Matrona evening flower. Hesperis or night violet, growing from seeds, planting and care

Not everyone knows what the night violet is called. The name night violet is not only given to the flower matron's night violet; matthiola, and even certain varieties of viola, are also called that. We will focus our attention on matron’s hesperis, scientifically Hesperis matronalis or night violet, which has a unique aroma. After all, a garden can not only delight with a riot of colors, but also amaze with its refined scent.

Each flower, bush, tree has its own special one, which can be enhanced under the influence of favorable factors. Peonies attract in sunny weather, closer to noon, roses give off their scent in the evening, and night violets attract after rain and closer to night. For harmony in the garden there should be flowers with different periods of flowering and fragrance. This way there will be bees in the garden all the time, which means the fruit trees will be pollinated.

Description of the night violet

The plant is classified as a biennial; it begins to bloom in the second year after planting. A representative of the cruciferous family, the inflorescences are collected in a bouquet, and the leaves are shaped fine lines. There is a slight resemblance to phloxes - the same inflorescences with bright colors. They can reproduce by self-seeding, so the flower bed is crowded for them, and they move to nearby areas.

  • Height: Hesperis is a herbaceous shrub that can grow up to a meter over the summer. It is better to plant it in a flowerbed as an accent or background.
  • Stem: erect, branching towards the top, where several panicles-inflorescences are formed.
  • Leaves: oblong, pointed at the ends, dark green in color, located up to the inflorescences. Each leaf has a slight pubescence, which gives the plant a slight blue appearance.
  • Flowers: small, four-petaled, oblong in shape with a yellow stamen. The color range ranges from purple to white. There are, but those with smooth flowers are more popular.
  • Flowering: buds begin to open at the end of May, which are pleasing to the eye until the arrival of the first frost.

The long flowering period has made the night violet a welcome guest in city and park flower beds and private garden plots.
Hesperis can be recognized by its bright panicles and light but persistent fragrance.

Planting and caring for the matron's noctule

Before boarding you need to pick up appropriate place: elevated, with loose soil, where Sun rays will be throughout the day. An incorrectly selected planting area will lead to stagnation of water, which can lead to suppuration of the root system and mold damage to the leaves and stem.

  • The soil does not have to be fertile; even sand will be an excellent place for growth. But it is better to prepare the soil in the flowerbed in accordance with the requirements for fertile soil with good properties. And this is a harmonious combination of fertile layer, humus, pebbles at the bottom for unhindered air exchange.
  • Sprinkle the top of the soil with mulch made from sand, sawdust or crushed dry leaves. This way, water will not stagnate on the surface and quickly penetrate into the ground, which will protect against the formation of a dense crust.

Vespers of Matrona, aka hesperis, or night violet, night beauty(from Latin Hésperis from ancient Greek Ἓσπερος - Venus) is herbaceous plant, Brassica family, native to Western Siberia, the Caucasus, Asia. Very popular variety gardening decorative flowers, grown mainly as a biennial.

The stems are straight, approximately eighty centimeters high. The leaves are entire or pinnate, the inflorescences have different colors(depending on the variety) - white, purple, lilac, lilac. The flowers are small, about three centimeters in diameter, and have a strong aroma that increases in the evening and at night.

Night beauty nocturnal blooms almost all summer, from May to the end of August, the first flowering occurs the next year after planting. Due to increased frost resistance, it tolerates wintering well.


Caring for hesperis is simple, this plant is very unpretentious, for active growth and flowering it is enough to follow the following rules:

Growing in open ground

Matrona's noctule can run wild and turn into a weed, forming groups of plants under trees and bushes. Typically found in fertile, moist soil. To cultivate noctule, it is necessary to create similar conditions: prepare fertile loamy soil containing humus. If the soil is dry and acidic, the development of the plant will decrease, and flowering may stop altogether.

Before planting, loosen the soil to a depth of about twenty centimeters, fill the planting holes with humus and sand, and plant plants in them. Next, you need to regularly loosen and destroy weeds. The violet is very hardy, so it tolerates replanting without complications even during flowering. One of the main conditions is regular soil moisture.

Some subspecies of varietal noctule have a short life cycle, so sowing seeds is possible. When plants grow and become too dense, they are thinned out.

Twice a season, violets can be fertilized with mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer deposited no more than once per summer.

Container growing

The noctule is often grown in greenhouse conditions for making early bouquets, as well as in pots and containers. For this, various planting containers are used. Seeds are sown in the prepared soil and sprinkled with a little soil. After the first leaves appear, the plants are planted in separate containers. Caring for potted plants is no different from caring for garden plants, that is, follow the correct watering schedule, periodically loosen and fertilize the soil. The container must contain a layer of drainage (for example, small stones). When the flower grows, it should be transplanted into a larger container.


Hesperis is very disease resistant and is rarely attacked. harmful insects. However, you should know what dangers this plant is exposed to.

  1. Kila. A disease of the root system that can affect all cruciferous plants. In this case effective treatment is absent, so it is necessary to remove and burn diseased plants, and dig up the ground with the addition of lime.
  2. Root system rotting. May occur as a result of increased soil moisture. Main sign- leaf damage. Alternatively, you can try to drain the soil, however best choice will completely remove diseased noctules.
  3. Violet may pose a threat cruciferous flea beetle, it attacks the leaves, leaving holes in them. In order to get rid of the pest, you can sprinkle the violet with ash, or treat it with a special ready-made preparation, which is sold in a gardening store.


Vechernitsa Matrona night violet is not only very beautiful and fragrant, but also useful plant. In medicine, its tuber roots are used, which I harvest after flowering. The roots are dug up, cleared of bark and dried. To prevent germination, the roots can be immersed in boiling water for five to ten minutes before drying. The prepared raw materials are suitable for use for six years.

Since the roots contain mucus, the decoction is used for diseases of the stomach, digestive and genitourinary systems. Vegetarian roots help with high temperature, toothache, women's diseases, promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Some peoples use the roots of the noctule plant for food. For example, in the Caucasus they are added to soups, and when ground into powder, they are used as a seasoning for main courses. However, it should be borne in mind that large consumption of noctule roots can lead to poisoning, so consumption should be very moderate, and before using for medical purposes, you should consult a doctor.


The possibilities for using noctule in site design are enormous, and growing is not difficult. It looks beautiful in flower beds on its own and in compositions with other flowering plants (for example, nasturtium and petunia), and serves as an excellent frame for an artificial pond or garden path. Violet is good for decorating verandas, terraces, loggias, balconies, flower beds near multi-storey buildings. Using evening flowers, you can create beautiful fragrant composition bouquets.


Matrona's Vegetarian flower is an original, beautiful, useful, incredibly fragrant flower, and its ease of care will allow anyone to grow it - both an experienced gardener and a novice amateur. That is why gardeners should pay attention to this plant and be sure to have it on their site.

Matrona's Eveningweed is distinguished by small flowers that look a little like a violet. This is probably why another name for this flower is night violet. The official name of the plant is hesperis. It is important to know that noctule can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to carry out all work with it with gloves.

Translated from Latin language Hesperis means evening. The fact is that the night violet late time day exudes pleasant aroma, and therefore it is simply impossible to confuse the plant with others. Matrona's noctule blooms with purple or white buds. Russia and the Mediterranean are considered the homeland. It grows in plots for 2 seasons, after which replanting or propagation is necessary.

Matrona's night violet takes root well in gardens and does not need special care. For planting, you should choose light, fertile soils. It is desirable that the soil is slightly alkaline and has good air permeability. At the same time, you should not add peat to the ground: it slows down the growth of hesperis. Also, the soil should not accumulate water, otherwise the plant will rot.

Hesperis has very short roots. In this regard, the hole for planting should be dug no deeper than 15 cm. Be sure to place a filler of humus, sand and turf land.

Matrona's Vegetable Plant tolerates both direct sunlight and partial shade. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to choose a place for planting under the canopy of trees. Given the correct location, the plant blooms mainly from late May to July.

When caring for hesperis, it is important to follow these rules:

  1. 1 During the flowering period, the stems begin to grow sharply in height. In this regard, they need supports and tying.
  2. 2 The flower loves moist soil, and therefore requires regular watering. During particularly hot periods, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the plant will stop flowering. With the onset of cold weather, the amount of watering is reduced.
  3. 3 Matrona's Vegetable Plant grows very quickly, and therefore it is necessary to protect it from weeds and loosen the soil as often as possible. If unnecessary stems are not trimmed in time, the plant can turn into a weed, which will then be difficult to get rid of.
  4. 4 Remove faded flowers and yellowed stems in a timely manner.

Hesperis is loved by gardeners because it is a frost-resistant plant and does not require additional shelter for the winter. However, in cold but snowless winters, it is advisable to cover the roots with leaves or spruce branches. In the spring, you should definitely clean the plants from weeds, rotten stems, etc.

Feeding, transplanting and propagation

The night violet does not need constant fertilizer. Before applying fertilizer, it is necessary to thoroughly clear the soil of weeds. During the period of active growth, use 2 times mineral fertilizer. In addition, organic compounds can be added to the soil in the summer.

The plant is replanted after two years. Most good time for moving - end of August - beginning of September. In this case, the soil must be well moistened and a drainage layer placed on the bottom. A distance of at least 30 cm should be maintained between bushes.

At favorable conditions hesperis is able to reproduce independently. Mainly used seedling method. To do this, collect seeds from faded inflorescences and store them in a dry place until the beginning of April. Then the grains are poured into prepared containers and covered on top with a mixture of humus and peat. In this case, the layer of the mixture should not exceed 1 cm. The seeds should be carefully compacted and the soil should be well moistened.

After all manipulations, the containers are covered with film and kept at an air temperature of at least +20°C. The first shoots can be expected within 3 weeks. The development of seedlings depends on proper watering. The soil should be moistened, but excess water in the ground should not be allowed. Seedlings can be transferred to open ground after the appearance of 3 leaves.

To quickly adapt the flower to the ground, it should be watered regularly and the soil should be loosened. This will allow air access to the roots, which will lead to rapid growth of stems. The night violet will bloom on next year after disembarkation. Hesperis can be transferred to open ground in the fall. This will cause the plant to spread to garden plot. Typically, experienced gardeners propagate by seed after the snow melts and before the first frost.

Some experts propagate terry noctule by dividing the bush. To do this, in early September you need to carefully dig the plant out of the ground and divide it into several parts. It is very important not to damage the roots and stems of the plant. Then the parts should be planted in the prepared soil. It is recommended to insulate them for the winter with leaves. Usually, after such a transplant, the flower takes root well in the new place and gives bountiful harvest seeds

Possible difficulties

The night beauty is rarely susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. Occasionally, caterpillars may eat the lower leaves. In this case, it is necessary to spray the plant with special chemicals. Cruciferous flea beetles often appear on flowers, which are easily removed with water pressure from a hose. Slugs and clubroot are also destroyed with chemicals.

Most common reason death of a flower - non-compliance with watering rules. Due to excessive soil moisture, the roots of the noctule quickly rot and it dies. Due to lack of water, the plant begins to dry out, the leaves turn yellow, and the inflorescences begin to fall off. IN winter period Hesperis roots can shut down during snow melt. To prevent this, it is recommended to lay a drainage layer on the bottom and mulch the roots.

Experts recommend thoroughly loosening the soil in the spring, removing all weeds, and replacing the mulch. In order to prevent the appearance of pests, the flower can be sprayed by special means for cruciferous plants.

In general, when proper watering, timely removal of weeds and regular replanting, night violet will delight gardeners beautiful flowering and a pleasant aroma.

The matron's noctule plant (also known as night violet and hesperis) is native to Western Siberia, Asia Minor, Caucasus. Hesperis matronalis is a perennial crop. The plant is often grown as a biennial. Differs in erect stems. The night violet can reach a height of about eighty centimeters. The leaves may have a sharp, glabrous, lanceolate or slightly toothed structure. Depending on the variety, the inflorescences are found in milky, lilac and purple shades. The size of the flowers does not exceed two centimeters in diameter. The plant is famous for its pleasant and strong odor. The aroma is especially pronounced during the period high humidity, in the evening after sunset, and at night. Flowering continues from late May to August. The first buds form a year after planting. Valued for its high winter hardiness.

Matrona's weed is a delightful plant with a pleasant aroma.

Landing location

The matron's veil does not require constant care. On the site, the plant is often destroyed as a weed. Hesperis prefers brightly lit areas. Can maintain decorative effect in partial shade.

It is very important to choose a place with deep location groundwater. You should also limit the plant's contact with stagnant spring melt water. Swampiness of the substrate causes the appearance of rot on the foliage and mold.

IN winter time the plant is not damaged by a sharp decrease in temperature. Under large snowdrifts, night violet leaves may rot. In the spring, it is advisable to clean the matron rosettes from damaged leaves.

Proper watering

The plant needs regular moisturizing soil. In hot summers, it is necessary to constantly water the matron noctule. In the cool season, the amount of watering should be reduced.

The plant tolerates sudden temperature changes and changing cyclones well. A thick drainage layer will help protect the flower from the accumulation of liquid around the root system after heavy rainfall.


Matron seedlings should be planted on permanent place growing in late August or early September. It is necessary to maintain a distance between plants of at least thirty centimeters.

When planting, the plant must be provided with sufficient distance.

After transplanting, you need to water the night violet generously. Humus or peat can be used as a mulching layer.


Regular pruning of morning glory is not necessary. In the spring, the plant should be sanitized. To prolong flowering, it is necessary to promptly remove fading inflorescences.

Matron's party in the open ground

The night violet can go wild. The culture can form group plantings in the shade of trees or shrubs. Most often, a flower appears on a fertile loamy and moist substrate.

Hesperis often turns into a weed.

To cultivate night violet, similar conditions should be prepared. It is advisable to provide fertile soil. It is important to regularly moisten the soil. It is recommended to use a loamy substrate with a high humus content. The pH level should be between 7.0 and 7.5.

The combination of dry and acidic substrate reduces the development of night violet. The plant may stop forming inflorescences.

The matron noctule has a rather short rhizome. For planting, you should loosen the substrate to a depth of about fifteen centimeters. The filler for the planting hole can be prepared from humus, sand and turf soil. It is advisable to choose a brightly lit area with periodic side shading.

The soil at the base of the crop should be periodically loosened. It is important to protect the plant from weeds.

IN open ground Noctule can be planted as a grown plant or seeds can be sown. The hardy night violet can successfully survive transplantation even in in bloom. It is advisable to carry out the procedure immediately after prolonged precipitation. The soil should be well moistened.

Certain subspecies of night violet have a short life cycle. You can periodically sow the seeds of the crop. Seedlings obtained by self-seeding are particularly resistant. Dense plantings will need to be regularly planted and thinned.

Detailed botanical description night violet can be found in the video:

Features of cultivation


To breed night violets, it is advisable to prepare a slightly alkaline, breathable and fertile soil. The matron's noctule takes root well on a sandy substrate. The peat mixture slows down the growth of the plant.


On open area It is necessary to thoroughly clear the planting site of weeds. Competitors can cause significant harm to small night violet seedlings.

Complex mineral fertilizer must be applied to poor soil twice during the period of active vegetation development. Organic compounds It is enough to use once in the summer.

The matron's veil does not need constant feeding.

Matron's party in container

Night violet is often grown in greenhouses and greenhouses for spring bouquets. The container matron is especially popular. To grow night violets, you can use seedling boxes or greenhouses. After the formation of the first full-fledged leaves, the seedlings can be planted in separate pots. You should prepare a flowerpot with a diameter of about eight centimeters.

Caring for a potted matron is no different from cultivation garden culture. It is important to maintain moderate watering and timely application of complex fertilizers for flowering plants and periodic loosening of the substrate.

The pot must have a drainage layer. The surface structure of the root system can periodically squeeze the surface of the substrate out of the pot. You can change the container to a larger container. Experienced gardeners also recommend carefully pressing the roots into the soil and covering them with a mixture of humus and sand on top. Then you need to carefully press and level the surface of the substrate.

Typical pests and diseases

Night violet refers to resistant plants. The matron's noctule is rarely affected by pests. The lower areas of the crop can be damaged by caterpillars and slugs.

Under unfavorable conditions, cruciferous flea beetles settle on the flower. Insects can be neutralized with regular water pressure from a garden hose. There is also a danger of clubroot, the main enemy of cruciferous plants.

The plant is characterized by increased resistance to pests and diseases.

It is important to maintain moderation in soil moisture. Root rot often leads to the death of the plant.

Night violet blooming

The plant has a special sweet and strong aroma. Matron's nightweed can cause allergic reactions. Intolerance can manifest itself in the form of itching, skin irritation, prolonged sneezing, swelling and rhinitis. It is necessary to limit contact with the plant.

Reproduction of Hesperis

The crop is able to reproduce in favorable climatic conditions by self-sowing. You can grow matron's noctule using the seedling method.

It is necessary to prepare shallow containers in advance. In early April, the rudiments should be sown on the surface of the substrate. The soil mixture can be prepared in the same way as for an adult plant. Seeds should be carefully covered thin layer humus and peat (no more than one centimeter).

After planting, it is necessary to carefully compact and moisten the soil. The pot must be covered with transparent glass or polyethylene film. The first shoots will appear in 20 days. It is important to maintain the temperature at + 20 degrees.

With constant moisture, seedlings develop quickly. After independent leaves have formed, the flower can be replanted. You will need to water the soil regularly for several weeks. After moistening, carefully loosen the substrate.

At the end of August, dense rosettes of a group of leaves will appear on the matron noctule. The night violet will produce buds next spring.

The continuous spread of culture can be ensured. To do this, you will need to sow the plant buds twice. The first time to scatter the seeds is after the snow melts. The second - in late autumn, before the first frost.

Night violet can reproduce by self-sowing.

Night violet can also be planted in the form of a flowering bush. Grown flowers are often sold at garden forums and exhibitions. You don’t have to be afraid of specimens without long roots. The plant is able to take root and provide a large harvest of seeds.

Hesperis is a biennial plant. There are cases when, with early sowing, night violet produced inflorescences at the end of August of the first year life cycle. The fruit of the matron's noctule appears in the form of a pod only 6 centimeters long.

It is advisable to propagate terry varieties by dividing the bush. This method of distribution makes it possible to preserve species advantages. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at the end of August or beginning of September.

How to prolong flowering

Planting material

Night violet seeds can be purchased from online stores, nurseries and gardening forums. The average price for Matrona Vechernitsa mixture is 14.40 rubles.

Night violet is a flower that has several names (evening violet, violet-lyubka), and has become widespread in European, Asian countries and Russia. There are more than 40 plant varieties. flowering shrub used to create decorative compositions in parks, recreation areas, gazebos, loggias.

General description and varieties of night violet

Vechernitsa is perennial plant, included in the cabbage family, belongs to the dicotyledonous class. In the natural environment, it is distributed in European countries, Mediterranean countries, and the Caucasus. On Russian territory ornamental shrub grown in central regions and Eastern Siberia.

The plant reaches a height of 0.5-1 m. The stems have branches, the surfaces are covered with pile. The leaves are elongated, with a pointed apex, reaching 10-12 cm in length and 3-4 cm in width.

In May, small flowers with 4 petals appear on the plant. The buds unfold from the periphery. The diameter of the corollas is 1-2 cm. White or pale lilac buds are combined into round-shaped inflorescences, the length of the racemes is 25-30 cm. In addition to standard flowers, there are double varieties. The aroma of plants intensifies in dark time days. The flowering period, depending on weather conditions, is 30-50 days.

The ornamental shrub bears fruit, forming cylindrical pods (up to 6 cm) with seeds - up to 1.5 thousand pieces per 1 g. open ground The seed pods do not need to be cut; after ripening, the seeds fall into the soil and germinate in the spring.

Assembled planting material can be used for 2 years. Plants are winter-hardy and do not require insulation. The flower is unpretentious in cultivation and is a honey plant, helping in pollination fruit bushes and trees. In addition to decorative functions, the plant has useful characteristics(anti-inflammatory, diuretic) and is used in medicinal purposes. The stems of Matrona's Vessel contain essential oils, flavonoids, etc.

Among the varieties of nocturnal plants for landscaping areas, the following are popular:

  • Mattiola Evening scent;
  • Mattiola Starlight;
  • Mattiola is gray;
  • Mattiola Lilac;
  • Double-horned matiola rosea, etc.
  • Mattiola flowers Evening aroma have a soft lilac hue, the buds are connected into voluminous inflorescences. The stems are branched, up to 40-45 cm in height. During the flowering period, the plants emit a delicate aroma. The look is universal, unpretentious, used for decorating gardens, courtyards of cottages, alleys.

  • The variety Mattiola Starlight reaches a height of 50 cm. The buds of the plant are lilac or soft pink. The aroma of the bush is most intense at night. Experts recommend planting the variety at the entrance to the building, next to window blocks and gazebos.
  • The Mattiola gray variety is low (30 cm). Flowers of delicate shades are collected in lush inflorescences. The peculiarity of the variety is its particular attractiveness in the evening and at night. During the day, the flowers are half-open. Experts recommend planting the plant in the central part of the garden; the species is not used for decorating borders and gazebos.

  • The Mattiola Lilac variety is a tall shrub (more than 50 cm), the stems are branched, the leaves are compact and have large denticles. The flower is intended for garden spaces with good lighting. Pale lilac buds are collected in compact inflorescences, emitting a delicate aroma.

  • Double-horned matiola rosea is a night violet with spreading branches and erect stems. The height of the plant is average (40-50 cm). The shrub is an annual plant that is easy to care for. During the flowering period, buds of a soft lilac color bloom, united in inflorescences in the form of elongated brushes.

Planting and care

The plant is easy to plant, grow and care for. Depending on the characteristics of the variety, the flower is planted in the shade or in areas with good lighting. Various degrees of air humidity are possible. Optimally diffused lighting of the area, because exposure to direct sunlight negatively affects the bush during the flowering period.

The soil is preferably neutral, slightly alkaline, with average humidity, supplemented with drainage. Wetlands with close groundwater are not recommended. Before planting, the soil must be loosened and fertilized with fertilizers (compost, mineral supplements, humus).

The plant needs regular watering once every 7 days. During dry summers, soil moisture is required more often. Watering is carried out in the morning in 2 stages, then the soil must be loosened. It is important to prevent water from stagnating. The bush requires fertilizing with mineral supplements no more than 2 times every 30 days. To saturate the soil nutrients Ash is also used.

A tall plant with thin stems and voluminous inflorescences requires the organization of supports and garters to prevent the destruction of the bush in windy weather and heavy rainfall.

The plant is frost-resistant. The perennial does not require insulation for the winter if there is sufficient snow cover. If there is a small amount of snowfall in frosty winters, it is necessary to cover the bush with an awning. When spring comes, to prevent damage to the plant, it is necessary to clear the area from the remaining wet snow.


The plant is intended for planting in parks or growing on balconies or in flowerpots. It is necessary to place the flower on the bright side of the house, the light should be diffused. In the southern zone of Russia, you can plant Hesperis (hesperis nocturna) in your dacha in shaded areas.

When planting night violets in a pot, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the volumetric tubs and select fertile soil. Scientifically, it is necessary to provide drainage for the development of the root system and regularly fertilize.

In the open ground

A common way for gardeners to plant a flower is in open ground as ornamental plant.

When growing seedlings, direct sunlight is prohibited; shaded areas are recommended. The soil is optimally moist, neutral or slightly alkaline. The soil must be loosened regularly by adding lime compounds.

It is possible to expand the shoots through self-seeding from ripened seeds. To prevent overgrowing of the territory and loss decorative look Some young shoots must be planted once every 3 years.

The plant is resistant to diseases and insects. However, to prevent damage to the layer lower leaves slugs, caterpillars, and cruciferous flea beetles require spraying the area. The soil should be moderately moist; stagnant water can damage the root system of the shrub.

Reproduction methods

Breeding lilac and white night violets is done using:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

The decorative flower can reproduce in open ground by self-sowing. To form compositions in the park, it is recommended to grow seedlings from seed material. The optimal periods for sowing are March-April.

It is necessary to prepare boxes with soil, place seed material on the surface and cover with a 1.5 cm layer of soil. Humus and peat are used, mixed in proportions 1:1. Upper layer compacted and watered. The boxes must be covered with polyethylene or covering material.

Containers with seedlings are placed in a lighted room with a temperature of at least +20°C. It is necessary to ensure regular watering. The first shoots begin to appear after 15-20 days.

After appearing on the shoots from 3 large sheets plants can be transplanted into a flower garden. Seedlings are placed at a distance of 25-35 cm. To quickly root the sprouts, it is necessary to regularly loosen, water and fertilize the soil. The plant begins to flower in the 2nd year.

Sowing seeds before winter is carried out in autumn period until frost. When sowing in spring, the seeds are placed in warm soil.


Some rare varieties are divided by cuttings. Sprouts without peduncles are used, which are cut and placed in a container to a depth of 1-3 cm. To accelerate the formation of the root system, the sprouts are given Greenhouse effect, covering with film and treating with root. It is necessary to regularly ventilate planting material. The propagation method is popular for double species of noctule.

Dividing the bush

For overgrown ornamental plants, a common method of propagation is by dividing the bush. The roots must be dug up, divided into pieces with a garden knife and distributed throughout the garden. For rooting, plants are placed in the soil at a shallow depth.

The use of night violet in landscape design

The ornamental plant is common in landscape design. The location of the bush is determined by the characteristics of the territory and the project.

The shrub is planted in groups on large space. Blooming Mattiola (night violet) loses its decorative effect by the end of the summer season, so it is important to supplement the composition with late-blooming annual plants.

Groups of flowers are placed next to artificial lakes to create a recreation area. Flowering bushes shaded by ferns and ornamental grasses.

Lilac and white night violet combines with different types ornamental plants. Optimal planting next to nasturtium and petunia. Decorative flowers set off spices(sage, basil, thyme, lemon balm). The combination of aromas will create an original flower garden.

A harmonious decorative shrub is combined with yarrow, cornflower, geranium, and monarda. Spectacular compositions are created by combining violets with spreading roses of different shades. When planting night violet bifolia on alpine roller coaster it is necessary to take into account the drying of the leaves towards the end summer period. It is necessary to supplement the composition with late flowering plants.

Popular placement decorative bushes along paths, borders, at the entrance to the house, at benches, gazebos, in flower beds. Light flowers shrubs are effectively shaded by evergreen cypress, juniper, larch, thuja and other coniferous trees.

Perennials are combined with daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, carnations, lupins, and calendula. Combining different shades of violet in one front garden is effective. Low varieties of ornamental plants are suitable for creating compositions in cache-pots, pots on loggias, balconies, and verandas.