological characteristics. If the properties of the planet and the zodiac sign differ, then it is necessary to look at what harms the qualities of this planet. Perhaps the luminary has little or too much energy. Excess energy can result in aggressive behavior, deficiency in a weak state, susceptible to laziness. The best option There is an option when the aspects of the planet and the sign are in harmony. Here, as they say, the whole cosmos favors you.
What designation do planets have in astrology from the perspective of nature and energy? So let's start with energy:

  • Evil ones - Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Neptune, Saturn;
  • Good - Venus, Jupiter;
  • Neutral - Mercury, (Moon).

Energy is taken or given by natural interaction:

  • Takers - Saturn, Neptune, Venus, (Moon);
  • Givers - Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, (Sun);
  • Neutral - Mercury.

These basic positions will help you understand how the planet interacts with your zodiac sign. What should you pay attention to in the future and, most importantly, what questions should you ask a professional astrologer in order to get high-quality and comprehensive answers. Only by understanding your nature of interaction and dependence on cosmic forces will you be able to change a lot for the better tomorrow.

> Planets of the zodiac signs

Usually the position of representatives zodiac horoscope determined by where the Sun is located. It is this that reveals the most obvious traits of appearance and character. It's like our ego. But it happens that these characteristics are not so noticeable or that others appear instead. What's the matter? The bottom line is that everyone also has a personal planet, the features of which may contradict the solar ones, which are noticeably diminishing.

Planets and their meaning for character

The zodiac horoscope is a constant that stands in one place. But life moves, and this activity is represented by the planets, which take turns visiting everyone. That's why it's so important to know what exist stewards(major planets) and what they mean.

There are 10 in total patrons influencing the formation of our destiny. The sun represents vital energy and rebirth. This is the ability to dominate oneself and others. The Moon is emotional and mental depth, knowledge of secret and intimate thoughts, the habit of withdrawing into oneself. Mars makes the zodiac warlike, courageous and courageous. Moreover, the gender of the carrier is unimportant, since the planet will declare itself in the heat of an argument or scandal. Mercury is calculating and thinks everything through in advance. Venus always brings love, a desire for beauty, creative impulse and art. Jupiter makes the sign fixate on inner spirituality as well as outward expansion. Uranus provokes change, revolution, and the collapse of stereotypes. Neptune encourages daydreaming and illusions. And Pluto is a dictator, stimulating the zodiac to strive for power and suppression.

Power of planets in zodiac signs

Force celestial bodies directly depends on the position. The zodiac itself is inert and releases its properties only when a planet stops in it. At the moment of communication, their characteristics coincide. The ruler will receive maximum power, because he is in his home territory. In addition, its power and influence also depends on its position in the hierarchy. For example, Neptune will be able to perform better in Pisces, but its potential will increase if it moves to Sagittarius.

Strengths Weaknesses





Gemini, Virgo

Sagittarius, Pisces

Taurus, Libra

Scorpio, Aries

Aries, Scorpio

Libra, Taurus

Sagittarius, Pisces

Gemini, Virgo

Aquarius, Capricorn


Pisces, Sagittarius

Virgo, Gemini

Scorpio, Aries

Taurus, Libra

But the planet may weaken, and then the sign will take control into its own hands. This happens during a period of exaltation. The weakest position is “exile.” This happens when a sign resists the influence of a celestial body. This refers to the lowest position in the hierarchy. Then she is pushed into a hostile zone, where she is not allowed to express herself. There is also a “fall” when she feels discomfort when opening. But to understand yourself, you need to understand how to identify a planet.

How to recognize a planet in a zodiac sign

There is no need to invent a wheel and turn to astrologers, since each sign is connected to celestial bodies, and there is a special table, which demonstrates your situation in detail. In it you will find your zodiac, as well as planetary influence and their position (strong or weak). In accordance with this, you can understand how this will affect your behavior in a given period and what character traits are inherent to you.

The location of the planets in the zodiac signs

You can also check the clear arrangement in the houses of Natal, provided natal chart. These are 12 sectors corresponding to the zodiacs. It is important to know what planets located in specific houses. The point is that managers objects, as well as any combination, affect various life circumstances and the degree of our self-realization. This is an individual destiny card that can be created for everyone. To do this, you just need to know the date, time and place of birth. The table calculates everything itself and shows not only what is inherent in you, but can also predict the entire subsequent path.

A significant impetus to the development of astrology was given in his time by Ptolemy, whose works form the basis of modern astrological manuals. It should be noted that such largest world scientists, like Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Kepler and others, were also astrologers in their time.

However, since the time of Newton, astrology has been declared a pseudoscience, since no mechanisms have been found to control such relationships. In a distorted form, its continued popularity as a means of predicting the personal fortunes of those born under each of the twelve sun signs (as can be found on the horoscope page of weekly newspapers) has deepened scientific prejudice against its basic axioms. However, now the situation has changed. Research in fields such as biology, meteorology and electromagnetism increasingly suggests that the movements and cycles of celestial bodies (especially the Sun, Moon and major planets) have measurable effects on terrestrial organisms and conditions. Currently, an active revival of astrology as a science is taking place all over the world. And countries such as the USA, Italy, France, Germany, Brazil, not to mention the countries of the East, have astrology departments in their institutes and universities, the duration of study of which reaches up to nine years.

Classical astrology examines the influence of the Sun and the six planets of the solar system (Saturn, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury) on the Earth. More modern astrologers actively include newly discovered planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), as well as some asteroids, in their charts.

Planets are divided by gender and by the positiveness of their influence (according to Papus):

Masculine planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun.

Feminine planets: Venus, Moon.

Neuter planets: Mercury(masculine - with masculine planets and feminine - with feminine planets).

Benefic planets: Jupiter, Venus, Sun.

Malefic planets: Saturn, Mars.

Neutral planets: Mercury, Moon.

Each planet has its own color, metal and day of the week, and their zodiac influences are determined.

Corresponding planets have been selected astrological symbols and conventional icons.

Astrological symbols in pictures and brief explanations for them

The sun is represented as a circle with a human face, but simplified to a regular circle with a dot in the center, symbolizing infinity and the number 10

Saturn (Chronos) denotes time, it is represented in the form of a cross and 3 quarters of a circle, symbolizing the duration of time, limitation within infinity.

The moon is depicted as a crescent, simply and without any explanation.

Mars is a ray rushing from the Sun like an arrow of energy.

The sign of Venus is a cross topped with a circle. This is a sign of time under the sign of the Sun, as Venus symbolizes fertility in the solar system.

The sign of Mercury is similar to the sign of Venus, but on top of it is added the crescent moon, which symbolizes wings (as in mythology), since Mercury is an intermediate link between these four elements and their phenomena.

The sign of Jupiter combines three - the Sun, symbols of earthly fire, which is ruled by heavenly fire and which rises above the water in the form of steam (heavenly fire), receding like beneficial rain.

To the rest open planets solar system The following conventional symbols have been selected:

Icons have been found and spheres of influence have been invented for small planets and asteroids such as Proserpina, Chiron, Vakshya, Priapus, Isis, Osiris, Anubis, Damoclus, Pholus... But let’s not forget that classical astrology rejects the ability to influence the events of too distant planets for the reason their remoteness, and small ones - due to their insignificance.

A person is born under the influence of one planet or another, and it imparts certain qualities to him. They are strengthened or weakened depending on in which constellation of the zodiac the patronizing planet is located and in which the unfriendly planet is located. The tabloid (read newspaper) astrologers do not take this into account at all, joyfully informing readers that all Capricorns this week can count on the favor of the opposite sex, and all Virgos can count on the approval of their superiors. If it were so simple, astrology would not be a science.