Wooden houses first floor brick second. Combined private house: construction technology

  • Tuesday, 7 July 2015 5:25
  • romario
  • Projects of combined houses are so named because of the peculiarities of their construction. Several types are used to build such a house. building materials.

    It could be brick, stone, wood, block and so on. As a rule, the division by materials occurs on a floor-by-floor basis, but there are exceptions.

    Such house designs undoubtedly have their advantages. For example, using stone as a material for the first floor makes the house stronger and more durable.

    The same can be said about the construction of a deep, reinforced foundation. It is necessary due to the increased weight of the structure and the pressure created as a result.

    In most cases, the planning and construction of a combined house follows the same principle.

    The lower floor is built from heavier and more durable material. It gives the impression of reliability and durability. As the material for the first floor, you can choose concrete plates, brick or stone.

    The second floor does not have to be so heavy. Here it is mainly used more lightweight material, for example, wood, aerated concrete, or frame construction.

    This trick allows you to immediately achieve several improvements in construction quality:

    • The second floor of the house will be much lighter, so there is no need for additional strengthening of the foundation.
    • You can save on thermal insulation materials, since aerated concrete, for example, has good heat-insulating properties.
    • The design advantages of the combination of several materials in construction are not limited. This combination looks very attractive.

    Stylish appearance and variety of uses various technologies construction make such houses popular among users.

    The combined type will help you save on construction and end up with a complete home, comfortable and modern.

    Combined houses It is customary to build on two floors. This condition allows you to stabilize the load on the foundation and make the home itself comfortable to live in. More floors will require more foundation reinforcement.

    There is one more feature here. The heavier first floor, as a rule, serves common rooms. There is a living room, kitchen and dining room, as well as a toilet and guest rooms.

    And the second floor is reserved for living rooms, which are completely isolated from each other, and a bathroom. See for yourself how simple and convenient it can be combined house.

    Project of a two-story combined house

    The house project presented below is designed for living big family. total area The house is one hundred and ninety-three square meters.

    The size of the building is nine by twelve meters. Such dimensions make it possible to build a house according to this project on a site even small sizes. However, when planning, take into account the need to erect other buildings: a garage, a bathhouse and others.

    To equip the foundation, it is necessary to use monolithic reinforced concrete piles. Here you must take into account the total load in order to achieve maximum stability and reliability of the building.

    The optimal material to choose for the construction of the first floor is ceramic block. This modern material allows you to make the foundation of the house strong, while the walls themselves will be durable and aesthetically attractive.

    The second floor can be built from laminated veneer lumber. It's not as heavy as wooden frame, and its thermal insulation properties have long been proven.

    Such a construction will be much lighter than, which will reduce the load on the foundation.

    By tradition, all rooms common use in such a house they are located on the first floor. Here you will find a spacious living room, which is combined in the project with a kitchen and dining room.

    In addition, the layout of the first floor requires a separate office for work.

    On the second floor you will find three isolated bedrooms. Entrance to the rooms is through a common hall.

    Both the first and second floors require space for relaxation. On the first floor there is a spacious veranda, on the second there are two full balconies.

    Utility rooms can be conveniently located on the ground floor. There is space allocated here for a utility room and boiler room. There is also a spacious wardrobe.

    Such a house is easy to use and there will be enough space for each family member.

    As for the appearance of the new house, it meets all aesthetic requirements. Such a house will look European, modern and stylish.

    This combined house project does not include the addition of a garage or other outbuildings. It is better to locate this kind of buildings at some distance from the home.

    This will allow you to do landscape design organic and attractive and not spoil the appearance of the house with unnecessary structures nearby.

    Original designs of combined houses are winning more and more fans every day. And this is natural. Combination various materials makes it possible to furnish it in an individual style. The practice of such construction shows that the use of this technology significantly reduces.

    Original project combined house

    The main feature that distinguishes the combined Vacation home from others, is that the first floor is made of more durable materials, and the next floors are made of lighter ones. For example, for the foundation of a building they successfully use:

    • blocks, different composition, including foam concrete, aerated concrete, wood concrete, porotherm and others;
    • house made of natural stone.

    To build the top of a building, as a rule, the following is used:

    Another direction in the construction of houses combined type is the application alternative finishes a building constructed entirely of homogeneous material with decorative details. These can be either individual elements or a combined façade. In some cases, the use literally masks the original building material used during installation.

    Advantages of combining materials

    The construction of combined houses, based on the principle of combining different materials, has obvious benefits.

    Origins of combined buildings

    The combination of materials in the construction of residential buildings has been used for centuries, both in European countries and in Russia. It is traditionally believed that this construction method is based on the chalet style that came into modern times from the Alpine mountains.

    The massive stone foundation of residential buildings in those places was due to necessity, since a house on a mountain slope had to withstand snow and storm water.

    At the same time, the living quarters, built of wood, were protected from the weather by wide roof overhangs, which are considered the main difference. In Russia, wood was also popular mainly among merchants and artisans.

    Project of a combined cottage made of stone and timber

    As a rule, the first floors were adapted for shops and workshops, and wooden second the floor was equipped for living. Despite the high cost of construction, this method of constructing buildings was justified, since it is remote from the ground wooden floor was protected from flooding and fire, and, therefore, had a longer service life.

    In modern design, combined houses made in the chalet style are distinguished not only by a stone base and wide roof overhangs, but also.

    Respectable houses made of brick and wood

    There are many people who want to implement the project of their own combined house made of brick and wood. Brickwork traditionally was considered an indicator of the wealth and respectability of the owner.

    Ready-made project of a respectable house made of brick and wood

    At combined construction In houses and cottages, both silicate and ceramic bricks are successfully used to construct the first floor of a combined house. The superstructure of the brick foundation of the house can be made of any type of wood.

    A classic option is a combined house made of brick and laminated timber, since it has attractive appearance, is easy to install and is not subject to shrinkage, and also has high thermal insulation properties.

    An alternative option, of course, is lined with decorative wood panels, for example, a block house.

    Project of a combined house made of wood and brick

    It should be noted that making a superstructure from wood significantly reduces the cost of construction, since the price of the wooden components of the second floor is significantly lower than the additional brick for customization. However, the technology for constructing such houses allows the construction of the entire building from the main material, and only the facade of the house is decorated with wooden parts.

    In some cases, combined finishing is used, when, together with decorating the facade, additional wooden elements, such as , .

    Economical house designs made of foam blocks and wood

    Thrifty developers will be especially interested in house designs using block materials. Due to its affordable price and thanks simple construction Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are very popular. Blocks of other cellular materials are also successfully used as a material for the construction of the first floor. concrete compositions, in particular, which has characteristics similar to foam concrete.

    A house built from blocks and wood has all the advantages of combined buildings, but there are also additional advantages:

    When carrying out work on installing the second floor on a block base, it must be taken into account that pouring a concrete reinforcing belt is prerequisite for secure fastening wooden structures. The frame, consisting of a timber structure, or the beam itself is connected to the armored belt with steel anchors. A wooden floor can be made from any type of wood, but the most budget-friendly solution would be wooden frame With good insulation and cladding with decorative panels.

    Today, people who are planning to build a residential building may notice that there are a lot of building options. A house made of brick and timber is popular among owners of private plots. It is not surprising, because such buildings have a number of significant advantages that indicate that such buildings have the right to life.

    Project option for a combined brick and timber house

    Construction of a house with a large attic

    Both projects of combined houses made of brick and timber and lining are popular wooden houses brick. Both options are quite worthy of finding their place in the private sector. Before you finally place a bet on such a structure, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of such structures.
    First of all, the choice of such buildings is chosen by people who are tired of the banality and want something fundamentally new. In fact, combined houses have recently begun to appear in private sectors.

    An example of finishing the first floor with decorative bricks

    That is why not everyone has heard of such structures, and only a few have seen them in reality. Everything new is attractive and interesting. Therefore, it is worth paying tribute to the architects, and also thoroughly studying all the features of such buildings.

    A combined house is most often chosen by people who:

    These are just some of the factors that become key when choosing such designs.
    People who chose the option in one building are satisfied with the result of their work or the work of the construction company.

    What are the advantages of combined houses made of brick and timber

    What materials are chosen for such buildings?

    It is worth understanding what kind of raw materials are used for the construction of combined houses.
    Like any building material, timber has several varieties.

    Design and construction of a combined building

    Depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner of a private plot, you can choose the following types timber:


    Such bars fit very tightly to each other. Therefore, this material does not require additional processing or polishing.

    Diagram with size and connection of profiled timber

    Existing options locks for profiled timber
    That is, this option is ideal if you don’t want to great effort for the completed look of the building.

    Not profiled

    The advantage of this material is its relatively low price policy. However, such raw materials are used extremely rarely for the construction of combined houses due to the fact that their quality parameters are quite low.


    This material is widely used for the construction of combined houses. has high heat resistance and also provides sound insulation.

    Glued laminated timber for cottage assembly

    This material is considered the most reliable and durable for building combined houses. This kind of material will help you build a house of brick and timber that will last for decades.
    Some people prefer to build a house made of timber, lined with brick.

    This helps to ensure an aesthetically attractive appearance of the structure, as well as significant savings on repair work indoors.

    Projects of houses made of brick and timber

    Of course, the owners land plot can decide for themselves what it will look like finished design Houses. However, it is much smarter and more economical to purchase a ready-made one. This will help:

    All these factors indicate that the project is profitable and reasonable. Despite the fact that I finished project costs some money, if you analyze the benefits, it is cheaper to initially erect a building that is ideal in its design than to correct errors later, which also costs money.

    The main advantage of combined projects is the combination of various wall materials, from which they are taken best characteristics and properties. Simply put, these houses are more comfortable to live in than completely stone ones, and more reliable than completely wooden houses.

    Lower, stone floor usually has a garage, boiler room, swimming pool or sauna, kitchen, storage room and laundry room. Thus, these rooms are not exposed to moisture and fire. However, concrete lacks the comfortable feeling of warmth and naturalness. This disadvantage can be solved by construction combined project, in which the second floor is designed with wooden wall material, giving a cozy and healthy atmosphere. The upper, wooden floor is a living area with bedrooms, a nursery, and an office for work. As you know, wood “breathes” because it has pores and allows air to pass through. Relaxing and sleeping in wood is much more pleasant and easier than in concrete.

    The base of a combined house is usually made of:

    • brick
    • building blocks (gas blocks, foam block, wood concrete, keramite, expanded clay block)
    • monolith
    • a natural stone

    The second and subsequent floors are designed from:

    • timber - regular, glued, profiled
    • log - planed or rounded
    • frame technology with wood-look cladding
    • made of sip panels - also with wood finish

    An excursion into the history of combined projects

    The combination of stone and wood has been used in the construction of houses for a very long time, both in Russia and abroad. Initially the basis for this method The construction was inspired by the chalet style, common among the inhabitants of the Alpine mountains. A stone foundation was necessary to firmly plant the house on the mountain slopes and to withstand snow and wind. The residential roof was built of wood and had wide roof overhangs to protect from rain, which is currently “ business card» of this architectural style.

    In our country, houses using stone and wood were quite popular among merchants, wealthy artisans and kulaks. The lower stone floors were used by merchants as warehouses and shops, and by artisans as workshops. The second wooden floor was used as a residential floor. Such combined houses were cheaper than completely stone ones, and were more durable than completely wooden ones; thanks to the elevation of the wooden part above the ground, it was protected from flooding and less susceptible to fires. Total benefit!

    Features of designing combined houses

    As previously stated, main feature combined projects is a symbiosis of the strength of the stone of the first floor and the lightness of the wood of the upper floors. Of course, without good foundation this cannot be done, but its load will be less in the case of designing and building two floors from stone at once. And since the foundation is usually 25% of the total price of the house, you can save quite a decent amount on it. Unlike blocks, wood on the second floor will not require global finishing, except for priming and painting, so you can save money at this stage as well.

    Combined houses do not require a long time to shrink. You can move into these houses immediately upon completion of the basic construction - having finished only the lower, stone floor. Wooden part, as in conventional wooden houses, will shrink up to 1.5-2 years, so it is not recommended to finish it and move in immediately.

    Savings on the construction of combined projects can also be obtained on thermal insulation, because, unlike an entirely stone house, a combined one requires less thermal insulation. It is also not necessary to treat the entire house with an antiseptic, unlike an entirely wooden house.

    The tree is removed from the ground, and therefore from exposure to moisture. From stone building materials you can safely build rooms such as a boiler room, a bathroom - even with a sauna, even with a swimming pool, or a living room with a fireplace. As a result, the customer of the combined project will receive a competent, technologically advanced building at a low price, the materials of which are used by each person precisely for their own purposes.

    A pleasant and unusual appearance is guaranteed if you choose a combined house project. A log or beam looks aesthetically pleasing and of good quality, and finishing the first floor with artificial stone or plaster will give appearance respectability. Our company’s specialists can design the facades either as a single whole or by preserving an unforgettable combination of wood and stone!

    Anyone thinking about construction own home, one way or another draws attention to already completed projects, noting and selecting good combination elements: “This is the kind of facade I want to see at my future home”, “This porch will look great with exterior decoration", "I will install similar windows in my place", etc. Carrying out such observations, one cannot help but notice that some houses are built of two “layers” - the lower floor is stone, and the upper floor is wooden. This design technique or functional need? In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about the construction of combined houses.

    Combined houses are great way implement original design ideas, but the decorative component is not in first place. First of all, the combination of two materials makes the house stronger, warmer and more durable. If you correctly combine the physical characteristics of stone and wood, you can get a tangible advantage over usual options the buildings.

    Material combination options

    Let's consider the main combinations that can be used in the construction of such structures. The most popular option is a house where the lower floor is built of stone and the upper floor is made of wood. As a result, the lower part of the house, which is subjected to large and serious loads during operation, copes with its role perfectly. The stone is not afraid of moisture, can withstand the heavy weight of the structure, and ensures the strength and reliability of the home. Since the lower stone floor is not afraid of dampness, swimming pools, saunas and gyms are often built in houses with large square footage.

    The second wooden floor is strikingly different in both physical characteristics, and by the atmosphere reigning inside. The rooms are warm and cozy; wood allows the walls to “breathe”, providing microcirculation of air. Ideal place for leisure and recreation. Based on this, utility rooms, garages, boiler rooms or even shops are installed on the first floors of combined houses, and bedrooms, children's rooms, offices, etc. are located on the second floor.

    But natural stone is quite expensive, so thrifty owners they replace it with alternative materials with similar characteristics - brick, aerated concrete, concrete, etc. A combined house made of brick and wood looks very harmonious and is practically not inferior in quality to the stone version.

    The decoration of the facades of combined houses can be very diverse, but one way or another is based on one principle: the first floor is stone, the second is wooden. This combination of materials, in addition to the obvious advantages, solves another problem - it reduces T ore intensity and cost of the entire construction.

    If you don't want to spend a pretty penny on exterior decoration, you won't need it! The stone itself is very beautiful natural material, especially if its texture is emphasized by other elements of the exterior - stone paths, porch or fence. In the case of brick combined houses, it is still better to decorate the facade. This is necessary more for practical reasons than for beauty. Unprotected brick will collapse very quickly under the influence of moisture, wind and sun, so it is better to at least strengthen the outer walls of the first floor with reinforcing mesh and cover them with plaster. The construction market offers a huge selection of wall materials: facade tiles, panels, fake diamond, relief plaster etc . But in order not to spoil the naturalness and naturalness of the building, it is better to abandon synthetic options and use natural materials, for example, limestone.

    If you want to receive smooth walls and simplify the external decoration, the first floor can be built from foam blocks. This is enough durable material and at the same time almost as warm as wood. However, when building a combined house from cellular concrete Please note that it is necessary to securely connect the elements of the first and second floors. Although foam blocks are durable when it comes to load and pressure, they really don’t like impacts. From falling to the ground or strong blow using a hammer can cause them to split or crack. Also in this material they will not be able to hold on anchor bolts, on which the support beam is usually fixed.

    Helpful advice: The optimal solution in this case, a monolithic reinforced concrete belt will be poured directly over the ends of the foam block walls. This way you can increase the spatial rigidity of the structure and securely secure the support beam with anchors.

    If you are still very concerned about the fragility of cellular concrete, consider the option of building the first floor of a combined house from arbolite blocks. They are much stronger than foam concrete and are not inferior to it in terms of thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, carry out exterior finishing arbolite blocks It’s a pleasure – they have excellent adhesion to any decorative plasters.

    For the construction of the second floor, planed timber is most often used. It perfectly protects from the cold and does not require any exterior decoration. You can also often find frame second floors. This method significantly reduces the time and overall cost of construction. Moreover, the frame system allows you to change the layout without much effort and adapt it to any needs.

    The frame itself can be disguised with finishing, or vice versa – put on display, turning it into original item facade. In this case, it is better to resort to the old frame system half-timbered structure with posts and beams facing the façade. You'll immediately understand what we mean when you look at the image below:

    If you want to build a three-story combined house, in this case it is better to build the first floor from monolithic reinforced concrete slabs, since they are the most durable, the second is made of brick, and the third is made of timber. But usually they make it reinforced concrete ground floor, and only brick and timber remain on the surface.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Combined a private house has a lot of advantages, most of which we have already outlined earlier. This is beauty, durability, and the ability to equip rooms with completely different functional loads. But unfortunately, even in the sun there are spots. The main advantage and at the same time disadvantage of a combined house are various physical properties materials of the first and second floors. Positive side– the first floor is not afraid of dampness and fire, it is very strong and durable, the second wooden floor is cozy and warm. The problem is that the durability of wood is much less than that of stone, brick, reinforced concrete or other similar materials. So, walls built from rocks, are able to stand quietly for 150 years, and wooden superstructure they are unlikely to last even half of this period. And if the service life of a log house can reach 50-60 years without overhaul, then in case frame houses this figure is even smaller. Sooner or later there comes a time when it is necessary, if not completely, then partially to redo and strengthen the walls of the second floor. The good news is that this is much easier to do than if you had to work with the whole house.

    Since combined houses began to appear in Russia relatively recently, so far this negative experience different speed wear of materials affected very few. Otherwise significant shortcomings there are no such structures (at least none that would not be found in ordinary private houses). Today, projects of combined houses are increasingly ordered from developer companies or chosen for construction with their own hands.

    Construction technology

    In fact, building a strong and cozy combined house from brick, concrete or stone is not difficult if you adhere to the basic rules and recommendations provided by the technology. However, as practice shows, it is still better to entrust some aspects to professionals, for example, the development of drawings or the construction of a lower floor linked to the upper one. For those who decide to build a combined house with their own hands, we suggest watching the video below:

    The work consists of several main stages:

    Another advantage of combined houses made of timber is that you can start finishing the first floor immediately after building the second - there will be no shrinkage. To decorate the facade, many use clinker tiles or artificial stone. Using products that imitate natural wood to decorate the first floor, you can get a nice combined chalet house, Russian hut or Scandinavian-style housing.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the construction process. The most important thing is to ensure correct and reliable bandaging of the first and second floors. Finally, we suggest watching another useful video:

    Combined houses: photos

    The design of a combined house is an immense platform for creativity and the realization of the most unusual projects. See for yourself by looking at a small photo selection combined finishing houses: