Do-it-yourself induction heating boiler - we'll take care of everything. How to make an induction boiler with your own hands? DIY induction heating boiler drawings

With the topic of the efficiency and economy of induction boilers, the further we go, the more incomprehensible everything becomes. The discussion is active, including on many forums. But only those that prove that these savings are inventions of unscrupulous sellers remain open and accessible. Others become inaccessible.

The main argument of opponents of the use of induction boilers is the law of conservation of energy. Moreover, it is interpreted as follows: no matter what heater is supplied with 1 kW of electricity, it can only generate slightly less than 1 kW of thermal energy. A little less - due to losses and not one hundred percent efficiency. Because the heating element, an induction heater will spend the same (or almost) amount of electricity to generate one amount of heat. And since induction boilers are much more expensive, then buying them is a waste of money.

Does an induction boiler save electricity or not? That is the question…

There were also opponents. There are few of them, but they exist. This theory is not simple, and requires deep knowledge. But the essence of the objection is this: when a heater consumes 1 kW of electricity, it produces 1 kW of energy, but not all of this energy is thermal. And for the production of thermal energy induction heaters turn out to be much more productive than traditional heating elements. AND direct to that confirmation - household induction cookers. They require less electricity to heat the same amount of water. This is easy to check: take two tiles of the same power - induction and with a spiral. Then put two identical pots of water, turn them on and note how much time each unit takes at the same power. The shorter the time before boiling, the less electricity is spent.

How to make your own induction boiler

Now about how to make an induction boiler with your own hands. If you do everything yourself, you need a lot of knowledge. For example, two electronics engineers tinkered for more than six months, transferred a lot of spare parts, and spent a lot of money on them. In the end, the working installation was assembled, we were very pleased with the result, but they only posted photos.

On the manufacturers' websites there is only general information with a demonstration of operating principles and no diagrams. It is, in general, understandable.

Those models that propose to make: fill a plastic pipe with pieces of wire and wind the wire on top, may work, but are clearly unfinished. Serious protection is needed: the coil turns are on top, and current runs through them. Moreover, from a 220 V network. In addition, there is no temperature control, which is fraught: the plastic melts. It is also necessary to calculate the speed of movement of the coolant and much more. In general, it is unsafe.

Below is a video that presents one of the options for such a homemade induction heating boiler. It is simple to perform:

Heating boiler made of induction stove or panel

But those who want to make an induction boiler do not necessarily have to assemble the heater themselves. All you need is to buy an induction household hob. It costs $50 and up. Next are the options:

This version of the boiler is made from induction cooker Really anyone can do it. Just pay attention once again - in order for a liquid or surface to heat up, the metal must be magnetic. Good stainless steel (non-magnetic) or aluminum are not suitable: Foucault currents do not propagate in them. In addition to the fact that you almost don’t need to do anything, this option is good because the tile has a control and safety system that will turn off the device in case of overheating.


Of the three presented options for homemade induction heating boilers, two are not really boilers (or not boilers at all - depending on how you look at them). But at the same time, you can heat rooms with their help. Methods with induction hob it is easy to check, especially for those who have such a tile. To increase heat transfer in the tile + radiator option, you can arrange a fan (if necessary). But how well it works needs to be tested from your own experience.

When planning a heating system in a country house, owners consider many technical solutions, including an option with an induction boiler. Its installation allows you to save electrical energy, it does not emit life-threatening substances, which means it is environmentally friendly. It is possible to create an induction heating boiler with your own hands and see its advantages, for example, over units running on gas or solid fuel.

Internal structure and principle of operation of the boiler

The main purpose of the equipment is to create thermal energy from electrical energy using a special unit. Unlike heating elements, induction devices increase the temperature of the coolant faster due to a completely different design.

Induction boilers are effectively used in heating systems not only in private homes

The coolant is traditionally water or antifreeze, but sometimes other liquids are used that have necessary property– current conductivity

The device is based on an inductor (transformer) with two types of windings. Eddy currents arise inside, following the coil (short-circuited), which is also the housing. As a result, the secondary winding is replenished with a supply of energy, which it immediately converts into heat, which is transferred to the coolant.

The device must be equipped with two pipes: through one of them cooled coolant will be supplied, and through the second, hot coolant will come out.

The system does not overheat due to the fact that hot water is constantly removed, and cold water comes in instead

The diagram of a factory-made boiler is similar to the diagram of home-made equipment

If we break down the operating principle of the boiler into stages, we get the following picture:

  • Water (or other coolant) enters the boiler.
  • Electricity is supplied to the internal winding.
  • Under voltage, the core is heated, and then the surface.
  • The coolant is heating up.

A self-made induction boiler usually has simple design, so it rarely fails. Thanks to the vibration that accompanies the operation of the unit, the appearance of scale, which is also common cause breakdowns. The factory device works on the same principle:

Examples of homemade designs

Option #1 - Plastic pipes + welding inverter

Having some knowledge in the field of physics and owning wire cutters, you can assemble an elementary induction model on one's own.

To do this, you need to purchase a ready-made welding inverter, high-frequency, with continuously adjustable current and a power of 15 amperes, although for heating it is better to choose a more powerful device. Wire rod from of stainless steel or simply pieces of steel wire are suitable as a heated element. The length of the segments is about 50 mm, with a diameter of 7 mm.

Copper wire can be purchased at the store. It is better not to use winding from old coils

The housing (the base of the induction coil) will also be part of the pipeline, so it is suitable for its manufacture plastic pipe, always with thick walls, inner diameter which is slightly less than 50 mm. Two pipes are attached to the body for the flow of cold coolant and the return of heated coolant.

The internal space is completely filled with pieces of wire, closing both ends metal mesh so that they don't fall apart. The induction coil is being manufactured in the following way: Enameled copper wire is carefully wound around a ready-made plastic pipe - about 90 turns.

The homemade device must be connected to the network. From installed pipeline They cut out a section of the pipe and install a homemade induction boiler in its place. It is connected to the inverter and the water is turned on.

The induction heating boiler is located together with the rest of the equipment - in the boiler room

It is important to note that induction heating boilers only work if there is coolant in the system; without it, the plastic casing will melt.

Option #2 - design with a transformer

To manufacture this unit, you will need a welding machine, as well as a transformer (three-phase) with the ability to be fixed.

It is necessary to weld two pipes so that they look like a donut in cross-section

This design performs both conductive and heating functions. Then the winding is wound directly onto the boiler body so that it works more efficiently, despite its low weight and size. The coolant heating circuit is standard: it receives thermal energy upon contact with the winding.

Like the simpler option, the complex model is equipped with two pipes - for the cold coolant inlet and the heated coolant outlet

The presence of a protective casing will help prevent loss of thermal energy. You can also make the casing yourself.

Features of installation and operation

The heating system is suitable for installing an induction system closed type, which includes a pump that creates forced circulation water in pipes. Common plastic pipelines are also suitable for installing a self-made boiler.

During installation, you should maintain safe distances to the nearest objects: to other devices and the wall - 300 mm or more, to the floor and ceiling - 800 mm or more. It is reasonable to place a safety group (pressure gauge, air release valve) near the outlet pipe.

Grounding is another one required condition installation of an induction boiler.

Having made an induction boiler with your own hands, you can soon see the results of your labors: it will work properly long time, not inferior to the factory performance. Difficult to manufacture, but economical to use, it does not require additional maintenance, the main thing is to comply with operating conditions.

Fundamentally, an induction boiler is an inductor (transformer) with two types of winding. The resulting eddy currents follow the short-circuited loop, which is the boiler body. The secondary winding receives energy, which is converted into heat, heating the coolant.

Induction boilers for heating a private home have the following advantages:

  • provide double heating of the coolant;
  • quickly heat the house;
  • they use AC and DC power for operation;
  • do not require a special room for installation;
  • can operate at low voltage;
  • do not contain parts that fail;
  • coolant leakage is impossible;
  • do not form scale;
  • fireproof;
  • Efficiency is about 100%, does not depend on the service life;
  • allow you to select the coolant (water, antifreeze, oil);
  • have a manufacturer's warranty of up to 25 years;
  • installed by the homeowner without the involvement of specialists.

Which induction boiler is better to choose?

Manufacturers offer two types of induction boilers - single-phase and three-phase. Many boiler models are available with control panels. The choice of an induction boiler is made based on a power of 60 watts per 1 sq. m of heated area. If the house is not intended for permanent residence, then the indicated power rate can be reduced to 50 watts. With a house area of ​​120 sq.m. in this case, an induction boiler with a power of 60 kW should be installed.

According to consumer reviews, the main disadvantage of induction boilers is their high price - such boilers are much more expensive than heating elements. But in this case, the high cost of such equipment is justified: induction boilers last longer than heating elements, which form scale and sharply lose heat transfer.

Comparative calculations of the operating efficiency of heating elements and induction boilers indicate that the difference in cost pays off in the first year of operation of the induction boiler. Moreover, the colder the heating season, the faster such a boiler will pay for itself.

The efficiency of an induction boiler and its energy consumption allow it to be considered energy-saving equipment. Along with the advantages of induction boilers, consumers note the need to insulate their homes - only in this case can they count on high efficiency of the equipment.

In the photo, my choice is an induction boiler EPO Evan 9.45 kW

How much does induction heating of a private house cost?

Let's calculate the monthly costs of heating a house with an area of ​​200 sq.m. using an induction boiler. To heat such an area, you will need to purchase a boiler with a capacity of: 200 x 60 = 12 kW.

Heating costs per month will be:

C = M x H x D x T, where:

  • M - boiler power;
  • B - operating time per day (10 hours) in cyclic mode;
  • D - number of days in a month (30);
  • T is the tariff cost of electricity, depending on the region (let’s assume roughly 3 rubles/kWh).

Substituting the values, we get costs - 10,800 rubles per month.

The efficiency of induction boilers does not change during the entire service life, i.e. Heating costs will remain constant throughout the life of the boiler. According to reviews from homeowners who use heating element boilers to heat their homes, after the first year of operation, operating efficiency due to scale formation drops by 10%, and subsequently it decreases even more.

How to make induction heating for a private house with your own hands

You can make an induction boiler yourself. Let's consider two options for manufacturing such a unit.

Induction boiler made from a welding inverter and plastic pipes

To make a boiler you will need:

  1. high-frequency welding inverter with continuously adjustable current with a power of 15 amperes;
  2. stainless steel wire rod or pieces of steel wire with a length of 50 and a diameter of 7 mm for the heating element;
  3. thick-walled plastic pipe, internal diameter slightly less than 50 mm;
  4. copper wire for winding.

The cold coolant inlet and heated coolant outlet pipes are attached to the pipe body. The internal space is filled with pieces of wire and closed on both sides with a metal mesh. The induction coil must be made by winding enameled copper wire (about 90 turns) around a plastic pipe. A homemade induction device is connected to the network in place of the cut section of the pipe.

Induction boiler from a welding machine

To make a boiler you will need:

  1. welding machine;
  2. three-phase transformer.

For more information about the production and connection of an induction boiler, see the video at the end of the page.

  • Manufactured devices must be installed at a safe distance from walls and other devices (at least 30 cm), from the floor and ceiling (at least 80 cm);
  • Security group (air safety valve, pressure gauge) is best placed at the outlet pipe;
  • The induction boiler must be grounded.


  1. Induction boilers are more economical and reliable than electric boilers of other designs.
  2. Their main drawback - high cost - can be avoided by making the unit yourself. According to the experience of the craftsmen, the boiler in this case will cost several times less. A properly manufactured induction boiler is not inferior in reliability to an industrial one.
  3. It is important to install an induction boiler correctly, ensuring all safety measures. Reliability and efficiency of induction boilers are crucial when choosing.

Many residents of private and apartment buildings, trying to save on electricity, are looking for the most profitable option to heat their home.

This is why people are increasingly installing induction boilers with their own hands.

The main advantages of such an installation are that it is economical and durable, and you can install it yourself.

This design can be assembled by hand

Boiler structure

Before you begin assembly, you need to understand the operating principles of the device. It should be noted right away that they are similar to heating elements, which are responsible for converting electrical energy into heat.

Installing an induction electric boiler with your own hands does not require complete replacement heating system, since it works on the principle of an electric inductor, which includes two windings:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The primary circuit converts electrical energy into eddy current, but the magnetic field created by this process goes to the secondary winding, where heat is generated.

In this video you will learn how to make an induction boiler with your own hands:

The main element in the device is the housing. It consists of the following parts:

  • core;
  • outer body;
  • electrical insulation;
  • thermal insulation.

U industrial devices the winding is cylindrical. A self-made induction boiler has a toroidal winding. She's going out copper wire. The body is surrounded by ferromagnetic steel about 1-1.5 cm thick. All this allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the unit and increase efficiency.

If we compare homemade device with any other equipment operating on gas or liquid fuel, then you can select it the following nuances:

  • The coolant has double heating;
  • faster heating of the room;
  • minimum inertia indicator;
  • due to magnetic induction, scale does not form;
  • The device does not need to be cleaned.

It is also worth noting that the coolant in a self-assembled induction heating boiler receives about 97% of the thermal energy. This increases productivity and reduces energy costs.

That's all you need to make it

Installation work

Initially, you need to prepare a drawing. The easiest way to make an induction boiler with your own hands is to have a diagram at hand heating system. If everything is prepared, then you can begin the work process. In this case, no special equipment or too expensive material is required for manufacturing. It will be enough to have minimal experience work with welding machine inverter type. All actions are performed as follows:

  1. First you need to cut the stainless wire into several pieces. Their length should be about 5 centimeters, diameter - 7 millimeters.
  2. To make the body, you will need a plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.
  3. Now you need to cover the bottom of the prepared pipe with a metal mesh. It is desirable that it has small cells, then pieces of stainless steel will not be able to pass through them.
  4. Fill the body with the existing wire. Then close the second hole of the pipe tightly using the same mesh.
  5. On next stage you have to wind the copper wire around the middle part of the body, making about 90 turns. This needs to be done as tightly as possible.
  6. Now you need to connect the tap-in adapter to the structure. You can use both plumbing and heating systems.

After performing these steps, the following should happen: water passes into the heater through the first adapter, quickly heats up, and then enters the radiators through the second adapter, thereby heating the entire home.

So you can do it quite easily induction heating private house with your own hands. Moreover, this design does not require a separate boiler room. To do this, you just need to cut a piece of pipe near the entrance to the radiator and weld a homemade heater in this place.

After this, you need to correctly connect the finished coil to the 18-25 A inverter, and also fill the system with coolant. The main thing is not to make the connection without a thermal fluid, since the plastic shell of the device will simply melt, and all previously performed actions will be in vain. Also, do not forget about grounding, it will allow you not to worry about safety.

Boilers of this type are easy to assemble, install and further operate. There are rules that will help you easily equip your home DIY induction heating:

  • diagrams and drawings must be used during work, this is the only way to get boilers that will function efficiently and uninterruptedly;
  • homemade units can only be used in closed systems heating, when air circulation operates due to the operation of the pump;
  • the wiring of the heating system, working in conjunction with the device, is made exclusively from plastic or propylene pipes;
  • to prevent possible troubles, it is necessary to install the heater correctly (it should be located at a distance of 30 centimeters from the walls and 80 centimeters from the surface of the floor and ceiling).

In addition, it is necessary to equip the pipe with a special blast valve, with the help of which it will be possible to always remove excess air from the heating system, normalize the pressure and ensure optimal conditions for work.

Owners of private houses have many options for heating system equipment. But most often the choice falls on induction boilers. And this is not surprising, because such an installation has a number of advantages. Externally, an induction electric boiler somewhat resembles transformer installation. Heating elements are missing. Water is heated by electromagnetic induction.

What electric induction heating boilers are, what advantages they have and how to make them yourself will be discussed in this article.

The high popularity of induction boilers is due to their advantages. Among the main ones we can name profitability. The installation allows you to save electrical energy. By equipping a heating system with an electric boiler, you can forget about the need to regularly replenish fuel supplies. What cannot be said about systems with liquid fuels and...

Induction electric boilers operate silently. The device does not emit any emissions during operation. harmful substances and is environmentally friendly. Another advantage is that the electric coil is isolated and does not come into contact with the coolant. This means that there is no possibility of a leak.

The induction device is durable and safe.

In addition, such equipment can be quite easily made on your own.

What is needed to make a boiler?

Thus, induction-type boilers have plenty of advantages. But there is one drawback - high cost. But this flaw can be easily corrected. After all, making an induction boiler with your own hands is not difficult.

The cost of installing induction equipment quickly pays off due to its high efficiency and electrical safety.

Having made drawings for an induction boiler with your own hands, you can easily short time create economical and effective system home heating.

In order to build an induction type boiler, you will need the following tools and materials:

Thus, no special and expensive tools and materials are required to create an induction device. All necessary equipment and every owner probably has the materials. By making your own drawings for an induction heating boiler, you can end up with a heat generator that is quite economical to operate and cheap to create and install.

Algorithm for creating an induction boiler

Having prepared all the tools and materials, you can start working. At first it may seem that making an induction boiler yourself is not easy. But in reality it is not difficult at all. The main thing is to adhere to the algorithm and follow the rules.

In order to make a boiler based on an induction stove, it is necessary to perform the following work:

To make the operation of the equipment safer, open areas It is better to insulate the copper coil. When choosing an insulator, thermal and electrical conductivity should be taken into account. You can read about other homemade heating products.

Homemade induction boiler - reality

Thus, making induction heating boilers with your own hands is very simple. In addition, the price of a homemade boiler is cheap. The only drawback of such a unit is that it is unsightly appearance and small sizes. But having installed such a boiler, you can immediately feel the positive effect of its operation; the rate of heating of the coolant in the heating network increases significantly.