What does an interactive whiteboard refer to? Interactive whiteboard: types and types

Interactive whiteboards

Interactive technologies have proven their worth in educational processes, in organizing production, as well as in some specialized institutions and organizations. To modern man requires direct participation in all these processes, but at the same time he does not want to spend a lot of effort on this. In addition, these devices have a number of additional requirements: they must be compact and inexpensive. There is such a solution - these are interactive whiteboards that appeared in Russia in 1991.

Fully functioning interactive whiteboards typically include 4 components:

· computer

· multimedia projector

· appropriate software

· and the interactive whiteboard itself, which can also be equipped with a built-in printer

The image from the computer monitor is transmitted through the projector to the interactive whiteboard, and touches on its surface are sent back to the computer via a cable or through wireless communication interfaces and processed by special software.

Types of interactive whiteboards

According to the main characteristics they distinguish interactive whiteboards with forward or reverse projection.

With forward projection, the projector is located directly in front of the surface of the interactive whiteboard, with reverse projection, it is behind it. Some models of interactive whiteboards can be equipped with special pocket personal computers for data exchange. There are also expensive models of interactive whiteboards that do not use a projector, but are a large touch-sensitive plasma panel.

There are three types of interactive whiteboards:

· Boards that fix the resistance of the surface when touched.

Such boards have a soft and flexible surface, consisting of two parts. The material holding the resistance is separated small interval from the rest of the board surface and transmits signals to the computer when a special membrane is triggered. Such boards can be controlled not only with special markers, but also by simply touching the board with a hand or a pointer.

Special markers can also be customized (using the included software(software)) to display different colors. Such boards are very suitable for schools, as they are reliable and do not require any special devices that can get lost or broken.

· Boards that record electromagnetic pulses

These boards are similar to traditional ones and have a hard surface. Control is carried out using special electromagnetic markers powered by batteries. The surface of the board is covered with a grid of thin wires that capture the small magnetic field emitted by the marker.

Laser boards have a hard work surface with infrared laser scanners mounted on the surface

These scanners detect the movement of a special pen, the encoded color and transmit them to the computer. Close to this technology are DViT (Digital Vision Touch) boards, which use small digital video cameras, located in the corners of the screen and recording every touch on it.

A microscope, camera, digital camera or video camera. And you can work productively with all the displayed materials right during the lesson. For the teacher, a supply of visual and video material when preparing for a lesson with the help of this technical means is limitless, since there are many educational resources on any topic, and in various online libraries you can find specific visual materials and use them repeatedly.

Now teachers simply do not need to worry about the safety of paper maps, posters and teaching aids. There will simply be no need for them. All work carried out during the lecture with all the notes and notes made on the board can be saved on the computer for later viewing and analysis, including in the form of a video recording.

The interactive whiteboard allows you to reproduce information in a format accessible to all students. Working on the board with an electronic marker like a mouse, the teacher can quickly and clearly demonstrate this or that method of work.

The greatest effect can be obtained by a teacher who uses all the capabilities of the board. Using a special marker, an interactive whiteboard allows you to move drawings, photographs and texts across its surface, copy them, rotate them, change their size and shape. Using such a marker, you can not only draw on the surface of the board, but also control computer programs, press buttons, select and drag objects. The marker in this case replaces the computer mouse. This feature allows it to be used with interactive whiteboard many computer programs, including most existing multimedia computer educational programs.

Remotely, while managing the presentation, the teacher has more opportunities to provide individual assistance to students, because all the constructions and diagrams that he had to complete on the board during the lecture are already on the presentation slides.

A teacher working with an interactive whiteboard can increase the level of comprehension of the material through a combination of various forms transmission of information - visual, sound and tactile. During the lecture, he can use bright, multi-color diagrams and graphs, animation accompanied by sound, interactive elements that respond to the actions of the teacher or student. If necessary, you can simply enlarge one or another element drawn on the surface of the board with one movement of your hand. Competent work with an interactive whiteboard also allows for optimization educational process.

The interactive whiteboard reduces psychological barrier, allowing students to overcome their fear of technology and begin using it in their lessons. modern technologies.

The interactive whiteboard, depending on the manufacturer, may be equipped with special interactive tools. Let's look at the functionality of some devices using the ACTIVInspire interactive whiteboard from Promethean as an example.

Every schoolchild knows exactly what an interactive whiteboard is, because it’s not for nothing that the government has allocated money to provide all schools in the country with this device. From now on, teachers can forget about the 20th century technology called “graphic projector” and “slide projector.” However, the device will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults, both at work and at home. The article focuses on the interactive whiteboard: how to work with it, the positive and negative aspects of its use.

What is it and how does it work?

The first question that arises in a person’s mind when he hears the phrase “interactive whiteboard” is how to work with it? At first glance, the device seems very complex and inaccessible to many users. However, having looked into it, we can conclude that this is yet another technical innovation that not only a child, but also an elderly person with conservative views can master.

The kit includes a projector and a touch screen. They are simultaneously connected to a personal computer or laptop. Some models are equipped with a special laser pointer that can affect the sensitive screen. Accordingly, the projector transmits an image to the screen, and the user, using a pointer, pen or fingers, by touching the screen, exercises complete control over the contents of the image.

A little about technology

Different manufacturers, as is common in the IT industry, created the device using own technologies, which make them slightly different from their competitors. Naturally, stating that their development is much more efficient. We'll have to figure out the differences.

  1. Electromagnetic technology. The hard surface of the interactive whiteboard has a multi-layer structure that is very sensitive to touch. The response time of the board, as well as the resolution, is very high, which allows it to respond quickly to touch. To work, you need a special marker, and performance depends directly on the power of the computer.
  2. Laser technology. Two infrared lasers read information about the user's actions by determining the coordinates of the touch. Inadvertently blocking the beam may prevent you from using your interactive whiteboard.
  3. Ultrasound technology. The operating principle differs from laser technology only in the use of ultrasound instead of a laser beam.

What to look for when purchasing

Even though the advertising insists that the device is universal and connection is possible to any computer, but this is for economically developed countries where there are no problems with the annual renewal of the fleet of computers and laptops. Judging by the reviews of owners, they are often concerned about one question in the topic “Interactive whiteboard”: how to work with it if there is no technical ability to connect it to computer equipment? Before making a purchase, you need to make sure that the necessary interfaces are available. Most inexpensive devices have the old service port for connecting to a computer - RS-232, which most laptops do not have. New interactive whiteboards are equipped only with a Bluetooth module, which is not available on personal computers. Conclusion - you need to select the device individually for yourself and strive to ensure that the interactive whiteboard has a popular USB interface, which will never cause problems.

Using an interactive whiteboard at school

Any teacher knows that a student’s mastery of material depends entirely on his attention during the learning process. It is not for nothing that, along with pedagogy, future teachers study oratory, which allows them to maintain attention large quantity children by changing intonation, volume and speed of speech. However, this is not enough. Often, teachers resort to involving students in their own games, in which the child receives information through association and his own memory. Games of the 20th century included all kinds of drawings on a board or posters, cutting out models of objects from cardboard and similar improvised means.

An interactive whiteboard in a primary school allows you to special effort The teacher involves the whole class in the work. Thanks to a huge number With specialized programs, you can change the course of a lesson in seconds if students lose interest and include something else, more interesting.

From theory to practice in education

As you know, if there is a need and resources, there will always be an offer and this applies to ready-made school programs in various subjects that can be found on the Internet. But, as you know, any teacher strives to present his subject in such a way that it is understandable to all students in the class, focusing on the “weak link.” Ready-made lessons with an interactive whiteboard will not be effective in such cases. You need to develop a plan yourself from scratch. And there are no difficulties in this.

  1. Use of Microsoft Office, in particular PowerPoint. Using ready-made templates, creating a visual presentation will be easy.
  2. Smart software. The interactive whiteboard comes with this great program out of the box. It is interesting only in the initial stages. Freehand drawing and working with text quickly gets boring.
  3. Independent development of programs using object-oriented programming languages, including WEB. This is the “aerobatics” of any teacher, although mastering a language may take more than one month, but the result is worth the effort.

Example of creating a lesson

The example will use the Microsoft PowerPoint interactive whiteboard program. Lesson topic for primary school: “Computer structure.” When opening PowerPoint, select " Ready template” and find “Widescreen Presentation”. An eight-slide presentation layout containing full instructions on working in the program. It is necessary to add a thematic picture to each slide, which can be downloaded from the Internet, and write a description for it. There must be separate photographs of the processor, motherboard, RAM, hard drive, video card, power supply, case and all kinds of peripherals. You also need to find a picture of the computer assembly, which shows how and where the components are installed in the computer. When creating a presentation, you need to add a graphic field on each slide to be able to add information during the learning process - drawing visual arrows, footnotes and other descriptions. A simple presentation will allow even a child to understand the principle of operation and (using an interactive whiteboard) will be achieved.

Simple equipment for little ones

Children's interactive whiteboards are becoming increasingly popular around the world. It is easier for a child to learn with a device that has feedback than with a regular book. A simple and inexpensive solution for the little ones can be a “talking little letter” toy. Although the principle of its design is far from expensive equipment, the learning process is no less interesting for both children and adults. This interactive board will help your child quickly learn the alphabet and allow him to read simple words and suggestions. Easel on back side toys will reveal the talent of the artist, and the sound of keystrokes will not let you lose interest in the device. The interactive board for the little ones is made of durable plastic, it is not so easy to break, and accordingly, it will last a very long time.

A decent solution for preschool children

Parents will also be interested in KidzBoard - an interactive board, the price of which is much higher than toys, but the functionality allows even adults to work with it. The board uses infrared technology and is designed to work with a projector and computer. The design is quite convenient; you can adjust the position of the board in height, focusing on the height of the child. The surface of the board allows you to work with both a marker and any drawing object. It is even possible to enter with your finger.

Distinctive feature KidzBoard is included with the device proprietary program for an interactive whiteboard called KidzFlow. Big allows you to create your own lessons both from scratch and using special templates. The program has a built-in system that copes well with children's “doodles”. Its cost is about 50,000 rubles

Professional use

Having found out that an interactive whiteboard in elementary school is an indispensable tool for learning, it is worth paying attention to useful functions for adults. For a long time, presentations and seminars have not been complete without the use of projectors, however this technology is one-sided and is used as a visual aid for a large number of viewers. Naturally, feedback is important for better perception of information. During seminars, many participants will always have questions that require detailed explanations. Using an interactive whiteboard will allow you to make changes to any presentation, directing learning in a direction that is understandable to others.

What is interesting for business

Judging by numerous reviews from trainers who conduct training seminars for people of medium and large businesses, the Board Triumph interactive board has proven itself to be excellent. And it’s not even about the huge screen resolution (4096x4096 dpi), which allows you to see a high-quality picture from a great distance. A distinctive feature of this device is its interesting configuration, which includes 31 remote controls. remote control. Using these devices, you can receive feedback from all participants through a survey during the conference. The remote has several buttons that the trainer can program for specific actions on the board using the software that comes with the device.

Business use case

I would like to see an example of how and where an interactive whiteboard is used. How to work with her during training on small and medium-sized business management? After finishing the lecture, any teacher moves on to practice. For training, there is always a set of economic and strategic games, when people are divided into several groups and asked to carry out a number of activities aimed at achieving results. Using an interactive whiteboard, participants will not have to move around the room in discomfort. All the necessary information, which can be dynamically changed, is on the screen.

Anyone can make their own changes, and they will be immediately available to all training participants. Using an interactive whiteboard prevents deception and also makes it possible to record all the actions of participants, allowing you to view the seminar at any convenient time.


It is clear that for many people who want to purchase a device called an “interactive whiteboard”, price will be the main factor in their choice. Yes, the purchase is expensive. However, it is worth noting that it is long-term, since the equipment will last a very long time. Therefore, if there is a need to use an interactive whiteboard, first of all you need to make a list necessary requirements, and only then look required device according to your budget. But not the other way around. Otherwise, as often happens for many people, the lack of necessary functionality will put an end to the use of an interactive whiteboard in business and education.

Modern gadgets never cease to amaze us with new possibilities. They can be used to great advantage, especially when it comes to teaching children. One of these devices is the interactive whiteboard, a popular electronic tool that has brought working with a projector and computer to new level, which has gained great popularity in schools. The use of an electromagnetic device makes learning much more interesting, and teachers receive expanded opportunities to clearly demonstrate new knowledge.

What is an interactive whiteboard

A touch screen the size of a large TV is a special electronic device called an interactive whiteboard. It only works in conjunction with a computer and projector. All three devices are connected to each other so that the image from the computer is displayed on the board. Simply touching the surface with a marker or finger allows you to work with the image on the screen as if you were working on a computer with a mouse.


Interactive whiteboards differ in the way the projection device is installed. On forward projection boards, the projector is mounted in front of the screen, while the reverse variety means that the projector is installed behind it. The next important difference is active or passive electronic connection. The first means that the media board is connected to devices using wires. The second is completely independent and does not require installation of cables. What the device will be like depends on the technology of creation.


The multimedia environment opens up before us limitless possibilities for the exchange and receipt of information. Displayed on the touch screen, it becomes available simultaneously large group of people. This is indispensable in the learning process and in the business field when making presentations. When working with the device, you get the opportunity to:

  • write and save information in separate files;
  • use the touch toolbar;
  • select, swap, group objects on the screen;
  • in addition to static ones, demonstrate dynamic images, slides, videos;
  • actively use electronic technologies and any information from the computer to create interactive lessons.

Principle of operation

Working with the screen is carried out depending on electromagnetic technologies. There are two varieties. One uses a finger, the other uses a stylus, or both. There are sensors on the surface of the screen that are responsible for determining touch points. Equipment with infrared sensors recognizes any object that comes close and perceives it, like a computer mouse. There is a variety of screens that are used with markers.

Buy an interactive whiteboard

These devices differ in the software installed on them. Programs determine job opportunities. Depending on who the board is intended for, purchase the appropriate device. Basic Basics the work is as simple as possible and adapted for any user. Certain types of installed programs may require the development of special skills.

For school

The Classic Solution Dual Touch electronic system will successfully replace a simple blackboard and chalk. You can work on it in two ways - with your finger or with an electronic marker:

  • Model name: Classic Solution V83;
  • price: 33,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: optical technology, dimensions - 1710 × 1240 × 36 mm (83"), active area - 80", weight - 15.7 kg, matte surface, anti-reflective, plug and play, transmission speed 120 points per second, unlimited touch time, works with Windows XP / Windows 7;
  • advantages: thanks to Multi-touch sensor technology, 2 people can work simultaneously;
  • cons: not found.

Another touch board is presented by the manufacturer Yesvision. It is based on an optical system. This technology is used to turn any object into a screen tool:

  • Model name: Yesvision BS80;
  • price: 38,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: diagonal – 80", working surface – 155×112cm, not sensitive to pressure, supports two-touch operation, interface – USB 2.0, the package includes a pointer, wall mount, software;
  • pros: work is done by hand or any opaque object;
  • cons: not found.

Another popular model is being produced American manufacturer Mimio. You can work with it not only as with a touch screen, but as with a regular magnetic marker board:

  • Model name: Mimio Board ME 78;
  • price: 39,500 rub.;
  • characteristics: wired connection, diagonal – 78", resolution – 4800 x 9600, infrared, ultrasonic technologies are used, suitable for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, weight – 42 kg, wall mount, cables included;
  • pros: 5 year warranty;
  • cons: only 1 person can work.

For preschool children

Optimal combination price and features is the Classic projector board. It's perfect for preschool institutions, because several children can work on it at the same time:

  • Model name: Classic Board CS-IR-85ten;
  • price: RUB 41,725;
  • characteristics: infrared technology, diagonal - 78"", weight -25 kg, dimensions -176x128x4.5 cm;
  • pros: senses any object, finger, stylus, magnetic work surface, allows touch of 6 users;
  • cons: not found.

Inexpensive screens are offered by the manufacturer ScreenMedia. These are modern touch devices for kindergarten, with which you can organize educational activities:

  • model name: ScreenMedia M-80;
  • price: RUB 29,922;
  • characteristics: working surface – 1670 x 1170 mm, diagonal –80"";
  • pluses: wear-resistant;
  • cons: not found.

Especially for your child, you can purchase a convenient multimedia device from ActivTable in the form of a table. The interactive screen is a tabletop on which six people can play the game at the same time. It recognizes up to 12 touches at a time:

  • model name: ActivTable 2.0;
  • price: RUB 530,823;
  • characteristics: ultrasonic, infrared technology is used, diagonal - 46", resolution - 4096x4096, weight -72.5 kg, working area width - 1020 mm, height -572 mm, 6 built-in browsers, 6 headphones are connected,
  • pros: it is possible to evaluate the work of each participant separately, wireless Internet connection;
  • cons: high cost.

For drawing

Polish manufacturer Esprit offers a multifunctional board. It can be used as a touch screen and as a regular school board, on which you write with dry erase markers:

  • Model name: Esprit TIWEDT50;
  • price: RUB 52,500;
  • characteristics: optical technology, 4.5 m USB cable, telescopic pointer, works with Windows XP SP3, Windows 7, Windows 8, diagonal - 50", recognizes 2 touches;
  • pluses: enameled surface with anti-vandal properties;
  • cons: not found.

The Russian manufacturer ABC Board M-64 offers a scratch-resistant board. It is used as an interactive screen, a surface for drawing with ordinary marker objects, and for attaching magnets:

  • Model name: ABC Board M-64;
  • price: 54,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: microdot technology, diagonal – 64", working surface – 875 x 1185 mm, number of users – more than 2;
  • pros: suitable for working with non-electronic drawing tools, built-in battery;
  • cons: not found.

An electronic board from the Belgian manufacturer PolyVision is three in one. By purchasing it, you get an interactive, magnetic, marker surface:

  • model name: PolyVision eno flex 2620A;
  • price: RUB 92,650;
  • characteristics: microdot technology, diagonal – 78", interactive area – 1180x1580 mm, two additional doors, simultaneous work with three styluses;
  • pluses: anti-vandal cermet surface;
  • cons: not found.

How to choose an interactive whiteboard

By purchasing interactive whiteboards for a school or design organization, you are taking a responsible step, since the quality of the work will depend on it. When choosing a purchase, focus on the following factors:

  • Versatility. Choose products that are suitable for interactive and regular work.
  • Controls. Choose a product that can be used with any object.
  • Software. It is very different, the profile can be customized to the desired disciplines (mathematics, physics).


Interactive electronic board

Improving the quality of education is one of the pressing problems modern society. Every modern teacher should form new system universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, modern key competencies.

One of the levers to achieve these goals is to turn to new educational technologies.

One such technology is interactive learning tools. They are widely used in teaching schoolchildren in a number of academic disciplines, as they allow the teacher to apply new methods and techniques in their professional activities, as well as make any information more accessible to understanding.

Interactive methods can be used as a group method of learning, for learning using gaming technologies, in frontal and discussion learning. The most suitable forms of work in primary schools are group activities and gaming technologies.

For example, for primary school, you can create various games to ensure students’ cognitive motivation and interests, willingness and ability to cooperate and joint activities student with teacher or classmates.

One example of the implementation of such forms of work is the use of interactive Flash animation, where the technology of free movement of objects is implemented. We offer for consideration several examples of elementary developments for mathematics lessons. To create them, you can use AdobeFlash software, and practical implementation is carried out using the Smart interactive whiteboard.

An interactive whiteboard is essentially a display on your computer. This means that everything that is on your computer can be shown on the interactive whiteboard.

This gives you the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as:

  • Presentation software
  • Text editors
  • Internet
  • Images (photos, drawings, diagrams, screenshots)
  • Video files (TV clips, VHS tapes, or digital video images)
  • Sound files (excerpts from tapes or radio, recordings made by students or other teachers). Any sound from a CD-ROM or Internet page will also be heard if you have speakers
  • Interactive whiteboard software
  • Software related to various subjects

Perhaps classes will attract several resources at once, and the teacher will choose what he needs. Many of the above resources use computer capabilities such as color, motion, and sound, most of which are not readily available in a typical classroom setting.

Whiteboard tool

Impact on learning


The variety of colors available on the interactive whiteboard allows educators to highlight and draw attention to important areas, connect or differentiate common ideas, and demonstrate thinking. An example would be working with geographical map or diagram digestive system body.

Screen recordings

The note-taking feature allows you to add information, questions, and ideas to text, charts, or images on the screen. All notes can be saved, viewed again, or printed.

Audio and video attachments

Significantly enhance the supply of material. Interactive whiteboards can also capture video images and display them statically so you can discuss and add notes to it.

Drag & drop

Helps students group ideas, identify strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences, label maps, drawings, diagrams, and more.

Selecting individual parts of the screen

A test, diagram or drawing on the interactive whiteboard can be highlighted. This allows teachers and students to focus on specific aspects of a topic. Part of the screen can be hidden and shown when needed. Interactive whiteboard software includes shapes that can help students focus on a specific area of ​​the screen. Using the spotlight tool, you can highlight certain areas of the screen and focus attention on them.

Cut and paste

Objects can be cut and erased from the screen, copied and pasted, actions can be canceled or returned. This gives students more confidence - they know that they can always go back a step or change something.


Pages can be flipped back and forth, demonstrating certain topics from the lesson or reviewing what some of the students didn't quite understand. Pages can be viewed in any order, and pictures and text can be dragged from one page to another.

Split Screen

The teacher can split the image from the computer screen and show it on different boards. This can be useful when thoroughly researching a subject.

Rotate an object

Allows you to move objects, showing symmetry, angles and reflections

Connection to electron microscope

Allows you to view and examine microscopic images

When you work on your interactive whiteboard, you can take a marker and write, add a comment, draw a circle, underline, or highlight information. The interactive whiteboard helps develop class discussion. Of course, you can write and draw on a regular board. But the advantages of an interactive whiteboard are that:

  • You can add notes to pages that were prepared before class.
  • After class, you can save the notes on the board; you don’t have to erase them.
  • Can be used different colors, as well as highlighting, which in the traditional teaching method is only available on the overhead projector slide.

The versatility of the interactive whiteboard will ensure that students are involved in their work, especially those who perceive information primarily kinesthetically.

Notes and comments can be added over any image on the screen, and then saved in the desired file. This way, students can use the file later or print it. This method can be useful in a variety of classrooms—any task that involves sorting, connecting, grouping, and arranging objects will be more effective on an interactive whiteboard.

To get the most out of your interactive whiteboards, you need the following:

Equipment components:
Interactive whiteboard and software for it, computer and projector

You should also take careabout additional software and other multimedia resources.

You also need to pay attention

  • Installation
  • Operation/Warranty
  • Security
  • Connecting to the school network and the Internet

It is important to remember that there may be additional costs that must be considered when using an interactive whiteboard. For example, you may need spare lamps for your projector. They are expensive, but they last a very long time.

What is an interactive whiteboard for?

Interactive whiteboards can change teaching and learning in a variety of ways. Here are three of them:

1. Presentations, demonstrations and modeling
Using the right software and resources in combination with an interactive whiteboard can improve your understanding of new ideas.

2. Active student involvement
Student motivation and engagement in class can be increased through the use of an interactive whiteboard.

3. Improving the pace and flow of the lesson
Using an interactive whiteboard can improve lesson planning, pacing and flow.

As you know, children are not allowed to write on wall maps, charts and posters because they are all for display purposes only. Moreover, even leading along these lines with a pointer visual aids You have to be careful not to tear it. That is, none of these tools provide the ability to graphically comment on an image. But interactive whiteboards provide a whole range of fundamentally different possibilities: any diagram, drawing, map here is specially designed so that it is not only possible, but also necessary to scribble on them. Moreover, the electronic board makes it possible to comment not only on static images, but also on videos, which is very important. Therefore, the specifics of working with it are completely different. Yes, it can be used as a regular marker, but this is ineffective from a multimedia point of view.
Another very important point associated with occupational hygiene of teachers and students. Chalk dust does not have the best effect on the lungs; moreover, it negatively affects the technology and ergonomics of the educational process. Therefore, even the introduction of marker boards at one time was already a big breakthrough. True, they also had a number of disadvantages, which to some extent stimulated the spread of interactive whiteboards: the markers were unadjustable in color intensity and line thickness, they were difficult to get, special sprays were required for erasing, they dried catastrophically quickly and spread a not very pleasant chemical smell.
A modern electronic interactive whiteboard does not have these shortcomings, plus it works effectively in conjunction with a number of other devices.

No, of course, this is possible, but if we are talking about a modern educational space, then it requires a system installation, which, as a rule, is stationary. Therefore, for these purposes you need to initially purchase not a mobile, but a stationary board. In addition, it is necessary to establish a network in the room, both electrical and Internet. Moreover, it is not so important what kind of computers will be used here - ordinary PCs or laptops. The main thing is that everything is at hand, not in the way or confused. You also need special furniture - mobile, modular, folding, which is convenient to work with. It is very important to correctly position the sound and light sources. For example, we have five-channel sound in eight university classrooms. This is a very powerful factor and it gives amazing results. Of course, video projection equipment also needs to be placed so that the projector is always in a strictly defined place, so that it is not visible at all, it does not cast shadows, makes a minimum of noise, does not emit heat, but at the same time, if necessary, it can be easily accessed get there

Almost all models, except for products from Smart Technologies, do not allow several people to work simultaneously.

The structure of the lesson always remains the same - no matter whether an interactive whiteboard is used or not. But in some cases, the interactive whiteboard may become a good helper, for example, with the so-called inductive teaching method, when students come to certain conclusions by sorting the information received.

The teacher can classify the material in different ways, using the different features of the board: moving objects, working with color, while involving students in the process, who can then work independently in small groups. Sometimes you can bring students' attention back to the board to encourage them to share and discuss their thoughts before moving on. But it is important to understand that the effectiveness of working with the board largely depends on the teacher himself, on how he uses certain of its capabilities.

Judge for yourself: for example, in the UK, 170 thousand interactive whiteboards are used (despite the fact that there are approximately 50 thousand schools), in Russia there are about 2 thousand (and there are 60-70 thousand schools)

Drag & drop

When you are working on your interactive whiteboard, you can move any object to another location using the "drag and drop" option. This allows you to move text and drawings anywhere on the board - just click on the object and drag it; when you reach the desired place, release the press. Just like you would move a coin across a table surface. Using traditional methods, the same effect could be achieved by writing words on cards or cutting out pictures and gluing them to the board. However, such work on a computer will take much less time and will save space where you would store cards.

The ability to move objects around the board helps with activities such as:

  • Compound
  • Classification
  • Grouping
  • Sorting
  • Filling in the blanks
  • Arranging

Activities using drag & drop are ideal for starting a lesson: they attract the attention of the whole class. You can use this option to test students' knowledge or as an introduction to a new topic.

How to take notes

You can write and draw on the surface of the board by taking a marker from the tray.

Transparent layer
When you take a marker from the tray, a movable toolbar appears and a frame appears around the desktop. The frame means you can write on top of your desktop and remains until you place the marker or eraser back on the tray and touch the board. Your first touch on the board will remove the frame and all your notes.

1. Click the Area Capture button on the floating toolbar. The capture tool will appear.
2 Click on one of the corners of the area you want to save. Hold down your finger and drag the selection window until the entire desired area is covered.
3. Release your finger, the highlighted area will be saved as an image in the Notebook software. If Notebook isn't already open, it will open automatically when you capture an area of ​​the screen. Save the file by selecting File > Save

Tap Area Capture, then tap anywhere on your whiteboard and immediately release your finger to capture the entire screen in your Notebook.

Recovering recordings and images

If you accidentally deleted your notes by touching the whiteboard surface, you can restore them by clicking the Click here to restore writing message, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen. And after that, to save the recordings, use Area Capture.

If you don't see the Recover what you wrote message, follow these instructions:

1 . Click the SMART Board icon in the notification area at the bottom right corner of the screen.

2 . Open the Floating Toolbar from the menu.

3 . Click Cancel to return all notes and drawings.


Ivshina T.A., Volkova E.A. FLASH – TECHNOLOGIES AS A MEANS OF IMPLEMENTING AN INTERACTIVE APPROACH TO LEARNING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL // Materials of the VII International Student Electronic Scientific Conference “Student Scientific Forum” URL:http://www.scienceforum.ru/2015/807/15594

Municipal government educational institution average comprehensive school No. 3 p. Chicola


“Interactive electronic board – its capabilities and advantages.”

teacher in English

MKOU Secondary School No. 3, Chikola village

Sabaeva A. J.

Improving the quality of education is one of the pressing problems of modern society. Every modern teacher must form a new system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, modern key competencies.

One of the levers to achieve these goals is to turn to new educational technologies.

One such technology is interactive learning tools. They are widely used in teaching schoolchildren in a number of academic disciplines, as they allow the teacher to apply new methods and techniques in their professional activities, as well as make any information more accessible to understanding.

Interactive methods can be used as a group method of learning, for learning using gaming technologies, in frontal and discussion learning. The most suitable forms of work in primary schools are group activities and gaming technologies.

For example, for elementary school, you can create various games that help ensure the cognitive motivation and interests of students, the willingness and ability to cooperate and joint activities of the student with the teacher or classmates.

One example of the implementation of such forms of work is the use of interactive Flash animation, where the technology of free movement of objects is implemented. We offer for consideration several examples of elementary developments for mathematics lessons. To create them, you can use AdobeFlash software, and practical implementation is carried out using the Smart interactive whiteboard.

An interactive whiteboard is essentially a display on your computer. This means that everything that is on your computer can be shown on the interactive whiteboard.
This gives you the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as:

    Presentation software

    Text editors



    Images (photos, drawings, diagrams, screenshots)

    Video files (TV clips, VHS tapes, or digital video images)

    Sound files (excerpts from tapes or radio, recordings made by students or other teachers). Any sound from a CD-ROM or Internet page will also be heard if you have speakers

    Interactive whiteboard software

    Software related to various subjects

Perhaps classes will attract several resources at once, and the teacher will choose what he needs. Many of the above resources use computer capabilities such as color, motion, and sound, most of which are not readily available in a typical classroom setting.

When you work on your interactive whiteboard, you can take a marker and write, add a comment, draw a circle, underline, or highlight information. The interactive whiteboard helps develop class discussion. Of course, you can write and draw on a regular board. But the advantages of an interactive whiteboard are that:

    You can add notes to pages that were prepared before class.

    After class, you can save the notes on the board; you don’t have to erase them.

    You can use different colors, as well as highlighting, which in the traditional teaching method is only available on the overhead projector slide.

The versatility of the interactive whiteboard will ensure that students are involved in their work, especially those who perceive information primarily kinesthetically.

Notes and comments can be added over any image on the screen, and then saved in the desired file. This way, students can use the file later or print it. This method can be useful in a variety of classrooms—any task that involves sorting, connecting, grouping, and arranging objects will be more effective on an interactive whiteboard.

To get the most out of your interactive whiteboards, you need the following:

Equipment components: Interactive whiteboard and software for it, computer and projector.
You should also take care about additional software and other multimedia resources.
You also need to pay attention




    Connecting to the school network and the Internet

It is important to remember that there may be additional costs that must be considered when using an interactive whiteboard. For example, you may need spare lamps for your projector. They are expensive, but they last a very long time.
What is an interactive whiteboard for? Interactive whiteboards can change teaching and learning in a variety of ways. Here are three of them:
1. Presentations, demonstrations and modeling Using the right software and resources in combination with an interactive whiteboard can improve your understanding of new ideas.
2. Active student involvement Student motivation and engagement in class can be increased through the use of an interactive whiteboard.
3. Improving the pace and flow of the lesson Using an interactive whiteboard can improve lesson planning, pacing and flow.

As you know, children are not allowed to write on wall maps, charts and posters because they are all for display purposes only. Moreover, even with a pointer you need to move along these visual aids carefully so as not to tear them. That is, none of these tools provide the ability to graphically comment on an image. But interactive whiteboards provide a whole range of fundamentally different possibilities: any diagram, drawing, map here is specially designed so that it is not only possible, but also necessary to scribble on them. Moreover, the electronic board makes it possible to comment not only on static images, but also on videos, which is very important. Therefore, the specifics of working with it are completely different. Yes, it can be used as a regular marker, but this is ineffective from a multimedia point of view.
Another very important point is related to the occupational hygiene of the teacher and student. Chalk dust does not have the best effect on the lungs; moreover, it negatively affects the technology and ergonomics of the educational process. Therefore, even the introduction of marker boards at one time was already a big breakthrough. True, they also had a number of disadvantages, which to some extent stimulated the spread of interactive whiteboards: the markers were unadjustable in color intensity and line thickness, they were difficult to get, special sprays were required for erasing, they dried catastrophically quickly and spread a not very pleasant chemical smell.
A modern electronic interactive whiteboard does not have these shortcomings, plus it works effectively in conjunction with a number of other devices.

No, of course, this is possible, but if we are talking about a modern educational space, then it requires a system installation, which, as a rule, is stationary. Therefore, for these purposes you need to initially purchase not a mobile, but a stationary board. In addition, it is necessary to establish a network in the room, both electrical and Internet. Moreover, it is not so important what kind of computers will be used here - ordinary PCs or laptops. The main thing is that everything is at hand, not in the way or confused. You also need special furniture - mobile, modular, folding, which is convenient to work with. It is very important to correctly position the sound and light sources. For example, we have five-channel sound in eight university classrooms. This is a very powerful factor and it gives amazing results. Of course, video projection equipment also needs to be placed so that the projector is always in a strictly defined place, so that it is not visible at all, it does not cast shadows, makes a minimum of noise, does not emit heat, but at the same time, if necessary, it can be easily accessed get there

Almost all models, except for products from Smart Technologies, do not allow several people to work simultaneously.

The structure of the lesson always remains the same - no matter whether an interactive whiteboard is used or not. But in some cases, an interactive whiteboard can be a good assistant, for example, with the so-called inductive teaching method, when students come to certain conclusions by sorting the information received.
The teacher can classify the material in different ways, using the different features of the board: moving objects, working with color, while involving students in the process, who can then work independently in small groups. Sometimes you can bring students' attention back to the board to encourage them to share and discuss their thoughts before moving on. But it is important to understand that the effectiveness of working with the board largely depends on the teacher himself, on how he uses certain of its capabilities.

Judge for yourself: for example, in the UK, 170 thousand interactive whiteboards are used (despite the fact that there are approximately 50 thousand schools), in Russia there are about 2 thousand (and there are 60-70 thousand schools)

Drag & drop

When you are working on your interactive whiteboard, you can move any object to another location using the "drag and drop" option. This allows you to move text and drawings anywhere on the board - just click on the object and drag it; when you reach the desired place, release the press. Just like you would move a coin across a table surface. Using traditional methods, the same effect could be achieved by writing words on cards or cutting out pictures and gluing them to the board. However, such work on a computer will take much less time and will save space where you would store cards.
The ability to move objects around the board helps with activities such as:





    Filling in the blanks


Activities using drag & drop are ideal for starting a lesson: they attract the attention of the whole class. You can use this option to test students' knowledge or as an introduction to a new topic.

How to take notes

You can write and draw on the surface of the board by taking a marker from the tray.
Transparent layer
When you take a marker from the tray, a movable toolbar appears and a frame appears around the desktop. The frame means you can write on top of your desktop and remains until you place the marker or eraser back on the tray and touch the board. Your first touch on the board will remove the frame and all your notes.

Click to capture an area of ​​the screen

To capture the desktop area, do the following:

Tap Area Capture, then tap anywhere on your whiteboard and immediately release your finger to capture the entire screen in your Notebook. 2 . Open the Floating Toolbar from the menu.

3 . Click Cancel to return all notes and drawings.


Ivshina T.A., Volkova E.A. FLASH – TECHNOLOGIES AS A MEANS OF IMPLEMENTING AN INTERACTIVE APPROACH TO LEARNING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL // Materials of the VII International Student Electronic Scientific Conference “Student Scientific Forum” URL: