Rectangular room design - modern trends. Design of an elongated rectangular living room Furniture arrangement in a rectangular living room

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When renovating, we rely on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why the result so often does not live up to expectations.

website I have collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating the interior of a living room.

Your living room only has overhead lighting.

Lighting creates atmosphere and should take into account your mood, so a living room can't get by with just a chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system ( desk lamp, sconces, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or incorrectly sized carpet

Small carpets bring imbalance to the room, you should select a carpet correct size for your living room. A large carpet will provide a visual expansion of the space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place the TV is empty wall. Do not install the TV opposite or near a window; this is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3–5 diagonals. Consider this when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material will match the upholstery of the sofa or chair. If the upholstered furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. For small-sized furniture Neat and small products are suitable, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to place the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do this - thereby you will visually increase the space and create comfort. A sofa near the wall in a spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will appear visually squat and cramped if you purchase furniture in dark shades. For a low living room, compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always with raised legs, are suitable. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you and test it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos are not hanging correctly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, a gallery on the wall is a great solution, rather than photo frames placed in all corners.

Large furniture

The most common mistake- fill the room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a spacious corner sofa. For small living rooms it will be preferable double sofa and a couple of armchairs.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have a rectangular room, then you can adjust it with the help of a cabinet or shelving unit, since the square shape of the room is most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since by definition sleeping area should be away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both areas is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that it is convenient for the hostess and there is enough light to prepare food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in one room.
  • Living room and office - the office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.

Most living rooms have a rectangular shape, and they differ only in the location of windows, doors and dimensions. But this is already enough to decorate each room differently. The design of a rectangular living room has its own characteristics and nuances, which relate to color, furniture arrangement, and interior style. Taking all this into account, you can create a cozy environment.

Room color scheme

The design of a rectangular living room and its perception largely depends on color palette present when decorating the room. With the help of correctly selected colors, you can visually adjust the shape of the room and lighting. Here's what experts recommend on this matter.

Remember! Choosing color scheme, you need to focus not only on the shape and dimensions of the room, but also on the impact the color itself has on you. If red or any other color is not to your liking, but is in trend, then you should not lean towards fashion, act according to your feelings.

Place of furniture in the room

Harmonious and cozy interior A rectangular room requires proper placement of furniture. Before moving interior items, you need to know the purpose of the room and the presence of functional areas. If a complete renovation of a room is carried out with the development of a design project and the purchase of new furniture, then they think about zoning at the initial stage of the project. Moreover, it is much easier to move furniture layouts on paper in search of optimal option situation. It's a completely different matter when you need to fit in existing furniture.

In any case, the number of pieces of furniture in a rectangular guest room should be sufficient to host holidays, accommodate visitors and simple family recreation. The very shape of the living room suggests dividing it into zones, which will smooth out the elongation of the room. Most often, a working or dining area is separated near the window. A dining table, chairs and a display case for storing dishes are placed in one part of the room, upholstered furniture and a TV in the other.

Remember! Minimal amount furniture in a rectangular room helps create coziness. Preference should be given to modular and multifunctional furniture; it does not clutter up the space.

Placing furniture along the long walls of the room will only emphasize its rectangular shape. Therefore, some objects need to be placed perpendicular to the room, for example, these could be chairs with a coffee table. A corner sofa or a corner wall-slide fits perfectly into the interior of such a room.

The layout of a rectangular room with a window on a long wall can be adjusted using a wardrobe. If you place it along a narrow wall, the room will become shorter. But you should not place all the furniture in one corner, this can lead to disharmony of space and a feeling of emptiness.

Style decision

The style of decoration of the room for receiving guests will depend on the area of ​​the room. A large rectangular room can be decorated in classical styles. In general, almost any style can be realized in such a room. But you can’t say the same about a small room. The following styles have become popular in recent decades:

  • minimalism;
  • modern;
  • loft;
  • Art Deco;
  • pop art and others.

Rectangular room large sizes can accommodate the most luxurious interior composition in the art deco style. This style “loves” space, but we should not forget that as the design progresses, it will be necessary to level out imperfections in the shape of the room. A successfully implemented art deco style will include the most interesting elements that are present within other styles.

The design of a rectangular room based on art deco will be oversaturated with heterogeneous elements. Therefore, it is very important that these elements are in harmony with each other, forming a single composition. However, it cannot be otherwise, because without harmony there is no art deco style.

A small rectangular living room can be decorated in pop art style. This unusual flashy interior may suit the taste of a young couple. There is no need to include any expensive elements in the decoration of the room, only bright flashy colors, unusual paintings, a paradoxical combination of textures and materials. Examples can be seen in the photo.

Options for planning a room for receiving guests

Redevelopment will help to radically change the shape of the guest room. But to implement it you will have to draw up documents. Most often, a kitchen is combined with a guest room, thereby expanding the space; it is possible to combine it with a bedroom, and sometimes with a hallway. Thanks to this combination, the design of a rectangular room can turn out much more attractive, due to larger area, where you can realize all your fantasies.

Combining a reception room and a kitchen allows you to create a single space, combining two seemingly incompatible rooms. The design of a rectangular living room in this case should be based on the harmonious combination of two multifunctional spaces. First of all, it is necessary to take care of the visual zoning of the two parts of the room in order to mark the border, hinting, however, at the remaining single space of the room.

You can also expand the room for receiving guests at the expense of the corridor, since most Soviet-built apartments still do not have full-fledged hallways.

By tearing down the partition and freeing extra space, it is necessary to visually mark the place where you can remove shoes and outerwear. It must be designated so that the guest room does not turn into a “country club”. In other words, you need to make a visual hint of the hallway area, but not stick out the wardrobe as an accent element.

To summarize, we note that decorating the interior of a rectangular-shaped guest room has some difficulties than performing the same task in a square room, you will have to work hard. The arrangement of furniture and other interior elements must be carried out in strict accordance with the plan. The color scheme should be created taking into account the intensity of artificial and natural light. Accent elements must be in place. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve the ideal, but you need to strive for it and then your guests will certainly appreciate your efforts.

Living room square shape occurs quite often, especially in private homes and newly built houses. Decorating such a room does not cause difficulties even for ordinary people. However, if a living room with several functional areas is planned as part of a design project, then you will have to take into account a lot of subtleties and weigh many pros and cons. Even if you take the most ordinary plan for decorating a room for receiving guests, as it is implemented, a lot of features will emerge. Let's look at them in more detail.

Square living room in classic style

Feature of a modern square living room

A square living room has one very important advantage compared to rooms of other shapes. The space of its floor can be used as usefully as possible, unlike, for example, a room rectangular shape. The fact is that it will be difficult to find a place for large furniture in a rectangular room, since it will further narrow the already rather narrow space.

Interior of a modern living room in black and white

Even if we assume that all the interior elements in a rectangular living room will be located against the wall, there is not much space left in the middle. There is only space left for more or less free movement. It will be quite difficult to arrange a get-together with a dozen friends, since it will clearly feel crowded.

Square-shaped living room in neoclassical style

A square room outperforms its “rectangular counterpart” precisely by preserving space in the center of the room. All furniture can be conveniently located along the walls, and the middle can be turned into a “floating” functional area, where, if necessary, you can install a table with food or even build a small dance floor. The larger the square room, the more striking its main advantage is.

Square living room with spacious dining area

The advantage of a square-shaped living room can be partially undermined by poor placement of windows. This can often be found in private houses, when window openings gape in two walls of the room, making it impossible to place any furniture there. And in one wall there is an interior door. And it turns out that only one wall is suitable for the full placement of interior elements, which is clearly not enough.

Stylish and modern living room in light colors

In this case, the interior of a square living room can benefit only due to the size of the room. In a large room, furniture can be placed in an island manner, that is, in the middle. Again, if we are talking about a rectangular room in which both long walls are occupied by windows and interior doors, even its big size will not be a salvation, since interior elements cannot be placed in the middle and cannot be placed near the walls.

Furniture arrangement in a square living room

Design features of a small square living room

Designing a square living room with a small area may require a number of serious decisions from you. One of them is the need to replace conventional swing doors for sliding ones. This is explained by the fact that such doors will allow you to save useful space in the room, which is occupied by a door that opens inward. If for some reason you don’t want to change the doors, then you shouldn’t put furniture next to them.

Classic living room with regular square shape

Very important advice for those who have a small living room, the idea is to have as little furniture in it as possible. These should be the most necessary interior items. Don't think that the more beautiful furniture, the more luxurious the living room will be. This is not at all true, because making the interior of the living room square will leave some free space in the center of the room. The feeling of cramped space will constantly put pressure on you, so it will not be entirely comfortable.

Square living room combined with kitchen and sleeping area

To avoid this effect, it is better to avoid any massive furniture. So, for example, instead of a full-wall cabinet, opt for a small chest of drawers or hanging TV drawers. Not a bad option There will be a corner cabinet or corner display for storing dishes or necessary things. Pay attention to the color of the furniture; dark objects against the background of light walls will be optimal. This design of a square living room looks harmonious and attractive.

Spacious and open living room with square shape

Concerning upholstered furniture, then choose a sofa or armchairs based on practical considerations. If you need a full-fledged sleeping place in the living room, then, of course, you can’t do without a sofa. In addition, if you often have guests at large quantities, then in this case you will need a large sofa. Well, if more often you stay in the living room with your family, then perhaps a small sofa for 2-3 people will be enough for you.

Design of a spacious square living room

The design of a large square living room also has its own characteristics. Its creation requires adhering to one important principle, which can be briefly formulated as follows: “in a large square room you need to try to occupy at least the minimum of the middle of the room.” If this principle is neglected, then the center of the living room will seem too empty and uncomfortable, which in itself spoils the interior composition.

Square living room of regular square shape with work area

It is customary for professional designers to design an interior square room place in its middle either large accent elements or significant ones that attract attention functional areas. A striking example this is a seating area, a corner sofa, chairs and coffee table. Often the center of a large room can be occupied by a massive display cabinet, decorated with various elements. dinner table and even an indoor fountain.

Corner sofa in a square living room

An accent element fits very effectively into the design of a square living room, which at the same time plays the role of a border between functional areas. This could be a beautifully decorated half-partition with a niche, a green hedge, or simply a large aquarium installed across it. Such an element looks impressive, occupies the middle of the room, in addition, it divides the room into two parts, resulting in the formation of good layout square living room.

Square living room with a partition that separates the kitchen

By zoning the space of a square-shaped room for receiving guests, we get two full-fledged rectangular functional zones. Functional purpose such zones can be different:

  • bedroom area;
  • entertainment area;
  • children's Corner;
  • work zone;
  • dining area and more.

Due to the size of the living space, functional areas can be easily filled with everything necessary, with virtually no significant restrictions. When planning a room in this way, you need to understand that the interior composition must remain integral. The color scheme, texture, style of both parts of the room should ideally correlate with each other.

Square living room with a large black chandelier

Photo of a square living room

It is not at all necessary to decorate both parts of the room for receiving guests in the same color or texture. The main thing is that they are organically combined with each other and that a clear design concept can be traced in them.

Unfortunately, long narrow rooms are very common, and many owners are faced with the need to “fix” this awkward shape and give the apartment functionality and convenience. But on the other hand, such an awkward room is an excellent platform for creativity and can become a cozy and attractive place in an apartment or house. Here are the rules to make it beautiful and practical.

  1. Paint the wide sides in bright colors light colors, and narrow into juicy and more saturated. You should not opt ​​exclusively for white when designing; beige, pink or orange would be an excellent solution. By attracting attention with such accents, you will visually reduce the “extra centimeters” of elongated walls.
  2. Carpet or flooring should be placed perpendicular to wide walls. Good choice in this case, it can be parquet, laminate or tiles with a large rectangular pattern.
  3. On one side you can arrange a dressing room or install a tall wardrobe. This is very practical and at the same time you will correct the proportions of the room, making it visually square.
  4. This can also be achieved by “saturating” the interior with smooth lines and curves that hide the corners and conceal the feeling of the length of the room. Round or oval furniture is great for this, decorative elements or paintings.
  5. Avoid massive chandeliers and use spotlights or sconces. It is better to place them on narrow walls, painted in rich colors, otherwise the corridor effect cannot be avoided.
  6. Very original and practical solution can become podiums on the floor and shelves different sizes and type.
  7. The ceiling should be painted in warm and bright hues. Application of multi-level suspended ceiling will also allow you to hide irregular shape rooms.
  8. Large mirrors and photo wallpapers are especially relevant, allowing you to expand the space and blur the outlines of the room.
  9. Natural ones will cope well with this sunlight. Opt for light and light-colored materials that let the sun's rays through.

To ensure that a narrow room does not resemble a carriage, even a designer needs to try hard.

Create two functional centers in the room.

Before deciding how the best way To make do with a “pencil case”, you need precise measurements.

You can turn the shortcomings of your long, narrow room into undeniable advantages by dividing it into two zones correct form. This could be a sleeping area and an office for the bedroom, or a cooking and dining area for the kitchen. Correct placement furniture in this case is in a wonderful way zoning, but there are some nuances here too.

As long as Soviet buildings exist, the issue of narrow rooms will be relevant.

How to make from long room living room, dining room, bedroom, office, children's room or even a dressing room with additional function guest bedroom?

Try not to place massive sofas or solid partitions in such places. This will lead to even greater visual compression of the space and make it difficult to pass. Instead, try podiums, rugs, or incorporate multiple colors into your interior design. Such methods will not only allow you to divide your living room or kitchen into independent zones, but will also significantly improve their functionality. Mobile partitions, which can also be a striking design element, will also cope well with this.

The only problem is that standard methods In this case, there is no visual expansion of the size of a narrow room - neither light colors of the walls nor the standard arrangement of furniture will bring much effect.

Your choice is long sofas; It is even desirable that they be longer than usual.

Do not place all the furniture near elongated walls and give preference to light, light-transmitting structures. A good decision can be a small couch standing in a narrow place, or several armchairs and poufs different shapes and colors.

The play of colors and textures, proper zoning of the compressed space and lighting help to expand the narrow part of the room. necessary elements interior - these are the techniques together that can adjust the room.

A room with a window near the door can also be adapted into a compact area with living room functions.

If both shelves and surfaces are the same width, this will visually balance the room.

The arrangement of furniture in a narrow kitchen has its own characteristics.

  • Sets of dark colors should be avoided.
  • Use mirror and glossy facades.
  • It is advisable to place the work surface along a short wall, and the dining table near the window.
  • Leave the space near the long walls free or take it open shelves and small shelves.
  • The kitchen apron can be made of a dark material with a pronounced texture to focus attention on a short wall.
  • A bar counter or sofa is well suited for zoning, standing with his back to the cooking area and is at the same time the main element of the dining area.

Usually, to expand the space, most owners of narrow rooms prefer to glue plain wallpaper or paint the walls one light color.

If the bedroom turns out to be very small, try to expand the end wall with the headboard using decorative techniques: for example, decorate it with mirrors or wallpaper with an optical effect.

In addition to the main methods of visual correction of interior space, use LED backlight, which is in Lately is gaining more and more popularity.

Living room

The design of the living room should be approached especially carefully, because this room is always full of people and the lack of space here is especially sensitive. To hide its length, do not place the sofa along a wide wall; experiment with its location, or perhaps abandon it altogether. Armchairs, a coffee table and a couple of chairs will be very interesting option. In such a living room there is no room for a bulky wall of furniture, which will finally turn the room into a railway carriage. Use open shelving and shelves that let in light. Do not hide the window with heavy drapes and curtains. This will fill the space with natural light.

Your task is to highlight the short walls and reduce the size of the long ones.

Colored curtains or drapery - best decoration: they give the room airiness and hide extra centimeters of length.

The technique of symmetrical arrangement of objects often saves narrow rooms. Especially children's bedrooms for one or two children.


Divide the interior of the bedroom by painting the walls in several colors. The wall of the room behind the head of the bed can be highlighted with a rich abstract pattern or photo wallpaper. Long walls should be done in warm neutral colors. The amount of furniture in the bedroom should be minimal; replace large chests of drawers and wardrobes with small bedside tables standing in the corners, or a tall wardrobe located against one of the walls. Also good option maybe a podium under the bed, which will perfectly hide the difference in wall lengths, become a bright interior detail and an excellent place to store bed linen. Try a bed that can be completely retracted into a wall unit. But if this method is not for you, then place the place to sleep along a short wall or with the headboard facing it.

A plain or mountain range receding into the distance will visually expand the room horizontally, which means they will neutralize the disproportion of a long narrow room.

Proper zoning of a narrow room: podium, carpet, sofa and other assistants.

Oddly enough, a narrow room with one window can also be a dining room if the kitchen and cooking area are nearby.

There are a number of general rules in the decoration of doors and windows in such rooms.

  1. Natural lighting hides the disproportion of an elongated room and makes it visually larger.
  2. Hang sheer curtains to the edge of the window or light blinds instead of heavy drapes. Roman blinds will also look great.
  3. Thick horizontal bars will visually make the window, and with it the walls, wider, so try to choose frames with wide horizontal bars and narrow vertical bars.
  4. Entrance opening in narrow wall can be made in the form of an attention-grabbing arch.
  5. If the door is located in wide wall, try to widen it as much as possible so that the wall appears narrower.
  6. Install sliding interior doors, they will save space and decorate the interior much better than traditional hinged designs.

Just don’t try to divide the room into parts with a bulky closet or a blank partition from floor to ceiling - in this case, one of the areas will be completely deprived of natural light.

Better consider effective options.

Built-ins offer a variety of options.

Applying these simple rules and imagination, you can turn an uncomfortable narrow elongated room into an original and very functional room, which will give you a lot of comfort and coziness, and will surprise your guests much more than the sight of a banal perfect square.

A narrow, elongated room is not at all uncommon in our homes.

In addition, such rooms often have one window, so the lighting of such a space suffers.

A built-in design that leaves no passages between the sleeping area and the wall at all may be successful.

VIDEO: Design of a long narrow room photo

No matter how beautiful and stylish the renovation may be, the attractiveness of the interior largely depends on the “final stage” - the arrangement of furniture. With the help of interior items, you can give a familiar room a completely unusual look, change its shape, make defects less noticeable. Proper arrangement of furniture will help to emphasize the advantages, which not everyone can handle. There is no need to seek advice from a professional designer if you learn the basic rules for the harmonious arrangement of furniture in the apartment.

How to Arrange Furniture in a 3x5 Rectangular Room

Narrow rectangular rooms are very common. But the correct compositions in them are very rare. Residents of the post-Soviet space “sin” with the usual distribution of interior items, which does not highlight the advantages and even emphasizes the shortcomings of the room. So, for example, in narrow room You can’t place all the furniture along one long wall. Thus, the room only “stretches out” more and begins to resemble a corridor. Instead, it is better to break the room itself into different segments: , . This way you can not only make the room functional and comfortable, but also visually change the shape of the room.

Another common mistake is distributing all the furniture around the perimeter of the room. It would seem that this approach completely unloads the room. But the boundaries that furniture creates begin to “put pressure” on a person and optically reduce the area. Designers advise abandoning this method of distributing furniture, especially large elements. It is better to give preference to grouping into separate zones.

Advice. Try to move away from the usual symmetrical approach. Asymmetry will help you expand the boundaries of a narrow room.

How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room in Khrushchev

The peculiarity of the rooms in such standard apartments is their small size . this or, the principles of furniture arrangement are the same:

  • give up everything unnecessary;
  • use multifunctional furniture;
  • group large interior items.

If you don’t know how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room, then it’s tempting to distribute large elements in the corners so that the rest of the space is not cluttered. And it seems that this way you can achieve stylish and modern interior. But still, designers recommend avoid “empty zones” between massive elements of the composition. It is best to group items so that they fit together. So, for example, it will look great in a Khrushchev building l-shaped sofa. If the size of the room allows, then you can move a sofa or a couple of armchairs to the center, and hide a workplace behind them.

How to arrange furniture in a rectangular room with a balcony

Another problem that apartment owners have to face is. Some prefer to combine it with a room, while others leave the classic layout. How does the arrangement of furniture change depending on the presence of a balcony? The basic principle - don't block the passage To balcony door. Naturally, no one will block it with a closet. But very often, apartment owners place bedside tables or armchairs on the path or very close to the door. This makes access to the balcony much more difficult, making it difficult to move around the room.

Select the center of the composition and start planning the arrangement of furniture from there, including a small empty space for free access to the balcony. Then you can fit everything you need and get a functional design.