Didactic games in literacy classes. Didactic manual "games in literacy lessons"

Card index didactic games for older preschoolers in preparation for learning to read and write Literacy is interesting!

Didactic game “Find the letter”

Target: develop hearing, attention and teach the perception of individual sounds in words.

Description: The adult names the sound, and then the words in which this sound will be at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end. He will stipulate in advance that, for example, if this sound is at the beginning of a word, the child should raise his hands up, if in the middle, clap his hands, if at the end, clap his knees.

Didactic game “What happens? »

Goal: to develop speech, thinking, mental acuity.

Description: When playing this game with your child, you need to ask questions regarding a wide variety of properties of objects, which makes it possible to distinguish things by shape, color, size, etc.

For example, you can ask questions like:

1) What is red? (strawberry, watermelon, brick, roof);

2) What is deep? (plate, lake, river, well);

3) What is prickly? (cactus, hedgehog, p0za, Christmas tree) ;

4) What is fragrant? (perfume, soap, flower, shampoo).

You can also ask: what is round? tall? fluffy? wide? hard? white? hot? etc.

Didactic game “Which word is longer? »

Target: develop speech, attention? »

Description: Tell the child pairs of words, one of which should be long and the second short. The child’s task is to determine by ear which of the spoken words is longer and which is shorter.

Didactic game "Magic Sounds"

Target: develop auditory attention, teach sound-letter analysis.

Description: The adult agrees with the children that they will consider the sounds “u” and “n” to be magical. If children hear the first sound, they should grab their ear, if the second sound, they should grab their nose. After this, the adult tells a story in which these sounds occur frequently, or simply pronounces a series of words, and the children listen carefully and perform the necessary actions.

Didactic game “Make a word from syllables”

Target: develop the skill of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing.

Description: The adult says that the syllables in the words are mixed up and asks the children to guess what kind of words can be made from them. If there are many children, you can divide them into teams, giving the right to answer one by one or to the team whose member first raised his hand to answer. Shouting from the seat is prohibited. For each word guessed, the team receives a bonus point; for a mistake, a point is deducted. If the game is played with a small number of children, after a short practice you can guess the words one by one. First, familiar words consisting of two syllables are recommended, then more complex options.

Didactic game "Red and Blue Balls"

Target: develop literacy, consolidate the differentiation of vowels and consonants, improve attention, reaction, dexterity, and speed of thinking.

Description: Children stand in a circle. An adult stands in the middle, throws a red or blue ball to the participants in the game and pronounces any sound. The child must catch the red ball if he hears a vowel sound, and not catch it if he hears a consonant sound. If the ball is blue, everything should be the other way around. Then the child himself throws the ball and makes the sound.

The balls can be used in the game alternately or simultaneously. An adult stands in the middle and catches the fallen balls, putting them back into play.

Didactic game "Wizards"

Target: develop phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis skills, the ability to correlate the phonetic appearance of a word with its meaning; ability to work in a team.

Description: If there are several children, you need to divide them into teams. Each team will perform a separate task.

At the beginning of the game, the adult says: “Let's play wizards. Today we will deal with the transformation of words. Let's see if the team does better."

1st task. Transform one word into another by crossing out the extra letter:

1st option: fly, trouble, yard, scarf, lamp;

2nd option: mole, wolf, laughter, borscht, risk.

2nd task. Change one letter to make a new word:

1st option: hand (flour or river, peel (kennel, may (tea, beetle (onion), squirrel (bun);

2nd option: knife (nose, son (s0n, ice (honey, daughter (barrel), fireworks (salad).

3rd task. All the vowels have disappeared from the word. Try to guess what these words are by placing the vowels correctly:

1st option: sh_k_l_d (chocolate, k_r_n_d_sh (pencil);

2nd option: p_t_l_k (ceiling, t_l_v_z_r (TV).

4th task. Make up words from the first syllables of the given words:

1st option: city – spoon – jam (head, chieftain – chicken – lava (shark);

2nd option: sun - loaf - pencil (dog, box - elbow - sausage (bell).

For each correctly processed word in each task, the team is given a bonus point. An additional 2 points are awarded to the team that completes the task first.

Didactic game "Typewriter"

Target: develop phonemic awareness skills, sound-letter analysis, attention.

Description: Each child is assigned a specific letter of the alphabet. The adult offers to “type” some long word or phrase. In the latter case, you can give one of the kids the task of marking the “space” between the words in it. Then, at a signal from an adult, the participants in the game begin to “print”: first, the first letter claps their hands once, then the second, etc. When everything is “printed,” all participants in the game clap. Start the game with simple words, gradually introducing more and more complex ones.

Didactic game "The Cow and the Word"

Target: develop phonemic hearing and reaction.

Description: Children sit on chairs in a circle so that right hand the child lay palm down on the palm of the left hand of the neighbor on the right, and the left was located under right palm neighbor on the left. The game goes clockwise. The first player says one word of the poem while clapping, right palm on the hand of the neighbor on the right, then he says next word, clapping the neighbor’s palm, etc. The poem is as follows: “A cow flew and said a word. What word did the cow say? "The child on whom the poem stops must pronounce any word, for example, “wall.” Now the players clap, spelling out the word they hear: “s-t-e-n-a.” The task of the last player is to have time to remove his hand so that it is not slapped on the last sound - in this case, “a”. Whoever is lazy is out of the game.

This game can be played with a group of 3 people.

Didactic game "Continue the word"

Target: develop speech, sound-letter analysis, intelligence, reaction, and expand your vocabulary.

Description: Children are divided into two teams that face each other. The player of the first team, standing first on the left, takes the ball, names any syllable and throws the ball to the first player of the second team. He must name his syllable or several syllables so that together with the first syllable they form a whole word, then name his syllable while throwing the ball to the second player of the first team, etc. For example, if the first player named the syllable BUT, the second can say RA ( to make the word “nora”) and call your sl0g, for example, also RA. Then the third child who received the ball can continue by saying “keta” and start a new word. The one who made a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Didactic game "Guess the letter"

Target: Develop fine motor skills, consolidate the basics of literacy, improve spatial thinking.

Description: The guys are divided into two equal teams. Each team receives a box of plasticine, from which the game participants must fashion any letters or numbers (for example, one per person). Then the adult takes two boxes with finished items and places them, for example, on the table. One player from each team approaches the table in turn. This player is blindfolded and given one plasticine letter or number, molded by a child from the opposing team. Within a certain time (for example, 1 minute) he must guess what kind of letter or number it is. The team that guessed greatest number letters, wins.

Didactic game “Where is the sound hidden? »

Target: development of the ability to establish the place of sound in a word.

Necessary materials: The teacher has a set of subject pictures.

Each child has a card divided into three squares and a colored chip (red - if the work is with a vowel sound, blue - with a consonant).

Description: The teacher shows the picture and names the object depicted on it. Children repeat the word and indicate the location of the sound being studied in the word, covering one of the three squares on the card with a chip, depending on where the sound is located: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Those who correctly place the chip on the card win.

Didactic game "Where is our home?"

Target: development of the ability to differentiate similar sounds.

Required materials: a set of subject pictures, the names of which begin with oppositional sounds; two houses attached to the board, on the pockets of which letters are written (inserted), indicating differentiated sounds, for example (s) or (sh).

Each child, going to the board, takes a picture, names it, determines the presence of a sound (s) or (w), inserts the picture into the appropriate pocket. Points are awarded for a correctly completed task.

Didactic game "Train"

Target: development of the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Required materials: a train made up of flat figures of an electric locomotive and three cars. Each carriage has three windows with pockets for subject pictures. Above the windows are circles indicating the number of sounds in a word. Subject pictures depicting animals.

Description: The teacher says that one day the animals decided to go to the city to visit their friends - the guys, but they could not understand who should go where. “You are the conductors of the carriages and you must help them. Animals whose names consist of three sounds can sit in the first carriage, in the second – with four sounds, in the third – with five sounds.” When called by the teacher, the child comes out, takes a picture of an animal and looks for its place on the train, guided by the numbers on the pocket. The train will only set off if all the animals are in the right places.

Didactic game "Guess the word"

Target: development of the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis, distinguish between vowels and consonants.

Required materials: cards with consonants.

Description: The teacher places consonant letters on the typesetting canvas and reads them, for example m-l-k- (milk, s-p-g - (boots), etc., and the children guess the word. The game can be played individually or in groups.

For this game, only words consisting of two or three straight lines are selected. open syllables. At the end of the game, the teacher asks which letters (consonants or vowels) he put on the typesetting canvas and which ones were inserted by the children.

Didactic game "Live Letters"

Target: development of the ability to determine the sequence of sounds in a word and conduct sound-letter analysis.

Materials needed: cards with colored letters.

Description: Option 1. Each row is given cards with letters, one letter for each child. The teacher calls the word. Children line up to form a word from the letters they hold in their right hand.

Option 2. The teacher gives cards with letters to each row without saying the word. Children in the same row must independently form a word from letters, lining up in a line.

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Didactic manual

Completed by: teacher primary classes MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" Ivanenko Irina Alexandrovna

Tulun 2014 The game is the regulator of everyone life positions child. The game preserves and develops the childish in children; it is their school of life and practice of development. L.D. Rubinstein

Exist various ways activating students’ activities and developing their interest in lessons.

Game is a natural companion in a person’s life, a source of joyful emotions, which has great educational power.

Any activity associated with conventions is a game that has very diverse meanings in our lives. The games clearly reflect the way of life of people, their way of life, work, ideas about honor, courage, courage. Such qualities as ingenuity, endurance, creativity, resourcefulness, and the will to win appear. They make you think more actively, help broaden your horizons, and clarify your ideas about the world around you. Everyone improves as they play mental processes stimulating the development of children.

Play is the oldest means of raising and teaching children. Special meaning purchased games for educational activities. They complement traditional forms of training, contribute to its activation and successful implementation of collaborative pedagogy into practice. In combination with other methods and techniques, games increase the effectiveness of teaching, make the learning process more interesting, contribute to the successful assimilation of the material being studied, and develop teamwork skills.

During the game, students quietly complete tasks and do it with passion, and not out of obligation. The game puts the student in search conditions, awakens interest in victory, and hence in the subject. In games, especially collective games, the moral qualities of an individual are also formed: children learn to help their comrades, take into account the interests of others, they develop a sense of responsibility, and discipline is instilled.

I include the games suggested below in literacy lessons. My students love it!

1) Our guests Mouse and Mishka. They will help us identify new sounds and label them with letters.

2) Our guests love to ride on... .By coloring the details with the letter M, you will find out kind of transport. (Color the parts with the letter M).

3) Let's make a car out of geometric shapes and our friends will be able to continue their journey.

Second lesson on the topic. (sound of the sea) Hippopotamus will travel with us. But so that wenot to stay on the shore, we will repeat what we learned yesterday in class. 2) Clouds have appeared on the horizon, let's disperse them,P after reading the words.
- Which word is "superfluous"? Why?Let's go sailing. (music) we have to do...

4 ) Straight ahead is an island consisting only of letters. Show cards with the same letters.

Let's swim further. 5) Finish the word. The distance of the fields turns green, the nightingale sings. White color The garden is dressed, the bees are the first to fly, thunder rumbles. Guess what month this is? … (May)
He slept all winter in a fur coat, sucked his brown paw, and when he woke up, he began to roar. This animal is a forest animal... (bear)
In the underground, in the closet She lives in a hole, Gray baby. Who is it? (mouse)
In a black field, a white hare jumped, jumped, made loops. The trail behind him was also white. Who is this hare? … (chalk)
6) We return back to the shore. Two girlfriends Me and Mu grazed near the pines all day. Meow warmed his side in the sun, Be disturbed him all day. Quack swam nearby in the river, crowing songs, Woof lay on the porch, Oink snorted under a bush. And now, my friend, remind me, Name by name of everyone who caught our eye on this hot afternoon. (goat, cow, cat, sheep, duck, rooster, dog, pig)
-What can you say about words? (no letter M in words)- Which cartoon characters traveled on unusual transport? (Baby Mammoth)

2) Let's look through the windows. On clouds in the sky, I can not see anything. Let's read the words
Second lesson on the topic. We continue space trip. Our rocket is moving further and further from the Earth. (music) 1) Look out the windows. We see star rain, but an unusual one. Let's read the syllables, and form words from the syllables.

2) We have the planet on course. On the planet unusual houses- in the form of letters. Find streets with identical houses.
3 ) The most difficult stage of the flight isspacewalk.

to Earth. Let's look through the windows, where we will land.(Color the details with beeches P).- Who did we catch at the landing site?
5) Finish the word. I am growing in a red cap Among the aspen roots. You will see me a mile away, My name is... (boletus)
I am the mistress of various dreams About dolphins, about elephants, About crystal palaces And about distant stars. You lie down and dreams whisper in your ear... (pillow) He is round and sugary, Like the eye of a traffic light. Among vegetables there is no juicier... (tomato) He is with a bell in his hand ,In a blue and red cap. He is a cheerful toy, And his name is... (Petrushka)
6) Our journey is coming to an end. But we will be able to return to Earth if we design the rocket correctly. (music)
So we landed.

IN second lesson on the topic.
1) (work in groups)-Let's guess who we're going to todayto visit. Make a word from the last syllables of the couplet.Black raven on an oak treeWith a white speck on the forehead... (boo)The bark glistens from the rain,A mountain is visible in the distance... (ra)It's not easy to get thereThe bridge is destroyed on the way... (ti)The window in the castle glowsAnd in the mountains it’s already that... (but)Excellent picture!Who is the artist? (Pinocchio)
2) Decoding the phrase.-Who is the most evil hero of a fairy tale?

Karabas-Barabas knew the secret he was hidingfrom all of us. Let's decipher and find out its secret. (music)33, 9,15,1,32, 20,1,11,15,21

(I know the secret of the key.)You and I must also find out the secret of the key.
3) On the way, Pinocchio met a girl with blue hair.-What is her name? Malvina decided to start training and raising Pinocchio. -tasks.
4) Duremar found out where the key was hidden, and with all his mightI ran to Karabas-Barabas to tell him about the assignments.
5) Buratino got tired of studying, and he ran away from Malvina.On the way I met...(music) -Where did Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat take Pinocchio? -Let's read the sign on the gate.

-To get to the land of fools, you need to make words. bkisraoeyltn

6) And in order to return from the land of fools, you need to make tangram.

7) Color the parts with the letter B.

1) -Read the syllables.WHO PA RO-Make a word.- What will we travel on today?
2) The little engine brought us to the station, where we will find out... 3) The little engine took us to an unusual station. There are many signs at the station, among There are identical ones that need to be removed.Show identical cards in color.

4) Let's move on.Look out the window.-What do you see? -Look at the picture carefully.(remove, show second)-What changed?
-Name which objects in the picture begin starting with the letter P. 5) The following task is broadcast on the radio.Say the word. Behind the meadows, over the water A torrential rain poured down, And then a yoke hung in the sky. The children are delighted with the Colored... (rainbow)
There’s a big fight in the river: Two people quarreled... (crayfish)
The foresters won’t want to take her kittens home. You can’t tell her: “Cat, scat,” Because this is... (lynx)
An elephant walks along the road. That's the trunk! These are the legs! The bridge caved in under the elephant. huge elephant... (height) 6) Color the parts with the letter P and find outwhat type of transport did the engine meet on the way?

1) Today we will travel again, and you will find out what type of transport you will use by guessing the riddle.

Without acceleration it takes off into the heights, Reminds me of a dragonfly Takes flight Our Russian... (helicopter) -Why are we going to fly by helicopter?2) Before we take off, we must check that everything is in order. Let's make a helicopter from parts.

3) The following message was received on board the helicopter.Say the word. What is my name, tell me, I often hide in the rye, Modest wildflower, Blue-eyed... (cornflower)
-I don’t understand, guys, who are you? Bird catchers? Fishermen? What kind of net is in the yard? - Wouldn’t you interfere with the game, You’d better move away, We’re playing ... (volleyball)

Coloring – grayish, Habit – furtive, K ricunya hoarse - Famous person. This is ... (crow)
4) Our helicopter almost crashed. Look at how many parts it could have collapsed into.Color the parts with the letter B.
5) Our journey is coming to an end. It's time to land. And where to? We will find out by completing the following task. Our helicopter can land on cards with the same letters.

1) -Where do you think we will go on a trip today (the name has the letter F)?

What do you know about this continent?
2) The monkey is a very curious resident of Africa.She wants to know everything.-What are you going to tell her about the letter F?3) (work in pairs)We are greeted by another native African. He knows how to not only work with snakes, but alsoenchant letters. Find, among the letters, andread who is playing hide and seek with us.Who's playing hide and seek?KNO TIGER YAAZHO BEAR TsYYUH Woodpecker ANIYSL ENOTUSHKANCH IKMFEB WOLF ULD GUSINDYUK ITYY GOLDFINCH SJVB BUNNY BANIRSH HORSE ALUWARLUS POCHA JUKENGURU BIRSH ELK SCSIRUBEE SKACT GIRAFFE UFU LEVORON DEINY HERON JAGUSHKASLU

What does it mean to "catch crows"?-_Which of these animals lives in Africa?
4) The postman brought us a letter. Itcame from far away, from America. Residents of thiscontinent want this plant to grow and in Africa. -
Make up the name of the plant from the letters.

What do you know about cacti?
5) -What other birds live in Africa?The ostrich was in such a hurry to get to our lesson thatI mixed up all the letters. Show in colorCards with the same letters.

1) -Look at the words and tell me which letter we will learn today? *tincru*i? bootsfriend* *lasa berlo*a

2) Let's choose a travel route by reading a poem. Good summer time We wander through the forest with my sister. Even though you are tired from walking - We have mushrooms in the boxes. -Where are we going today?And the boletus mushroom will help us on our journey through the fabulous mushroom settlement. 3) -Let's try to make the letter G out of paper.
4) The boletus mushroom brought us unusual letters and asks us to make a word from these letters.

5) Reading syllables.-Unusual mushrooms grew in a forest clearing. Syllables are written on them. Let's read it.


6 ) The boletus mushroom led us to the mushroom settlementand asks to color his portrait.

N Our guest is Dolphin.

1) Let's color our portrait of our guest. (parts with letter D)

2) Our guest got lost in the ocean. Let's help him find the course he needs. To do this, you need to find and show cards with the same letters.

3) An unknown object at the heading. Let's help solve it.Say the word.I have a ton of friends,I can't count them myself.Because whoever comesHe will shake my hand.I'm glad to see people, believe me,I am friendly... (door)
The hedgehog has grown tenfoldIt turned out... (porcupine)
In the forest to the chirping and whistlingThe forest telegraph operator knocks:"Great, buddy blackbird!"And signs... (woodpecker)

Second lesson on the topic.

1) -Guess the riddle.

This only happens in a fairy tale:

The pumpkin carriage turns out big!

In a wonderful outfit, light, like a feather,

Meets the fairy-tale prince..... (Cinderella)

-Who are we going to visit today?

2) In order for Cinderella to go to the ball, we must complete the following task. Show cards with the same display color.

3) Say the word.Still needed for the ball Nice dress. After completing the next task, the godmother will give Cinderella a ball gown. He rushes without looking back, Only his heels sparkle. He rushes with all his might, His tail is shorter than his ear. Quickly, guess who it is?... (bunny)
Wake up early in the morning Together with the rosy sun, I make up the crib myself, I quickly do... (exercises)

On clear nights, a mother walks with her daughters. She doesn’t tell her daughters: “Go to bed, it’s late!” Because mother is the moon, And daughters are... (stars)

I sit, almost crying: Very difficult... (task)
Here is Cinderella in a beautiful ball gown and ready to go to the ball (music).

Our guest today is Hedgehog.

1) - What is Hedgehog often compared to? (with Christmas tree)The hedgehog received a letter containing strange letters. Make a word from these letters.

N Our guest is Baba Yaga.

1) Baba Yaga, flying over the school, enchanted the letters. Show cards with the same display.

2) Baba Yaga continues to create bad transformations. This time she enchanted the words. Let's break them down and read them.

3) Baba Yaga decided to do a good deed and revived the letter Y.Look how she turned out: cheerful, rosy, kind.
4) Letter I decided to thank Baba Yaga and treat her with berries, but in the clearing letters grow instead of berries. After reading the word, the berries will grow again.

5) In gratitude, the berries decided to give you the most excellent word for you. Read it.

Our guests today are chickens Tsyp and Tsypa.

1) Chickens learn to read syllables.

The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass.

And behind her are chickens - little kids.

- Chick - chick - chick! Here! Here!

I found a letter for you!

Cheerful A came running, the children squeaked... (TA)

The perky one came running Oh, the children squeaked... (CO)

Stubborn U came running, the children read... (TSU)

The arrogant one came running and the children read it... (CI)

2) The chickens decided to choose the same cards with the same letters so that no one would be offended.

3) The chickens decided to make a gift to their mother and give her a bouquet of flowers. But interesting flowers grow in the clearing. Look and read the word.

4) The chickens decided not to give such flowers to their mother,

and paint the flower and give it as a souvenir.

5) And the mother gave the children cookies from

geometric shapes. Let's make up

many colors.


1.V.V. Volin “Russian language. We learn by playing"

2. S.L. Morozov "Entertaining Grammar"

3.magazine Primary School»

4.newspaper "Elementary school"

5. “Mishutkin’s copybook” artist I.N. Prikhodko

6. Coloring pages “Funny copybooks” by artist O. Svyatkova

7. Coloring pages “Look and Color” by artist O. Svyatkova


Based on the natural logic of teaching children to read and write: sound - letter, reading - writing, all didactic games are divided accordingly into four groups: phonetic, graphic, grammatical, games that develop coherent oral speech. Learning task Carrying out games during the period of literacy training focuses on the formation of phonemic hearing in its various manifestations:
Establishing the sound being studied in words (“Whose voice”), determining the location of the sound (“Where is the sound hidden?”).
Coming up with words for a given syllable in a certain position. Ra ma
Ra on
By ra
Ko ra
Drawing up patterns of syllable mergers using colors: blue (hard consonant), green (soft consonant), red (vowel). And also the reverse task: name the syllable according to this scheme.
Game "Live Letters". Children are given letters, they must find a pair, and in such a way that a syllable is formed (using a reference consonant or vowel).
Compiling syllables from pictures, highlighting the first, last, and second sounds from the beginning of the syllable. For example, there are pictures showing a tiger and a deer. Children make up a syllable based on the first sounds (T), (O), come up with words with a given syllable, then-por, then-companion. Then they swap the pictures and find out which syllable they now have (the syllable from).
Children remember words with this syllable: answer, rest - at the beginning of the word, cat, sweat - at the end. Next we work with the word. Children are introduced to the concept of "word". Words can be short or long. The shortest are conjunctions and prepositions consisting of one letters U, I, K, V, S. For clarification lexical meaning words are given different tasks.
Selection of the right word to the semantic range: according to the supporting characteristics - fluffy, red, cunning... (fox).
Generalization of the concept: which word is extra and why? (summer, autumn, week).
Adding the desired word (Coat, hat, scarf-...).
Naming a common word (table, chair, cabinet-...).

Dividing words into syllables, counting the number of syllables in a word, highlighting the stressed syllable. Tapping two syllables, highlighting the stressed syllable with a loud knock. Children choose a word with the same number of syllables and with the stress on the same syllable: spring, winter, summer, autumn.
Selection of words for given patterns with vowel letters:
a - a - a - o - o - o - o - a
cancer - ra - ma - mo - lo - ko - o - sa

Composing a word from these syllables (the syllables are given in bulk). Eliminating unnecessary words: goose, gosling, goose, gander, caterpillar. Selection for this word related words: snow, snowball, snowy, snowman, snowmobile, snow retention. Replacing one sound (letter) in a word to get a new word: time, bark, hole, mountain. Reading words in reverse order: dream, hut.
The game "Who is faster, who is bigger?"
From every letter of this word come up with other words: donkey, wasp, elephant, elk, oriole, cow.
Game "Who can come up with the most words from a given word using only these letters?"
For example: literate (hero, sea, theme, March, mountain, mouth, magician, bargaining, din).
Selection of synonyms, antonyms, anonymous names.
Labor, work;
Day-night, high - low, far - close, running - walking.
Chanterelle is a mushroom, chanterelle is an animal.
Game "Put a word together."
What two words are hidden in one? Airplane (flies by itself), leaf fall (leaves fall), vacuum cleaner (sucks dust). Thus, use in educational process games and various tasks, the creation of a game situation in the lesson leads to the fact that children, unnoticed by themselves and without much effort, acquire certain knowledge, skills, abilities.

Taking into account the variability of individual games, based on the capabilities of the group, the teacher can choose the exercise necessary for the lesson. Such as: “What does a letter look like”, “Learn by playing”, “Entertaining material (tongue twisters, riddles, proverbs, etc.)”, “Dictionary (catchwords and expressions, origin of words)”.

In order for children to remember a letter better, you can invite them to fantasize about what it looks like, lay it out from counting sticks, pluck it from paper, cut it from a folded piece of paper, transforming already known letters (for example, zh (beetle) comes from k, f - from p, t - from g). Children fill in the missing letter elements by playing “Put the Letters Correctly.”
"Sound" games
(“Who is more attentive?” - for isolating and identifying sounds, “Who is more?” - for composing a word with a studied sound, and so on) develop the child’s phonemic hearing, form the ability to consciously perform sound analysis of a word, develop memory, attention, and observation. In games like “Say the Word,” kids are not only interested in the sound side of the word (searching for rhythm, beauty of sound), but also seriously think about its meaning and expressiveness. In the games "Tom - Tim" (or "Stone-Vata"), children try to accurately complete the task of distinguishing a hard or soft consonant. You can play the game "Roll Call", inviting only those children whose first or last name contains the sound being studied to stand up. This will be a little physical education at the same time.

The poetic form of vocabulary material (funny poems, rhyming exercises, rules in poetry, and so on) has a beneficial effect on the development of optimal tempo and rhythm of speech, gradually developing interest in poetry, poetry, Russian speech, and language.

Tongue twisters help children develop phonemic hearing and memory, as well as how important it is to correctly pronounce each sound in a word. You need to practice pronouncing sounds, memorize tongue twisters, pronouncing them first slowly and loudly, then quieter and faster, almost in a whisper. At each lesson, children must learn one or two tongue twisters. Using tongue twisters, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, funny poems, the teacher reinforces correct pronunciation sounds for children, develops diction, and promotes the development of the vocal apparatus and speech rate.

Preschoolers love to listen to fairy tales and write their own adventures. The fairy-tale form allows for unusual fairy-tale situations. Through fairy tale elements, the teacher can find a way into the child’s emotional sphere. Meeting children with the heroes of fairy tales does not leave them indifferent. They come to visit children, offering Interesting games, fairy-tale characters, for example, when studying the letters A - Aibolit, B - Snow White, C - Winnie the Pooh, G - Dwarfs and so on, or Merry men: Petrushka - smart and resourceful, a wonderful actor and a merry fellow; Murzilka, who brings entertaining material in his briefcase in the form of puzzles, crosswords, and charades. The cheerful Pencil, who knows how to draw magical pictures that come to life with the help of children, also comes to visit the children. Besides, he always has a lot interesting stories, fairy tales about letters. Sometimes Dunno also comes, mischievous, funny, he plays pranks, is lazy and does not want to study, makes mistakes.

The desire to help a hero in trouble, to understand a fairy-tale situation - all this stimulates the child’s mental activity, develops interest in the subject, observation, reconstructive imagination, the ability to empathize, imaginative memory, a sense of humor, forms the ability to master evaluative terminology (cunning, stupid, greedy and so on), gives birth to the ability to be surprised, to see the unusual in the ordinary.

Using didactic games with punched cards in working with children preschool age on literacy

Author of the work: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery
Description of work: didactic games with punched cards are designed for children 5-7 years old to teach the elements of literacy. This material will be useful for educators, speech therapists, and parents in working with preschoolers.
Target: teaching literacy to preschoolers through the use of didactic games with punched cards.
- improve phonemic perception, skills of sound and syllabic analysis of words, sentences, reading words, sentences;
- develop graphic skills.

The main activity of preschool children is play. The use of didactic games with punched cards makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, and activates children's activities.
Card- This is an individual laminated or filed task card made of paper or cardboard. The child completes the tasks using a felt-tip pen or marker. After checking, the lines can be easily removed with a sponge.

The advantage of punched cards over a simple task card is their repeated use.
Using punch cards allows you to:
- consolidate the material covered;
- quickly check the mastery of the material;
- develop independence and fine motor skills;
- activate children’s mental activity and attention;
- consider individual characteristics preschoolers.
- on one's own;
- in pairs - children exchange punch cards and check each other’s assignments;
- frontally - the teacher hangs a sample of a correctly completed task on the board, the children compare it with the sample.
Punch cards can be used:
- teachers in subgroup and individual lessons,
- teachers and parents of preschool children in independent activities in kindergarten and at home.
Didactic games with punched cards have a developmental, educational and educational value. This is their practical value.

Didactic game “Find the letter”
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and letters on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children connect each picture with a line to the letter with which its name begins.

Didactic game “Find the picture”
Target: improving sound-letter analysis skills.
Equipment: punched cards, on which letters are depicted on the left, and objects on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children connect each letter with a line to an object whose name begins with that letter.

Didactic game “Hard-Soft”
Target: Development of phonemic perception (differentiation of sounds [b] - [b])
Equipment: punched cards that show a letter and pictures whose names begin with a hard or soft consonant.
Progress of the game. Children determine with what sound the name of an object begins. If the first sound is a hard consonant, circle the picture with a blue felt-tip pen. If the first sound is a soft consonant, the picture is circled with a green felt-tip pen.

Differentiation of sounds [l] - [l]

Didactic game “Choose a sound scheme”
Target: improving sound analysis skills.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and on the right - diagrams of sound analysis of words, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children connect with a line each picture with a sound diagram that matches the name of the depicted object.

Didactic game “Find the place of the sound in the word”
Target: improving sound analysis skills (determining the place of sound in a word).
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and on the right - diagrams of the location of sounds in words, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children determine the place of the sound [p] in a word (beginning, middle, end) and connect it with a line to the corresponding diagram.

Children determine the place of the sound [s] in a word (beginning, middle, end) and connect it with a line to the corresponding diagram.

Didactic game “Count the syllables”
Target: improving syllabic analysis skills.
Option 1.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and numbers on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children divide the names of objects into syllables and connect them with a line to a number that indicates the number of syllables in the word.

Option 2.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and syllabic patterns on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children divide the names of objects into syllables and connect them with a line to a syllabic diagram, which indicates the number of syllables in a word.

Didactic game “Match the picture to the syllable”
Target: improving the skills of syllabic analysis and reading syllables.
Equipment: punched cards, on which objects are depicted on the left, and syllables are printed on the right, in the middle there is a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children look at the pictures and connect each picture with a line to the syllable with which its name begins.

Didactic game “Match the syllable to the picture”
Target: improving skills of syllabic analysis, reading syllables
Equipment: punched cards, on which syllables are printed on the left, and objects are depicted on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children read the syllables and connect each syllable with a line to an object whose name begins with that syllable.

Didactic game “Guess the word”
Target: improving word reading skills.
Equipment: punched cards, on which words with a missing letter are printed on the left, and objects on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children add the missing letter (L) at the beginning or end of the word, read it and connect it with a line to the corresponding picture.

Didactic game “The word has crumbled”
Target: improving skills in composing and reading words.
Equipment: punched cards, on which letters from words are printed on the left, and objects on the right, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children make words from letters, print them in boxes and connect them with a line to the corresponding picture.

Didactic game “Find the sentence pattern”
Target: improving skills in analyzing and reading sentences.
Equipment: punched cards, on which sentences are printed on top, and sentence diagrams are shown below, in the middle - a strip for writing, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game. Children read the sentence and connect a line to the corresponding diagram.

Games. Literacy Education Appendix

The material for the games and their content can be changed in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and the capabilities of the students. It is advisable to illustrate each of the games and use various toys (ball, doll, etc.).

Brief description of didactic games used in the learning process for schoolchildren (adaptive stage of schooling)

Game 1. “Half a word is up to you”

Goal: To develop schoolchildren’s speech, expand their vocabulary, and develop phonemic awareness.

Game 2. “Describe the object”

Goal: Acquaintance with the concepts of “properties and characteristics of objects”, developing the ability to guess an object by its characteristics.

Game 3. “I know”

Goals: Development of students’ speech, replenishment of vocabulary, development of observation and attention.

I know five boys' names:

Sasha - once,

Dima - two,

Igor - three,

Denis - four,

Volodya - five.

Game 4. “Guess what you showed” (pantomime)

Goal: To develop attention, observation, speech, patience.

Game 5. “Decipher the letter”

Goal: Development of observation, attention, ability to concentrate on finding the required letter or syllable.

Game 6. “Who is better”

The game is organized on the basis of game 5, where the children themselves encrypt the words using the icons proposed by the teacher. We solve the words together, finding out who was able to encrypt the word better.

Game 7. “Who is more observant”

Goal: Consolidating knowledge about letters and sounds, searching for letters in the text, developing attention and observation skills.

Game 8. “Write a fairy tale about an object.”

Goal: Development of students’ speech, replenishment of vocabulary.

Game 9. “Day - Night”

Goal: Development of students’ speech, ability to focus on finding the necessary concept.

Game 10. “Make friends with the letter”

Children combine sounds into syllables orally, and in writing they write down pairs of letters (syllables are mergers)

Game 11. “Let’s go for a visit”

Children are divided into groups: hosts and guests. "Hosts" must greet "guests" using " magic words" “The guests respond in kind.”

Game 12. “Make a word”

Children make up words from the syllables suggested by the teacher. Syllables can be brightly and colorfully illustrated. For example, in the form of balls or flowers that need to be collected in one bunch or bouquet.

Game 13. “Put it in order”

A series of illustrations are offered, related to the same theme, but laid out incorrectly. Children must determine which of the illustrations depicts what happened earlier or later, i.e. arrange in order.

Game 14. “Fairy-tale possessions of the Rainbow. Describe"

Children describe the objects around them, using knowledge about the colors of the rainbow, trying to describe this or that object as vividly as possible.

Game 15. “Hammers”

Children “tap” the rhythm of words, striking each vowel sound in the words pronounced by the teacher, with a stick on the table, highlighting the stressed sound. The game helps to consolidate knowledge about vowel sounds and stress.

Game 16. “The letter got lost”

Children must “correct” words where the letters are mixed up, putting them in their proper place.

The game promotes the development of attention, observation, as well as the development of phonemic hearing.

Game 17. “Time got angry and went away. Catch up"

Children transform phrases, words, sentences using the categories “before, after, then, now.” Make up your own sentences, correct incorrectly constructed phrases suggested by the teacher.

Game 18. “When it happens”

Children guess the season (spring, summer, winter, autumn) based on changes in nature indicated by the teacher. During the game, time categories are repeated. Illustrations may be used.

Game 19. “Bells”

The point of the game is to search for voiced consonants in words pronounced by the teacher. Children pretend to be bells that ring for every voiced consonant sound. The game promotes the development of attention and phonemic hearing in children.

Game 20. “Correct the mistakes”

The point of the game is to search for sounds or letters that were incorrectly indicated by the fairy-tale guest (Dunno, Pinocchio). The game is illustrated.

Game 21. “Words”

The teacher asks questions what? Who? Which? what is he doing? and others. Children find words that answer the question asked. The game uses a ball that is passed to the children who answer.

Game 22. “Knots for memory”

Children each tie knots on their own string, remembering rules, questions, sounds and letters. Everything is commented out loud. The material is selected by the teacher.

Exercises for speech development

Hearing development.

If a child poorly distinguishes sounds by ear, pronounces them distortedly or replaces them with others, then he will not be able to clearly imagine the sound appearance of the word itself. In this case, the following group of exercises will be useful to you.

Exercise No. 1. “Name the words” (for the development of auditory differentiation).

Task No. 1.
“Name as many words as possible that begin with the sound A” (T, O, R, K, etc.).

Task No. 2.
“Name as many words as possible that end with the sound P” (I, O, S, L, etc.).

Task No. 3.
“Name as many words as possible that have the sound L in the middle” (N, E, G, B, F, etc.).

Exercise No. 2. “Clap-clap” (teaching sound analysis of words).

This exercise also has several task options.

1. “Now I will tell you words, and as soon as you hear a word that begins with the sound S (V, O, G, D, W, etc.), you will immediately clap your hands.”

Option: the child must “catch” the sound with which the word ends, or the sound in the middle of the word.

Cottage, cat, hat, fox, road, beetle, window, lump, plate, bread, rain, linden, lamp, river, hair, etc.

2. “Now I will tell you the words, and as soon as you hear a word that contains the sound K, clap your hands once. If you hear the sound G in the word, clap your hands twice.”

It is better to start the exercise at a slow pace and gradually increase the speed.

Cow, jelly, mountain, mink, guitar, boot, bitch, hand, caught up, pushed, etc.

This exercise will also help you check how your child is doing with his reaction.

Exercise No. 3. “Playing with the word” (teaching the sound form of a word).

Task No. 1.
“Come up with a word that begins/ends with the same sound as in the word “frog”, “flag”, “table”, etc.”

Task No. 2.
“Name the first/last sound in the word “ray”, “strength”, “sofa”, etc.”

Task No. 3.
“Name all the sounds in order in the word “sky”, “cloud”, “roof”, etc.”

Task No. 4.
“What sound in the word “fish” is second, fourth, first, third? (chair, carpet, shell, cloud), etc.”

Exercise No. 4. "Confusion".

"Listen carefully to the poem.

Ask your child: “Which words are mixed up? Why? How are these words similar to each other? How are they different?”

You can give your child a little hint, but the main thing is to lead him to the idea that one sound can completely change the meaning of a word.

Exercise No. 5. "Come up with a new word."

Assignment: “I’ll now tell you a word, and you try to change the second sound in it so that you get a new word. For example: house is smoke.”
Words to change: sleep, juice, drank, chalk.
Words to change the first sound: dot, bow, varnish, day, pedal, layout.
Words to change the last sound: cheese, sleep, bough, poppy, stop.

Exercise No. 6. "Circle".

It will be useful to you if your child cannot write.

Assignment: “Now we will write down several words, but not in letters, but in circles. How many sounds are in the word, so many circles you will draw. Say the word “poppy”. How many circles should you draw? Three.”

Sample: MAK - 000

Attention: when choosing words for the exercise, try to ensure that the number of sounds in them matches the number of letters. So, in the word “horse” there are 4 letters and three sounds - [k - o - n "]. Such words can cause difficulties for a child.

Words for dictation: grass, paper, pen, bun, stick, chamomile, star, pine, telephone, tablet.

Exercise No. 7. "Longer, shorter."

Assignment: “Now we will compare words. I will say two words at a time, and you will decide which one is longer. Just remember that you need to compare words, and not the things that they mean. You know that a word is not a thing. For example, the word “nose”. You can say it, or you can write it, but you can’t breathe with it, it’s only a word. And with a real nose you can breathe, but you can’t write or read it.”

Words for comparison: table - table, pencil - pencil, mustache - mustache, dog - dog, tail - tail, snake - snake, worm - worm.

Vocabulary development.

The quality and quantity of a child’s vocabulary largely determines the level of speech development as a whole. It is very important for you to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in memory reserve) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is very important that the child knows what meanings a word has and knows how to use it correctly in independent speech. The exercises offered here will help you do this.

Exercise No. 8. "Word Game"

Task No. 1 .
“Name as many words as possible for fruits” (vegetables, trees, flowers, wild and domestic animals and birds, toys, tools, furniture, professions, etc.).

Task No. 2.

“Now I will tell you the words, and you will tell me what this object can do.
A blizzard is blowing, and thunder is ..., wind is ..., and snow is ..., rain is ..., and the sun is ....

Don’t forget to ask with each answer: “What else does the sun do, it doesn’t just shine?” Let the child choose as many words as possible that denote the action.

Then you can repeat the same game in reverse: “Who flies? Who swims? Who hammers nails? Who catches mice?”

Exercise No. 9. "Sign".

Task No. 1.

“Tell me, if an object is made of iron, what is it called, what is it?”

iron -
paper -
tree -
snow -
fluff -
glass -

Task No. 2.

“Name another object that is as white as snow.”
(As narrow as a ribbon; as fast as a river; as round as a ball; as yellow as a melon).

Task No. 3.

to taste - lemon and honey, onion and apple;
by color - cloves and chamomile, pear and plum;
in terms of strength - rope and thread, stone and clay;
in width - road and path, river and stream;
in height - a bush and a tree, a mountain and a hill."

Exercise No. 10. "Guessing game."

Assignment: "Guess the riddle:

Flies, squeaks,
His long legs are dragging,
The opportunity will not be missed -
He will sit down and bite.

Round, striped,
Taken from the garden.
Sugar and scarlet became -
Eat, please.

How did you guess what we were talking about? Try to describe some object to me yourself, and I will try to guess who or what it is."

Exercise No. 11. "Words-buddies" (exercise on synonyms).

Task No. 1.

“What do you think is another way to say something about a sad person?” (Sad)
"Valuable - what is it? Hard - what is it?"

Task No. 2.

“What word can replace the word “horse”? The word “doctor”, “cup”, “food”?

Task No. 3.

"Which word is superfluous, does not fit other words? Why?"

Sad, sorrowful, dejected, deep
Brave, loud , bold, courageous
Weak, brittle,
long , fragile
far , durable, reliable

If your child does not understand the meaning of a word, explain it.

Exercise No. 12. “Enemy words” (exercise on antonyms).

Assignment: “Say the opposite:

cold, clean, hard, thick;
dull, wet, senior, light;
spacious, enemy, top, lose;
raise, day, morning, spring;
winter, tomorrow, early, close;
low, rare, slow, joyful;
dark, sat down, took it, found it;
forgot, dropped, messed, straightened.

Exercise No. 13. “One and many” (changing words according to numbers).

Task No. 1.

“Now we will play this game: I will name one object with a word, and you name the word so that you get many objects. For example, I will say “pencil”, and you should say “pencils”.

book, pen, lamp;
city, chair, ear;
child, person, glass;
name, spring, friend.

Task No. 2.

“Now let’s try the other way around. I will say a word that denotes many objects, and you will say one.”

claws, clouds, warriors, leaves;
flowers, saws, well done, stems.

Exercise No. 14. "Decrease".

Assignment: “Tell me what the name of the small object will be? A small ball is a ball, and small table - ...".

grass, hand, shoulder, sun, bank;
chair, book, flag, cup, hat.

Exercise No. 15. "Finish the word."

Assignment: “Guess what word I want to say? By...” (Pillow)
Syllables with which words can begin: za, mi, mu, lo, pri, ku, zo, che, etc.

Exercise No. 16. "Explain the word."

Assignment: “I want to find out how many words you know. Tell me, what is a bicycle?”
knife, hat, ball, letter;
umbrella, pillow, nail, donkey;
fur, diamond, connect, shovel;
sword, trouble, brave, hero;
poem, gambling.

The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child not only to recognize new words through explanation, but also to clearly express thoughts, indicating the main type of use of the object, describing its characteristics.
You can do all these exercises several times, completing the rows of words yourself.

Development of grammatical skills.

The next block of exercises is aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech. Training tasks will help your child learn to write correctly. simple sentences, correctly connect speech structures, understand the sequence of events in the text.

Exercise No. 17. "Who what?" (drawing up proposals for different models).

Assignment: “Try to make a sentence that says

Who? What is he doing? What?

For example: The cat laps milk."

Who? What is he doing? What? How? (The gardener waters the flowers with water)
Who? What is he doing? What? To whom? (The girl sews a dress for the doll)

Exercise No. 18. "Finish the sentence."

Assignment: “Try to guess the end of the phrase.”

The children ate... There is paper and paper on the table... Gree grow in the forest... . Flowers grow in the garden... . We have a rooster and... . In winter it can be hot... .

Exercise No. 19. “Add words” (spreading sentences).

Assignment: “Now I’ll say a sentence. For example, “mom is sewing a dress.” What do you think can be said about the dress, what kind of dress is it (silk, summer, light, orange)? If we add these words, how will the phrase change?”

The girl feeds the dog. Thunder rumbles in the sky. The boy drinks juice.

Exercise No. 20. “Make a phrase” (forming sentences from words).

Task No. 1.

"Make up sentences using the following words:

funny puppy, full basket, ripe berries, funny song,
thorny bush, forest lake."

Task No. 2.

“The words in the sentence are mixed up. Try to put them in their place. What will happen?”

1. Smoke, coming, pipes, from.
2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.
3. Standing, in a vase, flowers, in.
4. Nuts, in, squirrel, hollow, hiding.

Exercise No. 21. "The Missing Words"

Assignment: “Now I’ll read you a story. But some words are lost in it. Try to guess which ones.”

1. Silence reigns in the dense _____. Black ________ covered the sun. The birds fell silent. It's about to go ________.

2. Winter. All paths are covered with fluffy _______. The river was dressed in smooth _______. The guys built a high __________. _______ sleds are rushing fast. A sharp _______ hits the children in the ______. The frost stings _______. ________ are not afraid of frost. Their ________ are burning with joy.

3. The weather is hot: the sky is _______, the sun is shining _______. Kolya and Olya go for a walk in the ______ field. They listen to little ________ singing there. They collect ________. Suddenly the sky becomes dark and is covered with large ________. The little children are in a hurry to return ____. But before they could arrive, ______ erupted. The children were scared ________ thunder. They knocked on one ______ to hide from strong _______, since they do not have ________ with them and their clothes are completely _______.

Exercise No. 22. "Find the mistake."

Task No. 1.

“Listen to the sentences and tell me if everything in them is correct.”

In winter, apple trees bloomed in the garden.
Below them lay an icy desert.
In response, I nod my hand at him.
The plane is here to help people.
I soon succeeded by car.
The boy broke the ball with glass.
After the mushrooms there will be rain.
In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.
The snow was covered with a lush forest.

Task No. 2.

“How should the sentence be corrected?”

Exercise No. 23. "Explain."

Assignment: “Listen to the phrase:

The dog goes to the kitchen. She drinks the cat's milk. The cat is unhappy.

Explain why the cat is unhappy.

Petya went to the cinema after finishing reading the book.

What did Petya do earlier: read a book or go to the cinema? Explain.

Vanya drew Sasha. Sasha was drawing a house.

Who drew what? Explain."

Exercise No. 24. "What is meant?" (training to understand figurative meaning).

"Tell me how you understand these expressions:

iron ax - iron Man
golden arrow - golden hands
poisonous bite- poisonous look
sharp knife - sharp word
low table- low action
stale bread- a callous person".

Exercise No. 25. "Right or wrong?"

Assignment: “Do you think it’s possible to say that?”

Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.
When they want to buy something, they lose money.
Grandparents live under a house on the edge of the forest.
There is a beautiful carpet on the floor.

Ask your child: “Why are the sentences inaccurate?”

Exercise No. 26. "Where is the beginning of the story?"

The child needs to establish the sequence of events from a series of pictures. Show your child a series of pictures

Assignment: “Look, all these pictures are connected. But they are mixed up. Find where the beginning and end of the story are, and tell me what it is about.”

Exercise No. 27. "A story from a picture."

Give your child the opportunity to carefully look at the picture and ask him to tell the story depicted in it. This exercise should be repeated as often as possible, using any drawings that are interesting to the child.

Here are some rules that are important to follow when writing a story.

It is important to teach the child to see and highlight the main thing in the content, the features of the story. Help your child by asking questions.

What is this picture about?
- Who is the main character?
- What's happening?
- What heroes are drawn in the picture?
- What is their character?
- What can you call this story?

With the same success, you can add text retelling training to this exercise. You read a short story (up to 20 sentences) to your child, then ask him to retell what he heard. At the same time, watch how the child understood the main meaning of the story, whether he can express it verbally, whether he finds it easily the right words whether he allows incorrect grammatical forms in his speech, or uses complex sentences.

Exercise No. 28. "Pick a rhyme."

First, check if the child knows what a rhyme is. Explain that two words rhyme with each other if they end the same, for example, ox - goal.

Invite your child to independently choose a rhyme for the words:

porridge, howl, pillow, juice;
snow, cat, circle, bowl;
river, cloud, barrel.

The child needs to choose at least three rhymes for each word.

Exercise No. 29. "Make a proposal."

Assignment: “Now we will connect several sentences together. For example, I pronounce the sentence: “It is raining in the forest. Thunder rumbles." These sentences can be connected using a small bridge word "and", then the two will turn out to be one. "It rains in the forest and thunder rumbles."
Now try it yourself."

The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing.

There are more possible variant for this exercise: ask your child to complete the sentence.

The children went out for a walk and...

Using the same scheme, you can train your child to compose sentences with conjunctions “a”, “but”, “although”, “but”, “if, ... then”.

Games. Speech development

Serious problems arise in school due to students' lack of literacy. To prevent the occurrence of such problems or to help children overcome such difficulties, it is necessary to begin work as early as possible with the development of their spelling vigilance. Targeted learning to detect spellings begins mainly in the process of sound-letter analysis of words. The following exercises are useful for developing the corresponding skill:

1. Games: “Find a dangerous place”

I will pronounce the words, and you will clap as soon as you hear a sound that cannot be trusted when writing. And what sound(s) cannot be trusted? How to find it? (It is necessary to determine whether the word has an unstressed vowel sound. If there is, then there is a “dangerous place”. If there are two unstressed vowels, then there are two “ dangerous places A".

"Traffic light"

Show a red traffic light or turn on a red light as soon as you find a “dangerous place”.

"Light the beacon"

Carrying out a sound analysis with drawing up a diagram in which “dangerous places” are indicated, i.e. Red signals (circles) are placed under the “dangerous places”. At the same time, using the question (“How will you look for “dangerous places”?”) necessary method actions.

2. Following the sound analysis, printing or laying out words from the letters of the split alphabet with the omission of “dangerous places”. At the same time, attention is again drawn to the method of action: “If the sound can be trusted, I indicate it with a letter, if not, I put a danger signal in its place.”

To improve the speech apparatus, the following tongue twisters, quatrains, and rhymes can be used:


At the market early in the morning

I bought a lamb bagel:

For lambs, for sheep

TEN poppy rings,

NINE dryers,

EIGHT buns,

SEVEN cakes,

SIX cheesecakes,

FIVE cakes,

FOUR crumpets,

THREE cakes,

TWO gingerbreads

And I bought ONE roll -

I didn’t forget about myself!

And for the little wife -


2. FORTY FORTY (tongue twister)

forty forty

For their own people

Forty shirts

Without quarreling, they scribble.

Forty shirts

Stitched on time -

We immediately quarreled

Forty forty.

3. A - Open your mouth wider,

We raise our hands up.

U - Lips with a tube forward.

And hands forward.

4. Rustle, whispering, noise under the window,

Light spanking...

Who is this dwarf?


There, behind the curtains,

Near the window

A nimble little mouse

Silence rustles.

5. I’m still shaking with fear!

The log exclaimed,

The letter looks like an axe!

It will definitely split!

6. The train rushes along, grinding:

what - what - what,

same - what - now.

7. In the mornings my brother


Three little rabbits in the grass


8. Say in one breath:



To successfully study vowel sounds and letters, the technique of learning “singing” is used:

The following triangle is drawn on the board:



Children first sing the sounds of the upper floor: E-Y-U and watch how their mouth opens while singing. They conclude that the mouth does not open very much, only a little. The result is “narrow” vowel sounds.

Then the children sing the sounds of the middle floor: E-O. We noticed that the mouth opens normally, as usual, averagely. This means that these are “middle” vowel sounds.

Finally, they sing the vowel of the lower floor: A. Here the mouth opens wide, and the children call this sound “wide.”

This game will help children discover the secret of vowel pronunciation. It turns out that all vowel sounds are mouth openers! This conclusion will help you learn how to correctly determine the number of syllables in words by placing your palm under your chin.

Games. Reading. Literacy training.

During classes, the following tasks are used to enhance mental activity:

1. Reading the syllabic table

(at fast and slow pace)













FA... I






6. Game with the word KOLOBOK

(stake, forehead, side, eye)

7. Answer quickly!

Loud, fast, cheerful... (ball)

Delicious, scarlet, juicy... (watermelon)

Brown, clumsy, club-footed...(bear)

Yellow, red, autumn... (leaves)

8. Change the word using the technique of increasing and replacing letters:

Believe - the door is a beast

Riding - star - trains

Networks are children, Lena – Lina

9. “Where are the numbers, where are the letters?”

Select only letters.

Make a word out of them

I 1 8 G 6

R 10 U 5 Sh

4 K 2 A 7

10. Pure sayings

Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean.

Te-te-te - put down your sewing.

That's it - we started playing lotto.

At-at-at - we're going for a walk

At-at-at - we take a scooter with us

Cha-cha-cha - a candle is burning in the room.

Chu-chu-chu - I knock with a hammer.

Ooch-och-och - night has come.

Tso-tso-tso -On the hand ring

Tsy-tsy-tsy-the cucumbers are ripe

Ets-ets-ets - a very tasty cucumber

Learning to read and write is one of the most crucial periods in a child’s life. And the result of learning largely depends on the teacher, on his patience, kindness, and affection. We must give the child the opportunity to believe in own strength. Training should not be related to negative emotions in communication with the teacher. Each of the students should feel success, know the joy of “discovery” for themselves and with desire and good mood go to every lesson. Let the student think, fantasize, create!