Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough (2)

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Act 1

Brakk's puzzle

It means that each word means one letter. You'll find hints of conversations with a rat just outside the room.

Word 1

  • BRACCUS (Braccus): B (bloody), R (rotten), A (thieving), C (very), C (very), U (terrible), S (guy)
  • CUR (Mongrel): very, terrible, rotten

    Word 2

  • SOURCE: S (disaster), O (devil), U (suffering), R (poison), C (hex), E (curse)
  • CURE: procession, suffering, burn, curse

    Braccus Tower

    There are several different puzzles in this location, the solutions to which you will find below:

    Closed gate next to the statue

    You will need to flip the lever that is hidden in the room on the other side of the main hall.

    You can get to it by clicking on the sewer grate door (the easiest way to get to it is to use the jump skill rather than messing around with the door and fireballs).


    Here you just need to fill the well. To do this, use a rain spell on him.


    To do this, you just need to take one point of the “Source” resource and add it to the “Mysterious Technique”, which is located next to the barrier.


    To heal the historian, you need to put him on a bloody surface - use the "Rain of Blood" spell. Then cast the Blessing spell on the blood. Alternatively, you can use the Flesh Sacrifice spell several times and then teleport the Historian onto the blood. Lastly, you can attack a teammate near the Historian and then teleport them for blood.

    Cursed Lever (where you save Gareth)

    All you have to do is bless the lever. As far as I know, it is impossible to save the soldier.

    Act 2

    Cemetery (Ryker area)

    Stunning Tomb

    To take the contents of the coffin, you must use the Ice Armor spell on yourself. To free Kanna, talk to her, or kill her, throw a buff on her.

    Flaming Chest

    Talk to the salamander in Riker's house to find out the password. To do this, you must be a lizard and be able to speak with animals (the “Animal Friend” skill). Once you know the password, go back to the burning chest and use a rain spell on either side of the flaming lizards. I think this is enough, but in addition you can also bless the water. Then talk to the chest.



    Talk to the chest:

    Joanna's grave

    The first thing you need to do is find two buttons that allow you to open the wall to the tomb.

    Button 1:

    Button 2:

    Once you've done that, place some of your equipment (I used a potty, but you can do this with equipment, it won't hurt) on the huge button in the farthest room. After this, use Spiritual Vision to see the levers on the wall. The combination for opening the hatch is middle lever, left lever, right lever.



    House of Mordus - "Elemental Puzzle"

    Use Spiritual Vision to see the solution (which appears at the top of the block of squares).

    Spiritual Vision:


    Burning Prophet Statue

    Light all the torches at the same time using a fireball or something like that.


    Act 3

    Mini-game in Luciana's Tomb

    The solution is presented in the screenshot below. It is worth adding that you may encounter a bug - blood is not blessed, even after passing through blessed fire.

    To solve this problem, use two teleportation pyramids. Throw one of them behind the blue barrier, then teleport to it, use the jump and get to the end of the blood pipe to bless it manually.

    Act 4

    Mini-game in Luciana's Altar

    Set up the pipes as shown in the screenshot below. After which, you must fill the central bowl with blood - use the grate next to the altar (the “Bloody Rain” spell will help you). Then bless the cup with a spell.

    Interact with the altar again and choose the first option, after which the blood will begin to flow through the pipes.

  • Extortion

    Immediately after you enter the ghetto of Fort Joy, you will notice three characters talking with each other. If you intervene in the conversation, you will find out that the elf girl Elodie is late with the monthly payment that absolutely all residents must make to the camp overseer. Because of this, he sent two thugs to her, who were supposed to find and extract money from the girl.

    Choice #1: Help Elodie

    If you side with the girl, the thugs will start a fight with you. They will start attacking Elodie first, so you need to act quickly and efficiently. Before starting a conversation, it is best to approach them at the minimum allowable distance, thanks to this you will not have to lose precious action points on approaching during the battle.

    After you win the battle, Elodie will take you to the Caves, where you will learn some interesting facts about this location. After you complete your dialogue, the girls will reward you with a severed head. If you have an elf in your party, you can use their talent “Corpse Eater” to enrich your abilities.

    Reward: 480 experience points and a severed head. Plus, if you proceed to the cave, you will be rewarded with several other items and one of four to choose from.

    Choice #2: Kill Elodie

    If you side with the thugs, you will fight against Elodie on their side. The elf is dangerous, but should not pose a serious threat to you, and it is very likely that she will attack the thugs first. The main thing is not to rush and not to attack first.

    If you help the thugs kill Elodie, you will receive experience points for the battle (half the previous choice), but no additional gratitude or reward.

    Reward: 240 experience points.

    Choice #3: Stay impartial

    If you started the conversation, but in the end decided that you want to remain impartial, you will witness a deal between Elodie and the thugs and further escape. Subsequently, you will find the elf in the Caves, but you will not be able to talk to her.

    Reward: none.

    Choice #4: Ignore the quest

    If you do not take any available actions, then after some time you will find Elodie’s corpse in the location. This will make the quest no longer available.

    Reward: none.

    Mother's nightmare

    Near the gates of Fort Joy you will meet Farah, who is looking for her child. If you ask her if you can provide any help, she will give you her daughter's doll and ask you to find the child.

    Next to her is Jet. If you talk to him, he will say that Farah really needs help, but not in finding the child. He says that the woman went crazy after losing her daughter, since Erma died some time ago and she was never at Fort Joy.

    You can go to Farah and tell her that Erma is dead. Farah will quickly realize that you have spoken to her companion and will accuse him of lying. This will end the quest.

    Reward: 480 experience points.

    Geist killer

    On one of the defensive walls right at the entrance to Fort Joy you will find Magister Arnica. After talking to her, he will ask you if you have seen Migo, her companion. Regardless of how the dialogue develops, she will offer you to find Migo. Arnika will also say that it is not worth returning without information about Migo.

    Below you will find all available quest scenarios:

    • Kill Migo.
    • Reunite the family.

    Kill Migo

    Migo can be found in the pool of blood on the beach near Fort Joy. It turns out that he has turned into a monster that eats corpses. He will not attack you until you decide to communicate with him.

    Migo is a very demanding enemy that, in addition to dealing high melee damage, can also use AoE abilities. Fighting against him may cost you a lot of healing items, but eventually you should defeat him. Migo drops a ring and a helmet.

    Take the ring and take it to Master Yarrow. Regardless of whether you tell her that you killed Migo or lie, you will have to prove that you are telling the truth by showing the ring. It is very important that the ring is equipped on the main character. After the conversation, the quest will be completed and you will receive experience points. Reward: 300 experience points.

    Reunite the family

    The second option for this quest is only possible if one of your party members has an Arnica flower. One of these plants can be found in the ruins near the tower, where you will meet Master Borris (according to the plot). Standing in front of the tower, go right, just a few steps away there will be ruins. If you have difficulty searching, do not forget that you can hold down the ALT key to select active objects (items).

    Start a conversation with Migo and give him the flower using the appropriate dialogue line. The beast will confuse you with someone else and give you the ring. Return to Magister Arnika and tell her that you have found her companion. After you show the master the ring, you will be rewarded and the woman will go to the beach to find out if you told the truth.

    If you follow her and talk to her on the beach, she will give you a key that can be used to open one of the doors in the fort. This is how the quest ends.

    Reward: 600 experience points and a master's key.

    Captive Elf

    You will begin the quest after speaking with Saheila, assuming she survived her encounter with Loshe. It turns out that a woman can predict the future. If you don't doubt her abilities, you will unlock a dialogue in which you can ask her how to escape from Fort Joy. She will tell you that the escape is connected with her friend, an elf named Amiro, who lived in the Caves, but was kidnapped by Griff, the commandant of the camp. If you agree to find him, she will give you another clue that a lizard is involved in all this.

    You can find Amiro in the camp kitchen area, but it turns out that Camp Commander Griff put him in prison. If you try to talk to the elf, Griff will join the conversation. If you agree to return the goods that were allegedly stolen by Amir, then Griff will allow you to talk with the elf. The elf will say that he had nothing to do with the theft and will state that he planned to escape from Fort Joy. He promises that he will show you a way to escape if you help him get out of the cage. In addition, the elf will give you a hint - the one who stole the materials is constantly clearing his throat.

    Return materials

    To return stolen items, go to the Caves. Once you reach them, head west to find a small cape with a fishing camp.

    The theft was carried out by a lizard named Stingtail, which you will find in the camp. To return things, you will need a character with conviction, so study the characteristics of your party members before starting a conversation. Alternatively, you can also use a character with high agility.

    If there is a Red Prince lizard in your squad, then let him talk to the dreamer. This will advance your companion's quest.

    After you wake up the lizard, ask if he knows anything about the supplies that were stolen from the camp kitchen. This will start a dialogue that you must continue until the possibility of persuasion arises. Show your interest throughout the dialogue and finally use your dexterity to retrieve the stolen items.

    Reward: 240 experience points.

    After this, you can perform several actions:

    • Having returned the things, betray the lizard and help with his reprisal.
    • Return things, tell about the lizard, but do not help kill it.
    • Having returned the things, protect the lizard.
    • Keep things for yourself

    During your conversation with Griff, tell him that you found the stolen plant. If you decide to return it, the commandant will take the plant and ask who the thief is. Within the party, you may decide that the thief deserves to be punished.

    If you tell the man about Stingtail, he will release Amiro. Then you can talk to him, and during the conversation the elf will point you to a secret passage from Fort Joy. At the same time, he will ask you to give the amulet to the clairvoyant. If you accept this quest, the entry “Saheila's Tribe” will appear in the journal. The passage of this quest will be described in another chapter.

    Reward: 840 experience points. Finally, Griff will send one of his men to kill Stingtail. If you help him with the lizard, you will receive some gold, but you will betray the thief.

    If you kill the lizard, you will miss the opportunity to complete two quests. The character is necessary to continue the quests of the companions - Sebilla and the Red Prince. Sebilla, by the way, is not far from him. If you don't talk to him about them, you won't be able to complete the quests.

    Reward: 840 experience points and 50 gold units.

    Protect the lizard

    After talking with Griffa, admit that you found the plant. If you decide to give the plant to the character, the commandant will ask you about the thief. You may decide that it is better to protect the lizard from the commandant.

    After you refuse to give a name, the commandant will want to arrest the main character. During the fight, you should consider placing units on the balcony above Griff - this will give you an additional bonus to damage, and you will be able to destroy the enemy archer. If you win the battle, you can take the key to the cage from Griff's body and free Amir. For this victory you will receive a smaller reward than if you told about the lizard and helped deal with it.

    After you free Amir, he will tell you about the secret passage from Fort Joy. At the same time, he will ask you to give the amulet to the clairvoyant, which will trigger the quest “Saheila's Tribe”. Its description will be in a separate chapter.

    Reward: 840 experience points.

    Keep things for yourself

    If you refuse to return your items to the commandant, he will immediately begin a battle against you. In this case, you will be able to defeat him and free Amiro, but you will still receive less experience than if you punished the thief.

    Reward: 840 experience points.


    This quest is required., because you will receive the Teleportation skill as a reward.

    While exploring the Fort Joy ghetto, you will encounter a mysterious man who will ask you if you came here alone. You can confirm this even if your team is nearby. If you choose another option, this quest will not be available.

    If he approached you earlier and you ignored him (stating that you were not alone), you can talk to the character by choosing another party member. This is how the task begins.

    Assuming you've agreed to "leave" the party, Gavin will reveal his secret escape plan, but it will require your help to complete it. At the beginning of the game this quest can be very difficult. We recommend completing it upon reaching at least the fourth level.

    Your help is to obtain an artifact that allows teleportation over short distances. You can find the teleportation gloves on the beach, guarded by three very dangerous crocodiles. If you have enough strength, then there should be no problems destroying them, but you must be careful with slowing effects, since when the crocodile attacks, it can slow down several team members at once. It is better to move apart and not stand at one point.

    In particular, notice the crocodile surrounded by a magical barrier. He wears teleportation gloves that allow him to get closer to your team. Avoid fire attacks and be careful about adding a lot of status.

    After the fight, take the teleportation gloves from the crocodile and return to Gavin. The important thing is that the character who accepted the quest must equip these gloves on himself and begin a dialogue with the NPC. This is the only way to run it!

    Gavin will be very pleased that you managed to get the gloves and will ask for help. Follow him and your squad to the Secret Alcove location, where you will help him escape. There are two ways to do this.

    Teleport Gavin to the beach

    In this case, you need to teleport Gavin to one of the available locations on the beach. After Gavin lands on the beach, it turns out that he cannot help you get out of there.

    Teleport Gavin to the rocks

    In this situation, Gavin will be able to reach the harbor. Initially, you can teleport Gavin to a rock located just below your final destination. Gavin will then teleport you to the same location and ask you to teleport him to another rock. Gavin will then leave you.

    This method will allow you to get into the caves under the island, where the queen of the fire slugs is located, who had some business with Brakk.

    Reward: 960 experience points and teleportation gloves.

    Gavin's fate

    At this point of teleportation the quest will be completed. If you're wondering what happened to Gavin, you can follow him using the teleportation gloves. All you have to do is teleport all team members to a certain location, and then use the equipment menu, give the gloves to someone else and teleport the last member of the squad.

    After you follow Gavin, in both scenarios it turns out that the character was killed by the masters. You will find his body depending on the previous decision - in Fort Joy or the harbor.

    Withermoor Soul Jug

    In the Caves you will meet a boy named Modi. It is easy to spot since it is played right near the entrance. After you start a conversation, he will ask you to play with him. If you agree, you will find out that you have to play hide and seek.

    Stage 1. Find the hatch

    The first time you find it on a wooden pedestal. The boy will praise the hero for his insight, and then hide again for the next round. You will now find it in an alcove near the entrance. This time Modi will decide that he needs to introduce you to his friend. If you don't have a lizard on your team, then you need to have a shovel with you, because otherwise you won't be able to continue this quest.

    The boy will hide in a small cave and offer the best solution for you. You can take advantage of his offer after you find the mound. Use a shovel or lizard claws to find a hatch under the embankment.

    Stage 2. Lord Withermoor

    The hatch leads to the Forgotten Cell. You can find the boy near the tall statue. Modi will tell you that this is his friend. After a short conversation, go up and talk to the statue. During the conversation, you learn that Lord Withermoor turned into stone several thousand years ago. He asks you to take King Brakk's spear from the chest, thanks to which he will be able to move again.

    King Brakk's Spear can be removed or destroyed. If you choose the first option, it will appear in the main character's inventory. However, in both cases the character will no longer be a statue. It turns out that there is something stronger than the spell that binds him. He will ask you to find the place in Fort Joy where his soul is trapped and free it.

    Before you leave, ask the boy if he is ready to let his friend go. Afterwards, tell him that he owes you something for saving his friend. He will show you on the map the location of his most valuable treasure.

    Stage 3. Entrance to the fort

    After leaving the Caverns, go to the Sanctuary of the Seven mentioned by Withermoor. Interact with him and you will notice that an additional dialogue option will appear. Your character will pull the lever behind the statue, which will open the passage ahead.

    After that, go down, but there will be no enemies here. But there are a huge number of chests that may contain treasure. Finally, you will reach a door. Next to it will be an image of a shrine. You can open the door by picking the lock, but in order for this to be possible, you need to use a character with at least the second level of the Thievery skill.

    An alternative way to get to the location. Complete the Captive Elf quest by freeing Amiro to learn about the secret passage out of Fort Joy. To get there, you will need to dig through the ground with the claws of a lizard or a shovel. After going through the dungeon, you will find yourself in one of the chambers of Fort Joy.

    We are talking about detention cells. Follow to the end of the corridor, where you will fight the masters. You can spare the wounded Master, unless you kill him during the battle. But here you need a key that opens the upper level of the fort. The key is lying on the floor of the room. If you have difficulty finding it, then hold down the ALT key.

    Stage 4. Jars of souls

    In the Fort Joy prison, you must use the secret crank. This way you can open the secret path to the “Ancient Passage”.

    Along the way, you will encounter two poisonous traps. If there is a tool to neutralize them, you can use it. If there is none, then go through the first trap and wait until the negative effect (poisoning) disappears, and then heal the squad. Then do the same with the second trap. You can also use the Pyromancy ability, if available. Fire burns away the poison and provides you with safe passage.

    You will now enter a large room with five jugs in the center. One of them binds the soul of Lord Withermoor, for which you came here. Before you do anything, look around and find the sarcophagus, but don't touch any of the jars.

    A statue of King Brakk looms above the room, which you can interact with. After this, you will receive a message with the character's statement. The situation will be different if you perform the action with a character with Loremaster. This results in a list of dialogue options, but no matter which one you choose, you will be able to re-interact with the statue and pick up Brakk's Leggings.

    The screenshot below shows the jug that you need to interact with to advance the quest. Under each of them there is a plaque with the name of Lord Withermoor. Nicknames will vary. You need a sign that says Withermoore the Supplicant.

    Interacting with the wrong pitcher may cause additional enemies to appear. If you want to gain more experience, you can call them.

    Finally, after you interact with the correct pitcher, you will see a dialog box. When you select an option related to an action, a dialogue will start within the squad, where you and the characters will have to decide what to do next.

    Choice #1. Destroy the jug

    The energy trapped in the jar will be released and Lord Withermoor will die and finally find peace.

    Reward: 1400 experience points.

    Choice #2. Consume energy

    Looking for Emmy

    To start this quest, you need to have a character with the Animal Friend talent on your team. For example, this is one of the already created main characters, Ifan ben Mezd. At the entrance to the Caves you can find a dog named Buddy. Talk to her and find out that the guards took his friend Emmy. You can help the animal, in which case the dog will show you the key that was taken from one of the kidnappers - be sure to take it. It is located near the wreckage of the ship.

    Emmy is in the keeper's room in the Fort Joy prison. You can get to it in two ways.

    Fort Joy

    The entrance to the Fort Joy prison is located just outside the gate, guarded by Magister Borris and his other associates. If you haven't been there before, you'll get a key to open the gate - one of the possible ways to defeat the guards. After the fight, you will receive the key by searching Borris' corpse.

    Get to the fort through the Caves

    This option is available after completing the Teleport quest. Go to the "Secret Alcove" and teleport the entire team to the beach. Then go to the prison through the cave entrance. Inside you'll find the Master Houndmaster beating up Delorus, another master who appears to have betrayed them. No matter how you conduct the dialogue, there is a battle to be fought.

    Avoid having your team positioned directly at the entrance to the chamber - there are oil barrels there that enemies can use against you. After the battle, take the key to the Fort Joy prison. He is located near the place where the Houndmaster originally stood, lying on a chair. If you manage to save Delorus, he will give you a password that will allow you to avoid the fight with Masters Karin and Goa.

    Ending #1. Emmy survives

    Once you reach the Fort Joy prison, go straight to the hounds' room. This is a peculiar place in which there are four dogs at once. You can open the room using the key received from Druzhka. After entering the room, a conversation will begin with the team member who previously talked with Druzhk. If you mention Buddy's name and say that he misses Emmy, then the dogs will not fight with you. One of the dogs, by the way, is a bloodhound named Emmy.

    Reward: 2200 experience points.

    Ending #2. Emmy dies

    If you don't say Druzhka's name, the dogs will attack you. In particular, pay attention to dogs with crossbows. They can cause significant damage. Consider using the door as an additional obstacle for enemies.

    After completing this task, go to the Houndmaster's bedroom. There are several valuable items here - for example, the huntsman's crossbow.

    Reward: 120 experience points.

    You can return and tell Buddy that Emmy has died, but in this case there will be no additional reward and you will receive a minimum amount of experience points.


    You can complete this quest in two ways. The first of these involves talking to one of the four seekers located in the Shrine of Amadia. You learn that their leader, Gareth, went in search of a weapon that should help get out of Fort Joy, but never returned. You can offer your help.

    You will find Gareth in the Old Ruins, where he is fighting a group of magisters. If you haven't talked to your companions before, the quest will begin with finding his location. It is important to follow the path along the wall and avoid the Shriker. After you go inside, a conversation with the masters will begin. If you have at least one companion with one or more points of persuasion, you can convince the magisters to leave after declaring that you are the secret magister and speaking for the army of seekers. Then go deeper into the ruins, where Gareth fights another group of magisters. You can choose three endings.

    Ending #1: Gareth survives

    If you decide to join Gareth and you manage to save him, he will talk to you. He will tell you that he can help you remove the collar. Moreover, he mentions a plan to escape from Fort Joy using the Masters' boat. You will need to obtain a weapon that allows you to kill Alexander. This will unlock the “Call to Arms” quest.

    Reward: 1800 experience points.

    Ending #2: Gareth dies

    You can fight on the side of the masters. Since you outnumber Gareth, killing him should not be a problem. Gareth's death blocks the ability to complete the Call to Arms quest.

    Reward: 2240 experience points.

    Ending #3: Take no action

    You can also leave Gareth alone. Similar to the second option, Gareth dies, and the “Call to Arms” quest becomes unavailable.

    Reward: none.

    Not a child's game

    While in the Fort Joy prison, you will meet Masters Karin and Goa, who caught Khan trying to break in. If you did not save Delorus and did not learn the secret password from him, you will have to fight them. After defeating the masters, talk to Khan. He will tell you that he came here to find his friend - Verdas. As an expression of his gratitude, he offers to take you out of the Fort Joy ghetto on his boat.

    Khan reaches the shore at the sanctuary of Amadia, where his fellow seekers are located. They have a plan to escape from Fort Joy using the Masters' ship. You can use the boat.

    King Brakk's Treasury

    You can start this quest in two ways. The first option is to read the journal found near Magilla's body. Additionally, you may find a hidden passage leading to the hideout.

    After entering the cave you will meet Thormpdoy. He mocks you, but you cannot resist him. After the conversation, go to the three boxes. Behind them there is a bridge that you can only see when you are near it. Walk across the bridge and then go through the dead end. At the end there is a reptile that you can use to climb up to the ledge. Don't walk between the two ledges, as you'll have to fight other versions of Trompdoy. They use AoE attacks, making your team positioned in a narrow corridor an ideal target.

    After the fight, go to the chamber with the statue standing in the center. You can only continue if you answer the two questions asked by this statue.

    When you answer correctly, the statue will open the door. When you use it, you will have to fight another battle. This time the battle lasts until you kill the true Trompdoy. Unfortunately, it in no way stands out from the rest. However, he appears in the first enemy wave, so just focus and remember who was in the fight initially.

    After the fight, you will find yourself in a vault in which you will find jars of souls. Trompdoy's soul is hidden in one of them. After a short dialogue, you will have to decide Trompdoy's fate.

    Choice #1. Destroy the jug

    The energy trapped in the jar will be released and Trompdoy will die and finally find peace.

    Reward: 4200 experience points.

    Choice #2. Absorb Energy

    The energy of the jug will be drained by the character who interacts with it. This is only possible after completing the quest "The Collar".

    Reward: one resource point.

    Healing touch

    In the Shrine of Amadia you will find a group of wounded seekers. You are tasked with healing them within a given amount of time. If you delay, the characters will die in the later stages of the chapter. For treatment you will need to use various spells. Each of the three wounded will be grateful to you. And if you cure them all, you can receive from Simone a choice of one of four items.

    Reward: 300 experience points.


    While visiting the Old Ruins, you may encounter a gate leading to the Shattered Ruins. There you can find the dying master. Talk to him and find out a few details about the place you are in now.

    Your main goal is behind the gate. Pull the lever next to it to open the barrier. The lever is cursed, which means you must use a blessing spell. After this, you can open the gate and enter the room.

    There is a chest inside that can only be opened with one of King Braccus' items (Band Of Braccus) if you have one Source Point. If there is none, then visit Brakk's treasury in the madmen's enclave. The quest will end when you remove the item from the chest.

    Reward: 1800 experience points and Shrine Of Braccus Rex.

    Flaming Pigs

    While exploring the island, you may find an area with several traps and burnt pigs. Use the blessing ability on all the pigs you find in the location. When you heal one of them, you will have to take part in the battle.

    After healing all the pigs, you must go to the beach with the dragon, which is nearby. There you will find another pig - Federa. Talk to her and find out that he really is a person. Head to the Shrine of Amadia.

    Talk to Federa again as soon as you arrive at the sanctuary. Suggest going to the healing place near the statue of Amadia. This is how Federa will return to her human form.

    Reward: 3600 experience points.

    Sourceless Dragon

    At the location with the labyrinth there is a beach covered with ice. There is a dragon there that has been imprisoned. Destroy all the totems surrounding the creature, and then you can communicate with it. You learn that his name is Slaine, and he was bound by a witch named Radeka. Only Radek's purifying rod can break the spell. Your task is to return the item to free the dragon.

    Radek is located in the Skull Cave, located near the beach, so you won't have any trouble finding her. The problem is that the cave itself is filled with traps. If you don't have a special tool, you'll have to break through them using a certain amount of HP. At the end of the cave you will meet Radek. She will not want to cooperate, so regardless of the choice of dialogue phrases, a duel will begin.

    After the victory, search Radek's corpse and take her purifying rod. Return to Slaine and give the item. Next, you can choose one of two endings.

    Ending 1. Give Slaine Radheka's Cleansing Rod

    If you decide to give the item to Slaine. Then he will be able to break the spell that binds him. As a reward, he promises that he will come to your aid when you really need it.

    Reward: four guaranteed items and three more to choose from depending on the class of characters on the team.

    Ending 2. Refuse to give the purifying rod to Slaine

    If you do not give this item to Slaine, you will have to fight the dragon.

    A fate worse than death

    The quest is activated after you reach the tower at the end of the gargoyle's maze. There you will meet three undead.

    During a conversation with them, it turns out that they are separated from reality. You can confirm their lies or try to convince the undead that they are mistaken. But be careful if you try to argue with the undead, as the characters will then attack you. In the event of such a development of events, you need to move away from the enemy as soon as possible. They will constantly resurrect after you kill them, which means you will have to fight again and again.

    The main task is to get to the vessels of the souls of these undead and decide their fate. You will find the jars in the vault, which you open during the quest with King Brakk's treasury. The corresponding jugs are shown in the screenshot below.

    Ending 1. Destroy the jugs

    Then the dead will find peace.

    Ending 2. Absorb energy

    The energy of the jug will be drained by the character who interacts with it. This is only possible after completing the quest "The Collar".

    Reward: one Source Point for each vessel.

    Gargoyle Labyrinth

    When you enter the Sanctuary of Amadia, you will find a tower with an entrance to the labyrinth. The task is activated after you open the door leading to this labyrinth.

    The entire labyrinth is filled with various traps, and to open the doors you will need to use the skulls found inside the labyrinth. Some of them appear on stands when one of the characters pulls a certain lever, while others will appear after passing through portals. If you don't want to collect these skulls, you can use teleportation.

    The easiest way through the room with the source is shown in the screenshot below. Upon entering, the gargoyle will send undead at you, who will mainly use fire attacks. Here it is worth using a blessing that turns ordinary fire into sacred fire, which will increase damage to the undead. After the fight, you can also remove the curse by going to the source. You can do this in the blood pool using a blessing. The easiest way is to teleport him to such a pool or use the Blood Rain ability.

    The path to the tower is through the door under the gargoyle. The task will complete after you reach the stairs leading to the tower.

    Note. If you have already completed the quest "King Brakk's Treasury", you will be able to show the gargoyle the ring taken from Trompdoy's body. The gargoyle will automatically recognize you as Brakka and direct you straight to the tower.

    Eternal admirer

    While you are in the Sanctuary of Amadia, talk to Graziana. She will ask you to bring the jar with her soul.

    You will find this vessel in King Brakk's treasury, which you will discover when completing the quest of the same name. The required jug is shown in the screenshot below. After you take it, you will realize that it contains Graziana's soul.

    Return to her and hand over the vessel. She will tell her story, which will lead to the completion of the quest.

    Reward: two guaranteed items and four more to choose from depending on character classes.

    Fort Joy Arena

    You will need to defeat all opponents in the arena of Fort Joy so that at least one of the party members remains alive.

    Chat with the character in the arena to begin the quest.

    Enter the arena through the hatch located in the camp kitchen at coordinates X: 215 Y: 131, talk to the leader and defeat your opponents. When you win, you will have the chance to choose your reward.

    Any killed party members will be automatically revived and healed, provided that at least one of them remains alive. Don't waste your resurrection scrolls if you think you can end the fight short-handed.

    After completing the quest, pay attention to the NPC Nebor. With the help of this character, you will be able to remove the magic collar from the main character as part of the task of the same name.

    Divinity: Original Sin 2 is rightfully considered the best RPG of this year. According to the canons of the genre, the game is not considered so simple. JOGER has compiled several recommendations that will be useful for both beginners and experienced players.

    The game offers users an extensive character editor. With its help you can create unique and even strange heroes. But to get an unforgettable and rich experience, you should choose one of the characters with a backstory. The player can change their appearance, but such heroes come complete with a biography, personal tasks and additional voice acting.

    Use the camera

    Many beginners forget about the ability to change the camera position. This function allows you to better explore the location and monitor the situation around you. This makes it easier to find caves, hidden passages and paths, all kinds of chests, as well as useful items.

    Always save your progress

    Autosaves only work after the battle has started. It makes sense to save in advance before the start of the battle in order to have time to prepare before the enemy attacks.

    Sleep after every battle

    Skills and potions allow you to restore health. It's just better to use them during battle. After the battle, it is recommended to sleep. For this you will need a bed. Many players carry specially rolled up beds with them. This is a free and fastest way to regenerate a hero.

    Saving on master keys

    To save on master keys, you can play as a character such as Skeleton Fane. You can also take him with you as a companion. In this case, he will not only be a source of memorable sarcasm, but will also help you crack chests or locks on doors (if you have the appropriate skill).

    Animal Friend

    The “Friend of Animals” skill is an extremely useful skill, thanks to which the character can talk with animals. It is recommended to click on them to find out secrets, get advice or a quest. You can choose this talent at the stage of creating the main character.

    Retreat is a smart decision

    Not all battles develop in the player's favor. There is no point in pretending to be a hero; you can escape from the battlefield at any moment. You will be able to leave the battle when the character is outside the enemy’s attack zone. To escape, you should use flight, teleportation or tactical retreat. Try to maximize your distance from the enemy.

    Interaction with the environment

    Priority is given to players who are able to interact with the environment during combat using elemental weapons and magic. For example, you can rain on enemies and then freeze the surface. Thus, experienced users manage to create various traps, ambushes or obstacles.

    Keep in mind that spells can also affect the main character. It is important to read the ability information carefully. They are not applicable in all situations.

    Attention to every detail

    It's hard to imagine playing through Divinity Original Sin 2 without carefully studying the world around you. Each character here can be the source of an interesting quest. People around you often tell you useful information or just joke.

    In a game, it is difficult to immediately determine at first glance which things are important. Junk found in an empty barrel or on a beach often acts as a clue to solving a mystery. They can also be sold for a decent amount, just find the right buyer.

    Collecting loot

    Divinity: Original Sin 2 PS4 is filled with a lot of good things that are quite difficult to find. Many of them can only be applied under certain conditions. The article lists only those items that cannot be purchased from merchants. You will have to look for them on your own. JOGER will describe unique loot that is worth your time and will be useful in battle.

    Teleportation Gloves

    This is an extremely useful item, especially in the early stages of the game. It is located in Fort Joy. It is important to get gloves right away, because there will be no opportunity to return to the location again.

    With the help of gloves you can cast a teleportation spell. You can get them after completing the task from Gavin. You need to defeat three crocodiles. The gloves will remain with the main character even after successful completion of the task. Gloves make it possible to easily get to secret places, as well as solve all sorts of riddles.


    Thanks to this device, players can cut off faces and use them later. It is important that the character be undead. Lyceresis are scattered at several points. The easiest way to find it is in the basement of the “Flenser’s Playroom”, which is owned by the mad master Kniles the Flenser. There are two options for the outcome of events: negotiate with the master or kill him. Devices will be encountered in the future, but much later.

    Belt Withermoore

    To find the belt, after completing the quest “Withermoore's Soul Jar” you must return to search Withermoore's corpse. He will have a belt.

    King Brakk's Armor

    One of the game's side quests is to find King Brakk's treasury. By visiting the altar of King Brakk in Divinity Original Sin 2, you can find many useful things (their choice depends on the preferences and needs of the player). The masters had not yet managed to find the treasury, because the king used cunning and sophisticated magic to preserve it.

    The most important, according toJOGER, here are the items:

    • Bib “Heart of the Tyrant”;
    • Ring of Bracca;
    • Rod of Deliverance.

    Rob Gavin

    Gavin's robe can only be obtained by killing its previous owner. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this on your own, so it is better to complete Gavin’s task and let him escape from the Fort. Near the harbor there will be his burnt corpse. Before becoming the owner of the robe, the main character will have to defeat five masters. Not the most difficult task.


    In one of the cells of the Fort prison you can find a simple amulet. He is on par with the Masters torturing his minion, as well as the Fire Slugs. The object is located in a chamber with a blocked entrance. Without a teleportation spell or a ladder (the beginning is located near the master), you will not be able to enter inside. You can do without a fight or defeat several enemies.

    Spear of King Brakk

    There is a cave near Fort Joy. Inside it you can find the boy Modi. After the dialogue, he will offer to play hide and seek. Having found the guy twice, the main character will be shown a secret passage, which he can get into using a shovel (it is located in the same cave).

    Inside the secret place is “Lord Withermoor”, pierced by the spear of King Brakk.

    Blood rose oil

    Such a potion will always be useful. It increases all character characteristics by one unit. You need to find a bloody rose and mix it with an empty potion jar. You can find the flower in a cave on the dragon beach. Because of the item, you will have to defeat the witch Radek, as well as her risen dead. You can get a magic rod from Radek.

    If you simply eat a rose, the character will receive a bonus to his characteristics only for the next 10 turns. It is better to try to find an empty container. The effect of the oil is lost after the death of the hero.

    Divinity Original Sin 2 trailer:



    4.1. Reaper Coast
    Divinity Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

    Quest: Sharp Awakening

    On the ship we board a boat and swim to the shore. The entire coast is covered with poisoned fish. If we have undead in our squad, we can collect fish and use them instead of healing bottles with poison. A little higher we activate the “Driftwood - Dunes” portal.

    On the left we find an ejected shark, we offer to return it to the water, but it refuses, because all the water around is contaminated with emptiness. We can kill a shark, and inside it we will find part of a human body. We eat this limb with any elf, he will see the memories of the boy who was eaten by the shark (needed to complete quest "Hide and Seek").

    In the fields on the left we see a battle between a gnome and a large mantis. When we approach, they will hide, and 4 vile fiends and 2 disastrous fiends with poisoned blood will attack us (level 9).

    Quest: Plundered Caravan

    On the central road we find 3 broken carts of the masters, next to them are their corpses and dead gnomes. One dwarven warrior is alive, but she vaguely explains what happened here. The boy on the right will definitely tell you that the caravan was attacked by fiends of the void.

    A little later, the information collected will allow us to enter the city. We tell the guards on the bridge that we have news of a caravan, and they will let us through.

    Quest: They will not pass

    On the right on the cliff of the bridge is a boy named Barrin Pruitt. His mother remained in the house on the other side, surrounded by fiends. The boy asks to save her. You can try to teleport to the other side, but the transferred character will immediately enter into battle with the monsters and will be in the minority. You can normally cross the river a little later - in the north through the paladin checkpoint.

    We walk along the river to the north, on the shore we find hens whose laid eggs have disappeared. We rise even higher, we fight with the monster Venom-winged fiend (lvl. 9), around it there are large distorted eggs, from which fiends will hatch in battle. There is a surviving egg at the dead end above, take it and take it to the Big Marge chicken to hatch.

    When we return here again, a black Squeaky chicken will emerge from the egg, it will kill all the healthy chickens, and will follow us. The chicken needs to be delivered to the north, we cross the paladin bridge, and even further north we will meet a magic rooster. Near him, Squeak will turn into a monster, we fight him, and the quest is over.

    Boy Pidge asks about Ifan ben Mezda. He must be in the party to continue the quest.

    There is a gallows in the north, Siva is suspended from it, but so far we do not have enough strength to free her from the masters.

    4.2. Driftwood
    Divinity: Original Sin 2. Quests in Russian

    Quest: Law of the Order

    We enter the city through the western bridge. In the center there is a statue and 4 merchants. It’s better to go to the southern pier from the very beginning and meet with the local boss, Master Raymond. He will sense the Source in us, but he can be deceived by answering that we have come to join the order. Raymond will believe it, give us the “Podorozhnaya” document, and the guards will no longer pester us. Raymond urgently leaves on the ship, and leaves Magister Julian in charge, then we communicate with him. We learn about the disappearance of several masters right in the city.

    Quest: A man and his dog

    A bum beggar with a dog sits at the central city fountain and begs for money. We examine the dog, turn over his collar, and ask about the owner’s hiding place. We can demand money from the poorest person for abusing a dog, or drive him out of town.

    Town Crier Togrof tells 3 pieces of news.

    Black Bull Tavern

    Inside the tavern, a girl named Safa is sitting at the counter; you can get drunk with her. We communicate with the innkeeper, do not be rude to her, because it turns out that she is the mother of one of the masters.

    Quest: Losses in the ledger

    Garvan is sitting at the table on the right; if you talk to him, he will mistake us for a waiter. After lunch, Gavan will tell his story: he and teacher Liam were transporting valuable cargo, and left it halfway due to an attack by a fiend. He asks to find the missing cargo on the western trade route, in the Shipwrecker Hills. (We'll complete the quest later).

    Quest: Love has a price

    In the tavern we communicate with a local worker named Lovrik, he offers additional tavern services. In the conversation, we choose the race and gender of the person with whom we want to spend the night, we get the key to the 3rd floor. Only one hero, separated from his companions, needs to enter the floor. If we buy this service as the Red Prince, in the morning there will be a vision of the Red Princess.

    Quest: You can't drown grief

    There is a hotel on the 2nd floor of the tavern. It is home to a wealthy merchant, traveler, and woman, Captain Ableweather. The captain talks about how her ship sank, but she remained alive and this haunts her. We can buy the item “Sphere of the Ruler” from her.

    When we receive the Source spell “Ghost Vision”, we use it near the captain. We see a spirit nearby, we convince him to stop ringing the bell - we say that he received a promotion and became a captain in the halls of echoes. The spirit will disappear, after which Ableweather will tell you where to look for the magic compass as a reward.

    Quest: Sleeping Adventurer

    On the 2nd floor of the tavern in the dormitory there is a traveler who cannot be awakened. In his dream, he lists several recipes. Next to the traveler is a closed chest that talks and demands a password. We talk to the adventurer, pretend to be his mother, and thus we will hear a code word from him. Open the chest.

    Underground tavern

    In the western part of the tavern, a gnome guard guards the entrance to the basement. We can pay him 50 coins once for a pass. There is an underground tavern below.

    Here on the right we meet the Ganges lizard, he tells the Red Prince where to look for the next dreamer.

    In the left corner is the headquarters of the local underground leader of the gnomes - Lohar. We witness how his own daughter Marla attacked him with a knife, but the attempt failed. We ask him to tell us about the local strong sorcerers, he mentions the gnome Mordus, we go in search of him.

    Quest: Web of Carnal Desires

    In the center of the underground tavern stands the girl Dorothea Luxurious. She promises to improve one of the characteristics in exchange for a kiss. We agree, we go with her to a deserted dead end. Dorothea will turn into a huge spider, we can attack her (then we won’t get anything), or still accept her kiss (we’ll get the unique talent “Spider’s Kiss”).

    Quest: Driftwood Arena

    In the second half of the dungeon there is a battle arena. The local champion is the gnome Murga. To fight her, we must not only defeat a team of opponents of 5 people, but do it blindfolded (the permanent “blindness” property in battle). If the first time we refused to fight blindly, we approach the gnome again, he will allow us to repeat the fight (but this does not always work).

    Other buildings in the city

    To the right of the tavern is Driftwood Prison. The boss is sitting in the office, he promises to pay a reward for the capture of the masters' killer. In the basement, the cameras are being monitored by a man who is not happy with his job and is hiding something. We can convince him and he will quit his job.

    Quest: Hide and Seek

    On the pier there is a boy, Ben Buttons, and a girl, Harrietta. They will share with us that their friend went swimming to Fort Joy. On the shore of Driftwood we found a shark and a boy inside it. We tell the children how their friend’s adventure ended.

    Children play Alexander and Khvor.

    Quest: Missing Masters

    We learn from passers-by that 3 masters have already disappeared in the city. The guards naively suspect a certain junk dealer of this. Elf Stewart has more specific information at the entrance to the tavern; he believes that the culprit is one of the tavern guests.

    Driftwood fish warehouses. Dwarves work in the warehouses, but there are also many masters here who are looking for a suspected junk dealer. The boss is sitting upstairs in the office, he talks about the supply of poisoned fish, but does not say who might need it.

    To the right of the salt conveyor we communicate with the gnome to find out about supplies. In the dialogue it will be possible to examine the barrel, we will see the inscription of the destination - “Black House”.

    Quest: Strange cargo

    On the left side outside the warehouses we meet the gnome Kannox. He knows where the wanted man is hiding, but he won’t just spill the beans. In the dialogue we mention that we were in the Joy Fore and were able to get out of there, the gnome’s attitude will immediately change. He will tell you that the junk dealer hid in one of the barrels with fish.

    We go to the right room near the shore, in one of the barrels we find Higba the junk dealer. He asks to be taken out of the encirclement, out of the city. The safest path is along the southern bank to the left. There are only two masters patrolling this path (level 9), we run until they are gone. If they do notice us, there will be an option to either surrender Higba or engage in battle. Masters will fight alone, without calling neighboring guards for help.

    When we cross the western river, Higba will thank you and hide in the barrel again. You can ask him for the “Acid Spores” scroll. In the conversation we find out that he bought the things of the murdered masters from the cook in the tavern. (For saving the junk dealer we get the “Hero” tag).

    In the tavern we communicate with the cook Uivlia. In the conversation we find out that it is she and her accomplices who secretly kill the masters, and then prepare meat stew from them. But for her to go to jail, she needs to find hard evidence.

    Quest: Lost and Found

    We go further west from the fish warehouses. On the shore we meet the gnome Lagan, he dropped his wedding ring into the water. The ring is right here under the pier, but as soon as we pick it up, monsters will jump out of the water. Against us is Moloch of the Void (lvl. 10) and 5 electric frogs “Water Fiend” (lvl. 9). Since the enemies specialize in electricity, we move away from the water.

    Quest: Sharp Awakening (continued)

    Siwa's house is located in the upper right corner of the city. At the entrance, the girl says that Siva was captured and taken away by the masters. The house is locked and the interior is in disarray.

    We go right through the ford. There is a gallows on the high road, with two lizards hanging from it, one of which is Maestre Siva. She wants us to free her immediately, but she is guarded by the executioner Ninyan (lvl. 9) and 5 other masters nearby, we need to prepare for battle.

    Together with her we return to her house. Inside, remove the picture from the wall, behind it is a button. A hatch will appear under the bed, enter a password there that only Siva knows.

    In the basement you need to go through a ritual to meet God:

    1. In the nightstand to the right of Siva we take a black root and a knife.

    2. Take the bowl from the triangular stand on the left.

    3. Click on the knife twice to leave your blood on it.

    4. Turn on the crafting menu (key G), combine the bowl with the root and the bloody knife.

    5. Place the resulting potion directly under the dragon statue, turn the wheel, smoke will come out of the potion.

    6. Select the option “Hold the smoke in the lungs.”

    We communicate with God, he will teach you a new Source spell “Gaze of the Spirit” - the ability to see the world of spirits. We go into the cloud on the right and return to our world. Right in this room we can see the first ghost - the Master's Spirit.

    Quest: Missing Masters (continued)

    In the city we can enter the tavern and see the spirit of one of the killed masters named Harrick. In the conversation we learn that the cook Uivlia killed her, and her spirit cannot rest because of the ring left on her hand.

    We go through with one thief character, while the cook is in the right room, in the left room we examine a separate board in the floor (a hero with high perception is needed), in the cache we find a severed hand and a ring on it.

    Option 1. If we show the ring to an officer in prison, he will send his subordinate to detain the cook, and she will die.

    Option 2. We show the ring to the ghost Harrick, she will ask you to give it to her comrades. It is better to hand over the evidence to Elf Stewart so that he can be accepted back into the masters.

    Option 3. If we show the ring to the cook, then we either support her or immediately enter into battle. After the victory, the only evidence left will be her list of victims on a piece of paper, we take it to the officer. We receive 1 of 4 items to choose from.

    4.3. Shipwreck Hills
    Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough website

    Ambushes along the way. 4 Possessed Summoners attack (lvl. 10). If there is a mystic in the squad, he can take over control of the possessed and avoid combat.

    A camp is set up on a hill, in a pool of poison lies the corpse of a gnome, he has a key.

    Quest: Burning Prophet

    Statue on a hill. There are 5 torches in front of her, but they go out immediately after being lit. If we teleport to this statue from another region, we will find a sorceress here who will quickly run away and the teleport will turn off.

    Quest: Empty Dreams

    An ancient lamp on the southern shore. A genie will appear. If you have the skill of persuasion, let me choose one desire (we will gain experience). In any other case, the genie will attack us and call enchanted sea water to help (level 10).

    On the western bank we find ourselves in a stone building, where there is a dark totem of gnomes. We fight with 5 possessed gnomes. On the western cliff there is an entrance to a skull cave.

    Reaper's Bay

    Quest: Shadow over Driftwood

    In the cave there are many dead gnomes and Ice Void Creeper monsters running away from us (lvl. 11). Although the enemies are level 11, it is better to come here if you are already level 13-14, because the enemies have a quantitative advantage.

    In the far part, 4 crawlers will attack us at once, they will catch us in a web and drag us to the lower tier of the cave. When we wake up in captivity, all 4 heroes will be separately, each in their own part of the cave.

    1 - Room with unknown weapons. We can interrogate the gnome Zanisima. Let's learn about the fog of death. The key to the armory is behind the left wall.

    2 - Corridor with monster eggs. There are locked doors on the way, two thieves. "The key to the hall with barrels" is on the table on the balcony.

    3 - Treasure Vault.

    4 - The area is surrounded by eggs and monsters, it’s dangerous to go out alone, you need to wait for your companions to come to the rescue.

    The thief hero does best here in stealth mode. We imperceptibly strike the first blow to the fiend from behind, and it will be much easier to win. You can also go through this difficult moment as the Red Prince, if he has leveled up his military skills and fire magic.

    All together we go to the center to the wreckage of the ship, we climb up along it. The gnomes here are commanded by Mordus (level 12) and he is guarded by 4 gnomes. We concentrate all the fire on the boss, the rest of the undead gnomes will die after his death.

    After the victory, Mordus will remain alive, he will ask to be spared. In exchange, he can teach us the magic of the Source, we can also release him or finish him off. We take it from him Medallion of Mordus.

    We go to the right side room, go down into the half-flooded basement. On the altar on the corpse of the gnome we take yellow gemstone. On the way back, the wall is broken by a ship. We destroy its side walls, a shark swims inside it (level 11). After winning the shark, we find a human limb inside, if we eat it with an elf, we learn that it was the boy Joe, who went swimming to Fort Joy (the “Hide and Seek” quest, we return to the children on the shore, we tell the boy’s fate, we receive a small reward). We leave the dungeon.

    Quest: Shadow over Driftwood (continued)

    We return to Driftwood. To the left of the tavern there is a house where a gnome lives; she sits on a chair, covering the hatch into the dungeon. She does not answer questions about the hatch. We can kill her, move the chair and go down the hatch.

    There is only one room in the dungeon. To the right, behind the wall, you can hear a conversation between two dwarves, but there is no door there. Next to the platform we find a secret lever to open this room.

    There should be some kind of secret passage on the left; next to it on the wall we find a stone head, where you need to insert a yellow gem.

    Quest: Taste of freedom

    The stone for the skull in the basement must be found in the Shipwrecker Hills, in Reaper's Bay. We insert the stone into the skull and go down to the floor below.

    To open the next door, you need to solve a riddle. The field is 4x4, after pressing the button the following symbols appear: water, fire, poison. Having turned on the world of spirits, we will see what combination needs to be entered. In total you need to press 5 buttons, we can stand on them with characters or place vases.

    [_ door _]

    Behind the opened door there is a chained lich, nearby there is Acid-Stained Key. If we examine any vase, 5 skeletons will jump out of all the vases (level 12).

    After the victory, we communicate with the lich Dried Undead. The dwarf Mordus received strength from him. The lich asks to be released. Press the two left buttons and it will release. We can choose which skill book we will receive as a reward. If we ask for something else, we get a random book.

    If we set the lich free, we will meet him a little later in the forest, where he eats corpses. We fight with him, then let him go again. At the end we find him at the altar in front of the ruins of the Monastery Forest, let him complete the ritual, and as a reward we receive a chest with random things. Afterwards we can destroy the lich.

    Having destroyed Mordus, we return to the underground leader Lohar. As a reward, he gives you the key to the masters' chest on the 2nd floor. Tells about four magicians. We tell him about the letter from the dwarf queen.

    Option 1. We give the letter to Lohar and disperse peacefully.

    Option 2. We refuse to give the letter, a fight breaks out. We kill Lohar and his gang, after victory we take the key, search his safe in the wall, find a unique two-handed Hammer of Lohar.

    Quest: Competitors

    On the western bridge we meet the troll Grog (level 18). He asks for 5,000 coins to cross the bridge. In the conversation we find out that he can make a discount if we eliminate his competitor on the eastern bridge.

    The second troll Marg (level 15) does not know large numbers, and requires only 3 gold per pass. We can tell the troll about a competitor’s order, and he will also ask to eliminate Grog.

    Trolls are quite powerful, we undertake to kill them only after leveling up to the appropriate level. Both creatures have excellent regeneration - the special property “Troll Blood”, which restores 6000 health every turn, but it only works for the first few turns. Grog is vulnerable to fire, Marg is vulnerable to poison. When we kill one of them, the second one will not keep his promise and will increase the price several times, so we kill the second one too.

    Quest: Aggressive Capture

    Before entering the bridge with the troll we find dead bodies. We follow the bloody trail to the east. To the right of the western bridge you can walk along a wooden deck to a separate area in the forest. There we are attacked by an possessed dwarf hunter (lvl. 10) and his two bears: Pasha and Tasha.

    After the victory, we examine the site, here we find the lost chest that Garvan spoke about (quest “Losses in the Ledger”). We turn on the world of spirits, the soul of merchant Liam is standing nearby. He says that there were no monsters, he was killed by the greedy assistant Garvan. To calm the spirit, we must avenge the death of the merchant and kill Garvan.

    We return to Driftwood. We can give Garvan the contents of the chest to complete the quest "Losses in the Ledger". We tell him about Liam, but he doesn’t want to admit his guilt. Garvan is sitting in a tavern in a crowded place; killing him here is dangerous. But he accepts food from us, and this can be taken advantage of (only after this can he be fed poisoned food).

    We go to the latrine behind the tavern, inspect the cabins, the man from the toilet will tell us the required recipe (meat stew + mackerel poisoned by emptiness). We buy stew in the tavern itself, we can buy fish from a merchant in the square or in any barrel on the shore. We craft poisoned food and give it to Garvan. He will eat it and run to the toilet, there in a deserted place and we attack him. We return to the spirit and receive a reward.

    To the north we find a bee apiary. All the bees died from emptiness, and the remaining honey is eaten by two bears. You can safely walk past them, but they won’t let you inspect the hive.

    4.4. Meadows
    Divinity 2. Walkthrough in Russian

    We approach the mill, talk to Fingel Boyd, you can buy musical instruments from her.

    Quest: Dark Deeds in the Black Mines

    On the north bridge is the parking lot of the order of paladins - Paladin Bridgehead. You can take a task from the paladin Tom Hardwin, he suspects the white masters of atrocities, and asks to trace what they are doing in the mines in the east.

    Quest: Buried Past

    In the north is the house where Gareth caught the White Master Jonathan. We can persuade Gareth not to kill the guilty person.

    Forgive and forget(Iniquity Forgiven)
    Guide Gareth on the path of reconciliation.
    Quest “Buried Past”. In the meadows we find Gareth's house. He caught White Master Jonathan. Gareth must be persuaded not to kill the guilty man. Possible answer: “finish what you started” - “spare an old friend.”
    Furious Avenger(Furious Rebuke)
    Set Gareth on the path of revenge.
    Quest “Buried Past”. Possible answer: “finish what you started” - kill Jonathan yourself - “[power] seekers are waiting.”

    Quest: The Ugly Duckling

    In the center, in one of the clearings, we find Ferno’s sick bird. If there is a scientist in the squad, we find out that it is a phoenix, and for treatment we need to burn it. We use any fire spell. Instead of a bird, a Scaly Phoenix Egg will appear, we can immediately eat it or put it in our inventory.

    Quest: Bestial treatment

    In a wheat field we hear a conversation between two cows; these are people transformed by a witch. We communicate with them, they ask us to find the witch and remove the spell.

    We examine the witch's house, on the south side it lies in the bushes house key. At the entrance, a frog and a warning sign indicate that the house is protected by various spells, but there is nothing dangerous inside. On the table we find an important ingredient - witch eye. (To continue the quest you need to kill the Corpse of Alice Alisson (lvl. 15), so we will continue the quest later).

    If you talk to the moving scarecrow in the fields, it will put us to sleep and then attack. There are 5 scarecrows placed around (level 12) and they will all come to life. The main scarecrow has a constant aura of horror, so if one of our fighters loses all magical protection, he will begin to run away and become uncontrollable. To win, you need to apply magic shield regeneration or have immunity to horror, and first of all destroy the boss. It's better to destroy these enemies a little later, when we gain a higher level.

    4.5. Pogost

    We cross the paladin bridge to the eastern bank. At the top are the Paradise Hills, we will avoid them for now, there are high-level monsters there. We immediately go south along the shortest road, we will get to the cemetery.

    Quest: Family Affair

    We arrive at the churchyard, Tarkin is standing in front of the entrance, he asks to get an artifact from the Surrey crypt. The crypt door can be opened with a master key.

    Crypt. The button on the left side wall opens the door. The button in the semicircular dead end - on the contrary, closes the door. There is a sarcophagus inside, it does not open. In the last room, the button on the floor, if you press it, gas will begin to come out. We turn on the world of spirits, 3 levers will appear on the wall, they operate only when the floor button in the last room is pressed. Levers fill the last room with various elements (water, blood, acid, fire, electricity, damage). You need to enter a special combination: 2-1-3.

    Quest: Stranger in a strange land

    At the northern entrance stands the spirit of the lizard Vilnx Kriva, she asks that her body be dug up and cremated in fire, as befits lizards. We dig up, take the leg, throw it into the fire of two dragon statues. We get 1 of 4 things to choose from.

    On top of the stone platform there are 4 gnome spirits, here the eagle Featherfall eats the corpse of its master Master Aven. If an elf picks up a piece of the master's body and eats it, we will learn the Bone Cage spell. Correct answer options: “You are your own boss” - eat a piece - feel the power. As a reward we will receive the skill "Call the Condor".

    On the bench is the Spirit of Zimsky, he gives a luck modifier and a Potion of Source.

    A black dog guards the approach to the grave. Andras - necromancer dog (lvl. 11). In battle, he summons the monster Kedelon Bonecrusher, bone warriors and archers, and exploding corpses. The faster we neutralize the dog, the fewer new enemies will appear.

    Rootless dog(Currency of Low Degree)
    Kill Andras, the necromancer dog.
    At the churchyard in the center.

    The spirit of an unrepentant sinner.

    Spirit of the grave digger Dyvus. If we examine the coffin near it, we will also fall into a deadly trap.

    On the hill we tear up the grave of Victor Flynn, whose skeleton was found earlier. In the grave there is a note stating that he staged his funeral.

    Quest: Reluctant Servants

    Silent servants walk through the cemetery. You can only talk to the cemetery watchman Farima, she talks about the owner Riker. He holds his servants with magic, and in order to free them, you need to kill the master.

    Quest: Heroes' Shelter

    In the center of the cemetery, open the grate. 4 heroes are buried here: Garrick, Bromley, Vidia, Halla. By examining their graves, we will find out where their hidden treasures are located on the global map. We can calmly look at only 3 caches, and if we examine all 4 graves, the heroes will come to life in the form of skeletons. They are only level 11, but each of them will revive after death and will need to be killed a second time.

    1. Garrick's cache. At the northeast exit from the cemetery.

    2. Halla. In the northern clearing, at the entrance.

    3. Bromley. West of the sawmill, near the log.

    4. Vidia. ---.

    Quest: Midnight Oil

    Quest: Generous offer

    We approach the mansion, the living door will ask us, and will only let us through when we admit that we are the awakened one. Inside we communicate with Riker, he has a task for us: Get the tablet in the Black Mines.

    Quest: Snake's tongue

    In Riker's house we communicate with the salamander, she does not answer anything.

    In the cemetery there is a thrice-bound chest on fire, and next to it are two statues of dragons. Having telekinesis or a fireproof hero, we drag the chest from a dangerous place and try to open it. On the chest there are inscriptions in the ancient language of lizards, a salamander can tell it. If there is a Red Prince in the party, he can persuade the chest to open. There are several rare items inside.

    Quest: Existential crisis

    On the northeastern slope of the cemetery we will hear a voice and dig up a grave. The skeleton Crispin appears and proposes a philosophical duel. He asks 3 questions, you need to answer more logically than him:

    1 - What is the meaning of life?

    2 - Does free will exist?

    3 - Is there a difference between good and evil?

    If we lose, one of the characters will die, but he can be resurrected.

    Option 1. Only another skeleton philosopher, Fane or an undead character, can win a duel. We answer all questions with phrases marked with the tags [undead]. For defeating Crispin, you will receive the achievement and the “Corpse Explosion: Massive” skill book.

    Option 2. In Riker's shelter we read 3 parts of the book “The Essence of Existence”, they have the correct answers: “drive out melancholy”, “freedom within the laws of the universe”, “morality is a flow”.

    On the eastern slope we approach a flower altar in front of a huge tree. There is a glowing liquid spilled nearby, collect it and use the “Blessing” spell on the flower. After this, one character will be dragged down by Glann, the elven offspring (lvl. 11). Let's go down with the rest of the squad. In battle, Galann will summon more and more living stumps, do not pay attention, if you kill the boss, all living trees will disappear on their own. Galann is being treated for poison and is vulnerable to fire, so we throw it at this boss.

    Quest: They Shall Not Pass (Completion)

    We go south to the cemetery. The gate is closed, but we can teleport through them one by one, or simply break the bars. Along the lower path we get to the house behind the bridge.

    We fight with 4 insects, the Deadly fiend of the void (lvl. 9). Marie Pruitt will help us in battle. After the victory, we lower the bridge over the river, and the mother will meet her child Barrin. Together they will go to the masters' barracks in Driftwood.

    In an abandoned house on the nightstand by the bed we take Marie's hatch key, in the large room we open the hatch. In the “Cellar of the House on the Bridge” dungeon, near the first torch, press the lever. The second room does not open, but we can teleport there. In the cave we find 3 floor buttons, but nothing happens. In the far corner, along the lowered chain, you can climb up to the well.

    4.6. Black mines
    Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

    Far to the east, the entrance to the mines is guarded by 2 Venom-winged fiends and 2 wild boars (level 13). In battle we will be assisted by 2 masters.

    In front of the entrance there is the spirit of the murdered master. Inside the settlement there are 3 more spirits of ordinary peasants.

    We find it near an oil rig Oily key.

    Quest: On my last legs

    The masters execute a family of 5 people. We can intervene at the very beginning so that none of the peasants are harmed, or we can observe the execution so as not to engage in battle with the remaining masters. 5 masters (level 13).

    If you saved the family, the mother will ask you to save her nephew, who was hanged on an oil rig. There is a locked gate ahead, there are 5 more masters near them, we don’t touch them for now, they will be needed later. You can get through if you show your travel pass, or through an underground tunnel in a neighboring house.

    We climb the oil rig and communicate with the white master Jonathan. If we decide to save the prisoner Gwydain Rins, we need to engage in battle immediately from the first phrase, but this battle will turn into a local apocalypse (it’s easier to avoid the battle in this place, the prisoner will die, and we can kill the master later).

    Option 1 – rescuing the prisoner. Before the battle, we block the vertical stairs leading to the tower and place boxes or barrels on them. Thanks to this, ordinary masters will not be able to come to Jonathan's aid. When we start the battle, oil fiends will gradually begin to appear around the oil rig, and the assistant masters will attack them, not us. Then a fire will occur, fiery fiends will appear, regenerating in the fire, and the entire area will be covered with dangerous necrofire. To survive in this madness, immediately after the appearance of the fiends, we send one character to the gates of the fortress, so that 5 more masters enter the battle, but on our side, against the fiends.

    The captive Gvidein will be freed immediately after the start of the battle, and will help with the magic of the Source, but he will cause more problems than all the enemies. It’s hard to survive here, but protecting a prisoner from death is even harder. He will constantly run through the fire and will need to be restored. You can't teleport him, because this is an ability that deals fall damage, and having received damage from us, he will begin to consider us an enemy. You need to have magic or scrolls with you to constantly restore your magic shield so as not to burn out.

    Option 2. If we avoided the battle, Gwydain will die, and Jonathan will move to the lower right corner of the location. Quartermaster Anna is also sitting there, from whom you can buy good things. The masters do not let you into the cave; you need to go there without them noticing.

    Quest: No Exit

    On the left side of the fortress, the masters bombard the house with fire bombs. A sorcerer has taken refuge in the basement and does not want to give up. We kill 4 masters (level 13). We go down to the basement, there is the nobleman Owen Anchoret, he is not a sorcerer, but simply defended his house from invaders. We release it to the surface and receive a reward.

    On the coast to the left, a building is guarded by 2 screaming enemies. We destroy them with the magic “Purification”, it is on the unique Helmet of the Tyrant or in the wands of the highest masters. (If you use Brakk's helmet several times, the demon Kreer the Ashbringer will appear from it (lvl. 7).

    Inside the building, 2 white masters (level 16) are pulling out the source from 3 prisoners, nearby are a couple of dogs and a silent guard. We enter into battle with them. One of the masters can escape and hide on a ship. After the victory, we find a note from one of the enemies on how to safely get through all the traps in the Black Mines excavations.


    Quest: Dark Deeds in the Black Mines (continued)

    In the cave at the very beginning, everything is blocked by traps, it is better to first go through the thief hero and neutralize them all. To turn off the fire, you will need to place strong boxes on the sources, and there are only two boxes, you will have to rearrange them. It's easier to teleport or run quickly.

    We examine the wounded master, we are attacked by 5 flickering and fiery fiends (level 13).

    We go down through the mine. If we go to the northern dead end, jumping over the cliffs, in a separate room we will find a fragment of an ancient column.

    Ruins in a cave. Vampires and masters (level 13). The hiding place is upstairs in the wall. There is a rusty key under the waterfall. Second fragment.

    Triangular monoliths, visions. Tablet of the Eternals.

    Alchemist's Workshop. There are 6 masters here (level 13), but they can be convinced by force so that they do not attack us. In the lower right corner there is a broken oil pump. Nearby we find the engineer of the Black Circle, he has a book on how to start the pump: Yellow lever, blue lever, green lever. Do not press the red lever. Once repaired, this device can create many bombs and explosive arrows if you have the recipes. To go further, we blow up the northern wall with barrels.

    Ancient temple. We find the building of an ancient race, which includes the undead Fein. In the side drawers we find Artifact of the Eternals. In the last room you need to activate 7 statues in a certain order. To find out the sequence: 1) we read the archaeologist’s diary, where the correspondence of the gods to various elements is written, 2) then we read the inscriptions on the triangular altar, where the elements are numbered, 3) we compare these data. Result:

    The correct sequence will turn off the force field ball, inside we examine the two side boxes, we find the item Ancient stone tablet. Before opening the central sarcophagus, we make sure to save; a boss will appear, for whom we may not have enough strength yet, and we will have to kill him much later.

    Eternal Etera (level 14). An ancient deity appears, an enemy of our 7 gods. She is much more powerful than us, but it is possible to kill her before she has just awakened and regained her strength. In battle, the goddess summons frost hounds, they have almost no magical armor, and they can be immediately lured to her side with enchanting spells, arrows or grenades.

    Riker's Asylum

    Having obtained the tablet, we return to the graveyard to Riker. He is not in the room, we go down the hatch at the side wall. A torture chamber is equipped in the personal chambers. In a conversation with Riker, we do not give the thing away; first we ask him to teach us how to control the Source. In the end, in any case, the owner of the graveyard will attack us.

    Riker (level 12) stands on a hill, both stairs leading to him are mined. The best way out is to teleport directly to him. We don't pay attention to dumb servants; they will all die after the boss's death.

    After the victory, we can examine all floors of the building. There is a side room in the basement, but it doesn't just open. On the main floor, the Spirit of the Pianist is in the southern room. There are spiders on the second floor, Tkach (level 12). Contract, Lone wolves were hired to kill the awakened one (quest “Valuable Prey”).

    Quest: Opposites attract

    The basement under the stairs in Riker's house. Betty the turtle and Rory the rats. We lay out a path of various food from the turtle to the rat.

    We also return to the bridge of the paladins and report to them about what the white masters were doing in the mines. Right during our return, the paladins will be attacked by a squad of 5 dead killers (level 15). There are only 3 paladins left alive, we help them in battle. At the end we receive a reward of our choice.

    4.7. Paradise Hills
    Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

    Quest: Three altars

    We cross the paladin bridge. At the exit we can see the spirit of a dead paladin rejoicing in victory. Immediately after the bridge we come to a dead end in the north, where three deer surrounded an undead deer (level 12). In battle, healthy deer will help us. After the victory we pray at the altar. We need to visit 2 more of the same.

    (After passing the mine in the black mines, a character with the "scientist" tag will be able to learn a new alphabet by reading the tablets. If after this we approach any altar, we will be able to communicate with the voice emanating from them).

    Quest: Test of all seasons

    In the forest, in one of the clearings, there is a bowl of fire, around it there are 4 tree statues, symbolizing winter, spring, summer, autumn. The tongue of the flame poses a riddle: “Winter greets us with blizzards, blizzards and ice, In autumn lightning will streak the sky with a thunderstorm, The heat comes with the fiery haze of summer, Spring will quench thirst with its scarlet vine.” You need to use the appropriate elemental spells on 4 statues, but not all of them are suitable.

    1. Spring - bloody rain or blow from an ally.

    2. Autumn - electric steam.

    3. Summer is a fireball.

    4. Winter - icy hail.

    Quest: Funeral rites

    On a hill, 3 elves perform a ritual over a dead body, and do not allow strangers to pass through. They will only let us through when we save the elf Saheila from the sawmill.

    There is an ambush on the southwestern road. 2 snipers and 2 thieves (level 12), who often use invisibility and surprise attacks.

    The dog on the bridge is infected. Skeleton Victor opposite the bridge.

    Quest: Buried Past (2)

    Gareth buries his dead parents. There are two paladins standing near his house. To the right of Gareth you can find the gloves of his parents' killer. The paladins do not allow you to enter, you need to either negotiate with them or kill them.

    Inside the building we see 4 silent killers. We turn on the world of spirits, on the left side of the house we talk with the souls of Gareth’s parents, they do not want revenge, but want Gareth to remain a hero. Gareth will immediately enter and ask you to kill the silent ones with his own hands. If we allow it, he will follow the path of revenge, if we dissuade him from this, he will remain on the path of the hero.

    From the ghosts of our parents we learn that the killers were controlled by the white master Jonathan. Gareth asks to kill him and bring proof. Jonathan is located in the Black Mines near the oil rig. After killing him, we take his ring and bring it to Gareth. After this, Gareth will return to the ship.

    Quest: Dangerous to yourself and others

    Far to the east, in the healer’s house, we find the healer Swann. In the basement he keeps the dangerously sick Natalie. We can help in her treatment. We go down, when approaching the girl, 4 monsters appear (level 12). We attack only monsters, the girl can also be hit, but she must remain alive at the end of the battle.

    We begin to perform the operation. There are 3 actions, each with 2 options, and only 1 combination will allow you to keep the girl alive:

    1. Move away the scalp and begin sawing through the skull with a saw.

    3. Close the wound quickly.

    After this, we will get an achievement, one of the things to choose from, and a healer who will sell us healing potions at half price.

    Abandoned flayer sawmill

    We go north, there will be traps on the way, we attack them from afar with fire. At the sawmill we find a detachment of Lone Wolves. Here we turn on the world of spirits and see many ghosts. Each member of the “Lone Wolves” has some kind of sins, and therefore they are haunted by the souls of the murdered.

    Quest: An eye for an eye

    At the entrance to the sawmill we see the spirit of a magician, he asks to kill the archer Faithful Eye in order to take revenge.

    Quest: If we don't wash, we'll ride

    Bow Master Corbin Day. We need to free him from Rust Anlon. A little later we will kill him and the quest will be completed. Corbin Day will go to our ship.

    Quest: Bitter medicine

    Ghost lizard Black Widowmaker. He was poisoned by his colleague Snakeroot. We ask her about this, she does not confess. A little later we will kill her and the quest will be completed.

    Quest: No laughing matter

    Spirit of the Gravedigger. Dremoseka killed him. We approach her, use the answer option with the [mystic] tag so that she sees the spirit of the Gravedigger in a dream, and tells her the location of the treasure. We go to the western shore, dig up the chest, keep the treasure for ourselves, and report to the gravedigger.

    Quest: Log like a log

    In the right building we turn on the world of spirits, we see that one of the logs has its own soul - this is an elven knacker tree. The soul asks us to take revenge on the foreman at the sawmill. We go south and find the soul of the foreman. When we have the soul absorption spell, we destroy it and return to the log for the reward.

    Quest: Valuable loot

    In the right building we go up the stairs to the 2nd floor, there is the personal room of the leader of the wolves - Rust Anlon. There are many spirits of little boys around. Rust (level 14) is protected by 2 bodyguards and two tame wolves. In his captivity Elf Saheila. If we have the elf Sebilla in our squad, she will want to personally communicate with her tormentor Rust, and will immediately provoke a battle.

    After the victory, you need to take Saheila out of the sawmill. Now all the Lone Wolves will be against us, we kill them one by one and make our way to the south. There we give Saheila into the hands of the druid elves on a hill.

    Northern glade

    On the right we can break open the gate, clear the traps, and go to a separate clearing. You can get a chest from under the waterfall using teleportation.

    In the clearing itself we find the cart of the Sadhi lizard - this is Red Princess. If there is a Red Prince in the party, they will retire to the carriage. After this, 5 killer lizards attack (level 14). During the battle, the princess will disappear from here, and the lizard will have to continue searching.


    In the northeastern part of the hills, all the earth cracked and turned into separate islands. Here we can move only by teleportation and other spells: dragon flight, tactical retreat. From the north side we can jump into the burning house, there are 4 marauders inside (level 14).

    Quest: Sudden Lovers

    Through the rubble we get to the eastern house, inside we find the girl Almira and Master Mikal. The two of them ran away from a dangerous place. Mikal is wounded, but he cannot be healed because there is an aura of corruption around him. Almira asks for help with this.

    In the farthest north-eastern corner there is the dragon Harbinger of Doom (lvl. 15), it is from him that an aura of corruption emanates, preventing him from being treated. In battle, he is helped by the undead masters whom he captured. The dragon himself constantly flies from the tower to the rock. We place a couple of warriors in one place, a couple in another. An archer and an assassin work well here, as they can strike from any distance.

    We return to the couple’s house and receive a reward. We can offer them to move to a safe place: to Driftwood (perhaps they will be killed there), or to their ship.

    Quest: Almira's request

    We meet a couple in love already on the howling ship. Almira asks to find an ancient tablet for her, the same one that Riker asked for. The tablet contains a recipe for the Scythe-Deliverer, with which you can break the contract with the God-King. If we give the tablet, we will receive the “Rapist” ring as a reward.

    4.8. Monastery Forest
    Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

    Quest: Trader Eithne

    The undead Eithne is a librarian. During our introduction, we answer that we are not from the Black Circle. You can buy many books with necromancy and transformation spells from her. In the conversation, she asks to bring her a chanterelle mushroom, but the quest text says that she needs the “Corpse Explosion” skill book.

    On the left, we can teleport down to the low left bank. We enter the hold of the crashed ship. There is deadly darkness, from it you can teleport to get a unique Captain's compass amulet.

    Quest: Window of Opportunity

    In the central ruins we meet the lizard Hannag, 3 masters are hunting for her (level 13). This is one of the powerful sorceresses, we can save her to get +1 Source magic cell. We fight with the masters.

    After the rescue, Hannag asks to also save her student, who took refuge in the Black Mines. If we saved him, we tell him about it. If he was hanged, Hannag will not teach us, but will give us a book about the Source.

    Quest: Three altars (2)

    In the western dead end in front of the altar there is a huge monster - the Weeping Abomination (lvl. 14) and 5 black wolves (lvl. 13), which strengthen the already strong monster. The werewolf needs to be constantly stunned if it comes to his turn, with many power-ups he will have almost infinite action points and will kill even the strongest heroes. After the victory, we activate the second altar.

    Quest: Bestial treatment (2)

    On the northern cliff, a murdered witch flying on a cross is the corpse of Alice Alisson (level 15). A very strong opponent, her aura reduces all characters by 400 health per turn. We leave it for later, when we get at least level 16.

    At first, it is better to approach her with one character, lure her away from the fiery area with totems, and then attack with the whole squad. In battle, we bombard her with water and ice spells. After the victory, we take the Key to the Witch’s Cellar from her.

    We return to the witch's house in the meadows and open the basement. There are a lot of rats inside that explode when touched. In the back room we find 1 bottle of witch's potion, but we also need a second one. Behind bars, we kill the frog and take the potion recipe from it. We prepare the second portion of the potion ourselves (Witch's Eye + Mushroom + Catalyst). We return to the cows in the meadow, turning them back into people.

    Quest: Monster Hunter

    Behind the bridges we find a separate house, in front of it two demons are planted in a cage; they were caught by Jaan, the master of the Source. He promises us to increase the magic of the Source, but first we need to kill the demon Lawyer on Blood Moon Island, which the hunter cannot reach.

    On the northern shore there is a Dead Ferryman, offering to take us to Blood Moon Island for 100 gold, through the deadly dead fog. Only the undead hero can survive; any living hero will die along the way. (There is a game error that you can take advantage of: we separate the character from the squad, we negotiate the crossing with him alone, he dies on the way, but at the place of arrival the rest of the squad’s heroes will automatically teleport to him and will be able to revive him).

    4.9. Blood Moon Island
    Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

    Quest: Lawyer

    On the southeastern coast of the island we meet a detachment of demons and their leader, Lawyer. Here we see Malaise communicating with the gnome, but she immediately leaves the island. We can bet 500 gold with the gnome Basatan about the case of Illness, whether she can cope or not, without knowing the details of this case.

    The lawyer promises to increase our Source magic, but in exchange we must destroy the Black Circle detachment in the center of the island.

    Tormentor of the Black Circle (lvl. 15) and 4 intimidators. When we win, the Lawyer will take the central place and will also cast a spell over the central tree. As a reward we will learn from him location of Nameless Island.

    If after this we kill the Lawyer himself, we return to the hunter Jaan, he will increase our maximum supply of Source.

    Jaan will ask you to find the name of the demon on the island - the owner of the Lawyer. We communicate with many spirits on the island.

    On the northeast corner there are monsters Elnar harmful (level 15). Beholder monsters cause madness in our heroes - they randomly use their skills, scrolls, potions. Here on the pier we take silver bars.

    On the western bank of Myrvl the damned (level 15) - 3 demons and 3 dogs.

    On the northern shore we find a blacksmith's forge, take 2 silver ingots nearby, use them on the forge, and as a result we will smelt them Silver lever handle. There should be 3 of them in total.

    Quest: The Forgotten and the Damned

    Near the fire, at the entrance to the bridge made of fragments, we find a map of the island, it shows three statues, an archive and a forge. Near the Lawyer's detachment we examine the statue, there is some kind of secret under it, but we cannot move it.

    In the northeast, at the turn, we inspect the mountain of earth, dig it up, and find a hatch underneath it into the basement.

    Archive. Below we find the library and the Spirit of the Archivist. We open the secret door between the cabinets, we find Anathema sword hilt, nearby in the tenebrium chest green teleportation pyramid And book "Taming the Sacred Fire", this is the music of which you can destroy 3 statues covering the hatches.

    With the help of music, under each statue we discover a dungeon where creatures possessed by demons are imprisoned. Near the locked doors there is an empty recess for a lever; we use fused silver handles. In addition, you need to turn on the spirit world and negotiate with each guard to release the prisoner. (If it was not possible to reach an agreement, then the spirits can be destroyed later by receiving the “Draw Source” spell from Siwa). To free the prisoners, you need to break 4 pillars with chains with shots. Each prisoner has his own separate quest.

    Quest: Silent

    Dungeon 1 - Possessed Child (lvl. 15). Before release, you need to negotiate or fight with the cat. After this, we can teleport the child to our ship.

    If we have Lowse in our party, she can convince the demon hunter Jaan to join us and move to the ship. When both are on the ship, Jaan will cast a spell on the two.

    Quest: Shackled by Pain

    Dungeon 2 - Possessed Dwarf (lvl. 15). The demon grows stronger in pain.

    Option 1 - We kill the gnome, the demon Morr Rotten Maw appears, he will alternately move into our characters, and leave them only with minimal health. A few relocations and he will die.

    Option 2 - we are trying to cure. We hit the gnome until he falls, use “Death Denial” on him, and hit him again. After two falls we break the chains, the demon will come out without killing him. We finish off the demon. He takes over the character who hit him 2 times in a row. After the victory, we talk to the gnome and receive his cache as a reward.

    Quest: Sublime Deception

    Dungeon 3 - Rajarima lizard (lvl. 15) - possessed awakened one. In battle, kills everyone with one massive spell. To win, before the battle we separate the characters and place them in different corners of the room. After surviving the first spell, you will have a chance to win.

    Quest: Secrets of Blood Moon Island

    In the archive we find the Archivist's Diary. We kill the monsters in the center of the island, turn on the spirit world, and communicate with the tree. In the conversation we call his true name from the diary - Demon Adramalich.

    4.10. Preparing to sail
    Divinity: Original Sin 2. Walkthrough

    Conditions necessary for sailing from the continent:

    Get 3 Source magic cells;

    Learn the spell "Draw Source";

    Find out the location of the Nameless Island;

    Help Gareth avenge his parents;

    Help the rest of the squad members complete their tasks (not necessary, but they will beg to stay until their problems are resolved).

    3 cells. The following can help us increase the supply of Source:

    Dwarf Mordus in Reaper's Bay (you need to defeat him in battle, he may deceive you, he does not have his own Source power, he feeds from a captured lich).

    Elf Riker in the Churchyard (you need to explore the Black Mines and find an ancient tablet);

    Lizard Hannag in the Monastery Forest (you need to save the student Gwydain Rins on the oil rig);

    Hunter Jaan in the Monastery Forest (you need to kill the demon Lawyer on Blood Moon Island).

    Spell. Having received 3 cells of Source magic, we return to Driftwood to Siwa’s basement. We repeat the ritual to see our deity again. God teaches us the spell “Source Drawing,” which allows us to draw Source points from strong enemies, or absorb the souls of the dead. God will also indicate the location of the Nameless Island, and warn that in the end you will have to leave your companions and act alone. When we return to our world, 2 void flayers (level 14) will burst into the basement and kill Siva.

    Island location can suggest:

    Defense takes the floor(Lawyer Up)
    Find out the location of the Council of Seven from a lawyer.
    We kill the Black Circle fighters in the center of Blood Moon Island.
    Island of the Gods(Isle of the Gods)
    Find out the location of the Council of Seven from higher powers.
    The second time we perform the ritual in Siwa’s basement.
    Last Chance Island(The Isle of Last Resort)
    Find out the location of the Council of Seven from Khvori.
    It is necessary to find all the companions - the sorcerers of the Source and complete their quests.

    Gareth. Together with him we need to find the killer of his parents:

    Meet Gareth in the meadows in the house where he captured a man;

    Meet Gareth in Paradise Hills, near his parents' house. Enter the house, communicate with the spirits;

    In the Black Mines on the oil rig, kill the white master Jonathan, report this to Gareth.

    Having fulfilled all the conditions, we return to our ship. We speak with Illness and go to the Nameless Island.

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    In the game Divinity: Original Sin 2 there are moments that are perplexing - talking statues, doors that open with switches, and the like. Tips for completing them will appear in this post...

    This part is about those interesting locations where you can get hold of something valuable. To do this, however, you will have to either solve a simple puzzle or fight several opponents.

    Island of Joy

    The first island where the character finds himself after the shipwreck is the island of joy. You don’t feel any joy from this, because the character is as naked as a falcon. You will have to dress for a long time and carefully. In accordance with the chosen direction of development, we improve physical skills (and, accordingly, a physical shield), skills in using a bow or crossbow (which, by and large, are the same thing), or magical skills (and a magic shield). The main source of experience is story quests, but the game also has many additional secrets where you can also get experience points.

    Misterious cave - mysterious cave

    The quest is story-based. Therefore, you will definitely have to visit the mysterious cave. The statue in the cave is an additional task. You don’t have to do it and simply knock down the door. But then you won't get experience.

    This cave is located on the beach behind a family of fire mobs. Inside you will have to fight the ghost and its copies. In one of the halls there will be a talking statue. Such statues are typical for the world of Rivellon. So in the answers you must first choose the first option, then the second option. You can ask your questions in any order. As a result of all these actions, the door to the chests will open.

    In the mysterious cave from the last room, do not forget to grab a fire rod, which destroys the “screamers” in the ruins.

    The statue in the mysterious cave, the misterious cave will ask two riddles and then answer two of your questions...

    Other materials about Divinity: Original Sin 2

    Saving the historian (historian)

    This quest is optional.

    In the ruins near the beach, behind locked doors, a creature engulfed in flames whimpers. The doors to it are locked. One way to get inside is to use teleportation (in general, there are two types of such skills - one transports any member of the squad, the other only your character; either will do). In addition, you will need the Bless skill for blessing and bleeding. So, we get inside, fight with several either ghosts or skeletons, and then we port the historian creature outside and throw it into a puddle next to the ruins. Then we use the bleeding and blessing spells.

    To open the doors, you need to act together: one stands on the button, the other teleports, the third takes the skulls. Each such skull opens a door. In any case, you can’t do without teleportation!

    As gratitude, the hot creature gives access to a certain labyrinth. You can pick up some clothes there. Well, of course, you get experience for saving.

    We remove the curse from the burning creature with the help of a blessing.

    Secret room in the castle ruins

    In the ruins you will find a passage to the dungeon. Here the masters tried to open the cursed door, but failed - everyone died. It makes sense to go to this dungeon when the blessing spell has been learned. There is a can of Source liquid on the side, it restores action points for the blessing.

    Activate the strange mechanism in the ruins. And take the helmet.

    The lever needs to be blessed. In the room you will see a strange structure, activate its left platform. To activate the structure, however, you still need to be saturated with the source. Inside is a helmet and other stuff.

    Help the statue

    In the sea cave where the rescued orange robber went, there is also a small puzzle. There are a couple of boys playing hide and seek. You can join their game. It’s easy to find someone hiding the first time - he is, in fact, visible on the map as a yellow dot. The second time he becomes invisible. You need to run towards the rocky wall, in one place of which there is a narrow hole. You won't be able to get through there.

    The boy will be led to the statue. She can be helped...

    However, as soon as you discover the boy, he will point out the location of a secret hole in the ground. Dig it up and inside there will be a cave with a talking statue. There is a weapon stuck into it that someone strong enough can pull out. This statue will tell you about the need to destroy the jar of souls. This task - see below about Weapons in the catacombs under the prison .


    Control of the ship

    The quest is story-based. You will definitely have to do it. Actually, you need to find a dusty book (it’s on the table in the hall with the merchant), in which the words of a certain song are written, and then perform it near the dragon statue at the stern of the ship. Additionally, for experience and money, you can visit the office.

    In the second chapter you will have to regain control of a magical ship that is not sailing anywhere. To do this you will have to search all the nooks and crannies. The most important thing is to gain access to the office. The talking door does not let you through, but you can extract the password from it - pretend to be a fool and ask to remember it. One password (there are two NPCs next to her) is not enough. The second ingredient is a certain thing that can be taken from a prisoner sleeping behind bars after thoroughly searching him.

    In order to find out the password—this is fortitude—you need to upgrade the persuasion parameter to at least level 4.

    Inside you will meet a merchant, as well as another puzzle that can only be solved in a group. If you have not yet assembled a group again (say, from the same characters who were already with you), then a gnome may be given to help you. Someone needs to be placed on the floor button next to the shelving and bed and at the same time separated from the group so that he does not run after you. And go to the office yourself. There's another button on the wall inside that opens this patterned, uncooperative door.

    On the ship, by the way, you will meet two quite serious enemies that cause physical damage. In the room with the captive merchant you will find something like a cellar. Before the fight, you should take care of a sufficient amount of physical protection.

    By the way, before you part with the gnome, you can rob him and give his things to the merchant.

    You can't do it alone on a ship - you'll need an assistant.

    After you sing the song to the dragon statue, a fight will begin. Several fairly strong monsters will appear. They are not attacking you first of all - you will see for yourself. Your task is to hold out for several turns before a powerful spell works. To do this, slow down in every possible way, freeze, shock, teleport enemies. If you manage to kill someone, it will be a plus, your experience will increase.

    A short video will help you complete this part of the game.

    Reaper Coast

    The second large location where the character finds himself is another island, known as the Reaper's Coast. There are no less mysteries here than in the Fort of Joy.

    Divine Source

    Siva is one of the few NPCs who will teach your character (as well as others in the party) a very useful skill: seeing and destroying ghosts. For this, a source point is given for the blessing. Previously you needed a special wand, now this will become your main skill.

    Getting this skill is very simple - you need to perform a ritual in Siwa's basement. To do this, take the necessary ingredients from the box, then use a lancet so that a drop of blood appears on it and place it together with the black root in a container for the ritual (by combining). Place the resulting mixture on the burner, turn it on and inhale the steam.

    For the ritual, take the items from the cabinet next to the jar with the source. Stab yourself and combine all the items as written in the book.

    Afterwards you will be transported to the other world, where a new skill will be given. Looking ahead, I will say that this skill will help when passing through the cave near the sawmill. The way there is blocked by a screaming man. You and an assistant (someone from your group - he, alas, will die) must both clear the path: the assistant distracts attention, you cast the Drain Source spell.

    A new skill in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is given after the ritual - it will allow you to see souls and expel them.

    By the way, the ritual must be performed again later. For this you will receive as many as 3 source points. Don't forget to top them up.

    Sleeper's Talking Chest

    Sociable pieces of furniture are a signature feature of Divinity. As a rule, they need to be told some kind of password in order for them to open. You have already encountered a similar problem - opening a door on a ship - before. The new one is very similar, but now you need to open a chest in one of the rooms of the hotel on the second island, where you arrive by ship. Of course, there is some junk in it. But the opening process itself is very interesting.

    So, in the beginning, bother the sleeping person with all sorts of questions. He mutters something in response, but immediately falls asleep again. Once all the lines are over, “torture” the chest. However, nothing will work out with him with the initial answers. None of them fit.

    How to convince the chest to open? It's not easy at all.

    We climb up to the sleeping man again. And we ask him a question about the chest. He responds by talking about the “magic word” - this is the password. Not about the “magic word”, but simply “the word”.

    Joanna's tomb

    The tomb is located in an area called Pogost. You can go here after your second visit to God. He will give the main character and party members the ability to see the other world - this is Ghostly Vision. It turns out that many restless spirits roam the earth. They must be sent to the next world forever...

    Ghostly vision received from God will help in solving some problems...

    The Ghost Vision skill will also help in this task. Use it in the first room and three switches will appear on the wall. In the next room there is a floor button in the center. Someone needs to stand on it. The grille closes when someone or something stands on the button, but in general it can be broken. There is no point in putting a character there; you can move one of the jugs to the button (there are several along the walls). And then you need to deal with the wall buttons. The diary says in what order to press them, in the task “Family Affair” - it is 2 - 3 - 1, that is, the middle, right and left buttons.

    The sarcophagus in the center of the room will move and a hatch to the basement will be revealed under it. There are statues here and the necessary artifact is located. The statues naturally come to life when you pick up an artifact. They should be killed before you touch the artifact.

    Blood Moon Island

    Getting to Blood Moon Island is not easy. This can be done only in one place - where the destroyed bridge is (near the Driftwood portal - fields). As soon as you approach the bridge, it seems to disappear into thin air. Remember its approximate configuration from afar.

    You can cross the bridge with a teleportation spell. There are several types of them. The first is regular teleportation. In the previous chapter, it became available due to gloves. These gloves are transferable. And thus get all the way to the end of the bridge. At the penultimate pillar, you will have to walk a little along an invisible bridge in order to shift the teleport zone and reach the last pillar, and from it to the island of the bloody moon.

    The second method is Cloak and Dagger. With this skill, the character rerolls himself. The third method is interworld gates. You specify a starting point and an exit point. Other party members come out of the gate with you.

    Gods in the underground temple

    Hints on the order in which to include the statues of the gods can be found in books. However, if you are too lazy to look for and read something, see the following diagram. This sequence does not change from game to game - it is “wired” tightly.

    All these manipulations with the statues will allow you to remove the protective cube and get a diagram of the scythe-deliverer. This diagram can be given to those who wish, or you can use it yourself by clicking on the sarcophagus. In the latter case, get ready for a difficult battle. Summoned dogs cause significant physical damage and there are quite a lot of them...

    Nameless Island

    The island is relatively small - essentially a volcano. There are several divine temples located here. To enter the main one, you will have to find out whether the gods worship the moon or the sun. Afterwards you can print out the lunar temple.

    Moon Temple

    There are statues of gods in front of the temple. There are seven of them. The moon or sun must be placed on them according to a certain pattern. Unfortunately, this scheme is fixed, so you can immediately stomp to the temple, set this sequence, supply power using a battery from a robot from a cave on the shore and enter the lunar temple.

    Lunar Temple from the inside...

    • Elves - moon
    • Devils - the moon
    • Dwarfs - moon
    • Orcs are the sun
    • Wizards - moon
    • Lizards - the sun
    • People are the sun

    The lever should be pulled only after the correct sequence has been set. Otherwise, you will begin to be hit by various elements.


    Arx is a fairly large location. The city that you will find here occupies almost half of the territory. Naturally there are many hiding places.

    Manhole in the barracks

    White Master Raymond is hiding in one of the hiding places. To do this you need to find the barracks. In one of the rooms, there are many boxes piled in the corner. If you clear them, a hatch will be revealed.

    It just won't open. You'll have to be smart and answer four questions correctly. The sequence of answers is 1 3 2 4 (if the answer is correct, a click is heard):

    • purity of thoughts
    • body discipline
    • order in society
    • fidelity to the divine

    These are probably the mottos of the masters, which they do not really observe. In the basement (going even lower) you will find Raymond. You will have to fight him and his servants.

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