The crosshair generator in cs go is the best. Setting up the sight in CS: GO - all ways to change it

How to change crosshair style and color in CS:GO

To configure the crosshair style in CS:GO, use the cl_crosshairstyle command

cl_crosshairstyle 0 - default (dynamic)
cl_crosshairstyle 1 - default (static)
cl_crosshairstyle 2 - classic
cl_crosshairstyle 3 - classic (dynamic)
cl_crosshairstyle 4 - classic (static)
To adjust the crosshair color in CS:GO, use the cl_crosshaircolor command

cl_crosshaircolor 0 - red
cl_crosshaircolor 1 - green
cl_crosshaircolor 2 - yellow
cl_crosshaircolor 3 - blue
cl_crosshaircolor 4 - blue
cl_crosshaircolor 5 - your color

Sight with a dot in CS:GO

To add a dot in the middle of the crosshair, you need to use the cl_crosshairdot command:

cl_crosshairdot 0 - no dot
cl_crosshairdot 1 - there is a dot

Crosshair outline in CS:GO

To enable or disable crosshair outline in CS:GO, use the cl_crosshair_drawoutline command in the console

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 - crosshair without outline
cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - crosshair with outline

In order to set the thickness of the outline (outline) of the sight, there is the cl_crosshair_outlinethickness command: the parameter can take a value from 0 to 3 (the higher the value, the thicker the outline):

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 2

Crosshair transparency in CS:GO

To set the transparency of the crosshair, use the cl_crosshairalpha command. The parameters of this command can take values ​​from 0 to 255; the lower the value, the more transparent the sight will be. Here are some examples of using this command:

cl_crosshairalpha 0 - the sight is completely transparent (it is not visible at all)
cl_crosshairalpha 127 - the sight is translucent (50% transparent)
cl_crosshairalpha 255 - the sight is completely opaque

There is also the cl_crosshairusealpha command, which enables/disables crosshair transparency mode. If the transparency mode is disabled, then you will not be able to set the crosshair transparency using the cl_crosshairalpha command.

cl_crosshairusealpha 0 - transparency mode disabled
cl_crosshairusealpha 1 - transparency mode enabled
Those. Before using cl_crosshairalpha you need to make sure that the value of cl_crosshairusealpha is 1 (it is by default).

Crosshair size in CS:GO

The desired crosshair size can be set using the cl_crosshairsize console command. The higher the parameter value, the larger the sight size. Examples of using the command:

cl_crosshairsize 0
cl_crosshairsize 5
cl_crosshairsize 10

Distance between sight lines

The cl_crosshairgap command allows you to decrease or increase the distance between crosshair lines. Essentially, this console command changes the size of the CS:GO crosshair to some extent. The parameters can take both positive and negative values:

cl_crosshairgap -5
cl_crosshairgap 0
cl_crosshairgap 5

Sight Line Thickness

You can adjust the thickness of the crosshair lines using the cl_crosshairthickness console command: the higher the value of the parameter, the thicker the crosshair lines. Examples:

cl_crosshairthickness 0
cl_crosshairthickness 3

During important virtual missions, everything should be as comfortable as possible - both the chair on which you sit and the keyboard through which you give commands to your character. And such a detail as the sight on the screen should also be as comfortable as possible. And not for some abstract shooter, but for you, a real person at a computer.

The default crosshair may seem too small, too big, or the wrong color for some. Simple adjustments such as color or size can be changed directly in the game settings, but if you want to work on major changes, then only console commands will help you.

Let's figure out how to set up the sight in CS GO, and also look at the sights of experienced players (Butcher, Hatton, GeT_RiGhT, f0rest, friberg, Xizt, Fifflaren, cheatbanned, stewie2k, etc.). Maybe their scope will suit you too.

Standard sights in CS GO

The first way to change your crosshair is to change its style and color in the game settings. The developers really tried to make the CS GO sight universal, so that all terrorists and special forces would not be particularly distracted by it during the game, but at the same time, even in the most intense moments of firefights, they could see where their bullets would fly.

  • from the start window (Settings –> Game Options –> Crosshair style/crosshair color);
  • by pressing Esc during the game (Help and Settings -> Game Options -> Crosshair Style / Crosshair Color).

In addition to styles, you can choose the color that you think is more suitable for you. The main thing when checking a color is to try to point it at different walls, blocks and other colored objects in the game, in order to understand how much a particular color suits you personally.

Although in the first method the number of options is quite limited, one of these sights may well suit you. Therefore, it is worth trying this method first before moving on to deeper settings.

Setting up the CS GO sight using console commands

The settings available through the game interface are only part of what can be done with the sight in CS GO. The developers have provided many more options, and they are activated by entering special console commands.

First, you should go to the game settings and check if you have the console option enabled. If yes, then the console will be called by the tilde, that is, the “~” sign. After this you can enter commands.

  • Settings –> Game Options –> Enable Developer Console –> Yes

After turning on the console in the settings, it will be called by a tilde, that is, the “~” sign.

Console commands for the sight in CS GO can be used together with the main sight settings, complementing them.

These commands duplicate the settings from the menu. They can be more convenient to use “on the go” - with skillful actions, the console is called up faster.

The sight style in CS GO is set by the command cl_crosshairstyle with the addition of a numeric parameter from 0 to 4:

  • cl_crosshairstyle 0– standard dynamic sight, active in the game by default, expands when shooting;
  • cl_crosshairstyle 1– also a standard sight, but static, does not expand when shooting;
  • cl_ crosshairstyle 2 – classic sight used in the game CS 1.6;
  • cl_ crosshairstyle 3 – dynamic sight from CS 1.6;
  • cl_crosshairstyle 4– static sight from CS 1.6.

The crosshair color in CS GO can be changed with the command - cl_crosshaircolor with values ​​from 0 to 5.

  • cl_crosshaircolor 0 - red;
  • cl_crosshaircolor 1 - green;
  • cl_crosshaircolor 2 - yellow;
  • cl_crosshaircolor 3 - blue;
  • cl_crosshaircolor 4 - blue;
  • cl_crosshaircolor 5 - your own color.

These are the standard sight colors in CS GO. But you can make any color! If you enter cl_crosshaircolor 5, three more commands will become available to you:

  • cl_crosshaircolor_r 0-255 - red, i.e. shade of red;
  • cl_crosshaircolor_g 0-255 - green, i.e. shade of green;
  • cl_crosshaircolor_b 0-255 - blue, i.e. shade of blue.

Circle the sight in CS GO

To make the cross on the screen clearer, you can highlight it with a thin dark stroke.

  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 – remove the outline
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 – enable outline

The outline thickness can be from 0 to 3. The value is substituted into the “cl_crosshair_outlinethickness” command. For example, for thickness 2 you need to enter:

  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 2

How to remove a dot in the sight of CS GO

You can remove a dot or make a sight with a dot in CS GO with the command - cl_crosshairdot:

  • cl_crosshairdot 0 - remove the dot from the sight

  • cl_crosshairdot 1 — add a dot to the sight

With stroke enabled, another command becomes available -cl_crosshair_outlinethickness , which is responsible for the thickness of the contour.

Values ​​from 0 to 3 are set for it.

  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0 - no outline, we do not recommend using it, blends in with textures;
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1 - very thin outline, rarely used, as it is not visible on many maps;
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 2 - medium thickness, suitable for most players;
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 3 - the thickest possible outline.

The thickness of the sight lines in CS GO

The thickness is set by the command - cl_crosshairthickness. Popular values ​​are from 0 to 3, but the range is not limited, maybe even 100, it’s not clear for whom this is, probably for fun.

You can also use half values, for example 0.5, 1.5.

  • cl_crosshairthickness 0.5
  • cl_crosshairthickness 1.5
  • cl_crosshairthickness 2.5

Another important parameter for setting up a sight in cs go is size. Many people wonder how to reduce the crosshair in cs go? Or how to make it bigger? To use the command cl_crosshairsize. Acceptable values ​​here are from 0.5 and without an upper limit.

  • cl_crosshairsize 0 – small CS GO sight;

  • cl_crosshairsize 10 – large sight.

Distance between CS GO sight lines

Team cl_crosshairgap is responsible for the distance between the sight lines. Values ​​can be negative. If you need to narrow the scope as much as possible, use a value of -5. Popular commands:

  • cl_crosshairgap -5
  • cl_crosshairgap 0
  • cl_crosshairgap 5

Sight transparency in CS GO

Some people prefer a large sight, but so that it does not block the virtual world and opponents, transparency is applied to it. And some people prefer a small scope, but they make it as opaque as possible, which means it is clearly visible. For the transparency level, there is a command cl_crosshairalpha with a fairly large range of available values ​​- from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (not transparent at all). Here is an example of such a command with the value 108:

  • cl_crosshairalpha 108

You can also use a special command that turns the sight transparency on or off, even if it was set by the previous command. By turning on transparency with this command, you will instantly set it to the specified value.

  • cl_crosshairusealpha 0 – disable transparency
  • cl_crosshairusealpha 1 – enable transparency

How to hide or show the crosshair in CS GO

Logged into the game and can't see the crosshair? Maybe someone decided to play a joke and removed him with the command crosshair 0(maybe it was you yourself, but you forgot).

  • crosshair 0 – removes crosshair
  • crosshair 1 - turns on the crosshair

Entering codes, even such simple ones, is not interesting for all gamers - probably the majority prefer graphical interfaces, and even in the style of the game itself. To make setting up a sight in CS GO a fun process in itself, you can use the Sight Generator card, available for free in the Steam Workshop. Subscribe to it and open it through the “From the Workshop” tab.

Everything in it is done intuitively - look around the location and see panels with squares of different settings. This includes the shape, color, and size of the sight. Shoot them to choose your favorite.

You can also choose any color and try all of them in just a minute.

It is very interesting that here there are examples of sights used by professional players from popular teams.

This CS GO crosshair generator will transfer the settings to other maps and game modes - you will play with the ideal crosshair for you.

We can say that a good CS GO sight setting should be the same as music in a movie - not distracting from the main process. Therefore, even if you create something that you like in principle, try it in action. And first in the battle against bots, and only then in matchmaking.

Video on setting up a sight in CS GO

Also, finally, you can watch a video from Natus Vincere captain Daniil Zeus Teslenko on how to set up your sight in CS GO.

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Shooting in CS 1.6 has a number of nuances. Shooting in the famous shooter is planned to the smallest detail. The sight is also subject to wide settings. It can be of various parameters and colors. Some will ask: “What is this for?” Some change the sight purely for beauty, while others change its size to make it easier to aim. After all, when firing, the lead sometimes expands, sometimes contracts, i.e. is dynamic. And for some it is more convenient if, for example, it is smaller in size. In this article it will be dangerous how to change the size and color of the led in CS 1.6.

Two ways to adjust the sight

Method 1

The first method is the simplest. To make adjustments to the size of the sight, you need to go to the "Multiplayer" menu. There you can make changes and immediately see them on the screen. You can adjust the scope size: small, medium, large. You can also choose the color of the sight, incl. making it transparent.

Method 2

The essence of this method is to enter a special command into the console. To do this, you must first open the console itself. This can be done by pressing the “E” key. After this, you need to enter the following list of tasks:

cl_lw 1
cl_lc 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
cl_lw 0
cl_lc 0

To prevent the sight from expanding, you will need the following command:

Additional sight settings

Sight transparency

To make the sight transparent, you need to enter the following command: cl_crosshair_translucent 0. Moreover, it is worth noting that the number “0” at the end turns off transparency, and the number “1” turns it on.

Sight dynamics

To disable screen dynamics, use the following command: cl_dynamiccrosshair 0. The situation with “0” and “1” is similar.

The numbers at the end in the screenshot below determine how transparent the sight will be. To change its transparency, you just need to enter the command “cl_crosshair_color 0“, and replace zero with the optimal parameter.

When you exit CS, these settings are lost. To avoid this, you need to register them in config CS so that you don’t have to enter settings every time you start the game or switch between servers.

In this article we will talk about the features and ways to configure the sight in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Many professional players know that the cs go sight is a very important part of a gamer’s config. A well-tuned crosshair will not get in the way during the game, and the right choice of color will help in aiming on maps with different lighting and color palettes, so you need to approach your sight settings with the utmost seriousness, because such a small detail can significantly affect your shooting skill and gameplay generally.

In the game itself, there are only a few settings that allow you to choose a sight from the proposed list. These labels are not very convenient and not informative, since different gamers play with different resolutions and with their own settings, the standard sights offered to developers will not suit many. Some will have too high a brightness, blocking the shape of the head and the enemy himself, while others, on the contrary, will be faded and difficult to see in bright and sunny areas of locations, so let’s start customizing the best sight for our needs.

Types of standard sights

The standard game settings allow you to choose one of five types of sights created by the developers.

The first sight is a new type of dynamic sight from CS:GO. This look has an absolutely space-age design, which may seem a little awkward. The main disadvantage of this crosshair is that the features are too thin and faded, as well as being too congested. This sight expands as you walk and changes shape as you shoot. At first glance, this may seem informative, but in reality, experienced players prefer simpler and more minimalistic sights. The standard dynamic crosshair is great for anyone new to the game, as it shows the approximate spread of the weapon.

The second sight is a new static sight from CS GO. This is a small and very neat sight that has thin lines and a small dot in the middle. This sight is good for use at medium and close distances, but sometimes on maps that are too light, it happens that it is simply invisible, so experienced players avoid this sight. Another disadvantage of the standard cs go crosshair is the impossibility of precise adjustment and customization to suit your needs.

The third sight is the classic crosshair from previous parts of the Counter-Strike game series. This sight is standard and the most familiar for many gamers who have switched from older parts of the game. In the third position is the so-called semi-dynamic sight, which changes its shape during shooting, showing the approximate spread of bullets. This feature can be useful for beginners, but experienced players often disable it, preferring a static crosshair.

The fourth sight is the same as the third, only working in static mode. Basically, it is from this sight that you can do what you need using various console commands. In addition, most eSports players choose this type of sight, because it does not interfere with aiming at all, and changes in size during shooting can distract from accurate shooting.

The fifth sight is the same as the third sight, only with a dynamic expansion function. Just like the semi-dynamic crosshair, this type of sight is a good choice for beginners and all new players.

Changing the sight using console commands

Fine-tuning the sight in cs go is possible using special console commands that are responsible for various parameters. With their help, you can select your own crosshair characteristics, add or remove a dot in the center, change the color, size, and thickness. To customize your sight, create any map in training mode and just try to play with the following settings.

cl_crosshairsize – command responsible for the size of the crosshair. Valid values ​​are from 0.5 to 100. If you select a value of 0, the sight will turn into a dot. It is worth remembering that a very large sight is easier to find and aim at the enemy, but at the same time it will block the enemy’s figure at long distances. Large scopes are used for shooting at short distances, because the upper mark can be used to aim for long sprays. Small and neat sight, the best choice for gamers who have mastered the art of tapping.

cl_crosshairthickness – this command is responsible for changing the thickness of the crosshair lines. A thick crosshair is easier to find on the screen and aim at the enemy, but at the same time, lines that are too thick will obscure your target.

cl_crosshairgap – change the gaps between the crosshair lines. Using this command, you can make the sight one-piece, without a hole in the middle, or, conversely, move the lines apart to the desired distance.

cl_crosshairdot – command responsible for the point in the center of the crosshair. With a value of 0, it will not exist; with a value of 1, the dot will appear exactly in the center of the sight. Professional gamers are divided into two camps, some use a dot, some use more classic sights without dots.

cl_crosshairthickness – change the size of the center point (if there is one).

cl_crosshairusealpha – console command responsible for crosshair transparency. Translucent sights have proven themselves well at all distances, but at the same time they look a little faded, so they may be less visible in very bright locations (like Dust 2).

cl_crosshairalpha – transparency setting. This command adjusts the transparency of the crosshair. Values ​​from 0 to 255 can be used.

cl_crosshaircolor – change the crosshair color. The numbers from 0 to 5 at the end of the command are responsible for the red, green, yellow, purple and blue color of the sight. Under the number five is your customizable color. To set your own color, in addition to this command, you need to register its functions cl_crosshaircolor_r cl_crosshaircolor_g and cl_crosshaircolor_b. R G and B are responsible for shades of red, green and blue. It is worth noting that color is a decisive parameter in the sight, and each player chooses it depending on his individual needs. Experiment with color, because against one background a red sight can look clear and bright, but in dark places it will simply blend into the surroundings and will be practically invisible, which will make aiming difficult.

cl_crosshair_drawoutline – enable or disable crosshair edging – zero or one, respectively. The edging helps highlight the scope in bright places so that it is easier to see.

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness – command responsible for the type of crosshair edging. With a value of 0, the sight will cast a small shadow; with a value of 1, it will have a full border.

Change sight online

The above commands will help you adjust the cs go sight, but if you want to use something truly unique, you can use special resources that allow you to create custom sights directly online. The sites look like online designers in which you can customize your sight not using console commands, but using convenient sliders, windows and other convenient buttons. To find such resources, simply enter cs go sight setting online into the search bar and choose the most convenient site with a sight designer. After you have finished creating your custom crosshair, just copy the commands displayed on the right and transfer them to your game by entering it into the console or your own config. It is worth noting that the sight will not always look the way you configured it, so the resulting result will often have to be further adjusted and improved using the console commands presented above.

Changing the sight on a special map

Probably the most convenient way to customize your sight is to change the crosshair on a special custom map. This location is made in the form of a room in which there are many buttons that change the sight settings.

Here you can personally observe all the changes in the reticle, adjust the color, thickness, size and other smaller settings. Also at such locations there is an excellent board with the nicknames of top players and pictures of the sights they use in the game. This is a good opportunity to run around with the aim of such popular cyber sportsmen as Scream or olofmeister! The selected sights can also be adjusted to suit your needs and make the most convenient aiming mark for yourself. Such maps also contain background images of various locations, so you can check the clarity of the sight under different circumstances and different lighting. This is actually the easiest way to create your own scope.

You can set the location for setting up the sight by simply subscribing to the crashz’ Crosshair Generator v2 map, which is located in the Steam workshop. After subscribing, the map automatically becomes available in the game and can be launched directly from the game mode with bots.

We hope these tips will help you improve your game and set up a suitable scope, because from such small parts as, etc. The level of your game in the popular team shooter will depend.

In the game settings you can only change the style and color of the crosshair. For more flexible settings, you will have to use console commands.

You can also set up your best sight in CS GO in semi-automatic mode:

  • With help
  • With help

Follow one of the links if you want to read more about these methods.

Video guide for the lazy:

If you don't know how to call the console, use the solution that solves this problem.

If you are not scared by multi-books, open the console and enter the following commands:

Sight reduction

To make a small sight, we need just one command:

cl_crosshairsize "9"

We put the number “1” instead of “9” and get a small sight that allows you to shoot much more accurately:

Dot sight

To put a point in the sight we use the command

cl_crosshairdot "1"

A value of “1” includes a dot inside the crosshair. If the value is “0” there is no point.

If you want to make a point sight, like in Max Payne, then after cl_crosshairdot “1” enter:

cl_crosshairsize 0 // remove the crosshair from the sight, making its size zero

cl_crosshairthickness 2 // adjust the thickness of the point

At the output we get:

Sight color selection

The game has several basic colors built in, which are selected with the cl_crosshaircolor “1” command:

cl_crosshaircolor 0 - red

cl_crosshaircolor 1 - green

cl_crosshaircolor 2 - yellow

cl_crosshaircolor 3 - blue

cl_crosshaircolor 4 - blue

cl_crosshaircolor 5 - your color

Pay attention to the last command. If you want to set your own unique crosshair color, cl_crosshaircolor alone will not do. To do this, we need to enter the following after the command cl_crosshaircolor 5:

cl_crosshaircolor_r 255 - proportion of red

cl_crosshaircolor_g 255 - proportion of green

cl_crosshaircolor_b 255 - proportion of blue

Each line is responsible for a color channel. Values ​​can range from 0 to 255. Thus, to get a white sight you will need to enter:

cl_crosshaircolor 5

cl_crosshaircolor_r 255

cl_crosshaircolor_g 255

cl_crosshaircolor_b 255

For the black sight, enter:

cl_crosshaircolor 5

cl_crosshaircolor_r 0

cl_crosshaircolor_g 0

cl_crosshaircolor_b 0

For the pink sight:

cl_crosshaircolor 5

cl_crosshaircolor_r 252

cl_crosshaircolor_g 15

cl_crosshaircolor_b 192

Sight styles

cl_crosshairstyle 0 - default (dynamic)

cl_crosshairstyle 1 - default (static)

cl_crosshairstyle 2 - classic

cl_crosshairstyle 3 - classic (dynamic)

cl_crosshairstyle 4 - classic (static)


To turn crosshair outline on or off, use the cl_crosshair_drawoutline command:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 - crosshair without outline

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - crosshair with outline

To set the stroke thickness, use the command cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1. Instead of “1” you can put any number from 0 to 3. The higher the value, the thicker the outline:

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 2

Sight transparency

To set the transparency of the sight, use the command:

cl_crosshairalpha 255

Instead of “255” you can substitute a number from 0 to 255. The lower the value, the more transparent the sight will be. At zero, the crosshair disappears completely.

There is also the cl_crosshairusealpha command, which enables/disables crosshair transparency mode. If the transparency mode is disabled, then you will not be able to set the crosshair transparency using the cl_crosshairalpha command.

cl_crosshairusealpha 0 - transparency mode disabled

cl_crosshairusealpha 1 - transparency mode enabled

Before using cl_crosshairalpha, you need to make sure that the value of cl_crosshairusealpha is 1 (it is by default).

Distance between lines

The cl_crosshairgap command allows you to decrease or increase the distance between crosshair lines. This command changes the crosshair size in CS:GO to some extent. The parameters can take both positive and negative values:

cl_crosshairgap -5

cl_crosshairgap 0

cl_crosshairgap 5

Line thickness

Command to adjust line thickness:

cl_crosshairthickness 3

Instead of “3” you can put any number from 0 to 100. It also accepts decimal values. for example: 1.5, 50.5. We do not recommend setting a value greater than 3, because The result will be a sight that is too thick and can be played with just for fun. It’s unclear why Valve was given the opportunity to make such a huge thing out of the sight.

Other console commands

crosshair 0 - crosshair is not displayed

crosshair 1 - crosshair is displayed

cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue 0 - a command that makes the distance between crosshair gaps the same for different types of weapons.

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