"Ingrid Bergman" - bush hybrid tea rose. Hybrid tea rose Ingrid Bergman Characteristics of the hybrid tea rose Ingrid Bergman

Hybrid tea roses are all real beauties without exception. However, among them there was a variety with which few can compare in beauty: Ingrid Bergman. The flowers are striking with heavy, large buds of a dark red hue and with velvety petals.

Such a rose can become a decoration for both a garden and a park, a recreation area, and, when cut, home interior. Let's get acquainted with the description of the flower, find out where and how best to grow it.

Rose Ingrid Bergman- the brainchild of Danish breeders, and named, as is clear, in honor of the famous Swedish actress.

External characteristics

Since the variety Ingrid Bergman belongs to tea hybrids, like all its analogues, it has developed, strong shoots, densely strewn with large buds during the flowering period. The bush is not tall - it reaches only 60-80 cm, however, it is distinguished by good branching. The stems of an adult plant are usually quite long.

The flowering period begins in June and lasts until October. The buds have a terry structure and consist of 35-40 rich red petals. The shape of the opened bud is recognized by experts as perfect. Its diameter is amazing, often reaching 12-15 cm (see photo)

Let's try to describe the color of flowers. So, the shade of red in these roses is very pleasing to the eye: it is warm, rich, dark. And although the dark red shade for roses is not the rarest, the Ingrid Bergman variety has it special: clean, deep, devoid of any defects, spots or streaks. When the buds begin to fade, the petals take on a bluish tone.

Young buds that have not yet opened are very dark, almost black. The petals in them are arranged in a spiral, which looks especially elegant. The edges of the petals are bent to outside, the aroma is faintly noticeable, but, however, very pleasant.

On the shoot, the flowers are located singly. Up to 50 buds can bloom simultaneously on one adult bush: a stunning sight. A blossoming bud retains its decorative effect for several weeks, after which it fades.

Landscape design

The variety performs best in group plantings: it is better if the group consists of at least three bushes. It is recommended to plant 6 Ingrid Bergman bushes per 1 m2 of flower bed: this way the composition will look impressive and lush. If other flowers are involved in planting, it is better to use colors that are harmoniously combined.

The plant also looks good as a border plant: in this capacity it is best to combine a rose with annual flowers. Because of long flowering The Ingrid Bergman variety is always used in joint plantings as an accent plant. The variety is also good for cutting: the flowers can last a surprisingly long time in bouquets.

Concerning color combinations, then the dark red shade of Ingrid Bergman's buds looks great with light colors. The combination with yellow-orange flowers looks impressive: for example, with marigolds, lilies, and daylilies. Pastel shades are also very good: you can use bells, phlox, and light irises. Greenish-silver plants will also complement the beauty of the rose: wormwood, catnip, narrow-leaved lavender.

This variety of rose will look great in a garden decorated in any style: modern, vintage, romantic. Well suited for decorating stylized wildlife garden plots. The shrub can also be used to form a decorative hedge. A garden decorated with such a hedge will look especially attractive and picturesque.

Growing conditions

Let's find out where to choose a place to plant Ingrid Bergman roses and what conditions the plant needs to be provided.

Location and lighting

Since this hybrid tea rose was created for cultivation in the shortened daylight hours of Northern Europe, prolonged exposure to bright sun is contraindicated for it. If the plant is exposed to the scorching sun for a long time without any shading, burns and burnout of the petals will inevitably occur.

However, this does not mean that the flower does not need the sun. It needs it - especially in the morning and evening: it is not as active as the midday one. Plant a shrub on the western or eastern side of the site - this is where the Ingrid Bergman rose will feel best.

To be able to admire this stunning plant more often, it is advisable to choose a place that is clearly visible from the windows of the house. There should not be too close occurrence on the site groundwater: Make sure that water passes through the ground no higher than a meter from the surface.


Rose needs warm conditions: It should definitely be covered for the winter. Although this variety is one of the most winter-hardy among hybrid teas.

Humidity and drafts

The variety does well in moderate air humidity. As for drafts, from the north wind better plant protect. But the place should be well ventilated: in stagnant lowlands, the rose will not grow normally and bloom magnificently.

Soil composition

The best choice for Ingrid Bergman roses is fertile black soil. But in the absence of such, ordinary loam will do: in this case, the soil must be enriched with fertilizers before planting.

The acidity of the soil should be weak or moderate: alkaline soil is not suitable for this rose. To acidify the soil, you can add peat or manure to it. If the acidity is excessive, lime the soil or add ash to it.

At the bottom of the hole dug for the rose, do not forget to put a drainage layer of crushed stone, gravel or large expanded clay, crushed brick. This measure will protect the roots from rotting. The drainage layer should be 10 cm, no less.

It is better to plant roses together: one person should hold the bush so that the root neck of the plant does not go too deep, and the second person should sprinkle the seedling with soil.

After planting, the bush must be watered. And if the soil settles after this procedure, fill it up.

How to care

Let's get acquainted with the features of caring for the hybrid tea rose by Ingrid Bergman.


This rose variety is drought-resistant, however, the shrub, of course, needs watering. Moistening the soil is especially important during dry periods of summer and for young seedlings.


The procedure should be systematic: carry out it a day or two after watering and rain. Loosening will increase soil permeability and allow air access to the roots.


Make sure that no weeds grow in the rose bed: remove them as soon as they appear. We recommend combining the weeding procedure with watering, since even the most tenacious weeds can be easily removed from wet soil.

Top dressing

The feeding procedure is carried out only during the growing season: in the spring the emphasis is on nitrogen, in the summer on phosphorus and potassium.


The procedure is aimed at creating a beautiful crown of the plant, as well as ridding the bush of old, obsolete branches. It is best to prune the bush for formative purposes in the spring: as soon as the buds begin to swell in the lower part of the plant.

Pruning is also carried out in the summer, removing faded buds and thereby extending the decorative period. In the fall, sanitary pruning is usually carried out: the bush is thinned out, fungus-affected, broken and weak branches are removed.


In the south of the country you don’t have to cover the rose. But starting from the Volga region and middle zone It is necessary to protect the shrub from frost. However, you shouldn’t rush through the procedure too much: cover only when the frost drops below -7 degrees. A little hardening will not harm the plant and will better prepare it for the upcoming cold weather.

First you need to hill up the bush by pouring an earthen bank along the diameter of the roots. This measure is aimed at protecting the roots from freezing. Use spruce branches to cover the plant itself: it allows air to pass through well and is quite warm. Place spruce branches on top of the rose branches and between them. A frame is then formed over the bush, stretching a film covering over it: this way the rose overwinters. In spring, you need to remove the film early so that the bush under it does not begin to rot.

Although this rose is heat-loving, today there is successful experience growing it in regions such as Krasnoyarsk region, Perm, Ekaterinburg.


To preserve varietal characteristics, they propagate hybrid tea rose only vegetatively. It is known that seed propagation does not guarantee that the plant will acquire maternal qualities. And the vegetative one gives. At home, of all the possible vegetative propagation methods, the simplest and most effective is cuttings. That's what they use.

In order for the cutting to be of high quality, it is taken from a healthy, faded shoot (after the first phase of flowering). The roots are usually grown in wet sand or a sand-earth mixture, and after the roots appear, they are planted on permanent place into the ground.

Diseases and pests

In general, the rose is quite stable and has good immunity. The plant withstands temporary unfavorable conditions and does not succumb to high humidity, drought-resistant. However, diseases are still possible, as is pest damage. Let's find out what dangers are most common when growing a flower.


A small pest that can nevertheless cause a lot of problems. You need to look for aphids on the lower part of the leaves: the pest settles there and slowly sucks the life juices out of the rose. As a result of aphid infestation, the plant's foliage curls and dries out. They usually fight with suitable insecticides, and with a small number of insects, traditional methods are also used.

Black spot

A dangerous fungus that attacks the vegetative part of the bush. The disease occurs due to prolonged waterlogging of the plant. The affected parts must be cut off immediately and then the plant must be sprayed with a fungicidal preparation. For treatment to be effective, at least two of them must be carried out.

Rose Ingrid Bergman has a dark red color. The height of the bush is usually about 70-80 cm. The width is about 70 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of the Ingrid Bergman rose: it gets sick in unfavorable years.

Description: Ingrid Bergman roses

Ingrid Bergman's classic red flowers have made her popular all over the world. The petals unfold in a spiral of long, elegant buds that are almost black. They are dark red, the same non-fading shade on both sides of the petals - neither white center, no white streaks - just pure dark red color. The flowers usually appear one at a time, are great when cut, and are beautiful in the garden. The flowers are densely double and tolerate rain well. The bush is strong, tough, compact, with shiny, varnished foliage and crimson young growth. Very disease resistant and unusually winter hardy for a tea plant. hybrid rose. (ARE)The flowers are colored to symbolize love: the petals are deep red and velvety. Giving or receiving a dozen of these roses as a gift is a great pleasure! The color is permanent, fragile only in hot climates. In rainy weather, spots may appear on the petals. Avoid extremes; roses do not like too hot sun or strong shade. The flowers are large, not too delicate, but not coarse. The bud is pointed and retains this classic shape for several days. The flower with its 45 petals takes several days to fully bloom; the diameter of the blossomed flower can exceed 10. Pleasant, memorable aroma. Flowers are often single. When they are collected in racemes, the first flower is the largest, the rest are smaller and play the role of an accompaniment, but are still very attractive. Flowering repeats itself, every year this rose long time becomes a source of joy and how garden plant, and in the form of cut flowers. The plants are strong and produce many thick stems at the base. The bush becomes spreading, reaching a height of about 1.2 m and a width of 0.75. Avoid extremes; roses do not like too hot sun or strong shade. Red young leaves later turn dark green; the leaves radiate health, there are many of them, they reinforce the overall impression of the rose as a strong plant. May be slightly affected by black spot late in the season. (Rhar)

Hybrid tea rose Ingrid Bergman is a classic rose of uniform color without a single light spot, a real dark red queen of the garden. This is a rose - delight, a rose - admiration, a rose - love! A variety from the breeders of the Danish nursery Poulsen Rose, named after Ingrid Bergman, an actress and very beautiful woman. In the ranking of the 100 greatest actresses of the last century, Bergman took 4th place. It is not surprising that the rose named after her is highly popular in the world.

Characteristics of the rose variety Ingrid Bergman

  1. Compact bush 70-80 cm high and 70 cm wide.
  2. Long elegant buds bloom into a large velvet flower of deep red color up to 10 cm in diameter.
  3. Group:
  4. The leaves are emerald green, dense, glossy, which gives the bush a healthy appearance and decorativeness.
  5. Repeated, long-lasting flowering.
  6. Resistant to powdery mildew, black spotting is high, as well as to rain and adverse weather conditions.
  7. Rose Ingrid Bergman successfully survives winter in Siberia and the Urals under the right shelter.

The nuances of choosing a landing site

If you buy Ingrid Bergman hybrid tea rose on our website, you will not have problems with the quality of seedlings and their survival rate. To achieve this, we responsibly select suppliers planting material and take measures to protect the viability of seedlings on their way to you.

When planting roses of this variety, it is necessary to take into account its northern origin. Therefore, in the southern regions it requires protection from direct sun rays, under which the petals can burn out.