An efficient stove for the garage with your own hands. How to make a wood-burning garage stove with your own hands

For many, a garage is a non-residential premises where a personal car is parked, spare parts for it, various liquids, tools, and many other useful household items are stored there, things that are a pity to throw away. Often, a cellar is built under the garage to store pickles and vegetables, which are so nice to see on the table in winter. But if the garage is not heated, then you may encounter freezing of its walls, as a result - corrosion on the car or the inability to start the engine in severe frost. In cold weather of minus 15 degrees, a car battery can be discharged in just two days of inactivity.

Garage oven

The temperature standard for garages is 5 degrees. However, this is not enough to carry out repairs or other work. A more comfortable temperature for a long stay in the garage is 18-20 degrees. This implies requirements for a garage stove:

  • safety;
  • possibility of temperature control;
  • the possibility of quick installation of the furnace and ease of maintenance;
  • low cost of design and fuel used;
  • high efficiency and heat transfer;
  • energy independence, that is, interruptions in water/gas/electricity should not affect the operation of the heating elements.

The choice of stoves is great. Each of the furnaces can be further upgraded by selecting the best option.

According to the fuel used, furnaces are divided into:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • solid fuel;
  • operating on liquid fuel.

The design of the furnaces is made of brick, metal or a combination of these materials (iron casing and firebox made of refractory bricks). Brick stoves have better heat transfer, take longer to cool down, heat up more evenly and are safer than metal ones. But they take up more space. If the garage is small, metal mobile ovens are built. All designs require compliance safety rules and equipping the garage with fire fighting equipment

  1. non-combustible foundation;
  2. insulation materials on the walls and in the place where the chimney pipe passes;
  3. screen - reflector;
  4. good room ventilation.

For stoves operating on solid fuel, it is additionally necessary to equip a firewood shed or a place for storing coal, sawdust or fuel briquettes.

Brick ovens for the garage

Such stoves operate on wood, coal, sawdust or briquettes. Fuel is inexpensive, stoves are very durable, and combustion products can be used in the garden. Garage brick kiln requires:

  • refractory brick;
  • oven clay;
  • fine sifted sand;
  • cement;
  • containers for mixing the solution;
  • shovel;
  • tools for masonry and jointing;
  • Bulgarian;
  • sandpaper and file;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • plumb lines;
  • waterproofing;
  • fittings;
  • plastic metal wire;
  • door for the firebox (ash pan);
  • chimney valve.

The clay mortar is prepared in advance, and the bricks are dipped into water immediately before laying, so that during the laying process they do not take excess liquid from the clay and dry it out, which will make the mortar unsuitable for masonry!

The simplest brick oven for a garage with direct-flow modules

The stove is small in size, the masonry is very simple, without cutting bricks or tying them up. Disadvantages: the absence of a grate makes cleaning the stove more difficult; the draft is regulated only by the gap size of the open combustion door.

The foundation will be a sheet of thick steel laid on the floor covering. Before work, it is necessary to prepare a clay solution, drill several holes in the combustion door for oxygen access, and make sure that the surface on which we will be laying is horizontal.

First two rows We lay the bricks horizontally. IN third We begin to form the walls of the firebox and install the door. We fasten it using metal fastening plates and wire, securing it to the door and clamping it between the brick rows.

WITH rows three to six We lay out the chamber where we will put firewood. We close the door, completely securing it between the bricks.

Important! We check each laid out row for possible distortions. To do this, we use plumb lines, a tape measure and a level. Numbering the rows will help you avoid confusion in the process and prevent mistakes.

Important! If you want the stove to not only heat the room, but also decorate it, then between the rows of brickwork, on the outside, you need to lay thin wooden slats of the same thickness. This will allow you to make a neat jointing. We remove the slats as the solution “sets”.

Eighth row we lay out the bricks “flat”, creating a kind of expansion.

In the next ( ninth) row we again place the bricks on the edge.

And again we make a narrowing, laying it “flat” ( tenth row). In the eleventh row We place the bricks on edge. In this case, one brick must be installed across the hole.

We lay out subsequent rows in the same way, repeating the alternation of laying bricks flat and “on edge”.

To connect the stove to the chimney, it is necessary to narrow the chimney, leaving a hole for the metal pipe. We cover all cracks and voids with a solution of oven clay and insulate them with insulating materials (mineral wool).

Before lighting a fire in the stove and heating the garage, be sure to wait until the solution has completely dried. We check the draft by burning a small amount of paper or rags in the firebox.

In addition to the stove, we install a firewood shed so that the firewood and coal are protected from moisture, precipitation and theft. The firewood box can be made from curved metal rods, a leather basket, wooden floors, etc.

Liquid fuel means oil (machine oil, stove oil, etc.), diesel fuel or “waste oil”—petroleum refining products formed during their operation. Every garage accumulates similar products that are not always disposed of correctly. Car owners often accumulate them in cans in the summer and heat their garages with this substance in the winter.

Both parts of the chamber must fit tightly and hermetically into each other.

This part of the oven can be done by cutting out the necessary parts from sheet metal and bending it or using a pipe/gas cylinder. Steel thickness 4 mm. The legs of the furnace are welded metal corners or another profile.

For burners We use a pipe in which we drill about fifty holes. We connect it to the upper part of the lower tank by welding.

Upper reservoir We make it from 6 mm steel. The technology is similar with the difference that this part is non-separable. To increase heat transfer, you can weld a set of small metal plates or fittings to the structure.

The upper tank is made of 6 mm steel

To remove smoke, we weld a short piece of pipe (diameter about 100-120 mm). We will connect the chimney to this “glass” with clamps.

We install the chimney itself inclined, with an angle of 45 degrees. The length of the chimney from its upper part to the floor level is 4-7 meters.

Modification of a furnace for a garage during development

To heat the garage space more quickly and evenly, you can install a fan and direct the air flow to the operating furnace.

When operating, you must follow safety rules, check elements for defects and beware of water getting into the fuel.


Typically, garages and workshops that are not located near the house do not have heating. With the onset of cold weather, it becomes almost impossible to repair them. Conventional electric heaters cannot cope with the heating problem, despite the considerable amount of electricity consumed. The way out of the situation is a heating system for the garage. Since the garage building consists of a room with limited space where the car owner spends a lot of time, there are a number of requirements for making a garage stove with your own hands:

  • convenience and ease of operation and maintenance;
  • a DIY garage oven has compact dimensions;
  • simplicity of design;
  • the ability to warm up quickly and maintain the desired temperature level in the room for a long time;
  • the ability to use solid or liquid fuel for heating;
  • low cost of materials for creating a furnace for heating a garage.
Based on the above requirements, for heating small industrial or garage premises the best choice would be:
  • a small stove made of refractory bricks;
  • some types of potbelly stoves;
When you plan to install a do-it-yourself stove for the garage, you should not forget about safety issues. In addition, heating equipment should not significantly reduce the presence of oxygen in the premises and, when heated, release substances hazardous to people’s well-being. It is also necessary to prevent the ignition of materials that are in close proximity to the stove.

DIY brick stove for the garage

Brick stoves are rarely found in garages, since their construction is labor-intensive and costly. This design takes up little space. If you are building a brick oven for a garage, such as in the photo, you should purchase fire-resistant products. The masonry mortar is mixed from sand, fireclay powder and refractory clay (more details: "").

To lay the combustion chamber at the level of the second, third and fourth rows, fireclay bricks are used. The height of such a brick structure is usually 9 bricks. To remove stove gases, you will need a brick chimney with a stainless steel sleeve inserted into it. The chimney outlet is arranged in most cases through the roof.

People who do not have experience in creating a homemade brick garage stove need to discuss the subtleties and nuances of creating stove structures with an experienced craftsman. Laying brick stoves is a whole science, which only professionals master perfectly. In the event that the work is done with major shortcomings, the structure will have to be disassembled and the stove built from scratch.

Homemade slow burning stove-stove

The easiest way to make a stove for heating a garage is from metal, making a so-called potbelly stove. To do this you will need sheet metal, a metal barrel or pipe. For a unit in the form of a cube, it is advisable to use a sheet of metal. If preference is given to a cylindrical stove, pipes or barrels are used (more details: "").
Regardless of the shape of the heating unit, the metal thickness must be at least 5 millimeters. A metal pipe that is suitable for making a potbelly stove must have a diameter of at least 300 millimeters.

It is advisable to make the outlet for the chimney from the top, but in some cases it will be more convenient from the back wall. But in this case, you need to make sure that the chimney slope angle is at least 30 degrees. To effectively ensure the removal of exhaust gases, it is best to use a metal pipe with a diameter of 120 millimeters or more.

When creating a homemade stove for a garage, the chimney pipe should be made 2-3 millimeters thick in the first meters. The fact is that thinner metal will burn out very quickly at very high constant temperatures.

A place for ash should be provided under the firebox. For this purpose, a metal horizontal plate with slots is used. Their parameters depend both on the type of fuel used and on the size of the homemade stove for the garage. For a small heating unit operating on small wood and coal, the slot sizes should be about 10-12 millimeters. For a large wood-burning appliance, the slots need to be at least 40 millimeters wide.

A removable box is placed in front of the partition; it is periodically cleaned of ash as it accumulates. To manufacture such a container, 3 mm sheet steel is used. In order to increase the efficiency of a potbelly stove, metal plates 5 mm thick must be welded to its sides. Thus, it is possible to increase the contact area between the air and the heating device. As a result of this improvement, the room warms up faster.

Before you start cutting sheet metal when making a stove with your own hands for the garage, you need to take into account the thickness of the material and the grinder disk. An interesting option for making a potbelly stove is a method that uses gas cylinders.

Waste oil stove for garage heating

Every vehicle owner is familiar with the problem of collecting used engine oil, which can become fuel for a heating unit capable of heating a garage building (read: ""). Garage furnaces for waste disposal are quite popular among car enthusiasts. Their design solution is more complex compared to a potbelly stove. If desired, such a heating device can be made independently (more details: "").
The furnace for the garage for mining consists of two parts. In the first chamber, the used oil burns, but in the second, the resulting gases burn after they are mixed with air.

An exhaust stove is a device that consists of the following elements:
  • temperature chamber;
  • fuel tank;
  • afterburning chambers;
  • chimney.

As a result of the combustion of the main fuel, vapors are formed that enter the next chamber, where they are mixed with air. After this, they burn at a very high temperature, resulting in high efficiency of the device.

To make homemade stoves for the garage using waste oil, you can take a ready-made metal box for the lower tank and weld legs to it. You also need to make a hole in it, covered with a metal flap. Fuel is poured into it, and the damper serves to regulate the supply of primary air for.

The upper chamber is made cylindrical and connected to the tank using a metal pipe, which should have 10 mm holes for the flow of secondary air. In such a stove, the chimney is located only on top.

It can use various used oils as fuel - solar oil, transformer oil, petroleum oil, transmission oil, and in addition to them - fuel oil and diesel fuel. The use of flammable substances is prohibited: gasoline, kerosene, solvents.

Long-burning wood-burning stove

The peculiarity of long-burning stoves is that they do not need to add firewood for 10-20 hours. A full load of fuel and the presence of a special damper help to achieve this result. Since the draft in the stove is moderate, the fuel in it does not burn, but smolders slowly. The intensity of combustion is controlled using air.

To make a slow burning stove for a garage, you can use a ready-made metal barrel with a volume of 200 liters (read also: ""). Its upper part is cut off and a hole is cut out for installing a chimney pipe. Another hole will be required for a 100 mm pipe for air intake.

The video shows an example of making a stove with your own hands for a garage:

For motorists, a garage is not only a place to park a car, but also a personal space where you can safely do repairs or any other business. However, in winter, when even the car engine does not start the first time, but warms up for an extremely long time, it is not comfortable to be in a cold room, not to mention spending a long time.

Practical owners, when setting up a garage, immediately plan the heating equipment. Some people buy ready-made stoves, despite the fact that their price is quite high. True craftsmen prefer to create objects of their own pride, especially since it doesn’t take that long to make a stove for a garage with your own hands.

In this article we will look at three main questions:

  1. What types of stoves are suitable for a garage, the pros and cons of each design.
  2. How to choose the most economical option for heating equipment.
  3. Which oven model is the most reliable and easy to maintain?

And so, let's go!

Before choosing a specific model of equipment, you should find out what type of fuel is most affordable for your region or specifically for you.

Types of heat resources for garage heating:

  • Electricity;
  • Coal;
  • Waste oil, diesel;
  • Alternative fuels.

Gas boilers and electric heaters are available in a wide range on the market. Any specialist will advise you on the correct selection of the unit. Prices for devices fluctuate over a wide range. The choice depends on your preference and ability to pay. Next we will talk about stoves that you can build on your own.

Brick oven - a classic of the genre

For a stationary structure, you will need a space with a minimum size of 2x3 bricks. It is best to place the masonry at the rear wall of the garage, where you also need to make a hole in the roof for the chimney.

For masonry you will need:

  • fire brick;
  • cement;
  • oven clay;
  • fine sand;
  • fireclay powder;
  • solution container, tools.

In addition to the basic materials, you need to buy doors for the firebox and ash pan, grates, a chimney valve and a pipe. For craftsmen who know the principle of bricklaying, the entire procedure will take no more than one day.

If you have no idea how to lay brick, then entrust this task to a specialist. It is best to plan the design of a brick oven at the garage construction stage. In a finished building, this task is quite labor-intensive.

Video: laying a brick oven for a garage

Advantages of a brick kiln: availability of materials and fuel, ease of operation.

Disadvantages: without masonry skills, it is better to pay a specialist.

Making a “potbelly stove” with your own hands

The simplest and most economical option for heating a garage is a potbelly stove. To make it you will need the following tools and materials:

  • welding equipment;
  • sheet metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm or a finished barrel;
  • metal pipe for smoke removal with a diameter of 300 mm.

The design of the furnace can be anything: square, rectangular, elliptical. The aesthetic side of the issue in this case is not so important. The main thing is maximum heat transfer and the ability to burn any type of solid fuel.

The only thing that is necessary is to ensure safety during operation. In the garage, as a rule, there are many flammable compounds: car chemicals, paints, varnishes and other flammable materials. Such a stove does not even need a foundation; it is enough to place a sheet of iron under it. But it is better and more reliable to install it on a flat, specially equipped plane, which can be lined with bricks or filled with concrete. Only non-flammable materials should be used. If in a garage, be sure to protect the area under the stove. A stray ember can cause a fire.

The design of a home-made potbelly stove consists of 4 elements:

  1. Container for burning fuel.
  2. Lower chamber for ash.
  3. Grate separating the firebox and ash pan.
  4. Chimney pipe.

The best option for venting the chimney is the roof. But you can lead the pipe into the wall, the main thing is that the angle of inclination is at least 30˚.

Potbelly stoves from a barrel

Many take the easy route and adapt barrels, gas cylinders or other elliptical-shaped objects at hand to the “potbelly stove”. This option is acceptable and even justified. Minimum consumption of raw materials and time. But such designs also have many disadvantages:

  • The thin walls of the barrel have a low heat capacity; with prolonged use they will quickly burn out;
  • It is difficult to choose a barrel of compact, optimally acceptable dimensions; most often these are bulky structures;
  • In such a unit it is difficult to regulate the combustion intensity;
  • Does not meet fire safety standards.

If you decide to make a stove from a barrel, then a used gas cylinder is best suited for these purposes. The walls of the vessel are thick, the steel has good heat capacity and can be welded. The most difficult thing when converting a cylinder to a stove is to open the vessel correctly and safely.

How to safely open a gas cylinder:

  • Place the cylinder vertically and dig it into the ground for stability or secure it in any other way convenient for you;
  • Fill the vessel with water;
  • Let sit for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight;
  • Mark the line of the future cut with a marker;
  • Drill a through hole in the container;
  • Wait until the water drains through the hole to the level of the cut;
  • Carefully cut the vessel along the markings with a grinder.

Now the cylinder does not pose a danger and is ready for further modernization for a potbelly stove.

The advantage of this design is the ability to position the heating unit in a position convenient for you: vertically or horizontally.

But this is not entirely cost-effective. Craftsmen advise welding a separate container for ash to the bottom of the cylinder. To do this, it is enough to drill holes in the ash pan area or cut out a small part of the vessel and weld a grate with an ash chamber. The firebox door can be made from a cut-out part of the cylinder. To make the structure stable and ergonomic, the legs are welded. For these purposes, a regular corner or pipe is suitable.

If you decide to install the cylinder in a vertical position, then the upper cut part of the cylinder can be covered with a sheet of metal that will serve as a hob.

Options for modifying a potbelly stove with your own hands

The main task of the heating unit is maximum heat transfer. Nobody wants to heat the street. There are several options for this that will increase the efficiency of the furnace:

  1. The thicker the iron, the more it heats up and gives off heat. It would be prudent to weld additional steel ribs around the perimeter of the firebox. Strip steel is suitable for these purposes. The thicker the strips, the higher the heat transfer.
  2. Another good option would be to sheathe the walls near the stove with sheets of iron. They will also heat up and give off heat.
  1. If you are installing a “potbelly stove” permanently on a foundation, then a good solution that significantly increases heat transfer would be to build a metal mesh with stones around the unit. For these purposes, remnants of reinforcement are suitable; they hold their shape well and are welded well. At a distance of 30-50 cm, install a grate around the stove and fill the resulting space with stones. You can take large pebbles, cobblestones, rubble, sandstone, they absorb and retain heat well. This trick will help you reduce fuel consumption and significantly increase heat transfer.
  2. Connecting a water circuit is another option that increases the performance of the furnace. This will require an expansion tank, radiators, pipes, and fittings. Additional equipment is installed at your own discretion, either along the entire perimeter of the garage or in the work area.

Advantages of a potbelly stove: the ability to use any type of solid fuel, fast heating, good heat transfer.

Disadvantages: high fire hazard, cools quickly.

Liquid fuel garage stove (waste oil, diesel fuel)

Heating structures using waste oil are of great interest to motorists, as consumables are replaced regularly. Such a system is especially relevant for heating garage service stations, community cooperatives and private premises. Making an oven is quite simple.

The design of the units also implies original work, from compact devices to large-sized stations with high heat transfer. The elements of large and small ovens, as well as the operating principle, are identical. The main elements are two containers. Liquid fuel is refilled into the lower tank with surface ignition. Fuel vapors rise through a perforated pipe to the upper tank, where their final oxidation occurs. Perforation of the pipe connecting the two containers provides oxygen access.

In the photo we can see the work of a homemade stove during testing. A mesmerizing spectacle!

Like any other stove, a chimney is required for a liquid fuel unit. The height of the pipe must be raised by at least 4 meters.

Another unpleasant nuance is the pungent odor released during the process of igniting and heating the furnace during operation. Otherwise, the heating device does not cause any complaints; it provides good heat transfer and quickly heats the garage room.

Modified furnace in operation

Craftsmen offer an improved design of a liquid fuel heater. In an improved version, liquid fuel burns in a metal bowl located at the bottom of the pipe, into which the fuel enters using the drip method, which allows dosing the heat resource. Proper adjustment of the drip supply of fuel and air allows you to use diesel fuel as fuel. With this modification of the furnace, only a small part of the oil vapor enters the perforated pipe for combustion. The design is thus more reliable in terms of fire safety.

For the device to operate, it is necessary to provide air supply through chimney draft or in forced mode (fan injection).

If desired, this design can be supplemented with a water circuit and the room can be equipped with radiator heating, which will allow the room to be warmed 24 hours a day.

Advantages of the furnace for mining: ease of operation, absence of soot and burning, fire safety.

Disadvantages: careful monitoring of fuel for water and other impurities; oil cannot be stored in the cold.

DIY solid fuel (pyrolysis) stove

Recently, long-burning stoves - pyrolysis - have become popular. The principle of operation of the equipment is to process fuel under conditions of minimal oxygen access.

Any type of solid fuel is suitable for a pyrolysis furnace:

  • Firewood, sawdust;
  • Brushwood, straw;
  • Chips, shavings;
  • Fallen leaves;
  • Paper industry waste;
  • Rubber, plastic;
  • Waste tires;
  • Dry agricultural waste (sunflower, corn, etc.).

Fuel is loaded once a day, heat is released evenly over 12-24 hours. This heating option is an ideal solution for garages used for workshops, service stations and production shops, where people stay all day long.

In the video you can see how to make a pyrolysis boiler with your own hands. Ready-made structures are quite expensive, from 40 to 100 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to make the structure yourself.

The advantages of a pyrolysis furnace for a garage: any type of fuel, ease of use, good heat transfer, efficiency, absence of burning and soot.

Disadvantages: high cost, difficult to manufacture.

We looked at the most popular types of garage stoves that you can make yourself.

Let's sum it up

As we see, any equipment has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a design for heating a garage, you should consider a number of factors:

  1. Room area.
  2. Frequency and operating time.
  3. The heating speed of a particular device.
  4. Availability of heating resources.
  5. Fire safety.

Equipping a garage with a heating system is based on needs. If you do not spend a lot of time indoors and heat is needed only to warm the car in severe frosts, then it is enough to install an IR heater or UV infrared. If you are regularly in the garage, both in summer and winter, then it is still cost-effective to organize a stove in the garage with your own hands according to a clearly drawn up scheme and thoughtful modification.

We have a ready-made solution for this issue - a compact and inexpensive metal stove for heating a wood-burning garage! Agree that operating a small portable stove in the garage is cheaper than heating the garage with electrical appliances. We can offer a choice of small long-burning stoves that can warm up a small room.

A garage is not only a place to park a car, but also a workshop, and often a “club of interests.” In frosty weather it is very difficult to start the car engine, sometimes it takes so much time that the trip itself becomes irrelevant.

It’s also better to do repairs and simply exchange tips at a comfortable temperature. Therefore, it is clear that heating a room is one of the problems that car enthusiasts solve. Heating a garage is not a simple matter, since this is not only a condition for comfortable maintenance of equipment, but rather a requirement for normal, civilized maintenance of the car.

The simplest and fastest solution to this issue is to install electric heaters, fully automated and fireproof. But what should anyone do if they have a garage without electricity or want to save money by burning various waste? There is a ready-made solution for a wood-burning stove for a garage.

As a rule, a wood-burning stove for a garage is required to be economical and reliable, easy to use, and also run on inexpensive fuel. All these aspects are present in a small metal stove; by the way, you can burn not only wood in it, but also all the garbage that appears. It is not recommended to burn it with coal or peat, otherwise it will quickly burn out, since the combustion temperature of this type of fuel is too high.

These stoves are also indispensable for heating cabins. After all, a change house with a stove is an excellent solution for a summer house. Because I want to relax not only in summer but also in winter, when all the work is finished. In such a cabin it is always warm and cozy.

Many stoves for cabins are equipped with a hob, which makes it easy to heat water and cook food. Especially for our customers, the PechiMAX online store offers a large assortment of stoves for small spaces such as garages and change houses. As well as related products for them.

A garage stove that runs on cheap fuel is an excellent solution for those car enthusiasts who do not want to equip their “car house” with a full-fledged and expensive heating system.

Heating a garage - what options are there?

Owners of vehicles (vehicles) know that the car must be left to rest in garages with a temperature of +5 ° C and above. If this indicator is not maintained, it will be quite difficult for the driver to start the engine after parking the car for a long time. At low temperatures, antifreeze sometimes freezes, which brings a lot of problems when operating the vehicle. Even more serious troubles happen.

It’s easy to avoid them - ensure the very required temperature in the garage at +5. In cases where a “car house” is built as an extension to a residential building where there is central heating, the garage is usually equipped with a heating unit, connecting it to a common network. But in those garages that are located far from heated houses and buildings, it is necessary to install autonomous heaters.

These include:

  • Buleryan stoves are devices with a high efficiency that operate on any solid fuel (wood waste, coal, peat, and so on). These units operate for up to 8–10 hours on one load of flammable material. They are very compact and easy to use. It would seem - an ideal option for a garage. But there is a problem - the objectively high cost of such installations.
  • Oil, infrared or electric heater, heat guns are devices connected to the electrical network. There are no difficulties with their installation, but they consume a lot of electricity. Economical people do not use such devices as a garage oven, since the costs for them are really high.
  • A “potbelly stove” is a simple wood-burning stove. It is well suited for heating garages. You don't have to buy it in a store. It’s easy to make a simple and at the same time very effective “potbelly stove” yourself.

Also, with due diligence, any driver can make an economical garage oven with his own hands, which will run on waste oil. We will tell you further how to make such a structure yourself, as well as a “potbelly stove”.

Homemade wood stove - basic and effective

A simple “potbelly stove” for a garage is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • low cost of installation and maintenance;
  • “omnivorous” (coal, firewood, and sawdust can serve as fuel for such a stove);
  • a sufficiently high efficiency indicator with objectively small dimensions of the structure;
  • the ability to cook or heat food on a stove;
  • no need to build a foundation for the heating device.

A wood stove can be made in different ways. Moreover, any such design necessarily has the following components:

  • Combustion chamber - firebox. Everyone chooses the geometric parameters and configuration of this part of the “potbelly stove” to their own taste.
  • Pipeline for smoke exit. It is made in a spiral or curved form. If you plan to use straight sections of pipe to create a stove, keep in mind that their length cannot be more than 100 cm.
  • The grate is a special grate on which solid fuel is placed. It is necessary to create good draft in the heating device. The grate bars are always placed at the base of the stove.
  • Ash pit is a small compartment under the grates. It collects ash from burnt fuel.

The curved shape of the chimney is due to the need to reduce the speed at which the air heated in the stove moves through the pipe. “Turns” of the pipeline trap smoke. As a result, it does not go down the chimney, but actively transfers thermal energy to the garage. As you can see, this garage oven has a simple and understandable design. We attach to the article drawings of similar heating devices. Making a stove using them as a guide is not at all difficult. It is only important to remember two things:

  1. The installation of the “potbelly stove” is carried out in that part of the garage where consumable flammable materials and various lubricants, wooden elements, and items subject to easy ignition are not stored.
  2. It is imperative to make holes in the garage through which air from the street will constantly flow into it, as well as simple exhaust ventilation to remove waste combustion products.

We make a “potbelly stove” on our own

The wood stove is made of metal. Can be used:

  • pipe with a cross section of 30 cm;
  • metal sheets 5–8 mm thick;
  • barrel with walls from 5 mm thick.

Sheets of metal should be cut with a grinder into pieces of the size you need and joined into a cubic structure using. The barrel or pipe is used in the form in which it is, trimmed to the specified geometric parameters. A smoke exhaust pipe must be mounted on the rear wall of the structure (or on its top). The diameter of the pipe product is taken to be about 12–16 cm. The thickness of its walls is 2–3 mm (otherwise the pipe will simply burn out).

Then we cut out an area for the firebox in the structure, and under it we make a place where the ash from the burnt fuel will fall. These two sections are separated from each other by grates, which are made of a metal horizontal plate with several slots (the finished product can be bought on the market or in a hardware store).

If you are planning to build a fairly large heating device, the grate slots should have parameters of about 4–5 cm. For a small stove that you will heat with small wood and coal, slots of 1–1.2 cm are sufficient.

The ash pan itself is usually made in the form of a removable metal container. It is made of steel (sheet) 3 mm thick. Such a box can be easily removed as needed and emptied of ash. To increase the efficiency of the device, experts advise welding 4–5 mm steel plates to the sides (perpendicular to them) of the homemade structure. Due to this, the contact area of ​​the stove with the surrounding air will increase, and the garage will heat up much faster.

Heating device for burning waste oil - “free” heat

A homemade garage stove of this type is very popular among car enthusiasts. It works on any type of oil (transmission, machine, shale, industrial), stove and diesel fuel, and even on paint residues. In terms of the amount of heat transferred to the air, this design is identical to a conventional heater operating on electricity.

The circuit of the described device is simple. The stove is made of two containers. They are connected by a pipe located vertically. You will definitely need to make holes in this pipe. The recommended geometric dimensions of such a furnace are 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.35 m, the total weight is in the range of 30–35 kg, the volume of containers used is 12 liters. As the latter, old compressors from Soviet refrigerators or cylinders in which propane was stored are most often used.

  1. From a metal corner you make 20–25 cm legs, on which you install one tank horizontally.
  2. Weld the container to the support legs.
  3. At the top of the first tank and at the bottom of the second (approximately in the middle), drill holes and vertically weld a pipe to them, connecting the two tanks into one structure. The thickness of the pipe product is 5–6 mm. Even better is to make a collapsible structure. In this case, you weld the lower part of the pipe to the lower tank, and fit the upper part tightly onto the hole of the second tank. A dismountable device will make it much easier for you to clean soot and soot.
  4. Drill 10–14 holes in the pipe (in its middle section). Please note that holes are not made within 9–10 cm of the containers.
  5. Cut a small hole at the top of the lower tank, equip it with a simple lid that will be convenient to open and close. This hole is necessary for filling oil (other fuel used).
  6. You also make a hole at the top of the second tank, weld a pipe to it and mount an exhaust pipe on it. The latter is best made from stainless steel (galvanized).

We hope that the drawings and videos that we provided in this article will help you quickly make an effective stove for the “home” of your car.