Bedroom design on the second floor under the roof. Attic floor design: interesting interior options

Repair of a country house Houses takes more effort and time than furnishing an apartment. Arranging this huge space , it is more difficult to cover every corner. Therefore this room like an attic often goes unnoticed.

If your private house has an attic, then it would be strange not to use these square meters for the benefit of the family.

This happens for various reasons: lack of ideas, materials, funds, desire, the idea that the upcoming work is hard and will take a lot of time. We will suggest design ideas, necessary materials, all the nuances of the work, and you will see that the arrangement attic interior - pure pleasure.

A living room, a bedroom, a guest room, a dressing room, an office or even an additional bathroom - the possibilities for arranging an attic are limited only by your desires, needs and the size of the budget for reconstruction.

Often people confuse the concepts " attic " and "attic". However, they have some differences. The attic is non-residential room , often unheated, with one or two small windows. Designed for storing various things, placing communications or technical equipment. Therefore, it can be without adequate ventilation, insulation and design.

We bring to your attention an impressive selection of design projects for the design of attic and attic spaces, determined by the needs of their owners.

Attic in turn, this is residential space . It must be well insulated and equipped with high-quality ventilation. As a rule, it has a certain stylization and its own purpose (children’s, bedroom , library, etc.). Also in official documents attic , unlike the attic, is included in the calculation of living space and is considered additional room along with the others.

Let modern, practical and visually attractive interiors be the inspiration for your remodel.

These concepts are similar, and indeed one day evolved into the other. Until the middle of the 17th century " attics " didn't exist. This concept, like itself room in its existing form, suggested the young architect François Mansart. In those days, multi-story Houses Only nobles could afford it. They hired servants who lived in their houses . Mansar suggested use the attic, having previously been ennobled, for the accommodation of servants.

This is how the attic, known to everyone nowadays, appeared, named after its inventor.

Design nuances

Today it is room finds application for various purposes. Modern masters can choose an interestingin a wide variety of styles. Given space has its own characteristics, which an experienced designer will turn into advantages, and an incompetent one into disadvantages.

In modern realities of life, any piece of living space is priceless and is used to its fullest.

If you decide to carry out repairs yourself home and equip , it is worth taking into account these features, which lead to some design nuances.

  • Technical

Room is located directly under roof . Given its position, it is necessary to take care of quality equipment.

Attic interior design can turn these rooms into a standard of style and family comfort if you approach the design wisely.

  1. Since this is a room Intended for long-term living, it must be well insulated.
  2. The next aspect is lighting. Usually,has a small number of windows. Therefore, you need to either remodel, bringing in more daylight, or take care of sufficient artificial lighting.
  3. Ventilation. Room , located directly below roof , the most stuffy and hot. Warm air tends to move upward. Having no way out of the building, it will accumulate under ceiling . In summer, the air here is especially stuffy and hot.

Therefore, be sure to consider the ventilation and air conditioning system.

It is best when equipped with this rooms consult with an experienced specialist, use only high quality materials. Well-thought-out technical aspects make it possible to continue to create and create beautiful

In the process of determining the future purpose of the attic space, it is desirable to maintain a natural balance.

  • Designer

Characteristic design features also influence the design.

The first thing that has important- form premises . It usually has a sloping low ceiling . This determines the choice furniture , lamps and decorations.

Insufficient lighting makes it possible to come up with original window shapes to add more light.

Both factors influence the choice of colors. Here you can use both light and dark tones. But you have to be careful not to room dull, or sterile.

In general, by doing this work, you will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions and great opportunities to reveal your creative abilities. There are three aspects to this topic that you should pay attention to in order to create a unique.

Careful study of the attic design will even allow small room turn into a comfortable room.

Window design

Due to the unique design, roof also plays a role walls. Through the window , built into this wall–roof , we will watch the starry sky, fluffy clouds, or admire the falling drops of rain.

Therefore, the window style must also be special.

Let's start with the fact that we are moving away from the usual rectangular shape. Round, triangular, free form. The trapezoid-shaped opening looks interesting. Watching the stars through the porthole is a pleasure. And the use of a round frame will help achieve this.

Speaking of sizes. Since this is the last floor, full wall window will not cause harm, and will look original, besides adding tomore daylight.

The large dimensions of the connector will only be beneficial.

The type also matters.The mechanism can be designed like a standard metal-plastic one, or in unusual types that open in an interesting way (rocking chair, accordion, etc.). There is an option window , which transforms into a balcony. Original solution, but somewhat impractical, due to the fact that glass is the floor of the balcony.

It is better that the window opens outward, as opening it inward will be inconvenient.


This point should also be given special attention due to the technical characteristics rooms , and design considerations. Since we need sufficient quantity light, and the structure ceiling does not allow use ordinary chandeliers, we are free to use the most extravagant lamps.

If you want to add a splash of color, choose multi-colored lamps.

So, for the interior of the attic spotlights are perfect, as well as various types floor Often this is a place for implementing unusual decor ideas, so find lamps in the form of deer antlers, stars, various built-in LED lighting compositions - this will create a special atmosphere and bring in more light in the absence of natural light.

Make sure that decorative lamps match the overall style.


About stretch ceilings there is no question. There are also several design options here. So, you can leave the ceiling beams exposed and treat them well.

You will get an original design without any special expenses.

Another option: cover the surface with plasterboard, covering the beams and the view roofs . Then you can paint it, apply patterns using a stencil, etc. If you plan to apply a design, please note that ceiling be at an acute angle to the floor, so think in advance whether the drawing in this position will look good. Wallpaper for this ceiling are not appropriate. And in general, this type of decoration is already becoming a thing of the past.

Design ideas

Taking into account all the nuances of the work and design features of the “celestial rooms ", we offer some ideas interior design attic floor.

How this space can be diversified and what is needed for this.

How to use Colors What you will need Special attention
Bedroom Light pastel colors It is better to choose a bed from pure wood, give preference to natural materials Room must be well insulated
Cabinet Deep dark shades, necessarily the presence of blue or red Solid oak table, not use tall furniture There should be plenty of daylight
Gaming Bright cheerful colors Warm rug for games, shelves and boxes for toys Window must have a child safety mechanism
Workshop Any suitable for the master Low shelving, large window openings, furniture can be made of chipboard (not necessarily natural wood) Make a good ventilation system

Let's take a closer look at the work ahead of us.


Settle down for the night under open air, while being warm and comfortable is a feasible idea. To do this, it is enough to arrange bedroom under the roof.

Arranging a bedroom in a room whose ceiling is formed by a gable roof is the best option.

A lot depends on the overall mood you want to create. For romantic bedrooms large will do well window against the bed. At this time, the bed is represented by a large mattress placed directly on the floor. A bed made from construction pallets is also suitable.

The master bedroom or guest room can become comfortable extra space your home.

The rest of the room leave it empty or place it in it Big cupboard, consistent with the general style.


This option is perfect for a work office, especially if you live in a noisy family. Then take care of sound insulation. In general, work “under roof “Away from everyone is a great option in any case.

To decorate an office you only need a couple of square meters.

Now about the technical aspects of the arrangement. It's better if in room There will be plenty of natural light coming in. To do this, it will be necessary to make some redevelopment in the overall project Houses , which will allow you to install in large window roof . We put a large oak table opposite it - a wonderful workplace is ready.

Next is communications. Make high-quality electrical wiring and think over a system of sockets. Count the number of electrical appliances needed, the length of their cords and location.

The workplace should be illuminated by a table lamp.

For the rest premises A few built-in LED lamps or a floor lamp at the entrance are enough. The work area should be well lit, the rest of the space can be entrusted to only one lamp located at the entrance. This will help you concentrate on work and create a special atmosphere.


This is a great option for creative people. A quiet, cozy “heavenly place” will lift dreamers even higher and help them focus on creativity.

Special attic design You won't need it for the workshop. Its arrangement can occur during operation premises . You can paint walls , working on creating a new painting. Or use other processing techniques when completing the next order.

But the base still needs to be created.

It is better to make the walls white by treating them with a primer, then you can decorate them in accordance with any fantasies.

Take care of the lighting. A sufficient amount of natural or artificial light is necessary. Place racks for work tools along walls . They can be triangular or other non-standard shape due to its unique structure ceiling.

If you work with paint, glue or other toxic substances, make sure you have a good hood to avoid poisoning.

In general, for attic design Your original ideas, which will present you as a master and reflect your inner world, are best suited for a workshop.


Another option attic interior – quiet and cozy library. In that indoors you have the opportunity to create the look of an antique library with all its features. Select appropriate bookshelves, build a fireplace, place a rocking chair covered with a blanket.

These basic elements will help create the perfect atmosphere for quiet and solitary time with a book.

As we see, has many different options.

This room is unusual in its design and is suitable for creating interesting and even magical ideas.

VIDEO: Attic floor: 60 tips for your dream interior.

50 original design ideas for the attic in the house:

Let's start with the fact that the attic space cannot always be turned into full-fledged housing. If the height from the floor to the top of the roof is less than 2.5 m, and the room itself is very uncomfortable and cramped, then it is more advisable to design and complete the attic floor, or to reshape the roof into a broken structure. Of course, these are financial costs, but they are disproportionately lower than ordering to increase residential meters new project houses with an attic, and build it from scratch.

If the shape and dimensions of the room correspond to your ideas about living meters, and also satisfy the requirements fire safety and consumer safety standards for attic floors, then a bedroom on the attic floor is an ideal solution in the layout of the house.

But before thinking through the interior of the attic bedroom, it is necessary to carry out high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier of the room, and be sure to insulate the roof and the fronts of the building. For the convenience of using the floor, it is important to think about what kind of staircase to make to the attic, how to place it correctly so that it is compact and easy to climb.

Do not forget that this room is under the roof itself, so it is recommended to pay special attention to sound insulation; of course, rain on the roof is romantic, but when it rattles for a long time, it causes some discomfort.

Attic windows play a huge role in organizing the bedroom space. If it is simply converting the attic floor into a bedroom, and the windows are very small, there is not enough light to lighten the interior at least visually, it is recommended to use light, pastel colors and a lot of artificial light.

You can go the other way, on the contrary, use dark deep shades, thereby emphasizing the backstage feel of the attic bedroom. If the extension is being done purposefully, remember that windows should occupy at least 10% of the attic floor area.

Also, if the bedroom is located in the attic, pay attention to utilities. It’s okay if the size and features of the room do not allow for additional comfortable conditions, and you have to go downstairs to the bathroom. But it’s much nicer if the shower, toilet and small kitchenette, even a simple bar counter, are located right in the attic bedroom.

Design Features

The first task that should be solved when decorating the interior is how to arrange and correctly “fit” the attic rafter system and roof slopes into the design. If the room is already low, and the organization of the thermal insulation layer in any case will take another 150-200 mm from the volume on each side, it is not advisable to hem the horizontal ceiling in the attic.

It is better to trim the slopes along the sheathing with clapboard or plasterboard, but remember that GVL sheets can only be used in heated rooms, and natural wood must be treated with antiseptics and a fire-resistant compound.

In addition, covering the attic with clapboard, block house or timber is an ideal option for finishing bedrooms in country houses, as well as in wooden country-style cottages. Natural materials will only emphasize the charm and color of country housing. The tree breathes, creating natural ventilation premises and its own microclimate.

Rafters and vertical beams, painted in the same tone as the planes of the fronts and roof, guarantee the integrity of the space, they are almost invisible against the general background, this technique is relevant for small bedrooms. The contrasting highlighting of the rafters serves to clearly zoning the space; the bedrooms in this design solution are conventionally divided into a sleeping area, a dressing room, a relaxation and work area.

To others current solution to decorate the bedroom interior with mansard roof, is a combination of wood and plasterboard finishing, which is covered with wallpaper, rattan, cork or finished with textured plaster. There are no limits to imagination here, but the most popular style for an attic bedroom is Provence. Light, airy, cozy and very comfortable.

For example, lining painted white or cream in combination with wallpaper with a small flower immediately puts you in a romantic mood. And photographs on the walls with the brightest moments in life only enhance the sensations, as if emphasizing the intimacy of the room, because the bedroom is a personal space where you can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Video on the topic: Attic floor - beautiful attic room design ideas
For the young, creative and dynamic, a bedroom design with an attic ceiling in a loft style is perfect. It is also very relevant if the attic is built of blocks, brick or concrete. This is a house inside out, where the interior can constantly change. Typical for loft design accent wall, changing the geometry of the room, it can simultaneously serve as an addition to the head of the bed; perhaps the bed will be designed in the form of a podium, to which several steps lead.

The natural question here is: how to combine the industrial notes of the interior with the comfort of the bedroom? The problem is solved with the help of textiles and large posters with sweet sketches; fortunately, photo printing today can work almost miracles.

Furniture and textiles

In general, if we talk about style, the design of an attic bedroom is limited only by your own preferences; the main thing here is to create coziness and comfort. This task can only be solved by a combination of well-chosen materials, original details in the design of the bedroom interior, as well as a careful selection of furniture, textiles and accessories.

The features of the room, and mainly the attic roof, create some difficulties in selecting and arranging furniture for the bedroom. First of all, for low rooms, compact, low furniture, for example, a podium bed, is relevant; it is best if it is made to order, specifically for the size of your bedroom. If the bedroom is in the attic with high ceilings, then the choice here is objectively unlimited.

As for the location of the bed, it is better to place it against the front wall, in the middle, where the ceilings are at their maximum height. But often, you have to arrange a sleeping place under the roof slopes, between the rafters.

Tip: Try to position the sleeping area so that there is at least 900 mm from the mattress to the ceiling. At least when getting out of bed, this way you will protect your head from “collision” with hard surfaces.

It is optimal to make wardrobes, which are so necessary in the bedroom, built-in under the slopes, so you will get a lot of storage space and visually correct the shape of the attic. For the interiors, prefabricated metal modules are quite suitable; you can also make shelves yourself from laminated chipboard, plywood or boards, which are covered with beautiful compartment facades.

It is better to define the working area in the bedroom under the window, preferably away from the bed. Try to allocate a place for relaxation with a table and armchairs, as well as for a dressing table, near the wall opposite the bed. Do not forget to provide lamps with directional light for these areas; as for bedroom lighting, it is better to use soft, diffuse light here.

The attic bedroom looks very impressive with LED lighting. In general, a well-thought-out lighting scenario can turn a bedroom with an ordinary interior into a very original space, if you want, a separate secluded and mysterious world in the sky.

Curtains in the bedroom are the key to healthy sleep and comfortable rest at any time of the day. The size, type and design of curtains directly depends on the area of ​​the room, the style and height of the ceilings, as well as on the shape skylights. But they must be protected from sunlight. It is best to use the “day-night” model (it is found in almost all types of curtains), it has a special dark layer that does not let light through.


Tips for arranging the interior of an attic bedroom

The main difficulty when arranging a room such as a bedroom in the attic may be the need to insulate the roof. Even if you plan to live in a country house only in the summer, this will still need to be done. Otherwise, it will simply be impossible to stay in the attic, since the roof becomes very hot on hot summer days.

The second difficulty is the need to provide communications to the attic floor - electricity and heating. In fact, a cozy and beautiful bedroom on the attic floor can only be achieved after all these measures have been completed. See what its interior might look like in our photo gallery:

The attic is usually insulated using expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. The best cladding for such a room is lining, plasterboard or plywood. The choice of a specific material in this case largely depends on the characteristics of the building itself.

Using wood usually results in a very cozy attic bedroom. This type of design (photo above) is most often used for wooden buildings. The attics of stone houses are usually lined with plasterboard. Plywood works well in both cases.

Lighting of the attic floor. An attic bedroom, like any other room, should be well lit. When installing electrical wiring in the attic, you must follow a number of certain rules. After all, the roof is built using fire-hazardous wooden elements. It is best to entrust electrical wiring to the attic to specialists.

Important: It is best to extend into the attic not aluminum, but copper wires. Experts also advise avoiding the use distribution boxes and install a separate circuit breaker in such a room.

Heating. In this case, heating the bedroom can be arranged in several ways:

  1. Install additional pipes from the main system,
  2. Use electric heaters
  3. Build a fireplace in the room.

The third option in our case will most likely be the most successful. The interior of the attic bedroom in this case will turn out to be very cozy.

Tip: In addition to heating devices, you should definitely install an air conditioner or at least a fan. In our climate, even covering the roof with mineral wool may not save you from the heat in summer.

Attic bedroom design

So, the attic is prepared for the arrangement of the bedroom. Now you can start decorating it and arranging the furniture. There are a huge number of designs for this room:

Choosing a style. For a bedroom in the attic, some folk or romantic design direction is best suited. Rooms decorated in chalet, Provence or country style are very cozy.

Of course, if you wish, you can decorate the bedroom in classic style, or using the loft direction. This interior design for a bedroom in a large attic will look especially good. In this case it will turn out stylish modern room for sleep.

Color spectrum. Since the attic is most often not a very large room, it is best to choose a bedroom design in light colors. The main task is to avoid fading of the interior. Therefore, it is better to paint inclined walls in a light color, and for vertical walls use fairly saturated colors.

Note: The interior of a bedroom with an attic roof will look very interesting if you combine the colors of the walls with the colors of the bedspread or curtains.

The attic can not only be painted, but also used in design, for example, wallpaper. Rafters on the walls and ceilings of broken gable roofs are often left open. Sloping walls in the attic are usually painted a light color.

Selection of furniture and its arrangement. A successful bedroom design with an attic ceiling will only work if the right choice and furniture arrangement. For a small attic it is better not to use too massive interior items. Of course, a tree for indoors in a country house fits better Total. However, the bed, chest of drawers, cabinets and bedside tables should still be quite compact.

Note: It would be a very good idea to furnish the attic bedroom with wooden furniture, the shade of which matches the shade of the exposed rafters and beams.

A bed in the attic is usually installed against one of the sloping walls. In this case, it would be very nice to separate it from the main room when easy help curtains. A chest of drawers with a mirror and a wardrobe can be installed near the gable walls.

Bedroom decor. How successful the design of a bedroom in the attic will be depends on the correct choice of various types of decor. For example, for windows. It is best to use textiles rather than blinds. You should hang regular light curtains on them. To prevent them from dangling, they can be pressed with a decorative strip along the line between the lower vertical part of the wall and the upper inclined part. You should definitely decorate your bedroom indoor plants in beautiful pots or flowerpots.

Tip: When decorating attic bedrooms, various kinds of shade-tolerant plants are most often used. These can be ficus, cyclomena, philodendron, calathea, etc.

The interior of the attic bedroom should also be complemented with beautiful decorative trinkets. Porcelain and wicker items are commonly used to decorate attics. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity.


Features of the attic design for a cozy bedroom: the uniqueness of the room

A typical attic is a small room with low shaped ceilings and small windows, often insufficiently illuminated by natural light. It is precisely this kind of transformation of a modern cozy and quiet nest, so necessary in the current bustle, that is perfect for arranging a bedroom.

The main disadvantage of the attic space is obvious: it is a lack of space. More detailed reasons why certain restrictions are imposed on the design of the attic bedroom are as follows:

  • sloping walls,
  • ceiling with variable height,
  • inclined windows, if provided for by the construction concept.

If there are usually no difficulties with the stylistic design, then various difficulties are often associated with its ergonomic addition with household items. So, even at the construction design stage, one should take into account the recommendations of specialists trained to competently use every square centimeter of space:

  • it is appropriate to use the space under the roof slope for installing a bed, with the headboard facing a low wall (the bed can only be installed along a narrow attic),
  • standard tall cabinets are giving way to shaped ones that fit perfectly into various niches, creating a creative atmosphere,
  • in some photos of a well-appointed attic bedroom you can often see minimalist solutions: compact chests of drawers and small bedside tables,
  • A fabulous place by the window is often reserved for setting up a table or bed.

Original ideas, stylistic inventions and photos of an attic bedroom.

Village orientation. The interior concept of an attic space very often looks towards rustic styles. The spirit of comfort and simplicity radiated by French provincial style "Provence". perfect for a peaceful environment. The abundance of pure white flowers used to paint rough wooden surfaces, landscapes with lavender fields and other floral motifs is a color that undoubtedly reminds of the place where the style was registered.

However, you can also choose English “country”, which focuses on warmth and comfort. Abundance of browns. yellow and red shades, a combination of colors and textures bring color, fullness and logical completeness to the design of a rustic attic bedroom.

The floors in these rustic styles are made entirely of wood. The ceiling is usually lined with environmentally friendly lining. However, beams that are not painted “country-style” or wrapped in white in the French style look even more impressive. Casually plastered walls are an equally common solution in rustic concepts.

Classic ideas. Gracefulness, solemnity, and, undoubtedly, wealth - the classics still serve as role models and are a monolithic standard among modern stylistic concepts. Key elements classical impeccability, harmony, elegance and palace luxury, formed in the 16-18 centuries:

  • floor made from natural high-quality materials (wood, marble),
  • light walls (shades closer to the range of white colors), it is also possible to use noble colors - burgundy, blue, green, olive,
  • furniture made of valuable species, decorated with carvings and gilded fittings.

Fresh ideas for decorating the interior of a residential attic for a bedroom: modern direction. The space under the attic roof is an excellent opportunity to join the style of American origin: loft. The credo of the concept is minimum costs and simplicity in everything. Creative and sex-loving individuals appreciate the industrial accent of the style:

  • all kinds of brick projections and open walls,
  • pipes,
  • rough plaster,
  • plank floor,
  • uncovered ventilation system,
  • modern multifunctional furniture and an abundance of metal surfaces,
  • original accessories (graffiti, road signs, posters).

Such an ultra-modern attic interior and a bedroom can only be combined in a spacious attic space with high ceilings and large windows.

Less brutal, more laconic and, undoubtedly, cutting-edge style minimalism Great for decorating a bedroom, especially under a small attic. In short it is:

  • flexible forms, easily created using modern means (for example, drywall),
  • maximum functionality expressed in use minimum quantity furniture with the possibility of transformation,
  • usually two colors, one of which is white,
  • plastered and painted walls.

Well suited for decorating a compact bedroom under the attic design with Scandinavian accents. Main attributes:

  • milky white, light blue, pale green, beige and other pastel shades,
  • plain painted walls,
  • plank floor covered with a layer of varnish,
  • simple and uncluttered furniture,
  • an abundance of fabrics with various patterns.

Other accents

In the design of an attic interior, not the least place is given to the choice of color schemes and lighting concept. Non-standard window shapes and their location often do not provide adequate lighting for the room. Therefore, the play of shadows takes place here:

  • Light pastel shades, in which not only the structural elements of the room itself, but also textile details and the furniture itself, help to visually enlarge the space,
  • dark colors visually reduce the volume of the room - proper installation of lamps will help compensate for this phenomenon,
  • The picturesqueness of the attic bedroom in the photo is given by the natural light filtered through the transparent curtains.

Briefly about the main thing

The non-standard shape of the attic space forces one to take into account some compromise decisions regarding the choice of furniture and its further arrangement: the bed is often located under the slope of the roof with the headboard against a low wall, shaped cabinets fill various technological niches, and are sometimes completely replaced by compact chests of drawers and bedside tables.

Video on the topic: Bedrooms on the attic floor photo design

The most popular stylistic concepts for an attic bedroom are:

  • rustic Provence and country (not demanding on the volume of the room),
  • impeccable luxurious classics (preferable for free attics),
  • American industrial loft concept (the main condition is high ceilings and large windows),
  • technological minimalism (great for compact attic spaces),
  • practical Scandinavian concept (suitable for small attics).

First of all, light colors, lamps and a properly selected set of curtains help to visually compensate for the lack of space. Bright colors add freshness and modernity to the bedroom.


Bedroom on the attic floor: interior in a classic style

It is quite possible to create an island of peace under the roof of your home and ensure a restful sleep. By the word “attic”, everyone imagines a small room that is located directly under the roof.
The shape and area of ​​such a room directly depends on the type of roof. For example, a broken gable roof with windows and a semblance of a ceiling can create a full-fledged residential bedroom.
The instructions indicate the features of such premises:

  • The highlight, but also the problem, of the attic floor are the sloping walls. When decorated correctly, such unusual walls will acquire an exclusive look.
    It is the sloping walls that can create an unusual, romantic view, which offers a magnificent view of the roofs and sky. Smooth walls will make an attic bedroom an ordinary bedroom.
  • An important condition for arranging a room is proper use free space between the walls. Taking a certain style decision, you can place shelves, hidden cabinets and unusual decorative elements here.
  • A bedroom under a roof is especially valued because a person, while in bed (see Round beds for a bedroom: from the realm of fantasy), admires starry sky or the first morning rays of the sun. At the right approach to the design of the attic windows, this will be another advantage of the attic bedroom.
  • The bedroom in the attic can be made in a single color or in contrasting colors. By covering the walls with wallpaper or painting them with water-based paint, the room takes on a calmer look. The wooden walls and ceiling look very impressive.

How to arrange a bedroom in the attic

When arranging an attic bedroom with your own hands, major structural changes to the roof are most often required. It is not always possible to completely redo the roof. This is due to the fact that changing the design changes the distribution of loads on the load-bearing walls and can lead to the destruction of the roof, or even the entire house.

Advice: Before you decide to create a bedroom interior with a mansard roof, you need to contact a professional architect to carry out calculations and draw up a project. Otherwise, it is dangerous to undertake such a restructuring.

The reasons that push the owner to such a reconstruction are usually:

  • Creating a new family.
  • The birth of a baby.
  • Creating your own corner for older children.


Attic room interior: photo

The proposed photos of the interior of an attic room make it possible to determine how varied its design can be. When building a house, you should plan the purpose of the attic in order to properly complete the finishing in accordance with the operating conditions.

Video on the topic: DIY wooden attic

The walls and ceiling of the attic are formed by sloping parts of the roof. Therefore, decor planning should take into account this difference from an ordinary room that has proportional dimensions:

  • Due to the variety of building structures, the geometric shape of the attic can be very diverse. It can be located over the entire area of ​​the building or occupy part of it.

  • When considering the silhouette, the attic space can have the shape of a triangle, trapezoid, be symmetrical or with a one-sided inclined part.
  • The walls can be located within the boundaries of the building or extend beyond its boundaries, located in the protruding part of the house.

  • Depending on the construction features of the structure, the top structure is made of different materials - wood, metal frame, concrete.
  • The degree of insulation of this part of the house varies, as well as the possibility and methods of conducting utilities: water supply, sewerage, heating.

Benefits of using attic space

The popularity of using an attic is due to a number of positive consequences:

  • the living space is significantly increased, which can be decorated, for example, in the form of a sleeping area or an office,
  • the thermal and sound protection of the house increases, which reduces the amount of heat loss through the roof and reduces heating costs,

  • the aesthetics of the outer part of the building improves, it becomes possible to give it the desired features of the architectural direction, to use decorative features in the form of windows, columns, arches, conical, sloping roofs of any shape.


Modern materials and ease of use make it possible to transform the technical part of the building, located under the roof, into a practical, stylish room. It has been noted that it has a romantic atmosphere, relaxing energy, and helps restore strength.

Because of this, it is often used as a bedroom or recreation room. In a place with the lowest ceiling height, a bed is usually installed with the headboard facing the wall. It is advisable, if the layout of the room allows, to place it close to the window in order to be able to admire the starry sky or picturesque landscapes that change depending on the time of year.

The bedroom design is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the room. For example, existing ceiling beams are often used in designs to give a room a distinctive interior style feature.

A cozy small room is quite suitable for a child. With the help of colorful decoration methods, compact furniture, toys, the attic will turn into a wonderful children's room where he can play with friends, read, watch TV shows or do his favorite things.

In the attic, you can arrange a room for a teenager in such a way as to satisfy his matured needs for technology, musical instruments, sports hobbies, place photos of your favorite heroes, musicians, actors on the walls. There he will be able to rehearse, train with friends, or simply take a break from classes.

A practical attic bathroom is another way to make use of this space and an opportunity to improve the functionality of the home. If the dimensions, and especially the height of the walls, allow, you can install a compact shower stall or a small bathtub and toilet in it.

With the help of interesting ideas, modern construction and finishing materials from cluttered, intertwined with cobwebs attic space you can get a comfortable workshop, a romantic bedroom, a cozy children's room or a comfortable place for privacy.


Decorating a bedroom in the attic: five sequential steps

Usually young couples, as well as small or already grown-up children, like to settle there. But older people will not like to run up and down several times a day. Before you do living rooms in the attic, you need to make sure that it will be warm, light and comfortable for a person.

1. Preparatory work

Be sure to insulate the walls and roof, and install sealed double-glazed windows on the side windows. If there is not enough lighting, it makes sense to think about installing roof windows, which will be located directly on the roof of the house. If you are just planning to build a house, it is better to provide French side windows or a small balcony.

In addition, it is necessary to remove all ventilation shafts, cables and pipes that previously ran through the unused attic. If heating was not supplied there, then there are several options: make a “warm floor” (electric, water), install an electric heating radiator or a free-standing (island) fireplace).

2. Basic finishing work

The walls of a bedroom in the attic can be covered with wallpaper, painted, plastered, or covered with clapboard. The choice depends on the preferences of the owner and the chosen interior style. For country style, we can recommend wooden panels, opened with varnish to emphasize the wood pattern. For a bedroom in Provence style - whitewashed walls or with decorative plaster.

Suitable for classic styles fabric wallpaper, paint or Venetian plaster on parts of the walls. For all modern styles - wallpaper and paint. In a children's room it is better to use hypoallergenic and washable finishing materials. If you decide to go with wallpaper, then do not choose dark colors and large patterns for a small and poorly lit attic.

It is better to choose flooring for an attic bedroom from natural and “warm” materials: parquet, solid wood, cork, natural linoleum. An ordinary low and small attic will not tolerate podium structures.

The slope of the ceiling is a special detail of the interior of a bedroom in the attic, so it is advisable not to level the upper level with the help of plasterboard ceilings. Moreover, this will “eat up” a significant part of the free space, which is usually not enough in the attic. The ceiling can also be whitewashed, clapboarded, painted or wallpapered.

If ceiling or wall beams are visible, then they can be played up in the interior by first adding brightness to them using special varnishes or impregnations. In the future, their color will need to be supported by another element of the interior: flooring, furniture or large accessories of the same shade. In addition, lamps can be attached to them.

3. Color scheme for the interior of the attic bedroom

There are various solutions for the design of attics, depending on the type of cross-section of the attic (one, two or more inclined walls) and on the level at which the roof slope begins from the floor. But there are also several ideas suitable for everyone.

For a small room, it is better to choose a single color for the ceiling and walls. Painted in White color, they smoothly flow into each other, visually increasing the height of the walls and the size of the room. A low ceiling will not “press” so much. An attic bedroom decorated in white is one of the most reasonable solutions.

You can revive such an interior either with the help of bright accessories (decorative pillows, curtains, bedspreads, rugs), or with the help of delicate pastel shades of companion colors - light blue, soft green, pale yellow, ash pink (transverse walls, cabinets ). You can combine white ceilings and light (beige, sand, cream) wallpaper with a small floral pattern.

If you don’t like a light color in the bedroom, then you can paste or paint one or two transverse walls in a dark, calm, rich color (burgundy, blue, green, gray, brown, purple, black). Just remember that natural lighting in the attic is always very uneven, which leads to increased contrast in different parts of the room.

If the room faces north, then it is necessary to decorate the bedroom in “warm” colors, and vice versa.

4. Furniture and textiles

Recently, attic apartments have become a fashionable trend in interior design and a profitable investment. An attic is a room under a roof with sloping ceilings or, simply put, an attic, but not a simple one, but a residential and comfortable one. The attic was originally intended not for living, but for storing things, and the landscaped space of the attic can be turned into a real relaxation corner, transforming it into a nursery, office, bedroom, recreation room, cinema room, gym or dressing room if desired.


The attic owes its name to the French architect Francois Mansart, who lived in the 17th century. He was the first to come up with the brilliant idea of ​​making a living space out of the attic.

If in Soviet times attics were used exclusively to increase useful space and essentially served as storage facilities, then in the modern world attic construction has become so popular that residential floors under the roof are being built literally everywhere: in rich private cottages, urban developments, country houses and even baths. You should approach the design of the attic with imagination and creativity, because this creative process will certainly unite all family members in a single impulse to create something cozy and unusual under the uneven slopes of the roof. And the design techniques that are worth adopting will allow you to turn a room of irregular geometric shape into not only a practical and functional, but also a very cozy space.

The features of the attic floor are, first of all, original layout space that is located between the roof slopes. Sometimes the arrangement may require reconstruction of the roof truss system, in which case it is worth contacting a professional architect. And if the attic has all the necessary communications (heating pipes, electricity, ventilation), then your task is much simplified and comes down to decorating the interior, which will depend on the configuration of the roof.

It is this that is the key and very complex, from a technical point of view, element, so it is important to calculate how to equip a living space efficiently and at the lowest cost. The design of the attic is most often based on the use of the advantages and color of this natural material like a tree. The slope of the attic roof is usually from 45 to 60 degrees; there are also “broken” options with different slopes of the rafters. With such a roof, the width of the room under it is usually up to 10 meters.

Moreover, if the country house is small and its width does not exceed 6 meters, then it is worth using the maximum attic angle of 60 degrees, which will add useful living space. Also, to increase the living space of the attic, you can use a sloping roof, so that the room has almost vertical walls.

The only difficulty with this design is the special organization of the rafters, coupled with the racks and crossbar.

Advantages and disadvantages

The attic design has its pros and cons, which should be taken into account when constructing and arranging the premises for sloping roof.Among the advantages we note:

  • increasing the living space of a small house, for example, in a country house due to the attic;
  • reduction of heat loss in winter;
  • improving the aesthetics of the building and the ability to design a cozy room for relaxation and other purposes.

The main disadvantage is essentially one: the attic room has a sloping ceiling due to the gable roof, so it is not always possible to straighten up to your full height here. But this is not a problem if you make a full-fledged bedroom, where, in principle, we spend time in a lying position.

Exterior decoration

The design of the attic space is significantly influenced by the shape of the roof. To make the attic as functional as possible and fit into the overall interior of the house, develop its design project together with professionals. Pay special attention to the design of a broken ceiling of a non-standard shape, a gable roof, the necessary communications and zoning of the space under the roof, not forgetting high-quality insulation and insulation of the attic floor.

There are several options for the exterior design of the attic. Since the roof slopes must protect the attic from all kinds of precipitation and temperature changes, it is worth making not only internal, but also external thermal insulation. Drywall or cement-bonded particle boards can be used as insulation. External part roof insulation systems must contain a layer of wind protection, and the internal one must contain a vapor barrier so that condensation, moisture and fungus do not form on the walls.

If you want to insulate the attic while the house is being built, then after installing the rafter system, attach plywood or boards to its base, laying a vapor barrier membrane on top. Insulation and sheathing are attached on top of the membrane, which are covered with a windproof film. After this, the attic roof is installed.

If the insulation and finishing of the attic are carried out after the construction of the house, then the insulation is hemmed from the inside, and the top is covered with gypsum board sheets or plywood.


The layout of a country or any other attic can be organized in several ways. Studio layout - free of rooms, partitions and zoning, with maximum space in a private home. And the cellular layout project divides attic room into halves or separate zones. With a little effort and a lot of imagination, sloping walls can be turned from a drawback into a highlight.

In modern houses, owners, as a rule, choose to combine zones, creating a spacious open layout and combining the living room with the kitchen and dining room. Because attic space is not particularly spacious; proper zoning will help make it as free as possible. To do this, design techniques in decoration are used (for example, highlighting the wall in the middle with a certain color), experiments with lighting, painting wooden beams white or having as many reflective surfaces in the interior as possible.

Also, to solve this problem, an “invisible” interior using transparent plastic or white furniture and always light-colored walls will help you.


The purpose of the attic and the possibilities of arrangement are limited only by its size, your financial capabilities and, of course, your imagination. After all, under the roof you can design almost any room: a bedroom, a recreation room with a billiard table, a living room, a dressing room, a bathroom, a guest room, a study, Gym and even a small kitchen.

  • As statistics show, most summer residents and owners of private houses prefer to decorate the attic floor as a bedroom, because it is so comfortable to fall asleep under a gable roof and wake up from the rays of the rising sun hitting the window. In the bedroom space most you will be lying down for a while, so non-standard ceiling heights do not present any difficulties or problems. The option with a double bed in the middle implies a layout where drawers and shelves can be placed on the sides under the slopes. If the bedroom is designed for several people, You can install beds in areas with a sloping ceiling, which will save useful space in the middle.

Since the attic room is usually small in size, take care of the rational arrangement of things For example, in sleeping areas it is better to think about built-in cabinets and shelves. You can also add a dressing area around here front door in the form of floor-to-ceiling cabinets, which will save a lot of space.

As for the color scheme in the design of the attic bedroom, the simplest and an effective option will paint the walls white. Light glossy surfaces are known to reflect light. Since attic spaces are usually poorly lit, light finishing will additionally add light and space to the room. “Dark bottom and white top” also serve as a visual increase in space, so you can use natural flooring made of dark wood and snow-white walls with a ceiling. Imitation of ceiling beams to match the floor covering also looks impressive.

  • When arranging a nursery under the roof, use light shades and prefer washable wallpaper. By decorating an attic for a child, you will surely fulfill his cherished childhood dream of his own house and personal space, where sorceresses and other fairy-tale creatures can drop in at night. In the attic, the child will have peace for himself and his friends, and adults will not be disturbed by toys, markers and clothes scattered around the house. If the ceilings allow, install a bunk bed in the middle and equip a sports area with exercise equipment under the roof slopes.

Leave a place for your desk by the window. Remember to be safe and do not use furniture with sharp corners, and be sure to cover all wooden elements with a special fireproof impregnation. When choosing a color scheme for a nursery, take into account the child’s character and temperament: for active children, use calm shades, and leave intense colors for quiet and phlegmatic ones. Boys traditionally prefer all shades of blue, green or gray, while girls prefer pink, lilac, beige or classic white.

  • The remoteness of the attic from the rest of the house and good sound insulation will help organize a workplace or office here. A calm atmosphere will be conducive to work. In the office, the primary task will be to think about additional lighting. Also great idea will be the organization of a mini-library where you can spend evenings reading books, a workshop or other place for productive work and creativity. In such a room, make the most of the space under the slopes to organize storage systems and hanging shelves.

  • The example of converting an attic into a kitchen is more complex and expensive when the room requires all the necessary communications and good ventilation. It is desirable that work on connecting the necessary engineering systems be carried out during the construction stage. Then it is quite possible to place even a kitchen-dining room under the roof. The main thing in such a room is to correctly distribute functional areas. The stove and cutting table can be placed against the wall, and in the middle or near the window, provide space for a large dining table.

If desired, you can also design a bar counter, which will actually divide the kitchenette into a cooking area and an area for eating. This layout is especially relevant if the house has a strongly sloping gable or hip roof. And for those who like to sit with friends over a glass of wine, we can recommend making the attic not just a kitchen, but a real tasting room with wine cabinets. What else is needed for relaxed gatherings and conversations “after midnight”?

  • If you are planning to organize a living room or recreation room in the attic, then you can decorate the room in a country style and fit it into the interior design wooden partitions and beams. This finish is not only environmentally friendly and safe, but also healthy, thanks to the healing aroma emitted by coniferous trees. Wood is also an excellent sound insulator, so the sound of raindrops on the roof probably won’t bother you. In addition, wooden walls and ceilings will “breathe” and add maximum comfort and warmth to the attic environment. And if you want more light and space, then choose a living room in snow-white colors, in which no one will recognize the former attic.

Furniture in bright colors will enliven the interior, and glass and mirror surfaces, metal fittings and original lighting fixtures will add airiness to the living room. To ensure that the living room is well lit, you can use windows on the roof slopes. A fireplace or its imitation will make the room even more cozy.

To soften the asymmetry of the attic space and not to “steal” the already minimum of free space, try to place furniture in corners or against walls. And using a design technique with vertically elongated objects in the interior, for example, mirrors, narrow paintings or curtains with stripes along them, will help you visually increase the height of the ceilings. A cozy hammock in the relaxation area will make the atmosphere of the attic even more romantic. To build a hammock structure, you can use support pillars or fix it on the walls.

  • Movie buffs will surely love the idea of ​​converting an attic into a home cinema room with a projector screen, speakers, spacious sofas and tables for guests. The main thing in such a room is to take care of sound insulation in advance. You can make the atmosphere more comfortable by using mini-lamps built into the ceiling with the possibility of different lighting modes, for example, with a starry sky effect. You can also use soft poufs or affordable and very comfortable bean bags as seating areas. An even more simplified idea is to spread a thick fluffy carpet and place a lot of pillows on it for friends.

  • Wardrobe indoors under the roof will save a lot of useful space in your home. After all, even in the most modest-sized attic you can place built-in or autonomous systems storage that can easily accommodate the clothes and shoes of all family members.

If it is difficult to fit cabinet furniture into the asymmetrical design of the attic, then make the structures “to order”, in accordance with the features of the attic layout.

Style selection

The style and ideas for decorating a residential attic, of course, depend solely on your personal preferences. But remember that the main criteria when choosing attic decor should be common sense, good taste and, of course, rationality in everything. Agree, at least the modern high-tech style in the design would look out of place country house. But in the interior of a modern city apartment, this is what you need. For country gatherings, it is better to choose cozy and organic “wooden” styles: Provence, chalet or country.

  • If you choose an interior in style country or Provence, then opt for the natural texture of wood. You can paint the surface in warm brown shades or cover the wood with a protective clear varnish. And by painting the wood white, you can visually expand the space under the roof. This design technique also focuses attention on original furniture and textiles.

  • Country chic The room can be decorated with the help of floral patterns and “grandmother’s” textiles - knitted bedspreads and checkered blankets. Rough wooden furniture will also help to recreate the country style in the interior as much as possible. In addition, by choosing one of the “rustic” styles for decorating the attic, you can successfully disguise elements of the rough finishing of the house, for example, beams or rafters, which can be effectively used in the interior.

  • If you stick romantic direction in design, use the technique of wallpapering with a floral theme. Light-colored canvases with a delicate and small pattern will help achieve the “box” effect, and your attic room will resemble the interior of a magic palace. An interesting idea would be to paint the ceiling beams a dark color and leave the rest of the ceiling and walls white. Decorating furniture using the decoupage technique will look especially impressive in this style. Textiles also play an important role here: knitted or hand-sewn blankets, pillows, capes, bedspreads and other home products.

  • Typically, the design is classic style Suitable for decorating spacious living rooms. Adherents of this style can be advised to paint the ceiling a light shade, and make the floor and walls darker. Hang Roman blinds on the windows and decorate the interior with wrought iron accessories: for example, use a mirror frame and place furniture of strict shapes in the room. Classic involves the use of false columns, stucco and coffered ceiling. And on the floor, parquet or its imitation will look most harmonious.

  • Attic style loft used, as a rule, in city apartments under the roof. Those who love a rough loft style are in luck, because the location of the attic presupposes the presence of rough finishing in the interior, for example, brick walls, rough plaster or concrete. Communications and pipes will not have to be masked during repairs, because they will only emphasize the style of the loft.

  • Attic interior in style chalet The good thing is that it can be used in a room of any size. This design direction, along with country, fits best with the style wooden attic. In the interior of the chalet you can use natural skins, forged pendant chandeliers with imitation candles, carpets with ornaments and rough wooden furniture.

  • IN Japanese style The attic is decorated by lovers of minimalism and clear lines. The precise geometric lines of the space under the roof are complemented by a minimum of furniture of laconic design and shape. The design here uses a minimum of accessories, and the main design emphasis is on contrasting shades in the interior, for example, the combination of beige walls with a dark brown floor texture and beams. The philosophy of this style is “nothing superfluous”, so in such an attic you can comfortably spend time for leisurely reflections with a cup of tea.

  • For lovers of travel and the southern sun, we offer to make your own “sea” from the attic cozy corner using Mediterranean style in interior design, the basis of which is walls of rich blue, light blue and sand shades. By adding nautical accessories and souvenirs from your travels, you will create a very cozy and unusual room under the roof. Place lounge chairs or wicker furniture around the perimeter of the attic.

In textile design, use sail curtains in light shades or Roman curtains.

Window design

The correct layout of the window in the attic floor will help not only make the room bright and sunny, but also ensure year-round ventilation, as well as create an optimal microclimate in this room under the roof. Modern attic windows are double-glazed, with tempered glass, so that if it breaks, those around you will not be injured by sharp fragments. In addition, such glass is not afraid of any precipitation and even a thick layer of snow. Manufacturers often make the window turning mechanism remotely controlled.

Attic windows can be located both around the perimeter of the room and in the roof slopes. Moreover, their configuration can be not only standard rectangular, but also round or polygonal - here architects and designers allow themselves to experiment with shapes. The most original and effective technique in the interior is to design a large panoramic window covering the entire wall. and admire the landscapes, sunsets and sunrises. If you have the financial means, you can also arrange a window that has a mechanism that turns it into a mini-balcony with a canopy and railings. Original design technique will place numerous frames with photographs or paintings around the window.

As for the decoration of attic windows, you can use not only classic curtains, but also practical roller shutters (internal or external), blinds, awnings or all kinds of linings. For inclined structures, blinds are ideal because they are easy to maintain and easy to install. In the hot season, they are able to create shade in a room, protecting it from the sun's rays and at the same time not blocking the flow of fresh air. If you are a fan of classic curtains, pay attention to special designs with fasteners and supports that help hold the curtains on an inclined window.

It is better to drape small windows with roller blinds, which will give the living space a special charm.

Since the attic room is usually small sizes, you shouldn’t make it visually even smaller by using dark textiles on the windows. But pastel shades are what you need to create a light and relaxed atmosphere of relaxation on the attic floor. A classic and a win-win option in the interior are transparent curtains that let in enough light and at the same time give the room additional coziness.


The top floor of a country house or private house is a specific room with geometric flaws that professional designers are able to turn into advantages and an exclusive interior. There is basically no ceiling in the attic, but there are broken beams, a high vault and arches various forms and sizes.

Ceilings with height differences and complex geometric figures made of plasterboard for the design of the attic floor are chosen by adherents modern design. So that such a ceiling serves you faithfully long years and was protected from leaks, it is better to choose moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets. Do not forget about waterproofing the roof so that the gypsum plasterboard ceiling does not suffer during rains.

The advantages of this type of finishing:

  • health safety;
  • minimal financial costs;
  • fire properties;
  • good sound insulation;
  • ease of installation.

Stretch ceiling are an excellent alternative to heavy wooden structures, due to which the roofing rafter system sometimes carries overloads. Such designs are suitable for any type of roof: single-pitched, double-pitched, arched or domed. Stretch ceilings can be combined with painting, wallpaper or plaster. Functionality Such ceilings will make the attic floor as cozy and unique as possible.

The advantages of such ceilings:

  • the ability to disguise communications behind them;
  • perfectly flat surface;
  • non-toxic and odorless;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability (the warranty period is at least 10 years);
  • ease of installation.

Wooden lining is an inexpensive environmentally friendly material, therefore, as a rule, it is used to decorate a country attic. At the same time, both ceilings and walls are sheathed with it. The best variety paneling, according to experts, is alder lumber. Among the advantages of lining, we note:

  • naturalness, and therefore safe for health;
  • durability, thanks to the use of innovative compounds that protect against external influences;
  • ease of installation;
  • high aesthetic properties.

And the installation of timber under the roof is carried out parallel to the rafters, which, in addition to the aesthetic appearance, provides excellent ventilation between the insulation and finishing. Finally, do not forget to treat the wooden surfaces with protective varnishes, which will extend the life of a wooden roof. Among the shortcomings, we note only the possibility of ignition.

Parquet board. The main advantage of this finishing material is that it does not need to be treated with special means, while in terms of external qualities it is in no way inferior to wooden ceilings. When installing such a covering, pay attention to the fact that the room temperature should be room temperature and the humidity should not exceed 60%.

Chipboard- This is the most budget-friendly and energy-efficient option, whose installation is similar to drywall. Because this material not as durable and high quality as the others, it is rather a “rough” option, which is suitable for temporary finishing of an ordinary dacha, but not a rich cottage.

An abundance of ceiling beams, a sloping vault and floor-to-ceiling windows give the attic rooms visual spaciousness. Attic spaces in small country houses are used as additional storage space: dressing rooms, pantries, rooms for seasonal sports equipment.

Stylistics of the attic floor

The design of a room in the attic depends on the tastes of the owners, the total area and materials of the house, and the available budget.

Installing washing machines, dryers, and massive steam generators in the attic saves space on the ground floor and allows you to choose more massive and functional equipment.

Owners of spacious houses set up libraries, children's rooms, billiard rooms, and second living rooms in the attic. Such premises are combined with the “second light” architectural solution, which unites common rooms on several floors into a single space.

The design of the attic involves an emphasis on the structural elements of the building:

  • beams;
  • window openings;
  • floors.
  • Roof. Finishing with metal tiles, soft slate or roofing felt creates the appearance of a building in a classic style, combined with natural or artificial stone cladding and facade panels. Owners of houses in the style of constructivism and minimalism prefer flat roofs covered with metal tiles.
  • A chimney completes the look of the home and allows owners to install a working fireplace or stove for cooking. Usually the pipes are hidden behind one of the roof slopes; the owners of chalet-style houses place it in the center of the roof.
  • Window openings. The shape and size of windows depend on the climate zone, architectural design and functions of the attic. For example, small attic storage spaces are equipped with round “dormer windows”. Owners of spacious bathrooms and children's rooms in attics prefer tall rectangular or Venetian windows. If the attic is used for relaxation and spending time together between the owners and guests of the house, panoramic glazing is used.
  • Balconies and terraces. Windows in small attics located above garages and economic blocks, decorated with trellises, a small protrusion allows you to construct a “French balcony” for plants in pots and trays. Spacious attics are equipped with terraces, balconies and glazed loggias.

Inside: upper half of the room

The location of the attic depends on the layout of the building, its functions and total area. For example, side storage attics are located above living rooms, kitchens and boiler rooms. This attic requires small windows, full doorways, isolated walls. The interior style consists of the design:

Window openings. Most attics are decorated with dormers - inclined openings at the height of the wall, which are smoothly plastered and complemented by Roman blinds. Gable ceilings exclude the installation of cornices and curtains, so the window serves as the main source of light. Asymmetrical roofs with high slopes allow you to install windows without tilting. In this case, it is allowed to install cornices, curtains, and design bay windows with windows.

Ceiling finishing. Depending on the materials of construction, roof beams can be wooden, concrete, or metal. Aesthetic elements made of natural wood form the accent of the interior; such ceilings are painted with stains and varnishes in contrasting shades, and the rest of the interior is formed around them. Owners of houses built from concrete and cinder blocks, according to monolithic technology involve masking the ceiling elements.

A classic attic is a room under a gable roof with decorative wooden beams, window openings are connected to the ceiling and finished with textured plaster. The shade and style of attic decor is built around these elements.

Inside: bottom half

The walls and floors in the attic are finished depending on the level of illumination in the room, the chosen interior style and the method of finishing the window openings. For example, rounded Venetian windows in wide wooden frames combined with light-colored plaster, parquet and laminate in darker colors.

Wall decoration. Attic rooms have a high level of natural light, so textured wallpaper in contrasting shades, MDF panels and natural wood are used to decorate the walls. Damask wallpaper, frescoes, imitation brickwork, plaster stucco and carved wooden elements are suitable for decorating a spacious room. Smoothly plastered walls create a minimalist interior for laundries, bathrooms, pantries, and dressing rooms.

Floor finishing. You can increase sound insulation and insulate a room using natural materials: parquet, laminate, engineered wood. This finish in light shades visually expands the room. The use of cork floors, linoleum, and ceramic tiles increases the durability of the coating and is used for utility rooms.

Attic room can be used all year round, in this case it is necessary to take care of installing the heating system. Owners of country houses in harsh climatic zones prefer to leave the floor unheated.

Owners of modest houses use attics for seasonal living, without installing a heating system. Frost-resistant finishing materials (tiles, panels, plaster) are used.

Utility premises

Laundry rooms, smokehouses, storage rooms, and carpentry workshops in attics are distinguished by small windows and an abundance of built-in cabinets and tables for storage. Finishing such a room involves installing additional sockets and arranging a small workplace.

The design of furniture for utility rooms is most often built-in; cabinets and shelves are used at ceiling height; baskets and containers with tools are placed in open spaces. Such attics are decorated with a separate door, the entrance is masked behind a flight of stairs.

Dressing room and storage space for seasonal items

Miniature attics and rooms with small roof slopes are used to create built-in storage systems for clothing, sports equipment, and Christmas tree decorations. Finishing the room involves installing LED lamps, modular drawers and transforming shelves.

Attic dressing rooms are placed in the center of the second floor; sometimes the owners set up a children's room or a guest bedroom nearby. The interior of such a room is made neutral; ease of finding the necessary things, compactness and durability are important.

Modular systems storage with drawers and pull-out shelves are located on both sides of the entrance. The central wall is occupied by a large mirror mounted on the front of the built-in wardrobe. This solution is suitable for large families permanently living in a country house for several generations.

Bathroom or sauna

Insulated houses for permanent residence have spacious bathrooms, saunas, hydromassage installations. Room on top floor Suitable for a guest bath, creating a small relaxation area.

The room is finished with ceramic tiles, moisture-resistant panels or wood treated with non-toxic varnishes. The windows are equipped with double-glazed windows, cornices and thick curtains made of materials with the function of protection from direct sunlight.

The floors are finished with engineered wood, laminate or linoleum that is resistant to temperature changes. If the attic is used for a sauna, the floor covering can be made of fireproof bricks, ceramic tiles, or epoxy linoleum.

The choice of design style for the room depends on the selected materials. For example, softwood (birch, alder) has a honey hue and, in addition to floral patterns, creates an interior in retro and Provence styles. Lighter materials and dense wood (oak, maple, acacia) create an English-style room; point lighting sources should be installed.

Guest or master bedroom

Placing an area for daily relaxation in the attic allows you to save space on the ground floor. This solution is used by the owners of miniature houses with a combined kitchen-living room:

Sleeping area. The bed is traditionally placed opposite the window, in the center of the room. It should be convenient for each of the inhabitants to get to their place. There are bedside tables or chests of drawers on both sides, and bedside lamps are secured above the headboard.

Storage space. High ceilings in attics allow you to build in wardrobes, install rails for storing clothes, and place chests of drawers along the walls.

The interior is decorated in light colors, they try to make the lighting spot-like and divide it into zones. For example, several night lights, LED lamps and floor lamps allow you to adapt the level of illumination to the time of year, day, and tastes of the owners.

Children's room

The children's room in the attic requires the installation of a heating system. Choose large windows for better illumination of the room. The interior style for children's rooms is chosen in light colors; natural, stain-resistant materials are used. For example, finishing walls with gypsum plaster is convenient for regular repairs and is hypoallergenic for children. The room's furnishings consist of a work area, a seating area and storage areas.

  • Work zone. Depending on the age of the baby, the space may be limited to a playpen or a desk with a computer. This area is recommended to be located next to the window; the light should fall from the left side. If a schoolchild lives in the nursery, it is advisable to install a modular transforming table that will adapt to the rapid growth of the child.
  • A place to relax. Depending on the size of the attic, the sleeping place can be a folding sofa, an armchair or a full bed. The sizes are chosen according to growth, so that the baby feels comfortable in the room as he grows up. Such furniture is placed opposite the entrance to the room, and additional lighting is installed around it.
  • Storage space. The abundance of built-in cabinets, shelves and baskets will teach the baby to organize things in an orderly manner, freeing up space for relaxation, games and receiving guests. Modular systems installed indoors allow you to compactly place toys, clothes, books and equipment for your growing baby.

Owners of multi-storey buildings can decorate several rooms in the attic:

  • library;
  • billiard room;
  • cabinet.

Multi-storey houses with attic

The layout of such houses is less compact; they are intended for residence of several generations of one family, frequent reception of guests, location of several functional premises. The attic in such a house is used as several full rooms.

A special feature of the attic interior is the abundance of natural light, which allows the use of dark furniture, wall decoration with natural wood panels, and an abundance of metal accessories.

The interior is decorated in contrasting art deco, classic French, English, and colonial styles. If the roof slopes form high ceilings, an empire style, palace interior, or eclecticism look appropriate. The rules for arranging furniture and lighting depend on the purpose of the room.

A special feature of the interior is the abundance of natural light

Living room (the only one in the house or the second one)

First floor suburban buildings traditionally occupied by utility rooms and a kitchen-living room intended for receiving guests. The second floor consists of several bedrooms and bathrooms, so the attic is used as an additional room for family members to relax.

Owners of multi-story houses with a compact layout create a recreation room or living room across the entire width of the attic space. This saves space on the first floor; the room is isolated from common utility areas. The interior of the room is built around the main pieces of furniture.

  • Places for rest. It is recommended to place sofas, armchairs, couches and poufs in the center of the living room, and install additional lighting items around them (floor lamps, chandeliers, sconces). Upholstery made of light artificial or natural leather will extend the life of the furniture and fits with most styles. The choice of bright contrasting shades requires finishing the walls in a light, monochromatic color scheme.
  • Storage space. Tables and chests of drawers in the living room are placed next to the sofas so that guests can use them comfortably. Buffets, cabinets and display cases are installed along the walls to visually expand the space.
  • Decor. Depending on the style of the interior, the center of the living room in the attic can become original chandelier, fireplace (active or installation), coffee table, bar counter.

Residents of suburban buildings with three and four floors often arrange rooms for a more specific purpose in the attic.

Billiard room

A sitting room with a massive table covered in green cloth, suitable for country house in classic, English or retro styles. Such attics are finished with oak panels, the windows are decorated with thick curtains, and lighting is limited to small lamps with fabric lampshades. The upper part of the walls and ceiling are complemented textured plaster, stucco molding, wallpaper made of dense natural or artificial fabrics.

  • The size of a billiard table is determined by the area of ​​the room; most often, a piece of furniture is placed in the center, and the remaining areas are located along the walls. A chandelier is installed above the table.
  • The relaxation area in the billiard room includes a row of armchairs, tables, and sometimes the room is decorated with a fireplace or a bar counter. Upholstered furniture is placed next to the windows, in the corners of the room.
  • Zoning of the billiard room is done using screens, bookshelves, lamps on long pendants, and placing furniture in groups. For example, several sofas are placed around a coffee table.

Furniture is chosen from natural wood, accessories are made from metal in warm shades (bronze, brass). The traditional idea of ​​a billiard room is an English-style room, complemented by massive decor, textured materials, natural wood. A common option is to combine a billiard room with a video game room, with a large TV installed in the room.


A more versatile option for a room for relaxation combined with studying is a library in the attic. The high vaulted ceiling and slanted windows allow for a traditional, gloomy space with floor-to-ceiling shelving. A more modern version of a Scandinavian-style library includes white plaster, light wood furniture, and textiles in contrasting shades.

  • Bookshelves. It is recommended that the central element of the library be placed along the walls; the width of the shelves should allow room for two volumes in a row. The glazed version makes cleaning easier and looks more respectable. The center of the room is suitable for installation low tables and bedside tables in which magazines and newspapers are placed.
  • Reading space. The work desk and reading chair are placed opposite the window; in large houses several such zones are installed. It is recommended to use lightweight modular structures that can be easily moved throughout the room.
  • Rest zone. Free library space is used for installation upholstered furniture, floor lamps, volumetric chandeliers and lamps. Massive vases, figurines, candelabra, indoor fountains look appropriate in rooms decorated in retro, empire, and American classic styles.

House owners equip a library for the professional needs of one of the family members, transform it into an office or a common living room.


A workplace on the territory of a country house is necessary with a free schedule, remote work, irregular mode. The location of the office in the attic allows for privacy, working in natural light most of the day, and conveniently storing massive equipment near the workplace. The furnishings of the room are based on the following principles:

1 Convenience. The choice of furniture, equipment, and amount of lighting reflects the characteristics of the owner’s work. For example, architects and seamstresses require massive tables with spacious tabletops to place drawings, fabrics, and materials. Engravers work in ample local lighting.

2 Mobility. Items in the office should be easy to move. For example, tables on wheels, lightweight shelves, collapsible chests of drawers and cabinets with pull-out baskets make it easier to store equipment and materials.

3 Neutrality. The furnishings in the office should not distract from work tasks, so it is recommended to moderately use bright decor, contrasting wallpaper and dark colors. It is better to choose a curtain material that is light and freely transmits light.

Most of the day is spent in the office, so the furniture should be comfortable for long-term use; finishing materials should be chosen that are natural and do not emit toxic substances.


Miniature attics with a small number of windows are suitable for creating a gym.

  • Strength training room. Such a room is equipped with an additional ventilation system, bright lighting is installed, the walls are decorated with posters, decorated with textured wallpaper, and complemented with TVs and a stereo system.
  • Relaxation area. It is recommended to use green and blue shades in the interior, with an emphasis on natural colors and natural materials. The room for yoga, Pilates or meditation is complemented by large windows and curtains in neutral shades.
  • Cardiozone. The interior of such attics includes a space for relaxation, and sometimes a refrigerator is installed for ice and fresh fruit. Cardio training sessions are long and require a comfortable environment.

A gym in the attic involves storing equipment and exercising at different times of the day. It is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature; it is recommended to equip the room with climate control and additional sound insulation.

Advantages of attic premises

Most owners multi-storey buildings and one-story buildings with an attic, they tend to use the room as a full-fledged room. The interior of the attic space depends on the interior of the entire house. Most often, finishing is done in neutral colors, using natural materials:

  • Saving space on the first floor. Regardless of its purpose, the room under the roof is located in a private area of ​​the house, has a relatively large area and allows you to place seasonal items and accommodate guests. The areas of the first floor are freed up for recreation areas, additional bedrooms, and the installation of more massive and comfortable furniture. For example, moving the storage area to the attic frees up space on the ground floor for a garage.
  • Isolation of the room. Depending on the chosen layout, the entrance to the attic can be located discreetly, without attracting the attention of guests. If the attic space is used as a study, its location allows you to concentrate on work tasks. Sometimes the attic is provided with a separate entrance via an external staircase, creating a completely separate area in the common house.

  • Abundance of natural light. Big windows, located at an angle to the rest of the walls, allow you to do without additional lamps and chandeliers and decorate the interior in dark shades. For example, billiard rooms and libraries in attics are decorated with dark panels made of natural wood, giving them a rich color.

Despite a number of advantages, an attic is not suitable for every country house and requires additional costs.


Owners of houses for seasonal living and residents of spacious buildings do not regularly use the spaces under the roof; some prefer to turn them into an unheated storage room.

  • Relatively high heating costs. Depending on the materials of the house, the area of ​​the attic and the climate zone, the cost of heating it can be quite significant. For example, a room with panoramic windows in central Russia needs to install additional heaters. If the attic is used as a bedroom or children's room, the costs will be regular.
  • The need to install and assemble custom furniture. Most homes are built with steep roof slopes, so cabinets and shelves have unusual configurations. Delivery and installation of furniture on the top floor requires additional costs; it is better to choose prefabricated furniture.

Until the mid-17th century, the space under the roof of the house was used only as a warehouse for old things or housing for servants. The idea to change this came to the mind of the French architect Francois Mansart - he was the first to propose making full-fledged living rooms there. He liked the idea so much that these premises were named after him - the attic. After all, it’s enough just to properly design the space under the roof slopes and choose an original attic design. A photo gallery of the interior in a private house of any thematic publication will offer many options. The future occupant can only complete several mandatory preliminary civil works and decide on the purpose and style of the attic premises.

There are 2 types of attic layout: studio (the space is free of partitions and represents one spacious room) and cellular (clearly defined zoning). The highlight of the attic is the sloping walls; they become the main accent in any style.

And you can decorate this room in many styles. When choosing an attic design in a private house, look through the photo gallery of the interior, evaluate the geometry of the room and its illumination.

If we look at examples, it would be the following:

  • a bedroom or kitchen looks better in country style;
  • the bathroom and bedroom can be decorated in a vintage style;
  • a bedroom plus a children's room or a billiard room plus an office are decorated in a minimalist style;
  • the relaxation room and hookah bar look perfect in an oriental style;
  • ethnic style is optimal for the bedroom.

The main problem that designers successfully solve is sloping walls and ceilings. The light from the windows falls at an angle and it can be difficult to choose a color scheme. Most often, light colors and light transparent varnish for lining are chosen.

Dark tones of furniture are suitable if there are windows only at the ends of the roof. Then the contrast with the snow-white ceiling will make the interior more graphic. If the attic windows face south and west, calm pastel colors are better suited for the interior. Long, plain curtains help to enlarge small windows.

Beams and rafters are very often used in the interior of the attic, painting them exactly in the color of the furniture. If wallpaper is chosen for decoration, its pattern should not be large and, if possible, repeated in textiles or design elements.

The use of transparent pieces of furniture will help to visually expand the space; this technique is called “invisible interior”.

If you study a photo gallery of interiors and attic design in a private house, you will immediately notice that most of the options are related to the device.

Designers believe that a few steps are enough for this:

  • the right palette: muted tones help soften the angle of the wall, and if you want bright accents, concentrate all the rich colors on the central wall;
  • the right furniture: in the attic living room there should not be a lot of it, just a cozy soft corner, a table, a couple of poufs. We distribute everything else on corner shelves and racks - they add volume to the room;

  • the right accessories: it is better to choose elongated shapes, hang paintings or photos in vertical rows;
  • windows: curtains made of light fabrics or roller blinds are chosen for them.

Sleep under the stars

The attic is an ideal secluded area for relaxation. The bed is placed near the windows, which allows you to admire the view from the window. Cabinets and shelves fit perfectly under sloping walls and in corners. Even modular furniture exactly in color wall panels It won’t seem out of place in such a bedroom.

The design of an attic in a private house in interior photo galleries very often involves placing a large floor mirror in the bedroom and using vertically elongated lamps for lighting. And according to the pattern, the bedspreads and curtains should repeat each other.

Wood will help create coziness in the bedroom - clapboard paneling in combination with beams is often used in the Provence style. Deliberately rough unpainted wooden furniture, blankets and tablecloths will create a country-style interior. And the classics can be emphasized with a forged mirror frame, light walls and slightly darker furniture of strict shapes.

The loft that is fashionable today is not very appropriate for a bedroom, since it does not provide for wall decoration or masking of communications. This style is suitable for a kitchen or ultra-modern living room.

Children's fairy tale

Probably every child’s dream is to have their own magical corner.

Attic - perfect place for this. Just follow a few rules:

  • use a loft bed with a play area underneath it;
  • place the closet opposite the bed;
  • desk - a place by the window;
  • the stairs should be far from the playing area.

Remember safety. None sharp corners and shaky structures.

This color determines the character and gender of the child - very active ones do not need rich bright colors, but they will cheer up phlegmatic people, girls like cream, pink, white tones, and boys prefer blue-gray or khaki.

Other options

A kitchen or dining room in the attic is rarely equipped, because you will need to organize several zones, install a stove, refrigerator, oven, and a large table. A glass table and transparent plastic chairs can lighten the interior somewhat.

The most unexpected solutions offered by a photo gallery of attic interiors and design in a private house are, perhaps, a bathroom or. But if family members appreciate the convenience of getting rid of cabinets downstairs, then a bathtub in the attic is often equipped in addition to the bedroom. You will have to take into account the overhanging sloping wall, so it is better to get by with a shower stall.

But the place to relax can be anything. Those who like to roll balls cannot do without a billiard room. Or you can arrange a gym, a luxurious winter garden, a home theater or a wonderful library with an office for work in the attic.

There are many options, and the main advantage is that the attic space can be completely different in style from the design of the entire house as a whole. After all, this is a special room that will become the way only you want it.

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