Unedged board types. Unedged board

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An assortment is understood as a set of types and standard sizes of a particular type of product, that is, as far as boards are concerned, the most important criteria are the grade and size range. It is based on these factors that all products are divided of this type, we will look at the basic information that every developer who selects lumber from the group in question should know.

Types of products

As for the main types of products shown in the diagram above, the following can be said about each of them:

Unedged board This option is distinguished by the fact that only two sides are cut off and the ends are not processed. Such elements are most often used for lathing and other structures, where appearance doesn't have special significance, the main advantage of this solution is its affordable price, which is why it is the most affordable
Semi-edged board This type of product most often has two sides and one of the ends processed, but there may be bevels and bark residues on the edges. Generally this decision better quality, but nevertheless it also cannot be used on visible structures where aesthetic appeal is important
Edged board The highest quality type of product, in which all sides are processed, so the geometric parameters of the elements are the same, and the strength indicators are much higher. This group of products is used most often and is in demand among developers much more than other types

Important! According to scientific definition, a board is a type of lumber, the thickness of which does not exceed 100 m, and the width is at least twice as thick as the thickness. Elements up to 32 mm thick in hardwood and up to 40 mm in coniferous species ah refer to a thin board, the remaining options refer to a thick board.

Main design parameters

Assortment wooden planks includes requirements for grade and size, we will consider the first criterion in more detail in the next section, and in the table below we indicate the generally accepted sizes of elements:

As for the length, the generally accepted options vary from 1 to 6 meters; upon agreement, other standard sizes can be produced

Product grade

The grade of edged board directly depends on the quality of the element and its strength characteristics; this parameter applies only to edged elements and is intended to simplify the choice specific type products for certain jobs, we will consider the main options, and the photo below shows all the defects that must be taken into account when determining the grade.

Lumber is an integral part of any construction, repair or finishing works, and the variety of types allows you to choose the most optimal option that corresponds to the tasks. One of the most common and popular types of such materials are edged and unedged boards, which are the primary product of sawing logs, the main differences of which are the degree of processing.

Edged and unedged boards are environmentally friendly, reliable and affordable lumber used in the construction of small architectural forms, the construction of decks and roofing, furniture manufacturing, and many other purposes. To decide which type is needed for a particular purpose, you should understand the main advantages and disadvantages of this lumber.

Edged board is one of the most used types of lumber. It is obtained by sawing logs with subsequent processing, during which all four sides are thoroughly cleaned. The result is a cleaned surface with a cross-section that is a regular rectangle. The standard sizes of edged boards may differ and depend primarily on the loads that the selected material is expected to experience.

The basis for the manufacture of edged boards is various varieties wood, mainly coniferous and deciduous. Experts believe that the highest quality and most durable lumber is made from coniferous trees, such as, for example, pine. The high resin content provides excellent strength, waterproofing, and other performance characteristics. In addition, such material perfectly resists rotting, the formation of harmful fungi, mold and other microorganisms.

In addition to finishing facades, it will be an excellent option for cladding interior interiors. High-quality edged boards, polished, varnished and treated with special compounds, are considered one of the best interior solutions used in modern design.

When choosing such a material, you should pay attention special attention to its surface. The presence of unevenness, bends or any deformations means that the wood was not dried correctly, and this significantly reduces its quality and performance characteristics. As a result, the material loses its strength properties and may collapse during subsequent processing and use.

Unedged board

Unedged boards are made by sawing a ridge or log longitudinally, that is, along the grain. As a result of such sawing, the element has four sides, two of which are processed to a clean surface, and the edges have wane or bark residues.

The width of such boards can be different, and the edges can be sharp. There are also semi-edged options, where part of the edge is not filed, and one end is often narrower than the other. In addition, the raw part of the edges may also be covered with bark residue. The presence of knots significantly reduces the strength characteristics of the material.

Unedged products often find their use as auxiliary material during the construction process, production of formwork and platforms, decking, temporary partitions, fences, as well as load-bearing elements various designs. Unedged materials also used as semi-finished products for the manufacture of edged products.

If you are going to use an unedged board, you should consider several important factors. Firstly, you need to ensure that there are no deformations, traces of careless cutting, potholes or chips. Existing defects significantly reduce strength and can also cause destruction during subsequent processing.

But still, unedged lumber deserve attention because they are a reliable and environmentally friendly solution in many areas of construction and economic activity. Due to stable demand in the market, there has been a significant increase in wood processing production.

Comparative characteristics

More detailed comparative characteristics edged and unedged boards can be found on the website http://lesinter.ru. It should be remembered that when choosing between edged and unedged boards, you need to focus on the range key parameters such as wood type, thickness, width, appearance and surface finish. Although the cost is not edged lumber It is quite small, when purchasing you need to pay attention to the presence of all kinds of defects. It is on such criteria that the final price per cubic meter depends.

Lumber, the cross-sectional width of which is much greater than the thickness, is called a board.

The difference between edged and unedged boards

Sawing logs into boards – not an easy process. Even a selected timber log has a slight narrowing from the butt to the top, and this must be taken into account when cutting. The method of sorting lumber also depends on the volume and nature of orders from the sawing unit.

If such an enterprise has orders for large-section timber, then such blanks will be made first, as the most “inconvenient,” and only then will the remains be cut into boards.

Modern technology for sawing wood into lumber with a band saw allows you to quickly change the saw to a different size and use all the possibilities for maximum use of valuable raw materials. When fulfilling, for example, an order for the production of a 50-thick board, the operator will not miss the opportunity to cut several boards of smaller thickness along the edges of the log.

The board obtained after dissolving the logs is called edged. Along the edges of such a board, wane is preserved - the remains of the bark and outer layers of the tree. After sorting best boards cut around the edges and get an edged board.

Those boards that are obtained as remnants from cutting logs into large beams are also cut at the edges (many such remnants have one edge already cut off). After production, the board must immediately be stored properly - with the possibility of ventilation.

Edged board

The edged board belongs to the highest grades. Such boards are the optimal technological form of lumber; they are easy to store, transport, and process. In this form, wood is easier to count and sort.

A board suitable for industrial processing is subjected to forced drying, after which it should have a moisture content of no more than 8-12%. Woodworkers obtain a lower percentage of humidity for specific needs.

Forced drying of boards is carried out to order, since storage and transportation of such material requires increased costs.

Air (natural) drying boards are most common in construction. It can be used for auxiliary needs - temporary retaining walls, strengthening of soil slopes, installation of formwork, scaffolding and decking. Edged boards are suitable for constructing frames, sheathing, flooring, rough structures of partitions, and floors.

Lumber of the highest grades is used for the production of commercial moldings - platbands, baseboards, linings, block houses, floorboards and many other types. Along with timber, boards are used for all wooden building structures.

Unedged board

Low-grade boards remain unedged. Saving on trimming along the edges becomes beneficial given the further use of such material - such a board is usually used near the place of dissolution. The use of unedged boards is limited to secondary and service purposes - rough decking, temporary structures, non-essential and temporary fences.

A significant disadvantage and even a threat to unedged boards is the danger posed by insect pests living under the bark and in the bark. Therefore, any use of unedged boards must begin with removing the bark.

Obviously, such dangers and risks associated with unedged boards will eventually make it possible to completely abandon its distribution and the current demand for edged lumber will increase. Reputable suppliers do not allow the joint sale of unedged and edged boards - this practice is also used in our company, so there are no pests in our materials.

Summer is coming, which means construction season is coming soon. Today I continue to talk about various Construction Materials. The most common type is wood, namely board. You can use it to make “floors”, sheathe walls, or make lathing. However, not all of them are the same, some have more processing, others less. So which ones should you take? Read on...

By “larger” processing I mean “edged” board, by “less” not edged. Don't know what it is? Then read on...

Unedged board

I remember when we built the house, the box was lined with brick, but the floors and roof were made of boards. We chose the unedged version - such a board is made by cutting a log lengthwise, but the edges on its sides are not trimmed. That is, the upper and lower surfaces are smooth, but the edges are not cut off! In a word, not fully processed. Here are some photos for a better understanding.

Why did we choose this option? YES, everything is simple, it is 1.5 - 2 times cheaper than the “edged” one. But then it takes a lot of time to process these edges; I had to manually cut off these edges on special machines, I tell you, it took a very long time. Therefore, due to the “labor costs”, you can take the “edged type” so as not to have to worry about finishing.

Edged board

This, as you understand, is a completely ready-to-use board. She has correct form in cross section similar to a rectangle. The edges on the sides are also trimmed. That is, you not only have a properly processed top and bottom layer, but also the side ones. You can take them and immediately install them on the area you need, be it floors, ceilings or walls. Again, here's a photo.

What are the thickness and length

It should be noted that both types can be different standard thickness. That is, these are already familiar to us - 25, 40 and 50 mm. The length of the boards is from 3 to 6 meters. There are practically no differences here.

Cost per cube

I would like to say right away that the difference is quite significant. Of course, a lot depends on what material it is made from. If this coniferous varieties, then the cost is somewhat cheaper, if these are deciduous “durable” varieties (for example, oak) - more expensive. Also, the price greatly depends on the type of wood, there are 5 of them in total (according to GOST), you can talk about them.

Unedged option, cost per cube starts from 2000 to 5000 rubles.

Edged version, cost per cube starts from 3,500 to 8,000 rubles.

So which is more profitable?

AT first glance, of course, the unedged type is more profitable, because you can really save money on it! BUT it's not that simple - guys, if you have a large team, then YES - you can buy them and cut them, but it will take a lot of effort and time. Also, the useful coverage of such boards will be reduced by about a third, because you need to cut off uneven side frames on the sides.

In turn, if you already take ready-made option, then you need to do the cutting, just install it where you need it. This is suitable for single builders who do not have a large team. Also you will close large area, because the edges no longer need to be processed.

Now a short video that will show how edged boards are made.

I will end here, I hope my article was useful to you.

Construction work requires solving many different issues, among which the most important task is the selection and purchase of lumber. Calculate how much linear meters boards and timber will be needed during the construction process, it’s not difficult. But the price of industrial wood is indicated per 1 cubic meter, and this often causes difficulties for novice home craftsmen. The ability to correctly select and calculate the amount of edged or unedged lumber in a cube will allow you to save money and avoid a situation where, after completion construction work There is a pile of unused boards left on the site.

Classification and characteristics of lumber

The very name “lumber” suggests that this type construction raw materials obtained by longitudinal sawing of tree trunks on circular or band saws. Several cutting methods are used to produce boards and timber:

  • tangential (in a circle),
  • radial.

Tangential cutting means the saw moves tangentially to tree rings wood, which reduces the amount of waste and, therefore, reduces the cost of building materials. The boards obtained in this way have a beautiful, pronounced pattern, therefore they are often used for finishing purposes. Disadvantages of circular sawing include the tendency of the wood to shrink and swell, as well as a significant difference in texture as it approaches cutting tool to the center of the log.

In the sawmill industry, several methods are used for sawing a trunk.

At radial sawing the cutting line passes through the core of the tree, so the yield of boards will be smaller, and their price will be higher. However, if necessary, obtain wood High Quality use exactly this method. This is due to the fact that, compared to the tangential method, boards radial sawing have halved swelling and shrinkage rates. In addition to the cutting methods discussed above, they also use mixed method, which combines the advantages of the first two.

The concept of lumber actually includes not only traditional timber, which is most often seen in construction markets. Full list products obtained by sawing logs include:

  • board;
  • beam;
  • bar;
  • lagging;
  • croaker

The last two types of lumber are classified as waste, which absolutely does not prevent them from being used for certain types of construction work, as well as for finishing purposes.


Boards include rectangular lumber with a thickness of no more than 100 mm and a width to thickness ratio of at least 2:1. Depending on the degree of processing, the board can be edged or unedged. The first is ready product without bark and with smoothly sawn edges, while the second is a “semi-finished product”, removed directly from the saw frame.

The edged board has smooth edges and a constant width along the entire length of the lumber

The most commonly used boards in construction are: standard sizes:

  • thickness - 25 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm;
  • width - from 75 to 275 mm with gradation every 25 mm;
  • length - from 1 m to 6.5 mm in increments of 250 mm.

Boards of other sizes can be obtained by trimming or planing standard lumber, or by making individual order for sawing round timber.

Unedged boards have a lower cost, but without finishing its scope of application is limited

The parameters of lumber used in construction are standardized and determined according to the current GOST 8486–86 for coniferous wood and GOST 2695–83 - for deciduous trees.


Timber is lumber whose cross-section is a square with sides of at least 100 mm. The diameter of the timber is unified and can vary from 100 to 250 mm in increments of 25 mm. The standard defines the length of products of this type from 2 to 9 m, but lumber is most often used square section with a length of no more than 6 m. In some cases, products with a section of 150x100 mm, 200x100 mm or 200x150 mm, which are existing classification are much closer to the sleepers.

The timber is ideal material for the construction of frames and other wooden structures

The bar differs from the beam discussed above only in that its cross-section does not exceed 100x100 mm. Typical length The bar is also 6 m, and the diameter ranges from 40 mm to 90 mm in increments of 10 mm. To simplify the classification, bars are often classified as slats whose cross-section has rectangular shape, and the ratio of thickness to width is at least 1:2. The standard range of edges for softwood slats looks like this: 16, 19, 22, 25, 32, 40, 44, 50, 60, 75 mm. For hardwood lumber, products of increased width are additionally provided, and the product line itself looks like this: 19, 22, 25, 32, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 mm.

A variety of bars and slats allow you to strengthen and make any wooden structure as stable as possible.

Obapole and croaker

Obapol is the very first cut of a round timber, the outer surface of which remains untreated. Unlike obapol, croaker can have a cut on half of the second side or alternating treated and untreated areas on the bark side. The importance of obapol and slab in construction is secondary, since the unaesthetic appearance and reduced performance characteristics allow the use of lumber of this type only for auxiliary purposes. Most often, slab and obapol are used as fastening materials, as well as for the manufacture of formwork, sheathing or flooring. scaffolding. This material is also interesting in quality decorative material for decorating walls, fences and other vertical structures.

Despite their external ugliness, croaker and obapole are widely used for minor construction tasks

Technology for calculating the number of boards in a cube

The wood market offers both edged lumber and unedged boards, with wane remaining on the edges. Depending on the type of wood products, several methods are used to determine cubic capacity.

How to find out the number of edged lumber in a cube

The algorithm for determining the cubic capacity of lumber is based on the formula known to every schoolchild for finding the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped. In order to find out the cubic capacity of one board (V) per cubic meter. m, you need to find the product of its length (a) by its width (b) and thickness (h) in meters V=a×b×h.

The desired figure will make it easy to calculate how many boards of this type will fit in one cubic meter lumber. For this, 1 cu. m of lumber is divided by the volume of one product. For example, if you need to find out the cubic capacity of one board with parameters 6000x200x25 mm, then by substituting these numbers into the formula, we get V = 6x0.2x0.025 = 0.03 cubic meters. m. Consequently, in one cubic meter there will be 1/0.03 = 33.3 such products.

A tongue and groove board has a groove on one side and a tongue on the other. Since both of these elements are approximately equal to each other, their parameters can be neglected. That is why the cross-sectional size of tongue-and-groove lumber is measured without taking into account the locking part.

In the case of boards that have the same dimensions, the calculation can be simplified by substituting the dimensions of the stack of lumber into the formula. Of course, its installation should be as tight as possible, otherwise the gaps between the individual elements will affect the accuracy of the calculations. Considering that the cost of individual types of wood reaches tens of thousands of rubles, such an error can cost a pretty penny.

To simplify calculations, you can use special tables that allow you to quickly determine the cubic capacity or the amount of wood in 1 cubic meter. m of lumber.

Table: number of edged boards in 1 cubic meter. m of standard length lumber

Board size, mmNumber of boards 6 m long in 1 cubic. mVolume of one board, cubic meters. m
25x10066,6 0.015
25x15044,4 0.022
25x20033,3 0.03
40x10062,5 0.024
40x15041,6 0.036
40x20031,2 0.048
50x10033,3 0.03
50x15022,2 0.045
50x20016,6 0.06
50x25013,3 0.075

The cubic capacity of timber of standard sizes can also be determined using the table below.

Table: amount of timber in 1 cubic meter. m of lumber

Beam size, mmNumber of products 6 m long in 1 cubic. mVolume of 1 beam, cubic. m
100x10016.6 0.06
100x15011.1 0.09
100x2008.3 0.12
150x1507.4 0.135
150x2005.5 0.18
150x3003.7 0.27
200x2004.1 0.24

Very often it is necessary to determine the surface area (floor or wall) that can be covered with a board of one thickness or another with a volume of 1 cubic meter. m. To do this, you can use the formula S = 1/h, where h is the thickness of the lumber. So, one cubic meter of 40 mm board will be enough to arrange S = 1/0.04 = 25 square meters. m of floor. To facilitate the process of calculating the area, a table called a cubeturner allows you to simplify the process of calculating the area. It contains data on the cross-section of the boards, their number in 1 cubic meter. m and the required area that they can cover.

Method for calculating the cubic capacity of an unedged board

Unedged lumber is not trimmed at the edges, so not only the cross-sectional size of individual products varies, but also the width different parts one board. In this regard, it is possible to calculate the volume of a stack of unprocessed lumber only approximately. The same applies to calculating the cubic capacity of individual unedged lumber, although the error in this case will be much smaller.

So, to calculate the cubic capacity of an unedged board, there are two constant quantities - thickness and length, and one variable - width. To avoid complex calculations using differential algebra methods, the last parameter is simply averaged. To do this, measure the board in several places and find the average arithmetic value. For example, for a board with a diameter at the base of 400 mm, a width of 350 mm in the middle and 280 at the top, the calculated value will be (430+340+260)/3=343 mm. Further calculations are carried out in exactly the same way as for edged lumber.

Most often, the width of an unedged board is determined only on the basis of measurements along the edges of the lumber. It should be noted that the accuracy of calculations directly depends on the number of measurements, so in critical cases their number is increased.

If you need to find out the cubic capacity of a package of unedged wood, then the products are stacked on top of each other in such a way that the following conditions are met:

  • the stacks must be aligned along the front end;
  • boards in a stack should not be stacked overlapping;
  • It is not allowed to change the width of the package along the entire length of the lumber;
  • the protrusion of the outermost products beyond the stack should not exceed 100 mm.

By measuring the height, length and width of a package of unedged wood with a tape measure, the approximate cubic capacity is determined using the formula V=a×b×h. To find out more exact value, the resulting result is multiplied by the stacking coefficient, which can be found in special tables.

Table: laying coefficient of unedged hardwood boards

Humidity and length of lumberBoard thickness, mm
19 22 25 32 40 44 50 60 75–100
Up to 20%, from 1 m to 1.75 m0.73
Up to 20%, from 2 m to 6.5 m0.58 0.59 0.6 0.63 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.75 0.82
Over 20%, from 1 m to 1.75 m0.66
Over 25%, from 2 m to 6.5 m0.52 0.53 0.54 0.57 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.68 0.74

For softwood lumber, the laying coefficients have slight differences.