Norway spruce - features of growing a holiday tree. Norway spruce Coniferous trees spruce

The well-known spruce is a representative of the largest family of conifers, namely the pine family. The word “spruce” translated from ancient Slavic means resin.

In the plant kingdom one of the first and important places occupied by a spruce belonging to a genus that includes more than 50 types. The plant is distributed throughout the world from Central Asia and North America to South Africa.

Norway spruce

How long does a spruce live? What types of spruce are there? How to grow spruce at home? All these issues are discussed in this article.


Spruce is an evergreen, straight-barreled, very slim tree with a cone-shaped crown. The tree trunk is very difficult to see, because it is hidden behind the wide “paws” of the spruce.

Spruce trees of all ages are covered with branches to the very base. The bark of young trees is gray with a brownish or brick tint and smooth to the touch. Old spruce trunks are rough, the bark is peeling in places, and streaks of resin are visible. The needles are needle-type and stay on the branches for up to 10 years. In an urban environment, the lifespan of needles does not exceed 5 years, and environmental degradation shortens the lifespan even more.

Conifer needles are tetrahedral in cross-section, single, arranged in a spiral on the branches. The cones are dense, elongated and cylindrical in shape. The position of the cones on the branch is hanging. In the fall, the cones ripen and open to disperse seeds.

The seeds are covered with seed scales, they are equipped with “wings”, in the shape of a bowl. The wings are designed to fly seeds with the wind. Simple observational experience will show that one the seed can fly a distance of 150–200 m.

Grows in Russia several subspecies of common spruce:

  • "Acrosona".
  • "Barryi."
  • "Crusita"
  • "Cupressina"
  • "Echiniformis".

Plant characteristics

The description of the common spruce is very clear: one of the most unpretentious plants on the globe. Spruce does not require fertile soils and thrives well on poor clay soils and loams, as well as on sandy hills.

Spruce trees are not afraid of shady slopes or areas with stagnant water in the ground. The plant is incredibly frost-resistant and is not afraid of continental and northern climates. It grows in the taiga, tundra and the Arctic Circle.

Spruce cannot withstand gas pollution and does not tolerate smoke well. Despite this, this tree is used in urban landscaping and is excellent for planting park areas in both single and group plantings. Spruce is widely used for planting snow protection strips. Low-growing or dwarf decorative forms are great for alpine slides, garden plots or landscape decoration. No landscape rock garden is complete without dwarf spruce, which goes well in combination with thujas and wild stone.

The name of the coniferous tree speaks for itself and the name precisely indicates its habitat. Norway spruce grows in Central and European Russia, it is the main coniferous tree forming the taiga.

The territory of European Russia and Northern Siberia is gradually replacing ordinary spruce with Siberian spruce. There is no significant difference between the species. There are no intraspecific differences from pine and larch.

However, spruce, when choosing a growing condition, is unpretentious, while larch is very shade-loving and very difficult to grow in unshaded areas. Pine at the shoot stage is damaged by spring frosts or may get sunburn.

It is important to remember that all plants suffer greatly from forest fires, whether caused by humans or seasonal burning.

Spruce needles are used in medicine, because they contain great amount vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances:

  • vitamins B3, K, C, E, PP;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • carotenoids;
  • natural bioregulators;
  • resins;
  • manganese, copper, iron, chromium.

Tinctures and decoctions of spruce needles are used to treat many different diseases and pathologies, for example:

  • viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney diseases;
  • neurosis, radiculitis, plexitis;
  • fungal skin infections;
  • hypertension, atherosclerosis.

Periods and characteristics of tree growth

Norway spruce is famous for its poor mineral metabolism and is very grows slowly in the first 10 years of life. Then the growth rate increases sharply and stops only after 120–150 years. Spasmodic, uneven growth distinguishes European spruce from Siberian spruce.

It has long been known that spruce is a recognized long-liver and, if conditions permit, it survives without problems. up to 300 years.

Spruce develops best on loams and sandstones.

This kind of soil allows the tree to form a branched root system that goes deep underground and holds the tree on the surface. Do not forget that spruce is a lover of damp places. However, in places with excess moisture in the soil, spruce forms a superficial root system of small diameter, so in the event of a strong gust of wind, the root system may not be able to support the tree.

The unpretentious tree is found even in swampy areas if the swamp is flowing. Root system small compared to pine, this explains the instability of spruce in winds and external factors. Another feature of the tree is the phenomenon in which the lower branches dry out, but do not die. For this reason, spruce forests are always damp and dark.

Despite all its unpretentiousness, spruce remains a very delicate wood species. Spruce can be grown in almost any region. Spruce grows well under the canopy of trees, such as oak, pine, birch, and ash. Under the cover of other representatives of the flora, spruce remains much more demanding than pine in growing conditions. Spruce still requires a small amount of water. For these reasons, you rarely see pine and fir trees growing nearby.


Spruce propagates by seeds, which are very easy to assemble. It is enough to cut a few fir cones and keep them warm until completely dry. There is no point in trying to get the seeds or peeling the cone, because the cones open on their own and you will get seeds whose germination rate is excellent.

It would be a good idea to treat the seeds potassium permanganate solution.

Calcined river sand will be an excellent soil for planting seeds. Pour soil into the pot, water it a little and deepen the seed by 1.5–2 cm. The container must be placed in the refrigerator or on the balcony for stratification. The stratification procedure is necessary for seeds, since in their natural environment conifer grains are exposed to cold in winter. Stratification stimulates rapid seed germination. The seeds should be kept in the cold for about 3 months; this period simulates wintering. Seeds that have not undergone stratification may lie in the ground for several years, but never sprout. After time, containers with seeds are placed in a warm, bright place and wait for germination.

For sowing perfect time October-November is considered so that the presence of seeds in the ground is just right for the winter. In February-March, removing the container from the balcony or refrigerator, the seeds find favorable conditions for germination. With the onset of spring, the length of daylight hours increases and plants begin to grow.

While in the ground, the seeds require generous watering, which corresponds to natural conditions, because in winter the snow periodically melts, creating a cushion of water. Humidity and warmth are the main conditions for the start of sprouting of coniferous plants.

When the containers are moved to a bright place, after a couple of weeks the baby spruce will emerge. It will be immediately obvious that this is a real coniferous tree, because the needles appear first.

Now it is important to maintain a balance in watering to avoid over-watering or under-watering. Once a week, young spruce trees need to be fed with fertilizers and also loosened upper layer soil.

When the frosts recede and the weather gets warmer, it’s time to plant the small seedlings in the soil. Before planting, humus or compost mixed with soil is added to the hole.

You can add a small amount mineral fertilizers. Adults do not feed spruce trees. The seedlings are placed in the hole, the roots are carefully covered with prepared soil, lightly compacted and watered. For each sprout they create a small greenhouse made of film, plastic bottle or glass jar. The procedure is necessary for rapid acclimatization.

Seedlings must be ventilated every day. They need to be opened, ventilated, soil moisture checked and condensation removed. After 10 days, the greenhouses can be removed, and the soil around the young Christmas trees can be covered with mulch to retain moisture.

Seedlings stay in containers for 3–4 years. In conditions of slow growth, this period is considered optimal. At this age, seedlings are most adapted to strong temperature changes; they are not afraid of burns and frosts.

Like all coniferous species- spruce ornamental plant. Spruce has always decorated gardens, parks, and old Russian estates. Thanks to modern breeding work, many varieties of spruce have been developed that are used in landscape and garden design. Norway spruce, grown from seeds with your own hands, will decorate any area, and can also become the ancestor of many traditions. This method of growing common spruce is suitable for tall varieties. Growing seedlings yourself is a guarantee of rapid adaptation to climatic conditions in your area.

Among the existing varieties landscape designers pay special attention dwarf spruce. The growth of dwarf spruce is usually does not exceed 1 m, the crown is wide and dense, the needles are soft. Dwarf spruce perfect for garden compositions, landscape objects and alpine slides.

The most popular representative of the dwarf species is nidiformis. It is the most spectacular and easy to cultivate.

The crown of nidiformis is round in shape, reaches a diameter of 3 m, and a height of barely 1 meter. The crown is flattened in shape and resembles a nest. This is due to the absence of the main branches of the tree; numerous thin branches grow in the shape of a fan. The needles are high density, short and dark green, very soft and thick, evenly covering the branches in a spiral pattern.

The tree grows very slowly, gaining no more than 4 centimeters in height and 8 cm in width per year. The Christmas tree is unpretentious to the soil and grows well in loams and sandstones of any acidity level. Thanks to its slow growth, the plant allows you to preserve the created landscape for long years. Nidiformis is very frost-resistant, but it is still better to cover young plants for the winter. Nidiformis is not a pure species, so propagation is carried out exclusively by the vegetative method - layering or cuttings. Nidiformis seeds are useless. The reason is that such a plant was selected from various types of conifers. The ancestors of nidiformis were tall coniferous trees.

If you can’t grow such a conifer, your only option is to go to the store. Dwarf nidiformis are sold in pots or containers. The main principle for choosing this expensive plant is the belief that the root system is strong. There is no mechanical damage and the needles are not infected with pests.

Before going to the store, read the information about the shape of the crown, the size of the plant, as well as the features of caring for it.


European spruce or as it is also called ordinary - a wonderful decoration for anyone garden plot . A suburban area planted with spruce trees always looks as if it is ready to celebrate the New Year.

Norway spruce (European) is a worthy decoration for any suburban area. Spruce appeared in Europe in the 16th century; there is a description of spruce propagation dated 1511, then seedlings were very rare.

Nowadays, there are more than a hundred garden and design forms of spruce, and seedlings and seeds can be easily purchased in specialized stores and nurseries.

Norway spruce - description of the plant.

An evergreen coniferous tree up to 25-30 m high. Belongs to the pine family. The crown of the tree is pyramidal, the branching is whorled. The trunk is covered with gray or reddish-brown scaly bark. The needles are shiny, pointed, dark green, tetrahedral. Every year a seventh of it falls from the tree. Spruce is a monoecious coniferous tree: the male reproductive organs are located on the same individual as the female ones. The female organs are located at the ends of the young branches; they are bright red and cylindrical. Male cones are located between the needles at the ends of last year's shoots; they are greenish-yellow and smaller in size than female ones. Spruce produces pollen in May - June. Coniferous seeds are winged nuts of a dark brown color. The seeds ripen in September - October.

Common spruce photo.

Where is the plant distributed?

Coniferous trees are common in the northern regions of the European part of Russia.


For cooking purposes medicines take needles, buds and young cones of the tree.
Buds are stored in early spring, before they bloom. They are dried by laying them out in a thin layer in the open air and stirred frequently.
The cones are collected before the seeds ripen (in summer). They and the needles of the Norway spruce tree are used fresh.

Chemical composition of a medicinal plant.

The bark of the tree contains tonins, the needles contain microelements (copper, manganese, iron, etc.), essential oil, ascorbic acid, resinous and tannins, the cones contain minerals, essential oil, phytoncides, resin, tannins.

Pharmacological properties.

Common spruce preparations act as disinfectants, expectorants, choleretic, diaphoretic, analgesics and diuretics.

Common spruce: how is this coniferous medicinal plant used in medicine?

Traditional medicine uses cones, needles and buds of common spruce for treatment.
A decoction of common spruce buds helps with inflammation of the lungs and upper respiratory tract (inhalation). For gout, kidney stones, rheumatism - used in the form of medicinal baths.

An infusion of pine needles is drunk to prevent and treat scurvy.

A decoction of coniferous spruce cones is useful for rinsing the mouth, for a runny nose, for nasal drops, for chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

Norway spruce: treatment.

For respiratory diseases.

Pour 30 g of spruce shoots with a liter of milk, boil over a low flame for 30 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink the decoction in small portions during the day.

With decreased immunity.

Pour a glass of boiling water over 40 g of crushed pine needles and boil for 10 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes, strain. Drink a decoction of 20 drops in summer and 40 drops in winter.

Infusion for scurvy.

Pour 30 g of pine needles into 1/2 liter of boiling water, let it brew, strain. Drink three times a day.

Decoction for bronchitis.

Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of spruce buds and heat in a water bath at 100C° for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day after meals.

Infusion for external use.

Pour a glass of boiling water over 40 g of green cones and leave. Place the warm infusion into your nose, 3-4 drops per nostril 5-6 times a day.


“Ninavin” - 50% solution of pine needle essential oil in peach oil. It is used for renal colic and urolithiasis, has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the urinary tract.

“Pinabin” is a 50% solution in peach oil of the heavy fraction of essential oils of coniferous trees (pine or spruce). It has diuretic and bactericidal properties; It has an antispasmodic effect on the muscles of the urinary tract.

Contraindications to the use of spruce.

The drug "Pinabin" when taken orally causes general depression and irritation of the digestive tract. It is contraindicated for nephrosis and nephritis.

Medicinal preparations of common spruce are contraindicated for stomach ulcers and hyperacid gastritis.

Think and guess!

Which legend about Eli is true?

Spruce - coniferous evergreen tree pine family. This is a riddle about her: “Winter and summer in the same color.” The message will take a closer look at this interesting tree, tell you where it grows and how it is used in the national economy.


A Christmas tree is a slender tree that can grow up to 35 meters high. During the first 10 years it grows very slowly - a few cm per year, then the growth rate increases, but after 100-120 years it slows down again. It has a pyramidal (triangular) crown with a sharp tip. The branches are densely located throughout the trunk. It is often difficult to see behind the spruce feet.

U young tree the bark is smooth gray-brown in color; in the old bark it becomes gray and peels off in thin plates. The needles are dark green and shiny, sharp and prickly. The needles are much shorter than those of pine, up to 3 cm long.

They stay firmly on the branches for 7-10 years. But in urban conditions, with heavy smoke in the air, the lifespan of needles is greatly reduced: they fall off after only 3 years.

The spruce root system is located close to the surface, so strong winds can knock down the tree.

Spruce is a long-liver, she lives 250-300 years.

Where does it grow?

She grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found in Central and Northern Europe. It is widespread in Russia: in Siberia, the Urals, the Far East, the Caucasus, and in the steppe zone. Also grows in China and Japan.

In total there are 50 types oil. The most common: Siberian, European, Caucasian, Canadian, white, red, black.

The Christmas tree is the basis of the taiga. It grows in mixed forests, coexisting well with pine, oak, linden, aspen, and hazel. It also forms pure spruce forests, which have a number of features:

  • It's damp and dark here;
  • the soil is completely covered with moss;
  • under the spruce paws grow dense thickets of blueberries, lingonberries, wood sorrel, and cuckoo flax.

Growing conditions and reproduction

For a spruce to grow well, it needs the following conditions:

  • Shadow. This is a tree doesn't really like the sun young Christmas trees often get sunburned in open areas.
  • Sufficient hydration. Christmas tree does not tolerate drought well.
  • Temperate climate. Cold-resistant tree not afraid of frost, but it grows poorly in the southern regions, where the summers are too hot and long,
  • The soil should not be too dense, but moderately fertile.

Spruce is a monoecious plant. This means that male spikelets and female cones grow on the same tree. Propagated by seeds the germination rate of which is very good. The cones open in late November - early December, the seeds fall out, are picked up by the wind and carried far around the surrounding area.

In early spring, the seed awakens and begins to grow. The main condition for the sprouts to take root and begin to develop well is a warm spring, because they die during spring frosts.

Use in the national economy

Spruce plantations can often be seen in sanatoriums. Because they pine needles release phytoncides that clean and disinfect the air. Also, spruce often becomes the basis of landscapes in personal plots.

This wood is used to make high quality musical instruments. Soft wood is used to make paper, rayon, and smokeless gunpowder. Resin, tar, rosin, and turpentine are obtained.

Fir cones are widely used in folk medicine. Healers believe that a Christmas tree is a donor tree; if you lean against it and stand there for a few minutes, it will give a person energy and strength.

forest guest The kids are waiting for the New Year.

How much joy it brings, filling the house with a special forest smell and pleasing the eye with its beauty!

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, or European (Picea abies)
Norway spruce is valued as an important forest-forming species. Widely used in reforestation work and for protective plantings along railways, as well as as an ornamental tree to decorate landscapes. This type spruce is heterogeneous in appearance, which is due to different types of its branching. These types are inherited.
Soft and light spruce wood is used for sawing, and is also a good building material and a valuable raw material for the production of cellulose.


(Picea pungens)
As a rule, spiny spruce does not form large tracts, growing together with Engelmann spruce, pseudo-hemlock, lodgepole pine and ponderosa pine.
Its wood is light and soft, easy to process, but is little used due to the fact that the tree grows at very high altitudes.
It is one of the most decorative species, very suitable for decorating landscapes. The variety with blue colored needles is especially often used. Many decorative forms have been identified, differing both in the shape of the crown and type of branching, and in the color of the needles.


Gray spruce, or Canadian, or white (Picea glauca)
In the USA and Canada, Canadian spruce has serious timber industry importance and is also widely used as a raw material in the pulp and paper industry.
It is successfully used in garden and park plantings, despite the fact that in terms of decorativeness it is somewhat inferior to the prickly spruce, which has become more widespread in Russia.


, or Balkan (Picea omorika)
In nature, Serbian spruce grows on steep northern rocky slopes at altitudes from 950 to 1500 m above sea level.
Due to its decorative effect and resistance to urban conditions (gas, smoke, dust), it has found wide use in gardening plantings in Europe.


(Picea orientalis)
A typical mountain plant, usually growing at altitudes from 1000 to 2500 m. It prefers shaded slopes, where it grows with pine, Caucasian fir, beech, and hornbeam. Spruce forests with the so-called are especially impressive. Colchian type of undergrowth, consisting of evergreen shrubs or small trees: cherry laurel, holly, rhododendron. The undergrowth of this spruce does not tolerate direct sunlight at all and, apparently, is even more shade-loving than that of the European spruce. Regularly producing seeds with high germination rates, eastern spruce regenerates well, and can settle on the steepest rocky slopes. Oriental spruce wood is soft and durable, therefore it is used as a building material, used for carpentry and turning, serves as raw material for the pulp and paper industry, and also, due to its high resonant properties, is used in the manufacture of musical instruments.

Ayan spruce (Hokkaido)

Spruce ayanskaya, or Hokkaido grows in the Far East on mountain slopes mixed with other species at an altitude of 400-1200 m above sea level. Most often it forms mixed plantings. Protected in nature reserves.
Ayan spruce is a very ancient species in origin. Close to her Picea suifunensis grew along Suifun in the Middle Tertiary. In North America and the Balkans, spruce species grow from the same section Omorica as the Ayan spruce and are very close to it. Consequently, it can rightly be considered one of the oldest species of Primorye flora, part of the Turgai forests.
Slender, beautiful tree 40-50 m tall. The crown is regular, conical, pointed. The trunk is straight, covered with dark gray bark, almost smooth in youth, which peels off in roundish plates in old age. The shoots are pale yellow-brown or yellow-green. Easily distinguished from other species by flat needles, up to 2 cm long, on fruiting branches faceted, slightly curved, short-pointed. The needles are dark green above, bright gray below, with stomatal stripes, tightly pressed to the shoots, which makes them different from other species. Its decorative effect is enhanced by light brown, oval-cylindrical, slightly glossy cones up to 6.5 cm long.
Shade-tolerant, reacts sharply to changes in air humidity, does not tolerate waterlogging, is quite demanding on the soil, prefers fresh, moderately moist loams. It can grow on rocky and gravelly soils; when standing alone, it is a windfall. It is painful to tolerate transplantation, pruning and air pollution. Winter-hardy. Adapted to short, cool summers. In youth it grows slowly, later - moderately. The age limit is 300-350 years.
Good for contrasting groups with bluish-gray needles. It is distinguished by two-color flat needles, the crown appears gray from a distance. Looks great against the backdrop of birch trees and other deciduous trees. Valuable breed for forest park plantings. Effectively reduces noise levels. Suitable for creating dense hedges.

In St. Petersburg, F.B. was noted for the first time. Fisher (1852), earlier than in Western Europe. It was introduced into cultivation by the BIN Botanical Garden, where it is still grown. Also available in the collections of the Forestry Academy and the Otradnoe Scientific Experimental Station.
In GBS since 1954 there are 9 samples (104 copies), seedlings were brought from natural habitats of Primorye, Kamchatka, Sakhalin. Tree, at 36 years old, height 7.7 m, trunk diameter 13/16 cm. Vegetation from 20.IV ±7. The annual growth at a young age is 5-7 cm, at a mature age - up to 20 cm. It grows dusty from 19.V ± 3 to 30.V ± 4, more than 1 week, on average about 10 days. Seed production from the age of 33, the seeds ripen by mid-September, irregularly, in the first years the seeds are not viable. Winter hardiness is high. Summer cuttings treated with a 0.01% IBA solution for 24 hours do not root. Absent from the landscaping of Moscow.

(Picea breweriana)
Originates from North America, USA (mountains on the border of California and Oregon). It is found in small islands in deep gorges on dry, drained soil, usually at high altitudes (from 900 to 2500 m), often mixed with other rocks.
Tree 20-25 (rarely up to 35) m high, with a trunk 45-75 cm in diameter, with characteristic weeping branches of the second order. Young shoots are reddish-brown, pubescent, deeply furrowed, later silvery-gray. The buds are elliptical or fusiform, about 6 mm long, reddish-yellow, resinous. Needles 15-30 (-35) mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, flattened, blunt at the apex, green above, with a prominent keel below and 4-6 noticeable white rows of stomata on each side of the keel, usually radially located, straight or slightly curved. The cones are narrow-cylindrical, 6-10 cm long, 2-3 cm thick, with entire ovoid edges, with a cut off upper edge, very thick scales, wide open when ripe.

Found in 1863, introduced to Europe in 1893, rare in cultivation. In St. Petersburg, E.L. was the first to test. Wolf (1917). IN Botanical Garden BIN since 1973, is not stable enough and is growing slowly. It is of exceptional interest in ornamental gardening due to its original weeping growth form.

(Picea smithiana)- tree up to 50 m high, with a narrow pyramidal crown; Its lateral branches of the second order, hanging in garlands, are very characteristic; the lowest branches may sometimes touch the ground. The trunk is straight, sometimes curved at the base, but still stretches upward; the bark is brownish to gray, wrinkled, dissected by uneven films. From fairly large (up to 12 mm) and resinous buds, soft thin (one millimeter) needles, sometimes up to 5 cm long, spirally covering the branches grow, their prickly tips are strongly pointed, the color of the matte needles is dark green. The length of the yellow male spikelets reaches 3 cm, they are located along the edges of the branches in the axils of the needles; female cones - at first erect, dull green or greenish-violet - very soon turn into drooping, shiny and brown. Old buds without seeds can be identified by their dull gray-brown color.
ORIGIN. Region of the Himalayan Mountains, from Afghanistan (Hindu Kush) east through Northwestern India (Kashmir) to Southern Tibet.
This spruce lives at altitudes above sea level from 2300 to 3600 m, in areas with a monsoon climate, where precipitation falls periodically - twice a year. At lower altitudes it forms mixed forests with an admixture of maples, elms and Indian horse chestnut, and at higher altitudes it grows together with Wallich pine, Himalayan fir and Himalayan cedar.
APPLICATION. Due to its “weeping” appearance, this tree is highly valued as an ornamental tree; it is often grown in historical parks.
SIMILAR SPECIES. The Himalayan spruce has a “double” in North America, this Brewer spruce (Picea breweriana) is a magnificent conifer, now rarely found in nature, growing in mountainous areas including Southwestern Oregon and Northwestern California. The branches of the second order are even more “weeping” than those of the Himalayan spruce, and the fan-like scales of the cones are strongly rounded.

(Picea rubens)

Homeland: eastern part of North America (Appalachian Mountains).
Description of the plant: a tree 20-35 m high and with a trunk up to 135 cm in diameter. The crown of isolated trees is broadly conical, relatively loose, descending to the ground. The bark is fissured, scaly, reddish-brown. The shoots are short and thin, reddish-brown, densely pubescent. The buds are slightly resinous. The needles are 10-15 mm long, partially curved, tetrahedral, green, last 5-7 (up to 8-11) years. The cones are ovoid-oval, resinous, 3-4 (5) cm long, purple or green before ripening, mature ones - reddish-brown, with rounded scales; fall off in the second year.
Winter hardiness: high.
Features of cultivation: demanding on air humidity. Does not grow well on chalky soils.
Usage: suitable
Note: very decorative garden forms such as Nana- dwarf, wide-conical - and Virgata- serpentine.

(Picea likiangensis)

Homeland: highlands of Western China.
Description of the plant: tree up to 30 m high, with a conical crown and horizontally whorled branches. The bark is gray, deeply furrowed. Young shoots are yellowish, grayish or brownish, more or less pubescent or glabrous. The buds are oval-conical, sharp, resinous. The needles are 8-15 mm long, tetrahedral, irregularly quadrangular in cross-section, green. The cones are oblong-cylindrical, 5-8 cm long, the scales are thin, oval-rhombic.
Winter hardiness: high. In St. Petersburg it develops normally and produces viable seeds.
Features of cultivation: requires high humidity air, watering young plants in dry summer weather. Grows well in well-drained soils.
Reproduction: seeds.
Usage: for single and group plantings.
Note: It differs from related species in the color of the shoots and the shape of the cones.

(Picea gemmata)

Homeland: China, Sichuan province, highlands at altitudes of 3300-3600 m above sea level.
Description of the plant: tree 20-40 m high. Branches in horizontal whorls, drooping at the ends. The shoots are yellowish-brown or gray-yellow, pubescent, often with a whitish coating. The bark is gray or brownish. The buds are protected by the upper needles of the needles, which play a protective role. The needles are 6-18 mm long, tetrahedral, straight or curved, pointed, prickly (but not to the same extent as those of the prickly spruce), with 4-6 stomatal stripes, in color close to the bluish forms of the prickly spruce. The cones are cylindrical, tapering at the end, 8-12 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, smooth and glossy, with wide, round, leathery scales.
Winter hardiness: high.
Features of cultivation: does not respond well to summer drought; at this time of year, young plants need regular watering. Quite shade-tolerant and gas- and smoke-resistant.
Reproduction: seeds.
Usage: for single and group plantings.
Note: decorative thanks to its bluish-gray needles, dense crown and large cones.


(Picea obovata)

Homeland: one of the main forest-forming species of Siberian forests. Outside Russia - the Scandinavian Peninsula, Kazakhstan, Northern Mongolia, China.
Description of the plant: tree up to 30 (35) m high, with a cone-shaped crown. Shoots with coarse, short, reddish hairs. The needles are 7-20 mm long, tetrahedral, linear-subulate, spiny. The cones are ovoid-cylindrical, 4-11 cm long, brown, with convex, wide, entire rounded scales.
Winter hardiness: high.
Features of cultivation: very shade-tolerant, not salt-tolerant.
Reproduction: seeds. Garden forms semi-lignified green cuttings or grafting.
Usage: for creating snow retention strips, hedges and as a park tree.
Note: from varieties for landscaping and landscape design has the meaning Blue Siberian spruce (Picea obovata var. coerulea) with bluish colored needles.
All decorative forms must be propagated only by grafting onto a rootstock (4-5 year old or older seedlings) of the usual form of Siberian spruce.
One of the most valuable ornamental trees, characterized by high winter hardiness, shade tolerance, rapid growth and relative gas resistance. Not salt tolerant. Can be recommended for widespread use when creating various types plantings (single, group, planting of large tracts, hedges, etc.). Tolerates haircuts well.

(Picea sitchensis)- the tallest and fastest growing representative of the spruce genus (Picea), its range is limited to damp sea coasts, where in winter the air temperature usually does not fall below -18 ° C, and the annual precipitation level exceeds 3810 mm. Previously, Sitka spruce forests were ruthlessly cut down: this tree produces strong and light wood, from which at the beginning of the 20th century. they built airplane hulls, and today they build boats and make musical instruments. An elegant tree at the time of fruiting, decorated with large, up to 10 cm long, light brown cones.
Sitka spruce grows in damp, often swampy forests, where the moist soil surface is covered with a thick layer of forest litter. It is not found at a distance of more than 160 km from the sea coast.
Sitka spruce is one of the national natural resources of the United States, because it not only has the most valuable wood, but is also an ornamental evergreen coniferous tree.
IN natural conditions this species grows along the Pacific coast of North America - from Alaska to the southern states of the USA, where it is often adjacent to Douglas fir and other types of coniferous trees. In addition, a few specimens of Sitka spruce have been discovered in the north of Great Britain.

Since Sitka spruce is most often found along river banks or near sea coasts, in its homeland it is also called coastal spruce. This species is very effective in single and loose group plantings. Nowadays, valuable Sitka spruce wood, which has a brown tint, is widely used in pulp and paper, carpentry and furniture production.

Area Northwest coast of North America: from California to Alaska.
Dimensions of an adult plant Tree 40-98 m high.
Decorativeness Needles and cones give the tree an elegant look at the time of fruiting.
Needle shape The needles are very narrow (up to 0.1 cm), bicolored, up to 2.8 cm long, shiny, dark green on one side, bluish-silver-white on the other.
Time and form of flowering Spring-early summer.
Cones The cones are large, up to 10 cm long, light brown in color.
Soil requirements The species is demanding on soil and air moisture and successfully develops in temporarily flooded areas.
Attitude to light The species is shade-tolerant, but develops better with sufficient lighting.
Resistance to urban conditions The species is resistant to smoke and gases.
Frost resistance The species is frost-resistant.
Shelter for the winter Young plants in the first year of planting.
Lifespan Lives 700-800 years.

(Picea asperata)- a typical inhabitant of forests located in southwest China, where relict forests are still preserved intact. In a treatise published during the Qing dynasty, " Essential Herbs of Yulong Mountain"More than two hundred and twenty species of plants were named, including rough spruce. This wonderful coniferous tree has decorative qualities, and also tolerates severe cold and conditions well modern city, therefore, landscaping experts recommend that gardeners more actively use it in landscape construction.

(Picea Engelmannii)

Homeland: Rocky Mountains of western North America.
Description of the plant: tree up to 30-50 m high, with a trunk up to 90 cm in diameter, with a dense cone-shaped crown and slightly drooping branches. In cultivation it is usually relatively small in size and grows more slowly than Norway spruce and prickly spruce. The bark is fissured, scaly, reddish-brown, thin. Young shoots are yellowish-brown, with rusty pubescence. The needles are 15-20 (25) mm long, tetrahedral, sharp, hard (but softer than those of prickly spruce), with 2-4 stomatal lines on each side, bluish-green, directed forward and held 5-10 (15) years; when rubbed, it emits a specific, pungent odor. The cones are ovoid-cylindrical, 4-7 cm long and 2.5 cm wide; unripe - purple, when ripe - light brown.
Winter hardiness: high.
Features of cultivation: undemanding to soil.
Reproduction: seeds. Garden forms with semi-lignified green cuttings or grafting.
Usage: singly or in small groups and alleys.
Note: is of great interest for landscaping populated areas as a highly decorative species, with great resistance to smoke. Form Glauka (Glauca) has the most intense, bluish color.

Spruce belongs to the genus Picea (resinous plants) of the pine family. It is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, from the Arctic Circle to the south. About 50 species of spruce are known; you can find their photos and descriptions on this page.

In the European part, up to 10 species of spruce grow, and there are a great variety of them. But mainly five types of decorative spruce trees are used in landscaping.

This crop is a monoecious evergreen tree with a cone-shaped crown, gray bark and dense needles. The root system is superficial. The advantage of all decorative forms of fir trees is that they form a crown naturally and do not require pruning.

Common spruce is a tree up to 40 m tall with a trunk up to 1-1.5 m in diameter. The crown is cone-shaped, with distant or drooping branches, rising at the end, and remains sharp until the end of life.

The bark of Norway spruce is reddish-brown
The bark of the common spruce is gray

The bark of the common form of spruce is reddish-brown or gray, smooth or fissured, of varying degrees and nature of fissuring, and relatively thin.

spruce shoots
spruce shoots

The shoots are light brown or rusty yellow, glabrous. Buds are 4-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, ovoid-cone-shaped, pointed at the apex, light brown; their scales are bluntly triangular, light or reddish brown.

Spruce needles
Spruce needles

The needles are 8-20 mm long, 1-1.8 mm wide, tetrahedral in shape, have a sharp apex, with 2-4 stomatal lines on each side, dark green, shiny; the needles last 6-7 (up to 10-12) years.

Spruce cones
Spruce cones

The cones are 10-16 cm long and 3-4 cm thick, oblong-ovate, initially light green or dark purple, brown when mature. The seed scales are obovate, slightly longitudinally folded, convex, notched along the upper edge, sometimes truncated.

Spruce seeds
Spruce seeds

The seeds are 2-5 mm long, brown or dark brown, with a light brown wing that is about 3 times larger than the seed. The seeds open and disperse in the second half of winter.


Lives in nature for 250-300 years. The annual growth is 50 cm in height and 15 cm in width. Up to 10-15 years it grows slowly, then quickly.

Grows wildly in Europe and Asia. Very demanding on soil moisture and composition. Does not tolerate sandy loam. It grows satisfactorily only in low areas. Very sensitive to air pollution.

All varieties of common spruce are not plants for the garden. It is attractive only at a young age, and over the years it loses its decorative effect, stretches out, and thins out. They represent value various shapes common spruce, which has bushy, spherical, weeping crowns.

It is better to use decorative forms of this spruce in the garden: below are the names and descriptions of the most popular of them.

Spruce "Echiniformis" in the photo

"Echiniformis" (spinate). Dwarf, slow-growing form, reaching 20 cm in height and 40 cm in width. This variety of common spruce has a cushion-shaped crown, unevenly developed in different sides. The shoots are light brown, glabrous, slightly shiny, hard, and relatively thick. Annual growth is 15-20 mm. The buds are light brown, large, cylindrical, rounded.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of common spruce has yellow-green to gray-green needles, the lower needles are flat with a short sharp tip, the upper ones are star-shaped, located under the terminal cone:

Varieties of common spruce
Varieties of common spruce

Spruce "Compacta" in the photo

"Compact". Dwarf form, usually about 1.5-2 m tall. Old plants sometimes reach 6 m in height with the same crown width. The shoots are numerous, short, raised and brown in the upper part of the crown. The needles are about 9 mm long, shorter towards the top of the shoot, shiny, green.

"Nidiformis" (nest-shaped). Dwarf form, slightly higher than 1 m, wide, dense. The crown is cushion-shaped, flattened, which is obtained in the form of a nest due to the shoots growing obliquely from the middle of the plant and the absence of main branches. The branches grow evenly, fan-shaped and trumpet-shaped. There are numerous shoots. Annual growth is 3-4 cm. The needles are light green, flat, with 1-2 stomatal lines, which are a distinctive feature, 7-10 mm long. Very effective for low borders, in small groups created on parterres and rock gardens. Currently one of the most common dwarf forms.

Here you can see photos of varieties ordinary type spruce trees, the names of which are given above:

Varieties of Norway spruce
Varieties of Norway spruce

Canadian spruce in the photo

Canadian spruce– a tree 20-35 m tall, with a trunk 60-120 cm in diameter, with a dense regular cone-shaped dense crown. The branches of young plants are directed upward, while those of old ones are mostly downward and flat.

The bark is smooth or scaly, ash-brown. Young shoots are yellowish or whitish-light brown, glabrous. Buds up to 6 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, almost spherical, non-resinous; their scales are blunt-ovoid, light brown, shiny.

The needles are 8-18 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, tetrahedral, bluish-green, densely spaced and rather hard, slightly curved, smell quite sharp when rubbed, the needles last up to 11 years.

Look at the photo - this type of decorative spruce has ovoid-cylindrical cones, up to 7 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm thick, light green until ripe, mature - light brown:

Decorative spruce cones
Decorative spruce cones

The seed scales are thin and elastic, solid along the upper edge.

The seeds are 2-3 mm long, light brown, with an orange-brown wing 3 times the length of the seed. The cones ripen in September.

Winter-hardy and quite drought-resistant. Lives up to 300-500 years.

All varieties of Canadian spruce are recommended for single and group plantings; dwarf forms are promising for rocky hills. It grows successfully in both maritime and continental climates. Quite drought resistant. Not picky about soils, tolerates poor and sandy soils. It resists winds well and is used as a windproof. Less sensitive to gases and smoke than European spruce.

Currently, about 20 decorative forms of this type of spruce have been described; you can find a description of the most popular of them below.

Spruce "Konika" in the photo

The most amazing variety - "Konica". If everyone knows the blue spruce, then the other Christmas tree, which dendrologists briefly call “konica”, i.e. conical, still rare.

"Konica" is a mutation of Canada spruce native to eastern North America. It differs from its ancestor not only in its miniature size, its height rarely exceeds 2 m, but also in its surprisingly dense crown cone and soft light green needles.

By the middle of the last century, the Canadian spruce variety “Konica” conquered the whole world, settling in the gardens of countries with temperate climate and developed ornamental gardening.

Its real discovery in Russia occurred only relatively recently, along with the rapid development of ornamental gardening, when Konika seedlings began to come to us in large quantities from Holland, Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries Western Europe, where its reproduction has long been established. "Konika" propagates exclusively by cuttings, as it does not bear fruit.

IN middle lane In Russia it is quite winter-hardy. But in urban conditions it is less stable than prickly spruce. With strong gas pollution, the decorativeness of the Christmas tree is reduced.

It grows slowly, which is an advantage in garden design. At five years old, the Christmas tree reaches a height of 20 cm and already at this age its decorative properties are strikingly superior to even-aged seedlings of common spruce. By the age of ten, “Konika” reaches an average height of 80 cm and is completely decorative. And by the age of 20, its height is usually 150 cm, the diameter at the base is about a meter.

“Konica” should be planted in open places, protected from cold winds, with cultivated, light loamy soil. Caring for it may be limited to watering during dry periods.

The development of the Christmas tree, and therefore its decorativeness, is facilitated by periodic surface loosening and mulching of the tree trunk circle with rotted organic matter. Mulching is best done in early autumn, and in spring the mulch should be incorporated shallowly into the soil.

In favorable conditions, "Konika" retains its high decorative value until old age. It does not need pruning or shaping. Like the blue spruce, it is designed to play the role of tapeworm in decoration and is simply a godsend for a small garden.

This Christmas tree fits well into large rock gardens, it is desirable in the background of flower arrangements, and harmoniously combines with other low conifers. Looks especially elegant on the lawn. At the same time, it is advisable to plant it in an even row of three or more plants or in a group of several Christmas trees.

Among other decorative forms, “Aurea” is known, characterized by strong growth. The needles on the upper side are golden in color.

Spruce "Aureaspicata"
Spruce "Aureaspicata"

"Aureaspicata". The form is distinguished by the yellow color of the needles and young shoots, which persists only in summer, but later they turn green.

"Elegance Compacta". The crown is conical, but the growth is stronger than that of "Konika", young shoots and buds are yellow-brown, the needles are fresh green, 8-10 mm long, annual growth is 5-4 cm.

"Nana" (low). Dwarf form up to 1-2 m high. The crown is wide, rounded. The branches are dense, numerous, unevenly spaced, gray, very flexible. Annual growth is 2.5-4.5 cm.

Pay attention to the photo - this variety of Canadian spruce has radial needles, 5-7 mm long, thin, hard, gray-blue:

Canadian spruce needles
Canadian spruce needles

The culture is winter-hardy. Propagated by cuttings.

"Pendula"- weeping form, has strongly drooping branches, branches abundantly, needles are densely located on the branches, bluish-green.

Among the forms with blue needles worthy of attention:

Spruce "Alberta Blue"
Spruce "Arenson Blue"

"Alberta Blue", "Arenson Blue",

Spruce "Cerulea"
Spruce "Sunder Blue"

"Cerulea", "Sunder Blue".

All of them have dwarf growth and retain the color of their needles well in open sunny places: alpine roller coaster, heather gardens. They are suitable for growing in containers.

Speaking about what rare types of spruce there are, it is worth mentioning the Engelmann and Schrenk forms.

Engelman spruce in the photo

Engelman spruce- native to North America. In terms of the slenderness of the crown, this is the most decorative spruce. The tree amazes with its grace and healthy appearance. Even the very lower branches are never bare. It is very resistant to unfavorable urban conditions and soil and climatic influences. When describing Engelmann spruce, it is definitely worth mentioning its qualities such as winter hardiness, shade tolerance and drought resistance.

It has many decorative forms that are widely used in landscaping.

Spruce "Glauka" in the photo

Most Popular "Glauka" (gray). Tree 20-40 m tall, with a dense cone-shaped crown, without a clear horizontal layering of branches. The needles are less prickly, more flexible and less spaced than those of prickly spruce, bluish-blue; the color is especially clear in early spring.

As you can see in the photo, the Engelmann spruce needles in winter are not so attractive, but still decorative:

Engelman spruce
Engelman spruce

Grows quickly. Winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Recommended for single, group and alley plantings in large gardens.

Schrenk's spruce, or Tien Shan, is a powerful tree with a narrow cone-shaped crown, a sharp top and branches hanging to the ground. The needles are light green or bluish. Light-loving, not demanding on soils, but moisture-loving and low frost-resistant.

Look at the photo - this type of spruce has high decorative qualities, which makes it desirable in garden compositions, and slow growth in the first years of life allows you to form dense hedges from it:

Spruce in the form of a hedge
Spruce in the form of a hedge

It has a spherical shape - a tree up to 1.8 m tall with a rounded crown.

Prickly spruce in the photo

Prickly spruce. Among the numerous representatives of the genus, it stands out for its slenderness and beauty, undemandingness to growing conditions, frost resistance and resistance to air pollution, surpassing many of its brethren in this indicator.

Decorative at any time of the year. The most valuable evergreen tree up to 25 m, lives up to 100 years.

The crown is pyramidal. The branches form regular dense tiers, horizontal or hanging at different angles. Particularly beautiful are specimens in which the branches are evenly spaced in regular tiers around the trunk from the very ground to the top.

The needles are prickly, their color varies from green to light blue, silver, up to 2.5 cm long. Under good growing conditions, the needles live 5-7 years, more often 3-4 years.

The breed is considered resistant to dust and smoke, but in urban conditions it must be washed with water at least 5 times a month. Photophilous. It is demanding on soil fertility and moisture, but does not tolerate overly fertile soil or waterlogging.

Tolerates pruning well. Propagated by seeds and grafting.

It is recommended to plant some distance from roads and industrial enterprises, against the backdrop of a lawn, preferably in illuminated areas. Usually single specimens or small groups are planted in the front places of the garden. It is especially good in combination with Serbian spruce, pseudo-hemlock, plain fir, etc.

Popular forms of prickly spruce are described below:

Spruce "Argentea"
Spruce "Argentea"

"Argentea" (silver). A straight-trunked tree 30-40 m tall with a cone-shaped crown and clearly spaced horizontal branches. The needles are silvery-white, a light waxy coating remains on old plants, young needles have a soft green color with a whitish tint. Widely used in landscaping, in single and group plantings;

Spruce "Glauka"
Spruce "Glauka"

"Glauka" (gray). It differs from the main species in its bluish-green needles, which retain their color throughout the year. The lifespan of needles of this variety of prickly spruce is 3-10 years, depending on conditions. Plant height is 20 m. Annual growth is more than 30 cm. The crown is symmetrical, cone-shaped. The shoots reach the ground and are arranged in tiers almost horizontally. Branches do not break under the weight of wet snow. Suitable for creating large arrays, small clumps, for single plantings;

Spruce "Glauka Globoza" in the photo

"Glauca Globosa" (blue spherical). Dwarf form up to 1 m tall and up to 1.5 m in diameter. Young shoots are yellowish-brownish and thin. The crown is rounded, dense only in old age.

Pay attention to the photo - this variety of prickly spruce has thick, slightly crescent-shaped, blue-white needles, about 1 cm long and 1 mm thick:

Prickly needles
Prickly needles

"Hoopsie." The height of the tree is 12-15 m, the diameter of the crown is 3-4.5 m. The crown is evenly branched, very dense. The annual growth is 12-20 cm, the branches are horizontally spaced from the trunk. The shoots are light red-brown, the apical buds are ovoid, 1 cm long. Scales are short, bent. The needles are needle-shaped, hard, sharp, bluish-white, 2-3 cm long, directed forward, thick, last 4-6 years.

"Bonfire". Tree 10-15 m tall, with drooping weeping branches. The crown diameter is 4-5 m. The needles are slightly crescent-shaped, bluish-green with a light waxy coating, thin, crescent-shaped, short, 20-25 mm long. The silver-blue color of the needles remains in winter. Young shoots are orange-brown. The trunks are bent. One of the most famous blue forms of prickly spruce. The crown is evenly developed, conical. Recommended for solitary and group plantings near houses, for decorating ceremonial places.

"Moerhaimi." Strongly and unevenly growing, narrow-conical shape. The needles are 20-30 mm long, adjacent. In the second year it becomes an intense silvery blue.

As you can see in the photo, the color of the needles of this variety of prickly spruce does not change in winter:

Spruce in winter
Spruce in winter

The branches are short and horizontal. The apical bud is 10-15 mm long, blunt, yellow-brown. The lateral buds are very different and are located spirally below apical bud. The scales at the apex are strongly deflected.

"Moll". Dwarf form, grows slowly. At 20 years of age, the height is about 1 m. The annual growth is 3-5 cm, the crown is broadly conical and very densely branched. The shoots are yellow-brown. The needles are beautiful, bluish-white, 10-15 mm long and 1 mm thick.

"Montgomery." Dwarf form, slow-growing, very squat, at 35 years of age the height and diameter of the crown is 1.8 m, annual growth is about 6 cm, shoots are yellow-brown, buds are ovoid, yellow-brown, scales are bent. The needles are 18-20 mm long, gray-blue, sharp.

"Oldenburg". Tree 10-15 (20) m high, with a crown diameter of 5-7 m. The crown is conical. The bark is brownish-gray, flaky, the shoots are orange-brown.

The photo shows that this variety of prickly spruce has needle-shaped, dense, hard, prickly, steel-blue needles:

Prickly spruce
Prickly spruce

It stays very firmly on the branches. Grows quickly. Annual growth is 30-35 cm in height, 15 cm in width. Photophilous. It is undemanding to soils, but grows better on chernozems and loams and tolerates temporary excess moisture. Frost-resistant, tolerates frost well. Application: single plantings, groups.

In this section of the article you can see photos and descriptions of the blue spruce species from the Pine family.

Blue spruce on the picture

The blue spruce tree is an evergreen coniferous tree, 25-30 m high, rarely up to 46 meters. The trunk diameter is up to 1.5 meters. The bark is thin and scaly. The crown is narrow-conical in young trees, and becomes cylindrical in old ones. The needles are 15-30 mm long, rhombic in cross-section. The needles of blue spruce deserve a special description - the color of the needles of this plant species ranges from grayish-green to bright blue.

The crown is conical, compact, the needles are tetrahedral, dense, very prickly. The bark of the trunks and branches is grayish-brown, initially smooth, later fissured.

On the picture

Decorative blue spruce cones are slightly cylindrical, 6-11 cm long and 2 cm wide when closed, up to 4 cm when open. The color of the cones is from reddish to purple, the mature cone is light brown. The seeds are black, 3-4 mm long with a light brown wing 10-13 mm long.

Look at the photo - blue spruce has cylindrical cones, up to 9 cm long, light brown, ripen in the first year:

Decorative blue spruce cones
Decorative blue spruce cones

Blue spruce is one of the hardiest spruce trees in all respects. It is inferior to common spruce only in shade tolerance. But it is extremely resistant to atmospheric pollution, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, and very unpretentious to soil conditions.

However, the blue spruce species achieves its best development and greater decorative effect on fertile structural loams, in full light.

This tree has a pronounced root core, which makes it drought-resistant. And yet, in the first 6-8 years, seedlings should be watered 2-3 times during the summer, and in case of drought, be sure to water them at least once a week. This will allow the trees to grow stronger. The greatest increases in height in blue spruce plants are observed after 8-10 years. And by 20-25 years the trees are already fully formed. The first cones can sometimes be seen on 15-year-old trees.

Until the age of 8-10 years, it is better to keep the tree trunk under black fallow, mulching with humus. In the future, the land should not be cultivated, and care consists only of periodic mulching and watering during prolonged drought.

Blue spruce
Blue spruce

As can be seen from the photo and description of the blue spruce, this beauty will decorate your garden for many years. She is an excellent tapeworm who does not need anyone's company. Looks good alone or in a group on a flat lawn. When creating groups, spruce trees should not be planted closer than 3 m from each other, so that there is no shading and the trees have low, dense crowns.

These photos show blue spruce varieties that are most popular among gardeners:

Blue spruce
Blue spruce

Healing properties of spruce

Spruce is not only decorative, but also useful plant in the garden and on personal plots.

The healing properties of spruce are well known. Moreover, the common spruce is recognized as the leader in this regard among all species. The needles, young shoots and young cones are medicinal. They are rich in essential and tannin substances, resins, vitamins, microelements, phytoncides and fatty oils.

Various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and urinary tract, as well as sinusitis and other diseases in the nasopharynx area are treated with spruce preparations and decoctions. Baths made from spruce branches and buds are used for skin diseases, gout, arthritis and arthrosis.

Brewing from fresh spruce buds can be consumed as a vitamin tea, which is contraindicated for stomach ulcers. The simplest infusion is prepared by roughly grinding 40 g of pine needles, pouring a glass of boiling water over it, boiling for 20 minutes, then infusing. The resulting infusion is drunk during the day if there is a lack of vitamin C.

Spruce needles contain significant quantities of phosphorus, potassium, iron, and vitamins. It is especially rich in ascorbic acid and carotene, which makes pine needles an excellent raw material for the production of special preventive pastes for scurvy and periodontal disease, pine extracts for baths and medicinal chlorophyll-carotene preparations.

Camphor is obtained from the essential oil of spruce, which is indispensable for heart ailments. Inhalations of essential oil of pine needles cure catarrhal conditions of the throat and bronchi.

The ecological significance of spruce is also important. Air pollution, especially urban air pollution, currently exceeds all existing standards. The needles take on a filtering role in the gas exchange of atmospheric air. Dust particles along with harmful microorganisms settle and become fixed in the waxy coating of pine needles.

Air saturated with coniferous secretions has a beneficial effect on the body, improving breathing and blood circulation, and even heals a sick human psyche.

Phytoncides released by pine needles help clean the air even in polluted places. At the same time, the spruce itself feels good. It has straight trunks, dense foliage, and low-hanging crowns.