Cellar drainage. How to choke on water in a cellar? How to get rid of groundwater in the basement What is the best way to drain the cellar: from the outside or from the inside

Many developers decide to build a house with a basement. The cost of building a basement is comparable to the cost of building a regular floor.

Only non-residential, auxiliary premises- laundry, Gym, sauna, boiler room, workshop, storage room, etc. All these rooms with better comfort and convenience could be located on regular floor or attic.

In the recent past, it was customary to build houses on deep strip foundations. The construction of a basement in such a house was indeed beneficial - the foundation served as the outer walls of the basement premises.

Application in modern low-rise construction of lightweight structures and makes it unprofitable to install a basement in the house.

However, lovers of tradition and solidity often choose a house with a basement on strip foundation deep laying. To comfortably use the rooms in the basement, The basement must be protected from ground moisture.

How to protect your basement or basement from water and dampness

is constantly present. Level groundwater, the amount of perched water, soil moisture on the site change with the seasons of the year and depend on the structure and properties of the soil, the amount of precipitation, terrain and type of coverage on the site.

If the house is located on a slope, then, as a rule, it is necessary to drain water flowing down the slope away from the house. Water flows down the slope both on the surface and along underground horizons.

To protect the basement from water, two lines of defense are arranged:

  1. A ring drain around the house, at the level of the base of the foundation, which intercepts and removes from the basement walls most of the water tending to flood the basement.
  2. Waterproofing of basement walls and floors, designed primarily to protect against capillary soil moisture.

Only basement waterproofing, without drainage, leads to the water still finds a hole. If not immediately, then in a few years. Damp basement- money down the drain.

If you decide to make a basement in your house or ground floor, That I definitely recommend doing wall drainage, you will not regret.

Wall drainage is done simultaneously with the construction of the foundation. Its cost is minimal, compared to the cost of protecting an already flooded or damp basement from water.

If you want to take a risk, save on a drainage system and abandon its device, then conduct thorough research. Assess seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels at the site. Does it appear in the spring? Find out from your neighbors if they have drainage, if their basement is flooded.

The lack of drainage, as a rule, will require strengthening the waterproofing of the foundation and increasing the cost of its installation.

The design of the wall drainage is adapted solely to protect the basement or the ground floor from the water. If it is necessary to solve other problems, for example, lower the groundwater level throughout the entire area or reduce water saturation, then other types of drainage are used.

The installation of wall drainage around the basement is, as a rule, mandatory:

  • With a constant or seasonal rise in the groundwater level above the base of the foundation.
  • If perched water appears on the site in the spring.
  • For a house located on a slope, on the side of water flowing down the slope.
  • If there is a waterproof layer of soil on the site.

The last condition is caused by this. Ground cushion the foundation and the cavity of the foundation pit are usually filled with permeable soil to reduce the forces of frost heaving. If the soil on the site is waterproof, then the surface water will seep into the permeable foundation backfill and accumulate there.

Where to direct water from the roof

Water flowing from the roof drainpipes should not seep into the ground near the walls of the house.

You can find a description of the design of a drainage system that directs water from the roof into wall drainage pipes. Wall drainage pipes in this case have a dual purpose - they serve both to collect groundwater around the foundation and to transport water from the roof.

Using leaky wall drainage pipes to also move water from the roof is quite risky, and usually ends up flooding the basement during heavy rain.

It is best to install a separate drainage system to drain water from the roof and surface runoff from areas on the site.

Sectional view of wall drainage around the foundation of a house

(click on the picture to enlarge)

Scheme of ring wall drainage of a house basement

Drainage pipes - drains, are laid along the foundation walls and create a protective ring around the house. At the corners the ring of drains breaks in the drainage wells. The water collected by drains is discharged into a storage, prefabricated well.

Water can be removed from a prefabricated storage well in several directions:

  • Used on the site for household needs and watering plantings.
  • Drop onto the terrain outside the site.
  • Filter into the underlying layers of soil.
  • Head to the central sewer of the village.

Method of use drainage water chosen based on local conditions and the desires of the owner of the house.

To discharge drainage water into the central sewer system of the village, according to the rules, permission from the owner of the sewerage network and payment for services for receiving and transporting wastewater are required.

Soil particles settle in drainage wells, settle to the bottom and accumulate, which are carried by water in drains. In addition, the wells are used to monitor the proper operation of the drainage system and periodically, as necessary, wash the drainage area with a stream of water to remove sediments that have accumulated there.

Drainage wells are installed at the turning angles of the route, when the slope or height difference changes, as well as on straight sections every 40-50 meters. It is not necessary to install a well at turning corners if the distance from the corner to the nearest well is no more than 20 meters. The absence of wells at two corners of rotation in a row is not allowed.

Slope of drainage pipes

The length of the drain section between adjacent drainage wells should be no more than 50 meters. Drains are laid with a slope of more than 0.5% (0.5 cm per 1 meter of pipe length) towards the collection well.

The angle of inclination is selected so that at the bottom mark of the drainage ring around the house the bottom edge of the drain is placed at 20 cm(to the height of the gravel backfill) above the base of the foundation. At the top mark of the ring, the sole of the drain should be located at 20 cm. below the floor level in the basement.

It is not allowed to bury wall drainage (including gravel backfill) into the sandy foundation cushion, so as not to reduce bearing capacity pillows and foundation.

To place pipes with the required slope sometimes it is necessary to increase the distance between the base of the foundation and the floor level in the basement more than is required for design reasons. This makes foundation construction more expensive.

In this case It can be advantageous to abandon the construction of wall drainage and perform remote drainage. Remote drainage pipes are laid at a distance of 1-3 m. from the foundation. In this case, the bottom elevation of the drains may be lower than the base of the foundation.

It can also be advantageous to install remote drainage to protect an already built house with a basement.

Ring wall drainage device

How to make wall drainage with your own hands is clear from the drawings, which show the whole process step by step.


Geotextiles are synthetic fabrics specifically designed for laying in the ground. The material allows water to pass through, but retains soil particles. The drainage design prevents siltation of soil particles into the filter backfill, drainage slabs and pipes.

Filtering, draining layer on the foundation wall

On the foundation wall Drainage slabs or drainage mats are placed on top of the waterproofing. Special permeable slabs or mats made of polymer material intercept water that seeps into the foundation wall. Through channels in the slabs or mats, the water flows down to the gravel layer and then enters the drainage pipes.

In addition, drainage slabs or mats protect the waterproofing from mechanical damage.

The drainage slab is separated from the soil by a layer of geotextile. Manufacturers produce drainage mats with a layer of geotextile already attached to their surface.

Drainage slabs can be easily made with your own hands. The slabs are cast from Expanded clay of the largest and lightest fractions (20-40 mm and more), slabs made of this material will not only drain water, but also serve as insulation for the basement walls. Slabs with a thickness of at least 100 mm. laid out dry with a bandage along the basement wall and covered with a geotextile cloth.

For insulating basement walls, instead of drainage slabs Insulation boards - extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 100 - are glued pointwise onto the waterproofing of the foundation. mm, A profiled plastic membrane and geotextile are fixed on top of the insulation boards.

Membranes with geotextile fabric already attached to their surface are available for sale. Through the membrane channels, the water that has leaked through the geotextile flows down to the gravel coating of the drainage pipe. The membrane also protects the insulation from damage by soil.

Drainage pipes

Corrugated plastic perforated drainage pipes with holes evenly spaced on the surface are available for sale on the construction market. The outside of the pipes is covered with a layer of geotextile, which protects the pipes from clogging with soil particles.

For installation of wall drainage, pipes with a diameter of at least 100 are used. mm.

The pipes are connected to each other using special couplings. At angles of rotation, it is recommended to join the pipes with two fittings with a rotation angle other than 90 degrees. As a result, the rotation of the pipe will be smoother.

Drainage wells

Drainage wells are assembled from ready-made plastic sections with a diameter of about 300 mm.

You can use any other pipes of approximately the specified size. The bottom of the well must be below the level drainage pipes at 200-500 mm.

Every two to three years, the wells are cleaned and the drainage pipes are washed with a stream of water.

Prefabricated storage well

The water collected by the drainage system is discharged into a prefabricated storage well. A well is a reservoir where a certain amount of drainage water accumulates. From the reservoir, using a submersible drainage pump, water is periodically pumped out in a certain direction, for example, into a surface drain and then onto the terrain outside the site.

The capacity of the well - the volume from the bottom to the supply pipe, is chosen large enough so that the frequency of pumping out water is not burdensome for the owners.

If the pumping process is automated, then the volume of the well and the degree of concern of the owners can be significantly reduced. To do this, install a stationary drainage pump equipped with float switch and supply electricity.

In the latter case, for the construction of a small-volume collection well It is convenient to use the same design as for a drainage well. In order to increase the volume and ensure the operation of the pump, the collection well is made deeper than the drainage well.

It is necessary to ensure that The water level in the collection well did not rise above the level of the drainage pipes.

Drainage water from the collection well can be pumped into underground tank, where it is accumulated and used for watering plantings, washing cars and other household needs. This is beneficial if in the same container direct surface drainage water from the roof of the house and from the sites on the site.

Device storage tank, similar to the design of a septic tank autonomous sewerage. For example, such a reservoir in the shape of a well, like a septic tank, is made from. You can also use plastic containers.

Water from the roof and surface drainage system under no circumstances should it fall into drainage system. Drainage cannot cope with drainage a large number water during a rainstorm and rainwater through drainage can flood the basement.Pipes and wells of drainage and drainage systems must be isolated from each other.

If on site low level groundwater, and the lower layer of soil on the site is permeable, then the prefabricated well can be made in the form. Water from the well will seep into the permeable soil layer. The depth of the well should be such that the filtration zone is located in a permeable soil layer.

Protection of the drainage system from freezing

Drainage system - drains, wells at the level of drains and below, in winter must be located in a non-freezing layer of soil. It is known that in spring water appears on the surface of the earth much earlier than the soil frozen at depth thaws. Frozen drainage will not be able to remove water from the foundation.

The soil surrounding the drainage may freeze if it is located higher. For example, for the Moscow region, the calculated depth will be 0.7 m. This development of events is especially likely if the basement of the house is not heated or well insulated.

In case of danger of freezing, the soil is insulated, laying slabs of PSB 35 foam plastic or extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 100 under the blind area of ​​the building mm.

To combat flooding in the basement own home Two main methods can be used - major reconstruction and restoration of waterproofing of the foundation walls and basement, or arrangement of drainage in the basement of the house. The combined use of both methods will certainly help to completely get rid of water, but only if the drainage is truly effective.

How to build a basement drainage system

Drainage inside the basement is based on simple principle collection of liquid entering the room, regardless of its origin, whether it is groundwater, surface water, melt or rain, the flow will still flow into the very low point basement, from where it can be easily removed by natural drainage or a pump.

Structurally, drainage is performed according to three main schemes:

  • Bottom drainage is installed in the basement during the construction stage. The design of such a drainage system is no different from conventional drainage used to protect the foundation;
  • Water drainage system in the form of a well or pit. The bulk of the water is collected in a container and removed using a drainage pump;
  • Tray drainage is built in the same way as surface drainage systems and a system of rainwater collection gutters.

Important! The efficiency of each system depends primarily on the difference in height and terrain in which the basement is located. It is the terrain factor that must be taken into account first of all when choosing a scheme to solve the problem of how to make drainage in the basement.

This is primarily due to the desire to make drainage in the basement with your own hands in the form of self-flow of water, when with a slight slope most of The water flow flows through laid pipes into a receiving well or into a ravine. It is clear that such a drainage scheme will not work if the basement and the house are located at the lowest point of the relief.

How to make simple and effective drainage in the basement of a house

The easiest way is to create a drainage and water disposal system at the stage of building a house and basement. If at the time of construction of the building there was no water in the foundation pit, and measurements of the groundwater level show the presence of aquifers at a level of 5-7 m, this may mislead the future owners of the house. For the most part, owners decide to drain the foundation, but neglect to install drainage pipes for the basement or cellar.

In addition to groundwater, there is so-called capillary moisture. If the aquifer is located at a depth of 5 m, and there are sand deposits between the foundation and the water, then after the construction of the house, under the weight of the building box, the water will rise through the capillaries at least three to four meters, and the basement will be in the water.

Classic drainage option

Even if there is no water in the immediate vicinity of the basement, it is still better to make drainage for the basement, especially since its installation will not take much time and resources. If the clay locks around the foundation do not provide adequate waterproofing, or groundwater rises, drainage done just in case will help preserve the basement structure and even parts of the foundation.

Drainage installation boils down to the following measures:

  1. Before pouring the concrete screed, the bottom of the cellar or basement is filled with thick layer, at least 10-15 cm, granite screenings with sand, and a geotextile sheet is laid;
  2. Next, gravel is poured over the textile with a second layer of 5-7 cm, two or three perforated plastic pipes with a horizontal slope of at least 5-7 o and are covered with an additional layer of screenings, after which they are covered with a waterproofing film;
  3. The laid drainage pipes are connected to the drainage main leading to the collection well. By waterproofing film done concrete screed with a reinforcing frame made of fiberglass reinforcement.

The prefabricated well is connected to the general foundation drainage system. This system works great if it is possible to make a prefabricated well at least a meter deeper than the basement level. Typically, they try to make the basement drainage system level with the foundation to avoid the need to install bypass grilles and valves. Usually, prefabricated drainage wells are placed at a distance from the building of the house and the basement; if the topography or the nature of the development of the site does not allow this, you have to look for a way to make drainage in the basement of the house with forced removal of water.

How to make simple drainage with forced removal of water

Often, making a drainage system in the basement is decided after the fact, when the room is regularly and constantly flooded with water. The amount of water entering the basement can vary from several tens of liters to several cubic meters. It is clear that it is simply unrealistic to remove such a volume of water using even the most advanced ventilation, so it is easier and more reliable to make drainage in the form of a pit or well.

Initially, you will need to select the lowest area in the basement, this is not difficult to do, a puddle collects in this place, or measure the depth level in a flooded basement. First of all, you will need to make the basement free of water and pump it dry using a drainage pump.

It is advisable to make a pit in the center of the basement, away from the walls. In the marked area, you will need to knock out a pit with a diameter of 50-60 cm with a crowbar or a hammer drill, to a depth of at least 60-70 cm. Most high-quality and inexpensive drainage pumps use a float as a sensor, which turns on the pump when it rises to 50-60 cm, so it is important to do the pit is deep enough.

Groundwater enters the pit with debris and particles of clay; after a week or two, the pit will turn into a swamp and clog the pump inlets. To strengthen the walls and reduce the risk of drainage stopping, you need to do the following - install a barrel or container with a volume of 40-50 liters in the hole and use a drainage pump designed for dirty water to remove moisture.

Advice! If the water protruding on the basement walls is of capillary origin, the pit can be made deeper, in the form of a well at a level of 2-3 m. In this case, an asbestos-cement pipe will have to be installed in the well, and the bottom made of concrete.

No matter how well the pump works, water will still be present on the walls and floor in the form of a thin film. Therefore, to get rid of fumes and wet atmosphere, you need to do the following:

  • IN concrete floor Several longitudinal channels are trenched, from the highest point towards the pit with the pump. The same inclined channels can be made on the surface of the walls;
  • Cover the floor and walls with wooden larch gratings, with a gap of 10-15 mm. This is enough for the water to flow in a thin film through the channels on the floor and walls. This will remove some of the moisture. supply and exhaust ventilation.

This scheme will make the atmosphere less humid, and there will be no need to splash through puddles in rubber boots.

Sucker Punch

Often, owners of flooded basements are faced with a catastrophic problem when the basement floods with groundwater in one gulp, up to front door, during few hours. As a rule, such phenomena are seasonal; it is quite difficult to predict when and how flooding will occur. In addition to flooding, groundwater can seriously damage the joints between wall and floor slabs, and the rate of flooding will only increase each time.

Therefore, many, at their own peril and risk, try to make a drain pipe in the concrete floor to relieve water pressure. To do this, the floor is broken through and an inch gauge is installed in the hole. steel pipe, which is simply discharged downstream or connected to a surface well pump.

If the crushed stone cushion along the contour is made correctly, such drainage can reduce the pressure on the floor and walls by an order of magnitude.


The following basement drainage systems are quite easy to do with your own hands, their effectiveness has been tested in practice, and they are used for drainage basements more than one decade. But even the most effective internal drainage loses productivity over time due to clogging and silting of pipes and collection containers. Therefore, periodically the system has to be opened to clean and perform maintenance on the well and pump. In this case, the system will work for a long time.

Organization drainage at the construction stage is intended to be regulated by rules SP 104.13330.2012, and "Management" of Moscomarchitecture from 2000.

These rules determine the need for the device drainage system in cases where a building with a basement and underground is located in different conditions and on various soils: above groundwater at a height of less than 50 cm, on loamy and clay soils, on heaving soils with significant freezing, etc.

IMPORTANT! To keep it dry, during the construction process it is necessary to waterproof the walls with mastics and mixtures.

Five components of good waterproofing:

  • the foundation (garage, house) is on an insulating layer;
  • waterproofing wall surfaces;
  • drainage circuit inside;
  • high-quality water pump;
  • external drainage system designed according to building regulations.

When building a foundation, it is best to organize a drainage system wall type, which provides a significant guarantee of water drainage from the garage.

The overhead costs associated with eliminating water in the garage in the cellar will be much less, if moisture protection systems are installed at the foundation construction stage.

Drainage in the garage basement:


How to do drainage in the garage? The most commonly used options are:

  1. Wall-mounted. Drainage pipes are laid along the contour of the foundation with a slope towards main pipe, which drains water into the collector well. In this case, the base of the foundation is located above the pipes. It is laid to the foundation clay castle width 50-100 cm, then waterproof soil, drainage pipes are laid on it.
  2. Annular. It is made using wall technology, but in 2-3 m from the foundation along its contour. Installed if the foundation area has already been erected. This type of drainage around the garage is only applicable if the building is freestanding.
  3. Cutting off. Mounted in places where it is expressed strong slope. Additionally, it drains the layers of earth lying below the drainage line.
  4. Interior drainage with collecting well and drainage pump.

How to keep your garage dry? Ring drainage system, the procedure for construction:

  • breaks out trench around the garage with a depth just below the foundation and a width of 40 cm;
  • a layer of sand is laid down and the base of the trench is leveled;
  • placed in the trench geotextiles(avoids silting);
  • a layer of crushed stone is poured into the trench (about 50 mm);
  • drainage pipes are laid, maintaining an inclination to the main pipe of 0.005 m for each linear meter. For leveling, crushed stone filling is used. Space is left around the pipes for sprinkling with crushed stone;
  • crushed stone is poured approximately 10 cm above the pipes;
  • crushed stone with pipes is covered with overlapping geotextiles;
  • at every second turn of the drainage pipe they are mounted inspection wells, their depth is 0.5 m greater than the depth of the laid pipes. Wells are installed to clean the system using water pressure;
  • the trench is filled with crushed stone or coarse sand.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil at the site for selection drainage pipes.

For cases where the garage is adjacent to neighboring buildings or for some other reason it is impossible to make external drainage, there is a technology internal drainage in the garage cellar.

Collection system rain water in the garage:

Removing water using plastic profiles and a water pump

The cellar in the garage is flooded, what should I do? Technology installation next:

  1. An assessment of water supply is carried out and the necessary ones are selected pipes. Floors are opened if they are already laid. A trench is made 40-50 cm deep. Crushed stone is poured onto the compacted bottom in a layer of 15-20 cm. Drainage pipes are laid.
  2. Slope drainage at least 3 mm per 1 m. Pipes are filled with crushed stone with a fraction size of 5-20 mm for better water passage. The whole structure turns around geotextiles. The trench is being filled with sand.
  3. Water from drainage pipes flows into well for collecting water, installed at the lowest point of the cellar. The well is concreted or purchased already finished design made of PVC 315 mm in diameter and 125-300 mm in height.
  4. Placed in the well pump for collecting water in the garage. When the collecting well is filled, the pump float floats up, the motor turns on, and water is pumped into storm sewer through pipes or hoses.

REFERENCE: It is better to buy a pump as big as possible qualitative to avoid its breakdown.

Periodic flooding

How to dry the cellar in the garage after flooding? It often happens that it is not possible to carry out external waterproofing, but water enters the basement or garage in the spring constantly.

"Manual" of Moscoproject recommends such protection methods as compacting the soil around the building, creating surface drainage on the site, sealing holes in the walls at communication outlets, collecting water from the roofs of buildings, and creating a blind area.

How to eliminate water in a garage basement? In the picture below retraction from the cellar in the garage water:

Injection drying

The method is suitable for brick, reinforced concrete, cinder block walls and walls made of lightweight concrete.

Advantages of this method:

  • there is no need to treat the foundation from the outside;
  • there is no need to remove the facing material.

Polymer resins used:

  • acrylate gels;
  • foam.

There is water in the garage, what should I do? Method technology: expansion “packers” are mounted in holes 1.2–4 cm in diameter, made in increments of 20–80 cm. Insulators are inserted into the packers under pressure. The pressure is created by a special pump.

Way environmentally friendly, designed for long-term use, allows you to fill the smallest cavities and cracks. The disadvantage is the rather high price due to the need to invite specialists with special tools.

Penetrating waterproofing

There is groundwater in the garage, how to deal with it? One of the best materials penetrating action – system material Penetron. In this series, various sealing mixtures and quick-hardening compounds are also used.

Cleaning, moistening and thorough preparation of surfaces before treatment is necessary; for this purpose, special equipment or complex handmade. It is necessary to ensure that the concrete capillaries are open to allow material to enter.

IMPORTANT! Work is carried out only on wet concrete, better on freshly poured.

All cracks and crevices are opened and cleaned, then sealed with material for seams and joints, for example, "Penecritus".

How to drain water from the garage? Operating principle: reacting with water, Penetron forms hydrophobic crystals that spread into the concrete structure, penetrating 10-15 cm or more; these crystals clog the capillaries in the concrete and protect against water penetration.

Present on the market various materials for carrying out such work: “Maxill”, “Penetron”, “Lakhta”, “Gidrohit”, “Xaypex”, “Kalmatron”.

How to properly dry a cellar or basement?

How to dry a cellar in a garage? If the basement has been flooded or is observed high humidity, it is necessary drying.

First you need to prepare the room by removing all objects from it, etc. Then the garbage is carefully swept out, and the room is left to dry naturally and with air for 2-3 days. It is better to dry the basement in hot, dry weather.

How to remove water from a garage basement? There are two ways:

Drying with a broiler:

Need to take metal bucket and install it in the center of the room. Light and maintain the fire in the bucket. Through long time the fire will heat the air, causing hot circulation to occur, displacing damp air from the basement. Also plays a positive role in this process smoke, destroying mold and mildew, harmful insects and rodents.

Drying with a candle:

Placed metal pipe (a little short of reaching the floor), a candle is placed under it. It is better to place the candle in a metal container. A piece of paper is set on fire in the pipe, creating an initial draft, then a candle is ignited and the draft is supported by its flame. The process lasts approximately 3 days or until the walls are completely dry. It is also possible to use dry fuel in tablets.

In conclusion: Now you know what to do if you find water under the garage. The fight against moisture usually lasts a long time, taking time and financial resources and sometimes these costs are not comparable with the costs of preventing them. Natural factors are unpredictable, but constant, as a result of which planning and design drainage in front of the garage plays a very important role.

When organizing construction, it is advisable to pay attention in advance to existing experience and provide for all possible options, creating reliable protection your home.

Useful video

There is water in the basement of the garage, what should I do? Do-it-yourself drainage installation in the garage:

The cellar in the garage is flooding, what should I do? Watch the video:

Do-it-yourself external basement drainage is done in this way:

  • Prepare pipes with a diameter of 100-150 mm, place inspection wells in the corners of the system, prepare corner fittings, a tee with which the device will be connected into a ring, geotextiles, gravel, sand and crushed stone.
  • Remove the foundation formwork.
  • Dig a trench, the width of which will be 40 cm, the depth below the level of the base of the house. Drain the trench using a sump pump. Whirlwind from accumulated water. Level the bottom.
  • Cover the foundation walls with bitumen to provide additional waterproofing.
  • Lay the geotectile at the bottom of the trench itself.
  • Place 10 cm of crushed stone on the geotextile.

Be sure to take into account a height difference of 2 cm for every meter.

  • Connect the corners of the pipelines with fittings, make inspection wells every 20 m. Lay the pipeline.
  • Add a layer of crushed stone again and cover it with a second layer of geotextile.
  • Next, fill in a layer of soil, gravel and sand.
  • Mount the well 10-15 m from the basement itself. Lead the main trench to the well using a pipeline with a diameter of 150 mm. Fill the trench with sand.

As for the internal drainage of the basement, it is carried out as follows:

  • Remove the soil down to the base of the foundation. Use a jackhammer to make trenches in the concrete.
  • Install drainage piping and inspection wells around the perimeter of the basement.
  • The pipes themselves must be covered with a layer of crushed stone and gravel.
  • Next, screed with concrete.
  • Afterwards you need to make a layer of waterproofing and install a new floor.
  • Water will accumulate in the mounted tank and be discharged outside using a Gilex drainage pump or another station.

You will also need a hydraulic level, a shovel, a bucket, coating material bitumen-based, geotextile, gravel, crushed stone, coarse sand. It is also worth understanding in detail which crushed stone is best to use.

In the event of a seasonal rise in groundwater or due to heavy rains, the basement may be flooded with water. Installing traditional drainage around the perimeter of the foundation for a finished structure turns out to be too difficult or even impossible, for example, due to the paved area, the presence of stairs, balconies and terraces, passing utilities and landscape features. The best solution in such cases, it is the installation of a drainage system in the basement, which drains water to a discharge point or well. How to make basement drainage in a private house with your own hands. The Softrock drainage system will help to produce everything efficiently necessary work at no extra cost.

Drainage installation in the basement of a house

SoftRock basement drainage systems are recommended to be placed in a 30 cm wide trench. It must be dug along the inner wall of the foundation and is located from the surface more than 20 cm(for an earthen floor), and from the floor slab - more than 22 cm(for concrete floor). It is not recommended to install when the basement is already flooded. If this happens, pump out the water before installation. It is also not recommended to install drainage around the basement of a house if there is no well to collect water.

Selecting product diameter

The standard solution is a system with a diameter of 18 cm with a pipe of 50 mm (DT-50). Drainage can be installed using the necessary fittings when changing the direction of pipe laying.

DIY installation instructions

All work on installing drainage around the basement of a house can be done with your own hands, following simple instructions.

  • Strip the basement floor down to the ground (remove concrete plates or punch cavities in them).
  • Dig a trench along the inner perimeter of the house's foundation wall - do not damage existing network engineering And bearing structures!
  • Position the SoftRock drainage system (with pipe) along the edge of the trench.
  • Connect all parts together using the supplied couplings, install an end cap if necessary.
  • Lay down assembled system drainage into a trench around the basement.
  • Fill with a layer of clean coarse sand (or washed gravel) at least 5 cm thick to create support for the newly poured concrete, or fill cavities punched in the concrete with a layer of sand (or crushed stone) at least 5 cm thick.