Examination of doors from the company Twims Project LLC. Expertise of interior doors Help from an independent expert when installing an iron door

Door examination is a general examination of their consumer properties. Independent is carried out with the aim of protecting the rights and interests of the customer of the doors, as well as the persons selling these doors. Such an examination can be carried out regardless of how new the design is, since an examination can be carried out with equal success for a door previously used. This type of research is carried out to establish the fact of safety door design in accordance with accepted standard rules.

Poor quality of the material, together with errors in drawing up drawings, as well as during installation work, affect the further operation of the product. Therefore, during the provision of services during which door quality examination, qualified specialists experts examine the level of quality of the material used to manufacture the door structure, the design of the door, and how correctly it was executed installation work. Also, specialists must determine the reasons for the formation of defects on the doors, if any, with the calculation of the percentage reduction in the quality of the door installation.

Research of door structures is relevant not only in cases where buyers need to determine the correctness of the installation of products, but also when it is necessary to determine their actual market value, during construction and technical examination. A specialist who provides this type of examination services can determine whether special work will be required to repair and restore the door structure, and how much it will cost material point vision.

The examination of doors begins to be carried out after a direct request from the customer-buyer with such a statement. After the expert has at his disposal the necessary list of available documents, he begins to collect regulatory material as a “toolkit” for further independent examination. After the work has been completed, persons who have requested an examination receive a special document describing the compliance of the door structure, or its non-compliance, in accordance with established standards.

Independent examination of interior doors

When it comes to conducting an independent examination of interior door structures, a check with a refutation or confirmation of the following factors comes to the fore:

  • compliance with all necessary rules according to GOST and methodological recommendations;
  • appropriate ratio of cost and quality of the door;
  • the degree of environmental and sanitary indicators of the materials used in the manufacture of the door structure;
  • aspect ratio of the interior door;
  • the presence of error-free connections of the necessary parts of the product;
  • required level of rib stiffness.

For manufacturers interior doors before the start of mass production, an examination identifying the above factors is a necessary condition. During such a study, design flaws may be identified, which in turn contribute to the removal of this product from production.

This examination is beneficial and useful also for potential buyers. First of all, it can guarantee the purchase of a quality product. In practice, it sometimes happens that an already installed structure does not meet the criteria previously specified by the manufacturer. Thus, this examination can help the buyer return the funds spent on the purchase of interior decorations.

Technical examination of the entrance door

Sometimes it happens that disputes arise between door sellers and their customers regarding the quality of the product. In such situations, each party needs objective assessments of door structures by independent experts. As a special case, experts resort to such an assessment during a technical examination of the front door.

Independent examination of input metal door As a rule, it involves clarifying the following questions:

  • is there a visible defect on the door;
  • Is it possible to see hidden defects on the structure?

High-quality examination of door installation

At the stage of installing door structures, most defects are identified that are very difficult to see at first glance. How reliable and efficient it will be in the future depends on how competently and correctly the installation of the structure is carried out. Therefore, conducting a door installation inspection is an extremely important opportunity for a potential buyer.

Our main products:

Independent examination is a study of an object conducted by a qualified expert in order to establish significant parameters and properties of this object. When conducting an examination, the specialist is guided by knowledge in the field of science and technology, competencies in the field of art and craft. Conducting both independent and forensic examinations assumes the absence of influence of third parties on the results obtained.

Forensic examination is characterized by a special procedural status and is carried out in connection with the consideration of criminal, civil, administrative and arbitration cases. Forensic examination is regulated by the provisions of procedural codes and laws.

In our opinion, it is not correct to draw a rigid line between the concepts of judicial and independent examination, since the legal status of examination does not entail a change in the applied methods and quality requirements.

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Handwriting examinations


Handwriting examinations are one of the most priority areas company activities. The staff of experts is represented by specialists with work experience from 11 to 35 years. We take on the most complex studies and use both traditional and the most modern methodological base.

Conclusions are accepted by all courts without exception because in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the conclusion of an expert/specialist is one of the types of evidence. We are always ready to confirm our conclusions in any authority.

Any individual or entity. To conduct a forensic examination, it is necessary to submit a corresponding petition to the court, attaching information about LLC Expert Consulting Center "Grafo-Logos". We provide such information (information letter and set of documents) upon your request.

We are ready to offer our clients the shortest possible time and reasonable prices.

In the case of examining copies of documents rather than originals, the interaction process can be carried out remotely.

This type examination traditionally solves 2 main types of problems: 1) identification (identification of a person), during which questions about whether a signature/record belongs to a specific person are resolved; 2) diagnostic, during which the conditions for the execution of manuscripts are established (imitation, painful condition, alcohol intoxication, gender, age, etc.).
If you would like to get a preliminary conclusion, we offer an “oral consultation” service, during which we conduct a full study and communicate the conclusion to you orally. The cost of the service is equal to 50% of the cost of a full-fledged study and in case you need to draw up a conclusion in in writing you can pay the balance.

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The object of this type of examination can be a product of absolutely any non-food product group, from shoelaces to kitchen set and a bicycle. Most often, these studies are carried out for the purposes of:

  • definitions quality characteristics goods;
  • establishing compliance with the declared parameters;
  • identifying the causes of defects.

When an interested person contacts our organization, first of all he receives preliminary consultation merchandising specialist At this stage, it becomes clear: the task, the fundamental possibility of carrying out necessary expertise, scope of work, need for an expert to visit. Issues that will be resolved in the process of expert research and the need for the presence of the parties are discussed. Recommendations are given on ways to preserve goods, further actions. We often conduct free consultations, during which we inspect the product and give an oral conclusion. To do this, you need to sign up in advance and come to our office.

The resulting Conclusion can be used by the customer to present it to the seller in accordance with the OZPP law. In case of refusal to return the goods and reimbursement of costs, the consumer has the right to go to court. The expert research report of the Expert Consulting Center “Grafo-Logos” LLC is one of the types of evidence and can be presented to any court.

Today, you and I belong to the category of an ordinary consumer of goods and services, placed within a framework by the norms of modern current legislation, when the process of proving one’s rightness in a controversial issue falls on the shoulders of the consumer himself. Often, the process of proving one’s case stems from non-compliance with the provisions of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” on the part of sellers and manufacturers. In general, such a scheme inevitably forms the principle of adversarial parties in legal proceedings arising from disputes. And here it is important to understand that this very principle allows you not to follow the lead of the “offenders”.

Be careful when choosing a supplier of goods and services!!! Read reviews, ask for product documentation, visit production!!!

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Laboratory research and testing

The work of the Grafo-Logos Center of Expertise in this area is based on the knowledge, qualifications and extensive experience of our employees, and is also supported by a modern material and technical base.


The work of the Grafo-Logos Center of Expertise in this area is based on the knowledge, qualifications and extensive experience of our employees, and is also supported by a modern material and technical base. This allows us to cover a very wide range of laboratory testing applications, using methods: IR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, molecular absorption spectrophotometry, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis, etc.

We are ready to offer a wide list of verified indicators for the following types substances and materials:

  • petrol, diesel fuel and motor oils;
  • polymers;
  • metals;
  • fabrics;
  • paper;
  • - reagents.

We do not engage in food or biological research.

Tests are carried out in accredited laboratories, and the result is expressed in the form of a Conclusion and a test report. In the areas of polymers and paper, our specialists use the most modern laboratory facilities, but they do not have accreditation certificates.

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  1. Experts of the Expert Consulting Center "Grafo-Logos" conduct a "review" of the conclusions only if there are valid:
  • violations of methodological requirements for performing certain types of research;
  • procedural violations;
  • inconsistencies between the progress of the study and the results obtained;
  • unreliable, unfounded and untrue conclusions.

The decision to accept the materials you provide for review is made by the expert only after they have been fully studied and analyzed.

  1. We urge you to be vigilant in choosing an expert or expert institution (organization).

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Examination of counterfeit products


This type of examination is aimed at establishing signs of the use of someone else’s trademark in the manufacture of products. Most often, unscrupulous entrepreneurs use someone else’s brand not for new (unique) products, but copy existing products as accurately as possible.

Research is carried out by a group of effective specialists, which includes experts, patent attorneys, marketers, and sociologists. We use our own collections of legitimate product samples and continually build our knowledge of specific products by direct dialogue with copyright holders and certification. Today our company is known to many business representatives as a professional in its field. They trust us and we improve.

Who needs expertise?

Brand owners. For them, this is a way to prove the facts of illegal attacks on intellectual property and bring the perpetrators to responsibility established by law. This type of work leads to a reduction financial losses, and increasing the degree of trust in the brand and product quality;

Law enforcement agencies. The forensic units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs practically do not engage in such research. Contacting us executive makes a decision to order an examination, and we acquire procedural status;

Consumers ( individuals). Most often, the service is needed by those who have already purchased some product and after some time doubted its quality. However, often the consumer voluntarily and consciously chooses a “branded” counterfeit. He does not need to understand the signs of difference, since its cost in relation to the original is 100-350% lower, which speaks for itself.

The fight against counterfeit products has become a global trend and in this sense, we sincerely believe that each of us should be very careful about the choice of products purchased. Are you sure that the ones you are using Construction Materials or are the spare parts for your car original? We do not, especially when in our Conclusion we conclude that there are signs of counterfeit brake pads...

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Survey services and inspection control


Research aimed at determining the characteristics of cargo or goods, including:
Qualitative characteristics (identification: shape, size, composition, color, content, classification and group affiliation, etc.);

  • Quantitative characteristics (volume, quantity, content of the whole in parts, etc.);
  • Condition of goods, packaging, containers, wagons, transport (damage, defects, conditions of transportation and storage, etc.);
  • Control of loading/unloading (identification, documentation, packaging, labeling, product proximity, strength characteristics, etc.);
  • Laboratory research (sampling, testing for compliance with declared characteristics)

Product identification is carried out at any stage of inspection. The amount of information established and recorded during the inspection can be used by the appraiser to determine cost characteristics without an additional visit.

The competitive advantage of our company is that we provide these services from the position of a forensic organization. This means that we use a full-fledged methodology from the field of merchandising, traceability, fire and construction-technical, auto-technical examinations. Each specialist has special education and deep experience with a specific product group. Thus, the Conclusion issued based on the results of the study is a type of evidence, and not the opinion of a specialist. In addition, we do not need to collect samples to transfer them to laboratories, because We conduct laboratory tests ourselves.

Research Group "Safety and Reliability"

Construction expertise, Building inspection, Energy audit, Land management, Design

Professional examination of doors, their elements and/or correct installation of the structure must be carried out by certified specialists who have the appropriate permits.

Results of expert checks

After the examination of the installation of the door or the product itself comes to an end, the client is given a written expert report. In the conclusion, all identified defects are described in detail (photo materials are attached), objective reasons occurrence of malfunctions and, if necessary, an estimate for troubleshooting. The report also contains references to the requirements and regulated standards of TU, ​​SNiPs, GOSTs and other regulatory documents.

The expert report shows the actual condition of purchased but not yet installed or already installed door structures. The document has official force and can be used to resolve conflicts in court or pre-trial procedure(between installers and service customers, developers and residents, manufacturers and buyers).

The important point is that, based on the opinion of an independent expert, the injured party can count not only on a partial/full refund of the money paid for the purchase and/or installation of the door. But also compensation for the expert’s work in full.

What can you check?

During the research, experts analyze the verticality of the installation door frame and its condition, study the geometry of the dimensions of the structure. They evaluate the compliance of the product characteristics with GOSTs and technical specifications, check its mechanisms, structural elements and accessories, make sure of sufficient or insufficient reliability and performance.

Exact types and volumes necessary work largely depend on what kind of door we are talking about. Thus, the examination of a metal door installed on staircase, will be carried out according to one scheme, and the study of its interior wooden analogue will be carried out according to another.

Requirements for the quality of external street, entrance and interior doors

The most stringent requirements are placed on door structures that “look” onto the street. Since their tasks are the most numerous: thermal protection of premises from negative climatic factors, fencing from uninvited guests, decorating the exterior of the building.

If the client needs an examination of the front door installed at the entrance to the home, the requirements for the quality of the product and its installation will be slightly less numerous and strict. After all, the structure is not exposed to precipitation and is operated at a comfortable temperature.

In case of any entrance doors, wherever they are directed - in the corridor or on the street, the research will be carried out:

  • Organoleptic method. The expert will examine the working mechanisms, scratches and chips. By analyzing the damage and establishing their nature, he will understand whether they arose due to improper use of the door or due to a manufacturing defect.
  • Documentary method. Specialist determine design features, which could be the root cause of the malfunction. He will work carefully working documentation on the door, including technical papers. Ultimately, it will answer the question of who is to blame for the problem: the buyer, the installers or the manufacturer.

Minimum requirements for interior doors: aesthetics and appearance. By the way, precisely in the case of interior products most often you can detect a manufacturing defect, hidden or obvious.

However, examination of interior doors is often carried out with the aim of proving incorrect installation. It also happens that instead of a laminated structure, the buyer receives a product with a laminated coating.

Cost of services

The exact cost of an expert’s work depends on many conditions. For example, do you need an examination of the door frame or the entire door. Average research fees interior designs are 5-7 thousand rubles, for the study of input products they are slightly higher - 8-10 thousand rubles.

If you require an expert to speak in court, you will have to pay for this service separately.

1. Where can I go for an examination of entrance and interior doors?

1.1. To conduct an independent examination, you can contact any expert organization and receive an expert opinion. Good luck.

1.2. Contact an expert organization that examines the quality of goods or the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of your city.

1.3. Call expert organizations in your city that conduct relevant examinations. Also this information available on the Internet.

1.4. In Kirov great amount expert institutions. Almost all of them have websites. Open the Internet, choose the one that suits you price segment and contact us. Your merchandising examination of doors is not complicated, so you do not need any special expert institution. If, for example, we were talking about a handwriting examination or an examination of the severity of harm to health, then your difficulties would be understandable. And so, this question should not cause any difficulties.

Research Group "Safety and Reliability"

Construction expertise, Building inspection, Energy audit, Land management, Design

Expertise poor quality installation doors

The client submitted lawsuit on termination of the contract with the Contractor, since its terms were violated. In this case, the Client insists on collecting Money, penalties, interest, moral damages and expenses for representative services.

The essence of the dispute is that the Client ordered from the Contractor door block and a range of services for its installation and installation. But upon completion of the work, the Client demanded an examination regarding the quality installed structure and its proper functioning.

The client contacted LLC IG “Safety and Reliability” to conduct an independent examination of the work performed. Specialists from the expert organization inspected the door unit and gave an appropriate assessment of its performance, namely, the following inconsistencies and violations of contractual obligations were identified:

1. The defects that the door block had were made at the stage of its production and arose as a result of installation work;

2. During manufacturing and installation, violations were committed that do not comply with GOST 31173-2003;

3. Manufacturing defects and violations technical specifications on the installation of the door block became the main cause of defects during the work.

According to the expert opinion issued by IG “Safety and Reliability” LLC, errors made during the production and installation of the door structure were indicated, and it was also established that the door block and its components cannot be restored and must be completely replaced.

The most common defects when installing door blocks are the appearance of gaps through which cold air penetrates into the house; gaps at the joints of the gaskets are not allowed; the fit of the gaskets must be tight. Also, the power of air flows penetrating into a residential building through the shutters of a metal door cannot exceed 27 m3 (h/m2) (according to clause 5.1.8 of GOST 31173-2003). It is unacceptable during installation different quantities contours of the sealing gaskets of the translucent sash. All these defects and the reasons for their occurrence can be detected only after completion installation work, and then take any action to eliminate them.

Having considered the Client’s claim, the court decided to recover from the Contractor in favor of the Client the amount of 122,675 rubles.