Homemade (indoor) geranium or pelargonium - care at home. How to care for geraniums so that they bloom and do not get sick

Pelargonium is a genus of plants in the Geranium family. IN natural conditions it grows in South Africa. This genus includes about 250 species. The smell of pelargonium is very specific; it cannot be confused with anything else. Essential oils contained in the leaves of the plant create natural barrier for bacteria and viruses.

ATTENTION: Many people believe that pelargonium and geranium are the same thing, but this is not true. Geranium, or cranebird, is also a representative of the genus of the Geranium family.

Geranium, growing in the wild. In Russia, it is not customary for flower growers to distinguish between these types of plants, considering the words “geranium” and “pelargonium” to be synonymous. Geranium is used in folk medicine: for insomnia, depression, rheumatism, heart disease.

If home flowers are attacked by aphids, it is advised to place a pot of pelargonium next to them, which expels pests.

Periods of growth and rest

From December to February, pelargonium enters a dormant phase, so its growth and flowering slow down. It is for this reason that there is no need to feed the plant during this period. She needs to be allowed to get stronger, gain strength before the new growing season (about how to feed geranium for lush flowering, read, and from here you will learn how to properly use iodine with hydrogen peroxide to feed a flower). Until about January, pelargonium will delight its owners with bright beautiful flowers. Its vegetative period begins from mid-spring until autumn.

How to care at home?

In winter, gardeners should pay attention to following conditions pelargonium content.

In the cold season, geraniums should be kept in a cooler room than in summer.. If you cannot ensure this, then you can place the pot on the northern windowsill, making sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the glass. Ideally, the temperature should not exceed 10-15 degrees above zero.

If it is much higher, then there may be a risk of dropping the newly formed buds. The temperature of geraniums can be lowered to 4 degrees.

Protect the flower from drafts.


Since geraniums are of South African origin, they love bright light.. If the flower is located on northern windows, then it needs to be provided with additional lighting. If this is not done, then the pelargonium will not bloom, and its leaves will become small. The duration of daylight should be at least 12 hours.

For creating additional lighting you need to use a lamp marked “phyto”, placing it at a height of 10 centimeters from the top of the flower.

IMPORTANT: No need to be afraid of straight lines sun rays: the flower tolerates them calmly.


Pelargonium loves regular watering. In winter, it is permissible to water it once a week. You need to ensure that the soil in the pot is always evenly moist. Stagnation of water at the roots of geranium leads to the death of the flower!

To adjust the irrigation system, select a suitable drainage system and light soil for the plant (you can find out what the composition of the soil for indoor geranium should be and whether universal soil is suitable). Expanded clay and perlite can be used as drainage.

If you do not prune regularly, the plant will stretch out and stop blooming beautifully.. It must be taken into account that unpruned pelargonium is predisposed to various diseases. When pruning, use only sterile instruments (scissors or knife). Remove all shoots growing from the axils, leaving only 6-7 leaves on the stem. This procedure is carried out in the fall or at the very beginning of winter.

It is better not to prune geraniums from December to January. Dried flower stalks and leaves should always be trimmed, even in the cold season. They are easily detached without harm to the plant, even without scissors. Several times during the cold season.

Miniature geranium varieties do not require pruning. You can find out how to prune geraniums).

Watch the video about correct pruning geraniums:

Rules for storing in the basement

Some geranium lovers plant it in the garden all summer (about how to care for geraniums in open ground, we told in). Before winter cold they have a problem how to save garden geranium. There are several ways to store geraniums:

  1. Bunches of pelargonium are hung in the basement at constant temperature from 2 to 7 degrees above zero. Some gardeners wrap plants in newspaper or place them in paper bags instead of hanging them. In this case, you need to make sure that the bags are open for ventilation. Plant roots are periodically moistened. This method is called “dry storage”.
  2. Geraniums are planted in pots, before which the roots and stems are cut by two-thirds(you can find out how to choose and what kind of pot is needed for geraniums, and from here you will learn how to replant geraniums at home). Store the prepared plant in the basement at a constant temperature of up to 10 degrees, the room should be twilight. Pelargonium planted in this way is watered infrequently, only when the soil becomes dry. This method of storing geraniums is called “canning”.

ADVICE: The humidity in the basement should be at least 80%.

How to welcome spring?

Closer to spring, when the temperature outside reaches 2 degrees above zero, you can take pots of pelargonium to the balcony. You need to start with half an hour, gradually increasing the time the geranium stays on the balcony. In this way you can help pelargonium bloom constantly.

If the geranium was stored in the basement, then before taking it outside, you need to soak the bunches in water with fertilizer, then plant them in a pot. Geraniums in a pot should stay indoors for about a week. Only after the last frost is pelargonium planted in the garden flower garden..

Thus, geraniums should be placed in a cool room in winter, provided with additional lighting and monitored soil moisture. You also need to break off dried leaves and flower stalks from time to time. Subject to all these simple rules Pelargonium will delight you with its aroma immediately after leaving the resting phase.


The love for this beautiful plant is not surprising, since it has not only decorative look, but also by many beneficial properties. Such hometheir flowers are like geraniums, the care of which does not require much time and special skills, will help decorate any room!

Geranium - history and types

Initially, geranium was a wild plant, but its unusualness and beauty did not go unnoticed: the flower began to be used in floriculture. Geranium, brought from South Africa in 1795, began to be grown in Russian gardens and greenhouses. In 1863, numerous varieties were bred through selection, and the flower became an indoor plant.

Geranium is a geranium whose stems reach 60 cm, with dissected leaves and flowers of various shades, collected in umbrella inflorescences. Flowering continues from early spring until winter. Currently, there are more than 100 varieties, of which the most popular for growing indoors are the following:

  • Royal geranium. It has large flowers, which are characterized by wavy edges and dark spots on the petals. The leaves are often jagged. Colors – white, purple, red, pink.
  • Geranium is fragrant. Her main feature– the ability to release aromatic substances from leaves. These species can exude aromas of citrus, coconut, other flowers, and spices.
  • Ampelous geranium (ivy-leaved). A flower of this species is a flower that can curl with branches along the walls, beautifully falling down. It has smooth leaves and tassel-shaped inflorescences at the ends of the stems.

What are the benefits of indoor geranium?

Geranium (also known as pelargonium) has a number of healing qualities, so growing this plant in the house has a beneficial effect on the health of the people in it. Its leaves contain essential oils, the aroma of which can be felt by rubbing parts of the plant in your hands. Substances contained in geranium have antibacterial properties and can purify indoor air.

Usage essential oil in an aroma lamp it helps to remove nervous tension, stress, eliminates vascular spasms.

Pelargonium is widely used in folk medicine. For example, fresh leaves and infusions are used to treat kidney diseases, dysentery, and intestinal disorders. There are ways to treat inflammation of the nasopharynx, sore throat, and otitis with geranium. Due to the presence of anticoagulants in some types, this useful plant often used as an aid for illnesses of cardio-vascular system: ischemia, arrhythmia, tachycardia, thrombophlebitis.

IN medicinal purposes especially often used blood red geranium. A decoction of the leaves of this species has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, therefore it is used to treat inflammation of the intestinal tract and has an analgesic effect for gastritis and stomach ulcers. An infusion is made from the roots of the plant, which lowers blood pressure and stops the development of malignant tumors.

Indoor flowers: geranium - care in every detail

Geranium is easy to care for, and growing it at home is not at all difficult.. The main thing is to follow the rules for keeping the plant, which are the same for all indoor species:

  • Temperature. The best option– 10-15 degrees. The plant will feel best on the windowsill, where there will be enough light and warmth for it.
  • Lighting. It should be maximum. Geranium is a very light-loving plant.
  • Air humidity and watering. Pelargoniums do not need spraying; periodic heavy watering is enough for them.
  • Feeding. It is advisable to use regular fertilizers twice a month, especially during growth and flowering. Organic fertilizers cannot be used!
  • Transfer. If you need to plant or replant a plant, you need to take into account that in this case you need good drainage. At the same time, geranium is unpretentious to the composition of the soil; it will feel comfortable in ordinary garden soil or in a universal mixture.
  • Reproduction. The easiest way to propagate is by cuttings. To do this, at the end of summer you need to cut a cutting with 4-5 leaves from the top of the shoot. It is placed in a glass of water until roots appear. Next, the plant is planted in a pot. You can also dip the cuttings in root stimulator or aloe juice, then roll in powder charcoal and plant it in the ground in this form. Propagation by seeds is also possible, which allows you to grow flowers with best characteristics, however, this method is quite complex and is used mainly by professional flower growers.

How to properly care for geraniums so that they bloom all year round Pelargonium, or, as everyone is used to calling it, geranium, can be found in almost every home. This plant is valued for its ease of care and ease of propagation. Exists great amount species of pelargonium. Sometimes, to add sophistication to a flower, housewives grow several types of geraniums in one pot at once - when they bloom, multi-colored bouquets are obtained. The flowers of this plant are quite large sizes and have a rich color. Caring for geraniums at home is very simple and does not require much time. But even such an unpretentious and hardy plant requires that it be properly cared for. This article contains basic information on how to properly care for geraniums so that they delight you with their beauty all year round. Care and propagation" We provide growing conditions Before purchasing a flower, it is worth understanding how to care for geraniums. An individual approach is very important when growing any house plant. Very often, what suits one flower can harm another. First of all, you need to figure out what kind of care is suitable for geraniums at home. The plant really loves good lighting, and unlike other flowers it is not at all afraid of direct light. sunlight. But it is recommended to remove geraniums from direct rays at the peak of sun activity (noon) to avoid getting burns. The first sign by which you can determine that there is not enough light is that the leaves lose their rich color and become dull; in this case, you can forget about flowering. It is best to place a pot of pelargonium on a southern, sunny windowsill. If you put geranium outside in the summer, then choose a closed place for it, since it really does not like wind and drafts. Geranium loves warmth, it will be ideal if the temperature falls in the range of +18-+20 degrees. IN winter time It is possible to slightly lower the temperature, but make sure that it does not fall below +10 degrees. All flower growers claim that it is not at all demanding on air humidity. It tolerates both dry and wet equally well. It is also not worth spraying the leaves of pelargonium, it will only cause harm. Just keep an eye on the soil moisture, and this will be enough. Replanting is not required often, it can be once every 2-3 years, it all depends on the activity of the growth of the root system. The rules for transplanting pelargonium are simple. Initially, you must choose a suitable pot for the flower. In this case, the principle “the larger the pot, the better the plant feels in it” does not work. The geranium roots will grow until they completely fill the container you have chosen, but there will be no flowers on it. In containers small sizes The geranium feels most comfortable, blooms very intensely, and the flowers look very healthy and strong. Therefore, it is better to choose a medium-sized pot. The ideal diameter would be 12-15 cm and height 12 cm. You can place several plant bushes in one flowerpot at once. Then you will not need to worry that the roots may rot due to an incorrect watering schedule, and the pelargonium itself will bloom with beautiful and bright flowers. The choice of pot material should be taken very carefully. The variety is huge, both in material and price. But experts advise not to skimp on this and choose a pot from natural materials. A baked clay pot works well. More economical option- these are plastic pots. They can also be used, but in this case you need to care for geraniums more carefully, especially carefully monitor watering, since the soil dries out much more slowly in them, and this can lead to rotting of the roots. Over different periods of time homemade geranium different care is required. From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, when watering, you need to add a little phosphorus-based fertilizer to the water; it has a beneficial effect on flowering. Please note that the fertilizer must contain a minimum percentage of nitrogen, otherwise pelargonium may stop blooming. In the warm season, experts advise, if possible, to take geraniums outside for the whole day. Flower requires good lighting. Sometimes, after being in the sun, geranium leaves change their shade slightly and become slightly pink; There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a natural reaction to the sun’s rays. The plant is suitable for slight fluctuations in air temperature - this even promotes the growth of geraniums. In order for geraniums to delight you with their beauty all year round, proper care in winter is very important. The plant can be safely removed from the windowsills and placed in a dark place, as far as possible from heating devices. The main thing is that the air temperature is not below 12 degrees. There is no need to fertilize the soil in winter. Geraniums almost always shed their flowers in the winter; this is normal. If the plant successfully survived the winter and the geranium was properly cared for, then from March until August the flower will bloom intensively. Very important role in the question “How to care for geraniums?” the choice of soil plays a role. It is best to purchase a ready-made substrate in a specialized store; it will initially contain everything useful material for your pet. But if this is not possible, then you can cook it yourself. The main thing is that the mixture contains enough nutritional inclusions. A mixture of peat, sand and garden soil is very suitable. When replanting a flower, do not forget to place good drainage, for example, from expanded clay, at the bottom of the pot. It prevents root rot well. A couple of times a month, the soil in the pot needs to be loosened so that it gets to the roots. Fresh air. Remember that properly selected soil is the main component in caring for geraniums. Care As already mentioned, caring for geraniums is very simple and does not require much time at all. You just need to know a few rules proper care, and subject to their compliance, the plant will delight you all year round. Pelargonium is a drought-loving plant. It is more comfortable with drought than with excessive humidity, which causes the roots to rot. But if you allow the soil to dry out too much, the flowers may disappear. If the room is warm, then watering can be done every day, but make sure that it dries well. upper layer soil. If it does not have time to dry out, reduce watering to 2-3 times a week. Signs of overwatering will become immediately visible: limp, lifeless leaves that sometimes become moldy. If you do not pay attention to this in time, you may lose your geranium. In early spring, caring for geraniums should be more thorough than at other times of the year. At this time, the plant wakes up after wintering and the pruning procedure is very important. To do this, remove dead leaves and leave no more than 5 buds on each shoot. If new shoots grow from leaf axils and not from the root, then they need to be removed. Pruning should only be done in spring. If you decide to do this procedure in winter, this may have a detrimental effect on your flower. If you missed time in the spring, and pruning is necessary, then you can do it in early autumn. Remember that pruning helps give your plant beautiful view, and in return it will delight you with even more abundant flowering. You should never forget about such an aspect of care as feeding your flower. Geranium is very fond of various mineral and organic supplements. When geranium is in the active flowering stage, it is necessary to add fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium to the water. Thanks to such additives, your flower will always look healthy and well-groomed. Iodine water (1 drop of iodine per 1 liter of water) can also be considered a very good supplement. If you properly care for geraniums, they, in turn, will delight your eyes with beautiful flowers and your sense of smell with a pleasant smell.

Geranium, scientifically known as pelargonium, is the most common inhabitant of Russian window sills. Even the most inept housewives can easily care for geraniums and delight their lush flowering this unpretentious but very beautiful flower.

For geraniums you need to choose a convenient pot. It shouldn't be too wide. All flower growers with experience know what smaller pot for pelargonium, the more flowers it produces and blooms longer. Also, the pot for this flower must have a good drainage system so that if excess moisture forms, the roots do not rot.

How to water geraniums

Pelargonium is neutral to watering. Many people believe that it is better to underwater it than to overwater it. Do not try to moisten the leaves and flowers of geranium using a sprayer. This will negatively affect the condition of the flower. It is better to choose rain or melt water for irrigation. If there is none, you can use tap water, but it will need to sit for 2-3 days. In winter, watering geraniums is reduced by 2 times compared to summer, even drying out of the soil is allowed. This is explained by the fact that pelargonium switches to “sleeping” mode in winter.

Care for geraniums: lighting and temperature conditions

Geranium is a very light-loving plant and is not at all afraid of direct sunlight. Without fear, you can determine the place of residence of this flower in the sunniest place. Light care for geraniums involves periodically turning the flower towards the light so that the bush forms evenly. With this approach, pelargonium will bloom from late March to January. In the warm season, geraniums can be placed on the balcony or taken out onto the lawn. And yet, with all the love of pelargonium for light, sometimes the plant can get burned. Therefore, in the scorching sun it is worth shading it a little. In winter, when there is not enough sunlight, geranium care can be supplemented with lighting with energy-saving “daylight” lamps or special lamps purchased in flower shops.

Geranium feels best at an air temperature of 20-25 degrees in summer, and in winter it is better to care for geranium at a temperature of 10-14 degrees.

Pruning geraniums for lush flowering

In order for pelargonium to delight you with abundant and long flowering, faded flower stalks must be removed immediately. You can also pinch the top of the flower and side branches to form a beautiful rounded bush.

Geranium care: fertilizers and replanting

Geranium care associated with mineral subcortex is carried out from March to September. At this time of year, you can fertilize the soil 1-2 times a month. Some gardeners purchase specialized fertilizers for pelargonium, but the use of universal mineral fertilizers gives good results.

Pelargonium does not really like transplanting, but 1-2 times a year will not cause flower disease. If you need to replant a flower, it is better to plan it for the spring, or at least for the summer. Many gardeners plant geraniums in their dachas directly into the ground for the summer. It is believed that such a procedure can improve the health of the flower and prepare it for winter. In autumn they spend mandatory pruning flower. Shorten the main stem of the flower by 1/3, and also cut off the leaves and side branches. After trimming optimal height the flower is 40-50 cm.

Geranium propagation

Geranium is propagated by cuttings. To do this, selected branches with several leaves from the top of the bush are cut at an oblique angle and placed in damp sand or nutrient soil. During the first days, the cuttings are moistened to stimulate the root system.

Indoor geranium is very beautiful plant, which can decorate any room. This plant will look harmonious on a windowsill, bedside table, desktop, etc.

belongs to the category of perennial grass or shrubs. Indoor geranium consists of:
  • Root system.
  • Cuttings with leaves.
  • Shoots.
  • Tsvetkov.

Houseplant flowers:

  • It has very powerful stems, the height of which is 60 centimeters.
  • The leaves of indoor geranium are dissected.
  • The inflorescences of this bush are characterized by probes and are located on the tips of the shoots.
  • Indoor geranium is characterized by abundant flowering.
  • It begins in early spring and ends in mid-winter.
  • The duration of flowering directly depends on.
  • The flowers of this plant consist of five round petals.
  • The palette of their colors can be varied: pink, white, yellow, red, etc.

Flowers that have two colors (for example, light pink with a red dot) are very attractive.

Thanks to the interesting and beautiful appearance, this indoor plant can take its rightful place in any flower arrangement. In addition, it has a large number of healing properties.

In order to grow a full-fledged plant, it needs to be provided with high-quality and proper care.

  • Pots with geraniums must be placed in well-lit places.
  • In the summer, this plant must be protected from direct sunlight.
  • If in winter there is not enough lighting for indoor geraniums, it is necessary to direct a stream of rays from a fluorescent lamp at it.
  • This plant requires moderate temperatures. Therefore, in winter, the temperature in the room should be about 10-15 degrees Celsius.
  • In this case, the room must be regularly ventilated.
  • In the summer, it is best to move indoor geraniums to a balcony or loggia.

In order to ensure abundant and long flowering of geranium, it must be planted in loose soil, which is characterized by the presence large quantity nutrients.

For this it is necessary to equal quantities mix leaf, turf, humus and humus soil, as well as peat and sand. For this indoor plant you need to choose a small pot. This is explained by the fact that its flowering begins only after the pot is completely filled with roots.

Indoor geranium does not require special care:

  • Do not spray or water this plant frequently.
  • Watering a flower in summer period It is carried out as the soil dries, and in winter – once every 10 days.
  • It is necessary to monitor the soil in the pot. It should be almost dry.

This plant requires constant feeding (once every two weeks):

  • For this purpose, potassium fertilizers are used.
  • If liquid fertilizers are used for this purpose, then it is necessary to choose ones that contain minimal amount nitrogen. Otherwise, the flower will have gorgeous foliage and will not bloom.

Indoor geraniums also require annual pruning.

It is produced in the fall. From the root it is necessary to leave a stem on which there are at least two leaves. In case if indoor geranium has grown a lot over the winter, then it is necessary to repeat the pruning in the spring. This process must be carried out in late February - early March.

Old stems are cut to 2-3 buds. When new buds appear, they must be pinched when 4 or 5 leaves appear. This will improve the flowering of the indoor plant and increase the number of its shoots. You should not prune indoor geraniums from December to January. This may harm the plant.

Replanting this plant is quite simple.

To do this you need:

  • Take new, mineral-rich soil, pour a pot into it and place the geranium in it.
  • In most cases, this plant does not need to be replanted.
  • A houseplant can be replanted only in cases where its roots have grown very much and no longer fit into the pot.
  • Also, this indoor flower must be replanted if it is accidentally flooded with water.
  • When replanting indoor geraniums, you can use ordinary garden soil or a universal soil mixture as soil.
  • You can prepare this mixture with your own hands.
  • To do this you need to take 8/10 turf land, 2/10 humus and 1/10 sand.

Cuttings are used for this process.

Reproduction occurs in late summer or early autumn. For this purpose, cuttings are used, which must be cut from mother plant. This element is taken from the top of the shoot. It should have at least 4-5 leaves. After cutting, the shoot must be placed in a container with water, where it remains until roots appear. After this, it must be planted in the ground.

It is also possible to reproduce, but this process is longer and not as effective.

Indoor geranium takes root very well and therefore replanting it does not require special care or overcoming various difficulties.

Despite the fact that indoor geranium is very unpretentious plant, she is still susceptible to various kinds diseases.

Most often, this indoor plant is affected by viruses, signs of which are the appearance of spots and a mosaic pattern on the leaves and flowers of the plant. If the flower is wrinkled, this is also a sign of a viral disease. The cause of this disease is most often propagation by viral cuttings.

Also in this indoor flower very often spots appear on the leaves.

  • This disease can be caused by a variety of fungi and bacteria.
  • After the leaf becomes covered with a stain, it falls off.
  • The causes of this disease are varied: increased air temperature or humidity levels, as well as contaminated soils.
  • With this disease, it is necessary to first remove the affected leaves and flowers.

A very common disease of indoor geraniums is Puccinia mushrooms.

  • It is characterized by the appearance of dots Brown on the leaves, which is popularly called "rust".
  • When this disease appears, the plant must be urgently treated with a fungicide.

A more rare disease of indoor geranium is “black leg”.

  • It is characterized by the appearance of rot at the base of the cutting, which gradually affects the stem of the plant and provokes the falling of leaves.
  • If this disease is detected, it is necessary to treat with fungicides.

Geraniums can also suffer from fungal rot.

  • A houseplant with this disease becomes covered with plaque and gray spots.
  • The cause of this disease is low temperature and high humidity levels.
  • To carry out preventive procedures, you just need to regularly ventilate the room.

Nematode damage is a fairly serious disease.

  • This disease attacks the root, leading to the death of the plant.
  • Signs of this disease are the appearance of nodes on the root system.
  • Geranium affected by this disease cannot be treated.
  • Most often she dies.

Also, indoor geraniums very often develop swelling, which is characterized by the appearance of “rust” growths on the foliage.

  • The causes of this disease are low temperature and poor room lighting.
  • To combat it, it is necessary to rid the soil of excess moisture and carry out regular ventilation in the room.

The causes of geranium diseases are incorrect. To avoid various diseases, this indoor plant it is necessary to provide complete and high-quality care.

More information can be found in the video.