Photo wallpaper for the office. Strict ambition and home comfort: successful examples of choosing wallpaper for an office What color is suitable for an office

Did you know that office wallpaper directly affects the work process? After all, the mood and, accordingly, the productivity of employees often depends on them. To raise corporate spirit, it is recommended to buy original photo wallpaper for the office. Many managers have understood this for a long time and are actively taking advantage of this opportunity.

Photo wallpaper for any office space

What photo wallpaper is best to buy? It all depends on what room they are chosen for. However, professional designers advise choosing bright and stylish photo wallpapers for the office. After all, they not only improve the mood of the team, but also create a positive opinion about the company among customers.

Since wallpaper for the office is available in a wide range, choosing them is sometimes very difficult. But this is on the one hand. On the other hand, you are free to purchase absolutely any office photo wallpaper. And that's great!

To prevent the process of choosing wallpaper for office decoration from turning into an insoluble task, you should consider a few simple recommendations:

  1. To design your workspace the best way backgrounds and textures, abstraction, backgrounds and textures, black and white images are suitable. IN Lately Cityscapes are increasingly being used to decorate office interiors,
  2. Photos of nature look great in relaxation rooms, and appetizing images on a culinary theme in the dining room.
  3. In reception areas, it is best to wallpaper the wall in corporate colors. Also excellent option there will be use of prints with company logo your company.

To gain interesting idea, you can see photos of the interior with wallpaper for the office on the Internet. Perhaps you will find what you want on one of them. Then all that remains is to find the same wallpaper for the office in the catalog or purchase it to order.

And don’t forget to read reviews from other customers. If many people liked some image, perhaps you should hang such photo wallpaper on your office wall? After all, the majority opinion is rarely wrong.

Create a unique atmosphere!

If you decide to change the environment in the office, first study ours. We offer a huge selection of images on any topic, so in this regard you are given complete freedom.

If the wallpaper for the office, photos of which are presented in the catalog, does not suit you, it does not matter. After all, in our company you can purchase wallpaper to order. Just contact us any in a convenient way and explain what exactly interests you. We will make any of your wishes come true.

The list of company services includes:

  • sketch development;
  • carrying out a color proof;
  • image visualization.

Before you hang photo wallpaper in your office, you can see how it will look. To do this, select the image you like and send us a photo of the room - the designers will do the rest. In a couple of days, you will see how harmonious the custom-made wallpaper looks, and you will be able to decide whether to leave it or choose others.

You can contact our specialists at any time. They will definitely help you choose wallpaper for the office that will look harmonious in the interior and create an appropriate environment for work.

Before choosing wallpaper for your office, let’s figure out in what cases certain textures and materials, prints and colors are used. As a rule, every organization has a reception area, areas for ordinary employees and offices for managers. Depending on the type of room, wall coverings should be selected.

1. Reception or reception.
This is the “face” of any company. Photo wallpaper in the office interior in this case serves to attract the attention of visitors, creates a favorable impression, or even is a kind of symbol of the company, in combination with the brand and name, from the first steps they give an idea of ​​​​what kind of activity the institution is engaged in.
2. Rooms for employees.
Business mood depends on many factors, including surrounding details and general design premises. The environment should have an appropriate impact on the staff, not distract, but, on the contrary, promote concentration and serve as an incentive to work. In addition, photo wallpaper can be used to zone space.
3. Meeting rooms.
In such rooms, they usually try to create a comfortable environment, calm and restrained, so that discussions and debates are carried out in a positive manner and as efficiently as possible.
4. Management offices.
In rooms intended for management, the type of photo wallpaper depends, first of all, on the taste preferences of the owner of the office. In this case, of course, the choice is coordinated with the designer so as not to deviate from the general style of the office.

Types of photo wallpapers

These modern materials for wall decoration are divided according to strength and texture. There are paper, vinyl, fabric photo wallpapers. The first ones are the most affordable and easiest to stick, but also the thinnest. Vinyl wallpapers They are not so easy to glue, but they are dense and durable. Photo wallpapers made from fabric fibers are quite expensive, but they are the most reliable and practical material.

Also, the wall design of this plan differs in style. For example, high-tech photo wallpaper is suitable for a progressive-looking office. High tech, functionality, rigor and minimalism - these are the main features of this direction. The predominant colors are metallic and white.
Loft-style photo wallpapers would be appropriate for organizations related to industry or those wishing to emphasize their daring, rough character and desire for simplicity and clarity.

Graffiti and other paintings of a similar nature look great against the background of plain walls.

5 reasons why you should buy photo wallpaper from us

  1. Our online store contains a variety of photo wallpaper collections. You can choose any texture and color scheme, the most fashionable prints or classic design. The sizes of the canvases are also variable. A wide range allows you to make perfect choice to each customer;
  2. The cost of our products is democratic. Eat budget options and exclusive expensive photo wallpapers for office and home;
  3. All Decoration Materials products presented in the store are manufactured by reliable manufacturers in accordance with modern technologies. You get maximum quality at the lowest price;
  4. Thanks to the convenient catalog, the process of selecting and purchasing photo wallpaper is very simple and enjoyable. Each product is supplied with a photograph, detailed description and instructions;
  5. A few clicks and the order is sent for processing. Place the selected photo wallpaper in your cart, indicate the number of rolls, pay and in the near future we will deliver your purchase to any region of the Russian Federation.

To maintain a working atmosphere, it is most logical to select images that correspond to the scope of the company’s work. This does not mean that you necessarily need to place a clock wallpaper in your office if your company deals with them. The combination of colors and shapes in the image promotes a particular working mood, which can be used in office decoration.

  • Photo wallpapers with images of greenery and flowers are perfect for stimulating creative thinking.
  • For the main areas of the office, such as the reception area and conference room, discreet photo wallpapers with geometric lines and color scheme harmonizing with the surroundings. You can also choose murals “frescoes” or famous reproductions.
  • Landscape images with mountains, forests and ponds will fit perfectly into the lounge or kitchen.

Advantages and features of using photo wallpaper

The main advantage of photo wallpapers is their diversity and low price. Such inexpensive and at the same time aesthetically attractive products will become a real decoration in the office. By correctly combining the interior features and the purpose of a particular room, you will achieve an impressive effect. The space will become spacious and visually filled even with minimal furnishings.

Photo wallpapers are easy to install and have a long service life. The color design does not lose its brightness over time: with careful handling, photo wallpaper can last for decades. They can be washed, but it is better not to place them in places with high humidity.

The choice of photo wallpaper is approached with special care, since the walls in the office are always open, and what is on them immediately attracts attention. The first impression of visitors depends on the quality and nature of the drawing.

What color is suitable for the office?

Photo wallpaper for the office should not be too “homey”; it is better to prefer abstraction or landscape. The colors chosen are warm and neutral. Milky, blue, beige or cream colors are the most optimal for the room where employees spend most time.

Premises within one office are usually divided into three types:

  • offices of ordinary employees- they use photo wallpapers of calm colors with unobtrusive, neutral subjects;
  • senior managers' offices or meeting rooms- here the walls are finished based on general style furnishings so that the pattern and tone of the wallpaper are in harmony with the colors of the furniture and the rest of the interior;
  • Head office- here you can show your imagination and realize interesting design ideas.

It is advisable to decorate office premises with high-quality photo wallpaper, since the materials must be resistant to various external influences and be durable. It's best if they are made to order - big sizes premises may result in visible joints on the walls.

"Photo Wallpaper Studio" offers high-quality, environmentally friendly clean materials. Big choice images will allow you to select perfect option for any room.