Kind sayings about life and love. Quotes and parables about life with meaning

Cool and wise aphorisms about life with meaning. Short statements of great people who found their place in society.

Meaning of life

Aphorisms about life with meaning, short statements famous people who left their mark on history:

  • This is a job that needs to be completed with dignity (Tocqueville).
  • Achieving success is easy, knowing the meaning is the problem (Einstein).
  • Our journey is just one moment. Live now, then there simply won’t be time (Chekhov).
  • Meaning can be found, but cannot be created (Frankl).
  • A happy existence is harmony and unity (Seneca).
  • If you really helped someone at least once, it means you didn’t live in vain (Shcherblyuk).
  • Meaning is the path to happiness (Dovgan).
  • We are all just people. But for parents we are the meaning of life, for friends we are soul mates, for loved ones we are the whole world (Roy).


Aphorisms about life with meaning, short and faithful.

  • The need to love is the main need (France).
  • Only love can destroy death (Tolstoy).
  • I thank the thorns for having roses (Carr).
  • The birth of a person only makes sense when he helps others (De Beauvoir).
  • You need to love a person the way God created him (Tsvetaeva).
  • A road without love is an angel with one wing. He cannot rise high (Dumas).
  • All problems come from a lack of love (Carey).
  • Destroy love in your world and everything will go to waste (Browning).
  • When you truly love, you make peace with the whole world (Lazhechnikov).


Aphorisms about the meaning of life, expressed by the Holy Fathers.

  • The life you live now is a preparation for the next birth (Venerable Ambrose).
  • The earthly path leads to the Eternal (Venerable Barsanuphius).
  • The earthly path was given to us so that through useful deeds and redemption we would be closer to Him (St. Ignatius).
  • Love is strong only in humility (St. Macarius).
  • Poor is he who desires much (St. John).
  • Only faith in the happiness of your neighbor will make you happy (Prot. Sergei).
  • Do good deeds, then the Devil will not be able to approach you, because you will always be busy (Blessed Jerome).

about life and the search for its meaning

  • If you just sit and think about meaning without doing anything, you won’t find meaning (Murakami).
  • In the morning the meaning of my life is to sleep.
  • For the sake of a cheerful life, you should not lose its meaning (Juvenal).
  • Live in such a way that they not only erect a monument for you, but also have pigeons fly around it.
  • Life has only one drawback - it ends.
  • This is a terrible disease. Transmitted through love and always ends in death.
  • You shouldn’t look at the world more pessimistically than it looks at you.
  • You cannot live the same life twice; unfortunately, many cannot live even one.
  • Our existence is like a queue for death, and yet some people always try to jump the queue.
  • Anything better leads to obesity.
  • I planted everything, built and gave birth. Now I water, repair and feed.
  • The real meaning of life is hidden in a pregnant woman (Nemov).

Great things

Aphorisms about life with meaning, short clear thoughts about a favorite pastime, which determines the eternal search for many.

  • One who really decides to change cannot be stopped (Hippocrates).
  • It's not the time you lived, but what you did (Marquez).
  • The great road requires great sacrifices (Kogan).
  • If there is a worthy goal, then it simplifies our existence (Murakami).
  • There are things in the world for which you can give your life, but there is nothing for which you can take it (Gregory).
  • The point is not to be useful, but to be yourself (Coelho).
  • After us, only our deeds will remain, so do them so that these deeds are great (France).
  • You need to grow your own garden, and not steal from someone else's (Voltaire).
  • A great thing is not created without mistakes (Rozanov).
  • Think less, do more (Hunt).

Process or result?

Aphorisms about life with meaning are reflections on the topic: how to live in general?

  • External appearance often closes a person’s soul to those around him.
  • Our road is so short. She only has 4 stops: child, loser, gray head and deceased (Moran).
  • Take your time, because in the end there is a grave for everyone (Martin).
  • Fear is in everyone, it makes us human. This means that meaning is fear (Roy).
  • It’s not a pity that my journey may end, it’s a pity if it never began (Newman).
  • A person notices the loss of money, but does not notice the loss of his days.
  • Only a mediocre person is capable of submitting to fate.
  • Living correctly is available to everyone, but living forever is accessible to no one (Seneca).
  • Everyone is shouting - we want to live, but no one says why (Miller).


Aphorisms about life with meaning and family.

  • The mother is not looking for meaning, she has already given birth to it.
  • All joy lives in the laughter of a child.
  • Family is a ship. Before you go out to sea, survive a small storm.
  • Life gives joy only when we give life to others (Maurois).
  • Children tend to be happy and joyful (Hugo).
  • It is the family that teaches the child to do good for the rest of his life (Sukhomlinsky).
  • One child's hour can be longer than an old man's whole day (Schopenhauer).
  • Every child is a genius, every genius is a child. They both know no boundaries and make discoveries (Schopenhauer).
  • Without children, we have no reason to love this world (Dostoevsky).

Short aphorisms about life and its meaning reveal the philosophical laws of existence. Spiritual problems exist in every person, we all solve them in our own way. For some, the meaning is to have fun and enjoy every moment, for others it is to leave your mark on history. What do we live for? For children, for accumulating wealth, or for bringing a little goodness and light into the existence of the world? Everyone decides for themselves.

People have been thinking about the meaning of existence since the creation of the world. The best philosophers, great authors, fathers of all religions are trying to find the answer to the eternal question. and heaven? You can definitely answer only at the end of your journey. But then it will be too late to live life again.

There are many hypotheses. Let everyone choose the one that is closest to their soul and lifestyle.

wise quotes with meaning about life, thoughts about life, great people. Human wisdom is a deep mind, erudition, restraint, combined with life experience, understanding the meaning of what is happening. It is also the ability to help other people with advice, the ability to take on right decisions, get out of a difficult situation.
The ability to look philosophically at the things that surround us helps us think soberly and more easily overcome life's challenges.

You should do what makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps that are considered success. If you're happy working in a village store, work. You only have one life. Karl Lagerfeld.

What makes a man rich is his heart. Bigger.

A soul that lacks wisdom is dead. But if you enrich it with teaching, it will come to life, like an abandoned land on which rain has fallen. Abul-Faraj.

This incarnation is God walking on his own earth. The human incarnation is God Himself residing in human form. Don't underestimate yourself, this form is a divine form. Therefore you must act with the fullness of divinity in you. Papaji

The meaning of life is self-expression. To manifest our essence in its entirety is what we live for. Oscar Wilde.

The most important thing is not to lose heart... when it becomes too much for you, and everything gets mixed up, you can’t despair, lose patience and drag on at random. You need to unravel the problems slowly, one by one. Haruki Murakami. Norwegian forest.

Salvation does not lie in rituals, sacraments, or in the confession of this or that faith, but in a clear understanding of the meaning of one’s life. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

By sacrificing himself, a person becomes higher than God, for how can God, infinite and omnipotent, sacrifice himself? IN best case scenario he can sacrifice his only son. Somerset Maugham

...Both suffering and joy lead to knowledge. By experiencing both these aspects of manifest nature, the soul gains knowledge of the reality underlying things. Experience can be sorrowful, but it is transformed into knowledge, and knowledge is transformed into wisdom, which becomes the leader of the soul. Author: Annie Besant

Many believe that the trials of this life are certainly retribution for past sins. But is metal heated in a forge because he has sinned and must be punished? Isn't this done in order to improve the properties of the material?... - Lobsang Rampa

Living is like running through a museum. And only then do you begin to truly realize what you saw, think about it, consult books and remember - because you cannot accept it all at once. Audrey Hepburn.

If you think I'm the problem, you'll have to change me. If you understand that the problem is in you, you can change yourself, learn something and become wiser. Most people expect everyone else in the world to change, but not themselves. Robert Kiyosaki.

People find reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining the fulfillment of their desires. Strong personality makes these desires come true. The weak one lives in this world of hers and her fantasies are embodied in symptoms of various diseases. Sigmund Freud.

Your time is limited, don't waste it living another life. Don't get caught up in a creed that exists on other people's thinking. Don't let the views of others drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary. Author: Steve Jobs.

We make an effort to wake up and actually wake up when the dream becomes terrible and we no longer have the strength to bear it. The same must be done in life when it becomes unbearable. At such moments, one must, through the effort of consciousness, awaken to a new, higher, spiritual life. Lev Tolstoy.

If you still follow the lead of circumstances, then at least do not allow yourself to be muzzled. Yuri Tatarkin.

Your brain is like a garden that can be tended to or nurtured. You are a gardener and can grow your garden or leave it neglected. But know: you will have to reap the fruits of either your labor or your own inaction. John Kehoe. “The subconscious can do anything”

Any illness should be considered as a signal: you have somehow treated the world incorrectly. If you don't hear the signals, Life will increase the impact. - Sviyash.

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are wonderful person. Omar Khayyam.

Have you ever asked yourself the most important question: do problems really exist or are you creating them? People clutch at their misfortunes in order to prevent emptiness in themselves. Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)

Don't answer anyone when you're angry; don't promise anything when you're happy; never decide when you are sad. Eastern wisdom.

Desire to eat driving force souls; a soul devoid of desires stagnates. You need to desire in order to act and act in order to be happy. Claude Adrian Helvetius

He who has contemplated the greatness of nature himself strives for perfection and harmony. Our inner world should be like this model. In a clean atmosphere everything is clean. - Honore de Balzac. Lily of the valley.

“Whoever owns the information owns the World! » W. Churchill.

A person with a clear goal will move forward even on the worst road. A person without any goal will not advance even along the smoothest path. Thomas Carlyle.

What we are today is a consequence of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

Often, the reason for separation lies not in the relationship between people, but in the unresolved problems of one of them (or both), stretching from the past.
Our childhood grievances need to be given vent, and then the “children” begin to grow up and do not interfere in our personal life. Jorge Bucay, Silvia Salinas. Love with open eyes.

Stay patient and don’t forget that everyone in this world is transitory. Paulo Coelho. Like a river.

One should not be afraid of poverty, or illness, or in general anything that is not caused by depravity and does not depend on the person himself. Aristotle.

The purpose of our earthly existence is to cultivate humanity, and all the low needs of life only serve it and should become reason, subtle feelings - art, attractions - noble freedom and beauty, motivating forces - philanthropy. Johann Gottfried Gerde

The wiser a person becomes, the less reason he finds to be offended. Richard Bach.

The beauty of this world is that you can see it in different ways. It is so limitless that it can be reflected in the human mind exactly as the person himself is. That is, the more beautiful a person’s inner world is, the more beautiful the world around him seems. Excerpt from the book “The World of Dreams: Notes of a Wanderer”

Moral values ​​are not a meaningless depiction of decrepit moralists. They are called values ​​because without them neither further development of society nor happy life. Andre Maurois.

A drop chisels a stone not by force, but by frequent falling. Ovid.

He who reigns within himself and controls his passions, desires and fears is more than a king. John Milton.

One of the most common misconceptions is to consider people good, evil, stupid, smart. Man flows, and he has all the possibilities: he was stupid, he became smart, he was angry, he became kind and vice versa. This is the greatness of man. And you can’t judge a person based on this. You condemned, but he is already different. Lev Tolstoy.

Eat learned people, and there are wise ones. Scientists are those who know a lot. And the wise are those who understand what they know. Mikhail Zadornov.

We often find it difficult to find a solution because we subconsciously limit ourselves to the territory of the drawing. However, nowhere does it say that you cannot go beyond it. Conclusion: to understand the system, you need to... go beyond it. Bernard Werber

Fall in love with someone who wants you, who will wait for you. Who will understand your madness, who will help you and guide you, who will support you, your hope. Fall in love with someone who will talk to you, even after a fight. Fall in love with someone who will always miss you and want to be with you. But don't fall in love with a body or a face or the idea of ​​being loved. Maksim Gorky.

The best response to enemy criticism is to smile and forget. Vladimir Nabokov.

very many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all their lives for happiness. But you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment. Osho.

You must be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie, part with people who do not value you. A. Green

Realize that you are not “living for anything,” but simply “living.”

The only mistake, almost always, is to think that only from your bell tower the whole truth is visible. A deaf person always thinks that those who dance are crazy. Jorge Bucay.

Every power and every passion which a man possesses is his by divine design, and if he breaks or neglects any part of his nature, he betrays the trust placed in him. The spiritual essence must grow from the material essence and become completely perfect and powerful in its form. Annie Besant.

Too many people spend money they haven't earned on things they don't need just to impress people they can't stand. Will Rogers.

Each person is a reflection of himself inner world. As a person thinks, that is how he is (in life). Marcus Tullius Cicero.

In youth, for some reason, it seems that life promises a continuous holiday. And then it becomes clear that no one, in fact, promised you anything. And that advance in the form of youth, beauty, worthless success had to be invested in business. And if you squandered it in a pathetic way, that’s your problem. Natalya Simonova.

The purpose of dinner is nutrition and the purpose of marriage is family. Lev Tolstoy.

Eastern wisdom says: there is no need to interfere in disputes between close relatives... They explain it this way: Relatives are a finger. One brother is a nail, the other is a pad. There should be nothing between the nail and the pad. Everything that gets under the nail: either dirt or a splinter is superfluous and unnecessary...

Nature has given man a weapon - intellectual moral strength, but he can use this weapon in reverse side Therefore, a person without moral principles turns out to be the most wicked and wild creature, base in his sexual and taste instincts. Aristotle.

A fish with its mouth closed never gets hooked. Fuad Viento. The wind of change

Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should firmly become part of the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, full and joyful life. Hippocrates.

Wisdom is like gems for a person, the ability to correctly apply knowledge. It is not for nothing that in the biblical parable King Solomon asked God for wisdom, and not for wealth or anything else.
Section topic: wise thoughts, meaningful quotes about life.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it is created by our thoughts. If a person speaks and acts with a good thought, joy follows him like a shadow that never leaves.


Everything that changes our lives is not an accident. It is within us and awaits only an external reason for expression through action.

Alexander Sergeevich Green

Life is neither suffering nor pleasure, but a task that we must do and honestly complete it.

Alexis Tocqueville

Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.

Albert Einstein

The Mystery of God (Part 1) The Mystery of God (Part 2) The Mystery of God (Part 3)

To see all things in God, to make one's life a movement towards the ideal, to live with gratitude, concentration, gentleness and courage: this is the amazing point of view of Marcus Aurelius.

Henri Amiel

Every life creates its own destiny.

Henri Amiel

Life is a moment. It cannot be lived first in a draft and then rewritten into a white paper.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The calling of every person in spiritual activity is a constant search for the truth and meaning of life.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The meaning of life is only in one thing - struggle.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Life is a continuous birth, and you accept yourself as you become.

I want to fight for my life. They fight for the truth. Everyone always fights for the truth, and there is no ambiguity in this.

It is not necessary to look at where a person was born, but what his morals are, not in what land, but by what principles he decided to live his life.


Life - is a risk. Only by getting into risky situations do we continue to grow. And one of the biggest risks we can take is the risk of love, the risk of being vulnerable, the risk of allowing ourselves to open up to another person without fear of pain or hurt.

Arianna Huffington

What is a sense of life? Serve others and do good.


No one lived in the past, no one will have to live in the future; the present is the form of life.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Remember: only this life has value!

Aphorisms from literary monuments ancient egypt

We should not be afraid of death, but of empty life.

Bertolt Brecht

People seek pleasure, rushing from side to side, only because they feel the emptiness of their life, but do not yet feel the emptiness of that new fun that attracts them.

Blaise Pascal

The moral qualities of a person should be judged not by his individual efforts, but by his daily life.

Blaise Pascal

No, apparently death doesn’t explain anything. Only life gives people certain opportunities that they realize or are wasted; only life can resist evil and injustice.

Vasily Bykov

Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Life is not a burden, but wings of creativity and joy; and if anyone turns it into a burden, then he himself is to blame.

Vikenty Vikentyevich Veresaev

Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything stops. The goal is lost, and the strength is gone.

Whatever we strive for, whatever the particular tasks that we set for ourselves, we ultimately strive for one thing: completeness and completeness... We strive to become eternal, complete, and all-encompassing life ourselves.

Victor Frankl

Finding your way, finding out your place in life - this is everything for a person, this means for him to become himself.

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Whoever wants to accept the meaning of life as an external authority ends up accepting the meaning of his own arbitrariness as the meaning of life.

Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov

A person can have two basic behaviors in life: he either rolls or climbs.

Vladimir Soloukhin

Only you have the power to change your life for the better, simply by intending to do so.

Eastern wisdom

This is the meaning of our stay on earth: to think and search and listen to distant disappeared sounds, since behind them lies our true homeland.

Hermann Hesse

Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.

Guy de Maupassant

Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life.


One thing, constantly and strictly performed, organizes everything else in life, everything revolves around it.


Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the lifestyle.


There is no poetry in a serene and blissful life! You need something to move your soul and burn your imagination.

Denis Vasilievich Davydov

You cannot lose the meaning of life for the sake of life.

Decimus Junius Juvenal

True Light is the one that comes from within a person and reveals the secrets of the heart to the soul, making it happy and in harmony with life.

Man struggles to find life outside himself, not realizing that the life he seeks is within him.

A person who is limited in heart and thoughts tends to love what is limited in life. One whose vision is limited cannot see beyond the length of one cubit on the road he is walking on or on the wall he is leaning against with his shoulder.

Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light themselves.

James Matthew Barry

Look at every dawn as the beginning of your life, and at every sunset as the end of it. Let each of these short lives will be marked by some kind deed, some victory over oneself or acquired knowledge.

John Ruskin

It's hard to live when you haven't done anything to earn your place in life.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov

The completeness of life, both short and long, is determined only by the purpose for which it is lived.

David Star Jordan

Our life is a struggle.


You can't get honey without difficulty. There is no life without sadness and adversity.

Debt is what we owe to humanity, our loved ones, our neighbors, our family, and, above all, what we owe to all those who are poorer and more defenseless than us. This is our duty, and failure to fulfill it during life makes us spiritually bankrupt and leads to a state of moral collapse in our future incarnation.

A person's honor is not in the power of another; this honor is in himself and does not depend on public opinion; her defense is not a sword or a shield, but an honest and impeccable life, and a battle in such conditions is not inferior in courage to any other battle.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

The cup of life is beautiful! What stupidity it is to be indignant at her just because you see her bottom.

Jules Renan

Life is only wonderful for those who strive for a goal that is constantly achieved, but never achieved.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Two meanings in life - internal and external,
The external one has family, business, success;
And the inner one is unclear and unearthly -
Everyone is responsible for everyone.

Igor Mironovich Guberman

He who can fill every moment with deep content endlessly prolongs his life.

Isolde Kurtz

Truly, there is nothing better in life than the help of a friend and mutual joy.

John of Damascus

Everything that happens to us leaves one mark or another in our lives. Everything is involved in making us who we are.

Life is a duty, even if it were a moment.

Only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to battle for them every day.

A person lives a real life if he is happy with the happiness of others.

Life is like sea ​​waters refreshes only when it rises to heaven.

Johann Richter

Human life is like iron. If you use it, it wears out, but if you don’t use it, rust eats it up.

Cato the Elder

It's never too late to plant a tree: even if you don't get the fruits, the joy of life begins with the opening of the first bud of the planted plant.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

What is more valuable - a glorious name or life? What is smarter - life or wealth? What is more painful - to achieve or to lose? This is why great passions inevitably lead to great losses. And indefatigable accumulation turns into a huge loss. Know when to stop and you won't have to feel ashamed. Know how to stop - and you will not encounter dangers and you will be able to live a long time.

Lao Tzu

Life should and can be unceasing joy

The shortest expression of the meaning of life can be this: the world moves and improves. The main task is to contribute to this movement, submit to it and cooperate with it.

Salvation does not lie in rituals, sacraments, or in the confession of this or that faith, but in a clear understanding of the meaning of one’s life.

I am sure that the meaning of life for each of us is simply to grow in love.

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.

Leonardo da Vinci

The blessing is not in having a long life, but in how to manage it: it can happen, and it often happens, that someone who lives a long time lives short.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

The greatest flaw in life is its eternal incompleteness due to our habit of postponing from day to day. He who finishes his life's work every evening does not need time.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

A day is never too long for a busy person! Let's extend our lives! After all, both the meaning and main feature hers is activity.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Like a fable, so life is valued not for its length, but for its content.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

What is the most long term life? To live until you achieve wisdom, not the farthest, but the greatest goal.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

What is the belief, so are the actions and thoughts, and what are they, so is life.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

There is nothing more uglier than an old man who has no other evidence of the benefit of his long life except his age.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Let your life be equal to you, let nothing contradict one another, and this is impossible without knowledge and without art, which allows you to know the divine and human.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

One should look at the day as a small life.

Maksim Gorky

The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal.

Maksim Gorky

The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the internal law that you recognize.

Marcus Aurelius

The art of living is more reminiscent of the art of fighting than of dancing. It requires preparedness and resilience in the face of the unexpected and unexpected.

Marcus Aurelius

Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say what is not in accordance with the truth. Observe this most important thing and you will complete the whole task of your life.

Marcus Aurelius

To add one good deed to another so closely that there is not the slightest gap between them is what I call enjoying life.

Marcus Aurelius

Let your deeds be great, as you would like to remember them in your declining years.

Marcus Aurelius

Each person is a reflection of his inner world. As a person thinks, that is how he is (in life).

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Life is beautiful if you learn to live.


It is necessary that each person find for himself the opportunity to live a higher life in the midst of the humble and inevitable reality of each day.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.

Michel de Montaigne

The changes that occur in our lives are a consequence of our choices and our decisions.

Wisdom of the Ancient East

Follow your Heart while you are on earth and try to make at least one day of your life perfect.

Wisdom of Ancient Egypt

Beauty is not about certain features and lines, but in the general facial expression, in the vital meaning that lies in it.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

He who doesn't burn smokes. This is the law. Long live the flame of life!

Nikolai Alexandrovich Ostrovsky

The purpose of man is to serve, and our whole life is service. You just need to remember that you took a place in the earthly state in order to serve the Heavenly Sovereign and therefore keep His law in mind. Only by serving in this way can you please everyone: the Emperor, the people, and your land.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

To live is to act with energy; life is a struggle in which one must fight bravely and honestly.

Nikolai Vasilievich Shelgunov

To live means to feel, to enjoy life, to constantly feel new things that would remind us that we are living.


Life is pure flame; we live with the invisible sun within us.

Thomas Brown

The best part of a righteous person's life is his small, nameless and forgotten acts of love and kindness.

William Wordsworth

Spend your life on things that will outlive you.


Although few of Caesar's people, each one still stands at his own Rubicon once in his life.

Christian Ernst Benzel-Sternau

Souls tormented by passions burn with fire. These will incinerate anyone in their path. Those without mercy are cold as ice. These will freeze everyone they meet. Those who are attached to things are like rotten water and rotten wood: the life has already left them. Such people will never be able to do good or make others happy.

Hong Zichen

The basis of our satisfaction with life is the feeling of our usefulness

Charles William Eliot

The only happiness in life is constant striving forward.

Emile Zola

If in life you conform to nature, you will never be poor, and if you conform to human opinion, you will never be rich.


There is no other meaning in life except what a person himself gives to it, revealing his strength, living fruitfully...

Erich Fromm

Every person is born for some kind of work. Everyone who walks the earth has responsibilities in life.

Ernst Miller Hemingway

Intelligence combined with kindness is called wisdom, and intelligence without kindness is called cunning.

A person is wise when he understands the moment where he needs to say something or remain silent.

Wisdom is the ability to be above your desires; to be below is ignorance.

Stupid guys often confuse naturalness with bad manners and rudeness.

Best status:
Do you want to find your place in the sun in this life? Find him first!

Erich Fromm once said that if a person loves himself, then he can love others, but if he only loves others, then he does not love anyone.

It is difficult to offend the autumn sage, because they are not offended by the truth, and they do not pay attention to lies.

Everyone has their favorite wise phrases and quotes from great people, but it’s worth trying to write down at least one of your thoughts, worth attention like nothing is working out.

Only a sage is able to suppress his feelings and emotions to the dictates of reason. Anger is characteristic of both a wise person and a fool, but the latter cannot subjugate anger. In the heat of emotions, committing evil, he does not control his actions, which are returned to him in double size.

We often chase after what we essentially don’t need...

To love deeply and selflessly means to completely forget about yourself.

Good taste speaks not so much of intelligence as of clarity of judgment.

Only a mother deserves love!

A lover does not always confess his love, and a man who confesses his love does not always love

A woman justifies her infidelity if she feels unhappy in her marriage

When we love, we lose our sight(c)

Fortune sometimes gives too much, but never enough!

I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off, you will live opposite me. XDDD)))

Life is steps forward, steps back, but I’m still dancing!

To understand what the other person wants, take a break from yourself for at least a minute.

Cherish what you have. Fight for what you can lose. And appreciate everything that is dear to you!!

My status has not been censored...

We always believe that our first love is our last and our last love is our first.

One day you will want to open the door that you yourself once closed. But she has long since had a different life, and the lock has been changed, and your key doesn’t fit...

How often it is easier for us to write what in life we ​​do not risk saying.

Words are like keys; when chosen correctly, you can open any soul and close any mouth.

You need to make a princess out of the one who is nearby, and not spend your whole life looking for a ready-made one...

The lazier a person is, the more his work resembles a feat.

Don't rip people's masks off. Suddenly these are muzzles.

We are embarrassed to take his hand, but we are not embarrassed to kiss ordinary acquaintances on the lips when we meet.

Life is a textbook that closes only with your last breath.

Love is not a disease. Illness is the absence of love. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

The opinions of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But nothing more.

A dead end is also a way out...

There are no ideal people... You just need to find the same *banned one and stop... =)

Where are you going? - To the races. - Then hurry up. Your horse has already called twice.

Don’t say that the world is sad, Don’t say that it’s difficult to live, Know how to laugh, believe and love in the midst of life’s ruins.

Decisions made in the dead of night usually fade in the light of day!

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him. And it will remain in your hands...

There will always be someone for whom you will serve as an example. Don't let this man down...

I don't talk about life, I live.

If vanity does not cast all our virtues into dust, then, in any case, it shakes them.

The search for mutual love is like a car race: we chase one, others chase us, and we find reciprocity only by flying into oncoming traffic.

I set a status about love, I’m waiting for love.

Better love without a future than a future... without love...

Don't waste expensive words on cheap people.

It is unlikely that any of the proctologists dreamed in childhood of becoming what they became. Life just happened that way...

You don’t need to look for smart phrases, you need to think with your head!

People who are afraid to dream convince themselves that they don't dream at all.

You can fool anyone, but never a fool.

Love is the desire to live.

I was created from affection, tears, love and hatred, happiness and sadness, from pain and bliss, from screams and smiles.

You feel like an adult when you put on a hat, not because your mother said so, but because it’s really cold...

There are three things that never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore: don’t waste time, choose your words and don’t miss the opportunity!

Having bitten into an apple, it is always more pleasant to see a whole worm in it than half of it...

There was no great mind without an admixture of madness.

Don't tell everything you know. This will not be enough.

Beware of the person who praises you for your missing virtues, for he may revile you for your missing shortcomings.

For a horseshoe to bring good luck, you need to work hard like a horse.

Those who have experienced great passions then spend their entire lives both rejoicing and grieving over their healing.

He is very mistaken who thinks that he loves his mistress only for her love for him.

Don't smile when reading this status - I've been afraid of horses since childhood!

Learn the rules so you can get around them.

They say anything behind your back. In person - what is beneficial.

If your man goes “to the left,” the main thing is not to meet him there.

Nothing is impossible in this life. It just happens that there weren’t enough attempts...

It's better to be smart and sometimes dumb than to be dumb and always smart!

A smart girl takes care of herself, a stupid girl takes care of her boyfriend...

No matter what life teaches us, our hearts believe in miracles.

monk Simeon of Athos

I never get offended, I just change my opinion about a person...

If you love a person for who he is, then you love him. If you are trying to change it radically, then you love yourself. That's all.

Self-love is a lifelong romance.

Life is short - break the rules - Goodbye quickly - Kiss slowly - Love sincerely - Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret what made you smile!

A woman never knows what she wants, but she will not rest until she achieves it.

Don’t think about what happened... Don’t guess what will happen... Take care of what you have...

Don't pretend - be. Don't promise - act. Don't dream - do it!!!

Happiness drops by for a minute, from time to time, to the one who has learned to do without it. And only to him...

The thinner the ice, the more people wants to see if he can handle it.

The one whose merits have already been rewarded with true glory should be most ashamed of the efforts he makes so that all sorts of trifles will be given credit for him.

Everyone sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are.

Yes, it’s not an easy job - dragging an idiot out of the swamp...

Being the first to make peace is not humiliation, but the best trait of a person.

Life is short, but fame may last forever.

Yes, it’s not an easy job - dragging an idiot out of the swamp.

I understand everything, but who wants to put up advertisements for the latest Audi model in the subway?!

Don’t regret the past - it didn’t spare you.

We judge the slightest infidelity towards us much more harshly than the most insidious betrayal towards others.

They don’t plan friendship, they don’t shout about love, they don’t prove the truth.

Love is a slow poison, the one who drank it will live a sweet moment, and the one who never tries will live miserably forever!

It’s not difficult to slam the door loudly when leaving, but it’s difficult to knock on it quietly when returning...

Our ideality is in our imperfection.

My mother’s smile is more valuable than all yours...

Do you have vodka? – Are you 18? - Do you have a license? - Okay, okay, why did you start up right away?

There is an opinion that there are words-shackles, there are words-destroyers, and there are words-wings. And, if the first and second should appear in our vocabulary as rarely as possible, then the latter can shape our lives and our worldview. But their function is much more. Let's get to know them, find out what they are and how to use them. "Wings" include beautiful quotes. What are they about? What power do they have? And why should you pay attention to them?

Graceful sayings

Wings are what allow birds to fly and soar. This is how they help us believe in own strength and break away from the dullness and everyday life in thinking with beautiful phrases. They have strength and courage, they have confidence and kindness. The main purpose of such sayings is to help.

If you love, love with all your soul,
If you believe, then believe until the end.
And then they will be with you
Your happiness, love and dream!

To find out where your heart lives, pay attention to where your mind wanders during moments of daydreaming.

When you look for yours happiness, don't take it from others.

Don't complain about the cold outside, if you yourself haven’t put a drop of heat into it.

Everybody wants beautiful rose, beautiful night, good friend. It is important to be able to love a rose with its thorns, the night with its mystery, a friend with all his problems.

Someone hesitates to confess their love? Tell them the inspiring message: “You will succeed!”, and he will overcome his internal doubts, no matter how frightening they may be. If a friend has a big decision to make, reassure them of your support by using beautiful sayings. Tell him that no matter what decision he makes, you will be there and help you overcome everything, give him wings so that when he takes off, he can look at the situation from the outside. This will help him be calmer and more confident.

A woman shouldn't tell a man that that loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about this. They speak louder than any words.

Some people enjoy the rain others just get wet.

We think God sees us above y - but he sees us from the inside.

Elevate your words not a voice. Flowers grow from rain, not from thunder.

May this day be happy
And everyone's dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere,
And the flowers smile...

It doesn't matter what face you have– what matters is what it expresses. It doesn’t matter what kind of voice you have, what matters is how precious your words are. It doesn't matter how you talk - your actions speak for themselves.

A person needs wings so that, armed with them, he can become richer. So that the whole world becomes closer to him. They expand his horizons so much that the first thing he sees when analyzing beautiful aphorisms, this is yourself. He understands what he is really capable of and how to use all the potential that he has!

Love is when you want it experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run away with someone spring thunderstorm under the lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer, pick berries and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings...

Love is a bath you need to either dive headfirst or not get into the water at all.

Hearts are like flowers- they cannot be opened by force, they must open themselves.

Thousands of candles can be lit from one single candle, and her life will not become shorter. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

Don't throw out phrases rashly, There are words stronger than a hurricane.
Wounds from a knife heal, but wounds do not heal from words...

Every person needs beautiful phrases that can tear one away from the earth, because we are all sometimes overcome by fears and doubts, some are haunted by gossip, bad wishes, and envy. How to overcome everything? But there is no need to fight, otherwise you will easily be drawn into the cycle of complexity and swamp uncertainty. Flap your wing, read the beautiful words, and soar, soar above these difficulties. They are not worth spending a minute of your life on these insignificant things.

Where there is a lot of love, there are a lot of mistakes there. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake.

The best shot is a random shot.
The most best thoughts- your own.
The best feeling is mutual.
The most best friends - faithful friends.
Most best person- for each one.

Even though life is not tied with a bow, it's still a gift.

In thunderstorms, in storms,
Into everyday shame,
In case of bereavement
And when you're sad
Seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.
S. Yesenin

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.

Know how to rejoice, know how to understand your significance and the significance of certain events and people in your life. Those of the people you need, let them stay in it, do not let others put shackles on you to destroy your personality and your life. What will help with this? Wise and beautiful aphorisms. Start the day by reading them, and when problems arise, read the strengthening sayings again.

Everyone has a quiet corner in their soul,
Where we don't allow anyone.
And at the same time we anxiously dream,
For someone to cross the threshold.

Failure doesn't mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has the best way for you.

I am the air don't try to hold it back. Breathe while I let myself breathe!

I'm not asking for a lighter burden., and so that the shoulders are stronger and the heart is wiser.

Sayings with magical powers

Magic is the ability to transform a wonderful moment into a lifetime. It is precisely the magic of transformation that words-wings possess; they transform disbelief into confidence; fears – in force; Beautiful aphorisms transform losses into gains. How do they do it?

Not being able to live forever, we have the opportunity to live brightly.

Nothing will ever go away until it teaches us what we need to know.

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we don’t see the most beautiful things in life, but feel them with our hearts...

About some words and expressions we can safely say: appetizing; wise; peace-loving; filled deep meaning. And each point very accurately characterizes beautiful phrases.

Don't be afraid of changes in life,
All the more inevitable.
They come at that moment
When they are necessary.

Tasty or colorful, juicy, beautiful phrases, those that call for action. If we want to praise someone, encourage them to be active, or give a compliment, we use special vocabulary. Vocabulary in which expressions that completely capture the attention of the interlocutor, turn on his imagination and motivate him to act.

A husband and wife should be like hands and eyes:
When your hand hurts, your eyes cry, and when your eyes cry, your hands wipe away your tears.

True love is when you love not the one you would like to meet, but the one you don’t want to part with.

Happiness can't be loud. It is quiet, cozy, dear...

Don't teach your children to be rich. Teach them to be happy. When they grow up, they will know the value of things, not their price.

So often we all lack balance in everything, in desires, in aspirations, and in relationships. It is beautiful quotes that help you find harmony in yourself and in your outlook on life. Simply put, they help you become wiser and teach you through examples of the experience and knowledge of worthy people.

How easy it is to offend someone!
He took and threw out a phrase angrier than pepper...
And then sometimes a century is not enough
To return an offended heart...
E. Asadov

- That season, when people should warm each other: with their words, with their feelings, with their lips. And then no cold is scary.

You can always close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel.

Learning to resolve issues kindly is a talent that deserves respect. What will help us with this? Beautiful phrases. At any conflict situation such talent is the only thing that will help us remain real people. In the family, at work or in an informal meeting, each of us needs to show that the first thing we value is peace. And on this basis we can build strong relationships.

Wise, filled with deep meaning

Beautiful aphorisms are deep waters that are useful to explore and pleasant to enter. Their waters carry our thoughts away from familiar and ordinary things into the depths of consciousness. It is there that we find the true goals for which we live and strive for.

The day is over. What was in it?
I don’t know, I flew by like a bird.
It was an ordinary day
But still, it won’t happen again.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they were sent to you by fate.
After all, there are only a few of them in your life.

To be remembered by children tomorrow, need to be in their lives today.

Don't trust those who speak beautifully there is always play in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

Exact Quotes

Why not make beautiful sayings the basis of your life? They illuminate the path for us to follow. They make adjustments accurately and accurately, pointing out our mistakes and suggesting how they can be corrected. That’s why it’s worth reading beautiful aphorisms every day. Read them yourself and forward them to your friends, post them on social networks and try to actually follow their simple wisdom. What will you gain by paying such attention to these statements? Wings!

The one who is to blame for disappointment is always the one who was enchanted, but not enchanted, so do not scold the glass that seems like a diamond to you.

Three things never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore... don’t waste time, choose your words, don’t miss the opportunity.

Before you judge someone, put on his shoes, walk his path, trip over every stone that lay on his path, feel his pain, taste his tears... And only after that tell him how to live!

My guardian angel... I’m tired again... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing... Hold me tight so that I don’t fall... And if I stumble, You lift me up...

Let them tell me: “All the trains have left,
and it’s too late to expect anything from life.”
And I will answer - this is nonsense...
There are still ships and planes!