Where is the best place to plant basil in the garden? How to protect basil from infection with fungal diseases

Indeed, every garden crop requires attention, and especially basil, which, although it can easily cope with many pests and diseases, is very demanding of soil and heat. How can we grow these greens without crazy losses of time and effort, and get a decent harvest that will delight our table with spicy seasoning by the end of the season?

Soil for planting

The agricultural technology for growing basil requires fertile and well-kept soil, which means that we will have to work hard to create best option for growing crops.

The plant is best planted in well-warmed areas that are protected from wind and drafts. It prefers light sandstones, well seasoned with organic matter. The best predecessors plants in the garden are considered to be legumes, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers, since they receive stable application organic fertilizers.

Soil preparation begins in the autumn, when the bed is well dug up and fertilized. The digging depth is about 20-25 cm, about the size of a shovel, soil fertilizers (per 1 m2) are 3-5 kg ​​of humus or compost, 22-25 g of superphosphate and about 15 g of potassium salt.

If cultivation is planned on heavy soils, clay and loam, then in the fall it is necessary to form the correct ridges, which in spring period should be well broken with a hoe (depth up to 15 cm).

Growing from seedlings in open ground

Growing basil from seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently grow a crop and get a harvest. Sowing of seedlings occurs at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, sowing depth is up to 1 cm. In order for the seedlings to sprout quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which is entirely given period should stay at +25+27°C. Next, picking occurs in small pots.

Pots with young seedlings are kept in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened. It will be necessary to apply mineral fertilizers in the first leaf phase (if, of course, the seedlings do not develop well). They are easy to prepare – dilute them per liter clean water 3 g of potassium, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers and watering. Already before planting in open ground, about a week in advance, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature.

Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, basil is planted in open ground. Arrangement on the bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and a distance between plants of 25 cm. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, where in front of the room young plant pour in about a liter of water. Basil is planted in pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface.

While the plant is taking root, it is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed.

Caring for Basil

Basil should be dug up to ensure planting density, tearing off the top shoots, removing flowering from young plants, promptly weeding the weeds in the garden bed, watering and loosening the soil.

Also, the planting should not be overcrowded and high humidity soil, otherwise the basil will suffer from gray mold.


When the basil reaches 10-12 cm, it can be removed little by little. The leaves are tied into bunches and dried, then finely ground and used as a seasoning for a variety of dishes.

Growing basil at home

The essence of the process is to grow a crop from seeds in a pot or to transplant already mature basil with cuttings. Just like in a vegetable garden, you will need fertile buds and warm, windless conditions.

Basil is planted several plants in one pot, the containers are placed in sunny, well-warmed places, watering occurs as the soil dries, approximately once every 5-6 days. Also, fertilizing will be necessary. mineral fertilizers, according to the scheme described earlier. Feeding is carried out approximately once a month.

Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than in a greenhouse and open ground, but you can always achieve excellent result, providing culture necessary conditions content.

Basil varieties

Now that growing basil at home or in the garden has become clear to you, you can choose the most suitable variety.


A plant with leaves of a deep bluish color and a persistent aroma of tea and allspice.


A crop with light green leaves, the aroma of which resembles a mixture of cloves and bay leaf.


A plant with purple-brown leaves, which, when harvested, can add a clove and mint aroma to any dish.

Basil grown in the country (video)

In addition, it is always possible to grow purple or lemon basil, which do well in pots on a windowsill or in open ground if you initially grow the herbs through seedlings in a greenhouse. We recommend reading the article about.

Reviews and comments

(7 ratings, average: 3,50 out of 5)

Katya 04/07/2016

If you grow basil just for yourself, in small quantities, then there is nothing complicated. I bought a bag of seeds once, sowed them, and now every autumn I collect seeds from my bushes. I noticed that the seeds need to be sown thicker, because... germination is not very good. It is probably at this stage that basil is capricious. If it grows too thick, I thin it out.

Inna 05/15/2016

Is it possible to plant green and purple basil side by side if you plan to get the same seeds for planting next year?

Imran 06/02/2016

Elena 06/13/2016

Sowed basil
in open ground: it turned out dense, is replanting possible?

Fedor 08/17/2017

I plant it on the windowsill in my apartment. Of all the varieties that I have tried, the best is the “Rigan” variety. Grows well, up to 60 cm. Purple. Fragrant. In the room after a thunderstorm, standing pleasant aroma. When planting seeds, I don’t bother, I scatter two bags thickly, water them and cover them with film. After a week, shoots appear. I water it with water diluted with milk once a week. Organic too. True, a film subsequently appears on the ground, I break it with a plastic fork. Purchased soil for seedlings and flowers.

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Basil is not only a very beautiful plant, it has healing properties, but also a favorite spice among real gourmets. Basil was brought to Europe from Asia, where it was even considered sacred. Many worshiped it, considering it a kind of passport to heaven for those who died. This plant was also respected by the Greeks, in whose language it is translated as “royal”. We will look at what exist best ways sow basil, let's get acquainted with detailed instructions sowing the plant and find out under what conditions basil seedlings will bring the most generous harvest.

Many novice gardeners have a question about how to plant basil. It is recommended to plant it in areas that warm up well, are not exposed to strong winds and do not allow drafts. Since the plant is intolerant to frost and frost, it should not be planted too early. Good soil for the plant will be sandy loam with the addition of organic matter. The soil for planting basil in open ground should be prepared during autumn period when the ground is easy to dig up and fertilize.

To get a quick and good basil harvest, you need to use the method of growing basil seedlings. You can make seedlings from the end of March or as early as the beginning of April. Seeds should be placed in the soil to a depth of approximately 1 cm.

To achieve rapid emergence of seedlings, for the first ten days it is necessary to regulate the temperature, which should be about 25+ or 27+ degrees. After this, you can pick into small pots. And already in the first days of June, when night frosts do not pose a danger to the soil, basil can be transplanted into open ground.

Video “Effective planting methods”

From the video you will learn how to plant this spice correctly.

Landing instructions

The pots where the young seedlings are placed must be kept and fertilized in a greenhouse, where they can harden. You can apply mineral fertilizers already at the stage of development of the first leaf, if it is clear that the development of seedlings is delayed. Making such a fertilizer is not difficult - you need to add 3 g of potassium, 5 g of phosphorus and 2 g of nitrogen fertilizers per liter of water and water the planted seeds with the resulting substance. Plants are hardened off about a week before they are planted in the ground. This is done by limiting watering and ventilation with a slight decrease in the temperature of the greenhouse. As mentioned above, before replanting basil, you need to prepare the soil for it in advance by digging up the soil and filling the beds with fertilizers.

In the garden bed, the transplanted basil should be arranged in rows, the distance between which should be at least thirty centimeters, and between the plants themselves - at least 25 cm. The plants need to be planted in the holes small sizes, approximately 7-8 cm deep, into which you need to pour about a liter of clean water before doing this. Basil is planted directly in pots, but it is necessary to ensure that the bud in the center and the young leaves do not remain on the surface. When planting basil, you must make sure that the pot is not too small.

In order to know how to plant basil, you need to follow the basic rules for planting this plant. First of all, we must not forget about the importance of loosening the soil and adding sand there, because these are the main factors that help to obtain good shoots. It is also important to mulch the soil with humus, but it is better to do this several months before planting, so that the pus decomposes and the soil receives all the useful elements from it.

As you know, get friendly sunrises and good harvest using a small seed is quite difficult, whereas healthy plants grown on a windowsill have a much better chance of doing this. Thanks to this, the seedling method is very popular for cultivating crops in open ground.

How to care for seedlings

Now that we already know how to plant basil, we should figure out how to care for the seedlings in order to get the most positive result, and the planted basil developed well and grew healthy. First of all, you need to keep the soil constantly slightly moist, because basil grows best in well-drained soil, but it should not be left in standing water. Adult plants can be watered once a day, preferably in the morning, then the water will have time to soak in and evaporate, and the plants will not be in water all night.

Experts also advise plucking off blooms. If buds appear on the basil, you need to pinch them off, along with the two pairs of leaves underneath them. Due to flowering may begin hormonal changes, which significantly reduces the number of new leaves and deprives the plant taste qualities. Typically, flowering begins due to the influence of additional sunlight, then the plants themselves become lanky, and the leaves become smaller and not so tasty.

Growing basil at home and in open ground

Basil is an ornamental herbaceous plant originally from Africa. Growing basil in open ground at home is possible. At proper care in both cases, fragrant greens will grow, suitable for cooking or making tea.

Growing from seeds

In order to receive good seedlings, basil is grown from seeds at home.

Source: Depositphotos

Growing basil doesn't require much effort.

Basil seeds should be planted in early April. Here's what to do:

  1. Pick a small one wooden box or a pot for sowing.
  2. Prepare the soil: mix equal amounts of humus, peat and garden soil. Sprinkle a nutrient mixture consisting of clean water, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate onto the ground.
  3. Scatter the seeds on top of warm and moist soil and sprinkle with a little soil.
  4. Cover the box or pot transparent film or glass. Place it in a warm and well-lit place. The room temperature should not be lower than 20 ⁰C. If there is not enough light, arrange additional lighting.

While the seeds are germinating, water the soil as needed. It should not be dry or too wet.

Growing basil from seedlings is quite simple. With proper care, the first shoots should appear in 1.5 weeks.

Growing in open ground

Seedlings are planted in open ground in early June, when the air warms up to 20 ⁰C and above. Wherein:

  • The soil must be nutritious, that is, it must contain compost, peat and dry mullein.
  • Make the distance between seedlings at least 20 cm, and between rows at least 30 cm. This will allow the seedlings to grow and develop quickly.
  • After planting, you need to water the basil with warm and clean water.
  • For 14 days, the seedlings need to be covered in the evening to maintain heat and humidity.

Follow a simple algorithm so that the seedlings do not die during transplantation.

You can grow basil from seeds in the garden. They are sown at the end of May, when the soil warms up to 15 ⁰C. To do this, prepare the soil and sprinkle seeds on it. The procedure is similar to planting in boxes. However, in this case it is possible to obtain only fragrant herbs, and it will be impossible to use basil for seedlings.


Caring for seedlings is simple. Apply the first nitrogen fertilizers to the soil 2 weeks after planting. And in the future, feed the basil once a month.

Frequently loosen the soil, weed and remove weeds. Water the plant in a timely manner. Trim flower stalks and top part escapes 3 times per season.

Proper care of the plant will allow you to grow fragrant greens and serve as a good disease prevention. Choose suitable way growing the plant, keep an eye on it, then basil will be a great addition to any table.

Basil is an annual herb, which contains many useful substances, phytoncides and essential oils. Thanks to its rich vitamin composition and amazing spicy aroma, basil greens are widely used in cooking to add exquisite taste and aroma to dishes. The culture is quite whimsical, but in suitable conditions it grows quickly and gives bountiful harvest. Planting basil in the ground can be done either from seedlings or seeds - in both cases, growing plants has its own characteristics.

Despite great amount existing varieties of basil, no more than thirty names are used for growing in the garden, bred by breeders specifically for food use. In general, basil can be divided into two main types: green and purple - specifically the purple variety “Yerevan” and green variety“Spoon-shaped” were taken as the basis for breeding cultural hydrides. These basic types basilicas have some differences from each other:

  • purple varieties have a more pronounced aroma (they contain more essential components) and contain more vitamins. Often cultivated as ornamental plants, planted in flower beds, in flower pots;
  • green basil has a milder taste and a more subtle aroma. It is a universal seasoning for preparing various dishes.

Now, in addition to the main varieties, gardeners grow many different plant hybrids that differ in taste and aromatic notes:

  • “Gvozdichny” is a green mid-season variety, a compact bush with small leaves, a tart taste and a clove aroma;
  • “Zastolny” is a green variety, the bush reaches a height of 60 cm, the leaves are large, juicy and very fragrant;
  • “Anise” - green basil with the taste and smell of anise, the bush is slightly spreading, the leaves have a bubbly structure;
  • “Caramel” is a mid-season variety, the bush is compact, the greens have a characteristic caramel aroma, and is used for making desserts;
  • “Lemon” is a light green low bush with the aroma and taste of lemon, in addition to being eaten, it is recommended for relieving headaches and treating respiratory diseases;
  • “Philosopher” is an early ripening purple variety, compact bush, spicy clove aroma;
  • “Cinnamon” is a purple variety, the bush reaches a height of 0.5 m, the aroma and taste resembles cinnamon;
  • “Fragrant” - it is also called “camphor” for its characteristic aroma, the plant reaches 0.5 m in height, the taste is tart, similar to cloves.

Video “How to plant greenery for seedlings”

Informational video with an illustrative example of how to plant greenery into seedlings.

When to plant

For basil seeds to germinate, soil with a temperature of at least 14 degrees is required, so to obtain early harvest It is better to plant basil from seedlings. It is better to sow seeds for seedlings in containers in late February - early March (about 45 days before planting in the ground). In the spring months, daylight hours are longer - the plants will not need additional lighting.

If you want to sow spicy herbs directly in the garden, you need to wait until the soil warms up. As a rule, this happens by the end of April - mid-May. In warm climates, basil can be sown earlier. In such regions, planting greenery is usually done not from seedlings, but directly from seeds. You can plant basil seedlings in the garden only when the threat of night frosts has completely passed, at the end of May, in June.

Landing instructions

There are several ways to plant basil seedlings. The first and most traditional. In February-March, seeds are planted in small containers or boxes. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, then poured soil mixture from equal parts humus, soil and peat. The self-prepared mixture should be fed with mineral complex fertilizers. As soil, you can use ready-made “universal” soil, sold in flower shops.

The prepared soil is well moistened warm water, then make small depressions of 10-15 mm in which the seeds are planted. Next, the container with the seedlings is covered with glass or film and placed in a bright, warm place. After the first shoots appear, the cover is removed. Caring for seedlings in containers involves systematic watering and maintaining the required temperature (22-25°C). When the plants have several leaves, they can be planted in the garden bed.

Planting seeds in a snail. A snail is a device for germinating seeds, made of a foam rubber backing. Planting seeds in a snail is a little troublesome, but this method saves a lot of space, and, in addition, foam rubber retains moisture well, which is important for seed germination. It is not difficult to prepare a snail: a layer of soil or other substance is laid out on a piece of foam rubber, on which the seeds are placed at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. Then the foam rubber, along with soil and seeds, is welded into a roll, and you get a container with soil that looks like a snail. Special care it is not necessary to look after the seedlings, since the soil dries out very slowly. After the seedlings have grown stronger, they must be transplanted from this container.

Germinating seeds hydroponically . Hydroponics is a technology for growing crops without directly using soil. In this case, the usual soil is replaced by moisture-absorbing materials: yellow peat, sawdust, expanded clay, household mineral wool, which are mixed with mineral complex mixtures. Caring for seedlings grown hydroponically is minimal. Hydroponics dries out quickly, so plants only need to be watered frequently. On such “soil”, seedlings can live for 20-25 days, after which they require transplanting into ordinary soil.

Hydroponics is the cheapest and easiest to use method of growing any seedlings.

Before planting basil seedlings or sowing seeds, you need to choose the right place:

  • the plant loves sun and warmth, so it should be planted in open sunny areas;
  • the soil for growing basil must be loose and fertile - in heavy and very wet soil the crop grows slowly and often dies;
  • You cannot plant basil for several years in the same bed, as this will cause the plants to become sick, the leaves will become covered with brown spots and rot;
  • the soil into which it is planned to transplant young plants must be properly prepared: mixed with compost, humus and peat in the amount of 2 kg of fertilizer / 1 sq. m of soil;
  • Seedlings should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, the distance between rows in the garden bed should be about 30 cm;
  • After the transplantation is completed, the plants are watered abundantly with settled water.

How to care for seedlings

Caring for basil seedlings consists of regular watering, fertilizing and periodically loosening the soil between the rows. You need to water as needed, avoiding drying out or waterlogging the soil. You can water daily for the first few days until the plants take root. For irrigation, it is recommended to use only settled water, the temperature of which is not lower than 25°C.

The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out when the plants take root and take root, approximately 10-12 days after planting. For feeding, it is recommended to use nitrophoska 2 tbsp. spoons/12 l of water at a consumption of 3 l of solution/1 sq. m. Next stage- caring for the soil in which basil grows. Loosening is carried out approximately once every 2 weeks. The soil needs to be loosened between the rows and around the plants, while removing weeds. After weeding, the seedlings need abundant watering.

Caring for basil also involves timely removal of dry and damaged shoots and leaves, as well as harvesting. When flowers appear on the bush, the basil will become unfit for consumption. To prevent this, it is recommended to break off the tops of the shoots along with the leaves, leaving 3-4 leaves on the branch. Then the bush will branch better and will not bloom.

Video “A new way of planting greenery”

Informative video with a new way of planting greenery at home.

Basil - planting and care in open ground

Basil (lat. Ocimum) is a herbaceous plant imported from India; it is classified as a member of the Lamiaceae crops. Depending on the variety, it is an annual or perennial herbaceous shrub. The plant is very beneficial for the human body; it is used as a spicy and flavoring additive in dried and fresh.

Basil: varieties, photos

Basil has more than 70 varieties and hundreds of varieties, differing in bush size and leaf shape, color and aroma.

Sweet basil (lat. Ocimum basilcum)

The bushes grow up to 0.7 m. The plant is abundantly covered with foliage, which is used for food and has a delicate peppery aroma. The stem is covered with fine fluff. Varieties preferred by Russian gardeners: Mammoth, Magical Michael, Ararat.

Purple basil or Regan (lat. Ocimum basilicum var. purpureum)

The maximum plant height is 0.5 m. The entire surface of the basil is bright purple with iridescent shades and has a very mild aroma. Varieties most famous in the Moscow region: Purple, Mauritanian, Zastolny.

Lemon basil (lat. Ocimum basilicum var. citriodorum)

Low-growing basil, up to 0.35 m. The leaves have a subtle smell of lemon and camphor. Proven varieties: New, Lemon, Moscow Bogatyr.

Black basil

The bushes are low-growing up to 0.3 m. The leaves are painted in a dark, rich color and have a pronounced burning aroma. Varieties: Ruby Cairo, Bakinsky, Osmin.

How to choose basil seeds

Growing spice on summer cottage for your own consumption, no need for large quantities seeds, but they must be of high quality. It is not recommended to prepare planting material yourself. Since the crop is heat-loving, seeds collected in cold regions will not have high germination rates. It is recommended to purchase seeds produced in India, since India is the birthplace of the crop and is best suited for climatic conditions.

Basil - planting and care in open ground

Basil prefers warm conditions, and does not tolerate cold weather. The full growing season of the plant is 160 days, so if you want to enjoy spicy herbs as early as possible, you will have to grow seedlings.

Basil: growing in seedlings

Growing basil by seedlings begins in mid-April. You can sow seeds both in seedling boxes and in heated greenhouses.

Growing basil in open ground consists of the following procedures:

  • the grains must be heated to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • soak in a growth stimulator for 7-8 hours;
  • lightly dry the seeds and place them in prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm;
  • cover with film, moisten regularly, but do not overwater.

The approximate period of “black earth” before the seeds sprout is from 7 to 10 days. Ready seedlings for planting in open ground must reach one month of age.

Basil: growing from seeds in open ground

If the seedless method is used, the seeds are sown in the soil after May 15, when they will no longer be afraid of night frosts. The bed must be covered with film or agrofibre until the plants reach 2 weeks of age.

The culture loves open and sunny terrain, but protected from the cold wind, and light, fertile soil. It is not recommended to sow basil twice in a row in the same place. The crop grows well after: potatoes, tomatoes, legumes, cucumbers.

Basil: growing and care in open ground

Good development Basil is promoted by regular weeding of plantings to remove weeds. It is necessary to aerate the soil surface by loosening it, and also water it as it dries. Don't forget to feed the plants nitrogen fertilizers 1 time per month. The first feeding should be done 2 weeks after planting the seedlings. This is what caring for basil in the open ground consists of.

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • disinfection planting material potassium permanganate;
  • moderate watering;
  • dusting the plantings with ash once a week;
  • removing diseased plants along with a clod of earth.

Basil harvest time

When assembling greens, it is worth considering that at different periods of the growing season it contains different quantities essential oils. It is recommended to carry out the first harvest of basil before flowering in July, and the second - in September. The tops of the shoots are carefully plucked off along with the leaves, without damaging or pulling out the entire plant.

Growing basil on the windowsill

Without special effort You can grow basil at home. To do this, you will need a container with a depth of at least 30 cm. Seeds are sown at the end of March in boxes or pots. It's better to choose low-growing varieties.

How to grow basil at home:

  • drainage must be placed at the bottom of the container;
  • can be used garden soil, or purchase soil marked “for vegetable crops and herbs";
  • before sowing, the seeds are soaked in growth stimulants;
  • the soil for sowing must be warm;
  • young plantings must be covered with film;
  • optimal temperature air for this crop is plus 25-28 degrees Celsius.

When 4-5 pairs of leaves are formed on a young sprout, you can pinch the top - this will limit the growth of the plant in height and stimulate active branching. Caring for homemade basil is similar: regular watering, loosening and fertilizing.

Bottom line

Although basil is a heat-loving crop, it can be grown by gardeners without much effort even in northern regions Russia. With proper care and compliance with preventive measures, you can easily grow aromatic and very healthy greens on your own plot, or at home.