Games at home. DIY board games

Games for modern man- This Substantial part Everyday life. Today they are simply great amount- for the most demanding taste. At the same time, the range of such entertainment is very wide: from the smallest audience to adults. They are also divided by genre and size. But among the countless variety of different and diverse games, it is sometimes quite difficult to find your own. But you can always easily find a guide on how to make your own game. This, if you want, is not so difficult. The main thing is to tune in and find good step-by-step instructions.

A bit of gaming history

In any form, they have accompanied man since the creation of our world. Games served for entertainment and development. Children were distracted with homemade toys to do numerous household chores. And adults used them to lift their spirits. They found many ways to make the game with their own hands. And each had its own characteristics and charms. Several items that were used for gambling back in 3500 BC have been well preserved to this day. But the most ancient are considered to be ordinary six-sided dice. They were made from various materials: bones, ceramics, wood.

Long centuries of several people at once. And only in the 21st century, thanks to automation, it became possible to do this one by one. Roulette and “one-armed bandits” appeared. Over time, games, instead of uniting, began to alienate people. Now almost the entire heritage of mankind has been digitized and adapted for computers.

How to make a game for little ones

The development of children under one year of age is very important. How can you teach your child to be attentive? logical thinking and ingenuity? Of course, with the help of games. This is the only way to easily, without moralizing and force, develop in a child many natural talents.

Many children's stores offer a huge variety of games, but sometimes it's better to develop them yourself. This is both useful and very interesting. Everything you need can be found in special publications that will tell everyone how to make their own game.

The most popular children's entertainment, even at an “unintelligent” age, is modeling and drawing. To do this, mom can make her own plasticine and paints. Plasticine is an ordinary sweet dough. It will require flour, salt, lemon juice, water and multi-colored food coloring. For painting, you can also make safe, and most importantly, tasty paints from carrots or beet juice. All you need is flour, salt and a little vegetable oil.

Collecting special puzzles will also be interesting for the child. Here, before making your game, you need to choose your favorite characters and stick them on cardboard. It can be cut into two or more parts.

We make games for a fun company

Get together with friends, what could be better and more fun? But, in addition to friendly gatherings over a cup of tea, create good mood Properly selected entertainment will help. For these purposes, you can choose both board and outdoor games. If you don’t have suitable copies at hand, you can easily make them yourself.

Before you make your game for big company, you need to decide on some points: the location of the meeting, the number of people and their preferences, as well as the presence of game elements. After this, you can begin to search for suitable options.

If board games are popular among your friends, you can make your own, for example, " Sea battle", "Monopoly" or ordinary "Fanta". To create them you will need colored paper, markers, cardboard and a little imagination.

Every company should try fun game"Twister". At the same time, it is interesting not only to participate in it, but also to watch. It's quite simple to do. You need two Whatman paper, adhesive tape, self-adhesive film in four colors and several auxiliary tools. Whatman paper is glued together, and multi-colored circles are glued onto them (4 vertically, 6 horizontally). Then the dial is constructed.

All these games can be made with your own hands. You just need to set a goal and find or come up with an answer to the question “how to make a game.” On a computer, in a special program, you can draw everything so that it is smooth and beautiful. This way you can save time and your own efforts.

Modern technologies give us the opportunity to constantly develop, and with the help of a computer you can do anything yourself. Therefore, the question of how to make a game on a computer can be solved by finding step-by-step instructions.

It is worth noting that this activity requires good computer skills and abilities. But simple game If you try, you can make a cake even for a teapot. To simplify the process, you will need a special program, for example "scirra construct", "FPS Creator". You can choose other options. By adding your own pictures and sounds to the program, building a story and possible actions, you can create a good toy. To make a more or less decent thing on your own and without these utilities, you need to be a very advanced programmer. Therefore, it is worth practicing and starting with the simplest.

and create?

The most interesting and at the same time simple thing is a variety of cartoons. Nowadays they are made more even for adults than for children. And what could be more interesting and exciting than a cartoon invented and created independently. A flash game is the same as a cartoon, with its own characters, plot and obstacles. That's why they are so popular today. But how to make a computer game in this genre yourself?

To create it, as for any program of this level, an ignorant beginner will need special utilities. Finding them is quite easy. As a rule, online constructors such as "GameBrix", "Stencyl" are used. All such programs are created using the ActionScript language. The main tools when designing any Flash game are the Flash interface, creating text and buttons, importing multimedia elements into Flash, organizing and preparing a video for publication. At the same time, you need a good imagination for an interesting plot and characters. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will end up with a pretty decent toy.

Online game. Learning to create programs

Here it is also easiest to use a ready-made service and simplify your task several times. All online games are created in the browser. Therefore, to solve the question of how to do online game, you can select several options. But the most effective way is to register on a specialized website and use the proposed designer. There are several paid and free sites for this, for example "MMO Constructor", "Kvester", "", "Ternox". Any online game is created there step by step and in a simple and accessible form. You just need to find pictures and clearly imagine the plot and main characters.

Social networks are a place where the lion's share free time for almost every person who has free access to the Internet. Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular sites in this genre. Here they correspond, post videos and photos, discuss events and play. By the way, with the help of the latter you can also earn money. But how to make a game on Odnoklassniki yourself?

First of all, you need to design any flash game of a certain genre: arcade, shooter, racing. Then you need to go to your Odnoklassniki page. In the "Games" section, click on the "Place a game" button. After this, following step by step instructions, download and distribute your own program.

Creating games for Android

The phone is a device that we use almost constantly for entertainment or work. Now there are many paid and partially free applications for every taste. But sometimes you want to make a program yourself, for yourself. The question is how to make a game on Android.

The most popular engines for creating your own applications on this platform are "Unity3D", "Shiva3D", "AndEngine" and "Instead". With their help, you can design a game of any level without knowledge of programming languages. Each program helps you create your own project.

Modern large games were created by many years of work by a team of experienced programmers. To create your own game, you need to understand programming and have some experience. But it is possible to create a simple computer game without professional skills.

There are special programs on the basis of which you can develop your own game. One of them is 3D Game Maker. It has a simple and user-friendly interface. You can create a simple game in just ten minutes. The program will prompt you to select the genre of the game being implemented and the number of required levels (up to twenty). The main character can be selected from ready-made avatars. At this stage you will be able to launch the game and try to play. Then add an interesting plot, enemies, model attributes, etc. The program is ideal for beginner game developers. Its cost is $35.

There is another game development program that can be used by both beginners and experienced programmers. It is called 3D Game Studio and has a wide range of tools for implementing games of any genre and level of complexity. The program has a package of templates, attributes for creating an interior and effects - mirror and transparent planes, shadows, etc. Novice developers are provided with ready-made game menu elements to choose from. The engine costs $70 for beginners, while advanced programmers will have to pay $900. If you don't like 3D games, pay attention to the Game Maker program. It will allow you to create a high-quality game in 2D format. You will be asked to select objects and come up with interactions between them. The user has the opportunity to draw images in any graphic editor and import them into the system. The program contains a lot interesting effects and sounds. The menu is simple and convenient, so the program is ideal for beginners. Stencyl Works is designed for more experienced programmers. Even a novice user can use it, but he will have to face some difficulties. More experienced users can create their own blocks. If you know the Action Script 3 programming language, you can write your own script for the game. You can publish and share your games on various portals. If you wish, you can find sponsors who can buy your product. If you want to create a professional and high-quality game, study the main game genres and choose your genre to create author's program. Write good script. This will take most of your time. Think through the script and each plot in detail. Describe the visual image, graphics, create the game menu. After that, evaluate the complexity of the written program in order to choose the right engine to create it. If it is relatively simple, use the Creator program. If you're pretty good at programming, create a game based on the Neo Axis Engine. This program has received a lot good reviews and is suitable for creating games of any complexity level. Download the program and start creating a game. If you are a complete beginner, practice and create some easy games. If you have the opportunity, ask your programmer friends to help you write code for the game. If the script is developed well, making the program will not be difficult.

On the Internet you can find many different programs for creating games. Most of them can be downloaded for free. Before creating serious games, practice with free programs and understand the essence of development. After this, it makes sense to buy a suitable engine and start working on creation.

Of course, modern large game projects like WoW or StarCraft are the result of many years of work by experienced programmers, which also require significant financial investments. To take on such a project, you need at least a diploma, some experience and organizational talents. However, the complexity of a project is not always a measure of its success and does not guarantee the interest of players. And anyone can try their hand at creating games, even if they are less technically complex, but still capable of arousing the interest of both users and, possibly, large game producing companies. To do this, you don’t even need to have knowledge of programming languages.

Firstly, the majority modern games equipped with tools that allow you to change the game world to: draw new labyrinths, transform the appearance of characters and game objects, even design new missions and tasks. This allows, based on the same StarCraft or 3D shooter, a computer game of your own design, in which it will be extremely difficult original game. There are game engines specifically designed for creating games.

3D Game Maker is one of the most popular engines that allows you to create your own 3D game. Thanks to the extraordinary simplicity of the interface, a full-fledged 3D game can be created with its help in just 10 minutes. We select the genre of the game to be created, determine the number of required levels (the system allows you to design up to 20 different levels), among ready-made models We select the main character. The game can already be launched and tested, although work on it, of course, has just begun. After all, the game is still devoid of the most important thing, the thing that holds the user’s attention and interest - the plot. Therefore, it is also necessary to select opponents and think through other necessary details. The cost of this game development is $35 - an amount quite affordable for game creators.

3D Game Studio is a powerful tool for creating both 3D and 2D games, and practically no programming is required. A set of all kinds of template situations, examples and effects gives the game designer a fairly wide palette of tools to realize his fantasies. Natural effects, mirror surfaces, shadows, transparent surfaces - all these attributes can be fully used when developing gaming interiors. Ready-made game interface elements are also provided to the developer, allowing the user to communicate with the game in a stylish and convenient way. The professional version of this engine will cost $900, but the beginner version is much cheaper - only $70.

If 3D worlds don't appeal to you, pay attention to Game Maker - it gives you endless scope for imagination, allowing you to create a computer game in 2D format. We select objects and think through their interaction. Images can be drawn in any graphic editor and imported into the system. The game can be equipped with sound effects and signals. The interface is extremely simple and logical, ideal for beginners.

Video on the topic


  • how to create your own online game on your computer

If you look back 20 years, you can remember how computers seemed like some kind of inexplicable miracle, and their creators were considered almost gods of new technologies. Today, you can hardly surprise anyone with a new shooter or simulator - the size of the budget invested in a new physical or graphics engine wins, and game creation technologies are available to any computer user who is interested in them, even “ teapot».

You will need

  • Computer, Internet access, Game Editor program, compiler of a suitable programming language, Adobe Photoshop.


Any game starts with an idea. As is known, the most popular game in the world - Tetris, which differs precisely in the idea, and not in the plot and special effects. Look around you, maybe there is some kind of fun you haven’t yet thought of embodying in pixel form and you have every chance of becoming famous. Determine the genre, develop the idea and clearly decide what you want to get in the end result.

If your idea does not require 3D graphics, implementation physical characteristics and other “difficulties” inherent in large commercial projects, then pay attention to the program for creating two-dimensional games Game Editor. In it you can make any mini-game with your own plot and graphics, which will need to be prepared in advance in a graphics editor, for example, Photoshop. The Game Editor's interface is entirely in language, but this will not prevent even a beginner from mastering it, because there are a lot of forums and instructions for this program on the Internet. It’s best to start creating your own games in Game Editor by studying and processing ready-made game samples that come with the program.

Video games are no longer a booming industry. She's in her prime. There are more people playing video games than ever before. This means that there are many opportunities for new people to break through and make great game. It could be you! But how to do that? The process of making games is very complex, but you can make a game yourself with a little help or funding. We'll walk you through the basics you'll need to take into account to make your game and make it well. Just start with step 1 below.


Getting ready for success

    Get to grips with your game. You will need to do quite a bit of planning and thinking about global problems, if you want the process to go smoothly. What genre will your game be in (RPG, shooter, platformer, etc.)? What platform will your game be released on? What unique and distinctive features will your game have? Answering each question requires a different set of resources, skills, and planning, as they impact game development differently.

    Do good design for Game. How the game is designed will be very important, so it's best to figure out things like this before you start making the game. How will players progress through the game? How will players interact with the world around them? How will you train the players? What audio and musical accompaniment will you use? All this is very important.

    Be realistic. If we were to churn out games like Mass Effect it was easy, everyone would do it. You need to understand what you can and cannot do without a huge studio and good experience behind your shoulders. You also need to be realistic about what you can accomplish in a reasonable amount of time. If you don’t look realistically at your strengths, you will most likely quickly become disappointed and give up. And we don’t want you to give up!

  1. Find good hardware and software. Creating a game at any level above “mobile” requires a computer that most would call “sophisticated.” If you're using an older system, you'll quickly find that you won't be able to run the game you're making on it. You'll also need some very powerful and fairly specialized software to create games. Some are cheap or free, but others can be quite expensive. We will look at good software in the following sections, but you can note that the software you will need may include 3D modeling programs, image editors, text editors, compilers, etc.

    • At a minimum, you will need a powerful processor (at least quad-core and preferably one of the new i5 or i7), a lot random access memory and an advanced video card.

If you don't know any programming languages, but want to get started self-creation games, you just need to purchase an engine (special program), on the basis of which the creation and development of any game takes place.

The cost of such an engine varies widely - from $30 to $100, it is often determined by the popularity and promotion of the brand, and then directly by the capabilities of the program. For a beginner who does not have a particularly large starting capital, the least expensive one is quite suitable. Don't forget that many famous computer games were born from very simple engines.

Programs for creating computer games

An example of the simplest, but quite powerful and productive program is 3D Game Maker. Within fifteen minutes, even an amateur without any programming skills can make a pretty toy on it. The engine allows you to create a game with an original genre, lasting no more than 20 levels, your own storyline, provides a wide selection of hero layouts, opponents and other settings. As a result, we get a complete result of quite satisfactory quality. A more powerful system is 3D Game Studio, with which you can create 2D and 3D gameplay, but to work with it you already need basic knowledge programming language. The range of customizable functions is much wider than that of the engine described above, and built-in interface elements are also offered. Free program, freely available is Game Maker - this is a 2D designer with a wide profile of possible genres, game objects and their interactions, accompanying sounds. You can get creative with sketches to create objects - they are drawn in graphic editors and loaded into the system. By the way, beginners are recommended to start with this engine not only because it is free, but also because of its simplicity, logic and clarity. In addition to Game Maker, there is a whole bunch of zero-cost programs, as they say, for every taste and color, every beginner will be able to find a suitable engine for themselves and start creating their own computer masterpieces.

How to create a 2D game in 15 minutes?