Where to learn robotics. Robotics online: six free courses in Russian

One of the most promising areas in the field of IT technologies is robotics. Why? Yes, because over the next fifteen years, a dozen new professions will appear in the world, which will be based on knowledge from the robotics field.

We are talking about such specialties as:
industrial robotics designer;
ergonomist designer;
composite engineer;
operator of multifunctional robotic systems;
children's robotics designer;
medical robot designer;
home robot designer;
designer of neural interfaces for robot control.

Self-controlling devices began to be used in the second half of the last century. Initially, robots worked in the areas of production and research, but then successfully migrated to the service sector. Of course, robots are not a mass phenomenon at the moment, but the vector has been chosen and it is almost impossible to change it. That is why we can say that in the near future the role of a person as a worker will change dramatically. But how to approach robotics? Where to start your exciting journey? Let's try to answer these questions.

Robotics for children

It is best to start learning the basics of robotics at an early age, but this does not mean that the path is closed for an adult. The fact is that the child learns new skills faster, he has no worries that could interfere with his favorite hobby. In addition, robotics for children is aimed at studying a specific subject, while professional robotics deals with solving complex tasks. For example, children and hobbyists can disassemble simple mechanisms to understand the principle of their operation, but more mature specialists create complex industrial manipulators.

To understand whether a child has a penchant for robotics, it is enough to buy a construction set (fortunately, children’s robots are not in short supply today) and see if he shows interest in the process of assembling it. If so, then you can find a robotics club in which the child can develop imagination, logic, fine motor skills, spatial perception, patience and concentration.

It is worth noting that there are different areas in robotics: programming, electronics, design. If your child enjoys building construction sets, construction is likely a good fit for them. Those who are interested in learning how this or that thing works should study electronics. Programming will interest any young mathematician.

At what age do you start learning?

The ideal age to start in robotics is 8-12 years old. Earlier, a child may have difficulties understanding the principles of operation of certain mechanisms, and it is better not to mention the desire to learn mathematics (which is extremely necessary for drawing up algorithms, designing circuits and mechanisms) at an early age. Well, which of us wanted to study formulas and theorems when the weather was great outside and there was a Sony PlayStation under the TV? The question is rhetorical.

But at 8-9 years old, children without any problems can understand and remember what a capacitor, LED, and resistor are. At this age they can already master concepts from school physics, significantly ahead of the program of our educational institutions.

If a child does not lose interest in his hobby by the age of 14-15, he should continue to study mathematics and start learning programming. Outside the circles, a lot of interesting things await him: a mathematical basis, the theory of mechanisms and machines, the implementation of automatic navigation algorithms, the design of electromechanical equipment for a robotic device, machine learning and computer vision algorithms (something carried me away).

A little about choosing designers

For each age group We have our own educational platforms and constructors that differ in degree of complexity. Today, both foreign and domestic sets are presented on the market, the cost of which varies from 400 to 15,000 hryvnia.
8-11 year old child Designers from BitKit, Fischertechnik or (of course, these manufacturers also have sets for adult children in their assortment). For example, BitKit products are aimed at studying electronics (I tested their Omka constructor personally and wrote about it in the winter of 2016 -); Fischertechnik - brings closer to the real development of robots, their kits have plugs, wires, and a visual programming environment; Lego offers very famous construction sets with interesting and colorful details, detailed instructions and great opportunities.

The standard in educational robotics are Arduino modules as well as the single board computer. These require basic programming skills, but can eventually be learned with my own hands create all kinds of “smart” devices - from the system automatic watering before the alarm.

Where to practice robotics?

Robotics courses for children in Ukraine are offered by the following organizations:
“Stem Fll” course from First Lego League;
“Robo-3D Junior” course from RoboUa;
“Robo-3D” course from Lego Mindstorms;
courses based on Arduino, Lego and Fischertechnik from Robot School;
courses for children from 4 years old from the MAN studio;
training program from Boteon;
“Preparing for Flight” course from Singularity Studio;
courses from the Smart IT school.

Self-paced learning: is it possible?

For self-study There are many free online courses available on the Internet. But this format is unlikely to suit a child, so Remote education may only be attractive to an adult.

As for the child, in addition to exciting and useful kits, books on robotics will be useful to him, namely:

Braga Newton, “Creating robots at home”;
Douglas Williams, “Programmable Robot Controlled from a PDA”;
Owen Bishop, “The Robot Developer's Handbook”;
Vadim Mitskevich, “Entertaining anatomy of robots”;
Vladimir Gololobov, “Where robots begin.”

There are a lot of similar works. Unfortunately, robotics is developing rapidly and the relevance of the information in books is becoming outdated. Therefore, you should always have thematic forums and specialized sites at hand.

What's the result?

As a result, we get very promising direction, which should not be ignored under any circumstances. If you have children, think about their future and perhaps my article on Keddre will become a catalyst for finding suitable clubs.

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Robotics is one of the most promising areas in the field of Internet technologies, and in our time there is no need to explain that the IT sector is the future. In addition, robotics may seem more interesting than anything else: designing a robot means almost creating a new creature, albeit an electronic one, which, of course, is attractive. However, in this industry too, everything can be difficult, especially at first. Together with experts, we will try to figure out why robotics is needed and how to approach it.

Robotics is one of the most promising areas in the field of Internet technologies, and in our time there is no need to explain that the IT sector is the future. Robotics is a fascinating thing: to design a robot is almost to create a new creature, albeit an electronic one.

Since the 60s of the last century, automated and self-managing devices that do some work for a person began to be used for research and in production, then in the service sector, and since then, every year they have become more firmly established in their place in people’s lives. Of course, it cannot be said that in Russia everything is completely fulfilled. independent mechanisms, however, a certain vector in this direction is clearly outlined. Sberbank is already planning to replace three thousand lawyers with smart machines.

Together with experts, we will try to figure out why robotics is needed and how to approach it.

How does robotics for children differ from professional robotics?

In short, robotics for children is aimed at studying a subject, while professional robotics is aimed at solving specific problems. If specialists create industrial manipulators that perform various technological tasks, or specialized wheeled platforms, then amateurs and children, of course, do simpler things.

Tatyana Volkova, employee of the Center for Intelligent Robotics: “As a rule, this is where everyone starts: they figure out the motors and force the robot to simply drive forward, then make turns. When the robot executes movement commands, you can already connect a sensor and make the robot move towards the light or, conversely, “run away” from it. And then comes the favorite task of all beginners: a robot that drives along a line. There are even various robot races organized.”

How can you tell if your child has a penchant for robotics?

First you need to buy a construction set and see if your child likes assembling it. And then you can give it to the circle. Classes will help him develop fine motor skills, imagination, spatial perception, logic, concentration and patience.

The sooner you can decide on the direction of robotics - design, electronics, programming - the better. All three areas are vast and require separate study.

Alexander Kolotov, leading specialist in STEM programs at Innopolis University: “If a child likes to assemble construction sets, then construction will suit him. If he is interested in learning how things work, then he will enjoy doing electronics. If a child has a passion for mathematics, then he will be interested in programming.”

When to start learning robotics?

It is best to start studying and enrolling in clubs from childhood, however, not too early - at 8-12 years old, experts say. Before the child it is more difficult to grasp understandable abstractions, and later, in adolescence, he may develop other interests and become distracted. The child also needs to be motivated to study mathematics, so that in the future it will be interesting and easy for him to design mechanisms and circuits, and compose algorithms.

From 8-9 years old Children can already understand and remember what a resistor, LED, capacitor is, and later master concepts from school physics ahead of schedule school curriculum. It doesn’t matter whether they become specialists in this field or not, the knowledge and skills they gain will definitely not be in vain.

At 14-15 years old you need to continue to study mathematics, push robotics classes into the background and start studying programming more seriously - to understand not only complex algorithms, but also data storage structures. Next comes the mathematical basis and knowledge in algorithmization, immersion in the theory of mechanisms and machines, design of electromechanical equipment of a robotic device, implementation of automatic navigation algorithms, computer vision algorithms and machine learning.

Alexander Kolotov: “If at this moment you introduce a future specialist to the basics of linear algebra, complex calculus, the theory of probability and statistics, then by the time he enters a university he will already have a good idea of ​​why he should pay additional attention to these subjects when receiving higher education.”

Which designers to choose?

Each age has its own educational programs, constructors and platforms, varying in degree of complexity. You can find both foreign and domestic products. There are expensive kits for robotics (around 30 thousand rubles and more), there are also cheaper, very simple ones (within 1-3 thousand rubles).

If the child 8-11 years, you can buy Lego or Fischertechnik construction sets (although, of course, manufacturers have offers for both younger and older ages). The Lego robotics set has interesting details, with colorful figures, it is easy to assemble and comes with detailed instructions. The Fischertechnik series of construction sets for robotics brings you closer to the real development process, here you have wires, plugs, and a visual programming environment.

At 13-14 years old you can start working with TRIC or Arduino modules, which, according to Tatyana Volkova, are practically a standard in the field of educational robotics, as well as Raspberry. TRIC is more complex than Lego, but lighter than Arduino and Raspberry Ri. The last two already require basic programming skills.

What else will you need to study?

Programming. It is possible to avoid it only at the initial stage, but then you can’t live without it. You can start with Lego Mindstorms, Python, ROS (Robot Operating System).

Basic mechanics. You can start with crafts made from paper, cardboard, bottles, which is also important for fine motor skills, and for general development. The simplest robot can be made from individual parts (motors, wires, a photosensor and one simple microcircuit). Get acquainted with basic mechanics“Masterwork with Papa Sperkh” will help.

Basics of Electronics. First, learn how to collect simple circuits. For children under eight years old, experts recommend the “Connoisseur” construction set; then you can move on to the “Basics of Electronics” set. Start".

Where can children practice robotics?

If you see a child’s interest, you can send him to clubs and courses, although you can study on your own. During the courses, the child will be under the guidance of specialists, will be able to find like-minded people, and will engage in robotics on a regular basis.

It is also advisable to immediately understand what you want from classes: participate in competitions and compete for prizes, participate in project activities, or simply study for yourself.

Alexey Kolotov: “For serious classes, projects, participation in competitions, you need to choose clubs with small groups of 6-8 people and a coach who leads students to prizes in competitions, who constantly develops himself and gives interesting tasks. For hobby activities, you can go to groups of up to 20 people.”

How to choose robotics courses?

When registering for courses, pay attention to the teacher, recommends commercial director of Promobot Oleg Kivokurtsev. “There are precedents when a teacher simply gives the children the equipment, and then anyone can do whatever they want,” Tatyana Volkova agrees with Oleg. Such activities will be of little use.

When choosing courses, you should also pay attention to on the existing material and technical base. Are there construction kits (not just Lego), is it possible to write programs, study mechanics and electronics, and make projects yourself. Each pair of students should have their own robotics kit. Preferably with additional parts (wheels, gears, frame elements) if you want to participate in competitions. If several teams are working with one set at once, then, most likely, no serious competition is expected.

Find out what competitions the robotics club participates in. Do these competitions help you consolidate your acquired skills and provide an opportunity for further development?

Robocup Competition 2014

How to study robotics on your own?

Courses require money and time. If the first one is not enough and you won’t be able to go somewhere regularly, you can study independently with your child. It is important that parents have necessary competence in this area: without the help of a parent, it will be quite difficult for a child to master robotics, warns Oleg Kivokurtsev.

Find material to study. They can be taken on the Internet, from ordered books, at conferences attended, from the magazine “Entertaining Robotics”. For self-study, there are free online courses, for example, “Building robots and other devices using Arduino: from a traffic light to a 3D printer.”

Should adults learn robotics?

If you have already left childhood, this does not mean that the doors of robotics are closed for you. You can also enroll in courses or study it on your own.

If a person decides to do this as a hobby, then his path will be the same as that of a child. However, it is clear that beyond the amateur level without vocational education(design engineer, programmer and electronics engineer) it is unlikely that you will be able to advance, although, of course, no one forbids you to get an internship at a company and persistently chew on the granite of a new direction for you.

Oleg Kivokurtsev: “It will be easier for an adult to master robotics, but important factor is time."

For those who have a similar specialty, but want to retrain, there are also various courses to help. For example, for machine learning specialists it will be suitable free online course in probabilistic robotics “Artificial intelligence in robotics.” There are also educational program Intel, educational project "Lectorium", ITMO distance courses. Don’t forget about books, for example, there is a lot of literature for beginners (“Basics of Robotics”, “Introduction to Robotics”, “Handbook for Robotics”). Choose what is most clear and suitable for you.

It should be remembered that serious work differs from amateur hobby at least in the cost of equipment costs and the list of tasks assigned to the employee. It’s one thing to assemble the simplest robot with your own hands, but quite another to practice, for example, computer vision. Therefore, it is still better to study the basics of design, programming and hardware engineering with early years and subsequently, if you liked it, enter a specialized university.

Which universities should I go to study at?

Majors related to robotics can be found at the following universities:

— Moscow Technological University (MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT);

— Moscow State Technical University them. N. E. Bauman;

— Moscow State Technological University “Stankin”;

- National research university"MPEI" (Moscow);

— Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Moscow);

— Moscow State University transport routes of Emperor Nicholas II;

— Moscow State University of Food Production;

— Moscow State Forestry University;

— St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SGUAP);

— St. Petersburg National Research University information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO);

— Magnitogorsk State Technical University;

— Omsk State Technical University;

— Saratov State Technical University;

— Innopolis University (Republic of Tatarstan);

— South Russian federal university(Novocherkassk State Technical University).

The most important

Knowing the basics of robotics may soon be useful for ordinary people, and the opportunity to become a specialist in this field looks very promising, so it’s definitely worth at least trying your hand at robotics.

What do a programmer who works on androids, immersed in psychology and behavioral science, and an engineer who writes algorithms for industrial robots and studies mechatronics and higher mathematics? Both of them are involved in robotics - the most in-demand industry in the near future. Now robotics in Russia is an unplowed field: the need for various robots (industrial, home, mobile, combat, anthropomorphic) is quite high, and only a few companies specialize in their production. Look At Me learned from experts what you need to know about the profession of robotics and what to start learning today.

Eland Inbar on the shortcomings of the American
education and the benefits of the Lego constructor

“The creation of robots has two important components: engineering solutions and hardware, on the one hand, and data processing and software, on the other. To be a roboticist, you need to understand and understand both issues, as they are equally important. Robots are the same computers, only with motors and sensors. Think of them as computer science brought to life. In any case, to comprehend this science, you will have to start with software development, which means you will have to learn programming languages. For example, Python is widely supported across many platforms. ROS (Robot Operating System) are now also gaining popularity, although their creators, Willow Garage, no longer exist. For beginner roboticists, I recommend purchasing LEGO EV3 or Robotis Bioloid construction sets for training, they will help you dive into the details. Gain confidence when working with these constructors, develop basic algorithms (simple navigation, grips, etc.). This will give you a base. Then you should definitely get a job as an intern at a robotics company - they will teach you everything. By the way, if you decide to study robotics at an American university, then remember that the main focus there is mechanical engineering, and you must not forget about software.

There are a lot of cool robots now, but no one buys them, because they don't really decide important issues

One day you will feel ready to create your own robot. This is both the easiest and the most difficult. Therefore, I always advise starting with necessity. Take a real problem and let your device solve it. There are a lot of cool robots out there right now, but no one is buying them because they don't actually solve important problems. At the same time, there are a lot of problems now. Do them and it will lead you to success."

Vladimir Bely about why robots
worth creating in human form

“Robotics is a very broad concept, it includes the development of software and mobile software, and the creation of complex engineering solutions, programming artificial intelligence and design. This is a very promising area not only for engineers and programmers, but also for designers, marketers and even psychologists. We live in interesting time: A completely new market is emerging before our eyes, the products of which will change our lives. A similar thing happened when, for example, personal computers appeared.

Today my team and I are working on improving our robots. We do this to make people's lives easier and give them more time to communicate with their family and loved ones. Robots should replace us in routine and dangerous work, as has already happened in many types of production. Now it is impossible to imagine our life without industrial robots, who are engaged in assembly, welding, sorting of various products - they optimize enterprises, reduce costs and risks.

In addition to industrial robots, there are so-called biomorphic robots - prototypes of animals and insects, which, due to their size and other features, can perform special tasks. However, anthropomorphic robots, that is, similar to people, are the most convenient option embodiments of artificial intelligence. The fact is that the entire life around us is created with a person in mind: his height, his anatomical features. Therefore, it is much more profitable to create a machine capable of moving and working in the same conditions as us than to adapt, say, a robot on a tracked platform or on a wheeled base, to human life. In addition, a psychological factor was at work: people have always strived to create something like themselves.

You need to create it right away a parallel world, where robots coexist with people
and become their assistants

Today, anthropomorphic robotics is still in its nascent stage: there are many areas for the use of such robots, and even more unsolved problems. Our company is trying to develop this industry. We have specifically created an ecosystem in which software developers are given the opportunity to create applications for our robots, that is, we have actually organized jobs for programmers. In addition, it is good for the consumer. By buying our Alphabot robot or renting it, he receives a certain machine that can be “adapted” to specific needs. Here we can draw an analogy with the App Store. We buy an IPAD, download necessary programs and get a personalized device.

However, at this stage, people still cannot get used to the idea that robots will soon enter our lives as tightly as, for example, tablets. It is important to understand that we are not calling for the destruction old world, and create something on its ruins. No! We need to immediately create a parallel world where robots coexist with people and become their assistants. We call on all people to join this ideology and develop the future of humanity together.

I don’t believe in the uprising of machines, which many fear. But you must always remember that behind any machine there is a person. But you can’t be completely sure of people.”

Sergey Melnikov on how to independently study robotics and assemble your first device

Sergey Melnikov

Developer automated systems, programmer, robotics teacher, administrator of servodroid.ru

“I started working on robots back in school, when I was enrolled in the Amateur Radio club. There I learned how to solder, understand circuit design and make simple engineering structures. When I learned to read any electronic circuits, it came down to a simple robot with a pair of light sensors and relays, which it saw and could move around. The most interesting thing is to watch how a piece of hardware, without human help, does something on its own. After I assembled my first bulky device with a bunch of wires, covered in glue and wrapped in tape, I fell in love with robotics.

In St. Petersburg, I studied to become a programmer, but at the same time continued to work on robots. I immersed myself in the specialty and believe that this the best way, and everyone can follow it.

I specialize not only in BEAM robotics, but also in complex computing systems, complexes and, of course, software. For example, I collaborate with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and work on robots for rescue and reconnaissance work. But mostly my favorite part is BEAM (“biology, electronics, aesthetics, mechanics”). This is where it all starts: with the simplest robots from available components without complex programming. When assembling a BEAM robot, we try to approach the task from different angles, even without having large number electronic components and logic circuits. When assembling such a robot, we can ultimately point our finger at any part of it and tell everything about it from A to Z. Tell us how the signal from the photosensor comes, how it is processed by the microcircuit, and what happens in the end. We can always identify in a chain the reason why the robot does not work. This is the best base for beginners.

I am sure that robotics is a very promising field of activity. It allows a person to apply almost any of his knowledge. Creating a robot is like painting a picture with a soldering iron rather than a brush. Every time you are surprised that you can assemble such a wonderful structure, and the most important thing is to find a use for it.”