Photo wallpaper for the corridor and hallway. Choosing photo wallpaper for the hallway Photo wallpaper for a small hallway with a picture of a crocodile

In this case, photo wallpaper will come to the rescue: thanks to the huge variety of interesting images and the wide range of colors used, this option will fit perfectly into any style and will make your hallway as comfortable as possible.

At first glance, it seems that choosing photo wallpaper for the hallway is as easy as shelling pears, but even this process should be approached with the utmost care, because photo wallpapers, as a rule, are designed for long-term use, and, therefore, you need to purchase this option so as not to regret it later your choice. You will learn how to do this right now.

Basic Rules

In order not to make a mistake when choosing photo wallpaper for the corridor, we advise you to adhere to several important rules:

Advice: Large mirrors installed opposite the wall with photo wallpaper will help make the space even wider.

It is extremely important to pay attention to a few more points. Try to select photo wallpapers for the corridor and hallway those that are easily cleaned of dirt and do not deteriorate under the influence of friction or others external factors impact.

In the hallway, your guests and the whole family will change their shoes and take off their outerwear, so it is possible that the wallpaper will get dirty or lose its appearance.

Buy now only dense materials or buy photo wallpaper with special protective film or opened, which will save you from the need to constantly put the wallpaper in order.

Advice: to avoid additional problems with photo wallpapers, you can combine them with decorative panels made of durable and non-staining materials. It could be wood, plastic or even stone.

Methods of use

Let's talk about how It is beneficial to use the free space on the walls in the corridor.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to stick large photo wallpapers on the wall in the hallway. It can be occupied by cabinets, shelves, mirrors or other decorative elements. In this case, such wallpaper can be stick and other ways:

  • some photo wallpapers will look great on sliding doors from closets or rooms combined with the hallway;
  • You can make a modular picture or panel from photo wallpaper and hang it on the free space on the wall;
  • if you have a large hallway, using photo wallpaper you can divide it into several zones;
  • Photo wallpapers with some designs will look original even on the ceiling.

The method of using photo wallpaper in the interior of the hallway depends on the purpose for which you purchased it. They can serve as a replacement for regular wallpaper and be placed around the entire perimeter of the room, or can be glued in order to focus on some part of the room.

In any case, they should fit harmoniously into the interior and pieces of furniture.

Advice: When choosing photo wallpaper, immediately think about for what purposes and on what part of the wall they will be glued, because depending on this you need to choose the most preferred material. The basis of photo wallpaper can be non-woven fabric, paper or vinyl.

Decorating the space: choosing a style

Which is the most profitable to use for decorating a hallway using photo wallpaper? This should be an image that would highlight cozy atmosphere and made a positive impression on your loved ones.

Considering that for decoration modern hallways A wide variety of shades are used; it is not at all necessary to focus on any specific color. The main thing is that the style of the pattern on the photo wallpaper matches the style of the entire room.

Photo wallpapers corresponding to the following style trends are perfect for the hallway:

When choosing a design for the hallway, you should not settle on too elaborate or luxurious images. Firstly, complex compositions will affect the cost of such photo wallpapers. And secondly, your guests will only be in this room for a short time, so they will not be able to get enough of the original paintings.

It is advisable to purchase photo wallpapers with such images, which are easily perceived and do not cause any thoughts: it is in this case that a bright and original picture will be able to leave an imprint in the memory of everyone who will be in your home.

As you have seen, the process of choosing photo wallpaper for decorating a hallway has many features related to the fact that in this room there is a minimum of free space, there is practically no lighting, and the surface of the wallpaper is constantly under negative influence.

We hope that our recommendations helped you decide to use photo wallpaper to decorate your hallway, and now you can choose a design that can attract attention and demonstrate your sense of style.

It is generally accepted that the hallway (which is also known as the corridor) is the room that first catches the eye of our friends and guests. Therefore, in order to make it pleasant to enter yourself, and also, as they say, to impress guests from the threshold, you need to try to beautifully arrange the hallway space. Photo wallpaper in the hallway is one of the original, but at the same time, a well-known way of decorating the interior of this room.

Due to the fact that this type of decoration is characterized by a wide variety of options and themes, you can achieve a much greater effect when compared with traditional wallpaper for the corridor. In addition, you can use photo wallpaper in the hallway to expand the space. This is an extremely important point, since most of the hallways in our apartments are quite small in area, and we would like to achieve a visual “expansion” of such narrow spaces. How to do right choice, what to pay attention to when gluing and what you need to know about styles? Let's analyze the photo wallpaper in the hallway (photos of which are presented in this article) and try to draw certain conclusions.

Application options

It doesn’t always turn out that you can freely and without obstacles hang wallpaper in the interior of the corridor. The fact is that free space can be occupied by various furniture (wardrobe, shelves, etc.), a mirror and other decorative and interior elements. So, if there is still free space on the walls of your corridor, you can safely glue them. At the same time, if the space is quite limited, you need to think about how to use it correctly.

There are several options for such cases:

It must be said that photo wallpaper for a corridor in an apartment, photos of some of which you see in the galleries for this article, largely depend on what specific functional task they are intended to perform. If we talk about the purpose of their use, then we can distinguish two most common options:

  • Replacement of classic wallpaper (at least partial).
  • Use on one specific area, in order to focus attention on this particular place.

Interesting to know! When thinking about the possibility of combining, you must take into account that you need to combine wallpapers not only with each other, but also with other items in the interior of a particular room. The corridor is no exception.

By the way, a few words about which materials are most widely used. There is nothing new with this. As with the classic ones, roll options for walls, photo wallpaper can be vinyl, non-woven or paper. They all have their pros and cons.

Choosing a style: what you need to know

When renovating, you must always remember that the decoration of each space has its own characteristics. This applies, first of all, to the choice of the main color. It is clear that this is not simple wallpaper, which is, as a rule, one-color, or has at least a certain dominant color. With photo wallpapers, everything is somewhat more complicated, since, in most cases, they do not have any one color, but represent a whole unique kaleidoscope of different shades.

If we are talking about photo wallpaper for the hallway, then the most successful and suitable are the following stylistic options:

  1. Eastern or ethnic style. He offers us photos of plants, exotic animals and birds, views of nature (mountains, savannas, jungles, and so on).
  2. Classic style. Traditional lines, lack of pretentiousness and shockingness, as well as restrained tones.
  3. Cities. Such scenes are optimally suited for interiors designed in more modern styles. You can find out more about such wallpapers. In addition, we recommend reading about, and.

Important! Be that as it may, the main condition is that the photo wallpapers match general style room interior and design.

Be that as it may, it is desirable that the photo wallpaper for the hallway be simple. There is no need for them to have a large variety of elements in the image. At the same time, try to avoid making them look too colorful, looking like a jumble of patches. Such images will only visually narrow the already small space of the corridor.

What you need to know about design

So, if you are determined to settle on photo wallpaper, you will need to take into account certain rules, according to which the internal space of the corridor is formed:

  1. Since your choice has fallen on wallpaper with bright shades, it is advisable, as they say, “not to go too far.” Let rich and bright colors be just an addition and original fragments. Also, don't forget to match them well.
  2. For small hallways, it is advisable to choose special photo wallpaper in the interior. Photos in the corridor, if possible, should be large. Thus, this technique will allow you to achieve a visual expansion of the space.
  3. In addition, dark, as well as so-called “cold” tones, which include blue, gray, dark green, etc., are responsible for the wider (naturally, only in visual terms) dimensions of the room.
  4. Mirrors can be a good idea for decorating a space in a small hallway. The larger their size, the more “spacious” the room will seem.
  5. Don't forget that stripes placed in a certain direction can also help. Horizontally located patterns or ornaments can have the effect that was just mentioned above. If we are talking about vertically located drawings, then they are known to help cope well with the problem of low walls (which is especially important for apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings). The ceiling with such wallpaper will seem higher.
  6. Do not forget that the corridor, as a rule, is a rather dark place, since there are no windows, and, as a result, a very small amount of sunlight penetrates there. So, try to avoid shades that are too dark, which will make the room even gloomier.

Material selection

By the way, I would like to say a few words about the choice of material from which the photo wallpaper is made. In the corridor and hallway (photos of examples do not allow us to say what material this or that wallpaper is made of, but, nevertheless, familiarize yourself with them), it is advisable to use fairly reliable and durable finishing materials, and here’s why. The fact is that the surfaces of this room, be it the floor or walls, are constantly exposed to various kinds pollution. This is dirt and dust from shoes, splashes from a beloved dog or soiled clothes that, willy-nilly, come into contact with the wallpaper.

Therefore, it is very desirable that photo wallpapers can be washed. As you know, non-woven and non-woven fabrics are washable. vinyl wallpapers. As for paper analogues, in their case not everything is so simple, since it is not recommended to wash them, especially using chemicals. This will only ruin the decorative layer. In addition, the structure of the material must be durable, since it must be able to withstand mechanical damage.

Bottom line

As we can see, photo wallpaper for the corridor is an interesting option that is finding its application in the interior of apartments, becoming more and more popular. Despite certain disadvantages and limitations, this type of finishing has much more advantages. Therefore, taking into account the basic recommendations, you can safely begin the repair.

The hallway is the face of our home, from which guests create their first impression of the home and its inhabitants. Therefore, it is so important when making repairs to pay close attention to this small room. The video in this article shows instructions on how to correctly create the style and decoration of the walls in the hallway with your own hands using photo wallpaper.

The hallway is a rather difficult room to renovate and create any style or decor, since most often it is small in size, without windows and with many doors (see Door decoration: what material to choose). It is also considered the most polluted room and its walls are constantly exposed to mechanical stress.

It is much easier to make repairs and decorate the wall in the hallway if it is spacious and has at least one window; it is quite easy to choose an interior and design for such a room. And it’s quite difficult to choose something for a small and dark room.

Characteristics of photo wallpaper for the hallway

Let's look at some tips quality characteristics The photographic canvas that you plan to hang in the hallway should have:

  • Strength. Photo canvases in the hallway must withstand mechanical damage. For example, if you have Small child, and you live in an apartment, then you will have to keep the stroller in the hallway, and it can scratch the walls.
  • Do not wear out. The canvas and image must withstand periodic friction. For example, in small room It’s cramped and if several people gather here at the same time, friction against the walls cannot be avoided.
  • Moisture resistance. Since the hallway quickly becomes dirty, frequent wet cleaning. For example, on the street, rain and dirt from shoes rush into the house, and wet outerwear comes into contact with the walls.
  • Heat resistance. Fabrics must withstand various temperature changes. For example, if the windows in a room are open, there will be a draft when opening the door. And if it’s frosty outside, then cold air will enter the warm hallway.
  • Chemical resistance. For example, there are some stains that cannot simply be washed off with water; in this case, a variety of detergents which may contain chemical solvents.

It is no secret that the hallway is exactly the place that we, like our guests, see first when entering the apartment. That's why it's so important has the right choice finishing materials for this room. Photo wallpaper in the hallway is no exception. Without a doubt, today in the market for materials for finishing, repair and construction, great amount variety of options.

Thus, the choice of how to decorate a particular room is quite wide. At the same time, it is not always possible to choose an inexpensive, attractive, but at the same time, unconventional finishing option, which, moreover, would be good in terms of practicality, do-it-yourself installation, as well as subsequent operation. Photo wallpaper in the hallway, photos of the interior of which you can see in today’s article, are precisely such options. So if you want to have attractive design a corridor that would be practical at the same time, there is no need to look for something else. You can safely make a choice in favor of this type decorative finishing walls in the room.

By the way, what also speaks in its favor is that you can count on a wide variety of plots. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to choose something suitable for that different style in the interior. Among the most common subjects we can mention nature (mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, animals), modern cities and ancient cities, and a number of other options. It should be understood that the color of the photo wallpaper must match the color of the rest of the interior. Moreover, we are talking not only about the walls themselves, but also about pieces of furniture, including wardrobes, shelves and ottomans, as well as lamps, textiles, decorative details, and doors. As a rule, there are no windows in the hallway, so think about choosing a combination with window frames, window sills, curtains and curtains you don't have to.

How to choose the right one: basic criteria

As noted just above, today you can count on a truly huge selection of various options, both in general construction stores and in specialized showrooms. In addition, we must not forget about the companies that produce and print photo wallpapers individual order. All types of coatings differ not only in the main color scheme, but also by possible surface texture (can be matte or glossy), as well as by size and shape (horizontal or vertical).

One cannot fail to note such a circumstance as the sharp increase in last years level of product quality, especially if we are talking about the most reputable and trusted manufacturers. If earlier photo wallpapers were not only dull in subject matter, but also low in quality, today the level of their execution has increased significantly. This is evidenced by such facts as:

  • High resolution photos.
  • Natural colors, as close as possible to the original.
  • Guaranteed level of durability.

At the same time, for correct selection Wallpaper for the interior must be guided by certain principles in order for the future interior to look presentable and harmonious. So here's what to think about:

  • To visually “expand” the area of ​​the corridor, it is better to use large images, as well as dark colors and shades that belong to the so-called “cold spectrum” (blue, lilac, gray, etc.). At the same time, you shouldn’t overdo it, since the hallway is already a fairly dark place.
  • Use stripes, or at least images stretched in a certain direction. Thus, horizontal stripes visually “expand” a room, “lowering” its walls, and vice versa, vertical stripes can make the ceilings seem higher. However, for a narrow interior small hallway it won't be the best solution, since the space in such cases will look more compressed.
  • Bright colors are also welcome, but they should be used in doses and not as the main background.

Attention! Since we have raised the topic of small hallways, you can adopt one interesting and useful trick: Use mirrors whenever possible big size. The bigger, the better. This will create the effect larger area in room.

Positioning on the wall

Many people are interested in the question of where is the best place to hang photo wallpaper in the hallway. Photos of some examples give a certain understanding of in what places and on what sections of the walls it is better to place them. Continuing the theme small rooms, it is worth noting that in such cases it may be optimal to use photo wallpapers that are fairly small in size. There is no need to pursue large sizes in ways that are inappropriate.

However, if the overall tone of such images is more or less light, this fully allows for the use of panoramic photo wallpaper on the entire wall. By the way, the use is not entirely large photo wallpaper is quite universal option for corridors of any size. At the same time, remember that you can always complement the interior by diversifying it with all kinds of decorative elements.

By the way! Very interesting option may be the use of “volumetric” 3D photo wallpaper. You can learn more about this type of finishing in the articles “” and “”.

Decorative items

Since the topic of additional decorative accessories has been briefly touched upon, let’s dwell on it in a little more detail. It goes without saying that any type of decoration in a particular room should be harmoniously combined with other elements. However, we must not forget that additional decor will not only not be superfluous, but also, one might say, a necessary condition in order to create a truly complete and multifaceted interior. In addition, with this issue there are no special connections to one style or another.

  1. If there are photo wallpapers on the wall that look like stone, or have images of ancient/medieval cities, then you have great opportunity complement them not only with ordinary wallpaper of a slightly contrasting color (lighter), but also with small areas of natural or artificial stone on one of the walls of the hallway.
  2. If the wallpaper shows plants, flower beds, and in general, there is a floral theme, you can complement it by specifically using pots with real fresh flowers. However, we must remember that living plants require at least minimum quantity natural sunlight, which is not available in every hallway.
  3. Any bright photo wallpaper for the hallway and corridor (see photo below), especially if small size, can be beautifully framed. The baguette frames themselves should be chosen both light and dark. The main thing is that they match the style of the rest of the interior, and do not contrast with it.
  4. For photo wallpapers with cities, especially if we are talking about London, Paris or images of the old center in European cities, lamps stylized as antique street lamps would be quite appropriate.

Lighting Secrets

As noted just above in this article, it is no secret to anyone that the hallway is quite dark room. This is due to the relative lack of sunlight. However, this situation can be corrected if you can use artificial lighting wisely. Speaking of various options backlights, the following should be mentioned:

  • Located around the perimeter (LED lamps).
  • One large chandelier on top.
  • On the walls (sconces).

There are other types of lighting, but these are perhaps the most common of all. When choosing lamps, remember that important characteristics are the brightness, the direction of the backlight, as well as how and where the shadows will fall. It is the latter circumstances that influence how well the photo wallpaper will look in the interior of the hallway. In addition, depending on the interior style, as well as the main color of the walls, you will have to choose what intensity lamps are best to choose, “cold” or “warm”.


So, we see that photo wallpapers are excellent choice for a room such as a corridor. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget that this area of ​​​​an apartment or private house is characterized by an increased level of wear and tear and is subject to frequent contamination. For this reason, it is advisable to choose non-woven or vinyl wallpaper. It is most likely worth discarding their paper “brothers”, since, in most cases, they are not washable, which makes them somewhat impractical, given the specifics of the room. In addition, they must be strong enough.

Photo wallpaper in the hallway, interior design, photo:

Why do you need photo wallpaper for the hallway? Because the hallway is the “face” of your apartment/house. From its design and interior, a general opinion is formed about the entire environment as a whole, and it is this that creates the first impression of the owner of the house.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to implement conceived ideas. Using regular wallpaper will not work desired effect, and this is where photo wallpapers come to the rescue, setting the overall tone for the room.

The presence of a rich assortment of models, all kinds of colors, shades and images, allows you to create a unique atmosphere that can impress even a discerning guest who decides to “evaluate” the homeowner’s home.

Photo wallpaper landmarks

Street wallpaper

If it seems to you that choosing photo wallpaper is very simple, drive away these thoughts. In general, photo wallpapers are designed for a long service life, due to the fact that it is based on their tonality that the design and interior of the hallway is created. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the selection of a product with extreme care, so as not to redo your “creation” several times in the future.

Selecting products - main criteria

The choice of photo wallpaper is made for one purpose - to decorate the hallway. To make the right choice, there are several simple rules , compliance with which will lead to a positive result:

Photo wallpaper color patterns

  1. If the hallway is small, you should not opt ​​for photo wallpaper with 3D images and large drawings. Why? According to the designers, large drawings “cut down” the living space even more, visually turning the hallway into a small vestibule;
  2. Avoid using bright colors. Ideally, the composition will not “harm the eye”, but will organically fit into the overall style. If you are impressed by bright colors, then you should choose a pattern where they alternate with soft colors;
  3. To create an "illusion" large space, it is recommended to use images with cool/dark tones;
  4. Vertical stripes or elongated patterns will visually raise the ceiling. Horizontal stripes“reduce” the hallway space both in height and length;
  5. Due to the fact that the hallway does not reach sunlight, designers do not recommend purchasing wallpaper with small, curved images. In unnatural lighting, such pictures put a lot of pressure on the eyesight and psyche.

Advice! For visual increase space (in addition to wallpaper), you can use mirrors. It is recommended to place them opposite the photo wallpaper.

In addition to the above recommendations, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  • The hallway is a high-traffic area. To protect photo wallpaper from unplanned marks and mechanical damage, it is recommended to purchase high-strength products with a washable surface;
  • On the market you can find products with a compacted structure or covered with a protective film. Such models will help not only to improve the appearance of the hallway, but will also save you from unnecessary cleaning problems.

Photo wallpaper - practical application

Now let's look at the most important point– the use of photo wallpaper in practice, or rather on the walls of the hallway and corridor.

Combination of photo wallpaper and decorative stone

Often a difficult situation arises - the entire hallway is crowded and hung with shelves and cabinets. What to do? Let's consider several alternative options for wallpapering, according to the current situation:

  • Photo wallpaper can be glued to sliding doors or on locker doors. Looks impressive and attractive;
  • Another Alternative option– photo wallpaper can be turned into a modular panel and hung on the wall;
  • If the photo wallpaper has an original pattern or texture, then it will look attractive even on the hallway ceiling.

You can decorate the corridor and hallway with two different ways(using photo wallpaper): complete covering of the room or accented covering. If everything is clear with the first, then the second option is more interesting - Only one wall/part of the wall is covered with photo wallpaper, focusing attention on itself, while the remaining hallway is papered simple wallpaper, selected in color.

Whatever option you choose, the main thing is that they fit harmoniously into overall design premises, combining with the interior and decor.

Styling the space

Let's get down to practice, namely, choose the style to which the photo wallpaper will be adapted. The main rule is that the image on the wall should emphasize the comfort of the apartment and create a favorable impression on relatives and friends who visit your home.

Photo wallpaper painting

Modern design practice adheres to several styles, which can be combined:

When choosing a wall image, it is not recommended to choose sophisticated, luxurious, flashy images. By purchasing such photo wallpapers you will have serious problem in terms of their placement - they hardly fit into the design and it is very difficult to choose appropriate furniture and decor for them. The second point is that the hallway (also known as the passage) is a room with high traffic. Guests simply will not have any desire to stand and look at a “work of art” in the hallway (more suitable for the living room).

Brief summary

As it became clear from all of the above, photo wallpapers have many features and their choice should be approached with the utmost attention. Limited space, poor lighting and possible combination with regular wallpaper creates a lot of problems that not everyone can solve.

So that everything renovation work went off without a hitch, you should carefully consider the design of your own hallway, using our modest instructions. Having visited the construction market, you may be confused by the abundance of drawings and even entire compositions, but by listening to the recommendations, you can make the right choice that will delight you and your guests for several years.

Tips for renovation and design: what wallpaper to choose for the hallway
The combination of practicality and attractiveness of the walls in the hallway