Fortune telling online Kiev witchcraft part 1 2. Kiev witchcraft solitaire

There is information that this type of prediction first appeared in Kievan Rus in the 12th century. Kiev Solitaire online for free for the future gives the most accurate and truthful answers to questions of interest. Some sources contain information that an unknown Russian traveler brought this method of finding out the future to European countries, and in the 17th and 18th centuries it became extremely popular.

The essence of fortune telling is similar to Indian solitaire, there is only one difference: in Slavic there are 20 cards, and in Indian – 25. Well, the principles of laying out and combining symbols are the same. That is, the picture cards have various images that need to be collected.

In general, this is a special magical system that is designed for one fortuneteller. The cards are laid out in a special way so that certain symbols appear, each with its own meaning.

To do fortune telling, click the “Fortune” button, to rotate the picture, click on it with the mouse.

Interpretation of solitaire symbols Kyiv soothsayer

  • Mace - all started projects will be completed successfully. Joy, a sign of victory and happiness.
  • Beads - a surprise awaits you, something pleasant.
  • A wreath is an excellent sign; it means the emergence of new roads and renewal.
  • Horn - you will soon hear unpleasant news, alarming and sad.
  • A broken pot means a quarrel with loved ones. You should think carefully before you speak.
  • A letter is news, an important message or an answer to an exciting question.
  • A bottle and a glass - you need to relax. You will have a good time with your family, but you should not drink too much.
  • Door - a trip to a government house (change of job, registration of inheritance).
  • Castle - the path is closed, choose another road to achieve your goal.
  • Mirror - expect a pleasant acquaintance.
  • The snake is a disease, you should pay attention to your health.
  • Tangle - road, quick journey.
  • The key is an open path, everything will work out.
  • Wheel – life changes.
  • Bell - trouble awaits.
  • The ring is a declaration of love.
  • Rocker - doubts, some kind of hesitation.
  • Cat – love and new emotions.
  • A wallet with coins - luck, wealth, solution to financial problems.
  • Cross - you won’t be able to change anything on your own, everything has been decided for you.
  • Swan - good news.
  • Moon - something important will happen soon.
  • Mill - gossip, empty talk.
  • Lightning – quick decision making.
  • Mother hen - family life.
  • The fence is overcoming obstacles.
  • Horseshoe - happiness, success and luck.
  • Sunflower - prosperity, calm, measured life.
  • Piglet - unexpected troubles.
  • Broken heart - love suffering, quarrels.
  • Rose is love.
  • Sabers - quarrel and disagreement with friends.
  • The sun is luck, happiness, fulfillment of desires.
  • Arrows - achieving the goal.
  • Poplar - loneliness, you should rely only on yourself.
  • The pipe is a philosophical mood.
  • Flag – changes at work.
  • Cheln is a great happiness.
  • Damn - a rash act, an unpleasant situation.
  • The anchor is balance, everything is quiet and calm. Business is booming.

Fortune telling is an option for those who want to know their future. There are many ways in which you can do this, the most popular of which is solitaire. People often turn to a fortune teller for help, but the Kiev fortune teller’s fortune telling is so simple to perform that it can be done at home and even online.

History of Solitaire

Solitaire is fortune telling on cards, based on a single ritual, it appeared several thousand years ago. It is based on a random coincidence of circumstances.

The fortuneteller must know the exact purpose of it and keep it in mind all the time.

The word "solitaire" is translated as patience. One must have great patience and be motivated to lay out and then decipher the meaning of the cards.

Since ancient times, women have often resorted to fortune telling. With the help of solitaire you can determine the course of events.

Playing cards appeared much later, so fortune telling on cards with symbols is ancient.

general description

Kyiv Vorozheya solitaire appeared in our area in the 12th century. He can predict the future.

Each of the 20 fortune telling cards has its own unique meaning.

Previously, the deck could be bought in a store. Now you don’t need to go searching, because fortune telling is available on the Internet, online.

The atmosphere during the ceremony should be calm, the windows should be curtained, and there should be 2 candles nearby. The fortuneteller should be positive and should not have bad thoughts.

How to lay out

Having decided to tell fortunes, you need to perform actions in a certain sequence.

The deck is first shuffled well and rotated around its axis. Then 5 cards are laid out on the table in 4 rows.

Those that are next to each other and their symbols match will be a prophecy.

If there are no special cards, it doesn’t matter. You can replace it with a regular playing deck of cards, having first removed all the sixes from it.

After this, mix on a flat surface so that straight and inverted positions can be obtained. Next you need to collect them, move some towards you: 7,9,11,13,15,17 cards in the count will be fateful.

Fortune telling rules

Having played solitaire, you need to find identical symbols - they make a prediction.

When fortune telling online, each sign found will be described automatically. Your task is only to interpret it for yourself, apply it to your situation and relate it to the question asked earlier. Intuition must also come into play here.

Remember, the Kyiv fortune telling will only work if you do it once a day. Even the next day you can’t ask the same question.

The main requirement for carrying out this is faith in what is happening. If you are skeptical about the whole ritual or do it for fun, nothing will work, the magical power will not be available.

Also, many believe that you can ask cards a question in order to check them, but such an attitude will have a negative impact on further predictions - the deck will already be set against you.

You cannot guess on Mondays and on Orthodox holidays; the best time to make a reading is at night.

Meaning of symbols

Interpretation of symbols:

  • Mace - all matters will have a successful outcome;
  • Beads - for unexpected and pleasant events, gifts;
  • Wreath - you should hope and believe in your plans;
  • Horn - unpleasant news;
  • A broken pot means a quarrel or a break in relationships;
  • Certificate - all the information you are looking for will soon come into your hands;
  • A bottle and a glass - for a feast with loved ones;
  • Doors - to changes and matters related to paperwork;
  • Castle - it’s worth changing your behavior tactics to achieve what you want;
  • Mirror - new people will come into life who will become close.
  • The snake is a sign of illness.
  • The ball promises a long journey.
  • The key to rapid change.
  • Bell - trouble may arise.
  • If a ring falls out, you will have a heart-to-heart conversation with your loved one.
  • Rocker arm - it’s worth thinking about before making any decision.
  • A cat for a fleeting romantic relationship.
  • Wallet - for money.
  • Cross - there is no way to influence the situation.
  • Swan: the answer to the question is yes, the plans will come true.
  • Moon - you need to wait a little longer to receive an answer.
  • The mill is a bad sign; it will not bring anything good, only bad word of mouth.
  • Lightning - decisions will need to be made quickly.
  • The hen promises well-being in family life.
  • The fence to the barriers.
  • Horseshoe happiness is just around the corner.
  • Sunflower - everything started will end well.
  • Piglet - troubles are possible ahead.
  • A broken heart means failure in love.
  • Rose - soon a person will appear in life who will make you forget the past.
  • The saber falls out to indicate a quarrel with loved ones.
  • The Sun is a sign that denotes unlimited happiness and good luck in the near future.
  • Arrow - goals will be achieved.
  • Poplar - to loneliness.
  • Tube: to get the desired result, you should think carefully and weigh everything again.
  • Flag - to changes in professional activity.
  • Cheln - everything planned will come true, fortunately in your personal life.
  • If the devil fell, this is an act for which you will be ashamed later.
  • Anchor - stability, confidence and prospects in business.
  • Others consider only those solitaire cards whose images match immediately to be valid, and those that need to be rotated are of secondary importance. They are less listened to.
  • Another interpretation suggests that between 2 matching cards there may be another card that can be ignored, but the picture cannot be turned over.
  • Conclusion

    Kiev soothsayer online fortune telling is a hint on what to do. In order for what the cards showed to come true, you need to make your own efforts. There is no need to hope that everything will resolve itself. For those who don’t believe, it’s better not to do such things, because there will be no results from them.

    To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are predicting for. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

    Online fortune telling Kyiv sorceress. An excellent example of a layout that addresses the answers to many questions. This is an old prediction that was very popular at the end of the 19th century. I would like to note the excellent interpretation of the meanings of the cards. We will present several options for making a prediction; today we present to your attention the first part of this spell.

    Technique for performing online fortune telling:

    To make this prediction, we need to use a small card deck consisting of 32 cards (sixes are removed from a regular deck of 36 cards). The deck of cards must be asymmetrical, i.e. all cards must have a direct and inverted meaning; as a result of the prediction, we receive an interpretation through not 32 cards, but 64 cards, which significantly expands the format of the results obtained. As usual, before laying out the cards, you need to carefully shuffle them, and then move part of the deck towards you with your left hand. Next, you need to count 6 cards and take out 7 with the words - Hurries, then take out 9 with the words - Surprise, then 11 - Expects, 13 - Disturbs, 15 - Obstructs, 17 - Remains and you can begin to interpret the dropped cards. You can perform divination on our website completely free of charge, to do this, click on the deck of cards located below, do not forget that you need to carefully tune in to the ritual and hold the specified deck for as long as you feel necessary, the result of divination largely depends on you on your mood and confidence that the cards will tell you the truth.

    This graceful bird brings you good news. You can count on the fulfillment of your plans and receiving very good news on your issue.

    The moon or month brings something important into your life. You should receive news regarding your question within the next month.

    “The old mill, everything will grind”... Empty talk, gossip.

    What can be faster than lightning, and is lightning predictable? A lightning-fast solution awaits you. Events are coming when you must make decisions very quickly and not yawn. Get ready!

    Isn’t it true that a woman busy with housework resembles a hen in a nest? You have a mother hen - family life. This sign predicts you a happy family life, full of wealth and prosperity.


    The fence is a kind of fence, an obstacle that must be overcome. You are ready? Your plans will hit obstacles. Most likely, they will not come true. Everything will depend on your determination.

    Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been considered a talisman for good luck. You have found your horseshoe. A very happy period in your life awaits you. All your desires and hopes will take on real features. All you have to do is enjoy your success to the fullest.

    Let's remember what a sunflower looks like. That's right - it's a small sun. This means a quiet life and prosperity ahead. This is a very good sign. He speaks of a cloudless and calm life, full of wealth and prosperity. Success and successful resolution of all issues awaits you

    They have screwed you over, and unexpected trouble awaits you. Future events may cause you trouble and grief. But everything passes, and this will pass.

    What can break a heart is only broken love. Events are coming when your loved one will make you suffer greatly. There is a high probability of a breakup or at least a big quarrel. Think about whether this can be avoided.

    Who will remain indifferent to this beautiful flower? Rose is love itself. Love, love and love again. This sign doesn't say anything else. You will meet a person who will make you forget about everything in the world.

    As they say, relationships are like swords or hostile relationships. You may quarrel with your friends or loved one. Moreover, the quarrel can be very serious. Is it worth it to spoil the nerves of yourself and others, maybe find a compromise?

    The sun is the source of life on earth. So there is good luck and sunny life ahead. This is the happiest card. Good luck is on the way. You will achieve everything you strive for, all your wishes will come true.

    The arrow usually always reaches its target. You can confidently count on success in your business. Achieving the goal is 100 percent realistic... Cast aside doubts and move forward to the intended goal.

    The proud poplar is loneliness. You may not find associates in your cause. In the near future, you will have to rely only on your own strength. Fate will make you feel physical or mental loneliness for some time. But it’s moments like these that make us stronger.

    Light a pipe (mentally, of course) and think. Upcoming events will put you in a philosophical mood. This sign will make you think about the current state of affairs and draw the right conclusion. And remember this is your choice.

    The flag has loomed, a fresh guard of ideas is coming, bringing something new to work. There will be significant changes in your work in the near future.

    Cheln predicts boundless happiness. The boat of life will lead you on a happy path. This is a very favorable sign! Fulfillment of all desires, prosperity, mental and material wealth, happy love. Happiness will remain your companion for a very long time.

    “The devil got me wrong!” we say when we find ourselves in an unpleasant adventure or take a rash step. You've got the devil. In the future you will do something that will make you blush for a very long time. This sign says that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, perhaps not of your own free will.

    An anchor will keep your ship in a stable position. The state of your affairs is quite favorable. You stand firmly on your feet and are confident in your abilities. This sign portends favorable development and prosperity of all your affairs.